# -*- Python -*- import os import platform import lit.formats def get_required_attr(config, attr_name): attr_value = getattr(config, attr_name, None) if attr_value == None: lit_config.fatal( "No attribute %r in test configuration! You may need to run " "tests from your build directory or add this attribute " "to lit.site.cfg " % attr_name) return attr_value def push_dynamic_library_lookup_path(config, new_path): if platform.system() == 'Windows': dynamic_library_lookup_var = 'PATH' elif platform.system() == 'Darwin': dynamic_library_lookup_var = 'DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH' else: dynamic_library_lookup_var = 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH' new_ld_library_path = os.path.pathsep.join( (new_path, config.environment.get(dynamic_library_lookup_var, ''))) config.environment[dynamic_library_lookup_var] = new_ld_library_path # Setup config name. config.name = 'AddressSanitizer' + config.name_suffix # testFormat: The test format to use to interpret tests. external_bash = (not sys.platform in ['win32']) config.test_format = lit.formats.ShTest(external_bash) # Setup source root. config.test_source_root = os.path.dirname(__file__) # There is no libdl on FreeBSD. if config.host_os != 'FreeBSD': libdl_flag = "-ldl" else: libdl_flag = "" # GCC-ASan doesn't link in all the necessary libraries automatically, so # we have to do it ourselves. if config.compiler_id == 'GNU': extra_linkflags = ["-pthread", "-lstdc++", libdl_flag] else: extra_linkflags = [] # Setup default compiler flags used with -fsanitize=address option. # FIXME: Review the set of required flags and check if it can be reduced. target_cflags = [get_required_attr(config, "target_cflags")] + extra_linkflags target_cxxflags = config.cxx_mode_flags + target_cflags clang_asan_static_cflags = (["-fsanitize=address", "-mno-omit-leaf-frame-pointer", "-fno-omit-frame-pointer", "-fno-optimize-sibling-calls"] + config.debug_info_flags + target_cflags) clang_asan_static_cxxflags = config.cxx_mode_flags + clang_asan_static_cflags if config.asan_dynamic: clang_asan_cflags = clang_asan_static_cflags + ['-shared-libasan'] clang_asan_cxxflags = clang_asan_static_cxxflags + ['-shared-libasan'] config.available_features.add("asan-dynamic-runtime") else: clang_asan_cflags = clang_asan_static_cflags clang_asan_cxxflags = clang_asan_static_cxxflags config.available_features.add("asan-static-runtime") asan_lit_source_dir = get_required_attr(config, "asan_lit_source_dir") if config.android == "1": config.available_features.add('android') clang_wrapper = os.path.join(asan_lit_source_dir, "android_commands", "android_compile.py") + " " else: config.available_features.add('not-android') clang_wrapper = "" def build_invocation(compile_flags): return " " + " ".join([clang_wrapper, config.clang] + compile_flags) + " " config.substitutions.append( ("%clang ", build_invocation(target_cflags)) ) config.substitutions.append( ("%clangxx ", build_invocation(target_cxxflags)) ) config.substitutions.append( ("%clang_asan ", build_invocation(clang_asan_cflags)) ) config.substitutions.append( ("%clangxx_asan ", build_invocation(clang_asan_cxxflags)) ) config.substitutions.append( ("%shared_libasan", "libclang_rt.asan-%s.so" % config.target_arch)) if config.asan_dynamic: config.substitutions.append( ("%clang_asan_static ", build_invocation(clang_asan_static_cflags)) ) config.substitutions.append( ("%clangxx_asan_static ", build_invocation(clang_asan_static_cxxflags)) ) # Windows-specific tests might also use the clang-cl.exe driver. if platform.system() == 'Windows': clang_cl_asan_cxxflags = ["-fsanitize=address", "-Wno-deprecated-declarations", "-WX", "-D_HAS_EXCEPTIONS=0", "-Zi"] + target_cflags if config.asan_dynamic: clang_cl_asan_cxxflags.append("-MD") clang_invocation = build_invocation(clang_cl_asan_cxxflags) clang_cl_invocation = clang_invocation.replace("clang.exe","clang-cl.exe") config.substitutions.append( ("%clang_cl_asan ", clang_cl_invocation) ) config.substitutions.append( ("%asan_dll_thunk", os.path.join(config.compiler_rt_libdir, "clang_rt.asan_dll_thunk-i386.lib"))) # FIXME: De-hardcode this path. asan_source_dir = os.path.join( get_required_attr(config, "compiler_rt_src_root"), "lib", "asan") # Setup path to asan_symbolize.py script. asan_symbolize = os.path.join(asan_source_dir, "scripts", "asan_symbolize.py") if not os.path.exists(asan_symbolize): lit_config.fatal("Can't find script on path %r" % asan_symbolize) python_exec = get_required_attr(config, "python_executable") config.substitutions.append( ("%asan_symbolize", python_exec + " " + asan_symbolize + " ") ) # Setup path to sancov.py script. sanitizer_common_source_dir = os.path.join( get_required_attr(config, "compiler_rt_src_root"), "lib", "sanitizer_common") sancov = os.path.join(sanitizer_common_source_dir, "scripts", "sancov.py") if not os.path.exists(sancov): lit_config.fatal("Can't find script on path %r" % sancov) python_exec = get_required_attr(config, "python_executable") config.substitutions.append( ("%sancov", python_exec + " " + sancov + " ") ) # Determine kernel bitness if config.host_arch.find('64') != -1 and config.android != "1": kernel_bits = '64' else: kernel_bits = '32' config.substitutions.append( ('CHECK-%kernel_bits', ("CHECK-kernel-" + kernel_bits + "-bits"))) config.substitutions.append( ("%libdl", libdl_flag) ) config.available_features.add("asan-" + config.bits + "-bits") # Allow tests to use REQUIRES=stable-runtime. For use when you cannot use XFAIL # because the test hangs. if config.target_arch != 'arm': config.available_features.add('stable-runtime') # Turn on leak detection on 64-bit Linux. if config.host_os == 'Linux' and config.target_arch == 'x86_64': config.available_features.add('leak-detection') # Set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to pick dynamic runtime up properly. push_dynamic_library_lookup_path(config, config.compiler_rt_libdir) # GCC-ASan uses dynamic runtime by default. if config.compiler_id == 'GNU': gcc_dir = os.path.dirname(config.clang) libasan_dir = os.path.join(gcc_dir, "..", "lib" + config.bits) push_dynamic_library_lookup_path(config, libasan_dir) # Default test suffixes. config.suffixes = ['.c', '.cc', '.cpp'] if config.host_os == 'Darwin': config.suffixes.append('.mm') # AddressSanitizer tests are currently supported on Linux, Darwin and # FreeBSD only. if config.host_os not in ['Linux', 'Darwin', 'FreeBSD']: config.unsupported = True