path: root/contrib/wpa/src/common/dpp_pkex.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/wpa/src/common/dpp_pkex.c')
1 files changed, 1324 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/wpa/src/common/dpp_pkex.c b/contrib/wpa/src/common/dpp_pkex.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..807ab7d0a1ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/wpa/src/common/dpp_pkex.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1324 @@
+ * DPP PKEX functionality
+ * Copyright (c) 2017, Qualcomm Atheros, Inc.
+ * Copyright (c) 2018-2020, The Linux Foundation
+ *
+ * This software may be distributed under the terms of the BSD license.
+ * See README for more details.
+ */
+#include "utils/includes.h"
+#include <openssl/opensslv.h>
+#include <openssl/err.h>
+#include "utils/common.h"
+#include "common/wpa_ctrl.h"
+#include "crypto/aes.h"
+#include "crypto/aes_siv.h"
+#include "crypto/crypto.h"
+#include "dpp.h"
+#include "dpp_i.h"
+u8 dpp_pkex_own_mac_override[ETH_ALEN] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
+u8 dpp_pkex_peer_mac_override[ETH_ALEN] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
+u8 dpp_pkex_ephemeral_key_override[600];
+size_t dpp_pkex_ephemeral_key_override_len = 0;
+#if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER < 0x10100000L || \
+/* Compatibility wrappers for older versions. */
+static EC_KEY * EVP_PKEY_get0_EC_KEY(EVP_PKEY *pkey)
+ if (pkey->type != EVP_PKEY_EC)
+ return NULL;
+ return pkey->pkey.ec;
+static struct wpabuf * dpp_pkex_build_exchange_req(struct dpp_pkex *pkex)
+ const EC_KEY *X_ec;
+ const EC_POINT *X_point;
+ BN_CTX *bnctx = NULL;
+ EC_GROUP *group = NULL;
+ struct wpabuf *M_buf = NULL;
+ BIGNUM *Mx = NULL, *My = NULL;
+ struct wpabuf *msg = NULL;
+ size_t attr_len;
+ const struct dpp_curve_params *curve = pkex->own_bi->curve;
+ wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "DPP: Build PKEX Exchange Request");
+ /* Qi = H(MAC-Initiator | [identifier |] code) * Pi */
+ bnctx = BN_CTX_new();
+ if (!bnctx)
+ goto fail;
+ Qi = dpp_pkex_derive_Qi(curve, pkex->own_mac, pkex->code,
+ pkex->identifier, bnctx, &group);
+ if (!Qi)
+ goto fail;
+ /* Generate a random ephemeral keypair x/X */
+ if (dpp_pkex_ephemeral_key_override_len) {
+ const struct dpp_curve_params *tmp_curve;
+ wpa_printf(MSG_INFO,
+ "DPP: TESTING - override ephemeral key x/X");
+ pkex->x = dpp_set_keypair(&tmp_curve,
+ dpp_pkex_ephemeral_key_override,
+ dpp_pkex_ephemeral_key_override_len);
+ } else {
+ pkex->x = dpp_gen_keypair(curve);
+ }
+ pkex->x = dpp_gen_keypair(curve);
+ if (!pkex->x)
+ goto fail;
+ /* M = X + Qi */
+ X_ec = EVP_PKEY_get0_EC_KEY(pkex->x);
+ if (!X_ec)
+ goto fail;
+ X_point = EC_KEY_get0_public_key(X_ec);
+ if (!X_point)
+ goto fail;
+ dpp_debug_print_point("DPP: X", group, X_point);
+ M = EC_POINT_new(group);
+ Mx = BN_new();
+ My = BN_new();
+ if (!M || !Mx || !My ||
+ EC_POINT_add(group, M, X_point, Qi, bnctx) != 1 ||
+ EC_POINT_get_affine_coordinates_GFp(group, M, Mx, My, bnctx) != 1)
+ goto fail;
+ dpp_debug_print_point("DPP: M", group, M);
+ /* Initiator -> Responder: group, [identifier,] M */
+ attr_len = 4 + 2;
+ if (pkex->identifier)
+ attr_len += 4 + os_strlen(pkex->identifier);
+ attr_len += 4 + 2 * curve->prime_len;
+ msg = dpp_alloc_msg(DPP_PA_PKEX_EXCHANGE_REQ, attr_len);
+ if (!msg)
+ goto fail;
+ wpa_printf(MSG_INFO, "DPP: TESTING - no Finite Cyclic Group");
+ goto skip_finite_cyclic_group;
+ }
+ /* Finite Cyclic Group attribute */
+ wpabuf_put_le16(msg, DPP_ATTR_FINITE_CYCLIC_GROUP);
+ wpabuf_put_le16(msg, 2);
+ wpabuf_put_le16(msg, curve->ike_group);
+ /* Code Identifier attribute */
+ if (pkex->identifier) {
+ wpabuf_put_le16(msg, DPP_ATTR_CODE_IDENTIFIER);
+ wpabuf_put_le16(msg, os_strlen(pkex->identifier));
+ wpabuf_put_str(msg, pkex->identifier);
+ }
+ wpa_printf(MSG_INFO, "DPP: TESTING - no Encrypted Key");
+ goto out;
+ }
+ /* M in Encrypted Key attribute */
+ wpabuf_put_le16(msg, DPP_ATTR_ENCRYPTED_KEY);
+ wpabuf_put_le16(msg, 2 * curve->prime_len);
+ wpa_printf(MSG_INFO, "DPP: TESTING - invalid Encrypted Key");
+ if (dpp_test_gen_invalid_key(msg, curve) < 0)
+ goto fail;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ if (dpp_bn2bin_pad(Mx, wpabuf_put(msg, curve->prime_len),
+ curve->prime_len) < 0 ||
+ dpp_bn2bin_pad(Mx, pkex->Mx, curve->prime_len) < 0 ||
+ dpp_bn2bin_pad(My, wpabuf_put(msg, curve->prime_len),
+ curve->prime_len) < 0)
+ goto fail;
+ wpabuf_free(M_buf);
+ EC_POINT_free(M);
+ EC_POINT_free(Qi);
+ BN_clear_free(Mx);
+ BN_clear_free(My);
+ BN_CTX_free(bnctx);
+ EC_GROUP_free(group);
+ return msg;
+ wpa_printf(MSG_INFO, "DPP: Failed to build PKEX Exchange Request");
+ wpabuf_free(msg);
+ msg = NULL;
+ goto out;
+static void dpp_pkex_fail(struct dpp_pkex *pkex, const char *txt)
+ wpa_msg(pkex->msg_ctx, MSG_INFO, DPP_EVENT_FAIL "%s", txt);
+struct dpp_pkex * dpp_pkex_init(void *msg_ctx, struct dpp_bootstrap_info *bi,
+ const u8 *own_mac,
+ const char *identifier,
+ const char *code)
+ struct dpp_pkex *pkex;
+ if (!is_zero_ether_addr(dpp_pkex_own_mac_override)) {
+ wpa_printf(MSG_INFO, "DPP: TESTING - own_mac override " MACSTR,
+ MAC2STR(dpp_pkex_own_mac_override));
+ own_mac = dpp_pkex_own_mac_override;
+ }
+ pkex = os_zalloc(sizeof(*pkex));
+ if (!pkex)
+ return NULL;
+ pkex->msg_ctx = msg_ctx;
+ pkex->initiator = 1;
+ pkex->own_bi = bi;
+ os_memcpy(pkex->own_mac, own_mac, ETH_ALEN);
+ if (identifier) {
+ pkex->identifier = os_strdup(identifier);
+ if (!pkex->identifier)
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ pkex->code = os_strdup(code);
+ if (!pkex->code)
+ goto fail;
+ pkex->exchange_req = dpp_pkex_build_exchange_req(pkex);
+ if (!pkex->exchange_req)
+ goto fail;
+ return pkex;
+ dpp_pkex_free(pkex);
+ return NULL;
+static struct wpabuf *
+dpp_pkex_build_exchange_resp(struct dpp_pkex *pkex,
+ enum dpp_status_error status,
+ const BIGNUM *Nx, const BIGNUM *Ny)
+ struct wpabuf *msg = NULL;
+ size_t attr_len;
+ const struct dpp_curve_params *curve = pkex->own_bi->curve;
+ /* Initiator -> Responder: DPP Status, [identifier,] N */
+ attr_len = 4 + 1;
+ if (pkex->identifier)
+ attr_len += 4 + os_strlen(pkex->identifier);
+ attr_len += 4 + 2 * curve->prime_len;
+ msg = dpp_alloc_msg(DPP_PA_PKEX_EXCHANGE_RESP, attr_len);
+ if (!msg)
+ goto fail;
+ wpa_printf(MSG_INFO, "DPP: TESTING - no Status");
+ goto skip_status;
+ }
+ wpa_printf(MSG_INFO, "DPP: TESTING - invalid Status");
+ status = 255;
+ }
+ /* DPP Status */
+ dpp_build_attr_status(msg, status);
+ /* Code Identifier attribute */
+ if (pkex->identifier) {
+ wpabuf_put_le16(msg, DPP_ATTR_CODE_IDENTIFIER);
+ wpabuf_put_le16(msg, os_strlen(pkex->identifier));
+ wpabuf_put_str(msg, pkex->identifier);
+ }
+ if (status != DPP_STATUS_OK)
+ goto skip_encrypted_key;
+ wpa_printf(MSG_INFO, "DPP: TESTING - no Encrypted Key");
+ goto skip_encrypted_key;
+ }
+ /* N in Encrypted Key attribute */
+ wpabuf_put_le16(msg, DPP_ATTR_ENCRYPTED_KEY);
+ wpabuf_put_le16(msg, 2 * curve->prime_len);
+ wpa_printf(MSG_INFO, "DPP: TESTING - invalid Encrypted Key");
+ if (dpp_test_gen_invalid_key(msg, curve) < 0)
+ goto fail;
+ goto skip_encrypted_key;
+ }
+ if (dpp_bn2bin_pad(Nx, wpabuf_put(msg, curve->prime_len),
+ curve->prime_len) < 0 ||
+ dpp_bn2bin_pad(Nx, pkex->Nx, curve->prime_len) < 0 ||
+ dpp_bn2bin_pad(Ny, wpabuf_put(msg, curve->prime_len),
+ curve->prime_len) < 0)
+ goto fail;
+ if (status == DPP_STATUS_BAD_GROUP) {
+ /* Finite Cyclic Group attribute */
+ wpabuf_put_le16(msg, DPP_ATTR_FINITE_CYCLIC_GROUP);
+ wpabuf_put_le16(msg, 2);
+ wpabuf_put_le16(msg, curve->ike_group);
+ }
+ return msg;
+ wpabuf_free(msg);
+ return NULL;
+static int dpp_pkex_identifier_match(const u8 *attr_id, u16 attr_id_len,
+ const char *identifier)
+ if (!attr_id && identifier) {
+ wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG,
+ "DPP: No PKEX code identifier received, but expected one");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (attr_id && !identifier) {
+ wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG,
+ "DPP: PKEX code identifier received, but not expecting one");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (attr_id && identifier &&
+ (os_strlen(identifier) != attr_id_len ||
+ os_memcmp(identifier, attr_id, attr_id_len) != 0)) {
+ wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "DPP: PKEX code identifier mismatch");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return 1;
+struct dpp_pkex * dpp_pkex_rx_exchange_req(void *msg_ctx,
+ struct dpp_bootstrap_info *bi,
+ const u8 *own_mac,
+ const u8 *peer_mac,
+ const char *identifier,
+ const char *code,
+ const u8 *buf, size_t len)
+ const u8 *attr_group, *attr_id, *attr_key;
+ u16 attr_group_len, attr_id_len, attr_key_len;
+ const struct dpp_curve_params *curve = bi->curve;
+ u16 ike_group;
+ struct dpp_pkex *pkex = NULL;
+ EC_POINT *Qi = NULL, *Qr = NULL, *M = NULL, *X = NULL, *N = NULL;
+ BN_CTX *bnctx = NULL;
+ EC_GROUP *group = NULL;
+ BIGNUM *Mx = NULL, *My = NULL;
+ const EC_KEY *Y_ec;
+ EC_KEY *X_ec = NULL;
+ const EC_POINT *Y_point;
+ BIGNUM *Nx = NULL, *Ny = NULL;
+ size_t Kx_len;
+ int res;
+ if (bi->pkex_t >= PKEX_COUNTER_T_LIMIT) {
+ wpa_msg(msg_ctx, MSG_INFO, DPP_EVENT_FAIL
+ "PKEX counter t limit reached - ignore message");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (!is_zero_ether_addr(dpp_pkex_peer_mac_override)) {
+ wpa_printf(MSG_INFO, "DPP: TESTING - peer_mac override " MACSTR,
+ MAC2STR(dpp_pkex_peer_mac_override));
+ peer_mac = dpp_pkex_peer_mac_override;
+ }
+ if (!is_zero_ether_addr(dpp_pkex_own_mac_override)) {
+ wpa_printf(MSG_INFO, "DPP: TESTING - own_mac override " MACSTR,
+ MAC2STR(dpp_pkex_own_mac_override));
+ own_mac = dpp_pkex_own_mac_override;
+ }
+ attr_id_len = 0;
+ attr_id = dpp_get_attr(buf, len, DPP_ATTR_CODE_IDENTIFIER,
+ &attr_id_len);
+ if (!dpp_pkex_identifier_match(attr_id, attr_id_len, identifier))
+ return NULL;
+ attr_group = dpp_get_attr(buf, len, DPP_ATTR_FINITE_CYCLIC_GROUP,
+ &attr_group_len);
+ if (!attr_group || attr_group_len != 2) {
+ wpa_msg(msg_ctx, MSG_INFO, DPP_EVENT_FAIL
+ "Missing or invalid Finite Cyclic Group attribute");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ ike_group = WPA_GET_LE16(attr_group);
+ if (ike_group != curve->ike_group) {
+ wpa_msg(msg_ctx, MSG_INFO, DPP_EVENT_FAIL
+ "Mismatching PKEX curve: peer=%u own=%u",
+ ike_group, curve->ike_group);
+ pkex = os_zalloc(sizeof(*pkex));
+ if (!pkex)
+ goto fail;
+ pkex->own_bi = bi;
+ pkex->failed = 1;
+ pkex->exchange_resp = dpp_pkex_build_exchange_resp(
+ if (!pkex->exchange_resp)
+ goto fail;
+ return pkex;
+ }
+ /* M in Encrypted Key attribute */
+ attr_key = dpp_get_attr(buf, len, DPP_ATTR_ENCRYPTED_KEY,
+ &attr_key_len);
+ if (!attr_key || attr_key_len & 0x01 || attr_key_len < 2 ||
+ attr_key_len / 2 > DPP_MAX_SHARED_SECRET_LEN) {
+ wpa_msg(msg_ctx, MSG_INFO, DPP_EVENT_FAIL
+ "Missing Encrypted Key attribute");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ /* Qi = H(MAC-Initiator | [identifier |] code) * Pi */
+ bnctx = BN_CTX_new();
+ if (!bnctx)
+ goto fail;
+ Qi = dpp_pkex_derive_Qi(curve, peer_mac, code, identifier, bnctx,
+ &group);
+ if (!Qi)
+ goto fail;
+ /* X' = M - Qi */
+ X = EC_POINT_new(group);
+ M = EC_POINT_new(group);
+ Mx = BN_bin2bn(attr_key, attr_key_len / 2, NULL);
+ My = BN_bin2bn(attr_key + attr_key_len / 2, attr_key_len / 2, NULL);
+ if (!X || !M || !Mx || !My ||
+ EC_POINT_set_affine_coordinates_GFp(group, M, Mx, My, bnctx) != 1 ||
+ EC_POINT_is_at_infinity(group, M) ||
+ !EC_POINT_is_on_curve(group, M, bnctx) ||
+ EC_POINT_invert(group, Qi, bnctx) != 1 ||
+ EC_POINT_add(group, X, M, Qi, bnctx) != 1 ||
+ EC_POINT_is_at_infinity(group, X) ||
+ !EC_POINT_is_on_curve(group, X, bnctx)) {
+ wpa_msg(msg_ctx, MSG_INFO, DPP_EVENT_FAIL
+ "Invalid Encrypted Key value");
+ bi->pkex_t++;
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ dpp_debug_print_point("DPP: M", group, M);
+ dpp_debug_print_point("DPP: X'", group, X);
+ pkex = os_zalloc(sizeof(*pkex));
+ if (!pkex)
+ goto fail;
+ pkex->t = bi->pkex_t;
+ pkex->msg_ctx = msg_ctx;
+ pkex->own_bi = bi;
+ os_memcpy(pkex->own_mac, own_mac, ETH_ALEN);
+ os_memcpy(pkex->peer_mac, peer_mac, ETH_ALEN);
+ if (identifier) {
+ pkex->identifier = os_strdup(identifier);
+ if (!pkex->identifier)
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ pkex->code = os_strdup(code);
+ if (!pkex->code)
+ goto fail;
+ os_memcpy(pkex->Mx, attr_key, attr_key_len / 2);
+ X_ec = EC_KEY_new();
+ if (!X_ec ||
+ EC_KEY_set_group(X_ec, group) != 1 ||
+ EC_KEY_set_public_key(X_ec, X) != 1)
+ goto fail;
+ pkex->x = EVP_PKEY_new();
+ if (!pkex->x ||
+ EVP_PKEY_set1_EC_KEY(pkex->x, X_ec) != 1)
+ goto fail;
+ /* Qr = H(MAC-Responder | | [identifier | ] code) * Pr */
+ Qr = dpp_pkex_derive_Qr(curve, own_mac, code, identifier, bnctx, NULL);
+ if (!Qr)
+ goto fail;
+ /* Generate a random ephemeral keypair y/Y */
+ if (dpp_pkex_ephemeral_key_override_len) {
+ const struct dpp_curve_params *tmp_curve;
+ wpa_printf(MSG_INFO,
+ "DPP: TESTING - override ephemeral key y/Y");
+ pkex->y = dpp_set_keypair(&tmp_curve,
+ dpp_pkex_ephemeral_key_override,
+ dpp_pkex_ephemeral_key_override_len);
+ } else {
+ pkex->y = dpp_gen_keypair(curve);
+ }
+ pkex->y = dpp_gen_keypair(curve);
+ if (!pkex->y)
+ goto fail;
+ /* N = Y + Qr */
+ Y_ec = EVP_PKEY_get0_EC_KEY(pkex->y);
+ if (!Y_ec)
+ goto fail;
+ Y_point = EC_KEY_get0_public_key(Y_ec);
+ if (!Y_point)
+ goto fail;
+ dpp_debug_print_point("DPP: Y", group, Y_point);
+ N = EC_POINT_new(group);
+ Nx = BN_new();
+ Ny = BN_new();
+ if (!N || !Nx || !Ny ||
+ EC_POINT_add(group, N, Y_point, Qr, bnctx) != 1 ||
+ EC_POINT_get_affine_coordinates_GFp(group, N, Nx, Ny, bnctx) != 1)
+ goto fail;
+ dpp_debug_print_point("DPP: N", group, N);
+ pkex->exchange_resp = dpp_pkex_build_exchange_resp(pkex, DPP_STATUS_OK,
+ Nx, Ny);
+ if (!pkex->exchange_resp)
+ goto fail;
+ /* K = y * X' */
+ if (dpp_ecdh(pkex->y, pkex->x, Kx, &Kx_len) < 0)
+ goto fail;
+ wpa_hexdump_key(MSG_DEBUG, "DPP: ECDH shared secret (K.x)",
+ Kx, Kx_len);
+ /* z = HKDF(<>, MAC-Initiator | MAC-Responder | M.x | N.x | code, K.x)
+ */
+ res = dpp_pkex_derive_z(pkex->peer_mac, pkex->own_mac,
+ pkex->Mx, curve->prime_len,
+ pkex->Nx, curve->prime_len, pkex->code,
+ Kx, Kx_len, pkex->z, curve->hash_len);
+ os_memset(Kx, 0, Kx_len);
+ if (res < 0)
+ goto fail;
+ pkex->exchange_done = 1;
+ BN_CTX_free(bnctx);
+ EC_POINT_free(Qi);
+ EC_POINT_free(Qr);
+ BN_free(Mx);
+ BN_free(My);
+ BN_free(Nx);
+ BN_free(Ny);
+ EC_POINT_free(M);
+ EC_POINT_free(N);
+ EC_POINT_free(X);
+ EC_KEY_free(X_ec);
+ EC_GROUP_free(group);
+ return pkex;
+ wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "DPP: PKEX Exchange Request processing failed");
+ dpp_pkex_free(pkex);
+ pkex = NULL;
+ goto out;
+static struct wpabuf *
+dpp_pkex_build_commit_reveal_req(struct dpp_pkex *pkex,
+ const struct wpabuf *A_pub, const u8 *u)
+ const struct dpp_curve_params *curve = pkex->own_bi->curve;
+ struct wpabuf *msg = NULL;
+ size_t clear_len, attr_len;
+ struct wpabuf *clear = NULL;
+ u8 *wrapped;
+ u8 octet;
+ const u8 *addr[2];
+ size_t len[2];
+ /* {A, u, [bootstrapping info]}z */
+ clear_len = 4 + 2 * curve->prime_len + 4 + curve->hash_len;
+ clear = wpabuf_alloc(clear_len);
+ attr_len = 4 + clear_len + AES_BLOCK_SIZE;
+ attr_len += 5;
+ msg = dpp_alloc_msg(DPP_PA_PKEX_COMMIT_REVEAL_REQ, attr_len);
+ if (!clear || !msg)
+ goto fail;
+ wpa_printf(MSG_INFO, "DPP: TESTING - no Bootstrap Key");
+ goto skip_bootstrap_key;
+ }
+ wpa_printf(MSG_INFO, "DPP: TESTING - invalid Bootstrap Key");
+ wpabuf_put_le16(clear, DPP_ATTR_BOOTSTRAP_KEY);
+ wpabuf_put_le16(clear, 2 * curve->prime_len);
+ if (dpp_test_gen_invalid_key(clear, curve) < 0)
+ goto fail;
+ goto skip_bootstrap_key;
+ }
+ /* A in Bootstrap Key attribute */
+ wpabuf_put_le16(clear, DPP_ATTR_BOOTSTRAP_KEY);
+ wpabuf_put_le16(clear, wpabuf_len(A_pub));
+ wpabuf_put_buf(clear, A_pub);
+ if (dpp_test == DPP_TEST_NO_I_AUTH_TAG_PKEX_CR_REQ) {
+ wpa_printf(MSG_INFO, "DPP: TESTING - no I-Auth tag");
+ goto skip_i_auth_tag;
+ }
+ wpa_printf(MSG_INFO, "DPP: TESTING - I-Auth tag mismatch");
+ wpabuf_put_le16(clear, DPP_ATTR_I_AUTH_TAG);
+ wpabuf_put_le16(clear, curve->hash_len);
+ wpabuf_put_data(clear, u, curve->hash_len - 1);
+ wpabuf_put_u8(clear, u[curve->hash_len - 1] ^ 0x01);
+ goto skip_i_auth_tag;
+ }
+ /* u in I-Auth tag attribute */
+ wpabuf_put_le16(clear, DPP_ATTR_I_AUTH_TAG);
+ wpabuf_put_le16(clear, curve->hash_len);
+ wpabuf_put_data(clear, u, curve->hash_len);
+ wpa_printf(MSG_INFO, "DPP: TESTING - no Wrapped Data");
+ goto skip_wrapped_data;
+ }
+ addr[0] = wpabuf_head_u8(msg) + 2;
+ len[0] = DPP_HDR_LEN;
+ octet = 0;
+ addr[1] = &octet;
+ len[1] = sizeof(octet);
+ wpa_hexdump(MSG_DEBUG, "DDP: AES-SIV AD[0]", addr[0], len[0]);
+ wpa_hexdump(MSG_DEBUG, "DDP: AES-SIV AD[1]", addr[1], len[1]);
+ wpabuf_put_le16(msg, DPP_ATTR_WRAPPED_DATA);
+ wpabuf_put_le16(msg, wpabuf_len(clear) + AES_BLOCK_SIZE);
+ wrapped = wpabuf_put(msg, wpabuf_len(clear) + AES_BLOCK_SIZE);
+ wpa_hexdump_buf(MSG_DEBUG, "DPP: AES-SIV cleartext", clear);
+ if (aes_siv_encrypt(pkex->z, curve->hash_len,
+ wpabuf_head(clear), wpabuf_len(clear),
+ 2, addr, len, wrapped) < 0)
+ goto fail;
+ wpa_hexdump(MSG_DEBUG, "DPP: AES-SIV ciphertext",
+ wrapped, wpabuf_len(clear) + AES_BLOCK_SIZE);
+ wpa_printf(MSG_INFO, "DPP: TESTING - attr after Wrapped Data");
+ dpp_build_attr_status(msg, DPP_STATUS_OK);
+ }
+ wpabuf_free(clear);
+ return msg;
+ wpabuf_free(msg);
+ msg = NULL;
+ goto out;
+struct wpabuf * dpp_pkex_rx_exchange_resp(struct dpp_pkex *pkex,
+ const u8 *peer_mac,
+ const u8 *buf, size_t buflen)
+ const u8 *attr_status, *attr_id, *attr_key, *attr_group;
+ u16 attr_status_len, attr_id_len, attr_key_len, attr_group_len;
+ EC_GROUP *group = NULL;
+ BN_CTX *bnctx = NULL;
+ struct wpabuf *msg = NULL, *A_pub = NULL, *X_pub = NULL, *Y_pub = NULL;
+ const struct dpp_curve_params *curve = pkex->own_bi->curve;
+ EC_POINT *Qr = NULL, *Y = NULL, *N = NULL;
+ BIGNUM *Nx = NULL, *Ny = NULL;
+ EC_KEY *Y_ec = NULL;
+ size_t Jx_len, Kx_len;
+ const u8 *addr[4];
+ size_t len[4];
+ int res;
+ if (pkex->failed || pkex->t >= PKEX_COUNTER_T_LIMIT || !pkex->initiator)
+ return NULL;
+ wpa_printf(MSG_INFO,
+ "DPP: TESTING - stop at PKEX Exchange Response");
+ pkex->failed = 1;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (!is_zero_ether_addr(dpp_pkex_peer_mac_override)) {
+ wpa_printf(MSG_INFO, "DPP: TESTING - peer_mac override " MACSTR,
+ MAC2STR(dpp_pkex_peer_mac_override));
+ peer_mac = dpp_pkex_peer_mac_override;
+ }
+ os_memcpy(pkex->peer_mac, peer_mac, ETH_ALEN);
+ attr_status = dpp_get_attr(buf, buflen, DPP_ATTR_STATUS,
+ &attr_status_len);
+ if (!attr_status || attr_status_len != 1) {
+ dpp_pkex_fail(pkex, "No DPP Status attribute");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "DPP: Status %u", attr_status[0]);
+ if (attr_status[0] == DPP_STATUS_BAD_GROUP) {
+ attr_group = dpp_get_attr(buf, buflen,
+ &attr_group_len);
+ if (attr_group && attr_group_len == 2) {
+ wpa_msg(pkex->msg_ctx, MSG_INFO, DPP_EVENT_FAIL
+ "Peer indicated mismatching PKEX group - proposed %u",
+ WPA_GET_LE16(attr_group));
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ if (attr_status[0] != DPP_STATUS_OK) {
+ dpp_pkex_fail(pkex, "PKEX failed (peer indicated failure)");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ attr_id_len = 0;
+ attr_id = dpp_get_attr(buf, buflen, DPP_ATTR_CODE_IDENTIFIER,
+ &attr_id_len);
+ if (!dpp_pkex_identifier_match(attr_id, attr_id_len,
+ pkex->identifier)) {
+ dpp_pkex_fail(pkex, "PKEX code identifier mismatch");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ /* N in Encrypted Key attribute */
+ attr_key = dpp_get_attr(buf, buflen, DPP_ATTR_ENCRYPTED_KEY,
+ &attr_key_len);
+ if (!attr_key || attr_key_len & 0x01 || attr_key_len < 2) {
+ dpp_pkex_fail(pkex, "Missing Encrypted Key attribute");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ /* Qr = H(MAC-Responder | [identifier |] code) * Pr */
+ bnctx = BN_CTX_new();
+ if (!bnctx)
+ goto fail;
+ Qr = dpp_pkex_derive_Qr(curve, pkex->peer_mac, pkex->code,
+ pkex->identifier, bnctx, &group);
+ if (!Qr)
+ goto fail;
+ /* Y' = N - Qr */
+ Y = EC_POINT_new(group);
+ N = EC_POINT_new(group);
+ Nx = BN_bin2bn(attr_key, attr_key_len / 2, NULL);
+ Ny = BN_bin2bn(attr_key + attr_key_len / 2, attr_key_len / 2, NULL);
+ if (!Y || !N || !Nx || !Ny ||
+ EC_POINT_set_affine_coordinates_GFp(group, N, Nx, Ny, bnctx) != 1 ||
+ EC_POINT_is_at_infinity(group, N) ||
+ !EC_POINT_is_on_curve(group, N, bnctx) ||
+ EC_POINT_invert(group, Qr, bnctx) != 1 ||
+ EC_POINT_add(group, Y, N, Qr, bnctx) != 1 ||
+ EC_POINT_is_at_infinity(group, Y) ||
+ !EC_POINT_is_on_curve(group, Y, bnctx)) {
+ dpp_pkex_fail(pkex, "Invalid Encrypted Key value");
+ pkex->t++;
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ dpp_debug_print_point("DPP: N", group, N);
+ dpp_debug_print_point("DPP: Y'", group, Y);
+ pkex->exchange_done = 1;
+ /* ECDH: J = a * Y' */
+ Y_ec = EC_KEY_new();
+ if (!Y_ec ||
+ EC_KEY_set_group(Y_ec, group) != 1 ||
+ EC_KEY_set_public_key(Y_ec, Y) != 1)
+ goto fail;
+ pkex->y = EVP_PKEY_new();
+ if (!pkex->y ||
+ EVP_PKEY_set1_EC_KEY(pkex->y, Y_ec) != 1)
+ goto fail;
+ if (dpp_ecdh(pkex->own_bi->pubkey, pkex->y, Jx, &Jx_len) < 0)
+ goto fail;
+ wpa_hexdump_key(MSG_DEBUG, "DPP: ECDH shared secret (J.x)",
+ Jx, Jx_len);
+ /* u = HMAC(J.x, MAC-Initiator | A.x | Y'.x | X.x) */
+ A_pub = dpp_get_pubkey_point(pkex->own_bi->pubkey, 0);
+ Y_pub = dpp_get_pubkey_point(pkex->y, 0);
+ X_pub = dpp_get_pubkey_point(pkex->x, 0);
+ if (!A_pub || !Y_pub || !X_pub)
+ goto fail;
+ addr[0] = pkex->own_mac;
+ len[0] = ETH_ALEN;
+ addr[1] = wpabuf_head(A_pub);
+ len[1] = wpabuf_len(A_pub) / 2;
+ addr[2] = wpabuf_head(Y_pub);
+ len[2] = wpabuf_len(Y_pub) / 2;
+ addr[3] = wpabuf_head(X_pub);
+ len[3] = wpabuf_len(X_pub) / 2;
+ if (dpp_hmac_vector(curve->hash_len, Jx, Jx_len, 4, addr, len, u) < 0)
+ goto fail;
+ wpa_hexdump(MSG_DEBUG, "DPP: u", u, curve->hash_len);
+ /* K = x * Y' */
+ if (dpp_ecdh(pkex->x, pkex->y, Kx, &Kx_len) < 0)
+ goto fail;
+ wpa_hexdump_key(MSG_DEBUG, "DPP: ECDH shared secret (K.x)",
+ Kx, Kx_len);
+ /* z = HKDF(<>, MAC-Initiator | MAC-Responder | M.x | N.x | code, K.x)
+ */
+ res = dpp_pkex_derive_z(pkex->own_mac, pkex->peer_mac,
+ pkex->Mx, curve->prime_len,
+ attr_key /* N.x */, attr_key_len / 2,
+ pkex->code, Kx, Kx_len,
+ pkex->z, curve->hash_len);
+ os_memset(Kx, 0, Kx_len);
+ if (res < 0)
+ goto fail;
+ msg = dpp_pkex_build_commit_reveal_req(pkex, A_pub, u);
+ if (!msg)
+ goto fail;
+ wpabuf_free(A_pub);
+ wpabuf_free(X_pub);
+ wpabuf_free(Y_pub);
+ EC_POINT_free(Qr);
+ EC_POINT_free(Y);
+ EC_POINT_free(N);
+ BN_free(Nx);
+ BN_free(Ny);
+ EC_KEY_free(Y_ec);
+ BN_CTX_free(bnctx);
+ EC_GROUP_free(group);
+ return msg;
+ wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "DPP: PKEX Exchange Response processing failed");
+ goto out;
+static struct wpabuf *
+dpp_pkex_build_commit_reveal_resp(struct dpp_pkex *pkex,
+ const struct wpabuf *B_pub, const u8 *v)
+ const struct dpp_curve_params *curve = pkex->own_bi->curve;
+ struct wpabuf *msg = NULL;
+ const u8 *addr[2];
+ size_t len[2];
+ u8 octet;
+ u8 *wrapped;
+ struct wpabuf *clear = NULL;
+ size_t clear_len, attr_len;
+ /* {B, v [bootstrapping info]}z */
+ clear_len = 4 + 2 * curve->prime_len + 4 + curve->hash_len;
+ clear = wpabuf_alloc(clear_len);
+ attr_len = 4 + clear_len + AES_BLOCK_SIZE;
+ attr_len += 5;
+ msg = dpp_alloc_msg(DPP_PA_PKEX_COMMIT_REVEAL_RESP, attr_len);
+ if (!clear || !msg)
+ goto fail;
+ wpa_printf(MSG_INFO, "DPP: TESTING - no Bootstrap Key");
+ goto skip_bootstrap_key;
+ }
+ wpa_printf(MSG_INFO, "DPP: TESTING - invalid Bootstrap Key");
+ wpabuf_put_le16(clear, DPP_ATTR_BOOTSTRAP_KEY);
+ wpabuf_put_le16(clear, 2 * curve->prime_len);
+ if (dpp_test_gen_invalid_key(clear, curve) < 0)
+ goto fail;
+ goto skip_bootstrap_key;
+ }
+ /* B in Bootstrap Key attribute */
+ wpabuf_put_le16(clear, DPP_ATTR_BOOTSTRAP_KEY);
+ wpabuf_put_le16(clear, wpabuf_len(B_pub));
+ wpabuf_put_buf(clear, B_pub);
+ if (dpp_test == DPP_TEST_NO_R_AUTH_TAG_PKEX_CR_RESP) {
+ wpa_printf(MSG_INFO, "DPP: TESTING - no R-Auth tag");
+ goto skip_r_auth_tag;
+ }
+ wpa_printf(MSG_INFO, "DPP: TESTING - R-Auth tag mismatch");
+ wpabuf_put_le16(clear, DPP_ATTR_R_AUTH_TAG);
+ wpabuf_put_le16(clear, curve->hash_len);
+ wpabuf_put_data(clear, v, curve->hash_len - 1);
+ wpabuf_put_u8(clear, v[curve->hash_len - 1] ^ 0x01);
+ goto skip_r_auth_tag;
+ }
+ /* v in R-Auth tag attribute */
+ wpabuf_put_le16(clear, DPP_ATTR_R_AUTH_TAG);
+ wpabuf_put_le16(clear, curve->hash_len);
+ wpabuf_put_data(clear, v, curve->hash_len);
+ wpa_printf(MSG_INFO, "DPP: TESTING - no Wrapped Data");
+ goto skip_wrapped_data;
+ }
+ addr[0] = wpabuf_head_u8(msg) + 2;
+ len[0] = DPP_HDR_LEN;
+ octet = 1;
+ addr[1] = &octet;
+ len[1] = sizeof(octet);
+ wpa_hexdump(MSG_DEBUG, "DDP: AES-SIV AD[0]", addr[0], len[0]);
+ wpa_hexdump(MSG_DEBUG, "DDP: AES-SIV AD[1]", addr[1], len[1]);
+ wpabuf_put_le16(msg, DPP_ATTR_WRAPPED_DATA);
+ wpabuf_put_le16(msg, wpabuf_len(clear) + AES_BLOCK_SIZE);
+ wrapped = wpabuf_put(msg, wpabuf_len(clear) + AES_BLOCK_SIZE);
+ wpa_hexdump_buf(MSG_DEBUG, "DPP: AES-SIV cleartext", clear);
+ if (aes_siv_encrypt(pkex->z, curve->hash_len,
+ wpabuf_head(clear), wpabuf_len(clear),
+ 2, addr, len, wrapped) < 0)
+ goto fail;
+ wpa_hexdump(MSG_DEBUG, "DPP: AES-SIV ciphertext",
+ wrapped, wpabuf_len(clear) + AES_BLOCK_SIZE);
+ wpa_printf(MSG_INFO, "DPP: TESTING - attr after Wrapped Data");
+ dpp_build_attr_status(msg, DPP_STATUS_OK);
+ }
+ wpabuf_free(clear);
+ return msg;
+ wpabuf_free(msg);
+ msg = NULL;
+ goto out;
+struct wpabuf * dpp_pkex_rx_commit_reveal_req(struct dpp_pkex *pkex,
+ const u8 *hdr,
+ const u8 *buf, size_t buflen)
+ const struct dpp_curve_params *curve = pkex->own_bi->curve;
+ size_t Jx_len, Lx_len;
+ const u8 *wrapped_data, *b_key, *peer_u;
+ u16 wrapped_data_len, b_key_len, peer_u_len = 0;
+ const u8 *addr[4];
+ size_t len[4];
+ u8 octet;
+ u8 *unwrapped = NULL;
+ size_t unwrapped_len = 0;
+ struct wpabuf *msg = NULL, *A_pub = NULL, *X_pub = NULL, *Y_pub = NULL;
+ struct wpabuf *B_pub = NULL;
+ if (dpp_test == DPP_TEST_STOP_AT_PKEX_CR_REQ) {
+ wpa_printf(MSG_INFO,
+ "DPP: TESTING - stop at PKEX CR Request");
+ pkex->failed = 1;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (!pkex->exchange_done || pkex->failed ||
+ pkex->t >= PKEX_COUNTER_T_LIMIT || pkex->initiator)
+ goto fail;
+ wrapped_data = dpp_get_attr(buf, buflen, DPP_ATTR_WRAPPED_DATA,
+ &wrapped_data_len);
+ if (!wrapped_data || wrapped_data_len < AES_BLOCK_SIZE) {
+ dpp_pkex_fail(pkex,
+ "Missing or invalid required Wrapped Data attribute");
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ wpa_hexdump(MSG_DEBUG, "DPP: AES-SIV ciphertext",
+ wrapped_data, wrapped_data_len);
+ unwrapped_len = wrapped_data_len - AES_BLOCK_SIZE;
+ unwrapped = os_malloc(unwrapped_len);
+ if (!unwrapped)
+ goto fail;
+ addr[0] = hdr;
+ len[0] = DPP_HDR_LEN;
+ octet = 0;
+ addr[1] = &octet;
+ len[1] = sizeof(octet);
+ wpa_hexdump(MSG_DEBUG, "DDP: AES-SIV AD[0]", addr[0], len[0]);
+ wpa_hexdump(MSG_DEBUG, "DDP: AES-SIV AD[1]", addr[1], len[1]);
+ if (aes_siv_decrypt(pkex->z, curve->hash_len,
+ wrapped_data, wrapped_data_len,
+ 2, addr, len, unwrapped) < 0) {
+ dpp_pkex_fail(pkex,
+ "AES-SIV decryption failed - possible PKEX code mismatch");
+ pkex->failed = 1;
+ pkex->t++;
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ wpa_hexdump(MSG_DEBUG, "DPP: AES-SIV cleartext",
+ unwrapped, unwrapped_len);
+ if (dpp_check_attrs(unwrapped, unwrapped_len) < 0) {
+ dpp_pkex_fail(pkex, "Invalid attribute in unwrapped data");
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ b_key = dpp_get_attr(unwrapped, unwrapped_len, DPP_ATTR_BOOTSTRAP_KEY,
+ &b_key_len);
+ if (!b_key || b_key_len != 2 * curve->prime_len) {
+ dpp_pkex_fail(pkex, "No valid peer bootstrapping key found");
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ pkex->peer_bootstrap_key = dpp_set_pubkey_point(pkex->x, b_key,
+ b_key_len);
+ if (!pkex->peer_bootstrap_key) {
+ dpp_pkex_fail(pkex, "Peer bootstrapping key is invalid");
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ dpp_debug_print_key("DPP: Peer bootstrap public key",
+ pkex->peer_bootstrap_key);
+ /* ECDH: J' = y * A' */
+ if (dpp_ecdh(pkex->y, pkex->peer_bootstrap_key, Jx, &Jx_len) < 0)
+ goto fail;
+ wpa_hexdump_key(MSG_DEBUG, "DPP: ECDH shared secret (J.x)",
+ Jx, Jx_len);
+ /* u' = HMAC(J'.x, MAC-Initiator | A'.x | Y.x | X'.x) */
+ A_pub = dpp_get_pubkey_point(pkex->peer_bootstrap_key, 0);
+ Y_pub = dpp_get_pubkey_point(pkex->y, 0);
+ X_pub = dpp_get_pubkey_point(pkex->x, 0);
+ if (!A_pub || !Y_pub || !X_pub)
+ goto fail;
+ addr[0] = pkex->peer_mac;
+ len[0] = ETH_ALEN;
+ addr[1] = wpabuf_head(A_pub);
+ len[1] = wpabuf_len(A_pub) / 2;
+ addr[2] = wpabuf_head(Y_pub);
+ len[2] = wpabuf_len(Y_pub) / 2;
+ addr[3] = wpabuf_head(X_pub);
+ len[3] = wpabuf_len(X_pub) / 2;
+ if (dpp_hmac_vector(curve->hash_len, Jx, Jx_len, 4, addr, len, u) < 0)
+ goto fail;
+ peer_u = dpp_get_attr(unwrapped, unwrapped_len, DPP_ATTR_I_AUTH_TAG,
+ &peer_u_len);
+ if (!peer_u || peer_u_len != curve->hash_len ||
+ os_memcmp(peer_u, u, curve->hash_len) != 0) {
+ dpp_pkex_fail(pkex, "No valid u (I-Auth tag) found");
+ wpa_hexdump(MSG_DEBUG, "DPP: Calculated u'",
+ u, curve->hash_len);
+ wpa_hexdump(MSG_DEBUG, "DPP: Received u", peer_u, peer_u_len);
+ pkex->t++;
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "DPP: Valid u (I-Auth tag) received");
+ /* ECDH: L = b * X' */
+ if (dpp_ecdh(pkex->own_bi->pubkey, pkex->x, Lx, &Lx_len) < 0)
+ goto fail;
+ wpa_hexdump_key(MSG_DEBUG, "DPP: ECDH shared secret (L.x)",
+ Lx, Lx_len);
+ /* v = HMAC(L.x, MAC-Responder | B.x | X'.x | Y.x) */
+ B_pub = dpp_get_pubkey_point(pkex->own_bi->pubkey, 0);
+ if (!B_pub)
+ goto fail;
+ addr[0] = pkex->own_mac;
+ len[0] = ETH_ALEN;
+ addr[1] = wpabuf_head(B_pub);
+ len[1] = wpabuf_len(B_pub) / 2;
+ addr[2] = wpabuf_head(X_pub);
+ len[2] = wpabuf_len(X_pub) / 2;
+ addr[3] = wpabuf_head(Y_pub);
+ len[3] = wpabuf_len(Y_pub) / 2;
+ if (dpp_hmac_vector(curve->hash_len, Lx, Lx_len, 4, addr, len, v) < 0)
+ goto fail;
+ wpa_hexdump(MSG_DEBUG, "DPP: v", v, curve->hash_len);
+ msg = dpp_pkex_build_commit_reveal_resp(pkex, B_pub, v);
+ if (!msg)
+ goto fail;
+ os_free(unwrapped);
+ wpabuf_free(A_pub);
+ wpabuf_free(B_pub);
+ wpabuf_free(X_pub);
+ wpabuf_free(Y_pub);
+ return msg;
+ wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG,
+ "DPP: PKEX Commit-Reveal Request processing failed");
+ goto out;
+int dpp_pkex_rx_commit_reveal_resp(struct dpp_pkex *pkex, const u8 *hdr,
+ const u8 *buf, size_t buflen)
+ const struct dpp_curve_params *curve = pkex->own_bi->curve;
+ const u8 *wrapped_data, *b_key, *peer_v;
+ u16 wrapped_data_len, b_key_len, peer_v_len = 0;
+ const u8 *addr[4];
+ size_t len[4];
+ u8 octet;
+ u8 *unwrapped = NULL;
+ size_t unwrapped_len = 0;
+ int ret = -1;
+ size_t Lx_len;
+ struct wpabuf *B_pub = NULL, *X_pub = NULL, *Y_pub = NULL;
+ if (dpp_test == DPP_TEST_STOP_AT_PKEX_CR_RESP) {
+ wpa_printf(MSG_INFO,
+ "DPP: TESTING - stop at PKEX CR Response");
+ pkex->failed = 1;
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ if (!pkex->exchange_done || pkex->failed ||
+ pkex->t >= PKEX_COUNTER_T_LIMIT || !pkex->initiator)
+ goto fail;
+ wrapped_data = dpp_get_attr(buf, buflen, DPP_ATTR_WRAPPED_DATA,
+ &wrapped_data_len);
+ if (!wrapped_data || wrapped_data_len < AES_BLOCK_SIZE) {
+ dpp_pkex_fail(pkex,
+ "Missing or invalid required Wrapped Data attribute");
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ wpa_hexdump(MSG_DEBUG, "DPP: AES-SIV ciphertext",
+ wrapped_data, wrapped_data_len);
+ unwrapped_len = wrapped_data_len - AES_BLOCK_SIZE;
+ unwrapped = os_malloc(unwrapped_len);
+ if (!unwrapped)
+ goto fail;
+ addr[0] = hdr;
+ len[0] = DPP_HDR_LEN;
+ octet = 1;
+ addr[1] = &octet;
+ len[1] = sizeof(octet);
+ wpa_hexdump(MSG_DEBUG, "DDP: AES-SIV AD[0]", addr[0], len[0]);
+ wpa_hexdump(MSG_DEBUG, "DDP: AES-SIV AD[1]", addr[1], len[1]);
+ if (aes_siv_decrypt(pkex->z, curve->hash_len,
+ wrapped_data, wrapped_data_len,
+ 2, addr, len, unwrapped) < 0) {
+ dpp_pkex_fail(pkex,
+ "AES-SIV decryption failed - possible PKEX code mismatch");
+ pkex->t++;
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ wpa_hexdump(MSG_DEBUG, "DPP: AES-SIV cleartext",
+ unwrapped, unwrapped_len);
+ if (dpp_check_attrs(unwrapped, unwrapped_len) < 0) {
+ dpp_pkex_fail(pkex, "Invalid attribute in unwrapped data");
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ b_key = dpp_get_attr(unwrapped, unwrapped_len, DPP_ATTR_BOOTSTRAP_KEY,
+ &b_key_len);
+ if (!b_key || b_key_len != 2 * curve->prime_len) {
+ dpp_pkex_fail(pkex, "No valid peer bootstrapping key found");
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ pkex->peer_bootstrap_key = dpp_set_pubkey_point(pkex->x, b_key,
+ b_key_len);
+ if (!pkex->peer_bootstrap_key) {
+ dpp_pkex_fail(pkex, "Peer bootstrapping key is invalid");
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ dpp_debug_print_key("DPP: Peer bootstrap public key",
+ pkex->peer_bootstrap_key);
+ /* ECDH: L' = x * B' */
+ if (dpp_ecdh(pkex->x, pkex->peer_bootstrap_key, Lx, &Lx_len) < 0)
+ goto fail;
+ wpa_hexdump_key(MSG_DEBUG, "DPP: ECDH shared secret (L.x)",
+ Lx, Lx_len);
+ /* v' = HMAC(L.x, MAC-Responder | B'.x | X.x | Y'.x) */
+ B_pub = dpp_get_pubkey_point(pkex->peer_bootstrap_key, 0);
+ X_pub = dpp_get_pubkey_point(pkex->x, 0);
+ Y_pub = dpp_get_pubkey_point(pkex->y, 0);
+ if (!B_pub || !X_pub || !Y_pub)
+ goto fail;
+ addr[0] = pkex->peer_mac;
+ len[0] = ETH_ALEN;
+ addr[1] = wpabuf_head(B_pub);
+ len[1] = wpabuf_len(B_pub) / 2;
+ addr[2] = wpabuf_head(X_pub);
+ len[2] = wpabuf_len(X_pub) / 2;
+ addr[3] = wpabuf_head(Y_pub);
+ len[3] = wpabuf_len(Y_pub) / 2;
+ if (dpp_hmac_vector(curve->hash_len, Lx, Lx_len, 4, addr, len, v) < 0)
+ goto fail;
+ peer_v = dpp_get_attr(unwrapped, unwrapped_len, DPP_ATTR_R_AUTH_TAG,
+ &peer_v_len);
+ if (!peer_v || peer_v_len != curve->hash_len ||
+ os_memcmp(peer_v, v, curve->hash_len) != 0) {
+ dpp_pkex_fail(pkex, "No valid v (R-Auth tag) found");
+ wpa_hexdump(MSG_DEBUG, "DPP: Calculated v'",
+ v, curve->hash_len);
+ wpa_hexdump(MSG_DEBUG, "DPP: Received v", peer_v, peer_v_len);
+ pkex->t++;
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "DPP: Valid v (R-Auth tag) received");
+ ret = 0;
+ wpabuf_free(B_pub);
+ wpabuf_free(X_pub);
+ wpabuf_free(Y_pub);
+ os_free(unwrapped);
+ return ret;
+ goto out;
+struct dpp_bootstrap_info *
+dpp_pkex_finish(struct dpp_global *dpp, struct dpp_pkex *pkex, const u8 *peer,
+ unsigned int freq)
+ struct dpp_bootstrap_info *bi;
+ bi = os_zalloc(sizeof(*bi));
+ if (!bi)
+ return NULL;
+ bi->id = dpp_next_id(dpp);
+ bi->type = DPP_BOOTSTRAP_PKEX;
+ os_memcpy(bi->mac_addr, peer, ETH_ALEN);
+ bi->num_freq = 1;
+ bi->freq[0] = freq;
+ bi->curve = pkex->own_bi->curve;
+ bi->pubkey = pkex->peer_bootstrap_key;
+ pkex->peer_bootstrap_key = NULL;
+ if (dpp_bootstrap_key_hash(bi) < 0) {
+ dpp_bootstrap_info_free(bi);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ dpp_pkex_free(pkex);
+ dl_list_add(&dpp->bootstrap, &bi->list);
+ return bi;
+void dpp_pkex_free(struct dpp_pkex *pkex)
+ if (!pkex)
+ return;
+ os_free(pkex->identifier);
+ os_free(pkex->code);
+ EVP_PKEY_free(pkex->x);
+ EVP_PKEY_free(pkex->y);
+ EVP_PKEY_free(pkex->peer_bootstrap_key);
+ wpabuf_free(pkex->exchange_req);
+ wpabuf_free(pkex->exchange_resp);
+ os_free(pkex);