// RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple x86_64-apple-darwin -std=c++0x -S %s -o %t-64.s // RUN: FileCheck -check-prefix LP64 --input-file=%t-64.s %s // RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple i386-apple-darwin -std=c++0x -S %s -o %t-32.s // RUN: FileCheck -check-prefix LP32 --input-file=%t-32.s %s // Ranking implicit conversion sequences extern "C" int printf(...); struct A { int Ai; bool foo(int* arg) const; }; bool A::foo(int* arg) const { printf("A::foo(%d)\n", *arg); return true; } struct B : public A { void bf() { printf("B::bf called\n"); } }; struct C : public B { }; // conversion of B::* to C::* is better than conversion of A::* to C::* typedef void (A::*pmfa)(); typedef void (B::*pmfb)(); typedef void (C::*pmfc)(); struct X { operator pmfa(); operator pmfb() { return &B::bf; } }; void g(pmfc pm) { C c; (c.*pm)(); } void test2(X x) { g(x); } struct B1 { bool (A::*pmf)(int*) const; B1(int i) : pmf(&A::foo), im(i) { ((A*)this->*pmf)(&im); } int im; }; int main() { X x; test2(x); B1 b = B1(1); B1 c = B1(2); } // CHECK-LP64: callq __ZN1XcvM1BFvvEEv // CHECK-LP64: callq __Z1gM1CFvvE // CHECK-LP32: call L__ZN1XcvM1BFvvEEv // CHECK-LP32: call __Z1gM1CFvvE