path: root/documentation/content/zh-tw/books/developers-handbook/kernelbuild/chapter.adoc
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Being a kernel developer requires understanding of the kernel build process. To debug the FreeBSD kernel it is required to be able to build one. There are two known ways to do so:
-The supported procedure to build and install a kernel is documented in the link:{handbook}#kernelconfig-building[Building and Installing a Custom Kernel] chapter of the FreeBSD Handbook.
+The supported procedure to build and install a kernel is documented in the extref:{handbook}kernelconfig/[Building and Installing a Custom Kernel, kernelconfig-building] chapter of the FreeBSD Handbook.
-It is supposed that the reader of this chapter is familiar with the information described in the link:{handbook}#kernelconfig-building[Building and Installing a Custom Kernel] chapter of the FreeBSD Handbook. If this is not the case, please read through the above mentioned chapter to understand how the build process works.
+It is supposed that the reader of this chapter is familiar with the information described in the extref:{handbook}kernelconfig/[Building and Installing a Custom Kernel, kernelconfig-building] chapter of the FreeBSD Handbook. If this is not the case, please read through the above mentioned chapter to understand how the build process works.