UNSUPPORTED: aarch64 RUN: %cpp_compiler %S/OutOfMemoryTest.cpp -o %t-OutOfMemoryTest RUN: %cpp_compiler %S/OutOfMemorySingleLargeMallocTest.cpp -o %t-OutOfMemorySingleLargeMallocTest RUN: %cpp_compiler %S/AccumulateAllocationsTest.cpp -o %t-AccumulateAllocationsTest RUN: not %run %t-OutOfMemoryTest -rss_limit_mb=300 2>&1 | FileCheck %s CHECK: ERROR: libFuzzer: out-of-memory (used: {{.*}}; limit: 300Mb) CHECK: Test unit written to ./oom- SUMMARY: libFuzzer: out-of-memory RUN: not %run %t-OutOfMemorySingleLargeMallocTest -rss_limit_mb=300 2>&1 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=SINGLE_LARGE_MALLOC RUN: not %run %t-OutOfMemorySingleLargeMallocTest -malloc_limit_mb=300 2>&1 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=SINGLE_LARGE_MALLOC RUN: not %run %t-OutOfMemorySingleLargeMallocTest -rss_limit_mb=1000 -malloc_limit_mb=300 2>&1 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=SINGLE_LARGE_MALLOC We used to check for "out-of-memory (malloc(53{{.*}}))", but that would fail sometimes, so now we accept any OOM message. SINGLE_LARGE_MALLOC: libFuzzer: out-of-memory SINGLE_LARGE_MALLOC: in LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput # Check that -rss_limit_mb=0 means no limit. RUN: %run %t-AccumulateAllocationsTest -runs=1000 -rss_limit_mb=0