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authorMatthew D. Fuller <fullermd@over-yonder.net>2023-10-09 12:59:56 +0000
committerSergio Carlavilla Delgado <carlavilla@FreeBSD.org>2023-10-09 12:59:56 +0000
commit65f5328ae3ab9e9b098a9e346e021d654aecde9b (patch)
parent8a431c30fe69f7ee8b2873a7f8803d4c158586f0 (diff)
Articles - LDAP Auth: Upgrade from OpenLDAP 2.4 to OpenLDAP 2.6
PR: 274220
1 files changed, 5 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/documentation/content/en/articles/ldap-auth/_index.adoc b/documentation/content/en/articles/ldap-auth/_index.adoc
index 5ae1f8681a..10bba18534 100644
--- a/documentation/content/en/articles/ldap-auth/_index.adoc
+++ b/documentation/content/en/articles/ldap-auth/_index.adoc
@@ -70,8 +70,8 @@ Its most recent specifications are in http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc4510.txt[RFC451
Essentially it is a database that expects to be read from more often than it is written to.
The LDAP server http://www.openldap.org/[OpenLDAP] will be used in the examples in this document; while the principles here should be generally applicable to many different servers, most of the concrete administration is OpenLDAP-specific.
-There are several server versions in ports, for example package:net/openldap24-server[].
-Client servers will need the corresponding package:net/openldap24-client[] libraries.
+There are several server versions in ports, for example package:net/openldap26-server[].
+Client servers will need the corresponding package:net/openldap26-client[] libraries.
There are (basically) two areas of the LDAP service which need configuration.
The first is setting up a server to receive connections properly, and the second is adding entries to the server's directory so that FreeBSD tools know how to interact with it.
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ First, install OpenLDAP:
-# cd /usr/ports/net/openldap24-server
+# cd /usr/ports/net/openldap26-server
# make install clean
@@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ ldap slapd 3261 7 tcp4 *:389 *:*
==== Configuring the Client
-Install the package:net/openldap24-client[] port for the OpenLDAP libraries.
+Install the package:net/openldap26-client[] port for the OpenLDAP libraries.
The client machines will always have OpenLDAP libraries since that is all package:security/pam_ldap[] and package:net/nss_ldap[] support, at least for the moment.
The configuration file for the OpenLDAP libraries is [.filename]#/usr/local/etc/openldap/ldap.conf#.
@@ -317,7 +317,7 @@ If it does, your database is properly configured to be used as an LDAP authentic
== Client Configuration
-The client should already have OpenLDAP libraries from <<ldap-connect-client>>, but if you are installing several client machines you will need to install package:net/openldap24-client[] on each of them.
+The client should already have OpenLDAP libraries from <<ldap-connect-client>>, but if you are installing several client machines you will need to install package:net/openldap26-client[] on each of them.
FreeBSD requires two ports to be installed to authenticate against an LDAP server, package:security/pam_ldap[] and package:net/nss_ldap[].