; RUN: opt -passes='print,loop(unswitch,loop-instsimplify),print' -enable-nontrivial-unswitch -S < %s 2>%t.scev | FileCheck %s ; RUN: FileCheck %s --check-prefix=SCEV < %t.scev target triple = "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu" declare void @f() ; Check that trivially unswitching an inner loop resets both the inner and outer ; loop trip count. define void @test1(i32 %n, i32 %m, i1 %cond) { ; Check that SCEV has no trip count before unswitching. ; SCEV-LABEL: Determining loop execution counts for: @test1 ; SCEV: Loop %inner_loop_begin: Unpredictable backedge-taken count. ; SCEV: Loop %outer_loop_begin: Unpredictable backedge-taken count. ; ; Now check that after unswitching and simplifying instructions we get clean ; backedge-taken counts. ; SCEV-LABEL: Determining loop execution counts for: @test1 ; SCEV: Loop %inner_loop_begin: backedge-taken count is (-1 + (1 smax %m)) ; SCEV: Loop %outer_loop_begin: backedge-taken count is (-1 + (1 smax %n)) ; ; And verify the code matches what we expect. ; CHECK-LABEL: define void @test1( entry: br label %outer_loop_begin ; Ensure the outer loop didn't get unswitched. ; CHECK: entry: ; CHECK-NEXT: br label %outer_loop_begin outer_loop_begin: %i = phi i32 [ %i.next, %outer_loop_latch ], [ 0, %entry ] ; Block unswitching of the outer loop with a noduplicate call. call void @f() noduplicate br label %inner_loop_begin ; Ensure the inner loop got unswitched into the outer loop. ; CHECK: outer_loop_begin: ; CHECK-NEXT: %{{.*}} = phi i32 ; CHECK-NEXT: call void @f() ; CHECK-NEXT: br i1 %cond, inner_loop_begin: %j = phi i32 [ %j.next, %inner_loop_latch ], [ 0, %outer_loop_begin ] br i1 %cond, label %inner_loop_latch, label %inner_loop_early_exit inner_loop_latch: %j.next = add nsw i32 %j, 1 %j.cmp = icmp slt i32 %j.next, %m br i1 %j.cmp, label %inner_loop_begin, label %inner_loop_late_exit inner_loop_early_exit: %j.lcssa = phi i32 [ %i, %inner_loop_begin ] br label %outer_loop_latch inner_loop_late_exit: br label %outer_loop_latch outer_loop_latch: %i.phi = phi i32 [ %j.lcssa, %inner_loop_early_exit ], [ %i, %inner_loop_late_exit ] %i.next = add nsw i32 %i.phi, 1 %i.cmp = icmp slt i32 %i.next, %n br i1 %i.cmp, label %outer_loop_begin, label %exit exit: ret void } ; Check that trivially unswitching an inner loop resets both the inner and outer ; loop trip count. define void @test2(i32 %n, i32 %m, i32 %cond) { ; Check that SCEV has no trip count before unswitching. ; SCEV-LABEL: Determining loop execution counts for: @test2 ; SCEV: Loop %inner_loop_begin: Unpredictable backedge-taken count. ; SCEV: Loop %outer_loop_begin: Unpredictable backedge-taken count. ; ; Now check that after unswitching and simplifying instructions we get clean ; backedge-taken counts. ; SCEV-LABEL: Determining loop execution counts for: @test2 ; SCEV: Loop %inner_loop_begin: backedge-taken count is (-1 + (1 smax %m)) ; SCEV: Loop %outer_loop_begin: backedge-taken count is (-1 + (1 smax %n)) ; ; CHECK-LABEL: define void @test2( entry: br label %outer_loop_begin ; Ensure the outer loop didn't get unswitched. ; CHECK: entry: ; CHECK-NEXT: br label %outer_loop_begin outer_loop_begin: %i = phi i32 [ %i.next, %outer_loop_latch ], [ 0, %entry ] ; Block unswitching of the outer loop with a noduplicate call. call void @f() noduplicate br label %inner_loop_begin ; Ensure the inner loop got unswitched into the outer loop. ; CHECK: outer_loop_begin: ; CHECK-NEXT: %{{.*}} = phi i32 ; CHECK-NEXT: call void @f() ; CHECK-NEXT: switch i32 %cond, inner_loop_begin: %j = phi i32 [ %j.next, %inner_loop_latch ], [ 0, %outer_loop_begin ] switch i32 %cond, label %inner_loop_early_exit [ i32 1, label %inner_loop_latch i32 2, label %inner_loop_latch ] inner_loop_latch: %j.next = add nsw i32 %j, 1 %j.cmp = icmp slt i32 %j.next, %m br i1 %j.cmp, label %inner_loop_begin, label %inner_loop_late_exit inner_loop_early_exit: %j.lcssa = phi i32 [ %i, %inner_loop_begin ] br label %outer_loop_latch inner_loop_late_exit: br label %outer_loop_latch outer_loop_latch: %i.phi = phi i32 [ %j.lcssa, %inner_loop_early_exit ], [ %i, %inner_loop_late_exit ] %i.next = add nsw i32 %i.phi, 1 %i.cmp = icmp slt i32 %i.next, %n br i1 %i.cmp, label %outer_loop_begin, label %exit exit: ret void } ; Check that non-trivial unswitching of a branch in an inner loop into the outer ; loop invalidates both inner and outer. define void @test3(i32 %n, i32 %m, i1 %cond) { ; Check that SCEV has no trip count before unswitching. ; SCEV-LABEL: Determining loop execution counts for: @test3 ; SCEV: Loop %inner_loop_begin: Unpredictable backedge-taken count. ; SCEV: Loop %outer_loop_begin: Unpredictable backedge-taken count. ; ; Now check that after unswitching and simplifying instructions we get clean ; backedge-taken counts. ; SCEV-LABEL: Determining loop execution counts for: @test3 ; SCEV: Loop %inner_loop_begin{{.*}}: backedge-taken count is (-1 + (1 smax %m)) ; SCEV: Loop %outer_loop_begin: backedge-taken count is (-1 + (1 smax %n)) ; ; And verify the code matches what we expect. ; CHECK-LABEL: define void @test3( entry: br label %outer_loop_begin ; Ensure the outer loop didn't get unswitched. ; CHECK: entry: ; CHECK-NEXT: br label %outer_loop_begin outer_loop_begin: %i = phi i32 [ %i.next, %outer_loop_latch ], [ 0, %entry ] ; Block unswitching of the outer loop with a noduplicate call. call void @f() noduplicate br label %inner_loop_begin ; Ensure the inner loop got unswitched into the outer loop. ; CHECK: outer_loop_begin: ; CHECK-NEXT: %{{.*}} = phi i32 ; CHECK-NEXT: call void @f() ; CHECK-NEXT: br i1 %cond, inner_loop_begin: %j = phi i32 [ %j.next, %inner_loop_latch ], [ 0, %outer_loop_begin ] %j.tmp = add nsw i32 %j, 1 br i1 %cond, label %inner_loop_latch, label %inner_loop_early_exit inner_loop_latch: %j.next = add nsw i32 %j, 1 %j.cmp = icmp slt i32 %j.next, %m br i1 %j.cmp, label %inner_loop_begin, label %inner_loop_late_exit inner_loop_early_exit: %j.lcssa = phi i32 [ %j.tmp, %inner_loop_begin ] br label %outer_loop_latch inner_loop_late_exit: br label %outer_loop_latch outer_loop_latch: %inc.phi = phi i32 [ %j.lcssa, %inner_loop_early_exit ], [ 1, %inner_loop_late_exit ] %i.next = add nsw i32 %i, %inc.phi %i.cmp = icmp slt i32 %i.next, %n br i1 %i.cmp, label %outer_loop_begin, label %exit exit: ret void }