path: root/documentation/content/es/books
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authorFernando Apesteguía <fernape@FreeBSD.org>2023-07-18 11:51:02 +0000
committerFernando Apesteguía <fernape@FreeBSD.org>2023-07-19 08:38:41 +0000
commit1840717d2f68f641bb012d4803adf5f373d33f76 (patch)
tree98b684f9c06cf7105f99ffefbaa8d06b3ef69512 /documentation/content/es/books
parentd6385f831283ff5aadf6b20e232221d7168d8d73 (diff)
[doc-es][handbook/advanced-networking] sync with master
Diffstat (limited to 'documentation/content/es/books')
2 files changed, 2777 insertions, 3754 deletions
diff --git a/documentation/content/es/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc b/documentation/content/es/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc
index d5d864e3fe..e4c38ff2cf 100644
--- a/documentation/content/es/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc
+++ b/documentation/content/es/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc
@@ -1,14 +1,13 @@
-aliases: ["/en/books/handbook/network-routing/","/en/books/handbook/network-wireless/","/en/books/handbook/network-usb-tethering/","/en/books/handbook/network-bluetooth/","/en/books/handbook/network-bridging/","/en/books/handbook/network-aggregation/","/en/books/handbook/network-diskless/","/en/books/handbook/network-ipv6/","/en/books/handbook/carp/","/en/books/handbook/network-vlan/"]
description: 'Redes Avanzadas en FreeBSD: conceptos básicos de gateways y rutas, CARP, cómo configurar múltiples VLANs en FreeBSD, etc'
next: books/handbook/partv
part: 'IV. Comunicación de Red'
path: /books/handbook/
prev: books/handbook/firewalls
showBookMenu: 'true'
-tags: ["Advanced Networking", "Handbook", "gateway", "routes", "wireless", "tethering", "bluetooth", "bridging", "ipv6", "CARP", "VLAN"]
-title: 'Capítulo 33. Redes Avanzadas'
-weight: 38
+tags: ["Advanced Networking", "Handbook", "gateway", "routes", "wireless", "tethering", "bluetooth", "bridging", "CARP", "VLAN"]
+title: 'Capítulo 34. Redes Avanzadas'
+weight: 39
@@ -19,7 +18,7 @@ weight: 38
:icons: font
:sectnumlevels: 6
-:sectnumoffset: 33
+:sectnumoffset: 34
:source-highlighter: rouge
@@ -61,7 +60,6 @@ Después de leer este capítulo, sabrás:
* Cómo configurar dispositivos IEEE(R) 802.11 y Bluetooth(R).
* Cómo hacer que FreeBSD actúe como un puente.
* Cómo configurar arranque por red PXE.
-* Cómo configurar IPv6 en una máquina FreeBSD.
* Cómo habilitar y utilizar las características del Common Address Redundancy Protocol (CARP) en FreeBSD.
* Cómo configurar múltiples VLANs en FreeBSD.
* Configurar unos auriculares con micrófono vía bluetooth.
@@ -70,6 +68,7 @@ Antes de leer este capítulo, deberías:
* Comprender lo básico acerca de los scripts [.filename]#/etc/rc#.
* Estar familiarizado con la terminología básica de red.
+* Entendiendo la configuración básica de red en FreeBSD (crossref:network[network,FreeBSD network]).
* Saber cómo configurar e instalar un nuevo kernel de FreeBSD (crossref:kernelconfig[kernelconfig,Configurando el Núcleo de FreeBSD]).
* Cómo instalar software adicional de terceros (crossref:ports[ports,Instalando Aplicaciones: Paquetes y Ports]).
@@ -137,7 +136,7 @@ Se pueden ver varios atributos para cada ruta en la columna `Flags`. <<routeflag
.Flags Habituales de la Tabla de Enrutado
[cols="1,1", frame="none", options="header"]
-| Comando
+| Flag
| Propósito
@@ -277,414 +276,55 @@ El demonio de enrutamiento multicast, mrouted se puede instalar usando el paquet
DVMRP ha sido ampliamente sustituido por el protocolo PIM en muchas instalaciones multicast. Consulta man:pim[4] para más información.
-== Redes Inalámbricas
+== Hosts Virtuales
-=== Fundamentos de Redes Inalámbricas
+Un uso habitual para FreeBSD es el de proporcionar alojamiento virtual de sitios, donde un servidor aparece en la red como muchos servidores. Esto se consigue asignando múltiples direcciones de red a una única interfaz.
-La mayoría de las redes inalámbricas se basan en los estándares IEEE(R) 802.11. Una red inalámbrica básica consiste en varias estaciones que se comunican con radios que emiten en las bandas de 2.4GHz o 5GHz, aunque esto varía dependiendo del locale y también está cambiando para habilitar la comunicación en los rangos 2.3GHz y 4.9GHz.
-Las redes 802.11 se organizan de dos maneras. En el _modo infraestructura_, una estación actúa como maestro y las demás estaciones se asocian a ella, la red se conoce como un BSS, y la estación maestra se denomina punto de acceso (AP). En un BSS, toda la comunicación pasa a través del AP; incluso cuando una estación se quiere comunicar con otra estación inalámbrica, los mensajes deben ir a través del AP. En el segundo modo de la red, no hay maestro y las estaciones se comunican directamente. Esta forma de red se denomina IBSS y se conoce comúnmente como una _red ad-hoc_.
-Las redes 802.11 se desplegaron por primera vez en la banda 2.4GHz usando protocolos definidos por los estándares 802.11 y 802.11b de IEEE(R). Estas especificaciones incluyen las frecuencias de operación y las características de la capa MAC, incluyendo las tasas "framing" y de transmisión, ya que la comunicación puede ocurrir a diferentes velocidades. Posteriormente el estándar 802.11a definió la operación en la banda 5GHz, incluyendo diferentes mecanismos de señalización y tasas de transmisión más elevadas. Algo más tarde, el estándar 802.11g definió el uso de los mecanismos de transmisión y señalización de 802.11a en la banda de 2.4GHz de tal modo que fuera compatible hacia atrás con las redes 802.11b.
-De forma separada de las técnicas de transmisión subyacentes, las redes 802.11 tienen un conjunto de mecanismos de seguridad. Las especificaciones 802.11 originales definían un protocolo de seguridad sencillo denominado WEP. Este protocolo utiliza una clave compartida prefijada y el codificador criptográfico RC4 para codificar los datos transmitidos por la red. Todas las estaciones deben ponerse de acuerdo en la clave fijada para poder comunicarse. Se ha demostrado que este esquema se puede romper fácilmente y actualmente no se usa salvo para desaconsejar a algunos usuarios que se conecten a algunas redes. La práctica de seguridad actual se fija por la especificación IEEE(R) 802.11i que define nuevos codificadores criptográficos y un protocolo adicional para autenticar estaciones contra un punto de acceso e intercambiar claves para realizar la comunicación. Las claves criptográficas se refrescan periódicamente y hay mecanismos para detectar y contrarrestar intentos de intrusión. Otra especificación de protocolo de seguridad que se usa en redes inalámbricas habitualmente se denomina WPA, que fue un precursos de 802.11i. WPA especifica un subconjunto de los requisitos que se encuentran en 802.11i y está diseñado para poder se implementado en hardware heredado. Específicamente, WPA sólo requiere el codificador TKIP que se deriva del codificador original WEP. 802.11i permite el uso de TKIP pero también requiere soporte para un codificador más fuerte, AES-CCM, para encriptar los datos. El codificador AES no era necesario en WPA porque se consideraba demasiado costoso computacionalmente como para se implementado en hardware heredado.
-El otro estándar que hay que considerar es 802.11e. Define protocolos para desplegar aplicaciones multimedia, como streaming de voz y vídeo sobre IP (VoIP), en una red 802.11. Al igual que 802.11i, 802.11e también tiene una especificación precedente llamada WME (posteriormente renombrada a WMM) que ha sido definida por un grupo industrial como un subconjunto de 802.11e que se puede desplegar actualmente para habilitar aplicaciones multimedia mientras se espera a la ratificación final de 802.11e. Lo más importante que hay que saber acerca de 802.11e y WME/WMM es que habilita la priorización de tráfico sobre redes inalámbricas mediante protocolos de tipo Calidad de Servicio (QoS) y mejora los protocolos de acceso a medios. La implementación adecuada de estos protocolos habilita los picos de datos de alta velocidad y flujos de tráfico priorizados.
-FreeBSD soporta redes que operan usando 802.11a, 802.11b, y 802.11g. Los protocolos de seguridad WPA y 802.11i también están soportados (junto con cualquiera de 11a, 11b, y 11g) y QoS y la priorización de tráfico necesarios para los protocolos WME/WMM están soportados para un conjunto limitado de dispositivos inalámbricos.
-=== Inicio rápido
-Conectar un ordenador a una red inalámbrica existente es una situación muy común. Este procedimiento muestra los pasos necesarios.
-. Obtén el SSID (Service Set Identifier) y PSK (Pre-Shared Key) para la red inalámbrica a través del administrador de la red.
-. Identifica el adaptador inalámbrico. El kernel [.filename]#GENERIC# de FreeBSD incluye controladores para muchos adaptadores inalámbricos habituales. Si el adaptador inalámbrico es uno de esos modelos aparecerá en la lista de la variable `net.wlan.devices` de man:sysctl[8]:
-[source, shell]
-% sysctl net.wlan.devices
-Si un adaptador inalámbrico no aparece en la lista, podrían ser necesarios módulos adicionales para el kernel, o podría ser un modelo no soportado por FreeBSD.
-Este ejemplo muestra el adaptador inalámbrico Atheros `ath0`.
-. Añade una entrada para esta red en [.filename]#/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf#. Si el fichero no existe, créalo. Sustituye _myssid_ y _mypsk_ con el SSID y el PSK proporcionado por el administrador de red.
- ssid="myssid"
- psk="mypsk"
-. Añade entradas a [.filename]#/etc/rc.conf# para configurar la red durante el arranque:
-ifconfig_wlan0="WPA SYNCDHCP"
-. Reinicia el ordenador, o reinicia el servicio de red para conectar a la red:
-[source, shell]
-# service netif restart
-=== Configuración Básica
-==== Configuración del kernel
-Para usar redes inalámbricas, se necesita una tarjeta de red inalámbrica y el kernel necesita estar configurado con el soporte de red apropiado para redes inalámbricas. El kernel está separado en múltiples módulos de forma que sólo se necesita configurar el suporte necesario.
-Los dispositivos inalámbricos más utilizados son aquellos que utilizan partes fabricadas por Atheros. Estos dispositivos están soportados por man:ath[4] y requieren la siguiente línea en [.filename]#/boot/loader.conf#:
-El controlador Atheros está separado en tres piezas independientes: el controlador (man:ath[4]), la capa de soporte hardware que maneja funciones específicas del chip (man:ath_hal[4]), y el algoritmo para seleccionar la tasa de transmisión de marcos (frames). Cuando se carga este soporte como módulos del kernel, cualquier dependencia se maneja de forma automática. Para cargar soporte para un tipo de dispositivo inalámbrico distinto, especifica el módulo para dicho dispositivo. Este ejemplo es para dispositivos basados en el controlador Intersil Prism (man:wi[i]):
-Los ejemplos en esta sección utilizan un dispositivo man:ath[4] y el nombre del dispositivo en los ejemplos se debe cambiar de acuerdo con la configuración. Se puede encontrar una lista de los controladores inalámbricos disponibles así como los adaptadores soportados en las Notas de Hardware de FreeBSD en la página https://www.FreeBSD.org/releases/[Release Information] del sitio web de FreeBSD. Si no existe un controlador nativo de FreeBSD para el dispositivo inalámbrico, podría ser posible utilizar el controlador de Windows(R) con la ayuda del adaptador de controladores .crossref:config[config-network-ndis,NDIS].
-Además, se tienen que cargar los módulos que implementan el soporte criptográfico para los protocolos de seguridad. Estos están pensados para ser cargados dinámicamente bajo demanda por el módulo man:wlan[4], pero por el momento se deben configurar manualmente. Los siguientes módulos están disponibles: man:wlan_wep[4], man:wlan_ccmp[4], y man:wlan_tkip[4]. Los constroladores man:wlan_ccmp[4] y man:wlan_tkip[4] sólo son necesarios cuando se utilizan protocolos de seguridad WPA o 802.11i. Si la red no soporta encriptación, no se necesita man:wlan_wep[4]. Para cargar estos módulos en el arranque, añade las siguientes líneas a [.filename]#/boot/loader.conf#:
-Una vez que se ha añadido esta información a [.filename]#/boot/loader.conf#, reinicia la máquina FreeBSD. De forma alternativa, carga los módulos a mano utilizando man:kldload[8].
-Para usuarios que no quieren usar módulos, es posible compilar estos controladores en el kernel añadiendo las siguientes líneas al fichero de configuración de un kernel personalizado:
-device wlan # 802.11 support
-device wlan_wep # 802.11 WEP support
-device wlan_ccmp # 802.11 CCMP support
-device wlan_tkip # 802.11 TKIP support
-device wlan_amrr # AMRR transmit rate control algorithm
-device ath # Atheros pci/cardbus NIC's
-device ath_hal # pci/cardbus chip support
-options AH_SUPPORT_AR5416 # enable AR5416 tx/rx descriptors
-device ath_rate_sample # SampleRate tx rate control for ath
-Con esta información en el fichero de configuración del kernel, recompila el kernel y reinicia la máquina FreeBSD.
-En los mensajes de arranque debería aparecer información como esta acerca del dispositivo inalámbrico:
+Una interfaz dada tiene una dirección "real", y puede tener un determinado número de direcciones "alias". Estos alias se añaden normalmente poniendo entradas alias en [.filename]#/etc/rc.conf#, como se ve en este ejemplo:
[source, shell]
-ath0: <Atheros 5212> mem 0x88000000-0x8800ffff irq 11 at device 0.0 on cardbus1
-ath0: [ITHREAD]
-ath0: AR2413 mac 7.9 RF2413 phy 4.5
+# sysrc ifconfig_fxp0_alias0="inet xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx netmask xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx"
-==== Estableciendo la Región Correcta
-Como la situación regulatoria es diferente en varios puntos del mundo, es necesario establecer correctamente los dominios que aplican a tu localización para así tener información correcta sobre los canales que se pueden utilizar.
-Se pueden encontrar las definiciones de las regiones disponibles en [.filename]#/etc/regdomain.xml#. Para establecer datos en tiempo de ejecución, usa `ifconfig`:
-[source, shell]
-# ifconfig wlan0 regdomain ETSI country AT
-Para hacer los cambios persistentes, añádelos a [.filename]#/etc/rc.conf#:
-[source, shell]
-# sysrc create_args_wlan0="country AT regdomain ETSI"
-=== Modo Infraestructura
-El modo infraestructura (BSS) es el modo que se utiliza habitualmente. En este modo, un número de puntos de acceso inalámbrico se conectan a una red por cable. Cada red inalámbrica tiene su propio nombre, llamado SSID. Los clientes inalámbricos se conectan a los puntos de acceso inalámbricos.
+Las entradas de alias deben empezar con `alias__0__` usando un número secuencial como `alias0`, `alias1`, y así sucesivamente. El proceso de configuración terminará en el primer número que falte.
-==== Clientes FreeBSD
+El cálculo de las máscaras de red de los alias es importante. Para una interfaz data, debe haber una dirección que represente correctamente la máscara de la red. Cualquier otra dirección que esté en esta red tiene que tener una más cara con todo ``1``s, expresada como `` o `0xffffffff`.
-===== Cómo Encontrar Puntos de Acceso
+Por ejemplo, considera el caso donde la interfaz `fxp0` está conectada a dos redes: `` con máscara de red `` y `` con máscara de red``. El sistema está configurado para aparecer en los rangos `` hasta `` y `` hasta ``. Sólo la primera dirección en un rango de red dado debería tener una máscara de red real. Todas las demás (`` hasta `` y `` hasta ``) se deben configurar con máscara de red ``.
-Para escanear redes disponibles, usa man:ifconfig[8]. Esta petición puede tardar un poco en completarse ya que requiere que el sistema cambie para cada una de las frecuencias inalámbricas disponibles y escanee puntos de acceso disponibles. Sólo el super usuario puede iniciar un escaneo:
+Las siguientes entradas de [.filename]#/etc/rc.conf# configuran correctamente el adaptador para este escenario:
[source, shell]
-# ifconfig wlan0 create wlandev ath0
-# ifconfig wlan0 up scan
-dlinkap 00:13:46:49:41:76 11 54M -90:96 100 EPS WPA WME
-freebsdap 00:11:95:c3:0d:ac 1 54M -83:96 100 EPS WPA
+# sysrc ifconfig_fxp0="inet netmask"
+# sysrc ifconfig_fxp0_alias0="inet netmask"
+# sysrc ifconfig_fxp0_alias1="inet netmask"
+# sysrc ifconfig_fxp0_alias2="inet netmask"
+# sysrc ifconfig_fxp0_alias3="inet netmask"
+# sysrc ifconfig_fxp0_alias4="inet netmask"
+# sysrc ifconfig_fxp0_alias5="inet netmask"
+# sysrc ifconfig_fxp0_alias6="inet netmask"
+# sysrc ifconfig_fxp0_alias7="inet netmask"
-El interfaz debe estar levantado (`up`) para poder escanear. Escaneos subsiguientes no necesitan que la interfaz se levante de nuevo.
-La salida de una petición de escaneo lista cada red BSS/IBSS encontrada. Además de listar el nombre de la red, el `SSID`, la salida también muestra el `BSSID`, que es la dirección MAC del punto de acceso. El campo `CAPS` identifica el tipo de cada red y las capacidades de las estaciones de operación (consulta la definición de `list scan` en man:ifconfig[8] para más detalles).
-También se puede mostrar la lista actual de redes conocidas con:
+Una forma más sencilla de expresar esto es con una lista de rangos de direcciones IP separadas por espacios. A la primera dirección se le asignará la máscara de subred indicada y las demás direcciones tendrán una máscara de subred de ``.
[source, shell]
-# ifconfig wlan0 list scan
-La información puede ser actualizada automáticamente por el adaptador o de forma manual con una petición `scan`. Los datos antiguos se eliminan automáticamente de la caché, de forma que con el tiempo esta lista se hace más pequeña a menos que se hagan más escaneos.
-===== Configuración Básica
-Esta sección proporciona un ejemplo sencillo de cómo hacer que un adaptador de red inalámbrico funcione en FreeBSD sin encriptación. Una vez familiarizados con estos conceptos, se recomienda encarecidamente usar <<network-wireless-wpa,WPA>> para configurar la red inalámbrica.
-Hay tres pasos básicos para configurar una red inalámbrica: seleccionar el punto de acceso, autenticar la estación, y configurar una dirección IP. Las secciones siguientes discuten cada uno de los pasos.
-====== Seleccionar un Punto de Acceso
-La mayoría de las veces, es suficiente con dejar al sistema escoger un punto de acceso utilizando las heurísticas integradas. Este es el comportamiento por defecto cuando una interfaz se marca como levantada o si está listada en [.filename]#/etc/rc.conf#:
+# sysrc ifconfig_fxp0_aliases="inet inet"
-Si hay varios puntos de acceso, se puede seleccionar uno específico por su SSID:
+== Autenticación Inalámbrica Avanzada
-ifconfig_wlan0="ssid your_ssid_here DHCP"
+FreeBSD soporta distintas formas de conectarse a una red inalámbrica. Esta sección describe como realizar autenticación avanzada en una Red Inalámbrica.
-En entornos donde hay varios puntos de acceso con el mismo SSID, que es algo habitual para simplificar el roaming, podría ser necesario asociar con un dispositivo específico. En este caso, se puede especificar el BSSID del punto de acceso, con o sin el SSID:
-ifconfig_wlan0="ssid your_ssid_here bssid xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx DHCP"
-Hay otras formas de limitar la elección de un punto de acceso, como limitar el conjunto de frecuencias que puede escanear el sistema. Esto podría ser útil para tarjetas inalámbricas multi-banda ya que escanear todos los canales puede llevar mucho tiempo. Para limitar la operación a una banda específica, utiliza el parámetro `mode`:
-ifconfig_wlan0="mode 11g ssid your_ssid_here DHCP"
-Este ejemplo forzará a la tarjeta a operar en 802.11g, que sólo se define para frecuencias de 2.4GHz de forma que no se considerarán los canales de 5GHz. Esto también se puede hacer con el parámetro `channel`, que fija la operación a una frecuencia específica, y el parámetro `chanlist`, para especificar una lista de canales para escanear. Se puede encontrar más información acerca de estos parámetros en man:ifconfig[8].
-====== Autenticación
-Una vez que se ha seleccionado un punto de acceso, la estación necesita autenticarse antes de que pueda pasar datos. La autenticación se puede hacer de varias maneras. El esquema más común, autenticación abierta, permite a cualquier estación unirse a la red y comunicarse. Esta es la autenticación utilizada para realizar pruebas la primera vez que se configura una red inalámbrica. Otros esquemas requieren que se completen negociaciones criptográficas antes de que los datos puedan fluir, bien utilizando claves o secretos previamente compartidos, o esquemas más completos que involucran servicios de backend como RADIUS. La autenticación abierta es la configuración por defecto. La siguiente configuración más habitual es WPA-PSK, también conocida como WPA Personal, que se describe en <<network-wireless-wpa-wpa-psk>>.
-Si se usa una estación base Apple(R) AirPort(R) Extreme como punto de acceso, se necesita configurar una clave WEP junto con autenticación de clave compartida. Esto se puede configurar en [.filename]#/etc/rc.conf# o usando man:wpa_supplicant[8]. Para una única estación base AirPort(R), se puede configurar el acceso con:
-ifconfig_wlan0="authmode shared wepmode on weptxkey 1 wepkey 01234567 DHCP"
-En general, se debería evitar utilizar la autenticación de clave compartida porque utiliza la clave WEP de forma muy restringida, haciéndola incluso más fácil de romper. Si se tiene que usar WEP por compatibilidad con dispositivos heredados, es mejor usar WEP con autenticación `open`. Se puede encontrar más información acerca de WEP en <<network-wireless-wep>>.
-====== Obteniendo una Dirección IP con DHCP
-Una vez que se ha seleccionado un punto de acceso y se han configurado los parámetros de autenticación, se necesita obtener una dirección IP para poder comunicarse. La mayoría de las veces la dirección IP se obtiene mediante DHCP. Para conseguirlo, edita [.filename]#/etc/rc.conf# y añade `DHCP` a la configuración del dispositivo:
-Ahora el interfaz inalámbrico está listo para ser levantado:
-[source, shell]
-# service netif start
-Una vez que el interfaz se está ejecutando, utiliza man:ifconfig[8] para ver el estado del interfaz [.filename]#ath0#:
-[source, shell]
-# ifconfig wlan0
- ether 00:11:95:d5:43:62
- inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast
- media: IEEE 802.11 Wireless Ethernet OFDM/54Mbps mode 11g
- status: associated
- ssid dlinkap channel 11 (2462 Mhz 11g) bssid 00:13:46:49:41:76
- country US ecm authmode OPEN privacy OFF txpower 21.5 bmiss 7
- scanvalid 60 bgscan bgscanintvl 300 bgscanidle 250 roam:rssi 7
- roam:rate 5 protmode CTS wme burst
-La línea `status:associated` significa que está conectado a la red inalámbrica. `bssid 00:13:46:49:41:76` es la dirección MAC del punto de acceso y `authmode OPEN` indica que la comunicación no está encriptada.
-====== Dirección IP Estática
-Si no se puede obtener una dirección IP de un servidor DHCP, establece una dirección IP fija. Reemplaza la palabra clave `DHCP` mostrada arriba con la información de la dirección. Asegúrate de mantener cualquier otro parámetro para seleccionar el punto de acceso:
-ifconfig_wlan0="inet netmask ssid your_ssid_here"
-===== WPA
-Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) es un protocolo de seguridad utilizado junto a redes 802.11 para atajar la falta de autenticación adecuada y las debilidades de WEP. WPA utiliza el protocolo de autenticación 802.1X y usa uno o varios encriptadores en lugar de WEP para favorecer la integridad de los datos. El único encriptador requerido por WPA es el Temporary Key Integrity Protocol (TKIP). TKIP es un encriptador que extiende el encriptador básico RC4 usado por WEP y le añade comprobación de integridad, detección de modificaciones, y medidas para responder a las intrusiones detectadas. TKIP está diseñado para funcionar en hardware heredado sólo con modificaciones software. Representa un compromiso que mejora la seguridad pero que todavía no es inmune a ataques. WPA también especifica en encriptador AES-CCMP como alternativa TKIP, y es el preferido si es posible. Para esta especificación, los términos WPA2 o RSN se usan comúnmente.
-WPA define protocolos de encriptación y autenticación. La autenticación se hace habitualmente utilizando alguna de estas dos técnicas: usando 802.1X y un servicio de autenticación backend como RADIUS, o mediante una negociación mínima entre la estación y el punto de acceso utilizando un secreto previamente compartido. El primero se suele denominar WPA Enterprise y el segundo se conoce como WPA Personal. Como la mayoría de la gente no configurará un servidor RADIUS como backend para su red inalámbrica, WPA-PSK es de lejos la configuración más habitual para WPA.
-El control de la conexión wireless y la negociación de la clave o la autenticación con un servidor se realiza utilizando man:wpa_supplicant[8]. Este programa requiere un fichero de configuración, [.filename]#/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf#, para ejecutarse. Se puede encontrar más información acerca de este fichero en man:wpa_supplicant.conf[5].
-====== WPA-PSK
-WPA-PSK, también conocido como WPA Personal, se basa en una clave previamente compartida (PSK) que se genera a partir de una contraseña dada y se usa como clave maestra en la red inalámbrica. Esto significa que cada usuario inalámbrico compartirá la misma clave. WPA-PSK está pensado para redes pequeñas donde el uso de un servidor de autenticación no es posible o deseable.
-Utiliza siempre contraseñas fuertes que sean suficientemente largas y creadas a partir de un alfabeto rico y que no sean fáciles de adivinar o atacar.
-El primer paso es la configuración de [.filename]#/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf# con el SSID y la clave compartida de la red:
- ssid="freebsdap"
- psk="freebsdmall"
-Luego, en [.filename]#/etc/rc.conf#, indica que la configuración del dispositivo inalámbrico se realizará con WPA y que la dirección IP se obtendrá con DHCP:
-ifconfig_wlan0="WPA DHCP"
-Después, levanta la interfaz:
-[source, shell]
-# service netif start
-Starting wpa_supplicant.
-DHCPDISCOVER on wlan0 to port 67 interval 5
-DHCPDISCOVER on wlan0 to port 67 interval 6
-DHCPREQUEST on wlan0 to port 67
-bound to -- renewal in 300 seconds.
- ether 00:11:95:d5:43:62
- inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast
- media: IEEE 802.11 Wireless Ethernet OFDM/36Mbps mode 11g
- status: associated
- ssid freebsdap channel 1 (2412 Mhz 11g) bssid 00:11:95:c3:0d:ac
- country US ecm authmode WPA2/802.11i privacy ON deftxkey UNDEF
- AES-CCM 3:128-bit txpower 21.5 bmiss 7 scanvalid 450 bgscan
- bgscanintvl 300 bgscanidle 250 roam:rssi 7 roam:rate 5 protmode CTS
- wme burst roaming MANUAL
-O, intenta configurar manualmente la interfaz utilizando la información que hay en [.filename]#/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf#:
-[source, shell]
-# wpa_supplicant -i wlan0 -c /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf
-Trying to associate with 00:11:95:c3:0d:ac (SSID='freebsdap' freq=2412 MHz)
-Associated with 00:11:95:c3:0d:ac
-WPA: Key negotiation completed with 00:11:95:c3:0d:ac [PTK=CCMP GTK=CCMP]
-CTRL-EVENT-CONNECTED - Connection to 00:11:95:c3:0d:ac completed (auth) [id=0 id_str=]
-La siguiente operación es lanzar man:dhcliente[8] para obtener una dirección IP del servidor DHCP:
-[source, shell]
-# dhclient wlan0
-DHCPREQUEST on wlan0 to port 67
-bound to -- renewal in 300 seconds.
-# ifconfig wlan0
- ether 00:11:95:d5:43:62
- inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast
- media: IEEE 802.11 Wireless Ethernet OFDM/36Mbps mode 11g
- status: associated
- ssid freebsdap channel 1 (2412 Mhz 11g) bssid 00:11:95:c3:0d:ac
- country US ecm authmode WPA2/802.11i privacy ON deftxkey UNDEF
- AES-CCM 3:128-bit txpower 21.5 bmiss 7 scanvalid 450 bgscan
- bgscanintvl 300 bgscanidle 250 roam:rssi 7 roam:rate 5 protmode CTS
- wme burst roaming MANUAL
-Si [.filename]#/etc/rc.conf# tiene una entrada `ifconfig_wlan0="DHCP"`, man:dhcliente[8] se arrancará automáticamente después de que man:wpa_supplicant[8] se asocie al punto de acceso.
-Si no es posible o deseable utilizar DHCP, establece una dirección IP estática después de que man:wpa_supplicant[8] haya autenticado la estación:
-[source, shell]
-# ifconfig wlan0 inet netmask
-# ifconfig wlan0
- ether 00:11:95:d5:43:62
- inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast
- media: IEEE 802.11 Wireless Ethernet OFDM/36Mbps mode 11g
- status: associated
- ssid freebsdap channel 1 (2412 Mhz 11g) bssid 00:11:95:c3:0d:ac
- country US ecm authmode WPA2/802.11i privacy ON deftxkey UNDEF
- AES-CCM 3:128-bit txpower 21.5 bmiss 7 scanvalid 450 bgscan
- bgscanintvl 300 bgscanidle 250 roam:rssi 7 roam:rate 5 protmode CTS
- wme burst roaming MANUAL
-Cuando no se usa DHCP, el gateway por defecto y el servidor de nombres se tienen que establecer manualmente:
-[source, shell]
-# route add default your_default_router
-# echo "nameserver your_DNS_server" >> /etc/resolv.conf
+Para hacer una conexión y autenticación básica a una red inalámbrica la sección crossref:network[wireless-authentication,Conexión y Autenticación a una Red Inalámbrica] en el Capítulo de Red describe como hacerlo.
-====== WPA con EAP-TLS
+=== WPA with EAP-TLS
La segunda forma de utilizar WPA es con un servidor de autenticación 802.1X. En este caso, WPA se llama WPA Enterprise para diferenciarlo del WPA Personal menos seguro. La autenticación en WPA Enterprise se basa en el Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP).
@@ -752,7 +392,7 @@ wlan0: flags=8843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> mtu 1500
También es posible levantar la interfaz manualmente utilizando man:wpa_supplicant[8] y man:ifconfig[8].
-====== WPA con EAP-TTLS
+=== WPA with EAP-TTLS
Con EAP-TLS, tanto la autenticación de servidor como la de cliente necesitan un certificado. Con EAP-TTLS, el certificado de cliente es opcional. Este método es similar a un servidor web que crea un tunel SSL seguro incluso cuando los visitantes no tienen certificados de cliente. EAP-TTLS utiliza un túnel encriptado con TLS para el transporte seguro de los datos de autenticación.
@@ -810,7 +450,7 @@ wlan0: flags=8843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> mtu 1500
-====== WPA con EAP-PEAP
+=== WPA with EAP-PEAP
@@ -876,52 +516,8 @@ wlan0: flags=8843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> mtu 1500
wme burst roaming MANUAL
-===== WEP
-Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) es parte del estándar 802.11 original. No hay mecanismo de autenticación, sólo una débil forma de control de acceso que se rompe fácilmente.
-Se puede configurar WEP usando man:ifconfig[8]:
-[source, shell]
-# ifconfig wlan0 create wlandev ath0
-# ifconfig wlan0 inet netmask \
- ssid my_net wepmode on weptxkey 3 wepkey 3:0x3456789012
-* `weptxkey` especifica qué clave WEP se usará en la transmisión. Este ejemplo utiliza la tercera clave. Esto debe concordar con la configuración del punto de acceso. Cuando no estés seguro de qué clave utiliza el punto de acceso, utiliza `1` (la primera clave) para este valor.
-* `wepkey` selecciona una de las claves WEP. Debería seguir el formato _index:key_. La clave `1` se utiliza por defecto; sólo se necesita especificar el índice cuando se usa otra clave que no sea la primera.
-Remplaza `0x3456789012` con la clave configurada para ser usada en el punto de acceso.
-Consulta man:ifconfig[8] para más información.
-La utilidad man:wpa_suppliccant[8] se puede usar para configurar una interfaz inalámbrica con WEP. El ejemplo de arriba se puede modificar añadiendo las siguientes líneas a [.filename]#/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf#:
- ssid="my_net"
- key_mgmt=NONE
- wep_key3=3456789012
- wep_tx_keyidx=3
-[source, shell]
-# wpa_supplicant -i wlan0 -c /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf
-Trying to associate with 00:13:46:49:41:76 (SSID='dlinkap' freq=2437 MHz)
-Associated with 00:13:46:49:41:76
-=== Modo Ad-hoc
+== Modo Ad-hoc Inalámbrico
El modo IBSS, también llamado modo ad-hoc, está diseñado para comunicaciones punto a punto. Por ejemplo, para establecer una red ad-hoc entre las máquinas `A` y `B`, escoge dos direcciones IP y un SSID.
@@ -1142,78 +738,6 @@ wlan0: flags=8943<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,PROMISC,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> metric 0 mtu 1
Una vez que el AP está funcionando, los clientes se pueden asociar a él. Consulta <<network-wireless-wpa>> para más detalles. Es posible ver las estaciones asociadas con el AP usando `ifconfig _wlan0_ list sta`.
-==== Punto de acceso WEP basado en Host
-No se recomienda utilizar WEP para configurar un AP ya que no hay mecanismo de autenticación y la encriptación se rompe fácilmente. Algunas tarjetas inalámbricas heredades sólo soportan WEP y estas tarjetas sólo soportarán un AP sin autenticación o encriptación.
-El dispositivo inalámbrico se pude poner ahora en modo hostap y se puede configurar con la SSID correcta y la dirección IP:
-[source, shell]
-# ifconfig wlan0 create wlandev ath0 wlanmode hostap
-# ifconfig wlan0 inet netmask \
- ssid freebsdap wepmode on weptxkey 3 wepkey 3:0x3456789012 mode 11g
-* `weptxkey` indica qué clave WEP se usará en la transmisión. Este ejemplo usa la tercera clave ya que la numeración de las claves empieza por `1`. Este parámetro se debe especificar para encriptar los datos.
-* `wepkey` establece la clave WEP seleccionada. Debería estar en el formato _index:key_. Si no se proporciona índice, se establece la clave a `1`. El índice necesita establecerse cuando se usa otra clave que no sea la primera.
-Usa man:ifconfig[8] para ver el estado del interfaz [.filename]#wlan0#:
-[source, shell]
-# ifconfig wlan0
- wlan0: flags=8843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> metric 0 mtu 1500
- ether 00:11:95:c3:0d:ac
- inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast
- media: IEEE 802.11 Wireless Ethernet autoselect mode 11g <hostap>
- status: running
- ssid freebsdap channel 4 (2427 Mhz 11g) bssid 00:11:95:c3:0d:ac
- country US ecm authmode OPEN privacy ON deftxkey 3 wepkey 3:40-bit
- txpower 21.5 scanvalid 60 protmode CTS wme burst dtimperiod 1 -dfs
-Desde otra máquina inalámbrica, ahora es posible iniciar un escaneo para encontrar el AP:
-[source, shell]
-# ifconfig wlan0 create wlandev ath0
-# ifconfig wlan0 up scan
-freebsdap 00:11:95:c3:0d:ac 1 54M 22:1 100 EPS
-En este ejemplo, la máquina cliente ha encontrado el AP y se puede asociar a él usando los parámetros correctos. Consulta <<network-wireless-wep>> para más detalles.
-=== Usando Tanto Redes con Cable como Inalámbricas
-Una conexión por cable proporciona mejor rendimiento y fiabilidad, mientras que una conexión inalámbrica proporciona flexibilidad y movilidad. Los usuarios de portátiles típicamente prefieren moverse entre los dos tipos de conexiones sin interrupciones.
-En FreeBSD, es posible combinar dos o incluso más interfaces de red en una modalidad "failover". Este tipo de configuración utiliza la conexión más disponible y preferente de un grupo de interfaces de red, y el sistema operativo cambia automáticamente cuando el estado del enlace cambia.
-La agregación de enlaces y el failover se cubre en <<network-aggregation>> y en <<networking-lagg-wired-and-wireless>> se proporciona un ejemplo para usar tanto una conexión por cable como una inalámbrica.
-=== Resolución de problemas
-Esta sección describe una serie de pasos para ayudar a solucionar problemas comunes de redes inalámbricas.
-* Si el punto de acceso no está en la lista cuando se escanea, comprueba que la configuración no ha limitado el dispositivo inalámbrico a un conjunto limitado de canales.
-* Si el dispositivo no se puede asociar con el punto de acceso, verifica que la configuración concuerda con los parámetros del punto de acceso. Esto incluye el esquema de autenticación y cualquier protocolo de seguridad. Simplifica la configuración lo más posible. Si se usa un protocolo de seguridad como WAP o WEP, configura el punto de acceso con autenticación abierta y sin seguridad para ver si el tráfico pasa.
-El soporte para depuración lo proporciona man:wpa_supplicant[8]. Intenta ejecutar esta utilidad manualmente con `-dd` y mira los logs del sistema.
-* Una vez que el sistema se pueda asociar con el punto de acceso, diagnostica la configuración de la red utilizando herramientas como man:ping[8].
-* Hay muchas herramientas de depuración de bajo nivel. Los mensajes de depuración se pueden habilitar en la capa de soporte del protocolo 802.11 usando man:wlandebug[8]. Por ejemplo, para activar mensajes de consola relativos al escaneo de puntos de acceso y las negociaciones del protocolo 802.11 requeridas para establecer la comunicación:
-[source, shell]
-# wlandebug -i wlan0 +scan+auth+debug+assoc
- net.wlan.0.debug: 0 => 0xc80000<assoc,auth,scan>
-La capa 802.11 mantiene muchas estadísticas útiles y `wlanstats`, que se encuentra en [.filename]#/usr/src/tools/tools/net80211#, mostrará esta información. Estas estadísticas deberían mostrar todos los errores identificados por la capa 802.11. Sin embargo, algunos errores son identificados en los controladores de dispositivo que está por debajo de la capa 802.11 de forma que podrían no verse. Para diagnosticar problemas específicos del dispositivo, consulta la documentación del controlador.
-Si la información de arriba no ayuda a clarificar el problema, envía un informe de error e incluye la salida de las herramientas de arriba.
== Tethering USB
@@ -2358,233 +1882,6 @@ La sección `BUGS` en man:tftpd[8] y man:tftp[1] documentan algunas limitaciones
-== IPv6
-IPv6 es la nueva versión del conocido protocolo IP, también conocido como IPv4. IPv6 proporciona varias ventajas sobre IPv4 así como muchas características nuevas:
-* Su espacio de direcciones de 128 bits permite 340,282,366,920,938,463,463,374,607,431,768,211,456. Esto soluciona el problema de escasez y eventual agotamiento de direcciones IPv4.
-* Los routers sólo almacenan direcciones de agregación de red en sus tablas de enrutamiento, reduciendo por tanto el espacio medio de una tabla de enrutamiento a 8192 entradas. Esto soluciona los problemas de escalabilidad asociados a IPv4, que requería que cada bloque asignado de direcciones IPv4 fuera intercambiado entre los routers, haciendo que las tablas de enrutamiento fueran demasiado grandes como para realizar un enrutamiento eficiente.
-* Autconfiguración de direcciones (http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2462.txt[RFC2462]).
-* Direcciones multicast obligatorias
-* IPsec integrada (seguridad IP).
-* Estructura de cabecera simplificada.
-* Soporte para IP móvil.
-* Mecanismos de transición IPv6-IPv4.
-FreeBSD incluye la implementación de referencia IPv6 http://www.kame.net/[http://www.kame.net/] y viene con todo lo necesario para usar IPv6. Esta sección se centra en configurar y hacer funcionar IPv6.
-=== Nociones de Direcciones IPv6
-Hay tres tipos diferentes de direcciones IPV6:
-Un paquete enviado a una dirección unicast llega a la interfaz a la que pertenece esa dirección.
-Estas direcciones son sintácticamente indistinguibles de las direcciones unicast pero se refieren a un grupo de interfaces. El paquete destinado a una dirección anycast llegara hasta la interfaz del router más cercano. Las direcciones anycast sólo son usadas por los routers.
-Estas direcciones identifican un grupo de interfaces. Un paquete destinado a una dirección multicast llegará a todas las interfaces que pertenezcan al grupo multicast. Las direcciones broadcast de IPv4, normalmente `xxx.xxx.xxx.255`, se expresan como direcciones multicast en IPv6.
-Cuando se lee una dirección IPv6, la forma canónica se representa como `x:x:x:x:x:x:x:x`, donde cada `x` representa un valor hexadecimal de 16 bits. Un ejemplo es `FEBC:A574:382B:23C1:AA49:4592:4EFE:9982`.
-A menudo, una dirección tendrá largas subcadenas de ceros. Un `::` (dos puntos dobles seguidos) se puede usar para sustituir una subcadena por cada dirección. Además, se pueden omitir hasta tres ``0`` al comienzo. Por ejemplo, `fe80::1` se corresponde con la forma canónica `fe80:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0001`.
-Una tercera forma es escribir los últimos 32 bits usando la notación conocida para IPv4. Por ejemplo, `2002::` se corresponde con la representación canónica hexadecimal `2002:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0a00:0001`, que a su vez es equivalente a `2002::a00:1`.
-Para ver la dirección IPv6 de un sistema FreeBSD, usa man:ifconfig[8]:
-[source, shell]
-# ifconfig
- inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast
- inet6 fe80::200:21ff:fe03:8e1%rl0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x1
- ether 00:00:21:03:08:e1
- media: Ethernet autoselect (100baseTX )
- status: active
-En este ejemplo, el interfaz [.filename]#rl0# está usando `fe80::200:21ff:fe03:8e1%rl0`, una dirección de enlace local auto configurada que se ha generado automáticamente a partir de una dirección MAC.
-Algunas direcciones IPv6 están reservadas. Se puede ver un resumen de las direcciones reservadas en <<reservedip6>>:
-.Direcciones IPv6 Reservadas
-[cols="1,1,1,1", frame="none", options="header"]
-| Direcciones IPv6
-| Prefixlength (Bits)
-| Descripción
-| Notas
-|128 bits
-|sin especificar
-|Equivalente a `` en IPv4.
-|128 bits
-|dirección de loopback
-|Equivalente a `` en IPv4.
-|96 bits
-|embedded IPv4
-|Los 32 bits menos significativos forma la dirección IPv4 compatible.
-|96 bits
-|Direcciones IPv4 mapeadas a IPv6
-|Los 32 bits menos significativos son las direcciones IPv4 para hosts que no soportan IPv6.
-|10 bits
-|Equivalente a en IPv4.
-|7 bits
-|Loas direcciones locales únicas están pensadas para comunicación local y sólo son enrutables dentro de un conjunto cooperativo de sitios.
-|8 bits
-|3 bits
-|global unicast
-|Todas las direcciones unicast globales se asignan de este lote. Los tres primeros bits son `001`.
-Para más información sobre la estructura de direcciones IPv6, consulta http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3513.txt[RFC3513].
-=== Configurando IPv6
-Para configurar un sistema FreeBSD como un cliente IPv6, añade estas dos líneas a [.filename]#rc.conf#:
-ifconfig_rl0_ipv6="inet6 accept_rtadv"
-La primera línea habilita a la interfaz especificada a recibir mensajes de aviso del router. La segunda línea habilita el demonio de peticiones del router, man:rtsol[8].
-Si el interfaz necesita una dirección IPv6 asignada estáticamente, añade una entrada para especificar la dirección estática y la longitud de prefijo asociada:
-ifconfig_rl0_ipv6="inet6 2001:db8:4672:6565:2026:5043:2d42:5344 prefixlen 64"
-Para asignar un router por defecto, especifica su dirección:
-=== Conectando con un Proveedor
-Para conectar con otras redes IPv6, se debe tener un proveedor o un túnel que soporte IPv6:
-* Contacta con un Proveedor de Servicio de Internet para ver si ofrecen IPv6.
-* http://www.tunnelbroker.net[Hurricane Electric] ofrece túneles con extremos en todo el mundo.
-Instala el port o paquete package:net/freenet6[] para una conexión tipo "dial-up".
-Esta sección muestra cómo tomar las direcciones desde un proveedor de túnel y convertirlas en configuración apta para [.filename]#/etc/rc.conf# que persistirá a pesar de los reinicios.
-La primera entrada en [.filename]#/etc/rc.conf# crear una interfaz de túnel genérica [.filename]#gif0#:
-Luego, configura la interfaz con la dirección IPv4 de los extremos local y remoto. Reemplaza `_MY_IPv4_ADDR_` y `_REMOTE_IPv4_ADDR_` con las direcciones IPv4 reales:
-create_args_gif0="tunnel MY_IPv4_ADDR REMOTE_IPv4_ADDR"
-Para aplicar la dirección IPv6 que ha sido asignada como extremo del túnel IPv6, añade esta línea, reemplazando `_MY_ASSIGNED_IPv6_TUNNEL_ENDPOINT_ADDR_` con la dirección asignada:
-ifconfig_gif0_ipv6="inet6 MY_ASSIGNED_IPv6_TUNNEL_ENDPOINT_ADDR"
-Después, establece la ruta por defecto para el otro lado del túnel IPv6. Reemplaza `_MY_IPv6_REMOTE_TUNNEL_ENDPOINT_ADDR_` con la dirección del gateway por defecto asignado por el proveedor:
-Si el sistema FreeBSD va a enruta paquetes IPv6 entre la red y el resto del mundo, activa el gateway usando esta línea:
-=== Avisos del Router y Auto Configuración del Host
-Esta sección muestra cómo configurar man:rtadvd[8] para anunciar el router por defecto de IPv6.
-Para habilitar man:rtadvd[8], añade lo siguiente a [.filename]#/etc/rc.conf#:
-Es importante especificar la interfaz en la que hacer los anuncios IPv6. Por ejemplo, para decirle a man:rtadvd[8] que use [.filename]#rl0#:
-Después, crea el fichero de configuración, [.filename]#/etc/rtadvd.conf#, como se ve en este ejemplo:
- :addrs#1:addr="2001:db8:1f11:246::":prefixlen#64:tc=ether:
-Reemplaza [.filename]#rl0# con la interfaz que se usará y `2001:db8:1f11:246::` con el prefijo de la asignación.
-Para una subred `/64` dedicada, no se necesita cambiar nada. Por el contrario, cambia `prefixlen#` al valor correcto.
-=== Mapeo de Direcciones IPv6 y IPv4
-Cuando se activa IPv6 en un servidor, podría necesitarse habilitar los mapeos de IPv4 a IPv6. Esta opción de compatibilidad permite a las direcciones IPv4 ser representadas como direcciones IPv6. Permitir a aplicaciones IPv6 comunicarse con IPv4 y viceversa podría ser un problema de seguridad.
-Esta opción podría no ser necesaria en la mayoría de los casos y sólo está disponible por compatibilidad. Esta opción permitirá a las aplicaciones que sólo funcionan con IPv6 trabajar con IPv4 en un entorno de pila doble. Esto es útil principalmente para aplicaciones de terceros que podrían no soportar entornos sólo IPv6. Para habilitar esta característica, añade los siguiente a [.filename]#/etc/rc.conf#:
-Revisar la información en el RFC 3493, sección 3.6 y 3.7 así como el RFC 4038 sección 4.2 podría ser de utilidad para algunos administradores.
== Common Address Redundancy Protocol (CARP)
diff --git a/documentation/content/es/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.po b/documentation/content/es/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.po
index 63622f8ae5..26d60a7551 100644
--- a/documentation/content/es/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.po
+++ b/documentation/content/es/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.po
@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: FreeBSD Documentation VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-01-21 20:00-0300\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-02-02 08:23+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-07-15 16:41-0300\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-07-18 11:32+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Fernando Apesteguía <fernando.apesteguia@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Spanish <https://translate-dev.freebsd.org/projects/"
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
-"X-Generator: Weblate 4.15.1\n"
+"X-Generator: Weblate 4.17\n"
#. type: YAML Front Matter: description
#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1
@@ -32,63 +32,58 @@ msgstr "IV. Comunicación de Red"
#. type: YAML Front Matter: title
#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1
#, no-wrap
-msgid "Chapter 33. Advanced Networking"
-msgstr "Capítulo 33. Redes Avanzadas"
+msgid "Chapter 34. Advanced Networking"
+msgstr "Capítulo 34. Redes Avanzadas"
#. type: Title =
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:15
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:14
#, no-wrap
msgid "Advanced Networking"
msgstr "Redes Avanzadas"
#. type: Title ==
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:53
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:52
#, no-wrap
msgid "Synopsis"
msgstr "Sinopsis"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:56
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:55
msgid "This chapter covers a number of advanced networking topics."
msgstr "Este capítulo cubre cierto número de temas avanzados de redes."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:58
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:57
msgid "After reading this chapter, you will know:"
msgstr "Después de leer este capítulo, sabrás:"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:60
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:59
msgid "The basics of gateways and routes."
msgstr "Lo básico acerca de gateways y rutas."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:61
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:60
msgid "How to set up USB tethering."
msgstr "Cómo configurar tethering por USB."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:62
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:61
msgid "How to set up IEEE(R) 802.11 and Bluetooth(R) devices."
msgstr "Cómo configurar dispositivos IEEE(R) 802.11 y Bluetooth(R)."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:63
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:62
msgid "How to make FreeBSD act as a bridge."
msgstr "Cómo hacer que FreeBSD actúe como un puente."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:64
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:63
msgid "How to set up network PXE booting."
msgstr "Cómo configurar arranque por red PXE."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:65
-msgid "How to set up IPv6 on a FreeBSD machine."
-msgstr "Cómo configurar IPv6 en una máquina FreeBSD."
-#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:66
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:64
msgid ""
"How to enable and utilize the features of the Common Address Redundancy "
"Protocol (CARP) in FreeBSD."
@@ -97,56 +92,65 @@ msgstr ""
"Protocol (CARP) en FreeBSD."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:67
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:65
msgid "How to configure multiple VLANs on FreeBSD."
msgstr "Cómo configurar múltiples VLANs en FreeBSD."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:68
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:66
msgid "Configure bluetooth headset."
msgstr "Configurar unos auriculares con micrófono vía bluetooth."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:70
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:68
msgid "Before reading this chapter, you should:"
msgstr "Antes de leer este capítulo, deberías:"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:72
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:70
msgid "Understand the basics of the [.filename]#/etc/rc# scripts."
msgstr "Comprender lo básico acerca de los scripts [.filename]#/etc/rc#."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:73
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:71
msgid "Be familiar with basic network terminology."
msgstr "Estar familiarizado con la terminología básica de red."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:74
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:72
+msgid ""
+"Understand basic network configuration on FreeBSD (crossref:network[network,"
+"FreeBSD network])."
+msgstr ""
+"Entendiendo la configuración básica de red en FreeBSD (crossref:network["
+"network,FreeBSD network])."
+#. type: Plain text
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:73
msgid ""
"Know how to configure and install a new FreeBSD kernel (crossref:"
"kernelconfig[kernelconfig,Configuring the FreeBSD Kernel])."
msgstr ""
-"Saber cómo configurar e instalar un nuevo kernel de FreeBSD "
-"(crossref:kernelconfig[kernelconfig,Configurando el Núcleo de FreeBSD])."
+"Saber cómo configurar e instalar un nuevo kernel de FreeBSD (crossref:"
+"kernelconfig[kernelconfig,Configurando el Núcleo de FreeBSD])."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:75
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:74
msgid ""
"Know how to install additional third-party software (crossref:ports[ports,"
"Installing Applications: Packages and Ports])."
msgstr ""
-"Cómo instalar software adicional de terceros (crossref:ports["
-"ports,Instalando Aplicaciones: Paquetes y Ports])."
+"Cómo instalar software adicional de terceros (crossref:ports[ports,"
+"Instalando Aplicaciones: Paquetes y Ports])."
#. type: Title ==
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:77
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:76
#, no-wrap
msgid "Gateways and Routes"
msgstr "Gateways y Rutas"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:86
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:85
msgid ""
"_Routing_ is the mechanism that allows a system to find the network path to "
"another system. A _route_ is a defined pair of addresses which represent "
@@ -170,7 +174,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:89
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:88
msgid ""
"This section provides an overview of routing basics. It then demonstrates "
"how to configure a FreeBSD system as a router and offers some "
@@ -181,19 +185,19 @@ msgstr ""
"proporciona algunas pistas para resolver problemas."
#. type: Title ===
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:91
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:90
#, no-wrap
msgid "Routing Basics"
msgstr "Enrutamiento Básico"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:94
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:93
msgid "To view the routing table of a FreeBSD system, use man:netstat[1]:"
msgstr ""
"Para ver la tabla de enrutamiento de un sistema FreeBSD, usa man:netstat[1]:"
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:99
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:98
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"% netstat -r\n"
@@ -203,7 +207,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Routing tables\n"
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:111
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:110
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -231,18 +235,18 @@ msgstr ""
"224 link#1 UC 0 0\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:114
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:113
msgid "The entries in this example are as follows:"
msgstr "Las entradas en este ejemplo son como sigue:"
#. type: Labeled list
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:115
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:114
#, no-wrap
msgid "default"
msgstr "Defecto"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:119
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:118
msgid ""
"The first route in this table specifies the `default` route. When the local "
"system needs to make a connection to a remote host, it checks the routing "
@@ -257,7 +261,7 @@ msgstr ""
"utilizando el interfaz especificado en dicha entrada."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:123
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:122
msgid ""
"If the destination does not match an entry, or if all known paths fail, the "
"system uses the entry for the default route. For hosts on a local area "
@@ -273,7 +277,7 @@ msgstr ""
"puede usar (`UG`)."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:125
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:124
msgid ""
"The default route for a machine which itself is functioning as the gateway "
"to the outside world will be the gateway machine at the Internet Service "
@@ -284,13 +288,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Internet (ISP)."
#. type: Labeled list
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:126
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:125
#, no-wrap
msgid "localhost"
msgstr "localhost"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:130
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:129
msgid ""
"The second route is the `localhost` route. The interface specified in the "
"`Netif` column for `localhost` is [.filename]#lo0#, also known as the "
@@ -303,13 +307,13 @@ msgstr ""
"debería ser interno, en lugar de enviarlo a través de la red."
#. type: Labeled list
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:131
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:130
#, no-wrap
msgid "MAC address"
msgstr "Dirección MAC"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:137
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:136
msgid ""
"The addresses beginning with `0:e0:` are MAC addresses. FreeBSD will "
"automatically identify any hosts, `test0` in the example, on the local "
@@ -332,13 +336,13 @@ msgstr ""
"más corto."
#. type: Labeled list
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:138
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:137
#, no-wrap
msgid "subnet"
msgstr "subred"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:142
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:141
msgid ""
"FreeBSD will automatically add subnet routes for the local subnet. In this "
"example, `` is the broadcast address for the subnet `10.20.30` "
@@ -351,7 +355,7 @@ msgstr ""
"referencia a la primera tarjeta Ethernet de la máquina."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:145
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:144
msgid ""
"Local network hosts and local subnets have their routes automatically "
"configured by a daemon called man:routed[8]. If it is not running, only "
@@ -363,13 +367,13 @@ msgstr ""
"estáticamente por el administrador."
#. type: Labeled list
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:146
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:145
#, no-wrap
msgid "host"
msgstr "host"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:149
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:148
msgid ""
"The `host1` line refers to the host by its Ethernet address. Since it is "
"the sending host, FreeBSD knows to use the loopback interface ([."
@@ -380,7 +384,7 @@ msgstr ""
"interfaz loopback ([.filename]#lo0#) en lugar del interfaz Ethernet."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:153
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:152
msgid ""
"The two `host2` lines represent aliases which were created using man:"
"ifconfig[8]. The `=>` symbol after the [.filename]#lo0# interface says that "
@@ -395,19 +399,19 @@ msgstr ""
"en la red local tendrán una línea `link#1` para esas rutas."
#. type: Labeled list
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:154
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:153
#, no-wrap
msgid "224"
msgstr "224"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:156
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:155
msgid "The final line (destination subnet `224`) deals with multicasting."
msgstr ""
"La última línea (subred de destino `224`) tiene que ver con multicasting."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:159
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:158
msgid ""
"Various attributes of each route can be seen in the `Flags` column. "
"<<routeflags>> summarizes some of these flags and their meanings:"
@@ -416,109 +420,109 @@ msgstr ""
"<<routeflags>> resume algunos de estos flags y sus significados:"
#. type: Block title
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:161
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:160
#, no-wrap
msgid "Commonly Seen Routing Table Flags"
msgstr "Flags Habituales de la Tabla de Enrutado"
#. type: Table
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:165
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:164
#, no-wrap
-msgid "Command"
-msgstr "Comando"
+msgid "Flag"
+msgstr "Flag"
#. type: Table
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:167
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:166
#, no-wrap
msgid "Purpose"
msgstr "Propósito"
#. type: Table
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:168
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:167
#, no-wrap
msgid "U"
msgstr "U"
#. type: Table
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:170
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:169
#, no-wrap
msgid "The route is active (up)."
msgstr "La ruta está activa (up)."
#. type: Table
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:171
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:170
#, no-wrap
msgid "H"
msgstr "H"
#. type: Table
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:173
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:172
#, no-wrap
msgid "The route destination is a single host."
msgstr "La ruta de destino es un único host."
#. type: Table
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:174
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:173
#, no-wrap
msgid "G"
msgstr "G"
#. type: Table
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:176
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:175
#, no-wrap
msgid "Send anything for this destination on to this gateway, which will figure out from there where to send it."
msgstr "Envía cualquier cosa a este destino a través de este gateway, que averiguará a dónde enviarlo a continuación."
#. type: Table
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:177
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:176
#, no-wrap
msgid "S"
msgstr "S"
#. type: Table
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:179
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:178
#, no-wrap
msgid "This route was statically configured."
msgstr "Esta ruta se ha configurado de forma estática."
#. type: Table
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:180
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:179
#, no-wrap
msgid "C"
msgstr "C"
#. type: Table
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:182
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:181
#, no-wrap
msgid "Clones a new route based upon this route for machines to connect to. This type of route is normally used for local networks."
msgstr "Clona una nueva ruta basada en esta ruta para que las máquinas puedan conectarse. Este tipo de ruta se usa normalmente para redes locales."
#. type: Table
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:183
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:182
#, no-wrap
msgid "W"
msgstr "W"
#. type: Table
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:185
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:184
#, no-wrap
msgid "The route was auto-configured based upon a local area network (clone) route."
msgstr "La ruta ha sido auto configurada basada en una ruta (clonada) de una red de área local."
#. type: Table
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:186
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:185
#, no-wrap
msgid "L"
msgstr "L"
#. type: Table
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:187
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:186
#, no-wrap
msgid "Route involves references to Ethernet (link) hardware."
msgstr "La ruta incluye referencias a hardware Ethernet (link)."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:190
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:189
msgid ""
"On a FreeBSD system, the default route can defined in [.filename]#/etc/rc."
"conf# by specifying the IP address of the default gateway:"
@@ -528,24 +532,24 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:194
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:193
#, no-wrap
msgid "defaultrouter=\"\"\n"
msgstr "defaultrouter=\"\"\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:197
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:196
msgid "It is also possible to manually add the route using `route`:"
msgstr "También es posible añadir la ruta de forma manual usando `route`:"
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:201
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:200
#, no-wrap
msgid "# route add default\n"
msgstr "# route add default\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:205
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:204
msgid ""
"Note that manually added routes will not survive a reboot. For more "
"information on manual manipulation of network routing tables, refer to man:"
@@ -556,13 +560,13 @@ msgstr ""
"enrutamiento de red, consulta man:route[8]."
#. type: Title ===
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:207
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:206
#, no-wrap
msgid "Configuring a Router with Static Routes"
msgstr "Configurando un Router con Rutas Estáticas"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:212
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:211
msgid ""
"A FreeBSD system can be configured as the default gateway, or router, for a "
"network if it is a dual-homed system. A dual-homed system is a host which "
@@ -579,7 +583,7 @@ msgstr ""
"diferente, a una única interfaz física."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:215
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:214
msgid ""
"In order for the system to forward packets between interfaces, FreeBSD must "
"be configured as a router. Internet standards and good engineering practice "
@@ -594,13 +598,13 @@ msgstr ""
"añadiendo esta línea a [.filename]#/etc/rc.conf#:"
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:219
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:218
#, no-wrap
msgid "gateway_enable=\"YES\" # Set to YES if this host will be a gateway\n"
msgstr "gateway_enable=\"YES\" # Set to YES if this host will be a gateway\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:223
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:222
msgid ""
"To enable routing now, set the man:sysctl[8] variable `net.inet.ip."
"forwarding` to `1`. To stop routing, reset this variable to `0`."
@@ -609,7 +613,7 @@ msgstr ""
"forwarding` a `1`. Para parar el enrutado, restablece esta variable a `0`."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:227
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:226
msgid ""
"The routing table of a router needs additional routes so it knows how to "
"reach other networks. Routes can be either added manually using static "
@@ -624,7 +628,7 @@ msgstr ""
"sección describe cómo añadir una ruta estática para una red pequeña."
#. type: delimited block = 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:233
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:232
msgid ""
"For large networks, static routes quickly become unscalable. FreeBSD comes "
"with the standard BSD routing daemon man:routed[8], which provides the "
@@ -639,18 +643,18 @@ msgstr ""
"paquete o port package:net/quagga[]."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:236
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:235
msgid "Consider the following network:"
msgstr "Considera la siguiente red:"
#. type: Target for macro image
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:237
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:236
#, no-wrap
msgid "static-routes.png"
msgstr "static-routes.png"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:242
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:241
msgid ""
"In this scenario, `RouterA` is a FreeBSD machine that is acting as a router "
"to the rest of the Internet. It has a default route set to `` which "
@@ -663,7 +667,7 @@ msgstr ""
"está configurado para utilizar `` como su gateway por defecto."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:244
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:243
msgid ""
"Before adding any static routes, the routing table on `RouterA` looks like "
@@ -672,7 +676,7 @@ msgstr ""
"tiene este aspecto:"
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:249
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:248
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"% netstat -nr\n"
@@ -682,7 +686,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Routing tables\n"
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:256
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:255
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -700,7 +704,7 @@ msgstr ""
" link#2 UC 0 0 xl1\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:260
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:259
msgid ""
"With the current routing table, `RouterA` does not have a route to the "
"`` network. The following command adds the `Internal Net 2` "
@@ -712,13 +716,13 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:264
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:263
#, no-wrap
msgid "# route add -net\n"
msgstr "# route add -net\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:269
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:268
msgid ""
"Now, `RouterA` can reach any host on the `` network. However, "
"the routing information will not persist if the FreeBSD system reboots. If "
@@ -730,7 +734,7 @@ msgstr ""
"a [.filename]#/etc/rc.conf#:"
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:275
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:274
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"# Add Internal Net 2 as a persistent static route\n"
@@ -742,7 +746,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:279
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:278
msgid ""
"The `static_routes` configuration variable is a list of strings separated by "
"a space, where each string references a route name. The variable "
@@ -754,7 +758,7 @@ msgstr ""
"nombre de esa ruta."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:282
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:281
msgid ""
"Using more than one string in `static_routes` creates multiple static "
"routes. The following shows an example of adding static routes for the "
@@ -765,7 +769,7 @@ msgstr ""
"`` y ``:"
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:288
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:287
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"static_routes=\"net1 net2\"\n"
@@ -777,15 +781,14 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Title ===
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:291
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1366
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1881
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:290
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1321
#, no-wrap
msgid "Troubleshooting"
msgstr "Resolución de problemas"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:295
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:294
msgid ""
"When an address space is assigned to a network, the service provider "
"configures their routing tables so that all traffic for the network will be "
@@ -799,7 +802,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:298
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:297
msgid ""
"There is a system that keeps track of all assigned address spaces and "
"defines their point of connection to the Internet backbone, or the main "
@@ -818,7 +821,7 @@ msgstr ""
"de servicio hasta que alcanza una red particular."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:301
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:300
msgid ""
"It is the task of the service provider to advertise to the backbone sites "
"that they are the point of connection, and thus the path inward, for a "
@@ -829,7 +832,7 @@ msgstr ""
"se conoce como propagación de ruta."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:305
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:304
msgid ""
"Sometimes, there is a problem with route propagation and some sites are "
"unable to connect. Perhaps the most useful command for trying to figure out "
@@ -841,7 +844,7 @@ msgstr ""
"dónde se rompe la ruta es `traceroute`. Es útil cuando `ping` falla."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:309
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:308
msgid ""
"When using `traceroute`, include the address of the remote host to connect "
"to. The output will show the gateway hosts along the path of the attempt, "
@@ -854,13 +857,13 @@ msgstr ""
"de conexión. Para más información, consulta man:traceroute[8]."
#. type: Title ===
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:311
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:310
#, no-wrap
msgid "Multicast Considerations"
msgstr "Consideraciones para Multicast"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:316
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:315
msgid ""
"FreeBSD natively supports both multicast applications and multicast "
"routing. Multicast applications do not require any special configuration in "
@@ -874,13 +877,13 @@ msgstr ""
"kernel personalizado:"
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:320
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:319
#, no-wrap
msgid "options MROUTING\n"
msgstr "options MROUTING\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:326
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:325
msgid ""
"The multicast routing daemon, mrouted can be installed using the package:net/"
"mrouted[] package or port. This daemon implements the DVMRP multicast "
@@ -897,7 +900,7 @@ msgstr ""
"páginas de manual. Consúltalas para ver ejemplos de configuración."
#. type: delimited block = 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:331
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:330
msgid ""
"DVMRP has largely been replaced by the PIM protocol in many multicast "
"installations. Refer to man:pim[4] for more information."
@@ -906,1302 +909,175 @@ msgstr ""
"instalaciones multicast. Consulta man:pim[4] para más información."
#. type: Title ==
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:334
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Wireless Networking"
-msgstr "Redes Inalámbricas"
-#. type: Title ===
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:336
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:333
#, no-wrap
-msgid "Wireless Networking Basics"
-msgstr "Fundamentos de Redes Inalámbricas"
+msgid "Virtual Hosts"
+msgstr "Hosts Virtuales"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:340
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:337
msgid ""
-"Most wireless networks are based on the IEEE(R) 802.11 standards. A basic "
-"wireless network consists of multiple stations communicating with radios "
-"that broadcast in either the 2.4GHz or 5GHz band, though this varies "
-"according to the locale and is also changing to enable communication in the "
-"2.3GHz and 4.9GHz ranges."
-msgstr ""
-"La mayoría de las redes inalámbricas se basan en los estándares IEEE(R) "
-"802.11. Una red inalámbrica básica consiste en varias estaciones que se "
-"comunican con radios que emiten en las bandas de 2.4GHz o 5GHz, aunque esto "
-"varía dependiendo del locale y también está cambiando para habilitar la "
-"comunicación en los rangos 2.3GHz y 4.9GHz."
-#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:346
-msgid ""
-"802.11 networks are organized in two ways. In _infrastructure mode_, one "
-"station acts as a master with all the other stations associating to it, the "
-"network is known as a BSS, and the master station is termed an access point "
-"(AP). In a BSS, all communication passes through the AP; even when one "
-"station wants to communicate with another wireless station, messages must go "
-"through the AP. In the second form of network, there is no master and "
-"stations communicate directly. This form of network is termed an IBSS and "
-"is commonly known as an _ad-hoc network_."
-msgstr ""
-"Las redes 802.11 se organizan de dos maneras. En el _modo infraestructura_, "
-"una estación actúa como maestro y las demás estaciones se asocian a ella, la "
-"red se conoce como un BSS, y la estación maestra se denomina punto de acceso "
-"(AP). En un BSS, toda la comunicación pasa a través del AP; incluso cuando "
-"una estación se quiere comunicar con otra estación inalámbrica, los mensajes "
-"deben ir a través del AP. En el segundo modo de la red, no hay maestro y las "
-"estaciones se comunican directamente. Esta forma de red se denomina IBSS y "
-"se conoce comúnmente como una _red ad-hoc_."
-#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:351
-msgid ""
-"802.11 networks were first deployed in the 2.4GHz band using protocols "
-"defined by the IEEE(R) 802.11 and 802.11b standard. These specifications "
-"include the operating frequencies and the MAC layer characteristics, "
-"including framing and transmission rates, as communication can occur at "
-"various rates. Later, the 802.11a standard defined operation in the 5GHz "
-"band, including different signaling mechanisms and higher transmission "
-"rates. Still later, the 802.11g standard defined the use of 802.11a "
-"signaling and transmission mechanisms in the 2.4GHz band in such a way as to "
-"be backwards compatible with 802.11b networks."
-msgstr ""
-"Las redes 802.11 se desplegaron por primera vez en la banda 2.4GHz usando "
-"protocolos definidos por los estándares 802.11 y 802.11b de IEEE(R). Estas "
-"especificaciones incluyen las frecuencias de operación y las características "
-"de la capa MAC, incluyendo las tasas \"framing\" y de transmisión, ya que la "
-"comunicación puede ocurrir a diferentes velocidades. Posteriormente el "
-"estándar 802.11a definió la operación en la banda 5GHz, incluyendo "
-"diferentes mecanismos de señalización y tasas de transmisión más elevadas. "
-"Algo más tarde, el estándar 802.11g definió el uso de los mecanismos de "
-"transmisión y señalización de 802.11a en la banda de 2.4GHz de tal modo que "
-"fuera compatible hacia atrás con las redes 802.11b."
-#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:364
-msgid ""
-"Separate from the underlying transmission techniques, 802.11 networks have a "
-"variety of security mechanisms. The original 802.11 specifications defined "
-"a simple security protocol called WEP. This protocol uses a fixed pre-"
-"shared key and the RC4 cryptographic cipher to encode data transmitted on a "
-"network. Stations must all agree on the fixed key in order to communicate. "
-"This scheme was shown to be easily broken and is now rarely used except to "
-"discourage transient users from joining networks. Current security practice "
-"is given by the IEEE(R) 802.11i specification that defines new cryptographic "
-"ciphers and an additional protocol to authenticate stations to an access "
-"point and exchange keys for data communication. Cryptographic keys are "
-"periodically refreshed and there are mechanisms for detecting and countering "
-"intrusion attempts. Another security protocol specification commonly used "
-"in wireless networks is termed WPA, which was a precursor to 802.11i. WPA "
-"specifies a subset of the requirements found in 802.11i and is designed for "
-"implementation on legacy hardware. Specifically, WPA requires only the TKIP "
-"cipher that is derived from the original WEP cipher. 802.11i permits use of "
-"TKIP but also requires support for a stronger cipher, AES-CCM, for "
-"encrypting data. The AES cipher was not required in WPA because it was "
-"deemed too computationally costly to be implemented on legacy hardware."
-msgstr ""
-"De forma separada de las técnicas de transmisión subyacentes, las redes "
-"802.11 tienen un conjunto de mecanismos de seguridad. Las especificaciones "
-"802.11 originales definían un protocolo de seguridad sencillo denominado "
-"WEP. Este protocolo utiliza una clave compartida prefijada y el codificador "
-"criptográfico RC4 para codificar los datos transmitidos por la red. Todas "
-"las estaciones deben ponerse de acuerdo en la clave fijada para poder "
-"comunicarse. Se ha demostrado que este esquema se puede romper fácilmente y "
-"actualmente no se usa salvo para desaconsejar a algunos usuarios que se "
-"conecten a algunas redes. La práctica de seguridad actual se fija por la "
-"especificación IEEE(R) 802.11i que define nuevos codificadores "
-"criptográficos y un protocolo adicional para autenticar estaciones contra un "
-"punto de acceso e intercambiar claves para realizar la comunicación. Las "
-"claves criptográficas se refrescan periódicamente y hay mecanismos para "
-"detectar y contrarrestar intentos de intrusión. Otra especificación de "
-"protocolo de seguridad que se usa en redes inalámbricas habitualmente se "
-"denomina WPA, que fue un precursos de 802.11i. WPA especifica un subconjunto "
-"de los requisitos que se encuentran en 802.11i y está diseñado para poder se "
-"implementado en hardware heredado. Específicamente, WPA sólo requiere el "
-"codificador TKIP que se deriva del codificador original WEP. 802.11i permite "
-"el uso de TKIP pero también requiere soporte para un codificador más fuerte, "
-"AES-CCM, para encriptar los datos. El codificador AES no era necesario en "
-"WPA porque se consideraba demasiado costoso computacionalmente como para se "
-"implementado en hardware heredado."
-#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:369
-msgid ""
-"The other standard to be aware of is 802.11e. It defines protocols for "
-"deploying multimedia applications, such as streaming video and voice over IP "
-"(VoIP), in an 802.11 network. Like 802.11i, 802.11e also has a precursor "
-"specification termed WME (later renamed WMM) that has been defined by an "
-"industry group as a subset of 802.11e that can be deployed now to enable "
-"multimedia applications while waiting for the final ratification of "
-"802.11e. The most important thing to know about 802.11e and WME/WMM is that "
-"it enables prioritized traffic over a wireless network through Quality of "
-"Service (QoS) protocols and enhanced media access protocols. Proper "
-"implementation of these protocols enables high speed bursting of data and "
-"prioritized traffic flow."
-msgstr ""
-"El otro estándar que hay que considerar es 802.11e. Define protocolos para "
-"desplegar aplicaciones multimedia, como streaming de voz y vídeo sobre IP "
-"(VoIP), en una red 802.11. Al igual que 802.11i, 802.11e también tiene una "
-"especificación precedente llamada WME (posteriormente renombrada a WMM) que "
-"ha sido definida por un grupo industrial como un subconjunto de 802.11e que "
-"se puede desplegar actualmente para habilitar aplicaciones multimedia "
-"mientras se espera a la ratificación final de 802.11e. Lo más importante que "
-"hay que saber acerca de 802.11e y WME/WMM es que habilita la priorización de "
-"tráfico sobre redes inalámbricas mediante protocolos de tipo Calidad de "
-"Servicio (QoS) y mejora los protocolos de acceso a medios. La implementación "
-"adecuada de estos protocolos habilita los picos de datos de alta velocidad y "
-"flujos de tráfico priorizados."
-#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:372
-msgid ""
-"FreeBSD supports networks that operate using 802.11a, 802.11b, and 802.11g. "
-"The WPA and 802.11i security protocols are likewise supported (in "
-"conjunction with any of 11a, 11b, and 11g) and QoS and traffic "
-"prioritization required by the WME/WMM protocols are supported for a limited "
-"set of wireless devices."
-msgstr ""
-"FreeBSD soporta redes que operan usando 802.11a, 802.11b, y 802.11g. Los "
-"protocolos de seguridad WPA y 802.11i también están soportados (junto con "
-"cualquiera de 11a, 11b, y 11g) y QoS y la priorización de tráfico necesarios "
-"para los protocolos WME/WMM están soportados para un conjunto limitado de "
-"dispositivos inalámbricos."
-#. type: Title ===
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:374
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Quick Start"
-msgstr "Inicio rápido"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:378
-msgid ""
-"Connecting a computer to an existing wireless network is a very common "
-"situation. This procedure shows the steps required."
+"A common use of FreeBSD is virtual site hosting, where one server appears to "
+"the network as many servers. This is achieved by assigning multiple network "
+"addresses to a single interface."
msgstr ""
-"Conectar un ordenador a una red inalámbrica existente es una situación muy "
-"común. Este procedimiento muestra los pasos necesarios."
+"Un uso habitual para FreeBSD es el de proporcionar alojamiento virtual de "
+"sitios, donde un servidor aparece en la red como muchos servidores. Esto se "
+"consigue asignando múltiples direcciones de red a una única interfaz."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:381
-msgid ""
-"Obtain the SSID (Service Set Identifier) and PSK (Pre-Shared Key) for the "
-"wireless network from the network administrator."
-msgstr ""
-"Obtén el SSID (Service Set Identifier) y PSK (Pre-Shared Key) para la red "
-"inalámbrica a través del administrador de la red."
-#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:383
-msgid ""
-"Identify the wireless adapter. The FreeBSD [.filename]#GENERIC# kernel "
-"includes drivers for many common wireless adapters. If the wireless adapter "
-"is one of those models, it will be listed in the man:sysctl[8] `net.wlan."
-"devices` variable:"
-msgstr ""
-"Identifica el adaptador inalámbrico. El kernel [.filename]#GENERIC# de "
-"FreeBSD incluye controladores para muchos adaptadores inalámbricos "
-"habituales. Si el adaptador inalámbrico es uno de esos modelos aparecerá en "
-"la lista de la variable `net.wlan.devices` de man:sysctl[8]:"
-#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:387
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "% sysctl net.wlan.devices\n"
-msgstr "% sysctl net.wlan.devices\n"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:390
-msgid ""
-"If a wireless adapter is not listed, an additional kernel module might be "
-"required, or it might be a model not supported by FreeBSD."
-msgstr ""
-"Si un adaptador inalámbrico no aparece en la lista, podrían ser necesarios "
-"módulos adicionales para el kernel, o podría ser un modelo no soportado por "
-#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:392
-msgid "This example shows the Atheros `ath0` wireless adapter."
-msgstr "Este ejemplo muestra el adaptador inalámbrico Atheros `ath0`."
-#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:393
-msgid ""
-"Add an entry for this network to [.filename]#/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf#. If "
-"the file does not exist, create it. Replace _myssid_ and _mypsk_ with the "
-"SSID and PSK provided by the network administrator."
-msgstr ""
-"Añade una entrada para esta red en [.filename]#/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf#. Si "
-"el fichero no existe, créalo. Sustituye _myssid_ y _mypsk_ con el SSID y el "
-"PSK proporcionado por el administrador de red."
-#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:400
-#, no-wrap
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:403
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:340
msgid ""
-"Add entries to [.filename]#/etc/rc.conf# to configure the network on startup:"
+"A given network interface has one \"real\" address, and may have any number "
+"of \"alias\" addresses. These aliases are normally added by placing alias "
+"entries in [.filename]#/etc/rc.conf#, as seen in this example:"
msgstr ""
-"Añade entradas a [.filename]#/etc/rc.conf# para configurar la red durante el "
+"Una interfaz dada tiene una dirección \"real\", y puede tener un determinado "
+"número de direcciones \"alias\". Estos alias se añaden normalmente poniendo "
+"entradas alias en [.filename]#/etc/rc.conf#, como se ve en este ejemplo:"
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:408
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:344
#, no-wrap
-msgid ""
-"ifconfig_wlan0=\"WPA SYNCDHCP\"\n"
-msgstr ""
-"ifconfig_wlan0=\"WPA SYNCDHCP\"\n"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:411
-msgid ""
-"Restart the computer, or restart the network service to connect to the "
+msgid "# sysrc ifconfig_fxp0_alias0=\"inet xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx netmask xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx\"\n"
msgstr ""
-"Reinicia el ordenador, o reinicia el servicio de red para conectar a la red:"
-#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:415
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "# service netif restart\n"
-msgstr "# service netif restart\n"
-#. type: Title ===
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:418
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Basic Setup"
-msgstr "Configuración Básica"
-#. type: Title ====
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:420
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Kernel Configuration"
-msgstr "Configuración del kernel"
+"# sysrc ifconfig_fxp0_alias0=\"inet xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx netmask xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx\""
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:424
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:348
msgid ""
-"To use wireless networking, a wireless networking card is needed and the "
-"kernel needs to be configured with the appropriate wireless networking "
-"support. The kernel is separated into multiple modules so that only the "
-"required support needs to be configured."
+"Alias entries must start with `alias__0__` using a sequential number such as "
+"`alias0`, `alias1`, and so on. The configuration process will stop at the "
+"first missing number."
msgstr ""
-"Para usar redes inalámbricas, se necesita una tarjeta de red inalámbrica y "
-"el kernel necesita estar configurado con el soporte de red apropiado para "
-"redes inalámbricas. El kernel está separado en múltiples módulos de forma "
-"que sólo se necesita configurar el suporte necesario."
+"Las entradas de alias deben empezar con `alias__0__` usando un número "
+"secuencial como `alias0`, `alias1`, y así sucesivamente. El proceso de "
+"configuración terminará en el primer número que falte."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:427
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:352
msgid ""
-"The most commonly used wireless devices are those that use parts made by "
-"Atheros. These devices are supported by man:ath[4] and require the "
-"following line to be added to [.filename]#/boot/loader.conf#:"
+"The calculation of alias netmasks is important. For a given interface, "
+"there must be one address which correctly represents the network's netmask. "
+"Any other addresses which fall within this network must have a netmask of "
+"all ``1``s, expressed as either `` or `0xffffffff`."
msgstr ""
-"Los dispositivos inalámbricos más utilizados son aquellos que utilizan "
-"partes fabricadas por Atheros. Estos dispositivos están soportados por man:"
-"ath[4] y requieren la siguiente línea en [.filename]#/boot/loader.conf#:"
-#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:431
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "if_ath_load=\"YES\"\n"
-msgstr "if_ath_load=\"YES\"\n"
+"El cálculo de las máscaras de red de los alias es importante. Para una "
+"interfaz data, debe haber una dirección que represente correctamente la "
+"máscara de la red. Cualquier otra dirección que esté en esta red tiene que "
+"tener una más cara con todo ``1``s, expresada como `` o "
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:437
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:357
msgid ""
-"The Atheros driver is split up into three separate pieces: the driver (man:"
-"ath[4]), the hardware support layer that handles chip-specific functions "
-"(man:ath_hal[4]), and an algorithm for selecting the rate for transmitting "
-"frames. When this support is loaded as kernel modules, any dependencies are "
-"automatically handled. To load support for a different type of wireless "
-"device, specify the module for that device. This example is for devices "
-"based on the Intersil Prism parts (man:wi[4]) driver:"
+"For example, consider the case where the `fxp0` interface is connected to "
+"two networks: `` with a netmask of `` and `` "
+"with a netmask of ``. The system is to be configured to "
+"appear in the ranges `` through `` and `` through "
+"``. Only the first address in a given network range should have "
+"a real netmask. All the rest (`` through `` and "
+"`` through ``) must be configured with a netmask of "
msgstr ""
-"El controlador Atheros está separado en tres piezas independientes: el "
-"controlador (man:ath[4]), la capa de soporte hardware que maneja funciones "
-"específicas del chip (man:ath_hal[4]), y el algoritmo para seleccionar la "
-"tasa de transmisión de marcos (frames). Cuando se carga este soporte como "
-"módulos del kernel, cualquier dependencia se maneja de forma automática. "
-"Para cargar soporte para un tipo de dispositivo inalámbrico distinto, "
-"especifica el módulo para dicho dispositivo. Este ejemplo es para "
-"dispositivos basados en el controlador Intersil Prism (man:wi[i]):"
-#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:441
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "if_wi_load=\"YES\"\n"
-msgstr "if_wi_load=\"YES\"\n"
-#. type: delimited block = 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:448
-msgid ""
-"The examples in this section use an man:ath[4] device and the device name in "
-"the examples must be changed according to the configuration. A list of "
-"available wireless drivers and supported adapters can be found in the "
-"FreeBSD Hardware Notes, available on the https://www.FreeBSD.org/releases/"
-"[Release Information] page of the FreeBSD website. If a native FreeBSD "
-"driver for the wireless device does not exist, it may be possible to use the "
-"Windows(R) driver with the help of the crossref:config[config-network-ndis,"
-"NDIS] driver wrapper."
-msgstr ""
-"Los ejemplos en esta sección utilizan un dispositivo man:ath[4] y el nombre "
-"del dispositivo en los ejemplos se debe cambiar de acuerdo con la "
-"configuración. Se puede encontrar una lista de los controladores "
-"inalámbricos disponibles así como los adaptadores soportados en las Notas de "
-"Hardware de FreeBSD en la página https://www.FreeBSD.org/releases/[Release "
-"Information] del sitio web de FreeBSD. Si no existe un controlador nativo de "
-"FreeBSD para el dispositivo inalámbrico, podría ser posible utilizar el "
-"controlador de Windows(R) con la ayuda del adaptador de controladores ."
-#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:456
-msgid ""
-"In addition, the modules that implement cryptographic support for the "
-"security protocols to use must be loaded. These are intended to be "
-"dynamically loaded on demand by the man:wlan[4] module, but for now they "
-"must be manually configured. The following modules are available: man:"
-"wlan_wep[4], man:wlan_ccmp[4], and man:wlan_tkip[4]. The man:wlan_ccmp[4] "
-"and man:wlan_tkip[4] drivers are only needed when using the WPA or 802.11i "
-"security protocols. If the network does not use encryption, man:wlan_wep[4] "
-"support is not needed. To load these modules at boot time, add the "
-"following lines to [.filename]#/boot/loader.conf#:"
-msgstr ""
-"Además, se tienen que cargar los módulos que implementan el soporte "
-"criptográfico para los protocolos de seguridad. Estos están pensados para "
-"ser cargados dinámicamente bajo demanda por el módulo man:wlan[4], pero por "
-"el momento se deben configurar manualmente. Los siguientes módulos están "
-"disponibles: man:wlan_wep[4], man:wlan_ccmp[4], y man:wlan_tkip[4]. Los "
-"constroladores man:wlan_ccmp[4] y man:wlan_tkip[4] sólo son necesarios "
-"cuando se utilizan protocolos de seguridad WPA o 802.11i. Si la red no "
-"soporta encriptación, no se necesita man:wlan_wep[4]. Para cargar estos "
-"módulos en el arranque, añade las siguientes líneas a [.filename]#/boot/"
-#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:462
-#, no-wrap
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
+"Por ejemplo, considera el caso donde la interfaz `fxp0` está conectada a dos "
+"redes: `` con máscara de red `` y `` con "
+"máscara de red``. El sistema está configurado para aparecer "
+"en los rangos `` hasta `` y `` hasta ``"
+". Sólo la primera dirección en un rango de red dado debería tener una "
+"máscara de red real. Todas las demás (`` hasta `` y `202.0.75"
+".18` hasta ``) se deben configurar con máscara de red `255.255.255"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:466
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:359
msgid ""
-"Once this information has been added to [.filename]#/boot/loader.conf#, "
-"reboot the FreeBSD box. Alternately, load the modules by hand using man:"
+"The following [.filename]#/etc/rc.conf# entries configure the adapter "
+"correctly for this scenario:"
msgstr ""
-"Una vez que se ha añadido esta información a [.filename]#/boot/loader.conf#, "
-"reinicia la máquina FreeBSD. De forma alternativa, carga los módulos a mano "
-"utilizando man:kldload[8]."
-#. type: delimited block = 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:470
-msgid ""
-"For users who do not want to use modules, it is possible to compile these "
-"drivers into the kernel by adding the following lines to a custom kernel "
-"configuration file:"
-msgstr ""
-"Para usuarios que no quieren usar módulos, es posible compilar estos "
-"controladores en el kernel añadiendo las siguientes líneas al fichero de "
-"configuración de un kernel personalizado:"
+"Las siguientes entradas de [.filename]#/etc/rc.conf# configuran "
+"correctamente el adaptador para este escenario:"
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:482
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:371
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
-"device wlan # 802.11 support\n"
-"device wlan_wep # 802.11 WEP support\n"
-"device wlan_ccmp # 802.11 CCMP support\n"
-"device wlan_tkip # 802.11 TKIP support\n"
-"device wlan_amrr # AMRR transmit rate control algorithm\n"
-"device ath # Atheros pci/cardbus NIC's\n"
-"device ath_hal # pci/cardbus chip support\n"
-"options AH_SUPPORT_AR5416 # enable AR5416 tx/rx descriptors\n"
-"device ath_rate_sample # SampleRate tx rate control for ath\n"
+"# sysrc ifconfig_fxp0=\"inet netmask\"\n"
+"# sysrc ifconfig_fxp0_alias0=\"inet netmask\"\n"
+"# sysrc ifconfig_fxp0_alias1=\"inet netmask\"\n"
+"# sysrc ifconfig_fxp0_alias2=\"inet netmask\"\n"
+"# sysrc ifconfig_fxp0_alias3=\"inet netmask\"\n"
+"# sysrc ifconfig_fxp0_alias4=\"inet netmask\"\n"
+"# sysrc ifconfig_fxp0_alias5=\"inet netmask\"\n"
+"# sysrc ifconfig_fxp0_alias6=\"inet netmask\"\n"
+"# sysrc ifconfig_fxp0_alias7=\"inet netmask\"\n"
msgstr ""
-"device wlan # 802.11 support\n"
-"device wlan_wep # 802.11 WEP support\n"
-"device wlan_ccmp # 802.11 CCMP support\n"
-"device wlan_tkip # 802.11 TKIP support\n"
-"device wlan_amrr # AMRR transmit rate control algorithm\n"
-"device ath # Atheros pci/cardbus NIC's\n"
-"device ath_hal # pci/cardbus chip support\n"
-"options AH_SUPPORT_AR5416 # enable AR5416 tx/rx descriptors\n"
-"device ath_rate_sample # SampleRate tx rate control for ath\n"
+"# sysrc ifconfig_fxp0=\"inet netmask\"\n"
+"# sysrc ifconfig_fxp0_alias0=\"inet netmask\"\n"
+"# sysrc ifconfig_fxp0_alias1=\"inet netmask\"\n"
+"# sysrc ifconfig_fxp0_alias2=\"inet netmask\"\n"
+"# sysrc ifconfig_fxp0_alias3=\"inet netmask\"\n"
+"# sysrc ifconfig_fxp0_alias4=\"inet netmask\"\n"
+"# sysrc ifconfig_fxp0_alias5=\"inet netmask\"\n"
+"# sysrc ifconfig_fxp0_alias6=\"inet netmask\"\n"
+"# sysrc ifconfig_fxp0_alias7=\"inet netmask\"\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:485
-msgid ""
-"With this information in the kernel configuration file, recompile the kernel "
-"and reboot the FreeBSD machine."
-msgstr ""
-"Con esta información en el fichero de configuración del kernel, recompila el "
-"kernel y reinicia la máquina FreeBSD."
-#. type: delimited block = 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:488
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:375
msgid ""
-"Information about the wireless device should appear in the boot messages, "
-"like this:"
+"A simpler way to express this is with a space-separated list of IP address "
+"ranges. The first address will be given the indicated subnet mask and the "
+"additional addresses will have a subnet mask of ``."
msgstr ""
-"En los mensajes de arranque debería aparecer información como esta acerca "
-"del dispositivo inalámbrico:"
+"Una forma más sencilla de expresar esto es con una lista de rangos de "
+"direcciones IP separadas por espacios. A la primera dirección se le asignará "
+"la máscara de subred indicada y las demás direcciones tendrán una máscara de "
+"subred de ``."
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:494
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:379
#, no-wrap
-msgid ""
-"ath0: <Atheros 5212> mem 0x88000000-0x8800ffff irq 11 at device 0.0 on cardbus1\n"
-"ath0: [ITHREAD]\n"
-"ath0: AR2413 mac 7.9 RF2413 phy 4.5\n"
+msgid "# sysrc ifconfig_fxp0_aliases=\"inet inet\"\n"
msgstr ""
-"ath0: <Atheros 5212> mem 0x88000000-0x8800ffff irq 11 at device 0.0 on cardbus1\n"
-"ath0: [ITHREAD]\n"
-"ath0: AR2413 mac 7.9 RF2413 phy 4.5\n"
+"# sysrc ifconfig_fxp0_aliases=\"inet inet\"\n"
-#. type: Title ====
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:496
+#. type: Title ==
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:382
#, no-wrap
-msgid "Setting the Correct Region"
-msgstr "Estableciendo la Región Correcta"
+msgid "Wireless Advanced Authentication"
+msgstr "Autenticación Inalámbrica Avanzada"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:499
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:386
msgid ""
-"Since the regulatory situation is different in various parts of the world, "
-"it is necessary to correctly set the domains that apply to your location to "
-"have the correct information about what channels can be used."
+"FreeBSD supports different ways of connecting to a wireless network. This "
+"section describes how to perform advanced authentication to a Wireless "
msgstr ""
-"Como la situación regulatoria es diferente en varios puntos del mundo, es "
-"necesario establecer correctamente los dominios que aplican a tu "
-"localización para así tener información correcta sobre los canales que se "
-"pueden utilizar."
+"FreeBSD soporta distintas formas de conectarse a una red inalámbrica. Esta "
+"sección describe como realizar autenticación avanzada en una Red Inalámbrica."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:502
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:388
msgid ""
-"The available region definitions can be found in [.filename]#/etc/regdomain."
-"xml#. To set the data at runtime, use `ifconfig`:"
+"To make a connection and basic authentication to a wireless network the "
+"section crossref:network[wireless-authentication,Connection and "
+"Authentication to a Wireless Network] in the Network Chapter describes how "
+"to do it."
msgstr ""
-"Se pueden encontrar las definiciones de las regiones disponibles en [."
-"filename]#/etc/regdomain.xml#. Para establecer datos en tiempo de ejecución, "
-"usa `ifconfig`:"
-#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:506
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "# ifconfig wlan0 regdomain ETSI country AT\n"
-msgstr "# ifconfig wlan0 regdomain ETSI country AT\n"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:509
-msgid "To persist the settings, add it to [.filename]#/etc/rc.conf#:"
-msgstr ""
-"Para hacer los cambios persistentes, añádelos a [.filename]#/etc/rc.conf#:"
-#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:513
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "# sysrc create_args_wlan0=\"country AT regdomain ETSI\"\n"
-msgstr "# sysrc create_args_wlan0=\"country AT regdomain ETSI\"\n"
+"Para hacer una conexión y autenticación básica a una red inalámbrica la "
+"sección crossref:network[wireless-authentication,Conexión y Autenticación a "
+"una Red Inalámbrica] en el Capítulo de Red describe como hacerlo."
#. type: Title ===
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:515
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Infrastructure Mode"
-msgstr "Modo Infraestructura"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:521
-msgid ""
-"Infrastructure (BSS) mode is the mode that is typically used. In this mode, "
-"a number of wireless access points are connected to a wired network. Each "
-"wireless network has its own name, called the SSID. Wireless clients "
-"connect to the wireless access points."
-msgstr ""
-"El modo infraestructura (BSS) es el modo que se utiliza habitualmente. En "
-"este modo, un número de puntos de acceso inalámbrico se conectan a una red "
-"por cable. Cada red inalámbrica tiene su propio nombre, llamado SSID. Los "
-"clientes inalámbricos se conectan a los puntos de acceso inalámbricos."
-#. type: Title ====
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:522
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "FreeBSD Clients"
-msgstr "Clientes FreeBSD"
-#. type: Title =====
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:524
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "How to Find Access Points"
-msgstr "Cómo Encontrar Puntos de Acceso"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:529
-msgid ""
-"To scan for available networks, use man:ifconfig[8]. This request may take "
-"a few moments to complete as it requires the system to switch to each "
-"available wireless frequency and probe for available access points. Only "
-"the superuser can initiate a scan:"
-msgstr ""
-"Para escanear redes disponibles, usa man:ifconfig[8]. Esta petición puede "
-"tardar un poco en completarse ya que requiere que el sistema cambie para "
-"cada una de las frecuencias inalámbricas disponibles y escanee puntos de "
-"acceso disponibles. Sólo el super usuario puede iniciar un escaneo:"
-#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:537
-#, no-wrap
-msgid ""
-"# ifconfig wlan0 create wlandev ath0\n"
-"# ifconfig wlan0 up scan\n"
-"dlinkap 00:13:46:49:41:76 11 54M -90:96 100 EPS WPA WME\n"
-"freebsdap 00:11:95:c3:0d:ac 1 54M -83:96 100 EPS WPA\n"
-msgstr ""
-"# ifconfig wlan0 create wlandev ath0\n"
-"# ifconfig wlan0 up scan\n"
-"dlinkap 00:13:46:49:41:76 11 54M -90:96 100 EPS WPA WME\n"
-"freebsdap 00:11:95:c3:0d:ac 1 54M -83:96 100 EPS WPA\n"
-#. type: delimited block = 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:543
-msgid ""
-"The interface must be `up` before it can scan. Subsequent scan requests do "
-"not require the interface to be marked as up again."
-msgstr ""
-"El interfaz debe estar levantado (`up`) para poder escanear. Escaneos "
-"subsiguientes no necesitan que la interfaz se levante de nuevo."
-#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:548
-msgid ""
-"The output of a scan request lists each BSS/IBSS network found. Besides "
-"listing the name of the network, the `SSID`, the output also shows the "
-"`BSSID`, which is the MAC address of the access point. The `CAPS` field "
-"identifies the type of each network and the capabilities of the stations "
-"operating there (see the definition of `list scan` in man:ifconfig[8] for "
-"more details)."
-msgstr ""
-"La salida de una petición de escaneo lista cada red BSS/IBSS encontrada. "
-"Además de listar el nombre de la red, el `SSID`, la salida también muestra "
-"el `BSSID`, que es la dirección MAC del punto de acceso. El campo `CAPS` "
-"identifica el tipo de cada red y las capacidades de las estaciones de "
-"operación (consulta la definición de `list scan` en man:ifconfig[8] para más "
-#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:550
-msgid "One can also display the current list of known networks with:"
-msgstr "También se puede mostrar la lista actual de redes conocidas con:"
-#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:554
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "# ifconfig wlan0 list scan\n"
-msgstr "# ifconfig wlan0 list scan\n"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:558
-msgid ""
-"This information may be updated automatically by the adapter or manually "
-"with a `scan` request. Old data is automatically removed from the cache, so "
-"over time this list may shrink unless more scans are done."
-msgstr ""
-"La información puede ser actualizada automáticamente por el adaptador o de "
-"forma manual con una petición `scan`. Los datos antiguos se eliminan "
-"automáticamente de la caché, de forma que con el tiempo esta lista se hace "
-"más pequeña a menos que se hagan más escaneos."
-#. type: Title ====
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:559
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1137
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Basic Settings"
-msgstr "Configuración Básica"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:563
-msgid ""
-"This section provides a simple example of how to make the wireless network "
-"adapter work in FreeBSD without encryption. Once familiar with these "
-"concepts, it is strongly recommend to use <<network-wireless-wpa,WPA>> to "
-"set up the wireless network."
-msgstr ""
-"Esta sección proporciona un ejemplo sencillo de cómo hacer que un adaptador "
-"de red inalámbrico funcione en FreeBSD sin encriptación. Una vez "
-"familiarizados con estos conceptos, se recomienda encarecidamente usar "
-"<<network-wireless-wpa,WPA>> para configurar la red inalámbrica."
-#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:566
-msgid ""
-"There are three basic steps to configure a wireless network: select an "
-"access point, authenticate the station, and configure an IP address. The "
-"following sections discuss each step."
-msgstr ""
-"Hay tres pasos básicos para configurar una red inalámbrica: seleccionar el "
-"punto de acceso, autenticar la estación, y configurar una dirección IP. Las "
-"secciones siguientes discuten cada uno de los pasos."
-#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:568
-msgid "====== Selecting an Access Point"
-msgstr "====== Seleccionar un Punto de Acceso"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:571
-msgid ""
-"Most of the time, it is sufficient to let the system choose an access point "
-"using the builtin heuristics. This is the default behavior when an "
-"interface is marked as up or it is listed in [.filename]#/etc/rc.conf#:"
-msgstr ""
-"La mayoría de las veces, es suficiente con dejar al sistema escoger un punto "
-"de acceso utilizando las heurísticas integradas. Este es el comportamiento "
-"por defecto cuando una interfaz se marca como levantada o si está listada en "
-#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:576
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:646
-#, no-wrap
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:579
-msgid ""
-"If there are multiple access points, a specific one can be selected by its "
-msgstr ""
-"Si hay varios puntos de acceso, se puede seleccionar uno específico por su "
-#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:584
-#, no-wrap
-msgid ""
-"ifconfig_wlan0=\"ssid your_ssid_here DHCP\"\n"
-msgstr ""
-"ifconfig_wlan0=\"ssid your_ssid_here DHCP\"\n"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:588
-msgid ""
-"In an environment where there are multiple access points with the same SSID, "
-"which is often done to simplify roaming, it may be necessary to associate to "
-"one specific device. In this case, the BSSID of the access point can be "
-"specified, with or without the SSID:"
-msgstr ""
-"En entornos donde hay varios puntos de acceso con el mismo SSID, que es algo "
-"habitual para simplificar el roaming, podría ser necesario asociar con un "
-"dispositivo específico. En este caso, se puede especificar el BSSID del "
-"punto de acceso, con o sin el SSID:"
-#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:593
-#, no-wrap
-msgid ""
-"ifconfig_wlan0=\"ssid your_ssid_here bssid xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx DHCP\"\n"
-msgstr ""
-"ifconfig_wlan0=\"ssid your_ssid_here bssid xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx DHCP\"\n"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:598
-msgid ""
-"There are other ways to constrain the choice of an access point, such as "
-"limiting the set of frequencies the system will scan on. This may be useful "
-"for a multi-band wireless card as scanning all the possible channels can be "
-"time-consuming. To limit operation to a specific band, use the `mode` "
-msgstr ""
-"Hay otras formas de limitar la elección de un punto de acceso, como limitar "
-"el conjunto de frecuencias que puede escanear el sistema. Esto podría ser "
-"útil para tarjetas inalámbricas multi-banda ya que escanear todos los "
-"canales puede llevar mucho tiempo. Para limitar la operación a una banda "
-"específica, utiliza el parámetro `mode`:"
-#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:603
-#, no-wrap
-msgid ""
-"ifconfig_wlan0=\"mode 11g ssid your_ssid_here DHCP\"\n"
-msgstr ""
-"ifconfig_wlan0=\"mode 11g ssid your_ssid_here DHCP\"\n"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:608
-msgid ""
-"This example will force the card to operate in 802.11g, which is defined "
-"only for 2.4GHz frequencies so any 5GHz channels will not be considered. "
-"This can also be achieved with the `channel` parameter, which locks "
-"operation to one specific frequency, and the `chanlist` parameter, to "
-"specify a list of channels for scanning. More information about these "
-"parameters can be found in man:ifconfig[8]."
-msgstr ""
-"Este ejemplo forzará a la tarjeta a operar en 802.11g, que sólo se define "
-"para frecuencias de 2.4GHz de forma que no se considerarán los canales de "
-"5GHz. Esto también se puede hacer con el parámetro `channel`, que fija la "
-"operación a una frecuencia específica, y el parámetro `chanlist`, para "
-"especificar una lista de canales para escanear. Se puede encontrar más "
-"información acerca de estos parámetros en man:ifconfig[8]."
-#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:610
-msgid "====== Authentication"
-msgstr "====== Autenticación"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:618
-msgid ""
-"Once an access point is selected, the station needs to authenticate before "
-"it can pass data. Authentication can happen in several ways. The most "
-"common scheme, open authentication, allows any station to join the network "
-"and communicate. This is the authentication to use for test purposes the "
-"first time a wireless network is setup. Other schemes require cryptographic "
-"handshakes to be completed before data traffic can flow, either using pre-"
-"shared keys or secrets, or more complex schemes that involve backend "
-"services such as RADIUS. Open authentication is the default setting. The "
-"next most common setup is WPA-PSK, also known as WPA Personal, which is "
-"described in <<network-wireless-wpa-wpa-psk>>."
-msgstr ""
-"Una vez que se ha seleccionado un punto de acceso, la estación necesita "
-"autenticarse antes de que pueda pasar datos. La autenticación se puede hacer "
-"de varias maneras. El esquema más común, autenticación abierta, permite a "
-"cualquier estación unirse a la red y comunicarse. Esta es la autenticación "
-"utilizada para realizar pruebas la primera vez que se configura una red "
-"inalámbrica. Otros esquemas requieren que se completen negociaciones "
-"criptográficas antes de que los datos puedan fluir, bien utilizando claves o "
-"secretos previamente compartidos, o esquemas más completos que involucran "
-"servicios de backend como RADIUS. La autenticación abierta es la "
-"configuración por defecto. La siguiente configuración más habitual es WPA-"
-"PSK, también conocida como WPA Personal, que se describe en <<network-"
-#. type: delimited block = 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:624
-msgid ""
-"If using an Apple(R) AirPort(R) Extreme base station for an access point, "
-"shared-key authentication together with a WEP key needs to be configured. "
-"This can be configured in [.filename]#/etc/rc.conf# or by using man:"
-"wpa_supplicant[8]. For a single AirPort(R) base station, access can be "
-"configured with:"
-msgstr ""
-"Si se usa una estación base Apple(R) AirPort(R) Extreme como punto de "
-"acceso, se necesita configurar una clave WEP junto con autenticación de "
-"clave compartida. Esto se puede configurar en [.filename]#/etc/rc.conf# o "
-"usando man:wpa_supplicant[8]. Para una única estación base AirPort(R), se "
-"puede configurar el acceso con:"
-#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:629
-#, no-wrap
-msgid ""
-"ifconfig_wlan0=\"authmode shared wepmode on weptxkey 1 wepkey 01234567 DHCP\"\n"
-msgstr ""
-"ifconfig_wlan0=\"authmode shared wepmode on weptxkey 1 wepkey 01234567 DHCP\"\n"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:634
-msgid ""
-"In general, shared key authentication should be avoided because it uses the "
-"WEP key material in a highly-constrained manner, making it even easier to "
-"crack the key. If WEP must be used for compatibility with legacy devices, "
-"it is better to use WEP with `open` authentication. More information "
-"regarding WEP can be found in <<network-wireless-wep>>."
-msgstr ""
-"En general, se debería evitar utilizar la autenticación de clave compartida "
-"porque utiliza la clave WEP de forma muy restringida, haciéndola incluso más "
-"fácil de romper. Si se tiene que usar WEP por compatibilidad con "
-"dispositivos heredados, es mejor usar WEP con autenticación `open`. Se puede "
-"encontrar más información acerca de WEP en <<network-wireless-wep>>."
-#. type: delimited block = 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:637
-msgid "====== Getting an IP Address with DHCP"
-msgstr "====== Obteniendo una Dirección IP con DHCP"
-#. type: delimited block = 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:641
-msgid ""
-"Once an access point is selected and the authentication parameters are set, "
-"an IP address must be obtained in order to communicate. Most of the time, "
-"the IP address is obtained via DHCP. To achieve that, edit [.filename]#/etc/"
-"rc.conf# and add `DHCP` to the configuration for the device:"
-msgstr ""
-"Una vez que se ha seleccionado un punto de acceso y se han configurado los "
-"parámetros de autenticación, se necesita obtener una dirección IP para poder "
-"comunicarse. La mayoría de las veces la dirección IP se obtiene mediante "
-"DHCP. Para conseguirlo, edita [.filename]#/etc/rc.conf# y añade `DHCP` a la "
-"configuración del dispositivo:"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:649
-msgid "The wireless interface is now ready to bring up:"
-msgstr "Ahora el interfaz inalámbrico está listo para ser levantado:"
-#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:653
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "# service netif start\n"
-msgstr "# service netif start\n"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:656
-msgid ""
-"Once the interface is running, use man:ifconfig[8] to see the status of the "
-"interface [.filename]#ath0#:"
-msgstr ""
-"Una vez que el interfaz se está ejecutando, utiliza man:ifconfig[8] para ver "
-"el estado del interfaz [.filename]#ath0#:"
-#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:669
-#, no-wrap
-msgid ""
-"# ifconfig wlan0\n"
-"wlan0: flags=8843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> mtu 1500\n"
-" ether 00:11:95:d5:43:62\n"
-" inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast\n"
-" media: IEEE 802.11 Wireless Ethernet OFDM/54Mbps mode 11g\n"
-" status: associated\n"
-" ssid dlinkap channel 11 (2462 Mhz 11g) bssid 00:13:46:49:41:76\n"
-" country US ecm authmode OPEN privacy OFF txpower 21.5 bmiss 7\n"
-" scanvalid 60 bgscan bgscanintvl 300 bgscanidle 250 roam:rssi 7\n"
-" roam:rate 5 protmode CTS wme burst\n"
-msgstr ""
-"# ifconfig wlan0\n"
-"wlan0: flags=8843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> mtu 1500\n"
-" ether 00:11:95:d5:43:62\n"
-" inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast\n"
-" media: IEEE 802.11 Wireless Ethernet OFDM/54Mbps mode 11g\n"
-" status: associated\n"
-" ssid dlinkap channel 11 (2462 Mhz 11g) bssid 00:13:46:49:41:76\n"
-" country US ecm authmode OPEN privacy OFF txpower 21.5 bmiss 7\n"
-" scanvalid 60 bgscan bgscanintvl 300 bgscanidle 250 roam:rssi 7\n"
-" roam:rate 5 protmode CTS wme burst\n"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:673
-msgid ""
-"The `status: associated` line means that it is connected to the wireless "
-"network. The `bssid 00:13:46:49:41:76` is the MAC address of the access "
-"point and `authmode OPEN` indicates that the communication is not encrypted."
-msgstr ""
-"La línea `status:associated` significa que está conectado a la red "
-"inalámbrica. `bssid 00:13:46:49:41:76` es la dirección MAC del punto de "
-"acceso y `authmode OPEN` indica que la comunicación no está encriptada."
-#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:675
-msgid "====== Static IP Address"
-msgstr "====== Dirección IP Estática"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:679
-msgid ""
-"If an IP address cannot be obtained from a DHCP server, set a fixed IP "
-"address. Replace the `DHCP` keyword shown above with the address "
-"information. Be sure to retain any other parameters for selecting the "
-"access point:"
-msgstr ""
-"Si no se puede obtener una dirección IP de un servidor DHCP, establece una "
-"dirección IP fija. Reemplaza la palabra clave `DHCP` mostrada arriba con la "
-"información de la dirección. Asegúrate de mantener cualquier otro parámetro "
-"para seleccionar el punto de acceso:"
-#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:684
-#, no-wrap
-msgid ""
-"ifconfig_wlan0=\"inet netmask ssid your_ssid_here\"\n"
-msgstr ""
-"ifconfig_wlan0=\"inet netmask ssid your_ssid_here\"\n"
-#. type: Title =====
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:687
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "WPA"
-msgstr "WPA"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:697
-msgid ""
-"Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) is a security protocol used together with "
-"802.11 networks to address the lack of proper authentication and the "
-"weakness of WEP. WPA leverages the 802.1X authentication protocol and uses "
-"one of several ciphers instead of WEP for data integrity. The only cipher "
-"required by WPA is the Temporary Key Integrity Protocol (TKIP). TKIP is a "
-"cipher that extends the basic RC4 cipher used by WEP by adding integrity "
-"checking, tamper detection, and measures for responding to detected "
-"intrusions. TKIP is designed to work on legacy hardware with only software "
-"modification. It represents a compromise that improves security but is "
-"still not entirely immune to attack. WPA also specifies the AES-CCMP cipher "
-"as an alternative to TKIP, and that is preferred when possible. For this "
-"specification, the term WPA2 or RSN is commonly used."
-msgstr ""
-"Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) es un protocolo de seguridad utilizado junto a "
-"redes 802.11 para atajar la falta de autenticación adecuada y las "
-"debilidades de WEP. WPA utiliza el protocolo de autenticación 802.1X y usa "
-"uno o varios encriptadores en lugar de WEP para favorecer la integridad de "
-"los datos. El único encriptador requerido por WPA es el Temporary Key "
-"Integrity Protocol (TKIP). TKIP es un encriptador que extiende el "
-"encriptador básico RC4 usado por WEP y le añade comprobación de integridad, "
-"detección de modificaciones, y medidas para responder a las intrusiones "
-"detectadas. TKIP está diseñado para funcionar en hardware heredado sólo con "
-"modificaciones software. Representa un compromiso que mejora la seguridad "
-"pero que todavía no es inmune a ataques. WPA también especifica en "
-"encriptador AES-CCMP como alternativa TKIP, y es el preferido si es posible. "
-"Para esta especificación, los términos WPA2 o RSN se usan comúnmente."
-#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:702
-msgid ""
-"WPA defines authentication and encryption protocols. Authentication is most "
-"commonly done using one of two techniques: by 802.1X and a backend "
-"authentication service such as RADIUS, or by a minimal handshake between the "
-"station and the access point using a pre-shared secret. The former is "
-"commonly termed WPA Enterprise and the latter is known as WPA Personal. "
-"Since most people will not set up a RADIUS backend server for their wireless "
-"network, WPA-PSK is by far the most commonly encountered configuration for "
-msgstr ""
-"WPA define protocolos de encriptación y autenticación. La autenticación se "
-"hace habitualmente utilizando alguna de estas dos técnicas: usando 802.1X y "
-"un servicio de autenticación backend como RADIUS, o mediante una negociación "
-"mínima entre la estación y el punto de acceso utilizando un secreto "
-"previamente compartido. El primero se suele denominar WPA Enterprise y el "
-"segundo se conoce como WPA Personal. Como la mayoría de la gente no "
-"configurará un servidor RADIUS como backend para su red inalámbrica, WPA-PSK "
-"es de lejos la configuración más habitual para WPA."
-#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:706
-msgid ""
-"The control of the wireless connection and the key negotiation or "
-"authentication with a server is done using man:wpa_supplicant[8]. This "
-"program requires a configuration file, [.filename]#/etc/wpa_supplicant."
-"conf#, to run. More information regarding this file can be found in man:"
-msgstr ""
-"El control de la conexión wireless y la negociación de la clave o la "
-"autenticación con un servidor se realiza utilizando man:wpa_supplicant[8]. "
-"Este programa requiere un fichero de configuración, [.filename]#/etc/"
-"wpa_supplicant.conf#, para ejecutarse. Se puede encontrar más información "
-"acerca de este fichero en man:wpa_supplicant.conf[5]."
-#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:709
-msgid "====== WPA-PSK"
-msgstr "====== WPA-PSK"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:713
-msgid ""
-"WPA-PSK, also known as WPA Personal, is based on a pre-shared key (PSK) "
-"which is generated from a given password and used as the master key in the "
-"wireless network. This means every wireless user will share the same key. "
-"WPA-PSK is intended for small networks where the use of an authentication "
-"server is not possible or desired."
-msgstr ""
-"WPA-PSK, también conocido como WPA Personal, se basa en una clave "
-"previamente compartida (PSK) que se genera a partir de una contraseña dada y "
-"se usa como clave maestra en la red inalámbrica. Esto significa que cada "
-"usuario inalámbrico compartirá la misma clave. WPA-PSK está pensado para "
-"redes pequeñas donde el uso de un servidor de autenticación no es posible o "
-#. type: delimited block = 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:717
-msgid ""
-"Always use strong passwords that are sufficiently long and made from a rich "
-"alphabet so that they will not be easily guessed or attacked."
-msgstr ""
-"Utiliza siempre contraseñas fuertes que sean suficientemente largas y "
-"creadas a partir de un alfabeto rico y que no sean fáciles de adivinar o "
-#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:720
-msgid ""
-"The first step is the configuration of [.filename]#/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf# "
-"with the SSID and the pre-shared key of the network:"
-msgstr ""
-"El primer paso es la configuración de [.filename]#/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf# "
-"con el SSID y la clave compartida de la red:"
-#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:727
-#, no-wrap
-msgid ""
-" ssid=\"freebsdap\"\n"
-" psk=\"freebsdmall\"\n"
-msgstr ""
-" ssid=\"freebsdap\"\n"
-" psk=\"freebsdmall\"\n"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:730
-msgid ""
-"Then, in [.filename]#/etc/rc.conf#, indicate that the wireless device "
-"configuration will be done with WPA and the IP address will be obtained with "
-msgstr ""
-"Luego, en [.filename]#/etc/rc.conf#, indica que la configuración del "
-"dispositivo inalámbrico se realizará con WPA y que la dirección IP se "
-"obtendrá con DHCP:"
-#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:735
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:872
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:934
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1005
-#, no-wrap
-msgid ""
-"ifconfig_wlan0=\"WPA DHCP\"\n"
-msgstr ""
-"ifconfig_wlan0=\"WPA DHCP\"\n"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:738
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1008
-msgid "Then, bring up the interface:"
-msgstr "Después, levanta la interfaz:"
-#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:759
-#, no-wrap
-msgid ""
-"# service netif start\n"
-"Starting wpa_supplicant.\n"
-"DHCPDISCOVER on wlan0 to port 67 interval 5\n"
-"DHCPDISCOVER on wlan0 to port 67 interval 6\n"
-"DHCPOFFER from\n"
-"DHCPREQUEST on wlan0 to port 67\n"
-"DHCPACK from\n"
-"bound to -- renewal in 300 seconds.\n"
-"wlan0: flags=8843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> mtu 1500\n"
-" ether 00:11:95:d5:43:62\n"
-" inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast\n"
-" media: IEEE 802.11 Wireless Ethernet OFDM/36Mbps mode 11g\n"
-" status: associated\n"
-" ssid freebsdap channel 1 (2412 Mhz 11g) bssid 00:11:95:c3:0d:ac\n"
-" country US ecm authmode WPA2/802.11i privacy ON deftxkey UNDEF\n"
-" AES-CCM 3:128-bit txpower 21.5 bmiss 7 scanvalid 450 bgscan\n"
-" bgscanintvl 300 bgscanidle 250 roam:rssi 7 roam:rate 5 protmode CTS\n"
-" wme burst roaming MANUAL\n"
-msgstr ""
-"# service netif start\n"
-"Starting wpa_supplicant.\n"
-"DHCPDISCOVER on wlan0 to port 67 interval 5\n"
-"DHCPDISCOVER on wlan0 to port 67 interval 6\n"
-"DHCPOFFER from\n"
-"DHCPREQUEST on wlan0 to port 67\n"
-"DHCPACK from\n"
-"bound to -- renewal in 300 seconds.\n"
-"wlan0: flags=8843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> mtu 1500\n"
-" ether 00:11:95:d5:43:62\n"
-" inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast\n"
-" media: IEEE 802.11 Wireless Ethernet OFDM/36Mbps mode 11g\n"
-" status: associated\n"
-" ssid freebsdap channel 1 (2412 Mhz 11g) bssid 00:11:95:c3:0d:ac\n"
-" country US ecm authmode WPA2/802.11i privacy ON deftxkey UNDEF\n"
-" AES-CCM 3:128-bit txpower 21.5 bmiss 7 scanvalid 450 bgscan\n"
-" bgscanintvl 300 bgscanidle 250 roam:rssi 7 roam:rate 5 protmode CTS\n"
-" wme burst roaming MANUAL\n"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:762
-msgid ""
-"Or, try to configure the interface manually using the information in [."
-msgstr ""
-"O, intenta configurar manualmente la interfaz utilizando la información que "
-"hay en [.filename]#/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf#:"
-#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:770
-#, no-wrap
-msgid ""
-"# wpa_supplicant -i wlan0 -c /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf\n"
-"Trying to associate with 00:11:95:c3:0d:ac (SSID='freebsdap' freq=2412 MHz)\n"
-"Associated with 00:11:95:c3:0d:ac\n"
-"WPA: Key negotiation completed with 00:11:95:c3:0d:ac [PTK=CCMP GTK=CCMP]\n"
-"CTRL-EVENT-CONNECTED - Connection to 00:11:95:c3:0d:ac completed (auth) [id=0 id_str=]\n"
-msgstr ""
-"# wpa_supplicant -i wlan0 -c /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf\n"
-"Trying to associate with 00:11:95:c3:0d:ac (SSID='freebsdap' freq=2412 MHz)\n"
-"Associated with 00:11:95:c3:0d:ac\n"
-"WPA: Key negotiation completed with 00:11:95:c3:0d:ac [PTK=CCMP GTK=CCMP]\n"
-"CTRL-EVENT-CONNECTED - Connection to 00:11:95:c3:0d:ac completed (auth) [id=0 id_str=]\n"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:773
-msgid ""
-"The next operation is to launch man:dhclient[8] to get the IP address from "
-"the DHCP server:"
-msgstr ""
-"La siguiente operación es lanzar man:dhcliente[8] para obtener una dirección "
-"IP del servidor DHCP:"
-#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:791
-#, no-wrap
-msgid ""
-"# dhclient wlan0\n"
-"DHCPREQUEST on wlan0 to port 67\n"
-"DHCPACK from\n"
-"bound to -- renewal in 300 seconds.\n"
-"# ifconfig wlan0\n"
-"wlan0: flags=8843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> mtu 1500\n"
-" ether 00:11:95:d5:43:62\n"
-" inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast\n"
-" media: IEEE 802.11 Wireless Ethernet OFDM/36Mbps mode 11g\n"
-" status: associated\n"
-" ssid freebsdap channel 1 (2412 Mhz 11g) bssid 00:11:95:c3:0d:ac\n"
-" country US ecm authmode WPA2/802.11i privacy ON deftxkey UNDEF\n"
-" AES-CCM 3:128-bit txpower 21.5 bmiss 7 scanvalid 450 bgscan\n"
-" bgscanintvl 300 bgscanidle 250 roam:rssi 7 roam:rate 5 protmode CTS\n"
-" wme burst roaming MANUAL\n"
-msgstr ""
-"# dhclient wlan0\n"
-"DHCPREQUEST on wlan0 to port 67\n"
-"DHCPACK from\n"
-"bound to -- renewal in 300 seconds.\n"
-"# ifconfig wlan0\n"
-"wlan0: flags=8843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> mtu 1500\n"
-" ether 00:11:95:d5:43:62\n"
-" inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast\n"
-" media: IEEE 802.11 Wireless Ethernet OFDM/36Mbps mode 11g\n"
-" status: associated\n"
-" ssid freebsdap channel 1 (2412 Mhz 11g) bssid 00:11:95:c3:0d:ac\n"
-" country US ecm authmode WPA2/802.11i privacy ON deftxkey UNDEF\n"
-" AES-CCM 3:128-bit txpower 21.5 bmiss 7 scanvalid 450 bgscan\n"
-" bgscanintvl 300 bgscanidle 250 roam:rssi 7 roam:rate 5 protmode CTS\n"
-" wme burst roaming MANUAL\n"
-#. type: delimited block = 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:796
-msgid ""
-"If [.filename]#/etc/rc.conf# has an `ifconfig_wlan0=\"DHCP\"` entry, man:"
-"dhclient[8] will be launched automatically after man:wpa_supplicant[8] "
-"associates with the access point."
-msgstr ""
-"Si [.filename]#/etc/rc.conf# tiene una entrada `ifconfig_wlan0=\"DHCP\"`, "
-"man:dhcliente[8] se arrancará automáticamente después de que man:"
-"wpa_supplicant[8] se asocie al punto de acceso."
-#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:799
-msgid ""
-"If DHCP is not possible or desired, set a static IP address after man:"
-"wpa_supplicant[8] has authenticated the station:"
-msgstr ""
-"Si no es posible o deseable utilizar DHCP, establece una dirección IP "
-"estática después de que man:wpa_supplicant[8] haya autenticado la estación:"
-#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:814
-#, no-wrap
-msgid ""
-"# ifconfig wlan0 inet netmask\n"
-"# ifconfig wlan0\n"
-"wlan0: flags=8843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> mtu 1500\n"
-" ether 00:11:95:d5:43:62\n"
-" inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast\n"
-" media: IEEE 802.11 Wireless Ethernet OFDM/36Mbps mode 11g\n"
-" status: associated\n"
-" ssid freebsdap channel 1 (2412 Mhz 11g) bssid 00:11:95:c3:0d:ac\n"
-" country US ecm authmode WPA2/802.11i privacy ON deftxkey UNDEF\n"
-" AES-CCM 3:128-bit txpower 21.5 bmiss 7 scanvalid 450 bgscan\n"
-" bgscanintvl 300 bgscanidle 250 roam:rssi 7 roam:rate 5 protmode CTS\n"
-" wme burst roaming MANUAL\n"
-msgstr ""
-"# ifconfig wlan0 inet netmask\n"
-"# ifconfig wlan0\n"
-"wlan0: flags=8843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> mtu 1500\n"
-" ether 00:11:95:d5:43:62\n"
-" inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast\n"
-" media: IEEE 802.11 Wireless Ethernet OFDM/36Mbps mode 11g\n"
-" status: associated\n"
-" ssid freebsdap channel 1 (2412 Mhz 11g) bssid 00:11:95:c3:0d:ac\n"
-" country US ecm authmode WPA2/802.11i privacy ON deftxkey UNDEF\n"
-" AES-CCM 3:128-bit txpower 21.5 bmiss 7 scanvalid 450 bgscan\n"
-" bgscanintvl 300 bgscanidle 250 roam:rssi 7 roam:rate 5 protmode CTS\n"
-" wme burst roaming MANUAL\n"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:817
-msgid ""
-"When DHCP is not used, the default gateway and the nameserver also have to "
-"be manually set:"
-msgstr ""
-"Cuando no se usa DHCP, el gateway por defecto y el servidor de nombres se "
-"tienen que establecer manualmente:"
-#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:822
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:390
#, no-wrap
-msgid ""
-"# route add default your_default_router\n"
-"# echo \"nameserver your_DNS_server\" >> /etc/resolv.conf\n"
-msgstr ""
-"# route add default your_default_router\n"
-"# echo \"nameserver your_DNS_server\" >> /etc/resolv.conf\n"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:826
-msgid "====== WPA with EAP-TLS"
-msgstr "====== WPA con EAP-TLS"
+msgid "WPA with EAP-TLS"
+msgstr "WPA with EAP-TLS"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:830
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:395
msgid ""
"The second way to use WPA is with an 802.1X backend authentication server. "
"In this case, WPA is called WPA Enterprise to differentiate it from the less "
@@ -2214,7 +1090,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP)."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:834
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:399
msgid ""
"EAP does not come with an encryption method. Instead, EAP is embedded "
"inside an encrypted tunnel. There are many EAP authentication methods, but "
@@ -2225,7 +1101,7 @@ msgstr ""
"EAP-TLS, EAP-TTLS, y EAP-PEAP son los más comunes."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:838
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:403
msgid ""
"EAP with Transport Layer Security (EAP-TLS) is a well-supported wireless "
"authentication protocol since it was the first EAP method to be certified by "
@@ -2249,7 +1125,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:840
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:405
msgid ""
"As previously, the configuration is done via [.filename]#/etc/wpa_supplicant."
@@ -2258,7 +1134,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:854
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:419
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -2286,19 +1162,19 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:857
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:422
msgid "This field indicates the network name (SSID)."
msgstr "Este campo indica el nombre de la red (SSID)."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:858
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:423
msgid "This example uses the RSN IEEE(R) 802.11i protocol, also known as WPA2."
msgstr ""
"Este ejemplo utiliza el protocolo RSN IEEE(R) 802.11i también conocido como "
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:859
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:424
msgid ""
"The `key_mgmt` line refers to the key management protocol to use. In this "
"example, it is WPA using EAP authentication."
@@ -2307,19 +1183,19 @@ msgstr ""
"utiliza. En este ejemplo, es WPA con autenticación EAP."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:860
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:425
msgid "This field indicates the EAP method for the connection."
msgstr "Este campo indica el método EAP para la conexión."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:861
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:426
msgid "The `identity` field contains the identity string for EAP."
msgstr "El campo `identity` contiene la cadena de identidad para EAP."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:862
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:926
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:996
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:427
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:491
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:561
msgid ""
"The `ca_cert` field indicates the pathname of the CA certificate file. This "
"file is needed to verify the server certificate."
@@ -2328,7 +1204,7 @@ msgstr ""
"fichero es necesario para verificar el certificado de servidor."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:863
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:428
msgid ""
"The `client_cert` line gives the pathname to the client certificate file. "
"This certificate is unique to each wireless client of the network."
@@ -2337,7 +1213,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Este certificado es único para cada cliente inalámbrico de la red."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:864
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:429
msgid ""
"The `private_key` field is the pathname to the client certificate private "
"key file."
@@ -2346,25 +1222,37 @@ msgstr ""
"certificado del cliente."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:865
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:430
msgid ""
"The `private_key_passwd` field contains the passphrase for the private key."
msgstr ""
"El campo `private_key_passwd` contienen la contraseña para la clave privada."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:867
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:432
msgid "Then, add the following lines to [.filename]#/etc/rc.conf#:"
msgstr "Después, añade las siguientes líneas a [.filename]#/etc/rc.conf#:"
+#. type: delimited block . 4
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:437
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:499
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:570
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"ifconfig_wlan0=\"WPA DHCP\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+"ifconfig_wlan0=\"WPA DHCP\"\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:875
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:937
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:440
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:502
msgid "The next step is to bring up the interface:"
msgstr "El siguiente paso es levantar la interfaz:"
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:894
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:459
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"# service netif start\n"
@@ -2402,7 +1290,7 @@ msgstr ""
" wme burst roaming MANUAL\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:897
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:462
msgid ""
"It is also possible to bring up the interface manually using man:"
"wpa_supplicant[8] and man:ifconfig[8]."
@@ -2410,13 +1298,14 @@ msgstr ""
"También es posible levantar la interfaz manualmente utilizando man:"
"wpa_supplicant[8] y man:ifconfig[8]."
-#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:900
-msgid "====== WPA with EAP-TTLS"
-msgstr "====== WPA con EAP-TTLS"
+#. type: Title ===
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:464
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "WPA with EAP-TTLS"
+msgstr "WPA with EAP-TTLS"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:905
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:470
msgid ""
"With EAP-TLS, both the authentication server and the client need a "
"certificate. With EAP-TTLS, a client certificate is optional. This method "
@@ -2432,7 +1321,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:907
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:472
msgid ""
"The required configuration can be added to [.filename]#/etc/wpa_supplicant."
@@ -2441,7 +1330,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:920
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:485
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -2467,14 +1356,14 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:923
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:993
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:488
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:558
msgid "This field specifies the EAP method for the connection."
msgstr "Este campo especifica el método EAP para la conexión."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:924
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:994
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:489
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:559
msgid ""
"The `identity` field contains the identity string for EAP authentication "
"inside the encrypted TLS tunnel."
@@ -2483,14 +1372,14 @@ msgstr ""
"EAP dentro del túnel encriptado con TLS."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:925
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:995
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:490
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:560
msgid ""
"The `password` field contains the passphrase for the EAP authentication."
msgstr "El campo `password` contiene la contraseña para la autenticación EAP."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:927
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:492
msgid ""
"This field specifies the authentication method used in the encrypted TLS "
"tunnel. In this example, EAP with MD5-Challenge is used. The \"inner "
@@ -2501,13 +1390,13 @@ msgstr ""
"\"autenticación interna\" se llama habitualmente \"phase2\"."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:929
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:494
msgid "Next, add the following lines to [.filename]#/etc/rc.conf#:"
msgstr "Después, añade las siguientes líneas a [.filename]#/etc/rc.conf#:"
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:957
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1028
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:522
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:593
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"# service netif start\n"
@@ -2546,13 +1435,14 @@ msgstr ""
" bgscanintvl 300 bgscanidle 250 roam:rssi 7 roam:rate 5 protmode CTS\n"
" wme burst roaming MANUAL\n"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:961
-msgid "====== WPA with EAP-PEAP"
-msgstr "====== WPA con EAP-PEAP"
+#. type: Title ===
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:525
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "WPA with EAP-PEAP"
+msgstr "WPA with EAP-PEAP"
#. type: delimited block = 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:966
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:531
msgid ""
"PEAPv0/EAP-MSCHAPv2 is the most common PEAP method. In this chapter, the "
"term PEAP is used to refer to that method."
@@ -2561,7 +1451,7 @@ msgstr ""
"término PEAP se usa para referirnos a ese método."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:970
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:535
msgid ""
"Protected EAP (PEAP) is designed as an alternative to EAP-TTLS and is the "
"most used EAP standard after EAP-TLS. In a network with mixed operating "
@@ -2573,7 +1463,7 @@ msgstr ""
"detrás de EAP-TLS."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:974
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:539
msgid ""
"PEAP is similar to EAP-TTLS as it uses a server-side certificate to "
"authenticate clients by creating an encrypted TLS tunnel between the client "
@@ -2592,7 +1482,7 @@ msgstr ""
"TLS tanto para el nombre de usuario como para la contraseña."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:976
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:541
msgid ""
"Add the following lines to [.filename]#/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf# to "
"configure the EAP-PEAP related settings:"
@@ -2601,7 +1491,7 @@ msgstr ""
"configurar los parámetros relacionados con EAP-PEAP:"
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:990
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:555
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -2629,7 +1519,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:997
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:562
msgid ""
"This field contains the parameters for the first phase of authentication, "
"the TLS tunnel. According to the authentication server used, specify a "
@@ -2644,7 +1534,7 @@ msgstr ""
"puede encontrar más información en man:wpa_supplicant.confg[5]."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:998
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:563
msgid ""
"This field specifies the authentication protocol used in the encrypted TLS "
"tunnel. In the case of PEAP, it is `auth=MSCHAPV2`."
@@ -2653,136 +1543,23 @@ msgstr ""
"encriptado con TLS. En el caso de PEAP, es `auth=MSCHAPV2`."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1000
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:565
msgid "Add the following to [.filename]#/etc/rc.conf#:"
msgstr "Añade lo siguiente a [.filename]#/etc/rc.conf#:"
-#. type: Title =====
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1031
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "WEP"
-msgstr "WEP"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1035
-msgid ""
-"Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) is part of the original 802.11 standard. "
-"There is no authentication mechanism, only a weak form of access control "
-"which is easily cracked."
-msgstr ""
-"Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) es parte del estándar 802.11 original. No hay "
-"mecanismo de autenticación, sólo una débil forma de control de acceso que se "
-"rompe fácilmente."
-#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1037
-msgid "WEP can be set up using man:ifconfig[8]:"
-msgstr "Se puede configurar WEP usando man:ifconfig[8]:"
-#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1043
-#, no-wrap
-msgid ""
-"# ifconfig wlan0 create wlandev ath0\n"
-"# ifconfig wlan0 inet netmask \\\n"
-"\t ssid my_net wepmode on weptxkey 3 wepkey 3:0x3456789012\n"
-msgstr ""
-"# ifconfig wlan0 create wlandev ath0\n"
-"# ifconfig wlan0 inet netmask \\\n"
-"\t ssid my_net wepmode on weptxkey 3 wepkey 3:0x3456789012\n"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1046
-msgid ""
-"The `weptxkey` specifies which WEP key will be used in the transmission. "
-"This example uses the third key. This must match the setting on the access "
-"point. When unsure which key is used by the access point, try `1` (the first "
-"key) for this value."
-msgstr ""
-"`weptxkey` especifica qué clave WEP se usará en la transmisión. Este ejemplo "
-"utiliza la tercera clave. Esto debe concordar con la configuración del punto "
-"de acceso. Cuando no estés seguro de qué clave utiliza el punto de acceso, "
-"utiliza `1` (la primera clave) para este valor."
-#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1047
-msgid ""
-"The `wepkey` selects one of the WEP keys. It should be in the format _index:"
-"key_. Key `1` is used by default; the index only needs to be set when using "
-"a key other than the first key."
-msgstr ""
-"`wepkey` selecciona una de las claves WEP. Debería seguir el formato _index:"
-"key_. La clave `1` se utiliza por defecto; sólo se necesita especificar el "
-"índice cuando se usa otra clave que no sea la primera."
-#. type: delimited block = 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1051
-msgid ""
-"Replace the `0x3456789012` with the key configured for use on the access "
-msgstr ""
-"Remplaza `0x3456789012` con la clave configurada para ser usada en el punto "
-"de acceso."
-#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1054
-msgid "Refer to man:ifconfig[8] for further information."
-msgstr "Consulta man:ifconfig[8] para más información."
-#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1057
-msgid ""
-"The man:wpa_supplicant[8] facility can be used to configure a wireless "
-"interface with WEP. The example above can be set up by adding the following "
-"lines to [.filename]#/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf#:"
-msgstr ""
-"La utilidad man:wpa_suppliccant[8] se puede usar para configurar una "
-"interfaz inalámbrica con WEP. El ejemplo de arriba se puede modificar "
-"añadiendo las siguientes líneas a [.filename]#/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf#:"
-#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1066
-#, no-wrap
-msgid ""
-" ssid=\"my_net\"\n"
-" key_mgmt=NONE\n"
-" wep_key3=3456789012\n"
-" wep_tx_keyidx=3\n"
-msgstr ""
-" ssid=\"my_net\"\n"
-" key_mgmt=NONE\n"
-" wep_key3=3456789012\n"
-" wep_tx_keyidx=3\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1069
-msgid "Then:"
-msgstr "Después:"
-#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1075
-#, no-wrap
-msgid ""
-"# wpa_supplicant -i wlan0 -c /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf\n"
-"Trying to associate with 00:13:46:49:41:76 (SSID='dlinkap' freq=2437 MHz)\n"
-"Associated with 00:13:46:49:41:76\n"
-msgstr ""
-"# wpa_supplicant -i wlan0 -c /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf\n"
-"Trying to associate with 00:13:46:49:41:76 (SSID='dlinkap' freq=2437 MHz)\n"
-"Associated with 00:13:46:49:41:76\n"
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:573
+msgid "Then, bring up the interface:"
+msgstr "Después, levanta la interfaz:"
-#. type: Title ===
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1077
+#. type: Title ==
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:596
#, no-wrap
-msgid "Ad-hoc Mode"
-msgstr "Modo Ad-hoc"
+msgid "Wireless Ad-hoc Mode"
+msgstr "Modo Ad-hoc Inalámbrico"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1081
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:600
msgid ""
"IBSS mode, also called ad-hoc mode, is designed for point to point "
"connections. For example, to establish an ad-hoc network between the "
@@ -2793,12 +1570,12 @@ msgstr ""
"máquinas `A` y `B`, escoge dos direcciones IP y un SSID."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1083
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:602
msgid "On `A`:"
msgstr "En `A`:"
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1097
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:616
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"# ifconfig wlan0 create wlandev ath0 wlanmode adhoc\n"
@@ -2826,19 +1603,19 @@ msgstr ""
"\t protmode CTS wme burst\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1100
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:619
msgid ""
"The `adhoc` parameter indicates that the interface is running in IBSS mode."
msgstr ""
"El parámetro `ad-hoc` indica que el interfaz está funcionando en modo IBSS."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1102
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:621
msgid "`B` should now be able to detect `A`:"
msgstr "Ahora `B` debería ser capaz de detecta a `A`:"
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1109
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:628
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"# ifconfig wlan0 create wlandev ath0 wlanmode adhoc\n"
@@ -2852,7 +1629,7 @@ msgstr ""
" freebsdap 02:11:95:c3:0d:ac 2 54M -64:-96 100 IS WME\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1113
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:632
msgid ""
"The `I` in the output confirms that `A` is in ad-hoc mode. Now, configure "
"`B` with a different IP address:"
@@ -2861,7 +1638,7 @@ msgstr ""
"`B` con una dirección IP diferente:"
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1126
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:645
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"# ifconfig wlan0 inet netmask ssid freebsdap\n"
@@ -2887,18 +1664,18 @@ msgstr ""
"\t protmode CTS wme burst\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1129
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:648
msgid "Both `A` and `B` are now ready to exchange information."
msgstr "Ahora `A` y `B` están listas para intercambiar información."
#. type: Title ===
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1131
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:650
#, no-wrap
msgid "FreeBSD Host Access Points"
msgstr "Puntos de Acceso Host FreeBSD"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1135
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:654
msgid ""
"FreeBSD can act as an Access Point (AP) which eliminates the need to buy a "
"hardware AP or run an ad-hoc network. This can be particularly useful when "
@@ -2910,8 +1687,14 @@ msgstr ""
"particularmente útil cuando una máquina FreeBSD está actuando como gateway a "
"otra red como Internet."
+#. type: Title ====
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:656
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Basic Settings"
+msgstr "Configuración Básica"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1141
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:660
msgid ""
"Before configuring a FreeBSD machine as an AP, the kernel must be configured "
"with the appropriate networking support for the wireless card as well as the "
@@ -2924,7 +1707,7 @@ msgstr ""
"consulta <<network-wireless-basic>>."
#. type: delimited block = 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1146
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:665
msgid ""
"The NDIS driver wrapper for Windows(R) drivers does not currently support AP "
"operation. Only native FreeBSD wireless drivers support AP mode."
@@ -2934,7 +1717,7 @@ msgstr ""
"inalámbricos nativos de FreeBSD soportan modo AP."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1149
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:668
msgid ""
"Once wireless networking support is loaded, check if the wireless device "
"supports the host-based access point mode, also known as hostap mode:"
@@ -2944,7 +1727,7 @@ msgstr ""
"host, también conocido como modo hostap:"
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1156
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:675
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"# ifconfig wlan0 create wlandev ath0\n"
@@ -2958,7 +1741,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1162
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:681
msgid ""
"This output displays the card's capabilities. The `HOSTAP` word confirms "
"that this wireless card can act as an AP. Various supported ciphers are "
@@ -2971,7 +1754,7 @@ msgstr ""
"indica qué protocolos de seguridad se pueden utilizar con el AP."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1164
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:683
msgid ""
"The wireless device can only be put into hostap mode during the creation of "
"the network pseudo-device, so a previously created device must be destroyed "
@@ -2982,13 +1765,13 @@ msgstr ""
"creado anteriormente se tiene que destruir primero:"
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1168
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:687
#, no-wrap
msgid "# ifconfig wlan0 destroy\n"
msgstr "# ifconfig wlan0 destroy\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1171
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:690
msgid ""
"then regenerated with the correct option before setting the other parameters:"
msgstr ""
@@ -2996,7 +1779,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1176
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:695
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"# ifconfig wlan0 create wlandev ath0 wlanmode hostap\n"
@@ -3006,7 +1789,7 @@ msgstr ""
"# ifconfig wlan0 inet netmask ssid freebsdap mode 11g channel 1\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1179
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:698
msgid ""
"Use man:ifconfig[8] again to see the status of the [.filename]#wlan0# "
@@ -3015,7 +1798,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1191
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:710
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"# ifconfig wlan0\n"
@@ -3039,7 +1822,7 @@ msgstr ""
"\t protmode CTS wme burst dtimperiod 1 -dfs\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1194
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:713
msgid ""
"The `hostap` parameter indicates the interface is running in the host-based "
"access point mode."
@@ -3048,7 +1831,7 @@ msgstr ""
"de acceso basado en host."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1196
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:715
msgid ""
"The interface configuration can be done automatically at boot time by adding "
"the following lines to [.filename]#/etc/rc.conf#:"
@@ -3057,7 +1840,7 @@ msgstr ""
"añadiendo las siguientes líneas a [.filename]#/etc/rc.conf#:"
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1202
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:721
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -3069,13 +1852,13 @@ msgstr ""
"ifconfig_wlan0=\"inet netmask ssid freebsdap mode 11g channel 1\"\n"
#. type: Title ====
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1204
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:723
#, no-wrap
msgid "Host-based Access Point Without Authentication or Encryption"
msgstr "Punto de Acceso basado en Host Sin Autenticación o Encriptación"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1208
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:727
msgid ""
"Although it is not recommended to run an AP without any authentication or "
"encryption, this is a simple way to check if the AP is working. This "
@@ -3086,7 +1869,7 @@ msgstr ""
"configuración también es importante para depurar problemas en el cliente."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1210
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:729
msgid ""
"Once the AP is configured, initiate a scan from another wireless machine to "
"find the AP:"
@@ -3095,7 +1878,7 @@ msgstr ""
"inalámbrica para encontrar el AP:"
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1217
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:736
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"# ifconfig wlan0 create wlandev ath0\n"
@@ -3109,12 +1892,12 @@ msgstr ""
"freebsdap 00:11:95:c3:0d:ac 1 54M -66:-96 100 ES WME\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1220
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:739
msgid "The client machine found the AP and can be associated with it:"
msgstr "La máquina cliente ha encontrado el AP y se puede asociar con él:"
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1234
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:753
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"# ifconfig wlan0 inet netmask ssid freebsdap\n"
@@ -3142,13 +1925,13 @@ msgstr ""
"\t roam:rate 5 protmode CTS wme burst\n"
#. type: Title ====
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1237
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:756
#, no-wrap
msgid "WPA2 Host-based Access Point"
msgstr "Punto de Acceso WPA2 basado en Host"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1241
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:760
msgid ""
"This section focuses on setting up a FreeBSD access point using the WPA2 "
"security protocol. More details regarding WPA and the configuration of WPA-"
@@ -3160,7 +1943,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1243
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:762
msgid ""
"The man:hostapd[8] daemon is used to deal with client authentication and key "
"management on the WPA2-enabled AP."
@@ -3169,7 +1952,7 @@ msgstr ""
"la gestión de la clave en el AP con WPA2 habilitado."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1246
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:765
msgid ""
"The following configuration operations are performed on the FreeBSD machine "
"acting as the AP. Once the AP is correctly working, man:hostapd[8] can be "
@@ -3181,13 +1964,13 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1250
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:769
#, no-wrap
msgid "hostapd_enable=\"YES\"\n"
msgstr "hostapd_enable=\"YES\"\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1253
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:772
msgid ""
"Before trying to configure man:hostapd[8], first configure the basic "
"settings introduced in <<network-wireless-ap-basic>>."
@@ -3196,13 +1979,13 @@ msgstr ""
"parámetros básicos presentados en <<network-wireless-ap-basic>>."
#. type: Title =====
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1254
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:773
#, no-wrap
msgid "WPA2-PSK"
msgstr "WPA2-PSK"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1257
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:776
msgid ""
"WPA2-PSK is intended for small networks where the use of a backend "
"authentication server is not possible or desired."
@@ -3211,12 +1994,12 @@ msgstr ""
"utilizar un servidor de autenticación."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1259
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:778
msgid "The configuration is done in [.filename]#/etc/hostapd.conf#:"
msgstr "La configuración se hace en [.filename]#/etc/hostapd.conf#:"
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1271
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:790
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"interface=wlan0 <.>\n"
@@ -3240,12 +2023,12 @@ msgstr ""
"wpa_pairwise=CCMP <.>\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1274
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:793
msgid "Wireless interface used for the access point."
msgstr "Interfaz inalámbrica utilizada para el punto de acceso."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1275
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:794
msgid ""
"Level of verbosity used during the execution of man:hostapd[8]. A value of "
"`1` represents the minimal level."
@@ -3254,7 +2037,7 @@ msgstr ""
"valor de `1` representa el nivel mínimo."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1276
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:795
msgid ""
"Pathname of the directory used by man:hostapd[8] to store domain socket "
"files for communication with external programs such as man:hostapd_cli[8]. "
@@ -3265,21 +2048,21 @@ msgstr ""
"hostapd_cli[8]. En este ejemplo se usa el valor por defecto."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1277
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:796
msgid "The group allowed to access the control interface files."
msgstr ""
"El grupo que tiene permitido el acceso a los ficheros de control del "
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1278
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:797
msgid "The wireless network name, or SSID, that will appear in wireless scans."
msgstr ""
"El nombre de la red inalámbrica, o SSID, que aparecerá en los escaneos "
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1279
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:798
msgid ""
"Enable WPA and specify which WPA authentication protocol will be required. A "
"value of `2` configures the AP for WPA2 and is recommended. Set to `1` only "
@@ -3290,18 +2073,18 @@ msgstr ""
"`1` sólo si se necesita el obsoleto WPA."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1280
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:799
msgid "ASCII passphrase for WPA authentication."
msgstr "Contraseña ASCII para la autenticación WPA."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1281
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:800
msgid "The key management protocol to use. This example sets WPA-PSK."
msgstr ""
"El protocolo de gestión de claves a usar. Este ejemplo establece WPA-PSK."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1282
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:801
msgid ""
"Encryption algorithms accepted by the access point. In this example, only "
"the CCMP (AES) cipher is accepted. CCMP is an alternative to TKIP and is "
@@ -3314,18 +2097,18 @@ msgstr ""
"cuando las estaciones con incapaces de usar CCMP."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1284
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:803
msgid "The next step is to start man:hostapd[8]:"
msgstr "El siguiente paso es arrancar man:hostapd[8]:"
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1288
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:807
#, no-wrap
msgid "# service hostapd forcestart\n"
msgstr "# service hostapd forcestart\n"
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1305
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:824
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"# ifconfig wlan0\n"
@@ -3357,7 +2140,7 @@ msgstr ""
"\tgroups: wlan\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1310
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:829
msgid ""
"Once the AP is running, the clients can associate with it. See <<network-"
"wireless-wpa>> for more details. It is possible to see the stations "
@@ -3367,288 +2150,14 @@ msgstr ""
"Consulta <<network-wireless-wpa>> para más detalles. Es posible ver las "
"estaciones asociadas con el AP usando `ifconfig _wlan0_ list sta`."
-#. type: Title ====
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1311
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "WEP Host-based Access Point"
-msgstr "Punto de acceso WEP basado en Host"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1315
-msgid ""
-"It is not recommended to use WEP for setting up an AP since there is no "
-"authentication mechanism and the encryption is easily cracked. Some legacy "
-"wireless cards only support WEP and these cards will only support an AP "
-"without authentication or encryption."
-msgstr ""
-"No se recomienda utilizar WEP para configurar un AP ya que no hay mecanismo "
-"de autenticación y la encriptación se rompe fácilmente. Algunas tarjetas "
-"inalámbricas heredades sólo soportan WEP y estas tarjetas sólo soportarán un "
-"AP sin autenticación o encriptación."
-#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1317
-msgid ""
-"The wireless device can now be put into hostap mode and configured with the "
-"correct SSID and IP address:"
-msgstr ""
-"El dispositivo inalámbrico se pude poner ahora en modo hostap y se puede "
-"configurar con la SSID correcta y la dirección IP:"
-#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1323
-#, no-wrap
-msgid ""
-"# ifconfig wlan0 create wlandev ath0 wlanmode hostap\n"
-"# ifconfig wlan0 inet netmask \\\n"
-"\tssid freebsdap wepmode on weptxkey 3 wepkey 3:0x3456789012 mode 11g\n"
-msgstr ""
-"# ifconfig wlan0 create wlandev ath0 wlanmode hostap\n"
-"# ifconfig wlan0 inet netmask \\\n"
-"\tssid freebsdap wepmode on weptxkey 3 wepkey 3:0x3456789012 mode 11g\n"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1326
-msgid ""
-"The `weptxkey` indicates which WEP key will be used in the transmission. "
-"This example uses the third key as key numbering starts with `1`. This "
-"parameter must be specified in order to encrypt the data."
-msgstr ""
-"`weptxkey` indica qué clave WEP se usará en la transmisión. Este ejemplo usa "
-"la tercera clave ya que la numeración de las claves empieza por `1`. Este "
-"parámetro se debe especificar para encriptar los datos."
-#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1327
-msgid ""
-"The `wepkey` sets the selected WEP key. It should be in the format _index:"
-"key_. If the index is not given, key `1` is set. The index needs to be set "
-"when using keys other than the first key."
-msgstr ""
-"`wepkey` establece la clave WEP seleccionada. Debería estar en el formato "
-"_index:key_. Si no se proporciona índice, se establece la clave a `1`. El "
-"índice necesita establecerse cuando se usa otra clave que no sea la primera."
-#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1329
-msgid ""
-"Use man:ifconfig[8] to see the status of the [.filename]#wlan0# interface:"
-msgstr ""
-"Usa man:ifconfig[8] para ver el estado del interfaz [.filename]#wlan0#:"
-#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1341
-#, no-wrap
-msgid ""
-"# ifconfig wlan0\n"
-" wlan0: flags=8843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> metric 0 mtu 1500\n"
-"\t ether 00:11:95:c3:0d:ac\n"
-"\t inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast\n"
-"\t media: IEEE 802.11 Wireless Ethernet autoselect mode 11g <hostap>\n"
-"\t status: running\n"
-"\t ssid freebsdap channel 4 (2427 Mhz 11g) bssid 00:11:95:c3:0d:ac\n"
-"\t country US ecm authmode OPEN privacy ON deftxkey 3 wepkey 3:40-bit\n"
-"\t txpower 21.5 scanvalid 60 protmode CTS wme burst dtimperiod 1 -dfs\n"
-msgstr ""
-"# ifconfig wlan0\n"
-" wlan0: flags=8843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> metric 0 mtu 1500\n"
-"\t ether 00:11:95:c3:0d:ac\n"
-"\t inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast\n"
-"\t media: IEEE 802.11 Wireless Ethernet autoselect mode 11g <hostap>\n"
-"\t status: running\n"
-"\t ssid freebsdap channel 4 (2427 Mhz 11g) bssid 00:11:95:c3:0d:ac\n"
-"\t country US ecm authmode OPEN privacy ON deftxkey 3 wepkey 3:40-bit\n"
-"\t txpower 21.5 scanvalid 60 protmode CTS wme burst dtimperiod 1 -dfs\n"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1344
-msgid ""
-"From another wireless machine, it is now possible to initiate a scan to find "
-"the AP:"
-msgstr ""
-"Desde otra máquina inalámbrica, ahora es posible iniciar un escaneo para "
-"encontrar el AP:"
-#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1351
-#, no-wrap
-msgid ""
-"# ifconfig wlan0 create wlandev ath0\n"
-"# ifconfig wlan0 up scan\n"
-"freebsdap 00:11:95:c3:0d:ac 1 54M 22:1 100 EPS\n"
-msgstr ""
-"# ifconfig wlan0 create wlandev ath0\n"
-"# ifconfig wlan0 up scan\n"
-"freebsdap 00:11:95:c3:0d:ac 1 54M 22:1 100 EPS\n"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1355
-msgid ""
-"In this example, the client machine found the AP and can associate with it "
-"using the correct parameters. See <<network-wireless-wep>> for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"En este ejemplo, la máquina cliente ha encontrado el AP y se puede asociar a "
-"él usando los parámetros correctos. Consulta <<network-wireless-wep>> para "
-"más detalles."
-#. type: Title ===
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1356
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Using Both Wired and Wireless Connections"
-msgstr "Usando Tanto Redes con Cable como Inalámbricas"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1360
-msgid ""
-"A wired connection provides better performance and reliability, while a "
-"wireless connection provides flexibility and mobility. Laptop users "
-"typically want to roam seamlessly between the two types of connections."
-msgstr ""
-"Una conexión por cable proporciona mejor rendimiento y fiabilidad, mientras "
-"que una conexión inalámbrica proporciona flexibilidad y movilidad. Los "
-"usuarios de portátiles típicamente prefieren moverse entre los dos tipos de "
-"conexiones sin interrupciones."
-#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1363
-msgid ""
-"On FreeBSD, it is possible to combine two or even more network interfaces "
-"together in a \"failover\" fashion. This type of configuration uses the "
-"most preferred and available connection from a group of network interfaces, "
-"and the operating system switches automatically when the link state changes."
-msgstr ""
-"En FreeBSD, es posible combinar dos o incluso más interfaces de red en una "
-"modalidad \"failover\". Este tipo de configuración utiliza la conexión más "
-"disponible y preferente de un grupo de interfaces de red, y el sistema "
-"operativo cambia automáticamente cuando el estado del enlace cambia."
-#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1365
-msgid ""
-"Link aggregation and failover is covered in <<network-aggregation>> and an "
-"example for using both wired and wireless connections is provided at "
-msgstr ""
-"La agregación de enlaces y el failover se cubre en <<network-aggregation>> y "
-"en <<networking-lagg-wired-and-wireless>> se proporciona un ejemplo para "
-"usar tanto una conexión por cable como una inalámbrica."
-#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1369
-msgid ""
-"This section describes a number of steps to help troubleshoot common "
-"wireless networking problems."
-msgstr ""
-"Esta sección describe una serie de pasos para ayudar a solucionar problemas "
-"comunes de redes inalámbricas."
-#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1371
-msgid ""
-"If the access point is not listed when scanning, check that the "
-"configuration has not limited the wireless device to a limited set of "
-msgstr ""
-"Si el punto de acceso no está en la lista cuando se escanea, comprueba que "
-"la configuración no ha limitado el dispositivo inalámbrico a un conjunto "
-"limitado de canales."
-#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1372
-msgid ""
-"If the device cannot associate with an access point, verify that the "
-"configuration matches the settings on the access point. This includes the "
-"authentication scheme and any security protocols. Simplify the configuration "
-"as much as possible. If using a security protocol such as WPA or WEP, "
-"configure the access point for open authentication and no security to see if "
-"traffic will pass."
-msgstr ""
-"Si el dispositivo no se puede asociar con el punto de acceso, verifica que "
-"la configuración concuerda con los parámetros del punto de acceso. Esto "
-"incluye el esquema de autenticación y cualquier protocolo de seguridad. "
-"Simplifica la configuración lo más posible. Si se usa un protocolo de "
-"seguridad como WAP o WEP, configura el punto de acceso con autenticación "
-"abierta y sin seguridad para ver si el tráfico pasa."
-#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1374
-msgid ""
-"Debugging support is provided by man:wpa_supplicant[8]. Try running this "
-"utility manually with `-dd` and look at the system logs."
-msgstr ""
-"El soporte para depuración lo proporciona man:wpa_supplicant[8]. Intenta "
-"ejecutar esta utilidad manualmente con `-dd` y mira los logs del sistema."
-#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1375
-msgid ""
-"Once the system can associate with the access point, diagnose the network "
-"configuration using tools like man:ping[8]."
-msgstr ""
-"Una vez que el sistema se pueda asociar con el punto de acceso, diagnostica "
-"la configuración de la red utilizando herramientas como man:ping[8]."
-#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1376
-msgid ""
-"There are many lower-level debugging tools. Debugging messages can be "
-"enabled in the 802.11 protocol support layer using man:wlandebug[8]. For "
-"example, to enable console messages related to scanning for access points "
-"and the 802.11 protocol handshakes required to arrange communication:"
-msgstr ""
-"Hay muchas herramientas de depuración de bajo nivel. Los mensajes de "
-"depuración se pueden habilitar en la capa de soporte del protocolo 802.11 "
-"usando man:wlandebug[8]. Por ejemplo, para activar mensajes de consola "
-"relativos al escaneo de puntos de acceso y las negociaciones del protocolo "
-"802.11 requeridas para establecer la comunicación:"
-#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1381
-#, no-wrap
-msgid ""
-"# wlandebug -i wlan0 +scan+auth+debug+assoc\n"
-" net.wlan.0.debug: 0 => 0xc80000<assoc,auth,scan>\n"
-msgstr ""
-"# wlandebug -i wlan0 +scan+auth+debug+assoc\n"
-" net.wlan.0.debug: 0 => 0xc80000<assoc,auth,scan>\n"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1387
-msgid ""
-"Many useful statistics are maintained by the 802.11 layer and `wlanstats`, "
-"found in [.filename]#/usr/src/tools/tools/net80211#, will dump this "
-"information. These statistics should display all errors identified by the "
-"802.11 layer. However, some errors are identified in the device drivers "
-"that lie below the 802.11 layer so they may not show up. To diagnose device-"
-"specific problems, refer to the driver documentation."
-msgstr ""
-"La capa 802.11 mantiene muchas estadísticas útiles y `wlanstats`, que se "
-"encuentra en [.filename]#/usr/src/tools/tools/net80211#, mostrará esta "
-"información. Estas estadísticas deberían mostrar todos los errores "
-"identificados por la capa 802.11. Sin embargo, algunos errores son "
-"identificados en los controladores de dispositivo que está por debajo de la "
-"capa 802.11 de forma que podrían no verse. Para diagnosticar problemas "
-"específicos del dispositivo, consulta la documentación del controlador."
-#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1389
-msgid ""
-"If the above information does not help to clarify the problem, submit a "
-"problem report and include output from the above tools."
-msgstr ""
-"Si la información de arriba no ayuda a clarificar el problema, envía un "
-"informe de error e incluye la salida de las herramientas de arriba."
#. type: Title ==
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1391
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:831
#, no-wrap
msgid "USB Tethering"
msgstr "Tethering USB"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1395
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:835
msgid ""
"Many cellphones provide the option to share their data connection over USB "
"(often called \"tethering\"). This feature uses one of RNDIS, CDC, or a "
@@ -3660,32 +2169,32 @@ msgstr ""
"personalizado Apple(R) iPhone(R)/iPad(R)."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1397
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:837
msgid "Android(TM) devices generally use the man:urndis[4] driver."
msgstr ""
"Los dispositivos Android(TM) normalmente utilizan el controlador man:"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1398
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:838
msgid "Apple(R) devices use the man:ipheth[4] driver."
msgstr "Los dispositivos Apple(R) usan el controlador man:ipheth[4]."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1399
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:839
msgid "Older devices will often use the man:cdce[4] driver."
msgstr ""
"Dispositivos más antiguos usarán habitualmente el controlador man:cdce[4]."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1401
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:841
msgid "Before attaching a device, load the appropriate driver into the kernel:"
msgstr ""
"Antes de conectar un dispositivo, carga el controlador apropiado en el "
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1407
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:847
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"# kldload if_urndis\n"
@@ -3697,7 +2206,7 @@ msgstr ""
"# kldload if_ipheth\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1411
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:851
msgid ""
"Once the device is attached ``ue``_0_ will be available for use like a "
"normal network device. Be sure that the \"USB tethering\" option is enabled "
@@ -3708,7 +2217,7 @@ msgstr ""
"dispositivo tiene la opción \"USB tethering\" activada."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1413
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:853
msgid ""
"To make this change permanent and load the driver as a module at boot time, "
"place the appropriate line of the following in [.filename]#/boot/loader."
@@ -3719,7 +2228,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1419
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:859
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -3731,13 +2240,13 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Title ==
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1422
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:862
#, no-wrap
msgid "Bluetooth"
msgstr "Bluetooth"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1427
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:867
msgid ""
"Bluetooth is a wireless technology for creating personal networks operating "
"in the 2.4 GHz unlicensed band, with a range of 10 meters. Networks are "
@@ -3755,7 +2264,7 @@ msgstr ""
"transporte de voz, emulación de línea serie, y más."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1430
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:870
msgid ""
"This section describes the use of a USB Bluetooth dongle on a FreeBSD "
"system. It then describes the various Bluetooth protocols and utilities."
@@ -3764,13 +2273,13 @@ msgstr ""
"FreeBSD. Después describe varias de las utilidades y protocolos de Bluetooth."
#. type: Title ===
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1431
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:871
#, no-wrap
msgid "Loading Bluetooth Support"
msgstr "Cargando Soporte Bluetooth"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1438
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:878
msgid ""
"The Bluetooth stack in FreeBSD is implemented using the man:netgraph[4] "
"framework. A broad variety of Bluetooth USB dongles is supported by man:"
@@ -3789,7 +2298,7 @@ msgstr ""
"man:sio[4], man:ng_h4[4], y man:hcseriald[8]."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1441
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:881
msgid ""
"Before attaching a device, determine which of the above drivers it uses, "
"then load the driver. For example, if the device uses the man:ng_ubt[4] "
@@ -3800,13 +2309,13 @@ msgstr ""
"dispositivo utiliza el controlador man:ng_ubt[4]:"
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1445
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:885
#, no-wrap
msgid "# kldload ng_ubt\n"
msgstr "# kldload ng_ubt\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1448
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:888
msgid ""
"If the Bluetooth device will be attached to the system during system "
"startup, the system can be configured to load the module at boot time by "
@@ -3817,13 +2326,13 @@ msgstr ""
"el controlador a [.filename]#/boot/loader.conf#:"
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1452
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:892
#, no-wrap
msgid "ng_ubt_load=\"YES\"\n"
msgstr "ng_ubt_load=\"YES\"\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1456
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:896
msgid ""
"Once the driver is loaded, plug in the USB dongle. If the driver load was "
"successful, output similar to the following should appear on the console and "
@@ -3834,7 +2343,7 @@ msgstr ""
"log/messages# debería aparecer una salida similar a la siguiente:"
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1463
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:903
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"ubt0: vendor 0x0a12 product 0x0001, rev 1.10/5.25, addr 2\n"
@@ -3848,7 +2357,7 @@ msgstr ""
" wMaxPacketSize=49, nframes=6, buffer size=294\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1468
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:908
msgid ""
"To start and stop the Bluetooth stack, use its startup script. It is a good "
"idea to stop the stack before unplugging the device. Starting the bluetooth "
@@ -3861,7 +2370,7 @@ msgstr ""
"arranca la pila, la salida debería ser similar a la siguiente:"
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1483
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:923
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"# service bluetooth start ubt0\n"
@@ -3891,13 +2400,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Number of SCO packets: 8\n"
#. type: Title ===
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1485
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:925
#, no-wrap
msgid "Finding Other Bluetooth Devices"
msgstr "Encontrando Otros Dispositivos Bluetooth"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1490
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:930
msgid ""
"The Host Controller Interface (HCI) provides a uniform method for accessing "
"Bluetooth baseband capabilities. In FreeBSD, a netgraph HCI node is created "
@@ -3909,7 +2418,7 @@ msgstr ""
"consulta man:ng_hci[4]."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1497
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:937
msgid ""
"One of the most common tasks is discovery of Bluetooth devices within RF "
"proximity. This operation is called _inquiry_. Inquiry and other HCI "
@@ -3927,7 +2436,7 @@ msgstr ""
"sólo contestará a la pregunta si está en modo _descubrible_."
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1510
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:950
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"% hccontrol -n ubt0hci inquiry\n"
@@ -3953,7 +2462,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Inquiry complete. Status: No error [00]\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1516
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:956
msgid ""
"The `BD_ADDR` is the unique address of a Bluetooth device, similar to the "
"MAC address of a network card. This address is needed for further "
@@ -3971,7 +2480,7 @@ msgstr ""
"dispositivo remoto:"
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1522
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:962
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"% hccontrol -n ubt0hci remote_name_request 00:80:37:29:19:a4\n"
@@ -3983,7 +2492,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Name: Pav's T39\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1526
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:966
msgid ""
"If an inquiry is performed on a remote Bluetooth device, it will find the "
"computer as \"your.host.name (ubt0)\". The name assigned to the local "
@@ -3994,7 +2503,7 @@ msgstr ""
"local se puede cambiar en cualquier momento."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1529
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:969
msgid ""
"Remote devices can be assigned aliases in [.filename]#/etc/bluetooth/"
"hosts#. More information about [.filename]#/etc/bluetooth/hosts# file might "
@@ -4005,7 +2514,7 @@ msgstr ""
"etc/bluetooth/hosts# en man:bluetooth.hosts[5]."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1532
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:972
msgid ""
"The Bluetooth system provides a point-to-point connection between two "
"Bluetooth units, or a point-to-multipoint connection which is shared among "
@@ -4018,13 +2527,13 @@ msgstr ""
"dispositivo remoto:"
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1536
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:976
#, no-wrap
msgid "% hccontrol -n ubt0hci create_connection BT_ADDR\n"
msgstr "% hccontrol -n ubt0hci create_connection BT_ADDR\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1539
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:979
msgid ""
"`create_connection` accepts `BT_ADDR` as well as host aliases in [."
@@ -4033,7 +2542,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1541
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:981
msgid ""
"The following example shows how to obtain the list of active baseband "
"connections for the local device:"
@@ -4042,7 +2551,7 @@ msgstr ""
"la banda base para el dispositivo local:"
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1547
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:987
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"% hccontrol -n ubt0hci read_connection_list\n"
@@ -4054,7 +2563,7 @@ msgstr ""
"00:80:37:29:19:a4 41 ACL 0 MAST NONE 0 0 OPEN\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1551
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:991
msgid ""
"A _connection handle_ is useful when termination of the baseband connection "
"is required, though it is normally not required to do this by hand. The "
@@ -4066,7 +2575,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1557
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:997
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"# hccontrol -n ubt0hci disconnect 41\n"
@@ -4078,7 +2587,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Reason: Connection terminated by local host [0x16]\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1561
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1001
msgid ""
"Type `hccontrol help` for a complete listing of available HCI commands. "
"Most of the HCI commands do not require superuser privileges."
@@ -4088,13 +2597,13 @@ msgstr ""
"súper usuario."
#. type: Title ===
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1562
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1002
#, no-wrap
msgid "Device Pairing"
msgstr "Emparejamiento de Dispositivos"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1573
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1013
msgid ""
"By default, Bluetooth communication is not authenticated, and any device can "
"talk to any other device. A Bluetooth device, such as a cellular phone, may "
@@ -4122,7 +2631,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1577
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1017
msgid ""
"The man:hcsecd[8] daemon is responsible for handling Bluetooth "
"authentication requests. The default configuration file is [.filename]#/etc/"
@@ -4135,7 +2644,7 @@ msgstr ""
"de sección para un teléfono móvil con el PIN establecido a `1234`:"
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1586
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1026
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"device {\n"
@@ -4153,7 +2662,7 @@ msgstr ""
" }\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1596
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1036
msgid ""
"The only limitation on PIN codes is length. Some devices, such as Bluetooth "
"headsets, may have a fixed PIN code built in. The `-d` switch forces man:"
@@ -4177,7 +2686,7 @@ msgstr ""
"el dispositivo remoto."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1598
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1038
msgid ""
"The following line can be added to [.filename]#/etc/rc.conf# to configure "
"man:hcsecd[8] to start automatically on system start:"
@@ -4187,18 +2696,18 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1602
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1042
#, no-wrap
msgid "hcsecd_enable=\"YES\"\n"
msgstr "hcsecd_enable=\"YES\"\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1605
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1045
msgid "The following is a sample of the man:hcsecd[8] daemon output:"
msgstr "Lo siguiente es una muestra de la salida del demonio man:hcsecd[8]:"
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1614
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1054
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"hcsecd[16484]: Got Link_Key_Request event from 'ubt0hci', remote bdaddr 0:80:37:29:19:a4\n"
@@ -4216,13 +2725,13 @@ msgstr ""
"hcsecd[16484]: Sending PIN_Code_Reply to 'ubt0hci' for remote bdaddr 0:80:37:29:19:a4\n"
#. type: Title ===
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1616
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1056
#, no-wrap
msgid "Network Access with PPP Profiles"
msgstr "Acceso a la Red con Perfiles PPP"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1620
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1060
msgid ""
"A Dial-Up Networking (DUN) profile can be used to configure a cellular phone "
"as a wireless modem for connecting to a dial-up Internet access server. It "
@@ -4235,7 +2744,7 @@ msgstr ""
"para recibir llamadas de datos desde un teléfono móvil."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1623
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1063
msgid ""
"Network access with a PPP profile can be used to provide LAN access for a "
"single Bluetooth device or multiple Bluetooth devices. It can also provide "
@@ -4246,7 +2755,7 @@ msgstr ""
"proporcionar conexión PC a PC usando PPP sobre emulación de cable serie."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1627
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1067
msgid ""
"In FreeBSD, these profiles are implemented with man:ppp[8] and the man:"
"rfcomm_pppd[8] wrapper which converts a Bluetooth connection into something "
@@ -4260,7 +2769,7 @@ msgstr ""
"para ver ejemplos."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1629
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1069
msgid ""
"In this example, man:rfcomm_pppd[8] is used to open a connection to a remote "
"device with a `BD_ADDR` of `00:80:37:29:19:a4` on a DUNRFCOMM channel:"
@@ -4270,13 +2779,13 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1633
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1073
#, no-wrap
msgid "# rfcomm_pppd -a 00:80:37:29:19:a4 -c -C dun -l rfcomm-dialup\n"
msgstr "# rfcomm_pppd -a 00:80:37:29:19:a4 -c -C dun -l rfcomm-dialup\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1638
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1078
msgid ""
"The actual channel number will be obtained from the remote device using the "
"SDP protocol. It is possible to specify the RFCOMM channel by hand, and in "
@@ -4289,7 +2798,7 @@ msgstr ""
"averiguar el canal RFCOMM en el dispositivo remoto."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1644
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1084
msgid ""
"In order to provide network access with the PPPLAN service, man:sdpd[8] must "
"be running and a new entry for LAN clients must be created in [.filename]#/"
@@ -4307,19 +2816,19 @@ msgstr ""
"arrancar el servidor RFCOMMPPP."
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1648
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1088
#, no-wrap
msgid "# rfcomm_pppd -s -C 7 -l rfcomm-server\n"
msgstr "# rfcomm_pppd -s -C 7 -l rfcomm-server\n"
#. type: Title ===
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1650
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1090
#, no-wrap
msgid "Bluetooth Protocols"
msgstr "Protocolos Bluetooth"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1653
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1093
msgid ""
"This section provides an overview of the various Bluetooth protocols, their "
"function, and associated utilities."
@@ -4328,13 +2837,13 @@ msgstr ""
"funciones, y sus utilidades asociadas."
#. type: Title ====
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1654
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1094
#, no-wrap
msgid "Logical Link Control and Adaptation Protocol (L2CAP)"
msgstr "Logical Link Control and Adaptation Protocol (L2CAP)"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1658
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1098
msgid ""
"The Logical Link Control and Adaptation Protocol (L2CAP) provides connection-"
"oriented and connectionless data services to upper layer protocols. L2CAP "
@@ -4348,7 +2857,7 @@ msgstr ""
"L2CAP de hasta 64 kilobytes de longitud."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1664
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1104
msgid ""
"L2CAP is based around the concept of _channels_. A channel is a logical "
"connection on top of a baseband connection, where each channel is bound to a "
@@ -4367,7 +2876,7 @@ msgstr ""
"misma conexión de banda base."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1669
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1109
msgid ""
"In FreeBSD, a netgraph L2CAP node is created for each Bluetooth device. "
"This node is normally connected to the downstream Bluetooth HCI node and "
@@ -4380,7 +2889,7 @@ msgstr ""
"el nodo L2CAP es \"devicel2cap\". Para más detalles consulta man:ng_l2cap[4]."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1672
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1112
msgid ""
"A useful command is man:l2ping[8], which can be used to ping other devices. "
"Some Bluetooth implementations might not return all of the data sent to "
@@ -4392,7 +2901,7 @@ msgstr ""
"ejemplo es algo normal."
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1680
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1120
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"# l2ping -a 00:80:37:29:19:a4\n"
@@ -4408,7 +2917,7 @@ msgstr ""
"0 bytes from 0:80:37:29:19:a4 seq_no=3 time=46.150 ms result=0\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1684
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1124
msgid ""
"The man:l2control[8] utility is used to perform various operations on L2CAP "
"nodes. This example shows how to obtain the list of logical connections "
@@ -4420,7 +2929,7 @@ msgstr ""
"dispositivo local:"
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1695
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1135
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"% l2control -a 00:02:72:00:d4:1a read_channel_list\n"
@@ -4442,7 +2951,7 @@ msgstr ""
"00:07:e0:00:0b:ca 41 O 0 OPEN\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1700
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1140
msgid ""
"Another diagnostic tool is man:btsockstat[1]. It is similar to man:"
"netstat[1], but for Bluetooth network-related data structures. The example "
@@ -4453,7 +2962,7 @@ msgstr ""
"abajo muestra la misma conexión lógica como man:l2control[8] arriba."
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1713
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1153
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"% btsockstat\n"
@@ -4479,13 +2988,13 @@ msgstr ""
"c2e8bc80 0 250 00:02:72:00:d4:1a 00:07:e0:00:0b:ca 3 6 OPEN\n"
#. type: Title ====
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1715
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1155
#, no-wrap
msgid "Radio Frequency Communication (RFCOMM)"
msgstr "Comunicación por Radio Frecuencia (RFCOMM)"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1720
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1160
msgid ""
"The RFCOMM protocol provides emulation of serial ports over the L2CAP "
"protocol. RFCOMM is a simple transport protocol, with additional provisions "
@@ -4500,7 +3009,7 @@ msgstr ""
"entre dos dispositivos Bluetooth."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1724
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1164
msgid ""
"For the purposes of RFCOMM, a complete communication path involves two "
"applications running on the communication endpoints with a communication "
@@ -4517,7 +3026,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Bluetooth directa desde un dispositivo a otro."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1727
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1167
msgid ""
"RFCOMM is only concerned with the connection between the devices in the "
"direct connect case, or between the device and a modem in the network case. "
@@ -4532,18 +3041,18 @@ msgstr ""
"por cable en el otro lado."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1729
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1169
msgid "In FreeBSD, RFCOMM is implemented at the Bluetooth sockets layer."
msgstr "En FreeBSD, RFCOMM está implementado en la capa de sockets Bluetooth."
#. type: Title ====
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1730
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1170
#, no-wrap
msgid "Service Discovery Protocol (SDP)"
msgstr "Protocolo de Descubrimiento de Servicios (SDP)"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1734
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1174
msgid ""
"The Service Discovery Protocol (SDP) provides the means for client "
"applications to discover the existence of services provided by server "
@@ -4559,7 +3068,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1741
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1181
msgid ""
"SDP involves communication between a SDP server and a SDP client. The "
"server maintains a list of service records that describe the characteristics "
@@ -4584,7 +3093,7 @@ msgstr ""
"para utilizar esos servicios."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1745
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1185
msgid ""
"Normally, a SDP client searches for services based on some desired "
"characteristics of the services. However, there are times when it is "
@@ -4600,7 +3109,7 @@ msgstr ""
"_navegación_ (browsing)."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1748
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1188
msgid ""
"The Bluetooth SDP server, man:sdpd[8], and command line client, man:"
"sdpcontrol[8], are included in the standard FreeBSD installation. The "
@@ -4611,7 +3120,7 @@ msgstr ""
"siguiente ejemplo muestra cómo realizar una petición de navegación SDP."
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1759
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1199
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"% sdpcontrol -a 00:01:03:fc:6e:ec browse\n"
@@ -4633,7 +3142,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Protocol specific parameter #2: u/int/uuid16 1\n"
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1763
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1203
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Record Handle: 0x00000001\n"
@@ -4645,7 +3154,7 @@ msgstr ""
" Browse Group Descriptor (0x1001)\n"
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1773
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1213
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Record Handle: 0x00000002\n"
@@ -4669,7 +3178,7 @@ msgstr ""
" LAN Access Using PPP (0x1102) ver. 1.0\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1780
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1220
msgid ""
"Note that each service has a list of attributes, such as the RFCOMM "
"channel. Depending on the service, the user might need to make note of some "
@@ -4686,13 +3195,13 @@ msgstr ""
"buscar el servicio OBEX Object Push (OPUSH):"
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1784
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1224
#, no-wrap
msgid "% sdpcontrol -a 00:01:03:fc:6e:ec search OPUSH\n"
msgstr "% sdpcontrol -a 00:01:03:fc:6e:ec search OPUSH\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1788
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1228
msgid ""
"Offering services on FreeBSD to Bluetooth clients is done with the man:"
"sdpd[8] server. The following line can be added to [.filename]#/etc/rc."
@@ -4702,24 +3211,24 @@ msgstr ""
"man:sdpd[8]. Se puede añadir la siguiente línea a [.filename]#/etc/rc.conf#:"
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1792
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1232
#, no-wrap
msgid "sdpd_enable=\"YES\"\n"
msgstr "sdpd_enable=\"YES\"\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1795
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1235
msgid "Then the man:sdpd[8] daemon can be started with:"
msgstr "El demonio man:sdpd[8] se puede arrancar con:"
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1799
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1239
#, no-wrap
msgid "# service sdpd start\n"
msgstr "# service sdpd start\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1804
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1244
msgid ""
"The local server application that wants to provide a Bluetooth service to "
"remote clients will register the service with the local SDP daemon. An "
@@ -4732,7 +3241,7 @@ msgstr ""
"registrará el servicio LAN Bluetooth con el demonio local SDP."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1806
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1246
msgid ""
"The list of services registered with the local SDP server can be obtained by "
"issuing a SDP browse query via the local control channel:"
@@ -4741,19 +3250,19 @@ msgstr ""
"realizando una petición de navegación SDP mediante el canal de control local:"
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1810
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1250
#, no-wrap
msgid "# sdpcontrol -l browse\n"
msgstr "# sdpcontrol -l browse\n"
#. type: Title ====
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1812
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1252
#, no-wrap
msgid "OBEX Object Push (OPUSH)"
msgstr "OBEX Object Push (OPUSH)"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1816
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1256
msgid ""
"Object Exchange (OBEX) is a widely used protocol for simple file transfers "
"between mobile devices. Its main use is in infrared communication, where it "
@@ -4769,7 +3278,7 @@ msgstr ""
"otros dispositivos con aplicaciones PIM (Personal Information Manager)."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1818
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1258
msgid ""
"The OBEX server and client are implemented by obexapp, which can be "
"installed using the package:comms/obexapp[] package or port."
@@ -4778,7 +3287,7 @@ msgstr ""
"instalar usando el paquete o port package:comms/obexapp[]."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1826
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1266
msgid ""
"The OBEX client is used to push and/or pull objects from the OBEX server. "
"An example object is a business card or an appointment. The OBEX client can "
@@ -4801,7 +3310,7 @@ msgstr ""
"tarjeta de negocio, se sube al directorio del teléfono."
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1836
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1276
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"% obexapp -a 00:80:37:29:19:a4 -C IrMC\n"
@@ -4821,7 +3330,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Success, response: OK, Success (0x20)\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1843
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1283
msgid ""
"In order to provide the OPUSH service, man:sdpd[8] must be running and a "
"root folder, where all incoming objects will be stored, must be created. "
@@ -4838,19 +3347,19 @@ msgstr ""
"demonio SDP local. El ejemplo de abajo muestra cómo iniciar el servidor OBEX."
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1847
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1287
#, no-wrap
msgid "# obexapp -s -C 10\n"
msgstr "# obexapp -s -C 10\n"
#. type: Title ====
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1849
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1289
#, no-wrap
msgid "Serial Port Profile (SPP)"
msgstr "Perfil de Puerto Serie (SPP)"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1853
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1293
msgid ""
"The Serial Port Profile (SPP) allows Bluetooth devices to perform serial "
"cable emulation. This profile allows legacy applications to use Bluetooth "
@@ -4862,7 +3371,7 @@ msgstr ""
"abstracción de puerto serie."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1858
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1298
msgid ""
"In FreeBSD, man:rfcomm_sppd[1] implements SPP and a pseudo tty is used as a "
"virtual serial port abstraction. The example below shows how to connect to "
@@ -4878,7 +3387,7 @@ msgstr ""
"RFCOMM en la línea de comando."
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1864
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1304
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"# rfcomm_sppd -a 00:07:E0:00:0B:CA -t\n"
@@ -4890,23 +3399,23 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1867
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1307
msgid "Once connected, the pseudo tty can be used as serial port:"
msgstr "Una vez conectado, el pseudo tty puede ser usado como un puerto serie:"
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1871
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1311
#, no-wrap
msgid "# cu -l /dev/pts/6\n"
msgstr "# cu -l /dev/pts/6\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1874
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1314
msgid "The pseudo tty is printed on stdout and can be read by wrapper scripts:"
msgstr "El pseudo tty se imprime en stdout y se puede leer mediante scripts:"
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1879
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1319
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"PTS=`rfcomm_sppd -a 00:07:E0:00:0B:CA -t`\n"
@@ -4916,7 +3425,7 @@ msgstr ""
"cu -l $PTS\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1887
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1327
msgid ""
"By default, when FreeBSD is accepting a new connection, it tries to perform "
"a role switch and become master. Some older Bluetooth devices which do not "
@@ -4934,13 +3443,13 @@ msgstr ""
"intercambio de roles en el lado local:"
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1891
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1331
#, no-wrap
msgid "# hccontrol -n ubt0hci write_node_role_switch 0\n"
msgstr "# hccontrol -n ubt0hci write_node_role_switch 0\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1895
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1335
msgid ""
"To display Bluetooth packets, use the third-party package hcidump, which can "
"be installed using the package:comms/hcidump[] package or port. This "
@@ -4955,13 +3464,13 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Title ==
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1897
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1337
#, no-wrap
msgid "Bridging"
msgstr "Bridging"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1901
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1341
msgid ""
"It is sometimes useful to divide a network, such as an Ethernet segment, "
"into network segments without having to create IP subnets and use a router "
@@ -4974,7 +3483,7 @@ msgstr ""
"forma se llama \"bridge\"."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1906
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1346
msgid ""
"A bridge works by learning the MAC addresses of the devices on each of its "
"network interfaces. It forwards traffic between networks only when the "
@@ -4991,18 +3500,18 @@ msgstr ""
"funcionar como un bridge."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1908
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1348
msgid "Bridging can be useful in the following situations:"
msgstr "Un bridge puede ser útil en las siguientes situaciones:"
#. type: Labeled list
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1909
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1349
#, no-wrap
msgid "Connecting Networks"
msgstr "Conectar Redes"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1913
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1353
msgid ""
"The basic operation of a bridge is to join two or more network segments. "
"There are many reasons to use a host-based bridge instead of networking "
@@ -5017,13 +3526,13 @@ msgstr ""
"hostap con una red cableada y actuar como punto de acceso."
#. type: Labeled list
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1914
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1354
#, no-wrap
msgid "Filtering/Traffic Shaping Firewall"
msgstr "Filtrado/Firewall the Modelado de Tráfico"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1916
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1356
msgid ""
"A bridge can be used when firewall functionality is needed without routing "
"or Network Address Translation (NAT)."
@@ -5033,7 +3542,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1921
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1361
msgid ""
"An example is a small company that is connected via DSL or ISDN to an ISP. "
"There are thirteen public IP addresses from the ISP and ten computers on the "
@@ -5048,13 +3557,13 @@ msgstr ""
"sin ningún problema con las direcciones IP."
#. type: Labeled list
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1922
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1362
#, no-wrap
msgid "Network Tap"
msgstr "Network Tap"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1924
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1364
msgid ""
"A bridge can join two network segments in order to inspect all Ethernet "
"frames that pass between them using man:bpf[4] and man:tcpdump[1] on the "
@@ -5067,13 +3576,13 @@ msgstr ""
"adicional conocido como un puerto span."
#. type: Labeled list
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1925
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1365
#, no-wrap
msgid "Layer 2 VPN"
msgstr "VPN en la Capa 2"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1927
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1367
msgid ""
"Two Ethernet networks can be joined across an IP link by bridging the "
"networks to an EtherIP tunnel or a man:tap[4] based solution such as OpenVPN."
@@ -5082,13 +3591,13 @@ msgstr ""
"un túnel EtherIP o a una solución basada en man:tap[4] como OpenVPN."
#. type: Labeled list
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1928
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1368
#, no-wrap
msgid "Layer 2 Redundancy"
msgstr "Redundancia en la Capa 2"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1930
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1370
msgid ""
"A network can be connected together with multiple links and use the Spanning "
"Tree Protocol (STP) to block redundant paths."
@@ -5097,7 +3606,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Protocol (STP) para bloquear caminos redundantes."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1933
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1373
msgid ""
"This section describes how to configure a FreeBSD system as a bridge using "
"man:if_bridge[4]. A netgraph bridging driver is also available, and is "
@@ -5108,7 +3617,7 @@ msgstr ""
"netgraph, y se describe en man:ng_bridge[4]."
#. type: delimited block = 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1938
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1378
msgid ""
"Packet filtering can be used with any firewall package that hooks into the "
"man:pfil[9] framework. The bridge can be used as a traffic shaper with man:"
@@ -5119,13 +3628,13 @@ msgstr ""
"perfilador de tráfico con man:altq[4] o man:dummynet[4]."
#. type: Title ===
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1940
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1380
#, no-wrap
msgid "Enabling the Bridge"
msgstr "Habilitando el Bridge"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1944
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1384
msgid ""
"In FreeBSD, man:if_bridge[4] is a kernel module which is automatically "
"loaded by man:ifconfig[8] when creating a bridge interface. It is also "
@@ -5138,7 +3647,7 @@ msgstr ""
"`device if_bridge` al fichero de configuración del kernel personalizado."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1947
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1387
msgid ""
"The bridge is created using interface cloning. To create the bridge "
@@ -5146,7 +3655,7 @@ msgstr ""
"El bridge se crea clonando una interfaz. Para crear la interfaz bridge:"
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1958
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1398
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"# ifconfig bridge create\n"
@@ -5168,7 +3677,7 @@ msgstr ""
" root id 00:00:00:00:00:00 priority 0 ifcost 0 port 0\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1963
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1403
msgid ""
"When a bridge interface is created, it is automatically assigned a randomly "
"generated Ethernet address. The `maxaddr` and `timeout` parameters control "
@@ -5184,7 +3693,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1966
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1406
msgid ""
"Next, specify which network interfaces to add as members of the bridge. For "
"the bridge to forward packets, all member interfaces and the bridge need to "
@@ -5195,7 +3704,7 @@ msgstr ""
"bridge necesitan estar levantadas:"
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1972
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1412
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"# ifconfig bridge0 addm fxp0 addm fxp1 up\n"
@@ -5207,7 +3716,7 @@ msgstr ""
"# ifconfig fxp1 up\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1976
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1416
msgid ""
"The bridge can now forward Ethernet frames between [.filename]#fxp0# and [."
"filename]#fxp1#. Add the following lines to [.filename]#/etc/rc.conf# so "
@@ -5218,7 +3727,7 @@ msgstr ""
"forma que el bridge se cree al arrancar:"
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1983
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1423
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -5232,7 +3741,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1988
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1428
msgid ""
"If the bridge host needs an IP address, set it on the bridge interface, not "
"on the member interfaces. The address can be set statically or via DHCP. "
@@ -5244,13 +3753,13 @@ msgstr ""
"IP estática:"
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1992
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1432
#, no-wrap
msgid "# ifconfig bridge0 inet\n"
msgstr "# ifconfig bridge0 inet\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1996
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1436
msgid ""
"It is also possible to assign an IPv6 address to a bridge interface. To "
"make the changes permanent, add the addressing information to [.filename]#/"
@@ -5261,7 +3770,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: delimited block = 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2002
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1442
msgid ""
"When packet filtering is enabled, bridged packets will pass through the "
"filter inbound on the originating interface on the bridge interface, and "
@@ -5277,7 +3786,7 @@ msgstr ""
"bridge que en el bridge en sí mismo."
#. type: delimited block = 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2005
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1445
msgid ""
"The bridge has several configurable settings for passing non-IP and IP "
"packets, and layer2 firewalling with man:ipfw[8]. See man:if_bridge[4] for "
@@ -5288,13 +3797,13 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Title ===
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2007
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1447
#, no-wrap
msgid "Enabling Spanning Tree"
msgstr "Activando Spanning Tree"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2012
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1452
msgid ""
"For an Ethernet network to function properly, only one active path can exist "
"between two devices. The STP protocol detects loops and puts redundant "
@@ -5309,7 +3818,7 @@ msgstr ""
"bloqueados para restaurar la conectividad a todos los puntos de la red."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2016
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1456
msgid ""
"The Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP or 802.1w) provides backwards "
"compatibility with legacy STP. RSTP provides faster convergence and "
@@ -5324,7 +3833,7 @@ msgstr ""
"RSTP y STP, siendo RSTP el modo por defecto."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2019
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1459
msgid ""
"STP can be enabled on member interfaces using man:ifconfig[8]. For a bridge "
"with [.filename]#fxp0# and [.filename]#fxp1# as the current interfaces, "
@@ -5335,7 +3844,7 @@ msgstr ""
"actuales, activa STP con:"
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2034
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1474
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"# ifconfig bridge0 stp fxp0 stp fxp1\n"
@@ -5365,7 +3874,7 @@ msgstr ""
" role designated state forwarding\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2038
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1478
msgid ""
"This bridge has a spanning tree ID of `00:01:02:4b:d4:50` and a priority of "
"`32768`. As the `root id` is the same, it indicates that this is the root "
@@ -5376,12 +3885,12 @@ msgstr ""
"bridge raíz del árbol."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2040
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1480
msgid "Another bridge on the network also has STP enabled:"
msgstr "Otro bridge en la red tiene STP activado:"
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2054
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1494
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"bridge0: flags=8843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> metric 0 mtu 1500\n"
@@ -5409,7 +3918,7 @@ msgstr ""
" role designated state forwarding\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2058
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1498
msgid ""
"The line `root id 00:01:02:4b:d4:50 priority 32768 ifcost 400000 port 4` "
"shows that the root bridge is `00:01:02:4b:d4:50` and has a path cost of "
@@ -5422,13 +3931,13 @@ msgstr ""
"es [.filename]#fxp0#."
#. type: Title ===
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2059
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1499
#, no-wrap
msgid "Bridge Interface Parameters"
msgstr "Parámetros de la Interfaz del Bridge"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2064
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1504
msgid ""
"Several `ifconfig` parameters are unique to bridge interfaces. This section "
"summarizes some common uses for these parameters. The complete list of "
@@ -5439,13 +3948,13 @@ msgstr ""
"ifconfig[8] describe la lista completa de parámetros disponibles."
#. type: Labeled list
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2065
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1505
#, no-wrap
msgid "private"
msgstr "private"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2069
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1509
msgid ""
"A private interface does not forward any traffic to any other port that is "
"also designated as a private interface. The traffic is blocked "
@@ -5460,13 +3969,13 @@ msgstr ""
"selectiva, se tiene que usar un firewall."
#. type: Labeled list
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2070
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1510
#, no-wrap
msgid "span"
msgstr "span"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2075
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1515
msgid ""
"A span port transmits a copy of every Ethernet frame received by the "
"bridge. The number of span ports configured on a bridge is unlimited, but "
@@ -5485,19 +3994,19 @@ msgstr ""
"tramas obtenidas de la interfaz [.filename]#fxp4#:"
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2079
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1519
#, no-wrap
msgid "# ifconfig bridge0 span fxp4\n"
msgstr "# ifconfig bridge0 span fxp4\n"
#. type: Labeled list
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2081
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1521
#, no-wrap
msgid "sticky"
msgstr "sticky"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2086
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1526
msgid ""
"If a bridge member interface is marked as sticky, dynamically learned "
"address entries are treated as static entries in the forwarding cache. "
@@ -5516,7 +4025,7 @@ msgstr ""
"de un segmento del bridge en particular no pueden moverse a otro segmento."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2089
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1529
msgid ""
"An example of using sticky addresses is to combine the bridge with VLANs in "
"order to isolate customer networks without wasting IP address space. "
@@ -5529,7 +4038,7 @@ msgstr ""
"tiene la dirección ``:"
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2094
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1534
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"# ifconfig bridge0 addm vlan100 sticky vlan100 addm vlan101 sticky vlan101\n"
@@ -5539,7 +4048,7 @@ msgstr ""
"# ifconfig bridge0 inet\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2098
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1538
msgid ""
"In this example, both clients see `` as their default gateway. "
"Since the bridge cache is sticky, one host cannot spoof the MAC address of "
@@ -5550,7 +4059,7 @@ msgstr ""
"la dirección MAC de otro cliente para interceptar su tráfico."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2100
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1540
msgid ""
"Any communication between the VLANs can be blocked using a firewall or, as "
"seen in this example, private interfaces:"
@@ -5559,13 +4068,13 @@ msgstr ""
"firewall o, como se ve en este ejemplo, usando interfaces privadas:"
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2104
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1544
#, no-wrap
msgid "# ifconfig bridge0 private vlan100 private vlan101\n"
msgstr "# ifconfig bridge0 private vlan100 private vlan101\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2107
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1547
msgid ""
"The customers are completely isolated from each other and the full `/24` "
"address range can be allocated without subnetting."
@@ -5574,7 +4083,7 @@ msgstr ""
"completo `/24` se puede reservar sin necesidad de crear subredes."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2110
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1550
msgid ""
"The number of unique source MAC addresses behind an interface can be "
"limited. Once the limit is reached, packets with unknown source addresses "
@@ -5586,7 +4095,7 @@ msgstr ""
"existente de caché en el host que expire o que sea eliminada."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2112
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1552
msgid ""
"The following example sets the maximum number of Ethernet devices for "
"`CustomerA` on `vlan100` to 10:"
@@ -5595,13 +4104,13 @@ msgstr ""
"10 para `CustomerA` en `vlan100`:"
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2116
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1556
#, no-wrap
msgid "# ifconfig bridge0 ifmaxaddr vlan100 10\n"
msgstr "# ifconfig bridge0 ifmaxaddr vlan100 10\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2122
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1562
msgid ""
"Bridge interfaces also support monitor mode, where the packets are discarded "
"after man:bpf[4] processing and are not processed or forwarded further. "
@@ -5620,7 +4129,7 @@ msgstr ""
"cuatro interfaces de red como un único flujo:"
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2127
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1567
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"# ifconfig bridge0 addm fxp0 addm fxp1 addm fxp2 addm fxp3 monitor up\n"
@@ -5630,13 +4139,13 @@ msgstr ""
"# tcpdump -i bridge0\n"
#. type: Title ===
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2129
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1569
#, no-wrap
msgid "SNMP Monitoring"
msgstr "Monitorización SNMP"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2133
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1573
msgid ""
"The bridge interface and STP parameters can be monitored via man:bsnmpd[1] "
"which is included in the FreeBSD base system. The exported bridge MIBs "
@@ -5649,7 +4158,7 @@ msgstr ""
"cliente SNMP o paquete de monitorización para recuperar los datos."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2135
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1575
msgid ""
"To enable monitoring on the bridge, uncomment this line in [.filename]#/etc/"
"snmpd.config# by removing the beginning `+#+` symbol:"
@@ -5658,13 +4167,13 @@ msgstr ""
"filename]#/etc/snmpd.config# eliminando el símbolo `+#+` al comienzo:"
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2139
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1579
#, no-wrap
msgid "begemotSnmpdModulePath.\"bridge\" = \"/usr/lib/snmp_bridge.so\"\n"
msgstr "begemotSnmpdModulePath.\"bridge\" = \"/usr/lib/snmp_bridge.so\"\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2144
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1584
msgid ""
"Other configuration settings, such as community names and access lists, may "
"need to be modified in this file. See man:bsnmpd[1] and man:snmp_bridge[3] "
@@ -5677,24 +4186,24 @@ msgstr ""
"añade esta línea a [.filename]#/etc/rc.conf#:"
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2148
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1588
#, no-wrap
msgid "bsnmpd_enable=\"YES\"\n"
msgstr "bsnmpd_enable=\"YES\"\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2151
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1591
msgid "Then, start man:bsnmpd[1]:"
msgstr "Después, arranca man:bsnmpd[1]:"
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2155
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1595
#, no-wrap
msgid "# service bsnmpd start\n"
msgstr "# service bsnmpd start\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2160
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1600
msgid ""
"The following examples use the Net-SNMP software (package:net-mgmt/net-"
"snmp[]) to query a bridge from a client system. The package:net-mgmt/"
@@ -5709,7 +4218,7 @@ msgstr ""
"snmp.conf# para importar las definiciones MIB del bridge:"
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2165
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1605
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"mibdirs +/usr/share/snmp/mibs\n"
@@ -5719,12 +4228,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2168
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1608
msgid "To monitor a single bridge using the IETF BRIDGE-MIB (RFC4188):"
msgstr "Para monitorizar un sólo bridge usando IETF BRIDGE-MIB (RFC4188):"
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2187
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1627
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"% snmpwalk -v 2c -c public bridge1.example.com mib-2.dot1dBridge\n"
@@ -5762,7 +4271,7 @@ msgstr ""
"RSTP-MIB::dot1dStpVersion.0 = INTEGER: rstp(2)\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2192
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1632
msgid ""
"The `dot1dStpTopChanges.0` value is two, indicating that the STP bridge "
"topology has changed twice. A topology change means that one or more links "
@@ -5776,7 +4285,7 @@ msgstr ""
"sucede esto."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2194
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1634
msgid ""
"To monitor multiple bridge interfaces, the private BEGEMOT-BRIDGE-MIB can be "
@@ -5785,7 +4294,7 @@ msgstr ""
"BRIDGE-MIB privado:"
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2212
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1652
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"% snmpwalk -v 2c -c public bridge1.example.com\n"
@@ -5821,7 +4330,7 @@ msgstr ""
"BEGEMOT-BRIDGE-MIB::begemotBridgeStpDesignatedRoot.\"bridge2\" = Hex-STRING: 80 00 00 50 8B B8 C6 A9\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2215
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1655
msgid ""
"To change the bridge interface being monitored via the `mib-2.dot1dBridge` "
@@ -5830,7 +4339,7 @@ msgstr ""
"subárbol `mib-2.dot1dBridge`:"
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2220
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1660
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"% snmpset -v 2c -c private bridge1.example.com\n"
@@ -5840,13 +4349,13 @@ msgstr ""
"BEGEMOT-BRIDGE-MIB::begemotBridgeDefaultBridgeIf.0 s bridge2\n"
#. type: Title ==
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2223
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1663
#, no-wrap
msgid "Link Aggregation and Failover"
msgstr "Agregación de Enlaces y Conmutación"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2228
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1668
msgid ""
"FreeBSD provides the man:lagg[4] interface which can be used to aggregate "
"multiple network interfaces into one virtual interface in order to provide "
@@ -5866,7 +4375,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2231
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1671
msgid ""
"The aggregation protocols supported by the lagg interface determine which "
"ports are used for outgoing traffic and whether or not a specific port "
@@ -5879,13 +4388,13 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Labeled list
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2232
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1672
#, no-wrap
msgid "failover"
msgstr "failover"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2237
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1677
msgid ""
"This mode sends and receives traffic only through the master port. If the "
"master port becomes unavailable, the next active port is used. The first "
@@ -5902,13 +4411,13 @@ msgstr ""
"original se convierte en maestro una vez que esté disponible de nuevo."
#. type: Labeled list
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2238
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1678
#, no-wrap
msgid "loadbalance"
msgstr "loadbalance"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2241
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1681
msgid ""
"This provides a static setup and does not negotiate aggregation with the "
"peer or exchange frames to monitor the link. If the switch supports LACP, "
@@ -5919,13 +4428,13 @@ msgstr ""
"LACP, se debería usar en su lugar."
#. type: Labeled list
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2242
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1682
#, no-wrap
msgid "lacp"
msgstr "lacp"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2247
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1687
msgid ""
"The IEEE(R) 802.3ad Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP) negotiates a "
"set of aggregable links with the peer into one or more Link Aggregated "
@@ -5945,7 +4454,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2250
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1690
msgid ""
"LACP balances outgoing traffic across the active ports based on hashed "
"protocol header information and accepts incoming traffic from any active "
@@ -5959,13 +4468,13 @@ msgstr ""
"y las direcciones de fuente y destino IPv4 o IPv6."
#. type: Labeled list
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2251
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1691
#, no-wrap
msgid "roundrobin"
msgstr "roundrobin"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2254
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1694
msgid ""
"This mode distributes outgoing traffic using a round-robin scheduler through "
"all active ports and accepts incoming traffic from any active port. Since "
@@ -5977,13 +4486,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Ethernet, debería ser usado con precaución."
#. type: Labeled list
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2255
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1695
#, no-wrap
msgid "broadcast"
msgstr "broadcast"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2257
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1697
msgid ""
"This mode sends outgoing traffic to all ports configured on the lagg "
"interface, and receives frames on any port."
@@ -5992,13 +4501,13 @@ msgstr ""
"interfaz lagg, y recibe tramas desde cualquier puerto."
#. type: Title ===
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2258
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1698
#, no-wrap
msgid "Configuration Examples"
msgstr "Ejemplos de Configuración"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2262
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1702
msgid ""
"This section demonstrates how to configure a Cisco(R) switch and a FreeBSD "
"system for LACP load balancing. It then shows how to configure two Ethernet "
@@ -6011,13 +4520,13 @@ msgstr ""
"failover entre una interfaz Ethernet y otra inalámbrica."
#. type: Block title
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2264
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1704
#, no-wrap
msgid "LACP Aggregation with a Cisco(R) Switch"
msgstr "Agregación LACP con un Switch Cisco(R)"
#. type: delimited block = 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2270
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1710
msgid ""
"This example connects two man:fxp[4] Ethernet interfaces on a FreeBSD "
"machine to the first two Ethernet ports on a Cisco(R) switch as a single "
@@ -6035,7 +4544,7 @@ msgstr ""
"adaptarlo a la configuración local."
#. type: delimited block = 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2273
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1713
msgid ""
"Frame ordering is mandatory on Ethernet links and any traffic between two "
"stations always flows over the same physical link, limiting the maximum "
@@ -6051,7 +4560,7 @@ msgstr ""
"las interfaces disponibles."
#. type: delimited block = 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2275
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1715
msgid ""
"On the Cisco(R) switch, add the _FastEthernet0/1_ and _FastEthernet0/2_ "
"interfaces to channel group _1_:"
@@ -6060,7 +4569,7 @@ msgstr ""
"_FastEthernet0/2_ al grupo del canal _1_:"
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2285
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1725
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"interface FastEthernet0/1\n"
@@ -6080,7 +4589,7 @@ msgstr ""
" channel-protocol lacp\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2288
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1728
msgid ""
"On the FreeBSD system, create the man:lagg[4] interface using the physical "
"interfaces _fxp0_ and _fxp1_ and bring the interfaces up with an IP address "
@@ -6091,7 +4600,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2295
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1735
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"# ifconfig fxp0 up\n"
@@ -6105,12 +4614,12 @@ msgstr ""
"# ifconfig lagg0 up laggproto lacp laggport fxp0 laggport fxp1\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2298
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1738
msgid "Next, verify the status of the virtual interface:"
msgstr "Después, verifica el estado de la interfaz virtual:"
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2311
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1751
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"# ifconfig lagg0\n"
@@ -6136,7 +4645,7 @@ msgstr ""
" laggport: fxp0 flags=1c<ACTIVE,COLLECTING,DISTRIBUTING>\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2316
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1756
msgid ""
"Ports marked as `ACTIVE` are part of the LAG that has been negotiated with "
"the remote switch. Traffic will be transmitted and received through these "
@@ -6148,12 +4657,12 @@ msgstr ""
"identificadores LAG."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2318
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1758
msgid "To see the port status on the Cisco(R) switch:"
msgstr "Para ver el estado del puerto en el switch Cisco(R):"
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2325
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1765
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"switch# show lacp neighbor\n"
@@ -6167,19 +4676,19 @@ msgstr ""
" A - Device is in Active mode P - Device is in Passive mode\n"
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2327
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1767
#, no-wrap
msgid "Channel group 1 neighbors\n"
msgstr "Channel group 1 neighbors\n"
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2329
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1769
#, no-wrap
msgid "Partner's information:\n"
msgstr "Partner's information:\n"
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2334
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1774
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
" LACP port Oper Port Port\n"
@@ -6193,12 +4702,12 @@ msgstr ""
"Fa0/2 SA 32768 0005.5d71.8db8 29s 0x146 0x4 0x3D\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2337
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1777
msgid "For more detail, type `show lacp neighbor detail`."
msgstr "Para más detalles, teclea `show lacp neighbor detail`."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2339
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1779
msgid ""
"To retain this configuration across reboots, add the following entries to [."
"filename]#/etc/rc.conf# on the FreeBSD system:"
@@ -6207,7 +4716,7 @@ msgstr ""
"entradas en el fichero [.filename]#/etc/rc.conf#del sistema FreeBSD:"
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2346
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1786
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -6221,13 +4730,13 @@ msgstr ""
"ifconfig_lagg0=\"laggproto lacp laggport fxp0 laggport fxp1\"\n"
#. type: Block title
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2351
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1791
#, no-wrap
msgid "Failover Mode"
msgstr "Modo Failover"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2358
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1798
msgid ""
"Failover mode can be used to switch over to a secondary interface if the "
"link is lost on the master interface. To configure failover, make sure that "
@@ -6244,7 +4753,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2365
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1805
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"# ifconfig fxp0 up\n"
@@ -6258,13 +4767,13 @@ msgstr ""
"# ifconfig lagg0 up laggproto failover laggport fxp0 laggport fxp1\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2368
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2469
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1808
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1909
msgid "The virtual interface should look something like this:"
msgstr "La interfaz virtual debería tener un aspecto parecido a este:"
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2381
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1821
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"# ifconfig lagg0\n"
@@ -6290,7 +4799,7 @@ msgstr ""
" laggport: fxp0 flags=5<MASTER,ACTIVE>\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2386
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1826
msgid ""
"Traffic will be transmitted and received on _fxp0_. If the link is lost on "
"_fxp0_, _fxp1_ will become the active link. If the link is restored on the "
@@ -6301,8 +4810,8 @@ msgstr ""
"en la interfaz maestra, se convertirá de nuevo en el enlace activo."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2388
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2492
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1828
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1932
msgid ""
"To retain this configuration across reboots, add the following entries to [."
@@ -6311,7 +4820,7 @@ msgstr ""
"entradas en [.filename]#/etc/rc.conf#:"
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2395
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1835
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -6325,13 +4834,13 @@ msgstr ""
"ifconfig_lagg0=\"laggproto failover laggport fxp0 laggport fxp1\"\n"
#. type: Block title
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2400
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1840
#, no-wrap
msgid "Failover Mode Between Ethernet and Wireless Interfaces"
msgstr "Modo Failover Entre Interfaces Ethernet y Wireless"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2406
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1846
msgid ""
"For laptop users, it is usually desirable to configure the wireless device "
"as a secondary which is only used when the Ethernet connection is not "
@@ -6347,7 +4856,7 @@ msgstr ""
"datos por la conexión inalámbrica."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2408
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1848
msgid ""
"This is achieved by overriding the Ethernet interface's MAC address with "
"that of the wireless interface."
@@ -6356,7 +4865,7 @@ msgstr ""
"el de la interfaz inalámbrica."
#. type: delimited block * 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2414
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1854
msgid ""
"In theory, either the Ethernet or wireless MAC address can be changed to "
"match the other. However, some popular wireless interfaces lack support for "
@@ -6370,7 +4879,7 @@ msgstr ""
"MAC Ethernet."
#. type: delimited block * 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2421
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1861
msgid ""
"If the driver for the wireless interface is not loaded in the `GENERIC` or "
"custom kernel, and the computer is running FreeBSD {rel121-current}, load "
@@ -6392,7 +4901,7 @@ msgstr ""
"configura el interfaz man:lagg[4]."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2427
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1867
msgid ""
"In this example, the Ethernet interface, _re0_, is the master and the "
"wireless interface, _wlan0_, is the failover. The _wlan0_ interface was "
@@ -6411,18 +4920,18 @@ msgstr ""
"nombre del interfaz inalámbrico del sistema:"
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2431
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1871
#, no-wrap
msgid "# ifconfig wlan0 create wlandev ath0 country FR ssid my_router up\n"
msgstr "# ifconfig wlan0 create wlandev ath0 country FR ssid my_router up\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2434
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1874
msgid "Now you can determine the MAC address of the wireless interface:"
msgstr "Ahora puedes saber la dirección MAC del interfaz inalámbrico:"
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2449
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1889
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"# ifconfig wlan0\n"
@@ -6452,7 +4961,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2453
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1893
msgid ""
"The `ether` line will contain the MAC address of the specified interface. "
"Now, change the MAC address of the Ethernet interface to match:"
@@ -6461,13 +4970,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Ahora, cambia la dirección MAC del interfaz Ethernet para que concuerde:"
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2457
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1897
#, no-wrap
msgid "# ifconfig re0 ether b8:ee:65:5b:32:59\n"
msgstr "# ifconfig re0 ether b8:ee:65:5b:32:59\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2460
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1900
msgid ""
"Make sure the _re0_ interface is up, then create the man:lagg[4] interface "
"with _re0_ as master with failover to _wlan0_:"
@@ -6476,7 +4985,7 @@ msgstr ""
"man:lagg[4] con _re0_ como maestro con _wlan0_ como recambio:"
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2466
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1906
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"# ifconfig re0 up\n"
@@ -6488,7 +4997,7 @@ msgstr ""
"# ifconfig lagg0 up laggproto failover laggport re0 laggport wlan0\n"
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2482
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1922
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"# ifconfig lagg0\n"
@@ -6514,18 +5023,18 @@ msgstr ""
" status: active\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2485
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1925
msgid "Then, start the DHCP client to obtain an IP address:"
msgstr "Después, arranca el cliente DHCP para obtener una dirección IP:"
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2489
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1929
#, no-wrap
msgid "# dhclient lagg0\n"
msgstr "# dhclient lagg0\n"
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2501
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1941
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"ifconfig_re0=\"ether b8:ee:65:5b:32:59\"\n"
@@ -6543,13 +5052,13 @@ msgstr ""
"ifconfig_lagg0=\"up laggproto failover laggport re0 laggport wlan0 DHCP\"\n"
#. type: Title ==
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2506
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1946
#, no-wrap
msgid "Diskless Operation with PXE"
msgstr "Operación sin Disco con PXE"
#. type: delimited block = 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2512
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1952
msgid ""
"The Intel(R) Preboot eXecution Environment (PXE) allows an operating system "
"to boot over the network. For example, a FreeBSD system can boot over the "
@@ -6567,7 +5076,7 @@ msgstr ""
"una tecla de función durante la inicialización del sistema."
#. type: delimited block = 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2514
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1954
msgid ""
"In order to provide the files needed for an operating system to boot over "
"the network, a PXE setup also requires properly configured DHCP, TFTP, and "
@@ -6578,7 +5087,7 @@ msgstr ""
"apropiadamente DHCP, TFTP y los servidores NFS, donde:"
#. type: delimited block = 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2516
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1956
msgid ""
"Initial parameters, such as an IP address, executable boot filename and "
"location, server name, and root path are obtained from the DHCP server."
@@ -6588,18 +5097,18 @@ msgstr ""
"raíz se obtienen del servidor DHCP."
#. type: delimited block = 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2517
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1957
msgid "The operating system loader file is booted using TFTP."
msgstr ""
"El fichero del cargador del sistema operativo se obtiene mediante TFTP."
#. type: delimited block = 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2518
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1958
msgid "The file systems are loaded using NFS."
msgstr "Los sistemas de ficheros se cargan usando NFS."
#. type: delimited block = 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2523
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1963
msgid ""
"When a computer PXE boots, it receives information over DHCP about where to "
"obtain the initial boot loader file. After the host computer receives this "
@@ -6619,7 +5128,7 @@ msgstr ""
"describe en crossref:boot[boot,El Proceso de Arranque de FreeBSD]."
#. type: delimited block = 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2526
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1966
msgid ""
"This section describes how to configure these services on a FreeBSD system "
"so that other systems can PXE boot into FreeBSD. Refer to man:diskless[8] "
@@ -6630,7 +5139,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Consulta man:diskless[8] para más información."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2531
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1971
msgid ""
"As described, the system providing these services is insecure. It should "
"live in a protected area of a network and be untrusted by other hosts."
@@ -6640,13 +5149,13 @@ msgstr ""
"deberían confiar en él."
#. type: Title ===
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2534
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1974
#, no-wrap
msgid "Setting Up the PXE Environment"
msgstr "Configurando el Entorno PXE"
#. type: delimited block = 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2540
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1980
msgid ""
"The steps shown in this section configure the built-in NFS and TFTP "
"servers. The next section demonstrates how to install and configure the "
@@ -6665,7 +5174,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2545
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1985
msgid ""
"The command examples below assume use of the man:sh[1] shell. man:csh[1] "
"and man:tcsh[1] users will need to start a man:sh[1] shell or adapt the "
@@ -6676,7 +5185,7 @@ msgstr ""
"o adaptar los comandos a la sintaxis de man:csh[1]."
#. type: delimited block = 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2549
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1989
msgid ""
"Create the root directory which will contain a FreeBSD installation to be "
"NFS mounted:"
@@ -6685,7 +5194,7 @@ msgstr ""
"montada por NFS:"
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2554
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1994
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"# export NFSROOTDIR=/b/tftpboot/FreeBSD/install\n"
@@ -6695,19 +5204,19 @@ msgstr ""
"# mkdir -p ${NFSROOTDIR}\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2557
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:1997
msgid "Enable the NFS server by adding this line to [.filename]#/etc/rc.conf#:"
msgstr ""
"Activa el servidor NFS añadiendo esta línea a [.filename]#/etc/rc.conf#:"
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2561
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2001
#, no-wrap
msgid "nfs_server_enable=\"YES\"\n"
msgstr "nfs_server_enable=\"YES\"\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2564
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2004
msgid ""
"Export the diskless root directory via NFS by adding the following to [."
@@ -6716,24 +5225,24 @@ msgstr ""
"siguiente a [.filename]#/etc/exports#:"
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2568
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2008
#, no-wrap
msgid "/b -ro -alldirs -maproot=root\n"
msgstr "/b -ro -alldirs -maproot=root\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2571
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2011
msgid "Start the NFS server:"
msgstr "Arranca el servidor NFS:"
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2575
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2015
#, no-wrap
msgid "# service nfsd start\n"
msgstr "# service nfsd start\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2578
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2018
msgid ""
"Enable man:inetd[8] by adding the following line to [.filename]#/etc/rc."
@@ -6741,13 +5250,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Activa man:inetd[8] añadiendo la siguiente línea a [.filename]#/etc/rc.conf#:"
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2582
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2022
#, no-wrap
msgid "inetd_enable=\"YES\"\n"
msgstr "inetd_enable=\"YES\"\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2585
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2025
msgid ""
"Uncomment the following line in [.filename]#/etc/inetd.conf# by making sure "
"it does not start with a `+#+` symbol:"
@@ -6756,13 +5265,13 @@ msgstr ""
"de que no comienza con un símbolo `+#+`:"
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2589
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2029
#, no-wrap
msgid "tftp dgram udp wait root /usr/libexec/tftpd tftpd -l -s /b/tftpboot\n"
msgstr "tftp dgram udp wait root /usr/libexec/tftpd tftpd -l -s /b/tftpboot\n"
#. type: delimited block = 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2595
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2035
msgid ""
"Some PXE versions require the TCP version of TFTP. In this case, uncomment "
"the second `tftp` line which contains `stream tcp`."
@@ -6771,18 +5280,18 @@ msgstr ""
"descomenta la segunda línea `tftp` que contiene `stream tcp`."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2598
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2038
msgid "Start man:inetd[8]:"
msgstr "Arranca man:inetd[8]:"
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2602
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2042
#, no-wrap
msgid "# service inetd start\n"
msgstr "# service inetd start\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2605
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2045
msgid ""
"Install the base system into [.filename]#${NFSROOTDIR}#, either by "
"decompressing the official archives or by rebuilding the FreeBSD kernel and "
@@ -6799,7 +5308,7 @@ msgstr ""
"installkernel` y `make installworld`."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2606
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2046
msgid ""
"Test that the TFTP server works and can download the boot loader which will "
"be obtained via PXE:"
@@ -6808,7 +5317,7 @@ msgstr ""
"arranque que se obtendrá vía PXE:"
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2612
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2052
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"# tftp localhost\n"
@@ -6820,7 +5329,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Received 264951 bytes in 0.1 seconds\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2615
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2055
msgid ""
"Edit [.filename]#${NFSROOTDIR}/etc/fstab# and create an entry to mount the "
"root file system over NFS:"
@@ -6829,7 +5338,7 @@ msgstr ""
"sistema de ficheros raíz sobre NFS:"
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2620
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2060
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"# Device Mountpoint FSType Options Dump Pass\n"
@@ -6839,7 +5348,7 @@ msgstr ""
"myhost.example.com:/b/tftpboot/FreeBSD/install / nfs ro 0 0\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2624
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2064
msgid ""
"Replace _myhost.example.com_ with the hostname or IP address of the NFS "
"server. In this example, the root file system is mounted read-only in order "
@@ -6852,7 +5361,7 @@ msgstr ""
"contenidos del sistema de ficheros raíz."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2625
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2065
msgid ""
"Set the root password in the PXE environment for client machines which are "
"PXE booting :"
@@ -6861,7 +5370,7 @@ msgstr ""
"que están arrancando mediante PXE:"
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2630
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2070
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"# chroot ${NFSROOTDIR}\n"
@@ -6871,7 +5380,7 @@ msgstr ""
"# passwd\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2633
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2073
msgid ""
"If needed, enable man:ssh[1] root logins for client machines which are PXE "
"booting by editing [.filename]#${NFSROOTDIR}/etc/ssh/sshd_config# and "
@@ -6883,7 +5392,7 @@ msgstr ""
"documentada en man:sshd_config[5]."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2634
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2074
msgid ""
"Perform any other needed customizations of the PXE environment in [."
"filename]#${NFSROOTDIR}#. These customizations could include things like "
@@ -6894,7 +5403,7 @@ msgstr ""
"instalación de paquetes o editar el fichero de contraseñas con man:vipw[8]."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2637
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2077
msgid ""
"When booting from an NFS root volume, [.filename]#/etc/rc# detects the NFS "
"boot and runs [.filename]#/etc/rc.initdiskless#. In this case, [.filename]#/"
@@ -6908,7 +5417,7 @@ msgstr ""
"raíz NFS sea de sólo escritura:"
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2644
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2084
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"# chroot ${NFSROOTDIR}\n"
@@ -6922,7 +5431,7 @@ msgstr ""
"# tar -c -v -f conf/base/var.cpio.gz --format cpio --gzip var\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2649
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2089
msgid ""
"When the system boots, memory file systems for [.filename]#/etc# and [."
"filename]#/var# will be created and mounted and the contents of the [."
@@ -6947,13 +5456,13 @@ msgstr ""
"[.filename]#/etc# y [.filename]#/var# respectivamente."
#. type: Title ===
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2651
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2091
#, no-wrap
msgid "Configuring the DHCP Server"
msgstr "Configurando el Servidor DHCP"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2654
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2094
msgid ""
"The DHCP server does not need to be the same machine as the TFTP and NFS "
"server, but it needs to be accessible in the network."
@@ -6962,7 +5471,7 @@ msgstr ""
"TFTP y NFS, pero necesita estar accesible en la red."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2656
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2096
msgid ""
"DHCP is not part of the FreeBSD base system but can be installed using the "
"package:net/isc-dhcp44-server[] port or package."
@@ -6971,7 +5480,7 @@ msgstr ""
"el port o paquete package:net/isc-dhcp44-server[]."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2659
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2099
msgid ""
"Once installed, edit the configuration file, [.filename]#/usr/local/etc/"
"dhcpd.conf#. Configure the `next-server`, `filename`, and `root-path` "
@@ -6982,7 +5491,7 @@ msgstr ""
"path` como se ve en este ejemplo:"
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2669
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2109
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"subnet netmask {\n"
@@ -7002,7 +5511,7 @@ msgstr ""
" option domain-name \"example.com\";\n"
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2672
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2112
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
" # IP address of TFTP server\n"
@@ -7012,7 +5521,7 @@ msgstr ""
" next-server ;\n"
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2675
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2115
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
" # path of boot loader obtained via tftp\n"
@@ -7022,7 +5531,7 @@ msgstr ""
" filename \"FreeBSD/install/boot/pxeboot\" ;\n"
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2678
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2118
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
" # pxeboot boot loader will try to NFS mount this directory for root FS\n"
@@ -7032,13 +5541,13 @@ msgstr ""
" option root-path \"\" ;\n"
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2680
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2120
#, no-wrap
msgid "}\n"
msgstr "}\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2683
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2123
msgid ""
"The `next-server` directive is used to specify the IP address of the TFTP "
@@ -7047,7 +5556,7 @@ msgstr ""
"servidor TFTP."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2686
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2126
msgid ""
"The `filename` directive defines the path to [.filename]#/boot/pxeboot#. A "
"relative filename is used, meaning that [.filename]#/b/tftpboot# is not "
@@ -7058,12 +5567,12 @@ msgstr ""
"no está incluido en la ruta."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2688
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2128
msgid "The `root-path` option defines the path to the NFS root file system."
msgstr "La opción `root-path` define la ruta al sistema de ficheros raíz NFS."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2690
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2130
msgid ""
"Once the edits are saved, enable DHCP at boot time by adding the following "
"line to [.filename]#/etc/rc.conf#:"
@@ -7072,30 +5581,30 @@ msgstr ""
"siguiente línea a [.filename]#/etc/rc.conf#:"
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2694
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2134
#, no-wrap
msgid "dhcpd_enable=\"YES\"\n"
msgstr "dhcpd_enable=\"YES\"\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2697
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2137
msgid "Then start the DHCP service:"
msgstr "Después inicia el servicio DHCP:"
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2701
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2141
#, no-wrap
msgid "# service isc-dhcpd start\n"
msgstr "# service isc-dhcpd start\n"
#. type: Title ===
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2703
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2143
#, no-wrap
msgid "Debugging PXE Problems"
msgstr "Depurando problemas en PXE"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2707
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2147
msgid ""
"Once all of the services are configured and started, PXE clients should be "
"able to automatically load FreeBSD over the network. If a particular client "
@@ -7109,7 +5618,7 @@ msgstr ""
"está configurado para arrancar desde la red."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2709
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2149
msgid ""
"This section describes some troubleshooting tips for isolating the source of "
"the configuration problem should no clients be able to PXE boot."
@@ -7119,7 +5628,7 @@ msgstr ""
"capaces de arrancar mediante PXE."
#. type: delimited block * 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2713
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2153
msgid ""
"Use the package:net/wireshark[] package or port to debug the network traffic "
"involved during the PXE booting process, which is illustrated in the diagram "
@@ -7130,24 +5639,24 @@ msgstr ""
"diagrama inferior."
#. type: Block title
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2714
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2154
#, no-wrap
msgid "PXE Booting Process with NFS Root Mount"
msgstr "Proceso de Arranque de PXE con Punto de Montaje Raíz NFS"
#. type: Target for macro image
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2715
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2155
#, no-wrap
msgid "pxe-nfs.png"
msgstr "pxe-nfs.png"
#. type: delimited block * 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2718
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2158
msgid "Client broadcasts a DHCPDISCOVER message."
msgstr "El cliente emite un mensaje DHCPDISCOVER."
#. type: delimited block * 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2720
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2160
msgid ""
"The DHCP server responds with the IP address, next-server, filename, and "
"root-path values."
@@ -7156,7 +5665,7 @@ msgstr ""
"filename y root-path."
#. type: delimited block * 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2722
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2162
msgid ""
"The client sends a TFTP request to next-server, asking to retrieve filename."
msgstr ""
@@ -7164,12 +5673,12 @@ msgstr ""
"nombre de archivo."
#. type: delimited block * 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2724
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2164
msgid "The TFTP server responds and sends filename to client."
msgstr "El servidor TFTP responde y envía el fichero al cliente."
#. type: delimited block * 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2726
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2166
msgid ""
"The client executes filename, which is pxeboot(8), which then loads the "
"kernel. When the kernel executes, the root file system specified by root-"
@@ -7180,7 +5689,7 @@ msgstr ""
"root-path es montado a través de NFS."
#. type: delimited block * 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2728
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2168
msgid ""
"On the TFTP server, read [.filename]#/var/log/xferlog# to ensure that [."
"filename]#pxeboot# is being retrieved from the correct location. To test "
@@ -7191,7 +5700,7 @@ msgstr ""
"este ejemplo de configuración:"
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2734
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2174
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"# tftp\n"
@@ -7203,7 +5712,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Received 264951 bytes in 0.1 seconds\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2737
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2177
msgid ""
"The `BUGS` sections in man:tftpd[8] and man:tftp[1] document some "
"limitations with TFTP."
@@ -7212,7 +5721,7 @@ msgstr ""
"limitaciones con TFTP."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2738
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2178
msgid ""
"Make sure that the root file system can be mounted via NFS. To test this "
"example configuration:"
@@ -7221,798 +5730,19 @@ msgstr ""
"probar con esta configuración de ejemplo:"
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2742
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2182
#, no-wrap
msgid "# mount -t nfs /mnt\n"
msgstr "# mount -t nfs /mnt\n"
#. type: Title ==
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2746
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "IPv6"
-msgstr "IPv6"
-#. type: delimited block * 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2750
-msgid ""
-"IPv6 is the new version of the well known IP protocol, also known as IPv4. "
-"IPv6 provides several advantages over IPv4 as well as many new features:"
-msgstr ""
-"IPv6 es la nueva versión del conocido protocolo IP, también conocido como "
-"IPv4. IPv6 proporciona varias ventajas sobre IPv4 así como muchas "
-"características nuevas:"
-#. type: delimited block * 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2752
-msgid ""
-"Its 128-bit address space allows for "
-"340,282,366,920,938,463,463,374,607,431,768,211,456 addresses. This "
-"addresses the IPv4 address shortage and eventual IPv4 address exhaustion."
-msgstr ""
-"Su espacio de direcciones de 128 bits permite "
-"340,282,366,920,938,463,463,374,607,431,768,211,456. Esto soluciona el "
-"problema de escasez y eventual agotamiento de direcciones IPv4."
-#. type: delimited block * 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2753
-msgid ""
-"Routers only store network aggregation addresses in their routing tables, "
-"thus reducing the average space of a routing table to 8192 entries. This "
-"addresses the scalability issues associated with IPv4, which required every "
-"allocated block of IPv4 addresses to be exchanged between Internet routers, "
-"causing their routing tables to become too large to allow efficient routing."
-msgstr ""
-"Los routers sólo almacenan direcciones de agregación de red en sus tablas de "
-"enrutamiento, reduciendo por tanto el espacio medio de una tabla de "
-"enrutamiento a 8192 entradas. Esto soluciona los problemas de escalabilidad "
-"asociados a IPv4, que requería que cada bloque asignado de direcciones IPv4 "
-"fuera intercambiado entre los routers, haciendo que las tablas de "
-"enrutamiento fueran demasiado grandes como para realizar un enrutamiento "
-#. type: delimited block * 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2755
-msgid ""
-"Address autoconfiguration (http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2462.txt[RFC2462])."
-msgstr ""
-"Autconfiguración de direcciones (http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2462."
-#. type: delimited block * 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2756
-msgid "Mandatory multicast addresses."
-msgstr "Direcciones multicast obligatorias"
-#. type: delimited block * 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2757
-msgid "Built-in IPsec (IP security)."
-msgstr "IPsec integrada (seguridad IP)."
-#. type: delimited block * 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2758
-msgid "Simplified header structure."
-msgstr "Estructura de cabecera simplificada."
-#. type: delimited block * 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2759
-msgid "Support for mobile IP."
-msgstr "Soporte para IP móvil."
-#. type: delimited block * 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2760
-msgid "IPv6-to-IPv4 transition mechanisms."
-msgstr "Mecanismos de transición IPv6-IPv4."
-#. type: delimited block * 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2763
-msgid ""
-"FreeBSD includes the http://www.kame.net/[http://www.kame.net/] IPv6 "
-"reference implementation and comes with everything needed to use IPv6. This "
-"section focuses on getting IPv6 configured and running."
-msgstr ""
-"FreeBSD incluye la implementación de referencia IPv6 http://www.kame.net/"
-"[http://www.kame.net/] y viene con todo lo necesario para usar IPv6. Esta "
-"sección se centra en configurar y hacer funcionar IPv6."
-#. type: Title ===
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2764
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Background on IPv6 Addresses"
-msgstr "Nociones de Direcciones IPv6"
-#. type: delimited block * 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2767
-msgid "There are three different types of IPv6 addresses:"
-msgstr "Hay tres tipos diferentes de direcciones IPV6:"
-#. type: Labeled list
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2768
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Unicast"
-msgstr "Unicast"
-#. type: delimited block * 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2770
-msgid ""
-"A packet sent to a unicast address arrives at the interface belonging to the "
-msgstr ""
-"Un paquete enviado a una dirección unicast llega a la interfaz a la que "
-"pertenece esa dirección."
-#. type: Labeled list
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2771
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Anycast"
-msgstr "Anycast"
-#. type: delimited block * 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2775
-msgid ""
-"These addresses are syntactically indistinguishable from unicast addresses "
-"but they address a group of interfaces. The packet destined for an anycast "
-"address will arrive at the nearest router interface. Anycast addresses are "
-"only used by routers."
-msgstr ""
-"Estas direcciones son sintácticamente indistinguibles de las direcciones "
-"unicast pero se refieren a un grupo de interfaces. El paquete destinado a "
-"una dirección anycast llegara hasta la interfaz del router más cercano. Las "
-"direcciones anycast sólo son usadas por los routers."
-#. type: Labeled list
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2776
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Multicast"
-msgstr "Multicast"
-#. type: delimited block * 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2780
-msgid ""
-"These addresses identify a group of interfaces. A packet destined for a "
-"multicast address will arrive at all interfaces belonging to the multicast "
-"group. The IPv4 broadcast address, usually `xxx.xxx.xxx.255`, is expressed "
-"by multicast addresses in IPv6."
-msgstr ""
-"Estas direcciones identifican un grupo de interfaces. Un paquete destinado a "
-"una dirección multicast llegará a todas las interfaces que pertenezcan al "
-"grupo multicast. Las direcciones broadcast de IPv4, normalmente `xxx.xxx."
-"xxx.255`, se expresan como direcciones multicast en IPv6."
-#. type: delimited block * 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2783
-msgid ""
-"When reading an IPv6 address, the canonical form is represented as `x:x:x:x:"
-"x:x:x:x`, where each `x` represents a 16 bit hex value. An example is `FEBC:"
-msgstr ""
-"Cuando se lee una dirección IPv6, la forma canónica se representa como `x:x:"
-"x:x:x:x:x:x`, donde cada `x` representa un valor hexadecimal de 16 bits. Un "
-"ejemplo es `FEBC:A574:382B:23C1:AA49:4592:4EFE:9982`."
-#. type: delimited block * 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2788
-msgid ""
-"Often, an address will have long substrings of all zeros. A `::` (double "
-"colon) can be used to replace one substring per address. Also, up to three "
-"leading ``0``s per hex value can be omitted. For example, `fe80::1` "
-"corresponds to the canonical form `fe80:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0001`."
-msgstr ""
-"A menudo, una dirección tendrá largas subcadenas de ceros. Un `::` (dos "
-"puntos dobles seguidos) se puede usar para sustituir una subcadena por cada "
-"dirección. Además, se pueden omitir hasta tres ``0`` al comienzo. Por "
-"ejemplo, `fe80::1` se corresponde con la forma canónica "
-#. type: delimited block * 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2791
-msgid ""
-"A third form is to write the last 32 bits using the well known IPv4 "
-"notation. For example, `2002::` corresponds to the hexadecimal "
-"canonical representation `2002:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0a00:0001`, which in "
-"turn is equivalent to `2002::a00:1`."
-msgstr ""
-"Una tercera forma es escribir los últimos 32 bits usando la notación "
-"conocida para IPv4. Por ejemplo, `2002::` se corresponde con la "
-"representación canónica hexadecimal "
-"`2002:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0a00:0001`, que a su vez es equivalente a "
-#. type: delimited block * 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2793
-msgid "To view a FreeBSD system's IPv6 address, use man:ifconfig[8]:"
-msgstr "Para ver la dirección IPv6 de un sistema FreeBSD, usa man:ifconfig[8]:"
-#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2797
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "# ifconfig\n"
-msgstr "# ifconfig\n"
-#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2807
-#, no-wrap
-msgid ""
-" inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast\n"
-" inet6 fe80::200:21ff:fe03:8e1%rl0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x1\n"
-" ether 00:00:21:03:08:e1\n"
-" media: Ethernet autoselect (100baseTX )\n"
-" status: active\n"
-msgstr ""
-" inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast\n"
-" inet6 fe80::200:21ff:fe03:8e1%rl0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x1\n"
-" ether 00:00:21:03:08:e1\n"
-" media: Ethernet autoselect (100baseTX )\n"
-" status: active\n"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2810
-msgid ""
-"In this example, the [.filename]#rl0# interface is using `fe80::200:21ff:"
-"fe03:8e1%rl0`, an auto-configured link-local address which was automatically "
-"generated from the MAC address."
-msgstr ""
-"En este ejemplo, el interfaz [.filename]#rl0# está usando `fe80::200:21ff:"
-"fe03:8e1%rl0`, una dirección de enlace local auto configurada que se ha "
-"generado automáticamente a partir de una dirección MAC."
-#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2813
-msgid ""
-"Some IPv6 addresses are reserved. A summary of these reserved addresses is "
-"seen in <<reservedip6>>:"
-msgstr ""
-"Algunas direcciones IPv6 están reservadas. Se puede ver un resumen de las "
-"direcciones reservadas en <<reservedip6>>:"
-#. type: Block title
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2815
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Reserved IPv6 Addresses"
-msgstr "Direcciones IPv6 Reservadas"
-#. type: Table
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2819
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "IPv6 address"
-msgstr "Direcciones IPv6"
-#. type: Table
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2820
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Prefixlength (Bits)"
-msgstr "Prefixlength (Bits)"
-#. type: Table
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2821
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Description"
-msgstr "Descripción"
-#. type: Table
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2823
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Notes"
-msgstr "Notas"
-#. type: Table
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2824
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "`::`"
-msgstr "`::`"
-#. type: Table
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2825
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2830
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "128 bits"
-msgstr "128 bits"
-#. type: Table
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2826
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "unspecified"
-msgstr "sin especificar"
-#. type: Table
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2828
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Equivalent to `` in IPv4."
-msgstr "Equivalente a `` en IPv4."
-#. type: Table
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2829
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "`::1`"
-msgstr "`::1`"
-#. type: Table
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2831
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "loopback address"
-msgstr "dirección de loopback"
-#. type: Table
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2833
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Equivalent to `` in IPv4."
-msgstr "Equivalente a `` en IPv4."
-#. type: Table
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2834
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "`::00:xx:xx:xx:xx`"
-msgstr "`::00:xx:xx:xx:xx`"
-#. type: Table
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2835
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2840
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "96 bits"
-msgstr "96 bits"
-#. type: Table
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2836
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "embedded IPv4"
-msgstr "embedded IPv4"
-#. type: Table
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2838
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "The lower 32 bits are the compatible IPv4 address."
-msgstr "Los 32 bits menos significativos forma la dirección IPv4 compatible."
-#. type: Table
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2839
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "`::ff:xx:xx:xx:xx`"
-msgstr "`::ff:xx:xx:xx:xx`"
-#. type: Table
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2841
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "IPv4 mapped IPv6 address"
-msgstr "Direcciones IPv4 mapeadas a IPv6"
-#. type: Table
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2843
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "The lower 32 bits are the IPv4 address for hosts which do not support IPv6."
-msgstr "Los 32 bits menos significativos son las direcciones IPv4 para hosts que no soportan IPv6."
-#. type: Table
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2844
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "`fe80::/10`"
-msgstr "`fe80::/10`"
-#. type: Table
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2845
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "10 bits"
-msgstr "10 bits"
-#. type: Table
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2846
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "link-local"
-msgstr "link-local"
-#. type: Table
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2848
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Equivalent to in IPv4."
-msgstr "Equivalente a en IPv4."
-#. type: Table
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2849
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "`fc00::/7`"
-msgstr "`fc00::/7`"
-#. type: Table
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2850
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "7 bits"
-msgstr "7 bits"
-#. type: Table
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2851
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "unique-local"
-msgstr "unique-local"
-#. type: Table
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2853
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Unique local addresses are intended for local communication and are only routable within a set of cooperating sites."
-msgstr "Loas direcciones locales únicas están pensadas para comunicación local y sólo son enrutables dentro de un conjunto cooperativo de sitios."
-#. type: Table
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2854
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "`ff00::`"
-msgstr "`ff00::`"
-#. type: Table
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2855
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "8 bits"
-msgstr "8 bits"
-#. type: Table
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2856
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "multicast"
-msgstr "multicast"
-#. type: Table
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2859
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "``2000::-3fff::``"
-msgstr "``2000::-3fff::``"
-#. type: Table
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2860
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "3 bits"
-msgstr "3 bits"
-#. type: Table
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2861
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "global unicast"
-msgstr "global unicast"
-#. type: Table
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2862
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "All global unicast addresses are assigned from this pool. The first 3 bits are `001`."
-msgstr "Todas las direcciones unicast globales se asignan de este lote. Los tres primeros bits son `001`."
-#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2865
-msgid ""
-"For further information on the structure of IPv6 addresses, refer to http://"
-msgstr ""
-"Para más información sobre la estructura de direcciones IPv6, consulta "
-#. type: Title ===
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2866
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Configuring IPv6"
-msgstr "Configurando IPv6"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2869
-msgid ""
-"To configure a FreeBSD system as an IPv6 client, add these two lines to [."
-msgstr ""
-"Para configurar un sistema FreeBSD como un cliente IPv6, añade estas dos "
-"líneas a [.filename]#rc.conf#:"
-#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2874
-#, no-wrap
-msgid ""
-"ifconfig_rl0_ipv6=\"inet6 accept_rtadv\"\n"
-msgstr ""
-"ifconfig_rl0_ipv6=\"inet6 accept_rtadv\"\n"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2878
-msgid ""
-"The first line enables the specified interface to receive router "
-"advertisement messages. The second line enables the router solicitation "
-"daemon, man:rtsol[8]."
-msgstr ""
-"La primera línea habilita a la interfaz especificada a recibir mensajes de "
-"aviso del router. La segunda línea habilita el demonio de peticiones del "
-"router, man:rtsol[8]."
-#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2880
-msgid ""
-"If the interface needs a statically assigned IPv6 address, add an entry to "
-"specify the static address and associated prefix length:"
-msgstr ""
-"Si el interfaz necesita una dirección IPv6 asignada estáticamente, añade una "
-"entrada para especificar la dirección estática y la longitud de prefijo "
-#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2884
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "ifconfig_rl0_ipv6=\"inet6 2001:db8:4672:6565:2026:5043:2d42:5344 prefixlen 64\"\n"
-msgstr "ifconfig_rl0_ipv6=\"inet6 2001:db8:4672:6565:2026:5043:2d42:5344 prefixlen 64\"\n"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2887
-msgid "To assign a default router, specify its address:"
-msgstr "Para asignar un router por defecto, especifica su dirección:"
-#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2891
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "ipv6_defaultrouter=\"2001:db8:4672:6565::1\"\n"
-msgstr "ipv6_defaultrouter=\"2001:db8:4672:6565::1\"\n"
-#. type: Title ===
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2893
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Connecting to a Provider"
-msgstr "Conectando con un Proveedor"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2896
-msgid ""
-"In order to connect to other IPv6 networks, one must have a provider or a "
-"tunnel that supports IPv6:"
-msgstr ""
-"Para conectar con otras redes IPv6, se debe tener un proveedor o un túnel "
-"que soporte IPv6:"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2898
-msgid "Contact an Internet Service Provider to see if they offer IPv6."
-msgstr ""
-"Contacta con un Proveedor de Servicio de Internet para ver si ofrecen IPv6."
-#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2899
-msgid ""
-"http://www.tunnelbroker.net[Hurricane Electric] offers tunnels with end-"
-"points all around the globe."
-msgstr ""
-"http://www.tunnelbroker.net[Hurricane Electric] ofrece túneles con extremos "
-"en todo el mundo."
-#. type: delimited block = 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2903
-msgid ""
-"Install the package:net/freenet6[] package or port for a dial-up connection."
-msgstr ""
-"Instala el port o paquete package:net/freenet6[] para una conexión tipo "
-#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2906
-msgid ""
-"This section demonstrates how to take the directions from a tunnel provider "
-"and convert them into [.filename]#/etc/rc.conf# settings that will persist "
-"through reboots."
-msgstr ""
-"Esta sección muestra cómo tomar las direcciones desde un proveedor de túnel "
-"y convertirlas en configuración apta para [.filename]#/etc/rc.conf# que "
-"persistirá a pesar de los reinicios."
-#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2908
-msgid ""
-"The first [.filename]#/etc/rc.conf# entry creates the generic tunneling "
-"interface [.filename]#gif0#:"
-msgstr ""
-"La primera entrada en [.filename]#/etc/rc.conf# crear una interfaz de túnel "
-"genérica [.filename]#gif0#:"
-#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2912
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "cloned_interfaces=\"gif0\"\n"
-msgstr "cloned_interfaces=\"gif0\"\n"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2916
-msgid ""
-"Next, configure that interface with the IPv4 addresses of the local and "
-"remote endpoints. Replace `_MY_IPv4_ADDR_` and `_REMOTE_IPv4_ADDR_` with "
-"the actual IPv4 addresses:"
-msgstr ""
-"Luego, configura la interfaz con la dirección IPv4 de los extremos local y "
-"remoto. Reemplaza `_MY_IPv4_ADDR_` y `_REMOTE_IPv4_ADDR_` con las "
-"direcciones IPv4 reales:"
-#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2920
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "create_args_gif0=\"tunnel MY_IPv4_ADDR REMOTE_IPv4_ADDR\"\n"
-msgstr "create_args_gif0=\"tunnel MY_IPv4_ADDR REMOTE_IPv4_ADDR\"\n"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2923
-msgid ""
-"To apply the IPv6 address that has been assigned for use as the IPv6 tunnel "
-"endpoint, add this line, replacing `_MY_ASSIGNED_IPv6_TUNNEL_ENDPOINT_ADDR_` "
-"with the assigned address:"
-msgstr ""
-"Para aplicar la dirección IPv6 que ha sido asignada como extremo del túnel "
-"IPv6, añade esta línea, reemplazando "
-"`_MY_ASSIGNED_IPv6_TUNNEL_ENDPOINT_ADDR_` con la dirección asignada:"
-#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2927
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "ifconfig_gif0_ipv6=\"inet6 MY_ASSIGNED_IPv6_TUNNEL_ENDPOINT_ADDR\"\n"
-msgstr "ifconfig_gif0_ipv6=\"inet6 MY_ASSIGNED_IPv6_TUNNEL_ENDPOINT_ADDR\"\n"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2931
-msgid ""
-"Then, set the default route for the other side of the IPv6 tunnel. Replace "
-"`_MY_IPv6_REMOTE_TUNNEL_ENDPOINT_ADDR_` with the default gateway address "
-"assigned by the provider:"
-msgstr ""
-"Después, establece la ruta por defecto para el otro lado del túnel IPv6. "
-"Reemplaza `_MY_IPv6_REMOTE_TUNNEL_ENDPOINT_ADDR_` con la dirección del "
-"gateway por defecto asignado por el proveedor:"
-#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2935
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "ipv6_defaultrouter=\"MY_IPv6_REMOTE_TUNNEL_ENDPOINT_ADDR\"\n"
-msgstr "ipv6_defaultrouter=\"MY_IPv6_REMOTE_TUNNEL_ENDPOINT_ADDR\"\n"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2938
-msgid ""
-"If the FreeBSD system will route IPv6 packets between the rest of the "
-"network and the world, enable the gateway using this line:"
-msgstr ""
-"Si el sistema FreeBSD va a enruta paquetes IPv6 entre la red y el resto del "
-"mundo, activa el gateway usando esta línea:"
-#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2942
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "ipv6_gateway_enable=\"YES\"\n"
-msgstr "ipv6_gateway_enable=\"YES\"\n"
-#. type: Title ===
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2944
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Router Advertisement and Host Auto Configuration"
-msgstr "Avisos del Router y Auto Configuración del Host"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2947
-msgid ""
-"This section demonstrates how to setup man:rtadvd[8] to advertise the IPv6 "
-"default route."
-msgstr ""
-"Esta sección muestra cómo configurar man:rtadvd[8] para anunciar el router "
-"por defecto de IPv6."
-#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2949
-msgid ""
-"To enable man:rtadvd[8], add the following to [.filename]#/etc/rc.conf#:"
-msgstr ""
-"Para habilitar man:rtadvd[8], añade lo siguiente a [.filename]#/etc/rc.conf#:"
-#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2953
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "rtadvd_enable=\"YES\"\n"
-msgstr "rtadvd_enable=\"YES\"\n"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2957
-msgid ""
-"It is important to specify the interface on which to do IPv6 router "
-"advertisement. For example, to tell man:rtadvd[8] to use [.filename]#rl0#:"
-msgstr ""
-"Es importante especificar la interfaz en la que hacer los anuncios IPv6. Por "
-"ejemplo, para decirle a man:rtadvd[8] que use [.filename]#rl0#:"
-#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2961
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "rtadvd_interfaces=\"rl0\"\n"
-msgstr "rtadvd_interfaces=\"rl0\"\n"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2964
-msgid ""
-"Next, create the configuration file, [.filename]#/etc/rtadvd.conf# as seen "
-"in this example:"
-msgstr ""
-"Después, crea el fichero de configuración, [.filename]#/etc/rtadvd.conf#, "
-"como se ve en este ejemplo:"
-#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2969
-#, no-wrap
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2972
-msgid ""
-"Replace [.filename]#rl0# with the interface to be used and `2001:"
-"db8:1f11:246::` with the prefix of the allocation."
-msgstr ""
-"Reemplaza [.filename]#rl0# con la interfaz que se usará y `2001:"
-"db8:1f11:246::` con el prefijo de la asignación."
-#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2975
-msgid ""
-"For a dedicated `/64` subnet, nothing else needs to be changed. Otherwise, "
-"change the `prefixlen#` to the correct value."
-msgstr ""
-"Para una subred `/64` dedicada, no se necesita cambiar nada. Por el "
-"contrario, cambia `prefixlen#` al valor correcto."
-#. type: Title ===
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2976
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "IPv6 and IPv4 Address Mapping"
-msgstr "Mapeo de Direcciones IPv6 y IPv4"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2981
-msgid ""
-"When IPv6 is enabled on a server, there may be a need to enable IPv4 mapped "
-"IPv6 address communication. This compatibility option allows for IPv4 "
-"addresses to be represented as IPv6 addresses. Permitting IPv6 applications "
-"to communicate with IPv4 and vice versa may be a security issue."
-msgstr ""
-"Cuando se activa IPv6 en un servidor, podría necesitarse habilitar los "
-"mapeos de IPv4 a IPv6. Esta opción de compatibilidad permite a las "
-"direcciones IPv4 ser representadas como direcciones IPv6. Permitir a "
-"aplicaciones IPv6 comunicarse con IPv4 y viceversa podría ser un problema de "
-#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2986
-msgid ""
-"This option may not be required in most cases and is available only for "
-"compatibility. This option will allow IPv6-only applications to work with "
-"IPv4 in a dual stack environment. This is most useful for third party "
-"applications which may not support an IPv6-only environment. To enable this "
-"feature, add the following to [.filename]#/etc/rc.conf#:"
-msgstr ""
-"Esta opción podría no ser necesaria en la mayoría de los casos y sólo está "
-"disponible por compatibilidad. Esta opción permitirá a las aplicaciones que "
-"sólo funcionan con IPv6 trabajar con IPv4 en un entorno de pila doble. Esto "
-"es útil principalmente para aplicaciones de terceros que podrían no soportar "
-"entornos sólo IPv6. Para habilitar esta característica, añade los siguiente "
-"a [.filename]#/etc/rc.conf#:"
-#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2990
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "ipv6_ipv4mapping=\"YES\"\n"
-msgstr "ipv6_ipv4mapping=\"YES\"\n"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2993
-msgid ""
-"Reviewing the information in RFC 3493, section 3.6 and 3.7 as well as RFC "
-"4038 section 4.2 may be useful to some administrators."
-msgstr ""
-"Revisar la información en el RFC 3493, sección 3.6 y 3.7 así como el RFC "
-"4038 sección 4.2 podría ser de utilidad para algunos administradores."
-#. type: Title ==
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2995
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2186
#, no-wrap
msgid "Common Address Redundancy Protocol (CARP)"
msgstr "Common Address Redundancy Protocol (CARP)"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2999
+#. type: delimited block * 4
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2190
msgid ""
"The Common Address Redundancy Protocol (CARP) allows multiple hosts to share "
"the same IP address and Virtual Host ID (VHID) in order to provide _high "
@@ -8026,8 +5756,8 @@ msgstr ""
"que uno o más hosts pueden fallar, y los otros hosts se harán cargo de forma "
"transparente de forma que los usuarios no verán un fallo de servicio."
-#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:3003
+#. type: delimited block * 4
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2194
msgid ""
"In addition to the shared IP address, each host has its own IP address for "
"management and configuration. All of the machines that share an IP address "
@@ -8039,8 +5769,8 @@ msgstr ""
"IP tienen el mismo VHID. El VHID para cada dirección IP virtual debe ser "
"única en el dominio broadcast del interfaz de red."
-#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:3006
+#. type: delimited block * 4
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2197
msgid ""
"High availability using CARP is built into FreeBSD, though the steps to "
"configure it vary slightly depending upon the FreeBSD version. This section "
@@ -8052,8 +5782,8 @@ msgstr ""
"Esta sección proporciona la misma configuración de ejemplo para versiones "
"anteriores, iguales o posteriores a FreeBSD 10."
-#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:3009
+#. type: delimited block * 4
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2200
msgid ""
"This example configures failover support with three hosts, all with unique "
"IP addresses, but providing the same web content. It has two different "
@@ -8065,8 +5795,8 @@ msgstr ""
"maestros diferentes llamados `hosta.example.org` y `hostb.example.org`, con "
"un respaldo compartido llamado `hostc.example.org`."
-#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:3016
+#. type: delimited block * 4
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2207
msgid ""
"These machines are load balanced with a Round Robin DNS configuration. The "
"master and backup machines are configured identically except for their "
@@ -8090,13 +5820,13 @@ msgstr ""
"la dirección IP de la máquina del maestro que haya fallado."
#. type: Title ===
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:3018
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2209
#, no-wrap
msgid "Using CARP on FreeBSD 10 and Later"
msgstr "Usando CARP en FreeBSD 10 y Posterior"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:3021
+#. type: delimited block * 4
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2212
msgid ""
"Enable boot-time support for CARP by adding an entry for the [."
"filename]#carp.ko# kernel module in [.filename]#/boot/loader.conf#:"
@@ -8105,27 +5835,27 @@ msgstr ""
"módulo del kernel [.filename]#carp.ko# en [.filename]#/boot/loader.conf#:"
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:3025
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2216
#, no-wrap
msgid "carp_load=\"YES\"\n"
msgstr "carp_load=\"YES\"\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:3028
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:3109
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2219
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2300
msgid "To load the module now without rebooting:"
msgstr "Para cargar el módulo ahora sin reiniciar:"
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:3032
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:3113
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2223
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2304
#, no-wrap
msgid "# kldload carp\n"
msgstr "# kldload carp\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:3035
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:3116
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2226
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2307
msgid ""
"For users who prefer to use a custom kernel, include the following line in "
"the custom kernel configuration file and compile the kernel as described in "
@@ -8137,14 +5867,14 @@ msgstr ""
"el Kernel de FreeBSD]:"
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:3039
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:3120
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2230
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2311
#, no-wrap
msgid "device\tcarp\n"
msgstr "device\tcarp\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:3042
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2233
msgid ""
"The hostname, management IP address and subnet mask, shared IP address, and "
"VHID are all set by adding entries to [.filename]#/etc/rc.conf#. This "
@@ -8155,7 +5885,7 @@ msgstr ""
"filename]#/etc/rc.conf#. Este ejemplo es para `hosta.example.org`:"
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:3048
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2239
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -8167,7 +5897,7 @@ msgstr ""
"ifconfig_em0_alias0=\"inet vhid 1 pass testpass alias\"\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:3053
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2244
msgid ""
"The next set of entries are for `hostb.example.org`. Since it represents a "
"second master, it uses a different shared IP address and VHID. However, the "
@@ -8181,7 +5911,7 @@ msgstr ""
"máquinas que tengan la contraseña correcta."
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:3059
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2250
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -8193,7 +5923,7 @@ msgstr ""
"ifconfig_em0_alias0=\"inet vhid 2 pass testpass alias\"\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:3064
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2255
msgid ""
"The third machine, `hostc.example.org`, is configured to handle failover "
"from either master. This machine is configured with two CARPVHIDs, one to "
@@ -8211,7 +5941,7 @@ msgstr ""
"de reemplazo."
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:3071
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2262
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -8225,7 +5955,7 @@ msgstr ""
"ifconfig_em0_alias1=\"inet vhid 2 advskew 100 pass testpass alias\"\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:3075
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2266
msgid ""
"Having two CARPVHIDs configured means that `hostc.example.org` will notice "
"if either of the master servers becomes unavailable. If a master fails to "
@@ -8239,7 +5969,7 @@ msgstr ""
"disponible de nuevo."
#. type: delimited block = 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:3082
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2273
msgid ""
"If the original master server becomes available again, `hostc.example.org` "
"will not release the virtual IP address back to it automatically. For this "
@@ -8256,14 +5986,14 @@ msgstr ""
"devuelva la dirección IP al maestro:"
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:3086
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2277
#, no-wrap
msgid "# ifconfig em0 vhid 1 state backup\n"
msgstr "# ifconfig em0 vhid 1 state backup\n"
#. type: delimited block = 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:3092
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:3178
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2283
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2369
msgid ""
"Once the configuration is complete, either restart networking or reboot each "
"system. High availability is now enabled."
@@ -8272,7 +6002,7 @@ msgstr ""
"sistema. Ahora la alta disponibilidad está habilitada."
#. type: delimited block = 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:3095
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2286
msgid ""
"CARP functionality can be controlled via several man:sysctl[8] variables "
"documented in the man:carp[4] manual pages. Other actions can be triggered "
@@ -8283,13 +6013,13 @@ msgstr ""
"pueden disparar otras acciones a partir de eventos CARP usando man:devd[8]."
#. type: Title ===
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:3097
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2288
#, no-wrap
msgid "Using CARP on FreeBSD 9 and Earlier"
msgstr "Usando CARP en FreeBSD 9 y Anteriores"
#. type: delimited block = 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:3100
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2291
msgid ""
"The configuration for these versions of FreeBSD is similar to the one "
"described in the previous section, except that a CARP device must first be "
@@ -8300,7 +6030,7 @@ msgstr ""
"CARP y hacer referencia a él en la configuración."
#. type: delimited block = 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:3102
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2293
msgid ""
"Enable boot-time support for CARP by loading the [.filename]#if_carp.ko# "
"kernel module in [.filename]#/boot/loader.conf#:"
@@ -8309,24 +6039,24 @@ msgstr ""
"filename]#if_carp.ko# en [.filename]#/boot/loader.conf#:"
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:3106
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2297
#, no-wrap
msgid "if_carp_load=\"YES\"\n"
msgstr "if_carp_load=\"YES\"\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:3123
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2314
msgid "Next, on each host, create a CARP device:"
msgstr "Después, en cada host, crea un dispositivo CARP:"
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:3127
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2318
#, no-wrap
msgid "# ifconfig carp0 create\n"
msgstr "# ifconfig carp0 create\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:3132
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2323
msgid ""
"Set the hostname, management IP address, the shared IP address, and VHID by "
"adding the required lines to [.filename]#/etc/rc.conf#. Since a virtual "
@@ -8340,7 +6070,7 @@ msgstr ""
"para `hosta.example.org`:"
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:3139
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2330
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -8354,12 +6084,12 @@ msgstr ""
"ifconfig_carp0=\"vhid 1 pass testpass\"\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:3142
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2333
msgid "On `hostb.example.org`:"
msgstr "En `hostb.example.org`:"
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:3149
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2340
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -8373,7 +6103,7 @@ msgstr ""
"ifconfig_carp0=\"vhid 2 pass testpass\"\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:3152
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2343
msgid ""
"The third machine, `hostc.example.org`, is configured to handle failover "
"from either of the master hosts:"
@@ -8382,7 +6112,7 @@ msgstr ""
"failover de cualquiera de los hosts maestros:"
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:3160
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2351
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -8398,7 +6128,7 @@ msgstr ""
"ifconfig_carp1=\"vhid 2 advskew 100 pass testpass\"\n"
#. type: delimited block = 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:3167
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2358
msgid ""
"Preemption is disabled in the [.filename]#GENERIC# FreeBSD kernel. If "
"preemption has been enabled with a custom kernel, `hostc.example.org` may "
@@ -8413,13 +6143,13 @@ msgstr ""
"dirección IP al maestro con el comando:"
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:3171
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2362
#, no-wrap
msgid "# ifconfig carp0 down && ifconfig carp0 up\n"
msgstr "# ifconfig carp0 down && ifconfig carp0 up\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:3174
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2365
msgid ""
"This should be done on the [.filename]#carp# interface which corresponds to "
"the correct host."
@@ -8428,13 +6158,13 @@ msgstr ""
"con el host correcto."
#. type: Title ==
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:3180
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2371
#, no-wrap
msgid "VLANs"
msgstr "VLANs"
#. type: delimited block = 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:3184
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2375
msgid ""
"VLANs are a way of virtually dividing up a network into many different "
"subnetworks, also referred to as segmenting. Each segment will have its own "
@@ -8445,7 +6175,7 @@ msgstr ""
"broadcast y está aislado de otras VLANs."
#. type: delimited block = 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:3187
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2378
msgid ""
"On FreeBSD, VLANs must be supported by the network card driver. To see "
"which drivers support vlans, refer to the man:vlan[4] manual page."
@@ -8455,7 +6185,7 @@ msgstr ""
"página de manual man:vlan[4]."
#. type: delimited block = 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:3190
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2381
msgid ""
"When configuring a VLAN, a couple pieces of information must be known. "
"First, which network interface? Second, what is the VLAN tag?"
@@ -8464,7 +6194,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Primero, ¿qué interfaz de red? Segundo, ¿cuál es la etiqueta de la VLAN?"
#. type: delimited block = 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:3192
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2383
msgid ""
"To configure VLANs at run time, with a NIC of `em0` and a VLAN tag of `5` "
"the command would look like this:"
@@ -8473,13 +6203,13 @@ msgstr ""
"etiqueta de VLAN de `5` el comando se parecería a este:"
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:3196
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2387
#, no-wrap
msgid "# ifconfig em0.5 create vlan 5 vlandev em0 inet\n"
msgstr "# ifconfig em0.5 create vlan 5 vlandev em0 inet\n"
#. type: delimited block = 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:3201
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2392
msgid ""
"See how the interface name includes the NIC driver name and the VLAN tag, "
"separated by a period? This is a best practice to make maintaining the VLAN "
@@ -8491,7 +6221,7 @@ msgstr ""
"muchas VLANs en la máquina."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:3205
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2396
msgid ""
"To configure VLANs at boot time, [.filename]#/etc/rc.conf# must be updated. "
"To duplicate the configuration above, the following will need to be added:"
@@ -8501,7 +6231,7 @@ msgstr ""
"lo siguiente:"
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:3210
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2401
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -8511,7 +6241,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:3213
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2404
msgid ""
"Additional VLANs may be added, by simply adding the tag to the `vlans_em0` "
"field and adding an additional line configuring the network on that VLAN "
@@ -8522,7 +6252,7 @@ msgstr ""
"interfaz de esa etiqueta VLAN."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:3217
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2408
msgid ""
"It is useful to assign a symbolic name to an interface so that when the "
"associated hardware is changed, only a few configuration variables need to "
@@ -8535,11 +6265,11 @@ msgstr ""
"hardware asociado cambie, sólo se necesiten actualizar unas pocas variables "
"de configuración. Por ejemplo, las cámaras de seguridad necesitan ejecutarse "
"sobre VLAN 1 en `em0`. Después, si la tarjeta `em0` es reemplazada con una "
-"tarjeta que utiliza el controlador man:ixgb[4], no habrá que cambiar a `ixgb0"
-".1` todas las referencias a `em0.1`."
+"tarjeta que utiliza el controlador man:ixgb[4], no habrá que cambiar a "
+"`ixgb0.1` todas las referencias a `em0.1`."
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:3219
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2410
msgid ""
"To configure VLAN `5`, on the NIC `em0`, assign the interface name "
"`cameras`, and assign the interface an IP address of `_192.168.20.20_` with "
@@ -8550,24 +6280,24 @@ msgstr ""
"prefijo de `24` bits, usa este comando:"
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:3223
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2414
#, no-wrap
msgid "# ifconfig em0.5 create vlan 5 vlandev em0 name cameras inet\n"
msgstr "# ifconfig em0.5 create vlan 5 vlandev em0 name cameras inet\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:3226
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2417
msgid "For an interface named `video`, use the following:"
msgstr "Para un interfaz llamado `video`, usa lo siguiente:"
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:3230
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2421
#, no-wrap
msgid "# ifconfig video.5 create vlan 5 vlandev video name cameras inet\n"
msgstr "# ifconfig video.5 create vlan 5 vlandev video name cameras inet\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:3233
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2424
msgid ""
"To apply the changes at boot time, add the following lines to [.filename]#/"
@@ -8576,7 +6306,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: delimited block . 4
-#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:3239
+#: documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc:2430
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -8587,6 +6317,2002 @@ msgstr ""
"create_args_cameras=\"vlan 5\"\n"
+#~ msgid "How to set up IPv6 on a FreeBSD machine."
+#~ msgstr "Cómo configurar IPv6 en una máquina FreeBSD."
+#, no-wrap
+#~ msgid "Wireless Networking"
+#~ msgstr "Redes Inalámbricas"
+#, no-wrap
+#~ msgid "Wireless Networking Basics"
+#~ msgstr "Fundamentos de Redes Inalámbricas"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Most wireless networks are based on the IEEE(R) 802.11 standards. A "
+#~ "basic wireless network consists of multiple stations communicating with "
+#~ "radios that broadcast in either the 2.4GHz or 5GHz band, though this "
+#~ "varies according to the locale and is also changing to enable "
+#~ "communication in the 2.3GHz and 4.9GHz ranges."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "La mayoría de las redes inalámbricas se basan en los estándares IEEE(R) "
+#~ "802.11. Una red inalámbrica básica consiste en varias estaciones que se "
+#~ "comunican con radios que emiten en las bandas de 2.4GHz o 5GHz, aunque "
+#~ "esto varía dependiendo del locale y también está cambiando para habilitar "
+#~ "la comunicación en los rangos 2.3GHz y 4.9GHz."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "802.11 networks are organized in two ways. In _infrastructure mode_, one "
+#~ "station acts as a master with all the other stations associating to it, "
+#~ "the network is known as a BSS, and the master station is termed an access "
+#~ "point (AP). In a BSS, all communication passes through the AP; even when "
+#~ "one station wants to communicate with another wireless station, messages "
+#~ "must go through the AP. In the second form of network, there is no "
+#~ "master and stations communicate directly. This form of network is termed "
+#~ "an IBSS and is commonly known as an _ad-hoc network_."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Las redes 802.11 se organizan de dos maneras. En el _modo "
+#~ "infraestructura_, una estación actúa como maestro y las demás estaciones "
+#~ "se asocian a ella, la red se conoce como un BSS, y la estación maestra se "
+#~ "denomina punto de acceso (AP). En un BSS, toda la comunicación pasa a "
+#~ "través del AP; incluso cuando una estación se quiere comunicar con otra "
+#~ "estación inalámbrica, los mensajes deben ir a través del AP. En el "
+#~ "segundo modo de la red, no hay maestro y las estaciones se comunican "
+#~ "directamente. Esta forma de red se denomina IBSS y se conoce comúnmente "
+#~ "como una _red ad-hoc_."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "802.11 networks were first deployed in the 2.4GHz band using protocols "
+#~ "defined by the IEEE(R) 802.11 and 802.11b standard. These specifications "
+#~ "include the operating frequencies and the MAC layer characteristics, "
+#~ "including framing and transmission rates, as communication can occur at "
+#~ "various rates. Later, the 802.11a standard defined operation in the 5GHz "
+#~ "band, including different signaling mechanisms and higher transmission "
+#~ "rates. Still later, the 802.11g standard defined the use of 802.11a "
+#~ "signaling and transmission mechanisms in the 2.4GHz band in such a way as "
+#~ "to be backwards compatible with 802.11b networks."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Las redes 802.11 se desplegaron por primera vez en la banda 2.4GHz usando "
+#~ "protocolos definidos por los estándares 802.11 y 802.11b de IEEE(R). "
+#~ "Estas especificaciones incluyen las frecuencias de operación y las "
+#~ "características de la capa MAC, incluyendo las tasas \"framing\" y de "
+#~ "transmisión, ya que la comunicación puede ocurrir a diferentes "
+#~ "velocidades. Posteriormente el estándar 802.11a definió la operación en "
+#~ "la banda 5GHz, incluyendo diferentes mecanismos de señalización y tasas "
+#~ "de transmisión más elevadas. Algo más tarde, el estándar 802.11g definió "
+#~ "el uso de los mecanismos de transmisión y señalización de 802.11a en la "
+#~ "banda de 2.4GHz de tal modo que fuera compatible hacia atrás con las "
+#~ "redes 802.11b."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Separate from the underlying transmission techniques, 802.11 networks "
+#~ "have a variety of security mechanisms. The original 802.11 "
+#~ "specifications defined a simple security protocol called WEP. This "
+#~ "protocol uses a fixed pre-shared key and the RC4 cryptographic cipher to "
+#~ "encode data transmitted on a network. Stations must all agree on the "
+#~ "fixed key in order to communicate. This scheme was shown to be easily "
+#~ "broken and is now rarely used except to discourage transient users from "
+#~ "joining networks. Current security practice is given by the IEEE(R) "
+#~ "802.11i specification that defines new cryptographic ciphers and an "
+#~ "additional protocol to authenticate stations to an access point and "
+#~ "exchange keys for data communication. Cryptographic keys are "
+#~ "periodically refreshed and there are mechanisms for detecting and "
+#~ "countering intrusion attempts. Another security protocol specification "
+#~ "commonly used in wireless networks is termed WPA, which was a precursor "
+#~ "to 802.11i. WPA specifies a subset of the requirements found in 802.11i "
+#~ "and is designed for implementation on legacy hardware. Specifically, WPA "
+#~ "requires only the TKIP cipher that is derived from the original WEP "
+#~ "cipher. 802.11i permits use of TKIP but also requires support for a "
+#~ "stronger cipher, AES-CCM, for encrypting data. The AES cipher was not "
+#~ "required in WPA because it was deemed too computationally costly to be "
+#~ "implemented on legacy hardware."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "De forma separada de las técnicas de transmisión subyacentes, las redes "
+#~ "802.11 tienen un conjunto de mecanismos de seguridad. Las "
+#~ "especificaciones 802.11 originales definían un protocolo de seguridad "
+#~ "sencillo denominado WEP. Este protocolo utiliza una clave compartida "
+#~ "prefijada y el codificador criptográfico RC4 para codificar los datos "
+#~ "transmitidos por la red. Todas las estaciones deben ponerse de acuerdo en "
+#~ "la clave fijada para poder comunicarse. Se ha demostrado que este esquema "
+#~ "se puede romper fácilmente y actualmente no se usa salvo para "
+#~ "desaconsejar a algunos usuarios que se conecten a algunas redes. La "
+#~ "práctica de seguridad actual se fija por la especificación IEEE(R) "
+#~ "802.11i que define nuevos codificadores criptográficos y un protocolo "
+#~ "adicional para autenticar estaciones contra un punto de acceso e "
+#~ "intercambiar claves para realizar la comunicación. Las claves "
+#~ "criptográficas se refrescan periódicamente y hay mecanismos para detectar "
+#~ "y contrarrestar intentos de intrusión. Otra especificación de protocolo "
+#~ "de seguridad que se usa en redes inalámbricas habitualmente se denomina "
+#~ "WPA, que fue un precursos de 802.11i. WPA especifica un subconjunto de "
+#~ "los requisitos que se encuentran en 802.11i y está diseñado para poder se "
+#~ "implementado en hardware heredado. Específicamente, WPA sólo requiere el "
+#~ "codificador TKIP que se deriva del codificador original WEP. 802.11i "
+#~ "permite el uso de TKIP pero también requiere soporte para un codificador "
+#~ "más fuerte, AES-CCM, para encriptar los datos. El codificador AES no era "
+#~ "necesario en WPA porque se consideraba demasiado costoso "
+#~ "computacionalmente como para se implementado en hardware heredado."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The other standard to be aware of is 802.11e. It defines protocols for "
+#~ "deploying multimedia applications, such as streaming video and voice over "
+#~ "IP (VoIP), in an 802.11 network. Like 802.11i, 802.11e also has a "
+#~ "precursor specification termed WME (later renamed WMM) that has been "
+#~ "defined by an industry group as a subset of 802.11e that can be deployed "
+#~ "now to enable multimedia applications while waiting for the final "
+#~ "ratification of 802.11e. The most important thing to know about 802.11e "
+#~ "and WME/WMM is that it enables prioritized traffic over a wireless "
+#~ "network through Quality of Service (QoS) protocols and enhanced media "
+#~ "access protocols. Proper implementation of these protocols enables high "
+#~ "speed bursting of data and prioritized traffic flow."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "El otro estándar que hay que considerar es 802.11e. Define protocolos "
+#~ "para desplegar aplicaciones multimedia, como streaming de voz y vídeo "
+#~ "sobre IP (VoIP), en una red 802.11. Al igual que 802.11i, 802.11e también "
+#~ "tiene una especificación precedente llamada WME (posteriormente "
+#~ "renombrada a WMM) que ha sido definida por un grupo industrial como un "
+#~ "subconjunto de 802.11e que se puede desplegar actualmente para habilitar "
+#~ "aplicaciones multimedia mientras se espera a la ratificación final de "
+#~ "802.11e. Lo más importante que hay que saber acerca de 802.11e y WME/WMM "
+#~ "es que habilita la priorización de tráfico sobre redes inalámbricas "
+#~ "mediante protocolos de tipo Calidad de Servicio (QoS) y mejora los "
+#~ "protocolos de acceso a medios. La implementación adecuada de estos "
+#~ "protocolos habilita los picos de datos de alta velocidad y flujos de "
+#~ "tráfico priorizados."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "FreeBSD supports networks that operate using 802.11a, 802.11b, and "
+#~ "802.11g. The WPA and 802.11i security protocols are likewise supported "
+#~ "(in conjunction with any of 11a, 11b, and 11g) and QoS and traffic "
+#~ "prioritization required by the WME/WMM protocols are supported for a "
+#~ "limited set of wireless devices."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "FreeBSD soporta redes que operan usando 802.11a, 802.11b, y 802.11g. Los "
+#~ "protocolos de seguridad WPA y 802.11i también están soportados (junto con "
+#~ "cualquiera de 11a, 11b, y 11g) y QoS y la priorización de tráfico "
+#~ "necesarios para los protocolos WME/WMM están soportados para un conjunto "
+#~ "limitado de dispositivos inalámbricos."
+#, no-wrap
+#~ msgid "Quick Start"
+#~ msgstr "Inicio rápido"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Connecting a computer to an existing wireless network is a very common "
+#~ "situation. This procedure shows the steps required."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Conectar un ordenador a una red inalámbrica existente es una situación "
+#~ "muy común. Este procedimiento muestra los pasos necesarios."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Obtain the SSID (Service Set Identifier) and PSK (Pre-Shared Key) for the "
+#~ "wireless network from the network administrator."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Obtén el SSID (Service Set Identifier) y PSK (Pre-Shared Key) para la red "
+#~ "inalámbrica a través del administrador de la red."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Identify the wireless adapter. The FreeBSD [.filename]#GENERIC# kernel "
+#~ "includes drivers for many common wireless adapters. If the wireless "
+#~ "adapter is one of those models, it will be listed in the man:sysctl[8] "
+#~ "`net.wlan.devices` variable:"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Identifica el adaptador inalámbrico. El kernel [.filename]#GENERIC# de "
+#~ "FreeBSD incluye controladores para muchos adaptadores inalámbricos "
+#~ "habituales. Si el adaptador inalámbrico es uno de esos modelos aparecerá "
+#~ "en la lista de la variable `net.wlan.devices` de man:sysctl[8]:"
+#, no-wrap
+#~ msgid "% sysctl net.wlan.devices\n"
+#~ msgstr "% sysctl net.wlan.devices\n"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If a wireless adapter is not listed, an additional kernel module might be "
+#~ "required, or it might be a model not supported by FreeBSD."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Si un adaptador inalámbrico no aparece en la lista, podrían ser "
+#~ "necesarios módulos adicionales para el kernel, o podría ser un modelo no "
+#~ "soportado por FreeBSD."
+#~ msgid "This example shows the Atheros `ath0` wireless adapter."
+#~ msgstr "Este ejemplo muestra el adaptador inalámbrico Atheros `ath0`."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Add an entry for this network to [.filename]#/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf#. "
+#~ "If the file does not exist, create it. Replace _myssid_ and _mypsk_ with "
+#~ "the SSID and PSK provided by the network administrator."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Añade una entrada para esta red en [.filename]#/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf#. "
+#~ "Si el fichero no existe, créalo. Sustituye _myssid_ y _mypsk_ con el SSID "
+#~ "y el PSK proporcionado por el administrador de red."
+#, no-wrap
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "network={\n"
+#~ "\tssid=\"myssid\"\n"
+#~ "\tpsk=\"mypsk\"\n"
+#~ "}\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "network={\n"
+#~ "\tssid=\"myssid\"\n"
+#~ "\tpsk=\"mypsk\"\n"
+#~ "}\n"
+#, no-wrap
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "wlans_ath0=\"wlan0\"\n"
+#~ "ifconfig_wlan0=\"WPA SYNCDHCP\"\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "wlans_ath0=\"wlan0\"\n"
+#~ "ifconfig_wlan0=\"WPA SYNCDHCP\"\n"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Restart the computer, or restart the network service to connect to the "
+#~ "network:"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Reinicia el ordenador, o reinicia el servicio de red para conectar a la "
+#~ "red:"
+#, no-wrap
+#~ msgid "# service netif restart\n"
+#~ msgstr "# service netif restart\n"
+#, no-wrap
+#~ msgid "Basic Setup"
+#~ msgstr "Configuración Básica"
+#, no-wrap
+#~ msgid "Kernel Configuration"
+#~ msgstr "Configuración del kernel"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "To use wireless networking, a wireless networking card is needed and the "
+#~ "kernel needs to be configured with the appropriate wireless networking "
+#~ "support. The kernel is separated into multiple modules so that only the "
+#~ "required support needs to be configured."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Para usar redes inalámbricas, se necesita una tarjeta de red inalámbrica "
+#~ "y el kernel necesita estar configurado con el soporte de red apropiado "
+#~ "para redes inalámbricas. El kernel está separado en múltiples módulos de "
+#~ "forma que sólo se necesita configurar el suporte necesario."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The most commonly used wireless devices are those that use parts made by "
+#~ "Atheros. These devices are supported by man:ath[4] and require the "
+#~ "following line to be added to [.filename]#/boot/loader.conf#:"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Los dispositivos inalámbricos más utilizados son aquellos que utilizan "
+#~ "partes fabricadas por Atheros. Estos dispositivos están soportados por "
+#~ "man:ath[4] y requieren la siguiente línea en [.filename]#/boot/loader."
+#~ "conf#:"
+#, no-wrap
+#~ msgid "if_ath_load=\"YES\"\n"
+#~ msgstr "if_ath_load=\"YES\"\n"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The Atheros driver is split up into three separate pieces: the driver "
+#~ "(man:ath[4]), the hardware support layer that handles chip-specific "
+#~ "functions (man:ath_hal[4]), and an algorithm for selecting the rate for "
+#~ "transmitting frames. When this support is loaded as kernel modules, any "
+#~ "dependencies are automatically handled. To load support for a different "
+#~ "type of wireless device, specify the module for that device. This "
+#~ "example is for devices based on the Intersil Prism parts (man:wi[4]) "
+#~ "driver:"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "El controlador Atheros está separado en tres piezas independientes: el "
+#~ "controlador (man:ath[4]), la capa de soporte hardware que maneja "
+#~ "funciones específicas del chip (man:ath_hal[4]), y el algoritmo para "
+#~ "seleccionar la tasa de transmisión de marcos (frames). Cuando se carga "
+#~ "este soporte como módulos del kernel, cualquier dependencia se maneja de "
+#~ "forma automática. Para cargar soporte para un tipo de dispositivo "
+#~ "inalámbrico distinto, especifica el módulo para dicho dispositivo. Este "
+#~ "ejemplo es para dispositivos basados en el controlador Intersil Prism "
+#~ "(man:wi[i]):"
+#, no-wrap
+#~ msgid "if_wi_load=\"YES\"\n"
+#~ msgstr "if_wi_load=\"YES\"\n"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The examples in this section use an man:ath[4] device and the device name "
+#~ "in the examples must be changed according to the configuration. A list "
+#~ "of available wireless drivers and supported adapters can be found in the "
+#~ "FreeBSD Hardware Notes, available on the https://www.FreeBSD.org/releases/"
+#~ "[Release Information] page of the FreeBSD website. If a native FreeBSD "
+#~ "driver for the wireless device does not exist, it may be possible to use "
+#~ "the Windows(R) driver with the help of the crossref:config[config-network-"
+#~ "ndis,NDIS] driver wrapper."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Los ejemplos en esta sección utilizan un dispositivo man:ath[4] y el "
+#~ "nombre del dispositivo en los ejemplos se debe cambiar de acuerdo con la "
+#~ "configuración. Se puede encontrar una lista de los controladores "
+#~ "inalámbricos disponibles así como los adaptadores soportados en las Notas "
+#~ "de Hardware de FreeBSD en la página https://www.FreeBSD.org/releases/"
+#~ "[Release Information] del sitio web de FreeBSD. Si no existe un "
+#~ "controlador nativo de FreeBSD para el dispositivo inalámbrico, podría ser "
+#~ "posible utilizar el controlador de Windows(R) con la ayuda del adaptador "
+#~ "de controladores .crossref:config[config-network-ndis,NDIS]."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "In addition, the modules that implement cryptographic support for the "
+#~ "security protocols to use must be loaded. These are intended to be "
+#~ "dynamically loaded on demand by the man:wlan[4] module, but for now they "
+#~ "must be manually configured. The following modules are available: man:"
+#~ "wlan_wep[4], man:wlan_ccmp[4], and man:wlan_tkip[4]. The man:"
+#~ "wlan_ccmp[4] and man:wlan_tkip[4] drivers are only needed when using the "
+#~ "WPA or 802.11i security protocols. If the network does not use "
+#~ "encryption, man:wlan_wep[4] support is not needed. To load these modules "
+#~ "at boot time, add the following lines to [.filename]#/boot/loader.conf#:"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Además, se tienen que cargar los módulos que implementan el soporte "
+#~ "criptográfico para los protocolos de seguridad. Estos están pensados para "
+#~ "ser cargados dinámicamente bajo demanda por el módulo man:wlan[4], pero "
+#~ "por el momento se deben configurar manualmente. Los siguientes módulos "
+#~ "están disponibles: man:wlan_wep[4], man:wlan_ccmp[4], y man:wlan_tkip[4]. "
+#~ "Los constroladores man:wlan_ccmp[4] y man:wlan_tkip[4] sólo son "
+#~ "necesarios cuando se utilizan protocolos de seguridad WPA o 802.11i. Si "
+#~ "la red no soporta encriptación, no se necesita man:wlan_wep[4]. Para "
+#~ "cargar estos módulos en el arranque, añade las siguientes líneas a [."
+#~ "filename]#/boot/loader.conf#:"
+#, no-wrap
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "wlan_wep_load=\"YES\"\n"
+#~ "wlan_ccmp_load=\"YES\"\n"
+#~ "wlan_tkip_load=\"YES\"\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "wlan_wep_load=\"YES\"\n"
+#~ "wlan_ccmp_load=\"YES\"\n"
+#~ "wlan_tkip_load=\"YES\"\n"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Once this information has been added to [.filename]#/boot/loader.conf#, "
+#~ "reboot the FreeBSD box. Alternately, load the modules by hand using man:"
+#~ "kldload[8]."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Una vez que se ha añadido esta información a [.filename]#/boot/loader."
+#~ "conf#, reinicia la máquina FreeBSD. De forma alternativa, carga los "
+#~ "módulos a mano utilizando man:kldload[8]."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "For users who do not want to use modules, it is possible to compile these "
+#~ "drivers into the kernel by adding the following lines to a custom kernel "
+#~ "configuration file:"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Para usuarios que no quieren usar módulos, es posible compilar estos "
+#~ "controladores en el kernel añadiendo las siguientes líneas al fichero de "
+#~ "configuración de un kernel personalizado:"
+#, no-wrap
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "device wlan # 802.11 support\n"
+#~ "device wlan_wep # 802.11 WEP support\n"
+#~ "device wlan_ccmp # 802.11 CCMP support\n"
+#~ "device wlan_tkip # 802.11 TKIP support\n"
+#~ "device wlan_amrr # AMRR transmit rate control algorithm\n"
+#~ "device ath # Atheros pci/cardbus NIC's\n"
+#~ "device ath_hal # pci/cardbus chip support\n"
+#~ "options AH_SUPPORT_AR5416 # enable AR5416 tx/rx descriptors\n"
+#~ "device ath_rate_sample # SampleRate tx rate control for ath\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "device wlan # 802.11 support\n"
+#~ "device wlan_wep # 802.11 WEP support\n"
+#~ "device wlan_ccmp # 802.11 CCMP support\n"
+#~ "device wlan_tkip # 802.11 TKIP support\n"
+#~ "device wlan_amrr # AMRR transmit rate control algorithm\n"
+#~ "device ath # Atheros pci/cardbus NIC's\n"
+#~ "device ath_hal # pci/cardbus chip support\n"
+#~ "options AH_SUPPORT_AR5416 # enable AR5416 tx/rx descriptors\n"
+#~ "device ath_rate_sample # SampleRate tx rate control for ath\n"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "With this information in the kernel configuration file, recompile the "
+#~ "kernel and reboot the FreeBSD machine."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Con esta información en el fichero de configuración del kernel, recompila "
+#~ "el kernel y reinicia la máquina FreeBSD."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Information about the wireless device should appear in the boot messages, "
+#~ "like this:"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "En los mensajes de arranque debería aparecer información como esta acerca "
+#~ "del dispositivo inalámbrico:"
+#, no-wrap
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "ath0: <Atheros 5212> mem 0x88000000-0x8800ffff irq 11 at device 0.0 on cardbus1\n"
+#~ "ath0: [ITHREAD]\n"
+#~ "ath0: AR2413 mac 7.9 RF2413 phy 4.5\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "ath0: <Atheros 5212> mem 0x88000000-0x8800ffff irq 11 at device 0.0 on cardbus1\n"
+#~ "ath0: [ITHREAD]\n"
+#~ "ath0: AR2413 mac 7.9 RF2413 phy 4.5\n"
+#, no-wrap
+#~ msgid "Setting the Correct Region"
+#~ msgstr "Estableciendo la Región Correcta"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Since the regulatory situation is different in various parts of the "
+#~ "world, it is necessary to correctly set the domains that apply to your "
+#~ "location to have the correct information about what channels can be used."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Como la situación regulatoria es diferente en varios puntos del mundo, es "
+#~ "necesario establecer correctamente los dominios que aplican a tu "
+#~ "localización para así tener información correcta sobre los canales que se "
+#~ "pueden utilizar."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The available region definitions can be found in [.filename]#/etc/"
+#~ "regdomain.xml#. To set the data at runtime, use `ifconfig`:"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Se pueden encontrar las definiciones de las regiones disponibles en [."
+#~ "filename]#/etc/regdomain.xml#. Para establecer datos en tiempo de "
+#~ "ejecución, usa `ifconfig`:"
+#, no-wrap
+#~ msgid "# ifconfig wlan0 regdomain ETSI country AT\n"
+#~ msgstr "# ifconfig wlan0 regdomain ETSI country AT\n"
+#~ msgid "To persist the settings, add it to [.filename]#/etc/rc.conf#:"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Para hacer los cambios persistentes, añádelos a [.filename]#/etc/rc.conf#:"
+#, no-wrap
+#~ msgid "# sysrc create_args_wlan0=\"country AT regdomain ETSI\"\n"
+#~ msgstr "# sysrc create_args_wlan0=\"country AT regdomain ETSI\"\n"
+#, no-wrap
+#~ msgid "Infrastructure Mode"
+#~ msgstr "Modo Infraestructura"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Infrastructure (BSS) mode is the mode that is typically used. In this "
+#~ "mode, a number of wireless access points are connected to a wired "
+#~ "network. Each wireless network has its own name, called the SSID. "
+#~ "Wireless clients connect to the wireless access points."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "El modo infraestructura (BSS) es el modo que se utiliza habitualmente. En "
+#~ "este modo, un número de puntos de acceso inalámbrico se conectan a una "
+#~ "red por cable. Cada red inalámbrica tiene su propio nombre, llamado SSID. "
+#~ "Los clientes inalámbricos se conectan a los puntos de acceso inalámbricos."
+#, no-wrap
+#~ msgid "FreeBSD Clients"
+#~ msgstr "Clientes FreeBSD"
+#, no-wrap
+#~ msgid "How to Find Access Points"
+#~ msgstr "Cómo Encontrar Puntos de Acceso"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "To scan for available networks, use man:ifconfig[8]. This request may "
+#~ "take a few moments to complete as it requires the system to switch to "
+#~ "each available wireless frequency and probe for available access points. "
+#~ "Only the superuser can initiate a scan:"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Para escanear redes disponibles, usa man:ifconfig[8]. Esta petición puede "
+#~ "tardar un poco en completarse ya que requiere que el sistema cambie para "
+#~ "cada una de las frecuencias inalámbricas disponibles y escanee puntos de "
+#~ "acceso disponibles. Sólo el super usuario puede iniciar un escaneo:"
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+#~| msgid ""
+#~| "# ifconfig wlan0 create wlandev ath0\n"
+#~| "# ifconfig wlan0 up scan\n"
+#~| "dlinkap 00:13:46:49:41:76 11 54M -90:96 100 EPS WPA WME\n"
+#~| "freebsdap 00:11:95:c3:0d:ac 1 54M -83:96 100 EPS WPA\n"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "# ifconfig wlan0 create wlandev ath0\n"
+#~ "# ifconfig wlan0 up\n"
+#~ "# ifconfig wlan0 scan\n"
+#~ "dlinkap 00:13:46:49:41:76 11 54M -90:96 100 EPS WPA WME\n"
+#~ "freebsdap 00:11:95:c3:0d:ac 1 54M -83:96 100 EPS WPA\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "# ifconfig wlan0 create wlandev ath0\n"
+#~ "# ifconfig wlan0 up scan\n"
+#~ "dlinkap 00:13:46:49:41:76 11 54M -90:96 100 EPS WPA WME\n"
+#~ "freebsdap 00:11:95:c3:0d:ac 1 54M -83:96 100 EPS WPA\n"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The interface must be `up` before it can scan. Subsequent scan requests "
+#~ "do not require the interface to be marked as up again."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "El interfaz debe estar levantado (`up`) para poder escanear. Escaneos "
+#~ "subsiguientes no necesitan que la interfaz se levante de nuevo."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The output of a scan request lists each BSS/IBSS network found. Besides "
+#~ "listing the name of the network, the `SSID`, the output also shows the "
+#~ "`BSSID`, which is the MAC address of the access point. The `CAPS` field "
+#~ "identifies the type of each network and the capabilities of the stations "
+#~ "operating there (see the definition of `list scan` in man:ifconfig[8] for "
+#~ "more details)."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "La salida de una petición de escaneo lista cada red BSS/IBSS encontrada. "
+#~ "Además de listar el nombre de la red, el `SSID`, la salida también "
+#~ "muestra el `BSSID`, que es la dirección MAC del punto de acceso. El campo "
+#~ "`CAPS` identifica el tipo de cada red y las capacidades de las estaciones "
+#~ "de operación (consulta la definición de `list scan` en man:ifconfig[8] "
+#~ "para más detalles)."
+#~ msgid "One can also display the current list of known networks with:"
+#~ msgstr "También se puede mostrar la lista actual de redes conocidas con:"
+#, no-wrap
+#~ msgid "# ifconfig wlan0 list scan\n"
+#~ msgstr "# ifconfig wlan0 list scan\n"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "This information may be updated automatically by the adapter or manually "
+#~ "with a `scan` request. Old data is automatically removed from the cache, "
+#~ "so over time this list may shrink unless more scans are done."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "La información puede ser actualizada automáticamente por el adaptador o "
+#~ "de forma manual con una petición `scan`. Los datos antiguos se eliminan "
+#~ "automáticamente de la caché, de forma que con el tiempo esta lista se "
+#~ "hace más pequeña a menos que se hagan más escaneos."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "This section provides a simple example of how to make the wireless "
+#~ "network adapter work in FreeBSD without encryption. Once familiar with "
+#~ "these concepts, it is strongly recommend to use <<network-wireless-wpa,"
+#~ "WPA>> to set up the wireless network."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Esta sección proporciona un ejemplo sencillo de cómo hacer que un "
+#~ "adaptador de red inalámbrico funcione en FreeBSD sin encriptación. Una "
+#~ "vez familiarizados con estos conceptos, se recomienda encarecidamente "
+#~ "usar <<network-wireless-wpa,WPA>> para configurar la red inalámbrica."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "There are three basic steps to configure a wireless network: select an "
+#~ "access point, authenticate the station, and configure an IP address. The "
+#~ "following sections discuss each step."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Hay tres pasos básicos para configurar una red inalámbrica: seleccionar "
+#~ "el punto de acceso, autenticar la estación, y configurar una dirección "
+#~ "IP. Las secciones siguientes discuten cada uno de los pasos."
+#~ msgid "====== Selecting an Access Point"
+#~ msgstr "====== Seleccionar un Punto de Acceso"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Most of the time, it is sufficient to let the system choose an access "
+#~ "point using the builtin heuristics. This is the default behavior when an "
+#~ "interface is marked as up or it is listed in [.filename]#/etc/rc.conf#:"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "La mayoría de las veces, es suficiente con dejar al sistema escoger un "
+#~ "punto de acceso utilizando las heurísticas integradas. Este es el "
+#~ "comportamiento por defecto cuando una interfaz se marca como levantada o "
+#~ "si está listada en [.filename]#/etc/rc.conf#:"
+#, no-wrap
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "wlans_ath0=\"wlan0\"\n"
+#~ "ifconfig_wlan0=\"DHCP\"\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "wlans_ath0=\"wlan0\"\n"
+#~ "ifconfig_wlan0=\"DHCP\"\n"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If there are multiple access points, a specific one can be selected by "
+#~ "its SSID:"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Si hay varios puntos de acceso, se puede seleccionar uno específico por "
+#~ "su SSID:"
+#, no-wrap
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "wlans_ath0=\"wlan0\"\n"
+#~ "ifconfig_wlan0=\"ssid your_ssid_here DHCP\"\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "wlans_ath0=\"wlan0\"\n"
+#~ "ifconfig_wlan0=\"ssid your_ssid_here DHCP\"\n"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "In an environment where there are multiple access points with the same "
+#~ "SSID, which is often done to simplify roaming, it may be necessary to "
+#~ "associate to one specific device. In this case, the BSSID of the access "
+#~ "point can be specified, with or without the SSID:"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "En entornos donde hay varios puntos de acceso con el mismo SSID, que es "
+#~ "algo habitual para simplificar el roaming, podría ser necesario asociar "
+#~ "con un dispositivo específico. En este caso, se puede especificar el "
+#~ "BSSID del punto de acceso, con o sin el SSID:"
+#, no-wrap
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "wlans_ath0=\"wlan0\"\n"
+#~ "ifconfig_wlan0=\"ssid your_ssid_here bssid xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx DHCP\"\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "wlans_ath0=\"wlan0\"\n"
+#~ "ifconfig_wlan0=\"ssid your_ssid_here bssid xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx DHCP\"\n"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "There are other ways to constrain the choice of an access point, such as "
+#~ "limiting the set of frequencies the system will scan on. This may be "
+#~ "useful for a multi-band wireless card as scanning all the possible "
+#~ "channels can be time-consuming. To limit operation to a specific band, "
+#~ "use the `mode` parameter:"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Hay otras formas de limitar la elección de un punto de acceso, como "
+#~ "limitar el conjunto de frecuencias que puede escanear el sistema. Esto "
+#~ "podría ser útil para tarjetas inalámbricas multi-banda ya que escanear "
+#~ "todos los canales puede llevar mucho tiempo. Para limitar la operación a "
+#~ "una banda específica, utiliza el parámetro `mode`:"
+#, no-wrap
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "wlans_ath0=\"wlan0\"\n"
+#~ "ifconfig_wlan0=\"mode 11g ssid your_ssid_here DHCP\"\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "wlans_ath0=\"wlan0\"\n"
+#~ "ifconfig_wlan0=\"mode 11g ssid your_ssid_here DHCP\"\n"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "This example will force the card to operate in 802.11g, which is defined "
+#~ "only for 2.4GHz frequencies so any 5GHz channels will not be considered. "
+#~ "This can also be achieved with the `channel` parameter, which locks "
+#~ "operation to one specific frequency, and the `chanlist` parameter, to "
+#~ "specify a list of channels for scanning. More information about these "
+#~ "parameters can be found in man:ifconfig[8]."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Este ejemplo forzará a la tarjeta a operar en 802.11g, que sólo se define "
+#~ "para frecuencias de 2.4GHz de forma que no se considerarán los canales de "
+#~ "5GHz. Esto también se puede hacer con el parámetro `channel`, que fija la "
+#~ "operación a una frecuencia específica, y el parámetro `chanlist`, para "
+#~ "especificar una lista de canales para escanear. Se puede encontrar más "
+#~ "información acerca de estos parámetros en man:ifconfig[8]."
+#~ msgid "====== Authentication"
+#~ msgstr "====== Autenticación"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Once an access point is selected, the station needs to authenticate "
+#~ "before it can pass data. Authentication can happen in several ways. The "
+#~ "most common scheme, open authentication, allows any station to join the "
+#~ "network and communicate. This is the authentication to use for test "
+#~ "purposes the first time a wireless network is setup. Other schemes "
+#~ "require cryptographic handshakes to be completed before data traffic can "
+#~ "flow, either using pre-shared keys or secrets, or more complex schemes "
+#~ "that involve backend services such as RADIUS. Open authentication is the "
+#~ "default setting. The next most common setup is WPA-PSK, also known as "
+#~ "WPA Personal, which is described in <<network-wireless-wpa-wpa-psk>>."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Una vez que se ha seleccionado un punto de acceso, la estación necesita "
+#~ "autenticarse antes de que pueda pasar datos. La autenticación se puede "
+#~ "hacer de varias maneras. El esquema más común, autenticación abierta, "
+#~ "permite a cualquier estación unirse a la red y comunicarse. Esta es la "
+#~ "autenticación utilizada para realizar pruebas la primera vez que se "
+#~ "configura una red inalámbrica. Otros esquemas requieren que se completen "
+#~ "negociaciones criptográficas antes de que los datos puedan fluir, bien "
+#~ "utilizando claves o secretos previamente compartidos, o esquemas más "
+#~ "completos que involucran servicios de backend como RADIUS. La "
+#~ "autenticación abierta es la configuración por defecto. La siguiente "
+#~ "configuración más habitual es WPA-PSK, también conocida como WPA "
+#~ "Personal, que se describe en <<network-wireless-wpa-wpa-psk>>."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If using an Apple(R) AirPort(R) Extreme base station for an access point, "
+#~ "shared-key authentication together with a WEP key needs to be "
+#~ "configured. This can be configured in [.filename]#/etc/rc.conf# or by "
+#~ "using man:wpa_supplicant[8]. For a single AirPort(R) base station, "
+#~ "access can be configured with:"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Si se usa una estación base Apple(R) AirPort(R) Extreme como punto de "
+#~ "acceso, se necesita configurar una clave WEP junto con autenticación de "
+#~ "clave compartida. Esto se puede configurar en [.filename]#/etc/rc.conf# o "
+#~ "usando man:wpa_supplicant[8]. Para una única estación base AirPort(R), se "
+#~ "puede configurar el acceso con:"
+#, no-wrap
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "wlans_ath0=\"wlan0\"\n"
+#~ "ifconfig_wlan0=\"authmode shared wepmode on weptxkey 1 wepkey 01234567 DHCP\"\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "wlans_ath0=\"wlan0\"\n"
+#~ "ifconfig_wlan0=\"authmode shared wepmode on weptxkey 1 wepkey 01234567 DHCP\"\n"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "In general, shared key authentication should be avoided because it uses "
+#~ "the WEP key material in a highly-constrained manner, making it even "
+#~ "easier to crack the key. If WEP must be used for compatibility with "
+#~ "legacy devices, it is better to use WEP with `open` authentication. More "
+#~ "information regarding WEP can be found in <<network-wireless-wep>>."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "En general, se debería evitar utilizar la autenticación de clave "
+#~ "compartida porque utiliza la clave WEP de forma muy restringida, "
+#~ "haciéndola incluso más fácil de romper. Si se tiene que usar WEP por "
+#~ "compatibilidad con dispositivos heredados, es mejor usar WEP con "
+#~ "autenticación `open`. Se puede encontrar más información acerca de WEP en "
+#~ "<<network-wireless-wep>>."
+#~ msgid "====== Getting an IP Address with DHCP"
+#~ msgstr "====== Obteniendo una Dirección IP con DHCP"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Once an access point is selected and the authentication parameters are "
+#~ "set, an IP address must be obtained in order to communicate. Most of the "
+#~ "time, the IP address is obtained via DHCP. To achieve that, edit [."
+#~ "filename]#/etc/rc.conf# and add `DHCP` to the configuration for the "
+#~ "device:"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Una vez que se ha seleccionado un punto de acceso y se han configurado "
+#~ "los parámetros de autenticación, se necesita obtener una dirección IP "
+#~ "para poder comunicarse. La mayoría de las veces la dirección IP se "
+#~ "obtiene mediante DHCP. Para conseguirlo, edita [.filename]#/etc/rc.conf# "
+#~ "y añade `DHCP` a la configuración del dispositivo:"
+#~ msgid "The wireless interface is now ready to bring up:"
+#~ msgstr "Ahora el interfaz inalámbrico está listo para ser levantado:"
+#, no-wrap
+#~ msgid "# service netif start\n"
+#~ msgstr "# service netif start\n"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Once the interface is running, use man:ifconfig[8] to see the status of "
+#~ "the interface [.filename]#ath0#:"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Una vez que el interfaz se está ejecutando, utiliza man:ifconfig[8] para "
+#~ "ver el estado del interfaz [.filename]#ath0#:"
+#, no-wrap
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "# ifconfig wlan0\n"
+#~ "wlan0: flags=8843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> mtu 1500\n"
+#~ " ether 00:11:95:d5:43:62\n"
+#~ " inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast\n"
+#~ " media: IEEE 802.11 Wireless Ethernet OFDM/54Mbps mode 11g\n"
+#~ " status: associated\n"
+#~ " ssid dlinkap channel 11 (2462 Mhz 11g) bssid 00:13:46:49:41:76\n"
+#~ " country US ecm authmode OPEN privacy OFF txpower 21.5 bmiss 7\n"
+#~ " scanvalid 60 bgscan bgscanintvl 300 bgscanidle 250 roam:rssi 7\n"
+#~ " roam:rate 5 protmode CTS wme burst\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "# ifconfig wlan0\n"
+#~ "wlan0: flags=8843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> mtu 1500\n"
+#~ " ether 00:11:95:d5:43:62\n"
+#~ " inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast\n"
+#~ " media: IEEE 802.11 Wireless Ethernet OFDM/54Mbps mode 11g\n"
+#~ " status: associated\n"
+#~ " ssid dlinkap channel 11 (2462 Mhz 11g) bssid 00:13:46:49:41:76\n"
+#~ " country US ecm authmode OPEN privacy OFF txpower 21.5 bmiss 7\n"
+#~ " scanvalid 60 bgscan bgscanintvl 300 bgscanidle 250 roam:rssi 7\n"
+#~ " roam:rate 5 protmode CTS wme burst\n"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The `status: associated` line means that it is connected to the wireless "
+#~ "network. The `bssid 00:13:46:49:41:76` is the MAC address of the access "
+#~ "point and `authmode OPEN` indicates that the communication is not "
+#~ "encrypted."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "La línea `status:associated` significa que está conectado a la red "
+#~ "inalámbrica. `bssid 00:13:46:49:41:76` es la dirección MAC del punto de "
+#~ "acceso y `authmode OPEN` indica que la comunicación no está encriptada."
+#~ msgid "====== Static IP Address"
+#~ msgstr "====== Dirección IP Estática"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If an IP address cannot be obtained from a DHCP server, set a fixed IP "
+#~ "address. Replace the `DHCP` keyword shown above with the address "
+#~ "information. Be sure to retain any other parameters for selecting the "
+#~ "access point:"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Si no se puede obtener una dirección IP de un servidor DHCP, establece "
+#~ "una dirección IP fija. Reemplaza la palabra clave `DHCP` mostrada arriba "
+#~ "con la información de la dirección. Asegúrate de mantener cualquier otro "
+#~ "parámetro para seleccionar el punto de acceso:"
+#, no-wrap
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "wlans_ath0=\"wlan0\"\n"
+#~ "ifconfig_wlan0=\"inet netmask ssid your_ssid_here\"\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "wlans_ath0=\"wlan0\"\n"
+#~ "ifconfig_wlan0=\"inet netmask ssid your_ssid_here\"\n"
+#, no-wrap
+#~ msgid "WPA"
+#~ msgstr "WPA"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) is a security protocol used together with "
+#~ "802.11 networks to address the lack of proper authentication and the "
+#~ "weakness of WEP. WPA leverages the 802.1X authentication protocol and "
+#~ "uses one of several ciphers instead of WEP for data integrity. The only "
+#~ "cipher required by WPA is the Temporary Key Integrity Protocol (TKIP). "
+#~ "TKIP is a cipher that extends the basic RC4 cipher used by WEP by adding "
+#~ "integrity checking, tamper detection, and measures for responding to "
+#~ "detected intrusions. TKIP is designed to work on legacy hardware with "
+#~ "only software modification. It represents a compromise that improves "
+#~ "security but is still not entirely immune to attack. WPA also specifies "
+#~ "the AES-CCMP cipher as an alternative to TKIP, and that is preferred when "
+#~ "possible. For this specification, the term WPA2 or RSN is commonly used."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) es un protocolo de seguridad utilizado junto "
+#~ "a redes 802.11 para atajar la falta de autenticación adecuada y las "
+#~ "debilidades de WEP. WPA utiliza el protocolo de autenticación 802.1X y "
+#~ "usa uno o varios encriptadores en lugar de WEP para favorecer la "
+#~ "integridad de los datos. El único encriptador requerido por WPA es el "
+#~ "Temporary Key Integrity Protocol (TKIP). TKIP es un encriptador que "
+#~ "extiende el encriptador básico RC4 usado por WEP y le añade comprobación "
+#~ "de integridad, detección de modificaciones, y medidas para responder a "
+#~ "las intrusiones detectadas. TKIP está diseñado para funcionar en hardware "
+#~ "heredado sólo con modificaciones software. Representa un compromiso que "
+#~ "mejora la seguridad pero que todavía no es inmune a ataques. WPA también "
+#~ "especifica en encriptador AES-CCMP como alternativa TKIP, y es el "
+#~ "preferido si es posible. Para esta especificación, los términos WPA2 o "
+#~ "RSN se usan comúnmente."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "WPA defines authentication and encryption protocols. Authentication is "
+#~ "most commonly done using one of two techniques: by 802.1X and a backend "
+#~ "authentication service such as RADIUS, or by a minimal handshake between "
+#~ "the station and the access point using a pre-shared secret. The former "
+#~ "is commonly termed WPA Enterprise and the latter is known as WPA "
+#~ "Personal. Since most people will not set up a RADIUS backend server for "
+#~ "their wireless network, WPA-PSK is by far the most commonly encountered "
+#~ "configuration for WPA."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "WPA define protocolos de encriptación y autenticación. La autenticación "
+#~ "se hace habitualmente utilizando alguna de estas dos técnicas: usando "
+#~ "802.1X y un servicio de autenticación backend como RADIUS, o mediante una "
+#~ "negociación mínima entre la estación y el punto de acceso utilizando un "
+#~ "secreto previamente compartido. El primero se suele denominar WPA "
+#~ "Enterprise y el segundo se conoce como WPA Personal. Como la mayoría de "
+#~ "la gente no configurará un servidor RADIUS como backend para su red "
+#~ "inalámbrica, WPA-PSK es de lejos la configuración más habitual para WPA."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The control of the wireless connection and the key negotiation or "
+#~ "authentication with a server is done using man:wpa_supplicant[8]. This "
+#~ "program requires a configuration file, [.filename]#/etc/wpa_supplicant."
+#~ "conf#, to run. More information regarding this file can be found in man:"
+#~ "wpa_supplicant.conf[5]."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "El control de la conexión wireless y la negociación de la clave o la "
+#~ "autenticación con un servidor se realiza utilizando man:"
+#~ "wpa_supplicant[8]. Este programa requiere un fichero de configuración, [."
+#~ "filename]#/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf#, para ejecutarse. Se puede encontrar "
+#~ "más información acerca de este fichero en man:wpa_supplicant.conf[5]."
+#~ msgid "====== WPA-PSK"
+#~ msgstr "====== WPA-PSK"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "WPA-PSK, also known as WPA Personal, is based on a pre-shared key (PSK) "
+#~ "which is generated from a given password and used as the master key in "
+#~ "the wireless network. This means every wireless user will share the same "
+#~ "key. WPA-PSK is intended for small networks where the use of an "
+#~ "authentication server is not possible or desired."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "WPA-PSK, también conocido como WPA Personal, se basa en una clave "
+#~ "previamente compartida (PSK) que se genera a partir de una contraseña "
+#~ "dada y se usa como clave maestra en la red inalámbrica. Esto significa "
+#~ "que cada usuario inalámbrico compartirá la misma clave. WPA-PSK está "
+#~ "pensado para redes pequeñas donde el uso de un servidor de autenticación "
+#~ "no es posible o deseable."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Always use strong passwords that are sufficiently long and made from a "
+#~ "rich alphabet so that they will not be easily guessed or attacked."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Utiliza siempre contraseñas fuertes que sean suficientemente largas y "
+#~ "creadas a partir de un alfabeto rico y que no sean fáciles de adivinar o "
+#~ "atacar."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The first step is the configuration of [.filename]#/etc/wpa_supplicant."
+#~ "conf# with the SSID and the pre-shared key of the network:"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "El primer paso es la configuración de [.filename]#/etc/wpa_supplicant."
+#~ "conf# con el SSID y la clave compartida de la red:"
+#, no-wrap
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "network={\n"
+#~ " ssid=\"freebsdap\"\n"
+#~ " psk=\"freebsdmall\"\n"
+#~ "}\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "network={\n"
+#~ " ssid=\"freebsdap\"\n"
+#~ " psk=\"freebsdmall\"\n"
+#~ "}\n"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Then, in [.filename]#/etc/rc.conf#, indicate that the wireless device "
+#~ "configuration will be done with WPA and the IP address will be obtained "
+#~ "with DHCP:"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Luego, en [.filename]#/etc/rc.conf#, indica que la configuración del "
+#~ "dispositivo inalámbrico se realizará con WPA y que la dirección IP se "
+#~ "obtendrá con DHCP:"
+#, no-wrap
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "# service netif start\n"
+#~ "Starting wpa_supplicant.\n"
+#~ "DHCPDISCOVER on wlan0 to port 67 interval 5\n"
+#~ "DHCPDISCOVER on wlan0 to port 67 interval 6\n"
+#~ "DHCPOFFER from\n"
+#~ "DHCPREQUEST on wlan0 to port 67\n"
+#~ "DHCPACK from\n"
+#~ "bound to -- renewal in 300 seconds.\n"
+#~ "wlan0: flags=8843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> mtu 1500\n"
+#~ " ether 00:11:95:d5:43:62\n"
+#~ " inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast\n"
+#~ " media: IEEE 802.11 Wireless Ethernet OFDM/36Mbps mode 11g\n"
+#~ " status: associated\n"
+#~ " ssid freebsdap channel 1 (2412 Mhz 11g) bssid 00:11:95:c3:0d:ac\n"
+#~ " country US ecm authmode WPA2/802.11i privacy ON deftxkey UNDEF\n"
+#~ " AES-CCM 3:128-bit txpower 21.5 bmiss 7 scanvalid 450 bgscan\n"
+#~ " bgscanintvl 300 bgscanidle 250 roam:rssi 7 roam:rate 5 protmode CTS\n"
+#~ " wme burst roaming MANUAL\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "# service netif start\n"
+#~ "Starting wpa_supplicant.\n"
+#~ "DHCPDISCOVER on wlan0 to port 67 interval 5\n"
+#~ "DHCPDISCOVER on wlan0 to port 67 interval 6\n"
+#~ "DHCPOFFER from\n"
+#~ "DHCPREQUEST on wlan0 to port 67\n"
+#~ "DHCPACK from\n"
+#~ "bound to -- renewal in 300 seconds.\n"
+#~ "wlan0: flags=8843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> mtu 1500\n"
+#~ " ether 00:11:95:d5:43:62\n"
+#~ " inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast\n"
+#~ " media: IEEE 802.11 Wireless Ethernet OFDM/36Mbps mode 11g\n"
+#~ " status: associated\n"
+#~ " ssid freebsdap channel 1 (2412 Mhz 11g) bssid 00:11:95:c3:0d:ac\n"
+#~ " country US ecm authmode WPA2/802.11i privacy ON deftxkey UNDEF\n"
+#~ " AES-CCM 3:128-bit txpower 21.5 bmiss 7 scanvalid 450 bgscan\n"
+#~ " bgscanintvl 300 bgscanidle 250 roam:rssi 7 roam:rate 5 protmode CTS\n"
+#~ " wme burst roaming MANUAL\n"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Or, try to configure the interface manually using the information in [."
+#~ "filename]#/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf#:"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "O, intenta configurar manualmente la interfaz utilizando la información "
+#~ "que hay en [.filename]#/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf#:"
+#, no-wrap
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "# wpa_supplicant -i wlan0 -c /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf\n"
+#~ "Trying to associate with 00:11:95:c3:0d:ac (SSID='freebsdap' freq=2412 MHz)\n"
+#~ "Associated with 00:11:95:c3:0d:ac\n"
+#~ "WPA: Key negotiation completed with 00:11:95:c3:0d:ac [PTK=CCMP GTK=CCMP]\n"
+#~ "CTRL-EVENT-CONNECTED - Connection to 00:11:95:c3:0d:ac completed (auth) [id=0 id_str=]\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "# wpa_supplicant -i wlan0 -c /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf\n"
+#~ "Trying to associate with 00:11:95:c3:0d:ac (SSID='freebsdap' freq=2412 MHz)\n"
+#~ "Associated with 00:11:95:c3:0d:ac\n"
+#~ "WPA: Key negotiation completed with 00:11:95:c3:0d:ac [PTK=CCMP GTK=CCMP]\n"
+#~ "CTRL-EVENT-CONNECTED - Connection to 00:11:95:c3:0d:ac completed (auth) [id=0 id_str=]\n"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The next operation is to launch man:dhclient[8] to get the IP address "
+#~ "from the DHCP server:"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "La siguiente operación es lanzar man:dhcliente[8] para obtener una "
+#~ "dirección IP del servidor DHCP:"
+#, no-wrap
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "# dhclient wlan0\n"
+#~ "DHCPREQUEST on wlan0 to port 67\n"
+#~ "DHCPACK from\n"
+#~ "bound to -- renewal in 300 seconds.\n"
+#~ "# ifconfig wlan0\n"
+#~ "wlan0: flags=8843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> mtu 1500\n"
+#~ " ether 00:11:95:d5:43:62\n"
+#~ " inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast\n"
+#~ " media: IEEE 802.11 Wireless Ethernet OFDM/36Mbps mode 11g\n"
+#~ " status: associated\n"
+#~ " ssid freebsdap channel 1 (2412 Mhz 11g) bssid 00:11:95:c3:0d:ac\n"
+#~ " country US ecm authmode WPA2/802.11i privacy ON deftxkey UNDEF\n"
+#~ " AES-CCM 3:128-bit txpower 21.5 bmiss 7 scanvalid 450 bgscan\n"
+#~ " bgscanintvl 300 bgscanidle 250 roam:rssi 7 roam:rate 5 protmode CTS\n"
+#~ " wme burst roaming MANUAL\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "# dhclient wlan0\n"
+#~ "DHCPREQUEST on wlan0 to port 67\n"
+#~ "DHCPACK from\n"
+#~ "bound to -- renewal in 300 seconds.\n"
+#~ "# ifconfig wlan0\n"
+#~ "wlan0: flags=8843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> mtu 1500\n"
+#~ " ether 00:11:95:d5:43:62\n"
+#~ " inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast\n"
+#~ " media: IEEE 802.11 Wireless Ethernet OFDM/36Mbps mode 11g\n"
+#~ " status: associated\n"
+#~ " ssid freebsdap channel 1 (2412 Mhz 11g) bssid 00:11:95:c3:0d:ac\n"
+#~ " country US ecm authmode WPA2/802.11i privacy ON deftxkey UNDEF\n"
+#~ " AES-CCM 3:128-bit txpower 21.5 bmiss 7 scanvalid 450 bgscan\n"
+#~ " bgscanintvl 300 bgscanidle 250 roam:rssi 7 roam:rate 5 protmode CTS\n"
+#~ " wme burst roaming MANUAL\n"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If [.filename]#/etc/rc.conf# has an `ifconfig_wlan0=\"DHCP\"` entry, man:"
+#~ "dhclient[8] will be launched automatically after man:wpa_supplicant[8] "
+#~ "associates with the access point."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Si [.filename]#/etc/rc.conf# tiene una entrada `ifconfig_wlan0=\"DHCP\"`, "
+#~ "man:dhcliente[8] se arrancará automáticamente después de que man:"
+#~ "wpa_supplicant[8] se asocie al punto de acceso."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If DHCP is not possible or desired, set a static IP address after man:"
+#~ "wpa_supplicant[8] has authenticated the station:"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Si no es posible o deseable utilizar DHCP, establece una dirección IP "
+#~ "estática después de que man:wpa_supplicant[8] haya autenticado la "
+#~ "estación:"
+#, no-wrap
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "# ifconfig wlan0 inet netmask\n"
+#~ "# ifconfig wlan0\n"
+#~ "wlan0: flags=8843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> mtu 1500\n"
+#~ " ether 00:11:95:d5:43:62\n"
+#~ " inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast\n"
+#~ " media: IEEE 802.11 Wireless Ethernet OFDM/36Mbps mode 11g\n"
+#~ " status: associated\n"
+#~ " ssid freebsdap channel 1 (2412 Mhz 11g) bssid 00:11:95:c3:0d:ac\n"
+#~ " country US ecm authmode WPA2/802.11i privacy ON deftxkey UNDEF\n"
+#~ " AES-CCM 3:128-bit txpower 21.5 bmiss 7 scanvalid 450 bgscan\n"
+#~ " bgscanintvl 300 bgscanidle 250 roam:rssi 7 roam:rate 5 protmode CTS\n"
+#~ " wme burst roaming MANUAL\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "# ifconfig wlan0 inet netmask\n"
+#~ "# ifconfig wlan0\n"
+#~ "wlan0: flags=8843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> mtu 1500\n"
+#~ " ether 00:11:95:d5:43:62\n"
+#~ " inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast\n"
+#~ " media: IEEE 802.11 Wireless Ethernet OFDM/36Mbps mode 11g\n"
+#~ " status: associated\n"
+#~ " ssid freebsdap channel 1 (2412 Mhz 11g) bssid 00:11:95:c3:0d:ac\n"
+#~ " country US ecm authmode WPA2/802.11i privacy ON deftxkey UNDEF\n"
+#~ " AES-CCM 3:128-bit txpower 21.5 bmiss 7 scanvalid 450 bgscan\n"
+#~ " bgscanintvl 300 bgscanidle 250 roam:rssi 7 roam:rate 5 protmode CTS\n"
+#~ " wme burst roaming MANUAL\n"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "When DHCP is not used, the default gateway and the nameserver also have "
+#~ "to be manually set:"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Cuando no se usa DHCP, el gateway por defecto y el servidor de nombres se "
+#~ "tienen que establecer manualmente:"
+#, no-wrap
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "# route add default your_default_router\n"
+#~ "# echo \"nameserver your_DNS_server\" >> /etc/resolv.conf\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "# route add default your_default_router\n"
+#~ "# echo \"nameserver your_DNS_server\" >> /etc/resolv.conf\n"
+#, no-wrap
+#~ msgid "WEP"
+#~ msgstr "WEP"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) is part of the original 802.11 standard. "
+#~ "There is no authentication mechanism, only a weak form of access control "
+#~ "which is easily cracked."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) es parte del estándar 802.11 original. No "
+#~ "hay mecanismo de autenticación, sólo una débil forma de control de acceso "
+#~ "que se rompe fácilmente."
+#~ msgid "WEP can be set up using man:ifconfig[8]:"
+#~ msgstr "Se puede configurar WEP usando man:ifconfig[8]:"
+#, no-wrap
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "# ifconfig wlan0 create wlandev ath0\n"
+#~ "# ifconfig wlan0 inet netmask \\\n"
+#~ "\t ssid my_net wepmode on weptxkey 3 wepkey 3:0x3456789012\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "# ifconfig wlan0 create wlandev ath0\n"
+#~ "# ifconfig wlan0 inet netmask \\\n"
+#~ "\t ssid my_net wepmode on weptxkey 3 wepkey 3:0x3456789012\n"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The `weptxkey` specifies which WEP key will be used in the transmission. "
+#~ "This example uses the third key. This must match the setting on the "
+#~ "access point. When unsure which key is used by the access point, try `1` "
+#~ "(the first key) for this value."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "`weptxkey` especifica qué clave WEP se usará en la transmisión. Este "
+#~ "ejemplo utiliza la tercera clave. Esto debe concordar con la "
+#~ "configuración del punto de acceso. Cuando no estés seguro de qué clave "
+#~ "utiliza el punto de acceso, utiliza `1` (la primera clave) para este "
+#~ "valor."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The `wepkey` selects one of the WEP keys. It should be in the format "
+#~ "_index:key_. Key `1` is used by default; the index only needs to be set "
+#~ "when using a key other than the first key."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "`wepkey` selecciona una de las claves WEP. Debería seguir el formato "
+#~ "_index:key_. La clave `1` se utiliza por defecto; sólo se necesita "
+#~ "especificar el índice cuando se usa otra clave que no sea la primera."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Replace the `0x3456789012` with the key configured for use on the access "
+#~ "point."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Remplaza `0x3456789012` con la clave configurada para ser usada en el "
+#~ "punto de acceso."
+#~ msgid "Refer to man:ifconfig[8] for further information."
+#~ msgstr "Consulta man:ifconfig[8] para más información."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The man:wpa_supplicant[8] facility can be used to configure a wireless "
+#~ "interface with WEP. The example above can be set up by adding the "
+#~ "following lines to [.filename]#/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf#:"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "La utilidad man:wpa_suppliccant[8] se puede usar para configurar una "
+#~ "interfaz inalámbrica con WEP. El ejemplo de arriba se puede modificar "
+#~ "añadiendo las siguientes líneas a [.filename]#/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf#:"
+#, no-wrap
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "network={\n"
+#~ " ssid=\"my_net\"\n"
+#~ " key_mgmt=NONE\n"
+#~ " wep_key3=3456789012\n"
+#~ " wep_tx_keyidx=3\n"
+#~ "}\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "network={\n"
+#~ " ssid=\"my_net\"\n"
+#~ " key_mgmt=NONE\n"
+#~ " wep_key3=3456789012\n"
+#~ " wep_tx_keyidx=3\n"
+#~ "}\n"
+#~ msgid "Then:"
+#~ msgstr "Después:"
+#, no-wrap
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "# wpa_supplicant -i wlan0 -c /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf\n"
+#~ "Trying to associate with 00:13:46:49:41:76 (SSID='dlinkap' freq=2437 MHz)\n"
+#~ "Associated with 00:13:46:49:41:76\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "# wpa_supplicant -i wlan0 -c /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf\n"
+#~ "Trying to associate with 00:13:46:49:41:76 (SSID='dlinkap' freq=2437 MHz)\n"
+#~ "Associated with 00:13:46:49:41:76\n"
+#, no-wrap
+#~ msgid "WEP Host-based Access Point"
+#~ msgstr "Punto de acceso WEP basado en Host"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "It is not recommended to use WEP for setting up an AP since there is no "
+#~ "authentication mechanism and the encryption is easily cracked. Some "
+#~ "legacy wireless cards only support WEP and these cards will only support "
+#~ "an AP without authentication or encryption."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "No se recomienda utilizar WEP para configurar un AP ya que no hay "
+#~ "mecanismo de autenticación y la encriptación se rompe fácilmente. Algunas "
+#~ "tarjetas inalámbricas heredades sólo soportan WEP y estas tarjetas sólo "
+#~ "soportarán un AP sin autenticación o encriptación."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The wireless device can now be put into hostap mode and configured with "
+#~ "the correct SSID and IP address:"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "El dispositivo inalámbrico se pude poner ahora en modo hostap y se puede "
+#~ "configurar con la SSID correcta y la dirección IP:"
+#, no-wrap
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "# ifconfig wlan0 create wlandev ath0 wlanmode hostap\n"
+#~ "# ifconfig wlan0 inet netmask \\\n"
+#~ "\tssid freebsdap wepmode on weptxkey 3 wepkey 3:0x3456789012 mode 11g\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "# ifconfig wlan0 create wlandev ath0 wlanmode hostap\n"
+#~ "# ifconfig wlan0 inet netmask \\\n"
+#~ "\tssid freebsdap wepmode on weptxkey 3 wepkey 3:0x3456789012 mode 11g\n"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The `weptxkey` indicates which WEP key will be used in the transmission. "
+#~ "This example uses the third key as key numbering starts with `1`. This "
+#~ "parameter must be specified in order to encrypt the data."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "`weptxkey` indica qué clave WEP se usará en la transmisión. Este ejemplo "
+#~ "usa la tercera clave ya que la numeración de las claves empieza por `1`. "
+#~ "Este parámetro se debe especificar para encriptar los datos."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The `wepkey` sets the selected WEP key. It should be in the format _index:"
+#~ "key_. If the index is not given, key `1` is set. The index needs to be "
+#~ "set when using keys other than the first key."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "`wepkey` establece la clave WEP seleccionada. Debería estar en el formato "
+#~ "_index:key_. Si no se proporciona índice, se establece la clave a `1`. El "
+#~ "índice necesita establecerse cuando se usa otra clave que no sea la "
+#~ "primera."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Use man:ifconfig[8] to see the status of the [.filename]#wlan0# interface:"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Usa man:ifconfig[8] para ver el estado del interfaz [.filename]#wlan0#:"
+#, no-wrap
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "# ifconfig wlan0\n"
+#~ " wlan0: flags=8843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> metric 0 mtu 1500\n"
+#~ "\t ether 00:11:95:c3:0d:ac\n"
+#~ "\t inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast\n"
+#~ "\t media: IEEE 802.11 Wireless Ethernet autoselect mode 11g <hostap>\n"
+#~ "\t status: running\n"
+#~ "\t ssid freebsdap channel 4 (2427 Mhz 11g) bssid 00:11:95:c3:0d:ac\n"
+#~ "\t country US ecm authmode OPEN privacy ON deftxkey 3 wepkey 3:40-bit\n"
+#~ "\t txpower 21.5 scanvalid 60 protmode CTS wme burst dtimperiod 1 -dfs\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "# ifconfig wlan0\n"
+#~ " wlan0: flags=8843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> metric 0 mtu 1500\n"
+#~ "\t ether 00:11:95:c3:0d:ac\n"
+#~ "\t inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast\n"
+#~ "\t media: IEEE 802.11 Wireless Ethernet autoselect mode 11g <hostap>\n"
+#~ "\t status: running\n"
+#~ "\t ssid freebsdap channel 4 (2427 Mhz 11g) bssid 00:11:95:c3:0d:ac\n"
+#~ "\t country US ecm authmode OPEN privacy ON deftxkey 3 wepkey 3:40-bit\n"
+#~ "\t txpower 21.5 scanvalid 60 protmode CTS wme burst dtimperiod 1 -dfs\n"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "From another wireless machine, it is now possible to initiate a scan to "
+#~ "find the AP:"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Desde otra máquina inalámbrica, ahora es posible iniciar un escaneo para "
+#~ "encontrar el AP:"
+#, no-wrap
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "# ifconfig wlan0 create wlandev ath0\n"
+#~ "# ifconfig wlan0 up scan\n"
+#~ "freebsdap 00:11:95:c3:0d:ac 1 54M 22:1 100 EPS\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "# ifconfig wlan0 create wlandev ath0\n"
+#~ "# ifconfig wlan0 up scan\n"
+#~ "freebsdap 00:11:95:c3:0d:ac 1 54M 22:1 100 EPS\n"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "In this example, the client machine found the AP and can associate with "
+#~ "it using the correct parameters. See <<network-wireless-wep>> for more "
+#~ "details."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "En este ejemplo, la máquina cliente ha encontrado el AP y se puede "
+#~ "asociar a él usando los parámetros correctos. Consulta <<network-wireless-"
+#~ "wep>> para más detalles."
+#, no-wrap
+#~ msgid "Using Both Wired and Wireless Connections"
+#~ msgstr "Usando Tanto Redes con Cable como Inalámbricas"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "A wired connection provides better performance and reliability, while a "
+#~ "wireless connection provides flexibility and mobility. Laptop users "
+#~ "typically want to roam seamlessly between the two types of connections."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Una conexión por cable proporciona mejor rendimiento y fiabilidad, "
+#~ "mientras que una conexión inalámbrica proporciona flexibilidad y "
+#~ "movilidad. Los usuarios de portátiles típicamente prefieren moverse entre "
+#~ "los dos tipos de conexiones sin interrupciones."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "On FreeBSD, it is possible to combine two or even more network interfaces "
+#~ "together in a \"failover\" fashion. This type of configuration uses the "
+#~ "most preferred and available connection from a group of network "
+#~ "interfaces, and the operating system switches automatically when the link "
+#~ "state changes."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "En FreeBSD, es posible combinar dos o incluso más interfaces de red en "
+#~ "una modalidad \"failover\". Este tipo de configuración utiliza la "
+#~ "conexión más disponible y preferente de un grupo de interfaces de red, y "
+#~ "el sistema operativo cambia automáticamente cuando el estado del enlace "
+#~ "cambia."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Link aggregation and failover is covered in <<network-aggregation>> and "
+#~ "an example for using both wired and wireless connections is provided at "
+#~ "<<networking-lagg-wired-and-wireless>>."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "La agregación de enlaces y el failover se cubre en <<network-"
+#~ "aggregation>> y en <<networking-lagg-wired-and-wireless>> se proporciona "
+#~ "un ejemplo para usar tanto una conexión por cable como una inalámbrica."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "This section describes a number of steps to help troubleshoot common "
+#~ "wireless networking problems."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Esta sección describe una serie de pasos para ayudar a solucionar "
+#~ "problemas comunes de redes inalámbricas."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If the access point is not listed when scanning, check that the "
+#~ "configuration has not limited the wireless device to a limited set of "
+#~ "channels."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Si el punto de acceso no está en la lista cuando se escanea, comprueba "
+#~ "que la configuración no ha limitado el dispositivo inalámbrico a un "
+#~ "conjunto limitado de canales."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If the device cannot associate with an access point, verify that the "
+#~ "configuration matches the settings on the access point. This includes the "
+#~ "authentication scheme and any security protocols. Simplify the "
+#~ "configuration as much as possible. If using a security protocol such as "
+#~ "WPA or WEP, configure the access point for open authentication and no "
+#~ "security to see if traffic will pass."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Si el dispositivo no se puede asociar con el punto de acceso, verifica "
+#~ "que la configuración concuerda con los parámetros del punto de acceso. "
+#~ "Esto incluye el esquema de autenticación y cualquier protocolo de "
+#~ "seguridad. Simplifica la configuración lo más posible. Si se usa un "
+#~ "protocolo de seguridad como WAP o WEP, configura el punto de acceso con "
+#~ "autenticación abierta y sin seguridad para ver si el tráfico pasa."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Debugging support is provided by man:wpa_supplicant[8]. Try running this "
+#~ "utility manually with `-dd` and look at the system logs."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "El soporte para depuración lo proporciona man:wpa_supplicant[8]. Intenta "
+#~ "ejecutar esta utilidad manualmente con `-dd` y mira los logs del sistema."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Once the system can associate with the access point, diagnose the network "
+#~ "configuration using tools like man:ping[8]."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Una vez que el sistema se pueda asociar con el punto de acceso, "
+#~ "diagnostica la configuración de la red utilizando herramientas como man:"
+#~ "ping[8]."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "There are many lower-level debugging tools. Debugging messages can be "
+#~ "enabled in the 802.11 protocol support layer using man:wlandebug[8]. For "
+#~ "example, to enable console messages related to scanning for access points "
+#~ "and the 802.11 protocol handshakes required to arrange communication:"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Hay muchas herramientas de depuración de bajo nivel. Los mensajes de "
+#~ "depuración se pueden habilitar en la capa de soporte del protocolo 802.11 "
+#~ "usando man:wlandebug[8]. Por ejemplo, para activar mensajes de consola "
+#~ "relativos al escaneo de puntos de acceso y las negociaciones del "
+#~ "protocolo 802.11 requeridas para establecer la comunicación:"
+#, no-wrap
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "# wlandebug -i wlan0 +scan+auth+debug+assoc\n"
+#~ " net.wlan.0.debug: 0 => 0xc80000<assoc,auth,scan>\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "# wlandebug -i wlan0 +scan+auth+debug+assoc\n"
+#~ " net.wlan.0.debug: 0 => 0xc80000<assoc,auth,scan>\n"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Many useful statistics are maintained by the 802.11 layer and "
+#~ "`wlanstats`, found in [.filename]#/usr/src/tools/tools/net80211#, will "
+#~ "dump this information. These statistics should display all errors "
+#~ "identified by the 802.11 layer. However, some errors are identified in "
+#~ "the device drivers that lie below the 802.11 layer so they may not show "
+#~ "up. To diagnose device-specific problems, refer to the driver "
+#~ "documentation."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "La capa 802.11 mantiene muchas estadísticas útiles y `wlanstats`, que se "
+#~ "encuentra en [.filename]#/usr/src/tools/tools/net80211#, mostrará esta "
+#~ "información. Estas estadísticas deberían mostrar todos los errores "
+#~ "identificados por la capa 802.11. Sin embargo, algunos errores son "
+#~ "identificados en los controladores de dispositivo que está por debajo de "
+#~ "la capa 802.11 de forma que podrían no verse. Para diagnosticar problemas "
+#~ "específicos del dispositivo, consulta la documentación del controlador."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If the above information does not help to clarify the problem, submit a "
+#~ "problem report and include output from the above tools."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Si la información de arriba no ayuda a clarificar el problema, envía un "
+#~ "informe de error e incluye la salida de las herramientas de arriba."
+#, no-wrap
+#~ msgid "IPv6"
+#~ msgstr "IPv6"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "IPv6 is the new version of the well known IP protocol, also known as "
+#~ "IPv4. IPv6 provides several advantages over IPv4 as well as many new "
+#~ "features:"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "IPv6 es la nueva versión del conocido protocolo IP, también conocido como "
+#~ "IPv4. IPv6 proporciona varias ventajas sobre IPv4 así como muchas "
+#~ "características nuevas:"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Its 128-bit address space allows for "
+#~ "340,282,366,920,938,463,463,374,607,431,768,211,456 addresses. This "
+#~ "addresses the IPv4 address shortage and eventual IPv4 address exhaustion."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Su espacio de direcciones de 128 bits permite "
+#~ "340,282,366,920,938,463,463,374,607,431,768,211,456. Esto soluciona el "
+#~ "problema de escasez y eventual agotamiento de direcciones IPv4."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Routers only store network aggregation addresses in their routing tables, "
+#~ "thus reducing the average space of a routing table to 8192 entries. This "
+#~ "addresses the scalability issues associated with IPv4, which required "
+#~ "every allocated block of IPv4 addresses to be exchanged between Internet "
+#~ "routers, causing their routing tables to become too large to allow "
+#~ "efficient routing."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Los routers sólo almacenan direcciones de agregación de red en sus tablas "
+#~ "de enrutamiento, reduciendo por tanto el espacio medio de una tabla de "
+#~ "enrutamiento a 8192 entradas. Esto soluciona los problemas de "
+#~ "escalabilidad asociados a IPv4, que requería que cada bloque asignado de "
+#~ "direcciones IPv4 fuera intercambiado entre los routers, haciendo que las "
+#~ "tablas de enrutamiento fueran demasiado grandes como para realizar un "
+#~ "enrutamiento eficiente."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Address autoconfiguration (http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2462.txt[RFC2462])."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Autconfiguración de direcciones (http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2462."
+#~ "txt[RFC2462])."
+#~ msgid "Mandatory multicast addresses."
+#~ msgstr "Direcciones multicast obligatorias"
+#~ msgid "Built-in IPsec (IP security)."
+#~ msgstr "IPsec integrada (seguridad IP)."
+#~ msgid "Simplified header structure."
+#~ msgstr "Estructura de cabecera simplificada."
+#~ msgid "Support for mobile IP."
+#~ msgstr "Soporte para IP móvil."
+#~ msgid "IPv6-to-IPv4 transition mechanisms."
+#~ msgstr "Mecanismos de transición IPv6-IPv4."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "FreeBSD includes the http://www.kame.net/[http://www.kame.net/] IPv6 "
+#~ "reference implementation and comes with everything needed to use IPv6. "
+#~ "This section focuses on getting IPv6 configured and running."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "FreeBSD incluye la implementación de referencia IPv6 http://www.kame.net/"
+#~ "[http://www.kame.net/] y viene con todo lo necesario para usar IPv6. Esta "
+#~ "sección se centra en configurar y hacer funcionar IPv6."
+#, no-wrap
+#~ msgid "Background on IPv6 Addresses"
+#~ msgstr "Nociones de Direcciones IPv6"
+#~ msgid "There are three different types of IPv6 addresses:"
+#~ msgstr "Hay tres tipos diferentes de direcciones IPV6:"
+#, no-wrap
+#~ msgid "Unicast"
+#~ msgstr "Unicast"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "A packet sent to a unicast address arrives at the interface belonging to "
+#~ "the address."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Un paquete enviado a una dirección unicast llega a la interfaz a la que "
+#~ "pertenece esa dirección."
+#, no-wrap
+#~ msgid "Anycast"
+#~ msgstr "Anycast"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "These addresses are syntactically indistinguishable from unicast "
+#~ "addresses but they address a group of interfaces. The packet destined "
+#~ "for an anycast address will arrive at the nearest router interface. "
+#~ "Anycast addresses are only used by routers."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Estas direcciones son sintácticamente indistinguibles de las direcciones "
+#~ "unicast pero se refieren a un grupo de interfaces. El paquete destinado a "
+#~ "una dirección anycast llegara hasta la interfaz del router más cercano. "
+#~ "Las direcciones anycast sólo son usadas por los routers."
+#, no-wrap
+#~ msgid "Multicast"
+#~ msgstr "Multicast"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "These addresses identify a group of interfaces. A packet destined for a "
+#~ "multicast address will arrive at all interfaces belonging to the "
+#~ "multicast group. The IPv4 broadcast address, usually `xxx.xxx.xxx.255`, "
+#~ "is expressed by multicast addresses in IPv6."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Estas direcciones identifican un grupo de interfaces. Un paquete "
+#~ "destinado a una dirección multicast llegará a todas las interfaces que "
+#~ "pertenezcan al grupo multicast. Las direcciones broadcast de IPv4, "
+#~ "normalmente `xxx.xxx.xxx.255`, se expresan como direcciones multicast en "
+#~ "IPv6."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "When reading an IPv6 address, the canonical form is represented as `x:x:x:"
+#~ "x:x:x:x:x`, where each `x` represents a 16 bit hex value. An example is "
+#~ "`FEBC:A574:382B:23C1:AA49:4592:4EFE:9982`."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Cuando se lee una dirección IPv6, la forma canónica se representa como `x:"
+#~ "x:x:x:x:x:x:x`, donde cada `x` representa un valor hexadecimal de 16 "
+#~ "bits. Un ejemplo es `FEBC:A574:382B:23C1:AA49:4592:4EFE:9982`."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Often, an address will have long substrings of all zeros. A `::` (double "
+#~ "colon) can be used to replace one substring per address. Also, up to "
+#~ "three leading ``0``s per hex value can be omitted. For example, "
+#~ "`fe80::1` corresponds to the canonical form "
+#~ "`fe80:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0001`."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "A menudo, una dirección tendrá largas subcadenas de ceros. Un `::` (dos "
+#~ "puntos dobles seguidos) se puede usar para sustituir una subcadena por "
+#~ "cada dirección. Además, se pueden omitir hasta tres ``0`` al comienzo. "
+#~ "Por ejemplo, `fe80::1` se corresponde con la forma canónica "
+#~ "`fe80:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0001`."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "A third form is to write the last 32 bits using the well known IPv4 "
+#~ "notation. For example, `2002::` corresponds to the hexadecimal "
+#~ "canonical representation `2002:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0a00:0001`, which "
+#~ "in turn is equivalent to `2002::a00:1`."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Una tercera forma es escribir los últimos 32 bits usando la notación "
+#~ "conocida para IPv4. Por ejemplo, `2002::` se corresponde con la "
+#~ "representación canónica hexadecimal "
+#~ "`2002:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0a00:0001`, que a su vez es equivalente a "
+#~ "`2002::a00:1`."
+#~ msgid "To view a FreeBSD system's IPv6 address, use man:ifconfig[8]:"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Para ver la dirección IPv6 de un sistema FreeBSD, usa man:ifconfig[8]:"
+#, no-wrap
+#~ msgid "# ifconfig\n"
+#~ msgstr "# ifconfig\n"
+#, no-wrap
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ " inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast\n"
+#~ " inet6 fe80::200:21ff:fe03:8e1%rl0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x1\n"
+#~ " ether 00:00:21:03:08:e1\n"
+#~ " media: Ethernet autoselect (100baseTX )\n"
+#~ " status: active\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ " inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast\n"
+#~ " inet6 fe80::200:21ff:fe03:8e1%rl0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x1\n"
+#~ " ether 00:00:21:03:08:e1\n"
+#~ " media: Ethernet autoselect (100baseTX )\n"
+#~ " status: active\n"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "In this example, the [.filename]#rl0# interface is using `fe80::200:21ff:"
+#~ "fe03:8e1%rl0`, an auto-configured link-local address which was "
+#~ "automatically generated from the MAC address."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "En este ejemplo, el interfaz [.filename]#rl0# está usando `fe80::200:21ff:"
+#~ "fe03:8e1%rl0`, una dirección de enlace local auto configurada que se ha "
+#~ "generado automáticamente a partir de una dirección MAC."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Some IPv6 addresses are reserved. A summary of these reserved addresses "
+#~ "is seen in <<reservedip6>>:"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Algunas direcciones IPv6 están reservadas. Se puede ver un resumen de las "
+#~ "direcciones reservadas en <<reservedip6>>:"
+#, no-wrap
+#~ msgid "Reserved IPv6 Addresses"
+#~ msgstr "Direcciones IPv6 Reservadas"
+#, no-wrap
+#~ msgid "IPv6 address"
+#~ msgstr "Direcciones IPv6"
+#, no-wrap
+#~ msgid "Prefixlength (Bits)"
+#~ msgstr "Prefixlength (Bits)"
+#, no-wrap
+#~ msgid "Description"
+#~ msgstr "Descripción"
+#, no-wrap
+#~ msgid "Notes"
+#~ msgstr "Notas"
+#, no-wrap
+#~ msgid "`::`"
+#~ msgstr "`::`"
+#, no-wrap
+#~ msgid "128 bits"
+#~ msgstr "128 bits"
+#, no-wrap
+#~ msgid "unspecified"
+#~ msgstr "sin especificar"
+#, no-wrap
+#~ msgid "Equivalent to `` in IPv4."
+#~ msgstr "Equivalente a `` en IPv4."
+#, no-wrap
+#~ msgid "`::1`"
+#~ msgstr "`::1`"
+#, no-wrap
+#~ msgid "loopback address"
+#~ msgstr "dirección de loopback"
+#, no-wrap
+#~ msgid "Equivalent to `` in IPv4."
+#~ msgstr "Equivalente a `` en IPv4."
+#, no-wrap
+#~ msgid "`::00:xx:xx:xx:xx`"
+#~ msgstr "`::00:xx:xx:xx:xx`"
+#, no-wrap
+#~ msgid "96 bits"
+#~ msgstr "96 bits"
+#, no-wrap
+#~ msgid "embedded IPv4"
+#~ msgstr "embedded IPv4"
+#, no-wrap
+#~ msgid "The lower 32 bits are the compatible IPv4 address."
+#~ msgstr "Los 32 bits menos significativos forma la dirección IPv4 compatible."
+#, no-wrap
+#~ msgid "`::ff:xx:xx:xx:xx`"
+#~ msgstr "`::ff:xx:xx:xx:xx`"
+#, no-wrap
+#~ msgid "IPv4 mapped IPv6 address"
+#~ msgstr "Direcciones IPv4 mapeadas a IPv6"
+#, no-wrap
+#~ msgid "The lower 32 bits are the IPv4 address for hosts which do not support IPv6."
+#~ msgstr "Los 32 bits menos significativos son las direcciones IPv4 para hosts que no soportan IPv6."
+#, no-wrap
+#~ msgid "`fe80::/10`"
+#~ msgstr "`fe80::/10`"
+#, no-wrap
+#~ msgid "10 bits"
+#~ msgstr "10 bits"
+#, no-wrap
+#~ msgid "link-local"
+#~ msgstr "link-local"
+#, no-wrap
+#~ msgid "Equivalent to in IPv4."
+#~ msgstr "Equivalente a en IPv4."
+#, no-wrap
+#~ msgid "`fc00::/7`"
+#~ msgstr "`fc00::/7`"
+#, no-wrap
+#~ msgid "7 bits"
+#~ msgstr "7 bits"
+#, no-wrap
+#~ msgid "unique-local"
+#~ msgstr "unique-local"
+#, no-wrap
+#~ msgid "Unique local addresses are intended for local communication and are only routable within a set of cooperating sites."
+#~ msgstr "Loas direcciones locales únicas están pensadas para comunicación local y sólo son enrutables dentro de un conjunto cooperativo de sitios."
+#, no-wrap
+#~ msgid "`ff00::`"
+#~ msgstr "`ff00::`"
+#, no-wrap
+#~ msgid "8 bits"
+#~ msgstr "8 bits"
+#, no-wrap
+#~ msgid "multicast"
+#~ msgstr "multicast"
+#, no-wrap
+#~ msgid "``2000::-3fff::``"
+#~ msgstr "``2000::-3fff::``"
+#, no-wrap
+#~ msgid "3 bits"
+#~ msgstr "3 bits"
+#, no-wrap
+#~ msgid "global unicast"
+#~ msgstr "global unicast"
+#, no-wrap
+#~ msgid "All global unicast addresses are assigned from this pool. The first 3 bits are `001`."
+#~ msgstr "Todas las direcciones unicast globales se asignan de este lote. Los tres primeros bits son `001`."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "For further information on the structure of IPv6 addresses, refer to "
+#~ "http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3513.txt[RFC3513]."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Para más información sobre la estructura de direcciones IPv6, consulta "
+#~ "http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3513.txt[RFC3513]."
+#, no-wrap
+#~ msgid "Configuring IPv6"
+#~ msgstr "Configurando IPv6"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "To configure a FreeBSD system as an IPv6 client, add these two lines to [."
+#~ "filename]#rc.conf#:"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Para configurar un sistema FreeBSD como un cliente IPv6, añade estas dos "
+#~ "líneas a [.filename]#rc.conf#:"
+#, no-wrap
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "ifconfig_rl0_ipv6=\"inet6 accept_rtadv\"\n"
+#~ "rtsold_enable=\"YES\"\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "ifconfig_rl0_ipv6=\"inet6 accept_rtadv\"\n"
+#~ "rtsold_enable=\"YES\"\n"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The first line enables the specified interface to receive router "
+#~ "advertisement messages. The second line enables the router solicitation "
+#~ "daemon, man:rtsol[8]."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "La primera línea habilita a la interfaz especificada a recibir mensajes "
+#~ "de aviso del router. La segunda línea habilita el demonio de peticiones "
+#~ "del router, man:rtsol[8]."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If the interface needs a statically assigned IPv6 address, add an entry "
+#~ "to specify the static address and associated prefix length:"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Si el interfaz necesita una dirección IPv6 asignada estáticamente, añade "
+#~ "una entrada para especificar la dirección estática y la longitud de "
+#~ "prefijo asociada:"
+#, no-wrap
+#~ msgid "ifconfig_rl0_ipv6=\"inet6 2001:db8:4672:6565:2026:5043:2d42:5344 prefixlen 64\"\n"
+#~ msgstr "ifconfig_rl0_ipv6=\"inet6 2001:db8:4672:6565:2026:5043:2d42:5344 prefixlen 64\"\n"
+#~ msgid "To assign a default router, specify its address:"
+#~ msgstr "Para asignar un router por defecto, especifica su dirección:"
+#, no-wrap
+#~ msgid "ipv6_defaultrouter=\"2001:db8:4672:6565::1\"\n"
+#~ msgstr "ipv6_defaultrouter=\"2001:db8:4672:6565::1\"\n"
+#, no-wrap
+#~ msgid "Connecting to a Provider"
+#~ msgstr "Conectando con un Proveedor"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "In order to connect to other IPv6 networks, one must have a provider or a "
+#~ "tunnel that supports IPv6:"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Para conectar con otras redes IPv6, se debe tener un proveedor o un túnel "
+#~ "que soporte IPv6:"
+#~ msgid "Contact an Internet Service Provider to see if they offer IPv6."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Contacta con un Proveedor de Servicio de Internet para ver si ofrecen "
+#~ "IPv6."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "http://www.tunnelbroker.net[Hurricane Electric] offers tunnels with end-"
+#~ "points all around the globe."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "http://www.tunnelbroker.net[Hurricane Electric] ofrece túneles con "
+#~ "extremos en todo el mundo."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Install the package:net/freenet6[] package or port for a dial-up "
+#~ "connection."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Instala el port o paquete package:net/freenet6[] para una conexión tipo "
+#~ "\"dial-up\"."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "This section demonstrates how to take the directions from a tunnel "
+#~ "provider and convert them into [.filename]#/etc/rc.conf# settings that "
+#~ "will persist through reboots."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Esta sección muestra cómo tomar las direcciones desde un proveedor de "
+#~ "túnel y convertirlas en configuración apta para [.filename]#/etc/rc.conf# "
+#~ "que persistirá a pesar de los reinicios."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The first [.filename]#/etc/rc.conf# entry creates the generic tunneling "
+#~ "interface [.filename]#gif0#:"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "La primera entrada en [.filename]#/etc/rc.conf# crear una interfaz de "
+#~ "túnel genérica [.filename]#gif0#:"
+#, no-wrap
+#~ msgid "cloned_interfaces=\"gif0\"\n"
+#~ msgstr "cloned_interfaces=\"gif0\"\n"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Next, configure that interface with the IPv4 addresses of the local and "
+#~ "remote endpoints. Replace `_MY_IPv4_ADDR_` and `_REMOTE_IPv4_ADDR_` with "
+#~ "the actual IPv4 addresses:"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Luego, configura la interfaz con la dirección IPv4 de los extremos local "
+#~ "y remoto. Reemplaza `_MY_IPv4_ADDR_` y `_REMOTE_IPv4_ADDR_` con las "
+#~ "direcciones IPv4 reales:"
+#, no-wrap
+#~ msgid "create_args_gif0=\"tunnel MY_IPv4_ADDR REMOTE_IPv4_ADDR\"\n"
+#~ msgstr "create_args_gif0=\"tunnel MY_IPv4_ADDR REMOTE_IPv4_ADDR\"\n"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "To apply the IPv6 address that has been assigned for use as the IPv6 "
+#~ "tunnel endpoint, add this line, replacing "
+#~ "`_MY_ASSIGNED_IPv6_TUNNEL_ENDPOINT_ADDR_` with the assigned address:"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Para aplicar la dirección IPv6 que ha sido asignada como extremo del "
+#~ "túnel IPv6, añade esta línea, reemplazando "
+#~ "`_MY_ASSIGNED_IPv6_TUNNEL_ENDPOINT_ADDR_` con la dirección asignada:"
+#, no-wrap
+#~ msgid "ifconfig_gif0_ipv6=\"inet6 MY_ASSIGNED_IPv6_TUNNEL_ENDPOINT_ADDR\"\n"
+#~ msgstr "ifconfig_gif0_ipv6=\"inet6 MY_ASSIGNED_IPv6_TUNNEL_ENDPOINT_ADDR\"\n"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Then, set the default route for the other side of the IPv6 tunnel. "
+#~ "Replace `_MY_IPv6_REMOTE_TUNNEL_ENDPOINT_ADDR_` with the default gateway "
+#~ "address assigned by the provider:"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Después, establece la ruta por defecto para el otro lado del túnel IPv6. "
+#~ "Reemplaza `_MY_IPv6_REMOTE_TUNNEL_ENDPOINT_ADDR_` con la dirección del "
+#~ "gateway por defecto asignado por el proveedor:"
+#, no-wrap
+#~ msgid "ipv6_defaultrouter=\"MY_IPv6_REMOTE_TUNNEL_ENDPOINT_ADDR\"\n"
+#~ msgstr "ipv6_defaultrouter=\"MY_IPv6_REMOTE_TUNNEL_ENDPOINT_ADDR\"\n"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If the FreeBSD system will route IPv6 packets between the rest of the "
+#~ "network and the world, enable the gateway using this line:"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Si el sistema FreeBSD va a enruta paquetes IPv6 entre la red y el resto "
+#~ "del mundo, activa el gateway usando esta línea:"
+#, no-wrap
+#~ msgid "ipv6_gateway_enable=\"YES\"\n"
+#~ msgstr "ipv6_gateway_enable=\"YES\"\n"
+#, no-wrap
+#~ msgid "Router Advertisement and Host Auto Configuration"
+#~ msgstr "Avisos del Router y Auto Configuración del Host"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "This section demonstrates how to setup man:rtadvd[8] to advertise the "
+#~ "IPv6 default route."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Esta sección muestra cómo configurar man:rtadvd[8] para anunciar el "
+#~ "router por defecto de IPv6."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "To enable man:rtadvd[8], add the following to [.filename]#/etc/rc.conf#:"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Para habilitar man:rtadvd[8], añade lo siguiente a [.filename]#/etc/rc."
+#~ "conf#:"
+#, no-wrap
+#~ msgid "rtadvd_enable=\"YES\"\n"
+#~ msgstr "rtadvd_enable=\"YES\"\n"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "It is important to specify the interface on which to do IPv6 router "
+#~ "advertisement. For example, to tell man:rtadvd[8] to use [."
+#~ "filename]#rl0#:"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Es importante especificar la interfaz en la que hacer los anuncios IPv6. "
+#~ "Por ejemplo, para decirle a man:rtadvd[8] que use [.filename]#rl0#:"
+#, no-wrap
+#~ msgid "rtadvd_interfaces=\"rl0\"\n"
+#~ msgstr "rtadvd_interfaces=\"rl0\"\n"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Next, create the configuration file, [.filename]#/etc/rtadvd.conf# as "
+#~ "seen in this example:"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Después, crea el fichero de configuración, [.filename]#/etc/rtadvd.conf#, "
+#~ "como se ve en este ejemplo:"
+#, no-wrap
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "rl0:\\\n"
+#~ "\t:addrs#1:addr=\"2001:db8:1f11:246::\":prefixlen#64:tc=ether:\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "rl0:\\\n"
+#~ "\t:addrs#1:addr=\"2001:db8:1f11:246::\":prefixlen#64:tc=ether:\n"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Replace [.filename]#rl0# with the interface to be used and `2001:"
+#~ "db8:1f11:246::` with the prefix of the allocation."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Reemplaza [.filename]#rl0# con la interfaz que se usará y `2001:"
+#~ "db8:1f11:246::` con el prefijo de la asignación."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "For a dedicated `/64` subnet, nothing else needs to be changed. "
+#~ "Otherwise, change the `prefixlen#` to the correct value."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Para una subred `/64` dedicada, no se necesita cambiar nada. Por el "
+#~ "contrario, cambia `prefixlen#` al valor correcto."
+#, no-wrap
+#~ msgid "IPv6 and IPv4 Address Mapping"
+#~ msgstr "Mapeo de Direcciones IPv6 y IPv4"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "When IPv6 is enabled on a server, there may be a need to enable IPv4 "
+#~ "mapped IPv6 address communication. This compatibility option allows for "
+#~ "IPv4 addresses to be represented as IPv6 addresses. Permitting IPv6 "
+#~ "applications to communicate with IPv4 and vice versa may be a security "
+#~ "issue."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Cuando se activa IPv6 en un servidor, podría necesitarse habilitar los "
+#~ "mapeos de IPv4 a IPv6. Esta opción de compatibilidad permite a las "
+#~ "direcciones IPv4 ser representadas como direcciones IPv6. Permitir a "
+#~ "aplicaciones IPv6 comunicarse con IPv4 y viceversa podría ser un problema "
+#~ "de seguridad."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "This option may not be required in most cases and is available only for "
+#~ "compatibility. This option will allow IPv6-only applications to work "
+#~ "with IPv4 in a dual stack environment. This is most useful for third "
+#~ "party applications which may not support an IPv6-only environment. To "
+#~ "enable this feature, add the following to [.filename]#/etc/rc.conf#:"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Esta opción podría no ser necesaria en la mayoría de los casos y sólo "
+#~ "está disponible por compatibilidad. Esta opción permitirá a las "
+#~ "aplicaciones que sólo funcionan con IPv6 trabajar con IPv4 en un entorno "
+#~ "de pila doble. Esto es útil principalmente para aplicaciones de terceros "
+#~ "que podrían no soportar entornos sólo IPv6. Para habilitar esta "
+#~ "característica, añade los siguiente a [.filename]#/etc/rc.conf#:"
+#, no-wrap
+#~ msgid "ipv6_ipv4mapping=\"YES\"\n"
+#~ msgstr "ipv6_ipv4mapping=\"YES\"\n"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Reviewing the information in RFC 3493, section 3.6 and 3.7 as well as RFC "
+#~ "4038 section 4.2 may be useful to some administrators."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Revisar la información en el RFC 3493, sección 3.6 y 3.7 así como el RFC "
+#~ "4038 sección 4.2 podría ser de utilidad para algunos administradores."
+#, no-wrap
+#~ msgid "Command"
+#~ msgstr "Comando"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "include::shared/attributes/attributes-{{% lang %}}.adoc[] include::shared/"
#~ "{{% lang %}}/teams.adoc[] include::shared/{{% lang %}}/mailing-lists."