//===-- SBQueue.cpp -------------------------------------------------------===// // // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions. // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// #include #include "SBReproducerPrivate.h" #include "lldb/API/SBQueue.h" #include "lldb/API/SBProcess.h" #include "lldb/API/SBQueueItem.h" #include "lldb/API/SBThread.h" #include "lldb/Target/Process.h" #include "lldb/Target/Queue.h" #include "lldb/Target/QueueItem.h" #include "lldb/Target/Thread.h" using namespace lldb; using namespace lldb_private; namespace lldb_private { class QueueImpl { public: QueueImpl() : m_queue_wp(), m_threads(), m_pending_items() {} QueueImpl(const lldb::QueueSP &queue_sp) : m_queue_wp(), m_threads(), m_thread_list_fetched(false), m_pending_items(), m_pending_items_fetched(false) { m_queue_wp = queue_sp; } QueueImpl(const QueueImpl &rhs) { if (&rhs == this) return; m_queue_wp = rhs.m_queue_wp; m_threads = rhs.m_threads; m_thread_list_fetched = rhs.m_thread_list_fetched; m_pending_items = rhs.m_pending_items; m_pending_items_fetched = rhs.m_pending_items_fetched; } ~QueueImpl() = default; bool IsValid() { return m_queue_wp.lock() != nullptr; } void Clear() { m_queue_wp.reset(); m_thread_list_fetched = false; m_threads.clear(); m_pending_items_fetched = false; m_pending_items.clear(); } void SetQueue(const lldb::QueueSP &queue_sp) { Clear(); m_queue_wp = queue_sp; } lldb::queue_id_t GetQueueID() const { lldb::queue_id_t result = LLDB_INVALID_QUEUE_ID; lldb::QueueSP queue_sp = m_queue_wp.lock(); if (queue_sp) { result = queue_sp->GetID(); } return result; } uint32_t GetIndexID() const { uint32_t result = LLDB_INVALID_INDEX32; lldb::QueueSP queue_sp = m_queue_wp.lock(); if (queue_sp) { result = queue_sp->GetIndexID(); } return result; } const char *GetName() const { const char *name = nullptr; lldb::QueueSP queue_sp = m_queue_wp.lock(); if (queue_sp.get()) { name = queue_sp->GetName(); } return name; } void FetchThreads() { if (!m_thread_list_fetched) { lldb::QueueSP queue_sp = m_queue_wp.lock(); if (queue_sp) { Process::StopLocker stop_locker; if (stop_locker.TryLock(&queue_sp->GetProcess()->GetRunLock())) { const std::vector thread_list(queue_sp->GetThreads()); m_thread_list_fetched = true; const uint32_t num_threads = thread_list.size(); for (uint32_t idx = 0; idx < num_threads; ++idx) { ThreadSP thread_sp = thread_list[idx]; if (thread_sp && thread_sp->IsValid()) { m_threads.push_back(thread_sp); } } } } } } void FetchItems() { if (!m_pending_items_fetched) { QueueSP queue_sp = m_queue_wp.lock(); if (queue_sp) { Process::StopLocker stop_locker; if (stop_locker.TryLock(&queue_sp->GetProcess()->GetRunLock())) { const std::vector queue_items( queue_sp->GetPendingItems()); m_pending_items_fetched = true; const uint32_t num_pending_items = queue_items.size(); for (uint32_t idx = 0; idx < num_pending_items; ++idx) { QueueItemSP item = queue_items[idx]; if (item && item->IsValid()) { m_pending_items.push_back(item); } } } } } } uint32_t GetNumThreads() { uint32_t result = 0; FetchThreads(); if (m_thread_list_fetched) { result = m_threads.size(); } return result; } lldb::SBThread GetThreadAtIndex(uint32_t idx) { FetchThreads(); SBThread sb_thread; QueueSP queue_sp = m_queue_wp.lock(); if (queue_sp && idx < m_threads.size()) { ProcessSP process_sp = queue_sp->GetProcess(); if (process_sp) { ThreadSP thread_sp = m_threads[idx].lock(); if (thread_sp) { sb_thread.SetThread(thread_sp); } } } return sb_thread; } uint32_t GetNumPendingItems() { uint32_t result = 0; QueueSP queue_sp = m_queue_wp.lock(); if (!m_pending_items_fetched && queue_sp) { result = queue_sp->GetNumPendingWorkItems(); } else { result = m_pending_items.size(); } return result; } lldb::SBQueueItem GetPendingItemAtIndex(uint32_t idx) { SBQueueItem result; FetchItems(); if (m_pending_items_fetched && idx < m_pending_items.size()) { result.SetQueueItem(m_pending_items[idx]); } return result; } uint32_t GetNumRunningItems() { uint32_t result = 0; QueueSP queue_sp = m_queue_wp.lock(); if (queue_sp) result = queue_sp->GetNumRunningWorkItems(); return result; } lldb::SBProcess GetProcess() { SBProcess result; QueueSP queue_sp = m_queue_wp.lock(); if (queue_sp) { result.SetSP(queue_sp->GetProcess()); } return result; } lldb::QueueKind GetKind() { lldb::QueueKind kind = eQueueKindUnknown; QueueSP queue_sp = m_queue_wp.lock(); if (queue_sp) kind = queue_sp->GetKind(); return kind; } private: lldb::QueueWP m_queue_wp; std::vector m_threads; // threads currently executing this queue's items bool m_thread_list_fetched = false; // have we tried to fetch the threads list already? std::vector m_pending_items; // items currently enqueued bool m_pending_items_fetched = false; // have we tried to fetch the item list already? }; } SBQueue::SBQueue() : m_opaque_sp(new QueueImpl()) { LLDB_RECORD_CONSTRUCTOR_NO_ARGS(SBQueue); } SBQueue::SBQueue(const QueueSP &queue_sp) : m_opaque_sp(new QueueImpl(queue_sp)) { LLDB_RECORD_CONSTRUCTOR(SBQueue, (const lldb::QueueSP &), queue_sp); } SBQueue::SBQueue(const SBQueue &rhs) { LLDB_RECORD_CONSTRUCTOR(SBQueue, (const lldb::SBQueue &), rhs); if (&rhs == this) return; m_opaque_sp = rhs.m_opaque_sp; } const lldb::SBQueue &SBQueue::operator=(const lldb::SBQueue &rhs) { LLDB_RECORD_METHOD(const lldb::SBQueue &, SBQueue, operator=,(const lldb::SBQueue &), rhs); m_opaque_sp = rhs.m_opaque_sp; return LLDB_RECORD_RESULT(*this); } SBQueue::~SBQueue() = default; bool SBQueue::IsValid() const { LLDB_RECORD_METHOD_CONST_NO_ARGS(bool, SBQueue, IsValid); return this->operator bool(); } SBQueue::operator bool() const { LLDB_RECORD_METHOD_CONST_NO_ARGS(bool, SBQueue, operator bool); return m_opaque_sp->IsValid(); } void SBQueue::Clear() { LLDB_RECORD_METHOD_NO_ARGS(void, SBQueue, Clear); m_opaque_sp->Clear(); } void SBQueue::SetQueue(const QueueSP &queue_sp) { m_opaque_sp->SetQueue(queue_sp); } lldb::queue_id_t SBQueue::GetQueueID() const { LLDB_RECORD_METHOD_CONST_NO_ARGS(lldb::queue_id_t, SBQueue, GetQueueID); return m_opaque_sp->GetQueueID(); } uint32_t SBQueue::GetIndexID() const { LLDB_RECORD_METHOD_CONST_NO_ARGS(uint32_t, SBQueue, GetIndexID); uint32_t index_id = m_opaque_sp->GetIndexID(); return index_id; } const char *SBQueue::GetName() const { LLDB_RECORD_METHOD_CONST_NO_ARGS(const char *, SBQueue, GetName); return m_opaque_sp->GetName(); } uint32_t SBQueue::GetNumThreads() { LLDB_RECORD_METHOD_NO_ARGS(uint32_t, SBQueue, GetNumThreads); return m_opaque_sp->GetNumThreads(); } SBThread SBQueue::GetThreadAtIndex(uint32_t idx) { LLDB_RECORD_METHOD(lldb::SBThread, SBQueue, GetThreadAtIndex, (uint32_t), idx); SBThread th = m_opaque_sp->GetThreadAtIndex(idx); return LLDB_RECORD_RESULT(th); } uint32_t SBQueue::GetNumPendingItems() { LLDB_RECORD_METHOD_NO_ARGS(uint32_t, SBQueue, GetNumPendingItems); return m_opaque_sp->GetNumPendingItems(); } SBQueueItem SBQueue::GetPendingItemAtIndex(uint32_t idx) { LLDB_RECORD_METHOD(lldb::SBQueueItem, SBQueue, GetPendingItemAtIndex, (uint32_t), idx); return LLDB_RECORD_RESULT(m_opaque_sp->GetPendingItemAtIndex(idx)); } uint32_t SBQueue::GetNumRunningItems() { LLDB_RECORD_METHOD_NO_ARGS(uint32_t, SBQueue, GetNumRunningItems); return m_opaque_sp->GetNumRunningItems(); } SBProcess SBQueue::GetProcess() { LLDB_RECORD_METHOD_NO_ARGS(lldb::SBProcess, SBQueue, GetProcess); return LLDB_RECORD_RESULT(m_opaque_sp->GetProcess()); } lldb::QueueKind SBQueue::GetKind() { LLDB_RECORD_METHOD_NO_ARGS(lldb::QueueKind, SBQueue, GetKind); return m_opaque_sp->GetKind(); } namespace lldb_private { namespace repro { template <> void RegisterMethods(Registry &R) { LLDB_REGISTER_CONSTRUCTOR(SBQueue, ()); LLDB_REGISTER_CONSTRUCTOR(SBQueue, (const lldb::QueueSP &)); LLDB_REGISTER_CONSTRUCTOR(SBQueue, (const lldb::SBQueue &)); LLDB_REGISTER_METHOD(const lldb::SBQueue &, SBQueue, operator=,(const lldb::SBQueue &)); LLDB_REGISTER_METHOD_CONST(bool, SBQueue, IsValid, ()); LLDB_REGISTER_METHOD_CONST(bool, SBQueue, operator bool, ()); LLDB_REGISTER_METHOD(void, SBQueue, Clear, ()); LLDB_REGISTER_METHOD_CONST(lldb::queue_id_t, SBQueue, GetQueueID, ()); LLDB_REGISTER_METHOD_CONST(uint32_t, SBQueue, GetIndexID, ()); LLDB_REGISTER_METHOD_CONST(const char *, SBQueue, GetName, ()); LLDB_REGISTER_METHOD(uint32_t, SBQueue, GetNumThreads, ()); LLDB_REGISTER_METHOD(lldb::SBThread, SBQueue, GetThreadAtIndex, (uint32_t)); LLDB_REGISTER_METHOD(uint32_t, SBQueue, GetNumPendingItems, ()); LLDB_REGISTER_METHOD(lldb::SBQueueItem, SBQueue, GetPendingItemAtIndex, (uint32_t)); LLDB_REGISTER_METHOD(uint32_t, SBQueue, GetNumRunningItems, ()); LLDB_REGISTER_METHOD(lldb::SBProcess, SBQueue, GetProcess, ()); LLDB_REGISTER_METHOD(lldb::QueueKind, SBQueue, GetKind, ()); } } }