/***********************license start*************** * Copyright (c) 2003-2010 Cavium Inc. (support@cavium.com). All rights * reserved. * * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided * with the distribution. * * Neither the name of Cavium Inc. nor the names of * its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written * permission. * This Software, including technical data, may be subject to U.S. export control * laws, including the U.S. Export Administration Act and its associated * regulations, and may be subject to export or import regulations in other * countries. * TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" * AND WITH ALL FAULTS AND CAVIUM INC. MAKES NO PROMISES, REPRESENTATIONS OR * WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED, STATUTORY, OR OTHERWISE, WITH RESPECT TO * THE SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ITS CONDITION, ITS CONFORMITY TO ANY REPRESENTATION OR * DESCRIPTION, OR THE EXISTENCE OF ANY LATENT OR PATENT DEFECTS, AND CAVIUM * SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ALL IMPLIED (IF ANY) WARRANTIES OF TITLE, * MERCHANTABILITY, NONINFRINGEMENT, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, LACK OF * VIRUSES, ACCURACY OR COMPLETENESS, QUIET ENJOYMENT, QUIET POSSESSION OR * CORRESPONDENCE TO DESCRIPTION. THE ENTIRE RISK ARISING OUT OF USE OR * PERFORMANCE OF THE SOFTWARE LIES WITH YOU. ***********************license end**************************************/ /** * @file * * Interface to the hardware Packet Input Processing unit. * *
$Revision: 70030 $
*/ #ifndef __CVMX_PIP_H__ #define __CVMX_PIP_H__ #include "cvmx-wqe.h" #include "cvmx-fpa.h" #ifdef CVMX_BUILD_FOR_LINUX_KERNEL #include "cvmx-pip-defs.h" #else #ifndef CVMX_DONT_INCLUDE_CONFIG #include "executive-config.h" #endif #endif #include "cvmx-helper.h" #include "cvmx-helper-util.h" #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #define CVMX_PIP_NUM_INPUT_PORTS 46 /* * Encodes the different error and exception codes */ typedef enum { CVMX_PIP_L4_NO_ERR = 0ull, /* 1 = TCP (UDP) packet not long enough to cover TCP (UDP) header */ CVMX_PIP_L4_MAL_ERR = 1ull, /* 2 = TCP/UDP checksum failure */ CVMX_PIP_CHK_ERR = 2ull, /* 3 = TCP/UDP length check (TCP/UDP length does not match IP length) */ CVMX_PIP_L4_LENGTH_ERR = 3ull, /* 4 = illegal TCP/UDP port (either source or dest port is zero) */ CVMX_PIP_BAD_PRT_ERR = 4ull, /* 8 = TCP flags = FIN only */ CVMX_PIP_TCP_FLG8_ERR = 8ull, /* 9 = TCP flags = 0 */ CVMX_PIP_TCP_FLG9_ERR = 9ull, /* 10 = TCP flags = FIN+RST+* */ CVMX_PIP_TCP_FLG10_ERR = 10ull, /* 11 = TCP flags = SYN+URG+* */ CVMX_PIP_TCP_FLG11_ERR = 11ull, /* 12 = TCP flags = SYN+RST+* */ CVMX_PIP_TCP_FLG12_ERR = 12ull, /* 13 = TCP flags = SYN+FIN+* */ CVMX_PIP_TCP_FLG13_ERR = 13ull } cvmx_pip_l4_err_t; typedef enum { CVMX_PIP_IP_NO_ERR = 0ull, /* 1 = not IPv4 or IPv6 */ CVMX_PIP_NOT_IP = 1ull, /* 2 = IPv4 header checksum violation */ CVMX_PIP_IPV4_HDR_CHK = 2ull, /* 3 = malformed (packet not long enough to cover IP hdr) */ CVMX_PIP_IP_MAL_HDR = 3ull, /* 4 = malformed (packet not long enough to cover len in IP hdr) */ CVMX_PIP_IP_MAL_PKT = 4ull, /* 5 = TTL / hop count equal zero */ CVMX_PIP_TTL_HOP = 5ull, /* 6 = IPv4 options / IPv6 early extension headers */ CVMX_PIP_OPTS = 6ull } cvmx_pip_ip_exc_t; /** * NOTES * late collision (data received before collision) * late collisions cannot be detected by the receiver * they would appear as JAM bits which would appear as bad FCS * or carrier extend error which is CVMX_PIP_EXTEND_ERR */ typedef enum { /** * No error */ CVMX_PIP_RX_NO_ERR = 0ull, CVMX_PIP_PARTIAL_ERR = 1ull, /* RGM+SPI 1 = partially received packet (buffering/bandwidth not adequate) */ CVMX_PIP_JABBER_ERR = 2ull, /* RGM+SPI 2 = receive packet too large and truncated */ CVMX_PIP_OVER_FCS_ERR = 3ull, /* RGM 3 = max frame error (pkt len > max frame len) (with FCS error) */ CVMX_PIP_OVER_ERR = 4ull, /* RGM+SPI 4 = max frame error (pkt len > max frame len) */ CVMX_PIP_ALIGN_ERR = 5ull, /* RGM 5 = nibble error (data not byte multiple - 100M and 10M only) */ CVMX_PIP_UNDER_FCS_ERR = 6ull, /* RGM 6 = min frame error (pkt len < min frame len) (with FCS error) */ CVMX_PIP_GMX_FCS_ERR = 7ull, /* RGM 7 = FCS error */ CVMX_PIP_UNDER_ERR = 8ull, /* RGM+SPI 8 = min frame error (pkt len < min frame len) */ CVMX_PIP_EXTEND_ERR = 9ull, /* RGM 9 = Frame carrier extend error */ CVMX_PIP_TERMINATE_ERR = 9ull, /* XAUI 9 = Packet was terminated with an idle cycle */ CVMX_PIP_LENGTH_ERR = 10ull, /* RGM 10 = length mismatch (len did not match len in L2 length/type) */ CVMX_PIP_DAT_ERR = 11ull, /* RGM 11 = Frame error (some or all data bits marked err) */ CVMX_PIP_DIP_ERR = 11ull, /* SPI 11 = DIP4 error */ CVMX_PIP_SKIP_ERR = 12ull, /* RGM 12 = packet was not large enough to pass the skipper - no inspection could occur */ CVMX_PIP_NIBBLE_ERR = 13ull, /* RGM 13 = studder error (data not repeated - 100M and 10M only) */ CVMX_PIP_PIP_FCS = 16L, /* RGM+SPI 16 = FCS error */ CVMX_PIP_PIP_SKIP_ERR = 17L, /* RGM+SPI+PCI 17 = packet was not large enough to pass the skipper - no inspection could occur */ CVMX_PIP_PIP_L2_MAL_HDR= 18L, /* RGM+SPI+PCI 18 = malformed l2 (packet not long enough to cover L2 hdr) */ CVMX_PIP_PUNY_ERR = 47L /* SGMII 47 = PUNY error (packet was 4B or less when FCS stripping is enabled) */ /* NOTES * xx = late collision (data received before collision) * late collisions cannot be detected by the receiver * they would appear as JAM bits which would appear as bad FCS * or carrier extend error which is CVMX_PIP_EXTEND_ERR */ } cvmx_pip_rcv_err_t; /** * This defines the err_code field errors in the work Q entry */ typedef union { cvmx_pip_l4_err_t l4_err; cvmx_pip_ip_exc_t ip_exc; cvmx_pip_rcv_err_t rcv_err; } cvmx_pip_err_t; /** * Status statistics for a port */ typedef struct { uint32_t dropped_octets; /**< Inbound octets marked to be dropped by the IPD */ uint32_t dropped_packets; /**< Inbound packets marked to be dropped by the IPD */ uint32_t pci_raw_packets; /**< RAW PCI Packets received by PIP per port */ uint32_t octets; /**< Number of octets processed by PIP */ uint32_t packets; /**< Number of packets processed by PIP */ uint32_t multicast_packets; /**< Number of indentified L2 multicast packets. Does not include broadcast packets. Only includes packets whose parse mode is SKIP_TO_L2 */ uint32_t broadcast_packets; /**< Number of indentified L2 broadcast packets. Does not include multicast packets. Only includes packets whose parse mode is SKIP_TO_L2 */ uint32_t len_64_packets; /**< Number of 64B packets */ uint32_t len_65_127_packets; /**< Number of 65-127B packets */ uint32_t len_128_255_packets; /**< Number of 128-255B packets */ uint32_t len_256_511_packets; /**< Number of 256-511B packets */ uint32_t len_512_1023_packets; /**< Number of 512-1023B packets */ uint32_t len_1024_1518_packets; /**< Number of 1024-1518B packets */ uint32_t len_1519_max_packets; /**< Number of 1519-max packets */ uint32_t fcs_align_err_packets; /**< Number of packets with FCS or Align opcode errors */ uint32_t runt_packets; /**< Number of packets with length < min */ uint32_t runt_crc_packets; /**< Number of packets with length < min and FCS error */ uint32_t oversize_packets; /**< Number of packets with length > max */ uint32_t oversize_crc_packets; /**< Number of packets with length > max and FCS error */ uint32_t inb_packets; /**< Number of packets without GMX/SPX/PCI errors received by PIP */ uint64_t inb_octets; /**< Total number of octets from all packets received by PIP, including CRC */ uint16_t inb_errors; /**< Number of packets with GMX/SPX/PCI errors received by PIP */ uint32_t mcast_l2_red_packets; /**< Number of packets with L2 Multicast DMAC that were dropped due to RED. The HW will consider a packet to be an L2 multicast packet when the least-significant bit of the first byte of the DMAC is set and the packet is not an L2 broadcast packet. Only applies when the parse mode for the packets is SKIP-TO-L2 */ uint32_t bcast_l2_red_packets; /**< Number of packets with L2 Broadcast DMAC that were dropped due to RED. The HW will consider a packet to be an L2 broadcast packet when the 48-bit DMAC is all 1's. Only applies when the parse mode for the packets is SKIP-TO-L2 */ uint32_t mcast_l3_red_packets; /**< Number of packets with L3 Multicast Dest Address that were dropped due to RED. The HW considers an IPv4 packet to be multicast when the most-significant nibble of the 32-bit destination address is 0xE (i.e it is a class D address). The HW considers an IPv6 packet to be multicast when the most-significant byte of the 128-bit destination address is all 1's. Only applies when the parse mode for the packets is SKIP-TO-L2 and the packet is IP or the parse mode for the packet is SKIP-TO-IP */ uint32_t bcast_l3_red_packets; /**< Number of packets with L3 Broadcast Dest Address that were dropped due to RED. The HW considers an IPv4 packet to be broadcast when all bits are set in the MSB of the destination address. IPv6 does not have the concept of a broadcast packets. Only applies when the parse mode for the packet is SKIP-TO-L2 and the packet is IP or the parse mode for the packet is SKIP-TO-IP */ } cvmx_pip_port_status_t; /** * Definition of the PIP custom header that can be prepended * to a packet by external hardware. */ typedef union { uint64_t u64; struct { uint64_t rawfull : 1; /**< Documented as R - Set if the Packet is RAWFULL. If set, this header must be the full 8 bytes */ uint64_t reserved0 : 5; /**< Must be zero */ cvmx_pip_port_parse_mode_t parse_mode : 2; /**< PIP parse mode for this packet */ uint64_t reserved1 : 1; /**< Must be zero */ uint64_t skip_len : 7; /**< Skip amount, including this header, to the beginning of the packet */ uint64_t grpext : 2; /**< These bits get concatenated with the PKT_INST_HDR[GRP] bits, creating a 6-bit GRP field. Added in pass2. */ uint64_t nqos : 1; /**< Must be 0 when PKT_INST_HDR[R] = 0. When set to 1, NQOS prevents PIP from directly using PKT_INST_HDR[QOS] for the QOS value in WQE. When PIP_GBL_CTL[IHMSK_DIS] = 1, Octeon2 does not use NQOS */ uint64_t ngrp : 1; /**< Must be 0 when PKT_INST_HDR[R] = 0. When set to 1, NGPR prevents PIP from directly using PKT_INST_HDR[GPR] for the GPR value in WQE. When PIP_GBL_CTL[IHMSK_DIS] = 1, Octeon2 does not use NGRP */ uint64_t ntt : 1; /**< Must be 0 when PKT_INST_HDR[R] = 0. When set to 1, NTT prevents PIP from directly using PKT_INST_HDR[TT] for the TT value in WQE. When PIP_GBL_CTL[IHMSK_DIS] = 1, Octeon2 does not use NTT */ uint64_t ntag : 1; /**< Must be 0 when PKT_INST_HDR[R] = 0. When set to 1, NTAG prevents PIP from directly using PKT_INST_HDR[TAG] for the TAG value in WQE. When PIP_GBL_CTL[IHMSK_DIS] = 1, Octeon2 does not use NTAG */ uint64_t qos : 3; /**< POW input queue for this packet */ uint64_t grp : 4; /**< POW input group for this packet */ uint64_t rs : 1; /**< Flag to store this packet in the work queue entry, if possible */ cvmx_pow_tag_type_t tag_type : 2; /**< POW input tag type */ uint64_t tag : 32; /**< POW input tag */ } s; } cvmx_pip_pkt_inst_hdr_t; /* CSR typedefs have been moved to cvmx-pip-defs.h */ /** * Configure an ethernet input port * * @param port_num Port number to configure * @param port_cfg Port hardware configuration * @param port_tag_cfg * Port POW tagging configuration */ static inline void cvmx_pip_config_port(uint64_t port_num, cvmx_pip_prt_cfgx_t port_cfg, cvmx_pip_prt_tagx_t port_tag_cfg) { if (octeon_has_feature(OCTEON_FEATURE_PKND)) { int interface, index, pknd; interface = cvmx_helper_get_interface_num(port_num); index = cvmx_helper_get_interface_index_num(port_num); pknd = cvmx_helper_get_pknd(interface, index); port_num = pknd; /* overload port_num with pknd */ } cvmx_write_csr(CVMX_PIP_PRT_CFGX(port_num), port_cfg.u64); cvmx_write_csr(CVMX_PIP_PRT_TAGX(port_num), port_tag_cfg.u64); } /** * Configure the VLAN priority to QoS queue mapping. * * @param vlan_priority * VLAN priority (0-7) * @param qos QoS queue for packets matching this watcher */ static inline void cvmx_pip_config_vlan_qos(uint64_t vlan_priority, uint64_t qos) { if (octeon_has_feature(OCTEON_FEATURE_PKND)) { /* FIXME for 68xx. */ } else { cvmx_pip_qos_vlanx_t pip_qos_vlanx; pip_qos_vlanx.u64 = 0; pip_qos_vlanx.s.qos = qos; cvmx_write_csr(CVMX_PIP_QOS_VLANX(vlan_priority), pip_qos_vlanx.u64); } } /** * Configure the Diffserv to QoS queue mapping. * * @param diffserv Diffserv field value (0-63) * @param qos QoS queue for packets matching this watcher */ static inline void cvmx_pip_config_diffserv_qos(uint64_t diffserv, uint64_t qos) { if (octeon_has_feature(OCTEON_FEATURE_PKND)) { /* FIXME for 68xx. */ } else { cvmx_pip_qos_diffx_t pip_qos_diffx; pip_qos_diffx.u64 = 0; pip_qos_diffx.s.qos = qos; cvmx_write_csr(CVMX_PIP_QOS_DIFFX(diffserv), pip_qos_diffx.u64); } } /** * Get the status counters for a port. * * @param port_num Port number (ipd_port) to get statistics for. * @param clear Set to 1 to clear the counters after they are read * @param status Where to put the results. */ static inline void cvmx_pip_get_port_status(uint64_t port_num, uint64_t clear, cvmx_pip_port_status_t *status) { cvmx_pip_stat_ctl_t pip_stat_ctl; cvmx_pip_stat0_prtx_t stat0; cvmx_pip_stat1_prtx_t stat1; cvmx_pip_stat2_prtx_t stat2; cvmx_pip_stat3_prtx_t stat3; cvmx_pip_stat4_prtx_t stat4; cvmx_pip_stat5_prtx_t stat5; cvmx_pip_stat6_prtx_t stat6; cvmx_pip_stat7_prtx_t stat7; cvmx_pip_stat8_prtx_t stat8; cvmx_pip_stat9_prtx_t stat9; cvmx_pip_stat10_x_t stat10; cvmx_pip_stat11_x_t stat11; cvmx_pip_stat_inb_pktsx_t pip_stat_inb_pktsx; cvmx_pip_stat_inb_octsx_t pip_stat_inb_octsx; cvmx_pip_stat_inb_errsx_t pip_stat_inb_errsx; int interface = cvmx_helper_get_interface_num(port_num); int index = cvmx_helper_get_interface_index_num(port_num); pip_stat_ctl.u64 = 0; pip_stat_ctl.s.rdclr = clear; cvmx_write_csr(CVMX_PIP_STAT_CTL, pip_stat_ctl.u64); if (octeon_has_feature(OCTEON_FEATURE_PKND)) { int pknd = cvmx_helper_get_pknd(interface, index); /* * PIP_STAT_CTL[MODE] 0 means pkind. */ stat0.u64 = cvmx_read_csr(CVMX_PIP_STAT0_X(pknd)); stat1.u64 = cvmx_read_csr(CVMX_PIP_STAT1_X(pknd)); stat2.u64 = cvmx_read_csr(CVMX_PIP_STAT2_X(pknd)); stat3.u64 = cvmx_read_csr(CVMX_PIP_STAT3_X(pknd)); stat4.u64 = cvmx_read_csr(CVMX_PIP_STAT4_X(pknd)); stat5.u64 = cvmx_read_csr(CVMX_PIP_STAT5_X(pknd)); stat6.u64 = cvmx_read_csr(CVMX_PIP_STAT6_X(pknd)); stat7.u64 = cvmx_read_csr(CVMX_PIP_STAT7_X(pknd)); stat8.u64 = cvmx_read_csr(CVMX_PIP_STAT8_X(pknd)); stat9.u64 = cvmx_read_csr(CVMX_PIP_STAT9_X(pknd)); stat10.u64 = cvmx_read_csr(CVMX_PIP_STAT10_X(pknd)); stat11.u64 = cvmx_read_csr(CVMX_PIP_STAT11_X(pknd)); } else { if (port_num >= 40) { stat0.u64 = cvmx_read_csr(CVMX_PIP_XSTAT0_PRTX(port_num)); stat1.u64 = cvmx_read_csr(CVMX_PIP_XSTAT1_PRTX(port_num)); stat2.u64 = cvmx_read_csr(CVMX_PIP_XSTAT2_PRTX(port_num)); stat3.u64 = cvmx_read_csr(CVMX_PIP_XSTAT3_PRTX(port_num)); stat4.u64 = cvmx_read_csr(CVMX_PIP_XSTAT4_PRTX(port_num)); stat5.u64 = cvmx_read_csr(CVMX_PIP_XSTAT5_PRTX(port_num)); stat6.u64 = cvmx_read_csr(CVMX_PIP_XSTAT6_PRTX(port_num)); stat7.u64 = cvmx_read_csr(CVMX_PIP_XSTAT7_PRTX(port_num)); stat8.u64 = cvmx_read_csr(CVMX_PIP_XSTAT8_PRTX(port_num)); stat9.u64 = cvmx_read_csr(CVMX_PIP_XSTAT9_PRTX(port_num)); if (OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CN6XXX)) { stat10.u64 = cvmx_read_csr(CVMX_PIP_XSTAT10_PRTX(port_num)); stat11.u64 = cvmx_read_csr(CVMX_PIP_XSTAT11_PRTX(port_num)); } } else { stat0.u64 = cvmx_read_csr(CVMX_PIP_STAT0_PRTX(port_num)); stat1.u64 = cvmx_read_csr(CVMX_PIP_STAT1_PRTX(port_num)); stat2.u64 = cvmx_read_csr(CVMX_PIP_STAT2_PRTX(port_num)); stat3.u64 = cvmx_read_csr(CVMX_PIP_STAT3_PRTX(port_num)); stat4.u64 = cvmx_read_csr(CVMX_PIP_STAT4_PRTX(port_num)); stat5.u64 = cvmx_read_csr(CVMX_PIP_STAT5_PRTX(port_num)); stat6.u64 = cvmx_read_csr(CVMX_PIP_STAT6_PRTX(port_num)); stat7.u64 = cvmx_read_csr(CVMX_PIP_STAT7_PRTX(port_num)); stat8.u64 = cvmx_read_csr(CVMX_PIP_STAT8_PRTX(port_num)); stat9.u64 = cvmx_read_csr(CVMX_PIP_STAT9_PRTX(port_num)); if (OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CN52XX) || OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CN56XX) || OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CN6XXX) || OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF7XXX)) { stat10.u64 = cvmx_read_csr(CVMX_PIP_STAT10_PRTX(port_num)); stat11.u64 = cvmx_read_csr(CVMX_PIP_STAT11_PRTX(port_num)); } } } if (octeon_has_feature(OCTEON_FEATURE_PKND)) { int pknd = cvmx_helper_get_pknd(interface, index); pip_stat_inb_pktsx.u64 = cvmx_read_csr(CVMX_PIP_STAT_INB_PKTS_PKNDX(pknd)); pip_stat_inb_octsx.u64 = cvmx_read_csr(CVMX_PIP_STAT_INB_OCTS_PKNDX(pknd)); pip_stat_inb_errsx.u64 = cvmx_read_csr(CVMX_PIP_STAT_INB_ERRS_PKNDX(pknd)); } else { pip_stat_inb_pktsx.u64 = cvmx_read_csr(CVMX_PIP_STAT_INB_PKTSX(port_num)); pip_stat_inb_octsx.u64 = cvmx_read_csr(CVMX_PIP_STAT_INB_OCTSX(port_num)); pip_stat_inb_errsx.u64 = cvmx_read_csr(CVMX_PIP_STAT_INB_ERRSX(port_num)); } status->dropped_octets = stat0.s.drp_octs; status->dropped_packets = stat0.s.drp_pkts; status->octets = stat1.s.octs; status->pci_raw_packets = stat2.s.raw; status->packets = stat2.s.pkts; status->multicast_packets = stat3.s.mcst; status->broadcast_packets = stat3.s.bcst; status->len_64_packets = stat4.s.h64; status->len_65_127_packets = stat4.s.h65to127; status->len_128_255_packets = stat5.s.h128to255; status->len_256_511_packets = stat5.s.h256to511; status->len_512_1023_packets = stat6.s.h512to1023; status->len_1024_1518_packets = stat6.s.h1024to1518; status->len_1519_max_packets = stat7.s.h1519; status->fcs_align_err_packets = stat7.s.fcs; status->runt_packets = stat8.s.undersz; status->runt_crc_packets = stat8.s.frag; status->oversize_packets = stat9.s.oversz; status->oversize_crc_packets = stat9.s.jabber; if (OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CN52XX) || OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CN56XX) || OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CN6XXX) || OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF7XXX)) { status->mcast_l2_red_packets = stat10.s.mcast; status->bcast_l2_red_packets = stat10.s.bcast; status->mcast_l3_red_packets = stat11.s.mcast; status->bcast_l3_red_packets = stat11.s.bcast; } status->inb_packets = pip_stat_inb_pktsx.s.pkts; status->inb_octets = pip_stat_inb_octsx.s.octs; status->inb_errors = pip_stat_inb_errsx.s.errs; } /** * Configure the hardware CRC engine * * @param interface Interface to configure (0 or 1) * @param invert_result * Invert the result of the CRC * @param reflect Reflect * @param initialization_vector * CRC initialization vector */ static inline void cvmx_pip_config_crc(uint64_t interface, uint64_t invert_result, uint64_t reflect, uint32_t initialization_vector) { if ((OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CN38XX) || OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CN58XX))) { cvmx_pip_crc_ctlx_t config; cvmx_pip_crc_ivx_t pip_crc_ivx; config.u64 = 0; config.s.invres = invert_result; config.s.reflect = reflect; cvmx_write_csr(CVMX_PIP_CRC_CTLX(interface), config.u64); pip_crc_ivx.u64 = 0; pip_crc_ivx.s.iv = initialization_vector; cvmx_write_csr(CVMX_PIP_CRC_IVX(interface), pip_crc_ivx.u64); } } /** * Clear all bits in a tag mask. This should be called on * startup before any calls to cvmx_pip_tag_mask_set. Each bit * set in the final mask represent a byte used in the packet for * tag generation. * * @param mask_index Which tag mask to clear (0..3) */ static inline void cvmx_pip_tag_mask_clear(uint64_t mask_index) { uint64_t index; cvmx_pip_tag_incx_t pip_tag_incx; pip_tag_incx.u64 = 0; pip_tag_incx.s.en = 0; for (index=mask_index*16; index<(mask_index+1)*16; index++) cvmx_write_csr(CVMX_PIP_TAG_INCX(index), pip_tag_incx.u64); } /** * Sets a range of bits in the tag mask. The tag mask is used * when the cvmx_pip_port_tag_cfg_t tag_mode is non zero. * There are four separate masks that can be configured. * * @param mask_index Which tag mask to modify (0..3) * @param offset Offset into the bitmask to set bits at. Use the GCC macro * offsetof() to determine the offsets into packet headers. * For example, offsetof(ethhdr, protocol) returns the offset * of the ethernet protocol field. The bitmask selects which bytes * to include the the tag, with bit offset X selecting byte at offset X * from the beginning of the packet data. * @param len Number of bytes to include. Usually this is the sizeof() * the field. */ static inline void cvmx_pip_tag_mask_set(uint64_t mask_index, uint64_t offset, uint64_t len) { while (len--) { cvmx_pip_tag_incx_t pip_tag_incx; uint64_t index = mask_index*16 + offset/8; pip_tag_incx.u64 = cvmx_read_csr(CVMX_PIP_TAG_INCX(index)); pip_tag_incx.s.en |= 0x80 >> (offset & 0x7); cvmx_write_csr(CVMX_PIP_TAG_INCX(index), pip_tag_incx.u64); offset++; } } /** * Initialize Bit Select Extractor config. Their are 8 bit positions and valids * to be used when using the corresponding extractor. * * @param bit Bit Select Extractor to use * @param pos Which position to update * @param val The value to update the position with */ static inline void cvmx_pip_set_bsel_pos(int bit, int pos, int val) { cvmx_pip_bsel_ext_posx_t bsel_pos; /* The bit select extractor is available in CN61XX and CN68XX pass2.0 onwards. */ if (!octeon_has_feature(OCTEON_FEATURE_BIT_EXTRACTOR)) return; if (bit < 0 || bit > 3) { cvmx_dprintf("ERROR: cvmx_pip_set_bsel_pos: Invalid Bit-Select Extractor (%d) passed\n", bit); return; } bsel_pos.u64 = cvmx_read_csr(CVMX_PIP_BSEL_EXT_POSX(bit)); switch(pos) { case 0: bsel_pos.s.pos0_val = 1; bsel_pos.s.pos0 = val & 0x7f; break; case 1: bsel_pos.s.pos1_val = 1; bsel_pos.s.pos1 = val & 0x7f; break; case 2: bsel_pos.s.pos2_val = 1; bsel_pos.s.pos2 = val & 0x7f; break; case 3: bsel_pos.s.pos3_val = 1; bsel_pos.s.pos3 = val & 0x7f; break; case 4: bsel_pos.s.pos4_val = 1; bsel_pos.s.pos4 = val & 0x7f; break; case 5: bsel_pos.s.pos5_val = 1; bsel_pos.s.pos5 = val & 0x7f; break; case 6: bsel_pos.s.pos6_val = 1; bsel_pos.s.pos6 = val & 0x7f; break; case 7: bsel_pos.s.pos7_val = 1; bsel_pos.s.pos7 = val & 0x7f; break; default: cvmx_dprintf("Warning: cvmx_pip_set_bsel_pos: Invalid pos(%d)\n", pos); break; } cvmx_write_csr(CVMX_PIP_BSEL_EXT_POSX(bit), bsel_pos.u64); } /** * Initialize offset and skip values to use by bit select extractor. * @param bit Bit Select Extractor to use * @param offset Offset to add to extractor mem addr to get final address to lookup table. * @param skip Number of bytes to skip from start of packet 0-64 */ static inline void cvmx_pip_bsel_config(int bit, int offset, int skip) { cvmx_pip_bsel_ext_cfgx_t bsel_cfg; /* The bit select extractor is available in CN61XX and CN68XX pass2.0 onwards. */ if (!octeon_has_feature(OCTEON_FEATURE_BIT_EXTRACTOR)) return; bsel_cfg.u64 = cvmx_read_csr(CVMX_PIP_BSEL_EXT_CFGX(bit)); bsel_cfg.s.offset = offset; bsel_cfg.s.skip = skip; cvmx_write_csr(CVMX_PIP_BSEL_EXT_CFGX(bit), bsel_cfg.u64); } /** * Get the entry for the Bit Select Extractor Table. * @param work pointer to work queue entry * @return Index of the Bit Select Extractor Table */ static inline int cvmx_pip_get_bsel_table_index(cvmx_wqe_t *work) { int bit = cvmx_wqe_get_port(work) & 0x3; /* Get the Bit select table index. */ int index; int y; cvmx_pip_bsel_ext_cfgx_t bsel_cfg; cvmx_pip_bsel_ext_posx_t bsel_pos; /* The bit select extractor is available in CN61XX and CN68XX pass2.0 onwards. */ if (!octeon_has_feature(OCTEON_FEATURE_BIT_EXTRACTOR)) return -1; bsel_cfg.u64 = cvmx_read_csr(CVMX_PIP_BSEL_EXT_CFGX(bit)); bsel_pos.u64 = cvmx_read_csr(CVMX_PIP_BSEL_EXT_POSX(bit)); index = 0; for (y = 0; y < 8; y++) { char *ptr = (char *)cvmx_phys_to_ptr(work->packet_ptr.s.addr); int bit_loc = 0; int bit; ptr += bsel_cfg.s.skip; switch(y) { case 0: ptr += (bsel_pos.s.pos0 >> 3); bit_loc = 7 - (bsel_pos.s.pos0 & 0x3); break; case 1: ptr += (bsel_pos.s.pos1 >> 3); bit_loc = 7 - (bsel_pos.s.pos1 & 0x3); break; case 2: ptr += (bsel_pos.s.pos2 >> 3); bit_loc = 7 - (bsel_pos.s.pos2 & 0x3); break; case 3: ptr += (bsel_pos.s.pos3 >> 3); bit_loc = 7 - (bsel_pos.s.pos3 & 0x3); break; case 4: ptr += (bsel_pos.s.pos4 >> 3); bit_loc = 7 - (bsel_pos.s.pos4 & 0x3); break; case 5: ptr += (bsel_pos.s.pos5 >> 3); bit_loc = 7 - (bsel_pos.s.pos5 & 0x3); break; case 6: ptr += (bsel_pos.s.pos6 >> 3); bit_loc = 7 - (bsel_pos.s.pos6 & 0x3); break; case 7: ptr += (bsel_pos.s.pos7 >> 3); bit_loc = 7 - (bsel_pos.s.pos7 & 0x3); break; } bit = (*ptr >> bit_loc) & 1; index |= bit << y; } index += bsel_cfg.s.offset; index &= 0x1ff; return index; } static inline int cvmx_pip_get_bsel_qos(cvmx_wqe_t *work) { int index = cvmx_pip_get_bsel_table_index(work); cvmx_pip_bsel_tbl_entx_t bsel_tbl; /* The bit select extractor is available in CN61XX and CN68XX pass2.0 onwards. */ if (!octeon_has_feature(OCTEON_FEATURE_BIT_EXTRACTOR)) return -1; bsel_tbl.u64 = cvmx_read_csr(CVMX_PIP_BSEL_TBL_ENTX(index)); return bsel_tbl.s.qos; } static inline int cvmx_pip_get_bsel_grp(cvmx_wqe_t *work) { int index = cvmx_pip_get_bsel_table_index(work); cvmx_pip_bsel_tbl_entx_t bsel_tbl; /* The bit select extractor is available in CN61XX and CN68XX pass2.0 onwards. */ if (!octeon_has_feature(OCTEON_FEATURE_BIT_EXTRACTOR)) return -1; bsel_tbl.u64 = cvmx_read_csr(CVMX_PIP_BSEL_TBL_ENTX(index)); return bsel_tbl.s.grp; } static inline int cvmx_pip_get_bsel_tt(cvmx_wqe_t *work) { int index = cvmx_pip_get_bsel_table_index(work); cvmx_pip_bsel_tbl_entx_t bsel_tbl; /* The bit select extractor is available in CN61XX and CN68XX pass2.0 onwards. */ if (!octeon_has_feature(OCTEON_FEATURE_BIT_EXTRACTOR)) return -1; bsel_tbl.u64 = cvmx_read_csr(CVMX_PIP_BSEL_TBL_ENTX(index)); return bsel_tbl.s.tt; } static inline int cvmx_pip_get_bsel_tag(cvmx_wqe_t *work) { int index = cvmx_pip_get_bsel_table_index(work); int port = cvmx_wqe_get_port(work); int bit = port & 0x3; int upper_tag = 0; cvmx_pip_bsel_tbl_entx_t bsel_tbl; cvmx_pip_bsel_ext_cfgx_t bsel_cfg; cvmx_pip_prt_tagx_t prt_tag; /* The bit select extractor is available in CN61XX and CN68XX pass2.0 onwards. */ if (!octeon_has_feature(OCTEON_FEATURE_BIT_EXTRACTOR)) return -1; bsel_tbl.u64 = cvmx_read_csr(CVMX_PIP_BSEL_TBL_ENTX(index)); bsel_cfg.u64 = cvmx_read_csr(CVMX_PIP_BSEL_EXT_CFGX(bit)); prt_tag.u64 = cvmx_read_csr(CVMX_PIP_PRT_TAGX(port)); if (prt_tag.s.inc_prt_flag == 0) upper_tag = bsel_cfg.s.upper_tag; return (bsel_tbl.s.tag | ((bsel_cfg.s.tag << 8) & 0xff00) | ((upper_tag << 16) & 0xffff0000)); } #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* __CVMX_PIP_H__ */