; RUN: not llc -march=amdgcn < %s 2>&1 | FileCheck %s ; Make sure that AMDGPUPromoteAlloca doesn't crash if the called ; function is a constantexpr cast of a function. declare void @foo(float*) #0 declare void @foo.varargs(...) #0 ; CHECK: in function crash_call_constexpr_cast{{.*}}: unsupported call to function foo define amdgpu_kernel void @crash_call_constexpr_cast() #0 { %alloca = alloca i32 call void bitcast (void (float*)* @foo to void (i32*)*)(i32* %alloca) #0 ret void } ; CHECK: in function crash_call_constexpr_cast{{.*}}: unsupported call to function foo.varargs define amdgpu_kernel void @crash_call_constexpr_cast_varargs() #0 { %alloca = alloca i32 call void bitcast (void (...)* @foo.varargs to void (i32*)*)(i32* %alloca) #0 ret void } attributes #0 = { nounwind }