path: root/en_US.ISO8859-1/htdocs/releases/12.2R/errata/errata.xml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'en_US.ISO8859-1/htdocs/releases/12.2R/errata/errata.xml')
1 files changed, 127 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/en_US.ISO8859-1/htdocs/releases/12.2R/errata/errata.xml b/en_US.ISO8859-1/htdocs/releases/12.2R/errata/errata.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f6f024c012
--- /dev/null
+++ b/en_US.ISO8859-1/htdocs/releases/12.2R/errata/errata.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
+<!DOCTYPE article PUBLIC "-//FreeBSD//DTD DocBook XML V5.0-Based Extension//EN"
+"../../../../../share/xml/freebsd50.dtd" [
+<!ENTITY % release PUBLIC "-//FreeBSD//ENTITIES Release Specification//EN" "../share/xml/release.ent">
+ %release;
+<!ENTITY % sponsor PUBLIC "-//FreeBSD//ENTITIES Sponsor Specification//EN" "../share/xml/sponsor.ent">
+ %sponsor;
+<!ENTITY % vendor PUBLIC "-//FreeBSD//ENTITIES Vendor Specification//EN" "../share/xml/vendor.ent">
+ %vendor;
+<!ENTITY security SYSTEM "../share/xml/security.xml">
+<!ENTITY errata SYSTEM "../share/xml/errata.xml">
+<article xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook"
+ xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"
+ version="5.0">
+ <info>
+ <title>&os; &release; Errata</title>
+ <author>
+ <orgname>The &os; Project</orgname>
+ </author>
+ <pubdate>$FreeBSD$</pubdate>
+ <copyright>
+ <year>2020</year>
+ <holder role="mailto:doc@FreeBSD.org">The &os; Documentation
+ Project</holder>
+ </copyright>
+ <legalnotice xml:id="trademarks" role="trademarks">
+ &tm-attrib.freebsd;
+ &tm-attrib.intel;
+ &tm-attrib.sparc;
+ &tm-attrib.general;
+ </legalnotice>
+ <abstract>
+ <para>This document lists errata items for &os; &release;,
+ containing significant information discovered after the
+ release or too late in the release cycle to be otherwise
+ included in the release documentation. This information
+ includes security advisories, as well as news relating to the
+ software or documentation that could affect its operation or
+ usability. An up-to-date version of this document should
+ always be consulted before installing this version of
+ &os;.</para>
+ <para>This errata document for &os; &release; will be maintained
+ until the release of &os; &release.next;.</para>
+ </abstract>
+ </info>
+ <sect1 xml:id="intro">
+ <title>Introduction</title>
+ <para>This errata document contains <quote>late-breaking
+ news</quote> about &os; &release; Before installing this
+ version, it is important to consult this document to learn about
+ any post-release discoveries or problems that may already have
+ been found and fixed.</para>
+ <para>Any version of this errata document actually distributed
+ with the release (for example, on a CDROM distribution) will be
+ out of date by definition, but other copies are kept updated on
+ the Internet and should be consulted as the <quote>current
+ errata</quote> for this release. These other copies of the
+ errata are located at <link
+ xlink:href="https://www.FreeBSD.org/releases/" />, plus any
+ sites which keep up-to-date mirrors of this location.</para>
+ <para>Source and binary snapshots of &os; &release.branch; also
+ contain up-to-date copies of this document (as of the time of
+ the snapshot).</para>
+ <para>For a list of all &os; CERT security advisories, see
+ <link xlink:href="https://www.FreeBSD.org/security/"/>.</para>
+ </sect1>
+ <sect1 xml:id="security">
+ <title>Security Advisories</title>
+ &security;
+ </sect1>
+ <sect1 xml:id="errata">
+ <title>Errata Notices</title>
+ &errata;
+ </sect1>
+ <sect1 xml:id="open-issues">
+ <title>Open Issues</title>
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>[2019-11-04] A late issue was discovered where systems
+ using the <filename
+ role="package">graphics/drm-kmod</filename> port built on
+ &os;&nbsp;12.0-RELEASE will crash during boot. It is
+ advised to remove the port prior to upgrading, and build the
+ port instead of using the upstream binary package.</para>
+ </listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ </sect1>
+ <sect1 xml:id="late-news">
+ <title>Late-Breaking News</title>
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>[2019-11-22] The &os;&nbsp;12.1-RELEASE announcement
+ includes mention of &os;/&arch.amd64; Amazon&reg; EC2&trade;
+ <acronym>AMI</acronym>s (Amazon Machine Images). Though it
+ also included mention of &os;/&arch.arm64; being available
+ in various regions, it had not passed third-party validation
+ for inclusion in the Amazon&reg; Marketplace.</para>
+ <para>&os;&nbsp;12.1-RELEASE &arch.arm64; Amazon&reg;
+ EC2&trade; <acronym>AMI</acronym>s are now available in the
+ Marketplace <link
+ xlink:href="https://aws.amazon.com/marketplace/pp/B081NF7BY7">here</link>.</para>
+ </listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ </sect1>