//===-- Debugger.cpp --------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===// // // The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure // // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// #include "lldb/lldb-python.h" #include "lldb/Core/Debugger.h" #include #include "clang/AST/DeclCXX.h" #include "clang/AST/Type.h" #include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h" #include "lldb/lldb-private.h" #include "lldb/Core/FormatEntity.h" #include "lldb/Core/Module.h" #include "lldb/Core/PluginManager.h" #include "lldb/Core/RegisterValue.h" #include "lldb/Core/State.h" #include "lldb/Core/StreamAsynchronousIO.h" #include "lldb/Core/StreamCallback.h" #include "lldb/Core/StreamFile.h" #include "lldb/Core/StreamString.h" #include "lldb/Core/StructuredData.h" #include "lldb/Core/Timer.h" #include "lldb/Core/ValueObject.h" #include "lldb/Core/ValueObjectVariable.h" #include "lldb/DataFormatters/DataVisualization.h" #include "lldb/DataFormatters/FormatManager.h" #include "lldb/DataFormatters/TypeSummary.h" #include "lldb/Host/ConnectionFileDescriptor.h" #include "lldb/Host/HostInfo.h" #include "lldb/Host/Terminal.h" #include "lldb/Host/ThreadLauncher.h" #include "lldb/Interpreter/CommandInterpreter.h" #include "lldb/Interpreter/OptionValueSInt64.h" #include "lldb/Interpreter/OptionValueString.h" #include "lldb/Symbol/ClangASTContext.h" #include "lldb/Symbol/CompileUnit.h" #include "lldb/Symbol/Function.h" #include "lldb/Symbol/Symbol.h" #include "lldb/Symbol/VariableList.h" #include "lldb/Target/CPPLanguageRuntime.h" #include "lldb/Target/ObjCLanguageRuntime.h" #include "lldb/Target/TargetList.h" #include "lldb/Target/Process.h" #include "lldb/Target/RegisterContext.h" #include "lldb/Target/SectionLoadList.h" #include "lldb/Target/StopInfo.h" #include "lldb/Target/Target.h" #include "lldb/Target/Thread.h" #include "lldb/Utility/AnsiTerminal.h" #include "llvm/Support/DynamicLibrary.h" using namespace lldb; using namespace lldb_private; static uint32_t g_shared_debugger_refcount = 0; static lldb::user_id_t g_unique_id = 1; static size_t g_debugger_event_thread_stack_bytes = 8 * 1024 * 1024; #pragma mark Static Functions static Mutex & GetDebuggerListMutex () { static Mutex g_mutex(Mutex::eMutexTypeRecursive); return g_mutex; } typedef std::vector DebuggerList; static DebuggerList & GetDebuggerList() { // hide the static debugger list inside a singleton accessor to avoid // global init constructors static DebuggerList g_list; return g_list; } OptionEnumValueElement g_show_disassembly_enum_values[] = { { Debugger::eStopDisassemblyTypeNever, "never", "Never show disassembly when displaying a stop context."}, { Debugger::eStopDisassemblyTypeNoSource, "no-source", "Show disassembly when there is no source information, or the source file is missing when displaying a stop context."}, { Debugger::eStopDisassemblyTypeAlways, "always", "Always show disassembly when displaying a stop context."}, { 0, NULL, NULL } }; OptionEnumValueElement g_language_enumerators[] = { { eScriptLanguageNone, "none", "Disable scripting languages."}, { eScriptLanguagePython, "python", "Select python as the default scripting language."}, { eScriptLanguageDefault, "default", "Select the lldb default as the default scripting language."}, { 0, NULL, NULL } }; #define MODULE_WITH_FUNC "{ ${module.file.basename}{`${function.name-with-args}${function.pc-offset}}}" #define FILE_AND_LINE "{ at ${line.file.basename}:${line.number}}" #define DEFAULT_THREAD_FORMAT "thread #${thread.index}: tid = ${thread.id%tid}"\ "{, ${frame.pc}}"\ MODULE_WITH_FUNC\ FILE_AND_LINE\ "{, name = '${thread.name}'}"\ "{, queue = '${thread.queue}'}"\ "{, activity = '${thread.info.activity.name}'}" \ "{, ${thread.info.trace_messages} messages}" \ "{, stop reason = ${thread.stop-reason}}"\ "{\\nReturn value: ${thread.return-value}}"\ "{\\nCompleted expression: ${thread.completed-expression}}"\ "\\n" #define DEFAULT_FRAME_FORMAT "frame #${frame.index}: ${frame.pc}"\ MODULE_WITH_FUNC\ FILE_AND_LINE\ "\\n" #define DEFAULT_DISASSEMBLY_FORMAT "${current-pc-arrow}${addr-file-or-load}{ <${function.name-without-args}${function.concrete-only-addr-offset-no-padding}>}: " static PropertyDefinition g_properties[] = { { "auto-confirm", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean , true, false, NULL, NULL, "If true all confirmation prompts will receive their default reply." }, { "disassembly-format", OptionValue::eTypeFormatEntity, true, 0 , DEFAULT_DISASSEMBLY_FORMAT, NULL, "The default disassembly format string to use when disassembling instruction sequences." }, { "frame-format", OptionValue::eTypeFormatEntity, true, 0 , DEFAULT_FRAME_FORMAT, NULL, "The default frame format string to use when displaying stack frame information for threads." }, { "notify-void", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean , true, false, NULL, NULL, "Notify the user explicitly if an expression returns void (default: false)." }, { "prompt", OptionValue::eTypeString , true, OptionValueString::eOptionEncodeCharacterEscapeSequences, "(lldb) ", NULL, "The debugger command line prompt displayed for the user." }, { "script-lang", OptionValue::eTypeEnum , true, eScriptLanguagePython, NULL, g_language_enumerators, "The script language to be used for evaluating user-written scripts." }, { "stop-disassembly-count", OptionValue::eTypeSInt64 , true, 4 , NULL, NULL, "The number of disassembly lines to show when displaying a stopped context." }, { "stop-disassembly-display", OptionValue::eTypeEnum , true, Debugger::eStopDisassemblyTypeNoSource, NULL, g_show_disassembly_enum_values, "Control when to display disassembly when displaying a stopped context." }, { "stop-line-count-after", OptionValue::eTypeSInt64 , true, 3 , NULL, NULL, "The number of sources lines to display that come after the current source line when displaying a stopped context." }, { "stop-line-count-before", OptionValue::eTypeSInt64 , true, 3 , NULL, NULL, "The number of sources lines to display that come before the current source line when displaying a stopped context." }, { "term-width", OptionValue::eTypeSInt64 , true, 80 , NULL, NULL, "The maximum number of columns to use for displaying text." }, { "thread-format", OptionValue::eTypeFormatEntity, true, 0 , DEFAULT_THREAD_FORMAT, NULL, "The default thread format string to use when displaying thread information." }, { "use-external-editor", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean , true, false, NULL, NULL, "Whether to use an external editor or not." }, { "use-color", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean , true, true , NULL, NULL, "Whether to use Ansi color codes or not." }, { "auto-one-line-summaries", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean , true, true, NULL, NULL, "If true, LLDB will automatically display small structs in one-liner format (default: true)." }, { "escape-non-printables", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean , true, true, NULL, NULL, "If true, LLDB will automatically escape non-printable and escape characters when formatting strings." }, { NULL, OptionValue::eTypeInvalid , true, 0 , NULL, NULL, NULL } }; enum { ePropertyAutoConfirm = 0, ePropertyDisassemblyFormat, ePropertyFrameFormat, ePropertyNotiftVoid, ePropertyPrompt, ePropertyScriptLanguage, ePropertyStopDisassemblyCount, ePropertyStopDisassemblyDisplay, ePropertyStopLineCountAfter, ePropertyStopLineCountBefore, ePropertyTerminalWidth, ePropertyThreadFormat, ePropertyUseExternalEditor, ePropertyUseColor, ePropertyAutoOneLineSummaries, ePropertyEscapeNonPrintables }; Debugger::LoadPluginCallbackType Debugger::g_load_plugin_callback = NULL; Error Debugger::SetPropertyValue (const ExecutionContext *exe_ctx, VarSetOperationType op, const char *property_path, const char *value) { bool is_load_script = strcmp(property_path,"target.load-script-from-symbol-file") == 0; bool is_escape_non_printables = strcmp(property_path, "escape-non-printables") == 0; TargetSP target_sp; LoadScriptFromSymFile load_script_old_value; if (is_load_script && exe_ctx->GetTargetSP()) { target_sp = exe_ctx->GetTargetSP(); load_script_old_value = target_sp->TargetProperties::GetLoadScriptFromSymbolFile(); } Error error (Properties::SetPropertyValue (exe_ctx, op, property_path, value)); if (error.Success()) { // FIXME it would be nice to have "on-change" callbacks for properties if (strcmp(property_path, g_properties[ePropertyPrompt].name) == 0) { const char *new_prompt = GetPrompt(); std::string str = lldb_utility::ansi::FormatAnsiTerminalCodes (new_prompt, GetUseColor()); if (str.length()) new_prompt = str.c_str(); GetCommandInterpreter().UpdatePrompt(new_prompt); EventSP prompt_change_event_sp (new Event(CommandInterpreter::eBroadcastBitResetPrompt, new EventDataBytes (new_prompt))); GetCommandInterpreter().BroadcastEvent (prompt_change_event_sp); } else if (strcmp(property_path, g_properties[ePropertyUseColor].name) == 0) { // use-color changed. Ping the prompt so it can reset the ansi terminal codes. SetPrompt (GetPrompt()); } else if (is_load_script && target_sp && load_script_old_value == eLoadScriptFromSymFileWarn) { if (target_sp->TargetProperties::GetLoadScriptFromSymbolFile() == eLoadScriptFromSymFileTrue) { std::list errors; StreamString feedback_stream; if (!target_sp->LoadScriptingResources(errors,&feedback_stream)) { StreamFileSP stream_sp (GetErrorFile()); if (stream_sp) { for (auto error : errors) { stream_sp->Printf("%s\n",error.AsCString()); } if (feedback_stream.GetSize()) stream_sp->Printf("%s",feedback_stream.GetData()); } } } } else if (is_escape_non_printables) { DataVisualization::ForceUpdate(); } } return error; } bool Debugger::GetAutoConfirm () const { const uint32_t idx = ePropertyAutoConfirm; return m_collection_sp->GetPropertyAtIndexAsBoolean (NULL, idx, g_properties[idx].default_uint_value != 0); } const FormatEntity::Entry * Debugger::GetDisassemblyFormat() const { const uint32_t idx = ePropertyDisassemblyFormat; return m_collection_sp->GetPropertyAtIndexAsFormatEntity(NULL, idx); } const FormatEntity::Entry * Debugger::GetFrameFormat() const { const uint32_t idx = ePropertyFrameFormat; return m_collection_sp->GetPropertyAtIndexAsFormatEntity(NULL, idx); } bool Debugger::GetNotifyVoid () const { const uint32_t idx = ePropertyNotiftVoid; return m_collection_sp->GetPropertyAtIndexAsBoolean (NULL, idx, g_properties[idx].default_uint_value != 0); } const char * Debugger::GetPrompt() const { const uint32_t idx = ePropertyPrompt; return m_collection_sp->GetPropertyAtIndexAsString (NULL, idx, g_properties[idx].default_cstr_value); } void Debugger::SetPrompt(const char *p) { const uint32_t idx = ePropertyPrompt; m_collection_sp->SetPropertyAtIndexAsString (NULL, idx, p); const char *new_prompt = GetPrompt(); std::string str = lldb_utility::ansi::FormatAnsiTerminalCodes (new_prompt, GetUseColor()); if (str.length()) new_prompt = str.c_str(); GetCommandInterpreter().UpdatePrompt(new_prompt); } const FormatEntity::Entry * Debugger::GetThreadFormat() const { const uint32_t idx = ePropertyThreadFormat; return m_collection_sp->GetPropertyAtIndexAsFormatEntity(NULL, idx); } lldb::ScriptLanguage Debugger::GetScriptLanguage() const { const uint32_t idx = ePropertyScriptLanguage; return (lldb::ScriptLanguage)m_collection_sp->GetPropertyAtIndexAsEnumeration (NULL, idx, g_properties[idx].default_uint_value); } bool Debugger::SetScriptLanguage (lldb::ScriptLanguage script_lang) { const uint32_t idx = ePropertyScriptLanguage; return m_collection_sp->SetPropertyAtIndexAsEnumeration (NULL, idx, script_lang); } uint32_t Debugger::GetTerminalWidth () const { const uint32_t idx = ePropertyTerminalWidth; return m_collection_sp->GetPropertyAtIndexAsSInt64 (NULL, idx, g_properties[idx].default_uint_value); } bool Debugger::SetTerminalWidth (uint32_t term_width) { const uint32_t idx = ePropertyTerminalWidth; return m_collection_sp->SetPropertyAtIndexAsSInt64 (NULL, idx, term_width); } bool Debugger::GetUseExternalEditor () const { const uint32_t idx = ePropertyUseExternalEditor; return m_collection_sp->GetPropertyAtIndexAsBoolean (NULL, idx, g_properties[idx].default_uint_value != 0); } bool Debugger::SetUseExternalEditor (bool b) { const uint32_t idx = ePropertyUseExternalEditor; return m_collection_sp->SetPropertyAtIndexAsBoolean (NULL, idx, b); } bool Debugger::GetUseColor () const { const uint32_t idx = ePropertyUseColor; return m_collection_sp->GetPropertyAtIndexAsBoolean (NULL, idx, g_properties[idx].default_uint_value != 0); } bool Debugger::SetUseColor (bool b) { const uint32_t idx = ePropertyUseColor; bool ret = m_collection_sp->SetPropertyAtIndexAsBoolean (NULL, idx, b); SetPrompt (GetPrompt()); return ret; } uint32_t Debugger::GetStopSourceLineCount (bool before) const { const uint32_t idx = before ? ePropertyStopLineCountBefore : ePropertyStopLineCountAfter; return m_collection_sp->GetPropertyAtIndexAsSInt64 (NULL, idx, g_properties[idx].default_uint_value); } Debugger::StopDisassemblyType Debugger::GetStopDisassemblyDisplay () const { const uint32_t idx = ePropertyStopDisassemblyDisplay; return (Debugger::StopDisassemblyType)m_collection_sp->GetPropertyAtIndexAsEnumeration (NULL, idx, g_properties[idx].default_uint_value); } uint32_t Debugger::GetDisassemblyLineCount () const { const uint32_t idx = ePropertyStopDisassemblyCount; return m_collection_sp->GetPropertyAtIndexAsSInt64 (NULL, idx, g_properties[idx].default_uint_value); } bool Debugger::GetAutoOneLineSummaries () const { const uint32_t idx = ePropertyAutoOneLineSummaries; return m_collection_sp->GetPropertyAtIndexAsBoolean (NULL, idx, true); } bool Debugger::GetEscapeNonPrintables () const { const uint32_t idx = ePropertyEscapeNonPrintables; return m_collection_sp->GetPropertyAtIndexAsBoolean (NULL, idx, true); } #pragma mark Debugger //const DebuggerPropertiesSP & //Debugger::GetSettings() const //{ // return m_properties_sp; //} // int Debugger::TestDebuggerRefCount () { return g_shared_debugger_refcount; } void Debugger::Initialize (LoadPluginCallbackType load_plugin_callback) { g_load_plugin_callback = load_plugin_callback; if (g_shared_debugger_refcount++ == 0) lldb_private::Initialize(); } void Debugger::Terminate () { if (g_shared_debugger_refcount > 0) { g_shared_debugger_refcount--; if (g_shared_debugger_refcount == 0) { lldb_private::WillTerminate(); lldb_private::Terminate(); // Clear our master list of debugger objects Mutex::Locker locker (GetDebuggerListMutex ()); GetDebuggerList().clear(); } } } void Debugger::SettingsInitialize () { Target::SettingsInitialize (); } void Debugger::SettingsTerminate () { Target::SettingsTerminate (); } bool Debugger::LoadPlugin (const FileSpec& spec, Error& error) { if (g_load_plugin_callback) { llvm::sys::DynamicLibrary dynlib = g_load_plugin_callback (shared_from_this(), spec, error); if (dynlib.isValid()) { m_loaded_plugins.push_back(dynlib); return true; } } else { // The g_load_plugin_callback is registered in SBDebugger::Initialize() // and if the public API layer isn't available (code is linking against // all of the internal LLDB static libraries), then we can't load plugins error.SetErrorString("Public API layer is not available"); } return false; } static FileSpec::EnumerateDirectoryResult LoadPluginCallback ( void *baton, FileSpec::FileType file_type, const FileSpec &file_spec ) { Error error; static ConstString g_dylibext("dylib"); static ConstString g_solibext("so"); if (!baton) return FileSpec::eEnumerateDirectoryResultQuit; Debugger *debugger = (Debugger*)baton; // If we have a regular file, a symbolic link or unknown file type, try // and process the file. We must handle unknown as sometimes the directory // enumeration might be enumerating a file system that doesn't have correct // file type information. if (file_type == FileSpec::eFileTypeRegular || file_type == FileSpec::eFileTypeSymbolicLink || file_type == FileSpec::eFileTypeUnknown ) { FileSpec plugin_file_spec (file_spec); plugin_file_spec.ResolvePath (); if (plugin_file_spec.GetFileNameExtension() != g_dylibext && plugin_file_spec.GetFileNameExtension() != g_solibext) { return FileSpec::eEnumerateDirectoryResultNext; } Error plugin_load_error; debugger->LoadPlugin (plugin_file_spec, plugin_load_error); return FileSpec::eEnumerateDirectoryResultNext; } else if (file_type == FileSpec::eFileTypeUnknown || file_type == FileSpec::eFileTypeDirectory || file_type == FileSpec::eFileTypeSymbolicLink ) { // Try and recurse into anything that a directory or symbolic link. // We must also do this for unknown as sometimes the directory enumeration // might be enumerating a file system that doesn't have correct file type // information. return FileSpec::eEnumerateDirectoryResultEnter; } return FileSpec::eEnumerateDirectoryResultNext; } void Debugger::InstanceInitialize () { FileSpec dir_spec; const bool find_directories = true; const bool find_files = true; const bool find_other = true; char dir_path[PATH_MAX]; if (HostInfo::GetLLDBPath(ePathTypeLLDBSystemPlugins, dir_spec)) { if (dir_spec.Exists() && dir_spec.GetPath(dir_path, sizeof(dir_path))) { FileSpec::EnumerateDirectory (dir_path, find_directories, find_files, find_other, LoadPluginCallback, this); } } if (HostInfo::GetLLDBPath(ePathTypeLLDBUserPlugins, dir_spec)) { if (dir_spec.Exists() && dir_spec.GetPath(dir_path, sizeof(dir_path))) { FileSpec::EnumerateDirectory (dir_path, find_directories, find_files, find_other, LoadPluginCallback, this); } } PluginManager::DebuggerInitialize (*this); } DebuggerSP Debugger::CreateInstance (lldb::LogOutputCallback log_callback, void *baton) { DebuggerSP debugger_sp (new Debugger(log_callback, baton)); if (g_shared_debugger_refcount > 0) { Mutex::Locker locker (GetDebuggerListMutex ()); GetDebuggerList().push_back(debugger_sp); } debugger_sp->InstanceInitialize (); return debugger_sp; } void Debugger::Destroy (DebuggerSP &debugger_sp) { if (debugger_sp.get() == NULL) return; debugger_sp->Clear(); if (g_shared_debugger_refcount > 0) { Mutex::Locker locker (GetDebuggerListMutex ()); DebuggerList &debugger_list = GetDebuggerList (); DebuggerList::iterator pos, end = debugger_list.end(); for (pos = debugger_list.begin (); pos != end; ++pos) { if ((*pos).get() == debugger_sp.get()) { debugger_list.erase (pos); return; } } } } DebuggerSP Debugger::FindDebuggerWithInstanceName (const ConstString &instance_name) { DebuggerSP debugger_sp; if (g_shared_debugger_refcount > 0) { Mutex::Locker locker (GetDebuggerListMutex ()); DebuggerList &debugger_list = GetDebuggerList(); DebuggerList::iterator pos, end = debugger_list.end(); for (pos = debugger_list.begin(); pos != end; ++pos) { if ((*pos).get()->m_instance_name == instance_name) { debugger_sp = *pos; break; } } } return debugger_sp; } TargetSP Debugger::FindTargetWithProcessID (lldb::pid_t pid) { TargetSP target_sp; if (g_shared_debugger_refcount > 0) { Mutex::Locker locker (GetDebuggerListMutex ()); DebuggerList &debugger_list = GetDebuggerList(); DebuggerList::iterator pos, end = debugger_list.end(); for (pos = debugger_list.begin(); pos != end; ++pos) { target_sp = (*pos)->GetTargetList().FindTargetWithProcessID (pid); if (target_sp) break; } } return target_sp; } TargetSP Debugger::FindTargetWithProcess (Process *process) { TargetSP target_sp; if (g_shared_debugger_refcount > 0) { Mutex::Locker locker (GetDebuggerListMutex ()); DebuggerList &debugger_list = GetDebuggerList(); DebuggerList::iterator pos, end = debugger_list.end(); for (pos = debugger_list.begin(); pos != end; ++pos) { target_sp = (*pos)->GetTargetList().FindTargetWithProcess (process); if (target_sp) break; } } return target_sp; } Debugger::Debugger(lldb::LogOutputCallback log_callback, void *baton) : UserID(g_unique_id++), Properties(OptionValuePropertiesSP(new OptionValueProperties())), m_input_file_sp(new StreamFile(stdin, false)), m_output_file_sp(new StreamFile(stdout, false)), m_error_file_sp(new StreamFile(stderr, false)), m_terminal_state(), m_target_list(*this), m_platform_list(), m_listener("lldb.Debugger"), m_source_manager_ap(), m_source_file_cache(), m_command_interpreter_ap(new CommandInterpreter(*this, eScriptLanguageDefault, false)), m_input_reader_stack(), m_instance_name(), m_loaded_plugins(), m_event_handler_thread (), m_io_handler_thread (), m_sync_broadcaster (NULL, "lldb.debugger.sync") { char instance_cstr[256]; snprintf(instance_cstr, sizeof(instance_cstr), "debugger_%d", (int)GetID()); m_instance_name.SetCString(instance_cstr); if (log_callback) m_log_callback_stream_sp.reset (new StreamCallback (log_callback, baton)); m_command_interpreter_ap->Initialize (); // Always add our default platform to the platform list PlatformSP default_platform_sp (Platform::GetHostPlatform()); assert (default_platform_sp.get()); m_platform_list.Append (default_platform_sp, true); m_collection_sp->Initialize (g_properties); m_collection_sp->AppendProperty (ConstString("target"), ConstString("Settings specify to debugging targets."), true, Target::GetGlobalProperties()->GetValueProperties()); if (m_command_interpreter_ap.get()) { m_collection_sp->AppendProperty (ConstString("interpreter"), ConstString("Settings specify to the debugger's command interpreter."), true, m_command_interpreter_ap->GetValueProperties()); } OptionValueSInt64 *term_width = m_collection_sp->GetPropertyAtIndexAsOptionValueSInt64 (NULL, ePropertyTerminalWidth); term_width->SetMinimumValue(10); term_width->SetMaximumValue(1024); // Turn off use-color if this is a dumb terminal. const char *term = getenv ("TERM"); if (term && !strcmp (term, "dumb")) SetUseColor (false); } Debugger::~Debugger () { Clear(); } void Debugger::Clear() { ClearIOHandlers(); StopIOHandlerThread(); StopEventHandlerThread(); m_listener.Clear(); int num_targets = m_target_list.GetNumTargets(); for (int i = 0; i < num_targets; i++) { TargetSP target_sp (m_target_list.GetTargetAtIndex (i)); if (target_sp) { ProcessSP process_sp (target_sp->GetProcessSP()); if (process_sp) process_sp->Finalize(); target_sp->Destroy(); } } BroadcasterManager::Clear (); // Close the input file _before_ we close the input read communications class // as it does NOT own the input file, our m_input_file does. m_terminal_state.Clear(); if (m_input_file_sp) m_input_file_sp->GetFile().Close (); m_command_interpreter_ap->Clear(); } bool Debugger::GetCloseInputOnEOF () const { // return m_input_comm.GetCloseOnEOF(); return false; } void Debugger::SetCloseInputOnEOF (bool b) { // m_input_comm.SetCloseOnEOF(b); } bool Debugger::GetAsyncExecution () { return !m_command_interpreter_ap->GetSynchronous(); } void Debugger::SetAsyncExecution (bool async_execution) { m_command_interpreter_ap->SetSynchronous (!async_execution); } void Debugger::SetInputFileHandle (FILE *fh, bool tranfer_ownership) { if (m_input_file_sp) m_input_file_sp->GetFile().SetStream (fh, tranfer_ownership); else m_input_file_sp.reset (new StreamFile (fh, tranfer_ownership)); File &in_file = m_input_file_sp->GetFile(); if (in_file.IsValid() == false) in_file.SetStream (stdin, true); // Save away the terminal state if that is relevant, so that we can restore it in RestoreInputState. SaveInputTerminalState (); } void Debugger::SetOutputFileHandle (FILE *fh, bool tranfer_ownership) { if (m_output_file_sp) m_output_file_sp->GetFile().SetStream (fh, tranfer_ownership); else m_output_file_sp.reset (new StreamFile (fh, tranfer_ownership)); File &out_file = m_output_file_sp->GetFile(); if (out_file.IsValid() == false) out_file.SetStream (stdout, false); // do not create the ScriptInterpreter just for setting the output file handle // as the constructor will know how to do the right thing on its own const bool can_create = false; ScriptInterpreter* script_interpreter = GetCommandInterpreter().GetScriptInterpreter(can_create); if (script_interpreter) script_interpreter->ResetOutputFileHandle (fh); } void Debugger::SetErrorFileHandle (FILE *fh, bool tranfer_ownership) { if (m_error_file_sp) m_error_file_sp->GetFile().SetStream (fh, tranfer_ownership); else m_error_file_sp.reset (new StreamFile (fh, tranfer_ownership)); File &err_file = m_error_file_sp->GetFile(); if (err_file.IsValid() == false) err_file.SetStream (stderr, false); } void Debugger::SaveInputTerminalState () { if (m_input_file_sp) { File &in_file = m_input_file_sp->GetFile(); if (in_file.GetDescriptor() != File::kInvalidDescriptor) m_terminal_state.Save(in_file.GetDescriptor(), true); } } void Debugger::RestoreInputTerminalState () { m_terminal_state.Restore(); } ExecutionContext Debugger::GetSelectedExecutionContext () { ExecutionContext exe_ctx; TargetSP target_sp(GetSelectedTarget()); exe_ctx.SetTargetSP (target_sp); if (target_sp) { ProcessSP process_sp (target_sp->GetProcessSP()); exe_ctx.SetProcessSP (process_sp); if (process_sp && process_sp->IsRunning() == false) { ThreadSP thread_sp (process_sp->GetThreadList().GetSelectedThread()); if (thread_sp) { exe_ctx.SetThreadSP (thread_sp); exe_ctx.SetFrameSP (thread_sp->GetSelectedFrame()); if (exe_ctx.GetFramePtr() == NULL) exe_ctx.SetFrameSP (thread_sp->GetStackFrameAtIndex (0)); } } } return exe_ctx; } void Debugger::DispatchInputInterrupt () { Mutex::Locker locker (m_input_reader_stack.GetMutex()); IOHandlerSP reader_sp (m_input_reader_stack.Top()); if (reader_sp) reader_sp->Interrupt(); } void Debugger::DispatchInputEndOfFile () { Mutex::Locker locker (m_input_reader_stack.GetMutex()); IOHandlerSP reader_sp (m_input_reader_stack.Top()); if (reader_sp) reader_sp->GotEOF(); } void Debugger::ClearIOHandlers () { // The bottom input reader should be the main debugger input reader. We do not want to close that one here. Mutex::Locker locker (m_input_reader_stack.GetMutex()); while (m_input_reader_stack.GetSize() > 1) { IOHandlerSP reader_sp (m_input_reader_stack.Top()); if (reader_sp) { m_input_reader_stack.Pop(); reader_sp->SetIsDone(true); reader_sp->Cancel(); } } } void Debugger::ExecuteIOHanders() { while (1) { IOHandlerSP reader_sp(m_input_reader_stack.Top()); if (!reader_sp) break; reader_sp->Activate(); reader_sp->Run(); reader_sp->Deactivate(); // Remove all input readers that are done from the top of the stack while (1) { IOHandlerSP top_reader_sp = m_input_reader_stack.Top(); if (top_reader_sp && top_reader_sp->GetIsDone()) m_input_reader_stack.Pop(); else break; } } ClearIOHandlers(); } bool Debugger::IsTopIOHandler (const lldb::IOHandlerSP& reader_sp) { return m_input_reader_stack.IsTop (reader_sp); } ConstString Debugger::GetTopIOHandlerControlSequence(char ch) { return m_input_reader_stack.GetTopIOHandlerControlSequence (ch); } const char * Debugger::GetIOHandlerCommandPrefix() { return m_input_reader_stack.GetTopIOHandlerCommandPrefix(); } const char * Debugger::GetIOHandlerHelpPrologue() { return m_input_reader_stack.GetTopIOHandlerHelpPrologue(); } void Debugger::RunIOHandler (const IOHandlerSP& reader_sp) { PushIOHandler (reader_sp); IOHandlerSP top_reader_sp = reader_sp; while (top_reader_sp) { top_reader_sp->Activate(); top_reader_sp->Run(); top_reader_sp->Deactivate(); if (top_reader_sp.get() == reader_sp.get()) { if (PopIOHandler (reader_sp)) break; } while (1) { top_reader_sp = m_input_reader_stack.Top(); if (top_reader_sp && top_reader_sp->GetIsDone()) m_input_reader_stack.Pop(); else break; } } } void Debugger::AdoptTopIOHandlerFilesIfInvalid (StreamFileSP &in, StreamFileSP &out, StreamFileSP &err) { // Before an IOHandler runs, it must have in/out/err streams. // This function is called when one ore more of the streams // are NULL. We use the top input reader's in/out/err streams, // or fall back to the debugger file handles, or we fall back // onto stdin/stdout/stderr as a last resort. Mutex::Locker locker (m_input_reader_stack.GetMutex()); IOHandlerSP top_reader_sp (m_input_reader_stack.Top()); // If no STDIN has been set, then set it appropriately if (!in) { if (top_reader_sp) in = top_reader_sp->GetInputStreamFile(); else in = GetInputFile(); // If there is nothing, use stdin if (!in) in = StreamFileSP(new StreamFile(stdin, false)); } // If no STDOUT has been set, then set it appropriately if (!out) { if (top_reader_sp) out = top_reader_sp->GetOutputStreamFile(); else out = GetOutputFile(); // If there is nothing, use stdout if (!out) out = StreamFileSP(new StreamFile(stdout, false)); } // If no STDERR has been set, then set it appropriately if (!err) { if (top_reader_sp) err = top_reader_sp->GetErrorStreamFile(); else err = GetErrorFile(); // If there is nothing, use stderr if (!err) err = StreamFileSP(new StreamFile(stdout, false)); } } void Debugger::PushIOHandler (const IOHandlerSP& reader_sp) { if (!reader_sp) return; // Got the current top input reader... IOHandlerSP top_reader_sp (m_input_reader_stack.Top()); // Don't push the same IO handler twice... if (reader_sp.get() != top_reader_sp.get()) { // Push our new input reader m_input_reader_stack.Push (reader_sp); // Interrupt the top input reader to it will exit its Run() function // and let this new input reader take over if (top_reader_sp) top_reader_sp->Deactivate(); } } bool Debugger::PopIOHandler (const IOHandlerSP& pop_reader_sp) { bool result = false; Mutex::Locker locker (m_input_reader_stack.GetMutex()); // The reader on the stop of the stack is done, so let the next // read on the stack refresh its prompt and if there is one... if (!m_input_reader_stack.IsEmpty()) { IOHandlerSP reader_sp(m_input_reader_stack.Top()); if (!pop_reader_sp || pop_reader_sp.get() == reader_sp.get()) { reader_sp->Deactivate(); reader_sp->Cancel(); m_input_reader_stack.Pop (); reader_sp = m_input_reader_stack.Top(); if (reader_sp) reader_sp->Activate(); result = true; } } return result; } bool Debugger::HideTopIOHandler() { Mutex::Locker locker; if (locker.TryLock(m_input_reader_stack.GetMutex())) { IOHandlerSP reader_sp(m_input_reader_stack.Top()); if (reader_sp) reader_sp->Hide(); return true; } return false; } void Debugger::RefreshTopIOHandler() { IOHandlerSP reader_sp(m_input_reader_stack.Top()); if (reader_sp) reader_sp->Refresh(); } StreamSP Debugger::GetAsyncOutputStream () { return StreamSP (new StreamAsynchronousIO (GetCommandInterpreter(), CommandInterpreter::eBroadcastBitAsynchronousOutputData)); } StreamSP Debugger::GetAsyncErrorStream () { return StreamSP (new StreamAsynchronousIO (GetCommandInterpreter(), CommandInterpreter::eBroadcastBitAsynchronousErrorData)); } size_t Debugger::GetNumDebuggers() { if (g_shared_debugger_refcount > 0) { Mutex::Locker locker (GetDebuggerListMutex ()); return GetDebuggerList().size(); } return 0; } lldb::DebuggerSP Debugger::GetDebuggerAtIndex (size_t index) { DebuggerSP debugger_sp; if (g_shared_debugger_refcount > 0) { Mutex::Locker locker (GetDebuggerListMutex ()); DebuggerList &debugger_list = GetDebuggerList(); if (index < debugger_list.size()) debugger_sp = debugger_list[index]; } return debugger_sp; } DebuggerSP Debugger::FindDebuggerWithID (lldb::user_id_t id) { DebuggerSP debugger_sp; if (g_shared_debugger_refcount > 0) { Mutex::Locker locker (GetDebuggerListMutex ()); DebuggerList &debugger_list = GetDebuggerList(); DebuggerList::iterator pos, end = debugger_list.end(); for (pos = debugger_list.begin(); pos != end; ++pos) { if ((*pos).get()->GetID() == id) { debugger_sp = *pos; break; } } } return debugger_sp; } #if 0 static void TestPromptFormats (StackFrame *frame) { if (frame == NULL) return; StreamString s; const char *prompt_format = "{addr = '${addr}'\n}" "{addr-file-or-load = '${addr-file-or-load}'\n}" "{current-pc-arrow = '${current-pc-arrow}'\n}" "{process.id = '${process.id}'\n}" "{process.name = '${process.name}'\n}" "{process.file.basename = '${process.file.basename}'\n}" "{process.file.fullpath = '${process.file.fullpath}'\n}" "{thread.id = '${thread.id}'\n}" "{thread.index = '${thread.index}'\n}" "{thread.name = '${thread.name}'\n}" "{thread.queue = '${thread.queue}'\n}" "{thread.stop-reason = '${thread.stop-reason}'\n}" "{target.arch = '${target.arch}'\n}" "{module.file.basename = '${module.file.basename}'\n}" "{module.file.fullpath = '${module.file.fullpath}'\n}" "{file.basename = '${file.basename}'\n}" "{file.fullpath = '${file.fullpath}'\n}" "{frame.index = '${frame.index}'\n}" "{frame.pc = '${frame.pc}'\n}" "{frame.sp = '${frame.sp}'\n}" "{frame.fp = '${frame.fp}'\n}" "{frame.flags = '${frame.flags}'\n}" "{frame.reg.rdi = '${frame.reg.rdi}'\n}" "{frame.reg.rip = '${frame.reg.rip}'\n}" "{frame.reg.rsp = '${frame.reg.rsp}'\n}" "{frame.reg.rbp = '${frame.reg.rbp}'\n}" "{frame.reg.rflags = '${frame.reg.rflags}'\n}" "{frame.reg.xmm0 = '${frame.reg.xmm0}'\n}" "{frame.reg.carp = '${frame.reg.carp}'\n}" "{function.id = '${function.id}'\n}" "{function.changed = '${function.changed}'\n}" "{function.initial-function = '${function.initial-function}'\n}" "{function.name = '${function.name}'\n}" "{function.name-without-args = '${function.name-without-args}'\n}" "{function.name-with-args = '${function.name-with-args}'\n}" "{function.addr-offset = '${function.addr-offset}'\n}" "{function.concrete-only-addr-offset-no-padding = '${function.concrete-only-addr-offset-no-padding}'\n}" "{function.line-offset = '${function.line-offset}'\n}" "{function.pc-offset = '${function.pc-offset}'\n}" "{line.file.basename = '${line.file.basename}'\n}" "{line.file.fullpath = '${line.file.fullpath}'\n}" "{line.number = '${line.number}'\n}" "{line.start-addr = '${line.start-addr}'\n}" "{line.end-addr = '${line.end-addr}'\n}" ; SymbolContext sc (frame->GetSymbolContext(eSymbolContextEverything)); ExecutionContext exe_ctx; frame->CalculateExecutionContext(exe_ctx); if (Debugger::FormatPrompt (prompt_format, &sc, &exe_ctx, &sc.line_entry.range.GetBaseAddress(), s)) { printf("%s\n", s.GetData()); } else { printf ("what we got: %s\n", s.GetData()); } } #endif bool Debugger::FormatDisassemblerAddress (const FormatEntity::Entry *format, const SymbolContext *sc, const SymbolContext *prev_sc, const ExecutionContext *exe_ctx, const Address *addr, Stream &s) { FormatEntity::Entry format_entry; if (format == NULL) { if (exe_ctx != NULL && exe_ctx->HasTargetScope()) format = exe_ctx->GetTargetRef().GetDebugger().GetDisassemblyFormat(); if (format == NULL) { FormatEntity::Parse("${addr}: ", format_entry); format = &format_entry; } } bool function_changed = false; bool initial_function = false; if (prev_sc && (prev_sc->function || prev_sc->symbol)) { if (sc && (sc->function || sc->symbol)) { if (prev_sc->symbol && sc->symbol) { if (!sc->symbol->Compare (prev_sc->symbol->GetName(), prev_sc->symbol->GetType())) { function_changed = true; } } else if (prev_sc->function && sc->function) { if (prev_sc->function->GetMangled() != sc->function->GetMangled()) { function_changed = true; } } } } // The first context on a list of instructions will have a prev_sc that // has no Function or Symbol -- if SymbolContext had an IsValid() method, it // would return false. But we do get a prev_sc pointer. if ((sc && (sc->function || sc->symbol)) && prev_sc && (prev_sc->function == NULL && prev_sc->symbol == NULL)) { initial_function = true; } return FormatEntity::Format(*format, s, sc, exe_ctx, addr, NULL, function_changed, initial_function); } void Debugger::SetLoggingCallback (lldb::LogOutputCallback log_callback, void *baton) { // For simplicity's sake, I am not going to deal with how to close down any // open logging streams, I just redirect everything from here on out to the // callback. m_log_callback_stream_sp.reset (new StreamCallback (log_callback, baton)); } bool Debugger::EnableLog (const char *channel, const char **categories, const char *log_file, uint32_t log_options, Stream &error_stream) { Log::Callbacks log_callbacks; StreamSP log_stream_sp; if (m_log_callback_stream_sp) { log_stream_sp = m_log_callback_stream_sp; // For now when using the callback mode you always get thread & timestamp. log_options |= LLDB_LOG_OPTION_PREPEND_TIMESTAMP | LLDB_LOG_OPTION_PREPEND_THREAD_NAME; } else if (log_file == NULL || *log_file == '\0') { log_stream_sp = GetOutputFile(); } else { LogStreamMap::iterator pos = m_log_streams.find(log_file); if (pos != m_log_streams.end()) log_stream_sp = pos->second.lock(); if (!log_stream_sp) { log_stream_sp.reset (new StreamFile (log_file)); m_log_streams[log_file] = log_stream_sp; } } assert (log_stream_sp.get()); if (log_options == 0) log_options = LLDB_LOG_OPTION_PREPEND_THREAD_NAME | LLDB_LOG_OPTION_THREADSAFE; if (Log::GetLogChannelCallbacks (ConstString(channel), log_callbacks)) { log_callbacks.enable (log_stream_sp, log_options, categories, &error_stream); return true; } else { LogChannelSP log_channel_sp (LogChannel::FindPlugin (channel)); if (log_channel_sp) { if (log_channel_sp->Enable (log_stream_sp, log_options, &error_stream, categories)) { return true; } else { error_stream.Printf ("Invalid log channel '%s'.\n", channel); return false; } } else { error_stream.Printf ("Invalid log channel '%s'.\n", channel); return false; } } return false; } SourceManager & Debugger::GetSourceManager () { if (m_source_manager_ap.get() == NULL) m_source_manager_ap.reset (new SourceManager (shared_from_this())); return *m_source_manager_ap; } // This function handles events that were broadcast by the process. void Debugger::HandleBreakpointEvent (const EventSP &event_sp) { using namespace lldb; const uint32_t event_type = Breakpoint::BreakpointEventData::GetBreakpointEventTypeFromEvent (event_sp); // if (event_type & eBreakpointEventTypeAdded // || event_type & eBreakpointEventTypeRemoved // || event_type & eBreakpointEventTypeEnabled // || event_type & eBreakpointEventTypeDisabled // || event_type & eBreakpointEventTypeCommandChanged // || event_type & eBreakpointEventTypeConditionChanged // || event_type & eBreakpointEventTypeIgnoreChanged // || event_type & eBreakpointEventTypeLocationsResolved) // { // // Don't do anything about these events, since the breakpoint commands already echo these actions. // } // if (event_type & eBreakpointEventTypeLocationsAdded) { uint32_t num_new_locations = Breakpoint::BreakpointEventData::GetNumBreakpointLocationsFromEvent(event_sp); if (num_new_locations > 0) { BreakpointSP breakpoint = Breakpoint::BreakpointEventData::GetBreakpointFromEvent(event_sp); StreamFileSP output_sp (GetOutputFile()); if (output_sp) { output_sp->Printf("%d location%s added to breakpoint %d\n", num_new_locations, num_new_locations == 1 ? "" : "s", breakpoint->GetID()); RefreshTopIOHandler(); } } } // else if (event_type & eBreakpointEventTypeLocationsRemoved) // { // // These locations just get disabled, not sure it is worth spamming folks about this on the command line. // } // else if (event_type & eBreakpointEventTypeLocationsResolved) // { // // This might be an interesting thing to note, but I'm going to leave it quiet for now, it just looked noisy. // } } size_t Debugger::GetProcessSTDOUT (Process *process, Stream *stream) { size_t total_bytes = 0; if (stream == NULL) stream = GetOutputFile().get(); if (stream) { // The process has stuff waiting for stdout; get it and write it out to the appropriate place. if (process == NULL) { TargetSP target_sp = GetTargetList().GetSelectedTarget(); if (target_sp) process = target_sp->GetProcessSP().get(); } if (process) { Error error; size_t len; char stdio_buffer[1024]; while ((len = process->GetSTDOUT (stdio_buffer, sizeof (stdio_buffer), error)) > 0) { stream->Write(stdio_buffer, len); total_bytes += len; } } stream->Flush(); } return total_bytes; } size_t Debugger::GetProcessSTDERR (Process *process, Stream *stream) { size_t total_bytes = 0; if (stream == NULL) stream = GetOutputFile().get(); if (stream) { // The process has stuff waiting for stderr; get it and write it out to the appropriate place. if (process == NULL) { TargetSP target_sp = GetTargetList().GetSelectedTarget(); if (target_sp) process = target_sp->GetProcessSP().get(); } if (process) { Error error; size_t len; char stdio_buffer[1024]; while ((len = process->GetSTDERR (stdio_buffer, sizeof (stdio_buffer), error)) > 0) { stream->Write(stdio_buffer, len); total_bytes += len; } } stream->Flush(); } return total_bytes; } // This function handles events that were broadcast by the process. void Debugger::HandleProcessEvent (const EventSP &event_sp) { using namespace lldb; const uint32_t event_type = event_sp->GetType(); ProcessSP process_sp = Process::ProcessEventData::GetProcessFromEvent(event_sp.get()); StreamString output_stream; StreamString error_stream; const bool gui_enabled = IsForwardingEvents(); if (!gui_enabled) { bool pop_process_io_handler = false; assert (process_sp); if (event_type & Process::eBroadcastBitSTDOUT || event_type & Process::eBroadcastBitStateChanged) { GetProcessSTDOUT (process_sp.get(), &output_stream); } if (event_type & Process::eBroadcastBitSTDERR || event_type & Process::eBroadcastBitStateChanged) { GetProcessSTDERR (process_sp.get(), &error_stream); } if (event_type & Process::eBroadcastBitStateChanged) { Process::HandleProcessStateChangedEvent (event_sp, &output_stream, pop_process_io_handler); } if (output_stream.GetSize() || error_stream.GetSize()) { StreamFileSP error_stream_sp (GetOutputFile()); bool top_io_handler_hid = false; if (process_sp->ProcessIOHandlerIsActive() == false) top_io_handler_hid = HideTopIOHandler(); if (output_stream.GetSize()) { StreamFileSP output_stream_sp (GetOutputFile()); if (output_stream_sp) output_stream_sp->Write (output_stream.GetData(), output_stream.GetSize()); } if (error_stream.GetSize()) { StreamFileSP error_stream_sp (GetErrorFile()); if (error_stream_sp) error_stream_sp->Write (error_stream.GetData(), error_stream.GetSize()); } if (top_io_handler_hid) RefreshTopIOHandler(); } if (pop_process_io_handler) process_sp->PopProcessIOHandler(); } } void Debugger::HandleThreadEvent (const EventSP &event_sp) { // At present the only thread event we handle is the Frame Changed event, // and all we do for that is just reprint the thread status for that thread. using namespace lldb; const uint32_t event_type = event_sp->GetType(); if (event_type == Thread::eBroadcastBitStackChanged || event_type == Thread::eBroadcastBitThreadSelected ) { ThreadSP thread_sp (Thread::ThreadEventData::GetThreadFromEvent (event_sp.get())); if (thread_sp) { HideTopIOHandler(); StreamFileSP stream_sp (GetOutputFile()); thread_sp->GetStatus(*stream_sp, 0, 1, 1); RefreshTopIOHandler(); } } } bool Debugger::IsForwardingEvents () { return (bool)m_forward_listener_sp; } void Debugger::EnableForwardEvents (const ListenerSP &listener_sp) { m_forward_listener_sp = listener_sp; } void Debugger::CancelForwardEvents (const ListenerSP &listener_sp) { m_forward_listener_sp.reset(); } void Debugger::DefaultEventHandler() { Listener& listener(GetListener()); ConstString broadcaster_class_target(Target::GetStaticBroadcasterClass()); ConstString broadcaster_class_process(Process::GetStaticBroadcasterClass()); ConstString broadcaster_class_thread(Thread::GetStaticBroadcasterClass()); BroadcastEventSpec target_event_spec (broadcaster_class_target, Target::eBroadcastBitBreakpointChanged); BroadcastEventSpec process_event_spec (broadcaster_class_process, Process::eBroadcastBitStateChanged | Process::eBroadcastBitSTDOUT | Process::eBroadcastBitSTDERR); BroadcastEventSpec thread_event_spec (broadcaster_class_thread, Thread::eBroadcastBitStackChanged | Thread::eBroadcastBitThreadSelected ); listener.StartListeningForEventSpec (*this, target_event_spec); listener.StartListeningForEventSpec (*this, process_event_spec); listener.StartListeningForEventSpec (*this, thread_event_spec); listener.StartListeningForEvents (m_command_interpreter_ap.get(), CommandInterpreter::eBroadcastBitQuitCommandReceived | CommandInterpreter::eBroadcastBitAsynchronousOutputData | CommandInterpreter::eBroadcastBitAsynchronousErrorData ); // Let the thread that spawned us know that we have started up and // that we are now listening to all required events so no events get missed m_sync_broadcaster.BroadcastEvent(eBroadcastBitEventThreadIsListening); bool done = false; while (!done) { EventSP event_sp; if (listener.WaitForEvent(NULL, event_sp)) { if (event_sp) { Broadcaster *broadcaster = event_sp->GetBroadcaster(); if (broadcaster) { uint32_t event_type = event_sp->GetType(); ConstString broadcaster_class (broadcaster->GetBroadcasterClass()); if (broadcaster_class == broadcaster_class_process) { HandleProcessEvent (event_sp); } else if (broadcaster_class == broadcaster_class_target) { if (Breakpoint::BreakpointEventData::GetEventDataFromEvent(event_sp.get())) { HandleBreakpointEvent (event_sp); } } else if (broadcaster_class == broadcaster_class_thread) { HandleThreadEvent (event_sp); } else if (broadcaster == m_command_interpreter_ap.get()) { if (event_type & CommandInterpreter::eBroadcastBitQuitCommandReceived) { done = true; } else if (event_type & CommandInterpreter::eBroadcastBitAsynchronousErrorData) { const char *data = reinterpret_cast(EventDataBytes::GetBytesFromEvent (event_sp.get())); if (data && data[0]) { StreamFileSP error_sp (GetErrorFile()); if (error_sp) { HideTopIOHandler(); error_sp->PutCString(data); error_sp->Flush(); RefreshTopIOHandler(); } } } else if (event_type & CommandInterpreter::eBroadcastBitAsynchronousOutputData) { const char *data = reinterpret_cast(EventDataBytes::GetBytesFromEvent (event_sp.get())); if (data && data[0]) { StreamFileSP output_sp (GetOutputFile()); if (output_sp) { HideTopIOHandler(); output_sp->PutCString(data); output_sp->Flush(); RefreshTopIOHandler(); } } } } } if (m_forward_listener_sp) m_forward_listener_sp->AddEvent(event_sp); } } } } lldb::thread_result_t Debugger::EventHandlerThread (lldb::thread_arg_t arg) { ((Debugger *)arg)->DefaultEventHandler(); return NULL; } bool Debugger::StartEventHandlerThread() { if (!m_event_handler_thread.IsJoinable()) { // We must synchronize with the DefaultEventHandler() thread to ensure // it is up and running and listening to events before we return from // this function. We do this by listening to events for the // eBroadcastBitEventThreadIsListening from the m_sync_broadcaster Listener listener("lldb.debugger.event-handler"); listener.StartListeningForEvents(&m_sync_broadcaster, eBroadcastBitEventThreadIsListening); // Use larger 8MB stack for this thread m_event_handler_thread = ThreadLauncher::LaunchThread("lldb.debugger.event-handler", EventHandlerThread, this, NULL, g_debugger_event_thread_stack_bytes); // Make sure DefaultEventHandler() is running and listening to events before we return // from this function. We are only listening for events of type // eBroadcastBitEventThreadIsListening so we don't need to check the event, we just need // to wait an infinite amount of time for it (NULL timeout as the first parameter) lldb::EventSP event_sp; listener.WaitForEvent(NULL, event_sp); } return m_event_handler_thread.IsJoinable(); } void Debugger::StopEventHandlerThread() { if (m_event_handler_thread.IsJoinable()) { GetCommandInterpreter().BroadcastEvent(CommandInterpreter::eBroadcastBitQuitCommandReceived); m_event_handler_thread.Join(nullptr); } } lldb::thread_result_t Debugger::IOHandlerThread (lldb::thread_arg_t arg) { Debugger *debugger = (Debugger *)arg; debugger->ExecuteIOHanders(); debugger->StopEventHandlerThread(); return NULL; } bool Debugger::StartIOHandlerThread() { if (!m_io_handler_thread.IsJoinable()) m_io_handler_thread = ThreadLauncher::LaunchThread ("lldb.debugger.io-handler", IOHandlerThread, this, NULL, 8*1024*1024); // Use larger 8MB stack for this thread return m_io_handler_thread.IsJoinable(); } void Debugger::StopIOHandlerThread() { if (m_io_handler_thread.IsJoinable()) { if (m_input_file_sp) m_input_file_sp->GetFile().Close(); m_io_handler_thread.Join(nullptr); } } Target * Debugger::GetDummyTarget() { return m_target_list.GetDummyTarget (*this).get(); } Target * Debugger::GetSelectedOrDummyTarget(bool prefer_dummy) { Target *target = nullptr; if (!prefer_dummy) { target = m_target_list.GetSelectedTarget().get(); if (target) return target; } return GetDummyTarget(); }