""" Test lldb 'commands regex' command which allows the user to create a regular expression command. """ from __future__ import print_function import os import lldb from lldbsuite.test.lldbtest import * class CommandRegexTestCase(TestBase): mydir = TestBase.compute_mydir(__file__) @expectedFailureHostWindows("llvm.org/pr22274: need a pexpect replacement for windows") @no_debug_info_test def test_command_regex(self): """Test a simple scenario of 'command regex' invocation and subsequent use.""" import pexpect prompt = "(lldb) " regex_prompt = "Enter one of more sed substitution commands in the form: 's///'.\r\nTerminate the substitution list with an empty line.\r\n" regex_prompt1 = "\r\n" child = pexpect.spawn('%s %s' % (lldbtest_config.lldbExec, self.lldbOption)) # Turn on logging for what the child sends back. if self.TraceOn(): child.logfile_read = sys.stdout # So that the spawned lldb session gets shutdown durng teardown. self.child = child # Substitute 'Help!' for 'help' using the 'commands regex' mechanism. child.expect_exact(prompt) child.sendline("command regex 'Help__'") child.expect_exact(regex_prompt) child.sendline('s/^$/help/') child.expect_exact(regex_prompt1) child.sendline('') child.expect_exact(prompt) # Help! child.sendline('Help__') # If we see the familiar 'help' output, the test is done. child.expect('Debugger commands:') # Try and incorrectly remove "Help__" using "command unalias" and verify we fail child.sendline('command unalias Help__') child.expect_exact("error: 'Help__' is not an alias, it is a debugger command which can be removed using the 'command delete' command") child.expect_exact(prompt) # Delete the regex command using "command delete" child.sendline('command delete Help__') child.expect_exact(prompt) # Verify the command was removed child.sendline('Help__') child.expect_exact("error: 'Help__' is not a valid command") child.expect_exact(prompt)