path: root/documentation/content/zh-tw/books/porters-handbook/plist/_index.adoc
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+title: Chapter 8. Advanced pkg-plist Practices
+prev: books/porters-handbook/flavors
+next: books/porters-handbook/pkg-files
+description: Advanced pkg-plist Practices
+tags: ["pkg-plist", "practices", "configuration"]
+showBookMenu: true
+weight: 8
+path: "/books/porters-handbook/plist/"
+= Advanced pkg-plist Practices
+:doctype: book
+:toc: macro
+:toclevels: 1
+:icons: font
+:sectnumlevels: 6
+:sectnumoffset: 8
+:source-highlighter: rouge
+:images-path: books/porters-handbook/
+:imagesdir: ../../../../images/{images-path}
+include::shared/attributes/attributes-{{% lang %}}.adoc[]
+include::shared/{{% lang %}}/teams.adoc[]
+include::shared/{{% lang %}}/mailing-lists.adoc[]
+include::shared/{{% lang %}}/urls.adoc[]
+== Changing pkg-plist Based on Make Variables
+Some ports, particularly the `p5-` ports, need to change their [.filename]#pkg-plist# depending on what options they are configured with (or version of `perl`, in the case of `p5-` ports).
+To make this easy, any instances in [.filename]#pkg-plist# of `%%OSREL%%`, `%%PERL_VER%%`, and `%%PERL_VERSION%%` will be substituted appropriately.
+The value of `%%OSREL%%` is the numeric revision of the operating system (for example, `4.9`).
+`%%PERL_VERSION%%` and `%%PERL_VER%%` is the full version number of `perl` (for example, `5.8.9`).
+Several other `%%_VARS_%%` related to port's documentation files are described in crossref:makefiles[install-documentation,the relevant section].
+To make other substitutions, set `PLIST_SUB` with a list of `_VAR=VALUE_` pairs and instances of `%%_VAR_%%` will be substituted with _VALUE_ in [.filename]#pkg-plist#.
+For instance, if a port installs many files in a version-specific subdirectory, use a placeholder for the version so that [.filename]#pkg-plist# does not have to be regenerated every time the port is updated.
+For example, set:
+in the [.filename]#Makefile# and use `%%OCTAVE_VERSION%%` wherever the version shows up in [.filename]#pkg-plist#.
+When the port is upgraded, it will not be necessary to edit dozens (or in some cases, hundreds) of lines in [.filename]#pkg-plist#.
+If files are installed conditionally on the options set in the port, the usual way of handling it is prefixing [.filename]#pkg-plist# lines with a `%%OPT%%` for lines needed when the option is enabled, or `%%NO_OPT%%` when the option is disabled, and adding `OPTIONS_SUB=yes` to the [.filename]#Makefile#.
+See crossref:makefiles[options_sub,`OPTIONS_SUB`] for more information.
+For instance, if there are files that are only installed when the `X11` option is enabled, and [.filename]#Makefile# has:
+In [.filename]#pkg-plist#, put `%%X11%%` in front of the lines only being installed when the option is enabled, like this :
+This substitution will be done between the `pre-install` and `do-install` targets, by reading from [.filename]#PLIST# and writing to [.filename]#TMPPLIST# (default: [.filename]#WRKDIR/.PLIST.mktmp#).
+So if the port builds [.filename]#PLIST# on the fly, do so in or before `pre-install`.
+Also, if the port needs to edit the resulting file, do so in `post-install` to a file named [.filename]#TMPPLIST#.
+Another way of modifying a port's packing list is based on setting the variables `PLIST_FILES` and `PLIST_DIRS`.
+The value of each variable is regarded as a list of pathnames to write to [.filename]#TMPPLIST# along with [.filename]#PLIST# contents.
+While names listed in `PLIST_FILES` and `PLIST_DIRS` are subject to `%%_VAR_%%` substitution as described above, it is better to use the `${_VAR_}` directly.
+Except for that, names from `PLIST_FILES` will appear in the final packing list unchanged, while `@dir` will be prepended to names from `PLIST_DIRS`.
+To take effect, `PLIST_FILES` and `PLIST_DIRS` must be set before [.filename]#TMPPLIST# is written, that is, in `pre-install` or earlier.
+From time to time, using `OPTIONS_SUB` is not enough.
+In those cases, adding a specific `_TAG_` to `PLIST_SUB` inside the [.filename]#Makefile# with a special value of `@comment`, makes package tools to ignore the line.
+For instance, if some files are only installed when the `X11` option is on and the architecture is `i386`:
+.include <bsd.port.pre.mk>
+.if ${PORT_OPTIONS:MX11} && ${ARCH} == "i386"
+PLIST_SUB+= X11I386=""
+PLIST_SUB+= X11I386="@comment "
+== Empty Directories
+=== Cleaning Up Empty Directories
+When being de-installed, a port has to remove empty directories it created.
+Most of these directories are removed automatically by man:pkg[8], but for directories created outside of [.filename]#${PREFIX}#, or empty directories, some more work needs to be done.
+This is usually accomplished by adding `@dir` lines for those directories.
+Subdirectories must be deleted before deleting parent directories.
+@dir /var/games/oneko/saved-games
+@dir /var/games/oneko
+=== Creating Empty Directories
+Empty directories created during port installation need special attention.
+They must be present when the package is created.
+If they are not created by the port code, create them in the [.filename]#Makefile#:
+ ${MKDIR} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/some/directory
+Add the directory to [.filename]#pkg-plist# like any other.
+For example:
+@dir some/directory
+== Configuration Files
+If the port installs configuration files to [.filename]#PREFIX/etc# (or elsewhere) do _not_ list them in [.filename]#pkg-plist#.
+That will cause `pkg delete` to remove files that have been carefully edited by the user, and a re-installation will wipe them out.
+Instead, install sample files with a [.filename]#filename.sample# extension.
+The `@sample` macro automates this, see <<plist-keywords-sample>> for what it does exactly.
+For each sample file, add a line to [.filename]#pkg-plist#:
+@sample etc/orbit.conf.sample
+If there is a very good reason not to install a working configuration file by default, only list the sample filename in [.filename]#pkg-plist#,
+without the `@sample` followed by a space part, and add a crossref:pkg-files[porting-message,message] pointing out that the user must copy and edit the file before the software will work.
+When a port installs its configuration in a subdirectory of [.filename]#${PREFIX}/etc#, use `ETCDIR`, which defaults to `${PREFIX}/etc/${PORTNAME}`, it can be overridden in the ports [.filename]#Makefile# if there is a convention for the port to use some other directory.
+The `%%ETCDIR%%` macro will be used in its stead in [.filename]#pkg-plist#.
+The sample configuration files should always have the [.filename]#.sample# suffix.
+If for some historical reason using the standard suffix is not possible, or if the sample files come from some other directory, use this construct:
+@sample etc/orbit.conf-dist etc/orbit.conf
+@sample %%EXAMPLESDIR%%/orbit.conf etc/orbit.conf
+The format is `@sample _sample-file actual-config-file_`.
+== Dynamic Versus Static Package List
+A _static package list_ is a package list which is available in the Ports Collection either as [.filename]#pkg-plist# (with or without variable substitution), or embedded into the [.filename]#Makefile# via `PLIST_FILES` and `PLIST_DIRS`.
+Even if the contents are auto-generated by a tool or a target in the Makefile _before_ the inclusion into the Ports Collection by a committer (for example, using `make makeplist`), this is still considered a static list, since it is possible to examine it without having to download or compile the distfile.
+A _dynamic package list_ is a package list which is generated at the time the port is compiled based upon the files and directories which are installed.
+It is not possible to examine it before the source code of the ported application is downloaded and compiled, or after running a `make clean`.
+While the use of dynamic package lists is not forbidden, maintainers should use static package lists wherever possible, as it enables users to man:grep[1] through available ports to discover, for example, which port installs a certain file.
+Dynamic lists should be primarily used for complex ports where the package list changes drastically based upon optional features of the port (and thus maintaining a static package list is infeasible), or ports which change the package list based upon the version of dependent software used.
+For example, ports which generate docs with Javadoc.
+== Automated Package List Creation
+First, make sure the port is almost complete, with only [.filename]#pkg-plist# missing.
+Running `make makeplist` will show an example for [.filename]#pkg-plist#.
+The output of `makeplist` must be double checked for correctness as it tries to automatically guess a few things, and can get it wrong.
+User configuration files should be installed as [.filename]#filename.sample#, as it is described in <<plist-config>>.
+[.filename]#info/dir# must not be listed and appropriate [.filename]#install-info# lines must be added as noted in the crossref:makefiles[makefile-info,info files] section.
+Any libraries installed by the port must be listed as specified in the crossref:special[porting-shlibs,shared libraries] section.
+=== Expanding `PLIST_SUB` with Regular Expressions
+Strings to be replaced sometimes need to be very specific to avoid undesired replacements.
+This is a common problem with shorter values.
+To address this problem, for each `_PLACEHOLDER_=_value_`, a `PLACEHOLDER_regex=regex` can be set, with the `_regex_` part matching _value_ more precisely.
+.Using PLIST_SUB with Regular Expressions
+Perl ports can install architecture dependent files in a specific tree.
+On FreeBSD to ease porting, this tree is called `mach`.
+For example, a port that installs a file whose path contains `mach` could have that part of the path string replaced with the wrong values.
+Consider this [.filename]#Makefile#:
+PORTNAME= Machine-Build
+CATEGORIES= devel perl5
+MAINTAINER= perl@FreeBSD.org
+COMMENT= Building machine
+USES= perl5
+USE_PERL5= configure
+The files installed by the port are:
+Running `make makeplist` wrongly generates:
+Change the `PLIST_SUB` line from the [.filename]#Makefile# to:
+ PERL_ARCH_regex=\bmach\b
+Now `make makeplist` correctly generates:
+== Expanding Package List with Keywords
+All keywords can also take optional arguments in parentheses.
+The arguments are owner, group, and mode.
+This argument is used on the file or directory referenced.
+To change the owner, group, and mode of a configuration file, use:
+@sample(games,games,640) etc/config.sample
+The arguments are optional.
+If only the group and mode need to be changed, use:
+@sample(,games,660) etc/config.sample
+If a keyword is used on an crossref:makefiles[makefile-options,optional] entry, it must to be added after the helper:
+%%FOO%%@sample etc/orbit.conf.sample
+This is because the options plist helpers are used to comment out the line, so they need to be put first.
+See crossref:makefiles[options_sub,`OPTIONS_SUB`] for more information.
+=== `@desktop-file-utils`
+Will run `update-desktop-database -q` after installation and deinstallation.
+_Never_ use directly, add crossref:uses[uses-desktop-file-utils,`USES=desktop-file-utils`] to the [.filename]#Makefile#.
+=== `@fc` _directory_
+Add a `@dir` entry for the directory passed as an argument, and run `fc-cache -fs` on that directory after installation and deinstallation.
+=== `@fcfontsdir` _directory_
+Add a `@dir` entry for the directory passed as an argument, and run `fc-cache -fs`, `mkfontscale` and `mkfontdir` on that directory after installation and deinstallation.
+Additionally, on deinstallation, it removes the [.filename]#fonts.scale# and [.filename]#fonts.dir# cache files if they are empty.
+This keyword is equivalent to adding both <<plist-keywords-fc,`@fc` _directory_>> and <<plist-keywords-fontsdir,`@fontsdir` _directory_>>.
+=== `@fontsdir` _directory_
+Add a `@dir` entry for the directory passed as an argument, and run `mkfontscale` and `mkfontdir` on that directory after installation and deinstallation.
+Additionally, on deinstallation, it removes the [.filename]#fonts.scale# and [.filename]#fonts.dir# cache files if they are empty.
+=== `@glib-schemas`
+Runs `glib-compile-schemas` on installation and deinstallation.
+=== `@info` _file_
+Add the file passed as argument to the plist, and updates the info document index on installation and deinstallation.
+Additionally, it removes the index if empty on deinstallation.
+This should never be used manually, but always through `INFO`.
+See crossref:makefiles[makefile-info,Info Files] for more information.
+=== `@kld` _directory_
+Runs `kldxref` on the directory on installation and deinstallation.
+Additionally, on deinstallation, it will remove the directory if empty.
+=== `@rmtry` _file_
+Will remove the file on deinstallation, and not give an error if the file is not there.
+=== `@sample` _file_ [_file_]
+This is used to handle installation of configuration files, through example files bundled with the package.
+The "actual", non-sample, file is either the second filename, if present, or the first filename without the [.filename]#.sample# extension.
+This does three things. First, add the first file passed as argument, the sample file, to the plist.
+Then, on installation, if the actual file is not found, copy the sample file to the actual file.
+And finally, on deinstallation, remove the actual file if it has not been modified.
+See <<plist-config>> for more information.
+=== `@shared-mime-info` _directory_
+Runs `update-mime-database` on the directory on installation and deinstallation.
+=== `@shell` _file_
+Add the file passed as argument to the plist.
+On installation, add the full path to _file_ to [.filename]#/etc/shells#, while making sure it is not added twice.
+On deinstallation, remove it from [.filename]#/etc/shells#.
+=== `@terminfo`
+Do not use by itself.
+If the port installs [.filename]#*.terminfo# files, add crossref:uses[uses-terminfo,USES=terminfo] to its [.filename]#Makefile#.
+On installation and deinstallation, if `tic` is present, refresh [.filename]#${PREFIX}/shared/misc/terminfo.db# from the [.filename]#*.terminfo# files in [.filename]#${PREFIX}/shared/misc#.
+=== Base Keywords
+There are a few keywords that are hardcoded, and documented in man:pkg-create[8]. For the sake of completeness, they are also documented here.
+==== `@` [_file_]
+The empty keyword is a placeholder to use when the file's owner, group, or mode need to be changed.
+For example, to set the group of the file to `games` and add the setgid bit, add:
+@(,games,2755) sbin/daemon
+==== `@preexec` _command_, `@postexec` _command_, `@preunexec` _command_, `@postunexec` _command_
+Execute _command_ as part of the package installation or deinstallation process.
+`@preexec` _command_::
+Execute _command_ as part of the [.filename]#pre-install# scripts.
+`@postexec` _command_::
+Execute _command_ as part of the [.filename]#post-install# scripts.
+`@preunexec` _command_::
+Execute _command_ as part of the [.filename]#pre-deinstall# scripts.
+`@postunexec` _command_::
+Execute _command_ as part of the [.filename]#post-deinstall# scripts.
+If _command_ contains any of these sequences somewhere in it, they are expanded inline.
+For these examples, assume that `@cwd` is set to [.filename]#/usr/local# and the last extracted file was [.filename]#bin/emacs#.
+Expand to the last filename extracted (as specified).
+In the example case [.filename]#bin/emacs#.
+Expand to the current directory prefix, as set with `@cwd`.
+In the example case [.filename]#/usr/local#.
+Expand to the basename of the fully qualified filename, that is, the current directory prefix plus the last filespec, minus the trailing filename.
+In the example case, that would be [.filename]#/usr/local/bin#.
+Expand to the filename part of the fully qualified name, or the converse of `%B`.
+In the example case, [.filename]#emacs#.
+These keywords are here to help you set up the package so that it is as ready to use as possible.
+They _must not_ be abused to start services, stop services, or run any other commands that will modify the currently running system.
+==== `@mode` _mode_
+Set default permission for all subsequently extracted files to _mode_.
+Format is the same as that used by man:chmod[1].
+Use without an arg to set back to default permissions (mode of the file while being packed).
+This must be a numeric mode, like `644`, `4755`, or `600`.
+It cannot be a relative mode like `u+s`.
+==== `@owner` _user_
+Set default ownership for all subsequent files to _user_.
+Use without an argument to set back to default ownership (`root`).
+==== `@group` _group_
+Set default group ownership for all subsequent files to _group_.
+Use without an arg to set back to default group ownership (`wheel`).
+==== `@comment` _string_
+This line is ignored when packing.
+==== `@dir` _directory_
+Declare directory name. By default, directories created under `PREFIX` by a package installation are automatically removed.
+Use this when an empty directory under `PREFIX` needs to be created, or when the directory needs to have non default owner, group, or mode.
+Directories outside of `PREFIX` need to be registered.
+For example, [.filename]#/var/db/${PORTNAME}# needs to have a `@dir` entry whereas [.filename]#${PREFIX}/shared/${PORTNAME}# does not if it contains files or uses the default owner, group, and mode.
+==== `@exec` _command_, `@unexec` _command_ (Deprecated)
+Execute _command_ as part of the installation or deinstallation process.
+Please use <<plist-keywords-base-exec>> instead.
+==== `@dirrm` _directory_ (Deprecated)
+Declare directory name to be deleted at deinstall time.
+By default, directories created under `PREFIX` by a package installation are deleted when the package is deinstalled.
+==== `@dirrmtry` _directory_ (Deprecated)
+Declare directory name to be removed, as for `@dirrm`, but does not issue a warning if the directory cannot be removed.
+=== Creating New Keywords
+Package list files can be extended by keywords that are defined in the [.filename]#${PORTSDIR}/Keywords# directory.
+The settings for each keyword are stored in a UCL file named [.filename]#keyword.ucl#.
+The file must contain at least one of these sections:
+* `attributes`
+* `action`
+* `pre-install`
+* `post-install`
+* `pre-deinstall`
+* `post-deinstall`
+* `pre-upgrade`
+* `post-upgrade`
+==== `attributes`
+Changes the owner, group, or mode used by the keyword.
+Contains an associative array where the possible keys are `owner`, `group`, and `mode`.
+The values are, respectively, a user name, a group name, and a file mode.
+For example:
+attributes: { owner: "games", group: "games", mode: 0555 }
+==== `action`
+Defines what happens to the keyword's parameter. Contains an array where the possible values are:
+Set the prefix for the next plist entries.
+Register a directory to be created on install and removed on deinstall.
+Register a directory to be deleted on deinstall.
+Register a directory to try and deleted on deinstall.
+Register a file.
+Set the mode for the next plist entries.
+Set the owner for the next plist entries.
+Set the group for the next plist entries.
+Does not do anything, equivalent to not entering an `action` section.
+Ignore the next entry in the plist.
+==== `arguments`
+If set to `true`, adds argument handling, splitting the whole line, `%@`, into numbered arguments, `%1`, `%2`, and so on.
+For example, for this line:
+@foo some.content other.content
+`%1` and `%2` will contain:
+It also affects how the <<plist-keywords-action,`action`>> entry works.
+When there is more than one argument, the argument number must be specified.
+For example:
+actions: [file(1)]
+==== `pre-install`, `post-install`, `pre-deinstall`, `post-deinstall`, `pre-upgrade`, `post-upgrade`
+These keywords contains a man:sh[1] script to be executed before or after installation, deinstallation, or upgrade of the package.
+In addition to the usual `@exec %_foo_` placeholders described in <<plist-keywords-base-exec>>, there is a new one, `%@`, which represents the argument of the keyword.
+==== Custom Keyword Examples
+.Example of a `@dirrmtryecho` Keyword
+This keyword does two things, it adds a `@dirrmtry _directory_` line to the packing list, and echoes the fact that the directory is removed when deinstalling the package.
+actions: [dirrmtry]
+post-deinstall: <<EOD
+ echo "Directory %D/%@ removed."
+.Real Life Example, How `@sample` is Implemented
+This keyword does three things.
+It adds the first _filename_ passed as an argument to `@sample` to the packing list, it adds to the `post-install` script instructions to copy the sample to the actual configuration file if it does not already exist, and it adds to the `post-deinstall` instructions to remove the configuration file if it has not been modified.
+actions: [file(1)]
+arguments: true
+post-install: <<EOD
+ case "%1" in
+ /*) sample_file="%1" ;;
+ *) sample_file="%D/%1" ;;
+ esac
+ target_file="${sample_file%.sample}"
+ set -- %@
+ if [ $# -eq 2 ]; then
+ target_file=${2}
+ fi
+ case "${target_file}" in
+ /*) target_file="${target_file}" ;;
+ *) target_file="%D/${target_file}" ;;
+ esac
+ if ! [ -f "${target_file}" ]; then
+ /bin/cp -p "${sample_file}" "${target_file}" && \
+ /bin/chmod u+w "${target_file}"
+ fi
+pre-deinstall: <<EOD
+ case "%1" in
+ /*) sample_file="%1" ;;
+ *) sample_file="%D/%1" ;;
+ esac
+ target_file="${sample_file%.sample}"
+ set -- %@
+ if [ $# -eq 2 ]; then
+ set -- %@
+ target_file=${2}
+ fi
+ case "${target_file}" in
+ /*) target_file="${target_file}" ;;
+ *) target_file="%D/${target_file}" ;;
+ esac
+ if cmp -s "${target_file}" "${sample_file}"; then
+ rm -f "${target_file}"
+ else
+ echo "You may need to manually remove ${target_file} if it is no longer needed."
+ fi