diff options
authorJose Alonso Cardenas Marquez <acm@FreeBSD.org>2022-09-25 05:40:47 +0000
committerJose Alonso Cardenas Marquez <acm@FreeBSD.org>2022-09-25 05:42:07 +0000
commit8c9cf931f27fd827b57e6c3e5e438542a9cd72bf (patch)
parentdca15813a52d4a44c7a76ad28a7c1b75a1392334 (diff)
security/wazuh-indexer: New port: A highly scalable, full-text search and analytics engine
Wazuh is a free and open source platform used for threat prevention, detection, and response. It is capable of protecting workloads across on-premises, virtualized, containerized, and cloud-based environments. Wazuh solution consists of an endpoint security agent, deployed to the monitored systems, and a management server, which collects and analyzes data gathered by the agents. Besides, Wazuh has been fully integrated with the Elastic Stack, providing a search engine and data visualization tool that allows users to navigate through their security alerts.
5 files changed, 115 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/security/Makefile b/security/Makefile
index 35caf7d9f56e..077cac0c38a7 100644
--- a/security/Makefile
+++ b/security/Makefile
@@ -1277,6 +1277,7 @@
SUBDIR += vxquery
SUBDIR += wapiti
SUBDIR += wazuh-agent
+ SUBDIR += wazuh-indexer
SUBDIR += wazuh-manager
SUBDIR += webfwlog
SUBDIR += weggli
diff --git a/security/wazuh-indexer/Makefile b/security/wazuh-indexer/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..7ebb9bcf199f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/security/wazuh-indexer/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+PORTNAME= wazuh
+CATEGORIES= security
+MAINTAINER= acm@FreeBSD.org
+COMMENT= A highly scalable, full-text search and analytics engine
+WWW= https://wazuh.com/
+RUN_DEPENDS= ${LOCALBASE}/lib/opensearch/bin/opensearch:textproc/opensearch
+NO_BUILD= yes
+PLIST_FILES= etc/wazuh-indexer/wazuh-indexer.yml
+SUB_FILES= pkg-message
+ ${CP} ${_DISTDIR}/wazuh-indexer.yml ${WRKSRC}
+ ${MKDIR} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/etc/wazuh-indexer
+ ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/wazuh-indexer.yml ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/etc/wazuh-indexer/
+.include <bsd.port.mk>
diff --git a/security/wazuh-indexer/distinfo b/security/wazuh-indexer/distinfo
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..cb09fde899d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/security/wazuh-indexer/distinfo
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+TIMESTAMP = 1663822747
+SHA256 (wazuh-4.3.8/wazuh-indexer.yml) = f6bc1d4de01742268ca42ef285896c31b7a31fb82f0c9f13de32d383fa3669e0
+SIZE (wazuh-4.3.8/wazuh-indexer.yml) = 2123
diff --git a/security/wazuh-indexer/files/pkg-message.in b/security/wazuh-indexer/files/pkg-message.in
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..156f632b9b72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/security/wazuh-indexer/files/pkg-message.in
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+{ type: install
+ message: <<EOM
+Wazuh indexer components were installed
+1) Wazuh indexer is based on opensearch project. This guide help you for adapt
+ wazuh configuration for it works on FreeBSD using apps are part of ports
+ tree.
+2) Copy %%PREFIX%%/etc/wazuh-indexer/wazuh-indexer.yml to %%PREFIX%%/etc/opensearch/opensearch.yml
+3) Edit %%PREFIX%%/etc/opensearch/opensearch.yml and changes options accord to your
+ setup. For example host, ssl, nodes options, etc. On this guide we will use
+ like host
+4) If you want use a simple way to generate wazuh infrastructure certificates
+ you can use a simplified version of certificates generator script located at:
+ https://people.freebsd.org/~acm/ports/wazuh/wazuh-gen-certs.tar.gz
+5) Wazuh needs opensearch-security features. Rename or copy samples files
+ into %%PREFIX%%/etc/opensearch/opensearch-security
+ # cd %%PREFIX%%/etc/opensearch/opensearch-security
+ # sh -c 'for i in $(ls *.sample ) ; do cp -p ${i} $(echo ${i} | sed "s|.sample||g") ; done'
+6) You can define a custom admin password modifying internal_users.yml file into
+ %%PREFIX%%/etc/opensearch/opensearch-security/
+ admin:
+ hash: "$2a$12$VcCDgh2NDk07JGN0rjGbM.Ad41qVR/YFJcgHp0UGns5JDymv..TOG"
+ Hash password can be generated using opensearch-security hash script tool
+ # cd %%PREFIX%%/lib/opensearch/plugins/opensearch-security/tools/
+ # sh -c "OPENSEARCH_JAVA_HOME=%%PREFIX%%/openjdk11 ./hash.sh -p adminpass"
+ $2y$12$XaEXmp4kGQpd6t8kNH03quyvpHDQZh.nywLLp9.b0NF2DxGl8FpJK
+7) Add OpenSearch to /etc/rc.conf
+ # sysrc opensearch_enable="YES"
+8) Start OpenSearch
+ # service opensearch start
+9) Finally you must initialize opensearch cluster
+ # cd %%PREFIX%%/lib/opensearch/plugins/opensearch-security/tools/
+ # sh -c "OPENSEARCH_JAVA_HOME=%%PREFIX%%/openjdk11 ./securityadmin.sh \
+ -cd %%PREFIX%%/etc/opensearch/opensearch-security/ -cacert %%PREFIX%%/etc/opensearch/certs/root-ca.pem \
+ -cert %%PREFIX%%/etc/opensearch/certs/admin.pem -key %%PREFIX%%/etc/opensearch/certs/admin-key.pem -h -p 9200 -icl -nhnv"
+10) You can look more useful information at the following link:
+ https://documentation.wazuh.com/current/installation-guide/wazuh-indexer/step-by-step.html
+ Take on mind wazuh arquitecture on FreeBSD is configurated not similar like
+ you can read at wazuh guide
+11) Testing your server installation
+ # curl -k -u admin:adminpass
+ # curl -k -u admin:adminpass
+12) Enjoy it
diff --git a/security/wazuh-indexer/pkg-descr b/security/wazuh-indexer/pkg-descr
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..4486bd750b8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/security/wazuh-indexer/pkg-descr
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Wazuh is a free and open source platform used for threat prevention, detection,
+and response. It is capable of protecting workloads across on-premises,
+virtualized, containerized, and cloud-based environments.
+Wazuh solution consists of an endpoint security agent, deployed to the
+monitored systems, and a management server, which collects and analyzes data
+gathered by the agents. Besides, Wazuh has been fully integrated with the
+Elastic Stack, providing a search engine and data visualization tool that
+allows users to navigate through their security alerts.