path: root/documentation/content/zh-tw/books/porters-handbook/order/_index.adoc
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+title: Chapter 15. Order of Variables in Port Makefiles
+prev: books/porters-handbook/porting-samplem
+next: books/porters-handbook/keeping-up
+description: Order of Variables in FreeBSD Port Makefiles
+tags: ["order", "PORTNAME", "PATCHFILES", "MAINTAINER", "LICENSE", "dependencies", "USES"]
+showBookMenu: true
+weight: 15
+path: "/books/porters-handbook/order/"
+= Order of Variables in Port Makefiles
+:doctype: book
+:toc: macro
+:toclevels: 1
+:icons: font
+:sectnumlevels: 6
+:sectnumoffset: 15
+:source-highlighter: rouge
+:images-path: books/porters-handbook/
+:imagesdir: ../../../../images/{images-path}
+include::shared/attributes/attributes-{{% lang %}}.adoc[]
+include::shared/{{% lang %}}/teams.adoc[]
+include::shared/{{% lang %}}/mailing-lists.adoc[]
+include::shared/{{% lang %}}/urls.adoc[]
+The first sections of the [.filename]#Makefile# must always come in the same order.
+This standard makes it so everyone can easily read any port without having to search for variables in a random order.
+The sections and variables described here are mandatory in a ordinary port.
+In a slave port, many sections and variables can be skipped.
+Each following block must be separated from the previous block by a single blank line.
+In the following blocks, only set the variables that are required by the port.
+Define these variables in the order they are shown here.
+== `PORTNAME` Block
+This block is the most important. It defines the port name, version, distribution file location, and category.
+The variables must be in this order:
+* crossref:makefiles[makefile-portname,`PORTNAME`]
+* crossref:makefiles[makefile-versions,`PORTVERSION`][<<portversion-footnote, 1>>]
+* crossref:makefiles[makefile-versions,`DISTVERSIONPREFIX`]
+* crossref:makefiles[makefile-versions,`DISTVERSION`][<<portversion-footnote, 1>>]
+* crossref:makefiles[makefile-versions,`DISTVERSIONSUFFIX`]
+* crossref:makefiles[makefile-portrevision,`PORTREVISION`]
+* crossref:makefiles[makefile-portepoch,`PORTEPOCH`]
+* crossref:makefiles[makefile-categories,`CATEGORIES`]
+* crossref:makefiles[makefile-master_sites,`MASTER_SITES`]
+* crossref:makefiles[makefile-master_sites-shorthand,`MASTER_SITE_SUBDIR`] (deprecated)
+* crossref:makefiles[porting-pkgnameprefix-suffix,`PKGNAMEPREFIX`]
+* crossref:makefiles[porting-pkgnameprefix-suffix,`PKGNAMESUFFIX`]
+* crossref:makefiles[makefile-distname,`DISTNAME`]
+* crossref:makefiles[makefile-extract_sufx,`EXTRACT_SUFX`]
+* crossref:makefiles[makefile-distfiles-definition,`DISTFILES`]
+* crossref:makefiles[makefile-dist_subdir,`DIST_SUBDIR`]
+* crossref:makefiles[makefile-extract_only,`EXTRACT_ONLY`]
+Only one of PORTVERSION and DISTVERSION can be used.
+== `PATCHFILES` Block
+This block is optional.
+The variables are:
+* crossref:makefiles[porting-patchfiles,`PATCH_SITES`]
+* crossref:makefiles[porting-patchfiles,`PATCHFILES`]
+* crossref:makefiles[porting-patchfiles,`PATCH_DIST_STRIP`]
+== `MAINTAINER` Block
+This block is mandatory.
+The variables are:
+* crossref:makefiles[makefile-maintainer,`MAINTAINER`]
+* crossref:makefiles[makefile-comment,`COMMENT`]
+== `LICENSE` Block
+This block is optional, although it is highly recommended.
+The variables are:
+* crossref:makefiles[licenses-license,`LICENSE`]
+* crossref:makefiles[licenses-license_comb,`LICENSE_COMB`]
+* crossref:makefiles[licenses-license_groups,`LICENSE_GROUPS`] or `LICENSE_GROUPS_NAME`
+* crossref:makefiles[licenses-license_name,`LICENSE_NAME`] or `LICENSE_NAME_NAME`
+* crossref:makefiles[licenses-license_text,`LICENSE_TEXT`] or `LICENSE_TEXT_NAME`
+* crossref:makefiles[licenses-license_file,`LICENSE_FILE`] or `LICENSE_FILE_NAME`
+* crossref:makefiles[licenses-license_perms,`LICENSE_PERMS`] or `LICENSE_PERMS_NAME_`
+* crossref:makefiles[licenses-license_distfiles,`LICENSE_DISTFILES`] or `LICENSE_DISTFILES_NAME`
+If there are multiple licenses, sort the different LICENSE_VAR_NAME variables by license name.
+== Generic `BROKEN`/`IGNORE`/`DEPRECATED` Messages
+This block is optional. The variables are:
+* crossref:porting-dads[dads-deprecated,`DEPRECATED`]
+* crossref:porting-dads[dads-deprecated,`EXPIRATION_DATE`]
+* crossref:porting-dads[dads-noinstall,`FORBIDDEN`]
+* crossref:porting-dads[dads-noinstall,`BROKEN`]
+* crossref:porting-dads[dads-noinstall,`BROKEN_*`]
+* crossref:porting-dads[dads-noinstall,`IGNORE`]
+* crossref:porting-dads[dads-noinstall,`IGNORE_*`]
+* crossref:porting-dads[dads-noinstall,`ONLY_FOR_ARCHS`]
+* crossref:porting-dads[dads-noinstall,`ONLY_FOR_ARCHS_REASON*`]
+* crossref:porting-dads[dads-noinstall,`NOT_FOR_ARCHS`]
+* crossref:porting-dads[dads-noinstall,`NOT_FOR_ARCHS_REASON*`]
+`BROKEN_*` and `IGNORE_*` can be any generic variables, for example, `IGNORE_amd64`, `BROKEN_FreeBSD_10`, etc.
+With the exception of variables that depend on a crossref:uses[uses,`USES`], place those in <<porting-order-uses>>.
+For instance, `IGNORE_WITH_PHP` only works if crossref:uses[xuses-php,`php`] is set, and `BROKEN_SSL` only if crossref:uses[uses-ssl,`ssl`] is set.
+If the port is marked BROKEN when some conditions are met, and such conditions can only be tested after including [.filename]#bsd.port.options.mk# or [.filename]#bsd.port.pre.mk#, then those variables should be set later, in <<porting-order-rest>>.
+== The Dependencies Block
+This block is optional. The variables are:
+* crossref:makefiles[makefile-fetch_depends,`FETCH_DEPENDS`]
+* crossref:makefiles[makefile-extract_depends,`EXTRACT_DEPENDS`]
+* crossref:makefiles[makefile-patch_depends,`PATCH_DEPENDS`]
+* crossref:makefiles[makefile-build_depends,`BUILD_DEPENDS`]
+* crossref:makefiles[makefile-lib_depends,`LIB_DEPENDS`]
+* crossref:makefiles[makefile-run_depends,`RUN_DEPENDS`]
+== Flavors
+This block is optional.
+Start this section with defining `FLAVORS`.
+Continue with the possible Flavors helpers.
+See crossref:flavors[flavors-using,Using FLAVORS] for more Information.
+Constructs setting variables not available as helpers using `.if ${FLAVOR:U} == foo` should go in their respective sections below.
+== `USES` and `USE_x`
+Start this section with defining `USES`, and then possible `USE_x`.
+Keep related variables close together.
+For example, if using crossref:makefiles[makefile-master_sites-github,`USE_GITHUB`], always put the `GH_*` variables right after it.
+== Standard bsd.port.mk Variables
+This section block is for variables that can be defined in [.filename]#bsd.port.mk# that do not belong in any of the previous section blocks.
+Order is not important, however try to keep similar variables together.
+For example uid and gid variables `USERS` and `GROUPS`.
+Configuration variables `CONFIGURE_*` and `*_CONFIGURE`.
+List of files, and directories `PORTDOCS` and `PORTEXAMPLES`.
+== Options and Helpers
+If the port uses the crossref:makefiles[makefile-options,options framework], define `OPTIONS_DEFINE` and `OPTIONS_DEFAULT` first,
+then the other `OPTIONS_*` variables first, then the `*_DESC` descriptions, then the options helpers.
+Try and sort all of those alphabetically.
+.Options Variables Order Example
+The `FOO` and `BAR` options do not have a standard description, so one need to be written.
+The other options already have one in [.filename]#Mk/bsd.options.desc.mk# so writing one is not needed.
+The `DOCS` and `EXAMPLES` use target helpers to install their files, they are shown here for completeness,
+though they belong in <<porting-order-targets>>, so other variables and targets could be inserted before them.
+BAR_DESC= Enable bar support
+FOO_DESC= Enable foo support
+GNUTLS_CONFIGURE_ON= --with-ssl=gnutls
+OPENSSL_CONFIGURE_ON= --with-ssl=openssl
+== The Rest of the Variables
+And then, the rest of the variables that are not mentioned in the previous blocks.
+== The Targets
+After all the variables are defined, the optional man:make[1] targets can be defined.
+Keep `pre-*` before `post-*` and in the same order as the different stages run:
+* `fetch`
+* `extract`
+* `patch`
+* `configure`
+* `build`
+* `install`
+* `test`
+When using options helpers target keep them alphabetically sorted, but keep the `*-on` before the `*-off`.
+When also using the main target, keep the main target before the optional ones:
+ # install generic bits
+ # Install documentation
+ # Install X11 related bits
+ # Install bits that should be there if X11 is disabled