diff options
authorChin-San Huang <chinsan@FreeBSD.org>2008-10-02 15:55:06 +0000
committerChin-San Huang <chinsan@FreeBSD.org>2008-10-02 15:55:06 +0000
commit793d2d9cc87b4b4616015841761bad89414f4a19 (patch)
parent93d1411ed3c76e8b800980f14a664bf7711ff10f (diff)
- Update to 1.954 (MFen)
Submitted by: whsyu Obtained from: The FreeBSD Traditional Chinese Project https://opensvn.csie.org/traccgi/freebsddoc/wiki
Notes: svn path=/head/; revision=32994
1 files changed, 874 insertions, 255 deletions
diff --git a/zh_TW.Big5/books/porters-handbook/book.sgml b/zh_TW.Big5/books/porters-handbook/book.sgml
index 90cf5ca7b7..dccdb77d1f 100644
--- a/zh_TW.Big5/books/porters-handbook/book.sgml
+++ b/zh_TW.Big5/books/porters-handbook/book.sgml
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
The FreeBSD Documentation Project
- Original Revision: 1.876
+ Original Revision: 1.954
<!DOCTYPE BOOK PUBLIC "-//FreeBSD//DTD DocBook V4.1-Based Extension//EN" [
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
+ <year>2008</year>
<holder role="mailto:doc@FreeBSD.org">FreeBSD 文件計劃</holder>
@@ -54,7 +55,7 @@
<chapter id="own-port">
<title>自行打造 port</title>
- <para>那麼,開始對自行製作 port 或更新現有 port 有一些興趣了嗎?太好囉!</para>
+ <para>那麼,開始對自行製作 port 或更新有一些興趣了嗎?太好囉!</para>
<para>下面將介紹一些建立 port 時該注意的事項。如果是想升級現有的 port
,那麼也請參閱 <xref linkend="port-upgrading"> 說明。</para>
@@ -72,9 +73,8 @@
<filename>/usr/ports/Mk/bsd.port.mk</filename> 內,其他的也是差不多。
請注意:該檔並非使用一般的 tab 設定值,而是採用 1 個 tab 等於 4 個
- space。
- :<application>Emacs</application> 與 <application>Vim</application>
- 應該都會在載入該檔時順便讀取相關設定值。
+ space。 <application>Emacs</application> 與
+ <application>Vim</application> 應該都會在載入該檔時順便讀取相關設定值。
&man.vi.1; 及 &man.ex.1; 這兩個程式也都可以打
<command>:set tabstop=4</command> 以修改設定值。</para>
@@ -226,7 +226,8 @@ PLIST_DIRS= lib/X11/oneko</programlisting>
<para>當然,若該 port 並無安裝自屬的目錄的話,就不必設
<makevar>PLIST_DIRS</makevar> 囉。</para>
- <para>然而,使用 <makevar>PLIST_FILES</makevar> 、<makevar>PLIST_DIRS</makevar> 是必須付出代價:
+ <para>然而,使用 <makevar>PLIST_FILES</makevar>、
+ <makevar>PLIST_DIRS</makevar> 是必須付出代價:
不能使用 &man.pkg.create.1; 內所說的 command sequences。
因此,這招僅適用於較簡單的 port ,以及簡化該 port 的作法。
此外,這招還有一個好處:可以減少 ports collection 的整體檔案總數。
@@ -272,7 +273,8 @@ PLIST_DIRS= lib/X11/oneko</programlisting>
- <para>該 port 可以用 <command>reinstall</command> 來重新安裝。</para>
+ <para>該 port 可以用 <command>reinstall</command> 來重新安裝
+ 。</para>
@@ -429,7 +431,8 @@ PLIST_DIRS= lib/X11/oneko</programlisting>
<para>其次,進行 <maketarget>extract</maketarget> 階段,它會從
<makevar>DISTDIR</makevar> 內找出該 port 所需的檔案(通常是 gzip
格式的 tarball),然後解壓縮到 <makevar>WRKDIR</makevar>
- 所設定的臨時目錄名稱(預設是 <filename>work</filename> 目錄)內。</para>
+ 所設定的臨時目錄名稱(預設是 <filename>work</filename> 目錄)內
+ 。</para>
@@ -593,74 +596,78 @@ PLIST_DIRS= lib/X11/oneko</programlisting>
<sect1 id="slow-patch">
- <para>In the preparation of the port, files that have been added or
- changed can be picked up with a &man.diff.1;
- for later feeding to &man.patch.1;. Each patch you
- wish to apply should be saved into a file named
- <filename>patch-<replaceable>*</replaceable></filename> where
- <replaceable>*</replaceable> indicates
- the pathname of the file that is patched,
- such as <filename>patch-Imakefile</filename> or
- <filename>patch-src-config.h</filename>. These files should
- be stored in <makevar>PATCHDIR</makevar>
- (usually <filename>files/</filename>, from where they will be
- automatically applied. All patches must be relative to
- <makevar>WRKSRC</makevar> (generally the directory your port's
- tarball unpacks itself into, that being where the build is done).
- To make fixes and upgrades easier, you should avoid having more than
- one patch fix the same file (e.g., <filename>patch-file</filename> and
- <filename>patch-file2</filename> both changing
- <filename><makevar>WRKSRC</makevar>/foobar.c</filename>).</para>
- <para>Please only use characters <literal>[-+._a-zA-Z0-9]</literal> for
- naming your patches. Do not use any other characters besides them.
- Do not name your patches like <filename>patch-aa</filename> or
- <filename>patch-ab</filename> etc, always mention path and file name
- in patch names.</para>
- <para>Do not put RCS strings in patches. CVS will mangle them when we
- put the files into the ports tree, and when we check them out again,
- they will come out different and the patch will fail. RCS strings
- are surrounded by dollar (<literal>&dollar;</literal>) signs, and
- typically start with <literal>&dollar;Id</literal> or
- <literal>&dollar;RCS</literal>.</para>
- <para>Using the recurse (<option>-r</option>) option to
- &man.diff.1; to generate patches is fine, but please take
- a look at the resulting patches to make sure you do not have any
- unnecessary junk in there. In particular, diffs between two backup
- files, <filename>Makefile</filename>s when the port uses
- <command>Imake</command> or GNU <command>configure</command>, etc.,
- are unnecessary and should be deleted. If you had to edit
- <filename>configure.in</filename> and run
- <command>autoconf</command> to regenerate
- <command>configure</command>, do not take the diffs of
- <command>configure</command> (it often grows to a few thousand
- lines!); define <literal>USE_AUTOTOOLS=autoconf:261</literal> and take the
- diffs of <filename>configure.in</filename>.</para>
- <para>If you had to delete a file, then you can do it in the
- <maketarget>post-extract</maketarget> target rather than as part of
- the patch.</para>
- <para>Simple replacements can be performed directly from the port
- <filename>Makefile</filename> using the in-place mode of
- &man.sed.1;. This is very useful when you need to patch in
- a variable value. Example:</para>
+ <para>在 port 的準備過程中,新增或變更過的檔案,
+ 可以利用 &man.diff.1; 將這些變動列出,
+ 以便後續讓 &man.patch.1; 使用。
+ 所有你想套用的 patch 都應該命名為
+ <filename>patch-<replaceable>*</replaceable></filename>,其中
+ <replaceable>*</replaceable> 表示要 patch 檔案的路徑及檔名名稱,
+ 例如 <filename>patch-Imakefile</filename> 或
+ <filename>patch-src-config.h</filename>。
+ 這些檔案都應該儲存在 <makevar>PATCHDIR</makevar>
+ (通常是 <filename>files/</filename>,放在其內的檔案都會自動被套用。
+ 所有 patch 檔路徑都是相對於
+ <makevar>WRKSRC</makevar> (通常會將 port 的 tarball 解壓到裡面,
+ port 的建置也會在這裡完成)。
+ 為了能讓修正和更新更順利,你應該避免多個 patch 修正同一個檔案
+ (舉例來說,<filename>patch-file</filename> 和
+ <filename>patch-file2</filename> 同時更動
+ <filename><makevar>WRKSRC</makevar>/foobar.c</filename>)。</para>
+ <para>請只使用 <literal>[-+._a-zA-Z0-9]</literal> 這些字元來命名
+ patch 檔,不要使用這些字元以外的字元。
+ 千萬不要將你的 patch 檔命名成 <filename>patch-aa</filename> 或是
+ <filename>patch-ab</filename> 等名稱,
+ 請使用路徑和名稱相關的命名。</para>
+ <para>不要將 RCS 字串放進你的 patch 檔。CVS 會在這些檔案送入
+ ports tree 的時候弄亂檔案內容,而且在將它們重新 check out
+ 出來後,會因檔案內容的差異造成 patch 失敗。
+ RCS 字串是以錢字號 (<literal>&dollar;</literal>) 括起來的,
+ 通常以 <literal>&dollar;Id</literal> 或
+ <literal>&dollar;RCS</literal> 為開頭。</para>
+ <para>你可以使用 &man.diff.1; 搭配 recurse (<option>-r</option>) 選項
+ 來產生 patch 檔,但請再次檢視產生出的 patch 檔,確保你沒有產生
+ 任何不必要的垃圾資訊在裡面。特別是對那些經由
+ <command>Imake</command> 或 GNU <command>configure</command>
+ 所產生的 <filename>Makefile</filename> 檔產生 patch,
+ 都是不必要的,這類的 patch 檔都應該被刪除。假如你必須透過修改
+ <command>configure.in</command> 再執行
+ <command>autoconf</command> 來重新產生
+ <command>configure</command>,不要對
+ <command>configure</command> 產生 patch 檔 (這往往會長成數千行!);
+ 請定義 <literal>USE_AUTOTOOLS=autoconf:261</literal> 並對
+ <filename>configure.in</filename> 產生 patch 檔。</para>
+ <para>請儘量不要對無用的 whitespace 作修改,因為在 Open Source 界各個
+ project 都會使用很多相同的 code base,這些可能卻是採用不同的編排方式
+ 、coding style。 若要試圖改變這些編排風格的話,請小心:
+ 這些只會是徒勞無功的更改。 此外不僅會造成 CVS repository 空間浪費,
+ 也會讓人難以找出真正問題癥結所在,以及分辨不出這段 patch 到底在作什麼
+ 。</para>
+ <para>假如你必須刪除一個檔案,那麼你可以在
+ <maketarget>post-extract</maketarget> 階段做這件事,
+ 而不是在 patch 階段。</para>
+ <para>你可以直接在 port 的
+ <filename>Makefile</filename> 中完成簡單的置換工作,只需使用
+ &man.sed.1; 的 in-place mode 即可。這在只需 patch 一個變數的值時相當有用。
+ 例如:</para>
@${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's|for Linux|for FreeBSD|g' ${WRKSRC}/README
@${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's|-pthread|${PTHREAD_LIBS}|' ${WRKSRC}/configure</programlisting>
- <para>Quite often, there is a situation when the software being
- ported, especially if it is primarily developed on &windows;, uses
- the CR/LF convention for most of its source files. This may cause
- problems with further patching, compiler warnings, scripts
- execution (<command>/bin/sh^M</command> not found), etc. To
- quickly convert all files from CR/LF to just LF, add
- <literal>USE_DOS2UNIX=yes</literal> to the port
- <filename>Makefile</filename>. A list of files to convert can
- be specified:</para>
+ <para>在移植軟體時,特別是那些在 &windows; 平台開發的軟體,
+ 時常會遇到一種情況,就是在大部份的 source file 中,
+ 使用 CR/LF 做為斷行。這會影響往後的 patching、compiler warnings、以及
+ scripts execution (找不到 <command>/bin/sh^M</command> 的情況) 等。
+ 為了快速轉換 CR/LF 為 LF,可以把
+ <literal>USE_DOS2UNIX=yes</literal> 加到 port 的
+ <filename>Makefile</filename> 檔中。
+ 你也可以設定成只針對指定的檔案做轉換:</para>
<programlisting>USE_DOS2UNIX= util.c util.h</programlisting>
@@ -677,39 +684,39 @@ DOS2UNIX_REGEX= .*\.(c|cpp|h)</programlisting>
<sect1 id="slow-configure">
- <para>Include any additional customization commands in your
- <filename>configure</filename> script and save it in the
- <filename>scripts</filename> subdirectory. As mentioned above, you
- can also do this with <filename>Makefile</filename> targets and/or
- scripts with the name <filename>pre-configure</filename> or
- <filename>post-configure</filename>.</para>
+ <para>將任何額外的自訂指令包含進你的
+ <filename>configure</filename> script 中,且將它儲存在
+ <filename>scripts</filename> 的子資料夾裡。 如同上面提到的,
+ 你也可以在 <filename>Makefile</filename> 或者是在
+ 名稱為 <filename>pre-configure</filename> 或
+ <filename>post-configure</filename> 的 script 檔中做同樣的事。</para>
<sect1 id="slow-user-input">
- <title>Handling user input</title>
- <para>If your port requires user input to build, configure, or install,
- you must set <makevar>IS_INTERACTIVE</makevar> in your <filename>Makefile</filename>. This
- will allow <quote>overnight builds</quote> to skip your port if the
- user sets the variable <envar>BATCH</envar> in his environment (and
- if the user sets the variable <envar>INTERACTIVE</envar>, then
- <emphasis>only</emphasis> those ports requiring interaction are
- built). This will save a lot of wasted time on the set of
- machines that continually build ports (see below).</para>
- <para>It is also recommended that if there are reasonable default
- answers to the questions, you check the
- <makevar>PACKAGE_BUILDING</makevar> variable and turn off the
- interactive script when it is set. This will allow us to build the
- packages for CDROMs and FTP.</para>
+ <title>處理使用者輸入</title>
+ <para>如果該 port 需要使用者作出選擇才能安裝的話,
+ 則必須在 <filename>Makefile</filename> 加上
+ <makevar>IS_INTERACTIVE</makevar> 變數。 如此一來若使用者有設定
+ <envar>BATCH</envar> 環境變數的話,就會略過該 port 而繼續
+ <quote>overnight builds</quote>(若使用者把該環境變數值設為
+ <envar>BATCH</envar> 的話,那麼 <emphasis>只有</emphasis>
+ 那些需要與使用者互動的 port 才會編譯。)。
+ 這使得那些需要不停編譯 port 的機器會省下許多時間(後面會說明這點)
+ 。</para>
+ <para>此外建議,若是這些互動問題有合適的預設選項的話,
+ 那應確認一下 <makevar>PACKAGE_BUILDING</makevar> 變數該如何設,
+ 才能配合該變數而決定是否停止互動。 如此一來才可以自動編譯出
+ CDROM 與 FTP 上的套件。</para>
<chapter id="makefile">
- <title>Configuring the Makefile</title>
+ <title>設定 Makefile</title>
- <para>Configuring the <filename>Makefile</filename> is pretty simple, and again we suggest
- that you look at existing examples before starting. Also, there is a
+ <para>設定 <filename>Makefile</filename> 是件非常簡單的事,
+ 建議您在開始前,先看看範例。Also, there is a
<link linkend="porting-samplem">sample Makefile</link> in this
handbook, so take a look and please follow the ordering of variables
and sections in that template to make your port easier for others to
@@ -1499,14 +1506,14 @@ PORTEPOCH= 1</programlisting>
- <entry><filename>graphics</filename></entry>
- <entry>圖形處理的工具軟體。</entry>
+ <entry><filename>gnustep*</filename></entry>
+ <entry>GNUstep 桌面環境相關的軟體。</entry>
- <entry><filename>gnustep*</filename></entry>
- <entry>GNUstep 桌面環境相關的軟體。</entry>
+ <entry><filename>graphics</filename></entry>
+ <entry>圖形處理的工具軟體。</entry>
@@ -1789,30 +1796,6 @@ PORTEPOCH= 1</programlisting>
- <entry><filename>tcl80*</filename></entry>
- <entry>Ports that use Tcl version 8.0 to run.</entry>
- <entry></entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry><filename>tcl82*</filename></entry>
- <entry>Ports that use Tcl version 8.2 to run.</entry>
- <entry></entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry><filename>tcl83*</filename></entry>
- <entry>Ports that use Tcl version 8.3 to run.</entry>
- <entry></entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry><filename>tcl84*</filename></entry>
- <entry>Ports that use Tcl version 8.4 to run.</entry>
- <entry></entry>
- </row>
- <row>
<entry>Text processing utilities.</entry>
<entry>It does not include
@@ -1826,36 +1809,6 @@ PORTEPOCH= 1</programlisting>
- <entry><filename>tk80*</filename></entry>
- <entry>Ports that use Tk version 8.0 to run.</entry>
- <entry></entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry><filename>tk82*</filename></entry>
- <entry>Ports that use Tk version 8.2 to run.</entry>
- <entry></entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry><filename>tk83*</filename></entry>
- <entry>Ports that use Tk version 8.3 to run.</entry>
- <entry></entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry><filename>tk84*</filename></entry>
- <entry>Ports that use Tk version 8.4 to run.</entry>
- <entry></entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry><filename>tkstep80*</filename></entry>
- <entry>Ports that use TkSTEP version 8.0 to run.</entry>
- <entry></entry>
- </row>
- <row>
<entry>Ukrainian language support.</entry>
@@ -2205,14 +2158,17 @@ PORTEPOCH= 1</programlisting>
@@ -3225,14 +3181,14 @@ ALWAYS_KEEP_DISTFILES= yes
<para>For example,</para>
<programlisting>RUN_DEPENDS= ${LOCALBASE}/etc/innd:${PORTSDIR}/news/inn \
- wish8.0:${PORTSDIR}/x11-toolkits/tk80</programlisting>
+ xmlcatmgr:${PORTSDIR}/textproc/xmlcatmgr</programlisting>
<para>will check if the file or directory
<filename>/usr/local/etc/innd</filename> exists, and build and
install it from the <filename>news/inn</filename> subdirectory of
the ports tree if it is not found. It will also see if an
- executable called <command>wish8.0</command> is in the search
- path, and descend into the <filename>x11-toolkits/tk80</filename>
+ executable called <command>xmlcatmgr</command> is in the search
+ path, and descend into the <filename>textproc/xmlcatmgr</filename>
subdirectory of your ports tree to build and install it if it is
not found.</para>
@@ -3721,10 +3677,13 @@ ${MANPREFIX}/man/de/man3/baz.3.gz</programlisting>
<para>These variables are designed to be set by the system
administrator. There are many that are standardized in
- <filename>ports/Mk/bsd.*.mk</filename>; others are not,
- which can be confusing. If you need to add such a
- configuration variable, please consider using one of the
- ones from the following list.</para>
+ <ulink url="http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/cvsweb.cgi/ports/KNOBS?rev=HEAD&amp;content-type=text/x-cvsweb-markup"><filename>ports/KNOBS</filename></ulink>
+ file.</para>
+ <para>When creating a port, do not make knob names specific to a
+ given application. For example in Avahi port, use
+ <makevar>WITHOUT_MDNS</makevar> instead of
+ <makevar>WITHOUT_AVAHI_MDNS</makevar>.</para>
<para>You should not assume that a
@@ -3743,7 +3702,7 @@ ${MANPREFIX}/man/de/man3/baz.3.gz</programlisting>
<table frame="none">
- <title>The <makevar>WITH_<replaceable>*</replaceable></makevar>
+ <title>Common <makevar>WITH_<replaceable>*</replaceable></makevar>
and <makevar>WITHOUT_<replaceable>*</replaceable></makevar>
@@ -3757,37 +3716,6 @@ ${MANPREFIX}/man/de/man3/baz.3.gz</programlisting>
- <row>
- <entry><makevar>WITH_APACHE2</makevar></entry>
- <entry>If set, use
- <filename role="package">www/apache20</filename>
- instead of the default of
- <filename role="package">www/apache13</filename>.</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry><makevar>WITH_BERKELEY_DB</makevar></entry>
- <entry>Define this variable to specify the ability to
- use a variant of the Berkeley database package such as
- <filename role="package">databases/db41</filename>.
- An associated variable,
- <makevar>WITH_BDB_VER</makevar>, may be
- set to values such as 2, 3, 4, 41 or 42.</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry><makevar>WITH_MYSQL</makevar></entry>
- <entry>Define this variable to specify the ability to
- use a variant of the MySQL database package such as
- <filename role="package">databases/mysql40-server</filename>.
- An associated variable,
- <makevar>WANT_MYSQL_VER</makevar>, may be
- set to values such as 323, 40, 41, or 50.</entry>
- </row>
<row id="knobs-without-nls">
@@ -3805,19 +3733,9 @@ ${MANPREFIX}/man/de/man3/baz.3.gz</programlisting>
- <entry>Use the version of OpenSSL from
+ <entry>Installs the version of OpenSSL from
<filename role="package">security/openssl</filename>,
- overwriting the version that was originally installed
- in the base system.</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry><makevar>WITH_POSTGRESQL</makevar></entry>
- <entry>Define this variable to specify the ability to
- use a variant of the PostGreSQL database package such as
- <filename role="package">databases/postgresql72</filename>.
- </entry>
+ even if the base is up to date.</entry>
@@ -4555,26 +4473,11 @@ PORTVERSION= 1.0</programlisting>
argument is <literal>--prefix=&dollar;{PREFIX}
- &dollar;{CONFIGURE_TARGET}</literal>), set those
+ --build=&dollar;{CONFIGURE_TARGET}</literal>), set those
extra arguments in <makevar>CONFIGURE_ARGS</makevar>. Extra
environment variables can be passed using
<makevar>CONFIGURE_ENV</makevar> variable.</para>
- <para>If your package uses GNU <command>configure</command>, and
- the resulting executable file has a <quote>strange</quote> name
- like
- <filename>i386-portbld-freebsd4.7-</filename><replaceable>appname</replaceable>,
- you will need to additionally override the
- <makevar>CONFIGURE_TARGET</makevar> variable to specify the
- target in the way required by scripts generated by recent
- versions of <command>autoconf</command>. Add the following line
- immediately after the <literal>GNU_CONFIGURE=yes</literal> line
- in your <filename>Makefile</filename>:</para>
- <para>
- <literal>CONFIGURE_TARGET=--build=${MACHINE_ARCH}-portbld-freebsd${OSREL}</literal>
- </para>
<table frame="none">
<title>Variables for ports that use configure</title>
@@ -5297,13 +5200,13 @@ USE_GL= glu</programlisting>
<example id="using-x11-vars">
- <title>Using X11 related variables in port</title>
+ <title>Using some X11 related variables in port</title>
<programlisting># Use X11 libraries and depend on
# font server as well as cyrillic fonts.
- ${X11BASE}/lib/X11/fonts/cyrillic/crox1c.pcf.gz:${X_FONTS_CYRILLIC_PORT}
+ ${LOCALBASE}/lib/X11/fonts/cyrillic/crox1c.pcf.gz:${X_FONTS_CYRILLIC_PORT}
-USE_XLIB= yes</programlisting>
+USE_XORG= yes</programlisting>
@@ -5356,7 +5259,7 @@ USE_XLIB= yes</programlisting>
<title>X11 fonts</title>
<para>If your port installs fonts for the X Window System, put them in
- <filename><makevar>X11BASE</makevar>/lib/X11/fonts/local</filename>.<para>
+ <filename><makevar>LOCALBASE</makevar>/lib/X11/fonts/local</filename>.<para>
@@ -5364,9 +5267,9 @@ USE_XLIB= yes</programlisting>
<title>Getting fake <envar>DISPLAY</envar> using Xvfb</title>
<para>Some applications require a working X11 display for compilation to
- succeed. This pose a problem for the FreeBSD package building
- cluster, which operates headless. When the following canonical hack
- is used, the package cluster will start the virtual framebuffer
+ succeed. This pose a problem for machines which operates headless.
+ When the following variable is used, the build infrastructure will
+ start the virtual framebuffer
X server. The working <envar>DISPLAY</envar> is then passed
to the build.</para>
@@ -5779,8 +5682,8 @@ do-configure:
add directories to the include and library searchpaths
via the commandline, for example:</para>
- <programlisting>${QMAKE} -unix PREFIX=${PREFIX} INCLUDEPATH+=${X11BASE}/include \
- LIBS+=-L${X11BASE}/lib sillyapp.pro</programlisting>
+ <programlisting>${QMAKE} -unix PREFIX=${PREFIX} INCLUDEPATH+=${LOCALBASE}/include \
+ LIBS+=-L${LOCALBASE}/lib sillyapp.pro</programlisting>
@@ -5831,6 +5734,7 @@ do-configure:
<entry>Should be defined for the remaining variables to have any
<entry>List of space-separated suitable Java versions for
@@ -5838,33 +5742,39 @@ do-configure:
specify a range of versions (allowed values:
<literal>1.1[+] 1.2[+] 1.3[+] 1.4[+]</literal>).</entry>
<entry>List of space-separated suitable JDK port operating
systems for the port (allowed values: <literal>native
<entry>List of space-separated suitable JDK port vendors for
the port (allowed values: <literal>freebsd bsdjava sun ibm
<entry>When set, it means that the selected JDK port should
be added to the build dependencies of the port.</entry>
<entry>When set, it means that the selected JDK port should
be added to the run dependencies of the port.</entry>
<entry>When set, it means that the selected JDK port should
be added to the extract dependencies of the port.</entry>
<entry>Whether the port should or should not use the
@@ -5903,6 +5813,7 @@ do-configure:
<entry>The name of the JDK port (e.g.
<entry>The full version of the JDK port (e.g.
@@ -5910,104 +5821,124 @@ do-configure:
two digits of this version number, use
<entry>The operating system used by the JDK port (e.g.
<entry>The vendor of the JDK port (e.g.
<entry>Description of the operating system used by the JDK port
(e.g. <literal>'Linux'</literal>).</entry>
<entry>Description of the vendor of the JDK port (e.g.
<literal>'FreeBSD Foundation'</literal>).</entry>
<entry>Path to the installation directory of the JDK (e.g.
<entry>Path to the Java compiler to use (e.g.
<filename>'/usr/local/jdk1.1.8/bin/javac'</filename> or
<entry>Path to the <command>jar</command> tool to use (e.g.
<filename>'/usr/local/jdk1.2.2/bin/jar'</filename> or
<entry>Path to the <command>appletviewer</command> utility (e.g.
<entry>Path to the <command>java</command> executable. Use
this for executing Java programs (e.g.
<entry>Path to the <command>javadoc</command> utility
<entry>Path to the <command>javah</command> program.</entry>
<entry>Path to the <command>javap</command> program.</entry>
<entry>Path to the <command>keytool</command> utility program.
This variable is available only if the JDK is Java 1.2 or
<entry>Path to the <command>native2ascii</command> tool.</entry>
<entry>Path to the <command>policytool</command> program.
This variable is available only if the JDK is Java 1.2 or
<entry>Path to the <command>serialver</command> utility
<entry>Path to the RMI stub/skeleton generator,
<entry>Path to the RMI registry program,
<entry>Path to the RMI daemon program <command>rmid</command>.
This variable is only available if the JDK is Java 1.2
or higher.</entry>
<entry>Path to the archive that contains the JDK class
@@ -6016,6 +5947,7 @@ do-configure:
JDKs used
<entry>Defined whenever <command>jikes</command> is used by
@@ -6049,12 +5981,14 @@ do-configure:
Default: <filename>${PREFIX}/share/java</filename>.
<entry>The directory where JAR files should be installed.
<entry>The directory where JAR files installed by other
@@ -7443,7 +7377,7 @@ PLIST_SUB+= VERSION="${VER_STR}"
- <entry><literal>--with-wx=${X11BASE}
+ <entry><literal>--with-wx=${LOCALBASE}
@@ -8088,6 +8022,60 @@ CFLAGS+= -DLUA_VERSION_STRING="${VER_STR}"
<programlisting>USE_XFCE= mcsmanager configenv</programlisting>
+ <sect1 id="using-databases">
+ <title>Using databases</title>
+ <table frame="none">
+ <title>Variables for ports using databases</title>
+ <tgroup cols="2">
+ <thead>
+ <row>
+ <entry>Variable</entry>
+ <entry>Means</entry>
+ </row>
+ </thead>
+ <tbody>
+ <row>
+ <entry><makevar>USE_BDB</makevar></entry>
+ <entry>If variable is set to <literal>yes</literal>,
+ add dependency on <filename role="package">databases/db41</filename>
+ port. The variable may also be set to values: 2, 3, 40, 41,
+ 42, 43, 44, 45 46, or 47. You can declare a range of
+ acceptable values, <makevar>USE_BDB</makevar>=42+ will find
+ the highest installed version, and fall back to 42 if nothing
+ else is installed.</entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry><makevar>USE_MYSQL</makevar></entry>
+ <entry>If variable is set to <literal>yes</literal>, add
+ dependency on <filename role="package">databases/mysql50-server</filename>
+ port. An associated variable,
+ <makevar>WANT_MYSQL_VER</makevar>, may be
+ set to values such as 323, 40, 41, 50, 51 or 60.</entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry><makevar>USE_PGSQL</makevar></entry>
+ <entry>If set to <literal>yes</literal>, add dependency on
+ <filename role="package">databases/postgresql82</filename>
+ port. An associated variable,
+ <makevar>WANT_PGSQL_VER</makevar>, may be set to values such
+ as 73, 74, 80, 81, 82, or 83.</entry>
+ </row>
+ </tbody>
+ </tgroup>
+ </table>
+ </sect1>
<sect1 id="rc-scripts">
<title>Starting and stopping services (rc scripts)</title>
@@ -8114,9 +8102,8 @@ CFLAGS+= -DLUA_VERSION_STRING="${VER_STR}"
<literal>.&nbsp;%%RC_SUBR%%</literal>, because older versions of &os;
do not have an <filename>/etc/rc.subr</filename> file. Standard
<makevar>SUB_LIST</makevar> expansions are used too.
- Use of the <literal>%%PREFIX%%</literal>,
- <literal>%%LOCALBASE%%</literal>, and
- <literal>%%X11BASE%%</literal> expansions is strongly encouraged as well.
+ Use of the <literal>%%PREFIX%%</literal> and
+ <literal>%%LOCALBASE%%</literal> expansions is strongly encouraged as well.
More on
<makevar>SUB_LIST</makevar> in <link
linkend="using-sub-files">the relevant section</link>.</para>
@@ -8677,7 +8664,7 @@ etc/orbit.conf.sample
with <literal>VALUE</literal> in each file listed in
<makevar>SUB_FILES</makevar>. Several common pairs are
automatically defined: <makevar>PREFIX</makevar>,
- <makevar>LOCALBASE</makevar>, <makevar>X11BASE</makevar>,
+ <makevar>LOCALBASE</makevar>,
<makevar>DATADIR</makevar>, <makevar>DOCSDIR</makevar>,
<makevar>EXAMPLESDIR</makevar>. Any line beginning with
<literal>@comment</literal> will be deleted from resulting files
@@ -8796,10 +8783,7 @@ as .putsy.conf and edit it.</programlisting>
<para><makevar>PREFIX</makevar> 變數若無特別設定,會與
<makevar>LOCALBASE</makevar> 相同 (預設為
<filename>/usr/local</filename>)。 若有設定
- <makevar>USE_X_PREFIX</makevar> 或 <makevar>USE_IMAKE</makevar>,
- 那麼 <makevar>PREFIX</makevar> 則為 <makevar>X11BASE</makevar> (
- 為了相容的理由,預設仍為 <filename>/usr/X11R6</filename>,
- 但不久後會徹底移除)。 若有設定 <makevar>USE_LINUX_PREFIX</makevar>,
+ <makevar>USE_LINUX_PREFIX</makevar>,
那麼 <makevar>PREFIX</makevar> 則為 <makevar>LINUXBASE</makevar> (
預設為 <filename>/compat/linux</filename>)。</para>
@@ -8831,10 +8815,6 @@ as .putsy.conf and edit it.</programlisting>
to do that while you have it installed would do that.</para>
- <para>Do not set <makevar>USE_X_PREFIX</makevar> unless your port
- truly requires it (i.e., it needs to
- reference files in <makevar>X11BASE</makevar>).</para>
<para>The variable <makevar>PREFIX</makevar> can be reassigned in your
<filename>Makefile</filename> or in the user's environment.
However, it is strongly discouraged for individual ports to set this
@@ -10531,106 +10511,128 @@ Reference: &lt;http://www.freebsd.org/ports/portaudit/74a9541d-5d6c-11d8-80e3-00
<entry>5.0-CURRENT after branching for RELENG_5_0</entry>
<entry>&lt;sys/dkstat.h&gt; is empty and should
not be included.</entry>
<entry>5.0-CURRENT after the d_mmap_t interface
<entry>5.0-CURRENT after taskqueue_swi changed to run
without Giant, and taskqueue_swi_giant added to run
with Giant.</entry>
<entry>cdevsw_add() and cdevsw_remove() no
longer exists.
Appearance of MAJOR_AUTO allocation facility.</entry>
<entry>5.0-CURRENT after new cdevsw initialization method.</entry>
<entry>devstat_add_entry() has been replaced by
<entry>Devstat interface change; see sys/sys/param.h 1.149</entry>
<entry>Token-Ring interface changes.</entry>
<entry>Addition of vm_paddr_t.</entry>
<entry>5.0-CURRENT after &man.realpath.3; has been made
<entry>5.0-CURRENT after &man.usbhid.3; has been synced with
<entry>5.0-CURRENT after new NSS implementation
and addition of POSIX.1 getpw*_r, getgr*_r
<entry>5.0-CURRENT after removal of the old rc system.</entry>
<entry>5.1-CURRENT after branching for RELENG_5_1.</entry>
<entry>5.1-CURRENT after correcting the semantics of
sigtimedwait(2) and sigwaitinfo(2).</entry>
<entry>5.1-CURRENT after adding the lockfunc and lockfuncarg
fields to &man.bus.dma.tag.create.9;.</entry>
<entry>5.1-CURRENT after GCC 3.3.1-pre 20030711 snapshot
<entry>5.1-CURRENT 3ware API changes to twe.</entry>
<entry>5.1-CURRENT dynamically-linked /bin and /sbin
support and movement of libraries to /lib.</entry>
<entry>5.1-CURRENT after adding kernel support for
Coda 6.x.</entry>
<entry>5.1-CURRENT after 16550 UART constants moved from
<filename>&lt;dev/sio/sioreg.h&gt;</filename> to
@@ -10639,125 +10641,150 @@ Reference: &lt;http://www.freebsd.org/ports/portaudit/74a9541d-5d6c-11d8-80e3-00
supported by rtld.</entry>
<entry>5.1-CURRENT after PFIL_HOOKS API update</entry>
<entry>5.1-CURRENT after adding kiconv(3)</entry>
<entry>5.1-CURRENT after changing default operations
for open and close in cdevsw</entry>
<entry>5.1-CURRENT after changed layout of cdevsw</entry>
<entry> 5.1-CURRENT after adding kobj multiple inheritance
<entry> 5.1-CURRENT after the if_xname change in
struct ifnet</entry>
<entry> 5.1-CURRENT after changing /bin and /sbin to
be dynamically linked</entry>
<entry>5.2-CURRENT after branching for RELENG_5_2</entry>
<entry>5.2-CURRENT after __cxa_atexit/__cxa_finalize
functions were added to libc.</entry>
<entry>5.2-CURRENT after change of default thread library
from libc_r to libpthread.</entry>
<entry>5.2-CURRENT after device driver API megapatch.
<entry>5.2-CURRENT after getopt_long_only() addition.
<entry>5.2-CURRENT after NULL is made into ((void *)0)
for C, creating more warnings.
<entry>5.2-CURRENT after pf is linked to the build and
<entry>5.2-CURRENT after time_t is changed to a
64-bit value on sparc64.
<entry>5.2-CURRENT after Intel C/C++ compiler support in some headers and execve(2) changes to be more strictly conforming to POSIX.
<entry>5.2-CURRENT after the introduction of the
bus_alloc_resource_any API
<entry>5.2-CURRENT after the addition of UTF-8 locales
<entry>5.2-CURRENT after the removal of the getvfsent(3)
<entry>5.2-CURRENT after the addition of the .warning
directive for make.</entry>
<entry>5.2-CURRENT after ttyioctl() was made mandatory
for serial drivers.</entry>
<entry>5.2-CURRENT after import of the ALTQ framework.
<entry>5.2-CURRENT after changing sema_timedwait(9) to
return 0 on success and a non-zero error code on
@@ -10765,41 +10792,48 @@ Reference: &lt;http://www.freebsd.org/ports/portaudit/74a9541d-5d6c-11d8-80e3-00
<entry>5.2-CURRENT after changing kernel dev_t to
be pointer to struct cdev *.
<entry>5.2-CURRENT after changing kernel udev_t to dev_t.
<entry>5.2-CURRENT after adding support for CLOCK_VIRTUAL
and CLOCK_PROF to clock_gettime(2) and clock_getres(2).
<entry>5.2-CURRENT after changing network interface
cloning overhaul.
<entry>5.2-CURRENT after the update of the package tools
to revision 20040629.
<entry>5.2-CURRENT after marking Bluetooth code as
non-i386 specific.
<entry>5.2-CURRENT after the introduction of the KDB
debugger framework, the conversion of DDB into a
@@ -10807,6 +10841,7 @@ Reference: &lt;http://www.freebsd.org/ports/portaudit/74a9541d-5d6c-11d8-80e3-00
<entry>5.2-CURRENT after change to make
VFS_ROOT take a struct
@@ -10817,30 +10852,35 @@ Reference: &lt;http://www.freebsd.org/ports/portaudit/74a9541d-5d6c-11d8-80e3-00
<entry>5.2-CURRENT after the change to separate the way
ports rc.d and legacy scripts are started.
<entry>5.2-CURRENT after the backout of the
previous change.
<entry>5.2-CURRENT after the removal of
kmem_alloc_pageable() and the import of gcc 3.4.2.
<entry>5.2-CURRENT after changing the UMA kernel
API to allow ctors/inits to fail.
<entry>5.2-CURRENT after the change of the
vfs_mount signature as well as global replacement of
@@ -10849,27 +10889,33 @@ Reference: &lt;http://www.freebsd.org/ports/portaudit/74a9541d-5d6c-11d8-80e3-00
<entry>5.3-BETA/RC before the pfil API change</entry>
<entry>5.3-STABLE after branching for RELENG_5_3</entry>
<entry>5.3-STABLE after addition of glibc style
&man.strftime.3; padding options.</entry>
<entry>5.3-STABLE after OpenBSD's nc(1) import MFC.</entry>
<entry>5.4-PRERELEASE after the MFC of the fixes in
<filename>&lt;src/include/stdbool.h&gt;</filename> and
@@ -10877,63 +10923,77 @@ Reference: &lt;http://www.freebsd.org/ports/portaudit/74a9541d-5d6c-11d8-80e3-00
for using the GCC-compatibility of the Intel C/C++ compiler.</entry>
<entry>5.4-PRERELEASE after the MFC of the change of
ifi_epoch from wall clock time to uptime.</entry>
<entry>5.4-PRERELEASE after the MFC of the fix of EOVERFLOW check in vswprintf(3).</entry>
<entry>5.4-STABLE after branching for RELENG_5_4</entry>
<entry>5.4-STABLE after increasing the default
thread stacksizes</entry>
<entry>5.4-STABLE after the addition of sha256</entry>
<entry>5.4-STABLE after the MFC of if_bridge</entry>
<entry>5.4-STABLE after the MFC of bsdiff and portsnap</entry>
<entry>5.4-STABLE after MFC of ldconfig_local_dirs
<entry>5.5-STABLE after branching for RELENG_5_5</entry>
<entry>6.0-CURRENT after permanently enabling PFIL_HOOKS
in the kernel.
<entry>6.0-CURRENT after initial addition of
ifi_epoch to struct if_data. Backed out after a
@@ -10941,62 +11001,73 @@ Reference: &lt;http://www.freebsd.org/ports/portaudit/74a9541d-5d6c-11d8-80e3-00
<entry>6.0-CURRENT after the re-addition of the
ifi_epoch member of struct if_data.
<entry>6.0-CURRENT after addition of the struct inpcb
argument to the pfil API.
<entry>6.0-CURRENT after addition of the "-d
DESTDIR" argument to newsyslog.
<entry>6.0-CURRENT after addition of glibc style
&man.strftime.3; padding options.
<entry>6.0-CURRENT after addition of 802.11 framework
<entry>6.0-CURRENT after changes to VOP_*VOBJECT() functions
and introduction of MNTK_MPSAFE flag for Giantfree filesystems.
<entry>6.0-CURRENT after addition of the cpufreq framework
and drivers.
<entry>6.0-CURRENT after importing OpenBSD's nc(1).</entry>
<entry>6.0-CURRENT after removing semblance of SVID2
<literal>matherr()</literal> support.</entry>
<entry>6.0-CURRENT after increase of default thread stacks'
<entry>6.0-CURRENT after fixes in
<filename>&lt;src/include/stdbool.h&gt;</filename> and
@@ -11004,289 +11075,412 @@ Reference: &lt;http://www.freebsd.org/ports/portaudit/74a9541d-5d6c-11d8-80e3-00
for using the GCC-compatibility of the Intel C/C++ compiler.</entry>
<entry>6.0-CURRENT after EOVERFLOW checks in vswprintf(3) fixed.</entry>
<entry>6.0-CURRENT after changing the struct if_data
member, ifi_epoch, from wall clock time to uptime.</entry>
<entry>6.0-CURRENT after LC_CTYPE disk format changed.</entry>
<entry>6.0-CURRENT after NLS catalogs disk format changed.</entry>
<entry>6.0-CURRENT after LC_COLLATE disk format changed.</entry>
<entry>Installation of acpica includes into /usr/include.</entry>
<entry>Addition of MSG_NOSIGNAL flag to send(2) API.</entry>
<entry>Addition of fields to cdevsw</entry>
<entry>Removed gtar from base system.</entry>
<entry>LOCAL_CREDS, LOCAL_CONNWAIT socket options added to unix(4).</entry>
<entry>&man.hwpmc.4; and related tools added to 6.0-CURRENT.</entry>
<entry>struct icmphdr added to 6.0-CURRENT.</entry>
<entry>pf updated to 3.7.</entry>
<entry>Kernel libalias and ng_nat introduced.</entry>
<entry>POSIX ttyname_r(3) made available through unistd.h and libc.</entry>
<entry>6.0-CURRENT after libpcap updated to v0.9.1 alpha 096.</entry>
<entry>6.0-CURRENT after importing NetBSD's if_bridge(4).</entry>
<entry>6.0-CURRENT after struct ifnet was broken out
of the driver softcs.</entry>
<entry>6.0-CURRENT after the import of libpcap v0.9.1.</entry>
<entry>6.0-STABLE after bump of all shared library
versions that had not been changed since
<entry>6.0-STABLE after credential argument is added to
dev_clone event handler. 6.0-RELEASE.</entry>
<entry>6.0-STABLE after 6.0-RELEASE</entry>
<entry>6.0-STABLE after incorporating scripts from the
local_startup directories into the base &man.rcorder.8;.</entry>
<entry>6.0-STABLE after updating the ELF types and
<entry>6.0-STABLE after MFC of pidfile(3) API.</entry>
<entry>6.0-STABLE after MFC of ldconfig_local_dirs
<entry>6.0-STABLE after NLS catalog support of
<entry>6.1-STABLE after 6.1-RELEASE.</entry>
<entry>6.1-STABLE after the import of csup.</entry>
<entry>6.1-STABLE after the iwi(4) update.</entry>
<entry>6.1-STABLE after the resolver update to
BIND9, and exposure of reentrant version of
netdb functions.</entry>
<entry>6.1-STABLE after DSO (dynamic shared
objects) support has been enabled in
<entry>6.1-STABLE after 802.11 fixups changed the
api for the IEEE80211_IOC_STA_INFO ioctl.</entry>
- <entry>601104</entry>
+ <entry>601105</entry>
<entry>6.2-STABLE after 6.2-RELEASE.</entry>
<entry>6.2-STABLE after the addition of Wi-Spy
<entry>6.2-STABLE after pci_find_extcap() addition.</entry>
<entry>6.2-STABLE after MFC of dlsym change to look
for a requested symbol both
in specified dso and its implicit dependencies.</entry>
<entry>6.2-STABLE after MFC of ng_deflate(4) and
ng_pred1(4) netgraph nodes and new compression and
encryption modes for ng_ppp(4) node.</entry>
<entry>6.2-STABLE after MFC of BSD licensed version of &man.gzip.1;
ported from NetBSD.</entry>
<entry>6.2-STABLE after MFC of PCI MSI and MSI-X
<entry>6.2-STABLE after MFC of ncurses 5.6 and wide
character support.</entry>
<entry>6.2-STABLE after MFC of CAM 'SG' peripheral device,
which implements a subset of Linux SCSI SG passthrough device API.</entry>
<entry>6.2-STABLE after MFC of readline 5.2 patchset 002.</entry>
<entry>6.2-STABLE after MFC of pmap_invalidate_cache(),
pmap_change_attr(), pmap_mapbios(), pmap_mapdev_attr(),
and pmap_unmapbios() for amd64 and i386.</entry>
<entry>6.2-STABLE after MFC of BOP_BDFLUSH and caused
breakage of the filesystem modules KBI.</entry>
- </row>
<entry>6.2-STABLE after libutil(3) MFC's.</entry>
+ <row>
+ <entry>6.2-STABLE after MFC of wide and single byte
+ ctype separation. Newly compiled binary that references
+ to ctype.h may require a new symbol, __mb_sb_limit,
+ which is not available on older systems.</entry>
+ <entry>602113</entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>6.2-STABLE after ctype ABI forward compatibility
+ restored.</entry>
+ <entry>602114</entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>6.2-STABLE after back out of wide and single byte
+ ctype separation.</entry>
+ <entry>602115</entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>6.3-RELEASE</entry>
+ <entry>603000</entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>6.3-STABLE after 6.3-RELEASE.</entry>
+ <entry>603100</entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>6.3-STABLE after fixing
+ multibyte type support in bit macro.</entry>
+ <entry>603101</entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>6.3-STABLE after adding l_sysid to struct flock.</entry>
+ <entry>603102</entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>6.3-STABLE after MFC of the
+ <function>memrchr</function> function.</entry>
+ <entry>603103</entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>6.3-STABLE after MFC of support for
+ <literal>:u</literal> variable modifier in make(1).</entry>
+ <entry>603104</entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>6.4-RELEASE</entry>
+ <entry>604000</entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>6.4-STABLE after 6.4-RELEASE.</entry>
+ <entry>604100</entry>
+ </row>
<entry>7.0-CURRENT after bump of all shared library
versions that had not been changed since
<entry>7.0-CURRENT after credential argument is added to
dev_clone event handler.</entry>
<entry>7.0-CURRENT after memmem(3) is added to libc.</entry>
<entry>7.0-CURRENT after solisten(9) kernel arguments
are modified to accept a backlog parameter.</entry>
<entry>7.0-CURRENT after IFP2ENADDR() was changed to return
a pointer to IF_LLADDR().</entry>
<entry>7.0-CURRENT after addition of <literal>if_addr</literal>
member to <literal>struct ifnet</literal> and IFP2ENADDR()
<entry>7.0-CURRENT after incorporating scripts from the
local_startup directories into the base &man.rcorder.8;.</entry>
<entry>7.0-CURRENT after removal of MNT_NODEV mount
<entry>7.0-CURRENT after ELF-64 type changes and symbol
<entry>7.0-CURRENT after addition of hostb and vgapci
drivers, addition of pci_find_extcap(), and changing
the AGP drivers to no longer map the aperture.</entry>
<entry>7.0-CURRENT after tv_sec was made time_t on
all platforms but Alpha.</entry>
<entry>7.0-CURRENT after ldconfig_local_dirs change.</entry>
<entry>7.0-CURRENT after changes to
<filename>/etc/rc.d/abi</filename> to support
@@ -11294,174 +11488,209 @@ Reference: &lt;http://www.freebsd.org/ports/portaudit/74a9541d-5d6c-11d8-80e3-00
being a symlink in a readonly filesystem.</entry>
<entry>7.0-CURRENT after pts import.</entry>
<entry>7.0-CURRENT after the introduction of version 2
of &man.hwpmc.4;'s ABI.</entry>
<entry>7.0-CURRENT after addition of &man.fcloseall.3;
to libc.</entry>
<entry>7.0-CURRENT after removal of ip6fw.</entry>
<entry>7.0-CURRENT after import of snd_emu10kx.</entry>
<entry>7.0-CURRENT after import of OpenSSL 0.9.8b.</entry>
<entry>7.0-CURRENT after addition of bus_dma_get_tag
<entry>7.0-CURRENT after libpcap 0.9.4 and
tcpdump 3.9.4 import.</entry>
<entry>7.0-CURRENT after dlsym change to look
for a requested symbol both
in specified dso and its implicit dependencies.</entry>
<entry>7.0-CURRENT after adding new sound IOCTLs.</entry>
<entry>7.0-CURRENT after import of OpenSSL 0.9.8d.</entry>
<entry>7.0-CURRENT after the addition of libelf.</entry>
<entry>7.0-CURRENT after major changes on sound
<entry>7.0-CURRENT after the addition of Wi-Spy
<entry>7.0-CURRENT after the addition of sctp calls to libc
<entry>7.0-CURRENT after the GNU &man.gzip.1; implementation was
replaced with a BSD licensed version ported from NetBSD.</entry>
<entry>7.0-CURRENT after the removal of IPIP tunnel encapsulation (VIFF_TUNNEL) from the IPv4 multicast forwarding code.
<entry>7.0-CURRENT after the modification of bus_setup_intr() (newbus).
<entry>7.0-CURRENT after the inclusion of ipw(4) and iwi(4) firmwares.
<entry>7.0-CURRENT after the inclusion of ncurses wide character support.
<entry>7.0-CURRENT after changes to how insmntque(),
getnewvnode(), and vfs_hash_insert() work.
<entry>7.0-CURRENT after addition of a notify mechanism
for CPU frequency changes.
<entry>7.0-CURRENT after import of the ZFS filesystem.</entry>
<entry>7.0-CURRENT after addition of CAM 'SG' peripheral device,
which implements a subset of Linux SCSI SG passthrough device API.</entry>
<entry>7.0-CURRENT after changing &man.getenv.3;, &man.putenv.3;,
&man.setenv.3; and &man.unsetenv.3; to be POSIX
<entry>7.0-CURRENT after the changes in 700038 were
backed out.</entry>
<entry>7.0-CURRENT after the addition of &man.flopen.3;
to libutil.</entry>
<entry>7.0-CURRENT after enabling symbol versioning, and changing
the default thread library to libthr.</entry>
<entry>7.0-CURRENT after the import of gcc 4.2.0.</entry>
<entry>7.0-CURRENT after bump of all shared library
versions that had not been changed since
<entry>7.0-CURRENT after changing the argument for
vn_open()/VOP_OPEN() from filedescriptor index to the
struct file *.</entry>
<entry>7.0-CURRENT after changing &man.pam.nologin.8; to
provide an account management function instead of an
authentication function to the PAM framework.</entry>
<entry>7.0-CURRENT after updated 802.11 wireless
<entry>7.0-CURRENT after adding TCP LRO interface
<entry>7.0-CURRENT after
RFC 3678 API support added to the IPv4 stack.
@@ -11471,42 +11700,439 @@ Reference: &lt;http://www.freebsd.org/ports/portaudit/74a9541d-5d6c-11d8-80e3-00
struct ipmreqn should be used instead.</entry>
<entry>7.0-CURRENT after importing pf from OpenBSD
<entry>7.0-CURRENT after adding IPv6 support for
FAST_IPSEC, deleting KAME IPSEC, and renaming
FAST_IPSEC to IPSEC.</entry>
<entry>(not changed)</entry>
<entry>7.0-CURRENT after converting setenv/putenv/etc.
calls from traditional BSD to POSIX.</entry>
<entry>7.0-CURRENT after adding new mmap/lseek/etc
<entry>7.0-CURRENT after moving I4B headers to
<entry>7.0-CURRENT after the addition of support for
PCI domains</entry>
- <entry>8.0-CURRENT.</entry>
+ <entry>7.0-CURRENT after MFC of wide and single byte
+ ctype separation.</entry>
+ <entry>700054</entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>7.0-RELEASE, and 7.0-CURRENT after ABI backwards compatibility
+ to the FreeBSD 4/5/6 versions of the PCIOCGETCONF,
+ required the ABI of the PCIOCGETCONF IOCTL to be
+ broken again</entry>
+ <entry>700055</entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>7.0-STABLE after 7.0-RELEASE</entry>
+ <entry>700100</entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>7.0-STABLE after the MFC of m_collapse().</entry>
+ <entry>700101</entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>7.0-STABLE after the MFC of kdb_enter_why().</entry>
+ <entry>700102</entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>7.0-STABLE after adding l_sysid to struct flock.</entry>
+ <entry>700103</entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>7.0-STABLE after the MFC of procstat(1).</entry>
+ <entry>700104</entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>7.0-STABLE after the MFC of umtx features. </entry>
+ <entry>700105</entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>7.0-STABLE after the MFC of &man.write.2; support
+ to &man.psm.4;.</entry>
+ <entry>700106</entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>7.0-STABLE after the MFC of F_DUP2FD command
+ to &man.fcntl.2;.</entry>
+ <entry>700107</entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>7.0-STABLE after some &man.lockmgr.9; changes, which
+ makes it necessary to include
+ <filename>sys/lock.h</filename> in order to use
+ &man.lockmgr.9;.</entry>
+ <entry>700108</entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>7.0-STABLE after MFC of the
+ <function>memrchr</function> function.</entry>
+ <entry>700109</entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>7.0-STABLE after MFC of kernel NFS lockd client.
+ </entry>
+ <entry>700110</entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>7.0-STABLE after addition of physically contiguous
+ jumbo frame support.</entry>
+ <entry>700111</entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>7.0-STABLE after MFC of kernel DTrace support.
+ </entry>
+ <entry>700112</entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>7.1-RELEASE</entry>
+ <entry>701000</entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>7.1-STABLE after 7.1-RELEASE.</entry>
+ <entry>701100</entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>8.0-CURRENT. Separating wide and single byte
+ ctype.</entry>
+ <row>
+ <entry>8.0-CURRENT after libpcap 0.9.8 and tcpdump 3.9.8
+ import.</entry>
+ <entry>800001</entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>8.0-CURRENT after renaming kthread_create()
+ and friends to kproc_create() etc.</entry>
+ <entry>800002</entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>8.0-CURRENT after ABI backwards compatibility
+ to the FreeBSD 4/5/6 versions of the PCIOCGETCONF,
+ PCIOCREAD and PCIOCWRITE IOCTLs was added, which
+ required the ABI of the PCIOCGETCONF IOCTL to be
+ broken again</entry>
+ <entry>800003</entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>8.0-CURRENT after agp(4) driver moved from
+ src/sys/pci to src/sys/dev/agp</entry>
+ <entry>800004</entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>8.0-CURRENT after
+ <ulink url="http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/cvsweb.cgi/src/sys/kern/kern_mbuf.c#rev1.35">changes
+ to the jumbo frame allocator</ulink>.</entry>
+ <entry>800005</entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>8.0-CURRENT after the addition of callgraph
+ capture functionality to &man.hwpmc.4;.</entry>
+ <entry>800006</entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>8.0-CURRENT after kdb_enter() gains a "why"
+ argument.</entry>
+ <entry>800007</entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>8.0-CURRENT after LK_EXCLUPGRADE option
+ removal.</entry>
+ <entry>800008</entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>8.0-CURRENT after introduction of
+ &man.lockmgr.disown.9;</entry>
+ <entry>800009</entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>8.0-CURRENT after the &man.vn.lock.9; prototype
+ change.</entry>
+ <entry>800010</entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>8.0-CURRENT after the &man.VOP.LOCK.9; and
+ &man.VOP.UNLOCK.9; prototype changes.</entry>
+ <entry>800011</entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>8.0-CURRENT after introduction of
+ &man.lockmgr.recursed.9;, &man.BUF.RECURSED.9; and
+ &man.BUF.ISLOCKED.9; and the removal of
+ <function>BUF_REFCNT()</function>.</entry>
+ <entry>800012</entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>8.0-CURRENT after introduction of the
+ <quote>ASCII</quote> encoding.</entry>
+ <entry>800013</entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>8.0-CURRENT after changing the prototype of
+ &man.lockmgr.9; and removal of
+ <function>lockcount()</function> and
+ <function>LOCKMGR_ASSERT()</function>.</entry>
+ <entry>800014</entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>8.0-CURRENT after extending the types
+ of the &man.fts.3; structures.</entry>
+ <entry>800015</entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>8.0-CURRENT after adding an argumentt to MEXTADD(9)
+ </entry>
+ <entry>800016</entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>8.0-CURRENT after the introduction of
+ LK_NODUP and LK_NOWITNESS options in the
+ &man.lockmgr.9; space.</entry>
+ <entry>800017</entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>8.0-CURRENT after the addition of
+ m_collapse.</entry>
+ <entry>800018</entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>8.0-CURRENT after the addition of current
+ working directory, root directory, and jail
+ directory support to the kern.proc.filedesc
+ sysctl.</entry>
+ <entry>800019</entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>8.0-CURRENT after introduction of
+ &man.lockmgr.assert.9; and
+ <function>BUF_ASSERT</function> functions.</entry>
+ <entry>800020</entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>8.0-CURRENT after introduction of
+ &man.lockmgr.args.9; and LK_INTERNAL flag
+ removal.</entry>
+ <entry>800021</entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>8.0-CURRENT after changing the default system ar
+ to BSD &man.ar.1;.</entry>
+ <entry>800022</entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>8.0-CURRENT after changing the prototypes of
+ &man.lockstatus.9; and &man.VOP.ISLOCKED.9;, more
+ specifically retiring the
+ <literal>struct thread</literal> argument.</entry>
+ <entry>800023</entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>8.0-CURRENT after axing out the
+ <function>lockwaiters</function> and
+ <function>BUF_LOCKWAITERS</function> functions,
+ changing the return value fo <function>brelvp</function>
+ from void to int and introducing new flags for
+ &man.lockinit.9;.</entry>
+ <entry>800024</entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>8.0-CURRENT after adding F_DUP2FD command
+ to &man.fcntl.2;.</entry>
+ <entry>800025</entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>8.0-CURRENT after changing the priority parameter
+ to cv_broadcastpri such that 0 means no priority.
+ </entry>
+ <entry>800026</entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>8.0-CURRENT after changing the bpf monitoring ABI
+ when zerocopy bpf buffers were added.
+ </entry>
+ <entry>800027</entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>8.0-CURRENT after adding l_sysid to struct flock.
+ </entry>
+ <entry>800028</entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>8.0-CURRENT after reintegration of the
+ <function>BUF_LOCKWAITERS</function> function and the
+ addition of &man.lockmgr.waiters.9;.</entry>
+ <entry>800029</entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>8.0-CURRENT after the introduction of the
+ &man.rw.try.rlock.9; and &man.rw.try.wlock.9; functions.
+ </entry>
+ <entry>800030</entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>8.0-CURRENT after the introduction of the
+ <function>lockmgr_rw</function> and
+ <function>lockmgr_args_rw</function> functions.</entry>
+ <entry>800031</entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>8.0-CURRENT after the implementation of the
+ openat and related syscalls, introduction of the O_EXEC
+ flag for the &man.open.2;, and providing the
+ corresponding linux compatibility syscalls.</entry>
+ <entry>800032</entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>8.0-CURRENT after added &man.write.2; support for
+ &man.psm.4; in native operation level. Now arbitrary
+ commands can be written to <devicename>/dev/psm%d</devicename>
+ and status can be read back from it.</entry>
+ <entry>800033</entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>8.0-CURRENT after introduction of the
+ <function>memrchr</function> function.</entry>
+ <entry>800034</entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>8.0-CURRENT after introduction of the
+ <function>fdopendir</function> function.</entry>
+ <entry>800035</entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>8.0-CURRENT after switchover of 802.11 wireless
+ to multi-bss support (aka vaps).</entry>
+ <entry>800036</entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>8.0-CURRENT after addition of multi routing
+ table support (a.k.a. setfib(1), setfib(2)).</entry>
+ <entry>800037</entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>8.0-CURRENT after removal of netatm and
+ ISDN4BSD.</entry>
+ <entry>800038</entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>8.0-CURRENT after removal of sgtty.</entry>
+ <entry>800039</entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>8.0-CURRENT with kernel NFS lockd client.</entry>
+ <entry>800040</entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>8.0-CURRENT after addition of arc4random_buf(3)
+ and arc4random_uniform(3).</entry>
+ <entry>800041</entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>8.0-CURRENT after addition of cpuctl(4).</entry>
+ <entry>800042</entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>8.0-CURRENT after changing bpf(4) to use a
+ single device node, instead of device cloning.</entry>
+ <entry>800043</entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>8.0-CURRENT after the commit of the first step of
+ the vimage project renaming global variables to be
+ virtualized with a V_ prefix with macros to map them
+ back to their global names.</entry>
+ <entry>800044</entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>8.0-CURRENT after the integration of the
+ MPSAFE TTY layer, including changes to various
+ drivers and utilities that interact with it.</entry>
+ <entry>800045</entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>8.0-CURRENT after the separation of the GDT
+ per CPU on amd64 architecture.</entry>
+ <entry>800046</entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>8.0-CURRENT after removal of VSVTX, VSGID
+ and VSUID.</entry>
+ <entry>800047</entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>8.0-CURRENT after converting the kernel NFS mount
+ code to accept individual mount options in the
+ nmount() iovec, not just one big
+ struct nfs_args.</entry>
+ <entry>800048</entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>8.0-CURRENT after the removal of &man.suser.9; and
+ &man.suser.cred.9;.</entry>
+ <entry>800049</entry>
+ </row>
@@ -11602,12 +12228,6 @@ Reference: &lt;http://www.freebsd.org/ports/portaudit/74a9541d-5d6c-11d8-80e3-00
- <entry><makevar>X11BASE</makevar></entry>
- <entry>The base of the <quote>X11</quote> tree (e.g.,
- <literal>/usr/X11R6</literal>)</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
<entry>Where the port installs itself (see <link
linkend="porting-prefix">more on
@@ -11896,8 +12516,7 @@ exec %%LOCALBASE%%/bin/java -jar %%DATADIR%%/foo.jar "$@"</programlisting>
<para>installs files outside of
- <filename>${LOCALBASE}</filename> and
- <filename>${X11BASE}</filename></para>
+ <filename>${LOCALBASE}</filename></para>