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-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
-<!DOCTYPE article PUBLIC "-//FreeBSD//DTD DocBook XML V5.0-Based Extension//EN"
- "http://www.FreeBSD.org/XML/share/xml/freebsd50.dtd" [
-<!ENTITY scratch.ap "<application xmlns='http://docbook.org/ns/docbook'>FreeBSD From Scratch</application>">
-<article xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" version="5.0" xml:lang="en">
- <info><title>FreeBSD From Scratch</title>
- <author><personname><firstname>Jens</firstname><surname>Schweikhardt</surname></personname><affiliation>
- <address><email>schweikh@FreeBSD.org</email></address>
- </affiliation></author>
- <copyright>
- <year>2002,2003,2004,2008</year>
- <holder>Jens Schweikhardt</holder>
- </copyright>
- <legalnotice xml:id="trademarks" role="trademarks">
- &tm-attrib.freebsd;
- &tm-attrib.adobe;
- &tm-attrib.general;
- </legalnotice>
- <pubdate>$FreeBSD$</pubdate>
- <releaseinfo>$FreeBSD$</releaseinfo>
- <abstract>
- <para>This article describes my efforts at &scratch.ap;: a fully
- automated installation of a customized &os; system compiled from
- source, including compilation of all your favorite ports and
- configured to match your idea of the perfect system. If you
- think <command>make world</command> is a wonderful concept,
- &scratch.ap; extends it to <command>make evenmore</command>.</para>
- </abstract>
- </info>
- <sect1 xml:id="introduction">
- <title>Introduction</title>
- <para>Have you ever upgraded your system with <command>make world</command>?
- There is a problem if you have only one system on your disks. If
- the <buildtarget>installworld</buildtarget> fails partway through,
- you are left with a broken system that might not even boot any
- longer. Or maybe the <buildtarget>installworld</buildtarget> runs
- smoothly but the new kernel does not boot. Then it is time to
- reach for the Fixit CD and dig for those backups you have taken
- half a year ago.</para>
- <para>I believe in the <quote>wipe your disks when upgrading systems</quote>
- paradigm. Wiping disks, or rather partitions, makes sure there is no
- old cruft left lying around, something which most upgrade procedures
- just do not care about. But wiping the partitions means you have to
- also recompile/reinstall all your ports and packages and then
- redo all your carefully crafted configuration tweaks.
- If you think that this task should be automated as well, read on.</para>
- </sect1>
- <sect1 xml:id="why">
- <title>Why would I (not) want &scratch.ap;?</title>
- <para>This is a legitimate question. We have
- <application>sysinstall</application> and the well known way to
- compile the kernel and the userland tools.</para>
- <para>The problem with <application>sysinstall</application> is
- that it is severely limited in what, where and how it can install.</para>
- <itemizedlist>
- <listitem>
- <para>It is normally used to install pre-built distribution sets and
- packages from some other source (CD, DVD, FTP). It cannot install
- the result of a <literal>make buildworld</literal>.</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>It cannot install a second system under a directory
- in a running system.</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>It cannot install in <application>Vinum</application>
- or <application>ZFS</application> partitions.</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>It cannot compile ports, only install precompiled packages.</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>It is hard to script or to make arbitrary post-installation
- changes.</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>Last but not least, <application>sysinstall</application>
- is semi-officially at its End-Of-Life.</para>
- </listitem>
- </itemizedlist>
- <para>The well known way to build and install the world, as
- described in <link xlink:href="http://www.FreeBSD.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/makeworld.html">the
- Handbook</link>, by default replaces
- the existing system. Only the kernel and modules are saved.
- System binaries, headers and a lot of other files are overwritten;
- obsolete files are still present and can cause surprises. If the
- upgrade fails for any reason, it may be hard or even impossible to
- restore the previous state of the system.</para>
- <para>&scratch.ap; solves all these problems. The strategy is
- simple: use a running system to install a new system under an empty
- directory tree, while new partitions are mounted appropriately
- in that tree. Many config files can be copied to the appropriate
- place and &man.mergemaster.8; can take care of those that cannot.
- Arbitrary post-configuration of the new system can be
- done from within the old system, up to the point where you can
- chroot to the new system. In other words, we go through three
- stages, where each stage consists of either running a shell
- script or invoking <command>make</command>:</para>
- <orderedlist>
- <listitem>
- <para><filename>stage_1.sh</filename>:
- Create a new bootable system under an empty directory and merge
- or copy as many files as are necessary.
- Then boot the new system.</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para><filename>stage_2.sh</filename>:
- Install desired ports.</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para><filename>stage_3.mk</filename>:
- Do post-configuration for software installed in previous stage.</para>
- </listitem>
- </orderedlist>
- <para>Once you have used &scratch.ap; to build a second system and
- found it works satisfactorily for a couple of weeks, you can then
- use it again to reinstall the original system. From now on, whenever
- you feel like an update is in order, you simply toggle the
- partitions you want to wipe and reinstall.</para>
- <para>Maybe you have heard of or even tried <link xlink:href="http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/">Linux From Scratch</link>,
- or LFS for short. LFS also describes how to build and install a
- system from scratch in empty partitions using a running system.
- The focus in LFS seems to be to show the role of each system
- component (such as kernel, compiler, devices, shell, terminal database,
- etc) and the details of each component's installation.
- &scratch.ap; does not go into that much detail. My goal is to
- provide an automated and complete installation, not explaining all
- the gory details that go on under the hood when making the world.
- In case you want to explore &os; at this level of detail, start
- looking at <filename>/usr/src/Makefile</filename> and follow the
- actions of a <command>make buildworld</command>.</para>
- <para>There are also downsides in the approach taken by &scratch.ap;
- that you should bear in mind.</para>
- <!-- XXX: A nice idea would be to write stage_2.sh using a jail
- that runs into the newly installed world from stage_1. Having
- properly set up a network address as the jail's primary IP
- address, it might even be possible to build ports in a chroot
- without uninstalling anything from the 'host' system. But
- keep in mind that even jails run on the 'host' kernel. -->
- <itemizedlist>
- <listitem>
- <para>While compiling the ports during stage two the system can
- not be used for its usual duties. If you run a production server
- you have to consider the downtime caused by stage two. The ports
- compiled by <filename>stage_2.conf.default</filename> below require
- about 8 hours (of which 4 hours are due to
- <application>OpenOffice.org</application>) to build on a contemporary
- system. If you prefer to install packages instead of ports,
- you can significantly reduce the downtime to about 10 minutes.</para>
- </listitem>
- </itemizedlist>
- </sect1>
- <sect1 xml:id="prerequisites">
- <title>Prerequisites</title>
- <para>For going the &scratch.ap; way, you need to have:</para>
- <itemizedlist>
- <listitem>
- <para>A running &os; system with sources and a ports tree.</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>At least one unused partition where the new system will be
- installed.</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>Experience with running &man.mergemaster.8;. Or at least no fear
- doing so.</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>If you have no or only a slow link to the Internet: the distfiles
- for your favorite ports.</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>Basic knowledge of shell scripting with the Bourne shell,
- &man.sh.1;.</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>Finally, you should also be able to tell your boot
- loader how to boot the new system, either interactively, or
- by means of a config file.</para>
- </listitem>
- </itemizedlist>
- </sect1>
- <sect1 xml:id="stage1">
- <title>Stage One: System Installation</title>
- <para>The first version of this article used a single shell script
- for stage one where all your customization had to be done by editing
- the script. After valuable user feedback I have decided to
- separate the code and data in the scripts. This allows to have
- different configuration data sets to install different systems
- without changing any of the code scripts.</para>
- <para>The code script for stage one is
- <filename>stage_1.sh</filename> and when run with exactly one
- argument, like</para>
- <informalexample>
- <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>./stage_1.sh <replaceable>default</replaceable></userinput></screen>
- </informalexample>
- <para>will read its configuration from
- <filename>stage_1.conf.default</filename> and write a log to
- <filename>stage_1.log.default</filename>.</para>
- <para>Further below you find my <filename>stage_1.conf.default</filename>.
- You need to customize it in various places to match your idea of the
- <quote>perfect system</quote>. I have tried to extensively comment
- the places you should adapt. The configuration script must provide
- four shell functions, <command>create_file_systems</command>,
- <command>create_etc_fstab</command>, <command>copy_files</command>
- and <command>all_remaining_customization</command> (in case it
- matters: this is also the sequence in which they will be called
- from <filename>stage_1.sh</filename>).</para>
- <para>The points to ponder are:</para>
- <itemizedlist>
- <listitem>
- <para>Partition layout.</para>
- <para>I do not subscribe to the idea of a single huge partition
- for the whole system. My systems generally have at least
- one partition for
- <filename>/</filename>,
- <filename>/usr</filename> and
- <filename>/var</filename> with
- <filename>/tmp</filename> symlinked to
- <filename>/var/tmp</filename>.
- In addition I share the file systems for
- <filename>/home</filename> (user homes),
- <filename>/home/ncvs</filename> (&os; CVS repository replica),
- <filename>/usr/ports</filename> (the ports tree),
- <filename>/src</filename> (various checked out src trees) and
- <filename>/share</filename> (other shared data without the need
- for backups, like the news spool).</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>Luxury items.</para>
- <para>What you want immediately after booting the new system and
- even before starting stage two. The reason for not simply
- chrooting to the new system during stage one and installing
- all my beloved ports is that in theory and in practice there
- are bootstrap and consistency issues: stage one has your old
- kernel running, but the chrooted environment consists of new
- binaries and headers. If the new binaries use a new system
- call, these binaries will die with <literal>SIGSYS, Bad
- system call</literal>, because the old kernel does not have
- that system call. I have seen other issues when I tried
- building <package>lang/perl5.8</package>.</para>
- </listitem>
- </itemizedlist>
- <para>Before you run <filename>stage_1.sh</filename> make sure
- you have completed the usual tasks in preparation for
- <command>make installworld installkernel</command>, like:</para>
- <itemizedlist>
- <listitem>
- <para>configured your kernel config file</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>successfully completed <command>make buildworld</command></para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>successfully completed <command>make buildkernel
- KERNCONF=<replaceable>whatever</replaceable></command></para>
- </listitem>
- </itemizedlist>
- <para>When you run <filename>stage_1.sh</filename> for the first
- time, and the config files copied from your running system to the
- new system are not up-to-date with respect to what is under
- <filename>/usr/src</filename>, <command>mergemaster</command> will
- ask you how to proceed. I recommend merging the changes. If you get
- tired of going through the dialogues you can simply update the files
- on your <emphasis>running</emphasis> system once (Only if this is an
- option. You probably do not want to do this if one of your systems
- runs <literal>-STABLE</literal> and the other
- <literal>-CURRENT</literal>. The changes may be incompatible).
- Subsequent <command>mergemaster</command> invocations will detect
- that the RCS version IDs match those under
- <filename>/usr/src</filename> and skip the file.</para>
- <para>The <filename>stage_1.sh</filename> script will stop at the
- first command that fails (returns a non-zero exit status) due to
- <command>set -e</command>, so you cannot overlook errors. It will
- also stop if you use an unset environment variable, probably due
- to a typo. You should correct any errors in your version of
- <filename>stage_1.conf.default</filename> before you go on.</para>
- <para>In <filename>stage_1.sh</filename> we invoke
- <command>mergemaster</command>. Even if none of the files requires a
- merge, it will display and ask at the end</para>
- <screen>*** Comparison complete
-*** Saving mtree database for future upgrades
-Do you wish to delete what is left of /var/tmp/temproot.stage1? [no] <userinput>no</userinput></screen>
- <para>Please answer <literal>no</literal> or just hit
- <keycap>Enter</keycap>. The reason is that <command>mergemaster</command>
- will have left a few zero sized files below
- <filename>/var/tmp/temproot.stage1</filename> which will be copied to the
- new system later (unless already there).</para>
- <para>After that <command>mergemaster</command> will list the files it
- installed and ask if the new <filename>login.conf</filename> should be
- generated:</para>
-<screen>*** You chose the automatic install option for files that did not
- exist on your system. The following were installed for you:
- /newroot/etc/defaults/rc.conf
- ...
- /newroot/COPYRIGHT
-*** You installed a new aliases file into /newroot/etc/mail, but
- the newaliases command is limited to the directories configured
- in sendmail.cf. Make sure to create your aliases database by
- hand when your sendmail configuration is done.
-*** You installed a login.conf file, so make sure that you run
- '/usr/bin/cap_mkdb /newroot/etc/login.conf'
- to rebuild your login.conf database
- Would you like to run it now? y or n [n]</screen>
- <para>The answer does not matter since <filename>stage_1.sh</filename> will
- run &man.cap.mkdb.1; for you in any case.</para>
- <para>Here is the author's <link xlink:href="stage_1.conf.default"><filename>stage_1.conf.default</filename></link>,
- which you need to modify substantially. The comments give you
- enough information what to change.</para>
-<programlisting><xi:include xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" href="stage_1.conf.default" parse="text"/></programlisting>
- <para>Download <link xlink:href="stage_1.conf.default"><filename>stage_1.conf.default</filename>
- </link>.</para>
- <para>Running this script installs a system that when booted
- provides:</para>
- <itemizedlist>
- <listitem>
- <para>Inherited users and groups.</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>Firewalled Internet connectivity over Ethernet.</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>Correct time zone and NTP.</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>Some more minor configuration, like
- <filename>/etc/ttys</filename> and
- <command>inetd</command>.</para>
- </listitem>
- </itemizedlist>
- <para>Other areas are prepared for configuration, but will not work
- until stage two is completed. For example we have copied files to
- configure printing and X11. Printing however is likely to need
- applications not found in the base system, like &postscript;
- utilities. X11 will not run before we have compiled the server,
- libraries and programs.</para>
- </sect1>
- <sect1 xml:id="stage2">
- <title>Stage Two: Ports Installation</title>
- <note>
- <para>It is also possible to install the (precompiled)
- packages at this stage, instead of compiling ports. In this case,
- <filename>stage_2.sh</filename> would be nothing more than a list of
- <command>pkg_add</command> commands. I trust you know how to write
- such a script. Here we concentrate on the more flexible and
- traditional way of using the ports.</para>
- </note>
- <para>The following <filename>stage_2.sh</filename> script is how I
- install my favorite ports. It can be run any number of times and
- will skip all ports that are already installed. It supports the
- <emphasis>dryrun</emphasis> option (<option>-n</option>) to just
- show what would be done. You run it like <filename>stage_1.sh</filename>
- with exactly one argument to denote a config file, e.g.</para>
- <informalexample>
- <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>./stage_2.sh <replaceable>default</replaceable></userinput></screen>
- </informalexample>
- <para>which will read the list of ports from
- <filename>stage_2.conf.default</filename>.</para>
- <para>The list of ports consists of lines with two or more space
- separated words: the category and the port, optionally followed by
- an installation command that will compile and install the port
- (default: <command>make install BATCH=yes &lt; /dev/null</command>).
- Empty lines and lines
- starting with # are ignored. Most of the time it suffices to only
- name category and port. A few ports however can be fine tuned by
- specifying <command>make</command> variables, e.g.:</para>
- <programlisting>www mozilla make WITHOUT_MAILNEWS=yes WITHOUT_CHATZILLA=yes install</programlisting>
- <para>In fact you can specify arbitrary shell commands, so you are
- not restricted to simple <command>make</command> invocations:</para>
- <programlisting>java jdk16 echo true &gt; files/license.sh; make install BATCH=yes &lt; /dev/null
-print acroread8 yes accept | make install PAGER=ls
-x11-fonts gnu-unifont make install &amp;&amp; mkfontdir /usr/local/lib/X11/fonts/local
-news inn-stable CONFIGURE_ARGS="--enable-uucp-rnews --enable-setgid-inews" make install</programlisting>
- <para>The first two lines are examples how you can handle ports
- asking you to accept a licence. Note how the line for
- <package>news/inn-stable</package> is an example
- for a one-shot shell variable assignment to
- <literal>CONFIGURE_ARGS</literal>. The port
- <filename>Makefile</filename> will use this as an initial value
- and augment some other essential args. The difference to
- specifying a <application>make</application> variable on the command line
- with</para>
- <programlisting>news inn-stable make CONFIGURE_ARGS="--enable-uucp-rnews --enable-setgid-inews" install</programlisting>
- <para>is that the latter will override instead of augment. It depends on
- the particular port which method you want.</para>
- <para>Be careful that your ports do not use an interactive install, i.e.
- they should not try to read from stdin other than what you explicitly
- give them on stdin. If they do, they will read the next line(s) from
- your list of ports in the here-document and get confused. If
- <filename>stage_2.sh</filename> mysteriously skips a port or stops
- processing, this is likely the reason.</para>
- <para>Below is <filename>stage_2.conf.default</filename>. A log file named
- <filename>LOGDIR/category+port</filename> is created for each port
- it actually installs.</para>
-<programlisting><xi:include xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" href="stage_2.conf.default" parse="text"/></programlisting>
- <para>Download <link xlink:href="stage_2.conf.default"><filename>stage_2.conf.default</filename></link>.</para>
- </sect1>
- <sect1 xml:id="stage3">
- <title>Stage Three</title>
- <para>You have installed your beloved ports during stage two. Some
- ports require a little bit of configuration. This is what stage three,
- the post-configuration is for. I could have integrated this
- post-configuration at the end of the <filename>stage_2.sh</filename>
- script. However, I think there is a conceptual difference between
- installing a port and modifying its out-of-the-box configuration
- that warrants a separate stage.</para>
- <para>I have chosen to implement stage three as a
- <filename>Makefile</filename> because this allows easy selection of
- what you want to configure simply by running:</para>
- <informalexample>
- <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>make -f stage_3.mk <replaceable>target</replaceable></userinput></screen>
- </informalexample>
- <para>As with <filename>stage_2.sh</filename> make sure you have
- <filename>stage_3.mk</filename> available after booting the new
- system, either by putting it on a shared partition or copying it
- somewhere on the new system.</para>
- </sect1>
- <sect1 xml:id="limitations">
- <title>Limitations</title>
- <para>The automated installation of a port may prove difficult if it
- is interactive and does not support <command>make BATCH=YES
- install</command>. For a few ports the interaction is nothing more
- than typing <literal>yes</literal> when asked to accept some license.
- If the answer is read from standard input, simply pipe the
- appropriate answers to the installation command (e.g. <command>yes |
- make install</command>. For other ports you need to investigate
- where exactly the interactive command is located and deal with it
- appropriately. See the examples above for
- <package>print/acroread8</package> and
- <package>java/jdk16</package>.</para>
- <para>You should also be aware of upgrade issues for config files.
- In general you do not know when and if the format or contents of a
- config file changes. A new group may be added to
- <filename>/etc/group</filename>, or <filename>/etc/passwd</filename>
- may gain another field. All of this has happened in the past. Simply
- copying a config file from the old to the new system may be enough
- most of the time, but in these cases it was not. If you update a
- system the canonical way (by overwriting the old files) you are
- expected to use <command>mergemaster</command> to deal with changes
- where you effectively want to merge your local config with
- potentially new items. Unfortunately, <command>mergemaster</command>
- is only available for base system files, not for anything installed
- by ports. Some third party software seems to be especially designed
- to keep me on my toes by changing the config file format every
- fortnight. To detect such silent changes, I keep a copy of the
- modified config files in the same place where I keep
- <filename>stage_3.mk</filename> and compare the result with a
- <application>make</application> rule, e.g. for
- <application>apache</application>'s <filename>httpd.conf</filename>
- in target <command>config_apache</command> with</para>
-@if ! cmp -s /usr/local/etc/apache2/httpd.conf httpd.conf; then \
- echo "ATTENTION: the httpd.conf has changed. Please examine if"; \
- echo "the modifications are still correct. Here is the diff:"; \
- diff -u /usr/local/etc/apache2/httpd.conf httpd.conf; \
- <para>If the diff is innocuous I can make the message go away with
- <command>cp /usr/local/etc/apache2/httpd.conf
- httpd.conf</command>.</para>
- <para>I have used &scratch.ap; several times to update a
- <literal>7-CURRENT</literal> to <literal>7-CURRENT</literal> and
- <literal>8-CURRENT</literal> to <literal>8-CURRENT</literal>, i.e.
- I have never tried to install a <literal>8-CURRENT</literal> from
- a <literal>7-CURRENT</literal> system or vice versa. Due to the
- number of changes between different major release numbers I would
- expect this process to be a bit more involved. Using &scratch.ap;
- for upgrades within the realm of a <literal>STABLE</literal> branch
- should work painlessly (although I have not yet tried it.)</para>
- </sect1>
- <sect1 xml:id="files">
- <title>The Files</title>
- <para>Here are the three files you need beside the config files
- already shown above.</para>
- <para>This is the <link xlink:href="stage_1.sh"><filename>stage_1.sh</filename></link>
- script, which you should not need to modify.</para>
-<programlisting><xi:include xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" href="stage_1.sh" parse="text"/></programlisting>
- <para>Download <link xlink:href="stage_1.sh"><filename>stage_1.sh</filename></link>.</para>
- <para>This is the <link xlink:href="stage_2.sh"><filename>stage_2.sh</filename></link>
- script. You may want to modify the variables at the
- beginning.</para>
-<programlisting><xi:include xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" href="stage_2.sh" parse="text"/></programlisting>
- <para>Download <link xlink:href="stage_2.sh"><filename>stage_2.sh</filename></link>.</para>
- <para>This is my <link xlink:href="stage_3.mk"><filename>stage_3.mk</filename></link> to
- give you an idea how to automate all reconfiguration.</para>
-<programlisting><xi:include xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" href="stage_3.mk" parse="text"/></programlisting>
- <para>Download <link xlink:href="stage_3.mk"><filename>stage_3.mk</filename></link>.</para>
- </sect1>