path: root/documentation/content/hu/books/handbook/pgpkeys/_index.adoc
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Diffstat (limited to 'documentation/content/hu/books/handbook/pgpkeys/_index.adoc')
1 files changed, 33 insertions, 17 deletions
diff --git a/documentation/content/hu/books/handbook/pgpkeys/_index.adoc b/documentation/content/hu/books/handbook/pgpkeys/_index.adoc
index 95794e5c26..4297e4a1e5 100644
--- a/documentation/content/hu/books/handbook/pgpkeys/_index.adoc
+++ b/documentation/content/hu/books/handbook/pgpkeys/_index.adoc
@@ -3,36 +3,55 @@ title: D. Függelék - PGP-kulcsok
part: V. Rész - Függelék
prev: books/handbook/eresources
next: books/handbook/freebsd-glossary
+showBookMenu: true
+weight: 40
+path: "/books/handbook/pgpkeys/"
= PGP-kulcsok
:doctype: book
+:toc: macro
+:toclevels: 1
:icons: font
:sectnumlevels: 6
+:sectnumoffset: D
:source-highlighter: rouge
-:toc-title: Tartalom
-:table-caption: Táblázat
-:figure-caption: Ábra
-:example-caption: Példa
-:xrefstyle: basic
-:relfileprefix: ../
-:sectnumoffset: D
+:images-path: books/handbook/pgpkeys/
+:pgpkeys-path: ../../../../../
+:imagesdir: ../../../../images/{images-path}
+include::shared/attributes/attributes-{{% lang %}}.adoc[]
+include::shared/{{% lang %}}/teams.adoc[]
+include::shared/{{% lang %}}/mailing-lists.adoc[]
+include::shared/{{% lang %}}/urls.adoc[]
+:pgpkeys-path: ../../../../../
+:pgpkeys-path: ../../../../../
-The OpenPGP keys of the `FreeBSD.org` officers are shown here. These keys can be used to verify a signature or send encrypted email to one of the officers. A full list of FreeBSD OpenPGP keys is available in the link:{pgpkeys}[PGP Keys] article. The complete keyring can be downloaded at link:https://docs.FreeBSD.org/pgpkeys/pgpkeys.txt[pgpkeyring.txt].
+The OpenPGP keys of the `FreeBSD.org` officers are shown here. These keys can be used to verify a signature or send encrypted email to one of the officers. A full list of FreeBSD OpenPGP keys is available in the extref:{pgpkeys}[PGP Keys] article. The complete keyring can be downloaded at link:https://docs.FreeBSD.org/pgpkeys/pgpkeys.txt[pgpkeyring.txt].
== Tisztségviselők
@@ -40,9 +59,6 @@ The OpenPGP keys of the `FreeBSD.org` officers are shown here. These keys can be
=== {security-officer-name} `<{security-officer-email}>`
-=== {secteam-secretary-name} `<{secteam-secretary-email}>`
=== {core-secretary-name} `<{core-secretary-email}>`