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- <body class="navinclude.download">
- <p><b>Date:</b> Sat, 06 Nov 2004 16:19:57 -0700<br/>
- <b>From:</b> Scott Long &lt;scottl@FreeBSD.org&gt;<br/>
- <b>To:</b> freebsd-announce@FreeBSD.org<br/>
- <b>Subject:</b> [FreeBSD-Announce] FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE Announcement</p>
- <p>It is my great pleasure and privilege to announce the availability of
- FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE. This release marks a milestone in the FreeBSD 5.x
- series and the beginning of the 5-STABLE branch of releases. Some of
- the many changes since 5.2.1 include:</p>
- <ul>
- <li><p>A binary compatibility interface has been introduced for the i386
- platform that allows running Microsoft Windows NDIS network drivers
- natively in the kernel.</p></li>
- <li><p>The network and socket subsystems are now multi-threaded and
- reentrant. This allows for much better use of SMP parallelism when
- processing and forwarding local and remote network traffic.</p></li>
- <li><p>The development environment has been updated to GCC 3.4.2, Binutils
- 2.15, and GDB 6.1</p></li>
- <li><p>The choices for graphical environments have been updated to include
- X.org 6.7, Gnome 2.6.2 and KDE 3.3.0.</p></li>
- </ul>
- <p>There has also been a significant focus on testing and bug-fixing with
- this release, as well as the freezing of most kernel and userland APIs.
- Users and vendors are encouraged to consider transitioning to it as
- FreeBSD 5.x is no longer considered a 'New Technology' release series.
- Information on migrating from FreeBSD 4.x to 5.x can be found at</p>
- <p><a href="http://www.FreeBSD.org/releases/5.3R/migration-guide.html">
- http://www.FreeBSD.org/releases/5.3R/migration-guide.html</a></p>
- <p>For a complete list of new features and known problems, please see the
- release notes and errata list, available at:</p>
- <p><a href="http://www.FreeBSD.org/releases/5.3R/relnotes.html">
- http://www.FreeBSD.org/releases/5.3R/relnotes.html</a><br/>
- <a href="http://www.FreeBSD.org/releases/5.3R/errata.html">
- http://www.FreeBSD.org/releases/5.3R/errata.html</a></p>
- <p>For more information about FreeBSD release engineering activities,
- please see:</p>
- <p><a href="http://www.FreeBSD.org/releng">http://www.FreeBSD.org/releng</a></p>
- <h2>Availability</h2>
- <p>FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE supports the i386, pc98, alpha, sparc64, amd64, and
- ia64 architectures and can be installed directly over the net using
- bootable media or copied to a local NFS/FTP server. Distributions for
- all architectures are available now.</p>
- <p>Please continue to support the FreeBSD Project by purchasing media
- from one of our supporting vendors. The following companies will be
- offering FreeBSD 5.3 based products:</p>
- <ul>
- <li><p>FreeBSD Mall, Inc.
- <tt><a href="http://www.freebsdmall.com/">http://www.freebsdmall.com/</a></tt></p></li>
- <li><p>Daemonnews, Inc.
- <tt><a href="http://www.bsdmall.com/freebsd1.html">http://www.bsdmall.com/freebsd1.html</a></tt></p></li>
- </ul>
- <p>If you can't afford FreeBSD on media, are impatient, or just want to
- use it for evangelism purposes, then by all means download the ISO
- images. We can't promise that all the mirror sites will carry the
- larger ISO images, but they will at least be available from the
- following sites. MD5 checksums for the release images are included at
- the bottom of this message.</p>
- <h2>Bittorrent</h2>
- <p>Bittorrent distribution is being tested on an experimental basis. A
- collection of trackers for the release ISO images is available at</p>
- <p><tt><a href="http://people.freebsd.org/~scottl/5.3-torrent">http://people.freebsd.org/~scottl/5.3-torrent</a></tt></p>
- <h2>FTP</h2>
- <ul>
- <li><p><tt><a href="ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/">ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/</a></tt></p></li>
- <li><p><tt><a href="ftp://ftp2.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/">ftp://ftp2.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/</a></tt></p></li>
- <li><p><tt><a href="ftp://ftp3.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/">ftp://ftp3.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/</a></tt></p></li>
- <li><p><tt><a href="ftp://ftp4.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/">ftp://ftp4.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/</a></tt></p></li>
- <li><p><tt><a href="ftp://ftp5.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/">ftp://ftp5.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/</a></tt></p></li>
- <li><p><tt><a href="ftp://ftp6.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/">ftp://ftp6.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/</a></tt></p></li>
- <li><p><tt><a href="ftp://ftp7.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/">ftp://ftp7.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/</a></tt></p></li>
- <li><p><tt><a href="ftp://ftp10.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/">ftp://ftp10.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/</a></tt></p></li>
- <li><p><tt><a href="ftp://ftp2.au.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/">ftp://ftp2.au.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/</a></tt></p></li>
- <li><p><tt><a href="ftp://ftp.cz.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/">ftp://ftp.cz.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/</a></tt></p></li>
- <li><p><tt><a href="ftp://ftp.fr.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/">ftp://ftp.fr.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/</a></tt></p></li>
- <li><p><tt><a href="ftp://ftp2.jp.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/">ftp://ftp2.jp.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/</a></tt></p></li>
- <li><p><tt><a href="ftp://ftp1.ru.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/">ftp://ftp1.ru.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/</a></tt></p></li>
- <li><p><tt><a href="ftp://ftp2.ru.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/">ftp://ftp2.ru.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/</a></tt></p></li>
- <li><p><tt><a href="ftp://ftp2.tw.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/">ftp://ftp2.tw.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/</a></tt></p></li>
- <li><p><tt><a href="ftp://ftp3.us.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/">ftp://ftp3.us.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/</a></tt></p></li>
- <li><p><tt><a href="ftp://ftp10.us.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/">ftp://ftp10.us.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/</a></tt></p></li>
- <li><p><tt><a href="ftp://ftp11.us.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/">ftp://ftp11.us.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/</a></tt></p></li>
- <li><p><tt><a href="ftp://ftp15.us.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/">ftp://ftp15.us.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/</a></tt></p></li>
- </ul>
- <p>FreeBSD is also available via anonymous FTP from mirror sites in the
- following countries: Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada,
- China, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany,
- Hong Kong, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Japan, Korea, Lithuania,
- Amylonia, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Poland, Portugal, Romania,
- Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain,
- Sweden, Taiwan, Thailand, Ukraine, and the United Kingdom.</p>
- <p>Before trying the central FTP site, please check your regional
- mirror(s) first by going to:</p>
- <p>ftp://ftp.&lt;yourdomain&gt;.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD</p>
- <p>Any additional mirror sites will be labeled ftp2, ftp3 and so on.</p>
- <p>More information about FreeBSD mirror sites can be found at:</p>
- <p><tt><a href="http://www.FreeBSD.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/mirrors-ftp.html">
- http://www.FreeBSD.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/mirrors-ftp.html</a></tt></p>
- <p>For instructions on installing FreeBSD, please see Chapter 2 of The
- FreeBSD Handbook. It provides a complete installation walk-through
- for users new to FreeBSD, and can be found online at:</p>
- <p><tt><a href="http://www.FreeBSD.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/install.html">
- http://www.FreeBSD.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/install.html</a></tt></p>
- <h2>Acknowledgments</h2>
- <p>Many companies donated equipment, network access, or man-hours to
- finance the release engineering activities for FreeBSD 5.3 including
- The FreeBSD Mall, Compaq, Yahoo!, Sentex Communications, Sandvine, Inc.,
- FreeBSD Systems, Inc, and NTT/Verio.</p>
- <p>The release engineering team for 5.3-RELEASE includes:</p>
- <table border="0">
- <tbody>
- <tr>
- <td>Scott Long &lt;<a href="mailto:scottl@FreeBSD.org">scottl@FreeBSD.org</a>&gt;</td>
- <td>Release Engineering, I386 and AMD64 Release Building</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Ken Smith &lt;<a href="mailto:kensmith@FreeBSD.org">kensmith@FreeBSD.org</a>&gt;</td>
- <td>I386 and Sparc64 Release, Building, Mirror Site Coordination</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Hiroki Sato &lt;<a href="mailto:hrs@FreeBSD.org">hrs@FreeBSD.org</a>&gt;</td>
- <td>Release Engineering, Documentation and Coordination</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Robert Watson &lt;<a href="mailto:rwatson@FreeBSD.org">rwatson@FreeBSD.org</a>&gt;</td>
- <td>Release Engineering, Security</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>John Baldwin &lt;<a href="mailto:jhb@FreeBSD.org">jhb@FreeBSD.org</a>&gt;</td>
- <td>Release Engineering</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Murray Stokely &lt;<a href="mailto:murray@FreeBSD.org">murray@FreeBSD.org</a>&gt;</td>
- <td>Release Engineering</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Marcel Moolenaar &lt;<a href="mailto:marcel@FreeBSD.org">marcel@FreeBSD.org</a>&gt;</td>
- <td>IA64 Release Building</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Takahashi Yoshihiro &lt;<a href="mailto:nyan@FreeBSD.org">nyan@FreeBSD.org</a>&gt;</td>
- <td>PC98 Release Building</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Wilko Bulte &lt;<a href="mailto:wilko@FreeBSD.org">wilko@FreeBSD.org</a>&gt;</td>
- <td>Alpha Release Building</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Kris Kennaway &lt;<a href="mailto:kris@FreeBSD.org">kris@FreeBSD.org</a>&gt;</td>
- <td>Package Building</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Joe Marcus Clarke &lt;<a href="mailto:marcus@FreeBSD.org">marcus@FreeBSD.org</a>&gt;</td>
- <td>Package Building</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Jacques A. Vidrine &lt;<a href="mailto:nectar@FreeBSD.org">nectar@FreeBSD.org</a>&gt;</td>
- <td>Security Officer</td>
- </tr>
- </tbody>
- </table>
- <h2>CD Image Checksums</h2>
- <p>For Alpha:</p>
- <pre>MD5 (5.3-RELEASE-alpha-bootonly.iso) = 82fd65e9cfdb6431934d0f1c1b6a15a3
-MD5 (5.3-RELEASE-alpha-disc1.iso) = f7d2267e623be6e7409c119b46982061
-MD5 (5.3-RELEASE-alpha-disc2.iso) = 26ab899510752a05bf0019529b3ae09e
-MD5 (5.3-RELEASE-alpha-miniinst.iso) = 3cc9b2881ea519027fbec6f95ab2ea84</pre>
- <p>For amd64:</p>
- <pre>MD5 (5.3-RELEASE-amd64-bootonly.iso) = 3b13650ee101461d55233d2648402cfd
-MD5 (5.3-RELEASE-amd64-disc2.iso) = f35d3c6f46499ffab755ccf9b63cd558
-MD5 (5.3-RELEASE-amd64-miniinst.iso) = 1efce73bf26984feb6128518b225ad7e
-MD5 (5.3-RELEASE-amd64-disc1.iso) = 22894ae0c26f03537608d06815700148</pre>
- <p>For i386:</p>
- <pre>MD5 (5.3-RELEASE-i386-bootonly.iso) = e370ae39bb34f0789c638b6ad50038a2
-MD5 (5.3-RELEASE-i386-disc1.iso) = fbcbfdff31f27de396f257e0a37a78b8
-MD5 (5.3-RELEASE-i386-disc2.iso) = 21874a5663022768336e4cc73d1dd30d
-MD5 (5.3-RELEASE-i386-miniinst.iso) = 96124b2608ba481693e04d364d485e3c</pre>
- <p>For ia64:</p>
- <pre>MD5 (5.3-RELEASE-ia64-bootonly.iso) = 2e5dfceb79b2975885cab6b318c965b8
-MD5 (5.3-RELEASE-ia64-disc1.iso) = 61b5bc276bf2b75aed0908802ea12926
-MD5 (5.3-RELEASE-ia64-disc2.iso) = 02613e71ea7e04c43f75a8feccb0bdfa
-MD5 (5.3-RELEASE-ia64-miniinst.iso) = 709233fd711756966f298e31bcab4e45</pre>
- <p>For pc98:</p>
- <pre>MD5 (5.3-RELEASE-pc98-disc2.iso) = 373ddc67857b90b34190ad07a23e5298
-MD5 (5.3-RELEASE-pc98-miniinst.iso) = 01735af51f7b7f6ce37314e5ec49a842</pre>
- <p>For sparc64:</p>
- <pre>MD5 (5.3-RELEASE-sparc64-bootonly.iso)= db98df3d41cb20d6cdac668125736880
-MD5 (5.3-RELEASE-sparc64-disc1.iso) = cd960f33a4e4ae33628b28580900932a
-MD5 (5.3-RELEASE-sparc64-disc2.iso) = 058c9fce47fec044e6be91773532293a
-MD5 (5.3-RELEASE-sparc64-miniinst.iso)= 05eb044da17fda978f88716a8203be3d</pre>
- </body>
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- * Copyright (c) 2003 The FreeBSD Documentation Project
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- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
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- * are met:
- * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- *
- *
- * $FreeBSD$
- */
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-<div class="TITLEPAGE">
-<h1 class="TITLE"><a id="AEN2" name="AEN2">FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE Errata</a></h1>
-<h3 class="CORPAUTHOR">The FreeBSD Project</h3>
-<p class="COPYRIGHT">Copyright &copy; 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 The FreeBSD
-Documentation Project</p>
-<p class="PUBDATE">$FreeBSD: src/release/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/errata/article.sgml,v
- 2004/11/22 17:20:42 hrs Exp $<br />
-<div class="LEGALNOTICE"><a id="TRADEMARKS" name="TRADEMARKS"></a>
-<p>FreeBSD is a registered trademark of The FreeBSD Foundation.</p>
-<p>Intel, Celeron, EtherExpress, i386, i486, Itanium, Pentium, and Xeon are trademarks or
-registered trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the United States and
-other countries.</p>
-<p>AMD, Athlon, Opteron, and Geode are trademarks or registered
-trademarks of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. in the United States
-and other countries.</p>
-<p>Sparc, Sparc64, SPARCEngine, and UltraSPARC are trademarks of SPARC International, Inc
-in the United States and other countries. Products bearing SPARC trademarks are based
-upon architecture developed by Sun Microsystems, Inc.</p>
-<p>Many of the designations used by manufacturers and sellers to distinguish their
-products are claimed as trademarks. Where those designations appear in this document, and
-the FreeBSD Project was aware of the trademark claim, the designations have been followed
-by the ``&trade;'' or the ``&reg;'' symbol.</p>
-<hr />
-<blockquote class="ABSTRACT">
-<div class="ABSTRACT"><a id="AEN20" name="AEN20"></a>
-<p>This document lists errata items for FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE, containing significant
-information discovered after the release or too late in the release cycle to be otherwise
-included in the release documentation. This information includes security advisories, as
-well as news relating to the software or documentation that could affect its operation or
-usability. An up-to-date version of this document should always be consulted before
-installing this version of FreeBSD.</p>
-<p>This errata document for FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE will be maintained until the release of
-FreeBSD 5.4-RELEASE.</p>
-<div class="SECT1">
-<hr />
-<h2 class="SECT1"><a id="INTRO" name="INTRO">1 Introduction</a></h2>
-<p>This errata document contains ``late-breaking news'' about FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE. Before
-installing this version, it is important to consult this document to learn about any
-post-release discoveries or problems that may already have been found and fixed.</p>
-<p>Any version of this errata document actually distributed with the release (for
-example, on a CDROM distribution) will be out of date by definition, but other copies are
-kept updated on the Internet and should be consulted as the ``current errata'' for this
-release. These other copies of the errata are located at <a
-target="_top">http://www.FreeBSD.org/releases/</a>, plus any sites which keep up-to-date
-mirrors of this location.</p>
-<p>Source and binary snapshots of FreeBSD 5-STABLE also contain up-to-date copies of this
-document (as of the time of the snapshot).</p>
-<p>For a list of all FreeBSD CERT security advisories, see <a
-target="_top">http://www.FreeBSD.org/security/</a> or <a
-<div class="SECT1">
-<hr />
-<h2 class="SECT1"><a id="SECURITY" name="SECURITY">2 Security Advisories</a></h2>
-<p>(1 Dec 2004) A bug in <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">procfs</span>(5)</span></a> and <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">linprocfs</span>(5)</span></a>
-which could cause a malicious local user could perform a local denial of service attack
-by causing a system panic, or the user could read parts of kernel memory, has been fixed.
-For more information, see security advisory <a
-<p>(18 Nov 2004) A bug in the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">fetch</span>(1)</span></a> utility
-which allows a malicious HTTP server to cause arbitrary portions of the client's memory
-to be overwritten, has been fixed. For more information, see security advisory <a
-<div class="SECT1">
-<hr />
-<h2 class="SECT1"><a id="OPEN-ISSUES" name="OPEN-ISSUES">3 Open Issues</a></h2>
-<p>(31 Oct 2004) The <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">re</span>(4)</span></a> and <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">em</span>(4)</span></a> drivers may
-behave poorly under heavy load. In particular, there are reports of <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">em</span>(4)</span></a> on the IBM
-ThinkPad T40 locking up under such conditions.</p>
-<p>(31 Oct 2004) There are reports of the <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sk</span>(4)</span></a> driver locking
-up under heavy load, especially when ASUStek on-board NICs are used. To clear the
-condition, bringing the interface down then back up and/or rebooting the system may be
-<p>(31 Oct 2004) The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">burncd</span>(8)</span></a>
-utility is functional but may behave erratically on some systems. Reported symptoms
-include that <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">burncd</span>(8)</span></a> can
-appear to hang and never complete while the operation actually does complete, and the
-progress indicator does not show the correct value. Workarounds include:</p>
-<p>Eject and re-insert the media after burning a CD.</p>
-<p>Press Ctrl-C when <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">burncd</span>(8)</span></a>
-appears to hang up while the access LED goes inactive.</p>
-<p>(31 Oct 2004) When the user/group rule clauses in <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pf</span>(4)</span></a> and <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ipfw</span>(4)</span></a> are
-used, the loader tunable <var class="VARNAME">debug.mpsafenet</var> must be set to <var
-class="LITERAL">0</var> (this is <var class="LITERAL">1</var> by default). For example,
-the following rules are affected:</p>
-<p>for <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ipfw</span>(4)</span></a>:</p>
-<pre class="PROGRAMLISTING">
-count ip from any to uid root
-<p>for <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pf</span>(4)</span></a>:</p>
-<pre class="PROGRAMLISTING">
-block log quick proto { tcp, udp } all user root
-<p>To set <var class="VARNAME">debug.mpsafenet</var> to <var class="LITERAL">0</var> on
-every boot, add the following line into <tt class="FILENAME">/boot/loader.conf</tt>:</p>
-<pre class="PROGRAMLISTING">
-<p>More specifically, the <var class="LITERAL">group</var> and <var
-class="LITERAL">user</var> filter parameters in <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pf</span>(4)</span></a>, and the <var
-class="LITERAL">gid</var>, <var class="LITERAL">jail</var>, and <var
-class="LITERAL">uid</var> rule options in <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ipfw</span>(4)</span></a> are
-affected. If <var class="VARNAME">debug.mpsafenet</var> is set to <var
-class="LITERAL">1</var>, the system can hang when the rule is evaluated due to a lock
-order reversal with the socket layer. More details can be found in the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ipfw</span>(8)</span></a> and <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pf.conf</span>(5)</span></a>
-manual pages.</p>
-<p>(31 Oct 2004, updated on 12 Nov 2004) The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">vinum</span>(4)</span></a>
-subsystem works on 5.3, but it can cause a system panic at boot time. As a workaround you
-can add <var class="LITERAL">vinum_load="YES"</var> to <tt
-<p>As an alternative you can also use the new <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">geom</span>(4)</span></a>-based <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">vinum</span>(4)</span></a>
-subsystem. To activate the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">geom</span>(4)</span></a>-aware
-vinum at boot time, add <var class="LITERAL">geom_vinum_load="YES"</var> to <tt
-class="FILENAME">/boot/loader.conf</tt> and remove <var
-class="LITERAL">start_vinum="YES"</var> in <tt class="FILENAME">/etc/rc.conf</tt> if it
-<p>While some uncommon configurations, such as multiple vinum drives on a disk, are not
-supported, it is generally backward compatible. Note that for the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">geom</span>(4)</span></a>-aware
-vinum, its new userland control program, <tt class="COMMAND">gvinum</tt>, should be used,
-and it is not yet feature-complete.</p>
-<p>(31 Oct 2004) The results of <tt class="COMMAND">netstat -m</tt> can become incorrect
-on SMP systems when <var class="VARNAME">debug.mpsafenet</var> is set to <var
-class="LITERAL">1</var> (default). This is an error in the statistics gathering because
-of a race condition in the counters, not an actual memory leak.</p>
-<p>(31 Oct 2004, updated on 5 Nov 2004) For FreeBSD/i386 and FreeBSD/amd64, when
-installing FreeBSD 5.3 using an USB keyboard the keyboard will stop working once the
-kernel boots, because a PS/2 keyboard is always considered to be attached. As a
-workaround, select ``Escape to loader prompt'' in the boot loader menu and enter the
-following lines at the prompt:</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-set hint.atkbd.0.flags="0x1"
-<p>Note that if you use the boot floppies, this is set by default.</p>
-<p>After the installation, add the following line to <tt
-<pre class="PROGRAMLISTING">
-<p>(1 Nov 2004) The ULE scheduler described in the release notes has been completely
-disabled to discourage its use because it has stability problems.</p>
-<p>(1 Nov 2004) Programs linked with <b class="APPLICATION">libpthread</b> may not report
-any CPU usage statistics according to <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">top</span>(1)</span></a>, while those
-linked with <b class="APPLICATION">libthr</b> show the correct statistics.</p>
-<p>(1 Nov 2004) ATA RAID support for the CMD649 and SiI0680 ATA controllers is
-non-functional in this release. When such a controller is brough up under <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ata</span>(4)</span></a> (ataraid) on
-5.3, the RAID configuration stored under 5.2 or prior may be corrupted.</p>
-<p>(3 Nov 2004) For FreeBSD/i386 and FreeBSD/amd64, SMP support in the <tt
-class="FILENAME">GENERIC</tt> kernel has been disabled by default because the SMP kernel
-can degrade the performance on UP machines. A kernel configuration file <tt
-class="FILENAME">SMP</tt>, which can be used to enable SMP support, has been added. More
-details on building the custom kernel can be found at <a
-<p>(4 Nov 2004) The <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">tar</span>(1)</span></a> utility (also
-known as <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">bsdtar</span>(1)</span></a>) does
-not detect the end of media such as tape and floppy disk properly when it is specified
-with the <var class="OPTION">-f</var> option. As an alternative <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">gtar</span>(1)</span></a> (<b
-class="APPLICATION">GNU tar</b>) can be used.</p>
-<p>(9 Nov 2004) The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">geom</span>(4)</span></a>-aware <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">vinum</span>(4)</span></a>
-subsystem does not work for RAID5 volumes on machines with a single processor. The
-configurations other than RAID5 (such as RAID1) should work correctly. This problem has
-been fixed on the RELENG_5 branch.</p>
-<p>(9 Nov 2004) The FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE Migration Guide should have stated that <tt
-class="FILENAME">/usr/sbin/nslookup</tt> and <tt class="FILENAME">/usr/sbin/nsupdate</tt>
-included in <b class="APPLICATION">BIND 8</b> have to be removed during the source-based
-upgrade procedure.</p>
-<p>(9 Nov 2004) The FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE Release Notes should have stated that <a
-class="FILENAME">net/mpd</tt></a> which was compiled on the old systems prior to
-5.3-RELEASE must be recompiled.</p>
-<p>(10 Nov 2004) The FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE Release Notes should have stated explicitly that
-ports/packages which were built on the old systems prior to 5.3-RELEASE and linked with
-the old POSIX thread libraries (<b class="APPLICATION">libc_r</b> or <b
-class="APPLICATION">libkse</b>) can cause an error ``Spinlock called when not threaded.''
-at run time. This happens when the program is linked with multiple different threading
-libraries (typically the older ports will be linked with <b
-class="APPLICATION">libc_r</b>, while newer ports will be linked with <b
-class="APPLICATION">libpthread</b>). Either recompile the ports/packages or add the
-necessary lines to <tt class="FILENAME">/etc/libmap.conf</tt>. More details can be found
-in <tt class="FILENAME">/usr/src/UPDATING</tt> (20040303 and 20040130).</p>
-<p>(12 Nov 2004) The <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">em</span>(4)</span></a> driver behaves
-incorrectly when the VLAN support and promiscuous mode are enabled at the same time. A
-fix is being tested and will be merged to the 5.3 errata branch.</p>
-<div class="SECT1">
-<hr />
-<h2 class="SECT1"><a id="LATE-NEWS" name="LATE-NEWS">4 Late-Breaking News</a></h2>
-<p>No news.</p>
-<hr />
-<p align="center"><small>This file, and other release-related documents, can be
-downloaded from <a
-<p align="center"><small>For questions about FreeBSD, read the <a
-href="http://www.FreeBSD.org/docs.html">documentation</a> before contacting &#60;<a
-<p align="center"><small>All users of FreeBSD 5-STABLE should subscribe to the &#60;<a
-href="mailto:stable@FreeBSD.org">stable@FreeBSD.org</a>&#62; mailing list.</small></p>
-<p align="center"><small>For questions about this documentation, e-mail &#60;<a
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-<!ENTITY local.rel.tag "5_3">
-<!ENTITY title "FreeBSD &local.rel; Errata Processing Policy">
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- <cvs:keyword xmlns:cvs="http://www.FreeBSD.org/XML/CVS">$FreeBSD$</cvs:keyword>
- </head>
- <body class="navinclude.download">
- <h1>Introduction</h1>
- <p>The following is the general policy for submitting requests to have
- Errata Fixes applied to FreeBSD &local.rel;.</p>
- <h1>Procedures</h1>
- <p>The Errata fixes will be applied by a member of the Release Engineering
- Team, coordinating the fix with the Security Officer who owns the branch.
- An Errata Notice will also be issued. The Release Engineering Team may
- choose to handle several Errata with one Errata Notice if several are
- being processed at roughly the same time.</p>
- <h1>Policy</h1>
- <h2>Errata Candidates</h2>
- <p>The classification of things that are Errata candidates are things
- that are severe service-disrupting bugs for which there is no known
- work-around. Things like bugs in device drivers that impair their
- expected functionality, things that can cause kernel panics, etc.</p>
- <h2>Initial Patch</h2>
- <p>During the initial phases the fix for Errata should be handled
- exactly like any other fix. It should initially be committed to
- HEAD and go through the normal testing period there. The fix should
- then be MFCed as usual. At this point if you feel a fix is an Errata
- Notice candidate please contact the Release Engineering Team to make
- them aware of it.</p>
- <p>The fix should then sit in RELENG_5 for one to two weeks. During
- this period please try to have the fix reviewed by another senior
- Developer familiar with the section of the code you are working with.
- You should also get confirmation that the fix solves the problem from
- someone who had reported the problem. Assuming no problems come up
- during this testing period then send in the formal request to
- <a href="mailto:re@FreeBSD.org">re@FreeBSD.org</a>. Please include
- the patch that will need to be applied to &local.rel; and who has
- reviewed the fix.</p>
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-<div class="TITLEPAGE">
-<h1 class="TITLE"><a id="AEN2" name="AEN2">FreeBSD/alpha 5.3-RELEASE Hardware
-<h3 class="CORPAUTHOR">The FreeBSD Documentation Project</h3>
-<p class="COPYRIGHT">Copyright &copy; 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 The FreeBSD
-Documentation Project</p>
-<hr />
-<div class="TOC">
-<dt><b>Table of Contents</b></dt>
-<dt>1 <a href="#INTRO">Introduction</a></dt>
-<dt>2 <a href="#SUPPORT-PROC">Supported processors and motherboards</a></dt>
-<dt>2.1 <a href="#AEN28">Overview</a></dt>
-<dt>2.2 <a href="#AEN44">In general, what do you need to run FreeBSD on an
-<dt>2.3 <a href="#AEN105">System-specific information</a></dt>
-<dt>2.3.1 <a href="#AEN110">AXPpci33 (``NoName'')</a></dt>
-<dt>2.3.2 <a href="#AEN185">Universal Desktop Box (UDB or ``Multia'')</a></dt>
-<dt>2.3.3 <a href="#AEN274">Personal Workstation (``Miata'')</a></dt>
-<dt>2.3.4 <a href="#AEN384">Evaluation Board 64 family</a></dt>
-<dt>2.3.5 <a href="#AEN439">Evaluation Board 164 (``EB164, PC164, PC164LX, PC164SX'')
-<dt>2.3.6 <a href="#AEN508">AlphaStation 200 (``Mustang'') and 400 (``Avanti'')
-<dt>2.3.7 <a href="#AEN575">AlphaStation 500 and 600 (``Alcor'' &#38; ``Maverick'' for
-EV5, ``Bret'' for EV56)</a></dt>
-<dt>2.3.8 <a href="#AEN687">AlphaServer 1000 (``Mikasa''), 1000A (``Noritake'') and
-<dt>2.3.9 <a href="#AEN743">DS10/VS10/XP900 (``Webbrick'') / XP1000 (``Monet'') / DS10L
-<dt>2.3.10 <a href="#AEN894">DS20/DS20E (``Goldrush'')</a></dt>
-<dt>2.3.11 <a href="#AEN963">AlphaPC 264DP / UP2000</a></dt>
-<dt>2.3.12 <a href="#AEN1009">AlphaServer 2000 (``DemiSable''), 2100 (``Sable''), 2100A
-<dt>2.3.13 <a href="#AEN1080">AlphaServer 4x00 (``Rawhide'')</a></dt>
-<dt>2.3.14 <a href="#AEN1113">AlphaServer 1200 (``Tincup'') and AlphaStation 1200
-<dt>2.3.15 <a href="#AEN1143">AlphaServer 8200 and 8400 (``TurboLaser'')</a></dt>
-<dt>2.3.16 <a href="#AEN1186">Alpha Processor Inc. UP1000</a></dt>
-<dt>2.3.17 <a href="#AEN1235">Alpha Processor Inc. UP1100</a></dt>
-<dt>2.3.18 <a href="#AEN1283">Alpha Processor Inc. CS20, Compaq DS20L</a></dt>
-<dt>2.3.19 <a href="#AEN1330">Compaq AlphaServer ES40 (``Clipper'')</a></dt>
-<dt>2.4 <a href="#AEN1367">Supported Hardware Overview</a></dt>
-<dt>2.5 <a href="#AEN1399">Acknowledgments</a></dt>
-<dt>3 <a href="#SUPPORT">Supported Devices</a></dt>
-<dt>3.1 <a href="#DISK">Disk Controllers</a></dt>
-<dt>3.2 <a href="#ETHERNET">Ethernet Interfaces</a></dt>
-<dt>3.3 <a href="#FDDI">FDDI Interfaces</a></dt>
-<dt>3.4 <a href="#ATM">ATM Interfaces</a></dt>
-<dt>3.5 <a href="#WLAN">Wireless Network Interfaces</a></dt>
-<dt>3.6 <a href="#MISC-NETWORK">Miscellaneous Networks</a></dt>
-<dt>3.7 <a href="#ISDN">ISDN Interfaces</a></dt>
-<dt>3.8 <a href="#SERIAL">Serial Interfaces</a></dt>
-<dt>3.9 <a href="#AUDIO">Audio Devices</a></dt>
-<dt>3.10 <a href="#CAMERA">Camera and Video Capture Devices</a></dt>
-<dt>3.11 <a href="#USB">USB Devices</a></dt>
-<dt>3.12 <a href="#FIREWIRE">IEEE 1394 (Firewire) Devices</a></dt>
-<dt>3.13 <a href="#BLUETOOTH">Bluetooth Devices</a></dt>
-<dt>3.14 <a href="#CRYPTO-ACCEL">Cryptographic Accelerators</a></dt>
-<dt>3.15 <a href="#MISC">Miscellaneous</a></dt>
-<div class="SECT1">
-<h2 class="SECT1"><a id="INTRO" name="INTRO">1 Introduction</a></h2>
-<p>This document contains the hardware compatibility notes for FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE on the
-Alpha/AXP hardware platform (also referred to as FreeBSD/alpha 5.3-RELEASE). It lists
-devices known to work on this platform, as well as some notes on boot-time kernel
-customization that may be useful when attempting to configure support for new
-<div class="NOTE">
-<blockquote class="NOTE">
-<p><b>Note:</b> This document includes information specific to the Alpha/AXP hardware
-platform. Versions of the hardware compatibility notes for other architectures will
-differ in some details.</p>
-<div class="SECT1">
-<hr />
-<h2 class="SECT1"><a id="SUPPORT-PROC" name="SUPPORT-PROC">2 Supported processors and
-<i class="AUTHORGROUP"><span class="CONTRIB">Maintained by</span> Wilko Bulte.</i>
-<p>Additions, corrections and constructive criticism are invited. In particular,
-information on system quirks is more than welcome.</p>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="AEN28" name="AEN28">2.1 Overview</a></h3>
-<p>This document tries to provide a starting point for those who want to run FreeBSD on
-an Alpha-based machine. It is aimed at providing background information on the various
-hardware designs. It is not a replacement for the systems manuals.</p>
-<p>The information is structured as follows:</p>
-<p>general hardware requirements to run FreeBSD on alpha;</p>
-<p>system specific information for each of the systems/boards supported by FreeBSD;</p>
-<p>information on expansion boards for FreeBSD, including things that differ from what is
-in the generic supported hardware list.</p>
-<div class="NOTE">
-<blockquote class="NOTE">
-<p><b>Note:</b> You will see references to DEC, Digital Equipment Corporation and Compaq
-used more or less interchangeably. Now that Compaq has acquired Digital Equipment it
-would be more correct to refer to Compaq only. To be completely politically correct given
-that Hewlett Packard in turn has acquired Compaq I probably should be using HP
-everywhere. Given the fact that you will see the mix of names everywhere, I don't
-<div class="NOTE">
-<blockquote class="NOTE">
-<p><b>Note:</b> SRM commands will be in <kbd class="USERINPUT">UPPER CASE</kbd>. Lower
-case input is also acceptable to SRM. Upper case is used for clarity.</p>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="AEN44" name="AEN44">2.2 In general, what do you need to run
-FreeBSD on an Alpha?</a></h3>
-<p>Obviously you will need an Alpha machine that FreeBSD knows about. Alpha machines are
-NOT like PCs. There are considerable differences between the various core logic chip sets
-and mainboard designs. This means that a kernel needs to know the intimate details of a
-particular machine before it can run on it. Throwing some odd <tt
-class="FILENAME">GENERIC</tt> kernel at unknown hardware is almost guaranteed to fail
-<p>For a machine even to be considered for FreeBSD use please make sure it has the SRM
-console firmware installed. Or at least make sure that SRM console firmware is available
-for the particular machine type. If FreeBSD does not currently support your machine type,
-there is a good chance that this will change at some point in time, assuming SRM is
-available. All bets are off when SRM console firmware is not available.</p>
-<p>Machines with the ARC or AlphaBIOS console firmware were intended for WindowsNT. Some
-have SRM console firmware available in the system ROMs which you only have to select (via
-an ARC or AlphaBIOS menu). In other cases you will have to re-flash the ROMs with SRM
-code. Check on http://ftp.digital.com/pub/DEC/Alpha/firmware to see what is available for
-your particular system. In any case: no SRM means <span class="emphasis"><i
-class="EMPHASIS">no</i></span> FreeBSD (or NetBSD, OpenBSD, Tru64 Unix or OpenVMS for
-that matter). With the demise of WindowsNT/alpha a lot of former NT boxes are sold on the
-second hand market. They have little or no trade-in value when they are NT-only from the
-console firmware perspective. So, be suspicious if the price appears too good.</p>
-<p>Known non-SRM machines are:</p>
-<p>Digital XL series</p>
-<p>Digital XLT series</p>
-<p>Samsung PC164UX (``Ruffian'')</p>
-<p>Samsung 164B</p>
-<p>Machines that have SRM but are not supported by FreeBSD are:</p>
-<p>DECpc 150 (``Jensen'')</p>
-<p>DEC 2000/300 (``Jensen'')</p>
-<p>DEC 2000/500 (``Culzean'')</p>
-<p>AXPvme series (``Medulla'')</p>
-<p>To complicate things a bit further: Digital used to have so called ``white-box'' Alpha
-machines destined as NT-only and ``blue-box'' Alpha machines destined for OpenVMS and
-Digital Unix. These names are based on the color of the cabinets, ``FrostWhite'' and
-``TopGunBlue'' respectively. Although you could put the SRM console firmware on a
-whitebox, OpenVMS and Digital Unix will refuse to boot on them. FreeBSD in
-post-4.0-RELEASE will run on both the white and the blue-box variants. Before someone
-asks: the white ones had a rather different (read: cheaper) Digital price tag.</p>
-<p>As part of the SRM you will get the so called OSF/1 PAL code (OSF/1 being the initial
-name of Digital's UNIX offering on Alpha). The PAL code can be thought of as a software
-abstraction layer between the hardware and the operating system. It uses normal CPU
-instruction plus a handful of privileged instructions specific for PAL use. PAL is not
-microcode. The ARC console firmware contains a different PAL code, geared towards WinNT
-and in no way suitable for use by FreeBSD (or more generic: Unix or OpenVMS). Before
-someone asks: Linux/alpha brings its own PAL code, allowing it to boot on ARC and
-AlphaBIOS. There are various reasons why this is not a very good idea in the eyes of the
-*BSD folks. I don't want to go into details here. If you are interested in the gory
-details search the FreeBSD and NetBSD web sites.</p>
-<p>There is another pitfall ahead: you will need a disk adapter that the SRM console
-firmware recognizes in order to be able to boot from a disk. What is acceptable to SRM as
-a boot adapter is unfortunately highly system and SRM version dependent. For older PCI
-based machines it means you will need either a NCR/Symbios 53C810 based adapter, or a
-Qlogic 1020/1040 based adapter. Some machines come with a SCSI chip embedded on the
-mainboard. Newer machine designs and SRM versions will be able to work with more modern
-SCSI chips/adapters. Check out the machine specific info below. Please note that the rest
-of this discussion only refers to Symbios chips, this is meant to include the older chips
-that still have NCR stamped on them. Symbios bought NCR sometime.</p>
-<p>The problem might bite those who have machines that started their lives as WindowsNT
-boxes. The ARC or AlphaBIOS knows about <span class="emphasis"><i
-class="EMPHASIS">other</i></span> adapter types that it can boot from than the SRM. For
-example you can boot from an Adaptec 2940UW with ARC/AlphaBios but (generally) not with
-SRM. Some newer machine types have introduced Adaptec boot support. Please consult the
-machine specific section for details.</p>
-<p>Most adapters that cannot be booted from work fine for data-only disks. The
-differences between SRM and ARC could also get you pre-packaged IDE CDROMs and hard
-drives in some (former WindowsNT) systems. SRM versions exist (depends on the machine
-type) that can boot from IDE disks and CDROMs. Check the machine specific section for
-<p>FreeBSD 4.0 and later can be booted from the distribution CDROM. Earlier versions
-needed booting from a 2 disk floppy set.</p>
-<p>In order to be bootable the root partition (partition a) must be at offset 0 of the
-disk drive. This means you have to use the installer's partitioning menu and start with
-assigning partition a at offset 0 to the root partition. Subsequently layout the rest of
-the partitions to your liking. If you do not adhere to this rule the install will proceed
-just fine, but the system will not be bootable from the freshly installed disk.</p>
-<p>If you don't have/want a local disk drive you can boot via the Ethernet. This assumes
-an Ethernet adapter/chip that is recognized by the SRM console. Generally speaking this
-boils down to either a 21040 or 21142 or 21143 based Ethernet interface. Older machines
-or SRM versions may not recognize the 21142 / 21143 Fast Ethernet chips, you are then
-limited to using 10Mbit Ethernet for net booting those machines. Non-DEC cards based on
-said chips will generally (but are not guaranteed to) work. Note that Intel took over the
-21x4x chips when it bought Digital Semiconductor. So you might see an Intel logo on them
-these days. Recent machine designs have SRM support for Intel 8255x Ethernet chips.</p>
-<p>Alpha machines can be run with SRM on a graphics console or on a serial console. ARC
-can also be run on a serial consoles if need be. VT100 emulation with 8 bit controls
-should at least allow you to switch from ARC/AlphaBIOS to SRM mode without having to
-install a graphics card first.</p>
-<p>If you want to run your Alpha machine without a monitor/graphics card just don't
-connect a keyboard/mouse to the machine. Instead hook up a serial terminal[emulator] to
-serial port #1. The SRM will talk 9600N81 to you. This can also be really practical for
-debugging purposes. Beware: some/most (?) SRMs will also present you with a console
-prompt at serial port #2. The booting kernel, however, will display the boot messages on
-serial port #1 and will also put the console there. <span class="emphasis"><i
-class="EMPHASIS">This can be extremely confusing.</i></span></p>
-<p>Most PCI based Alphas can use ordinary PC-type VGA cards. The SRM contains enough
-smarts to make that work. It does not, however, mean that each and every PCI VGA card out
-on the street will work in an Alpha machine. Things like S3 Trio64, Mach64, and Matrox
-Millennium generally work. Old ET4000 based ISA cards have also worked for me. But ask
-around first before buying.</p>
-<p>Most PCI devices from the PC-world will also work in FreeBSD PCI-based machines. Check
-the <tt class="FILENAME">/sys/alpha/conf/GENERIC</tt> file for the latest word on this.
-Check the appropriate machine type's discussion in case you want to use PCI cards that
-have PCI bridge chips on them. In some cases you might encounter problems with PCI cards
-not handling PCI parity correctly. This can lead to panics. PCI parity checking can be
-disabled using the following SRM command:</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<samp class="PROMPT">&gt;&gt;&gt;</samp> <kbd class="USERINPUT">SET PCI_PARITY OFF</kbd>
-<p>This is not a FreeBSD problem, all operating systems running on Alpha hardware will
-need this workaround.</p>
-<p>If your system (also) contains EISA expansion slots you will need to run the EISA
-Configuration Utility (ECU) after you have installed EISA cards or after you have
-upgraded your console firmware.</p>
-<p>For Alpha CPUs you will find multiple generations. The original Alpha design is the
-21064. It was produced in a chip process called MOS4, chips made in this process are
-nicknamed EV4. Newer CPUs are 21164, 21264 etc. You will see designations like EV4S,
-EV45, EV5, EV56, EV6, EV67, EV68. The EVs with double digit numbers are slightly improved
-versions. For example EV45 has an improved FPU and 16 kByte on-chip separate I &amp; D
-caches compared to the EV4 on which it is based. Rule of thumb: the higher the digit
-immediately following ``EV'' the more desirable (read: faster / more modern).</p>
-<p>For memory you want at least 32 Mbytes. I have had FreeBSD run on a 16 Mbyte system
-but you will not enjoy that. Kernel build times halved when I went to 32 Mbytes. Note
-that the SRM console steals 2Mbyte from the total system memory (and keeps it). For more
-serious work 64 Mbytes or more are recommended.</p>
-<p>While on the subject of memory: pay close attention to the type of memory your machine
-uses. There are very different memory configurations and requirements for the various
-<p>Final word: I expect the above to sound a bit daunting to the first-time Alpha user.
-Don't be daunted too much. And do feel free to ask questions if something is not clear
-after reading this document.</p>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="AEN105" name="AEN105">2.3 System-specific information</a></h3>
-<p>Below is an overview of the hardware that FreeBSD runs on. This list will definitely
-grow, a look in <tt class="FILENAME">/sys/alpha/conf/GENERIC</tt> can be
-<p>Alpha machines are often best known by their project code name. Where known these are
-listed below in parentheses.</p>
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="AEN110" name="AEN110">2.3.1 AXPpci33 (``NoName'')</a></h4>
-<p>The NoName is a baby-AT mainboard based on the 21066 LCA (Low Cost Alpha) processor.
-NoName was originally designed for OEM-use. The LCA chip includes almost all of the logic
-to drive a PCI bus and the memory subsystem. All of this makes for a low-priced
-<p>Due to the limited memory interface the system is not particularly fast in case of
-cache misses. As long as you stay inside the on-chip cache the CPU is comparable to a
-21064 (first generation Alpha). These boards should be very cheap to obtain these days.
-It is a full-fledged 64 bit CPU, just don't expect miracles as far as speed goes.</p>
-<p>21066 Alpha CPU at 166 MHz or 21066A CPU at 233MHz. 21068 CPUs are also possible, but
-are even slower.</p>
-<p>on-board Bcache / L2 cache: 0, 256k or 1 Mbyte (uses DIL chips)</p>
-<p>PS/2 mouse &#38; keyboard port OR 5pin DIN keyboard (2 mainboard models)</p>
-<p>bus width: 64 bits</p>
-<p>PS/2 style 72 pin 36 bit Fast Page Mode SIMMs</p>
-<p>70ns or better</p>
-<p>installed in pairs of 2</p>
-<p>4 SIMM sockets</p>
-<p>uses ECC</p>
-<p>512kB Flash ROM for the console code.</p>
-<p>2 16550A serial ports</p>
-<p>1 parallel port</p>
-<p>floppy interface</p>
-<p>1 embedded IDE interface</p>
-<p>3 32 bit PCI slots (1 shared with ISA)</p>
-<p>5 ISA slots (1 shared with PCI)</p>
-<p>embedded Fast SCSI using a Symbios 53C810 chip</p>
-<p>NoNames can either have SRM <span class="emphasis"><i class="EMPHASIS">or</i></span>
-ARC console firmware in their Flash ROM. The Flash ROM is not big enough to hold both ARC
-and SRM at the same time and allow software selection of alternate console code. But you
-only need SRM anyway.</p>
-<p>Cache for the NoNames are 15 or 20 ns DIL chips. For a 256 kByte cache you want to
-check your junked 486 mainboard. Chips for a 1 Mbyte cache are a rarer breed
-unfortunately. Getting at least a 256kByte cache is recommended performance wise.
-Cache-less they are really slow.</p>
-<p>The NoName mainboard has a PC/AT-standard power connector. It also has a power
-connector for 3.3 Volts. No need to rush out to get a new power supply. The 3.3 Volts is
-only needed in case you run 3.3 Volts PCI expansion boards. These are quite rare.</p>
-<p>The IDE interface is supported by FreeBSD and requires a line in the kernel
-configuration file as follows:</p>
-<pre class="PROGRAMLISTING">
-device ata
-<p>The ATA interface uses irq 14.</p>
-<p>The SRM console unfortunately <span class="emphasis"><i class="EMPHASIS">cannot
-boot</i></span> from IDE disks. This means you will have to use a SCSI disk as the boot
-<p>The NoName is somewhat stubborn when it comes to serial consoles. It needs</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-&gt;&gt;&gt; <kbd class="USERINPUT">SET CONSOLE SERIAL</kbd>
-<p>before it goes for a serial console. Pulling the keyboard from the machine is not
-sufficient, like it is on most other Alpha models. Going back to a graphical console
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-&gt;&gt;&gt; <kbd class="USERINPUT">SET CONSOLE GRAPHICS</kbd>
-<p>at the serial console.</p>
-<p>There have been reports that you sometimes need to press <b
-class="KEYCAP">Control</b>-<b class="KEYCAP">Alt</b>-<b class="KEYCAP">Del</b> to capture
-the SRM's attention. I have never seen this myself, but it is worth trying if you are
-greeted by a blank screen after powerup.</p>
-<p>Make sure you use true 36 bit SIMMs, and only FPM (Fast Page Mode) DRAM. EDO DRAM or
-SIMMs with fake parity <span class="emphasis"><i class="EMPHASIS">will not
-work</i></span>. The board uses the 4 extra bits for ECC. 33 bit FPM SIMMs will for the
-same reason not work.</p>
-<p>Given the choice, get the PS/2-variant mainboard. Apart from giving you a mouse port
-as bonus it is directly supported by Tru64 Unix in case you ever want or need to run it.
-The ``DIN-plug''-variant should work OK for FreeBSD.</p>
-<p>The <a href="ftp://ftp.digital.com/pub/DEC/axppci/design_guide.ps" target="_top">OEM
-manual</a> is recommended reading.</p>
-<p>The kernel configuration file for a NoName kernel must contain:</p>
-<pre class="PROGRAMLISTING">
-options DEC_AXPPCI_33
-cpu EV4
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="AEN185" name="AEN185">2.3.2 Universal Desktop Box (UDB or
-<div class="NOTE">
-<blockquote class="NOTE">
-<p><b>Note:</b> Multia can be either Intel or Alpha CPU based. We assume Alpha based ones
-here for obvious reasons.</p>
-<p>Multia is a small desktop box intended as a sort of personal workstation. They come in
-a considerable number of variations, check closely what you get.</p>
-<p>21066 Alpha CPU at 166 MHz or 21066A CPU at 233MHz</p>
-<p>on-board Bcache / L2 cache: COAST-like 256 kByte cache module; 233MHz models have
-512kByte of cache; 166MHz models have soldered-on 256kB caches</p>
-<p>PS/2 mouse &#38; keyboard port</p>
-<p>bus width: 64 bits</p>
-<p>PS/2 style 72 pin 36 bit Fast Page Mode SIMMs</p>
-<p>70ns or better</p>
-<p>SIMMs are installed in pairs of 2</p>
-<p>4 SIMM sockets</p>
-<p>uses ECC</p>
-<p>2 16550A serial ports</p>
-<p>1 parallel port</p>
-<p>floppy interface</p>
-<p>Intel 82378ZB PCI to ISA bridge</p>
-<p>1 embedded 21040 based 10Mbit Ethernet, AUI and 10base2 connector</p>
-<p>1 32 bit PCI slot</p>
-<p>2 PCMCIA slots</p>
-<p>on-board Crystal CS4231 or AD1848 sound chip</p>
-<p>embedded Fast SCSI, using a Symbios 53C810[A] chip on the PCI riser card</p>
-<p>Multia has enough Flash ROM to store both SRM and ARC code at the same time and allow
-software selection of one of them.</p>
-<p>The embeded TGA video adapter is <span class="emphasis"><i
-class="EMPHASIS">not</i></span> currently usable as a FreeBSD console. You will need to
-use a serial console.</p>
-<p>Multia has only one 32 bit PCI slot for expansion, and it is only suitable for a small
-form factor PCI card. By sacrificing the PCI slot space you can mount a 3.5&quot; hard
-disk drive. Mounting stuff may have come with your Multia. Adding a 3.5&quot; disk is
-<span class="emphasis"><i class="EMPHASIS">not</i></span> a recommended upgrade due to
-the limited power rating of the power supply and the extremely marginal cooling of the
-system box.</p>
-<p>Multia also has 2 PCMCIA expansion slots. These are currently not supported by
-<p>The CPU might or might not be socketed, check this before considering CPU upgrade
-hacks. The low-end Multias have a soldered-in CPU.</p>
-<p>Multia has 2 serial ports but routes both of them to the outside world on a single 25
-pin sub-D connector. The Multia FAQ explains how to build your own Y-cable to allow both
-ports to be used.</p>
-<p>Although the Multia SRM supports booting from floppy this can be problematic.
-Typically the errors look like:</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-*** Soft Error - Error #10 - FDC: Data overrun or underrun
-<p>This is not a FreeBSD problem, it is a SRM problem. The best available workaround to
-install FreeBSD is to boot from a SCSI CDROM.</p>
-<p>There have been reports that you sometimes need to press <b
-class="KEYCAP">Control</b>-<b class="KEYCAP">Alt</b>-<b class="KEYCAP">Del</b> to capture
-the SRM's attention. I have never seen this myself, but it is worth trying when you are
-greeted by a blank screen after powerup.</p>
-<p>Sound works fine using <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pcm</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-and a line in the kernel configuration file as follows for the Crystal CS4231 chip:</p>
-<pre class="PROGRAMLISTING">
-device pcm
-<p>The sound device lives at port 0x530, and uses irq 9 along with drq 3. You also need
-to specify flags 0x15 in the <tt class="FILENAME">device.hints</tt> file.</p>
-<p>I have not yet been successful in getting my Multia with the AD1848 to play any
-<p>While verifying playback I was reminded of the lack of CPU power of the 166MHz CPU.
-MP3 only plays acceptable using 22kHz down-sampling.</p>
-<p>Multias are somewhat notorious for dying of heat strokes. The very compact box does
-not really allow access to cooling air. Please use the Multia on its vertical stand,
-don't put it horizontally (``pizza style''). Replacing the fan with something which
-pushes around more air is really recommended. You can also cut one of the wires to the
-fan speed sensor. Once cut, the fan runs at a (loud) full speed. Beware of PCI cards with
-high power consumption. If your system has died you might want to check the
-Multia-Heat-Death pages at the <a href="http://www.netbsd.org/" target="_top">NetBSD Web
-site</a> for help in reviving it.</p>
-<p>The Intel 82378ZB PCI to ISA bridge enables the use of an IDE disk. This requires a
-line in the kernel configuration file as follows:</p>
-<pre class="PROGRAMLISTING">
-device ata
-<p>The ATA interface uses IRQ 14.</p>
-<p>The IDE connector pin spacing is thought for 2.5&quot; laptop disks. A 3.5&quot; IDE
-disk would not fit in the case anyway. At least not without sacrificing your only PCI
-slot. The SRM console unfortunately does not know how to boot from IDE disks. You will
-need to use a SCSI disk as the boot disk.</p>
-<p>In case you want to change the internal hard drive: the internal flat cable running
-from the PCI riser board to the <span class="emphasis"><i
-class="EMPHASIS">2.5&quot;</i></span> hard drive has a finer pitch than the standard SCSI
-flat cables. Otherwise it would not fit on the 2.5&quot; drives. There are also riser
-cards that have a standard-pitch SCSI cable attached to it, which will fit an ordinary
-SCSI disk.</p>
-<p>Again, I recommend against trying to cram a replacement hard disk inside. Use the
-external SCSI connector and put your disk in an external enclosure. Multias run hot
-enough as-is. In most cases you will have the external high density 50-pin SCSI connector
-but some Multia models came without disk and may lack the connector. Something to check
-before buying one.</p>
-<p>The kernel configuration file for a Multia kernel must contain:</p>
-<pre class="PROGRAMLISTING">
-options DEC_AXPPCI_33
-cpu EV4
-<p>Recommended reading on Multia can be found at <a
-target="_top">http://www.netbsd.org/Ports/alpha/multiafaq.html</a> or <a
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="AEN274" name="AEN274">2.3.3 Personal Workstation
-<p>The Miata is a small tower machine intended to be put under a desk. There are multiple
-Miata variants. The original Miata is the MX5 model. Because it suffers from a number of
-hardware design flaws a redesign was done, yielding the MiataGL. Unfortunately the
-variants are not easily distinguishable at first sight from the outside of the case. An
-easy check is to see if the back of the machine sports two USB connectors. If yes, it is
-a MiataGL. MX5 models tend to be more common in the used system market place.</p>
-<p>System designations look like ``Personal Workstation 433a''. Personal Workstation,
-being a bit of a mouthful, is often abbreviated to PWS. This means it has a 433 MHz CPU,
-and started life as a WinNT workstation (the trailing ``a''). Systems designated from day
-1 to run Tru64 Unix or OpenVMS will sport ``433au''. WinNT-Miatas are likely to come
-pre-configured with an IDE CDROM drive. So, in general systems are named like
-<p>There was also a Miata model with a special CPU cooling system by Kryotech. The
-Kryotech has a special cooling system and is housed in a different enclosure.</p>
-<p>21164A EV56 Alpha CPU at 433, 500 or 600MHz</p>
-<p>21174 core logic (``Pyxis'') chip</p>
-<p>on-board Bcache / L3 cache: 0, 2 or 4 Mbytes (uses a cache module)</p>
-<p>bus width: 128 bits wide, ECC protected</p>
-<p>unbuffered 72 bit wide SDRAMs DIMMs, installed in pairs of 2</p>
-<p>6 DIMM sockets</p>
-<p>maximum memory 1.5 GBytes</p>
-<p>on-board Fast Ethernet:</p>
-<p>MX5 uses a 21142 or 21143 Ethernet chip, dependent on the version of the PCI riser
-<p>MiataGL has a 21143 chip</p>
-<p>the bulkhead can be 10/100 Mbit UTP, or 10 Mbit UTP/BNC</p>
-<p>2 on-board [E]IDE disk interfaces, based on the CMD646 (MX5) or the Cypress 82C693
-<p>1 Ultra-Wide SCSI Qlogic 1040 [MiataGL only]</p>
-<p>2 64-bit PCI slots</p>
-<p>3 32-bit PCI slots (behind a DEC PCI-PCI bridge chip)</p>
-<p>3 ISA slots (physically shared with the 32 bit PCI slots, via an Intel 82378IB PCI to
-ISA bridge chip)</p>
-<p>2 16550A serial port</p>
-<p>1 parallel port</p>
-<p>PS/2 keyboard &#38; mouse port</p>
-<p>USB interface [MiataGL only]</p>
-<p>embedded sound based on an ESS1888 chip</p>
-<p>The Miata logic is divided into two printed circuit boards. The lower board in the
-bottom of the machine has the PCI and ISA slots and things like the sound chip etc. The
-top board has the CPU, the Pyxis chip, memory etc. Note that MX5 and the MiataGL use a
-different PCI riser board. This means that you cannot just upgrade to a MiataGL CPU board
-(with the newer Pyxis chip) but that you will also need a different riser board.
-Apparently an MX5 riser with a MiataGL CPU board will work but it is definitely not a
-supported or tested configuration. Everything else (cabinet, wiring, etc.) is identical
-for MX5 and MiataGL.</p>
-<p>MX5 has problems with DMA via the 2 64-bit PCI slots when this DMA crosses a page
-boundary. The 32 bit slots don't have this problem because the PCI-PCI bridge chip does
-not allow the offending transfers. The SRM code knows about the problem and refuses to
-start the system if there is a PCI card in one of the 64bit slots that it does not know
-about. Cards that are ``known good'' to the SRM are allowed to be used in the 64bit
-<p>If you want to fool the SRM you can type <kbd class="USERINPUT">set
-pci_device_override</kbd> at the SRM prompt. Just don't complain if your data
-mysteriously gets mangled.</p>
-<p>The complete command is:</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<samp class="PROMPT">&gt;&gt;&gt;</samp> <kbd
-<p>For example:</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<samp class="PROMPT">&gt;&gt;&gt;</samp> <kbd
-<p>The most radical approach is to use:</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<samp class="PROMPT">&gt;&gt;&gt;</samp> <kbd
-<p>This disables PCI ID checking altogether, so that you can install any PCI card without
-its ID getting checked. For this to work you need a reasonable current SRM version.</p>
-<div class="IMPORTANT">
-<blockquote class="IMPORTANT">
-<p><b>Important:</b> Do this on your own risk..</p>
-<p>The FreeBSD kernel reports it when it sees a buggy Pyxis chip:</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-Sep 16 18:39:43 miata /kernel: cia0: Pyxis, pass 1
-Sep 16 18:39:43 miata /kernel: cia0: extended capabilities: 1&lt;BWEN&gt;
-Sep 16 18:39:43 miata /kernel: cia0: WARNING: Pyxis pass 1 DMA bug; no bets...
-<p>A MiataGL probes as:</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-Jan 3 12:22:32 miata /kernel: cia0: Pyxis, pass 1
-Jan 3 12:22:32 miata /kernel: cia0: extended capabilities: 1&lt;BWEN&gt;
-Jan 3 12:22:32 miata /kernel: pcib0: &lt;2117x PCI host bus adapter&gt; on cia0
-<p>MiataGL does not have the DMA problems of the MX5. PCI cards that make the MX5 SRM
-choke when installed in the 64bit slots are accepted without problems by the MiataGL
-<p>The latest mainboard revisions of MX5 contain a hardware workaround for the bug. The
-SRM does not know about the ECO and will complain about unknown cards as before. So does
-the FreeBSD kernel by the way.</p>
-<p>The Miata SRM can boot from IDE CDROM drives. IDE hard disk boot is known to work for
-both MiataGL and MX5 disks, so you can root FreeBSD from an IDE disk. Speeds on MX5 are
-around 14 Mbytes/sec assuming a suitable drive. Miata's CMD646 chip will support up to
-WDMA2 mode as the chip is too buggy for use with UDMA.</p>
-<p>Miata MX5s generally use Qlogic 1040 based SCSI adapters. These are bootable by the
-SRM console. Note that Adaptec cards are <span class="emphasis"><i
-class="EMPHASIS">not</i></span> bootable by the Miata SRM console.</p>
-<p>The MiataGL has a faster PCI-PCI bridge chip on the PCI riser card than some of the
-MX5 riser card versions. Some of the MX5 risers have the <span class="emphasis"><i
-class="EMPHASIS">same</i></span> chip as the MiataGL. All in all there is a lot of
-<p>Not all VGA cards will work behind the PCI-PCI bridge. This manifests itself as no
-video at all. Workaround is to put the VGA card ``before'' the bridge, in one of the 64
-bit PCI slots. Graphics performance using a 64 bit slot is generally substantially
-<p>Both MX5 and MiataGL have an on-board sound chip, an ESS1888. It emulates a
-SoundBlaster and can be enabled by putting</p>
-<pre class="PROGRAMLISTING">
-device pcm
-device sbc
-<p>in your kernel configuration file:</p>
-<p>in case your Miata has the optional cache board installed make sure it is firmly
-seated. A slightly loose cache has been observed to cause weird crashes (not surprising
-obviously, but maybe not so obvious when troubleshooting). The cache module is identical
-between MX5 and MiataGL.</p>
-<p>Installing a 2Mb cache module achieves, apart from a 10-15% speed increase (based on
-buildworld elapsed time), a <span class="emphasis"><i
-class="EMPHASIS">decrease</i></span> for PCI DMA read bandwidth from 64bit PCI cards. A
-benchmark on a 64-bit Myrinet card resulted in a decrease from 149 Mbytes/sec to 115
-Mbytes/sec. Something to keep in mind when doing really high speed things with 64 bit PCI
-<p>Although the hardware allows you to install up to 1.5Gbyte of memory, FreeBSD is
-limited to 1Gbyte because the DMA code does not correctly handle memory above 1Gbyte.</p>
-<p>Moving to a faster CPU is quite simple, swap out the CPU chip and set the clock
-multiplier dipswitch to the speed of the new CPU.</p>
-<p>If you experience SRM errors like</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-ERROR: scancode 0xa3 not supported on PCXAL
-<p>after halting FreeBSD you should update your SRM firmware to V7.2-1 or later. This SRM
-version is first available on the Firmware Update CD V5.7, or on <a
-href="http://www.compaq.com/" target="_top">http://www.compaq.com/</a> This SRM problem
-is fixed on both Miata MX5 and Miata GL.</p>
-<p>USB is supported by FreeBSD 4.1 and later.</p>
-<p>Disconnect the power cord before dismantling the machine, the soft-power switch keeps
-part of the logic powered <span class="emphasis"><i class="EMPHASIS">even</i></span> when
-the machine is switched off.</p>
-<p>The kernel configuration file for a Miata kernel must contain:</p>
-<pre class="PROGRAMLISTING">
-options DEC_ST550
-cpu EV5
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="AEN384" name="AEN384">2.3.4 Evaluation Board 64 family</a></h4>
-<p>In its attempts to popularize the Alpha CPU DEC produced a number of so called
-Evaluation Boards. Members of this family are EB64, EB64+, AlphaPC64 (codename
-``Cabriolet''). A non-DEC member of this family is the Aspen Alpine. The EB64 family of
-evaluation boards has the following feature set:</p>
-<p>21064 or 21064A CPU, 150 to 275 MHz</p>
-<p>memory buswidth: 128 bit</p>
-<p>PS/2 style 72 pin 33 bit Fast Page Mode SIMMs</p>
-<p>70ns or better</p>
-<p>installed in sets of 4</p>
-<p>8 SIMM sockets</p>
-<p>uses parity memory</p>
-<p>Bcache / L2 cache: 0, 512 kByte, 1 Mbyte or 2 Mbytes</p>
-<p>21072 (``APECS'') chip set</p>
-<p>Intel 82378ZB PCI to ISA bridge chip (``Saturn'')</p>
-<p>dual 16550A serial ports</p>
-<p>parallel printer port</p>
-<p>Symbios 53C810 Fast-SCSI (not on AlphaPC64)</p>
-<p>IDE interface (only on AlphaPC64)</p>
-<p>embedded 10 Mbit Ethernet (not on AlphaPC64)</p>
-<p>2 PCI slots (4 slots on AlphaPC64)</p>
-<p>3 ISA slots</p>
-<p>Aspen Alpine is slightly different, but is close enough to the EB64+ to run an EB64+
-SRM EPROM (mine did..). The Aspen Alpine does not have an embedded Ethernet, has 3
-instead of 2 PCI slots. It comes with 2 Mbytes of cache already soldered onto the
-mainboard. It has jumpers to select the use of 60, 70 or 80ns SIMM speeds.</p>
-<p>36 bits SIMMs work fine, 3 bits simply remain unused. Note the systems use Fast Page
-Mode memory, not EDO memory.</p>
-<p>The EB64+ SRM console code is housed in an UV-erasable EPROM. No easy flash SRM
-upgrades for the EB64+ The latest SRM version available for EB64+ is quite ancient
-<p>The EB64+ SRM can boot both 53C810 and Qlogic1040 SCSI adapters. Pitfall for the
-Qlogic is that the firmware that is down-loaded by the SRM onto the Qlogic chip is very
-old. There are no updates for the EB64+ SRM available. So you are stuck with old Qlogic
-bits too. I have had quite some problems when I wanted to use Ultra-SCSI drives on the
-Alpine with Qlogic. The FreeBSD kernel can be compiled to include a much newer Qlogic
-firmware revision. This is not the default because it adds hundreds of kBytes worth of
-bloat to the kernel. In FreeBSD 4.1 and later the isp firmware is contained in a kernel
-loadable module. All of this might mean that you need to use a non-Qlogic adapter to boot
-<p>AlphaPC64 boards generally come with ARC console firmware. SRM console code can be
-loaded from floppy into the Flash ROM.</p>
-<p>The IDE interface of the AlphaPC64 is not bootable from the SRM console. Enabling it
-requires the following line in the kernel configuration file:</p>
-<pre class="PROGRAMLISTING">
-device ata
-<p>The ATA interface uses irq 14.</p>
-<p>Note that the boards require a power supply that supplies 3.3 Volts for the CPU.</p>
-<p>For the EB64 family machines the kernel config file must contain:</p>
-<pre class="PROGRAMLISTING">
-options DEC_EB64PLUS
-cpu EV4
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="AEN439" name="AEN439">2.3.5 Evaluation Board 164 (``EB164,
-PC164, PC164LX, PC164SX'') family</a></h4>
-<p>EB164 is a newer design evaluation board, based on the 21164A CPU. This design has
-been used to ``spin off'' multiple variations, some of which are used by OEM
-manufacturers/assembly shops. Samsung did its own PC164LX which has only 32 bit PCI,
-whereas the Digital variant has 64 bit PCI.</p>
-<p>21164A, multiple speed variants [EB164, PC164, PC164LX]</p>
-<p>21164PC [only on PC164SX]</p>
-<p>21171 (Alcor) chip set [EB164]</p>
-<p>21172 (Alcor2) chip set [PC164]</p>
-<p>21174 (Pyxis) chip [164LX, 164SX]</p>
-<p>Bcache / L3 cache: EB164 uses special cache-SIMMs</p>
-<p>memory bus: 128 bit / 256 bit</p>
-<p>PS/2 style SIMMs in sets of 4 or 8</p>
-<p>36 bit, Fast Page Mode, uses ECC, [EB164 / PC164]</p>
-<p>SDRAM DIMMs in sets of 2, non-ECC or ECC can be used [PC164SX]</p>
-<p>SDRAM DIMMs in sets of 2, uses ECC [PC164LX]</p>
-<p>2 16550A serial ports</p>
-<p>PS/2 style keyboard &#38; mouse</p>
-<p>floppy controller</p>
-<p>parallel port</p>
-<p>32 bits PCI</p>
-<p>64 bits PCI [some models]</p>
-<p>ISA slots via an Intel 82378ZB PCI to ISA bridge chip</p>
-<p>Using 8 SIMMs for a 256bit wide memory can yield interesting speedups over a 4
-SIMM/128bit wide memory. Obviously all 8 SIMMs must be of the same type to make this
-work. The system must be explicitly setup to use the 8 SIMM memory arrangement. You must
-have 8 SIMMs, 4 SIMMs distributed over 2 banks will not work. For the AlphaPC164 you can
-have a maximum of 1Gbyte of RAM, using 8 128Mbyte SIMMs. The manual indicates the maximum
-is 512 Mbyte.</p>
-<p>The SRM can boot from Qlogic 10xx boards or the Symbios 53C810[A]. Newer Symbios 810
-revisions like the Symbios 810AE are not recognized by the SRM on PC164. PC164 SRM does
-not appear to recognize a Symbios 53C895 based host adapter (tested with a Tekram
-DC-390U2W). On the other hand some no-name Symbios 53C985 board has been reported to
-work. Cards like the Tekram DC-390F (Symbios875 based) have been confirmed to work fine
-on the PC164. Unfortunately this seems to be dependent on the actual version of the
-<p>Symbios 53C825[a] will also work as boot adapter. Diamond FirePort, although based on
-Symbios chips, is not bootable by the PC164SX SRM. PC164SX is reported to boot fine with
-Symbios825, Symbios875, Symbios895 and Symbios876 based cards. In addition, Adaptec 2940U
-and 2940UW are reported to work for booting (verified on SRM V5.7-1). Adaptec 2930U2 and
-2940U2[W] do not work.</p>
-<p>164LX and 164SX with SRM firmware version 5.8 or later can boot from Adaptec
-2940-series adapters. A test with an Adaptec 3940UW showed that that one is not supported
-however. 164SX SRM recognises Intel 8255x Ethernet cards which show up as eia. Using such
-a NIC allows network booting.</p>
-<p>In summary: this family of machines is ``blessed'' with a challenging compatibility as
-far as SCSI adapters go.</p>
-<p>On 164SX you can have a maximum of 1 Gbyte of RAM. 4 regular (PC100 or PC133) 256MB
-DIMMs are reported to work just fine. Whether 512MB DIMMs will also work is currently
-unknown. You can use ECC or non-ECC DIMMs. The non-ECC ones are the same as commonly
-found in PCs. Unfortunately the 164SX is quite picky on which DIMMs it likes, so be
-prepared to test and experiment.</p>
-<p>PCI bridge chips are sometimes not appreciated by the 164SX, they cause SRM errors and
-kernel panics in those cases. This seems to depend on the fact if the card is recognised,
-and therefore correctly initialised, by the SRM console. The 164SX' onboard IDE interface
-is quite slow, a Promise card gives a 3-4 times speed improvement.</p>
-<p>On PC164 the SRM sometimes seems to lose its variable settings. ``For PC164, current
-superstition says that, to avoid losing settings, you want to first downgrade to SRM 4.x
-and then upgrade to 5.x.'' One sample error that was observed was:</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-ERROR: ISA table corrupt!
-<p>A sequence of a downgrade to SRM4.9, an</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<samp class="PROMPT">&gt;&gt;&gt;</samp> <kbd class="USERINPUT">ISACFG -INIT</kbd>
-<p>followed by</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<samp class="PROMPT">&gt;&gt;&gt;</samp> <kbd class="USERINPUT">INIT</kbd>
-<p>made the problem go away. Some PC164 owners report they have never seen the
-<p>On PC164SX the AlphaBIOS allows you a selection to select SRM to be used as console on
-the next power up. This selection does not appear to have any effect. In other words, you
-will get the AlphaBIOS regardless of what you select. The fix is to reflash the console
-ROM with the SRM code for PC164SX. This will overwrite the AlphaBIOS and will get you the
-SRM console you desire. The SRM code can be found on the Compaq Web site.</p>
-<p>164LX can either have the SRM console code or the AlphaBIOS code in its flash ROM
-because the flash ROM is too small to hold both at the same time.</p>
-<p>PC164 can boot from IDE disks assuming your SRM version is recent enough.</p>
-<p>EB164 needs a power supply that supplies 3.3 Volts. PC164 does not implement the PS_ON
-signal that ATX power supplies need to switch on. A simple switch pulling this signal to
-ground allows you to run a standard ATX power supply.</p>
-<p>For the EB164 class machines the kernel config file must contain:</p>
-<pre class="PROGRAMLISTING">
-options DEC_EB164
-cpu EV5
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="AEN508" name="AEN508">2.3.6 AlphaStation 200 (``Mustang'') and
-400 (``Avanti'') series</a></h4>
-<p>The Digital AlphaStation 200 and 400 series systems are early low end PCI based
-workstations. The 200 and 250 series are desktop boxes, the 400 series is a desk-side
-<p>21064 or 21064A CPU at speeds of 166 up to 333 MHz</p>
-<p>DECchip 21071-AA core logic chip set</p>
-<p>Bcache / L2 cache: 512 Kbytes (200 and 400 series) or 2048KBytes (250 series)</p>
-<p>64 bit bus width</p>
-<p>8 to 384 MBytes of RAM</p>
-<p>70 ns or better Fast Page DRAM</p>
-<p>in three pairs (200 and 400 series)</p>
-<p>in two quads, so banks of four. (250 series)</p>
-<p>the memory subsystem uses parity</p>
-<p>PS/2 keyboard and mouse port</p>
-<p>two 16550 serial ports</p>
-<p>parallel port</p>
-<p>floppy disk interface</p>
-<p>32 bit PCI expansion slots (3 for the AS400-series, 2 for the AS200 &#38;
-<p>ISA expansion slots (4 for the AS400-series, 2 for the AS200 &#38; 250-series) (some
-ISA/PCI slots are physically shared)</p>
-<p>embedded 21040-based Ethernet (200 &#38; 250 series)</p>
-<p>embedded Symbios 53c810 Fast SCSI-2 chip</p>
-<p>Intel 82378IB (``Saturn'') PCI-ISA bridge chip</p>
-<p>graphics is embedded TGA or PCI VGA (model dependent)</p>
-<p>16 bit sound (on 200 &#38; 250 series)</p>
-<p>The systems use parity memory SIMMs, but these do not need 36 bit wide SIMMs. 33 bit
-wide SIMMs are sufficient, 36 bit SIMMs are acceptable too. EDO or 32 bit SIMMs will not
-work. 4, 8, 16, 32 and 64 Mbyte SIMMs are supported.</p>
-<p>The AS200 &#38; AS250 sound hardware is reported to work OK assuming you have the
-following line in your kernel config file:</p>
-<pre class="PROGRAMLISTING">
-device pcm
-<p>The sound device uses port 0x530, IRQ 10 and drq 0. You also need to specify flags
-0x10011 in the <tt class="FILENAME">device.hints</tt> file.</p>
-<p>AlphaStation 200 &#38; 250 series have an automatic SCSI terminator. This means that
-as soon as you plug a cable onto the external SCSI connector the internal terminator of
-the system is disabled. It also means that you should not leave unterminated cables
-plugged into the machine.</p>
-<p>AlphaStation 400 series have an SRM variable that controls termination. In case you
-have external SCSI devices connected you must set this SRM variable using</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<samp class="PROMPT">&gt;&gt;&gt;</samp> <kbd
-<p>If only internal SCSI devices are present use:</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<samp class="PROMPT">&gt;&gt;&gt;</samp> <kbd
-<p>For the AlphaStation-[24][05]00 machines the kernel config file must contain:</p>
-<pre class="PROGRAMLISTING">
-options DEC_2100_A50
-cpu EV4
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="AEN575" name="AEN575">2.3.7 AlphaStation 500 and 600 (``Alcor''
-&#38; ``Maverick'' for EV5, ``Bret'' for EV56)</a></h4>
-<p>AS500 and 600 were the high-end EV5 / PCI based workstations. EV6 based machines have
-in the meantime taken their place as front runners. AS500 is a desktop in a dark blue
-case (TopGun blue), AS600 is a sturdy desk-side box. AS600 has a nice LCD panel to
-observe the early stages of SRM startup.</p>
-<p>21164 EV5 CPU at 266, 300, 333, 366, 400, 433, 466, or 500 MHz (AS500) or at 266, 300
-or 333 MHz (AS600)</p>
-<p>21171 (Alcor) or 21172 (Alcor2) core logic chip set</p>
-<p>2 or 4 Mb L3 / Bcache (AS600 at 266 MHz)</p>
-<p>4 Mb L3 / Bcache (AS600 at 300 MHz)</p>
-<p>2 or 8 Mb L3 / Bcache (8 Mb on 500 MHz version only)</p>
-<p>2 to 16 Mb L3 / Bcache (AS600; 3 cache-SIMM slots)</p>
-<p>memory buswidth: 256 bits</p>
-<p>AS500 memory:</p>
-<p>industry standard 72 bit wide buffered Fast Page Mode DIMMs</p>
-<p>8 DIMM slots</p>
-<p>installed in sets of 4</p>
-<p>maximum memory is 1 GB (512 Mb max on 333 MHz CPUs)</p>
-<p>uses ECC</p>
-<p>AS600 memory:</p>
-<p>industry standard 36 bit Fast Page Mode SIMMs</p>
-<p>32 SIMM slots</p>
-<p>installed in sets of 8</p>
-<p>maximum memory is 1 GB</p>
-<p>uses ECC</p>
-<p>Qlogic 1020 based wide SCSI bus (1 bus/chip for AS500, 2 buses/chip for AS600)</p>
-<p>21040 based 10 Mbit Ethernet adapter, both Thinwire and UTP connectors</p>
-<p>3 32-bit PCI slots</p>
-<p>1 64-bit PCI slot</p>
-<p>2 32-bit PCI slot</p>
-<p>3 64-bit PCI slots</p>
-<p>1 PCI/EISA physically shared slot</p>
-<p>3 EISA slots</p>
-<p>1 PCI and 1 EISA slot are occupied by default</p>
-<p>21050 PCI-to-PCI bridge chip</p>
-<p>Intel 82375EB PCI-EISA bridge (AS600 only)</p>
-<p>2 16550A serial ports</p>
-<p>1 parallel port</p>
-<p>16 bit audio Windows Sound System, in a dedicated slot (AS500) in EISA slot (AS600,
-this is an ISA card)</p>
-<p>PS/2 keyboard and mouse port</p>
-<p>Early machines had Fast SCSI interfaces, later ones are Ultra SCSI capable. AS500
-shares its single SCSI bus with internal and external devices. For a Fast SCSI bus you
-are limited to 1.8 meters bus length external to the box. The AS500 Qlogic ISP1020A chip
-can be set to run in Ultra mode by setting a SRM variable. FreeBSD however follows the
-Qlogic chip errata and limits the bus speed to Fast.</p>
-<p>Beware of ancient SRM versions on AS500. When you see weird SCSI speeds being reported
-by FreeBSD like</p>
-<pre class="PROGRAMLISTING">
-cd0 at isp0 bus 0 target 4 lun 0
-cd0: &lt;DEC RRD45 DEC 0436&gt; Removable CD-ROM SCSI-2 device
-cd0: 250.000MB/s transfers (250.000MHz, offset 12)
-<p>it is time to do a SRM console firmware upgrade.</p>
-<p>AS600 has one Qlogic SCSI chip dedicated to the internal devices whereas the other
-Qlogic SCSI chip is dedicated to external SCSI devices.</p>
-<p>In AS500 DIMMs are installed in sets of 4, in ``physically interleaved'' layout. So, a
-bank of 4 DIMMs is <span class="emphasis"><i class="EMPHASIS">not</i></span> 4 physically
-adjacent DIMMs. Note that the DIMMs are <span class="emphasis"><i
-class="EMPHASIS">not</i></span> SDRAM DIMMs.</p>
-<p>In AS600 the memory SIMMs are placed onto two memory daughter cards. SIMMs are
-installed in sets of 8. Both memory daughter cards must be populated identically.</p>
-<p>Note that both AS500 and AS600 are EISA machines. This means you have to run the EISA
-Configuration Utility (ECU) from floppy after adding EISA cards or to change things like
-the configuration settings of the onboard I/O. For AS500 which does not have a physical
-EISA slot the ECU is used to configure the onboard sound interface etc.</p>
-<p>AS500 onboard sound can be used by adding a line like</p>
-<pre class="PROGRAMLISTING">
-device pcm
-<p>to the kernel configuration file.</p>
-<p>Using the ECU I configured my AS500 to use IRQ 10, port 0x530, drq 0. Corresponding
-entries along with flags 0x10011 must go into the <tt class="FILENAME">device.hints</tt>
-file. Note that the flags value is rather non-standard.</p>
-<p>AS600 has a peculiarity for its PCI slots. AS600 (or rather the PCI expansion card
-containing the SCSI adapters) does not allow I/O port mapping, therefore all devices
-behind it must use memory mapping. If you have problems getting the Qlogic SCSI adapters
-to work, add the following option to <tt class="FILENAME">/boot/loader.rc</tt>:</p>
-<pre class="PROGRAMLISTING">
-set isp_mem_map=0xff
-<p>This may need to be typed at the boot loader prompt before booting the installation
-<p>For the AlphaStation-[56]00 machines the kernel config file must contain:</p>
-<pre class="PROGRAMLISTING">
-options DEC_KN20AA
-cpu EV5
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="AEN687" name="AEN687">2.3.8 AlphaServer 1000 (``Mikasa''), 1000A
-(``Noritake'') and 800(``Corelle'')</a></h4>
-<p>The AlphaServer 1000 and 800 range of machines are intended as departmental servers.
-They come in quite some variations in packaging and mainboard/cpu. Generally speaking
-there are 21064 (EV4) CPU based machines and 21164 (EV5) based ones. The CPU is on a
-daughter card, and the type of CPU (EV4 or EV5) must match the mainboard in use.</p>
-<p>AlphaServer 800 has a much smaller mini tower case, it lacks the StorageWorks SCSI
-hot-plug chassis. The main difference between AS1000 and AS1000A is that AS1000A has 7
-PCI slots whereas AS1000 only has 3 PCI slots and has EISA slots instead.</p>
-<p>AS800 with an EV5/400 MHz CPU was later re-branded to become a ``DIGITAL Server
-3300[R]'', AS800 with an EV5/500 MHz CPU was later re-branded to become a ``DIGITAL
-Server 3305[R]''.</p>
-<p>21064 EV4[5] CPU at 200, 233 or 266 MHz 21164 EV5[6] CPU at 300, 333 or 400 MHz (or
-500 MHz for AS800 only)</p>
-<p>buswidth: 128 bit with ECC</p>
-<p>72pin 36 bit Fast Page Mode SIMMs, 70ns or better</p>
-<p>16 (EV5 machines) or 20 (EV4 machines) SIMM slots</p>
-<p>max memory is 1 GB</p>
-<p>uses ECC</p>
-<p>AS800: Uses 60ns 3.3 Volts EDO DIMMs</p>
-<p>embedded VGA (on some mainboard models)</p>
-<p>3 PCI, 2 EISA, 1 64-bit PCI/EISA combo (AS800)</p>
-<p>7 PCI, 2 EISA (AS1000A)</p>
-<p>2 PCI, 1 EISA/PCI, 7 EISA (AS1000)</p>
-<p>embedded SCSI based on Symbios 810 [AS1000] or Qlogic 1020 [AS1000A]</p>
-<p>AS1000 based machines come in multiple enclosure types. Floor standing, rack-mount,
-with or without StorageWorks SCSI chassis etc. The electronics are the same.</p>
-<p>AS1000-systems: All EV4 based machines use standard PS/2 style 36 bit 72pin SIMMs in
-sets of 5. The fifth SIMM is used for ECC. All EV5 based machines use standard PS/2 style
-36 bit 72pin SIMMs in sets of 4. The ECC is done based on the 4 extra bits per SIMM (4
-bits out of 36). The EV5 mainboards have 16 SIMM slots, the EV4 mainboards have 20
-<p>AS800 machines use DIMMs in sets of 4. DIMM installation must start in slots marked
-bank 0. A bank is four physically adjacent slots. The biggest size DIMMs must be
-installed in bank 0 in case 2 banks of different DIMM sizes are used. Max memory size is
-2GB. Note that these are EDO DIMMs.</p>
-<p>The AS1000/800 are somewhat stubborn when it comes to serial consoles. They need</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-&gt;&gt;&gt; <kbd class="USERINPUT">SET CONSOLE SERIAL</kbd>
-<p>before they go for a serial console. Pulling the keyboard from the machine is not
-sufficient, like it is on most other Alpha models. Going back to a graphical console
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-&gt;&gt;&gt; <kbd class="USERINPUT">SET CONSOLE GRAPHICS</kbd>
-<p>at the serial console.</p>
-<p>For AS800 you want to check if your Ultra-Wide SCSI is indeed in Ultra mode. This can
-be done using the <tt class="FILENAME">EEROMCFG.EXE</tt> utility that is on the Console
-Firmware Upgrade CDROM.</p>
-<p>For the AlphaServer1000/1000A/800 machines the kernel config file must contain:</p>
-<pre class="PROGRAMLISTING">
-options DEC_1000A
-cpu EV4 # depends on the CPU model installed
-cpu EV5 # depends on the CPU model installed
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="AEN743" name="AEN743">2.3.9 DS10/VS10/XP900 (``Webbrick'') /
-XP1000 (``Monet'') / DS10L (``Slate'')</a></h4>
-<p>Webbrick and Monet are high performance workstations/servers based on the EV6 CPU and
-the Tsunami chipset. Tsunami is also used in much higher-end systems and as such has
-plenty of performance to offer. DS10, VS10 and XP900 are different names for essentially
-the same system. The differences are the software and options that are supported. DS10L
-is a DS10 based machine in a 1U high rackmount enclosure. DS10L is intended for ISPs and
-for HPTC clusters (e.g. Beowulf)</p>
-<div class="SECT4">
-<hr />
-<h5 class="SECT4"><a id="AEN749" name="AEN749"> ``Webbrick / Slate''</a></h5>
-<p>21264 EV6 CPU at 466 MHz</p>
-<p>L2 / Bcache: 2MB, ECC protected</p>
-<p>memory bus: 128 bit via crossbar, 1.3GB/sec memory bandwidth</p>
-<p>industry standard 200 pin 83 MHz buffered ECC SDRAM DIMMs</p>
-<p>4 DIMM slots for DS10; 2GB max memory</p>
-<p>2 DIMM slots for DS10L; 1GB max memory</p>
-<p>DIMMs are installed in pairs of 2</p>
-<p>21271 Core Logic chipset (``Tsunami'')</p>
-<p>2 on-board 21143 Fast Ethernet controllers</p>
-<p>AcerLabs M5237 (Aladdin-V) USB controller (disabled)</p>
-<p>AcerLabs M1533 PCI-ISA bridge</p>
-<p>AcerLabs Aladdin ATA-33 controller</p>
-<p>embedded dual EIDE</p>
-<p>expansion: 3 64-bit PCI slots and 1 32-bit PCI slot. DS10L has a single 64bit PCI
-<p>2 16550A serial ports</p>
-<p>1 parallel port</p>
-<p>2 USB</p>
-<p>PS/2 keyboard &#38; mouse port</p>
-<p>The system has a smart power controller. This means that parts of the system remain
-powered when it is switched off (like an ATX-style PC power supply). Before servicing the
-machine remove the power cord.</p>
-<p>The smart power controller is called the RMC. When enabled, typing <b
-class="KEYCAP">Escape</b><b class="KEYCAP">Escape</b>RMC on serial port 1 will bring you
-to the RMC prompt. RMC allows you to powerup or powerdown, reset the machine, monitor and
-set temperature trip levels etc. RMC has its own builtin help.</p>
-<p>Webbrick is shipped in a desktop-style case similar to the older 21164 ``Maverick''
-workstations but this case offers much better access to the components. If you intend to
-build a farm you can rackmount them in a 19-inch rack; they are 3U high. Slate is 1U high
-but has only one PCI slot.</p>
-<p>DS10 has 4 DIMM slots. DIMMs are installed as pairs. Please note that DIMM pairs are
-not installed in adjacent DIMM sockets but rather physically interleaved. DIMM sizes of
-32, 64, 128, 256 and 512 Mbytes are supported.</p>
-<p>When 2 pairs of identical-sized DIMMs are installed DS10 will use memory interleaving
-for increased performance. DS10L, which has only 2 DIMM slots cannot do interleaving.</p>
-<p>Starting with SRM firmware version 5.9 you can boot from Adaptec 2940-series adapters
-in addition to the usual set of Qlogic and Symbios/NCR adapters. KZPEA aka Adaptec 39160
-gives you dual channel LVD U160 SCSI which is bootable from SRM.</p>
-<p>The base model comes with a FUJITSU 9.5GB ATA disk as its boot device. FreeBSD works
-just fine using EIDE disks on Webbrick. DS10 has 2 IDE interfaces on the mainboard.
-Machines destined for Tru64 Unix or VMS are standard equipped with Qlogic-driven
-Ultra-SCSI disks</p>
-<p>On the PCI bus 32 and 64 bit cards are supported, in 3.3V and 5V variants.</p>
-<p>The USB ports are not supported and are disabled by the SRM console in all recent SRM
-<p>The kernel config file must contain:</p>
-<pre class="PROGRAMLISTING">
-options DEC_ST6600
-cpu EV5
-<div class="NOTE">
-<blockquote class="NOTE">
-<p><b>Note:</b> Contrary to expectation there is no <var class="LITERAL">cpu EV6</var>
-defined for inclusion in the kernel config file. The <var class="LITERAL">cpu EV5</var>
-is mandatory to keep <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">config</span>(8)</span></a>
-<div class="SECT4">
-<hr />
-<h5 class="SECT4"><a id="AEN814" name="AEN814"> ``Monet''</a></h5>
-<p>21264 EV6 at 500 MHz 21264 EV67 at 500 or 667 MHz (XP1000G, codenamed Brisbane) CPU is
-mounted on a daughter-card which is field-upgradable</p>
-<p>L2 / Bcache: 4MB, ECC protected</p>
-<p>memory bus: 256 bit</p>
-<p>memory: 128 or 256 Mbytes 100 MHz (PC100) 168 pin JEDEC standard, registered ECC SDRAM
-<p>21271 core logic chip set (``Tsunami'')</p>
-<p>1 on-board 21143 Ethernet controller</p>
-<p>Cypress 82C693 USB controller</p>
-<p>Cypress 82C693 PCI-ISA bridge</p>
-<p>Cypress 82C693 controller</p>
-<p>expansion: 2 independent PCI buses, driven by high-speed I/O channels called
-<p>hose 0: (the upper 3 slots) 2 64-bit PCI slots 1 32-bit PCI slot</p>
-<p>hose 1: (the bottom 2 slots) 2 32-bit PCI slots (behind a 21154 PCI-PCI bridge)</p>
-<p>2 of the 64-bit PCI slots are for full-length cards</p>
-<p>all of the 32-bit PCI slots are for short cards</p>
-<p>1 of the 32-bit PCI slots is physically shared with an ISA slot</p>
-<p>all PCI slots run at 33MHz</p>
-<p>1 Ultra-Wide SCSI port based on a Qlogic 1040 chip</p>
-<p>2 16550A serial port</p>
-<p>1 parallel port</p>
-<p>PS/2 keyboard &#38; mouse port</p>
-<p>embedded 16-bit ESS ES1888 sound chip</p>
-<p>2 USB ports</p>
-<p>graphics options: ELSA Gloria Synergy or DEC/Compaq PowerStorm 3D accelerator
-<p>Monet is housed in a mini-tower like enclosure quite similar to the Miata box.</p>
-<p>The on-board Qlogic UW-SCSI chip supports up to 4 internal devices. There is no
-external connector for the on-board SCSI.</p>
-<p>For 500 MHz CPUs 83 MHz DIMMs will do. Compaq specifies PC100 DIMMs for all CPU
-speeds. DIMMs are installed in sets of 4, starting with the DIMM slots marked ``0''
-Memory capacity is max 4 GB. DIMMs are installed ``physically interleaved'', note the
-markings of the slots. Memory bandwidth of Monet is twice that of Webbrick. The DIMMs
-live on the CPU daughter-card. Note that the system uses ECC RAM so you need DIMMs with
-72 bits (not the generic PC-class 64 bit DIMMs)</p>
-<p>The EIDE interface is usable / SRM bootable so FreeBSD can be rooted on an EIDE disk.
-Although the Cypress chip has potential for 2 EIDE channels Monet uses only one of
-<p>The USB interface is supported by FreeBSD.If you experience problems trying to use the
-USB interface please check if the SRM variable <var class="VARNAME">usb_enable</var> is
-set to <var class="LITERAL">on</var>. You can change this by performing:</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<samp class="PROMPT">&gt;&gt;&gt;</samp> <kbd class="USERINPUT">SET USB_ENABLE ON</kbd>
-<div class="IMPORTANT">
-<blockquote class="IMPORTANT">
-<p><b>Important:</b> Don&quot;t try to use Symbios-chip based SCSI adapters in the PCI
-slots connected to hose 1. There is a not-yet-found FreeBSD bug that prevents this from
-working correctly.</p>
-<div class="IMPORTANT">
-<blockquote class="IMPORTANT">
-<p><b>Important:</b> Not all VGA cards will work behind the PCI-PCI bridge (so in slots 4
-and 5). Only cards that implement VGA-legacy addressing correctly will work. Workaround
-is to put the VGA card ``before'' the bridge.</p>
-<p>The sound chip is not currently supported with FreeBSD.</p>
-<p>The kernel config file must contain:</p>
-<pre class="PROGRAMLISTING">
-options DEC_ST6600
-cpu EV5
-<div class="NOTE">
-<blockquote class="NOTE">
-<p><b>Note:</b> Contrary to expectation there is no <var class="LITERAL">cpu EV6</var>
-defined for inclusion in the kernel config file. The <var class="LITERAL">cpu EV5</var>
-is mandatory to keep <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">config</span>(8)</span></a>
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="AEN894" name="AEN894">2.3.10 DS20/DS20E (``Goldrush'')</a></h4>
-<p>21264 EV6 CPU at 500 or 670 MHz</p>
-<p>dual CPU capable machine</p>
-<p>L2 / Bcache: 4 Mbytes per CPU</p>
-<p>memory bus: dual 256 bit wide with crossbar switch</p>
-<p>SDRAM DIMMs</p>
-<p>installed in sets of 4</p>
-<p>16 DIMM slots, max. 4GB</p>
-<p>uses ECC</p>
-<p>21271 core logic chip set (``Tsunami'')</p>
-<p>embedded Adaptec ? Wide Ultra SCSI</p>
-<p>2 independent PCI buses, driven by high-speed I/O channels called ``hoses''</p>
-<p>6 64-bit PCI slots, 3 per hose</p>
-<p>1 ISA slot</p>
-<p>DS20 needs</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<samp class="PROMPT">&gt;&gt;&gt;</samp> <kbd class="USERINPUT">SET CONSOLE SERIAL</kbd>
-<p>before it goes for a serial console. Pulling the keyboard from the machine is not
-sufficient. Going back to a graphical console needs</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<samp class="PROMPT">&gt;&gt;&gt;</samp> <kbd
-<p>at the serial console. Confusing is the fact that you will get SRM console output on
-the graphics console with the console set to serial, but when FreeBSD boots it honors the
-<var class="LITERAL">CONSOLE</var> variable setting and all the boot messages as well as
-the login prompt will go to the serial port.</p>
-<p>The DS20 is housed in a fat cube-like enclosure. The enclosure also contains a
-StorageWorks SCSI hot-swap shelf for a maximum of seven 3.5&quot; SCSI devices. The DS20E
-is in a sleeker case, and lacks the StorageWorks shelf.</p>
-<p>The system has a smart power controller. This means that parts of the system remain
-powered when it is switched off (like an ATX-style PC power supply). Before servicing the
-machine remove the power cord(s).</p>
-<p>The smart power controller is called the RMC. When enabled, typing <b
-class="KEYCAP">Escape</b><b class="KEYCAP">Escape</b>RMC on serial port 1 will bring you
-to the RMC prompt. RMC allows you to powerup or powerdown, reset the machine, monitor and
-set temperature trip levels etc. RMC has its own builtin help.</p>
-<p>The embedded Adaptec SCSI chip on the DS20 is disabled and is therefore not usable
-under FreeBSD.</p>
-<p>Starting with SRM firmware version 5.9 you can boot from Adaptec 2940-series adapters
-in addition to the usual set of Qlogic and Symbios/NCR adapters. This unfortunately does
-not include the embedded Adaptec SCSI chips. You can use a KZPEA aka Adaptec 39160 for
-dual channel LVD U160 SCSI, which is bootable from SRM.</p>
-<p>If you are using banks of DIMMs of different sizes the biggest DIMMs should be
-installed in the DIMM slots marked <var class="LITERAL">0</var> on the mainboard. The
-DIMM slots should be filled ``in order'' so after bank 0 install in bank 1 and so on.</p>
-<p>Don't try to use Symbios-chip based SCSI adapters in the PCI slots connected to hose
-1. There is a not-yet-found FreeBSD bug that prevents this from working correctly. DS20
-ships by default with a Symbios on hose 1 so you have to move this card before you can
-install/boot FreeBSD on it.</p>
-<p>The kernel config file must contain:</p>
-<pre class="PROGRAMLISTING">
-options DEC_ST6600
-cpu EV5
-<div class="NOTE">
-<blockquote class="NOTE">
-<p><b>Note:</b> Contrary to expectation there is no <var class="LITERAL">cpu EV6</var>
-defined for inclusion in the kernel config file. The <var class="LITERAL">cpu EV5</var>
-is mandatory to keep <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">config</span>(8)</span></a>
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="AEN963" name="AEN963">2.3.11 AlphaPC 264DP / UP2000</a></h4>
-<p>UP2000 was built by Alpha Processor Inc.</p>
-<p>21264 EV6 CPU at 670 or 750 MHz</p>
-<p>dual CPU capable</p>
-<p>L2 / Bcache: 4 Mbytes per CPU</p>
-<p>memory bus: 256 bit</p>
-<p>memory: SDRAM DIMMs installed in sets of 4, uses ECC, 16 DIMM slots, max. 4GB</p>
-<p>21272 core logic chip set (``Tsunami'')</p>
-<p>2 embedded Adaptec AIC7890/91 Wide Ultra2 SCSI chips</p>
-<p>2 embedded IDE based on Cypress 82C693 chips</p>
-<p>embedded USB via Cypress 82C693</p>
-<p>2 independent PCI buses, driven by high-speed I/O channels called ``hoses''</p>
-<p>6 64-bit PCI slots, 3 per hose</p>
-<p>1 ISA slot</p>
-<p>Currently a maximum of 2GB memory is supported by FreeBSD.</p>
-<p>The on-board Adaptec SCSI HBAs are bootable on UP2000.</p>
-<p>Busmaster DMA is supported on the first IDE interface only. The system can boot from
-it's IDE hard drives and cdrom drives.</p>
-<p>The kernel config file must contain:</p>
-<pre class="PROGRAMLISTING">
-options DEC_ST6600
-cpu EV5
-<div class="NOTE">
-<blockquote class="NOTE">
-<p><b>Note:</b> Contrary to expectation there is no <var class="LITERAL">cpu EV6</var>
-defined for inclusion in the kernel config file. The <var class="LITERAL">cpu EV5</var>
-is mandatory to keep <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">config</span>(8)</span></a>
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="AEN1009" name="AEN1009">2.3.12 AlphaServer 2000 (``DemiSable''),
-2100 (``Sable''), 2100A (``Lynx'')</a></h4>
-<p>The AlphaServer 2[01]00 machines are intended as departmental servers. This is medium
-iron. They are multi-CPU machines, up to 2 CPUs (AS2000) or 4 CPUs (2100[A]) can be
-installed. Both floor-standing and 19&quot; rackmount boxes exist. Rackmount variations
-have different numbers of I/O expansion slots, different max number of CPUs and different
-maximum memory size. Some of the boxes come with an integral StorageWorks shelf to house
-hot-swap SCSI disks. There was an upgrade program available to convert your Sable machine
-into a Lynx by swapping the I/O backplane (the C-bus backplane remains). CPU upgrades
-were available as well.</p>
-<p>21064 EV4[5] CPU[s] at 200, 233, 275 MHz or 21164 EV5[6] CPU[s]s at 250, 300, 375, 400
-<p>cache: varies in size with the CPU model; 1, 4 or 8Mbyte per CPU</p>
-<p>embedded floppy controller driving a 2.88 Mbytes drive</p>
-<p>embedded 10Mbit 21040 Ethernet [AS2100 only]</p>
-<p>2 serial ports</p>
-<p>1 parallel port</p>
-<p>PS/2 style keyboard &#38; mouse port</p>
-<p>The CPUs spec-ed as 200 MHz are in reality running at 190 MHz. Maximum number of CPUs
-is 4. All CPUs must be of the same type/speed.</p>
-<p>If any of the processors are ever marked as failed, they will remain marked as failed
-even after they have been replaced (or reseated) until you issue the command</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<samp class="PROMPT">&gt;&gt;&gt;</samp> <kbd class="USERINPUT">CLEAR_ERROR ALL</kbd>
-<p>on the SRM console and power-cycle the machine. This may be true for other modules (IO
-and memory) as well, but it has not been verified.</p>
-<p>The machines use dedicated memory boards. These boards live on a 128 bit C-bus shared
-with the CPU boards. DemiSable supports up to 1GB, Sable up to 2GB. One of the memory bus
-slots can either hold a CPU or a memory card. A 4 CPU machine can have a maximum of 2
-memory boards.</p>
-<p>Some memory board models house SIMMs. These are called SIMM carriers. There are also
-memory modules that have soldered-on memory chips instead of SIMMs. These are called
-``flat memory modules''.</p>
-<p>SIMM boards are used in sets of eight 72-pin 36 bit FPM memory of 70ns or faster. SIMM
-types supported are 1M x36 bit (4 Mbyte), 2M x36bit (8 Mbyte) and 4M x36 bit (16 Mbyte).
-Each memory board can house 4 banks of SIMMs. SIMM sizes can not be mixed on a single
-memory board. The first memory module must be filled with SIMMs before starting to fill
-the next memory module. Note that the spacing between the slots is not that big, so make
-sure your SIMMs fit physically (before buying them..)</p>
-<p>Both Lynx and Sable are somewhat stubborn when it comes to serial consoles. They
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<samp class="PROMPT">&gt;&gt;&gt;</samp> <kbd class="USERINPUT">SET CONSOLE SERIAL</kbd>
-<p>before they go for a serial console. Pulling the keyboard from the machine is not
-sufficient, like it is on many other Alpha models. Going back to a graphical console
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<samp class="PROMPT">&gt;&gt;&gt;</samp> <kbd
-<p>at the serial console. On Lynx keep the VGA card in one of the primary PCI slots. EISA
-VGA cards are not slot sensitive.</p>
-<p>The machines are equipped with a small OCP (Operator Control Panel) LCD screen. On
-this screen the self-test messages are displayed during system initialization. You can
-put your own little text there by using the SRM:</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<samp class="PROMPT">&gt;&gt;&gt;</samp> <kbd class="USERINPUT">SET OCP_TEXT "FreeBSD"
- </kbd>
-<p>The SRM</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<samp class="PROMPT">&gt;&gt;&gt;</samp> <kbd class="USERINPUT">SHOW FRU</kbd>
-<p>command produces an overview of your configuration with module serial numbers,
-hardware revisions and error log counts.</p>
-<p>Both Sable, DemiSable and Lynx have Symbios 810 based Fast SCSI on-board. Check if it
-is set to Fast SCSI speed by</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<samp class="PROMPT">&gt;&gt;&gt;</samp> <kbd class="USERINPUT">SHOW PKA0_FAST</kbd>
-<p>When set to 1 it is negotiating for Fast speeds.</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<samp class="PROMPT">&gt;&gt;&gt;</samp> <kbd class="USERINPUT">SET PKA0_FAST 1</kbd>
-<p>enables Fast SCSI speeds.</p>
-<p>AS2100[A] come equipped with a StorageWorks 7 slot SCSI cage. A second cage can be
-added inside the cabinet. AS2000 has a single 7 slot SCSI cage, which cannot be expanded
-with an additional one. Note that the slot locations in these cages map differently to
-SCSI IDs compared to the standard StorageWorks shelves. Slot IDs from top to bottom are
-0, 4, 1, 5, 2, 6, 3 when using a single bus configuration.</p>
-<p>The cage can also be set to provide two independent SCSI buses. This is used for
-embedded RAID controllers like the KZPSC (Mylex DAC960). Slot ID assignments for split
-bus are, from top to bottom: 0A, 0B, 1A, 1B, 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B. Where A and B signify a SCSI
-bus. In a single bus configuration the terminator module on the back of the SCSI cage is
-on the TOP. The jumper module is on the BOTTOM. For split bus operation these two modules
-are reversed. The terminator can be distinguished from the jumper by noting the chips on
-the terminator. The jumper does not have any active components on it.</p>
-<p>DemiSable has 7 EISA slots and 3 PCI slots. Sable has 8 EISA and 3 PCI slots. Lynx,
-being newer, has 8 PCI and 3 EISA slots. The Lynx PCI slots are grouped in sets of 4. The
-4 PCI slots closest to the CPU/memory slots are the primary slots, so logically before
-the PCI bridge chip. Note that contrary to expectation the primary PCI slots are the
-highest numbered ones (PCI4 - PCI7).</p>
-<p>Make sure you run the EISA Configuration Utility (from floppy) when adding/change
-expansion cards in EISA slots or after upgrading your console firmware. This is done by
-inserting the ECU floppy and typing</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<samp class="PROMPT">&gt;&gt;&gt;</samp> <kbd class="USERINPUT">RUNECU</kbd>
-<div class="NOTE">
-<blockquote class="NOTE">
-<p><b>Note:</b> EISA slots are currently unsupported, but the Compaq Qvision EISA VGA
-adapter is treated as an ISA device. It therefore works OK as a console.</p>
-<p>A special Extended I/O module for use on the C-bus was planned-for. If they ever saw
-daylight is unknown. In any case FreeBSD has never been verified with an ExtIO
-<p>The machines can be equipped with redundant power supplies. Note that the enclosure is
-equipped with interlock switches that switch off power when the enclosure is opened. The
-system's cooling fans are speed controlled. When the machine has more than 2 CPUs and
-more than 1 memory board dual power supplies are mandatory.</p>
-<p>The kernel config file must contain:</p>
-<pre class="PROGRAMLISTING">
-options DEC_2100_A500
-cpu EV4 #dependent on CPU model installed
-cpu EV5 #dependent on CPU model installed
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="AEN1080" name="AEN1080">2.3.13 AlphaServer 4x00
-<p>The AlphaServer 4x00 machines are intended as small enterprise servers. Expect a
-30&quot; high pedestal cabinet or alternatively the same system box in a 19&quot; rack.
-Rawhides are multi-CPU machines, up to 4 CPUs can be in a single machine. Basic disk
-storage is housed in one or two StorageWorks shelves at the bottom of the pedestal. The
-Rawhides intended for the NT market are designated DIGITAL Server 7300 (5/400 CPU),
-DIGITAL Server 7305 (5/533 CPU). A trailing R on the part-number means a rackmount
-<p>21164 EV5 CPUs at 266, 300, 333 MHz or 21164A EV56 CPUs at 400, 466, 533, 600 Mhz</p>
-<p>cache: 4 Mbytes per CPU. EV5 300 MHz was also available cache-less. 8 Mbytes for EV56
-<p>memory bus: 128 bit with ECC</p>
-<p>embedded floppy controller</p>
-<p>2 serial ports</p>
-<p>1 parallel port</p>
-<p>PS/2 style keyboard &#38; mouse port</p>
-<p>Rawhide can be equipped with a variety of CPU modules. CPU modules exist in versions
-with and without external cache. In all cases the CPU modules installed always must be of
-the same speed. A mix of NT-only and full-blown Tru64/VMS CPUs works fine. It will
-however result in the system reporting itself to the operating system as a Digital Server
-730x (so the NT-only variant). FreeBSD does not care, but such a system will not allow
-Tru64 or VMS to run.</p>
-<p>Rawhide uses a maximum of 8 RAM modules. These modules are used in pairs and supply 72
-bits to the bus (this includes ECC bits). Memory can be EDO RAM or synchronous DRAM. A
-fully populated AS4100 has 4 pairs of memory modules. The AS4000 model is limited to 2
-pairs of memory modules. Given the choice use SDRAM for best performance. The highest
-capacity memory boards must be in the memory slots marked MEM0L and MEM0H. A mix of
-memory board sizes is allowed. A mix of EDO and SDRAM works as well (assuming you don't
-try to mix EDO and SDRAM in a single module pair). A mix of EDO and SDRAM results in the
-<span class="emphasis"><i class="EMPHASIS">entire</i></span> memory subsystem running at
-the slower EDO timing.</p>
-<p>Rawhide has an embedded Symbios 810 chip that gives you a narrow fast-SCSI bus.
-Generally only the SCSI CDROM is driven by this interface.</p>
-<p>Rawhides are available with a 8 64-bit PCI / 3 EISA slot expansion backplanes (called
-``Saddle'' modules). There are 2 separate PCI buses, PCI0 and PCI1. PCI0 has 1 dedicated
-PCI slot and (shared) 3 PCI/EISA slots. PCI0 also has a PCI/EISA bridge that drives
-things like the serial and parallel ports, keyboard/mouse etc. PCI1 has 4 PCI slots and a
-Symbios 810 SCSI chip. VGA console cards must be installed in a slot connected to
-<p>The current FreeBSD implementation has problems in handling PCI bridges. There is
-currently a limited fix in place which allows for single level, single device PCI
-bridges. The fix allows the use of the Digital supplied Qlogic SCSI card which sits
-behind a 21054 PCI bridge chip.</p>
-<div class="NOTE">
-<blockquote class="NOTE">
-<p><b>Note:</b> EISA slots are currently unsupported, but the Compaq Qvision EISA VGA
-adapter is treated as an ISA device. It therefore works as a console. In case you use
-EISA options in your machine you must run the EISA Configuration Utility (ECU) from
-floppy. Do yourself a favor and use the Tru64/OpenVMS ECU, and not the WindowsNT ECU.</p>
-<p>Rawhide employs an I2C based power controller system. If you want to be sure all power
-is removed from the system remove all mains cables from the system.</p>
-<p>Rawhide comes with RCM functionality, which means you can power it on/off remotely,
-reset it etc. See also the description for the RMC in the DS10 section of this document.
-RCM versus RMC is not a typo, the various documentation I consulted used both acronyms
-interchangably. Note that if you want remote power on/off to function you need to connect
-a small DC adapter to the machine in order to have the RCM logic powered. You need to
-supply 9-12V DC to the small inlet located next to the keyboard connector.</p>
-<p>The kernel config file must contain:</p>
-<pre class="PROGRAMLISTING">
-options DEC_KN300
-cpu EV5
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="AEN1113" name="AEN1113">2.3.14 AlphaServer 1200 (``Tincup'') and
-AlphaStation 1200 (``DaVinci'')</a></h4>
-<p>The AlphaServer 1200 machine is the successor to the AlphaServer 1000A. It uses the
-same enclosure the 1000A uses, but the logic is based on the AlphaServer 4000 design.
-These are multi-CPU machines, up to 2 CPUs can be in a single machine. Basic disk storage
-is housed in a StorageWorks shelves The AS1200 intended for the NT market were designated
-DIGITAL Server 5300 (5/400 CPU) and DIGITAL Server 5305 (5/533 CPU).</p>
-<p>21164A EV56 CPUs at 400 or 533 Mhz</p>
-<p>cache: 4 Mbytes per CPU</p>
-<p>memory bus: 128 bit with ECC, DIMM memory on two memory daughter boards</p>
-<p>embedded floppy controller</p>
-<p>2 serial ports</p>
-<p>1 parallel port</p>
-<p>PS/2 style keyboard &#38; mouse port</p>
-<p>AS1200 uses 2 memory daughter cards. On each of these cards are 8 DIMM slots. DIMMs
-must be installed in pairs. The maximum memory size is 4 GBytes. Slots must be filled in
-order and slot 0 must contain the largest size DIMM if different sized DIMMs are used.
-AS1200 employs fixed starting addresses for DIMMs, each DIMM pair starts at a 512 Mbyte
-boundary. This means that if DIMMs smaller than 256 Mbyte are used the system's physical
-memory map will contain ``holes''. Supported DIMM sizes are 64 Mbytes and 256 Mbytes. The
-DIMMs are 72 bit SDRAM based, as the system employs ECC.</p>
-<div class="NOTE">
-<blockquote class="NOTE">
-<p><b>Note:</b> FreeBSD currently supports up to 2GBytes</p>
-<p>AS1200 has an embedded Symbios 810 drive Fast SCSI bus.</p>
-<p>Tincup has 5 64-bit PCI slots, one 1 32-bit PCI slot and one EISA slot (which is
-physically shared with one of the 64-bit PCI slots). There are 2 separate PCI buses, PCI0
-and PCI1. PCI0 has the 32-bit PCI slot and the 2 top-most 64-bit PCI slots. PCI0 also has
-an Intel 82375EB PCI/EISA bridge that drives things like the serial and parallel ports,
-keyboard/mouse etc. PCI1 has 4 64-bit PCI slots and a Symbios 810 SCSI chip. VGA console
-cards must be installed in a slot connected to PCI0.</p>
-<p>The system employs an I2C based power controller system. If you want to be sure all
-power is removed from the system remove the mains cables from the system. Tincup uses
-dual power supplies in load-sharing mode and not as a redundancy pair.</p>
-<p>The kernel config file must contain:</p>
-<pre class="PROGRAMLISTING">
-options DEC_KN300
-cpu EV5
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="AEN1143" name="AEN1143">2.3.15 AlphaServer 8200 and 8400
-<p>The AlphaServer 8200 and 8400 machines are enterprise servers. Expect a tall 19&quot;
-cabinet (8200) or fat (8400) 19&quot; rack. This is big iron, not a hobbyist system.
-TurboLasers are multi-CPU machines, up to 12 CPUs can be in a single machine. The
-TurboLaser System Bus (TLSB) allows 9 nodes on the AS8400 and 5 nodes on the AS8200. TLSB
-is 256 bit data, 40 bit address allowing 2.1 GBytes/sec. Nodes on the TLSB can be CPUs,
-memory or I/O. A maximum of 3 I/O ports are supported on a TLSB.</p>
-<p>Basic disk storage is housed in a StorageWorks shelf. AS8400 uses 3 phase power,
-AS8200 uses single phase power.</p>
-<p>21164 EV5/EV56 CPUs at up to 467 MHz or 21264 EV67 CPUs at up to 625 MHz</p>
-<p>one or two CPUs per CPU module</p>
-<p>cache: 4Mbytes B-cache per CPU</p>
-<p>memory bus: 256 bit with ECC</p>
-<p>memory: big memory modules that plug into the TLSB, which in turn hold special SIMM
-modules. Memory modules come in varying sizes, up to 4 GBytes a piece. Uses ECC (8 bits
-per 64 bits of data) 7 memory modules max for AS8400, 3 modules max for AS8200. Maximum
-memory is 28 GBytes.</p>
-<p>expansion: 3 system ``I/O ports'' that allow up to 12 I/O channels each I/O channel
-can connect to XMI, Futurebus+ or PCI boxes</p>
-<p>FreeBSD supports (and has been tested with) up to 2 GBytes of memory on TurboLaser.
-There is a trade-off to be made between TLSB slots occupied by memory modules and TLSB
-slots occupied by CPU modules. For example you can have 28GBytes of memory but only 2
-CPUs (1 module) at the same time.</p>
-<p>Only PCI expansion is supported on FreeBSD. XMI or Futurebus+ (which are AS8400 only)
-are both unsupported.</p>
-<p>The I/O port modules are designated KFTIA or KFTHA. The I/O port modules supply so
-called ``hoses'' that connect to up to 4 (KFTHA) PCI buses or 1 PCI bus (KFTIA). KFTIA
-has embedded dual 10baseT Ethernet, single FDDI, 3 SCSI Fast Wide Differential SCSI buses
-and a single Fast Wide Single Ended SCSI bus. The FWSE SCSI is intended for the
-<p>KFTHA can drive via each of its 4 hoses a DWLPA or DWLPB box. The DWLPx house a 12
-slots 32 bit PCI backplane. Physically the 12 slots are 3 4-slot buses but to the
-software it appears as a single 12 slots PCI bus. A fully expanded AS8x00 can have 3 (I/O
-ports) times 4 (hoses) times 12 (PCI slots/DWLPx) = 144 PCI slots. The maximum bandwidth
-per KFTHA is 500 Mbytes/second. DWLPA can also house 8 EISA cards, 2 slots are PCI-only,
-2 slots are EISA only. Of the 12 slots 2 are always occupied by an I/O and connector
-module. DWLPB are the prefered I/O boxes.</p>
-<p>For best performance distribute high bandwidth (FibreChannel, Gigabit Ethernet) over
-multiple hoses and/or multiple KFTHA/KFTIA.</p>
-<p>Currently PCI expansion cards containing PCI bridges are not usable with FreeBSD.
-Don't use them at this time.</p>
-<p>The single ended narrow SCSI bus on the KFTIA will turn up as the <span
-class="emphasis"><i class="EMPHASIS">fourth</i></span> SCSI bus. The 3 fast-wide
-differential SCSI buses of the KFTIA precede it.</p>
-<p>AS8x00 are generally run with serial consoles. Some newer machines might have a
-graphical console of some sorts but FreeBSD has only been tested on a serial console.</p>
-<p>For serial console usage either change <tt class="FILENAME">/etc/ttys</tt> to
-<pre class="PROGRAMLISTING">
-console "/usr/libexec/getty std.9600" unknown on secure
-<p>as the console entry, or add</p>
-<pre class="PROGRAMLISTING">
-zs0 "/usr/libexec/getty std.9600" unknown on secure
-<p>For the AlphaServer 8x00 machines the kernel config file must contain:</p>
-<pre class="PROGRAMLISTING">
-options DEC_KN8AE # Alpha 8200/8400 (Turbolaser)
-cpu EV5
-<p>Contrary to expectation there is no <var class="LITERAL">cpu EV6</var> defined for
-inclusion in the kernel config file. The <var class="LITERAL">cpu EV5</var> is mandatory
-to keep <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">config</span>(8)</span></a>
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="AEN1186" name="AEN1186">2.3.16 Alpha Processor Inc.
-<p>The UP1000 is an ATX mainboard based on the 21264a CPU which itself lives in a Slot B
-module. It is normally housed in an ATX tower enclosure.</p>
-<p>21264a Alpha CPU at 600 or 700 MHz in a Slot B module (includes cooling fans)</p>
-<p>memory bus: 128 bits to the L2 cache, 64 bits from Slot B to the AMD-751</p>
-<p>on-board Bcache / L2 cache: 2MB (600Mhz) or 4MB (700Mhz)</p>
-<p>AMD AMD-751 (``Irongate'') system controller chip</p>
-<p>Acer Labs M1543C PCI-ISA bridge controller / super-IO chip</p>
-<p>PS/2 mouse &#38; keyboard port</p>
-<p>memory: 168-pin PC100 unbuffered SDRAM DIMMS, 3 DIMM slots DIMM sizes supported are
-64, 128 or 256 Mb in size</p>
-<p>2 16550A serial port</p>
-<p>1 ECP/EPP parallel port</p>
-<p>floppy interface</p>
-<p>2 embedded Ultra DMA33 IDE interface</p>
-<p>2 USB ports</p>
-<p>4 32 bit PCI slots</p>
-<p>2 ISA slots</p>
-<p>1 AGP slot</p>
-<p>Slot B is a box-like enclosure that houses a daughter-board for the CPU and cache. It
-has 2 small fans for cooling. Loud fans..</p>
-<p>The machine needs ECC capable DIMMs, so 72 bit ones. This does not appear to be
-documented in the UP1000 docs. The system accesses the serial EEPROM on the DIMMs via the
-SM bus. Note that if only a single DIMM is used it must be installed in slot <span
-class="emphasis"><i class="EMPHASIS">2</i></span>. This is a bit counter-intuitive.</p>
-<p>The UP1000 needs a 400Watt ATX power supply according to the manufacturer. This might
-be a bit overly conservative/pessimistic judging from the power consumption of the board
-&#38; cpu. But as always you will have to take your expansion cards and peripherals into
-account. The M1543C chip contains power management functionality &#38; temperature
-monitoring (via I2C / SM bus).</p>
-<p>Chances are that your UP1000 comes by default with AlphaBios only. The SRM console
-firmware is available from the Alpha Processor Inc. web site. It is currently available
-in a beta version which was successfully used during the port of FreeBSD to the
-<p>The embedded Ultra DMA EIDE ports are bootable by the SRM console.</p>
-<p>UP1000 SRM can boot off an Adaptec 294x adapter. Under high I/O load conditions
-machine lockups have been observed using the Adaptec 294x. A Symbios 875 based card works
-just fine, using the sym driver. Most likely other cards based on the Symbios chips that
-the sym driver supports will work as well.</p>
-<p>The USB interfaces are disabled by the SRM console and have not (yet) been tested with
-<p>For the UP1000 the kernel config file must contain:</p>
-<pre class="PROGRAMLISTING">
-options API_UP1000 # UP1000, UP1100 (Nautilus)
-cpu EV5
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="AEN1235" name="AEN1235">2.3.17 Alpha Processor Inc.
-<p>The UP1100 is an ATX mainboard based on the 21264a CPU running at 600 MHz. It is
-normally housed in an ATX tower enclosure.</p>
-<p>21264a Alpha EV6 CPU at 600 or 700 MHz</p>
-<p>memory bus: 100MHz 64-bit (PC-100 SDRAM), 800 MB/s memory bandwidth</p>
-<p>on-board Bcache / L2 cache: 2Mb</p>
-<p>AMD AMD-751 (``Irongate'') system controller chip</p>
-<p>Acer Labs M1535D PCI-ISA bridge controller / super-IO chip</p>
-<p>PS/2 mouse &#38; keyboard port</p>
-<p>memory: 168-pin PC100 unbuffered SDRAM DIMMS, 3 DIMM slots DIMM sizes supported are
-64, 128 or 256 Mb in size</p>
-<p>2 16550A serial port</p>
-<p>1 ECP/EPP parallel port</p>
-<p>floppy interface</p>
-<p>2 embedded Ultra DMA66 IDE interface</p>
-<p>2 USB port</p>
-<p>expansion: 3 32 bit PCI slots and 1 AGP2x slot</p>
-<p>SRM console code comes standard with the UP1100. The SRM lives in 2Mbytes of flash
-<p>The machine needs ECC capable DIMMs, so 72 bit ones. This does not appear to be
-documented in the UP1100 docs. The system accesses the serial EEPROM on the DIMMs via the
-SM bus. Note that if only a single DIMM is used it must be installed in slot <span
-class="emphasis"><i class="EMPHASIS">2</i></span>. This is a bit counter-intuitive.</p>
-<p>The UP1100 needs a 400Watt ATX power supply according to the manufacturer. This might
-be a bit overly conservative/pessimistic judging from the power consumption of the board
-&#38; cpu. But as always you will have to take your expansion cards and peripherals into
-account. The M1535D chip contains power management functionality &#38; temperature
-monitoring (via I2C / SM bus using a LM75 thermal sensor).</p>
-<p>The UP1100 has an on-board 21143 10/100Mbit Ethernet interface.</p>
-<p>The UP1100 is equipped with a SoundBlaster compatible audio interface. Whether it
-works with FreeBSD is as of yet unknown.</p>
-<p>The embedded Ultra DMA EIDE ports are bootable by the SRM console.</p>
-<p>The UP1100 has 3 USB ports, 2 going external and one connected to the AGP port.</p>
-<p>For the UP1100 the kernel config file must contain:</p>
-<pre class="PROGRAMLISTING">
-options API_UP1000 # UP1000, UP1100 (Nautilus)
-cpu EV5
-<p>Contrary to expectation there is no <var class="LITERAL">cpu EV6</var> defined for
-inclusion in the kernel config file. The <var class="LITERAL">cpu EV5</var> is mandatory
-to keep <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">config</span>(8)</span></a>
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="AEN1283" name="AEN1283">2.3.18 Alpha Processor Inc. CS20, Compaq
-<p>The CS20 is a 19&quot;, 1U high rackmount server based on the 21264[ab] CPU. It can
-have a maximum of 2 CPUs. Compaq sells the CS20 rebranded as the AlphaServer DS20L. DS20L
-has 833MHz CPUs.</p>
-<p>21264a Alpha CPU at 667 MHz or 21264b 833 MHz (max. 2 CPUs)</p>
-<p>memory bus: 100MHz 256-bit wide</p>
-<p>21271 Core Logic chipset (``Tsunami'')</p>
-<p>Acer Labs M1533 PCI-ISA bridge controller / super-IO chip</p>
-<p>PS/2 mouse &#38; keyboard port</p>
-<p>memory: 168-pin PC100 PLL buffered/registered SDRAM DIMMS, 8 DIMM slots, uses ECC
-memory, min 256 Mbytes / max 2 GBytes of memory</p>
-<p>2 16550A serial port</p>
-<p>1 ECP/EPP parallel port</p>
-<p>ALI M1543C Ultra DMA66 IDE interface</p>
-<p>embedded dual Intel 82559 10/100Mbit Ethernet</p>
-<p>embedded Symbios 53C1000 Ultra160 SCSI controller</p>
-<p>expansion: 2 64 bit PCI slots (2/3 length)</p>
-<p>SRM console code comes standard with the CS20. The SRM lives in 2Mbytes of flash
-<p>The CS20 needs ECC capable DIMMs. Note that it uses <span class="emphasis"><i
-class="EMPHASIS">buffered</i></span> DIMMs.</p>
-<p>The CS20 has an I2C based internal monitoring system for things like temperature,
-fans, voltages etc. The I2C also supports ``wake on LAN''.</p>
-<p>Each PCI slot is connected to its own independent PCI bus on the Tsunami.</p>
-<p>The embedded Ultra DMA EIDE ports are bootable by the SRM console.</p>
-<p>The CS20 has an embedded slim-line IDE CD drive. There is a front-accessible bay for a
-1&quot; high 3.5&quot; SCSI hard-disk drive with SCA connector.</p>
-<p>Note that there is no floppy disk drive (or a connector to add one).</p>
-<p>The kernel config file must contain:</p>
-<pre class="PROGRAMLISTING">
-options DEC_ST6600
-cpu EV5
-<p>Contrary to expectation there is no <var class="LITERAL">cpu EV6</var> defined for
-inclusion in the kernel config file. The <var class="LITERAL">cpu EV5</var> is mandatory
-to keep <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">config</span>(8)</span></a>
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="AEN1330" name="AEN1330">2.3.19 Compaq AlphaServer ES40
-<p>The ES40 is a SMP system that can have 1 - 4 21264 Alpha CPUs. With the maximum
-configuration of 32GB of memory these systems are often deployed as heavy database
-servers and are also found in HPTC compute farm environments.</p>
-<p>21264 Alpha CPU at 500 (EV6), 667 (EV67) or 833 MHz (EV68) (max. 4 CPUs)</p>
-<p>memory bus: 256-bit wide</p>
-<p>21272 Core Logic chipset</p>
-<p>PS/2 mouse &#38; keyboard port</p>
-<p>memory: 200-pin JEDEC standard SDRAM DIMMS, max 32 GBytes of memory</p>
-<p>2 16550A serial port</p>
-<p>1 ECP/EPP parallel port</p>
-<p>ALI M1543C Ultra DMA66 IDE interface</p>
-<p>expansion: 2 64 bit PCI buses</p>
-<p>SRM console code comes standard with the ES40.</p>
-<p>ES40 comes with an ATA CDROM drive, but uses SCSI harddisks. The usual Symbios &#38;
-Qlogic adapters are bootable, as is the KZPEA aka Adaptec 39160 dual channel LVD U160
-<p>Memory is divided in 4 memory arrays which each contain a set of 4 SDRAM DIMMs. Each
-DIMM is 72 bit wide and of the 100MHz speed variant. An array can contain 2 sets, so 8
-DIMMs max per array. The DIMMs live on Memory Mother Boards (MMBs). There are 2 MMB
-models, with 4 and 8 DIMM sockets respectively. Each MMB provides half of the 256 bit
-memory bus width to the CPUs. Given the myriad options for the memory configuration it is
-advisable to check the system documentation for the optimum memory configuration.</p>
-<p>Dependent on the model variation the ES40 has 6 or 10 64 bit PCI slots. This is
-basically just means the same backplane with less connectors mounted.</p>
-<p>ES40 has the same RMC remote power control as DS10 and DS20. See the description of
-the RMC in the DS10 section of this document. Most variations of ES40 have multiple power
-supplies, allowing for N+1 redundancy. When installing CPU cards you must unplug all
-power cords, the CPU cards receive standby power from the power supplies. Maximum memory
-configurations need more than the default number of powersupplies.</p>
-<p>The kernel config file must contain:</p>
-<pre class="PROGRAMLISTING">
-options DEC_ST6600
-cpu EV5
-<p>Contrary to expectation there is no <var class="LITERAL">cpu EV6</var> defined for
-inclusion in the kernel config file. The <var class="LITERAL">cpu EV5</var> is mandatory
-to keep <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">config</span>(8)</span></a>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="AEN1367" name="AEN1367">2.4 Supported Hardware Overview</a></h3>
-<p>A word of caution: the installed base for FreeBSD is not nearly as large as for
-FreeBSD/Intel. This means that the enormous variation of PCI/ISA expansion cards out
-there has much less chance of having been tested on alpha than on Intel. This is not to
-imply they are doomed to fail, just that the chance of running into something never
-tested before is much higher. <tt class="FILENAME">GENERIC</tt> contains things that are
-known to work on Alpha only.</p>
-<p>The PCI and ISA expansion busses are fully supported. Turbo Channel is not in <tt
-class="FILENAME">GENERIC</tt> and has limited support (see the relevant machine model
-info). The MCA bus is not supported. The EISA bus is not supported for use with EISA
-expansion cards as the EISA support code is lacking. ISA cards in EISA slots are reported
-to work. The Compaq Qvision EISA VGA card is driven in ISA mode and works OK as a
-<p>1.44 Mbyte and 1.2 Mbyte floppy drives are supported. 2.88 Mbyte drives sometimes
-found in Alpha machines are supported up to 1.44Mbyte.</p>
-<p>ATA and ATAPI (IDE) devices are supported via the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ata</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-framework. As most people run their Alphas with SCSI disks it is not as well tested as
-SCSI. Be aware of boot-ability restrictions for IDE disks. See the machine specific
-<p>There is full SCSI support via the CAM layer for Adaptec 2940x (AIC7xxx chip-based),
-Qlogic family and Symbios. Those of you interested in U160 SCSI might want to take a look
-at an Adaptec 39160 dual channel LVD U160 adapter. Compaq calls this a KZPEA adapter.
-Recent Alpha models have SRM versions that can boot from them. In general be aware of the
-machine-specific boot-ability issues for the various adapter models. Where known they are
-listed in the individual machine descriptions.</p>
-<p>The Qlogic QL2x00 FibreChannel host adapters are fully supported.</p>
-<p>If you want to boot your Alpha over the Ethernet you will obviously need an Ethernet
-card that the SRM console recognizes. This generally means you need a board with an 21x4x
-Ethernet chip as that is what Digital used. These chips are driven by the FreeBSD <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">de</span>(4)</span></a> (older driver)
-or <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">dc</span>(4)</span></a> (newer driver).
-Some new SRM versions are known to recognize the Intel 8255x Ethernet chips as driven by
-the FreeBSD <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">fxp</span>(4)</span></a> driver.
-But beware: the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">fxp</span>(4)</span></a> driver is
-reported not to work correctly with FreeBSD (although it works excellently on
-<p>DEC DEFPA PCI FDDI network adapters are supported on alpha.</p>
-<p>In general the SRM console emulates a VGA-compatibility mode on PCI VGA cards. This
-is, however, not guaranteed to work by Compaq/DEC for each and every card type out there.
-When the SRM thinks the VGA is acceptable FreeBSD will be able to use it. The console
-driver works just like on a FreeBSD/intel machine. Please note that VESA modes are not
-supported on Alpha, so that leaves you with 80x25 consoles.</p>
-<p>In some Alpha machines you will find video adapters based on TGA chips. The plain TGA
-adapter does not emulate VGA and is therefore not usable for a FreeBSD console. TGA2
-cards have a basic VGA compatibility mode and work fine as FreeBSD consoles.</p>
-<p>The ``PC standard'' serial ports found on most Alphas are supported.</p>
-<p>ISDN (i4b) is not supported on FreeBSD/alpha.</p>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="AEN1399" name="AEN1399">2.5 Acknowledgments</a></h3>
-<p>In compiling this file I used multiple information sources, but <a
-href="http://www.netbsd.org/" target="_top">the NetBSD Web site</a> proved to be an
-invaluable source of information. If it wasn't for NetBSD/alpha there probably would not
-be a FreeBSD/alpha in the first place.</p>
-<p>People who kindly helped me create this section:</p>
-<p>Andrew Gallatin <code class="EMAIL">&#60;<a
-<p>Chuck Robey <code class="EMAIL">&#60;<a
-<p>Matthew Jacob <code class="EMAIL">&#60;<a
-<p>Michael Smith <code class="EMAIL">&#60;<a
-<p>David O'Brien <code class="EMAIL">&#60;<a
-<p>Christian Weisgerber</p>
-<p>Kazutaka YOKOTA</p>
-<p>Nick Maniscalco</p>
-<p>Eric Schnoebelen</p>
-<p>Peter van Dijk</p>
-<p>Peter Jeremy</p>
-<p>Dolf de Waal</p>
-<p>Wim Lemmers, ex-Compaq</p>
-<p>Wouter Brackman, Compaq</p>
-<p>Lodewijk van den Berg, Compaq</p>
-<div class="SECT1">
-<hr />
-<h2 class="SECT1"><a id="SUPPORT" name="SUPPORT">3 Supported Devices</a></h2>
-$FreeBSD: src/release/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/hardware/common/dev.sgml,v
-2004/11/03 00:18:51 simon Exp $
-<p>This section describes the devices currently known to be supported by with FreeBSD on
-the Alpha/AXP platform. Other configurations may also work, but simply have not been
-tested yet. Feedback, updates, and corrections to this list are encouraged.</p>
-<p>Where possible, the drivers applicable to each device or class of devices is listed.
-If the driver in question has a manual page in the FreeBSD base distribution (most
-should), it is referenced here. Information on specific models of supported devices,
-controllers, etc. can be found in the manual pages.</p>
-<div class="NOTE">
-<blockquote class="NOTE">
-<p><b>Note:</b> The device lists in this document are being generated automatically from
-FreeBSD manual pages. This means that some devices, which are supported by multiple
-drivers, may appear multiple times.</p>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="DISK" name="DISK">3.1 Disk Controllers</a></h3>
-<p>IDE/ATA controllers (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ata</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ahc</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports the following SCSI host adapter chips and SCSI controller cards:</p>
-<p>Adaptec AIC7770 host adapter chip</p>
-<p>Adaptec AIC7850 host adapter chip</p>
-<p>Adaptec AIC7860 host adapter chip</p>
-<p>Adaptec AIC7870 host adapter chip</p>
-<p>Adaptec AIC7880 host adapter chip</p>
-<p>Adaptec AIC7890 host adapter chip</p>
-<p>Adaptec AIC7891 host adapter chip</p>
-<p>Adaptec AIC7892 host adapter chip</p>
-<p>Adaptec AIC7895 host adapter chip</p>
-<p>Adaptec AIC7896 host adapter chip</p>
-<p>Adaptec AIC7897 host adapter chip</p>
-<p>Adaptec AIC7899 host adapter chip</p>
-<p>Adaptec 274X(W)</p>
-<p>Adaptec 274X(T)</p>
-<p>Adaptec 284X</p>
-<p>Adaptec 2910</p>
-<p>Adaptec 2915</p>
-<p>Adaptec 2920</p>
-<p>Adaptec 2930C</p>
-<p>Adaptec 2930U2</p>
-<p>Adaptec 2940</p>
-<p>Adaptec 2940J</p>
-<p>Adaptec 2940N</p>
-<p>Adaptec 2940U</p>
-<p>Adaptec 2940AU</p>
-<p>Adaptec 2940UW</p>
-<p>Adaptec 2940UW Dual</p>
-<p>Adaptec 2940UW Pro</p>
-<p>Adaptec 2940U2W</p>
-<p>Adaptec 2940U2B</p>
-<p>Adaptec 2950U2W</p>
-<p>Adaptec 2950U2B</p>
-<p>Adaptec 19160B</p>
-<p>Adaptec 29160B</p>
-<p>Adaptec 29160N</p>
-<p>Adaptec 3940</p>
-<p>Adaptec 3940U</p>
-<p>Adaptec 3940AU</p>
-<p>Adaptec 3940UW</p>
-<p>Adaptec 3940AUW</p>
-<p>Adaptec 3940U2W</p>
-<p>Adaptec 3950U2</p>
-<p>Adaptec 3960</p>
-<p>Adaptec 39160</p>
-<p>Adaptec 3985</p>
-<p>Adaptec 4944UW</p>
-<p>NEC PC-9821Xt13 (PC-98)</p>
-<p>NEC RvII26 (PC-98)</p>
-<p>NEC PC-9821X-B02L/B09 (PC-98)</p>
-<p>NEC SV-98/2-B03 (PC-98)</p>
-<p>Many motherboards with on-board SCSI support</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">amr</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports the following:</p>
-<p>AMI MegaRAID 320-1</p>
-<p>AMI MegaRAID 320-2</p>
-<p>AMI MegaRAID 320-4X</p>
-<p>AMI MegaRAID Series 418</p>
-<p>AMI MegaRAID Enterprise 1200 (Series 428)</p>
-<p>AMI MegaRAID Enterprise 1300 (Series 434)</p>
-<p>AMI MegaRAID Enterprise 1400 (Series 438)</p>
-<p>AMI MegaRAID Enterprise 1500 (Series 467)</p>
-<p>AMI MegaRAID Enterprise 1600 (Series 471)</p>
-<p>AMI MegaRAID Elite 1500 (Series 467)</p>
-<p>AMI MegaRAID Elite 1600 (Series 493)</p>
-<p>AMI MegaRAID Elite 1650 (Series 4xx)</p>
-<p>AMI MegaRAID Express 100 (Series 466WS)</p>
-<p>AMI MegaRAID Express 200 (Series 466)</p>
-<p>AMI MegaRAID Express 300 (Series 490)</p>
-<p>AMI MegaRAID Express 500 (Series 475)</p>
-<p>Dell PERC</p>
-<p>Dell PERC 2/SC</p>
-<p>Dell PERC 2/DC</p>
-<p>Dell PERC 3/DCL</p>
-<p>Dell PERC 3/QC</p>
-<p>Dell PERC 4/Di</p>
-<p>HP NetRAID-1/Si</p>
-<p>HP NetRAID-3/Si (D4943A)</p>
-<p>HP Embedded NetRAID</p>
-<div class="NOTE">
-<blockquote class="NOTE">
-<p>Booting from these controllers is not supported due to SRM limitations.</p>
-<p>Controllers supported by the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">mlx</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-<p>Mylex DAC960P</p>
-<p>Mylex DAC960PD / DEC KZPSC (Fast Wide)</p>
-<p>Mylex DAC960PDU</p>
-<p>Mylex DAC960PL</p>
-<p>Mylex DAC960PJ</p>
-<p>Mylex DAC960PG</p>
-<p>Mylex DAC960PU / DEC PZPAC (Ultra Wide)</p>
-<p>Mylex AcceleRAID 150 (DAC960PRL)</p>
-<p>Mylex AcceleRAID 250 (DAC960PTL1)</p>
-<p>Mylex eXtremeRAID 1100 (DAC1164P)</p>
-<p>RAIDarray 230 controllers, aka the Ultra-SCSI DEC KZPAC-AA (1-ch, 4MB cache), KZPAC-CA
-(3-ch, 4MB), KZPAC-CB (3-ch, 8MB cache)</p>
-<p>All major firmware revisions (2.x, 3.x, 4.x and 5.x) are supported, however it is
-always advisable to upgrade to the most recent firmware available for the controller.
-Compatible Mylex controllers not listed should work, but have not been verified.</p>
-<div class="NOTE">
-<blockquote class="NOTE">
-<p>Booting from these controllers is not supported due to SRM limitations. DAC960
-controllers sold by Digital/Compaq for Alpha systems as part of the StorageWorks family,
-e.g. KZPSC or KZPAC are bootable from SRM. Note that these cards used 2.x firmware. SRM
-bootability of newer firmware is unknown.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ncr</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-provides support for the following NCR/Symbios SCSI controller chips:</p>
-<p>The following add-on boards are known to be supported:</p>
-<p>I-O DATA SC-98/PCI (PC-98)</p>
-<p>I-O DATA SC-PCI (PC-98)</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sym</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-provides support for the following Symbios/LSI Logic PCI SCSI controllers:</p>
-<p>The SCSI controllers supported by <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sym</span>(4)</span></a> can be
-either embedded on a motherboard, or on one of the following add-on boards:</p>
-<p>ASUS SC-200, SC-896</p>
-<p>Data Technology DTC3130 (all variants)</p>
-<p>DawiControl DC2976UW</p>
-<p>Diamond FirePort (all)</p>
-<p>I-O DATA SC-UPCI (PC-98)</p>
-<p>Logitec LHA-521UA (PC-98)</p>
-<p>NCR cards (all)</p>
-<p>Symbios cards (all)</p>
-<p>Tekram DC390W, 390U, 390F, 390U2B, 390U2W, 390U3D, and 390U3W</p>
-<p>Tyan S1365</p>
-<p>Cards supported by the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">isp</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-<p>PTI SBS440</p>
-<p>PTI SBS450</p>
-<p>Qlogic 1240</p>
-<p>Qlogic 1020</p>
-<p>Qlogic 1040</p>
-<p>Qlogic 1080</p>
-<p>Qlogic 1280</p>
-<p>Qlogic 12160</p>
-<p>Qlogic 2100</p>
-<p>Qlogic 2102</p>
-<p>Qlogic 2200</p>
-<p>Qlogic 2202</p>
-<p>Qlogic 2204</p>
-<p>Qlogic 2300</p>
-<p>Qlogic 2312</p>
-<p>PTI SBS470</p>
-<p>Antares P-0033</p>
-<p>The following controllers are supported by the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">mpt</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>LSI Logic 53c1030 (Dual Ultra320 SCSI)</p>
-<p>LSI Logic FC909 (1Gb/s Fibre Channel)</p>
-<p>LSI Logic FC909A (Dual 1Gb/s Fibre Channel)</p>
-<p>LSI Logic FC919 (2Gb/s Fibre Channel)</p>
-<p>LSI Logic FC929 (Dual 2Gb/s Fibre Channel)</p>
-<p>The SCSI controller chips supprted by the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">mpt</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-can be found onboard on many systems including:</p>
-<p>Dell PowerEdge 1750</p>
-<p>IBM eServer xSeries 335</p>
-<p>With all supported SCSI controllers, full support is provided for SCSI-I, SCSI-II, and
-SCSI-III peripherals, including hard disks, optical disks, tape drives (including DAT,
-8mm Exabyte, Mammoth, and DLT), medium changers, processor target devices and CD-ROM
-drives. WORM devices that support CD-ROM commands are supported for read-only access by
-the CD-ROM drivers (such as <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">cd</span>(4)</span></a>).
-WORM/CD-R/CD-RW writing support is provided by <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">cdrecord</span>(1)</span></a>, which is
-a part of the <a
-class="FILENAME">sysutils/cdrtools</tt></a> port in the Ports Collection.</p>
-<p>The following CD-ROM type systems are supported at this time:</p>
-<p>SCSI interface (also includes ProAudio Spectrum and SoundBlaster SCSI) (<a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">cd</span>(4)</span></a>)</p>
-<p>ATAPI IDE interface (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">acd</span>(4)</span></a>)</p>
-<br />
-<br />
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="ETHERNET" name="ETHERNET">3.2 Ethernet Interfaces</a></h3>
-<p>Adapters supported by the <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sf</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-<p>ANA-62011 64-bit single port 10/100baseTX adapter</p>
-<p>ANA-62022 64-bit dual port 10/100baseTX adapter</p>
-<p>ANA-62044 64-bit quad port 10/100baseTX adapter</p>
-<p>ANA-69011 32-bit single port 10/100baseTX adapter</p>
-<p>ANA-62020 64-bit single port 100baseFX adapter</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pcn</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports adapters and embedded controllers based on the AMD PCnet/FAST, PCnet/FAST+,
-PCnet/FAST III, PCnet/PRO and PCnet/Home Fast Ethernet chips:</p>
-<p>AMD Am53C974/Am79C970/Am79C974 PCnet-PCI</p>
-<p>AMD Am79C970A PCnet-PCI II</p>
-<p>AMD Am79C971 PCnet-FAST</p>
-<p>AMD Am79C972 PCnet-FAST+</p>
-<p>AMD Am79C973/Am79C975 PCnet-FAST III</p>
-<p>AMD Am79C976 PCnet-PRO</p>
-<p>AMD PCnet/Home HomePNA</p>
-<p>Allied-Telesis LA-PCI</p>
-<p>Contec C-NET(98)S (PC-98)</p>
-<p>NEC SV-98/2-B05, B06</p>
-<p>Adapters supported by the <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">rl</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-<p>Accton ``Cheetah'' EN1207D (MPX 5030/5038; RealTek 8139 clone)</p>
-<p>Allied Telesyn AT2550</p>
-<p>Allied Telesyn AT2500TX</p>
-<p>Belkin F5D5000</p>
-<p>BUFFALO(Melco INC.) LPC-CB-CLX(CardBus)</p>
-<p>Compaq HNE-300</p>
-<p>CompUSA no-name 10/100 PCI Ethernet NIC</p>
-<p>Corega FEther CB-TXD</p>
-<p>Corega FEtherII CB-TXD</p>
-<p>D-Link DFE-530TX+</p>
-<p>D-Link DFE-538TX (same as 530+?)</p>
-<p>D-Link DFE-690TXD</p>
-<p>Edimax EP-4103DL CardBus</p>
-<p>Encore ENL832-TX 10/100 M PCI</p>
-<p>Farallon NetLINE 10/100 PCI</p>
-<p>Genius GF100TXR,</p>
-<p>GigaFast Ethernet EE100-AXP</p>
-<p>KTX-9130TX 10/100 Fast Ethernet</p>
-<p>LevelOne FPC-0106TX</p>
-<p>Longshine LCS-8038TX-R</p>
-<p>NDC Communications NE100TX-E</p>
-<p>Netronix Inc. EA-1210 NetEther 10/100</p>
-<p>Nortel Networks 10/100BaseTX</p>
-<p>OvisLink LEF-8129TX</p>
-<p>OvisLink LEF-8139TX</p>
-<p>Peppercon AG ROL-F</p>
-<p>Planex FNW-3800-TX</p>
-<p>SMC EZ Card 10/100 PCI 1211-TX</p>
-<p>SOHO(PRAGMATIC) UE-1211C</p>
-<p>The <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">wb</span>(4)</span></a> driver supports
-Winbond W89C840F based Fast Ethernet adapters and embedded controllers including:</p>
-<p>Trendware TE100-PCIE</p>
-<p>The <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">vr</span>(4)</span></a> driver supports
-VIA Technologies Rhine I, Rhine II, and Rhine III based Fast Ethernet adapters
-<p>D-Link DFE530-TX</p>
-<p>Hawking Technologies PN102TX</p>
-<p>AOpen/Acer ALN-320</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sis</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports Silicon Integrated Systems SiS 900 and SiS 7016 based Fast Ethernet adapters and
-embedded controllers, as well as Fast Ethernet adapters based on the National
-Semiconductor DP83815 (MacPhyter) chip. Supported adapters include:</p>
-<p>Netgear FA311-TX (DP83815)</p>
-<p>Netgear FA312-TX (DP83815)</p>
-<p>SiS 630, 635, and 735 motherboard chipsets</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">nge</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports National Semiconductor DP83820 and DP83821 based Gigabit Ethernet adapters
-<p>SMC EZ Card 1000 (SMC9462TX)</p>
-<p>D-Link DGE-500T</p>
-<p>Asante FriendlyNet GigaNIX 1000TA and 1000TPC</p>
-<p>Addtron AEG320T</p>
-<p>LinkSys EG1032 (32-bit PCI) and EG1064 (64-bit PCI)</p>
-<p>Surecom Technology EP-320G-TX</p>
-<p>Netgear GA622T</p>
-<p>Netgear GA621</p>
-<p>Ark PC SOHO-GA2500T (32-bit PCI) and SOHO-GA2000T (64-bit PCI)</p>
-<p>Trendware TEG-PCITX (32-bit PCI) and TEG-PCITX2 (64-bit PCI)</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ste</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports Sundance Technologies ST201 based Fast Ethernet adapters and embedded
-controllers including:</p>
-<p>D-Link DFE-530TXS</p>
-<p>D-Link DFE-550TX</p>
-<p>Adapters supported by the <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sk</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-<p>3COM 3C940 single port, 1000baseT adapter</p>
-<p>Belkin F5D5005 single port, 1000baseT adapter</p>
-<p>Linksys EG1032 single port, 1000baseT adapter</p>
-<p>SK-9521 SK-NET GE-T single port, 1000baseT adapter</p>
-<p>SK-9821 SK-NET GE-T single port, 1000baseT adapter</p>
-<p>SK-9822 SK-NET GE-T dual port, 1000baseT adapter</p>
-<p>SK-9841 SK-NET GE-LX single port, single mode fiber adapter</p>
-<p>SK-9842 SK-NET GE-LX dual port, single mode fiber adapter</p>
-<p>SK-9843 SK-NET GE-SX single port, multimode fiber adapter</p>
-<p>SK-9844 SK-NET GE-SX dual port, multimode fiber adapter</p>
-<p>SMC 9452TX single port, 1000baseT adapter</p>
-<p>The <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">tl</span>(4)</span></a> driver supports
-Texas Instruments ThunderLAN based Ethernet and Fast Ethernet adapters including a large
-number of Compaq PCI Ethernet adapters. Also supported are:</p>
-<p>Olicom OC-2135/2138 10/100 TX UTP adapter</p>
-<p>Olicom OC-2325/OC-2326 10/100 TX UTP adapter</p>
-<p>Racore 8148 10baseT/100baseTX/100baseFX adapter</p>
-<p>Racore 8165 10/100baseTX adapter</p>
-<p>The <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">tl</span>(4)</span></a> driver also
-supports the built-in Ethernet adapters of various Compaq Prosignia servers and Compaq
-Deskpro desktop machines including:</p>
-<p>Compaq Netelligent 10</p>
-<p>Compaq Netelligent 10 T PCI UTP/Coax</p>
-<p>Compaq Netelligent 10/100</p>
-<p>Compaq Netelligent 10/100 Dual-Port</p>
-<p>Compaq Netelligent 10/100 Proliant</p>
-<p>Compaq Netelligent 10/100 TX Embedded UTP</p>
-<p>Compaq Netelligent 10/100 TX UTP</p>
-<p>Compaq NetFlex 3P</p>
-<p>Compaq NetFlex 3P Integrated</p>
-<p>Compaq NetFlex 3P w/BNC</p>
-<p>The <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">dc</span>(4)</span></a> driver provides
-support for the following chipsets:</p>
-<p>DEC/Intel 21143</p>
-<p>ADMtek AL981 Comet, AN985 Centaur, ADM9511 Centaur II and ADM9513 Centaur II</p>
-<p>ASIX Electronics AX88140A and AX88141</p>
-<p>Conexant LANfinity RS7112 (miniPCI)</p>
-<p>Davicom DM9009, DM9100, DM9102 and DM9102A</p>
-<p>Lite-On 82c168 and 82c169 PNIC</p>
-<p>Lite-On/Macronix 82c115 PNIC II</p>
-<p>Macronix 98713, 98713A, 98715, 98715A, 98715AEC-C, 98725, 98727 and 98732</p>
-<p>Xircom X3201 (cardbus only)</p>
-<p>The following NICs are known to work with the <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">dc</span>(4)</span></a> driver at this
-<p>3Com OfficeConnect 10/100B (ADMtek AN985 Centaur-P)</p>
-<p>Abocom FE2500</p>
-<p>Accton EN1217 (98715A)</p>
-<p>Accton EN2242 MiniPCI</p>
-<p>Adico AE310TX (98715A)</p>
-<p>Alfa Inc GFC2204 (ASIX AX88140A)</p>
-<p>Built in 10Mbps only Ethernet on Compaq Presario 7900 series desktops (21143,
-<p>Built in DE500-BA on DEC Alpha workstations (21143, non-MII)</p>
-<p>Built in Sun DMFE 10/100 Mbps Ethernet on Sun Netra X1 and Sun Fire V100 (DM9102A,
-<p>Built in Ethernet on LinkSys EtherFast 10/100 Instant GigaDrive (DM9102, MII)</p>
-<p>CNet Pro110B (ASIX AX88140A)</p>
-<p>CNet Pro120A (98715A or 98713A) and CNet Pro120B (98715)</p>
-<p>Compex RL100-TX (98713 or 98713A)</p>
-<p>D-Link DFE-570TX (21143, MII, quad port)</p>
-<p>Digital DE500-BA 10/100 (21143, non-MII)</p>
-<p>ELECOM Laneed LD-CBL/TXA (ADMtek AN985)</p>
-<p>Hawking CB102 CardBus</p>
-<p>IBM EtherJet Cardbus Adapter</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/100 Mobile Cardbus (versions that use the X3201 chipset)</p>
-<p>Jaton XpressNet (Davicom DM9102)</p>
-<p>Kingston KNE100TX (21143, MII)</p>
-<p>Kingston KNE110TX (PNIC 82c169)</p>
-<p>LinkSys LNE100TX (PNIC 82c168, 82c169)</p>
-<p>LinkSys LNE100TX v2.0 (PNIC II 82c115)</p>
-<p>LinkSys LNE100TX v4.0/4.1 (ADMtek AN985 Centaur-P)</p>
-<p>Matrox FastNIC 10/100 (PNIC 82c168, 82c169)</p>
-<p>Melco LGY-PCI-TXL</p>
-<p>Microsoft MN-120 10/100 CardBus (ADMTek Centaur-C)</p>
-<p>Microsoft MN-130 10/100 PCI (ADMTek Centaur-P)</p>
-<p>NDC SOHOware SFA110A (98713A)</p>
-<p>NDC SOHOware SFA110A Rev B4 (98715AEC-C)</p>
-<p>NetGear FA310-TX Rev. D1, D2 or D3 (PNIC 82c169)</p>
-<p>Netgear FA511</p>
-<p>PlaneX FNW-3602-T (ADMtek AN985)</p>
-<p>SMC EZ Card 10/100 1233A-TX (ADMtek AN985)</p>
-<p>SVEC PN102-TX (98713)</p>
-<p>Xircom Cardbus Realport</p>
-<p>Xircom Cardbus Ethernet 10/100</p>
-<p>Xircom Cardbus Ethernet II 10/100</p>
-<p>Adapters supported by the <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">de</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-<p>Adaptec ANA-6944/TX</p>
-<p>Cogent EM100FX and EM440TX</p>
-<p>Corega FastEther PCI-TX</p>
-<p>D-Link DFE-500TX</p>
-<p>DEC DE435, DE425, DEC DE450, and DEC DE500</p>
-<p>I-O DATA LA2/T-PCI</p>
-<p>SMC Etherpower 8432, 9332 and 9334</p>
-<p>ZNYX ZX3xx</p>
-<p>Adapters supported by the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">fxp</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-<p>Intel EtherExpress PRO/10</p>
-<p>Intel InBusiness 10/100</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/100B / EtherExpressPRO/100 B PCI Adapter</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/100+ Management Adapter</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/100 VE Desktop Adapter</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/100 M Desktop Adapter</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/100 S Desktop, Server and Dual-Port Server Adapters</p>
-<p>Contec C-NET(PI)-100TX (PC-98)</p>
-<p>NEC PC-9821Ra20, Rv20, Xv13, Xv20 internal 100Base-TX (PC-98)</p>
-<p>NEC PC-9821X-B06 (PC-98)</p>
-<p>Many on-board network interfaces on Intel motherboards</p>
-<p>The <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">xl</span>(4)</span></a> driver supports
-the following hardware:</p>
-<p>3Com 3c900-TPO</p>
-<p>3Com 3c900-COMBO</p>
-<p>3Com 3c905-TX</p>
-<p>3Com 3c905-T4</p>
-<p>3Com 3c900B-TPO</p>
-<p>3Com 3c900B-TPC</p>
-<p>3Com 3c900B-FL</p>
-<p>3Com 3c900B-COMBO</p>
-<p>3Com 3c905B-T4</p>
-<p>3Com 3c905B-TX</p>
-<p>3Com 3c905B-FX</p>
-<p>3Com 3c905B-COMBO</p>
-<p>3Com 3c905C-TX</p>
-<p>3Com 3c980, 3c980B, and 3c980C server adapters</p>
-<p>3Com 3cSOHO100-TX OfficeConnect adapters</p>
-<p>3Com 3c450 HomeConnect adapters</p>
-<p>3Com 3c555, 3c556 and 3c556B mini-PCI adapters</p>
-<p>3Com 3C3SH573BT, 3C575TX, 3CCFE575BT, 3CXFE575BT, 3CCFE575CT, 3CXFE575CT, 3CCFEM656,
-3CCFEM656B, and 3CCFEM656C, 3CXFEM656, 3CXFEM656B, and 3CXFEM656C CardBus adapters</p>
-<p>3Com 3c905-TX, 3c905B-TX 3c905C-TX, and 3c920B-EMB embedded adapters</p>
-<p>Both the 3C656 family of CardBus cards and the 3C556 family of MiniPCI cards have a
-built-in proprietary modem. Neither the <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">xl</span>(4)</span></a> driver nor any
-other driver supports this modem.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">txp</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports the following cards:</p>
-<p>3Com 3CR990-TX-95</p>
-<p>3Com 3CR990-TX-97</p>
-<p>3Com 3cR990B-TXM</p>
-<p>3Com 3CR990SVR95</p>
-<p>3Com 3CR990SVR97</p>
-<p>3Com 3cR990B-SRV</p>
-<p>The <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">em</span>(4)</span></a> driver supports
-Gigabit Ethernet adapters based on the Intel 82540, 82541PI, 82542, 82543, 82544, 82546,
-82546EB and 82547 controller chips:</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/1000 CT Network Connection (82547)</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/1000 F Server Adapter (82543)</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/1000 Gigabit Server Adapter (82542)</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/1000 GT Desktop Adapter (82541PI)</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/1000 MF Dual Port Server Adapter (82546)</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/1000 MF Server Adapter (82545)</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/1000 MF Server Adapter (LX) (82545)</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/1000 MT Desktop Adapter (82540)</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/1000 MT Desktop Adapter (82541)</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/1000 MT Dual Port Server Adapter (82546)</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/1000 MT Quad Port Server Adapter (82546EB)</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/1000 MT Server Adapter (82545)</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/1000 T Desktop Adapter (82544)</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/1000 T Server Adapter (82543)</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/1000 XF Server Adapter (82544)</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/1000 XT Server Adapter (82544)</p>
-<p>The <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">gx</span>(4)</span></a> driver supports
-Gigabit Ethernet adapters based on the Intel 82542 and 82543 controller chips:</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/1000 Gigabit Server Adapter (82542)</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/1000 F Server Adapter (82543)</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/1000 T Server Adapter (82543)</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">hme</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports the on-board Ethernet interfaces of many Sun UltraSPARC workstation and server
-models. Cards supported by the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">hme</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-<p>Sun PCI SunSwift Adapter</p>
-<p>Sun SBus SunSwift Adapter ``( hme'' and ``SUNW,hme'')</p>
-<p>Sun PCI Sun100BaseT Adapter 2.0</p>
-<p>Sun SBus Sun100BaseT 2.0</p>
-<p>Sun PCI Quad FastEthernet Controller</p>
-<p>Sun SBus Quad FastEthernet Controller</p>
-<p>The <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">re</span>(4)</span></a> driver supports
-RealTek RTL8139C+, RTL8169, RTL8169S and RTL8110S based Fast Ethernet and Gigabit
-Ethernet adapters including:</p>
-<p>Alloy Computer Products EtherGOLD 1439E 10/100 (8139C+)</p>
-<p>Compaq Evo N1015v Integrated Ethernet (8139C+)</p>
-<p>Corega CG-LAPCIGT Gigabit Ethernet (8169S)</p>
-<p>Gigabyte 7N400 Pro2 Integrated Gigabit Ethernet (8110S)</p>
-<p>PLANEX COMMUNICATIONS Inc. GN-1200TC (8169S)</p>
-<p>Xterasys XN-152 10/100/1000 NIC (8169)</p>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="FDDI" name="FDDI">3.3 FDDI Interfaces</a></h3>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">fpa</span>(4)</span></a>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="ATM" name="ATM">3.4 ATM Interfaces</a></h3>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="WLAN" name="WLAN">3.5 Wireless Network Interfaces</a></h3>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="MISC-NETWORK" name="MISC-NETWORK">3.6 Miscellaneous
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="ISDN" name="ISDN">3.7 ISDN Interfaces</a></h3>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="SERIAL" name="SERIAL">3.8 Serial Interfaces</a></h3>
-<p>``PC standard'' 8250, 16450, and 16550-based serial ports (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sio</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>AST 4 port serial card using shared IRQ</p>
-<p>Comtrol Rocketport card (<a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">rp</span>(4)</span></a> driver)</p>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="AUDIO" name="AUDIO">3.9 Audio Devices</a></h3>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">snd_ess</span>(4)</span></a>
-driver supports the following soundcards:</p>
-<p>Ensoniq ESS ISA PnP/non-PnP</p>
-<p>ES1868, ES1869, ES1879 and ES1888 (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sbc</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>Maestro-1, Maestro-2, and Maestro-2E</p>
-<div class="NOTE">
-<blockquote class="NOTE">
-<p><b>Note:</b> The Maestro-3/Allegro cannot be compiled into the FreeBSD kernel due to
-licensing restrictions. To use this driver, add the following line to <tt
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<kbd class="USERINPUT">snd_maestro3_load="YES"</kbd>
-<br />
-<br />
-<p>MSS/WSS Compatible DSPs (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pcm</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>Creative Technologies SoundBlaster series (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sbc</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>SoundBlaster Pro</p>
-<p>SoundBlaster AWE-32</p>
-<p>SoundBlaster AWE-64</p>
-<p>SoundBlaster AWE-64 GOLD</p>
-<p>SoundBlaster ViBRA-16</p>
-<br />
-<br />
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="CAMERA" name="CAMERA">3.10 Camera and Video Capture
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="USB" name="USB">3.11 USB Devices</a></h3>
-<p>A range of USB peripherals are supported; devices known to work are listed in this
-section. Owing to the generic nature of most USB devices, with some exceptions any device
-of a given class will be supported, even if not explicitly listed here.</p>
-<div class="NOTE">
-<blockquote class="NOTE">
-<p><b>Note:</b> USB Ethernet adapters can be found in the section listing <a
-href="#ETHERNET">Ethernet interfaces</a>.</p>
-<div class="NOTE">
-<blockquote class="NOTE">
-<p><b>Note:</b> USB Bluetooth adapters can be found in <a href="#BLUETOOTH">Bluetooth</a>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ohci</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports all OHCI v1.0 compliant controllers including:</p>
-<p>AcerLabs M5237 (Aladdin-V)</p>
-<p>OPTi 82C861 (FireLink)</p>
-<p>NEC uPD 9210</p>
-<p>CMD Tech 670 (USB0670)</p>
-<p>CMD Tech 673 (USB0673)</p>
-<p>NVIDIA nForce3</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">uhci</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports all UHCI v1.1 compliant controllers including:</p>
-<p>Intel 82371AB/EB (PIIX4)</p>
-<p>Intel 82371SB (PIIX3)</p>
-<p>VIA 83C572</p>
-<p>Keyboards (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ukbd</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>Mice (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ums</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ulpt</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-provides support for USB printers and parallel printer conversion cables, including the
-<p>ATen parallel printer adapter</p>
-<p>Belkin F5U002 parallel printer adapter</p>
-<p>Canon BJ F850, S600</p>
-<p>Canon LBP-1310, 350</p>
-<p>Entrega USB-to-parallel printer adapter</p>
-<p>Hewlett-Packard HP Deskjet 3420 (P/N: C8947A #ABJ)</p>
-<p>Oki Data MICROLINE ML660PS</p>
-<p>Seiko Epson PM-900C, 880C, 820C, 730C</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">umct</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports the following adapters:</p>
-<p>Magic Control Technology USB-232</p>
-<p>Sitecom USB-232</p>
-<p>D-Link DU-H3SP USB BAY Hub</p>
-<p>Belkin F5U109</p>
-<p>Belkin F5U409</p>
-<p>Storage (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">umass</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>ADTEC Stick Drive AD-UST32M, 64M, 128M, 256M</p>
-<p>Denno FireWire/USB2 Removable 2.5-inch HDD Case MIFU-25CB20</p>
-<p>FujiFilm Zip USB Drive ZDR100 USB A</p>
-<p>GREEN HOUSE USB Flash Memory ``PicoDrive'' GH-UFD32M, 64M, 128M</p>
-<p>IBM 32MB USB Memory Key (P/N 22P5296)</p>
-<p>IBM ThinkPad USB Portable CD-ROM Drive (P/N 33L5151)</p>
-<p>I-O DATA USB x6 CD-RW Drive CDRW-i64/USB (CDROM only)</p>
-<p>Iomega Zip750 USB2.0 Drive</p>
-<p>Keian USB1.1/2.0 3.5-inch HDD Case KU350A</p>
-<p>Kurouto Shikou USB 2.5-inch HDD Case GAWAP2.5PS-USB2.0</p>
-<p>Logitec USB1.1/2.0 HDD Unit SHD-E60U2</p>
-<p>Logitec Mobile USB Memory LMC-256UD</p>
-<p>Logitec USB Double-Speed Floppy Drive LFD-31U2</p>
-<p>Logitec USB/IEEE1394 DVD-RAM/R/RW Unit LDR-N21FU2 (CDROM only)</p>
-<p>Matshita CF-VFDU03 floppy drive</p>
-<p>MELCO USB2.0 MO Drive MO-CH640U2</p>
-<p>I-O DATA USB/IEEE1394 Portable HD Drive HDP-i30P/CI, HDP-i40P/CI</p>
-<p>MELCO USB Flash Disk ``PetitDrive'', RUF-32M, -64M, -128M, -256M</p>
-<p>MELCO USB2.0 Flash Disk ``PetitDrive2'', RUF-256M/U2, -512M/U2</p>
-<p>MELCO USB Flash Disk ``ClipDrive'', RUF-C32M, -C64M, -C128M, -C256M, -C512M</p>
-<p>Microtech USB-SCSI-HD 50 USB to SCSI cable</p>
-<p>NOVAC USB2.0 2.5/3.5-inch HDD Case NV-HD351U</p>
-<p>Panasonic floppy drive</p>
-<p>Panasonic USB2.0 Portable CD-RW Drive KXL-RW40AN (CDROM only)</p>
-<p>RATOC Systems USB2.0 Removable HDD Case U2-MDK1, U2-MDK1B</p>
-<p>Sony Portable CD-R/RW Drive CRX10U (CDROM only)</p>
-<p>TEAC Portable USB CD-ROM Unit CD-110PU/210PU</p>
-<p>Y-E Data floppy drive (720/1.44/2.88Mb)</p>
-<br />
-<br />
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="FIREWIRE" name="FIREWIRE">3.12 IEEE 1394 (Firewire)
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="BLUETOOTH" name="BLUETOOTH">3.13 Bluetooth Devices</a></h3>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ng_ubt</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports all Bluetooth USB devices that conform with the Bluetooth specification v1.1,
-<p>3Com 3CREB96</p>
-<p>AIPTEK BR0R02</p>
-<p>EPoX BT-DG02</p>
-<p>Mitsumi Bluetooth USB adapter</p>
-<p>MSI MS-6967</p>
-<p>TDK Bluetooth USB adapter</p>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="CRYPTO-ACCEL" name="CRYPTO-ACCEL">3.14 Cryptographic
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="MISC" name="MISC">3.15 Miscellaneous</a></h3>
-<p>Floppy drives (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">fdc</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>VGA-compatible video cards (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">vga</span>(4)</span></a>
-<div class="NOTE">
-<blockquote class="NOTE">
-<p><b>Note:</b> Information regarding specific video cards and compatibility with <b
-class="APPLICATION">XFree86</b> can be found at <a href="http://www.xfree86.org/"
-<br />
-<br />
-<p>Keyboards including:</p>
-<p>AT-style keyboards (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">atkbd</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>PS/2 keyboards (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">atkbd</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>USB keyboards (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ukbd</span>(4)</span></a>
-<br />
-<br />
-<p>Pointing devices including:</p>
-<p>PS/2 mice and compatible devices, including many laptop pointing devices (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">psm</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>Serial mice and compatible devices</p>
-<p>USB mice (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ums</span>(4)</span></a>
-<div class="NOTE">
-<blockquote class="NOTE">
-<p><b>Note:</b> <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">moused</span>(8)</span></a> has
-more information on using pointing devices with FreeBSD. Information on using pointing
-devices with <b class="APPLICATION">XFree86</b> can be found at <a
-href="http://www.xfree86.org/" target="_top">http://www.xfree86.org/</a>.</p>
-<br />
-<br />
-<p>``PC standard'' parallel ports (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ppc</span>(4)</span></a>
-<hr />
-<p align="center"><small>This file, and other release-related documents, can be
-downloaded from <a href="ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/">ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/</a>.</small></p>
-<p align="center"><small>For questions about FreeBSD, read the <a
-href="http://www.FreeBSD.org/docs.html">documentation</a> before contacting &#60;<a
-<p align="center"><small>For questions about this documentation, e-mail &#60;<a
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-<div class="TITLEPAGE">
-<h1 class="TITLE"><a id="AEN2" name="AEN2">FreeBSD/amd64 5.3-RELEASE Hardware
-<h3 class="CORPAUTHOR">The FreeBSD Documentation Project</h3>
-<p class="COPYRIGHT">Copyright &copy; 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 The FreeBSD
-Documentation Project</p>
-<hr />
-<div class="TOC">
-<dt><b>Table of Contents</b></dt>
-<dt>1 <a href="#INTRO">Introduction</a></dt>
-<dt>2 <a href="#PROC">Supported Processors and Motherboards</a></dt>
-<dt>3 <a href="#SUPPORT">Supported Devices</a></dt>
-<dt>3.1 <a href="#DISK">Disk Controllers</a></dt>
-<dt>3.2 <a href="#ETHERNET">Ethernet Interfaces</a></dt>
-<dt>3.3 <a href="#FDDI">FDDI Interfaces</a></dt>
-<dt>3.4 <a href="#ATM">ATM Interfaces</a></dt>
-<dt>3.5 <a href="#WLAN">Wireless Network Interfaces</a></dt>
-<dt>3.6 <a href="#MISC-NETWORK">Miscellaneous Networks</a></dt>
-<dt>3.7 <a href="#ISDN">ISDN Interfaces</a></dt>
-<dt>3.8 <a href="#SERIAL">Serial Interfaces</a></dt>
-<dt>3.9 <a href="#AUDIO">Audio Devices</a></dt>
-<dt>3.10 <a href="#CAMERA">Camera and Video Capture Devices</a></dt>
-<dt>3.11 <a href="#USB">USB Devices</a></dt>
-<dt>3.12 <a href="#FIREWIRE">IEEE 1394 (Firewire) Devices</a></dt>
-<dt>3.13 <a href="#BLUETOOTH">Bluetooth Devices</a></dt>
-<dt>3.14 <a href="#CRYPTO-ACCEL">Cryptographic Accelerators</a></dt>
-<dt>3.15 <a href="#MISC">Miscellaneous</a></dt>
-<div class="SECT1">
-<h2 class="SECT1"><a id="INTRO" name="INTRO">1 Introduction</a></h2>
-<p>This document contains the hardware compatibility notes for FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE on the
-AMD64 hardware platform (also referred to as FreeBSD/amd64 5.3-RELEASE). It lists devices
-known to work on this platform, as well as some notes on boot-time kernel customization
-that may be useful when attempting to configure support for new devices.</p>
-<div class="NOTE">
-<blockquote class="NOTE">
-<p><b>Note:</b> This document includes information specific to the AMD64 hardware
-platform. Versions of the hardware compatibility notes for other architectures will
-differ in some details.</p>
-<div class="SECT1">
-<hr />
-<h2 class="SECT1"><a id="PROC" name="PROC">2 Supported Processors and
-<p>Since mid-2003 FreeBSD/amd64 has supported the AMD64 (``Hammer'') and Intel EM64T
-architecture, and is now one of the Tier-1 platforms (fully supported architecture),
-which are expected to be Production Quality with respects to all aspects of the FreeBSD
-operating system, including installation and development environments.</p>
-<p>Note that there are two names for this architecture, AMD64 (AMD) and Intel EM64T
-(Extended Memory 64-bit Technology). 64-bit mode of the two architectures are almost
-compatible with each other, and FreeBSD/amd64 should support the both.</p>
-<p>As of this writing, the following processors are supported:</p>
-<p>AMD Athlon64 (``Clawhammer'').</p>
-<p>AMD Opteron (``Sledgehammer'').</p>
-<p>Intel 64-bit Xeon (``Nacona''). This processor is fabricated on 90nm process
-technology, and operates with 2.80 to 3.60 GHz (FSB 800MHz) and Intel E7520/E7525/E7320
-<p>Intel Pentium 4 Processor supporting Intel EM64T (``Prescott''). This is fabricated on
-90nm process technology, uses FC-LGA775 package, and operates with 3.20F/3.40F/3.60F GHz
-and Intel 925X Express chipsets. The corresponding S-Spec numbers are SL7L9, SL7L8,
-SL7LA, SL7NZ, SL7PZ, and SL7PX. Note that processors marked as 5xx numbers do not support
-<p>Intel EM64T is an extended version of IA-32 (x86) and different from Intel IA-64
-(Itanium) architecture, which FreeBSD/ia64 supports. Some Intel's old documentation
-refers to Intel EM64T as ``64-bit extension technology'' or ``IA-32e''.</p>
-<p>The largest tested memory configuration to date is 8GB. SMP support has been recently
-completed and is reasonably robust.</p>
-<p>In many respects, FreeBSD/amd64 is similar to FreeBSD/i386, in terms of drivers
-supported. There may be some issues with 64-bit cleanliness in some (particularly older)
-drivers. Generally, drivers that already function correctly on other 64-bit platforms
-should work.</p>
-<p>FreeBSD/amd64 is a very young platform on FreeBSD. While the core FreeBSD kernel and
-base system components are generally fairly robust, there are likely to still be rough
-edges, particularly with third party packages.</p>
-<div class="SECT1">
-<hr />
-<h2 class="SECT1"><a id="SUPPORT" name="SUPPORT">3 Supported Devices</a></h2>
-$FreeBSD: src/release/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/hardware/common/dev.sgml,v
-2004/11/03 00:18:51 simon Exp $
-<p>This section describes the devices currently known to be supported by with FreeBSD on
-the AMD64 platform. Other configurations may also work, but simply have not been tested
-yet. Feedback, updates, and corrections to this list are encouraged.</p>
-<p>Where possible, the drivers applicable to each device or class of devices is listed.
-If the driver in question has a manual page in the FreeBSD base distribution (most
-should), it is referenced here. Information on specific models of supported devices,
-controllers, etc. can be found in the manual pages.</p>
-<div class="NOTE">
-<blockquote class="NOTE">
-<p><b>Note:</b> The device lists in this document are being generated automatically from
-FreeBSD manual pages. This means that some devices, which are supported by multiple
-drivers, may appear multiple times.</p>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="DISK" name="DISK">3.1 Disk Controllers</a></h3>
-<p>IDE/ATA controllers (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ata</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>The adapters supported by the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">aic</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-<p>Adaptec AHA-1505 (ISA)</p>
-<p>Adaptec AHA-1510A, AHA-1510B (ISA)</p>
-<p>Adaptec AHA-1520A, AHA-1520B (ISA)</p>
-<p>Adaptec AHA-1522A, AHA-1522B (ISA)</p>
-<p>Adaptec AHA-1535 (ISA)</p>
-<p>Creative Labs SoundBlaster SCSI host adapter (ISA)</p>
-<p>Adaptec AHA-1460, AHA-1460B, AHA-1460C, AHA-1460D (PC Card)</p>
-<p>Adaptec AHA-1030B, AHA-1030P (PC98)</p>
-<p>NEC PC-9801-100 (PC98)</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ahc</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports the following SCSI host adapter chips and SCSI controller cards:</p>
-<p>Adaptec AIC7770 host adapter chip</p>
-<p>Adaptec AIC7850 host adapter chip</p>
-<p>Adaptec AIC7860 host adapter chip</p>
-<p>Adaptec AIC7870 host adapter chip</p>
-<p>Adaptec AIC7880 host adapter chip</p>
-<p>Adaptec AIC7890 host adapter chip</p>
-<p>Adaptec AIC7891 host adapter chip</p>
-<p>Adaptec AIC7892 host adapter chip</p>
-<p>Adaptec AIC7895 host adapter chip</p>
-<p>Adaptec AIC7896 host adapter chip</p>
-<p>Adaptec AIC7897 host adapter chip</p>
-<p>Adaptec AIC7899 host adapter chip</p>
-<p>Adaptec 274X(W)</p>
-<p>Adaptec 274X(T)</p>
-<p>Adaptec 284X</p>
-<p>Adaptec 2910</p>
-<p>Adaptec 2915</p>
-<p>Adaptec 2920</p>
-<p>Adaptec 2930C</p>
-<p>Adaptec 2930U2</p>
-<p>Adaptec 2940</p>
-<p>Adaptec 2940J</p>
-<p>Adaptec 2940N</p>
-<p>Adaptec 2940U</p>
-<p>Adaptec 2940AU</p>
-<p>Adaptec 2940UW</p>
-<p>Adaptec 2940UW Dual</p>
-<p>Adaptec 2940UW Pro</p>
-<p>Adaptec 2940U2W</p>
-<p>Adaptec 2940U2B</p>
-<p>Adaptec 2950U2W</p>
-<p>Adaptec 2950U2B</p>
-<p>Adaptec 19160B</p>
-<p>Adaptec 29160B</p>
-<p>Adaptec 29160N</p>
-<p>Adaptec 3940</p>
-<p>Adaptec 3940U</p>
-<p>Adaptec 3940AU</p>
-<p>Adaptec 3940UW</p>
-<p>Adaptec 3940AUW</p>
-<p>Adaptec 3940U2W</p>
-<p>Adaptec 3950U2</p>
-<p>Adaptec 3960</p>
-<p>Adaptec 39160</p>
-<p>Adaptec 3985</p>
-<p>Adaptec 4944UW</p>
-<p>NEC PC-9821Xt13 (PC-98)</p>
-<p>NEC RvII26 (PC-98)</p>
-<p>NEC PC-9821X-B02L/B09 (PC-98)</p>
-<p>NEC SV-98/2-B03 (PC-98)</p>
-<p>Many motherboards with on-board SCSI support</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ahd</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports the following:</p>
-<p>Adaptec AIC7901 host adapter chip</p>
-<p>Adaptec AIC7901A host adapter chip</p>
-<p>Adaptec AIC7902 host adapter chip</p>
-<p>Adaptec 29320 host adapter</p>
-<p>Adaptec 39320 host adapter</p>
-<p>Many motherboards with on-board SCSI support</p>
-<p>Controllers supported by the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">aac</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-<p>Adaptec AAC-364</p>
-<p>Adaptec SCSI RAID 2120S</p>
-<p>Adaptec SCSI RAID 2130S</p>
-<p>Adaptec SCSI RAID 2200S</p>
-<p>Adaptec SCSI RAID 2410SA</p>
-<p>Adaptec SCSI RAID 2810SA</p>
-<p>Adaptec SCSI RAID 5400S</p>
-<p>Dell CERC SATA RAID 2</p>
-<p>Dell PERC 2/Si</p>
-<p>Dell PERC 2/QC</p>
-<p>Dell PERC 3/Si</p>
-<p>Dell PERC 3/Di</p>
-<p>Dell PERC 320/DC</p>
-<p>HP NetRAID 4M</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">adv</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports the following SCSI controllers:</p>
-<p>AdvanSys ABP510/5150</p>
-<p>AdvanSys ABP5140</p>
-<p>AdvanSys ABP5142</p>
-<p>AdvanSys ABP902/3902</p>
-<p>AdvanSys ABP3905</p>
-<p>AdvanSys ABP915</p>
-<p>AdvanSys ABP920</p>
-<p>AdvanSys ABP3922</p>
-<p>AdvanSys ABP3925</p>
-<p>AdvanSys ABP930, ABP930U, ABP930UA</p>
-<p>AdvanSys ABP960, ABP960U</p>
-<p>AdvanSys ABP542</p>
-<p>AdvanSys ABP742</p>
-<p>AdvanSys ABP842</p>
-<p>AdvanSys ABP940</p>
-<p>AdvanSys ABP940UA/3940UA</p>
-<p>AdvanSys ABP940U</p>
-<p>AdvanSys ABP3960UA</p>
-<p>AdvanSys ABP970, ABP970U</p>
-<p>AdvanSys ABP752</p>
-<p>AdvanSys ABP852</p>
-<p>AdvanSys ABP950</p>
-<p>AdvanSys ABP980, ABP980U</p>
-<p>AdvanSys ABP980UA/3980UA</p>
-<p>MELCO IFC-USP (PC-98)</p>
-<p>RATOC REX-PCI30 (PC-98)</p>
-<p>@Nifty FNECHARD IFC-USUP-TX (PC-98)</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">adw</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports SCSI controllers including:</p>
-<p>AdvanSys ABP940UW/ABP3940UW</p>
-<p>AdvanSys ABP950UW</p>
-<p>AdvanSys ABP970UW</p>
-<p>AdvanSys ABP3940U2W</p>
-<p>AdvanSys ABP3950U2W</p>
-<p>The <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">bt</span>(4)</span></a> driver supports
-the following BusLogic MultiMaster ``W'', ``C'', ``S'', and ``A'' series and compatible
-SCSI host adapters:</p>
-<p>BusLogic BT-445C</p>
-<p>BusLogic BT-445S</p>
-<p>BusLogic BT-540CF</p>
-<p>BusLogic BT-542B</p>
-<p>BusLogic BT-542B</p>
-<p>BusLogic BT-542D</p>
-<p>BusLogic BT-545C</p>
-<p>BusLogic BT-545S</p>
-<p>BusLogic/BusTek BT-640</p>
-<p>BusLogic BT-742A</p>
-<p>BusLogic BT-742A</p>
-<p>BusLogic BT-747C</p>
-<p>BusLogic BT-747D</p>
-<p>BusLogic BT-747S</p>
-<p>BusLogic BT-757C</p>
-<p>BusLogic BT-757CD</p>
-<p>BusLogic BT-757D</p>
-<p>BusLogic BT-757S</p>
-<p>BusLogic BT-946C</p>
-<p>BusLogic BT-948</p>
-<p>BusLogic BT-956C</p>
-<p>BusLogic BT-956CD</p>
-<p>BusLogic BT-958</p>
-<p>BusLogic BT-958D</p>
-<p>Storage Dimensions SDC3211B / SDC3211F</p>
-<p>AMI FastDisk Host Adapters that are true BusLogic MultiMaster clones are also
-supported by the <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">bt</span>(4)</span></a> driver.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">dpt</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-provides support for the following RAID adapters:</p>
-<p>DPT Smart Cache Plus</p>
-<p>Smart Cache II (PM2?2?, PM2022 [EISA], PM2024/PM2124 [PCI]) (Gen2)</p>
-<p>Smart RAID II (PM3?2?, PM3021, PM3222)</p>
-<p>Smart Cache III (PM2?3?)</p>
-<p>Smart RAID III (PM3?3?, PM3332 [EISA], PM3334UW [PCI]) (Gen3)</p>
-<p>Smart Cache IV (PM2?4?, PM2042 [EISA], PM2044/PM2144 [PCI]) (Gen4)</p>
-<p>Smart RAID IV</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">amr</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports the following:</p>
-<p>AMI MegaRAID 320-1</p>
-<p>AMI MegaRAID 320-2</p>
-<p>AMI MegaRAID 320-4X</p>
-<p>AMI MegaRAID Series 418</p>
-<p>AMI MegaRAID Enterprise 1200 (Series 428)</p>
-<p>AMI MegaRAID Enterprise 1300 (Series 434)</p>
-<p>AMI MegaRAID Enterprise 1400 (Series 438)</p>
-<p>AMI MegaRAID Enterprise 1500 (Series 467)</p>
-<p>AMI MegaRAID Enterprise 1600 (Series 471)</p>
-<p>AMI MegaRAID Elite 1500 (Series 467)</p>
-<p>AMI MegaRAID Elite 1600 (Series 493)</p>
-<p>AMI MegaRAID Elite 1650 (Series 4xx)</p>
-<p>AMI MegaRAID Express 100 (Series 466WS)</p>
-<p>AMI MegaRAID Express 200 (Series 466)</p>
-<p>AMI MegaRAID Express 300 (Series 490)</p>
-<p>AMI MegaRAID Express 500 (Series 475)</p>
-<p>Dell PERC</p>
-<p>Dell PERC 2/SC</p>
-<p>Dell PERC 2/DC</p>
-<p>Dell PERC 3/DCL</p>
-<p>Dell PERC 3/QC</p>
-<p>Dell PERC 4/Di</p>
-<p>HP NetRAID-1/Si</p>
-<p>HP NetRAID-3/Si (D4943A)</p>
-<p>HP Embedded NetRAID</p>
-<div class="NOTE">
-<blockquote class="NOTE">
-<p><b>Note:</b> Booting from these controllers is supported. EISA adapters are not
-<p>Controllers supported by the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">mlx</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-<p>Mylex DAC960P</p>
-<p>Mylex DAC960PD / DEC KZPSC (Fast Wide)</p>
-<p>Mylex DAC960PDU</p>
-<p>Mylex DAC960PL</p>
-<p>Mylex DAC960PJ</p>
-<p>Mylex DAC960PG</p>
-<p>Mylex DAC960PU / DEC PZPAC (Ultra Wide)</p>
-<p>Mylex AcceleRAID 150 (DAC960PRL)</p>
-<p>Mylex AcceleRAID 250 (DAC960PTL1)</p>
-<p>Mylex eXtremeRAID 1100 (DAC1164P)</p>
-<p>RAIDarray 230 controllers, aka the Ultra-SCSI DEC KZPAC-AA (1-ch, 4MB cache), KZPAC-CA
-(3-ch, 4MB), KZPAC-CB (3-ch, 8MB cache)</p>
-<p>All major firmware revisions (2.x, 3.x, 4.x and 5.x) are supported, however it is
-always advisable to upgrade to the most recent firmware available for the controller.
-Compatible Mylex controllers not listed should work, but have not been verified.</p>
-<div class="NOTE">
-<blockquote class="NOTE">
-<p><b>Note:</b> Booting from these controllers is supported. EISA adapters are not
-<p>Controllers supported by the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">mly</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-<p>Mylex AcceleRAID 160</p>
-<p>Mylex AcceleRAID 170</p>
-<p>Mylex AcceleRAID 352</p>
-<p>Mylex eXtremeRAID 2000</p>
-<p>Mylex eXtremeRAID 3000</p>
-<p>Compatible Mylex controllers not listed should work, but have not been verified.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">twe</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports the following ATA RAID controllers:</p>
-<p>AMCC's 3ware 5000 series</p>
-<p>AMCC's 3ware 6000 series</p>
-<p>AMCC's 3ware 7000-2</p>
-<p>AMCC's 3ware 7006-2</p>
-<p>AMCC's 3ware 7500-4LP</p>
-<p>AMCC's 3ware 7500-8</p>
-<p>AMCC's 3ware 7500-12</p>
-<p>AMCC's 3ware 7506-4LP</p>
-<p>AMCC's 3ware 7506-8</p>
-<p>AMCC's 3ware 7506-12</p>
-<p>AMCC's 3ware 8006-2LP</p>
-<p>AMCC's 3ware 8500-4LP</p>
-<p>AMCC's 3ware 8500-8</p>
-<p>AMCC's 3ware 8500-12</p>
-<p>AMCC's 3ware 8506-4LP</p>
-<p>AMCC's 3ware 8506-8</p>
-<p>AMCC's 3ware 8506-8MI</p>
-<p>AMCC's 3ware 8506-12</p>
-<p>AMCC's 3ware 8506-12MI</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">twa</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports the following PATA/SATA RAID controllers:</p>
-<p>AMCC's 3ware 9500S-4LP</p>
-<p>AMCC's 3ware 9500S-8</p>
-<p>AMCC's 3ware 9500S-8MI</p>
-<p>AMCC's 3ware 9500S-12</p>
-<p>AMCC's 3ware 9500S-12MI</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ncr</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-provides support for the following NCR/Symbios SCSI controller chips:</p>
-<p>The following add-on boards are known to be supported:</p>
-<p>I-O DATA SC-98/PCI (PC-98)</p>
-<p>I-O DATA SC-PCI (PC-98)</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sym</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-provides support for the following Symbios/LSI Logic PCI SCSI controllers:</p>
-<p>The SCSI controllers supported by <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sym</span>(4)</span></a> can be
-either embedded on a motherboard, or on one of the following add-on boards:</p>
-<p>ASUS SC-200, SC-896</p>
-<p>Data Technology DTC3130 (all variants)</p>
-<p>DawiControl DC2976UW</p>
-<p>Diamond FirePort (all)</p>
-<p>I-O DATA SC-UPCI (PC-98)</p>
-<p>Logitec LHA-521UA (PC-98)</p>
-<p>NCR cards (all)</p>
-<p>Symbios cards (all)</p>
-<p>Tekram DC390W, 390U, 390F, 390U2B, 390U2W, 390U3D, and 390U3W</p>
-<p>Tyan S1365</p>
-<p>Cards supported by the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">isp</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-<p>PTI SBS440</p>
-<p>PTI SBS450</p>
-<p>Qlogic 1240</p>
-<p>Qlogic 1020</p>
-<p>Qlogic 1040</p>
-<p>Qlogic 1080</p>
-<p>Qlogic 1280</p>
-<p>Qlogic 12160</p>
-<p>Qlogic 2100</p>
-<p>Qlogic 2102</p>
-<p>Qlogic 2200</p>
-<p>Qlogic 2202</p>
-<p>Qlogic 2204</p>
-<p>Qlogic 2300</p>
-<p>Qlogic 2312</p>
-<p>PTI SBS470</p>
-<p>Antares P-0033</p>
-<p>Controllers supported by the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">amd</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-<p>MELCO IFC-DP (PC-98)</p>
-<p>Tekram DC390</p>
-<p>Tekram DC390T</p>
-<p>Controllers supported by the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ciss</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-<p>Compaq Smart Array 5300</p>
-<p>Compaq Smart Array 532</p>
-<p>Compaq Smart Array 5i</p>
-<p>HP Smart Array 5312</p>
-<p>HP Smart Array 6i</p>
-<p>HP Smart Array 641</p>
-<p>HP Smart Array 642</p>
-<p>HP Smart Array 6400</p>
-<p>HP Smart Array 6400 EM</p>
-<p>HP Smart Array 6422</p>
-<p>HP Smart Array V100</p>
-<p>HP Modular Smart Array 20 (MSA20)</p>
-<p>HP Modular Smart Array 500 (MSA500)</p>
-<p>Controllers supported by the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">iir</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-<p>Intel RAID Controller SRCMR</p>
-<p>Intel Server RAID Controller U3-l (SRCU31a)</p>
-<p>Intel Server RAID Controller U3-1L (SRCU31La)</p>
-<p>Intel Server RAID Controller U3-2 (SRCU32)</p>
-<p>All past and future releases of Intel and ICP RAID Controllers.</p>
-<p>Intel RAID Controller SRCU21 (discontinued)</p>
-<p>Intel RAID Controller SRCU31 (older revision, not compatible)</p>
-<p>Intel RAID Controller SRCU31L (older revision, not compatible)</p>
-<p>The SRCU31 and SRCU31L can be updated via a firmware update available from Intel.</p>
-<p>Controllers supported by the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ips</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-<p>IBM ServeRAID 3H</p>
-<p>ServeRAID 4L/4M/4H</p>
-<p>ServeRAID Series 5</p>
-<p>ServeRAID 6i/6M</p>
-<p>The following controllers are supported by the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">mpt</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>LSI Logic 53c1030 (Dual Ultra320 SCSI)</p>
-<p>LSI Logic FC909 (1Gb/s Fibre Channel)</p>
-<p>LSI Logic FC909A (Dual 1Gb/s Fibre Channel)</p>
-<p>LSI Logic FC919 (2Gb/s Fibre Channel)</p>
-<p>LSI Logic FC929 (Dual 2Gb/s Fibre Channel)</p>
-<p>The SCSI controller chips supprted by the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">mpt</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-can be found onboard on many systems including:</p>
-<p>Dell PowerEdge 1750</p>
-<p>IBM eServer xSeries 335</p>
-<p>SCSI controllers supported by the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">trm</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-<p>Tekram DC-315 PCI Ultra SCSI adapter without BIOS and internal SCSI connector</p>
-<p>Tekram DC-315U PCI Ultra SCSI adapter without BIOS</p>
-<p>Tekram DC-395F PCI Ultra-Wide SCSI adapter with flash BIOS and 68-pin external SCSI
-<p>Tekram DC-395U PCI Ultra SCSI adapter with flash BIOS</p>
-<p>Tekram DC-395UW PCI Ultra-Wide SCSI adapter with flash BIOS</p>
-<p>Tekram DC-395U2W PCI Ultra2-Wide SCSI adapter with flash BIOS</p>
-<p>For the Tekram DC-310/U and DC-390F/U/UW/U2B/U2W/U3W PCI SCSI host adapters, use the
-sym(4) driver.</p>
-<p>With all supported SCSI controllers, full support is provided for SCSI-I, SCSI-II, and
-SCSI-III peripherals, including hard disks, optical disks, tape drives (including DAT,
-8mm Exabyte, Mammoth, and DLT), medium changers, processor target devices and CD-ROM
-drives. WORM devices that support CD-ROM commands are supported for read-only access by
-the CD-ROM drivers (such as <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">cd</span>(4)</span></a>).
-WORM/CD-R/CD-RW writing support is provided by <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">cdrecord</span>(1)</span></a>, which is
-a part of the <a
-class="FILENAME">sysutils/cdrtools</tt></a> port in the Ports Collection.</p>
-<p>The following CD-ROM type systems are supported at this time:</p>
-<p>SCSI interface (also includes ProAudio Spectrum and SoundBlaster SCSI) (<a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">cd</span>(4)</span></a>)</p>
-<p>ATAPI IDE interface (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">acd</span>(4)</span></a>)</p>
-<br />
-<br />
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="ETHERNET" name="ETHERNET">3.2 Ethernet Interfaces</a></h3>
-<p>Adapters supported by the <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sf</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-<p>ANA-62011 64-bit single port 10/100baseTX adapter</p>
-<p>ANA-62022 64-bit dual port 10/100baseTX adapter</p>
-<p>ANA-62044 64-bit quad port 10/100baseTX adapter</p>
-<p>ANA-69011 32-bit single port 10/100baseTX adapter</p>
-<p>ANA-62020 64-bit single port 100baseFX adapter</p>
-<p>The <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ti</span>(4)</span></a> driver supports
-Gigabit Ethernet adapters based on the Alteon Tigon I and II chips. The <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ti</span>(4)</span></a> driver has been
-tested with the following adapters:</p>
-<p>3Com 3c985-SX Gigabit Ethernet adapter (Tigon 1)</p>
-<p>3Com 3c985B-SX Gigabit Ethernet adapter (Tigon 2)</p>
-<p>Alteon AceNIC V Gigabit Ethernet adapter (1000baseSX)</p>
-<p>Alteon AceNIC V Gigabit Ethernet adapter (1000baseT)</p>
-<p>Digital EtherWORKS 1000SX PCI Gigabit adapter</p>
-<p>Netgear GA620 Gigabit Ethernet adapter (1000baseSX)</p>
-<p>Netgear GA620T Gigabit Ethernet adapter (1000baseT)</p>
-<p>The following adapters should also be supported but have not yet been tested:</p>
-<p>Asante GigaNIX1000T Gigabit Ethernet adapter</p>
-<p>Asante PCI 1000BASE-SX Gigabit Ethernet adapter</p>
-<p>Farallon PN9000SX Gigabit Ethernet adapter</p>
-<p>NEC Gigabit Ethernet</p>
-<p>Silicon Graphics PCI Gigabit Ethernet adapter</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pcn</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports adapters and embedded controllers based on the AMD PCnet/FAST, PCnet/FAST+,
-PCnet/FAST III, PCnet/PRO and PCnet/Home Fast Ethernet chips:</p>
-<p>AMD Am53C974/Am79C970/Am79C974 PCnet-PCI</p>
-<p>AMD Am79C970A PCnet-PCI II</p>
-<p>AMD Am79C971 PCnet-FAST</p>
-<p>AMD Am79C972 PCnet-FAST+</p>
-<p>AMD Am79C973/Am79C975 PCnet-FAST III</p>
-<p>AMD Am79C976 PCnet-PRO</p>
-<p>AMD PCnet/Home HomePNA</p>
-<p>Allied-Telesis LA-PCI</p>
-<p>Contec C-NET(98)S (PC-98)</p>
-<p>NEC SV-98/2-B05, B06</p>
-<p>SMC 83c17x (EPIC)-based Ethernet NICs (<a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">tx</span>(4)</span></a> driver)</p>
-<p>Adapters supported by the <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">rl</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-<p>Accton ``Cheetah'' EN1207D (MPX 5030/5038; RealTek 8139 clone)</p>
-<p>Allied Telesyn AT2550</p>
-<p>Allied Telesyn AT2500TX</p>
-<p>Belkin F5D5000</p>
-<p>BUFFALO(Melco INC.) LPC-CB-CLX(CardBus)</p>
-<p>Compaq HNE-300</p>
-<p>CompUSA no-name 10/100 PCI Ethernet NIC</p>
-<p>Corega FEther CB-TXD</p>
-<p>Corega FEtherII CB-TXD</p>
-<p>D-Link DFE-530TX+</p>
-<p>D-Link DFE-538TX (same as 530+?)</p>
-<p>D-Link DFE-690TXD</p>
-<p>Edimax EP-4103DL CardBus</p>
-<p>Encore ENL832-TX 10/100 M PCI</p>
-<p>Farallon NetLINE 10/100 PCI</p>
-<p>Genius GF100TXR,</p>
-<p>GigaFast Ethernet EE100-AXP</p>
-<p>KTX-9130TX 10/100 Fast Ethernet</p>
-<p>LevelOne FPC-0106TX</p>
-<p>Longshine LCS-8038TX-R</p>
-<p>NDC Communications NE100TX-E</p>
-<p>Netronix Inc. EA-1210 NetEther 10/100</p>
-<p>Nortel Networks 10/100BaseTX</p>
-<p>OvisLink LEF-8129TX</p>
-<p>OvisLink LEF-8139TX</p>
-<p>Peppercon AG ROL-F</p>
-<p>Planex FNW-3800-TX</p>
-<p>SMC EZ Card 10/100 PCI 1211-TX</p>
-<p>SOHO(PRAGMATIC) UE-1211C</p>
-<p>The <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">wb</span>(4)</span></a> driver supports
-Winbond W89C840F based Fast Ethernet adapters and embedded controllers including:</p>
-<p>Trendware TE100-PCIE</p>
-<p>The <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">vr</span>(4)</span></a> driver supports
-VIA Technologies Rhine I, Rhine II, and Rhine III based Fast Ethernet adapters
-<p>D-Link DFE530-TX</p>
-<p>Hawking Technologies PN102TX</p>
-<p>AOpen/Acer ALN-320</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sis</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports Silicon Integrated Systems SiS 900 and SiS 7016 based Fast Ethernet adapters and
-embedded controllers, as well as Fast Ethernet adapters based on the National
-Semiconductor DP83815 (MacPhyter) chip. Supported adapters include:</p>
-<p>Netgear FA311-TX (DP83815)</p>
-<p>Netgear FA312-TX (DP83815)</p>
-<p>SiS 630, 635, and 735 motherboard chipsets</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">nge</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports National Semiconductor DP83820 and DP83821 based Gigabit Ethernet adapters
-<p>SMC EZ Card 1000 (SMC9462TX)</p>
-<p>D-Link DGE-500T</p>
-<p>Asante FriendlyNet GigaNIX 1000TA and 1000TPC</p>
-<p>Addtron AEG320T</p>
-<p>LinkSys EG1032 (32-bit PCI) and EG1064 (64-bit PCI)</p>
-<p>Surecom Technology EP-320G-TX</p>
-<p>Netgear GA622T</p>
-<p>Netgear GA621</p>
-<p>Ark PC SOHO-GA2500T (32-bit PCI) and SOHO-GA2000T (64-bit PCI)</p>
-<p>Trendware TEG-PCITX (32-bit PCI) and TEG-PCITX2 (64-bit PCI)</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ste</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports Sundance Technologies ST201 based Fast Ethernet adapters and embedded
-controllers including:</p>
-<p>D-Link DFE-530TXS</p>
-<p>D-Link DFE-550TX</p>
-<p>Adapters supported by the <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sk</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-<p>3COM 3C940 single port, 1000baseT adapter</p>
-<p>Belkin F5D5005 single port, 1000baseT adapter</p>
-<p>Linksys EG1032 single port, 1000baseT adapter</p>
-<p>SK-9521 SK-NET GE-T single port, 1000baseT adapter</p>
-<p>SK-9821 SK-NET GE-T single port, 1000baseT adapter</p>
-<p>SK-9822 SK-NET GE-T dual port, 1000baseT adapter</p>
-<p>SK-9841 SK-NET GE-LX single port, single mode fiber adapter</p>
-<p>SK-9842 SK-NET GE-LX dual port, single mode fiber adapter</p>
-<p>SK-9843 SK-NET GE-SX single port, multimode fiber adapter</p>
-<p>SK-9844 SK-NET GE-SX dual port, multimode fiber adapter</p>
-<p>SMC 9452TX single port, 1000baseT adapter</p>
-<p>The <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">tl</span>(4)</span></a> driver supports
-Texas Instruments ThunderLAN based Ethernet and Fast Ethernet adapters including a large
-number of Compaq PCI Ethernet adapters. Also supported are:</p>
-<p>Olicom OC-2135/2138 10/100 TX UTP adapter</p>
-<p>Olicom OC-2325/OC-2326 10/100 TX UTP adapter</p>
-<p>Racore 8148 10baseT/100baseTX/100baseFX adapter</p>
-<p>Racore 8165 10/100baseTX adapter</p>
-<p>The <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">tl</span>(4)</span></a> driver also
-supports the built-in Ethernet adapters of various Compaq Prosignia servers and Compaq
-Deskpro desktop machines including:</p>
-<p>Compaq Netelligent 10</p>
-<p>Compaq Netelligent 10 T PCI UTP/Coax</p>
-<p>Compaq Netelligent 10/100</p>
-<p>Compaq Netelligent 10/100 Dual-Port</p>
-<p>Compaq Netelligent 10/100 Proliant</p>
-<p>Compaq Netelligent 10/100 TX Embedded UTP</p>
-<p>Compaq Netelligent 10/100 TX UTP</p>
-<p>Compaq NetFlex 3P</p>
-<p>Compaq NetFlex 3P Integrated</p>
-<p>Compaq NetFlex 3P w/BNC</p>
-<p>The <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">dc</span>(4)</span></a> driver provides
-support for the following chipsets:</p>
-<p>DEC/Intel 21143</p>
-<p>ADMtek AL981 Comet, AN985 Centaur, ADM9511 Centaur II and ADM9513 Centaur II</p>
-<p>ASIX Electronics AX88140A and AX88141</p>
-<p>Conexant LANfinity RS7112 (miniPCI)</p>
-<p>Davicom DM9009, DM9100, DM9102 and DM9102A</p>
-<p>Lite-On 82c168 and 82c169 PNIC</p>
-<p>Lite-On/Macronix 82c115 PNIC II</p>
-<p>Macronix 98713, 98713A, 98715, 98715A, 98715AEC-C, 98725, 98727 and 98732</p>
-<p>Xircom X3201 (cardbus only)</p>
-<p>The following NICs are known to work with the <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">dc</span>(4)</span></a> driver at this
-<p>3Com OfficeConnect 10/100B (ADMtek AN985 Centaur-P)</p>
-<p>Abocom FE2500</p>
-<p>Accton EN1217 (98715A)</p>
-<p>Accton EN2242 MiniPCI</p>
-<p>Adico AE310TX (98715A)</p>
-<p>Alfa Inc GFC2204 (ASIX AX88140A)</p>
-<p>Built in 10Mbps only Ethernet on Compaq Presario 7900 series desktops (21143,
-<p>Built in DE500-BA on DEC Alpha workstations (21143, non-MII)</p>
-<p>Built in Sun DMFE 10/100 Mbps Ethernet on Sun Netra X1 and Sun Fire V100 (DM9102A,
-<p>Built in Ethernet on LinkSys EtherFast 10/100 Instant GigaDrive (DM9102, MII)</p>
-<p>CNet Pro110B (ASIX AX88140A)</p>
-<p>CNet Pro120A (98715A or 98713A) and CNet Pro120B (98715)</p>
-<p>Compex RL100-TX (98713 or 98713A)</p>
-<p>D-Link DFE-570TX (21143, MII, quad port)</p>
-<p>Digital DE500-BA 10/100 (21143, non-MII)</p>
-<p>ELECOM Laneed LD-CBL/TXA (ADMtek AN985)</p>
-<p>Hawking CB102 CardBus</p>
-<p>IBM EtherJet Cardbus Adapter</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/100 Mobile Cardbus (versions that use the X3201 chipset)</p>
-<p>Jaton XpressNet (Davicom DM9102)</p>
-<p>Kingston KNE100TX (21143, MII)</p>
-<p>Kingston KNE110TX (PNIC 82c169)</p>
-<p>LinkSys LNE100TX (PNIC 82c168, 82c169)</p>
-<p>LinkSys LNE100TX v2.0 (PNIC II 82c115)</p>
-<p>LinkSys LNE100TX v4.0/4.1 (ADMtek AN985 Centaur-P)</p>
-<p>Matrox FastNIC 10/100 (PNIC 82c168, 82c169)</p>
-<p>Melco LGY-PCI-TXL</p>
-<p>Microsoft MN-120 10/100 CardBus (ADMTek Centaur-C)</p>
-<p>Microsoft MN-130 10/100 PCI (ADMTek Centaur-P)</p>
-<p>NDC SOHOware SFA110A (98713A)</p>
-<p>NDC SOHOware SFA110A Rev B4 (98715AEC-C)</p>
-<p>NetGear FA310-TX Rev. D1, D2 or D3 (PNIC 82c169)</p>
-<p>Netgear FA511</p>
-<p>PlaneX FNW-3602-T (ADMtek AN985)</p>
-<p>SMC EZ Card 10/100 1233A-TX (ADMtek AN985)</p>
-<p>SVEC PN102-TX (98713)</p>
-<p>Xircom Cardbus Realport</p>
-<p>Xircom Cardbus Ethernet 10/100</p>
-<p>Xircom Cardbus Ethernet II 10/100</p>
-<p>Adapters supported by the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">aue</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-<p>Abocom UFE1000, DSB650TX_NA</p>
-<p>Accton USB320-EC, SpeedStream</p>
-<p>ADMtek AN986, AN8511</p>
-<p>Billionton USB100, USB100LP, USB100EL, USBE100</p>
-<p>Corega Ether FEther USB-T, FEther USB-TX, FEther USB-TXS</p>
-<p>D-Link DSB-650, DSB-650TX, DSB-650TX-PNA</p>
-<p>Elecom LD-USBL/TX</p>
-<p>Elsa Microlink USB2Ethernet</p>
-<p>HP hn210e</p>
-<p>I-O Data USB ETTX</p>
-<p>Kingston KNU101TX</p>
-<p>LinkSys USB10T adapters that contain the AN986 Pegasus chipset, USB10TA, USB10TX,
-USB100TX, USB100H1</p>
-<p>Planex UE-200TX</p>
-<p>Sandberg USB to Network Link (model number 133-06)</p>
-<p>Siemens Speedstream</p>
-<p>SmartBridges smartNIC</p>
-<p>SMC 2202USB</p>
-<p>SOHOware NUB100</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">cue</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports CATC USB-EL1210A based USB Ethernet adapters including:</p>
-<p>Belkin F5U011/F5U111</p>
-<p>CATC Netmate</p>
-<p>CATC Netmate II</p>
-<p>SmartBridges SmartLink</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">kue</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports Kawasaki LSI KL5KLUSB101B based USB Ethernet adapters including:</p>
-<p>3Com 3c19250</p>
-<p>3Com 3c460 HomeConnect Ethernet USB Adapter</p>
-<p>ADS Technologies USB-10BT</p>
-<p>AOX USB101</p>
-<p>ATen UC10T</p>
-<p>Abocom URE 450</p>
-<p>Corega USB-T</p>
-<p>D-Link DSB-650C</p>
-<p>Entrega NET-USB-E45, NET-HUB-3U1E</p>
-<p>I/O Data USB ETT</p>
-<p>Kawasaki DU-H3E</p>
-<p>LinkSys USB10T</p>
-<p>Netgear EA101</p>
-<p>Peracom USB Ethernet Adapter</p>
-<p>SMC 2102USB, 2104USB</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">axe</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports ASIX Electronics AX88172 based USB Ethernet adapters including:</p>
-<p>Buffalo (Melco Inc.) LUA-U2-KTX</p>
-<p>D-Link DUBE100</p>
-<p>LinkSys USB200M</p>
-<p>Netgear FA120</p>
-<p>System TALKS Inc. SGC-X2UL</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">rue</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports RealTek RTL8150 based USB Ethernet adapters including:</p>
-<p>Buffalo (Melco Inc.) LUA-KTX</p>
-<p>Green House GH-USB100B</p>
-<p>LinkSys USB100M</p>
-<p>Billionton 10/100 FastEthernet USBKR2</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">udav</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports the following adapters:</p>
-<p>Corega FEther USB-TXC</p>
-<p>Adapters supported by the <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">de</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-<p>Adaptec ANA-6944/TX</p>
-<p>Cogent EM100FX and EM440TX</p>
-<p>Corega FastEther PCI-TX</p>
-<p>D-Link DFE-500TX</p>
-<p>DEC DE435, DE425, DEC DE450, and DEC DE500</p>
-<p>I-O DATA LA2/T-PCI</p>
-<p>SMC Etherpower 8432, 9332 and 9334</p>
-<p>ZNYX ZX3xx</p>
-<p>Controllers and cards supported by the <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">fe</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-<p>Allied Telesis RE1000, RE1000Plus, ME1500 (110-pin)</p>
-<p>CONTEC C-NET(98)P2, C-NET (9N)E (110-pin), C-NET(9N)C (ExtCard)</p>
-<p>CONTEC C-NET(PC)C PCMCIA Ethernet</p>
-<p>Eiger Labs EPX-10BT</p>
-<p>Fujitsu FMV-J182, FMV-J182A</p>
-<p>Fujitsu MB86960A, MB86965A</p>
-<p>Fujitsu MBH10303, MBH10302 Ethernet PCMCIA</p>
-<p>Fujitsu Towa LA501 Ethernet</p>
-<p>HITACHI HT-4840-11</p>
-<p>NextCom J Link NC5310</p>
-<p>RATOC REX-5588, REX-9822, REX-4886, and REX-R280</p>
-<p>RATOC REX-9880/9881/9882/9883</p>
-<p>TDK LAC-98012, LAC-98013, LAC-98025, LAC-9N011 (110-pin)</p>
-<p>TDK LAK-CD021, LAK-CD021A, LAK-CD021BX</p>
-<p>Ungermann-Bass Access/PC N98C+(PC85152, PC85142), Access/NOTE N98(PC86132)
-<p>Adapters supported by the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">fxp</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-<p>Intel EtherExpress PRO/10</p>
-<p>Intel InBusiness 10/100</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/100B / EtherExpressPRO/100 B PCI Adapter</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/100+ Management Adapter</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/100 VE Desktop Adapter</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/100 M Desktop Adapter</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/100 S Desktop, Server and Dual-Port Server Adapters</p>
-<p>Contec C-NET(PI)-100TX (PC-98)</p>
-<p>NEC PC-9821Ra20, Rv20, Xv13, Xv20 internal 100Base-TX (PC-98)</p>
-<p>NEC PC-9821X-B06 (PC-98)</p>
-<p>Many on-board network interfaces on Intel motherboards</p>
-<p>The <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ex</span>(4)</span></a> driver supports
-the following Ethernet adapters:</p>
-<p>Intel EtherExpress Pro/10</p>
-<p>Intel EtherExpress Pro/10+</p>
-<p>The Olicom OC2220</p>
-<p>The <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ep</span>(4)</span></a> driver supports
-Ethernet adapters based on the 3Com 3C5x9 Etherlink III Parallel Tasking chipset,
-<p>3Com 3C1 CF</p>
-<p>3Com 3C509-TP, 3C509-BNC, 3C509-Combo, 3C509-TPO, 3C509-TPC ISA</p>
-<p>3Com 3C509B-TP, 3C509B-BNC, 3C509B-Combo, 3C509B-TPO, 3C509B-TPC ISA</p>
-<p>3Com 3C529, 3C529-TP MCA</p>
-<p>3Com 3C562/3C563 PCMCIA</p>
-<p>3Com 3C569B-J-TPO, 3C569B-J-COMBO CBUS</p>
-<p>3Com 3C574-TX, 3CCFE574BT, 3CXFE574BT, 3C3FE574BT PCMCIA</p>
-<p>3Com 3C579-TP, 3C579-BNC EISA</p>
-<p>3Com 3C589, 3C589B, 3C589C, 3C589D, 3CXE589DT PCMCIA</p>
-<p>3Com 3CCFEM556B, 3CCFEM556BI PCMCIA</p>
-<p>3Com 3CXE589EC, 3CCE589EC, 3CXE589ET, 3CCE589ET PCMCIA</p>
-<p>3Com Megahertz 3CCEM556, 3CXEM556, 3CCEM556B, 3CXEM556B PCMCIA</p>
-<p>3Com OfficeConnect 3CXSH572BT, 3CCSH572BT PCMCIA</p>
-<p>Farallon EtherMac PCMCIA</p>
-<p>The <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">xl</span>(4)</span></a> driver supports
-the following hardware:</p>
-<p>3Com 3c900-TPO</p>
-<p>3Com 3c900-COMBO</p>
-<p>3Com 3c905-TX</p>
-<p>3Com 3c905-T4</p>
-<p>3Com 3c900B-TPO</p>
-<p>3Com 3c900B-TPC</p>
-<p>3Com 3c900B-FL</p>
-<p>3Com 3c900B-COMBO</p>
-<p>3Com 3c905B-T4</p>
-<p>3Com 3c905B-TX</p>
-<p>3Com 3c905B-FX</p>
-<p>3Com 3c905B-COMBO</p>
-<p>3Com 3c905C-TX</p>
-<p>3Com 3c980, 3c980B, and 3c980C server adapters</p>
-<p>3Com 3cSOHO100-TX OfficeConnect adapters</p>
-<p>3Com 3c450 HomeConnect adapters</p>
-<p>3Com 3c555, 3c556 and 3c556B mini-PCI adapters</p>
-<p>3Com 3C3SH573BT, 3C575TX, 3CCFE575BT, 3CXFE575BT, 3CCFE575CT, 3CXFE575CT, 3CCFEM656,
-3CCFEM656B, and 3CCFEM656C, 3CXFEM656, 3CXFEM656B, and 3CXFEM656C CardBus adapters</p>
-<p>3Com 3c905-TX, 3c905B-TX 3c905C-TX, and 3c920B-EMB embedded adapters</p>
-<p>Both the 3C656 family of CardBus cards and the 3C556 family of MiniPCI cards have a
-built-in proprietary modem. Neither the <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">xl</span>(4)</span></a> driver nor any
-other driver supports this modem.</p>
-<p>The <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">vx</span>(4)</span></a> driver supports
-the following cards:</p>
-<p>3Com 3c590 EtherLink III PCI</p>
-<p>3Com 3c592 EtherLink III EISA</p>
-<p>3Com 3c595 Fast EtherLink III PCI in 10 Mbps mode</p>
-<p>3Com 3c597 Fast EtherLink III EISA in 10 Mbps mode</p>
-<p>Crystal Semiconductor CS89x0-based NICs (<a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">cs</span>(4)</span></a> driver)</p>
-<p>The <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sn</span>(4)</span></a> driver supports
-SMC9xxx based ISA and PCMCIA cards including:</p>
-<p>3Com Megahertz X-Jack Ethernet PC-Card CC-10BT</p>
-<p>The <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">xe</span>(4)</span></a> driver supports
-the following cards:</p>
-<p>Xircom CreditCard Ethernet (PS-CE2-10)</p>
-<p>Xircom CreditCard Ethernet + Modem 28 (PS-CEM-28)</p>
-<p>Xircom CreditCard Ethernet + Modem 33 (CEM33)</p>
-<p>Xircom CreditCard 10/100 (CE3, CE3B)</p>
-<p>Xircom CreditCard Ethernet 10/100 + Modem 56 (CEM56)</p>
-<p>Xircom RealPort Ethernet 10 (RE10)</p>
-<p>Xircom RealPort Ethernet 10/100 (RE100)</p>
-<p>Xircom RealPort Ethernet 10/100 + Modem 56 (REM56, REM56G)</p>
-<p>Accton Fast EtherCard-16 (EN2226)</p>
-<p>Compaq Netelligent 10/100 PC Card (CPQ-10/100)</p>
-<p>Intel EtherExpress Pro/100 PC Card Mobile Adapter 16 (Pro/100 M16A)</p>
-<p>Other similar devices using the same hardware may also be supported.</p>
-<p>Adapters supported by the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">lge</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-<p>SMC TigerCard 1000 (SMC9462SX)</p>
-<p>D-Link DGE-500SX</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">txp</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports the following cards:</p>
-<p>3Com 3CR990-TX-95</p>
-<p>3Com 3CR990-TX-97</p>
-<p>3Com 3cR990B-TXM</p>
-<p>3Com 3CR990SVR95</p>
-<p>3Com 3CR990SVR97</p>
-<p>3Com 3cR990B-SRV</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">bge</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-provides support for various NICs based on the Broadcom BCM570x family of Gigabit
-Ethernet controller chips, including the following:</p>
-<p>3Com 3c996-T (10/100/1000baseTX)</p>
-<p>Dell PowerEdge 1750 integrated BCM5704C NIC (10/100/1000baseTX)</p>
-<p>Dell PowerEdge 2550 integrated BCM5700 NIC (10/100/1000baseTX)</p>
-<p>Dell PowerEdge 2650 integrated BCM5703 NIC (10/100/1000baseTX)</p>
-<p>IBM x235 server integrated BCM5703x NIC (10/100/1000baseTX)</p>
-<p>HP ProLiant NC7760 embedded Gigabit NIC (10/100/1000baseTX)</p>
-<p>HP ProLiant NC7770 PCI-X Gigabit NIC (10/100/1000baseTX)</p>
-<p>HP ProLiant NC7781 embedded PCI-X Gigabit NIC (10/100/1000baseTX)</p>
-<p>Netgear GA302T (10/100/1000baseTX)</p>
-<p>SysKonnect SK-9D21 (10/100/1000baseTX)</p>
-<p>SysKonnect SK-9D41 (1000baseSX)</p>
-<p>The <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">em</span>(4)</span></a> driver supports
-Gigabit Ethernet adapters based on the Intel 82540, 82541PI, 82542, 82543, 82544, 82546,
-82546EB and 82547 controller chips:</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/1000 CT Network Connection (82547)</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/1000 F Server Adapter (82543)</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/1000 Gigabit Server Adapter (82542)</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/1000 GT Desktop Adapter (82541PI)</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/1000 MF Dual Port Server Adapter (82546)</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/1000 MF Server Adapter (82545)</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/1000 MF Server Adapter (LX) (82545)</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/1000 MT Desktop Adapter (82540)</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/1000 MT Desktop Adapter (82541)</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/1000 MT Dual Port Server Adapter (82546)</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/1000 MT Quad Port Server Adapter (82546EB)</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/1000 MT Server Adapter (82545)</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/1000 T Desktop Adapter (82544)</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/1000 T Server Adapter (82543)</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/1000 XF Server Adapter (82544)</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/1000 XT Server Adapter (82544)</p>
-<p>The <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">gx</span>(4)</span></a> driver supports
-Gigabit Ethernet adapters based on the Intel 82542 and 82543 controller chips:</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/1000 Gigabit Server Adapter (82542)</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/1000 F Server Adapter (82543)</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/1000 T Server Adapter (82543)</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">hme</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports the on-board Ethernet interfaces of many Sun UltraSPARC workstation and server
-models. Cards supported by the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">hme</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-<p>Sun PCI SunSwift Adapter</p>
-<p>Sun SBus SunSwift Adapter ``( hme'' and ``SUNW,hme'')</p>
-<p>Sun PCI Sun100BaseT Adapter 2.0</p>
-<p>Sun SBus Sun100BaseT 2.0</p>
-<p>Sun PCI Quad FastEthernet Controller</p>
-<p>Sun SBus Quad FastEthernet Controller</p>
-<p>Broadcom BCM4401 based Fast Ethernet adapters (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">bfe</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>The <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">re</span>(4)</span></a> driver supports
-RealTek RTL8139C+, RTL8169, RTL8169S and RTL8110S based Fast Ethernet and Gigabit
-Ethernet adapters including:</p>
-<p>Alloy Computer Products EtherGOLD 1439E 10/100 (8139C+)</p>
-<p>Compaq Evo N1015v Integrated Ethernet (8139C+)</p>
-<p>Corega CG-LAPCIGT Gigabit Ethernet (8169S)</p>
-<p>Gigabyte 7N400 Pro2 Integrated Gigabit Ethernet (8110S)</p>
-<p>PLANEX COMMUNICATIONS Inc. GN-1200TC (8169S)</p>
-<p>Xterasys XN-152 10/100/1000 NIC (8169)</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ixgb</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports the following cards:</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/10GbE LR Server Adapter</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/10GbE SR Server Adapter</p>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="FDDI" name="FDDI">3.3 FDDI Interfaces</a></h3>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="ATM" name="ATM">3.4 ATM Interfaces</a></h3>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="WLAN" name="WLAN">3.5 Wireless Network Interfaces</a></h3>
-<p>Lucent Technologies WaveLAN/IEEE 802.11b wireless network adapters and workalikes
-using the Lucent Hermes, Intersil PRISM-II, Intersil PRISM-2.5, Intersil Prism-3, and
-Symbol Spectrum24 chipsets (<a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">wi</span>(4)</span></a> driver)</p>
-<p>Cisco/Aironet 802.11b wireless adapters (<a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">an</span>(4)</span></a> driver)</p>
-<p>Cards supported by the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">awi</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-<p>BayStack 650</p>
-<p>BayStack 660</p>
-<p>Icom SL-200</p>
-<p>Melco WLI-PCM</p>
-<p>NEL SSMagic</p>
-<p>Netwave AirSurfer Plus</p>
-<p>Netwave AirSurfer Pro</p>
-<p>Nokia C020 WLAN</p>
-<p>Farallon SkyLINE</p>
-<p>The original Xircom Netwave AirSurfer is supported by the cnw(4) driver.</p>
-<p>Cards supported by the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">cnw</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-<p>Xircom CreditCard Netwave</p>
-<p>NetWave AirSurfer</p>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="MISC-NETWORK" name="MISC-NETWORK">3.6 Miscellaneous
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="ISDN" name="ISDN">3.7 ISDN Interfaces</a></h3>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="SERIAL" name="SERIAL">3.8 Serial Interfaces</a></h3>
-<p>``PC standard'' 8250, 16450, and 16550-based serial ports (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sio</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>AST 4 port serial card using shared IRQ</p>
-<p>PCI-Based multi-port serial boards (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">puc</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>Actiontech 56K PCI</p>
-<p>Avlab Technology, PCI IO 2S and PCI IO 4S</p>
-<p>Comtrol RocketPort 550</p>
-<p>Decision Computers PCCOM 4-port serial and dual port RS232/422/485</p>
-<p>Dolphin Peripherals 4025/4035/4036</p>
-<p>IC Book Labs Dreadnought 16x Lite and Pro</p>
-<p>Lava Computers 2SP-PCI/DSerial-PCI/Quattro-PCI/Octopus-550</p>
-<p>Middle Digital, Weasle serial port</p>
-<p>Moxa Industio CP-114, Smartio C104H-PCI and C168H/PCI</p>
-<p>NEC PK-UG-X001 and PK-UG-X008</p>
-<p>Netmos NM9835 PCI-2S-550</p>
-<p>Oxford Semiconductor OX16PCI954 PCI UART</p>
-<p>Syba Tech SD-LAB PCI-4S2P-550-ECP</p>
-<p>SIIG Cyber I/O PCI 16C550/16C650/16C850</p>
-<p>SIIG Cyber 2P1S PCI 16C550/16C650/16C850</p>
-<p>SIIG Cyber 2S1P PCI 16C550/16C650/16C850</p>
-<p>SIIG Cyber 4S PCI 16C550/16C650/16C850</p>
-<p>SIIG Cyber Serial (Single and Dual) PCI 16C550/16C650/16C850</p>
-<p>Syba Tech Ltd. PCI-4S2P-550-ECP</p>
-<p>Titan PCI-200H and PCI-800H</p>
-<p>US Robotics (3Com) 3CP5609 modem</p>
-<p>VScom PCI-400 and PCI-800</p>
-<br />
-<br />
-<p>Specialix SI/XIO/SX multiport serial cards, with both the older SIHOST2.x and the new
-``enhanced'' (transputer based, aka JET) host cards (ISA, EISA and PCI are supported) (<a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">si</span>(4)</span></a> driver)</p>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="AUDIO" name="AUDIO">3.9 Audio Devices</a></h3>
-<p>Advance (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sbc</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>Asound 100 and 110</p>
-<p>Logic ALS120 and ALS4000</p>
-<br />
-<br />
-<p>CMedia sound chips</p>
-<br />
-<br />
-<p>Crystal Semiconductor (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">csa</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>CS461x/462x Audio Accelerator</p>
-<p>CS428x Audio Controller</p>
-<br />
-<br />
-<p>ENSONIQ (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pcm</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>AudioPCI ES1370/1371</p>
-<br />
-<br />
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">snd_ess</span>(4)</span></a>
-driver supports the following soundcards:</p>
-<p>Ensoniq ESS ISA PnP/non-PnP</p>
-<p>ES1868, ES1869, ES1879 and ES1888 (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sbc</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>Maestro-1, Maestro-2, and Maestro-2E</p>
-<div class="NOTE">
-<blockquote class="NOTE">
-<p><b>Note:</b> The Maestro-3/Allegro cannot be compiled into the FreeBSD kernel due to
-licensing restrictions. To use this driver, add the following line to <tt
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<kbd class="USERINPUT">snd_maestro3_load="YES"</kbd>
-<br />
-<br />
-<p>ForteMedia fm801</p>
-<p>Gravis (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">gusc</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>UltraSound MAX</p>
-<p>UltraSound PnP</p>
-<br />
-<br />
-<p>Intel 443MX, 810, 815, and 815E integrated sound devices (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pcm</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>MSS/WSS Compatible DSPs (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pcm</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>NeoMagic 256AV/ZX (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pcm</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>OPTi 931/82C931 (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pcm</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>S3 Sonicvibes</p>
-<p>Creative Technologies SoundBlaster series (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sbc</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>SoundBlaster Pro</p>
-<p>SoundBlaster AWE-32</p>
-<p>SoundBlaster AWE-64</p>
-<p>SoundBlaster AWE-64 GOLD</p>
-<p>SoundBlaster ViBRA-16</p>
-<br />
-<br />
-<p>Creative Technologies Sound Blaster Live! series (emu10k1 driver)</p>
-<p>Trident 4DWave DX/NX (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pcm</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>VIA Technologies VT82C686A</p>
-<br />
-<br />
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="CAMERA" name="CAMERA">3.10 Camera and Video Capture
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="USB" name="USB">3.11 USB Devices</a></h3>
-<p>A range of USB peripherals are supported; devices known to work are listed in this
-section. Owing to the generic nature of most USB devices, with some exceptions any device
-of a given class will be supported, even if not explicitly listed here.</p>
-<div class="NOTE">
-<blockquote class="NOTE">
-<p><b>Note:</b> USB Ethernet adapters can be found in the section listing <a
-href="#ETHERNET">Ethernet interfaces</a>.</p>
-<div class="NOTE">
-<blockquote class="NOTE">
-<p><b>Note:</b> USB Bluetooth adapters can be found in <a href="#BLUETOOTH">Bluetooth</a>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ohci</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports all OHCI v1.0 compliant controllers including:</p>
-<p>AcerLabs M5237 (Aladdin-V)</p>
-<p>OPTi 82C861 (FireLink)</p>
-<p>NEC uPD 9210</p>
-<p>CMD Tech 670 (USB0670)</p>
-<p>CMD Tech 673 (USB0673)</p>
-<p>NVIDIA nForce3</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">uhci</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports all UHCI v1.1 compliant controllers including:</p>
-<p>Intel 82371AB/EB (PIIX4)</p>
-<p>Intel 82371SB (PIIX3)</p>
-<p>VIA 83C572</p>
-<p>USB 2.0 controllers using the EHCI interface (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ehci</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>Keyboards (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ukbd</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>Assist Computer Systems PC Camera C-M1</p>
-<p>ActiveWire I/O Board</p>
-<p>Creative Technology Video Blaster WebCam Plus</p>
-<p>D-Link DSB-R100 USB Radio (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ufm</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>Mirunet AlphaCam Plus</p>
-<br />
-<br />
-<p>The following devices are supported by the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">urio</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>Diamond MultiMedia Rio 500</p>
-<p>Diamond MultiMedia Rio 600</p>
-<p>Diamond MultiMedia Rio 800</p>
-<p>Devices supported by the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">umodem</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-<p>3Com 5605</p>
-<p>Metricom Ricochet GS USB wireless modem</p>
-<p>Yamaha Broadband Wireless Router RTW65b</p>
-<p>Mice (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ums</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ulpt</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-provides support for USB printers and parallel printer conversion cables, including the
-<p>ATen parallel printer adapter</p>
-<p>Belkin F5U002 parallel printer adapter</p>
-<p>Canon BJ F850, S600</p>
-<p>Canon LBP-1310, 350</p>
-<p>Entrega USB-to-parallel printer adapter</p>
-<p>Hewlett-Packard HP Deskjet 3420 (P/N: C8947A #ABJ)</p>
-<p>Oki Data MICROLINE ML660PS</p>
-<p>Seiko Epson PM-900C, 880C, 820C, 730C</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ubsa</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports the following adapters:</p>
-<p>Belkin F5U103</p>
-<p>Belkin F5U120</p>
-<p>e-Tek Labs Kwik232</p>
-<p>GoHubs GoCOM232</p>
-<p>Peracom single port serial adapter</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ubser</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-provides support the BWCT console management serial adapters.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">uftdi</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports the following adapters:</p>
-<p>HP USB-Serial adapter shipped with some HP laptops</p>
-<p>Inland UAS111</p>
-<p>QVS USC-1000</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">uplcom</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports the following adapters:</p>
-<p>ATEN UC-232A</p>
-<p>BAFO BF-800</p>
-<p>BAFO BF-810</p>
-<p>HAL Corporation Crossam2+USB IR commander</p>
-<p>IOGEAR UC-232A</p>
-<p>I/O DATA USB-RSAQ2</p>
-<p>PLANEX USB-RS232 URS-03</p>
-<p>RATOC REX-USB60</p>
-<p>Sandberg USB to Serial Link (model number 133-08)</p>
-<p>SOURCENEXT KeikaiDenwa 8 (with and without charger)</p>
-<p>Sony Ericsson USB Cable (Susteen USB Data Cable)</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">umct</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports the following adapters:</p>
-<p>Magic Control Technology USB-232</p>
-<p>Sitecom USB-232</p>
-<p>D-Link DU-H3SP USB BAY Hub</p>
-<p>Belkin F5U109</p>
-<p>Belkin F5U409</p>
-<p>The following devices are supported by the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">uscanner</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>Acer Acerscan 320U</p>
-<p>Acer Acerscan 620U</p>
-<p>Acer Acerscan 640U</p>
-<p>Acer Acerscan C310U</p>
-<p>AGFA SnapScan 1212U</p>
-<p>AGFA SnapScan 1236U</p>
-<p>AGFA SnapScan e20</p>
-<p>AGFA SnapScan e25</p>
-<p>AGFA SnapScan e26</p>
-<p>AGFA SnapScan e40</p>
-<p>AGFA SnapScan e50</p>
-<p>AGFA SnapScan e52</p>
-<p>AGFA SnapScan Touch</p>
-<p>Avision 1200U</p>
-<p>Canon CanoScan N656U</p>
-<p>Canon CanoScan N676U</p>
-<p>Canon CanoScan N1220U</p>
-<p>Canon CanoScan LIDE 20</p>
-<p>Canon CanoScan LIDE 30</p>
-<p>Epson Perfection 610</p>
-<p>Epson Perfection 636U / 636Photo</p>
-<p>Epson Perfection 640U</p>
-<p>Epson Perfection 1200U / 1200Photo</p>
-<p>Epson Perfection 1240U / 1240Photo</p>
-<p>Epson Perfection 1250</p>
-<p>Epson Perfection 1260</p>
-<p>Epson Expression 1600</p>
-<p>Epson Perfection 1640SU</p>
-<p>Epson Perfection 1650</p>
-<p>Epson Perfection 1660</p>
-<p>Epson Perfection 1670</p>
-<p>Epson Perfection 3200</p>
-<p>Epson GT-8400UF</p>
-<p>Epson GT-9300UF</p>
-<p>Epson GT-9700F</p>
-<p>Hewlett Packard Photosmart S20</p>
-<p>Hewlett Packard Scanjet 2200C</p>
-<p>Hewlett Packard Scanjet 3300C</p>
-<p>Hewlett Packard Scanjet 3400CSE</p>
-<p>Hewlett Packard Scanjet 4100C</p>
-<p>Hewlett Packard Scanjet 4200C</p>
-<p>Hewlett Packard Scanjet 4300C</p>
-<p>Hewlett Packard Scanjet 5200C</p>
-<p>Hewlett Packard Scanjet 5300C</p>
-<p>Hewlett Packard Scanjet 5400C</p>
-<p>Hewlett Packard Scanjet 6200C</p>
-<p>Hewlett Packard Scanjet 6300C</p>
-<p>KYE ColorPage Vivid-Pro</p>
-<p>Microtek Phantom 336CX</p>
-<p>Microtek Phantom C6</p>
-<p>Microtek ScanMaker V6UL</p>
-<p>Microtek ScanMaker V6USL</p>
-<p>Microtek ScanMaker X6U</p>
-<p>Minolta 5400</p>
-<p>Mustek 600 CU</p>
-<p>Mustek 1200 CU</p>
-<p>Mustek 1200 UB</p>
-<p>Mustek 1200 USB</p>
-<p>Mustek BearPaw 1200F</p>
-<p>Mustek BearPaw 1200TA</p>
-<p>NatSemi BearPaw 1200</p>
-<p>Nikon CoolScan LS40 ED</p>
-<p>Primax 6200</p>
-<p>Primax Colorado 1200u</p>
-<p>Primax Colorado 600u</p>
-<p>Primax Colorado USB 19200</p>
-<p>Primax Colorado USB 9600</p>
-<p>Primax G2-200</p>
-<p>Primax G2-300</p>
-<p>Primax G2-600</p>
-<p>Primax G2600</p>
-<p>Primax G2E-300</p>
-<p>Primax G2E-3002</p>
-<p>Primax G2E-600</p>
-<p>Primax G2E600</p>
-<p>Primax G2X-300</p>
-<p>Primax G600</p>
-<p>Primax ReadyScan 636i</p>
-<p>Ultima 1200 UB Plus</p>
-<p>UMAX Astra 1220U</p>
-<p>UMAX Astra 1236U</p>
-<p>UMAX Astra 2000U</p>
-<p>UMAX Astra 2100U</p>
-<p>UMAX Astra 2200U</p>
-<p>UMAX Astra 3400</p>
-<p>Visioneer OneTouch 3000</p>
-<p>Visioneer OneTouch 5300</p>
-<p>Visioneer OneTouch 7600</p>
-<p>Visioneer OneTouch 6100</p>
-<p>Visioneer OneTouch 6200</p>
-<p>Visioneer OneTouch 8100</p>
-<p>Visioneer OneTouch 8600</p>
-<p>Storage (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">umass</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>ADTEC Stick Drive AD-UST32M, 64M, 128M, 256M</p>
-<p>Denno FireWire/USB2 Removable 2.5-inch HDD Case MIFU-25CB20</p>
-<p>FujiFilm Zip USB Drive ZDR100 USB A</p>
-<p>GREEN HOUSE USB Flash Memory ``PicoDrive'' GH-UFD32M, 64M, 128M</p>
-<p>IBM 32MB USB Memory Key (P/N 22P5296)</p>
-<p>IBM ThinkPad USB Portable CD-ROM Drive (P/N 33L5151)</p>
-<p>I-O DATA USB x6 CD-RW Drive CDRW-i64/USB (CDROM only)</p>
-<p>Iomega Zip750 USB2.0 Drive</p>
-<p>Keian USB1.1/2.0 3.5-inch HDD Case KU350A</p>
-<p>Kurouto Shikou USB 2.5-inch HDD Case GAWAP2.5PS-USB2.0</p>
-<p>Logitec USB1.1/2.0 HDD Unit SHD-E60U2</p>
-<p>Logitec Mobile USB Memory LMC-256UD</p>
-<p>Logitec USB Double-Speed Floppy Drive LFD-31U2</p>
-<p>Logitec USB/IEEE1394 DVD-RAM/R/RW Unit LDR-N21FU2 (CDROM only)</p>
-<p>Matshita CF-VFDU03 floppy drive</p>
-<p>MELCO USB2.0 MO Drive MO-CH640U2</p>
-<p>I-O DATA USB/IEEE1394 Portable HD Drive HDP-i30P/CI, HDP-i40P/CI</p>
-<p>MELCO USB Flash Disk ``PetitDrive'', RUF-32M, -64M, -128M, -256M</p>
-<p>MELCO USB2.0 Flash Disk ``PetitDrive2'', RUF-256M/U2, -512M/U2</p>
-<p>MELCO USB Flash Disk ``ClipDrive'', RUF-C32M, -C64M, -C128M, -C256M, -C512M</p>
-<p>Microtech USB-SCSI-HD 50 USB to SCSI cable</p>
-<p>NOVAC USB2.0 2.5/3.5-inch HDD Case NV-HD351U</p>
-<p>Panasonic floppy drive</p>
-<p>Panasonic USB2.0 Portable CD-RW Drive KXL-RW40AN (CDROM only)</p>
-<p>RATOC Systems USB2.0 Removable HDD Case U2-MDK1, U2-MDK1B</p>
-<p>Sony Portable CD-R/RW Drive CRX10U (CDROM only)</p>
-<p>TEAC Portable USB CD-ROM Unit CD-110PU/210PU</p>
-<p>Y-E Data floppy drive (720/1.44/2.88Mb)</p>
-<br />
-<br />
-<p>Audio Devices (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">uaudio</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">uvisor</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports the following devices:</p>
-<p>Handspring Treo</p>
-<p>Handspring Treo 600</p>
-<p>Handspring Visor</p>
-<p>Palm I705</p>
-<p>Palm M125</p>
-<p>Palm M130</p>
-<p>Palm M500</p>
-<p>Palm M505</p>
-<p>Palm M515</p>
-<p>Palm Tungsten T</p>
-<p>Palm Tungsten Z</p>
-<p>Palm Zire</p>
-<p>Palm Zire 31</p>
-<p>Sony Clie 4.0</p>
-<p>Sony Clie 4.1</p>
-<p>Sony Clie 5.0</p>
-<p>Sony Clie PEG-S500C</p>
-<p>Sony Clie NX60</p>
-<p>Sony Clie S360</p>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="FIREWIRE" name="FIREWIRE">3.12 IEEE 1394 (Firewire)
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">fwohci</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-provides support for PCI/CardBus firewire interface cards. The driver supports the
-following IEEE 1394 OHCI chipsets:</p>
-<p>Adaptec AHA-894x/AIC-5800</p>
-<p>Apple Pangea</p>
-<p>Apple UniNorth</p>
-<p>Intel 82372FB</p>
-<p>Lucent FW322/323</p>
-<p>NEC uPD72861</p>
-<p>NEC uPD72870</p>
-<p>NEC uPD72871/2</p>
-<p>NEC uPD72873</p>
-<p>NEC uPD72874</p>
-<p>National Semiconductor CS4210</p>
-<p>Ricoh R5C551</p>
-<p>Ricoh R5C552</p>
-<p>Sony CX3022</p>
-<p>Sony i.LINK (CXD1947)</p>
-<p>Sony i.LINK (CXD3222)</p>
-<p>Texas Instruments PCI4410A</p>
-<p>Texas Instruments PCI4450</p>
-<p>Texas Instruments PCI4451</p>
-<p>Texas Instruments TSB12LV22</p>
-<p>Texas Instruments TSB12LV23</p>
-<p>Texas Instruments TSB12LV26</p>
-<p>Texas Instruments TSB43AA22</p>
-<p>Texas Instruments TSB43AB21/A/AI/A-EP</p>
-<p>Texas Instruments TSB43AB22/A</p>
-<p>Texas Instruments TSB43AB23</p>
-<p>Texas Instruments TSB82AA2</p>
-<p>VIA Fire II (VT6306)</p>
-<p>Serial Bus Protocol 2 (SBP-2) storage devices (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sbp</span>(4)</span></a>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="BLUETOOTH" name="BLUETOOTH">3.13 Bluetooth Devices</a></h3>
-<p>PCCARD Host Controllers (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ng_bt3c</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>3Com/HP 3CRWB6096-A PCCARD adapter</p>
-<br />
-<br />
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ng_ubt</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports all Bluetooth USB devices that conform with the Bluetooth specification v1.1,
-<p>3Com 3CREB96</p>
-<p>AIPTEK BR0R02</p>
-<p>EPoX BT-DG02</p>
-<p>Mitsumi Bluetooth USB adapter</p>
-<p>MSI MS-6967</p>
-<p>TDK Bluetooth USB adapter</p>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="CRYPTO-ACCEL" name="CRYPTO-ACCEL">3.14 Cryptographic
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">hifn</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports various cards containing the Hifn 7751, 7951, 7811, 7955, and 7956 chipsets,
-such as:</p>
-<p>Invertex AEON</p>
-<p>Hifn 7751</p>
-<p>NetSec 7751</p>
-<p>Soekris Engineering vpn1201 and vpn1211</p>
-<p>Soekris Engineering vpn1401 and vpn1411</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">safe</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports cards containing any of the following chips:</p>
-<p>SafeNet 1141</p>
-<p>SafeNet 1741</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ubsec</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports cards containing any of the following chips:</p>
-<p>Bluesteel 5501</p>
-<p>Bluesteel 5601</p>
-<p>Broadcom BCM5801</p>
-<p>Broadcom BCM5802</p>
-<p>Broadcom BCM5805</p>
-<p>Broadcom BCM5820</p>
-<p>Broadcom BCM5821</p>
-<p>Broadcom BCM5822</p>
-<p>Broadcom BCM5823</p>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="MISC" name="MISC">3.15 Miscellaneous</a></h3>
-<p>Nokia Card Phone 2.0 (gsm900/dcs1800 HSCSD terminal)</p>
-<br />
-<br />
-<p>Floppy drives (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">fdc</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>VGA-compatible video cards (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">vga</span>(4)</span></a>
-<div class="NOTE">
-<blockquote class="NOTE">
-<p><b>Note:</b> Information regarding specific video cards and compatibility with <b
-class="APPLICATION">XFree86</b> can be found at <a href="http://www.xfree86.org/"
-<br />
-<br />
-<p>Keyboards including:</p>
-<p>PS/2 keyboards (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">atkbd</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>USB keyboards (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ukbd</span>(4)</span></a>
-<br />
-<br />
-<p>Pointing devices including:</p>
-<p>Bus mice and compatible devices (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">mse</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>PS/2 mice and compatible devices, including many laptop pointing devices (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">psm</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>Serial mice and compatible devices</p>
-<p>USB mice (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ums</span>(4)</span></a>
-<div class="NOTE">
-<blockquote class="NOTE">
-<p><b>Note:</b> <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">moused</span>(8)</span></a> has
-more information on using pointing devices with FreeBSD. Information on using pointing
-devices with <b class="APPLICATION">XFree86</b> can be found at <a
-href="http://www.xfree86.org/" target="_top">http://www.xfree86.org/</a>.</p>
-<br />
-<br />
-<p>``PC standard'' parallel ports (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ppc</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>PC-compatible joysticks (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">joy</span>(4)</span></a>
-<hr />
-<p align="center"><small>This file, and other release-related documents, can be
-downloaded from <a href="ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/">ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/</a>.</small></p>
-<p align="center"><small>For questions about FreeBSD, read the <a
-href="http://www.FreeBSD.org/docs.html">documentation</a> before contacting &#60;<a
-<p align="center"><small>For questions about this documentation, e-mail &#60;<a
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-<div class="TITLEPAGE">
-<h1 class="TITLE"><a id="AEN2" name="AEN2">FreeBSD/i386 5.3-RELEASE Hardware
-<h3 class="CORPAUTHOR">The FreeBSD Documentation Project</h3>
-<p class="COPYRIGHT">Copyright &copy; 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 The FreeBSD
-Documentation Project</p>
-<hr />
-<div class="TOC">
-<dt><b>Table of Contents</b></dt>
-<dt>1 <a href="#INTRO">Introduction</a></dt>
-<dt>2 <a href="#PROC">Supported Processors and Motherboards</a></dt>
-<dt>3 <a href="#SUPPORT">Supported Devices</a></dt>
-<dt>3.1 <a href="#DISK">Disk Controllers</a></dt>
-<dt>3.2 <a href="#ETHERNET">Ethernet Interfaces</a></dt>
-<dt>3.3 <a href="#FDDI">FDDI Interfaces</a></dt>
-<dt>3.4 <a href="#ATM">ATM Interfaces</a></dt>
-<dt>3.5 <a href="#WLAN">Wireless Network Interfaces</a></dt>
-<dt>3.6 <a href="#MISC-NETWORK">Miscellaneous Networks</a></dt>
-<dt>3.7 <a href="#ISDN">ISDN Interfaces</a></dt>
-<dt>3.8 <a href="#SERIAL">Serial Interfaces</a></dt>
-<dt>3.9 <a href="#AUDIO">Audio Devices</a></dt>
-<dt>3.10 <a href="#CAMERA">Camera and Video Capture Devices</a></dt>
-<dt>3.11 <a href="#USB">USB Devices</a></dt>
-<dt>3.12 <a href="#FIREWIRE">IEEE 1394 (Firewire) Devices</a></dt>
-<dt>3.13 <a href="#BLUETOOTH">Bluetooth Devices</a></dt>
-<dt>3.14 <a href="#CRYPTO-ACCEL">Cryptographic Accelerators</a></dt>
-<dt>3.15 <a href="#MISC">Miscellaneous</a></dt>
-<div class="SECT1">
-<h2 class="SECT1"><a id="INTRO" name="INTRO">1 Introduction</a></h2>
-<p>This document contains the hardware compatibility notes for FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE on the
-i386 hardware platform (also referred to as FreeBSD/i386 5.3-RELEASE). It lists devices
-known to work on this platform, as well as some notes on boot-time kernel customization
-that may be useful when attempting to configure support for new devices.</p>
-<div class="NOTE">
-<blockquote class="NOTE">
-<p><b>Note:</b> This document includes information specific to the i386 hardware
-platform. Versions of the hardware compatibility notes for other architectures will
-differ in some details.</p>
-<div class="SECT1">
-<hr />
-<h2 class="SECT1"><a id="PROC" name="PROC">2 Supported Processors and
-<p>FreeBSD/i386 runs on a wide variety of ``IBM PC compatible'' machines. Due to the wide
-range of hardware available for this architecture, it is impossible to exhaustively list
-all combinations of equipment supported by FreeBSD. Nevertheless, some general guidelines
-are presented here.</p>
-<p>Almost all i386-compatible processors are supported. All Intel processors beginning
-with the 80386 are supported, including the 80386, 80486, Pentium, Pentium Pro, Pentium
-II, Pentium III, Pentium 4, and variants thereof, such as the Xeon and Celeron
-processors. (However, FreeBSD 5.2-RELEASE and later no longer support the 80386SX
-processor.) All i386-compatible AMD processors are also supported, including the Am486,
-Am5x86, K5, K6 (and variants), Athlon (including Athlon-MP, Athlon-XP, Athlon-4, and
-Athlon Thunderbird), and Duron processors. The AMD &Eacute;lan SC520 embedded processor
-is supported. The Transmeta Crusoe is recognized and supported, as are i386-compatible
-processors from Cyrix and NexGen.</p>
-<p>There is a wide variety of motherboards available for this architecture. Motherboards
-using the ISA, VLB, EISA, AGP, and PCI expansion busses are well-supported. There is some
-limited support for the MCA (``MicroChannel'') expansion bus used in the IBM PS/2 line of
-<p>Symmetric multi-processor (SMP) systems are generally supported by FreeBSD, although
-in some cases, BIOS or motherboard bugs may generate some problems. Perusal of the
-archives of the <a href="http://lists.FreeBSD.org/mailman/listinfo/freebsd-smp"
-target="_top">FreeBSD symmetric multiprocessing mailing list</a> may yield some
-<p>FreeBSD will take advantage of HyperThreading (HTT) support on Intel CPUs that support
-this feature. A kernel with the <var class="LITERAL">options&nbsp;SMP</var> feature
-enabled will automatically detect the additional logical processors. The default FreeBSD
-scheduler treats the logical processors the same as additional physical processors; in
-other words, no attempt is made to optimize scheduling decisions given the shared
-resources between logical processors within the same CPU. Because this naive scheduling
-can result in suboptimal performance, under certain circumstances it may be useful to
-disable the logical processors with the the <var
-class="VARNAME">machdep.hlt_logical_cpus</var> sysctl variable. It is also possible to
-halt any CPU in the idle loop with the <var class="VARNAME">machdep.hlt_cpus</var> sysctl
-variable. The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">smp</span>(4)</span></a> manual
-page has more details.</p>
-<p>FreeBSD will take advantage of Physical Address Extensions (PAE) support on CPUs that
-support this feature. A kernel with the <var class="LITERAL">PAE</var> feature enabled
-will detect memory above 4 gigabytes and allow it to be used by the system. This feature
-places constraints on the device drivers and other features of FreeBSD which may be used;
-consult the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pae</span>(4)</span></a> manpage
-for more details.</p>
-<p>FreeBSD will generally run on i386-based laptops, albeit with varying levels of
-support for certain hardware features such as sound, graphics, power management, and
-PCCARD expansion slots. These features tend to vary in idiosyncratic ways between
-machines, and frequently require special-case support in FreeBSD to work around hardware
-bugs or other oddities. When in doubt, a search of the archives of the <a
-href="http://lists.FreeBSD.org/mailman/listinfo/freebsd-mobile" target="_top">FreeBSD
-laptop computer mailing list</a> may be useful.</p>
-<p>Most modern laptops (as well as many desktops) use the Advanced Configuration and
-Power Management (ACPI) standard. FreeBSD supports ACPI via the ACPI Component
-Architecture reference implementation from Intel, as described in the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">acpi</span>(4)</span></a> manual
-page. The use of ACPI causes instabilities on some machines and it may be necessary to
-disable the ACPI driver, which is normally loaded via a kernel module. This may be
-accomplished by adding the following line to <tt
-<pre class="PROGRAMLISTING">
-<p>Users debugging ACPI-related problems may find it useful to disable portions of the
-ACPI functionality. The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">acpi</span>(4)</span></a> manual
-page has more information on how to do this via loader tunables.</p>
-<p>ACPI depends on a Differentiated System Descriptor Table (DSDT) provided by each
-machine's BIOS. Some machines have bad or incomplete DSDTs, which prevents ACPI from
-functioning correctly. Replacement DSDTs for some machines can be found at the <a
-href="http://acpi.sourceforge.net/dsdt/index.php" target="_top">DSDT</a> section of the
-<a href="http://acpi.sourceforge.net/" target="_top">ACPI4Linux</a> project Web site.
-FreeBSD can use these DSDTs to override the DSDT provided by the BIOS; see the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">acpi</span>(4)</span></a> manual
-page for more information.</p>
-<div class="SECT1">
-<hr />
-<h2 class="SECT1"><a id="SUPPORT" name="SUPPORT">3 Supported Devices</a></h2>
-$FreeBSD: src/release/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/hardware/common/dev.sgml,v
-2004/11/03 00:18:51 simon Exp $
-<p>This section describes the devices currently known to be supported by with FreeBSD on
-the i386 platform. Other configurations may also work, but simply have not been tested
-yet. Feedback, updates, and corrections to this list are encouraged.</p>
-<p>Where possible, the drivers applicable to each device or class of devices is listed.
-If the driver in question has a manual page in the FreeBSD base distribution (most
-should), it is referenced here. Information on specific models of supported devices,
-controllers, etc. can be found in the manual pages.</p>
-<div class="NOTE">
-<blockquote class="NOTE">
-<p><b>Note:</b> The device lists in this document are being generated automatically from
-FreeBSD manual pages. This means that some devices, which are supported by multiple
-drivers, may appear multiple times.</p>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="DISK" name="DISK">3.1 Disk Controllers</a></h3>
-<p>IDE/ATA controllers (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ata</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>The adapters supported by the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">aic</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-<p>Adaptec AHA-1505 (ISA)</p>
-<p>Adaptec AHA-1510A, AHA-1510B (ISA)</p>
-<p>Adaptec AHA-1520A, AHA-1520B (ISA)</p>
-<p>Adaptec AHA-1522A, AHA-1522B (ISA)</p>
-<p>Adaptec AHA-1535 (ISA)</p>
-<p>Creative Labs SoundBlaster SCSI host adapter (ISA)</p>
-<p>Adaptec AHA-1460, AHA-1460B, AHA-1460C, AHA-1460D (PC Card)</p>
-<p>Adaptec AHA-1030B, AHA-1030P (PC98)</p>
-<p>NEC PC-9801-100 (PC98)</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">aha</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports the following SCSI host adapters:</p>
-<p>Adaptec AHA-154xB</p>
-<p>Adaptec AHA-154xC</p>
-<p>Adaptec AHA-154xCF</p>
-<p>Adaptec AHA-154xCP</p>
-<p>Adaptec AHA-1640</p>
-<p>Adaptec AHA-174x in 154x emulation mode</p>
-<p>DTC 3290 SCSI controller in 1542 emulation mode</p>
-<p>Tekram SCSI controllers in 154x emulation mode</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ahb</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports the following SCSI host adapters:</p>
-<p>Adaptec AHA-1740</p>
-<p>Adaptec AHA-1742</p>
-<p>Adaptec AHA-1740A</p>
-<p>Adaptec AHA-1742A</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ahc</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports the following SCSI host adapter chips and SCSI controller cards:</p>
-<p>Adaptec AIC7770 host adapter chip</p>
-<p>Adaptec AIC7850 host adapter chip</p>
-<p>Adaptec AIC7860 host adapter chip</p>
-<p>Adaptec AIC7870 host adapter chip</p>
-<p>Adaptec AIC7880 host adapter chip</p>
-<p>Adaptec AIC7890 host adapter chip</p>
-<p>Adaptec AIC7891 host adapter chip</p>
-<p>Adaptec AIC7892 host adapter chip</p>
-<p>Adaptec AIC7895 host adapter chip</p>
-<p>Adaptec AIC7896 host adapter chip</p>
-<p>Adaptec AIC7897 host adapter chip</p>
-<p>Adaptec AIC7899 host adapter chip</p>
-<p>Adaptec 274X(W)</p>
-<p>Adaptec 274X(T)</p>
-<p>Adaptec 284X</p>
-<p>Adaptec 2910</p>
-<p>Adaptec 2915</p>
-<p>Adaptec 2920</p>
-<p>Adaptec 2930C</p>
-<p>Adaptec 2930U2</p>
-<p>Adaptec 2940</p>
-<p>Adaptec 2940J</p>
-<p>Adaptec 2940N</p>
-<p>Adaptec 2940U</p>
-<p>Adaptec 2940AU</p>
-<p>Adaptec 2940UW</p>
-<p>Adaptec 2940UW Dual</p>
-<p>Adaptec 2940UW Pro</p>
-<p>Adaptec 2940U2W</p>
-<p>Adaptec 2940U2B</p>
-<p>Adaptec 2950U2W</p>
-<p>Adaptec 2950U2B</p>
-<p>Adaptec 19160B</p>
-<p>Adaptec 29160B</p>
-<p>Adaptec 29160N</p>
-<p>Adaptec 3940</p>
-<p>Adaptec 3940U</p>
-<p>Adaptec 3940AU</p>
-<p>Adaptec 3940UW</p>
-<p>Adaptec 3940AUW</p>
-<p>Adaptec 3940U2W</p>
-<p>Adaptec 3950U2</p>
-<p>Adaptec 3960</p>
-<p>Adaptec 39160</p>
-<p>Adaptec 3985</p>
-<p>Adaptec 4944UW</p>
-<p>NEC PC-9821Xt13 (PC-98)</p>
-<p>NEC RvII26 (PC-98)</p>
-<p>NEC PC-9821X-B02L/B09 (PC-98)</p>
-<p>NEC SV-98/2-B03 (PC-98)</p>
-<p>Many motherboards with on-board SCSI support</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ahd</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports the following:</p>
-<p>Adaptec AIC7901 host adapter chip</p>
-<p>Adaptec AIC7901A host adapter chip</p>
-<p>Adaptec AIC7902 host adapter chip</p>
-<p>Adaptec 29320 host adapter</p>
-<p>Adaptec 39320 host adapter</p>
-<p>Many motherboards with on-board SCSI support</p>
-<p>Controllers supported by the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">aac</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-<p>Adaptec AAC-364</p>
-<p>Adaptec SCSI RAID 2120S</p>
-<p>Adaptec SCSI RAID 2130S</p>
-<p>Adaptec SCSI RAID 2200S</p>
-<p>Adaptec SCSI RAID 2410SA</p>
-<p>Adaptec SCSI RAID 2810SA</p>
-<p>Adaptec SCSI RAID 5400S</p>
-<p>Dell CERC SATA RAID 2</p>
-<p>Dell PERC 2/Si</p>
-<p>Dell PERC 2/QC</p>
-<p>Dell PERC 3/Si</p>
-<p>Dell PERC 3/Di</p>
-<p>Dell PERC 320/DC</p>
-<p>HP NetRAID 4M</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">adv</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports the following SCSI controllers:</p>
-<p>AdvanSys ABP510/5150</p>
-<p>AdvanSys ABP5140</p>
-<p>AdvanSys ABP5142</p>
-<p>AdvanSys ABP902/3902</p>
-<p>AdvanSys ABP3905</p>
-<p>AdvanSys ABP915</p>
-<p>AdvanSys ABP920</p>
-<p>AdvanSys ABP3922</p>
-<p>AdvanSys ABP3925</p>
-<p>AdvanSys ABP930, ABP930U, ABP930UA</p>
-<p>AdvanSys ABP960, ABP960U</p>
-<p>AdvanSys ABP542</p>
-<p>AdvanSys ABP742</p>
-<p>AdvanSys ABP842</p>
-<p>AdvanSys ABP940</p>
-<p>AdvanSys ABP940UA/3940UA</p>
-<p>AdvanSys ABP940U</p>
-<p>AdvanSys ABP3960UA</p>
-<p>AdvanSys ABP970, ABP970U</p>
-<p>AdvanSys ABP752</p>
-<p>AdvanSys ABP852</p>
-<p>AdvanSys ABP950</p>
-<p>AdvanSys ABP980, ABP980U</p>
-<p>AdvanSys ABP980UA/3980UA</p>
-<p>MELCO IFC-USP (PC-98)</p>
-<p>RATOC REX-PCI30 (PC-98)</p>
-<p>@Nifty FNECHARD IFC-USUP-TX (PC-98)</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">adw</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports SCSI controllers including:</p>
-<p>AdvanSys ABP940UW/ABP3940UW</p>
-<p>AdvanSys ABP950UW</p>
-<p>AdvanSys ABP970UW</p>
-<p>AdvanSys ABP3940U2W</p>
-<p>AdvanSys ABP3950U2W</p>
-<p>The <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">bt</span>(4)</span></a> driver supports
-the following BusLogic MultiMaster ``W'', ``C'', ``S'', and ``A'' series and compatible
-SCSI host adapters:</p>
-<p>BusLogic BT-445C</p>
-<p>BusLogic BT-445S</p>
-<p>BusLogic BT-540CF</p>
-<p>BusLogic BT-542B</p>
-<p>BusLogic BT-542B</p>
-<p>BusLogic BT-542D</p>
-<p>BusLogic BT-545C</p>
-<p>BusLogic BT-545S</p>
-<p>BusLogic/BusTek BT-640</p>
-<p>BusLogic BT-742A</p>
-<p>BusLogic BT-742A</p>
-<p>BusLogic BT-747C</p>
-<p>BusLogic BT-747D</p>
-<p>BusLogic BT-747S</p>
-<p>BusLogic BT-757C</p>
-<p>BusLogic BT-757CD</p>
-<p>BusLogic BT-757D</p>
-<p>BusLogic BT-757S</p>
-<p>BusLogic BT-946C</p>
-<p>BusLogic BT-948</p>
-<p>BusLogic BT-956C</p>
-<p>BusLogic BT-956CD</p>
-<p>BusLogic BT-958</p>
-<p>BusLogic BT-958D</p>
-<p>Storage Dimensions SDC3211B / SDC3211F</p>
-<p>AMI FastDisk Host Adapters that are true BusLogic MultiMaster clones are also
-supported by the <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">bt</span>(4)</span></a> driver.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">dpt</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-provides support for the following RAID adapters:</p>
-<p>DPT Smart Cache Plus</p>
-<p>Smart Cache II (PM2?2?, PM2022 [EISA], PM2024/PM2124 [PCI]) (Gen2)</p>
-<p>Smart RAID II (PM3?2?, PM3021, PM3222)</p>
-<p>Smart Cache III (PM2?3?)</p>
-<p>Smart RAID III (PM3?3?, PM3332 [EISA], PM3334UW [PCI]) (Gen3)</p>
-<p>Smart Cache IV (PM2?4?, PM2042 [EISA], PM2044/PM2144 [PCI]) (Gen4)</p>
-<p>Smart RAID IV</p>
-<p>The adapters currently supported by the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">asr</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-include the following:</p>
-<p>Adaptec Zero-Channel SCSI RAID 2000S, 2005S, 2010S, 2015S</p>
-<p>Adaptec SCSI RAID 2100S, 2110S</p>
-<p>Adaptec ATA-100 RAID 2400A</p>
-<p>Adaptec SCSI RAID 3200S, 3210S</p>
-<p>Adaptec SCSI RAID 3400S, 3410S</p>
-<p>Adaptec SmartRAID PM1554</p>
-<p>Adaptec SmartRAID PM1564</p>
-<p>Adaptec SmartRAID PM2554</p>
-<p>Adaptec SmartRAID PM2564</p>
-<p>Adaptec SmartRAID PM2664</p>
-<p>Adaptec SmartRAID PM2754</p>
-<p>Adaptec SmartRAID PM2865</p>
-<p>Adaptec SmartRAID PM3754</p>
-<p>Adaptec SmartRAID PM3755U2B / SmartRAID V Millennium</p>
-<p>Adaptec SmartRAID PM3757</p>
-<p>DEC KZPCC-AC (LVD 1-ch, 4MB or 16MB cache), DEC KZPCC-CE (LVD 3-ch, 64MB cache), DEC
-KZPCC-XC (LVD 1-ch, 16MB cache), DEC KZPCC-XE (LVD 3-ch, 64MB cache) -- rebadged
-SmartRAID V Millennium</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">amr</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports the following:</p>
-<p>AMI MegaRAID 320-1</p>
-<p>AMI MegaRAID 320-2</p>
-<p>AMI MegaRAID 320-4X</p>
-<p>AMI MegaRAID Series 418</p>
-<p>AMI MegaRAID Enterprise 1200 (Series 428)</p>
-<p>AMI MegaRAID Enterprise 1300 (Series 434)</p>
-<p>AMI MegaRAID Enterprise 1400 (Series 438)</p>
-<p>AMI MegaRAID Enterprise 1500 (Series 467)</p>
-<p>AMI MegaRAID Enterprise 1600 (Series 471)</p>
-<p>AMI MegaRAID Elite 1500 (Series 467)</p>
-<p>AMI MegaRAID Elite 1600 (Series 493)</p>
-<p>AMI MegaRAID Elite 1650 (Series 4xx)</p>
-<p>AMI MegaRAID Express 100 (Series 466WS)</p>
-<p>AMI MegaRAID Express 200 (Series 466)</p>
-<p>AMI MegaRAID Express 300 (Series 490)</p>
-<p>AMI MegaRAID Express 500 (Series 475)</p>
-<p>Dell PERC</p>
-<p>Dell PERC 2/SC</p>
-<p>Dell PERC 2/DC</p>
-<p>Dell PERC 3/DCL</p>
-<p>Dell PERC 3/QC</p>
-<p>Dell PERC 4/Di</p>
-<p>HP NetRAID-1/Si</p>
-<p>HP NetRAID-3/Si (D4943A)</p>
-<p>HP Embedded NetRAID</p>
-<div class="NOTE">
-<blockquote class="NOTE">
-<p><b>Note:</b> Booting from these controllers is supported. EISA adapters are not
-<p>Controllers supported by the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">mlx</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-<p>Mylex DAC960P</p>
-<p>Mylex DAC960PD / DEC KZPSC (Fast Wide)</p>
-<p>Mylex DAC960PDU</p>
-<p>Mylex DAC960PL</p>
-<p>Mylex DAC960PJ</p>
-<p>Mylex DAC960PG</p>
-<p>Mylex DAC960PU / DEC PZPAC (Ultra Wide)</p>
-<p>Mylex AcceleRAID 150 (DAC960PRL)</p>
-<p>Mylex AcceleRAID 250 (DAC960PTL1)</p>
-<p>Mylex eXtremeRAID 1100 (DAC1164P)</p>
-<p>RAIDarray 230 controllers, aka the Ultra-SCSI DEC KZPAC-AA (1-ch, 4MB cache), KZPAC-CA
-(3-ch, 4MB), KZPAC-CB (3-ch, 8MB cache)</p>
-<p>All major firmware revisions (2.x, 3.x, 4.x and 5.x) are supported, however it is
-always advisable to upgrade to the most recent firmware available for the controller.
-Compatible Mylex controllers not listed should work, but have not been verified.</p>
-<div class="NOTE">
-<blockquote class="NOTE">
-<p><b>Note:</b> Booting from these controllers is supported. EISA adapters are not
-<p>Controllers supported by the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">mly</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-<p>Mylex AcceleRAID 160</p>
-<p>Mylex AcceleRAID 170</p>
-<p>Mylex AcceleRAID 352</p>
-<p>Mylex eXtremeRAID 2000</p>
-<p>Mylex eXtremeRAID 3000</p>
-<p>Compatible Mylex controllers not listed should work, but have not been verified.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">twe</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports the following ATA RAID controllers:</p>
-<p>AMCC's 3ware 5000 series</p>
-<p>AMCC's 3ware 6000 series</p>
-<p>AMCC's 3ware 7000-2</p>
-<p>AMCC's 3ware 7006-2</p>
-<p>AMCC's 3ware 7500-4LP</p>
-<p>AMCC's 3ware 7500-8</p>
-<p>AMCC's 3ware 7500-12</p>
-<p>AMCC's 3ware 7506-4LP</p>
-<p>AMCC's 3ware 7506-8</p>
-<p>AMCC's 3ware 7506-12</p>
-<p>AMCC's 3ware 8006-2LP</p>
-<p>AMCC's 3ware 8500-4LP</p>
-<p>AMCC's 3ware 8500-8</p>
-<p>AMCC's 3ware 8500-12</p>
-<p>AMCC's 3ware 8506-4LP</p>
-<p>AMCC's 3ware 8506-8</p>
-<p>AMCC's 3ware 8506-8MI</p>
-<p>AMCC's 3ware 8506-12</p>
-<p>AMCC's 3ware 8506-12MI</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">twa</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports the following PATA/SATA RAID controllers:</p>
-<p>AMCC's 3ware 9500S-4LP</p>
-<p>AMCC's 3ware 9500S-8</p>
-<p>AMCC's 3ware 9500S-8MI</p>
-<p>AMCC's 3ware 9500S-12</p>
-<p>AMCC's 3ware 9500S-12MI</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ncr</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-provides support for the following NCR/Symbios SCSI controller chips:</p>
-<p>The following add-on boards are known to be supported:</p>
-<p>I-O DATA SC-98/PCI (PC-98)</p>
-<p>I-O DATA SC-PCI (PC-98)</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sym</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-provides support for the following Symbios/LSI Logic PCI SCSI controllers:</p>
-<p>The SCSI controllers supported by <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sym</span>(4)</span></a> can be
-either embedded on a motherboard, or on one of the following add-on boards:</p>
-<p>ASUS SC-200, SC-896</p>
-<p>Data Technology DTC3130 (all variants)</p>
-<p>DawiControl DC2976UW</p>
-<p>Diamond FirePort (all)</p>
-<p>I-O DATA SC-UPCI (PC-98)</p>
-<p>Logitec LHA-521UA (PC-98)</p>
-<p>NCR cards (all)</p>
-<p>Symbios cards (all)</p>
-<p>Tekram DC390W, 390U, 390F, 390U2B, 390U2W, 390U3D, and 390U3W</p>
-<p>Tyan S1365</p>
-<p>The following devices are currently supported by the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ncv</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>I-O DATA PCSC-DV</p>
-<p>KME KXLC002 (TAXAN ICD-400PN, etc.), KXLC004, and UJDCD450</p>
-<p>Macnica Miracle SCSI-II mPS110</p>
-<p>Media Intelligent MSC-110, MSC-200</p>
-<p>NEC PC-9801N-J03R</p>
-<p>New Media Corporation BASICS SCSI</p>
-<p>Qlogic Fast SCSI</p>
-<p>RATOC REX-9530, REX-5572 (SCSI only)</p>
-<p>Controllers supported by the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">stg</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-<p>Adaptec 2920/A</p>
-<p>Future Domain SCSI2GO</p>
-<p>Future Domain TMC-18XX/3260</p>
-<p>IBM SCSI PCMCIA Card</p>
-<p>ICM PSC-2401 SCSI</p>
-<p>MELCO IFC-SC</p>
-<p>RATOC REX-5536, REX-5536AM, REX-5536M, REX-9836A</p>
-<p>Note that the Adaptec 2920C is supported by the ahc(4) driver.</p>
-<p>Cards supported by the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">isp</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-<p>PTI SBS440</p>
-<p>PTI SBS450</p>
-<p>Qlogic 1240</p>
-<p>Qlogic 1020</p>
-<p>Qlogic 1040</p>
-<p>Qlogic 1080</p>
-<p>Qlogic 1280</p>
-<p>Qlogic 12160</p>
-<p>Qlogic 2100</p>
-<p>Qlogic 2102</p>
-<p>Qlogic 2200</p>
-<p>Qlogic 2202</p>
-<p>Qlogic 2204</p>
-<p>Qlogic 2300</p>
-<p>Qlogic 2312</p>
-<p>PTI SBS470</p>
-<p>Antares P-0033</p>
-<p>Controllers supported by the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">amd</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-<p>MELCO IFC-DP (PC-98)</p>
-<p>Tekram DC390</p>
-<p>Tekram DC390T</p>
-<p>Controllers supported by the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">nsp</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-<p>Alpha-Data AD-PCS201</p>
-<p>I-O DATA CBSC16</p>
-<p>Adaptec AIC-7110 Parallel to SCSI interfaces (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">vpo</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>The following controllers are supported by the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ida</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>Compaq SMART Array 221</p>
-<p>Compaq Integrated SMART Array Controller</p>
-<p>Compaq SMART Array 4200</p>
-<p>Compaq SMART Array 4250ES</p>
-<p>Compaq SMART 3200 Controller</p>
-<p>Compaq SMART 3100ES Controller</p>
-<p>Compaq SMART-2/DH Controller</p>
-<p>Compaq SMART-2/SL Controller</p>
-<p>Compaq SMART-2/P Controller</p>
-<p>Compaq SMART-2/E Controller</p>
-<p>Compaq SMART Controller</p>
-<p>Controllers supported by the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ciss</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-<p>Compaq Smart Array 5300</p>
-<p>Compaq Smart Array 532</p>
-<p>Compaq Smart Array 5i</p>
-<p>HP Smart Array 5312</p>
-<p>HP Smart Array 6i</p>
-<p>HP Smart Array 641</p>
-<p>HP Smart Array 642</p>
-<p>HP Smart Array 6400</p>
-<p>HP Smart Array 6400 EM</p>
-<p>HP Smart Array 6422</p>
-<p>HP Smart Array V100</p>
-<p>HP Modular Smart Array 20 (MSA20)</p>
-<p>HP Modular Smart Array 500 (MSA500)</p>
-<p>Controllers supported by the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">iir</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-<p>Intel RAID Controller SRCMR</p>
-<p>Intel Server RAID Controller U3-l (SRCU31a)</p>
-<p>Intel Server RAID Controller U3-1L (SRCU31La)</p>
-<p>Intel Server RAID Controller U3-2 (SRCU32)</p>
-<p>All past and future releases of Intel and ICP RAID Controllers.</p>
-<p>Intel RAID Controller SRCU21 (discontinued)</p>
-<p>Intel RAID Controller SRCU31 (older revision, not compatible)</p>
-<p>Intel RAID Controller SRCU31L (older revision, not compatible)</p>
-<p>The SRCU31 and SRCU31L can be updated via a firmware update available from Intel.</p>
-<p>Promise SuperTrak ATA RAID controllers (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pst</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>The hptmv(4) driver supports the HighPoint RocketRAID 182x SATA controllers.</p>
-<p>Controllers supported by the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ips</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-<p>IBM ServeRAID 3H</p>
-<p>ServeRAID 4L/4M/4H</p>
-<p>ServeRAID Series 5</p>
-<p>ServeRAID 6i/6M</p>
-<p>The following controllers are supported by the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">mpt</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>LSI Logic 53c1030 (Dual Ultra320 SCSI)</p>
-<p>LSI Logic FC909 (1Gb/s Fibre Channel)</p>
-<p>LSI Logic FC909A (Dual 1Gb/s Fibre Channel)</p>
-<p>LSI Logic FC919 (2Gb/s Fibre Channel)</p>
-<p>LSI Logic FC929 (Dual 2Gb/s Fibre Channel)</p>
-<p>The SCSI controller chips supprted by the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">mpt</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-can be found onboard on many systems including:</p>
-<p>Dell PowerEdge 1750</p>
-<p>IBM eServer xSeries 335</p>
-<p>SCSI controllers supported by the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">trm</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-<p>Tekram DC-315 PCI Ultra SCSI adapter without BIOS and internal SCSI connector</p>
-<p>Tekram DC-315U PCI Ultra SCSI adapter without BIOS</p>
-<p>Tekram DC-395F PCI Ultra-Wide SCSI adapter with flash BIOS and 68-pin external SCSI
-<p>Tekram DC-395U PCI Ultra SCSI adapter with flash BIOS</p>
-<p>Tekram DC-395UW PCI Ultra-Wide SCSI adapter with flash BIOS</p>
-<p>Tekram DC-395U2W PCI Ultra2-Wide SCSI adapter with flash BIOS</p>
-<p>For the Tekram DC-310/U and DC-390F/U/UW/U2B/U2W/U3W PCI SCSI host adapters, use the
-sym(4) driver.</p>
-<p>The wds(4) driver supports the WD7000 SCSI controller.</p>
-<p>With all supported SCSI controllers, full support is provided for SCSI-I, SCSI-II, and
-SCSI-III peripherals, including hard disks, optical disks, tape drives (including DAT,
-8mm Exabyte, Mammoth, and DLT), medium changers, processor target devices and CD-ROM
-drives. WORM devices that support CD-ROM commands are supported for read-only access by
-the CD-ROM drivers (such as <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">cd</span>(4)</span></a>).
-WORM/CD-R/CD-RW writing support is provided by <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">cdrecord</span>(1)</span></a>, which is
-a part of the <a
-class="FILENAME">sysutils/cdrtools</tt></a> port in the Ports Collection.</p>
-<p>The following CD-ROM type systems are supported at this time:</p>
-<p>SCSI interface (also includes ProAudio Spectrum and SoundBlaster SCSI) (<a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">cd</span>(4)</span></a>)</p>
-<p>Matsushita CR-562, CR-563, and compatibles (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">matcd</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>Sony proprietary interface (all models) (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">scd</span>(4)</span></a>)</p>
-<p>ATAPI IDE interface (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">acd</span>(4)</span></a>)</p>
-<br />
-<br />
-<p>The following device is unmaintained:</p>
-<p>Mitsumi proprietary CD-ROM interface (all models) (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">mcd</span>(4)</span></a>)</p>
-<br />
-<br />
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="ETHERNET" name="ETHERNET">3.2 Ethernet Interfaces</a></h3>
-<p>Adapters supported by the <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sf</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-<p>ANA-62011 64-bit single port 10/100baseTX adapter</p>
-<p>ANA-62022 64-bit dual port 10/100baseTX adapter</p>
-<p>ANA-62044 64-bit quad port 10/100baseTX adapter</p>
-<p>ANA-69011 32-bit single port 10/100baseTX adapter</p>
-<p>ANA-62020 64-bit single port 100baseFX adapter</p>
-<p>The <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ti</span>(4)</span></a> driver supports
-Gigabit Ethernet adapters based on the Alteon Tigon I and II chips. The <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ti</span>(4)</span></a> driver has been
-tested with the following adapters:</p>
-<p>3Com 3c985-SX Gigabit Ethernet adapter (Tigon 1)</p>
-<p>3Com 3c985B-SX Gigabit Ethernet adapter (Tigon 2)</p>
-<p>Alteon AceNIC V Gigabit Ethernet adapter (1000baseSX)</p>
-<p>Alteon AceNIC V Gigabit Ethernet adapter (1000baseT)</p>
-<p>Digital EtherWORKS 1000SX PCI Gigabit adapter</p>
-<p>Netgear GA620 Gigabit Ethernet adapter (1000baseSX)</p>
-<p>Netgear GA620T Gigabit Ethernet adapter (1000baseT)</p>
-<p>The following adapters should also be supported but have not yet been tested:</p>
-<p>Asante GigaNIX1000T Gigabit Ethernet adapter</p>
-<p>Asante PCI 1000BASE-SX Gigabit Ethernet adapter</p>
-<p>Farallon PN9000SX Gigabit Ethernet adapter</p>
-<p>NEC Gigabit Ethernet</p>
-<p>Silicon Graphics PCI Gigabit Ethernet adapter</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pcn</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports adapters and embedded controllers based on the AMD PCnet/FAST, PCnet/FAST+,
-PCnet/FAST III, PCnet/PRO and PCnet/Home Fast Ethernet chips:</p>
-<p>AMD Am53C974/Am79C970/Am79C974 PCnet-PCI</p>
-<p>AMD Am79C970A PCnet-PCI II</p>
-<p>AMD Am79C971 PCnet-FAST</p>
-<p>AMD Am79C972 PCnet-FAST+</p>
-<p>AMD Am79C973/Am79C975 PCnet-FAST III</p>
-<p>AMD Am79C976 PCnet-PRO</p>
-<p>AMD PCnet/Home HomePNA</p>
-<p>Allied-Telesis LA-PCI</p>
-<p>Contec C-NET(98)S (PC-98)</p>
-<p>NEC SV-98/2-B05, B06</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">lnc</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports the following adapters:</p>
-<p>Novell NE2100</p>
-<p>Novell NE32-VL</p>
-<p>Isolan AT 4141-0 (16 bit)</p>
-<p>Isolan BICC</p>
-<p>Isolink 4110 (8 bit)</p>
-<p>Diamond HomeFree</p>
-<p>Digital DEPCA</p>
-<p>Hewlett Packard Vectra 486/66XM</p>
-<p>Hewlett Packard Vectra XU</p>
-<p>Also supported are adapters working with the pcn(4) driver. The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">lnc</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-runs these in compatibility mode, thus the pcn(4) driver should be preferred.</p>
-<p>SMC 83c17x (EPIC)-based Ethernet NICs (<a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">tx</span>(4)</span></a> driver)</p>
-<p>The <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ed</span>(4)</span></a> driver supports
-the following Ethernet NICs:</p>
-<p>3Com 3c503 Etherlink II</p>
-<p>AR-P500 Ethernet</p>
-<p>Accton EN1644 (old model), EN1646 (old model), EN2203 (old model) (110pin) (flags
-<p>Accton EN2212/EN2216/UE2216</p>
-<p>Allied Telesis CentreCOM LA100-PCM_V2</p>
-<p>Allied Telesis LA-98 (flags 0x000000) (PC-98)</p>
-<p>Allied Telesis SIC-98, SIC-98NOTE (110pin), SIU-98 (flags 0x600000) (PC-98)</p>
-<p>Allied Telesis SIU-98-D (flags 0x610000) (PC-98)</p>
-<p>AmbiCom 10BaseT card</p>
-<p>Bay Networks NETGEAR FA410TXC Fast Ethernet</p>
-<p>CNet BC40 adapter</p>
-<p>Compex Net-A adapter</p>
-<p>Contec C-NET(98), RT-1007(98), C-NET(9N) (110pin) (flags 0xa00000) (PC-98)</p>
-<p>Contec C-NET(98)E-A, C-NET(98)L-A, C-NET(98)P (flags 0x300000) (PC-98)</p>
-<p>Corega Ether98-T (flags 0x000000) (PC-98)</p>
-<p>Corega Ether PCC-T/EtherII PCC-T/FEther PCC-TXF/PCC-TXD</p>
-<p>CyQ've ELA-010</p>
-<p>DEC EtherWorks DE305</p>
-<p>Danpex EN-6200P2</p>
-<p>D-Link DE-298, DE-298P (flags 0x500000) (PC-98)</p>
-<p>D-Link DE-650/660</p>
-<p>D-Link IC-CARD/IC-CARD+ Ethernet</p>
-<p>ELECOM LD-98P (flags 0x500000) (PC-98)</p>
-<p>ELECOM LD-BDN, LD-NW801G (flags 0x200000) (PC-98)</p>
-<p>ELECOM Laneed LD-CDL/TX, LD-CDF, LD-CDS, LD-10/100CD, LD-CDWA (DP83902A)</p>
-<p>HP PC Lan+ 27247B and 27252A</p>
-<p>IBM Creditcard Ethernet I/II</p>
-<p>ICM AD-ET2-T, DT-ET-25, DT-ET-T5, IF-2766ET, IF-2771ET, NB-ET-T (110pin) (flags
-0x500000) (PC-98)</p>
-<p>I-O DATA LA/T-98, LA/T-98SB, LA2/T-98, ET/T-98 (flags 0x900000) (PC-98)</p>
-<p>I-O DATA ET2/T-PCI</p>
-<p>Kansai KLA-98C/T (flags 0x900000) (PC-98)</p>
-<p>Kingston KNE-PC2, KNE-PCM/x Ethernet</p>
-<p>Linksys EC2T/PCMPC100/PCM100, PCMLM56</p>
-<p>Linksys EtherFast 10/100 PC Card, Combo PCMCIA Ethernet Card (PCMPC100 V2)</p>
-<p>Logitec LAN-98T (flags 0xb00000) (PC-98)</p>
-<p>MACNICA Ethernet ME1 for JEIDA</p>
-<p>MACNICA ME98 (flags 0x900000) (PC-98)</p>
-<p>MACNICA NE2098 (flags 0x400000) (PC-98)</p>
-<p>MELCO EGY-98 (flags 0x300000) (PC-98)</p>
-<p>MELCO LGH-98, LGY-98, LGY-98-N (110pin), IND-SP, IND-SS (flags 0x400000) (PC-98)</p>
-<p>NDC Ethernet Instant-Link</p>
-<p>NEC PC-9801-77, PC-9801-78 (flags 0x910000) (PC-98)</p>
-<p>NEC PC-9801-107, PC-9801-108 (flags 0x800000) (PC-98)</p>
-<p>National Semiconductor InfoMover NE4100</p>
-<p>NetGear FA-410TX</p>
-<p>NetVin 5000</p>
-<p>Network Everywhere Ethernet 10BaseT PC Card</p>
-<p>Networld 98X3 (flags 0xd00000) (PC-98)</p>
-<p>Networld EC-98X, EP-98X (flags 0xd10000) (PC-98)</p>
-<p>Novell NE1000/NE2000/NE2100</p>
-<p>PLANEX ENW-8300-T</p>
-<p>PLANEX EN-2298-C (flags 0x200000) (PC-98)</p>
-<p>PLANEX EN-2298P-T, EN-2298-T (flags 0x500000) (PC-98)</p>
-<p>PLANEX FNW-3600-T</p>
-<p>RealTek 8029</p>
-<p>SMC Elite 16 WD8013</p>
-<p>SMC Elite Ultra</p>
-<p>SMC EtherEZ98 (flags 0x000000) (PC-98)</p>
-<p>SMC WD8003E/WD8003EBT/WD8003S/WD8003SBT/WD8003W/WD8013EBT/WD8013W and clones</p>
-<p>Socket LP-E</p>
-<p>Surecom EtherPerfect EP-427</p>
-<p>Surecom NE-34</p>
-<p>TDK LAK-CD031, Grey Cell GCS2000 Ethernet Card</p>
-<p>Telecom Device SuperSocket RE450T</p>
-<p>VIA VT86C926</p>
-<p>Winbond W89C940</p>
-<p>C-Bus, ISA, PCI and PC Card devices are supported.</p>
-<p>Adapters supported by the <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">rl</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-<p>Accton ``Cheetah'' EN1207D (MPX 5030/5038; RealTek 8139 clone)</p>
-<p>Allied Telesyn AT2550</p>
-<p>Allied Telesyn AT2500TX</p>
-<p>Belkin F5D5000</p>
-<p>BUFFALO(Melco INC.) LPC-CB-CLX(CardBus)</p>
-<p>Compaq HNE-300</p>
-<p>CompUSA no-name 10/100 PCI Ethernet NIC</p>
-<p>Corega FEther CB-TXD</p>
-<p>Corega FEtherII CB-TXD</p>
-<p>D-Link DFE-530TX+</p>
-<p>D-Link DFE-538TX (same as 530+?)</p>
-<p>D-Link DFE-690TXD</p>
-<p>Edimax EP-4103DL CardBus</p>
-<p>Encore ENL832-TX 10/100 M PCI</p>
-<p>Farallon NetLINE 10/100 PCI</p>
-<p>Genius GF100TXR,</p>
-<p>GigaFast Ethernet EE100-AXP</p>
-<p>KTX-9130TX 10/100 Fast Ethernet</p>
-<p>LevelOne FPC-0106TX</p>
-<p>Longshine LCS-8038TX-R</p>
-<p>NDC Communications NE100TX-E</p>
-<p>Netronix Inc. EA-1210 NetEther 10/100</p>
-<p>Nortel Networks 10/100BaseTX</p>
-<p>OvisLink LEF-8129TX</p>
-<p>OvisLink LEF-8139TX</p>
-<p>Peppercon AG ROL-F</p>
-<p>Planex FNW-3800-TX</p>
-<p>SMC EZ Card 10/100 PCI 1211-TX</p>
-<p>SOHO(PRAGMATIC) UE-1211C</p>
-<p>The <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">wb</span>(4)</span></a> driver supports
-Winbond W89C840F based Fast Ethernet adapters and embedded controllers including:</p>
-<p>Trendware TE100-PCIE</p>
-<p>The <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">vr</span>(4)</span></a> driver supports
-VIA Technologies Rhine I, Rhine II, and Rhine III based Fast Ethernet adapters
-<p>D-Link DFE530-TX</p>
-<p>Hawking Technologies PN102TX</p>
-<p>AOpen/Acer ALN-320</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sis</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports Silicon Integrated Systems SiS 900 and SiS 7016 based Fast Ethernet adapters and
-embedded controllers, as well as Fast Ethernet adapters based on the National
-Semiconductor DP83815 (MacPhyter) chip. Supported adapters include:</p>
-<p>Netgear FA311-TX (DP83815)</p>
-<p>Netgear FA312-TX (DP83815)</p>
-<p>SiS 630, 635, and 735 motherboard chipsets</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">nge</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports National Semiconductor DP83820 and DP83821 based Gigabit Ethernet adapters
-<p>SMC EZ Card 1000 (SMC9462TX)</p>
-<p>D-Link DGE-500T</p>
-<p>Asante FriendlyNet GigaNIX 1000TA and 1000TPC</p>
-<p>Addtron AEG320T</p>
-<p>LinkSys EG1032 (32-bit PCI) and EG1064 (64-bit PCI)</p>
-<p>Surecom Technology EP-320G-TX</p>
-<p>Netgear GA622T</p>
-<p>Netgear GA621</p>
-<p>Ark PC SOHO-GA2500T (32-bit PCI) and SOHO-GA2000T (64-bit PCI)</p>
-<p>Trendware TEG-PCITX (32-bit PCI) and TEG-PCITX2 (64-bit PCI)</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ste</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports Sundance Technologies ST201 based Fast Ethernet adapters and embedded
-controllers including:</p>
-<p>D-Link DFE-530TXS</p>
-<p>D-Link DFE-550TX</p>
-<p>Adapters supported by the <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sk</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-<p>3COM 3C940 single port, 1000baseT adapter</p>
-<p>Belkin F5D5005 single port, 1000baseT adapter</p>
-<p>Linksys EG1032 single port, 1000baseT adapter</p>
-<p>SK-9521 SK-NET GE-T single port, 1000baseT adapter</p>
-<p>SK-9821 SK-NET GE-T single port, 1000baseT adapter</p>
-<p>SK-9822 SK-NET GE-T dual port, 1000baseT adapter</p>
-<p>SK-9841 SK-NET GE-LX single port, single mode fiber adapter</p>
-<p>SK-9842 SK-NET GE-LX dual port, single mode fiber adapter</p>
-<p>SK-9843 SK-NET GE-SX single port, multimode fiber adapter</p>
-<p>SK-9844 SK-NET GE-SX dual port, multimode fiber adapter</p>
-<p>SMC 9452TX single port, 1000baseT adapter</p>
-<p>The <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">tl</span>(4)</span></a> driver supports
-Texas Instruments ThunderLAN based Ethernet and Fast Ethernet adapters including a large
-number of Compaq PCI Ethernet adapters. Also supported are:</p>
-<p>Olicom OC-2135/2138 10/100 TX UTP adapter</p>
-<p>Olicom OC-2325/OC-2326 10/100 TX UTP adapter</p>
-<p>Racore 8148 10baseT/100baseTX/100baseFX adapter</p>
-<p>Racore 8165 10/100baseTX adapter</p>
-<p>The <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">tl</span>(4)</span></a> driver also
-supports the built-in Ethernet adapters of various Compaq Prosignia servers and Compaq
-Deskpro desktop machines including:</p>
-<p>Compaq Netelligent 10</p>
-<p>Compaq Netelligent 10 T PCI UTP/Coax</p>
-<p>Compaq Netelligent 10/100</p>
-<p>Compaq Netelligent 10/100 Dual-Port</p>
-<p>Compaq Netelligent 10/100 Proliant</p>
-<p>Compaq Netelligent 10/100 TX Embedded UTP</p>
-<p>Compaq Netelligent 10/100 TX UTP</p>
-<p>Compaq NetFlex 3P</p>
-<p>Compaq NetFlex 3P Integrated</p>
-<p>Compaq NetFlex 3P w/BNC</p>
-<p>The <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">dc</span>(4)</span></a> driver provides
-support for the following chipsets:</p>
-<p>DEC/Intel 21143</p>
-<p>ADMtek AL981 Comet, AN985 Centaur, ADM9511 Centaur II and ADM9513 Centaur II</p>
-<p>ASIX Electronics AX88140A and AX88141</p>
-<p>Conexant LANfinity RS7112 (miniPCI)</p>
-<p>Davicom DM9009, DM9100, DM9102 and DM9102A</p>
-<p>Lite-On 82c168 and 82c169 PNIC</p>
-<p>Lite-On/Macronix 82c115 PNIC II</p>
-<p>Macronix 98713, 98713A, 98715, 98715A, 98715AEC-C, 98725, 98727 and 98732</p>
-<p>Xircom X3201 (cardbus only)</p>
-<p>The following NICs are known to work with the <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">dc</span>(4)</span></a> driver at this
-<p>3Com OfficeConnect 10/100B (ADMtek AN985 Centaur-P)</p>
-<p>Abocom FE2500</p>
-<p>Accton EN1217 (98715A)</p>
-<p>Accton EN2242 MiniPCI</p>
-<p>Adico AE310TX (98715A)</p>
-<p>Alfa Inc GFC2204 (ASIX AX88140A)</p>
-<p>Built in 10Mbps only Ethernet on Compaq Presario 7900 series desktops (21143,
-<p>Built in DE500-BA on DEC Alpha workstations (21143, non-MII)</p>
-<p>Built in Sun DMFE 10/100 Mbps Ethernet on Sun Netra X1 and Sun Fire V100 (DM9102A,
-<p>Built in Ethernet on LinkSys EtherFast 10/100 Instant GigaDrive (DM9102, MII)</p>
-<p>CNet Pro110B (ASIX AX88140A)</p>
-<p>CNet Pro120A (98715A or 98713A) and CNet Pro120B (98715)</p>
-<p>Compex RL100-TX (98713 or 98713A)</p>
-<p>D-Link DFE-570TX (21143, MII, quad port)</p>
-<p>Digital DE500-BA 10/100 (21143, non-MII)</p>
-<p>ELECOM Laneed LD-CBL/TXA (ADMtek AN985)</p>
-<p>Hawking CB102 CardBus</p>
-<p>IBM EtherJet Cardbus Adapter</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/100 Mobile Cardbus (versions that use the X3201 chipset)</p>
-<p>Jaton XpressNet (Davicom DM9102)</p>
-<p>Kingston KNE100TX (21143, MII)</p>
-<p>Kingston KNE110TX (PNIC 82c169)</p>
-<p>LinkSys LNE100TX (PNIC 82c168, 82c169)</p>
-<p>LinkSys LNE100TX v2.0 (PNIC II 82c115)</p>
-<p>LinkSys LNE100TX v4.0/4.1 (ADMtek AN985 Centaur-P)</p>
-<p>Matrox FastNIC 10/100 (PNIC 82c168, 82c169)</p>
-<p>Melco LGY-PCI-TXL</p>
-<p>Microsoft MN-120 10/100 CardBus (ADMTek Centaur-C)</p>
-<p>Microsoft MN-130 10/100 PCI (ADMTek Centaur-P)</p>
-<p>NDC SOHOware SFA110A (98713A)</p>
-<p>NDC SOHOware SFA110A Rev B4 (98715AEC-C)</p>
-<p>NetGear FA310-TX Rev. D1, D2 or D3 (PNIC 82c169)</p>
-<p>Netgear FA511</p>
-<p>PlaneX FNW-3602-T (ADMtek AN985)</p>
-<p>SMC EZ Card 10/100 1233A-TX (ADMtek AN985)</p>
-<p>SVEC PN102-TX (98713)</p>
-<p>Xircom Cardbus Realport</p>
-<p>Xircom Cardbus Ethernet 10/100</p>
-<p>Xircom Cardbus Ethernet II 10/100</p>
-<p>Adapters supported by the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">aue</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-<p>Abocom UFE1000, DSB650TX_NA</p>
-<p>Accton USB320-EC, SpeedStream</p>
-<p>ADMtek AN986, AN8511</p>
-<p>Billionton USB100, USB100LP, USB100EL, USBE100</p>
-<p>Corega Ether FEther USB-T, FEther USB-TX, FEther USB-TXS</p>
-<p>D-Link DSB-650, DSB-650TX, DSB-650TX-PNA</p>
-<p>Elecom LD-USBL/TX</p>
-<p>Elsa Microlink USB2Ethernet</p>
-<p>HP hn210e</p>
-<p>I-O Data USB ETTX</p>
-<p>Kingston KNU101TX</p>
-<p>LinkSys USB10T adapters that contain the AN986 Pegasus chipset, USB10TA, USB10TX,
-USB100TX, USB100H1</p>
-<p>Planex UE-200TX</p>
-<p>Sandberg USB to Network Link (model number 133-06)</p>
-<p>Siemens Speedstream</p>
-<p>SmartBridges smartNIC</p>
-<p>SMC 2202USB</p>
-<p>SOHOware NUB100</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">cue</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports CATC USB-EL1210A based USB Ethernet adapters including:</p>
-<p>Belkin F5U011/F5U111</p>
-<p>CATC Netmate</p>
-<p>CATC Netmate II</p>
-<p>SmartBridges SmartLink</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">kue</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports Kawasaki LSI KL5KLUSB101B based USB Ethernet adapters including:</p>
-<p>3Com 3c19250</p>
-<p>3Com 3c460 HomeConnect Ethernet USB Adapter</p>
-<p>ADS Technologies USB-10BT</p>
-<p>AOX USB101</p>
-<p>ATen UC10T</p>
-<p>Abocom URE 450</p>
-<p>Corega USB-T</p>
-<p>D-Link DSB-650C</p>
-<p>Entrega NET-USB-E45, NET-HUB-3U1E</p>
-<p>I/O Data USB ETT</p>
-<p>Kawasaki DU-H3E</p>
-<p>LinkSys USB10T</p>
-<p>Netgear EA101</p>
-<p>Peracom USB Ethernet Adapter</p>
-<p>SMC 2102USB, 2104USB</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">axe</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports ASIX Electronics AX88172 based USB Ethernet adapters including:</p>
-<p>Buffalo (Melco Inc.) LUA-U2-KTX</p>
-<p>D-Link DUBE100</p>
-<p>LinkSys USB200M</p>
-<p>Netgear FA120</p>
-<p>System TALKS Inc. SGC-X2UL</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">rue</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports RealTek RTL8150 based USB Ethernet adapters including:</p>
-<p>Buffalo (Melco Inc.) LUA-KTX</p>
-<p>Green House GH-USB100B</p>
-<p>LinkSys USB100M</p>
-<p>Billionton 10/100 FastEthernet USBKR2</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">udav</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports the following adapters:</p>
-<p>Corega FEther USB-TXC</p>
-<p>Adapters supported by the <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">de</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-<p>Adaptec ANA-6944/TX</p>
-<p>Cogent EM100FX and EM440TX</p>
-<p>Corega FastEther PCI-TX</p>
-<p>D-Link DFE-500TX</p>
-<p>DEC DE435, DE425, DEC DE450, and DEC DE500</p>
-<p>I-O DATA LA2/T-PCI</p>
-<p>SMC Etherpower 8432, 9332 and 9334</p>
-<p>ZNYX ZX3xx</p>
-<p>Controllers and cards supported by the <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">fe</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-<p>Allied Telesis RE1000, RE1000Plus, ME1500 (110-pin)</p>
-<p>CONTEC C-NET(98)P2, C-NET (9N)E (110-pin), C-NET(9N)C (ExtCard)</p>
-<p>CONTEC C-NET(PC)C PCMCIA Ethernet</p>
-<p>Eiger Labs EPX-10BT</p>
-<p>Fujitsu FMV-J182, FMV-J182A</p>
-<p>Fujitsu MB86960A, MB86965A</p>
-<p>Fujitsu MBH10303, MBH10302 Ethernet PCMCIA</p>
-<p>Fujitsu Towa LA501 Ethernet</p>
-<p>HITACHI HT-4840-11</p>
-<p>NextCom J Link NC5310</p>
-<p>RATOC REX-5588, REX-9822, REX-4886, and REX-R280</p>
-<p>RATOC REX-9880/9881/9882/9883</p>
-<p>TDK LAC-98012, LAC-98013, LAC-98025, LAC-9N011 (110-pin)</p>
-<p>TDK LAK-CD021, LAK-CD021A, LAK-CD021BX</p>
-<p>Ungermann-Bass Access/PC N98C+(PC85152, PC85142), Access/NOTE N98(PC86132)
-<p>Adapters supported by the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">fxp</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-<p>Intel EtherExpress PRO/10</p>
-<p>Intel InBusiness 10/100</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/100B / EtherExpressPRO/100 B PCI Adapter</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/100+ Management Adapter</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/100 VE Desktop Adapter</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/100 M Desktop Adapter</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/100 S Desktop, Server and Dual-Port Server Adapters</p>
-<p>Contec C-NET(PI)-100TX (PC-98)</p>
-<p>NEC PC-9821Ra20, Rv20, Xv13, Xv20 internal 100Base-TX (PC-98)</p>
-<p>NEC PC-9821X-B06 (PC-98)</p>
-<p>Many on-board network interfaces on Intel motherboards</p>
-<p>The <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ex</span>(4)</span></a> driver supports
-the following Ethernet adapters:</p>
-<p>Intel EtherExpress Pro/10</p>
-<p>Intel EtherExpress Pro/10+</p>
-<p>The Olicom OC2220</p>
-<p>The <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ie</span>(4)</span></a> driver provides
-supports the following 8 and 16bit ISA Ethernet cards that are based on the Intel i82586
-<p>3COM 3C507</p>
-<p>AT&amp;T EN100</p>
-<p>AT&amp;T Starlan 10</p>
-<p>AT&amp;T Starlan Fiber</p>
-<p>Intel EtherExpress 16</p>
-<p>RACAL Interlan NI5210</p>
-<p>The <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ep</span>(4)</span></a> driver supports
-Ethernet adapters based on the 3Com 3C5x9 Etherlink III Parallel Tasking chipset,
-<p>3Com 3C1 CF</p>
-<p>3Com 3C509-TP, 3C509-BNC, 3C509-Combo, 3C509-TPO, 3C509-TPC ISA</p>
-<p>3Com 3C509B-TP, 3C509B-BNC, 3C509B-Combo, 3C509B-TPO, 3C509B-TPC ISA</p>
-<p>3Com 3C529, 3C529-TP MCA</p>
-<p>3Com 3C562/3C563 PCMCIA</p>
-<p>3Com 3C569B-J-TPO, 3C569B-J-COMBO CBUS</p>
-<p>3Com 3C574-TX, 3CCFE574BT, 3CXFE574BT, 3C3FE574BT PCMCIA</p>
-<p>3Com 3C579-TP, 3C579-BNC EISA</p>
-<p>3Com 3C589, 3C589B, 3C589C, 3C589D, 3CXE589DT PCMCIA</p>
-<p>3Com 3CCFEM556B, 3CCFEM556BI PCMCIA</p>
-<p>3Com 3CXE589EC, 3CCE589EC, 3CXE589ET, 3CCE589ET PCMCIA</p>
-<p>3Com Megahertz 3CCEM556, 3CXEM556, 3CCEM556B, 3CXEM556B PCMCIA</p>
-<p>3Com OfficeConnect 3CXSH572BT, 3CCSH572BT PCMCIA</p>
-<p>Farallon EtherMac PCMCIA</p>
-<p>The <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">el</span>(4)</span></a> driver supports
-the 3Com 3c501 8bit ISA Ethernet card.</p>
-<p>The <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">xl</span>(4)</span></a> driver supports
-the following hardware:</p>
-<p>3Com 3c900-TPO</p>
-<p>3Com 3c900-COMBO</p>
-<p>3Com 3c905-TX</p>
-<p>3Com 3c905-T4</p>
-<p>3Com 3c900B-TPO</p>
-<p>3Com 3c900B-TPC</p>
-<p>3Com 3c900B-FL</p>
-<p>3Com 3c900B-COMBO</p>
-<p>3Com 3c905B-T4</p>
-<p>3Com 3c905B-TX</p>
-<p>3Com 3c905B-FX</p>
-<p>3Com 3c905B-COMBO</p>
-<p>3Com 3c905C-TX</p>
-<p>3Com 3c980, 3c980B, and 3c980C server adapters</p>
-<p>3Com 3cSOHO100-TX OfficeConnect adapters</p>
-<p>3Com 3c450 HomeConnect adapters</p>
-<p>3Com 3c555, 3c556 and 3c556B mini-PCI adapters</p>
-<p>3Com 3C3SH573BT, 3C575TX, 3CCFE575BT, 3CXFE575BT, 3CCFE575CT, 3CXFE575CT, 3CCFEM656,
-3CCFEM656B, and 3CCFEM656C, 3CXFEM656, 3CXFEM656B, and 3CXFEM656C CardBus adapters</p>
-<p>3Com 3c905-TX, 3c905B-TX 3c905C-TX, and 3c920B-EMB embedded adapters</p>
-<p>Both the 3C656 family of CardBus cards and the 3C556 family of MiniPCI cards have a
-built-in proprietary modem. Neither the <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">xl</span>(4)</span></a> driver nor any
-other driver supports this modem.</p>
-<p>The <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">vx</span>(4)</span></a> driver supports
-the following cards:</p>
-<p>3Com 3c590 EtherLink III PCI</p>
-<p>3Com 3c592 EtherLink III EISA</p>
-<p>3Com 3c595 Fast EtherLink III PCI in 10 Mbps mode</p>
-<p>3Com 3c597 Fast EtherLink III EISA in 10 Mbps mode</p>
-<p>Crystal Semiconductor CS89x0-based NICs (<a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">cs</span>(4)</span></a> driver)</p>
-<p>The <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sn</span>(4)</span></a> driver supports
-SMC9xxx based ISA and PCMCIA cards including:</p>
-<p>3Com Megahertz X-Jack Ethernet PC-Card CC-10BT</p>
-<p>The <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">xe</span>(4)</span></a> driver supports
-the following cards:</p>
-<p>Xircom CreditCard Ethernet (PS-CE2-10)</p>
-<p>Xircom CreditCard Ethernet + Modem 28 (PS-CEM-28)</p>
-<p>Xircom CreditCard Ethernet + Modem 33 (CEM33)</p>
-<p>Xircom CreditCard 10/100 (CE3, CE3B)</p>
-<p>Xircom CreditCard Ethernet 10/100 + Modem 56 (CEM56)</p>
-<p>Xircom RealPort Ethernet 10 (RE10)</p>
-<p>Xircom RealPort Ethernet 10/100 (RE100)</p>
-<p>Xircom RealPort Ethernet 10/100 + Modem 56 (REM56, REM56G)</p>
-<p>Accton Fast EtherCard-16 (EN2226)</p>
-<p>Compaq Netelligent 10/100 PC Card (CPQ-10/100)</p>
-<p>Intel EtherExpress Pro/100 PC Card Mobile Adapter 16 (Pro/100 M16A)</p>
-<p>Other similar devices using the same hardware may also be supported.</p>
-<p>Adapters supported by the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">lge</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-<p>SMC TigerCard 1000 (SMC9462SX)</p>
-<p>D-Link DGE-500SX</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">txp</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports the following cards:</p>
-<p>3Com 3CR990-TX-95</p>
-<p>3Com 3CR990-TX-97</p>
-<p>3Com 3cR990B-TXM</p>
-<p>3Com 3CR990SVR95</p>
-<p>3Com 3CR990SVR97</p>
-<p>3Com 3cR990B-SRV</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">bge</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-provides support for various NICs based on the Broadcom BCM570x family of Gigabit
-Ethernet controller chips, including the following:</p>
-<p>3Com 3c996-T (10/100/1000baseTX)</p>
-<p>Dell PowerEdge 1750 integrated BCM5704C NIC (10/100/1000baseTX)</p>
-<p>Dell PowerEdge 2550 integrated BCM5700 NIC (10/100/1000baseTX)</p>
-<p>Dell PowerEdge 2650 integrated BCM5703 NIC (10/100/1000baseTX)</p>
-<p>IBM x235 server integrated BCM5703x NIC (10/100/1000baseTX)</p>
-<p>HP ProLiant NC7760 embedded Gigabit NIC (10/100/1000baseTX)</p>
-<p>HP ProLiant NC7770 PCI-X Gigabit NIC (10/100/1000baseTX)</p>
-<p>HP ProLiant NC7781 embedded PCI-X Gigabit NIC (10/100/1000baseTX)</p>
-<p>Netgear GA302T (10/100/1000baseTX)</p>
-<p>SysKonnect SK-9D21 (10/100/1000baseTX)</p>
-<p>SysKonnect SK-9D41 (1000baseSX)</p>
-<p>The <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">em</span>(4)</span></a> driver supports
-Gigabit Ethernet adapters based on the Intel 82540, 82541PI, 82542, 82543, 82544, 82546,
-82546EB and 82547 controller chips:</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/1000 CT Network Connection (82547)</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/1000 F Server Adapter (82543)</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/1000 Gigabit Server Adapter (82542)</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/1000 GT Desktop Adapter (82541PI)</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/1000 MF Dual Port Server Adapter (82546)</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/1000 MF Server Adapter (82545)</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/1000 MF Server Adapter (LX) (82545)</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/1000 MT Desktop Adapter (82540)</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/1000 MT Desktop Adapter (82541)</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/1000 MT Dual Port Server Adapter (82546)</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/1000 MT Quad Port Server Adapter (82546EB)</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/1000 MT Server Adapter (82545)</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/1000 T Desktop Adapter (82544)</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/1000 T Server Adapter (82543)</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/1000 XF Server Adapter (82544)</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/1000 XT Server Adapter (82544)</p>
-<p>The <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">gx</span>(4)</span></a> driver supports
-Gigabit Ethernet adapters based on the Intel 82542 and 82543 controller chips:</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/1000 Gigabit Server Adapter (82542)</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/1000 F Server Adapter (82543)</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/1000 T Server Adapter (82543)</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">hme</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports the on-board Ethernet interfaces of many Sun UltraSPARC workstation and server
-models. Cards supported by the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">hme</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-<p>Sun PCI SunSwift Adapter</p>
-<p>Sun SBus SunSwift Adapter ``( hme'' and ``SUNW,hme'')</p>
-<p>Sun PCI Sun100BaseT Adapter 2.0</p>
-<p>Sun SBus Sun100BaseT 2.0</p>
-<p>Sun PCI Quad FastEthernet Controller</p>
-<p>Sun SBus Quad FastEthernet Controller</p>
-<p>The <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">my</span>(4)</span></a> driver provides
-support for various NICs based on the Myson chipset. Supported models include:</p>
-<p>Myson MTD800 PCI Fast Ethernet chip</p>
-<p>Myson MTD803 PCI Fast Ethernet chip</p>
-<p>Myson MTD89X PCI Gigabit Ethernet chip</p>
-<p>Broadcom BCM4401 based Fast Ethernet adapters (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">bfe</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>The <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">re</span>(4)</span></a> driver supports
-RealTek RTL8139C+, RTL8169, RTL8169S and RTL8110S based Fast Ethernet and Gigabit
-Ethernet adapters including:</p>
-<p>Alloy Computer Products EtherGOLD 1439E 10/100 (8139C+)</p>
-<p>Compaq Evo N1015v Integrated Ethernet (8139C+)</p>
-<p>Corega CG-LAPCIGT Gigabit Ethernet (8169S)</p>
-<p>Gigabyte 7N400 Pro2 Integrated Gigabit Ethernet (8110S)</p>
-<p>PLANEX COMMUNICATIONS Inc. GN-1200TC (8169S)</p>
-<p>Xterasys XN-152 10/100/1000 NIC (8169)</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ixgb</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports the following cards:</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/10GbE LR Server Adapter</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/10GbE SR Server Adapter</p>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="FDDI" name="FDDI">3.3 FDDI Interfaces</a></h3>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">fpa</span>(4)</span></a>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">fpa</span>(4)</span></a>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="ATM" name="ATM">3.4 ATM Interfaces</a></h3>
-<p>Midway-based ATM interfaces (<a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">en</span>(4)</span></a> driver)</p>
-<p>FORE Systems, Inc. PCA-200E ATM PCI Adapters (hfa and <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">fatm</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>IDT NICStAR 77201/211-based ATM Adapters (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">idt</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>FORE Systems, Inc. HE155 and HE622 ATM interfaces (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">hatm</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>IDT77252-based ATM cards (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">patm</span>(4)</span></a>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="WLAN" name="WLAN">3.5 Wireless Network Interfaces</a></h3>
-<p>NCR / AT&amp;T / Lucent Technologies WaveLan T1-speed ISA/radio LAN cards (<a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">wl</span>(4)</span></a> driver)</p>
-<p>Lucent Technologies WaveLAN/IEEE 802.11b wireless network adapters and workalikes
-using the Lucent Hermes, Intersil PRISM-II, Intersil PRISM-2.5, Intersil Prism-3, and
-Symbol Spectrum24 chipsets (<a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">wi</span>(4)</span></a> driver)</p>
-<p>Cisco/Aironet 802.11b wireless adapters (<a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">an</span>(4)</span></a> driver)</p>
-<p>Raytheon Raylink 2.4GHz wireless adapters (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ray</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>Cards supported by the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">awi</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-<p>BayStack 650</p>
-<p>BayStack 660</p>
-<p>Icom SL-200</p>
-<p>Melco WLI-PCM</p>
-<p>NEL SSMagic</p>
-<p>Netwave AirSurfer Plus</p>
-<p>Netwave AirSurfer Pro</p>
-<p>Nokia C020 WLAN</p>
-<p>Farallon SkyLINE</p>
-<p>The original Xircom Netwave AirSurfer is supported by the cnw(4) driver.</p>
-<p>Cards supported by the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">cnw</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-<p>Xircom CreditCard Netwave</p>
-<p>NetWave AirSurfer</p>
-<p>The following cards are among those supported by the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ath</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>Aztech WL830PC</p>
-<p>D-Link DWL-A650</p>
-<p>D-Link DWL-AB650</p>
-<p>D-Link DWL-A520</p>
-<p>D-Link DWL-AG520</p>
-<p>D-Link DWL-AG650</p>
-<p>D-Link DWL-G520B</p>
-<p>D-Link DWL-G650B</p>
-<p>Elecom LD-WL54AG</p>
-<p>Elecom LD-WL54</p>
-<p>Fujitsu E5454</p>
-<p>Fujitsu FMV-JW481</p>
-<p>Fujitsu E5454</p>
-<p>HP NC4000</p>
-<p>I/O Data WN-AB</p>
-<p>I/O Data WN-AG</p>
-<p>I/O Data WN-A54</p>
-<p>Linksys WMP55AG</p>
-<p>Linksys WPC51AB</p>
-<p>Linksys WPC55AG</p>
-<p>NEC PA-WL/54AG</p>
-<p>Netgear WAG311</p>
-<p>Netgear WAB501</p>
-<p>Netgear WAG511</p>
-<p>Netgear WG311</p>
-<p>Netgear WG311T</p>
-<p>Netgear WG511T</p>
-<p>Orinoco 8480</p>
-<p>Orinoco 8470WD</p>
-<p>Proxim Skyline 4030</p>
-<p>Proxim Skyline 4032</p>
-<p>Samsung SWL-5200N</p>
-<p>SMC SMC2735W</p>
-<p>Sony PCWA-C700</p>
-<p>Sony PCWA-C300S</p>
-<p>Sony PCWA-C500</p>
-<p>3Com 3CRPAG175</p>
-<p>An up to date list can be found at <a
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="MISC-NETWORK" name="MISC-NETWORK">3.6 Miscellaneous
-<p>The <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">cx</span>(4)</span></a> driver supports
-the following cards:</p>
-<p>Cronyx Sigma-22, Sigma-24</p>
-<p>Cronyx Sigma-100</p>
-<p>Cronyx Sigma-400, Sigma-401, Sigma-404, Sigma-410, Sigma-440</p>
-<p>Cronyx Sigma-500</p>
-<p>Cronyx Sigma-703</p>
-<p>Cronyx Sigma-800, Sigma-801, Sigma-810, Sigma-840</p>
-<p>The <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">cp</span>(4)</span></a> driver supports
-the following models of Tau-PCI WAN adapters:</p>
-<p>Cronyx Tau-PCI</p>
-<p>Cronyx Tau-PCI/R</p>
-<p>Cronyx Tau-PCI-E1</p>
-<p>Cronyx Tau-PCI-G703</p>
-<p>Cronyx Tau-PCI-2E1</p>
-<p>Cronyx Tau-PCI-4E1</p>
-<p>Cronyx Tau-PCI-E3</p>
-<p>Cronyx Tau-PCI-T3</p>
-<p>Cronyx Tau-PCI-STS1</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ctau</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports the following cards:</p>
-<p>Cronyx Tau (RS-232/V.35)</p>
-<p>Cronyx Tau/R (RS-530/RS-449)</p>
-<p>Cronyx Tau/E1 (fractional E1)</p>
-<p>Cronyx Tau/G703 (unframed E1)</p>
-<p>Granch SBNI12 point-to-point communications adapters (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sbni</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>Granch SBNI16 SHDSL modems (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sbsh</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>The <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">cm</span>(4)</span></a> driver supports
-the following card models:</p>
-<p>SMC90c66 in '56 compatibility mode.</p>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="ISDN" name="ISDN">3.7 ISDN Interfaces</a></h3>
-<p>AcerISDN P10 ISA PnP (experimental)</p>
-<p>Asuscom ISDNlink 128K ISA</p>
-<p>ASUSCOM P-IN100-ST-D (and other Winbond W6692-based cards)</p>
-<p>B1 ISA (tested with V2.0)</p>
-<p>B1 PCI (tested with V4.0)</p>
-<p>Fritz!Card classic</p>
-<p>Fritz!Card PnP</p>
-<p>Fritz!Card PCI</p>
-<p>Fritz!Card PCI, Version 2</p>
-<br />
-<br />
-<p>ISDN-S0 P&amp;P</p>
-<br />
-<br />
-<p>Compaq Microcom 610 ISDN (Compaq series PSB2222I) ISA PnP</p>
-<p>Dr. Neuhaus Niccy Go@ and compatibles</p>
-<p>Dynalink IS64PPH and IS64PPH+</p>
-<p>Eicon Diehl DIVA 2.0 and 2.02</p>
-<p>ELSA PCC-16</p>
-<p>QuickStep 1000pro ISA</p>
-<p>MicroLink ISDN/PCI</p>
-<p>QuickStep 1000pro PCI</p>
-<br />
-<br />
-<p>ITK ix1 Micro ( &lt; V.3, non-PnP version )</p>
-<p>Sedlbauer Win Speed</p>
-<p>Siemens I-Surf 2.0</p>
-<p>TELEINT ISDN SPEED No.1 (experimental)</p>
-<p>S0/16.3 PnP</p>
-<p>16.3c ISA PnP (experimental)</p>
-<p>Teles PCI-TJ</p>
-<br />
-<br />
-<p>Traverse Technologies NETjet-S PCI</p>
-<p>USRobotics Sportster ISDN TA intern</p>
-<p>Winbond W6692 based PCI cards</p>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="SERIAL" name="SERIAL">3.8 Serial Interfaces</a></h3>
-<p>``PC standard'' 8250, 16450, and 16550-based serial ports (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sio</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>AST 4 port serial card using shared IRQ</p>
-<p>ARNET serial cards (<a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ar</span>(4)</span></a> driver)</p>
-<p>ARNET 8 port serial card using shared IRQ</p>
-<p>ARNET (now Digiboard) Sync 570/i high-speed serial</p>
-<br />
-<br />
-<p>Boca multi-port serial cards</p>
-<p>Boca BB1004 4-Port serial card (Modems <span class="emphasis"><i
-class="EMPHASIS">not</i></span> supported)</p>
-<p>Boca IOAT66 6-Port serial card (Modems supported)</p>
-<p>Boca BB1008 8-Port serial card (Modems <span class="emphasis"><i
-class="EMPHASIS">not</i></span> supported)</p>
-<p>Boca BB2016 16-Port serial card (Modems supported)</p>
-<br />
-<br />
-<p>Comtrol Rocketport card (<a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">rp</span>(4)</span></a> driver)</p>
-<p>Cyclades Cyclom-Y serial board (<a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">cy</span>(4)</span></a> driver)</p>
-<p>STB 4 port card using shared IRQ</p>
-<p>DigiBoard intelligent serial cards (digi driver)</p>
-<p>PCI-Based multi-port serial boards (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">puc</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>Actiontech 56K PCI</p>
-<p>Avlab Technology, PCI IO 2S and PCI IO 4S</p>
-<p>Comtrol RocketPort 550</p>
-<p>Decision Computers PCCOM 4-port serial and dual port RS232/422/485</p>
-<p>Dolphin Peripherals 4025/4035/4036</p>
-<p>IC Book Labs Dreadnought 16x Lite and Pro</p>
-<p>Lava Computers 2SP-PCI/DSerial-PCI/Quattro-PCI/Octopus-550</p>
-<p>Middle Digital, Weasle serial port</p>
-<p>Moxa Industio CP-114, Smartio C104H-PCI and C168H/PCI</p>
-<p>NEC PK-UG-X001 and PK-UG-X008</p>
-<p>Netmos NM9835 PCI-2S-550</p>
-<p>Oxford Semiconductor OX16PCI954 PCI UART</p>
-<p>Syba Tech SD-LAB PCI-4S2P-550-ECP</p>
-<p>SIIG Cyber I/O PCI 16C550/16C650/16C850</p>
-<p>SIIG Cyber 2P1S PCI 16C550/16C650/16C850</p>
-<p>SIIG Cyber 2S1P PCI 16C550/16C650/16C850</p>
-<p>SIIG Cyber 4S PCI 16C550/16C650/16C850</p>
-<p>SIIG Cyber Serial (Single and Dual) PCI 16C550/16C650/16C850</p>
-<p>Syba Tech Ltd. PCI-4S2P-550-ECP</p>
-<p>Titan PCI-200H and PCI-800H</p>
-<p>US Robotics (3Com) 3CP5609 modem</p>
-<p>VScom PCI-400 and PCI-800</p>
-<br />
-<br />
-<p>SDL Communication serial boards</p>
-<p>SDL Communications Riscom/8 Serial Board (rc driver)</p>
-<p>SDL Communications RISCom/N2 and N2pci high-speed sync serial boards (<a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sr</span>(4)</span></a> driver)</p>
-<br />
-<br />
-<p>Specialix SI/XIO/SX multiport serial cards, with both the older SIHOST2.x and the new
-``enhanced'' (transputer based, aka JET) host cards (ISA, EISA and PCI are supported) (<a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">si</span>(4)</span></a> driver)</p>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="AUDIO" name="AUDIO">3.9 Audio Devices</a></h3>
-<p>Advance (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sbc</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>Asound 100 and 110</p>
-<p>Logic ALS120 and ALS4000</p>
-<br />
-<br />
-<p>CMedia sound chips</p>
-<br />
-<br />
-<p>Crystal Semiconductor (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">csa</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>CS461x/462x Audio Accelerator</p>
-<p>CS428x Audio Controller</p>
-<br />
-<br />
-<p>ENSONIQ (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pcm</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>AudioPCI ES1370/1371</p>
-<br />
-<br />
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">snd_ess</span>(4)</span></a>
-driver supports the following soundcards:</p>
-<p>Ensoniq ESS ISA PnP/non-PnP</p>
-<p>ES1868, ES1869, ES1879 and ES1888 (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sbc</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>Maestro-1, Maestro-2, and Maestro-2E</p>
-<div class="NOTE">
-<blockquote class="NOTE">
-<p><b>Note:</b> The Maestro-3/Allegro cannot be compiled into the FreeBSD kernel due to
-licensing restrictions. To use this driver, add the following line to <tt
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<kbd class="USERINPUT">snd_maestro3_load="YES"</kbd>
-<br />
-<br />
-<p>ForteMedia fm801</p>
-<p>Gravis (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">gusc</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>UltraSound MAX</p>
-<p>UltraSound PnP</p>
-<br />
-<br />
-<p>Intel 443MX, 810, 815, and 815E integrated sound devices (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pcm</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>MSS/WSS Compatible DSPs (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pcm</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>NeoMagic 256AV/ZX (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pcm</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>OPTi 931/82C931 (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pcm</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>S3 Sonicvibes</p>
-<p>Creative Technologies SoundBlaster series (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sbc</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>SoundBlaster Pro</p>
-<p>SoundBlaster AWE-32</p>
-<p>SoundBlaster AWE-64</p>
-<p>SoundBlaster AWE-64 GOLD</p>
-<p>SoundBlaster ViBRA-16</p>
-<br />
-<br />
-<p>Creative Technologies Sound Blaster Live! series (emu10k1 driver)</p>
-<p>Trident 4DWave DX/NX (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pcm</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>VIA Technologies VT82C686A</p>
-<br />
-<br />
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="CAMERA" name="CAMERA">3.10 Camera and Video Capture
-<p>Brooktree Bt848/849/878/879-based frame grabbers (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">bktr</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>Connectix QuickCam</p>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="USB" name="USB">3.11 USB Devices</a></h3>
-<p>A range of USB peripherals are supported; devices known to work are listed in this
-section. Owing to the generic nature of most USB devices, with some exceptions any device
-of a given class will be supported, even if not explicitly listed here.</p>
-<div class="NOTE">
-<blockquote class="NOTE">
-<p><b>Note:</b> USB Ethernet adapters can be found in the section listing <a
-href="#ETHERNET">Ethernet interfaces</a>.</p>
-<div class="NOTE">
-<blockquote class="NOTE">
-<p><b>Note:</b> USB Bluetooth adapters can be found in <a href="#BLUETOOTH">Bluetooth</a>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ohci</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports all OHCI v1.0 compliant controllers including:</p>
-<p>AcerLabs M5237 (Aladdin-V)</p>
-<p>OPTi 82C861 (FireLink)</p>
-<p>NEC uPD 9210</p>
-<p>CMD Tech 670 (USB0670)</p>
-<p>CMD Tech 673 (USB0673)</p>
-<p>NVIDIA nForce3</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">uhci</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports all UHCI v1.1 compliant controllers including:</p>
-<p>Intel 82371AB/EB (PIIX4)</p>
-<p>Intel 82371SB (PIIX3)</p>
-<p>VIA 83C572</p>
-<p>USB 2.0 controllers using the EHCI interface (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ehci</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>Keyboards (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ukbd</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>Assist Computer Systems PC Camera C-M1</p>
-<p>ActiveWire I/O Board</p>
-<p>Creative Technology Video Blaster WebCam Plus</p>
-<p>D-Link DSB-R100 USB Radio (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ufm</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>Mirunet AlphaCam Plus</p>
-<br />
-<br />
-<p>The following devices are supported by the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">urio</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>Diamond MultiMedia Rio 500</p>
-<p>Diamond MultiMedia Rio 600</p>
-<p>Diamond MultiMedia Rio 800</p>
-<p>Devices supported by the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">umodem</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-<p>3Com 5605</p>
-<p>Metricom Ricochet GS USB wireless modem</p>
-<p>Yamaha Broadband Wireless Router RTW65b</p>
-<p>Mice (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ums</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ulpt</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-provides support for USB printers and parallel printer conversion cables, including the
-<p>ATen parallel printer adapter</p>
-<p>Belkin F5U002 parallel printer adapter</p>
-<p>Canon BJ F850, S600</p>
-<p>Canon LBP-1310, 350</p>
-<p>Entrega USB-to-parallel printer adapter</p>
-<p>Hewlett-Packard HP Deskjet 3420 (P/N: C8947A #ABJ)</p>
-<p>Oki Data MICROLINE ML660PS</p>
-<p>Seiko Epson PM-900C, 880C, 820C, 730C</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ubsa</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports the following adapters:</p>
-<p>Belkin F5U103</p>
-<p>Belkin F5U120</p>
-<p>e-Tek Labs Kwik232</p>
-<p>GoHubs GoCOM232</p>
-<p>Peracom single port serial adapter</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ubser</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-provides support the BWCT console management serial adapters.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">uftdi</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports the following adapters:</p>
-<p>HP USB-Serial adapter shipped with some HP laptops</p>
-<p>Inland UAS111</p>
-<p>QVS USC-1000</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">uplcom</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports the following adapters:</p>
-<p>ATEN UC-232A</p>
-<p>BAFO BF-800</p>
-<p>BAFO BF-810</p>
-<p>HAL Corporation Crossam2+USB IR commander</p>
-<p>IOGEAR UC-232A</p>
-<p>I/O DATA USB-RSAQ2</p>
-<p>PLANEX USB-RS232 URS-03</p>
-<p>RATOC REX-USB60</p>
-<p>Sandberg USB to Serial Link (model number 133-08)</p>
-<p>SOURCENEXT KeikaiDenwa 8 (with and without charger)</p>
-<p>Sony Ericsson USB Cable (Susteen USB Data Cable)</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">umct</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports the following adapters:</p>
-<p>Magic Control Technology USB-232</p>
-<p>Sitecom USB-232</p>
-<p>D-Link DU-H3SP USB BAY Hub</p>
-<p>Belkin F5U109</p>
-<p>Belkin F5U409</p>
-<p>The following devices are supported by the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">uscanner</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>Acer Acerscan 320U</p>
-<p>Acer Acerscan 620U</p>
-<p>Acer Acerscan 640U</p>
-<p>Acer Acerscan C310U</p>
-<p>AGFA SnapScan 1212U</p>
-<p>AGFA SnapScan 1236U</p>
-<p>AGFA SnapScan e20</p>
-<p>AGFA SnapScan e25</p>
-<p>AGFA SnapScan e26</p>
-<p>AGFA SnapScan e40</p>
-<p>AGFA SnapScan e50</p>
-<p>AGFA SnapScan e52</p>
-<p>AGFA SnapScan Touch</p>
-<p>Avision 1200U</p>
-<p>Canon CanoScan N656U</p>
-<p>Canon CanoScan N676U</p>
-<p>Canon CanoScan N1220U</p>
-<p>Canon CanoScan LIDE 20</p>
-<p>Canon CanoScan LIDE 30</p>
-<p>Epson Perfection 610</p>
-<p>Epson Perfection 636U / 636Photo</p>
-<p>Epson Perfection 640U</p>
-<p>Epson Perfection 1200U / 1200Photo</p>
-<p>Epson Perfection 1240U / 1240Photo</p>
-<p>Epson Perfection 1250</p>
-<p>Epson Perfection 1260</p>
-<p>Epson Expression 1600</p>
-<p>Epson Perfection 1640SU</p>
-<p>Epson Perfection 1650</p>
-<p>Epson Perfection 1660</p>
-<p>Epson Perfection 1670</p>
-<p>Epson Perfection 3200</p>
-<p>Epson GT-8400UF</p>
-<p>Epson GT-9300UF</p>
-<p>Epson GT-9700F</p>
-<p>Hewlett Packard Photosmart S20</p>
-<p>Hewlett Packard Scanjet 2200C</p>
-<p>Hewlett Packard Scanjet 3300C</p>
-<p>Hewlett Packard Scanjet 3400CSE</p>
-<p>Hewlett Packard Scanjet 4100C</p>
-<p>Hewlett Packard Scanjet 4200C</p>
-<p>Hewlett Packard Scanjet 4300C</p>
-<p>Hewlett Packard Scanjet 5200C</p>
-<p>Hewlett Packard Scanjet 5300C</p>
-<p>Hewlett Packard Scanjet 5400C</p>
-<p>Hewlett Packard Scanjet 6200C</p>
-<p>Hewlett Packard Scanjet 6300C</p>
-<p>KYE ColorPage Vivid-Pro</p>
-<p>Microtek Phantom 336CX</p>
-<p>Microtek Phantom C6</p>
-<p>Microtek ScanMaker V6UL</p>
-<p>Microtek ScanMaker V6USL</p>
-<p>Microtek ScanMaker X6U</p>
-<p>Minolta 5400</p>
-<p>Mustek 600 CU</p>
-<p>Mustek 1200 CU</p>
-<p>Mustek 1200 UB</p>
-<p>Mustek 1200 USB</p>
-<p>Mustek BearPaw 1200F</p>
-<p>Mustek BearPaw 1200TA</p>
-<p>NatSemi BearPaw 1200</p>
-<p>Nikon CoolScan LS40 ED</p>
-<p>Primax 6200</p>
-<p>Primax Colorado 1200u</p>
-<p>Primax Colorado 600u</p>
-<p>Primax Colorado USB 19200</p>
-<p>Primax Colorado USB 9600</p>
-<p>Primax G2-200</p>
-<p>Primax G2-300</p>
-<p>Primax G2-600</p>
-<p>Primax G2600</p>
-<p>Primax G2E-300</p>
-<p>Primax G2E-3002</p>
-<p>Primax G2E-600</p>
-<p>Primax G2E600</p>
-<p>Primax G2X-300</p>
-<p>Primax G600</p>
-<p>Primax ReadyScan 636i</p>
-<p>Ultima 1200 UB Plus</p>
-<p>UMAX Astra 1220U</p>
-<p>UMAX Astra 1236U</p>
-<p>UMAX Astra 2000U</p>
-<p>UMAX Astra 2100U</p>
-<p>UMAX Astra 2200U</p>
-<p>UMAX Astra 3400</p>
-<p>Visioneer OneTouch 3000</p>
-<p>Visioneer OneTouch 5300</p>
-<p>Visioneer OneTouch 7600</p>
-<p>Visioneer OneTouch 6100</p>
-<p>Visioneer OneTouch 6200</p>
-<p>Visioneer OneTouch 8100</p>
-<p>Visioneer OneTouch 8600</p>
-<p>Storage (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">umass</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>ADTEC Stick Drive AD-UST32M, 64M, 128M, 256M</p>
-<p>Denno FireWire/USB2 Removable 2.5-inch HDD Case MIFU-25CB20</p>
-<p>FujiFilm Zip USB Drive ZDR100 USB A</p>
-<p>GREEN HOUSE USB Flash Memory ``PicoDrive'' GH-UFD32M, 64M, 128M</p>
-<p>IBM 32MB USB Memory Key (P/N 22P5296)</p>
-<p>IBM ThinkPad USB Portable CD-ROM Drive (P/N 33L5151)</p>
-<p>I-O DATA USB x6 CD-RW Drive CDRW-i64/USB (CDROM only)</p>
-<p>Iomega USB Zip 100Mb (primitive support still)</p>
-<p>Iomega Zip750 USB2.0 Drive</p>
-<p>Keian USB1.1/2.0 3.5-inch HDD Case KU350A</p>
-<p>Kurouto Shikou USB 2.5-inch HDD Case GAWAP2.5PS-USB2.0</p>
-<p>Logitec USB1.1/2.0 HDD Unit SHD-E60U2</p>
-<p>Logitec Mobile USB Memory LMC-256UD</p>
-<p>Logitec USB Double-Speed Floppy Drive LFD-31U2</p>
-<p>Logitec USB/IEEE1394 DVD-RAM/R/RW Unit LDR-N21FU2 (CDROM only)</p>
-<p>Matshita CF-VFDU03 floppy drive</p>
-<p>MELCO USB2.0 MO Drive MO-CH640U2</p>
-<p>I-O DATA USB/IEEE1394 Portable HD Drive HDP-i30P/CI, HDP-i40P/CI</p>
-<p>MELCO USB Flash Disk ``PetitDrive'', RUF-32M, -64M, -128M, -256M</p>
-<p>MELCO USB2.0 Flash Disk ``PetitDrive2'', RUF-256M/U2, -512M/U2</p>
-<p>MELCO USB Flash Disk ``ClipDrive'', RUF-C32M, -C64M, -C128M, -C256M, -C512M</p>
-<p>Microtech USB-SCSI-HD 50 USB to SCSI cable</p>
-<p>NOVAC USB2.0 2.5/3.5-inch HDD Case NV-HD351U</p>
-<p>Panasonic floppy drive</p>
-<p>Panasonic USB2.0 Portable CD-RW Drive KXL-RW40AN (CDROM only)</p>
-<p>RATOC Systems USB2.0 Removable HDD Case U2-MDK1, U2-MDK1B</p>
-<p>Sony Portable CD-R/RW Drive CRX10U (CDROM only)</p>
-<p>TEAC Portable USB CD-ROM Unit CD-110PU/210PU</p>
-<p>Y-E Data floppy drive (720/1.44/2.88Mb)</p>
-<br />
-<br />
-<p>Audio Devices (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">uaudio</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">uvisor</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports the following devices:</p>
-<p>Handspring Treo</p>
-<p>Handspring Treo 600</p>
-<p>Handspring Visor</p>
-<p>Palm I705</p>
-<p>Palm M125</p>
-<p>Palm M130</p>
-<p>Palm M500</p>
-<p>Palm M505</p>
-<p>Palm M515</p>
-<p>Palm Tungsten T</p>
-<p>Palm Tungsten Z</p>
-<p>Palm Zire</p>
-<p>Palm Zire 31</p>
-<p>Sony Clie 4.0</p>
-<p>Sony Clie 4.1</p>
-<p>Sony Clie 5.0</p>
-<p>Sony Clie PEG-S500C</p>
-<p>Sony Clie NX60</p>
-<p>Sony Clie S360</p>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="FIREWIRE" name="FIREWIRE">3.12 IEEE 1394 (Firewire)
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">fwohci</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-provides support for PCI/CardBus firewire interface cards. The driver supports the
-following IEEE 1394 OHCI chipsets:</p>
-<p>Adaptec AHA-894x/AIC-5800</p>
-<p>Apple Pangea</p>
-<p>Apple UniNorth</p>
-<p>Intel 82372FB</p>
-<p>Lucent FW322/323</p>
-<p>NEC uPD72861</p>
-<p>NEC uPD72870</p>
-<p>NEC uPD72871/2</p>
-<p>NEC uPD72873</p>
-<p>NEC uPD72874</p>
-<p>National Semiconductor CS4210</p>
-<p>Ricoh R5C551</p>
-<p>Ricoh R5C552</p>
-<p>Sony CX3022</p>
-<p>Sony i.LINK (CXD1947)</p>
-<p>Sony i.LINK (CXD3222)</p>
-<p>Texas Instruments PCI4410A</p>
-<p>Texas Instruments PCI4450</p>
-<p>Texas Instruments PCI4451</p>
-<p>Texas Instruments TSB12LV22</p>
-<p>Texas Instruments TSB12LV23</p>
-<p>Texas Instruments TSB12LV26</p>
-<p>Texas Instruments TSB43AA22</p>
-<p>Texas Instruments TSB43AB21/A/AI/A-EP</p>
-<p>Texas Instruments TSB43AB22/A</p>
-<p>Texas Instruments TSB43AB23</p>
-<p>Texas Instruments TSB82AA2</p>
-<p>VIA Fire II (VT6306)</p>
-<p>Serial Bus Protocol 2 (SBP-2) storage devices (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sbp</span>(4)</span></a>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="BLUETOOTH" name="BLUETOOTH">3.13 Bluetooth Devices</a></h3>
-<p>PCCARD Host Controllers (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ng_bt3c</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>3Com/HP 3CRWB6096-A PCCARD adapter</p>
-<br />
-<br />
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ng_ubt</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports all Bluetooth USB devices that conform with the Bluetooth specification v1.1,
-<p>3Com 3CREB96</p>
-<p>AIPTEK BR0R02</p>
-<p>EPoX BT-DG02</p>
-<p>Mitsumi Bluetooth USB adapter</p>
-<p>MSI MS-6967</p>
-<p>TDK Bluetooth USB adapter</p>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="CRYPTO-ACCEL" name="CRYPTO-ACCEL">3.14 Cryptographic
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">hifn</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports various cards containing the Hifn 7751, 7951, 7811, 7955, and 7956 chipsets,
-such as:</p>
-<p>Invertex AEON</p>
-<p>Hifn 7751</p>
-<p>NetSec 7751</p>
-<p>Soekris Engineering vpn1201 and vpn1211</p>
-<p>Soekris Engineering vpn1401 and vpn1411</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">safe</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports cards containing any of the following chips:</p>
-<p>SafeNet 1141</p>
-<p>SafeNet 1741</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ubsec</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports cards containing any of the following chips:</p>
-<p>Bluesteel 5501</p>
-<p>Bluesteel 5601</p>
-<p>Broadcom BCM5801</p>
-<p>Broadcom BCM5802</p>
-<p>Broadcom BCM5805</p>
-<p>Broadcom BCM5820</p>
-<p>Broadcom BCM5821</p>
-<p>Broadcom BCM5822</p>
-<p>Broadcom BCM5823</p>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="MISC" name="MISC">3.15 Miscellaneous</a></h3>
-<p>Nokia Card Phone 2.0 (gsm900/dcs1800 HSCSD terminal)</p>
-<br />
-<br />
-<p>Floppy drives (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">fdc</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>VGA-compatible video cards (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">vga</span>(4)</span></a>
-<div class="NOTE">
-<blockquote class="NOTE">
-<p><b>Note:</b> Information regarding specific video cards and compatibility with <b
-class="APPLICATION">XFree86</b> can be found at <a href="http://www.xfree86.org/"
-<br />
-<br />
-<p>Keyboards including:</p>
-<p>AT-style keyboards (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">atkbd</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>PS/2 keyboards (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">atkbd</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>USB keyboards (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ukbd</span>(4)</span></a>
-<br />
-<br />
-<p>Pointing devices including:</p>
-<p>Bus mice and compatible devices (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">mse</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>PS/2 mice and compatible devices, including many laptop pointing devices (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">psm</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>Serial mice and compatible devices</p>
-<p>USB mice (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ums</span>(4)</span></a>
-<div class="NOTE">
-<blockquote class="NOTE">
-<p><b>Note:</b> <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">moused</span>(8)</span></a> has
-more information on using pointing devices with FreeBSD. Information on using pointing
-devices with <b class="APPLICATION">XFree86</b> can be found at <a
-href="http://www.xfree86.org/" target="_top">http://www.xfree86.org/</a>.</p>
-<br />
-<br />
-<p>``PC standard'' parallel ports (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ppc</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>PC-compatible joysticks (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">joy</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>PHS Data Communication Card/PCCARD</p>
-<p>NTT DoCoMo P-in Comp@ct</p>
-<p>Panasonic KX-PH405</p>
-<p>SII MC-P200</p>
-<br />
-<br />
-<p>Xilinx XC6200-based reconfigurable hardware cards compatible with the HOT1 from <a
-href="http://www.vcc.com/" target="_top">Virtual Computers</a> (xrpu driver).</p>
-<hr />
-<p align="center"><small>This file, and other release-related documents, can be
-downloaded from <a href="ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/">ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/</a>.</small></p>
-<p align="center"><small>For questions about FreeBSD, read the <a
-href="http://www.FreeBSD.org/docs.html">documentation</a> before contacting &#60;<a
-<p align="center"><small>For questions about this documentation, e-mail &#60;<a
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-<div class="TITLEPAGE">
-<h1 class="TITLE"><a id="AEN2" name="AEN2">FreeBSD/ia64 5.3-RELEASE Hardware
-<h3 class="CORPAUTHOR">The FreeBSD Documentation Project</h3>
-<p class="COPYRIGHT">Copyright &copy; 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 The FreeBSD
-Documentation Project</p>
-<hr />
-<div class="TOC">
-<dt><b>Table of Contents</b></dt>
-<dt>1 <a href="#INTRO">Introduction</a></dt>
-<dt>2 <a href="#PROC-IA64">Supported Processors and Motherboards</a></dt>
-<dt>2.1 <a href="#AEN39">Supported Devices Overview</a></dt>
-<dt>3 <a href="#SUPPORT">Supported Devices</a></dt>
-<dt>3.1 <a href="#DISK">Disk Controllers</a></dt>
-<dt>3.2 <a href="#ETHERNET">Ethernet Interfaces</a></dt>
-<dt>3.3 <a href="#FDDI">FDDI Interfaces</a></dt>
-<dt>3.4 <a href="#ATM">ATM Interfaces</a></dt>
-<dt>3.5 <a href="#WLAN">Wireless Network Interfaces</a></dt>
-<dt>3.6 <a href="#MISC-NETWORK">Miscellaneous Networks</a></dt>
-<dt>3.7 <a href="#ISDN">ISDN Interfaces</a></dt>
-<dt>3.8 <a href="#SERIAL">Serial Interfaces</a></dt>
-<dt>3.9 <a href="#AUDIO">Audio Devices</a></dt>
-<dt>3.10 <a href="#CAMERA">Camera and Video Capture Devices</a></dt>
-<dt>3.11 <a href="#USB">USB Devices</a></dt>
-<dt>3.12 <a href="#FIREWIRE">IEEE 1394 (Firewire) Devices</a></dt>
-<dt>3.13 <a href="#BLUETOOTH">Bluetooth Devices</a></dt>
-<dt>3.14 <a href="#CRYPTO-ACCEL">Cryptographic Accelerators</a></dt>
-<dt>3.15 <a href="#MISC">Miscellaneous</a></dt>
-<blockquote class="ABSTRACT">
-<div class="ABSTRACT"><a id="AEN12" name="AEN12"></a>
-<p>This is a preliminary document. It is incomplete, and in need of additional content.
-Please send additional information on IA-64 processors, motherboards, and various devices
-working on FreeBSD to the <a
-href="http://lists.FreeBSD.org/mailman/listinfo/freebsd-ia64" target="_top">FreeBSD IA64
-porting mailing list</a>.</p>
-<div class="SECT1">
-<hr />
-<h2 class="SECT1"><a id="INTRO" name="INTRO">1 Introduction</a></h2>
-<p>This document contains the hardware compatibility notes for FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE on the
-IA-64 hardware platform (also referred to as FreeBSD/ia64 5.3-RELEASE). It lists devices
-known to work on this platform, as well as some notes on boot-time kernel customization
-that may be useful when attempting to configure support for new devices.</p>
-<div class="NOTE">
-<blockquote class="NOTE">
-<p><b>Note:</b> This document includes information specific to the IA-64 hardware
-platform. Versions of the hardware compatibility notes for other architectures will
-differ in some details.</p>
-<p>More information on FreeBSD/ia64 is contained on the <a
-href="http://www.FreeBSD.org/platforms/ia64/index.html" target="_top">FreeBSD/ia64
-Project</a> page.</p>
-<div class="SECT1">
-<hr />
-<h2 class="SECT1"><a id="PROC-IA64" name="PROC-IA64">2 Supported Processors and
-<p>Currently supported processors are the <a
-href="http://www.intel.com/design/itanium/itanium/index.htm" target="_top">Itanium</a>
-and the <a href="http://www.intel.com/design/itanium2/index.htm" target="_top">Itanium
-<p>Supported chipsets include:</p>
-<p>HP zx1 (only on development branch, see the <a href="http://perforce.FreeBSD.org/"
-target="_top">Perforce repository</a>)</p>
-<p>HP i2000</p>
-<p>Intel 460GX</p>
-<p>Intel E8870</p>
-<p>Both Uniprocessor (UP) and Symmetric Multi-processor (SMP) configurations are under
-active development. At this time, SMP-enabled systems are considered less stable. The
-current priorities are UP fixes to improve stability.</p>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="AEN39" name="AEN39">2.1 Supported Devices Overview</a></h3>
-<p>This section contains additional information about what devices may or may not be
-supported by FreeBSD/ia64.</p>
-<p>Except for the PC chipset embedded <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ata</span>(4)</span></a>
-controllers, most should work out of the box. Eventually, all ia64-compatible ATA
-controllers are expected to be fully supported. Refer to the following sections for
-various disk controllers and their current status.</p>
-<p>In general, ``PC standard'' serial ports supported by the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sio</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-are expected to work on Intel legacy machines, but not PA legacy machines. The reason is
-that all devices on HP machines are memory-mapped and there is <span class="emphasis"><i
-class="EMPHASIS">no</i></span> ISA device support other than the PCI dictated VGA
-<p>In addition to <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sio</span>(4)</span></a> devices,
-the following devices fail on non-Intel legacy machines (but should work on boxes with an
-Intel legacy) because their drivers make ISA-specific assumptions that do not hold:</p>
-<div class="INFORMALTABLE"><a id="AEN56" name="AEN56"></a>
-<table border="0" frame="void" class="CALSTABLE">
-<col />
-<col />
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sio</span>(4)</span></a></td>
-<td>No support for memory-mapped I/O</td>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">syscons</span>(4)</span></a></td>
-<td>Expect BIOS, VGA probes, etc.</td>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pcm</span>(4)</span></a></td>
-<td>Probes MSS ISA ports <span class="emphasis"><i class="EMPHASIS">ad
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">atkbd</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">psm</span>(4)</span></a></td>
-<td>Fixed ISA port locations</td>
-<div class="SECT1">
-<hr />
-<h2 class="SECT1"><a id="SUPPORT" name="SUPPORT">3 Supported Devices</a></h2>
-$FreeBSD: src/release/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/hardware/common/dev.sgml,v
-2004/11/03 00:18:51 simon Exp $
-<p>This section describes the devices currently known to be supported by with FreeBSD on
-the IA-64 platform. Other configurations may also work, but simply have not been tested
-yet. Feedback, updates, and corrections to this list are encouraged.</p>
-<p>Where possible, the drivers applicable to each device or class of devices is listed.
-If the driver in question has a manual page in the FreeBSD base distribution (most
-should), it is referenced here. Information on specific models of supported devices,
-controllers, etc. can be found in the manual pages.</p>
-<div class="NOTE">
-<blockquote class="NOTE">
-<p><b>Note:</b> The device lists in this document are being generated automatically from
-FreeBSD manual pages. This means that some devices, which are supported by multiple
-drivers, may appear multiple times.</p>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="DISK" name="DISK">3.1 Disk Controllers</a></h3>
-<p>IDE/ATA controllers (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ata</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ahc</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports the following SCSI host adapter chips and SCSI controller cards:</p>
-<p>Adaptec AIC7770 host adapter chip</p>
-<p>Adaptec AIC7850 host adapter chip</p>
-<p>Adaptec AIC7860 host adapter chip</p>
-<p>Adaptec AIC7870 host adapter chip</p>
-<p>Adaptec AIC7880 host adapter chip</p>
-<p>Adaptec AIC7890 host adapter chip</p>
-<p>Adaptec AIC7891 host adapter chip</p>
-<p>Adaptec AIC7892 host adapter chip</p>
-<p>Adaptec AIC7895 host adapter chip</p>
-<p>Adaptec AIC7896 host adapter chip</p>
-<p>Adaptec AIC7897 host adapter chip</p>
-<p>Adaptec AIC7899 host adapter chip</p>
-<p>Adaptec 274X(W)</p>
-<p>Adaptec 274X(T)</p>
-<p>Adaptec 284X</p>
-<p>Adaptec 2910</p>
-<p>Adaptec 2915</p>
-<p>Adaptec 2920</p>
-<p>Adaptec 2930C</p>
-<p>Adaptec 2930U2</p>
-<p>Adaptec 2940</p>
-<p>Adaptec 2940J</p>
-<p>Adaptec 2940N</p>
-<p>Adaptec 2940U</p>
-<p>Adaptec 2940AU</p>
-<p>Adaptec 2940UW</p>
-<p>Adaptec 2940UW Dual</p>
-<p>Adaptec 2940UW Pro</p>
-<p>Adaptec 2940U2W</p>
-<p>Adaptec 2940U2B</p>
-<p>Adaptec 2950U2W</p>
-<p>Adaptec 2950U2B</p>
-<p>Adaptec 19160B</p>
-<p>Adaptec 29160B</p>
-<p>Adaptec 29160N</p>
-<p>Adaptec 3940</p>
-<p>Adaptec 3940U</p>
-<p>Adaptec 3940AU</p>
-<p>Adaptec 3940UW</p>
-<p>Adaptec 3940AUW</p>
-<p>Adaptec 3940U2W</p>
-<p>Adaptec 3950U2</p>
-<p>Adaptec 3960</p>
-<p>Adaptec 39160</p>
-<p>Adaptec 3985</p>
-<p>Adaptec 4944UW</p>
-<p>NEC PC-9821Xt13 (PC-98)</p>
-<p>NEC RvII26 (PC-98)</p>
-<p>NEC PC-9821X-B02L/B09 (PC-98)</p>
-<p>NEC SV-98/2-B03 (PC-98)</p>
-<p>Many motherboards with on-board SCSI support</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ahd</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports the following:</p>
-<p>Adaptec AIC7901 host adapter chip</p>
-<p>Adaptec AIC7901A host adapter chip</p>
-<p>Adaptec AIC7902 host adapter chip</p>
-<p>Adaptec 29320 host adapter</p>
-<p>Adaptec 39320 host adapter</p>
-<p>Many motherboards with on-board SCSI support</p>
-<p>Controllers supported by the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">aac</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-<p>Adaptec AAC-364</p>
-<p>Adaptec SCSI RAID 2120S</p>
-<p>Adaptec SCSI RAID 2130S</p>
-<p>Adaptec SCSI RAID 2200S</p>
-<p>Adaptec SCSI RAID 2410SA</p>
-<p>Adaptec SCSI RAID 2810SA</p>
-<p>Adaptec SCSI RAID 5400S</p>
-<p>Dell CERC SATA RAID 2</p>
-<p>Dell PERC 2/Si</p>
-<p>Dell PERC 2/QC</p>
-<p>Dell PERC 3/Si</p>
-<p>Dell PERC 3/Di</p>
-<p>Dell PERC 320/DC</p>
-<p>HP NetRAID 4M</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">dpt</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-provides support for the following RAID adapters:</p>
-<p>DPT Smart Cache Plus</p>
-<p>Smart Cache II (PM2?2?, PM2022 [EISA], PM2024/PM2124 [PCI]) (Gen2)</p>
-<p>Smart RAID II (PM3?2?, PM3021, PM3222)</p>
-<p>Smart Cache III (PM2?3?)</p>
-<p>Smart RAID III (PM3?3?, PM3332 [EISA], PM3334UW [PCI]) (Gen3)</p>
-<p>Smart Cache IV (PM2?4?, PM2042 [EISA], PM2044/PM2144 [PCI]) (Gen4)</p>
-<p>Smart RAID IV</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">amr</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports the following:</p>
-<p>AMI MegaRAID 320-1</p>
-<p>AMI MegaRAID 320-2</p>
-<p>AMI MegaRAID 320-4X</p>
-<p>AMI MegaRAID Series 418</p>
-<p>AMI MegaRAID Enterprise 1200 (Series 428)</p>
-<p>AMI MegaRAID Enterprise 1300 (Series 434)</p>
-<p>AMI MegaRAID Enterprise 1400 (Series 438)</p>
-<p>AMI MegaRAID Enterprise 1500 (Series 467)</p>
-<p>AMI MegaRAID Enterprise 1600 (Series 471)</p>
-<p>AMI MegaRAID Elite 1500 (Series 467)</p>
-<p>AMI MegaRAID Elite 1600 (Series 493)</p>
-<p>AMI MegaRAID Elite 1650 (Series 4xx)</p>
-<p>AMI MegaRAID Express 100 (Series 466WS)</p>
-<p>AMI MegaRAID Express 200 (Series 466)</p>
-<p>AMI MegaRAID Express 300 (Series 490)</p>
-<p>AMI MegaRAID Express 500 (Series 475)</p>
-<p>Dell PERC</p>
-<p>Dell PERC 2/SC</p>
-<p>Dell PERC 2/DC</p>
-<p>Dell PERC 3/DCL</p>
-<p>Dell PERC 3/QC</p>
-<p>Dell PERC 4/Di</p>
-<p>HP NetRAID-1/Si</p>
-<p>HP NetRAID-3/Si (D4943A)</p>
-<p>HP Embedded NetRAID</p>
-<p>Controllers supported by the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">mlx</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-<p>Mylex DAC960P</p>
-<p>Mylex DAC960PD / DEC KZPSC (Fast Wide)</p>
-<p>Mylex DAC960PDU</p>
-<p>Mylex DAC960PL</p>
-<p>Mylex DAC960PJ</p>
-<p>Mylex DAC960PG</p>
-<p>Mylex DAC960PU / DEC PZPAC (Ultra Wide)</p>
-<p>Mylex AcceleRAID 150 (DAC960PRL)</p>
-<p>Mylex AcceleRAID 250 (DAC960PTL1)</p>
-<p>Mylex eXtremeRAID 1100 (DAC1164P)</p>
-<p>RAIDarray 230 controllers, aka the Ultra-SCSI DEC KZPAC-AA (1-ch, 4MB cache), KZPAC-CA
-(3-ch, 4MB), KZPAC-CB (3-ch, 8MB cache)</p>
-<p>All major firmware revisions (2.x, 3.x, 4.x and 5.x) are supported, however it is
-always advisable to upgrade to the most recent firmware available for the controller.
-Compatible Mylex controllers not listed should work, but have not been verified.</p>
-<p>Controllers supported by the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">mly</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-<p>Mylex AcceleRAID 160</p>
-<p>Mylex AcceleRAID 170</p>
-<p>Mylex AcceleRAID 352</p>
-<p>Mylex eXtremeRAID 2000</p>
-<p>Mylex eXtremeRAID 3000</p>
-<p>Compatible Mylex controllers not listed should work, but have not been verified.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sym</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-provides support for the following Symbios/LSI Logic PCI SCSI controllers:</p>
-<p>The SCSI controllers supported by <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sym</span>(4)</span></a> can be
-either embedded on a motherboard, or on one of the following add-on boards:</p>
-<p>ASUS SC-200, SC-896</p>
-<p>Data Technology DTC3130 (all variants)</p>
-<p>DawiControl DC2976UW</p>
-<p>Diamond FirePort (all)</p>
-<p>I-O DATA SC-UPCI (PC-98)</p>
-<p>Logitec LHA-521UA (PC-98)</p>
-<p>NCR cards (all)</p>
-<p>Symbios cards (all)</p>
-<p>Tekram DC390W, 390U, 390F, 390U2B, 390U2W, 390U3D, and 390U3W</p>
-<p>Tyan S1365</p>
-<p>Cards supported by the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">isp</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-<p>PTI SBS440</p>
-<p>PTI SBS450</p>
-<p>Qlogic 1240</p>
-<p>Qlogic 1020</p>
-<p>Qlogic 1040</p>
-<p>Qlogic 1080</p>
-<p>Qlogic 1280</p>
-<p>Qlogic 12160</p>
-<p>Qlogic 2100</p>
-<p>Qlogic 2102</p>
-<p>Qlogic 2200</p>
-<p>Qlogic 2202</p>
-<p>Qlogic 2204</p>
-<p>Qlogic 2300</p>
-<p>Qlogic 2312</p>
-<p>PTI SBS470</p>
-<p>Antares P-0033</p>
-<p>Controllers supported by the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ciss</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-<p>Compaq Smart Array 5300</p>
-<p>Compaq Smart Array 532</p>
-<p>Compaq Smart Array 5i</p>
-<p>HP Smart Array 5312</p>
-<p>HP Smart Array 6i</p>
-<p>HP Smart Array 641</p>
-<p>HP Smart Array 642</p>
-<p>HP Smart Array 6400</p>
-<p>HP Smart Array 6400 EM</p>
-<p>HP Smart Array 6422</p>
-<p>HP Smart Array V100</p>
-<p>HP Modular Smart Array 20 (MSA20)</p>
-<p>HP Modular Smart Array 500 (MSA500)</p>
-<p>Controllers supported by the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">iir</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-<p>Intel RAID Controller SRCMR</p>
-<p>Intel Server RAID Controller U3-l (SRCU31a)</p>
-<p>Intel Server RAID Controller U3-1L (SRCU31La)</p>
-<p>Intel Server RAID Controller U3-2 (SRCU32)</p>
-<p>All past and future releases of Intel and ICP RAID Controllers.</p>
-<p>Intel RAID Controller SRCU21 (discontinued)</p>
-<p>Intel RAID Controller SRCU31 (older revision, not compatible)</p>
-<p>Intel RAID Controller SRCU31L (older revision, not compatible)</p>
-<p>The SRCU31 and SRCU31L can be updated via a firmware update available from Intel.</p>
-<p>The following controllers are supported by the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">mpt</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>LSI Logic 53c1030 (Dual Ultra320 SCSI)</p>
-<p>LSI Logic FC909 (1Gb/s Fibre Channel)</p>
-<p>LSI Logic FC909A (Dual 1Gb/s Fibre Channel)</p>
-<p>LSI Logic FC919 (2Gb/s Fibre Channel)</p>
-<p>LSI Logic FC929 (Dual 2Gb/s Fibre Channel)</p>
-<p>The SCSI controller chips supprted by the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">mpt</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-can be found onboard on many systems including:</p>
-<p>Dell PowerEdge 1750</p>
-<p>IBM eServer xSeries 335</p>
-<p>With all supported SCSI controllers, full support is provided for SCSI-I, SCSI-II, and
-SCSI-III peripherals, including hard disks, optical disks, tape drives (including DAT,
-8mm Exabyte, Mammoth, and DLT), medium changers, processor target devices and CD-ROM
-drives. WORM devices that support CD-ROM commands are supported for read-only access by
-the CD-ROM drivers (such as <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">cd</span>(4)</span></a>).
-WORM/CD-R/CD-RW writing support is provided by <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">cdrecord</span>(1)</span></a>, which is
-a part of the <a
-class="FILENAME">sysutils/cdrtools</tt></a> port in the Ports Collection.</p>
-<p>The following CD-ROM type systems are supported at this time:</p>
-<p>SCSI interface (also includes ProAudio Spectrum and SoundBlaster SCSI) (<a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">cd</span>(4)</span></a>)</p>
-<p>ATAPI IDE interface (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">acd</span>(4)</span></a>)</p>
-<br />
-<br />
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="ETHERNET" name="ETHERNET">3.2 Ethernet Interfaces</a></h3>
-<p>Adapters supported by the <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sf</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-<p>ANA-62011 64-bit single port 10/100baseTX adapter</p>
-<p>ANA-62022 64-bit dual port 10/100baseTX adapter</p>
-<p>ANA-62044 64-bit quad port 10/100baseTX adapter</p>
-<p>ANA-69011 32-bit single port 10/100baseTX adapter</p>
-<p>ANA-62020 64-bit single port 100baseFX adapter</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pcn</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports adapters and embedded controllers based on the AMD PCnet/FAST, PCnet/FAST+,
-PCnet/FAST III, PCnet/PRO and PCnet/Home Fast Ethernet chips:</p>
-<p>AMD Am53C974/Am79C970/Am79C974 PCnet-PCI</p>
-<p>AMD Am79C970A PCnet-PCI II</p>
-<p>AMD Am79C971 PCnet-FAST</p>
-<p>AMD Am79C972 PCnet-FAST+</p>
-<p>AMD Am79C973/Am79C975 PCnet-FAST III</p>
-<p>AMD Am79C976 PCnet-PRO</p>
-<p>AMD PCnet/Home HomePNA</p>
-<p>Allied-Telesis LA-PCI</p>
-<p>Contec C-NET(98)S (PC-98)</p>
-<p>NEC SV-98/2-B05, B06</p>
-<p>Adapters supported by the <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">rl</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-<p>Accton ``Cheetah'' EN1207D (MPX 5030/5038; RealTek 8139 clone)</p>
-<p>Allied Telesyn AT2550</p>
-<p>Allied Telesyn AT2500TX</p>
-<p>Belkin F5D5000</p>
-<p>BUFFALO(Melco INC.) LPC-CB-CLX(CardBus)</p>
-<p>Compaq HNE-300</p>
-<p>CompUSA no-name 10/100 PCI Ethernet NIC</p>
-<p>Corega FEther CB-TXD</p>
-<p>Corega FEtherII CB-TXD</p>
-<p>D-Link DFE-530TX+</p>
-<p>D-Link DFE-538TX (same as 530+?)</p>
-<p>D-Link DFE-690TXD</p>
-<p>Edimax EP-4103DL CardBus</p>
-<p>Encore ENL832-TX 10/100 M PCI</p>
-<p>Farallon NetLINE 10/100 PCI</p>
-<p>Genius GF100TXR,</p>
-<p>GigaFast Ethernet EE100-AXP</p>
-<p>KTX-9130TX 10/100 Fast Ethernet</p>
-<p>LevelOne FPC-0106TX</p>
-<p>Longshine LCS-8038TX-R</p>
-<p>NDC Communications NE100TX-E</p>
-<p>Netronix Inc. EA-1210 NetEther 10/100</p>
-<p>Nortel Networks 10/100BaseTX</p>
-<p>OvisLink LEF-8129TX</p>
-<p>OvisLink LEF-8139TX</p>
-<p>Peppercon AG ROL-F</p>
-<p>Planex FNW-3800-TX</p>
-<p>SMC EZ Card 10/100 PCI 1211-TX</p>
-<p>SOHO(PRAGMATIC) UE-1211C</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sis</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports Silicon Integrated Systems SiS 900 and SiS 7016 based Fast Ethernet adapters and
-embedded controllers, as well as Fast Ethernet adapters based on the National
-Semiconductor DP83815 (MacPhyter) chip. Supported adapters include:</p>
-<p>Netgear FA311-TX (DP83815)</p>
-<p>Netgear FA312-TX (DP83815)</p>
-<p>SiS 630, 635, and 735 motherboard chipsets</p>
-<p>The <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">dc</span>(4)</span></a> driver provides
-support for the following chipsets:</p>
-<p>DEC/Intel 21143</p>
-<p>ADMtek AL981 Comet, AN985 Centaur, ADM9511 Centaur II and ADM9513 Centaur II</p>
-<p>ASIX Electronics AX88140A and AX88141</p>
-<p>Conexant LANfinity RS7112 (miniPCI)</p>
-<p>Davicom DM9009, DM9100, DM9102 and DM9102A</p>
-<p>Lite-On 82c168 and 82c169 PNIC</p>
-<p>Lite-On/Macronix 82c115 PNIC II</p>
-<p>Macronix 98713, 98713A, 98715, 98715A, 98715AEC-C, 98725, 98727 and 98732</p>
-<p>Xircom X3201 (cardbus only)</p>
-<p>The following NICs are known to work with the <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">dc</span>(4)</span></a> driver at this
-<p>3Com OfficeConnect 10/100B (ADMtek AN985 Centaur-P)</p>
-<p>Abocom FE2500</p>
-<p>Accton EN1217 (98715A)</p>
-<p>Accton EN2242 MiniPCI</p>
-<p>Adico AE310TX (98715A)</p>
-<p>Alfa Inc GFC2204 (ASIX AX88140A)</p>
-<p>Built in 10Mbps only Ethernet on Compaq Presario 7900 series desktops (21143,
-<p>Built in DE500-BA on DEC Alpha workstations (21143, non-MII)</p>
-<p>Built in Sun DMFE 10/100 Mbps Ethernet on Sun Netra X1 and Sun Fire V100 (DM9102A,
-<p>Built in Ethernet on LinkSys EtherFast 10/100 Instant GigaDrive (DM9102, MII)</p>
-<p>CNet Pro110B (ASIX AX88140A)</p>
-<p>CNet Pro120A (98715A or 98713A) and CNet Pro120B (98715)</p>
-<p>Compex RL100-TX (98713 or 98713A)</p>
-<p>D-Link DFE-570TX (21143, MII, quad port)</p>
-<p>Digital DE500-BA 10/100 (21143, non-MII)</p>
-<p>ELECOM Laneed LD-CBL/TXA (ADMtek AN985)</p>
-<p>Hawking CB102 CardBus</p>
-<p>IBM EtherJet Cardbus Adapter</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/100 Mobile Cardbus (versions that use the X3201 chipset)</p>
-<p>Jaton XpressNet (Davicom DM9102)</p>
-<p>Kingston KNE100TX (21143, MII)</p>
-<p>Kingston KNE110TX (PNIC 82c169)</p>
-<p>LinkSys LNE100TX (PNIC 82c168, 82c169)</p>
-<p>LinkSys LNE100TX v2.0 (PNIC II 82c115)</p>
-<p>LinkSys LNE100TX v4.0/4.1 (ADMtek AN985 Centaur-P)</p>
-<p>Matrox FastNIC 10/100 (PNIC 82c168, 82c169)</p>
-<p>Melco LGY-PCI-TXL</p>
-<p>Microsoft MN-120 10/100 CardBus (ADMTek Centaur-C)</p>
-<p>Microsoft MN-130 10/100 PCI (ADMTek Centaur-P)</p>
-<p>NDC SOHOware SFA110A (98713A)</p>
-<p>NDC SOHOware SFA110A Rev B4 (98715AEC-C)</p>
-<p>NetGear FA310-TX Rev. D1, D2 or D3 (PNIC 82c169)</p>
-<p>Netgear FA511</p>
-<p>PlaneX FNW-3602-T (ADMtek AN985)</p>
-<p>SMC EZ Card 10/100 1233A-TX (ADMtek AN985)</p>
-<p>SVEC PN102-TX (98713)</p>
-<p>Xircom Cardbus Realport</p>
-<p>Xircom Cardbus Ethernet 10/100</p>
-<p>Xircom Cardbus Ethernet II 10/100</p>
-<p>Adapters supported by the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">aue</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-<p>Abocom UFE1000, DSB650TX_NA</p>
-<p>Accton USB320-EC, SpeedStream</p>
-<p>ADMtek AN986, AN8511</p>
-<p>Billionton USB100, USB100LP, USB100EL, USBE100</p>
-<p>Corega Ether FEther USB-T, FEther USB-TX, FEther USB-TXS</p>
-<p>D-Link DSB-650, DSB-650TX, DSB-650TX-PNA</p>
-<p>Elecom LD-USBL/TX</p>
-<p>Elsa Microlink USB2Ethernet</p>
-<p>HP hn210e</p>
-<p>I-O Data USB ETTX</p>
-<p>Kingston KNU101TX</p>
-<p>LinkSys USB10T adapters that contain the AN986 Pegasus chipset, USB10TA, USB10TX,
-USB100TX, USB100H1</p>
-<p>Planex UE-200TX</p>
-<p>Sandberg USB to Network Link (model number 133-06)</p>
-<p>Siemens Speedstream</p>
-<p>SmartBridges smartNIC</p>
-<p>SMC 2202USB</p>
-<p>SOHOware NUB100</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">cue</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports CATC USB-EL1210A based USB Ethernet adapters including:</p>
-<p>Belkin F5U011/F5U111</p>
-<p>CATC Netmate</p>
-<p>CATC Netmate II</p>
-<p>SmartBridges SmartLink</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">kue</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports Kawasaki LSI KL5KLUSB101B based USB Ethernet adapters including:</p>
-<p>3Com 3c19250</p>
-<p>3Com 3c460 HomeConnect Ethernet USB Adapter</p>
-<p>ADS Technologies USB-10BT</p>
-<p>AOX USB101</p>
-<p>ATen UC10T</p>
-<p>Abocom URE 450</p>
-<p>Corega USB-T</p>
-<p>D-Link DSB-650C</p>
-<p>Entrega NET-USB-E45, NET-HUB-3U1E</p>
-<p>I/O Data USB ETT</p>
-<p>Kawasaki DU-H3E</p>
-<p>LinkSys USB10T</p>
-<p>Netgear EA101</p>
-<p>Peracom USB Ethernet Adapter</p>
-<p>SMC 2102USB, 2104USB</p>
-<p>Adapters supported by the <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">de</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-<p>Adaptec ANA-6944/TX</p>
-<p>Cogent EM100FX and EM440TX</p>
-<p>Corega FastEther PCI-TX</p>
-<p>D-Link DFE-500TX</p>
-<p>DEC DE435, DE425, DEC DE450, and DEC DE500</p>
-<p>I-O DATA LA2/T-PCI</p>
-<p>SMC Etherpower 8432, 9332 and 9334</p>
-<p>ZNYX ZX3xx</p>
-<p>Adapters supported by the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">fxp</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-<p>Intel EtherExpress PRO/10</p>
-<p>Intel InBusiness 10/100</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/100B / EtherExpressPRO/100 B PCI Adapter</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/100+ Management Adapter</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/100 VE Desktop Adapter</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/100 M Desktop Adapter</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/100 S Desktop, Server and Dual-Port Server Adapters</p>
-<p>Contec C-NET(PI)-100TX (PC-98)</p>
-<p>NEC PC-9821Ra20, Rv20, Xv13, Xv20 internal 100Base-TX (PC-98)</p>
-<p>NEC PC-9821X-B06 (PC-98)</p>
-<p>Many on-board network interfaces on Intel motherboards</p>
-<p>The <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">xl</span>(4)</span></a> driver supports
-the following hardware:</p>
-<p>3Com 3c900-TPO</p>
-<p>3Com 3c900-COMBO</p>
-<p>3Com 3c905-TX</p>
-<p>3Com 3c905-T4</p>
-<p>3Com 3c900B-TPO</p>
-<p>3Com 3c900B-TPC</p>
-<p>3Com 3c900B-FL</p>
-<p>3Com 3c900B-COMBO</p>
-<p>3Com 3c905B-T4</p>
-<p>3Com 3c905B-TX</p>
-<p>3Com 3c905B-FX</p>
-<p>3Com 3c905B-COMBO</p>
-<p>3Com 3c905C-TX</p>
-<p>3Com 3c980, 3c980B, and 3c980C server adapters</p>
-<p>3Com 3cSOHO100-TX OfficeConnect adapters</p>
-<p>3Com 3c450 HomeConnect adapters</p>
-<p>3Com 3c555, 3c556 and 3c556B mini-PCI adapters</p>
-<p>3Com 3C3SH573BT, 3C575TX, 3CCFE575BT, 3CXFE575BT, 3CCFE575CT, 3CXFE575CT, 3CCFEM656,
-3CCFEM656B, and 3CCFEM656C, 3CXFEM656, 3CXFEM656B, and 3CXFEM656C CardBus adapters</p>
-<p>3Com 3c905-TX, 3c905B-TX 3c905C-TX, and 3c920B-EMB embedded adapters</p>
-<p>Both the 3C656 family of CardBus cards and the 3C556 family of MiniPCI cards have a
-built-in proprietary modem. Neither the <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">xl</span>(4)</span></a> driver nor any
-other driver supports this modem.</p>
-<p>The <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">vx</span>(4)</span></a> driver supports
-the following cards:</p>
-<p>3Com 3c590 EtherLink III PCI</p>
-<p>3Com 3c592 EtherLink III EISA</p>
-<p>3Com 3c595 Fast EtherLink III PCI in 10 Mbps mode</p>
-<p>3Com 3c597 Fast EtherLink III EISA in 10 Mbps mode</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">txp</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports the following cards:</p>
-<p>3Com 3CR990-TX-95</p>
-<p>3Com 3CR990-TX-97</p>
-<p>3Com 3cR990B-TXM</p>
-<p>3Com 3CR990SVR95</p>
-<p>3Com 3CR990SVR97</p>
-<p>3Com 3cR990B-SRV</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">bge</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-provides support for various NICs based on the Broadcom BCM570x family of Gigabit
-Ethernet controller chips, including the following:</p>
-<p>3Com 3c996-T (10/100/1000baseTX)</p>
-<p>Dell PowerEdge 1750 integrated BCM5704C NIC (10/100/1000baseTX)</p>
-<p>Dell PowerEdge 2550 integrated BCM5700 NIC (10/100/1000baseTX)</p>
-<p>Dell PowerEdge 2650 integrated BCM5703 NIC (10/100/1000baseTX)</p>
-<p>IBM x235 server integrated BCM5703x NIC (10/100/1000baseTX)</p>
-<p>HP ProLiant NC7760 embedded Gigabit NIC (10/100/1000baseTX)</p>
-<p>HP ProLiant NC7770 PCI-X Gigabit NIC (10/100/1000baseTX)</p>
-<p>HP ProLiant NC7781 embedded PCI-X Gigabit NIC (10/100/1000baseTX)</p>
-<p>Netgear GA302T (10/100/1000baseTX)</p>
-<p>SysKonnect SK-9D21 (10/100/1000baseTX)</p>
-<p>SysKonnect SK-9D41 (1000baseSX)</p>
-<p>The <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">em</span>(4)</span></a> driver supports
-Gigabit Ethernet adapters based on the Intel 82540, 82541PI, 82542, 82543, 82544, 82546,
-82546EB and 82547 controller chips:</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/1000 CT Network Connection (82547)</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/1000 F Server Adapter (82543)</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/1000 Gigabit Server Adapter (82542)</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/1000 GT Desktop Adapter (82541PI)</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/1000 MF Dual Port Server Adapter (82546)</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/1000 MF Server Adapter (82545)</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/1000 MF Server Adapter (LX) (82545)</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/1000 MT Desktop Adapter (82540)</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/1000 MT Desktop Adapter (82541)</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/1000 MT Dual Port Server Adapter (82546)</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/1000 MT Quad Port Server Adapter (82546EB)</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/1000 MT Server Adapter (82545)</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/1000 T Desktop Adapter (82544)</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/1000 T Server Adapter (82543)</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/1000 XF Server Adapter (82544)</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/1000 XT Server Adapter (82544)</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">hme</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports the on-board Ethernet interfaces of many Sun UltraSPARC workstation and server
-models. Cards supported by the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">hme</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-<p>Sun PCI SunSwift Adapter</p>
-<p>Sun SBus SunSwift Adapter ``( hme'' and ``SUNW,hme'')</p>
-<p>Sun PCI Sun100BaseT Adapter 2.0</p>
-<p>Sun SBus Sun100BaseT 2.0</p>
-<p>Sun PCI Quad FastEthernet Controller</p>
-<p>Sun SBus Quad FastEthernet Controller</p>
-<p>The <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">re</span>(4)</span></a> driver supports
-RealTek RTL8139C+, RTL8169, RTL8169S and RTL8110S based Fast Ethernet and Gigabit
-Ethernet adapters including:</p>
-<p>Alloy Computer Products EtherGOLD 1439E 10/100 (8139C+)</p>
-<p>Compaq Evo N1015v Integrated Ethernet (8139C+)</p>
-<p>Corega CG-LAPCIGT Gigabit Ethernet (8169S)</p>
-<p>Gigabyte 7N400 Pro2 Integrated Gigabit Ethernet (8110S)</p>
-<p>PLANEX COMMUNICATIONS Inc. GN-1200TC (8169S)</p>
-<p>Xterasys XN-152 10/100/1000 NIC (8169)</p>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="FDDI" name="FDDI">3.3 FDDI Interfaces</a></h3>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="ATM" name="ATM">3.4 ATM Interfaces</a></h3>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="WLAN" name="WLAN">3.5 Wireless Network Interfaces</a></h3>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="MISC-NETWORK" name="MISC-NETWORK">3.6 Miscellaneous
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="ISDN" name="ISDN">3.7 ISDN Interfaces</a></h3>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="SERIAL" name="SERIAL">3.8 Serial Interfaces</a></h3>
-<p>``PC standard'' 8250, 16450, and 16550-based serial ports (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sio</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>PCI-Based multi-port serial boards (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">puc</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>Diva Serial (GSP) Multiport UART (development branch only)</p>
-<br />
-<br />
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="AUDIO" name="AUDIO">3.9 Audio Devices</a></h3>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">snd_ess</span>(4)</span></a>
-driver supports the following soundcards:</p>
-<p>Ensoniq ESS ISA PnP/non-PnP</p>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="CAMERA" name="CAMERA">3.10 Camera and Video Capture
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="USB" name="USB">3.11 USB Devices</a></h3>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ohci</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports all OHCI v1.0 compliant controllers including:</p>
-<p>AcerLabs M5237 (Aladdin-V)</p>
-<p>OPTi 82C861 (FireLink)</p>
-<p>NEC uPD 9210</p>
-<p>CMD Tech 670 (USB0670)</p>
-<p>CMD Tech 673 (USB0673)</p>
-<p>NVIDIA nForce3</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">uhci</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports all UHCI v1.1 compliant controllers including:</p>
-<p>Intel 82371AB/EB (PIIX4)</p>
-<p>Intel 82371SB (PIIX3)</p>
-<p>VIA 83C572</p>
-<p>USB 2.0 controllers using the EHCI interface (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ehci</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">umct</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports the following adapters:</p>
-<p>Magic Control Technology USB-232</p>
-<p>Sitecom USB-232</p>
-<p>D-Link DU-H3SP USB BAY Hub</p>
-<p>Belkin F5U109</p>
-<p>Belkin F5U409</p>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="FIREWIRE" name="FIREWIRE">3.12 IEEE 1394 (Firewire)
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">fwohci</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-provides support for PCI/CardBus firewire interface cards. The driver supports the
-following IEEE 1394 OHCI chipsets:</p>
-<p>Adaptec AHA-894x/AIC-5800</p>
-<p>Apple Pangea</p>
-<p>Apple UniNorth</p>
-<p>Intel 82372FB</p>
-<p>Lucent FW322/323</p>
-<p>NEC uPD72861</p>
-<p>NEC uPD72870</p>
-<p>NEC uPD72871/2</p>
-<p>NEC uPD72873</p>
-<p>NEC uPD72874</p>
-<p>National Semiconductor CS4210</p>
-<p>Ricoh R5C551</p>
-<p>Ricoh R5C552</p>
-<p>Sony CX3022</p>
-<p>Sony i.LINK (CXD1947)</p>
-<p>Sony i.LINK (CXD3222)</p>
-<p>Texas Instruments PCI4410A</p>
-<p>Texas Instruments PCI4450</p>
-<p>Texas Instruments PCI4451</p>
-<p>Texas Instruments TSB12LV22</p>
-<p>Texas Instruments TSB12LV23</p>
-<p>Texas Instruments TSB12LV26</p>
-<p>Texas Instruments TSB43AA22</p>
-<p>Texas Instruments TSB43AB21/A/AI/A-EP</p>
-<p>Texas Instruments TSB43AB22/A</p>
-<p>Texas Instruments TSB43AB23</p>
-<p>Texas Instruments TSB82AA2</p>
-<p>VIA Fire II (VT6306)</p>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="BLUETOOTH" name="BLUETOOTH">3.13 Bluetooth Devices</a></h3>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ng_ubt</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports all Bluetooth USB devices that conform with the Bluetooth specification v1.1,
-<p>3Com 3CREB96</p>
-<p>AIPTEK BR0R02</p>
-<p>EPoX BT-DG02</p>
-<p>Mitsumi Bluetooth USB adapter</p>
-<p>MSI MS-6967</p>
-<p>TDK Bluetooth USB adapter</p>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="CRYPTO-ACCEL" name="CRYPTO-ACCEL">3.14 Cryptographic
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="MISC" name="MISC">3.15 Miscellaneous</a></h3>
-<p>VGA-compatible video cards (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">vga</span>(4)</span></a>
-<div class="NOTE">
-<blockquote class="NOTE">
-<p><b>Note:</b> Information regarding specific video cards and compatibility with <b
-class="APPLICATION">XFree86</b> can be found at <a href="http://www.xfree86.org/"
-<br />
-<br />
-<p>Keyboards including:</p>
-<p>PS/2 keyboards (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">atkbd</span>(4)</span></a>
-<br />
-<br />
-<p>Pointing devices including:</p>
-<p>PS/2 mice and compatible devices, including many laptop pointing devices (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">psm</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>Serial mice and compatible devices</p>
-<div class="NOTE">
-<blockquote class="NOTE">
-<p><b>Note:</b> <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">moused</span>(8)</span></a> has
-more information on using pointing devices with FreeBSD. Information on using pointing
-devices with <b class="APPLICATION">XFree86</b> can be found at <a
-href="http://www.xfree86.org/" target="_top">http://www.xfree86.org/</a>.</p>
-<br />
-<br />
-<hr />
-<p align="center"><small>This file, and other release-related documents, can be
-downloaded from <a href="ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/">ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/</a>.</small></p>
-<p align="center"><small>For questions about FreeBSD, read the <a
-href="http://www.FreeBSD.org/docs.html">documentation</a> before contacting &#60;<a
-<p align="center"><small>For questions about this documentation, e-mail &#60;<a
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-<div class="TITLEPAGE">
-<h1 class="TITLE"><a id="AEN2" name="AEN2">FreeBSD/pc98 5.3-RELEASE Hardware
-<h3 class="CORPAUTHOR">The FreeBSD Documentation Project</h3>
-<p class="COPYRIGHT">Copyright &copy; 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 The FreeBSD
-Documentation Project</p>
-<hr />
-<div class="TOC">
-<dt><b>Table of Contents</b></dt>
-<dt>1 <a href="#INTRO">Introduction</a></dt>
-<dt>2 <a href="#SUPPORT-SYS">Supported Systems</a></dt>
-<dt>3 <a href="#SUPPORT">Supported Devices</a></dt>
-<dt>3.1 <a href="#DISK">Disk Controllers</a></dt>
-<dt>3.2 <a href="#ETHERNET">Ethernet Interfaces</a></dt>
-<dt>3.3 <a href="#FDDI">FDDI Interfaces</a></dt>
-<dt>3.4 <a href="#ATM">ATM Interfaces</a></dt>
-<dt>3.5 <a href="#WLAN">Wireless Network Interfaces</a></dt>
-<dt>3.6 <a href="#MISC-NETWORK">Miscellaneous Networks</a></dt>
-<dt>3.7 <a href="#ISDN">ISDN Interfaces</a></dt>
-<dt>3.8 <a href="#SERIAL">Serial Interfaces</a></dt>
-<dt>3.9 <a href="#AUDIO">Audio Devices</a></dt>
-<dt>3.10 <a href="#CAMERA">Camera and Video Capture Devices</a></dt>
-<dt>3.11 <a href="#USB">USB Devices</a></dt>
-<dt>3.12 <a href="#FIREWIRE">IEEE 1394 (Firewire) Devices</a></dt>
-<dt>3.13 <a href="#BLUETOOTH">Bluetooth Devices</a></dt>
-<dt>3.14 <a href="#CRYPTO-ACCEL">Cryptographic Accelerators</a></dt>
-<dt>3.15 <a href="#MISC">Miscellaneous</a></dt>
-<div class="SECT1">
-<h2 class="SECT1"><a id="INTRO" name="INTRO">1 Introduction</a></h2>
-<p>This document contains the hardware compatibility notes for FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE on the
-NEC PC-98x1 hardware platform (also referred to as FreeBSD/pc98 5.3-RELEASE). It lists
-devices known to work on this platform, as well as some notes on boot-time kernel
-customization that may be useful when attempting to configure support for new
-<div class="NOTE">
-<blockquote class="NOTE">
-<p><b>Note:</b> This document includes information specific to the NEC PC-98x1 hardware
-platform. Versions of the hardware compatibility notes for other architectures will
-differ in some details.</p>
-<div class="SECT1">
-<hr />
-<h2 class="SECT1"><a id="SUPPORT-SYS" name="SUPPORT-SYS">2 Supported Systems</a></h2>
-<p>NEC PC-9801/9821 series with almost all i386-compatible processors, including 80386,
-80486, Pentium, Pentium Pro, Pentium II, and variants. All i386-compatible processors by
-AMD, Cyrix, IBM, and IDT are also supported.</p>
-<p>NEC FC-9801/9821 series, and NEC SV-98 series (both of them are compatible with
-PC-9801/9821 series) should be supported.</p>
-<p>EPSON PC-386/486/586 series, which are compatible with NEC PC-9801 series are
-<p>High-resolution mode is not supported. NEC PC-98XA/XL/RL/XL^2, and NEC PC-H98 series
-are supported in normal (PC-9801 compatible) mode only.</p>
-<p>Although there are some multi-processor systems (such as Rs20/B20), SMP-related
-features of FreeBSD are not supported yet.</p>
-<p>PC-9801/9821 standard bus (called C-Bus), PC-9801NOTE expansion bus (110pin), and PCI
-bus are supported. New Extend Standard Architecture (NESA) bus (used in PC-H98, SV-H98,
-and FC-H98 series) is not supported.</p>
-<div class="SECT1">
-<hr />
-<h2 class="SECT1"><a id="SUPPORT" name="SUPPORT">3 Supported Devices</a></h2>
-$FreeBSD: src/release/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/hardware/common/dev.sgml,v
-2004/11/03 00:18:51 simon Exp $
-<p>This section describes the devices currently known to be supported by with FreeBSD on
-the NEC PC-98x1 platform. Other configurations may also work, but simply have not been
-tested yet. Feedback, updates, and corrections to this list are encouraged.</p>
-<p>Where possible, the drivers applicable to each device or class of devices is listed.
-If the driver in question has a manual page in the FreeBSD base distribution (most
-should), it is referenced here. Information on specific models of supported devices,
-controllers, etc. can be found in the manual pages.</p>
-<div class="NOTE">
-<blockquote class="NOTE">
-<p><b>Note:</b> The device lists in this document are being generated automatically from
-FreeBSD manual pages. This means that some devices, which are supported by multiple
-drivers, may appear multiple times.</p>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="DISK" name="DISK">3.1 Disk Controllers</a></h3>
-<p>IDE/ATA controllers (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ata</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>IDE/ATA controllers (wdc driver)</p>
-<p>On-board IDE controller</p>
-<br />
-<br />
-<p>The adapters supported by the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">aic</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-<p>Adaptec AHA-1505 (ISA)</p>
-<p>Adaptec AHA-1510A, AHA-1510B (ISA)</p>
-<p>Adaptec AHA-1520A, AHA-1520B (ISA)</p>
-<p>Adaptec AHA-1522A, AHA-1522B (ISA)</p>
-<p>Adaptec AHA-1535 (ISA)</p>
-<p>Creative Labs SoundBlaster SCSI host adapter (ISA)</p>
-<p>Adaptec AHA-1460, AHA-1460B, AHA-1460C, AHA-1460D (PC Card)</p>
-<p>Adaptec AHA-1030B, AHA-1030P (PC98)</p>
-<p>NEC PC-9801-100 (PC98)</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ahc</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports the following SCSI host adapter chips and SCSI controller cards:</p>
-<p>Adaptec AIC7770 host adapter chip</p>
-<p>Adaptec AIC7850 host adapter chip</p>
-<p>Adaptec AIC7860 host adapter chip</p>
-<p>Adaptec AIC7870 host adapter chip</p>
-<p>Adaptec AIC7880 host adapter chip</p>
-<p>Adaptec AIC7890 host adapter chip</p>
-<p>Adaptec AIC7891 host adapter chip</p>
-<p>Adaptec AIC7892 host adapter chip</p>
-<p>Adaptec AIC7895 host adapter chip</p>
-<p>Adaptec AIC7896 host adapter chip</p>
-<p>Adaptec AIC7897 host adapter chip</p>
-<p>Adaptec AIC7899 host adapter chip</p>
-<p>Adaptec 274X(W)</p>
-<p>Adaptec 274X(T)</p>
-<p>Adaptec 284X</p>
-<p>Adaptec 2910</p>
-<p>Adaptec 2915</p>
-<p>Adaptec 2920</p>
-<p>Adaptec 2930C</p>
-<p>Adaptec 2930U2</p>
-<p>Adaptec 2940</p>
-<p>Adaptec 2940J</p>
-<p>Adaptec 2940N</p>
-<p>Adaptec 2940U</p>
-<p>Adaptec 2940AU</p>
-<p>Adaptec 2940UW</p>
-<p>Adaptec 2940UW Dual</p>
-<p>Adaptec 2940UW Pro</p>
-<p>Adaptec 2940U2W</p>
-<p>Adaptec 2940U2B</p>
-<p>Adaptec 2950U2W</p>
-<p>Adaptec 2950U2B</p>
-<p>Adaptec 19160B</p>
-<p>Adaptec 29160B</p>
-<p>Adaptec 29160N</p>
-<p>Adaptec 3940</p>
-<p>Adaptec 3940U</p>
-<p>Adaptec 3940AU</p>
-<p>Adaptec 3940UW</p>
-<p>Adaptec 3940AUW</p>
-<p>Adaptec 3940U2W</p>
-<p>Adaptec 3950U2</p>
-<p>Adaptec 3960</p>
-<p>Adaptec 39160</p>
-<p>Adaptec 3985</p>
-<p>Adaptec 4944UW</p>
-<p>NEC PC-9821Xt13 (PC-98)</p>
-<p>NEC RvII26 (PC-98)</p>
-<p>NEC PC-9821X-B02L/B09 (PC-98)</p>
-<p>NEC SV-98/2-B03 (PC-98)</p>
-<p>Many motherboards with on-board SCSI support</p>
-<p>The <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ct</span>(4)</span></a> driver supports
-the following adapters:</p>
-<p>ELECOM bus-master SCSI adapters</p>
-<p>I-O DATA SC-98II</p>
-<p>ICM IF-2660, IF-2766, IF-2766ET, IF-2767 and IF-2769</p>
-<p>Logitec LHA-N151 and LHA-20x series</p>
-<p>Midori-Denshi MDC-554NA and MDC-926R</p>
-<p>NEC PC-9801-55, 92 and compatibles</p>
-<p>SMIT transfer type SCSI host adapters</p>
-<p>TEXA HA-55BS2 and its later models</p>
-<p>NEC PC-9801-55, 92 and their compatible C-Bus SCSI interfaces (bs driver)</p>
-<p>NEC PC-9801-55, 92 and their compatibles</p>
-<p>ICM IF-2660</p>
-<p>Midori-Denshi MDC-554NA</p>
-<p>Logitec LHA-N151</p>
-<div class="NOTE">
-<blockquote class="NOTE">
-<p><b>Note:</b> "flags 0x00000" is necessary in kernel configuration for DMA transfer
-<p>I-O DATA SC-98II</p>
-<div class="NOTE">
-<blockquote class="NOTE">
-<p><b>Note:</b> "flags 0x10000" is necessary in kernel configuration for DMA transfer
-<p>TEXA HA-55BS2 and later</p>
-<p>Midori-Denshi MDC-926Rs</p>
-<div class="NOTE">
-<blockquote class="NOTE">
-<p><b>Note:</b> "flags 0x20000" is necessary in kernel configuration for Bus-master
-transfer mode.</p>
-<p>ELECOM Bus-master SCSI interfaces</p>
-<div class="NOTE">
-<blockquote class="NOTE">
-<p><b>Note:</b> "flags 0x30000" is necessary in kernel configuration for Bus-master
-transfer mode.</p>
-<p>All SMIT transfer type SCSI interfaces</p>
-<div class="NOTE">
-<blockquote class="NOTE">
-<p><b>Note:</b> "flags 0x40000" is necessary in kernel configuration for SMIT transfer
-<p>Logitec LHA-20x series</p>
-<p>ICM IF-2766, IF-2766ET, IF-2767 and IF-2769</p>
-<div class="NOTE">
-<blockquote class="NOTE">
-<p><b>Note:</b> "flags 0x50000" is necessary in kernel configuration for Bus-master
-transfer mode.</p>
-<br />
-<br />
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">adv</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports the following SCSI controllers:</p>
-<p>AdvanSys ABP510/5150</p>
-<p>AdvanSys ABP5140</p>
-<p>AdvanSys ABP5142</p>
-<p>AdvanSys ABP902/3902</p>
-<p>AdvanSys ABP3905</p>
-<p>AdvanSys ABP915</p>
-<p>AdvanSys ABP920</p>
-<p>AdvanSys ABP3922</p>
-<p>AdvanSys ABP3925</p>
-<p>AdvanSys ABP930, ABP930U, ABP930UA</p>
-<p>AdvanSys ABP960, ABP960U</p>
-<p>AdvanSys ABP542</p>
-<p>AdvanSys ABP742</p>
-<p>AdvanSys ABP842</p>
-<p>AdvanSys ABP940</p>
-<p>AdvanSys ABP940UA/3940UA</p>
-<p>AdvanSys ABP940U</p>
-<p>AdvanSys ABP3960UA</p>
-<p>AdvanSys ABP970, ABP970U</p>
-<p>AdvanSys ABP752</p>
-<p>AdvanSys ABP852</p>
-<p>AdvanSys ABP950</p>
-<p>AdvanSys ABP980, ABP980U</p>
-<p>AdvanSys ABP980UA/3980UA</p>
-<p>MELCO IFC-USP (PC-98)</p>
-<p>RATOC REX-PCI30 (PC-98)</p>
-<p>@Nifty FNECHARD IFC-USUP-TX (PC-98)</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">adw</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports SCSI controllers including:</p>
-<p>AdvanSys ABP940UW/ABP3940UW</p>
-<p>AdvanSys ABP950UW</p>
-<p>AdvanSys ABP970UW</p>
-<p>AdvanSys ABP3940U2W</p>
-<p>AdvanSys ABP3950U2W</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">amr</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports the following:</p>
-<p>AMI MegaRAID 320-1</p>
-<p>AMI MegaRAID 320-2</p>
-<p>AMI MegaRAID 320-4X</p>
-<p>AMI MegaRAID Series 418</p>
-<p>AMI MegaRAID Enterprise 1200 (Series 428)</p>
-<p>AMI MegaRAID Enterprise 1300 (Series 434)</p>
-<p>AMI MegaRAID Enterprise 1400 (Series 438)</p>
-<p>AMI MegaRAID Enterprise 1500 (Series 467)</p>
-<p>AMI MegaRAID Enterprise 1600 (Series 471)</p>
-<p>AMI MegaRAID Elite 1500 (Series 467)</p>
-<p>AMI MegaRAID Elite 1600 (Series 493)</p>
-<p>AMI MegaRAID Elite 1650 (Series 4xx)</p>
-<p>AMI MegaRAID Express 100 (Series 466WS)</p>
-<p>AMI MegaRAID Express 200 (Series 466)</p>
-<p>AMI MegaRAID Express 300 (Series 490)</p>
-<p>AMI MegaRAID Express 500 (Series 475)</p>
-<p>Dell PERC</p>
-<p>Dell PERC 2/SC</p>
-<p>Dell PERC 2/DC</p>
-<p>Dell PERC 3/DCL</p>
-<p>Dell PERC 3/QC</p>
-<p>Dell PERC 4/Di</p>
-<p>HP NetRAID-1/Si</p>
-<p>HP NetRAID-3/Si (D4943A)</p>
-<p>HP Embedded NetRAID</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ncr</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-provides support for the following NCR/Symbios SCSI controller chips:</p>
-<p>The following add-on boards are known to be supported:</p>
-<p>I-O DATA SC-98/PCI (PC-98)</p>
-<p>I-O DATA SC-PCI (PC-98)</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sym</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-provides support for the following Symbios/LSI Logic PCI SCSI controllers:</p>
-<p>The SCSI controllers supported by <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sym</span>(4)</span></a> can be
-either embedded on a motherboard, or on one of the following add-on boards:</p>
-<p>ASUS SC-200, SC-896</p>
-<p>Data Technology DTC3130 (all variants)</p>
-<p>DawiControl DC2976UW</p>
-<p>Diamond FirePort (all)</p>
-<p>I-O DATA SC-UPCI (PC-98)</p>
-<p>Logitec LHA-521UA (PC-98)</p>
-<p>NCR cards (all)</p>
-<p>Symbios cards (all)</p>
-<p>Tekram DC390W, 390U, 390F, 390U2B, 390U2W, 390U3D, and 390U3W</p>
-<p>Tyan S1365</p>
-<p>The following devices are currently supported by the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ncv</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>I-O DATA PCSC-DV</p>
-<p>KME KXLC002 (TAXAN ICD-400PN, etc.), KXLC004, and UJDCD450</p>
-<p>Macnica Miracle SCSI-II mPS110</p>
-<p>Media Intelligent MSC-110, MSC-200</p>
-<p>NEC PC-9801N-J03R</p>
-<p>New Media Corporation BASICS SCSI</p>
-<p>Qlogic Fast SCSI</p>
-<p>RATOC REX-9530, REX-5572 (SCSI only)</p>
-<p>Controllers supported by the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">stg</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-<p>Adaptec 2920/A</p>
-<p>Future Domain SCSI2GO</p>
-<p>Future Domain TMC-18XX/3260</p>
-<p>IBM SCSI PCMCIA Card</p>
-<p>ICM PSC-2401 SCSI</p>
-<p>MELCO IFC-SC</p>
-<p>RATOC REX-5536, REX-5536AM, REX-5536M, REX-9836A</p>
-<p>Note that the Adaptec 2920C is supported by the ahc(4) driver.</p>
-<p>Cards supported by the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">isp</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-<p>PTI SBS440</p>
-<p>PTI SBS450</p>
-<p>Qlogic 1240</p>
-<p>Qlogic 1020</p>
-<p>Qlogic 1040</p>
-<p>Qlogic 1080</p>
-<p>Qlogic 1280</p>
-<p>Qlogic 12160</p>
-<p>Qlogic 2100</p>
-<p>Qlogic 2102</p>
-<p>Qlogic 2200</p>
-<p>Qlogic 2202</p>
-<p>Qlogic 2204</p>
-<p>Qlogic 2300</p>
-<p>Qlogic 2312</p>
-<p>PTI SBS470</p>
-<p>Antares P-0033</p>
-<p>Controllers supported by the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">amd</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-<p>MELCO IFC-DP (PC-98)</p>
-<p>Tekram DC390</p>
-<p>Tekram DC390T</p>
-<p>Controllers supported by the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">nsp</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-<p>Alpha-Data AD-PCS201</p>
-<p>I-O DATA CBSC16</p>
-<p>The following controllers are supported by the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">mpt</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>LSI Logic 53c1030 (Dual Ultra320 SCSI)</p>
-<p>LSI Logic FC909 (1Gb/s Fibre Channel)</p>
-<p>LSI Logic FC909A (Dual 1Gb/s Fibre Channel)</p>
-<p>LSI Logic FC919 (2Gb/s Fibre Channel)</p>
-<p>LSI Logic FC929 (Dual 2Gb/s Fibre Channel)</p>
-<p>The SCSI controller chips supprted by the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">mpt</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-can be found onboard on many systems including:</p>
-<p>Dell PowerEdge 1750</p>
-<p>IBM eServer xSeries 335</p>
-<p>With all supported SCSI controllers, full support is provided for SCSI-I, SCSI-II, and
-SCSI-III peripherals, including hard disks, optical disks, tape drives (including DAT,
-8mm Exabyte, Mammoth, and DLT), medium changers, processor target devices and CD-ROM
-drives. WORM devices that support CD-ROM commands are supported for read-only access by
-the CD-ROM drivers (such as <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">cd</span>(4)</span></a>).
-WORM/CD-R/CD-RW writing support is provided by <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">cdrecord</span>(1)</span></a>, which is
-a part of the <a
-class="FILENAME">sysutils/cdrtools</tt></a> port in the Ports Collection.</p>
-<p>The following CD-ROM type systems are supported at this time:</p>
-<p>SCSI interface (also includes ProAudio Spectrum and SoundBlaster SCSI) (<a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">cd</span>(4)</span></a>)</p>
-<p>ATAPI IDE interface (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">acd</span>(4)</span></a>)</p>
-<br />
-<br />
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="ETHERNET" name="ETHERNET">3.2 Ethernet Interfaces</a></h3>
-<p>Adapters supported by the <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sf</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-<p>ANA-62011 64-bit single port 10/100baseTX adapter</p>
-<p>ANA-62022 64-bit dual port 10/100baseTX adapter</p>
-<p>ANA-62044 64-bit quad port 10/100baseTX adapter</p>
-<p>ANA-69011 32-bit single port 10/100baseTX adapter</p>
-<p>ANA-62020 64-bit single port 100baseFX adapter</p>
-<p>The <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ti</span>(4)</span></a> driver supports
-Gigabit Ethernet adapters based on the Alteon Tigon I and II chips. The <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ti</span>(4)</span></a> driver has been
-tested with the following adapters:</p>
-<p>3Com 3c985-SX Gigabit Ethernet adapter (Tigon 1)</p>
-<p>3Com 3c985B-SX Gigabit Ethernet adapter (Tigon 2)</p>
-<p>Alteon AceNIC V Gigabit Ethernet adapter (1000baseSX)</p>
-<p>Alteon AceNIC V Gigabit Ethernet adapter (1000baseT)</p>
-<p>Digital EtherWORKS 1000SX PCI Gigabit adapter</p>
-<p>Netgear GA620 Gigabit Ethernet adapter (1000baseSX)</p>
-<p>Netgear GA620T Gigabit Ethernet adapter (1000baseT)</p>
-<p>The following adapters should also be supported but have not yet been tested:</p>
-<p>Asante GigaNIX1000T Gigabit Ethernet adapter</p>
-<p>Asante PCI 1000BASE-SX Gigabit Ethernet adapter</p>
-<p>Farallon PN9000SX Gigabit Ethernet adapter</p>
-<p>NEC Gigabit Ethernet</p>
-<p>Silicon Graphics PCI Gigabit Ethernet adapter</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pcn</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports adapters and embedded controllers based on the AMD PCnet/FAST, PCnet/FAST+,
-PCnet/FAST III, PCnet/PRO and PCnet/Home Fast Ethernet chips:</p>
-<p>AMD Am53C974/Am79C970/Am79C974 PCnet-PCI</p>
-<p>AMD Am79C970A PCnet-PCI II</p>
-<p>AMD Am79C971 PCnet-FAST</p>
-<p>AMD Am79C972 PCnet-FAST+</p>
-<p>AMD Am79C973/Am79C975 PCnet-FAST III</p>
-<p>AMD Am79C976 PCnet-PRO</p>
-<p>AMD PCnet/Home HomePNA</p>
-<p>Allied-Telesis LA-PCI</p>
-<p>Contec C-NET(98)S (PC-98)</p>
-<p>NEC SV-98/2-B05, B06</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">lnc</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports the following adapters:</p>
-<p>Novell NE2100</p>
-<p>Novell NE32-VL</p>
-<p>Isolan AT 4141-0 (16 bit)</p>
-<p>Isolan BICC</p>
-<p>Isolink 4110 (8 bit)</p>
-<p>Diamond HomeFree</p>
-<p>Digital DEPCA</p>
-<p>Hewlett Packard Vectra 486/66XM</p>
-<p>Hewlett Packard Vectra XU</p>
-<p>Also supported are adapters working with the pcn(4) driver. The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">lnc</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-runs these in compatibility mode, thus the pcn(4) driver should be preferred.</p>
-<p>SMC 83c17x (EPIC)-based Ethernet NICs (<a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">tx</span>(4)</span></a> driver)</p>
-<p>The <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ed</span>(4)</span></a> driver supports
-the following Ethernet NICs:</p>
-<p>3Com 3c503 Etherlink II</p>
-<p>AR-P500 Ethernet</p>
-<p>Accton EN1644 (old model), EN1646 (old model), EN2203 (old model) (110pin) (flags
-<p>Accton EN2212/EN2216/UE2216</p>
-<p>Allied Telesis CentreCOM LA100-PCM_V2</p>
-<p>Allied Telesis LA-98 (flags 0x000000) (PC-98)</p>
-<p>Allied Telesis SIC-98, SIC-98NOTE (110pin), SIU-98 (flags 0x600000) (PC-98)</p>
-<p>Allied Telesis SIU-98-D (flags 0x610000) (PC-98)</p>
-<p>AmbiCom 10BaseT card</p>
-<p>Bay Networks NETGEAR FA410TXC Fast Ethernet</p>
-<p>CNet BC40 adapter</p>
-<p>Compex Net-A adapter</p>
-<p>Contec C-NET(98), RT-1007(98), C-NET(9N) (110pin) (flags 0xa00000) (PC-98)</p>
-<p>Contec C-NET(98)E-A, C-NET(98)L-A, C-NET(98)P (flags 0x300000) (PC-98)</p>
-<p>Corega Ether98-T (flags 0x000000) (PC-98)</p>
-<p>Corega Ether PCC-T/EtherII PCC-T/FEther PCC-TXF/PCC-TXD</p>
-<p>CyQ've ELA-010</p>
-<p>DEC EtherWorks DE305</p>
-<p>Danpex EN-6200P2</p>
-<p>D-Link DE-298, DE-298P (flags 0x500000) (PC-98)</p>
-<p>D-Link DE-650/660</p>
-<p>D-Link IC-CARD/IC-CARD+ Ethernet</p>
-<p>ELECOM LD-98P (flags 0x500000) (PC-98)</p>
-<p>ELECOM LD-BDN, LD-NW801G (flags 0x200000) (PC-98)</p>
-<p>ELECOM Laneed LD-CDL/TX, LD-CDF, LD-CDS, LD-10/100CD, LD-CDWA (DP83902A)</p>
-<p>HP PC Lan+ 27247B and 27252A</p>
-<p>IBM Creditcard Ethernet I/II</p>
-<p>ICM AD-ET2-T, DT-ET-25, DT-ET-T5, IF-2766ET, IF-2771ET, NB-ET-T (110pin) (flags
-0x500000) (PC-98)</p>
-<p>I-O DATA LA/T-98, LA/T-98SB, LA2/T-98, ET/T-98 (flags 0x900000) (PC-98)</p>
-<p>I-O DATA ET2/T-PCI</p>
-<p>Kansai KLA-98C/T (flags 0x900000) (PC-98)</p>
-<p>Kingston KNE-PC2, KNE-PCM/x Ethernet</p>
-<p>Linksys EC2T/PCMPC100/PCM100, PCMLM56</p>
-<p>Linksys EtherFast 10/100 PC Card, Combo PCMCIA Ethernet Card (PCMPC100 V2)</p>
-<p>Logitec LAN-98T (flags 0xb00000) (PC-98)</p>
-<p>MACNICA Ethernet ME1 for JEIDA</p>
-<p>MACNICA ME98 (flags 0x900000) (PC-98)</p>
-<p>MACNICA NE2098 (flags 0x400000) (PC-98)</p>
-<p>MELCO EGY-98 (flags 0x300000) (PC-98)</p>
-<p>MELCO LGH-98, LGY-98, LGY-98-N (110pin), IND-SP, IND-SS (flags 0x400000) (PC-98)</p>
-<p>NDC Ethernet Instant-Link</p>
-<p>NEC PC-9801-77, PC-9801-78 (flags 0x910000) (PC-98)</p>
-<p>NEC PC-9801-107, PC-9801-108 (flags 0x800000) (PC-98)</p>
-<p>National Semiconductor InfoMover NE4100</p>
-<p>NetGear FA-410TX</p>
-<p>NetVin 5000</p>
-<p>Network Everywhere Ethernet 10BaseT PC Card</p>
-<p>Networld 98X3 (flags 0xd00000) (PC-98)</p>
-<p>Networld EC-98X, EP-98X (flags 0xd10000) (PC-98)</p>
-<p>Novell NE1000/NE2000/NE2100</p>
-<p>PLANEX ENW-8300-T</p>
-<p>PLANEX EN-2298-C (flags 0x200000) (PC-98)</p>
-<p>PLANEX EN-2298P-T, EN-2298-T (flags 0x500000) (PC-98)</p>
-<p>PLANEX FNW-3600-T</p>
-<p>RealTek 8029</p>
-<p>SMC Elite 16 WD8013</p>
-<p>SMC Elite Ultra</p>
-<p>SMC EtherEZ98 (flags 0x000000) (PC-98)</p>
-<p>SMC WD8003E/WD8003EBT/WD8003S/WD8003SBT/WD8003W/WD8013EBT/WD8013W and clones</p>
-<p>Socket LP-E</p>
-<p>Surecom EtherPerfect EP-427</p>
-<p>Surecom NE-34</p>
-<p>TDK LAK-CD031, Grey Cell GCS2000 Ethernet Card</p>
-<p>Telecom Device SuperSocket RE450T</p>
-<p>VIA VT86C926</p>
-<p>Winbond W89C940</p>
-<p>C-Bus, ISA, PCI and PC Card devices are supported.</p>
-<p>Adapters supported by the <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">rl</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-<p>Accton ``Cheetah'' EN1207D (MPX 5030/5038; RealTek 8139 clone)</p>
-<p>Allied Telesyn AT2550</p>
-<p>Allied Telesyn AT2500TX</p>
-<p>Belkin F5D5000</p>
-<p>BUFFALO(Melco INC.) LPC-CB-CLX(CardBus)</p>
-<p>Compaq HNE-300</p>
-<p>CompUSA no-name 10/100 PCI Ethernet NIC</p>
-<p>Corega FEther CB-TXD</p>
-<p>Corega FEtherII CB-TXD</p>
-<p>D-Link DFE-530TX+</p>
-<p>D-Link DFE-538TX (same as 530+?)</p>
-<p>D-Link DFE-690TXD</p>
-<p>Edimax EP-4103DL CardBus</p>
-<p>Encore ENL832-TX 10/100 M PCI</p>
-<p>Farallon NetLINE 10/100 PCI</p>
-<p>Genius GF100TXR,</p>
-<p>GigaFast Ethernet EE100-AXP</p>
-<p>KTX-9130TX 10/100 Fast Ethernet</p>
-<p>LevelOne FPC-0106TX</p>
-<p>Longshine LCS-8038TX-R</p>
-<p>NDC Communications NE100TX-E</p>
-<p>Netronix Inc. EA-1210 NetEther 10/100</p>
-<p>Nortel Networks 10/100BaseTX</p>
-<p>OvisLink LEF-8129TX</p>
-<p>OvisLink LEF-8139TX</p>
-<p>Peppercon AG ROL-F</p>
-<p>Planex FNW-3800-TX</p>
-<p>SMC EZ Card 10/100 PCI 1211-TX</p>
-<p>SOHO(PRAGMATIC) UE-1211C</p>
-<p>The <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">wb</span>(4)</span></a> driver supports
-Winbond W89C840F based Fast Ethernet adapters and embedded controllers including:</p>
-<p>Trendware TE100-PCIE</p>
-<p>The <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">vr</span>(4)</span></a> driver supports
-VIA Technologies Rhine I, Rhine II, and Rhine III based Fast Ethernet adapters
-<p>D-Link DFE530-TX</p>
-<p>Hawking Technologies PN102TX</p>
-<p>AOpen/Acer ALN-320</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sis</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports Silicon Integrated Systems SiS 900 and SiS 7016 based Fast Ethernet adapters and
-embedded controllers, as well as Fast Ethernet adapters based on the National
-Semiconductor DP83815 (MacPhyter) chip. Supported adapters include:</p>
-<p>Netgear FA311-TX (DP83815)</p>
-<p>Netgear FA312-TX (DP83815)</p>
-<p>SiS 630, 635, and 735 motherboard chipsets</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">nge</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports National Semiconductor DP83820 and DP83821 based Gigabit Ethernet adapters
-<p>SMC EZ Card 1000 (SMC9462TX)</p>
-<p>D-Link DGE-500T</p>
-<p>Asante FriendlyNet GigaNIX 1000TA and 1000TPC</p>
-<p>Addtron AEG320T</p>
-<p>LinkSys EG1032 (32-bit PCI) and EG1064 (64-bit PCI)</p>
-<p>Surecom Technology EP-320G-TX</p>
-<p>Netgear GA622T</p>
-<p>Netgear GA621</p>
-<p>Ark PC SOHO-GA2500T (32-bit PCI) and SOHO-GA2000T (64-bit PCI)</p>
-<p>Trendware TEG-PCITX (32-bit PCI) and TEG-PCITX2 (64-bit PCI)</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ste</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports Sundance Technologies ST201 based Fast Ethernet adapters and embedded
-controllers including:</p>
-<p>D-Link DFE-530TXS</p>
-<p>D-Link DFE-550TX</p>
-<p>Adapters supported by the <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sk</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-<p>3COM 3C940 single port, 1000baseT adapter</p>
-<p>Belkin F5D5005 single port, 1000baseT adapter</p>
-<p>Linksys EG1032 single port, 1000baseT adapter</p>
-<p>SK-9521 SK-NET GE-T single port, 1000baseT adapter</p>
-<p>SK-9821 SK-NET GE-T single port, 1000baseT adapter</p>
-<p>SK-9822 SK-NET GE-T dual port, 1000baseT adapter</p>
-<p>SK-9841 SK-NET GE-LX single port, single mode fiber adapter</p>
-<p>SK-9842 SK-NET GE-LX dual port, single mode fiber adapter</p>
-<p>SK-9843 SK-NET GE-SX single port, multimode fiber adapter</p>
-<p>SK-9844 SK-NET GE-SX dual port, multimode fiber adapter</p>
-<p>SMC 9452TX single port, 1000baseT adapter</p>
-<p>The <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">tl</span>(4)</span></a> driver supports
-Texas Instruments ThunderLAN based Ethernet and Fast Ethernet adapters including a large
-number of Compaq PCI Ethernet adapters. Also supported are:</p>
-<p>Olicom OC-2135/2138 10/100 TX UTP adapter</p>
-<p>Olicom OC-2325/OC-2326 10/100 TX UTP adapter</p>
-<p>Racore 8148 10baseT/100baseTX/100baseFX adapter</p>
-<p>Racore 8165 10/100baseTX adapter</p>
-<p>The <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">tl</span>(4)</span></a> driver also
-supports the built-in Ethernet adapters of various Compaq Prosignia servers and Compaq
-Deskpro desktop machines including:</p>
-<p>Compaq Netelligent 10</p>
-<p>Compaq Netelligent 10 T PCI UTP/Coax</p>
-<p>Compaq Netelligent 10/100</p>
-<p>Compaq Netelligent 10/100 Dual-Port</p>
-<p>Compaq Netelligent 10/100 Proliant</p>
-<p>Compaq Netelligent 10/100 TX Embedded UTP</p>
-<p>Compaq Netelligent 10/100 TX UTP</p>
-<p>Compaq NetFlex 3P</p>
-<p>Compaq NetFlex 3P Integrated</p>
-<p>Compaq NetFlex 3P w/BNC</p>
-<p>The <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">dc</span>(4)</span></a> driver provides
-support for the following chipsets:</p>
-<p>DEC/Intel 21143</p>
-<p>ADMtek AL981 Comet, AN985 Centaur, ADM9511 Centaur II and ADM9513 Centaur II</p>
-<p>ASIX Electronics AX88140A and AX88141</p>
-<p>Conexant LANfinity RS7112 (miniPCI)</p>
-<p>Davicom DM9009, DM9100, DM9102 and DM9102A</p>
-<p>Lite-On 82c168 and 82c169 PNIC</p>
-<p>Lite-On/Macronix 82c115 PNIC II</p>
-<p>Macronix 98713, 98713A, 98715, 98715A, 98715AEC-C, 98725, 98727 and 98732</p>
-<p>Xircom X3201 (cardbus only)</p>
-<p>The following NICs are known to work with the <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">dc</span>(4)</span></a> driver at this
-<p>3Com OfficeConnect 10/100B (ADMtek AN985 Centaur-P)</p>
-<p>Abocom FE2500</p>
-<p>Accton EN1217 (98715A)</p>
-<p>Accton EN2242 MiniPCI</p>
-<p>Adico AE310TX (98715A)</p>
-<p>Alfa Inc GFC2204 (ASIX AX88140A)</p>
-<p>Built in 10Mbps only Ethernet on Compaq Presario 7900 series desktops (21143,
-<p>Built in DE500-BA on DEC Alpha workstations (21143, non-MII)</p>
-<p>Built in Sun DMFE 10/100 Mbps Ethernet on Sun Netra X1 and Sun Fire V100 (DM9102A,
-<p>Built in Ethernet on LinkSys EtherFast 10/100 Instant GigaDrive (DM9102, MII)</p>
-<p>CNet Pro110B (ASIX AX88140A)</p>
-<p>CNet Pro120A (98715A or 98713A) and CNet Pro120B (98715)</p>
-<p>Compex RL100-TX (98713 or 98713A)</p>
-<p>D-Link DFE-570TX (21143, MII, quad port)</p>
-<p>Digital DE500-BA 10/100 (21143, non-MII)</p>
-<p>ELECOM Laneed LD-CBL/TXA (ADMtek AN985)</p>
-<p>Hawking CB102 CardBus</p>
-<p>IBM EtherJet Cardbus Adapter</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/100 Mobile Cardbus (versions that use the X3201 chipset)</p>
-<p>Jaton XpressNet (Davicom DM9102)</p>
-<p>Kingston KNE100TX (21143, MII)</p>
-<p>Kingston KNE110TX (PNIC 82c169)</p>
-<p>LinkSys LNE100TX (PNIC 82c168, 82c169)</p>
-<p>LinkSys LNE100TX v2.0 (PNIC II 82c115)</p>
-<p>LinkSys LNE100TX v4.0/4.1 (ADMtek AN985 Centaur-P)</p>
-<p>Matrox FastNIC 10/100 (PNIC 82c168, 82c169)</p>
-<p>Melco LGY-PCI-TXL</p>
-<p>Microsoft MN-120 10/100 CardBus (ADMTek Centaur-C)</p>
-<p>Microsoft MN-130 10/100 PCI (ADMTek Centaur-P)</p>
-<p>NDC SOHOware SFA110A (98713A)</p>
-<p>NDC SOHOware SFA110A Rev B4 (98715AEC-C)</p>
-<p>NetGear FA310-TX Rev. D1, D2 or D3 (PNIC 82c169)</p>
-<p>Netgear FA511</p>
-<p>PlaneX FNW-3602-T (ADMtek AN985)</p>
-<p>SMC EZ Card 10/100 1233A-TX (ADMtek AN985)</p>
-<p>SVEC PN102-TX (98713)</p>
-<p>Xircom Cardbus Realport</p>
-<p>Xircom Cardbus Ethernet 10/100</p>
-<p>Xircom Cardbus Ethernet II 10/100</p>
-<p>Adapters supported by the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">aue</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-<p>Abocom UFE1000, DSB650TX_NA</p>
-<p>Accton USB320-EC, SpeedStream</p>
-<p>ADMtek AN986, AN8511</p>
-<p>Billionton USB100, USB100LP, USB100EL, USBE100</p>
-<p>Corega Ether FEther USB-T, FEther USB-TX, FEther USB-TXS</p>
-<p>D-Link DSB-650, DSB-650TX, DSB-650TX-PNA</p>
-<p>Elecom LD-USBL/TX</p>
-<p>Elsa Microlink USB2Ethernet</p>
-<p>HP hn210e</p>
-<p>I-O Data USB ETTX</p>
-<p>Kingston KNU101TX</p>
-<p>LinkSys USB10T adapters that contain the AN986 Pegasus chipset, USB10TA, USB10TX,
-USB100TX, USB100H1</p>
-<p>Planex UE-200TX</p>
-<p>Sandberg USB to Network Link (model number 133-06)</p>
-<p>Siemens Speedstream</p>
-<p>SmartBridges smartNIC</p>
-<p>SMC 2202USB</p>
-<p>SOHOware NUB100</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">cue</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports CATC USB-EL1210A based USB Ethernet adapters including:</p>
-<p>Belkin F5U011/F5U111</p>
-<p>CATC Netmate</p>
-<p>CATC Netmate II</p>
-<p>SmartBridges SmartLink</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">kue</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports Kawasaki LSI KL5KLUSB101B based USB Ethernet adapters including:</p>
-<p>3Com 3c19250</p>
-<p>3Com 3c460 HomeConnect Ethernet USB Adapter</p>
-<p>ADS Technologies USB-10BT</p>
-<p>AOX USB101</p>
-<p>ATen UC10T</p>
-<p>Abocom URE 450</p>
-<p>Corega USB-T</p>
-<p>D-Link DSB-650C</p>
-<p>Entrega NET-USB-E45, NET-HUB-3U1E</p>
-<p>I/O Data USB ETT</p>
-<p>Kawasaki DU-H3E</p>
-<p>LinkSys USB10T</p>
-<p>Netgear EA101</p>
-<p>Peracom USB Ethernet Adapter</p>
-<p>SMC 2102USB, 2104USB</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">axe</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports ASIX Electronics AX88172 based USB Ethernet adapters including:</p>
-<p>Buffalo (Melco Inc.) LUA-U2-KTX</p>
-<p>D-Link DUBE100</p>
-<p>LinkSys USB200M</p>
-<p>Netgear FA120</p>
-<p>System TALKS Inc. SGC-X2UL</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">rue</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports RealTek RTL8150 based USB Ethernet adapters including:</p>
-<p>Buffalo (Melco Inc.) LUA-KTX</p>
-<p>Green House GH-USB100B</p>
-<p>LinkSys USB100M</p>
-<p>Billionton 10/100 FastEthernet USBKR2</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">udav</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports the following adapters:</p>
-<p>Corega FEther USB-TXC</p>
-<p>Adapters supported by the <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">de</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-<p>Adaptec ANA-6944/TX</p>
-<p>Cogent EM100FX and EM440TX</p>
-<p>Corega FastEther PCI-TX</p>
-<p>D-Link DFE-500TX</p>
-<p>DEC DE435, DE425, DEC DE450, and DEC DE500</p>
-<p>I-O DATA LA2/T-PCI</p>
-<p>SMC Etherpower 8432, 9332 and 9334</p>
-<p>ZNYX ZX3xx</p>
-<p>Controllers and cards supported by the <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">fe</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-<p>Allied Telesis RE1000, RE1000Plus, ME1500 (110-pin)</p>
-<p>CONTEC C-NET(98)P2, C-NET (9N)E (110-pin), C-NET(9N)C (ExtCard)</p>
-<p>CONTEC C-NET(PC)C PCMCIA Ethernet</p>
-<p>Eiger Labs EPX-10BT</p>
-<p>Fujitsu FMV-J182, FMV-J182A</p>
-<p>Fujitsu MB86960A, MB86965A</p>
-<p>Fujitsu MBH10303, MBH10302 Ethernet PCMCIA</p>
-<p>Fujitsu Towa LA501 Ethernet</p>
-<p>HITACHI HT-4840-11</p>
-<p>NextCom J Link NC5310</p>
-<p>RATOC REX-5588, REX-9822, REX-4886, and REX-R280</p>
-<p>RATOC REX-9880/9881/9882/9883</p>
-<p>TDK LAC-98012, LAC-98013, LAC-98025, LAC-9N011 (110-pin)</p>
-<p>TDK LAK-CD021, LAK-CD021A, LAK-CD021BX</p>
-<p>Ungermann-Bass Access/PC N98C+(PC85152, PC85142), Access/NOTE N98(PC86132)
-<p>Adapters supported by the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">fxp</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-<p>Intel EtherExpress PRO/10</p>
-<p>Intel InBusiness 10/100</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/100B / EtherExpressPRO/100 B PCI Adapter</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/100+ Management Adapter</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/100 VE Desktop Adapter</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/100 M Desktop Adapter</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/100 S Desktop, Server and Dual-Port Server Adapters</p>
-<p>Contec C-NET(PI)-100TX (PC-98)</p>
-<p>NEC PC-9821Ra20, Rv20, Xv13, Xv20 internal 100Base-TX (PC-98)</p>
-<p>NEC PC-9821X-B06 (PC-98)</p>
-<p>Many on-board network interfaces on Intel motherboards</p>
-<p>The <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ep</span>(4)</span></a> driver supports
-Ethernet adapters based on the 3Com 3C5x9 Etherlink III Parallel Tasking chipset,
-<p>3Com 3C1 CF</p>
-<p>3Com 3C509-TP, 3C509-BNC, 3C509-Combo, 3C509-TPO, 3C509-TPC ISA</p>
-<p>3Com 3C509B-TP, 3C509B-BNC, 3C509B-Combo, 3C509B-TPO, 3C509B-TPC ISA</p>
-<p>3Com 3C529, 3C529-TP MCA</p>
-<p>3Com 3C562/3C563 PCMCIA</p>
-<p>3Com 3C569B-J-TPO, 3C569B-J-COMBO CBUS</p>
-<p>3Com 3C574-TX, 3CCFE574BT, 3CXFE574BT, 3C3FE574BT PCMCIA</p>
-<p>3Com 3C579-TP, 3C579-BNC EISA</p>
-<p>3Com 3C589, 3C589B, 3C589C, 3C589D, 3CXE589DT PCMCIA</p>
-<p>3Com 3CCFEM556B, 3CCFEM556BI PCMCIA</p>
-<p>3Com 3CXE589EC, 3CCE589EC, 3CXE589ET, 3CCE589ET PCMCIA</p>
-<p>3Com Megahertz 3CCEM556, 3CXEM556, 3CCEM556B, 3CXEM556B PCMCIA</p>
-<p>3Com OfficeConnect 3CXSH572BT, 3CCSH572BT PCMCIA</p>
-<p>Farallon EtherMac PCMCIA</p>
-<p>The <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">xl</span>(4)</span></a> driver supports
-the following hardware:</p>
-<p>3Com 3c900-TPO</p>
-<p>3Com 3c900-COMBO</p>
-<p>3Com 3c905-TX</p>
-<p>3Com 3c905-T4</p>
-<p>3Com 3c900B-TPO</p>
-<p>3Com 3c900B-TPC</p>
-<p>3Com 3c900B-FL</p>
-<p>3Com 3c900B-COMBO</p>
-<p>3Com 3c905B-T4</p>
-<p>3Com 3c905B-TX</p>
-<p>3Com 3c905B-FX</p>
-<p>3Com 3c905B-COMBO</p>
-<p>3Com 3c905C-TX</p>
-<p>3Com 3c980, 3c980B, and 3c980C server adapters</p>
-<p>3Com 3cSOHO100-TX OfficeConnect adapters</p>
-<p>3Com 3c450 HomeConnect adapters</p>
-<p>3Com 3c555, 3c556 and 3c556B mini-PCI adapters</p>
-<p>3Com 3C3SH573BT, 3C575TX, 3CCFE575BT, 3CXFE575BT, 3CCFE575CT, 3CXFE575CT, 3CCFEM656,
-3CCFEM656B, and 3CCFEM656C, 3CXFEM656, 3CXFEM656B, and 3CXFEM656C CardBus adapters</p>
-<p>3Com 3c905-TX, 3c905B-TX 3c905C-TX, and 3c920B-EMB embedded adapters</p>
-<p>Both the 3C656 family of CardBus cards and the 3C556 family of MiniPCI cards have a
-built-in proprietary modem. Neither the <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">xl</span>(4)</span></a> driver nor any
-other driver supports this modem.</p>
-<p>The <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">vx</span>(4)</span></a> driver supports
-the following cards:</p>
-<p>3Com 3c590 EtherLink III PCI</p>
-<p>3Com 3c592 EtherLink III EISA</p>
-<p>3Com 3c595 Fast EtherLink III PCI in 10 Mbps mode</p>
-<p>3Com 3c597 Fast EtherLink III EISA in 10 Mbps mode</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">snc</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports the following cards:</p>
-<p>National Semiconductor DP83934AVQB</p>
-<p>NEC PC-9801-83</p>
-<p>NEC PC-9801-84</p>
-<p>NEC PC-9801-103</p>
-<p>NEC PC-9801-104</p>
-<p>NEC PC-9801N-15</p>
-<p>NEC PC-9801N-25</p>
-<p>NEC PC-9801N-J02 PCMCIA</p>
-<p>NEC PC-9801N-J02R PCMCIA</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">snc</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-also includes support for the National Semiconductor NS46C46 as 64 * 16 bits Microwave
-Serial EEPROM.</p>
-<p>Adapters supported by the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">lge</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-<p>SMC TigerCard 1000 (SMC9462SX)</p>
-<p>D-Link DGE-500SX</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">txp</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports the following cards:</p>
-<p>3Com 3CR990-TX-95</p>
-<p>3Com 3CR990-TX-97</p>
-<p>3Com 3cR990B-TXM</p>
-<p>3Com 3CR990SVR95</p>
-<p>3Com 3CR990SVR97</p>
-<p>3Com 3cR990B-SRV</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">bge</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-provides support for various NICs based on the Broadcom BCM570x family of Gigabit
-Ethernet controller chips, including the following:</p>
-<p>3Com 3c996-T (10/100/1000baseTX)</p>
-<p>Dell PowerEdge 1750 integrated BCM5704C NIC (10/100/1000baseTX)</p>
-<p>Dell PowerEdge 2550 integrated BCM5700 NIC (10/100/1000baseTX)</p>
-<p>Dell PowerEdge 2650 integrated BCM5703 NIC (10/100/1000baseTX)</p>
-<p>IBM x235 server integrated BCM5703x NIC (10/100/1000baseTX)</p>
-<p>HP ProLiant NC7760 embedded Gigabit NIC (10/100/1000baseTX)</p>
-<p>HP ProLiant NC7770 PCI-X Gigabit NIC (10/100/1000baseTX)</p>
-<p>HP ProLiant NC7781 embedded PCI-X Gigabit NIC (10/100/1000baseTX)</p>
-<p>Netgear GA302T (10/100/1000baseTX)</p>
-<p>SysKonnect SK-9D21 (10/100/1000baseTX)</p>
-<p>SysKonnect SK-9D41 (1000baseSX)</p>
-<p>The <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">em</span>(4)</span></a> driver supports
-Gigabit Ethernet adapters based on the Intel 82540, 82541PI, 82542, 82543, 82544, 82546,
-82546EB and 82547 controller chips:</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/1000 CT Network Connection (82547)</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/1000 F Server Adapter (82543)</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/1000 Gigabit Server Adapter (82542)</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/1000 GT Desktop Adapter (82541PI)</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/1000 MF Dual Port Server Adapter (82546)</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/1000 MF Server Adapter (82545)</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/1000 MF Server Adapter (LX) (82545)</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/1000 MT Desktop Adapter (82540)</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/1000 MT Desktop Adapter (82541)</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/1000 MT Dual Port Server Adapter (82546)</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/1000 MT Quad Port Server Adapter (82546EB)</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/1000 MT Server Adapter (82545)</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/1000 T Desktop Adapter (82544)</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/1000 T Server Adapter (82543)</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/1000 XF Server Adapter (82544)</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/1000 XT Server Adapter (82544)</p>
-<p>The <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">gx</span>(4)</span></a> driver supports
-Gigabit Ethernet adapters based on the Intel 82542 and 82543 controller chips:</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/1000 Gigabit Server Adapter (82542)</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/1000 F Server Adapter (82543)</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/1000 T Server Adapter (82543)</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">hme</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports the on-board Ethernet interfaces of many Sun UltraSPARC workstation and server
-models. Cards supported by the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">hme</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-<p>Sun PCI SunSwift Adapter</p>
-<p>Sun SBus SunSwift Adapter ``( hme'' and ``SUNW,hme'')</p>
-<p>Sun PCI Sun100BaseT Adapter 2.0</p>
-<p>Sun SBus Sun100BaseT 2.0</p>
-<p>Sun PCI Quad FastEthernet Controller</p>
-<p>Sun SBus Quad FastEthernet Controller</p>
-<p>The <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">my</span>(4)</span></a> driver provides
-support for various NICs based on the Myson chipset. Supported models include:</p>
-<p>Myson MTD800 PCI Fast Ethernet chip</p>
-<p>Myson MTD803 PCI Fast Ethernet chip</p>
-<p>Myson MTD89X PCI Gigabit Ethernet chip</p>
-<p>The <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">re</span>(4)</span></a> driver supports
-RealTek RTL8139C+, RTL8169, RTL8169S and RTL8110S based Fast Ethernet and Gigabit
-Ethernet adapters including:</p>
-<p>Alloy Computer Products EtherGOLD 1439E 10/100 (8139C+)</p>
-<p>Compaq Evo N1015v Integrated Ethernet (8139C+)</p>
-<p>Corega CG-LAPCIGT Gigabit Ethernet (8169S)</p>
-<p>Gigabyte 7N400 Pro2 Integrated Gigabit Ethernet (8110S)</p>
-<p>PLANEX COMMUNICATIONS Inc. GN-1200TC (8169S)</p>
-<p>Xterasys XN-152 10/100/1000 NIC (8169)</p>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="FDDI" name="FDDI">3.3 FDDI Interfaces</a></h3>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">fpa</span>(4)</span></a>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="ATM" name="ATM">3.4 ATM Interfaces</a></h3>
-<p>Midway-based ATM interfaces (<a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">en</span>(4)</span></a> driver)</p>
-<p>FORE Systems, Inc. PCA-200E ATM PCI Adapters (hfa and <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">fatm</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>IDT NICStAR 77201/211-based ATM Adapters (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">idt</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>FORE Systems, Inc. HE155 and HE622 ATM interfaces (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">hatm</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>IDT77252-based ATM cards (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">patm</span>(4)</span></a>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="WLAN" name="WLAN">3.5 Wireless Network Interfaces</a></h3>
-<p>Lucent Technologies WaveLAN/IEEE 802.11b wireless network adapters and workalikes
-using the Lucent Hermes, Intersil PRISM-II, Intersil PRISM-2.5, Intersil Prism-3, and
-Symbol Spectrum24 chipsets (<a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">wi</span>(4)</span></a> driver)</p>
-<p>Cisco/Aironet 802.11b wireless adapters (<a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">an</span>(4)</span></a> driver)</p>
-<p>Raytheon Raylink 2.4GHz wireless adapters (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ray</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>Cards supported by the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">awi</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-<p>BayStack 650</p>
-<p>BayStack 660</p>
-<p>Icom SL-200</p>
-<p>Melco WLI-PCM</p>
-<p>NEL SSMagic</p>
-<p>Netwave AirSurfer Plus</p>
-<p>Netwave AirSurfer Pro</p>
-<p>Nokia C020 WLAN</p>
-<p>Farallon SkyLINE</p>
-<p>The original Xircom Netwave AirSurfer is supported by the cnw(4) driver.</p>
-<p>Cards supported by the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">cnw</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-<p>Xircom CreditCard Netwave</p>
-<p>NetWave AirSurfer</p>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="MISC-NETWORK" name="MISC-NETWORK">3.6 Miscellaneous
-<p>The <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">cp</span>(4)</span></a> driver supports
-the following models of Tau-PCI WAN adapters:</p>
-<p>Cronyx Tau-PCI</p>
-<p>Cronyx Tau-PCI/R</p>
-<p>Cronyx Tau-PCI-E1</p>
-<p>Cronyx Tau-PCI-G703</p>
-<p>Cronyx Tau-PCI-2E1</p>
-<p>Cronyx Tau-PCI-4E1</p>
-<p>Cronyx Tau-PCI-E3</p>
-<p>Cronyx Tau-PCI-T3</p>
-<p>Cronyx Tau-PCI-STS1</p>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="ISDN" name="ISDN">3.7 ISDN Interfaces</a></h3>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="SERIAL" name="SERIAL">3.8 Serial Interfaces</a></h3>
-<p>Internel serial interfaces (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sio</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>PC-9801 on-board</p>
-<p>PC-9821 2'nd CCU (flags 0x12000000)</p>
-<br />
-<br />
-<p>NEC PC-9861K, PC-9801-101 and Midori-Denshi MDC-926Rs (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sio</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>COM2 (flags 0x01000000)</p>
-<p>COM3 (flags 0x02000000)</p>
-<br />
-<br />
-<p>NEC PC-9801-120 (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sio</span>(4)</span></a>
-<div class="NOTE">
-<blockquote class="NOTE">
-<p><b>Note:</b> "flags 0x11000000" is necessary in kernel configuration.</p>
-<p>Microcore MC-16550, MC-16550II, MC-RS98 (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sio</span>(4)</span></a>
-<div class="NOTE">
-<blockquote class="NOTE">
-<p><b>Note:</b> "flags 0x14000?01" is necessary in kernel configuration.</p>
-<p>Media Intelligent RSB-2000, RSB-3000 and AIWA B98-02 (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sio</span>(4)</span></a>
-<div class="NOTE">
-<blockquote class="NOTE">
-<p><b>Note:</b> "flags 0x15000?01" is necessary in kernel configuration.</p>
-<p>Media Intelligent RSB-384 (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sio</span>(4)</span></a>
-<div class="NOTE">
-<blockquote class="NOTE">
-<p><b>Note:</b> "flags 0x16000001" is necessary in kernel configuration.</p>
-<p>I-O DATA RSA-98III (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sio</span>(4)</span></a>
-<div class="NOTE">
-<blockquote class="NOTE">
-<p><b>Note:</b> "flags 0x18000?01" is necessary in kernel configuration.</p>
-<p>Hayes ESP98 (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sio</span>(4)</span></a>
-<div class="NOTE">
-<blockquote class="NOTE">
-<p><b>Note:</b> "options COM_ESP" and "flags 0x19000000" are necessary in kernel
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="AUDIO" name="AUDIO">3.9 Audio Devices</a></h3>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">snd_ess</span>(4)</span></a>
-driver supports the following soundcards:</p>
-<p>Ensoniq ESS ISA PnP/non-PnP</p>
-<p>NEC PC-9801-73, 86 and compatibles (nss driver)</p>
-<p>NEC A-MATE internal sound</p>
-<p>Q-Vision WaveStar, WaveMaster</p>
-<br />
-<br />
-<p>NEC X-MATE, CanBe, ValueStar internal (mss driver)</p>
-<p>Creative Technologies SoundBlaster(98) (<a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sb</span>(4)</span></a> driver)</p>
-<p>I-O DATA CD-BOX (<a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sb</span>(4)</span></a> driver)</p>
-<p>MPU-401 and compatible interfaces (mpu driver)</p>
-<p>Q-Vision WaveStar</p>
-<br />
-<br />
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="CAMERA" name="CAMERA">3.10 Camera and Video Capture
-<p>Brooktree Bt848/849/878/879-based frame grabbers (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">bktr</span>(4)</span></a>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="USB" name="USB">3.11 USB Devices</a></h3>
-<p>A range of USB peripherals are supported; devices known to work are listed in this
-section. Owing to the generic nature of most USB devices, with some exceptions any device
-of a given class will be supported, even if not explicitly listed here.</p>
-<div class="NOTE">
-<blockquote class="NOTE">
-<p><b>Note:</b> USB Ethernet adapters can be found in the section listing <a
-href="#ETHERNET">Ethernet interfaces</a>.</p>
-<div class="NOTE">
-<blockquote class="NOTE">
-<p><b>Note:</b> USB Bluetooth adapters can be found in <a href="#BLUETOOTH">Bluetooth</a>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ohci</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports all OHCI v1.0 compliant controllers including:</p>
-<p>AcerLabs M5237 (Aladdin-V)</p>
-<p>OPTi 82C861 (FireLink)</p>
-<p>NEC uPD 9210</p>
-<p>CMD Tech 670 (USB0670)</p>
-<p>CMD Tech 673 (USB0673)</p>
-<p>NVIDIA nForce3</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">uhci</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports all UHCI v1.1 compliant controllers including:</p>
-<p>Intel 82371AB/EB (PIIX4)</p>
-<p>Intel 82371SB (PIIX3)</p>
-<p>VIA 83C572</p>
-<p>USB 2.0 controllers using the EHCI interface (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ehci</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>Keyboards (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ukbd</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>Assist Computer Systems PC Camera C-M1</p>
-<p>ActiveWire I/O Board</p>
-<p>Creative Technology Video Blaster WebCam Plus</p>
-<p>D-Link DSB-R100 USB Radio (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ufm</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>Mirunet AlphaCam Plus</p>
-<br />
-<br />
-<p>The following devices are supported by the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">urio</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>Diamond MultiMedia Rio 500</p>
-<p>Diamond MultiMedia Rio 600</p>
-<p>Diamond MultiMedia Rio 800</p>
-<p>Devices supported by the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">umodem</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-<p>3Com 5605</p>
-<p>Metricom Ricochet GS USB wireless modem</p>
-<p>Yamaha Broadband Wireless Router RTW65b</p>
-<p>Mice (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ums</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ulpt</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-provides support for USB printers and parallel printer conversion cables, including the
-<p>ATen parallel printer adapter</p>
-<p>Belkin F5U002 parallel printer adapter</p>
-<p>Canon BJ F850, S600</p>
-<p>Canon LBP-1310, 350</p>
-<p>Entrega USB-to-parallel printer adapter</p>
-<p>Hewlett-Packard HP Deskjet 3420 (P/N: C8947A #ABJ)</p>
-<p>Oki Data MICROLINE ML660PS</p>
-<p>Seiko Epson PM-900C, 880C, 820C, 730C</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ubsa</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports the following adapters:</p>
-<p>Belkin F5U103</p>
-<p>Belkin F5U120</p>
-<p>e-Tek Labs Kwik232</p>
-<p>GoHubs GoCOM232</p>
-<p>Peracom single port serial adapter</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ubser</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-provides support the BWCT console management serial adapters.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">uftdi</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports the following adapters:</p>
-<p>HP USB-Serial adapter shipped with some HP laptops</p>
-<p>Inland UAS111</p>
-<p>QVS USC-1000</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">uplcom</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports the following adapters:</p>
-<p>ATEN UC-232A</p>
-<p>BAFO BF-800</p>
-<p>BAFO BF-810</p>
-<p>HAL Corporation Crossam2+USB IR commander</p>
-<p>IOGEAR UC-232A</p>
-<p>I/O DATA USB-RSAQ2</p>
-<p>PLANEX USB-RS232 URS-03</p>
-<p>RATOC REX-USB60</p>
-<p>Sandberg USB to Serial Link (model number 133-08)</p>
-<p>SOURCENEXT KeikaiDenwa 8 (with and without charger)</p>
-<p>Sony Ericsson USB Cable (Susteen USB Data Cable)</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">umct</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports the following adapters:</p>
-<p>Magic Control Technology USB-232</p>
-<p>Sitecom USB-232</p>
-<p>D-Link DU-H3SP USB BAY Hub</p>
-<p>Belkin F5U109</p>
-<p>Belkin F5U409</p>
-<p>The following devices are supported by the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">uscanner</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>Acer Acerscan 320U</p>
-<p>Acer Acerscan 620U</p>
-<p>Acer Acerscan 640U</p>
-<p>Acer Acerscan C310U</p>
-<p>AGFA SnapScan 1212U</p>
-<p>AGFA SnapScan 1236U</p>
-<p>AGFA SnapScan e20</p>
-<p>AGFA SnapScan e25</p>
-<p>AGFA SnapScan e26</p>
-<p>AGFA SnapScan e40</p>
-<p>AGFA SnapScan e50</p>
-<p>AGFA SnapScan e52</p>
-<p>AGFA SnapScan Touch</p>
-<p>Avision 1200U</p>
-<p>Canon CanoScan N656U</p>
-<p>Canon CanoScan N676U</p>
-<p>Canon CanoScan N1220U</p>
-<p>Canon CanoScan LIDE 20</p>
-<p>Canon CanoScan LIDE 30</p>
-<p>Epson Perfection 610</p>
-<p>Epson Perfection 636U / 636Photo</p>
-<p>Epson Perfection 640U</p>
-<p>Epson Perfection 1200U / 1200Photo</p>
-<p>Epson Perfection 1240U / 1240Photo</p>
-<p>Epson Perfection 1250</p>
-<p>Epson Perfection 1260</p>
-<p>Epson Expression 1600</p>
-<p>Epson Perfection 1640SU</p>
-<p>Epson Perfection 1650</p>
-<p>Epson Perfection 1660</p>
-<p>Epson Perfection 1670</p>
-<p>Epson Perfection 3200</p>
-<p>Epson GT-8400UF</p>
-<p>Epson GT-9300UF</p>
-<p>Epson GT-9700F</p>
-<p>Hewlett Packard Photosmart S20</p>
-<p>Hewlett Packard Scanjet 2200C</p>
-<p>Hewlett Packard Scanjet 3300C</p>
-<p>Hewlett Packard Scanjet 3400CSE</p>
-<p>Hewlett Packard Scanjet 4100C</p>
-<p>Hewlett Packard Scanjet 4200C</p>
-<p>Hewlett Packard Scanjet 4300C</p>
-<p>Hewlett Packard Scanjet 5200C</p>
-<p>Hewlett Packard Scanjet 5300C</p>
-<p>Hewlett Packard Scanjet 5400C</p>
-<p>Hewlett Packard Scanjet 6200C</p>
-<p>Hewlett Packard Scanjet 6300C</p>
-<p>KYE ColorPage Vivid-Pro</p>
-<p>Microtek Phantom 336CX</p>
-<p>Microtek Phantom C6</p>
-<p>Microtek ScanMaker V6UL</p>
-<p>Microtek ScanMaker V6USL</p>
-<p>Microtek ScanMaker X6U</p>
-<p>Minolta 5400</p>
-<p>Mustek 600 CU</p>
-<p>Mustek 1200 CU</p>
-<p>Mustek 1200 UB</p>
-<p>Mustek 1200 USB</p>
-<p>Mustek BearPaw 1200F</p>
-<p>Mustek BearPaw 1200TA</p>
-<p>NatSemi BearPaw 1200</p>
-<p>Nikon CoolScan LS40 ED</p>
-<p>Primax 6200</p>
-<p>Primax Colorado 1200u</p>
-<p>Primax Colorado 600u</p>
-<p>Primax Colorado USB 19200</p>
-<p>Primax Colorado USB 9600</p>
-<p>Primax G2-200</p>
-<p>Primax G2-300</p>
-<p>Primax G2-600</p>
-<p>Primax G2600</p>
-<p>Primax G2E-300</p>
-<p>Primax G2E-3002</p>
-<p>Primax G2E-600</p>
-<p>Primax G2E600</p>
-<p>Primax G2X-300</p>
-<p>Primax G600</p>
-<p>Primax ReadyScan 636i</p>
-<p>Ultima 1200 UB Plus</p>
-<p>UMAX Astra 1220U</p>
-<p>UMAX Astra 1236U</p>
-<p>UMAX Astra 2000U</p>
-<p>UMAX Astra 2100U</p>
-<p>UMAX Astra 2200U</p>
-<p>UMAX Astra 3400</p>
-<p>Visioneer OneTouch 3000</p>
-<p>Visioneer OneTouch 5300</p>
-<p>Visioneer OneTouch 7600</p>
-<p>Visioneer OneTouch 6100</p>
-<p>Visioneer OneTouch 6200</p>
-<p>Visioneer OneTouch 8100</p>
-<p>Visioneer OneTouch 8600</p>
-<p>Storage (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">umass</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>ADTEC Stick Drive AD-UST32M, 64M, 128M, 256M</p>
-<p>Denno FireWire/USB2 Removable 2.5-inch HDD Case MIFU-25CB20</p>
-<p>FujiFilm Zip USB Drive ZDR100 USB A</p>
-<p>GREEN HOUSE USB Flash Memory ``PicoDrive'' GH-UFD32M, 64M, 128M</p>
-<p>IBM 32MB USB Memory Key (P/N 22P5296)</p>
-<p>IBM ThinkPad USB Portable CD-ROM Drive (P/N 33L5151)</p>
-<p>I-O DATA USB x6 CD-RW Drive CDRW-i64/USB (CDROM only)</p>
-<p>Iomega USB Zip 100Mb (primitive support still)</p>
-<p>Iomega Zip750 USB2.0 Drive</p>
-<p>Keian USB1.1/2.0 3.5-inch HDD Case KU350A</p>
-<p>Kurouto Shikou USB 2.5-inch HDD Case GAWAP2.5PS-USB2.0</p>
-<p>Logitec USB1.1/2.0 HDD Unit SHD-E60U2</p>
-<p>Logitec Mobile USB Memory LMC-256UD</p>
-<p>Logitec USB Double-Speed Floppy Drive LFD-31U2</p>
-<p>Logitec USB/IEEE1394 DVD-RAM/R/RW Unit LDR-N21FU2 (CDROM only)</p>
-<p>Matshita CF-VFDU03 floppy drive</p>
-<p>MELCO USB2.0 MO Drive MO-CH640U2</p>
-<p>I-O DATA USB/IEEE1394 Portable HD Drive HDP-i30P/CI, HDP-i40P/CI</p>
-<p>MELCO USB Flash Disk ``PetitDrive'', RUF-32M, -64M, -128M, -256M</p>
-<p>MELCO USB2.0 Flash Disk ``PetitDrive2'', RUF-256M/U2, -512M/U2</p>
-<p>MELCO USB Flash Disk ``ClipDrive'', RUF-C32M, -C64M, -C128M, -C256M, -C512M</p>
-<p>Microtech USB-SCSI-HD 50 USB to SCSI cable</p>
-<p>NOVAC USB2.0 2.5/3.5-inch HDD Case NV-HD351U</p>
-<p>Panasonic floppy drive</p>
-<p>Panasonic USB2.0 Portable CD-RW Drive KXL-RW40AN (CDROM only)</p>
-<p>RATOC Systems USB2.0 Removable HDD Case U2-MDK1, U2-MDK1B</p>
-<p>Sony Portable CD-R/RW Drive CRX10U (CDROM only)</p>
-<p>TEAC Portable USB CD-ROM Unit CD-110PU/210PU</p>
-<p>Y-E Data floppy drive (720/1.44/2.88Mb)</p>
-<br />
-<br />
-<p>Audio Devices (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">uaudio</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">uvisor</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports the following devices:</p>
-<p>Handspring Treo</p>
-<p>Handspring Treo 600</p>
-<p>Handspring Visor</p>
-<p>Palm I705</p>
-<p>Palm M125</p>
-<p>Palm M130</p>
-<p>Palm M500</p>
-<p>Palm M505</p>
-<p>Palm M515</p>
-<p>Palm Tungsten T</p>
-<p>Palm Tungsten Z</p>
-<p>Palm Zire</p>
-<p>Palm Zire 31</p>
-<p>Sony Clie 4.0</p>
-<p>Sony Clie 4.1</p>
-<p>Sony Clie 5.0</p>
-<p>Sony Clie PEG-S500C</p>
-<p>Sony Clie NX60</p>
-<p>Sony Clie S360</p>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="FIREWIRE" name="FIREWIRE">3.12 IEEE 1394 (Firewire)
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="BLUETOOTH" name="BLUETOOTH">3.13 Bluetooth Devices</a></h3>
-<p>PCCARD Host Controllers (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ng_bt3c</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>3Com/HP 3CRWB6096-A PCCARD adapter</p>
-<br />
-<br />
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ng_ubt</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports all Bluetooth USB devices that conform with the Bluetooth specification v1.1,
-<p>3Com 3CREB96</p>
-<p>AIPTEK BR0R02</p>
-<p>EPoX BT-DG02</p>
-<p>Mitsumi Bluetooth USB adapter</p>
-<p>MSI MS-6967</p>
-<p>TDK Bluetooth USB adapter</p>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="CRYPTO-ACCEL" name="CRYPTO-ACCEL">3.14 Cryptographic
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">hifn</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports various cards containing the Hifn 7751, 7951, 7811, 7955, and 7956 chipsets,
-such as:</p>
-<p>Invertex AEON</p>
-<p>Hifn 7751</p>
-<p>NetSec 7751</p>
-<p>Soekris Engineering vpn1201 and vpn1211</p>
-<p>Soekris Engineering vpn1401 and vpn1411</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">safe</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports cards containing any of the following chips:</p>
-<p>SafeNet 1141</p>
-<p>SafeNet 1741</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ubsec</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports cards containing any of the following chips:</p>
-<p>Bluesteel 5501</p>
-<p>Bluesteel 5601</p>
-<p>Broadcom BCM5801</p>
-<p>Broadcom BCM5802</p>
-<p>Broadcom BCM5805</p>
-<p>Broadcom BCM5820</p>
-<p>Broadcom BCM5821</p>
-<p>Broadcom BCM5822</p>
-<p>Broadcom BCM5823</p>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="MISC" name="MISC">3.15 Miscellaneous</a></h3>
-<p>Nokia Card Phone 2.0 (gsm900/dcs1800 HSCSD terminal)</p>
-<br />
-<br />
-<p>Floppy drives (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">fdc</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>Keyboards including:</p>
-<p>Standard keyboards</p>
-<p>USB keyboards (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ukbd</span>(4)</span></a>
-<br />
-<br />
-<p>Pointing devices including:</p>
-<p>Bus mice and compatible devices (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">mse</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>Serial mice and compatible devices</p>
-<p>USB mice (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ums</span>(4)</span></a>
-<div class="NOTE">
-<blockquote class="NOTE">
-<p><b>Note:</b> <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">moused</span>(8)</span></a> has
-more information on using pointing devices with FreeBSD. Information on using pointing
-devices with <b class="APPLICATION">XFree86</b> can be found at <a
-href="http://www.xfree86.org/" target="_top">http://www.xfree86.org/</a>.</p>
-<br />
-<br />
-<p>``PC-9821 standard'' parallel ports (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ppc</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>Joystick port of SoundBlaster(98) (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">joy</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>PHS Data Communication Card/PCCARD</p>
-<p>NTT DoCoMo P-in Comp@ct</p>
-<p>Panasonic KX-PH405</p>
-<p>SII MC-P200</p>
-<br />
-<br />
-<p>Power Management Controller of NEC PC-98 Note (pmc driver)</p>
-<hr />
-<p align="center"><small>This file, and other release-related documents, can be
-downloaded from <a href="ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/">ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/</a>.</small></p>
-<p align="center"><small>For questions about FreeBSD, read the <a
-href="http://www.FreeBSD.org/docs.html">documentation</a> before contacting &#60;<a
-<p align="center"><small>For questions about this documentation, e-mail &#60;<a
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-<div class="TITLEPAGE">
-<h1 class="TITLE"><a id="AEN2" name="AEN2">FreeBSD/sparc64 5.3-RELEASE Hardware
-<h3 class="CORPAUTHOR">The FreeBSD Documentation Project</h3>
-<p class="COPYRIGHT">Copyright &copy; 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 The FreeBSD
-Documentation Project</p>
-<hr />
-<div class="TOC">
-<dt><b>Table of Contents</b></dt>
-<dt>1 <a href="#INTRO">Introduction</a></dt>
-<dt>2 <a href="#SUPPORT-SYS">Supported Systems</a></dt>
-<dt>2.1 <a href="#AEN26">Fully Supported Systems</a></dt>
-<dt>2.2 <a href="#AEN76">Partially Supported Systems</a></dt>
-<dt>2.3 <a href="#AEN88">Unsupported Systems</a></dt>
-<dt>3 <a href="#SUPPORT">Supported Devices</a></dt>
-<dt>3.1 <a href="#DISK">Disk Controllers</a></dt>
-<dt>3.2 <a href="#ETHERNET">Ethernet Interfaces</a></dt>
-<dt>3.3 <a href="#FDDI">FDDI Interfaces</a></dt>
-<dt>3.4 <a href="#ATM">ATM Interfaces</a></dt>
-<dt>3.5 <a href="#WLAN">Wireless Network Interfaces</a></dt>
-<dt>3.6 <a href="#MISC-NETWORK">Miscellaneous Networks</a></dt>
-<dt>3.7 <a href="#ISDN">ISDN Interfaces</a></dt>
-<dt>3.8 <a href="#SERIAL">Serial Interfaces</a></dt>
-<dt>3.9 <a href="#AUDIO">Audio Devices</a></dt>
-<dt>3.10 <a href="#CAMERA">Camera and Video Capture Devices</a></dt>
-<dt>3.11 <a href="#USB">USB Devices</a></dt>
-<dt>3.12 <a href="#FIREWIRE">IEEE 1394 (Firewire) Devices</a></dt>
-<dt>3.13 <a href="#BLUETOOTH">Bluetooth Devices</a></dt>
-<dt>3.14 <a href="#CRYPTO-ACCEL">Cryptographic Accelerators</a></dt>
-<dt>3.15 <a href="#MISC">Miscellaneous</a></dt>
-<div class="SECT1">
-<h2 class="SECT1"><a id="INTRO" name="INTRO">1 Introduction</a></h2>
-<p>This document contains the hardware compatibility notes for FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE on the
-UltraSPARC hardware platform (also referred to as FreeBSD/sparc64 5.3-RELEASE). It lists
-devices known to work on this platform, as well as some notes on boot-time kernel
-customization that may be useful when attempting to configure support for new
-<div class="NOTE">
-<blockquote class="NOTE">
-<p><b>Note:</b> This document includes information specific to the UltraSPARC hardware
-platform. Versions of the hardware compatibility notes for other architectures will
-differ in some details.</p>
-<div class="SECT1">
-<hr />
-<h2 class="SECT1"><a id="SUPPORT-SYS" name="SUPPORT-SYS">2 Supported Systems</a></h2>
-<p>This section describes the systems currently known to be supported by FreeBSD on the
-UltraSPARC platform. For background information on the various hardware designs see the
-<a href="http://sunsolve.sun.com/handbook_pub/" target="_top">Sun System
-<p>SMP is supported on all systems with more than 1 processor.</p>
-<p>If you have a system that is not listed here, it may not have been tested with FreeBSD
-5.3-RELEASE. We encourage you to try it and send a note to the <a
-href="http://lists.FreeBSD.org/mailman/listinfo/freebsd-sparc64" target="_top">FreeBSD
-SPARC porting mailing list</a> with your results, including which devices work and which
-do not.</p>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="AEN26" name="AEN26">2.1 Fully Supported Systems</a></h3>
-<p>The following systems are fully supported by FreeBSD.</p>
-<p>Blade 100</p>
-<p>Blade 150</p>
-<p>Enterprise 220R</p>
-<p>Enterprise 250</p>
-<p>Enterprise 420R</p>
-<p>Enterprise 450</p>
-<p>Fire V100</p>
-<p>Fire V120</p>
-<p>Netra t1 105</p>
-<p>Netra T1 AC200/DC200</p>
-<p>Netra t 1100</p>
-<p>Netra t 1120</p>
-<p>Netra t 1125</p>
-<p>Netra t 1400/1405</p>
-<p>Netra 120</p>
-<p>Netra X1</p>
-<p>SPARCEngine Ultra AXi</p>
-<p>SPARCEngine Ultra AXmp</p>
-<p>Ultra 5</p>
-<p>Ultra 10</p>
-<p>Ultra 30</p>
-<p>Ultra 60</p>
-<p>Ultra 80</p>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="AEN76" name="AEN76">2.2 Partially Supported Systems</a></h3>
-<p>The following systems are partially supported by FreeBSD. In particular the onboard
-scsi controller in sbus systems is not supported.</p>
-<p>Enterprise 3500</p>
-<p>Enterprise 4500</p>
-<p>Ultra 1 Enterprise (1E for short)</p>
-<p>Ultra 2</p>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="AEN88" name="AEN88">2.3 Unsupported Systems</a></h3>
-<p>The following systems are not supported by FreeBSD. This may be due to lack of
-processor support (UltraSPARC III), due to a quirk in the system design that makes
-FreeBSD unstable, or due to lack of support for sufficient onboard devices to make
-FreeBSD generally useful.</p>
-<p>All systems containing UltraSPARC III processor(s).</p>
-<p>Ultra 1</p>
-<div class="SECT1">
-<hr />
-<h2 class="SECT1"><a id="SUPPORT" name="SUPPORT">3 Supported Devices</a></h2>
-$FreeBSD: src/release/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/hardware/common/dev.sgml,v
-2004/11/03 00:18:51 simon Exp $
-<p>This section describes the devices currently known to be supported by with FreeBSD on
-the UltraSPARC platform. Other configurations may also work, but simply have not been
-tested yet. Feedback, updates, and corrections to this list are encouraged.</p>
-<p>Where possible, the drivers applicable to each device or class of devices is listed.
-If the driver in question has a manual page in the FreeBSD base distribution (most
-should), it is referenced here. Information on specific models of supported devices,
-controllers, etc. can be found in the manual pages.</p>
-<div class="NOTE">
-<blockquote class="NOTE">
-<p><b>Note:</b> The device lists in this document are being generated automatically from
-FreeBSD manual pages. This means that some devices, which are supported by multiple
-drivers, may appear multiple times.</p>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="DISK" name="DISK">3.1 Disk Controllers</a></h3>
-<p>IDE/ATA controllers (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ata</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ahc</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports the following SCSI host adapter chips and SCSI controller cards:</p>
-<p>Adaptec AIC7770 host adapter chip</p>
-<p>Adaptec AIC7850 host adapter chip</p>
-<p>Adaptec AIC7860 host adapter chip</p>
-<p>Adaptec AIC7870 host adapter chip</p>
-<p>Adaptec AIC7880 host adapter chip</p>
-<p>Adaptec AIC7890 host adapter chip</p>
-<p>Adaptec AIC7891 host adapter chip</p>
-<p>Adaptec AIC7892 host adapter chip</p>
-<p>Adaptec AIC7895 host adapter chip</p>
-<p>Adaptec AIC7896 host adapter chip</p>
-<p>Adaptec AIC7897 host adapter chip</p>
-<p>Adaptec AIC7899 host adapter chip</p>
-<p>Adaptec 274X(W)</p>
-<p>Adaptec 274X(T)</p>
-<p>Adaptec 284X</p>
-<p>Adaptec 2910</p>
-<p>Adaptec 2915</p>
-<p>Adaptec 2920</p>
-<p>Adaptec 2930C</p>
-<p>Adaptec 2930U2</p>
-<p>Adaptec 2940</p>
-<p>Adaptec 2940J</p>
-<p>Adaptec 2940N</p>
-<p>Adaptec 2940U</p>
-<p>Adaptec 2940AU</p>
-<p>Adaptec 2940UW</p>
-<p>Adaptec 2940UW Dual</p>
-<p>Adaptec 2940UW Pro</p>
-<p>Adaptec 2940U2W</p>
-<p>Adaptec 2940U2B</p>
-<p>Adaptec 2950U2W</p>
-<p>Adaptec 2950U2B</p>
-<p>Adaptec 19160B</p>
-<p>Adaptec 29160B</p>
-<p>Adaptec 29160N</p>
-<p>Adaptec 3940</p>
-<p>Adaptec 3940U</p>
-<p>Adaptec 3940AU</p>
-<p>Adaptec 3940UW</p>
-<p>Adaptec 3940AUW</p>
-<p>Adaptec 3940U2W</p>
-<p>Adaptec 3950U2</p>
-<p>Adaptec 3960</p>
-<p>Adaptec 39160</p>
-<p>Adaptec 3985</p>
-<p>Adaptec 4944UW</p>
-<p>NEC PC-9821Xt13 (PC-98)</p>
-<p>NEC RvII26 (PC-98)</p>
-<p>NEC PC-9821X-B02L/B09 (PC-98)</p>
-<p>NEC SV-98/2-B03 (PC-98)</p>
-<p>Many motherboards with on-board SCSI support</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ahd</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports the following:</p>
-<p>Adaptec AIC7901 host adapter chip</p>
-<p>Adaptec AIC7901A host adapter chip</p>
-<p>Adaptec AIC7902 host adapter chip</p>
-<p>Adaptec 29320 host adapter</p>
-<p>Adaptec 39320 host adapter</p>
-<p>Many motherboards with on-board SCSI support</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">amr</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports the following:</p>
-<p>AMI MegaRAID 320-1</p>
-<p>AMI MegaRAID 320-2</p>
-<p>AMI MegaRAID 320-4X</p>
-<p>AMI MegaRAID Series 418</p>
-<p>AMI MegaRAID Enterprise 1200 (Series 428)</p>
-<p>AMI MegaRAID Enterprise 1300 (Series 434)</p>
-<p>AMI MegaRAID Enterprise 1400 (Series 438)</p>
-<p>AMI MegaRAID Enterprise 1500 (Series 467)</p>
-<p>AMI MegaRAID Enterprise 1600 (Series 471)</p>
-<p>AMI MegaRAID Elite 1500 (Series 467)</p>
-<p>AMI MegaRAID Elite 1600 (Series 493)</p>
-<p>AMI MegaRAID Elite 1650 (Series 4xx)</p>
-<p>AMI MegaRAID Express 100 (Series 466WS)</p>
-<p>AMI MegaRAID Express 200 (Series 466)</p>
-<p>AMI MegaRAID Express 300 (Series 490)</p>
-<p>AMI MegaRAID Express 500 (Series 475)</p>
-<p>Dell PERC</p>
-<p>Dell PERC 2/SC</p>
-<p>Dell PERC 2/DC</p>
-<p>Dell PERC 3/DCL</p>
-<p>Dell PERC 3/QC</p>
-<p>Dell PERC 4/Di</p>
-<p>HP NetRAID-1/Si</p>
-<p>HP NetRAID-3/Si (D4943A)</p>
-<p>HP Embedded NetRAID</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ncr</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-provides support for the following NCR/Symbios SCSI controller chips:</p>
-<p>The following add-on boards are known to be supported:</p>
-<p>I-O DATA SC-98/PCI (PC-98)</p>
-<p>I-O DATA SC-PCI (PC-98)</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sym</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-provides support for the following Symbios/LSI Logic PCI SCSI controllers:</p>
-<p>The SCSI controllers supported by <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sym</span>(4)</span></a> can be
-either embedded on a motherboard, or on one of the following add-on boards:</p>
-<p>ASUS SC-200, SC-896</p>
-<p>Data Technology DTC3130 (all variants)</p>
-<p>DawiControl DC2976UW</p>
-<p>Diamond FirePort (all)</p>
-<p>I-O DATA SC-UPCI (PC-98)</p>
-<p>Logitec LHA-521UA (PC-98)</p>
-<p>NCR cards (all)</p>
-<p>Symbios cards (all)</p>
-<p>Tekram DC390W, 390U, 390F, 390U2B, 390U2W, 390U3D, and 390U3W</p>
-<p>Tyan S1365</p>
-<p>Cards supported by the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">isp</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-<p>PTI SBS440</p>
-<p>PTI SBS450</p>
-<p>Qlogic 1240</p>
-<p>Qlogic 1020</p>
-<p>Qlogic 1040</p>
-<p>Qlogic 1080</p>
-<p>Qlogic 1280</p>
-<p>Qlogic 12160</p>
-<p>Qlogic 2100</p>
-<p>Qlogic 2102</p>
-<p>Qlogic 2200</p>
-<p>Qlogic 2202</p>
-<p>Qlogic 2204</p>
-<p>Qlogic 2300</p>
-<p>Qlogic 2312</p>
-<p>PTI SBS470</p>
-<p>Antares P-0033</p>
-<p>The following controllers are supported by the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">mpt</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>LSI Logic 53c1030 (Dual Ultra320 SCSI)</p>
-<p>LSI Logic FC909 (1Gb/s Fibre Channel)</p>
-<p>LSI Logic FC909A (Dual 1Gb/s Fibre Channel)</p>
-<p>LSI Logic FC919 (2Gb/s Fibre Channel)</p>
-<p>LSI Logic FC929 (Dual 2Gb/s Fibre Channel)</p>
-<p>The SCSI controller chips supprted by the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">mpt</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-can be found onboard on many systems including:</p>
-<p>Dell PowerEdge 1750</p>
-<p>IBM eServer xSeries 335</p>
-<p>With all supported SCSI controllers, full support is provided for SCSI-I, SCSI-II, and
-SCSI-III peripherals, including hard disks, optical disks, tape drives (including DAT,
-8mm Exabyte, Mammoth, and DLT), medium changers, processor target devices and CD-ROM
-drives. WORM devices that support CD-ROM commands are supported for read-only access by
-the CD-ROM drivers (such as <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">cd</span>(4)</span></a>).
-WORM/CD-R/CD-RW writing support is provided by <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">cdrecord</span>(1)</span></a>, which is
-a part of the <a
-class="FILENAME">sysutils/cdrtools</tt></a> port in the Ports Collection.</p>
-<p>The following CD-ROM type systems are supported at this time:</p>
-<p>SCSI interface (also includes ProAudio Spectrum and SoundBlaster SCSI) (<a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">cd</span>(4)</span></a>)</p>
-<p>ATAPI IDE interface (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">acd</span>(4)</span></a>)</p>
-<br />
-<br />
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="ETHERNET" name="ETHERNET">3.2 Ethernet Interfaces</a></h3>
-<p>Adapters supported by the <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">rl</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-<p>Accton ``Cheetah'' EN1207D (MPX 5030/5038; RealTek 8139 clone)</p>
-<p>Allied Telesyn AT2550</p>
-<p>Allied Telesyn AT2500TX</p>
-<p>Belkin F5D5000</p>
-<p>BUFFALO(Melco INC.) LPC-CB-CLX(CardBus)</p>
-<p>Compaq HNE-300</p>
-<p>CompUSA no-name 10/100 PCI Ethernet NIC</p>
-<p>Corega FEther CB-TXD</p>
-<p>Corega FEtherII CB-TXD</p>
-<p>D-Link DFE-530TX+</p>
-<p>D-Link DFE-538TX (same as 530+?)</p>
-<p>D-Link DFE-690TXD</p>
-<p>Edimax EP-4103DL CardBus</p>
-<p>Encore ENL832-TX 10/100 M PCI</p>
-<p>Farallon NetLINE 10/100 PCI</p>
-<p>Genius GF100TXR,</p>
-<p>GigaFast Ethernet EE100-AXP</p>
-<p>KTX-9130TX 10/100 Fast Ethernet</p>
-<p>LevelOne FPC-0106TX</p>
-<p>Longshine LCS-8038TX-R</p>
-<p>NDC Communications NE100TX-E</p>
-<p>Netronix Inc. EA-1210 NetEther 10/100</p>
-<p>Nortel Networks 10/100BaseTX</p>
-<p>OvisLink LEF-8129TX</p>
-<p>OvisLink LEF-8139TX</p>
-<p>Peppercon AG ROL-F</p>
-<p>Planex FNW-3800-TX</p>
-<p>SMC EZ Card 10/100 PCI 1211-TX</p>
-<p>SOHO(PRAGMATIC) UE-1211C</p>
-<p>The <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">dc</span>(4)</span></a> driver provides
-support for the following chipsets:</p>
-<p>DEC/Intel 21143</p>
-<p>ADMtek AL981 Comet, AN985 Centaur, ADM9511 Centaur II and ADM9513 Centaur II</p>
-<p>ASIX Electronics AX88140A and AX88141</p>
-<p>Conexant LANfinity RS7112 (miniPCI)</p>
-<p>Davicom DM9009, DM9100, DM9102 and DM9102A</p>
-<p>Lite-On 82c168 and 82c169 PNIC</p>
-<p>Lite-On/Macronix 82c115 PNIC II</p>
-<p>Macronix 98713, 98713A, 98715, 98715A, 98715AEC-C, 98725, 98727 and 98732</p>
-<p>Xircom X3201 (cardbus only)</p>
-<p>The following NICs are known to work with the <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">dc</span>(4)</span></a> driver at this
-<p>3Com OfficeConnect 10/100B (ADMtek AN985 Centaur-P)</p>
-<p>Abocom FE2500</p>
-<p>Accton EN1217 (98715A)</p>
-<p>Accton EN2242 MiniPCI</p>
-<p>Adico AE310TX (98715A)</p>
-<p>Alfa Inc GFC2204 (ASIX AX88140A)</p>
-<p>Built in 10Mbps only Ethernet on Compaq Presario 7900 series desktops (21143,
-<p>Built in DE500-BA on DEC Alpha workstations (21143, non-MII)</p>
-<p>Built in Sun DMFE 10/100 Mbps Ethernet on Sun Netra X1 and Sun Fire V100 (DM9102A,
-<p>Built in Ethernet on LinkSys EtherFast 10/100 Instant GigaDrive (DM9102, MII)</p>
-<p>CNet Pro110B (ASIX AX88140A)</p>
-<p>CNet Pro120A (98715A or 98713A) and CNet Pro120B (98715)</p>
-<p>Compex RL100-TX (98713 or 98713A)</p>
-<p>D-Link DFE-570TX (21143, MII, quad port)</p>
-<p>Digital DE500-BA 10/100 (21143, non-MII)</p>
-<p>ELECOM Laneed LD-CBL/TXA (ADMtek AN985)</p>
-<p>Hawking CB102 CardBus</p>
-<p>IBM EtherJet Cardbus Adapter</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/100 Mobile Cardbus (versions that use the X3201 chipset)</p>
-<p>Jaton XpressNet (Davicom DM9102)</p>
-<p>Kingston KNE100TX (21143, MII)</p>
-<p>Kingston KNE110TX (PNIC 82c169)</p>
-<p>LinkSys LNE100TX (PNIC 82c168, 82c169)</p>
-<p>LinkSys LNE100TX v2.0 (PNIC II 82c115)</p>
-<p>LinkSys LNE100TX v4.0/4.1 (ADMtek AN985 Centaur-P)</p>
-<p>Matrox FastNIC 10/100 (PNIC 82c168, 82c169)</p>
-<p>Melco LGY-PCI-TXL</p>
-<p>Microsoft MN-120 10/100 CardBus (ADMTek Centaur-C)</p>
-<p>Microsoft MN-130 10/100 PCI (ADMTek Centaur-P)</p>
-<p>NDC SOHOware SFA110A (98713A)</p>
-<p>NDC SOHOware SFA110A Rev B4 (98715AEC-C)</p>
-<p>NetGear FA310-TX Rev. D1, D2 or D3 (PNIC 82c169)</p>
-<p>Netgear FA511</p>
-<p>PlaneX FNW-3602-T (ADMtek AN985)</p>
-<p>SMC EZ Card 10/100 1233A-TX (ADMtek AN985)</p>
-<p>SVEC PN102-TX (98713)</p>
-<p>Xircom Cardbus Realport</p>
-<p>Xircom Cardbus Ethernet 10/100</p>
-<p>Xircom Cardbus Ethernet II 10/100</p>
-<p>Adapters supported by the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">fxp</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-<p>Intel EtherExpress PRO/10</p>
-<p>Intel InBusiness 10/100</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/100B / EtherExpressPRO/100 B PCI Adapter</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/100+ Management Adapter</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/100 VE Desktop Adapter</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/100 M Desktop Adapter</p>
-<p>Intel PRO/100 S Desktop, Server and Dual-Port Server Adapters</p>
-<p>Contec C-NET(PI)-100TX (PC-98)</p>
-<p>NEC PC-9821Ra20, Rv20, Xv13, Xv20 internal 100Base-TX (PC-98)</p>
-<p>NEC PC-9821X-B06 (PC-98)</p>
-<p>Many on-board network interfaces on Intel motherboards</p>
-<p>The <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">xl</span>(4)</span></a> driver supports
-the following hardware:</p>
-<p>3Com 3c900-TPO</p>
-<p>3Com 3c900-COMBO</p>
-<p>3Com 3c905-TX</p>
-<p>3Com 3c905-T4</p>
-<p>3Com 3c900B-TPO</p>
-<p>3Com 3c900B-TPC</p>
-<p>3Com 3c900B-FL</p>
-<p>3Com 3c900B-COMBO</p>
-<p>3Com 3c905B-T4</p>
-<p>3Com 3c905B-TX</p>
-<p>3Com 3c905B-FX</p>
-<p>3Com 3c905B-COMBO</p>
-<p>3Com 3c905C-TX</p>
-<p>3Com 3c980, 3c980B, and 3c980C server adapters</p>
-<p>3Com 3cSOHO100-TX OfficeConnect adapters</p>
-<p>3Com 3c450 HomeConnect adapters</p>
-<p>3Com 3c555, 3c556 and 3c556B mini-PCI adapters</p>
-<p>3Com 3C3SH573BT, 3C575TX, 3CCFE575BT, 3CXFE575BT, 3CCFE575CT, 3CXFE575CT, 3CCFEM656,
-3CCFEM656B, and 3CCFEM656C, 3CXFEM656, 3CXFEM656B, and 3CXFEM656C CardBus adapters</p>
-<p>3Com 3c905-TX, 3c905B-TX 3c905C-TX, and 3c920B-EMB embedded adapters</p>
-<p>Both the 3C656 family of CardBus cards and the 3C556 family of MiniPCI cards have a
-built-in proprietary modem. Neither the <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">xl</span>(4)</span></a> driver nor any
-other driver supports this modem.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">hme</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports the on-board Ethernet interfaces of many Sun UltraSPARC workstation and server
-models. Cards supported by the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">hme</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-<p>Sun PCI SunSwift Adapter</p>
-<p>Sun SBus SunSwift Adapter ``( hme'' and ``SUNW,hme'')</p>
-<p>Sun PCI Sun100BaseT Adapter 2.0</p>
-<p>Sun SBus Sun100BaseT 2.0</p>
-<p>Sun PCI Quad FastEthernet Controller</p>
-<p>Sun SBus Quad FastEthernet Controller</p>
-<p>Cards supported by <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">gem</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-<p>Sun GEM gigabit Ethernet</p>
-<p>Sun ERI 10/100 Mbps Ethernet</p>
-<p>Apple GMAC</p>
-<p>The <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">re</span>(4)</span></a> driver supports
-RealTek RTL8139C+, RTL8169, RTL8169S and RTL8110S based Fast Ethernet and Gigabit
-Ethernet adapters including:</p>
-<p>Alloy Computer Products EtherGOLD 1439E 10/100 (8139C+)</p>
-<p>Compaq Evo N1015v Integrated Ethernet (8139C+)</p>
-<p>Corega CG-LAPCIGT Gigabit Ethernet (8169S)</p>
-<p>Gigabyte 7N400 Pro2 Integrated Gigabit Ethernet (8110S)</p>
-<p>PLANEX COMMUNICATIONS Inc. GN-1200TC (8169S)</p>
-<p>Xterasys XN-152 10/100/1000 NIC (8169)</p>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="FDDI" name="FDDI">3.3 FDDI Interfaces</a></h3>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="ATM" name="ATM">3.4 ATM Interfaces</a></h3>
-<p>FORE Systems, Inc. PCA-200E ATM PCI Adapters (hfa and <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">fatm</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>FORE Systems, Inc. HE155 and HE622 ATM interfaces (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">hatm</span>(4)</span></a>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="WLAN" name="WLAN">3.5 Wireless Network Interfaces</a></h3>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="MISC-NETWORK" name="MISC-NETWORK">3.6 Miscellaneous
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="ISDN" name="ISDN">3.7 ISDN Interfaces</a></h3>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="SERIAL" name="SERIAL">3.8 Serial Interfaces</a></h3>
-<p>Serial ports based on the SAB82532 serial chip, console only (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sab</span>(4)</span></a>
-<p>Serial ports based on the Zilog 8530 dual uart, console only (zs driver)</p>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="AUDIO" name="AUDIO">3.9 Audio Devices</a></h3>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">snd_ess</span>(4)</span></a>
-driver supports the following soundcards:</p>
-<p>Ensoniq ESS ISA PnP/non-PnP</p>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="CAMERA" name="CAMERA">3.10 Camera and Video Capture
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="USB" name="USB">3.11 USB Devices</a></h3>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">umct</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports the following adapters:</p>
-<p>Magic Control Technology USB-232</p>
-<p>Sitecom USB-232</p>
-<p>D-Link DU-H3SP USB BAY Hub</p>
-<p>Belkin F5U109</p>
-<p>Belkin F5U409</p>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="FIREWIRE" name="FIREWIRE">3.12 IEEE 1394 (Firewire)
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">fwohci</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-provides support for PCI/CardBus firewire interface cards. The driver supports the
-following IEEE 1394 OHCI chipsets:</p>
-<p>Adaptec AHA-894x/AIC-5800</p>
-<p>Apple Pangea</p>
-<p>Apple UniNorth</p>
-<p>Intel 82372FB</p>
-<p>Lucent FW322/323</p>
-<p>NEC uPD72861</p>
-<p>NEC uPD72870</p>
-<p>NEC uPD72871/2</p>
-<p>NEC uPD72873</p>
-<p>NEC uPD72874</p>
-<p>National Semiconductor CS4210</p>
-<p>Ricoh R5C551</p>
-<p>Ricoh R5C552</p>
-<p>Sony CX3022</p>
-<p>Sony i.LINK (CXD1947)</p>
-<p>Sony i.LINK (CXD3222)</p>
-<p>Texas Instruments PCI4410A</p>
-<p>Texas Instruments PCI4450</p>
-<p>Texas Instruments PCI4451</p>
-<p>Texas Instruments TSB12LV22</p>
-<p>Texas Instruments TSB12LV23</p>
-<p>Texas Instruments TSB12LV26</p>
-<p>Texas Instruments TSB43AA22</p>
-<p>Texas Instruments TSB43AB21/A/AI/A-EP</p>
-<p>Texas Instruments TSB43AB22/A</p>
-<p>Texas Instruments TSB43AB23</p>
-<p>Texas Instruments TSB82AA2</p>
-<p>VIA Fire II (VT6306)</p>
-<p>Serial Bus Protocol 2 (SBP-2) storage devices (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sbp</span>(4)</span></a>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="BLUETOOTH" name="BLUETOOTH">3.13 Bluetooth Devices</a></h3>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ng_ubt</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-supports all Bluetooth USB devices that conform with the Bluetooth specification v1.1,
-<p>3Com 3CREB96</p>
-<p>AIPTEK BR0R02</p>
-<p>EPoX BT-DG02</p>
-<p>Mitsumi Bluetooth USB adapter</p>
-<p>MSI MS-6967</p>
-<p>TDK Bluetooth USB adapter</p>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="CRYPTO-ACCEL" name="CRYPTO-ACCEL">3.14 Cryptographic
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="MISC" name="MISC">3.15 Miscellaneous</a></h3>
-<p>OpenFirmware console (ofwcons driver)</p>
-<hr />
-<p align="center"><small>This file, and other release-related documents, can be
-downloaded from <a href="ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/">ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/</a>.</small></p>
-<p align="center"><small>For questions about FreeBSD, read the <a
-href="http://www.FreeBSD.org/docs.html">documentation</a> before contacting &#60;<a
-<p align="center"><small>For questions about this documentation, e-mail &#60;<a
diff --git a/en_US.ISO8859-1/htdocs/releases/5.3R/hardware.xml b/en_US.ISO8859-1/htdocs/releases/5.3R/hardware.xml
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-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//FreeBSD//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional-Based Extension//EN"
-"http://www.FreeBSD.org/XML/share/xml/xhtml10-freebsd.dtd" [
-<!ENTITY title "FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE Hardware Notes">
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- <head>
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- <cvs:keyword xmlns:cvs="http://www.FreeBSD.org/XML/CVS">$FreeBSD$</cvs:keyword>
- </head>
- <body class="navinclude.download">
- <p>The hardware notes for FreeBSD are customized for different
- platforms, as many devices are only supported on (or are
- only relevant for)
- specific processors or architectures.</p>
- <p>Hardware notes for FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE are available for the following
- platforms:</p>
- <ul>
- <li><a href="hardware-alpha.html">alpha</a></li>
- <li><a href="hardware-amd64.html">amd64</a></li>
- <li><a href="hardware-i386.html">i386</a></li>
- <li><a href="hardware-ia64.html">ia64</a></li>
- <li><a href="hardware-pc98.html">pc98</a></li>
- <li><a href="hardware-sparc64.html">sparc64</a></li>
- </ul>
- <p>A list of all platforms currently under development can be found
- on the <a href="../../platforms/index.html">Supported
- Platforms</a> page.</p>
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-<title>FreeBSD/alpha 5.3-RELEASE Installation Instructions</title>
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-<div class="ARTICLE">
-<div class="TITLEPAGE">
-<h1 class="TITLE"><a id="AEN2" name="AEN2">FreeBSD/alpha 5.3-RELEASE Installation
-<h3 class="CORPAUTHOR">The FreeBSD Project</h3>
-<p class="COPYRIGHT">Copyright &copy; 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 The FreeBSD
-Documentation Project</p>
-<hr />
-<blockquote class="ABSTRACT">
-<div class="ABSTRACT"><a id="AEN12" name="AEN12"></a>
-<p>This article gives some brief instructions on installing FreeBSD/alpha 5.3-RELEASE,
-with particular emphasis given to obtaining a FreeBSD distribution. Some notes on
-troubleshooting and frequently-asked questions are also given.</p>
-<div class="SECT1">
-<hr />
-<h2 class="SECT1"><a id="INSTALL" name="INSTALL">1 Installing FreeBSD</a></h2>
-<p>This section documents the process of installing a new distribution of FreeBSD. These
-instructions pay particular emphasis to the process of obtaining the FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE
-distribution and to beginning the installation procedure. The <a
-target="_top">``Installing FreeBSD''</a> chapter of the <a
-href="http://www.FreeBSD.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/" target="_top">FreeBSD
-Handbook</a> provides more in-depth information about the installation program itself,
-including a guided walkthrough with screenshots.</p>
-<p>If you are upgrading from a previous release of FreeBSD, please see <a
-href="#UPGRADING">Section 3</a> for instructions on upgrading.</p>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="GETTING-STARTED" name="GETTING-STARTED">1.1 Getting
-<p>Probably the most important pre-installation step that can be taken is that of reading
-the various instruction documents provided with FreeBSD. A roadmap of documents
-pertaining to this release of FreeBSD can be found in <tt
-class="FILENAME">README.TXT</tt>, which can usually be found in the same location as this
-file; most of these documents, such as the release notes and the hardware compatibility
-list, are also accessible in the Documentation menu of the installer.</p>
-<p>Note that on-line versions of the FreeBSD <a
-href="http://www.FreeBSD.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/faq/" target="_top">FAQ</a> and <a
-target="_top">Handbook</a> are also available from the <a href="http://www.FreeBSD.org/"
-target="_top">FreeBSD Project Web site</a>, if you have an Internet connection.</p>
-<p>This collection of documents may seem daunting, but the time spent reading them will
-likely be saved many times over. Being familiar with what resources are available can
-also be helpful in the event of problems during installation.</p>
-<p>The best laid plans sometimes go awry, so if you run into trouble take a look at <a
-href="#TROUBLE">Section 4</a>, which contains valuable troubleshooting information. You
-should also read an updated copy of <tt class="FILENAME">ERRATA.TXT</tt> before
-installing, since this will alert you to any problems which have reported in the interim
-for your particular release.</p>
-<div class="IMPORTANT">
-<blockquote class="IMPORTANT">
-<p><b>Important:</b> While FreeBSD does its best to safeguard against accidental loss of
-data, it's still more than possible to <span class="emphasis"><i class="EMPHASIS">wipe
-out your entire disk</i></span> with this installation if you make a mistake. Please do
-not proceed to the final FreeBSD installation menu unless you've adequately backed up any
-important data first.</p>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="AEN37" name="AEN37">1.2 Hardware Requirements</a></h3>
-<p>FreeBSD for the Alpha/AXP supports the platforms described in <tt
-<p>You will need a dedicated disk for FreeBSD/alpha. It is not possible to share a disk
-with another operating system at this time. This disk will need to be attached to a SCSI
-controller which is supported by the SRM firmware or an IDE disk assuming the SRM in your
-machine supports booting from IDE disks.</p>
-<p>Your root filesystem MUST be the first partition (partition <var
-class="LITERAL">a</var>) on the disk to be bootable.</p>
-<p>You will need the SRM console firmware for your platform. In some cases, it is
-possible to switch between AlphaBIOS (or ARC) firmware and SRM. In others it will be
-necessary to download new firmware from the vendor's Web site.</p>
-<p>If you are not familiar with configuring hardware for FreeBSD, you should be sure to
-read the <tt class="FILENAME">HARDWARE.TXT</tt> file; it contains important information
-on what hardware is supported by FreeBSD.</p>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="FLOPPIES" name="FLOPPIES">1.3 Floppy Disk Image
-<p>Depending on how you choose to install FreeBSD, you may need to create a set of floppy
-disks (usually three) to begin the installation process. This section briefly describes
-how to create these disks, either from a CDROM installation or from the Internet. Note
-that in the common case of installing FreeBSD from CDROM, on a machine that supports
-bootable CDROMs, the steps outlined in this section will not be needed and can be
-<p>For most CDROM or network installations, all you need to copy onto actual floppies
-from the <tt class="FILENAME">floppies/</tt> directory are the <tt
-class="FILENAME">boot.flp</tt> and <tt class="FILENAME">kernX.flp</tt> images (for 1.44MB
-<p>Getting these images over the network is easy. Simply fetch the <var
-class="REPLACEABLE">release</var><tt class="FILENAME">/floppies/boot.flp</tt>, and all of
-the <var class="REPLACEABLE">release</var><tt class="FILENAME">/floppies/kernX.flp</tt>
-files from <a href="ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/" target="_top">ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/</a> or
-one of the many mirrors listed at <a
-target="_top">FTP Sites</a> section of the Handbook, or on the <a
-href="http://mirrorlist.FreeBSD.org/" target="_top">http://mirrorlist.FreeBSD.org/</a>
-Web pages.</p>
-<p>Get approximately three blank, freshly formatted floppies and image copy <tt
-class="FILENAME">boot.flp</tt> onto one and the <tt class="FILENAME">kernX.flp</tt> files
-onto the others. These images are <span class="emphasis"><i
-class="EMPHASIS">not</i></span> DOS files. You cannot simply copy them to a DOS or UFS
-floppy as regular files, you need to ``image'' copy them to the floppy with <tt
-class="FILENAME">fdimage.exe</tt> under DOS (see the <tt class="FILENAME">tools</tt>
-directory on your CDROM or FreeBSD FTP mirror) or the <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">dd</span>(1)</span></a> command in
-<p>For example, to create the kernel floppy image from DOS, you'd do something like
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<samp class="PROMPT">C&#62;</samp> <kbd class="USERINPUT">fdimage boot.flp a:</kbd>
-<p>Assuming that you'd copied <tt class="FILENAME">fdimage.exe</tt> and <tt
-class="FILENAME">boot.flp</tt> into a directory somewhere. You would do the same for the
-<tt class="FILENAME">kernX.flp</tt> files, of course.</p>
-<p>If you're creating the boot floppy from a UNIX machine, you may find that:</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<samp class="PROMPT">#</samp> <kbd
-class="USERINPUT">dd if=floppies/boot.flp of=/dev/rfd0</kbd>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<samp class="PROMPT">#</samp> <kbd
-class="USERINPUT">dd if=floppies/boot.flp of=/dev/fd0</kbd>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<samp class="PROMPT">#</samp> <kbd
-class="USERINPUT">dd if=floppies/boot.flp of=/dev/floppy</kbd>
-<p>work well, depending on your hardware and operating system environment (different
-versions of UNIX have different names for the floppy drive).</p>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="START-INSTALLATION" name="START-INSTALLATION">1.4 Installing
-FreeBSD from CDROM or the Internet</a></h3>
-<p>The easiest type of installation is from CDROM. If you have a supported CDROM drive
-and a FreeBSD installation CDROM, you can boot FreeBSD directly from the CDROM. Insert
-the CDROM into the drive and type the following command to start the installation
-(substituting the name of the appropriate CDROM drive if necessary):</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-&gt;&gt;&gt;<kbd class="USERINPUT">boot dka0</kbd>
-<p>Alternatively you can boot the installation from floppy disk. You should start the
-installation by building a set of FreeBSD boot floppies from the <tt
-class="FILENAME">floppies/boot.flp</tt> and <tt class="FILENAME">floppies/kernX.flp</tt>
-files using the instructions found in <a href="#FLOPPIES">Section 1.3</a>. From the SRM
-console prompt (<var class="LITERAL">&gt;&gt;&gt;</var>), just insert the <tt
-class="FILENAME">boot.flp</tt> floppy and type the following command to start the
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-&gt;&gt;&gt;<kbd class="USERINPUT">boot dva0</kbd>
-<p>Insert the other floppies when prompted and you will end up at the first screen of the
-install program.</p>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="AEN202" name="AEN202">1.5 Detail on various installation
-<p>Once you've gotten yourself to the initial installation screen somehow, you should be
-able to follow the various menu prompts and go from there. If you've never used the
-FreeBSD installation before, you are also encouraged to read some of the documentation in
-the Documentation submenu as well as the general ``Usage'' instructions on the first
-<div class="NOTE">
-<blockquote class="NOTE">
-<p><b>Note:</b> If you get stuck at a screen, press the <b class="KEYCAP">F1</b> key for
-online documentation relevant to that specific section.</p>
-<p>If you've never installed FreeBSD before, or even if you have, the ``Standard''
-installation mode is the most recommended since it makes sure that you'll visit all the
-various important checklist items along the way. If you're much more comfortable with the
-FreeBSD installation process and know <span class="emphasis"><i
-class="EMPHASIS">exactly</i></span> what you want to do, use the ``Express'' or
-``Custom'' installation options. If you're upgrading an existing system, use the
-``Upgrade'' option.</p>
-<p>The FreeBSD installer supports the direct use of floppy, DOS, tape, CDROM, FTP, NFS
-and UFS partitions as installation media; further tips on installing from each type of
-media are listed below.</p>
-<p>Once the install procedure has finished, you will be able to start FreeBSD/alpha by
-typing something like this to the SRM prompt:</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-&gt;&gt;&gt;<kbd class="USERINPUT">boot dkc0</kbd>
-<p>This instructs the firmware to boot the specified disk. To find the SRM names of disks
-in your machine, use the <var class="LITERAL">show device</var> command:</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-&gt;&gt;&gt;<kbd class="USERINPUT">show device</kbd>
-dka0. DKA0 TOSHIBA CD-ROM XM-57 3476
-dkc0.0.0.1009.0 DKC0 RZ1BB-BS 0658
-dkc100.1.0.1009.0 DKC100 SEAGATE ST34501W 0015
-dva0. DVA0
-ewa0. EWA0 00-00-F8-75-6D-01
-pkc0.7.0.1009.0 PKC0 SCSI Bus ID 7 5.27
-pqa0. PQA0 PCI EIDE
-pqb0. PQB0 PCI EIDE
-<p>This example is from a Digital Personal Workstation 433au and shows three disks
-attached to the machine. The first is a CDROM called <tt class="DEVICENAME">dka0</tt> and
-the other two are disks and are called <tt class="DEVICENAME">dkc0</tt> and <tt
-class="DEVICENAME">dkc100</tt> respectively.</p>
-<p>You can specify which kernel file to load and what boot options to use with the <var
-class="OPTION">-file</var> and <var class="OPTION">-flags</var> options, for example:</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<samp class="PROMPT">&gt;&gt;&gt;</samp> <kbd
-class="USERINPUT">boot -file kernel.old -flags s</kbd>
-<p>To make FreeBSD/alpha boot automatically, use these commands:</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<samp class="PROMPT">&gt;&gt;&gt;</samp> <kbd class="USERINPUT">set boot_osflags a</kbd>
-<samp class="PROMPT">&gt;&gt;&gt;</samp> <kbd
-class="USERINPUT">set bootdef_dev dkc0</kbd>
-<samp class="PROMPT">&gt;&gt;&gt;</samp> <kbd
-class="USERINPUT">set auto_action BOOT</kbd>
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="AEN241" name="AEN241">1.5.1 Installing from a Network
-<p>If you simply wish to install from a local CDROM drive then see <a
-href="#START-INSTALLATION">Section 1.4</a>. If you don't have a CDROM drive on your
-system and wish to use a FreeBSD distribution CD in the CDROM drive of another system to
-which you have network connectivity, there are also several ways of going about it:</p>
-<p>If you would be able to FTP install FreeBSD directly from the CDROM drive in some
-FreeBSD machine, it's quite easy: You ensure an FTP server is running and then simply add
-the following line to the password file (using the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">vipw</span>(8)</span></a>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<p>On the machine on which you are running the install, go to the Options menu and set
-Release Name to <var class="LITERAL">any</var>. You may then choose a Media type of <var
-class="LITERAL">FTP</var> and type in <tt class="FILENAME">ftp://<var
-class="REPLACEABLE">machine</var></tt> after picking ``URL'' in the ftp sites menu.</p>
-<div class="WARNING">
-<blockquote class="WARNING">
-<p><b>Warning:</b> This may allow anyone on the local network (or Internet) to make
-``anonymous FTP'' connections to this machine, which may not be desirable.</p>
-<p>If you would rather use NFS to export the CDROM directly to the machine(s) you'll be
-installing from, you need to first add an entry to the <tt
-class="FILENAME">/etc/exports</tt> file (on the machine with the CDROM drive). The
-example below allows the machine <tt class="HOSTID">ziggy.foo.com</tt> to mount the CDROM
-directly via NFS during installation:</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-/cdrom -ro ziggy.foo.com
-<p>The machine with the CDROM must also be configured as an NFS server, of course, and if
-you're not sure how to do that then an NFS installation is probably not the best choice
-for you unless you're willing to read up on <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">rc.conf</span>(5)</span></a> and
-configure things appropriately. Assuming that this part goes smoothly, you should be able
-to enter: <tt class="FILENAME"><var class="REPLACEABLE">cdrom-host</var>:/cdrom</tt> as
-the path for an NFS installation when the target machine is installed, e.g. <tt
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="AEN273" name="AEN273">1.5.2 Installing from Floppies</a></h4>
-<p>If you must install from floppy disks, either due to unsupported hardware or just
-because you enjoy doing things the hard way, you must first prepare some floppies for the
-<p>First, make your boot floppies as described in <a href="#FLOPPIES">Section
-<p>Second, peruse <a href="#LAYOUT">Section 2</a> and pay special attention to the
-``Distribution Format'' section since it describes which files you're going to need to
-put onto floppy and which you can safely skip.</p>
-<p>Next you will need, at minimum, as many 1.44MB floppies as it takes to hold all files
-in the <tt class="FILENAME">bin</tt> (binary distribution) directory. If you're preparing
-these floppies under DOS, then these floppies <span class="emphasis"><i
-class="EMPHASIS">must</i></span> be formatted using the MS-DOS <tt
-class="FILENAME">FORMAT</tt> command. If you're using Windows, use the Windows File
-Manager format command.</p>
-<div class="IMPORTANT">
-<blockquote class="IMPORTANT">
-<p><b>Important:</b> Frequently, floppy disks come ``factory preformatted''. While
-convenient, many problems reported by users in the past have resulted from the use of
-improperly formatted media. Re-format them yourself, just to make sure.</p>
-<p>If you're creating the floppies from another FreeBSD machine, a format is still not a
-bad idea though you don't need to put a DOS filesystem on each floppy. You can use the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">disklabel</span>(8)</span></a> and
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">newfs</span>(8)</span></a>
-commands to put a UFS filesystem on a floppy, as the following sequence of commands
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<samp class="PROMPT">#</samp> <kbd class="USERINPUT">fdformat -f 1440 fd0</kbd>
-<samp class="PROMPT">#</samp> <kbd class="USERINPUT">disklabel -w fd0 floppy3</kbd>
-<samp class="PROMPT">#</samp> <kbd class="USERINPUT">newfs -i 65536 /dev/fd0</kbd>
-<p>After you've formatted the floppies for DOS or UFS, you'll need to copy the files onto
-them. The distribution files are sized so that a floppy disk will hold a single file.
-Each distribution should go into its own subdirectory on the floppy, e.g.: <tt
-class="FILENAME">a:\bin\bin.inf</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">a:\bin\bin.aa</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">a:\bin\bin.ab</tt>, ...</p>
-<div class="IMPORTANT">
-<blockquote class="IMPORTANT">
-<p><b>Important:</b> The <tt class="FILENAME">bin.inf</tt> file also needs to go on the
-first floppy of the <tt class="FILENAME">bin</tt> set since it is read by the
-installation program in order to figure out how many additional pieces to look for when
-fetching and concatenating the distribution. When putting distributions onto floppies,
-the <tt class="FILENAME">distname.inf</tt> file <span class="emphasis"><i
-class="EMPHASIS">must</i></span> occupy the first floppy of each distribution set.</p>
-<p>Once you come to the Media screen of the install, select ``Floppy'' and you'll be
-prompted for the rest.</p>
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="AEN342" name="AEN342">1.5.4 Installing from QIC/SCSI
-<p>When installing from tape, the installation program expects the files to be simply
-tar'ed onto it, so after fetching all of the files for the distributions you're
-interested in, simply use <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">tar</span>(1)</span></a> to get
-them onto the tape with a command something like this:</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<samp class="PROMPT">#</samp> <kbd class="USERINPUT">cd <var
-<samp class="PROMPT">#</samp> <kbd class="USERINPUT">tar cvf /dev/sa0 <var
-class="REPLACEABLE">dist1</var> .. <var class="REPLACEABLE">dist2</var></kbd>
-<p>When you go to do the installation, you should also make sure that you leave enough
-room in some temporary directory (which you'll be allowed to choose) to accommodate the
-<span class="emphasis"><i class="EMPHASIS">full</i></span> contents of the tape you've
-created. Due to the non-random access nature of tapes, this method of installation
-requires quite a bit of temporary storage. You should expect to require as much temporary
-storage as you have stuff written on tape.</p>
-<div class="NOTE">
-<blockquote class="NOTE">
-<p><b>Note:</b> When going to do the installation, the tape must be in the drive <span
-class="emphasis"><i class="EMPHASIS">before</i></span> booting from the boot floppies.
-The installation ``probe'' may otherwise fail to find it.</p>
-<p>Now create a boot floppy as described in <a href="#FLOPPIES">Section 1.3</a> and
-proceed with the installation.</p>
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="FTPNFS" name="FTPNFS">1.5.5 Installing over a Network using FTP
-or NFS</a></h4>
-<p>After making the boot floppies as described in the first section, you can load the
-rest of the installation over a network using one of 3 types of connections: serial port,
-parallel port, or Ethernet.</p>
-<div class="SECT4">
-<hr />
-<h5 class="SECT4"><a id="AEN367" name="AEN367"> Serial Port</a></h5>
-<p>SLIP support is rather primitive, and is limited primarily to hard-wired links, such
-as a serial cable running between two computers. The link must be hard-wired because the
-SLIP installation doesn't currently offer a dialing capability. If you need to dial out
-with a modem or otherwise dialog with the link before connecting to it, then the PPP
-utility should be used instead.</p>
-<p>If you're using PPP, make sure that you have your Internet Service Provider's IP
-address and DNS information handy as you'll need to know it fairly early in the
-installation process. You may also need to know your own IP address, though PPP supports
-dynamic address negotiation and may be able to pick up this information directly from
-your ISP if they support it.</p>
-<p>You will also need to know how to use the various ``AT commands'' for dialing out with
-your particular brand of modem as the PPP dialer provides only a very simple terminal
-<div class="SECT4">
-<hr />
-<h5 class="SECT4"><a id="AEN373" name="AEN373"> Parallel Port</a></h5>
-<p>If a hard-wired connection to another FreeBSD or Linux machine is available, you might
-also consider installing over a ``laplink'' style parallel port cable. The data rate over
-the parallel port is much higher than what is typically possible over a serial line (up
-to 50k/sec), thus resulting in a quicker installation. It's not typically necessary to
-use ``real'' IP addresses when using a point-to-point parallel cable in this way and you
-can generally just use RFC 1918 style addresses for the ends of the link (e.g. <tt
-class="HOSTID"></tt>, <tt class="HOSTID"></tt>, etc).</p>
-<div class="IMPORTANT">
-<blockquote class="IMPORTANT">
-<p><b>Important:</b> If you use a Linux machine rather than a FreeBSD machine as your
-PLIP peer, you will also have to specify <var class="OPTION">link0</var> in the TCP/IP
-setup screen's ``extra options for ifconfig'' field in order to be compatible with
-Linux's slightly different PLIP protocol.</p>
-<div class="SECT4">
-<hr />
-<h5 class="SECT4"><a id="AEN384" name="AEN384"> Ethernet</a></h5>
-<p>FreeBSD supports most common Ethernet cards; a table of supported cards is provided as
-part of the FreeBSD Hardware Notes (see <tt class="FILENAME">HARDWARE.TXT</tt> in the
-Documentation menu on the boot floppy or the top level directory of the CDROM). If you
-are using one of the supported PCMCIA Ethernet cards, also be sure that it's plugged in
-<span class="emphasis"><i class="EMPHASIS">before</i></span> the laptop is powered on.
-FreeBSD does not, unfortunately, currently support ``hot insertion'' of PCMCIA cards
-during installation.</p>
-<p>You will also need to know your IP address on the network, the <var
-class="OPTION">netmask</var> value for your subnet and the name of your machine. Your
-system administrator can tell you which values are appropriate to your particular network
-setup. If you will be referring to other hosts by name rather than IP address, you'll
-also need a name server and possibly the address of a gateway (if you're using PPP, it's
-your provider's IP address) to use in talking to it. If you want to install by FTP via an
-HTTP proxy (see below), you will also need the proxy's address.</p>
-<p>If you do not know the answers to these questions then you should really probably talk
-to your system administrator <span class="emphasis"><i class="EMPHASIS">first</i></span>
-before trying this type of installation. Using a randomly chosen IP address or netmask on
-a live network is almost guaranteed not to work, and will probably result in a lecture
-from said system administrator.</p>
-<p>Once you have a network connection of some sort working, the installation can continue
-over NFS or FTP.</p>
-<div class="SECT4">
-<hr />
-<h5 class="SECT4"><a id="AEN395" name="AEN395"> NFS installation tips</a></h5>
-<p>NFS installation is fairly straight-forward: Simply copy the FreeBSD distribution
-files you want onto a server somewhere and then point the NFS media selection at it.</p>
-<p>If this server supports only ``privileged port'' access (this is generally the default
-for Sun and Linux workstations), you may need to set this option in the Options menu
-before installation can proceed.</p>
-<p>If you have a poor quality Ethernet card which suffers from very slow transfer rates,
-you may also wish to toggle the appropriate Options flag.</p>
-<p>In order for NFS installation to work, the server must also support ``subdir mounts'',
-e.g. if your FreeBSD distribution directory lives on <tt
-class="FILENAME">wiggy:/usr/archive/stuff/FreeBSD</tt>, then <tt
-class="HOSTID">wiggy</tt> will have to allow the direct mounting of <tt
-class="FILENAME">/usr/archive/stuff/FreeBSD</tt>, not just <tt class="FILENAME">/usr</tt>
-or <tt class="FILENAME">/usr/archive/stuff</tt>.</p>
-<p>In FreeBSD's <tt class="FILENAME">/etc/exports</tt> file this is controlled by the
-<var class="OPTION">-alldirs</var> option. Other NFS servers may have different
-conventions. If you are getting <var class="LITERAL">Permission Denied</var> messages
-from the server then it's likely that you don't have this properly enabled.</p>
-<div class="SECT4">
-<hr />
-<h5 class="SECT4"><a id="AEN412" name="AEN412"> FTP Installation tips</a></h5>
-<p>FTP installation may be done from any mirror site containing a reasonably up-to-date
-version of FreeBSD. A full menu of reasonable choices for almost any location in the
-world is provided in the FTP site menu during installation.</p>
-<p>If you are installing from some other FTP site not listed in this menu, or you are
-having troubles getting your name server configured properly, you can also specify your
-own URL by selecting the ``URL'' choice in that menu. A URL can contain a hostname or an
-IP address, so something like the following would work in the absence of a name
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<p>There are three FTP installation modes you can use:</p>
-<p>FTP: This method uses the standard ``Active'' mode for transfers, in which the server
-initiates a connection to the client. This will not work through most firewalls but will
-often work best with older FTP servers that do not support passive mode. If your
-connection hangs with passive mode, try this one.</p>
-<p>FTP Passive: This sets the FTP "Passive" mode which prevents the server from opening
-connections to the client. This option is best for users to pass through firewalls that
-do not allow incoming connections on random port addresses.</p>
-<p>FTP via an HTTP proxy: This option instructs FreeBSD to use HTTP to connect to a proxy
-for all FTP operations. The proxy will translate the requests and send them to the FTP
-server. This allows the user to pass through firewalls that do not allow FTP at all, but
-offer an HTTP proxy. You must specify the hostname of the proxy in addition to the FTP
-<p>In the rare case that you have an FTP proxy that does not go through HTTP, you can
-specify the URL as something like:</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<kbd class="USERINPUT">ftp://foo.bar.com:<var
-<p>In the URL above, <var class="REPLACEABLE">port</var> is the port number of the proxy
-FTP server.</p>
-<br />
-<br />
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="AEN433" name="AEN433">1.5.6 Tips for Serial Console
-<p>If you'd like to install FreeBSD on a machine using just a serial port (e.g. you don't
-have or wish to use a VGA card), please follow these steps:</p>
-<div class="PROCEDURE">
-<ol type="1">
-<p>Connect some sort of ANSI (vt100) compatible terminal or terminal emulation program to
-the <tt class="DEVICENAME">COM1</tt> port of the PC you are installing FreeBSD onto.</p>
-<p>Unplug the keyboard (yes, that's correct!) and then try to boot from floppy or the
-installation CDROM, depending on the type of installation media you have, with the
-keyboard unplugged.</p>
-<p>If you don't get any output on your serial console, plug the keyboard in again. If you
-are booting from the CDROM, proceed to <a href="#HITSPACE">step 5</a> as soon as you hear
-the beep.</p>
-<p>If booting from floppies, when access to the disk stops, insert the first of the <tt
-class="FILENAME">kernX.flp</tt> disks and press <b class="KEYCAP">Enter</b>. When access
-to this disk finishes, insert the next <tt class="FILENAME">kernX.flp</tt> disk and press
-<b class="KEYCAP">Enter</b>, and repeat until all <tt class="FILENAME">kernX.flp</tt>
-disks have been inserted. When disk activity finishes, reinsert the <tt
-class="FILENAME">boot.flp</tt> floppy disk and press <b class="KEYCAP">Enter</b>.</p>
-<li><a id="HITSPACE" name="HITSPACE"></a>
-<p>Once a beep is heard, hit the number <b class="KEYCAP">6</b>, then enter</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<kbd class="USERINPUT">boot -h</kbd>
-<p>and you should now definitely be seeing everything on the serial port. If that still
-doesn't work, check your serial cabling as well as the settings on your terminal
-emulation program or actual terminal device. It should be set for 9600 baud, 8 bits, no
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="AEN460" name="AEN460">1.6 Question and Answer Section for
-Alpha/AXP Architecture Users</a></h3>
-<div class="QANDASET">
-<dt>1.6.1. <a href="#Q1.6.1.">Can I boot from the ARC or Alpha BIOS Console?</a></dt>
-<dt>1.6.2. <a href="#Q1.6.2.">Help! I have no space! Do I need to delete everything
-<dt>1.6.3. <a href="#Q1.6.3.">Can I mount my Compaq Tru64 or VMS extended
-<dt>1.6.4. <a href="#Q1.6.4.">What about support for Compaq Tru64 (OSF/1)
-<dt>1.6.5. <a href="#Q1.6.5.">What about support for Linux binaries?</a></dt>
-<dt>1.6.6. <a href="#Q1.6.6.">What about support for NT Alpha binaries?</a></dt>
-<div class="QANDAENTRY">
-<div class="QUESTION">
-<p><a id="Q1.6.1." name="Q1.6.1."></a><b>1.6.1.</b> Can I boot from the ARC or Alpha BIOS
-<div class="ANSWER">
-<p><b></b>No. FreeBSD, like Compaq Tru64 and VMS, will only boot from the SRM
-<div class="QANDAENTRY">
-<div class="QUESTION">
-<p><a id="Q1.6.2." name="Q1.6.2."></a><b>1.6.2.</b> Help! I have no space! Do I need to
-delete everything first?</p>
-<div class="ANSWER">
-<p><b></b>Unfortunately, yes.</p>
-<div class="QANDAENTRY">
-<div class="QUESTION">
-<p><a id="Q1.6.3." name="Q1.6.3."></a><b>1.6.3.</b> Can I mount my Compaq Tru64 or VMS
-extended partitions?</p>
-<div class="ANSWER">
-<p><b></b>No, not at this time.</p>
-<div class="QANDAENTRY">
-<div class="QUESTION">
-<p><a id="Q1.6.4." name="Q1.6.4."></a><b>1.6.4.</b> What about support for Compaq Tru64
-(OSF/1) binaries?</p>
-<div class="ANSWER">
-<p><b></b>FreeBSD can run Tru64 applications very well using the <a
-class="FILENAME">emulators/osf1_base</tt></a> port/package.</p>
-<div class="QANDAENTRY">
-<div class="QUESTION">
-<p><a id="Q1.6.5." name="Q1.6.5."></a><b>1.6.5.</b> What about support for Linux
-<div class="ANSWER">
-<p><b></b>FreeBSD can run AlphaLinux binaries with the assistance of the <a
-class="FILENAME">emulators/linux_base</tt></a> port/package.</p>
-<div class="QANDAENTRY">
-<div class="QUESTION">
-<p><a id="Q1.6.6." name="Q1.6.6."></a><b>1.6.6.</b> What about support for NT Alpha
-<div class="ANSWER">
-<p><b></b>FreeBSD is not able to run NT applications natively, although it has the
-ability to mount NT partitions.</p>
-<div class="SECT1">
-<hr />
-<h2 class="SECT1"><a id="LAYOUT" name="LAYOUT">2 Distribution Format</a></h2>
-<p>A typical FreeBSD distribution directory looks something like this (exact details may
-vary depending on version, architecture, and other factors):</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-ERRATA.HTM README.TXT compat1x dict kernel
-ERRATA.TXT RELNOTES.HTM compat20 doc manpages
-HARDWARE.HTM RELNOTES.TXT compat21 docbook.css packages
-HARDWARE.TXT base compat22 filename.txt ports
-INSTALL.HTM boot compat3x floppies proflibs
-INSTALL.TXT catpages compat4x games src
-README.HTM cdrom.inf crypto info tools
-<p>If you want to do a CDROM, FTP or NFS installation from this distribution directory,
-all you need to do is make the 1.44MB boot floppies from the floppies directory (see <a
-href="#FLOPPIES">Section 1.3</a> for instructions on how to do this), boot them and
-follow the instructions. The rest of the data needed during the installation will be
-obtained automatically based on your selections. If you've never installed FreeBSD
-before, you also want to read the entirety of this document (the installation
-instructions) file.</p>
-<p>If you're trying to do some other type of installation or are merely curious about how
-a distribution is organized, what follows is a more thorough description of some of these
-items in more detail:</p>
-<ol type="1">
-<p>The <tt class="FILENAME">*.TXT</tt> and <tt class="FILENAME">*.HTM</tt> files contain
-documentation (for example, this document is contained in both <tt
-class="FILENAME">INSTALL.TXT</tt> and <tt class="FILENAME">INSTALL.HTM</tt>) and should
-be read before starting an installation. The <tt class="FILENAME">*.TXT</tt> files are
-plain text, while the <tt class="FILENAME">*.HTM</tt> files are HTML files that can be
-read by almost any Web browser. Some distributions may contain documentation in other
-formats as well, such as PDF or PostScript.</p>
-<p><tt class="FILENAME">docbook.css</tt> is a Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) file used by
-some Web browsers for formatting the HTML documentation.</p>
-<p>The <tt class="FILENAME">base</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">catpages</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">crypto</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">dict</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">doc</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">games</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">info</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">manpages</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">proflibs</tt>, and <tt class="FILENAME">src</tt> directories contain the
-primary distribution components of FreeBSD itself and are split into smaller files for
-easy packing onto floppies (should that be necessary).</p>
-<p>The <tt class="FILENAME">compat1x</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">compat20</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">compat21</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">compat22</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">compat3x</tt>, and <tt class="FILENAME">compat4x</tt> directories
-contain distributions for compatibility with older releases and are distributed as single
-gzip'd tar files - they can be installed during release time or later by running their
-<tt class="FILENAME">install.sh</tt> scripts.</p>
-<p>The <tt class="FILENAME">floppies/</tt> subdirectory contains the floppy installation
-images; further information on using them can be found in <a href="#FLOPPIES">Section
-<p>The <tt class="FILENAME">packages</tt> and <tt class="FILENAME">ports</tt> directories
-contain the FreeBSD Packages and Ports Collections. Packages may be installed from the
-packages directory by running the command:</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<samp class="PROMPT">#</samp><kbd
-class="USERINPUT">/stand/sysinstall configPackages</kbd>
-<p>Packages can also be installed by feeding individual filenames in <tt
-class="FILENAME">packages</tt>/ to the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pkg_add</span>(1)</span></a>
-<p>The Ports Collection may be installed like any other distribution and requires about
-190MB unpacked. More information on the ports collection may be obtained from <a
-href="http://www.FreeBSD.org/ports/" target="_top">http://www.FreeBSD.org/ports/</a> or
-locally from <tt class="FILENAME">/usr/share/doc/handbook</tt> if you've installed the
-<tt class="FILENAME">doc</tt> distribution.</p>
-<p>Last of all, the <tt class="FILENAME">tools</tt> directory contains various DOS tools
-for discovering disk geometries, installing boot managers and the like. It is purely
-optional and provided only for user convenience.</p>
-<br />
-<br />
-<p>A typical distribution directory (for example, the <tt class="FILENAME">info</tt>
-distribution) looks like this internally:</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-CHECKSUM.MD5 info.ab info.ad info.inf install.sh
-info.aa info.ac info.ae info.mtree
-<p>The <tt class="FILENAME">CHECKSUM.MD5</tt> file contains MD5 signatures for each file,
-should data corruption be suspected, and is purely for reference. It is not used by the
-actual installation and does not need to be copied with the rest of the distribution
-files. The <tt class="FILENAME">info.a*</tt> files are split, gzip'd tar files, the
-contents of which can be viewed by doing:</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<samp class="PROMPT">#</samp> <kbd class="USERINPUT">cat info.a* | tar tvzf -</kbd>
-<p>During installation, they are automatically concatenated and extracted by the
-installation procedure.</p>
-<p>The <tt class="FILENAME">info.inf</tt> file is also necessary since it is read by the
-installation program in order to figure out how many pieces to look for when fetching and
-concatenating the distribution. When putting distributions onto floppies, the <tt
-class="FILENAME">.inf</tt> file <span class="emphasis"><i
-class="EMPHASIS">must</i></span> occupy the first floppy of each distribution set!</p>
-<p>The <tt class="FILENAME">info.mtree</tt> file is another non-essential file which is
-provided for user reference. It contains the MD5 signatures of the <span
-class="emphasis"><i class="EMPHASIS">unpacked</i></span> distribution files and can be
-later used with the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">mtree</span>(8)</span></a> program
-to verify the installation permissions and checksums against any possible modifications
-to the file. When used with the <tt class="FILENAME">base</tt> distribution, this can be
-an excellent way of detecting trojan horse attacks on your system.</p>
-<p>Finally, the <tt class="FILENAME">install.sh</tt> file is for use by those who want to
-install the distribution after installation time. To install the info distribution from
-CDROM after a system was installed, for example, you'd do:</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<samp class="PROMPT">#</samp> <kbd class="USERINPUT">cd /cdrom/info</kbd>
-<samp class="PROMPT">#</samp> <kbd class="USERINPUT">sh install.sh</kbd>
-<div class="SECT1">
-<hr />
-<h2 class="SECT1"><a id="UPGRADING" name="UPGRADING">3 Upgrading FreeBSD</a></h2>
-<p>These instructions describe a procedure for doing a binary upgrade from an older
-version of FreeBSD.</p>
-<div class="WARNING">
-<blockquote class="WARNING">
-<p><b>Warning:</b> While the FreeBSD upgrade procedure does its best to safeguard against
-accidental loss of data, it is still more than possible to <span class="emphasis"><i
-class="EMPHASIS">wipe out your entire disk</i></span> with this installation! Please do
-not accept the final confirmation request unless you have adequately backed up any
-important data files.</p>
-<div class="IMPORTANT">
-<blockquote class="IMPORTANT">
-<p><b>Important:</b> These notes assume that you are using the version of <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sysinstall</span>(8)</span></a>
-supplied with the version of FreeBSD to which you intend to upgrade. Using a mismatched
-version of <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sysinstall</span>(8)</span></a> is
-almost guaranteed to cause problems and has been known to leave systems in an unusable
-state. The most commonly made mistake in this regard is the use of an old copy of <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sysinstall</span>(8)</span></a>
-from an existing installation to upgrade to a newer version of FreeBSD. This is <span
-class="emphasis"><i class="EMPHASIS">not</i></span> recommended.</p>
-<div class="WARNING">
-<blockquote class="WARNING">
-<p><b>Warning:</b> Binary upgrades to FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE from FreeBSD 4-STABLE are not
-supported at this time. There are some files present in a FreeBSD 4-STABLE whose presence
-can be disruptive, but are not removed by a binary upgrade. One notable example is that
-an old <tt class="FILENAME">/usr/include/g++</tt> directory will cause C++ programs to
-compile incorrectly (or not at all).</p>
-<p>These upgrade instructions are provided for the use of users upgrading from relatively
-recent FreeBSD 5-STABLE snapshots.</p>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="AEN683" name="AEN683">3.1 Introduction</a></h3>
-<p>The upgrade procedure replaces distributions selected by the user with those
-corresponding to the new FreeBSD release. It preserves standard system configuration
-data, as well as user data, installed packages and other software.</p>
-<p>Administrators contemplating an upgrade are encouraged to study this section in its
-entirety before commencing an upgrade. Failure to do so may result in a failed upgrade or
-loss of data.</p>
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="AEN687" name="AEN687">3.1.1 Upgrade Overview</a></h4>
-<p>Upgrading of a distribution is performed by extracting the new version of the
-component over the top of the previous version. Files belonging to the old distribution
-are not deleted.</p>
-<p>System configuration is preserved by retaining and restoring the previous version of
-the following files:</p>
-<p><tt class="FILENAME">Xaccel.ini</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">XF86Config</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">adduser.conf</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">aliases</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">aliases.db</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">amd.map</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">crontab</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">csh.cshrc</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">csh.login</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">csh.logout</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">cvsupfile</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">dhclient.conf</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">disktab</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">dm.conf</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">dumpdates</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">exports</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">fbtab</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">fstab</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">ftpusers</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">gettytab</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">gnats</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">group</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">hosts</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">hosts.allow</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">hosts.equiv</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">hosts.lpd</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">inetd.conf</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">localtime</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">login.access</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">login.conf</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">mail</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">mail.rc</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">make.conf</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">manpath.config</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">master.passwd</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">motd</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">namedb</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">networks</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">newsyslog.conf</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">nsmb.conf</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">nsswitch.conf</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">pam.conf</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">passwd</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">periodic</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">ppp</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">printcap</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">profile</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">pwd.db</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">rc.conf</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">rc.conf.local</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">rc.firewall</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">rc.local</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">remote</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">resolv.conf</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">rmt</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">sendmail.cf</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">sendmail.cw</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">services</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">shells</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">skeykeys</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">spwd.db</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">ssh</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">syslog.conf</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">ttys</tt>, <tt
-<p>The versions of these files which correspond to the new version are moved to <tt
-class="FILENAME">/etc/upgrade/</tt>. The system administrator may peruse these new
-versions and merge components as desired. Note that many of these files are
-interdependent, and the best merge procedure is to copy all site-specific data from the
-current files into the new.</p>
-<p>During the upgrade procedure, the administrator is prompted for a location into which
-all files from <tt class="FILENAME">/etc/</tt> are saved. In the event that local
-modifications have been made to other files, they may be subsequently retrieved from this
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="AEN761" name="AEN761">3.2 Procedure</a></h3>
-<p>This section details the upgrade procedure. Particular attention is given to items
-which substantially differ from a normal installation.</p>
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="AEN764" name="AEN764">3.2.1 Backup</a></h4>
-<p>User data and system configuration should be backed up before upgrading. While the
-upgrade procedure does its best to prevent accidental mistakes, it is possible to
-partially or completely destroy data and configuration information.</p>
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="AEN767" name="AEN767">3.2.2 Mount Filesystems</a></h4>
-<p>The disklabel editor is entered with the nominated disk's filesystem devices listed.
-Prior to commencing the upgrade, the administrator should make a note of the device names
-and corresponding mountpoints. These mountpoints should be entered here. <span
-class="emphasis"><i class="EMPHASIS">Do not</i></span> set the ``newfs flag'' for any
-filesystems, as this will cause data loss.</p>
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="AEN772" name="AEN772">3.2.3 Select Distributions</a></h4>
-<p>When selecting distributions, there are no constraints on which must be selected. As a
-general rule, the <var class="LITERAL">base</var> distribution should be selected for an
-update, and the <var class="LITERAL">man</var> distribution if manpages are already
-installed. Other distributions may be selected beyond those originally installed if the
-administrator wishes to add additional functionality.</p>
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="FSTAB" name="FSTAB">3.2.4 After Installation</a></h4>
-<p>Once the installation procedure has completed, the administrator is prompted to
-examine the new configuration files. At this point, checks should be made to ensure that
-the system configuration is valid. In particular, the <tt
-class="FILENAME">/etc/rc.conf</tt> and <tt class="FILENAME">/etc/fstab</tt> files should
-be checked.</p>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="AEN782" name="AEN782">3.3 Upgrading from Source Code</a></h3>
-<p>Those interested in an upgrade method that allows more flexibility and sophistication
-should take a look at <a
-target="_top">The Cutting Edge</a> in the FreeBSD Handbook. This procedure involves
-rebuilding all of FreeBSD from source code. It requires reliable network connectivity,
-extra disk space, and time, but has advantages for networks and other more complex
-installations. This is roughly the same procedure as is used for track the -STABLE or
--CURRENT development branches.</p>
-<p><tt class="FILENAME">/usr/src/UPDATING</tt> contains important information on updating
-a FreeBSD system from source code. It lists various issues resulting from changes in
-FreeBSD that may affect an upgrade.</p>
-<div class="SECT1">
-<hr />
-<h2 class="SECT1"><a id="TROUBLE" name="TROUBLE">4 Troubleshooting</a></h2>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="REPAIRING" name="REPAIRING">4.1 Repairing an Existing FreeBSD
-<p>FreeBSD features a ``Fixit'' option in the top menu of the boot floppy. To use it, you
-will also need either a <tt class="FILENAME">fixit.flp</tt> image floppy, generated in
-the same fashion as the boot floppy, or the ``live filesystem'' CDROM; typically the
-second CDROM in a multi-disc FreeBSD distribution.</p>
-<p>To invoke fixit, simply boot the <tt class="FILENAME">kern.flp</tt> floppy, choose the
-``Fixit'' item and insert the fixit floppy or CDROM when asked. You will then be placed
-into a shell with a wide variety of commands available (in the <tt
-class="FILENAME">/stand</tt> and <tt class="FILENAME">/mnt2/stand</tt> directories) for
-checking, repairing and examining filesystems and their contents. Some UNIX
-administration experience <span class="emphasis"><i class="EMPHASIS">is</i></span>
-required to use the fixit option.</p>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="AEN802" name="AEN802">4.2 Common Installation Problems for
-Alpha/AXP Architecture Users</a></h3>
-<hr />
-<p align="center"><small>This file, and other release-related documents, can be
-downloaded from <a href="ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/">ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/</a>.</small></p>
-<p align="center"><small>For questions about FreeBSD, read the <a
-href="http://www.FreeBSD.org/docs.html">documentation</a> before contacting &#60;<a
-<p align="center"><small>For questions about this documentation, e-mail &#60;<a
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-<title>FreeBSD/amd64 5.3-RELEASE Installation Instructions</title>
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-<div class="TITLEPAGE">
-<h1 class="TITLE"><a id="AEN2" name="AEN2">FreeBSD/amd64 5.3-RELEASE Installation
-<h3 class="CORPAUTHOR">The FreeBSD Project</h3>
-<p class="COPYRIGHT">Copyright &copy; 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 The FreeBSD
-Documentation Project</p>
-<hr />
-<blockquote class="ABSTRACT">
-<div class="ABSTRACT"><a id="AEN12" name="AEN12"></a>
-<p>This article gives some brief instructions on installing FreeBSD/amd64 5.3-RELEASE,
-with particular emphasis given to obtaining a FreeBSD distribution. Some notes on
-troubleshooting and frequently-asked questions are also given.</p>
-<div class="SECT1">
-<hr />
-<h2 class="SECT1"><a id="INSTALL" name="INSTALL">1 Installing FreeBSD</a></h2>
-<p>This section documents the process of installing a new distribution of FreeBSD. These
-instructions pay particular emphasis to the process of obtaining the FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE
-distribution and to beginning the installation procedure. The <a
-target="_top">``Installing FreeBSD''</a> chapter of the <a
-href="http://www.FreeBSD.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/" target="_top">FreeBSD
-Handbook</a> provides more in-depth information about the installation program itself,
-including a guided walkthrough with screenshots.</p>
-<p>If you are upgrading from a previous release of FreeBSD, please see <a
-href="#UPGRADING">Section 3</a> for instructions on upgrading.</p>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="GETTING-STARTED" name="GETTING-STARTED">1.1 Getting
-<p>Probably the most important pre-installation step that can be taken is that of reading
-the various instruction documents provided with FreeBSD. A roadmap of documents
-pertaining to this release of FreeBSD can be found in <tt
-class="FILENAME">README.TXT</tt>, which can usually be found in the same location as this
-file; most of these documents, such as the release notes and the hardware compatibility
-list, are also accessible in the Documentation menu of the installer.</p>
-<p>Note that on-line versions of the FreeBSD <a
-href="http://www.FreeBSD.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/faq/" target="_top">FAQ</a> and <a
-target="_top">Handbook</a> are also available from the <a href="http://www.FreeBSD.org/"
-target="_top">FreeBSD Project Web site</a>, if you have an Internet connection.</p>
-<p>This collection of documents may seem daunting, but the time spent reading them will
-likely be saved many times over. Being familiar with what resources are available can
-also be helpful in the event of problems during installation.</p>
-<p>The best laid plans sometimes go awry, so if you run into trouble take a look at <a
-href="#TROUBLE">Section 4</a>, which contains valuable troubleshooting information. You
-should also read an updated copy of <tt class="FILENAME">ERRATA.TXT</tt> before
-installing, since this will alert you to any problems which have reported in the interim
-for your particular release.</p>
-<div class="IMPORTANT">
-<blockquote class="IMPORTANT">
-<p><b>Important:</b> While FreeBSD does its best to safeguard against accidental loss of
-data, it's still more than possible to <span class="emphasis"><i class="EMPHASIS">wipe
-out your entire disk</i></span> with this installation if you make a mistake. Please do
-not proceed to the final FreeBSD installation menu unless you've adequately backed up any
-important data first.</p>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="AEN37" name="AEN37">1.2 Hardware Requirements</a></h3>
-<p>FreeBSD for the AMD64 requires an <span class="TRADEMARK">Athlon</span>&trade;64,
-<span class="TRADEMARK">Athlon</span>&trade;64-FX,
-<span class="TRADEMARK">Opteron</span>&trade; or better processor to run.</p>
-<p>If you have an machine based on an nVidia nForce3 Pro-150, you MUST use the BIOS setup
-to disable the IO APIC. If you do not have an option to do this, you will likely have to
-disable ACPI instead. There are bugs in the Pro-150 chipset that we have not found a
-workaround for yet.</p>
-<p>If you are not familiar with configuring hardware for FreeBSD, you should be sure to
-read the <tt class="FILENAME">HARDWARE.TXT</tt> file; it contains important information
-on what hardware is supported by FreeBSD.</p>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="FLOPPIES" name="FLOPPIES">1.3 Floppy Disk Image
-<p>Floppy disk based install is not supported on FreeBSD/amd64.</p>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="START-INSTALLATION" name="START-INSTALLATION">1.4 Installing
-FreeBSD from CDROM or the Internet</a></h3>
-<p>The easiest type of installation is from CDROM. If you have a supported CDROM drive
-and a FreeBSD installation CDROM, there are 2 ways of starting the installation from
-<p>If your system supports the ``CDBOOT'' standard for bootable CDROM media and you have
-booting from CD enabled, simply put the FreeBSD installation CD in your CDROM drive and
-boot the system to begin installation.</p>
-<p>Build a set of FreeBSD boot floppies from the <tt class="FILENAME">floppies/</tt>
-directory in every FreeBSD distribution. Read <a href="#FLOPPIES">Section 1.3</a> for
-more information on creating the bootable floppies under different operating systems.
-Then you simply boot from the first floppy and you should soon be in the FreeBSD
-<br />
-<br />
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="AEN202" name="AEN202">1.5 Detail on various installation
-<p>Once you've gotten yourself to the initial installation screen somehow, you should be
-able to follow the various menu prompts and go from there. If you've never used the
-FreeBSD installation before, you are also encouraged to read some of the documentation in
-the Documentation submenu as well as the general ``Usage'' instructions on the first
-<div class="NOTE">
-<blockquote class="NOTE">
-<p><b>Note:</b> If you get stuck at a screen, press the <b class="KEYCAP">F1</b> key for
-online documentation relevant to that specific section.</p>
-<p>If you've never installed FreeBSD before, or even if you have, the ``Standard''
-installation mode is the most recommended since it makes sure that you'll visit all the
-various important checklist items along the way. If you're much more comfortable with the
-FreeBSD installation process and know <span class="emphasis"><i
-class="EMPHASIS">exactly</i></span> what you want to do, use the ``Express'' or
-``Custom'' installation options. If you're upgrading an existing system, use the
-``Upgrade'' option.</p>
-<p>The FreeBSD installer supports the direct use of floppy, DOS, tape, CDROM, FTP, NFS
-and UFS partitions as installation media; further tips on installing from each type of
-media are listed below.</p>
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="AEN241" name="AEN241">1.5.1 Installing from a Network
-<p>If you simply wish to install from a local CDROM drive then see <a
-href="#START-INSTALLATION">Section 1.4</a>. If you don't have a CDROM drive on your
-system and wish to use a FreeBSD distribution CD in the CDROM drive of another system to
-which you have network connectivity, there are also several ways of going about it:</p>
-<p>If you would be able to FTP install FreeBSD directly from the CDROM drive in some
-FreeBSD machine, it's quite easy: You ensure an FTP server is running and then simply add
-the following line to the password file (using the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">vipw</span>(8)</span></a>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<p>On the machine on which you are running the install, go to the Options menu and set
-Release Name to <var class="LITERAL">any</var>. You may then choose a Media type of <var
-class="LITERAL">FTP</var> and type in <tt class="FILENAME">ftp://<var
-class="REPLACEABLE">machine</var></tt> after picking ``URL'' in the ftp sites menu.</p>
-<div class="WARNING">
-<blockquote class="WARNING">
-<p><b>Warning:</b> This may allow anyone on the local network (or Internet) to make
-``anonymous FTP'' connections to this machine, which may not be desirable.</p>
-<p>If you would rather use NFS to export the CDROM directly to the machine(s) you'll be
-installing from, you need to first add an entry to the <tt
-class="FILENAME">/etc/exports</tt> file (on the machine with the CDROM drive). The
-example below allows the machine <tt class="HOSTID">ziggy.foo.com</tt> to mount the CDROM
-directly via NFS during installation:</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-/cdrom -ro ziggy.foo.com
-<p>The machine with the CDROM must also be configured as an NFS server, of course, and if
-you're not sure how to do that then an NFS installation is probably not the best choice
-for you unless you're willing to read up on <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">rc.conf</span>(5)</span></a> and
-configure things appropriately. Assuming that this part goes smoothly, you should be able
-to enter: <tt class="FILENAME"><var class="REPLACEABLE">cdrom-host</var>:/cdrom</tt> as
-the path for an NFS installation when the target machine is installed, e.g. <tt
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="AEN273" name="AEN273">1.5.2 Installing from Floppies</a></h4>
-<p>If you must install from floppy disks, either due to unsupported hardware or just
-because you enjoy doing things the hard way, you must first prepare some floppies for the
-<p>First, make your boot floppies as described in <a href="#FLOPPIES">Section
-<p>Second, peruse <a href="#LAYOUT">Section 2</a> and pay special attention to the
-``Distribution Format'' section since it describes which files you're going to need to
-put onto floppy and which you can safely skip.</p>
-<p>Next you will need, at minimum, as many 1.44MB floppies as it takes to hold all files
-in the <tt class="FILENAME">bin</tt> (binary distribution) directory. If you're preparing
-these floppies under DOS, then these floppies <span class="emphasis"><i
-class="EMPHASIS">must</i></span> be formatted using the MS-DOS <tt
-class="FILENAME">FORMAT</tt> command. If you're using Windows, use the Windows File
-Manager format command.</p>
-<div class="IMPORTANT">
-<blockquote class="IMPORTANT">
-<p><b>Important:</b> Frequently, floppy disks come ``factory preformatted''. While
-convenient, many problems reported by users in the past have resulted from the use of
-improperly formatted media. Re-format them yourself, just to make sure.</p>
-<p>If you're creating the floppies from another FreeBSD machine, a format is still not a
-bad idea though you don't need to put a DOS filesystem on each floppy. You can use the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">disklabel</span>(8)</span></a> and
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">newfs</span>(8)</span></a>
-commands to put a UFS filesystem on a floppy, as the following sequence of commands
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<samp class="PROMPT">#</samp> <kbd class="USERINPUT">fdformat -f 1440 fd0</kbd>
-<samp class="PROMPT">#</samp> <kbd class="USERINPUT">disklabel -w fd0 floppy3</kbd>
-<samp class="PROMPT">#</samp> <kbd class="USERINPUT">newfs -i 65536 /dev/fd0</kbd>
-<p>After you've formatted the floppies for DOS or UFS, you'll need to copy the files onto
-them. The distribution files are sized so that a floppy disk will hold a single file.
-Each distribution should go into its own subdirectory on the floppy, e.g.: <tt
-class="FILENAME">a:\bin\bin.inf</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">a:\bin\bin.aa</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">a:\bin\bin.ab</tt>, ...</p>
-<div class="IMPORTANT">
-<blockquote class="IMPORTANT">
-<p><b>Important:</b> The <tt class="FILENAME">bin.inf</tt> file also needs to go on the
-first floppy of the <tt class="FILENAME">bin</tt> set since it is read by the
-installation program in order to figure out how many additional pieces to look for when
-fetching and concatenating the distribution. When putting distributions onto floppies,
-the <tt class="FILENAME">distname.inf</tt> file <span class="emphasis"><i
-class="EMPHASIS">must</i></span> occupy the first floppy of each distribution set.</p>
-<p>Once you come to the Media screen of the install, select ``Floppy'' and you'll be
-prompted for the rest.</p>
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="AEN314" name="AEN314">1.5.3 Installing from a DOS
-<p>To prepare for installation from an MS-DOS partition you should simply copy the files
-from the distribution into a directory called <tt class="FILENAME">FREEBSD</tt> on the
-Primary DOS partition (<tt class="DEVICENAME">C:</tt>). For example, to do a minimal
-installation of FreeBSD from DOS using files copied from the CDROM, you might do
-something like this:</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<samp class="PROMPT">C:\&#62;</samp> <kbd class="USERINPUT">MD C:\FREEBSD</kbd>
-<samp class="PROMPT">C:\&#62;</samp> <kbd
-<p>Assuming that <tt class="DEVICENAME">E:</tt> was where your CD was mounted.</p>
-<p>For as many distributions as you wish to install from DOS (and you have free space
-for), install each one in a directory under <tt class="FILENAME">C:\FREEBSD</tt> - the
-<tt class="FILENAME">BIN</tt> dist is only the minimal requirement.</p>
-<p>Once you've copied the directories, you can simply launch the installation from
-floppies as normal and select ``DOS'' as your media type when the time comes.</p>
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="AEN342" name="AEN342">1.5.4 Installing from QIC/SCSI
-<p>When installing from tape, the installation program expects the files to be simply
-tar'ed onto it, so after fetching all of the files for the distributions you're
-interested in, simply use <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">tar</span>(1)</span></a> to get
-them onto the tape with a command something like this:</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<samp class="PROMPT">#</samp> <kbd class="USERINPUT">cd <var
-<samp class="PROMPT">#</samp> <kbd class="USERINPUT">tar cvf /dev/sa0 <var
-class="REPLACEABLE">dist1</var> .. <var class="REPLACEABLE">dist2</var></kbd>
-<p>When you go to do the installation, you should also make sure that you leave enough
-room in some temporary directory (which you'll be allowed to choose) to accommodate the
-<span class="emphasis"><i class="EMPHASIS">full</i></span> contents of the tape you've
-created. Due to the non-random access nature of tapes, this method of installation
-requires quite a bit of temporary storage. You should expect to require as much temporary
-storage as you have stuff written on tape.</p>
-<div class="NOTE">
-<blockquote class="NOTE">
-<p><b>Note:</b> When going to do the installation, the tape must be in the drive <span
-class="emphasis"><i class="EMPHASIS">before</i></span> booting from the boot floppies.
-The installation ``probe'' may otherwise fail to find it.</p>
-<p>Now create a boot floppy as described in <a href="#FLOPPIES">Section 1.3</a> and
-proceed with the installation.</p>
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="FTPNFS" name="FTPNFS">1.5.5 Installing over a Network using FTP
-or NFS</a></h4>
-<p>After making the boot floppies as described in the first section, you can load the
-rest of the installation over a network using one of 3 types of connections: serial port,
-parallel port, or Ethernet.</p>
-<div class="SECT4">
-<hr />
-<h5 class="SECT4"><a id="AEN367" name="AEN367"> Serial Port</a></h5>
-<p>SLIP support is rather primitive, and is limited primarily to hard-wired links, such
-as a serial cable running between two computers. The link must be hard-wired because the
-SLIP installation doesn't currently offer a dialing capability. If you need to dial out
-with a modem or otherwise dialog with the link before connecting to it, then the PPP
-utility should be used instead.</p>
-<p>If you're using PPP, make sure that you have your Internet Service Provider's IP
-address and DNS information handy as you'll need to know it fairly early in the
-installation process. You may also need to know your own IP address, though PPP supports
-dynamic address negotiation and may be able to pick up this information directly from
-your ISP if they support it.</p>
-<p>You will also need to know how to use the various ``AT commands'' for dialing out with
-your particular brand of modem as the PPP dialer provides only a very simple terminal
-<div class="SECT4">
-<hr />
-<h5 class="SECT4"><a id="AEN373" name="AEN373"> Parallel Port</a></h5>
-<p>If a hard-wired connection to another FreeBSD or Linux machine is available, you might
-also consider installing over a ``laplink'' style parallel port cable. The data rate over
-the parallel port is much higher than what is typically possible over a serial line (up
-to 50k/sec), thus resulting in a quicker installation. It's not typically necessary to
-use ``real'' IP addresses when using a point-to-point parallel cable in this way and you
-can generally just use RFC 1918 style addresses for the ends of the link (e.g. <tt
-class="HOSTID"></tt>, <tt class="HOSTID"></tt>, etc).</p>
-<div class="IMPORTANT">
-<blockquote class="IMPORTANT">
-<p><b>Important:</b> If you use a Linux machine rather than a FreeBSD machine as your
-PLIP peer, you will also have to specify <var class="OPTION">link0</var> in the TCP/IP
-setup screen's ``extra options for ifconfig'' field in order to be compatible with
-Linux's slightly different PLIP protocol.</p>
-<div class="SECT4">
-<hr />
-<h5 class="SECT4"><a id="AEN384" name="AEN384"> Ethernet</a></h5>
-<p>FreeBSD supports most common Ethernet cards; a table of supported cards is provided as
-part of the FreeBSD Hardware Notes (see <tt class="FILENAME">HARDWARE.TXT</tt> in the
-Documentation menu on the boot floppy or the top level directory of the CDROM). If you
-are using one of the supported PCMCIA Ethernet cards, also be sure that it's plugged in
-<span class="emphasis"><i class="EMPHASIS">before</i></span> the laptop is powered on.
-FreeBSD does not, unfortunately, currently support ``hot insertion'' of PCMCIA cards
-during installation.</p>
-<p>You will also need to know your IP address on the network, the <var
-class="OPTION">netmask</var> value for your subnet and the name of your machine. Your
-system administrator can tell you which values are appropriate to your particular network
-setup. If you will be referring to other hosts by name rather than IP address, you'll
-also need a name server and possibly the address of a gateway (if you're using PPP, it's
-your provider's IP address) to use in talking to it. If you want to install by FTP via an
-HTTP proxy (see below), you will also need the proxy's address.</p>
-<p>If you do not know the answers to these questions then you should really probably talk
-to your system administrator <span class="emphasis"><i class="EMPHASIS">first</i></span>
-before trying this type of installation. Using a randomly chosen IP address or netmask on
-a live network is almost guaranteed not to work, and will probably result in a lecture
-from said system administrator.</p>
-<p>Once you have a network connection of some sort working, the installation can continue
-over NFS or FTP.</p>
-<div class="SECT4">
-<hr />
-<h5 class="SECT4"><a id="AEN395" name="AEN395"> NFS installation tips</a></h5>
-<p>NFS installation is fairly straight-forward: Simply copy the FreeBSD distribution
-files you want onto a server somewhere and then point the NFS media selection at it.</p>
-<p>If this server supports only ``privileged port'' access (this is generally the default
-for Sun and Linux workstations), you may need to set this option in the Options menu
-before installation can proceed.</p>
-<p>If you have a poor quality Ethernet card which suffers from very slow transfer rates,
-you may also wish to toggle the appropriate Options flag.</p>
-<p>In order for NFS installation to work, the server must also support ``subdir mounts'',
-e.g. if your FreeBSD distribution directory lives on <tt
-class="FILENAME">wiggy:/usr/archive/stuff/FreeBSD</tt>, then <tt
-class="HOSTID">wiggy</tt> will have to allow the direct mounting of <tt
-class="FILENAME">/usr/archive/stuff/FreeBSD</tt>, not just <tt class="FILENAME">/usr</tt>
-or <tt class="FILENAME">/usr/archive/stuff</tt>.</p>
-<p>In FreeBSD's <tt class="FILENAME">/etc/exports</tt> file this is controlled by the
-<var class="OPTION">-alldirs</var> option. Other NFS servers may have different
-conventions. If you are getting <var class="LITERAL">Permission Denied</var> messages
-from the server then it's likely that you don't have this properly enabled.</p>
-<div class="SECT4">
-<hr />
-<h5 class="SECT4"><a id="AEN412" name="AEN412"> FTP Installation tips</a></h5>
-<p>FTP installation may be done from any mirror site containing a reasonably up-to-date
-version of FreeBSD. A full menu of reasonable choices for almost any location in the
-world is provided in the FTP site menu during installation.</p>
-<p>If you are installing from some other FTP site not listed in this menu, or you are
-having troubles getting your name server configured properly, you can also specify your
-own URL by selecting the ``URL'' choice in that menu. A URL can contain a hostname or an
-IP address, so something like the following would work in the absence of a name
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<p>There are three FTP installation modes you can use:</p>
-<p>FTP: This method uses the standard ``Active'' mode for transfers, in which the server
-initiates a connection to the client. This will not work through most firewalls but will
-often work best with older FTP servers that do not support passive mode. If your
-connection hangs with passive mode, try this one.</p>
-<p>FTP Passive: This sets the FTP "Passive" mode which prevents the server from opening
-connections to the client. This option is best for users to pass through firewalls that
-do not allow incoming connections on random port addresses.</p>
-<p>FTP via an HTTP proxy: This option instructs FreeBSD to use HTTP to connect to a proxy
-for all FTP operations. The proxy will translate the requests and send them to the FTP
-server. This allows the user to pass through firewalls that do not allow FTP at all, but
-offer an HTTP proxy. You must specify the hostname of the proxy in addition to the FTP
-<p>In the rare case that you have an FTP proxy that does not go through HTTP, you can
-specify the URL as something like:</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<kbd class="USERINPUT">ftp://foo.bar.com:<var
-<p>In the URL above, <var class="REPLACEABLE">port</var> is the port number of the proxy
-FTP server.</p>
-<br />
-<br />
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="AEN433" name="AEN433">1.5.6 Tips for Serial Console
-<p>If you'd like to install FreeBSD on a machine using just a serial port (e.g. you don't
-have or wish to use a VGA card), please follow these steps:</p>
-<div class="PROCEDURE">
-<ol type="1">
-<p>Connect some sort of ANSI (vt100) compatible terminal or terminal emulation program to
-the <tt class="DEVICENAME">COM1</tt> port of the PC you are installing FreeBSD onto.</p>
-<p>Unplug the keyboard (yes, that's correct!) and then try to boot from floppy or the
-installation CDROM, depending on the type of installation media you have, with the
-keyboard unplugged.</p>
-<p>If you don't get any output on your serial console, plug the keyboard in again. If you
-are booting from the CDROM, proceed to <a href="#HITSPACE">step 5</a> as soon as you hear
-the beep.</p>
-<p>If booting from floppies, when access to the disk stops, insert the first of the <tt
-class="FILENAME">kernX.flp</tt> disks and press <b class="KEYCAP">Enter</b>. When access
-to this disk finishes, insert the next <tt class="FILENAME">kernX.flp</tt> disk and press
-<b class="KEYCAP">Enter</b>, and repeat until all <tt class="FILENAME">kernX.flp</tt>
-disks have been inserted. When disk activity finishes, reinsert the <tt
-class="FILENAME">boot.flp</tt> floppy disk and press <b class="KEYCAP">Enter</b>.</p>
-<li><a id="HITSPACE" name="HITSPACE"></a>
-<p>Once a beep is heard, hit the number <b class="KEYCAP">6</b>, then enter</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<kbd class="USERINPUT">boot -h</kbd>
-<p>and you should now definitely be seeing everything on the serial port. If that still
-doesn't work, check your serial cabling as well as the settings on your terminal
-emulation program or actual terminal device. It should be set for 9600 baud, 8 bits, no
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="AEN460" name="AEN460">1.6 Question and Answer Section for AMD64
-Architecture Users</a></h3>
-<div class="QANDASET">
-<dt>1.6.1. <a href="#Q1.6.1.">Help! I have no space! Do I need to delete everything
-<dt>1.6.2. <a href="#Q1.6.2.">Can I use compressed DOS filesystems from FreeBSD?</a></dt>
-<dt>1.6.3. <a href="#Q1.6.3.">Can I mount my DOS extended partitions?</a></dt>
-<dt>1.6.4. <a href="#Q1.6.4.">Can I run DOS binaries under FreeBSD?</a></dt>
-<dt>1.6.5. <a href="#Q1.6.5.">Can I run <span
-class="TRADEMARK">Microsoft</span>&reg;&nbsp;<span class="TRADEMARK">Windows</span>&reg;
-applications under FreeBSD?</a></dt>
-<dt>1.6.6. <a href="#Q1.6.6.">Can I run other Operating Systems under FreeBSD?</a></dt>
-<div class="QANDAENTRY">
-<div class="QUESTION">
-<p><a id="Q1.6.1." name="Q1.6.1."></a><b>1.6.1.</b> Help! I have no space! Do I need to
-delete everything first?</p>
-<div class="ANSWER">
-<p><b></b>If your machine is already running DOS and has little or no free space
-available for FreeBSD's installation, all is not lost! You may find the <b
-class="APPLICATION">FIPS</b> utility, provided in the <tt class="FILENAME">tools/</tt>
-subdirectory on the FreeBSD CDROM or on the various FreeBSD ftp sites, to be quite
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">FIPS</b> allows you to split an existing DOS partition into two
-pieces, preserving the original partition and allowing you to install onto the second
-free piece. You first ``defrag'' your DOS partition, using the DOS 6.xx <tt
-class="FILENAME">DEFRAG</tt> utility or the <b class="APPLICATION">Norton Disk Tools</b>,
-then run FIPS. It will prompt you for the rest of the information it needs. Afterwards,
-you can reboot and install FreeBSD on the new partition. Also note that FIPS will create
-the second partition as a ``clone'' of the first, so you'll actually see that you now
-have two DOS Primary partitions where you formerly had one. Don't be alarmed! You can
-simply delete the extra DOS Primary partition (making sure it's the right one by
-examining its size).</p>
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">FIPS</b> does NOT currently work with NTFS style partitions. To
-split up such a partition, you will need a commercial product such as <b
-class="APPLICATION">Partition Magic</b>. Sorry, but this is just the breaks if you've got
-a Windows partition hogging your whole disk and you don't want to reinstall from
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">FIPS</b> does not work on extended DOS partitions. Windows
-95/98/ME FAT32 primary partitions are supported.</p>
-<div class="QANDAENTRY">
-<div class="QUESTION">
-<p><a id="Q1.6.2." name="Q1.6.2."></a><b>1.6.2.</b> Can I use compressed DOS filesystems
-from FreeBSD?</p>
-<div class="ANSWER">
-<p><b></b>No. If you are using a utility such as <b class="APPLICATION">Stacker</b>(tm)
-or <b class="APPLICATION">DoubleSpace</b>(tm), FreeBSD will only be able to use whatever
-portion of the filesystem you leave uncompressed. The rest of the filesystem will show up
-as one large file (the stacked/dblspaced file!). <span class="emphasis"><i
-class="EMPHASIS">Do not remove that file</i></span> as you will probably regret it
-<p>It is probably better to create another uncompressed DOS extended partition and use
-this for communications between DOS and FreeBSD if such is your desire.</p>
-<div class="QANDAENTRY">
-<div class="QUESTION">
-<p><a id="Q1.6.3." name="Q1.6.3."></a><b>1.6.3.</b> Can I mount my DOS extended
-<div class="ANSWER">
-<p><b></b>Yes. DOS extended partitions are mapped in at the end of the other ``slices''
-in FreeBSD, e.g. your <tt class="DEVICENAME">D:</tt> drive might be <tt
-class="FILENAME">/dev/da0s5</tt>, your <tt class="DEVICENAME">E:</tt> drive <tt
-class="FILENAME">/dev/da0s6</tt>, and so on. This example assumes, of course, that your
-extended partition is on SCSI drive 0. For IDE drives, substitute <var
-class="LITERAL">ad</var> for <var class="LITERAL">da</var> appropriately. You otherwise
-mount extended partitions exactly like you would mount any other DOS drive, e.g.:</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<samp class="PROMPT">#</samp> <kbd
-class="USERINPUT">mount -t msdos /dev/da0s5 /dos_d</kbd>
-<div class="QANDAENTRY">
-<div class="QUESTION">
-<p><a id="Q1.6.4." name="Q1.6.4."></a><b>1.6.4.</b> Can I run DOS binaries under
-<div class="ANSWER">
-<p><b></b>Ongoing work with BSDI's <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">doscmd</span>(1)</span></a>
-utility will suffice in many cases, though it still has some rough edges. The <a
-class="FILENAME">emulators/doscmd</tt></a> port/package can be found in the FreeBSD Ports
-Collection. If you're interested in working on this, please send mail to the <a
-target="_top">FreeBSD-emulation mailing list</a> and indicate that you're interested in
-joining this ongoing effort!</p>
-<p>The <a href="http://www.FreeBSD.org/cgi/url.cgi?ports/emulators/pcemu/pkg-descr"><tt
-class="FILENAME">emulators/pcemu</tt></a> port/package in the FreeBSD Ports Collection
-which emulates an 8088 and enough BIOS services to run DOS text mode applications. It
-requires the X Window System (XFree86) to operate.</p>
-<div class="QANDAENTRY">
-<div class="QUESTION">
-<p><a id="Q1.6.5." name="Q1.6.5."></a><b>1.6.5.</b> Can I run <span
-class="TRADEMARK">Microsoft</span>&reg;&nbsp;<span class="TRADEMARK">Windows</span>&reg;
-applications under FreeBSD?</p>
-<div class="ANSWER">
-<p><b></b>There are several ports/packages in the FreeBSD Ports Collection which can
-enable the use of many <span class="TRADEMARK">Windows</span> applications. The <a
-class="FILENAME">emulators/wine</tt></a> port/package provides a compatibility layer on
-top of FreeBSD which allow many <span class="TRADEMARK">Windows</span> applications to be
-run within X Windows (XFree86).</p>
-<div class="QANDAENTRY">
-<div class="QUESTION">
-<p><a id="Q1.6.6." name="Q1.6.6."></a><b>1.6.6.</b> Can I run other Operating Systems
-under FreeBSD?</p>
-<div class="ANSWER">
-<p><b></b>Again, there are several ports/packages in the FreeBSD Ports Collection which
-simulate "virtual machines" and allow other operating systems to run on top of FreeBSD.
-The <a href="http://www.FreeBSD.org/cgi/url.cgi?ports/emulators/bochs/pkg-descr"><tt
-class="FILENAME">emulators/bochs</tt></a> port/package allows <span
-class="TRADEMARK">Microsoft</span>&nbsp;<span class="TRADEMARK">Windows</span>, Linux and
-even other copies of FreeBSD to be run within a window on the FreeBSD desktop. The <a
-class="FILENAME">emulators/vmware2</tt></a> and <a
-class="FILENAME">emulators/vmware3</tt></a> ports/packages allow the commercial VMware
-virtual machine software to be run on FreeBSD.</p>
-<div class="SECT1">
-<hr />
-<h2 class="SECT1"><a id="LAYOUT" name="LAYOUT">2 Distribution Format</a></h2>
-<p>A typical FreeBSD distribution directory looks something like this (exact details may
-vary depending on version, architecture, and other factors):</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-ERRATA.HTM README.TXT compat1x dict kernel
-ERRATA.TXT RELNOTES.HTM compat20 doc manpages
-HARDWARE.HTM RELNOTES.TXT compat21 docbook.css packages
-HARDWARE.TXT base compat22 filename.txt ports
-INSTALL.HTM boot compat3x floppies proflibs
-INSTALL.TXT catpages compat4x games src
-README.HTM cdrom.inf crypto info tools
-<p>If you want to do a CDROM, FTP or NFS installation from this distribution directory,
-all you need to do is make the 1.44MB boot floppies from the floppies directory (see <a
-href="#FLOPPIES">Section 1.3</a> for instructions on how to do this), boot them and
-follow the instructions. The rest of the data needed during the installation will be
-obtained automatically based on your selections. If you've never installed FreeBSD
-before, you also want to read the entirety of this document (the installation
-instructions) file.</p>
-<p>If you're trying to do some other type of installation or are merely curious about how
-a distribution is organized, what follows is a more thorough description of some of these
-items in more detail:</p>
-<ol type="1">
-<p>The <tt class="FILENAME">*.TXT</tt> and <tt class="FILENAME">*.HTM</tt> files contain
-documentation (for example, this document is contained in both <tt
-class="FILENAME">INSTALL.TXT</tt> and <tt class="FILENAME">INSTALL.HTM</tt>) and should
-be read before starting an installation. The <tt class="FILENAME">*.TXT</tt> files are
-plain text, while the <tt class="FILENAME">*.HTM</tt> files are HTML files that can be
-read by almost any Web browser. Some distributions may contain documentation in other
-formats as well, such as PDF or PostScript.</p>
-<p><tt class="FILENAME">docbook.css</tt> is a Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) file used by
-some Web browsers for formatting the HTML documentation.</p>
-<p>The <tt class="FILENAME">base</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">catpages</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">crypto</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">dict</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">doc</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">games</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">info</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">manpages</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">proflibs</tt>, and <tt class="FILENAME">src</tt> directories contain the
-primary distribution components of FreeBSD itself and are split into smaller files for
-easy packing onto floppies (should that be necessary).</p>
-<p>The <tt class="FILENAME">compat1x</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">compat20</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">compat21</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">compat22</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">compat3x</tt>, and <tt class="FILENAME">compat4x</tt> directories
-contain distributions for compatibility with older releases and are distributed as single
-gzip'd tar files - they can be installed during release time or later by running their
-<tt class="FILENAME">install.sh</tt> scripts.</p>
-<p>The <tt class="FILENAME">floppies/</tt> subdirectory contains the floppy installation
-images; further information on using them can be found in <a href="#FLOPPIES">Section
-<p>The <tt class="FILENAME">packages</tt> and <tt class="FILENAME">ports</tt> directories
-contain the FreeBSD Packages and Ports Collections. Packages may be installed from the
-packages directory by running the command:</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<samp class="PROMPT">#</samp><kbd
-class="USERINPUT">/stand/sysinstall configPackages</kbd>
-<p>Packages can also be installed by feeding individual filenames in <tt
-class="FILENAME">packages</tt>/ to the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pkg_add</span>(1)</span></a>
-<p>The Ports Collection may be installed like any other distribution and requires about
-190MB unpacked. More information on the ports collection may be obtained from <a
-href="http://www.FreeBSD.org/ports/" target="_top">http://www.FreeBSD.org/ports/</a> or
-locally from <tt class="FILENAME">/usr/share/doc/handbook</tt> if you've installed the
-<tt class="FILENAME">doc</tt> distribution.</p>
-<p>Last of all, the <tt class="FILENAME">tools</tt> directory contains various DOS tools
-for discovering disk geometries, installing boot managers and the like. It is purely
-optional and provided only for user convenience.</p>
-<br />
-<br />
-<p>A typical distribution directory (for example, the <tt class="FILENAME">info</tt>
-distribution) looks like this internally:</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-CHECKSUM.MD5 info.ab info.ad info.inf install.sh
-info.aa info.ac info.ae info.mtree
-<p>The <tt class="FILENAME">CHECKSUM.MD5</tt> file contains MD5 signatures for each file,
-should data corruption be suspected, and is purely for reference. It is not used by the
-actual installation and does not need to be copied with the rest of the distribution
-files. The <tt class="FILENAME">info.a*</tt> files are split, gzip'd tar files, the
-contents of which can be viewed by doing:</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<samp class="PROMPT">#</samp> <kbd class="USERINPUT">cat info.a* | tar tvzf -</kbd>
-<p>During installation, they are automatically concatenated and extracted by the
-installation procedure.</p>
-<p>The <tt class="FILENAME">info.inf</tt> file is also necessary since it is read by the
-installation program in order to figure out how many pieces to look for when fetching and
-concatenating the distribution. When putting distributions onto floppies, the <tt
-class="FILENAME">.inf</tt> file <span class="emphasis"><i
-class="EMPHASIS">must</i></span> occupy the first floppy of each distribution set!</p>
-<p>The <tt class="FILENAME">info.mtree</tt> file is another non-essential file which is
-provided for user reference. It contains the MD5 signatures of the <span
-class="emphasis"><i class="EMPHASIS">unpacked</i></span> distribution files and can be
-later used with the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">mtree</span>(8)</span></a> program
-to verify the installation permissions and checksums against any possible modifications
-to the file. When used with the <tt class="FILENAME">base</tt> distribution, this can be
-an excellent way of detecting trojan horse attacks on your system.</p>
-<p>Finally, the <tt class="FILENAME">install.sh</tt> file is for use by those who want to
-install the distribution after installation time. To install the info distribution from
-CDROM after a system was installed, for example, you'd do:</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<samp class="PROMPT">#</samp> <kbd class="USERINPUT">cd /cdrom/info</kbd>
-<samp class="PROMPT">#</samp> <kbd class="USERINPUT">sh install.sh</kbd>
-<div class="SECT1">
-<hr />
-<h2 class="SECT1"><a id="UPGRADING" name="UPGRADING">3 Upgrading FreeBSD</a></h2>
-<p>These instructions describe a procedure for doing a binary upgrade from an older
-version of FreeBSD.</p>
-<div class="WARNING">
-<blockquote class="WARNING">
-<p><b>Warning:</b> While the FreeBSD upgrade procedure does its best to safeguard against
-accidental loss of data, it is still more than possible to <span class="emphasis"><i
-class="EMPHASIS">wipe out your entire disk</i></span> with this installation! Please do
-not accept the final confirmation request unless you have adequately backed up any
-important data files.</p>
-<div class="IMPORTANT">
-<blockquote class="IMPORTANT">
-<p><b>Important:</b> These notes assume that you are using the version of <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sysinstall</span>(8)</span></a>
-supplied with the version of FreeBSD to which you intend to upgrade. Using a mismatched
-version of <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sysinstall</span>(8)</span></a> is
-almost guaranteed to cause problems and has been known to leave systems in an unusable
-state. The most commonly made mistake in this regard is the use of an old copy of <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sysinstall</span>(8)</span></a>
-from an existing installation to upgrade to a newer version of FreeBSD. This is <span
-class="emphasis"><i class="EMPHASIS">not</i></span> recommended.</p>
-<div class="WARNING">
-<blockquote class="WARNING">
-<p><b>Warning:</b> Binary upgrades to FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE from FreeBSD 4-STABLE are not
-supported at this time. There are some files present in a FreeBSD 4-STABLE whose presence
-can be disruptive, but are not removed by a binary upgrade. One notable example is that
-an old <tt class="FILENAME">/usr/include/g++</tt> directory will cause C++ programs to
-compile incorrectly (or not at all).</p>
-<p>These upgrade instructions are provided for the use of users upgrading from relatively
-recent FreeBSD 5-STABLE snapshots.</p>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="AEN683" name="AEN683">3.1 Introduction</a></h3>
-<p>The upgrade procedure replaces distributions selected by the user with those
-corresponding to the new FreeBSD release. It preserves standard system configuration
-data, as well as user data, installed packages and other software.</p>
-<p>Administrators contemplating an upgrade are encouraged to study this section in its
-entirety before commencing an upgrade. Failure to do so may result in a failed upgrade or
-loss of data.</p>
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="AEN687" name="AEN687">3.1.1 Upgrade Overview</a></h4>
-<p>Upgrading of a distribution is performed by extracting the new version of the
-component over the top of the previous version. Files belonging to the old distribution
-are not deleted.</p>
-<p>System configuration is preserved by retaining and restoring the previous version of
-the following files:</p>
-<p><tt class="FILENAME">Xaccel.ini</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">XF86Config</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">adduser.conf</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">aliases</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">aliases.db</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">amd.map</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">crontab</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">csh.cshrc</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">csh.login</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">csh.logout</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">cvsupfile</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">dhclient.conf</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">disktab</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">dm.conf</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">dumpdates</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">exports</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">fbtab</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">fstab</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">ftpusers</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">gettytab</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">gnats</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">group</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">hosts</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">hosts.allow</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">hosts.equiv</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">hosts.lpd</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">inetd.conf</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">localtime</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">login.access</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">login.conf</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">mail</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">mail.rc</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">make.conf</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">manpath.config</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">master.passwd</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">motd</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">namedb</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">networks</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">newsyslog.conf</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">nsmb.conf</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">nsswitch.conf</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">pam.conf</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">passwd</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">periodic</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">ppp</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">printcap</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">profile</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">pwd.db</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">rc.conf</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">rc.conf.local</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">rc.firewall</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">rc.local</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">remote</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">resolv.conf</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">rmt</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">sendmail.cf</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">sendmail.cw</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">services</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">shells</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">skeykeys</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">spwd.db</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">ssh</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">syslog.conf</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">ttys</tt>, <tt
-<p>The versions of these files which correspond to the new version are moved to <tt
-class="FILENAME">/etc/upgrade/</tt>. The system administrator may peruse these new
-versions and merge components as desired. Note that many of these files are
-interdependent, and the best merge procedure is to copy all site-specific data from the
-current files into the new.</p>
-<p>During the upgrade procedure, the administrator is prompted for a location into which
-all files from <tt class="FILENAME">/etc/</tt> are saved. In the event that local
-modifications have been made to other files, they may be subsequently retrieved from this
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="AEN761" name="AEN761">3.2 Procedure</a></h3>
-<p>This section details the upgrade procedure. Particular attention is given to items
-which substantially differ from a normal installation.</p>
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="AEN764" name="AEN764">3.2.1 Backup</a></h4>
-<p>User data and system configuration should be backed up before upgrading. While the
-upgrade procedure does its best to prevent accidental mistakes, it is possible to
-partially or completely destroy data and configuration information.</p>
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="AEN767" name="AEN767">3.2.2 Mount Filesystems</a></h4>
-<p>The disklabel editor is entered with the nominated disk's filesystem devices listed.
-Prior to commencing the upgrade, the administrator should make a note of the device names
-and corresponding mountpoints. These mountpoints should be entered here. <span
-class="emphasis"><i class="EMPHASIS">Do not</i></span> set the ``newfs flag'' for any
-filesystems, as this will cause data loss.</p>
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="AEN772" name="AEN772">3.2.3 Select Distributions</a></h4>
-<p>When selecting distributions, there are no constraints on which must be selected. As a
-general rule, the <var class="LITERAL">base</var> distribution should be selected for an
-update, and the <var class="LITERAL">man</var> distribution if manpages are already
-installed. Other distributions may be selected beyond those originally installed if the
-administrator wishes to add additional functionality.</p>
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="FSTAB" name="FSTAB">3.2.4 After Installation</a></h4>
-<p>Once the installation procedure has completed, the administrator is prompted to
-examine the new configuration files. At this point, checks should be made to ensure that
-the system configuration is valid. In particular, the <tt
-class="FILENAME">/etc/rc.conf</tt> and <tt class="FILENAME">/etc/fstab</tt> files should
-be checked.</p>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="AEN782" name="AEN782">3.3 Upgrading from Source Code</a></h3>
-<p>Those interested in an upgrade method that allows more flexibility and sophistication
-should take a look at <a
-target="_top">The Cutting Edge</a> in the FreeBSD Handbook. This procedure involves
-rebuilding all of FreeBSD from source code. It requires reliable network connectivity,
-extra disk space, and time, but has advantages for networks and other more complex
-installations. This is roughly the same procedure as is used for track the -STABLE or
--CURRENT development branches.</p>
-<p><tt class="FILENAME">/usr/src/UPDATING</tt> contains important information on updating
-a FreeBSD system from source code. It lists various issues resulting from changes in
-FreeBSD that may affect an upgrade.</p>
-<div class="SECT1">
-<hr />
-<h2 class="SECT1"><a id="TROUBLE" name="TROUBLE">4 Troubleshooting</a></h2>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="REPAIRING" name="REPAIRING">4.1 Repairing an Existing FreeBSD
-<p>FreeBSD features a ``Fixit'' option in the top menu of the boot floppy. To use it, you
-will also need either a <tt class="FILENAME">fixit.flp</tt> image floppy, generated in
-the same fashion as the boot floppy, or the ``live filesystem'' CDROM; typically the
-second CDROM in a multi-disc FreeBSD distribution.</p>
-<p>To invoke fixit, simply boot the <tt class="FILENAME">kern.flp</tt> floppy, choose the
-``Fixit'' item and insert the fixit floppy or CDROM when asked. You will then be placed
-into a shell with a wide variety of commands available (in the <tt
-class="FILENAME">/stand</tt> and <tt class="FILENAME">/mnt2/stand</tt> directories) for
-checking, repairing and examining filesystems and their contents. Some UNIX
-administration experience <span class="emphasis"><i class="EMPHASIS">is</i></span>
-required to use the fixit option.</p>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="AEN802" name="AEN802">4.2 Common Installation Problems for AMD64
-Architecture Users</a></h3>
-<div class="QANDASET">
-<dt>4.2.1. <a href="#Q4.2.1.">My system hangs while probing hardware during boot, or it
-behaves strangely during install, or the floppy drive isn't probed.</a></dt>
-<dt>4.2.2. <a href="#Q4.2.2.">My system uses the nVidia nForce3 Pro-150 chipset and I get
-hangs at the end of boot or suddenly starts losing interrupts.</a></dt>
-<dt>4.2.3. <a href="#Q4.2.3.">My legacy ISA device used to be recognized in previous
-versions of FreeBSD, but now it's not. What happened?</a></dt>
-<dt>4.2.4. <a href="#Q4.2.4.">I go to boot from the hard disk for the first time after
-installing FreeBSD, the kernel loads and probes my hardware, but stops with messages
-<dt>4.2.5. <a href="#Q4.2.5.">I go to boot from the hard disk for the first time after
-installing FreeBSD, but the Boot Manager prompt just prints <var class="LITERAL">F?</var>
-at the boot menu each time but the boot won't go any further.</a></dt>
-<dt>4.2.6. <a href="#Q4.2.6.">The <span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span
-class="REFENTRYTITLE">mcd</span>(4)</span> driver keeps thinking that it has found a
-device and this stops my Intel EtherExpress card from working.</a></dt>
-<dt>4.2.7. <a href="#Q4.2.7.">The system finds my <span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span
-class="REFENTRYTITLE">ed</span>(4)</span> network card, but I keep getting device timeout
-<dt>4.2.8. <a href="#Q4.2.8.">I booted the install floppy on my IBM ThinkPad (tm) laptop,
-and the keyboard is all messed up.</a></dt>
-<dt>4.2.9. <a href="#Q4.2.9.">My system can not find my Intel EtherExpress 16
-<dt>4.2.10. <a href="#Q4.2.10.">When installing on an EISA HP Netserver, my on-board
-AIC-7xxx SCSI controller isn't detected.</a></dt>
-<dt>4.2.11. <a href="#Q4.2.11.">I have a Panasonic AL-N1 or Rios Chandler Pentium machine
-and I find that the system hangs before ever getting into the installation now.</a></dt>
-<dt>4.2.12. <a href="#Q4.2.12.">I have this CMD640 IDE controller that is said to be
-<dt>4.2.13. <a href="#Q4.2.13.">On a Compaq Aero notebook, I get the message ``No floppy
-devices found! Please check ...'' when trying to install from floppy.</a></dt>
-<dt>4.2.14. <a href="#Q4.2.14.">When installing on a Dell Poweredge XE, Dell proprietary
-RAID controller DSA (Dell SCSI Array) isn't recognized.</a></dt>
-<dt>4.2.15. <a href="#Q4.2.15.">I have an IBM EtherJet PCI card, it is detected by the
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">fxp</span>(4)</span> driver
-correctly, but the lights on the card don't come on and it doesn't connect to the
-<dt>4.2.16. <a href="#Q4.2.16.">When I configure the network during installation on an
-IBM Netfinity 3500, the system freezes.</a></dt>
-<dt>4.2.17. <a href="#Q4.2.17.">When I install onto a drive managed by a Mylex PCI RAID
-controller, the system fails to boot (eg. with a <var class="LITERAL">read error</var>
-<div class="QANDAENTRY">
-<div class="QUESTION">
-<p><a id="Q4.2.1." name="Q4.2.1."></a><b>4.2.1.</b> My system hangs while probing
-hardware during boot, or it behaves strangely during install, or the floppy drive isn't
-<div class="ANSWER">
-<p><b></b>FreeBSD 5.0 and above makes extensive use of the system ACPI service on the
-i386 platform to aid in system configuration if it's detected during boot. Unfortunately,
-some bugs still exist in both the ACPI driver and within system motherboards and BIOS.
-The use of ACPI can be disabled by setting the ``hint.acpi.0.disabled'' hint in the third
-stage boot loader:</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-set hint.acpi.0.disabled="1"
-<p>This is reset each time the system is booted, so it is necessary to add <var
-class="LITERAL">hint.acpi.0.disabled="1"</var> to the file <tt
-class="FILENAME">/boot/loader.conf</tt>. More information about the boot loader can be
-found in the FreeBSD Handbook.</p>
-<div class="QANDAENTRY">
-<div class="QUESTION">
-<p><a id="Q4.2.2." name="Q4.2.2."></a><b>4.2.2.</b> My system uses the nVidia nForce3
-Pro-150 chipset and I get hangs at the end of boot or suddenly starts losing
-<div class="ANSWER">
-<p><b></b>There are problems with the apic on this chipset and/or the bios on every
-machine that we had seen at the time of release. While disabling ACPI as above will work,
-a less drastic option may be to set the ``hint.apic.0.disabled'' hint instead. If you
-have the option in the bios, try disabling the APIC support. Unfortunately some machines
-lack this option.</p>
-<div class="QANDAENTRY">
-<div class="QUESTION">
-<p><a id="Q4.2.3." name="Q4.2.3."></a><b>4.2.3.</b> My legacy ISA device used to be
-recognized in previous versions of FreeBSD, but now it's not. What happened?</p>
-<div class="ANSWER">
-<p><b></b>Some device drivers, like matcd, were removed over time due to lack of
-maintainership or other reasons. Others still exist but are disabled because of their
-intrusive hardware probe routines. The following ISA device drivers fall into this
-category and can re-enabled from the third stage boot loader: aha, ahv, aic, bt, ed, cs,
-sn, ie, fe, le, and lnc. To do this, stop the loader during it's 10 second countdown and
-enter the following at the prompt:</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-unset hint.foo.0.disabled
-<p>where <var class="REPLACEABLE">foo</var> is the name of the driver to re-enable. This
-can be set permanently by editing the file <tt class="FILENAME">/boot/device.hints</tt>
-and removing the appropriate ``disabled'' entry.</p>
-<div class="QANDAENTRY">
-<div class="QUESTION">
-<p><a id="Q4.2.4." name="Q4.2.4."></a><b>4.2.4.</b> I go to boot from the hard disk for
-the first time after installing FreeBSD, the kernel loads and probes my hardware, but
-stops with messages like:</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-changing root device to ad1s1a panic: cannot mount root
-<p>What is wrong? What can I do?</p>
-<p>What is this <var
-class="LITERAL">bios_drive:interface(unit,partition)kernel_name</var> thing that is
-displayed with the boot help?</p>
-<div class="ANSWER">
-<p><b></b>There is a longstanding problem in the case where the boot disk is not the
-first disk in the system. The BIOS uses a different numbering scheme to FreeBSD, and
-working out which numbers correspond to which is difficult to get right.</p>
-<p>In the case where the boot disk is not the first disk in the system, FreeBSD can need
-some help finding it. There are two common situations here, and in both of these cases,
-you need to tell FreeBSD where the root filesystem is. You do this by specifying the BIOS
-disk number, the disk type and the FreeBSD disk number for that type.</p>
-<p>The first situation is where you have two IDE disks, each configured as the master on
-their respective IDE busses, and wish to boot FreeBSD from the second disk. The BIOS sees
-these as disk 0 and disk 1, while FreeBSD sees them as <tt class="DEVICENAME">ad0</tt>
-and <tt class="DEVICENAME">ad2</tt>.</p>
-<p>FreeBSD is on BIOS disk 1, of type <var class="LITERAL">ad</var> and the FreeBSD disk
-number is 2, so you would say:</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<kbd class="USERINPUT">1:ad(2,a)kernel</kbd>
-<p>Note that if you have a slave on the primary bus, the above is not necessary (and is
-effectively wrong).</p>
-<p>The second situation involves booting from a SCSI disk when you have one or more IDE
-disks in the system. In this case, the FreeBSD disk number is lower than the BIOS disk
-number. If you have two IDE disks as well as the SCSI disk, the SCSI disk is BIOS disk 2,
-type <var class="LITERAL">da</var> and FreeBSD disk number 0, so you would say:</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<kbd class="USERINPUT">2:da(0,a)kernel</kbd>
-<p>To tell FreeBSD that you want to boot from BIOS disk 2, which is the first SCSI disk
-in the system. If you only had one IDE disk, you would use '1:' instead.</p>
-<p>Once you have determined the correct values to use, you can put the command exactly as
-you would have typed it in the <tt class="FILENAME">/boot.config</tt> file using a
-standard text editor. Unless instructed otherwise, FreeBSD will use the contents of this
-file as the default response to the <var class="LITERAL">boot:</var> prompt.</p>
-<div class="QANDAENTRY">
-<div class="QUESTION">
-<p><a id="Q4.2.5." name="Q4.2.5."></a><b>4.2.5.</b> I go to boot from the hard disk for
-the first time after installing FreeBSD, but the Boot Manager prompt just prints <var
-class="LITERAL">F?</var> at the boot menu each time but the boot won't go any
-<div class="ANSWER">
-<p><b></b>The hard disk geometry was set incorrectly in the Partition editor when you
-installed FreeBSD. Go back into the partition editor and specify the actual geometry of
-your hard disk. You must reinstall FreeBSD again from the beginning with the correct
-<p>If you are failing entirely in figuring out the correct geometry for your machine,
-here's a tip: Install a small DOS partition at the beginning of the disk and install
-FreeBSD after that. The install program will see the DOS partition and try to infer the
-correct geometry from it, which usually works.</p>
-<p>The following tip is no longer recommended, but is left here for reference:</p>
-<a id="AEN865" name="AEN865"></a>
-<blockquote class="BLOCKQUOTE">
-<p>If you are setting up a truly dedicated FreeBSD server or workstation where you don't
-care for (future) compatibility with DOS, Linux or another operating system, you've also
-got the option to use the entire disk (`A' in the partition editor), selecting the
-non-standard option where FreeBSD occupies the entire disk from the very first to the
-very last sector. This will leave all geometry considerations aside, but is somewhat
-limiting unless you're never going to run anything other than FreeBSD on a disk.</p>
-<div class="QANDAENTRY">
-<div class="QUESTION">
-<p><a id="Q4.2.6." name="Q4.2.6."></a><b>4.2.6.</b> The <span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span
-class="REFENTRYTITLE">mcd</span>(4)</span> driver keeps thinking that it has found a
-device and this stops my Intel EtherExpress card from working.</p>
-<div class="ANSWER">
-<p><b></b>Use the UserConfig utility (see <tt class="FILENAME">HARDWARE.TXT</tt>) and
-disable the probing of the <tt class="DEVICENAME">mcd0</tt> and <tt
-class="DEVICENAME">mcd1</tt> devices. Generally speaking, you should only leave the
-devices that you will be using enabled in your kernel.</p>
-<div class="QANDAENTRY">
-<div class="QUESTION">
-<p><a id="Q4.2.7." name="Q4.2.7."></a><b>4.2.7.</b> The system finds my <span
-class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ed</span>(4)</span> network card, but I
-keep getting device timeout errors.</p>
-<div class="ANSWER">
-<p><b></b>Your card is probably on a different IRQ from what is specified in the kernel
-configuration. The ed driver does not use the `soft' configuration by default (values
-entered using EZSETUP in DOS), but it will use the software configuration if you specify
-<var class="LITERAL">?</var> in the IRQ field of your kernel config file.</p>
-<p>Either move the jumper on the card to a hard configuration setting (altering the
-kernel settings if necessary), or specify the IRQ as <var class="LITERAL">-1</var> in
-UserConfig or <var class="LITERAL">?</var> in your kernel config file. This will tell the
-kernel to use the soft configuration.</p>
-<p>Another possibility is that your card is at IRQ 9, which is shared by IRQ 2 and
-frequently a cause of problems (especially when you have a VGA card using IRQ 2!). You
-should not use IRQ 2 or 9 if at all possible.</p>
-<div class="QANDAENTRY">
-<div class="QUESTION">
-<p><a id="Q4.2.8." name="Q4.2.8."></a><b>4.2.8.</b> I booted the install floppy on my IBM
-ThinkPad (tm) laptop, and the keyboard is all messed up.</p>
-<div class="ANSWER">
-<p><b></b>Older IBM laptops use a non-standard keyboard controller, so you must tell the
-keyboard driver (atkbd0) to go into a special mode which works on the ThinkPads. Change
-the atkbd0 'Flags' to 0x4 in UserConfig and it should work fine. (Look in the Input Menu
-for 'Keyboard'.)</p>
-<div class="QANDAENTRY">
-<div class="QUESTION">
-<p><a id="Q4.2.9." name="Q4.2.9."></a><b>4.2.9.</b> My system can not find my Intel
-EtherExpress 16 card.</p>
-<div class="ANSWER">
-<p><b></b>You must set your Intel EtherExpress 16 card to be memory mapped at address
-0xD0000, and set the amount of mapped memory to 32K using the Intel supplied <tt
-class="FILENAME">softset.exe</tt> program.</p>
-<div class="QANDAENTRY">
-<div class="QUESTION">
-<p><a id="Q4.2.10." name="Q4.2.10."></a><b>4.2.10.</b> When installing on an EISA HP
-Netserver, my on-board AIC-7xxx SCSI controller isn't detected.</p>
-<div class="ANSWER">
-<p><b></b>This is a known problem, and will hopefully be fixed in the future. In order to
-get your system installed at all, boot with the <var class="OPTION">-c</var> option into
-UserConfig, but <span class="emphasis"><i class="EMPHASIS">don't</i></span> use the
-pretty visual mode but the plain old CLI mode. Type:</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<kbd class="USERINPUT">eisa 12</kbd>
-<kbd class="USERINPUT">quit</kbd>
-<p>at the prompt. (Instead of `quit', you might also type `visual', and continue the rest
-of the configuration session in visual mode.) While it's recommended to compile a custom
-kernel, dset now also understands to save this value.</p>
-<p>Refer to the FAQ topic 5.3 for an explanation of the problem, and for how to continue.
-Remember that you can find the FAQ on your local system in /usr/share/doc/FAQ, provided
-you have installed the `doc' distribution.</p>
-<div class="QANDAENTRY">
-<div class="QUESTION">
-<p><a id="Q4.2.11." name="Q4.2.11."></a><b>4.2.11.</b> I have a Panasonic AL-N1 or Rios
-Chandler Pentium machine and I find that the system hangs before ever getting into the
-installation now.</p>
-<div class="ANSWER">
-<p><b></b>Your machine doesn't like the new <var class="LITERAL">i586_copyout</var> and
-<var class="LITERAL">i586_copyin</var> code for some reason. To disable this, boot the
-installation boot floppy and when it comes to the very first menu (the choice to drop
-into kernel UserConfig mode or not) choose the command-line interface (``expert mode'')
-version and type the following at it:</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<kbd class="USERINPUT">flags npx0 1</kbd>
-<p>Then proceed normally to boot. This will be saved into your kernel, so you only need
-to do it once.</p>
-<div class="QANDAENTRY">
-<div class="QUESTION">
-<p><a id="Q4.2.12." name="Q4.2.12."></a><b>4.2.12.</b> I have this CMD640 IDE controller
-that is said to be broken.</p>
-<div class="ANSWER">
-<p><b></b>FreeBSD does not support this controller.</p>
-<div class="QANDAENTRY">
-<div class="QUESTION">
-<p><a id="Q4.2.13." name="Q4.2.13."></a><b>4.2.13.</b> On a Compaq Aero notebook, I get
-the message ``No floppy devices found! Please check ...'' when trying to install from
-<div class="ANSWER">
-<p><b></b>With Compaq being always a little different from other systems, they do not
-announce their floppy drive in the CMOS RAM of an Aero notebook. Therefore, the floppy
-disk driver assumes there is no drive configured. Go to the UserConfig screen, and set
-the Flags value of the fdc0 device to 0x1. This pretends the existence of the first
-floppy drive (as a 1.44 MB drive) to the driver without asking the CMOS at all.</p>
-<div class="QANDAENTRY">
-<div class="QUESTION">
-<p><a id="Q4.2.14." name="Q4.2.14."></a><b>4.2.14.</b> When installing on a Dell
-Poweredge XE, Dell proprietary RAID controller DSA (Dell SCSI Array) isn't
-<div class="ANSWER">
-<p><b></b>Configure the DSA to use AHA-1540 emulation using EISA configuration utility.
-After that FreeBSD detects the DSA as an Adaptec AHA-1540 SCSI controller, with irq 11
-and port 340. Under emulation mode system will use DSA RAID disks, but you cannot use
-DSA-specific features such as watching RAID health.</p>
-<div class="QANDAENTRY">
-<div class="QUESTION">
-<p><a id="Q4.2.15." name="Q4.2.15."></a><b>4.2.15.</b> I have an IBM EtherJet PCI card,
-it is detected by the <span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span
-class="REFENTRYTITLE">fxp</span>(4)</span> driver correctly, but the lights on the card
-don't come on and it doesn't connect to the network.</p>
-<div class="ANSWER">
-<p><b></b>We don't understand why this happens. Neither do IBM (we asked them). The card
-is a standard Intel EtherExpress Pro/100 with an IBM label on it, and these cards
-normally work just fine. You may see these symptoms only in some IBM Netfinity servers.
-The only solution is to install a different Ethernet adapter.</p>
-<div class="QANDAENTRY">
-<div class="QUESTION">
-<p><a id="Q4.2.16." name="Q4.2.16."></a><b>4.2.16.</b> When I configure the network
-during installation on an IBM Netfinity 3500, the system freezes.</p>
-<div class="ANSWER">
-<p><b></b>There is a problem with the onboard Ethernet in the Netfinity 3500 which we
-have not been able to identify at this time. It may be related to the SMP features of the
-system being misconfigured. You will have to install another Ethernet adapter and avoid
-attempting to configure the onboard adapter at any time.</p>
-<div class="QANDAENTRY">
-<div class="QUESTION">
-<p><a id="Q4.2.17." name="Q4.2.17."></a><b>4.2.17.</b> When I install onto a drive
-managed by a Mylex PCI RAID controller, the system fails to boot (eg. with a <var
-class="LITERAL">read error</var> message).</p>
-<div class="ANSWER">
-<p><b></b>There is a bug in the Mylex driver which results in it ignoring the ``8GB''
-geometry mode setting in the BIOS. Use the 2GB mode instead.</p>
-<hr />
-<p align="center"><small>This file, and other release-related documents, can be
-downloaded from <a href="ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/">ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/</a>.</small></p>
-<p align="center"><small>For questions about FreeBSD, read the <a
-href="http://www.FreeBSD.org/docs.html">documentation</a> before contacting &#60;<a
-<p align="center"><small>For questions about this documentation, e-mail &#60;<a
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-<div class="TITLEPAGE">
-<h1 class="TITLE"><a id="AEN2" name="AEN2">FreeBSD/i386 5.3-RELEASE Installation
-<h3 class="CORPAUTHOR">The FreeBSD Project</h3>
-<p class="COPYRIGHT">Copyright &copy; 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 The FreeBSD
-Documentation Project</p>
-<hr />
-<blockquote class="ABSTRACT">
-<div class="ABSTRACT"><a id="AEN12" name="AEN12"></a>
-<p>This article gives some brief instructions on installing FreeBSD/i386 5.3-RELEASE,
-with particular emphasis given to obtaining a FreeBSD distribution. Some notes on
-troubleshooting and frequently-asked questions are also given.</p>
-<div class="SECT1">
-<hr />
-<h2 class="SECT1"><a id="INSTALL" name="INSTALL">1 Installing FreeBSD</a></h2>
-<p>This section documents the process of installing a new distribution of FreeBSD. These
-instructions pay particular emphasis to the process of obtaining the FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE
-distribution and to beginning the installation procedure. The <a
-target="_top">``Installing FreeBSD''</a> chapter of the <a
-href="http://www.FreeBSD.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/" target="_top">FreeBSD
-Handbook</a> provides more in-depth information about the installation program itself,
-including a guided walkthrough with screenshots.</p>
-<p>If you are upgrading from a previous release of FreeBSD, please see <a
-href="#UPGRADING">Section 3</a> for instructions on upgrading.</p>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="GETTING-STARTED" name="GETTING-STARTED">1.1 Getting
-<p>Probably the most important pre-installation step that can be taken is that of reading
-the various instruction documents provided with FreeBSD. A roadmap of documents
-pertaining to this release of FreeBSD can be found in <tt
-class="FILENAME">README.TXT</tt>, which can usually be found in the same location as this
-file; most of these documents, such as the release notes and the hardware compatibility
-list, are also accessible in the Documentation menu of the installer.</p>
-<p>Note that on-line versions of the FreeBSD <a
-href="http://www.FreeBSD.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/faq/" target="_top">FAQ</a> and <a
-target="_top">Handbook</a> are also available from the <a href="http://www.FreeBSD.org/"
-target="_top">FreeBSD Project Web site</a>, if you have an Internet connection.</p>
-<p>This collection of documents may seem daunting, but the time spent reading them will
-likely be saved many times over. Being familiar with what resources are available can
-also be helpful in the event of problems during installation.</p>
-<p>The best laid plans sometimes go awry, so if you run into trouble take a look at <a
-href="#TROUBLE">Section 4</a>, which contains valuable troubleshooting information. You
-should also read an updated copy of <tt class="FILENAME">ERRATA.TXT</tt> before
-installing, since this will alert you to any problems which have reported in the interim
-for your particular release.</p>
-<div class="IMPORTANT">
-<blockquote class="IMPORTANT">
-<p><b>Important:</b> While FreeBSD does its best to safeguard against accidental loss of
-data, it's still more than possible to <span class="emphasis"><i class="EMPHASIS">wipe
-out your entire disk</i></span> with this installation if you make a mistake. Please do
-not proceed to the final FreeBSD installation menu unless you've adequately backed up any
-important data first.</p>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="AEN37" name="AEN37">1.2 Hardware Requirements</a></h3>
-<p>FreeBSD for the i386 requires a 486 or better processor to install and run (although
-FreeBSD can run on 386 processors with a custom kernel) and at least 8 megs of RAM to
-install and 7 megs to run. You will need at least 150MB of free hard drive space for the
-most minimal installation. See below for ways of shrinking existing DOS partitions in
-order to install FreeBSD.</p>
-<p>If you are not familiar with configuring hardware for FreeBSD, you should be sure to
-read the <tt class="FILENAME">HARDWARE.TXT</tt> file; it contains important information
-on what hardware is supported by FreeBSD.</p>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="FLOPPIES" name="FLOPPIES">1.3 Floppy Disk Image
-<p>Depending on how you choose to install FreeBSD, you may need to create a set of floppy
-disks (usually three) to begin the installation process. This section briefly describes
-how to create these disks, either from a CDROM installation or from the Internet. Note
-that in the common case of installing FreeBSD from CDROM, on a machine that supports
-bootable CDROMs, the steps outlined in this section will not be needed and can be
-<p>For most CDROM or network installations, all you need to copy onto actual floppies
-from the <tt class="FILENAME">floppies/</tt> directory are the <tt
-class="FILENAME">boot.flp</tt> and <tt class="FILENAME">kernX.flp</tt> images (for 1.44MB
-<p>Getting these images over the network is easy. Simply fetch the <var
-class="REPLACEABLE">release</var><tt class="FILENAME">/floppies/boot.flp</tt>, and all of
-the <var class="REPLACEABLE">release</var><tt class="FILENAME">/floppies/kernX.flp</tt>
-files from <a href="ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/" target="_top">ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/</a> or
-one of the many mirrors listed at <a
-target="_top">FTP Sites</a> section of the Handbook, or on the <a
-href="http://mirrorlist.FreeBSD.org/" target="_top">http://mirrorlist.FreeBSD.org/</a>
-Web pages.</p>
-<p>Get approximately three blank, freshly formatted floppies and image copy <tt
-class="FILENAME">boot.flp</tt> onto one and the <tt class="FILENAME">kernX.flp</tt> files
-onto the others. These images are <span class="emphasis"><i
-class="EMPHASIS">not</i></span> DOS files. You cannot simply copy them to a DOS or UFS
-floppy as regular files, you need to ``image'' copy them to the floppy with <tt
-class="FILENAME">fdimage.exe</tt> under DOS (see the <tt class="FILENAME">tools</tt>
-directory on your CDROM or FreeBSD FTP mirror) or the <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">dd</span>(1)</span></a> command in
-<p>For example, to create the kernel floppy image from DOS, you'd do something like
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<samp class="PROMPT">C&#62;</samp> <kbd class="USERINPUT">fdimage boot.flp a:</kbd>
-<p>Assuming that you'd copied <tt class="FILENAME">fdimage.exe</tt> and <tt
-class="FILENAME">boot.flp</tt> into a directory somewhere. You would do the same for the
-<tt class="FILENAME">kernX.flp</tt> files, of course.</p>
-<p>If you're creating the boot floppy from a UNIX machine, you may find that:</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<samp class="PROMPT">#</samp> <kbd
-class="USERINPUT">dd if=floppies/boot.flp of=/dev/rfd0</kbd>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<samp class="PROMPT">#</samp> <kbd
-class="USERINPUT">dd if=floppies/boot.flp of=/dev/fd0</kbd>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<samp class="PROMPT">#</samp> <kbd
-class="USERINPUT">dd if=floppies/boot.flp of=/dev/floppy</kbd>
-<p>work well, depending on your hardware and operating system environment (different
-versions of UNIX have different names for the floppy drive).</p>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="START-INSTALLATION" name="START-INSTALLATION">1.4 Installing
-FreeBSD from CDROM or the Internet</a></h3>
-<p>The easiest type of installation is from CDROM. If you have a supported CDROM drive
-and a FreeBSD installation CDROM, there are 2 ways of starting the installation from
-<p>If your system supports the ``CDBOOT'' standard for bootable CDROM media and you have
-booting from CD enabled, simply put the FreeBSD installation CD in your CDROM drive and
-boot the system to begin installation.</p>
-<p>Build a set of FreeBSD boot floppies from the <tt class="FILENAME">floppies/</tt>
-directory in every FreeBSD distribution. Read <a href="#FLOPPIES">Section 1.3</a> for
-more information on creating the bootable floppies under different operating systems.
-Then you simply boot from the first floppy and you should soon be in the FreeBSD
-<br />
-<br />
-<p>If you don't have a CDROM (or your computer does not support booting from CDROM) and
-would like to simply install over the net using PPP, SLIP or a dedicated connection, you
-should start the installation by building a set of FreeBSD boot floppies from the files
-<tt class="FILENAME">floppies/boot.flp</tt> and <tt
-class="FILENAME">floppies/kernX.flp</tt> using the instructions found in <a
-href="#FLOPPIES">Section 1.3</a>. Restart your computer using the <tt
-class="FILENAME">boot.flp</tt> disk; when prompted, insert the other disks as required.
-Then, please go to <a href="#FTPNFS">Section 1.5.5</a> for additional tips on installing
-via FTP or NFS.</p>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="AEN202" name="AEN202">1.5 Detail on various installation
-<p>Once you've gotten yourself to the initial installation screen somehow, you should be
-able to follow the various menu prompts and go from there. If you've never used the
-FreeBSD installation before, you are also encouraged to read some of the documentation in
-the Documentation submenu as well as the general ``Usage'' instructions on the first
-<div class="NOTE">
-<blockquote class="NOTE">
-<p><b>Note:</b> If you get stuck at a screen, press the <b class="KEYCAP">F1</b> key for
-online documentation relevant to that specific section.</p>
-<p>If you've never installed FreeBSD before, or even if you have, the ``Standard''
-installation mode is the most recommended since it makes sure that you'll visit all the
-various important checklist items along the way. If you're much more comfortable with the
-FreeBSD installation process and know <span class="emphasis"><i
-class="EMPHASIS">exactly</i></span> what you want to do, use the ``Express'' or
-``Custom'' installation options. If you're upgrading an existing system, use the
-``Upgrade'' option.</p>
-<p>The FreeBSD installer supports the direct use of floppy, DOS, tape, CDROM, FTP, NFS
-and UFS partitions as installation media; further tips on installing from each type of
-media are listed below.</p>
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="AEN241" name="AEN241">1.5.1 Installing from a Network
-<p>If you simply wish to install from a local CDROM drive then see <a
-href="#START-INSTALLATION">Section 1.4</a>. If you don't have a CDROM drive on your
-system and wish to use a FreeBSD distribution CD in the CDROM drive of another system to
-which you have network connectivity, there are also several ways of going about it:</p>
-<p>If you would be able to FTP install FreeBSD directly from the CDROM drive in some
-FreeBSD machine, it's quite easy: You ensure an FTP server is running and then simply add
-the following line to the password file (using the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">vipw</span>(8)</span></a>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<p>On the machine on which you are running the install, go to the Options menu and set
-Release Name to <var class="LITERAL">any</var>. You may then choose a Media type of <var
-class="LITERAL">FTP</var> and type in <tt class="FILENAME">ftp://<var
-class="REPLACEABLE">machine</var></tt> after picking ``URL'' in the ftp sites menu.</p>
-<div class="WARNING">
-<blockquote class="WARNING">
-<p><b>Warning:</b> This may allow anyone on the local network (or Internet) to make
-``anonymous FTP'' connections to this machine, which may not be desirable.</p>
-<p>If you would rather use NFS to export the CDROM directly to the machine(s) you'll be
-installing from, you need to first add an entry to the <tt
-class="FILENAME">/etc/exports</tt> file (on the machine with the CDROM drive). The
-example below allows the machine <tt class="HOSTID">ziggy.foo.com</tt> to mount the CDROM
-directly via NFS during installation:</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-/cdrom -ro ziggy.foo.com
-<p>The machine with the CDROM must also be configured as an NFS server, of course, and if
-you're not sure how to do that then an NFS installation is probably not the best choice
-for you unless you're willing to read up on <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">rc.conf</span>(5)</span></a> and
-configure things appropriately. Assuming that this part goes smoothly, you should be able
-to enter: <tt class="FILENAME"><var class="REPLACEABLE">cdrom-host</var>:/cdrom</tt> as
-the path for an NFS installation when the target machine is installed, e.g. <tt
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="AEN273" name="AEN273">1.5.2 Installing from Floppies</a></h4>
-<p>If you must install from floppy disks, either due to unsupported hardware or just
-because you enjoy doing things the hard way, you must first prepare some floppies for the
-<p>First, make your boot floppies as described in <a href="#FLOPPIES">Section
-<p>Second, peruse <a href="#LAYOUT">Section 2</a> and pay special attention to the
-``Distribution Format'' section since it describes which files you're going to need to
-put onto floppy and which you can safely skip.</p>
-<p>Next you will need, at minimum, as many 1.44MB floppies as it takes to hold all files
-in the <tt class="FILENAME">bin</tt> (binary distribution) directory. If you're preparing
-these floppies under DOS, then these floppies <span class="emphasis"><i
-class="EMPHASIS">must</i></span> be formatted using the MS-DOS <tt
-class="FILENAME">FORMAT</tt> command. If you're using Windows, use the Windows File
-Manager format command.</p>
-<div class="IMPORTANT">
-<blockquote class="IMPORTANT">
-<p><b>Important:</b> Frequently, floppy disks come ``factory preformatted''. While
-convenient, many problems reported by users in the past have resulted from the use of
-improperly formatted media. Re-format them yourself, just to make sure.</p>
-<p>If you're creating the floppies from another FreeBSD machine, a format is still not a
-bad idea though you don't need to put a DOS filesystem on each floppy. You can use the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">disklabel</span>(8)</span></a> and
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">newfs</span>(8)</span></a>
-commands to put a UFS filesystem on a floppy, as the following sequence of commands
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<samp class="PROMPT">#</samp> <kbd class="USERINPUT">fdformat -f 1440 fd0</kbd>
-<samp class="PROMPT">#</samp> <kbd class="USERINPUT">disklabel -w fd0 floppy3</kbd>
-<samp class="PROMPT">#</samp> <kbd class="USERINPUT">newfs -i 65536 /dev/fd0</kbd>
-<p>After you've formatted the floppies for DOS or UFS, you'll need to copy the files onto
-them. The distribution files are sized so that a floppy disk will hold a single file.
-Each distribution should go into its own subdirectory on the floppy, e.g.: <tt
-class="FILENAME">a:\bin\bin.inf</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">a:\bin\bin.aa</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">a:\bin\bin.ab</tt>, ...</p>
-<div class="IMPORTANT">
-<blockquote class="IMPORTANT">
-<p><b>Important:</b> The <tt class="FILENAME">bin.inf</tt> file also needs to go on the
-first floppy of the <tt class="FILENAME">bin</tt> set since it is read by the
-installation program in order to figure out how many additional pieces to look for when
-fetching and concatenating the distribution. When putting distributions onto floppies,
-the <tt class="FILENAME">distname.inf</tt> file <span class="emphasis"><i
-class="EMPHASIS">must</i></span> occupy the first floppy of each distribution set.</p>
-<p>Once you come to the Media screen of the install, select ``Floppy'' and you'll be
-prompted for the rest.</p>
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="AEN314" name="AEN314">1.5.3 Installing from a DOS
-<p>To prepare for installation from an MS-DOS partition you should simply copy the files
-from the distribution into a directory called <tt class="FILENAME">FREEBSD</tt> on the
-Primary DOS partition (<tt class="DEVICENAME">C:</tt>). For example, to do a minimal
-installation of FreeBSD from DOS using files copied from the CDROM, you might do
-something like this:</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<samp class="PROMPT">C:\&#62;</samp> <kbd class="USERINPUT">MD C:\FREEBSD</kbd>
-<samp class="PROMPT">C:\&#62;</samp> <kbd
-<p>Assuming that <tt class="DEVICENAME">E:</tt> was where your CD was mounted.</p>
-<p>For as many distributions as you wish to install from DOS (and you have free space
-for), install each one in a directory under <tt class="FILENAME">C:\FREEBSD</tt> - the
-<tt class="FILENAME">BIN</tt> dist is only the minimal requirement.</p>
-<p>Once you've copied the directories, you can simply launch the installation from
-floppies as normal and select ``DOS'' as your media type when the time comes.</p>
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="AEN342" name="AEN342">1.5.4 Installing from QIC/SCSI
-<p>When installing from tape, the installation program expects the files to be simply
-tar'ed onto it, so after fetching all of the files for the distributions you're
-interested in, simply use <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">tar</span>(1)</span></a> to get
-them onto the tape with a command something like this:</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<samp class="PROMPT">#</samp> <kbd class="USERINPUT">cd <var
-<samp class="PROMPT">#</samp> <kbd class="USERINPUT">tar cvf /dev/sa0 <var
-class="REPLACEABLE">dist1</var> .. <var class="REPLACEABLE">dist2</var></kbd>
-<p>When you go to do the installation, you should also make sure that you leave enough
-room in some temporary directory (which you'll be allowed to choose) to accommodate the
-<span class="emphasis"><i class="EMPHASIS">full</i></span> contents of the tape you've
-created. Due to the non-random access nature of tapes, this method of installation
-requires quite a bit of temporary storage. You should expect to require as much temporary
-storage as you have stuff written on tape.</p>
-<div class="NOTE">
-<blockquote class="NOTE">
-<p><b>Note:</b> When going to do the installation, the tape must be in the drive <span
-class="emphasis"><i class="EMPHASIS">before</i></span> booting from the boot floppies.
-The installation ``probe'' may otherwise fail to find it.</p>
-<p>Now create a boot floppy as described in <a href="#FLOPPIES">Section 1.3</a> and
-proceed with the installation.</p>
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="FTPNFS" name="FTPNFS">1.5.5 Installing over a Network using FTP
-or NFS</a></h4>
-<p>After making the boot floppies as described in the first section, you can load the
-rest of the installation over a network using one of 3 types of connections: serial port,
-parallel port, or Ethernet.</p>
-<div class="SECT4">
-<hr />
-<h5 class="SECT4"><a id="AEN367" name="AEN367"> Serial Port</a></h5>
-<p>SLIP support is rather primitive, and is limited primarily to hard-wired links, such
-as a serial cable running between two computers. The link must be hard-wired because the
-SLIP installation doesn't currently offer a dialing capability. If you need to dial out
-with a modem or otherwise dialog with the link before connecting to it, then the PPP
-utility should be used instead.</p>
-<p>If you're using PPP, make sure that you have your Internet Service Provider's IP
-address and DNS information handy as you'll need to know it fairly early in the
-installation process. You may also need to know your own IP address, though PPP supports
-dynamic address negotiation and may be able to pick up this information directly from
-your ISP if they support it.</p>
-<p>You will also need to know how to use the various ``AT commands'' for dialing out with
-your particular brand of modem as the PPP dialer provides only a very simple terminal
-<div class="SECT4">
-<hr />
-<h5 class="SECT4"><a id="AEN373" name="AEN373"> Parallel Port</a></h5>
-<p>If a hard-wired connection to another FreeBSD or Linux machine is available, you might
-also consider installing over a ``laplink'' style parallel port cable. The data rate over
-the parallel port is much higher than what is typically possible over a serial line (up
-to 50k/sec), thus resulting in a quicker installation. It's not typically necessary to
-use ``real'' IP addresses when using a point-to-point parallel cable in this way and you
-can generally just use RFC 1918 style addresses for the ends of the link (e.g. <tt
-class="HOSTID"></tt>, <tt class="HOSTID"></tt>, etc).</p>
-<div class="IMPORTANT">
-<blockquote class="IMPORTANT">
-<p><b>Important:</b> If you use a Linux machine rather than a FreeBSD machine as your
-PLIP peer, you will also have to specify <var class="OPTION">link0</var> in the TCP/IP
-setup screen's ``extra options for ifconfig'' field in order to be compatible with
-Linux's slightly different PLIP protocol.</p>
-<div class="SECT4">
-<hr />
-<h5 class="SECT4"><a id="AEN384" name="AEN384"> Ethernet</a></h5>
-<p>FreeBSD supports most common Ethernet cards; a table of supported cards is provided as
-part of the FreeBSD Hardware Notes (see <tt class="FILENAME">HARDWARE.TXT</tt> in the
-Documentation menu on the boot floppy or the top level directory of the CDROM). If you
-are using one of the supported PCMCIA Ethernet cards, also be sure that it's plugged in
-<span class="emphasis"><i class="EMPHASIS">before</i></span> the laptop is powered on.
-FreeBSD does not, unfortunately, currently support ``hot insertion'' of PCMCIA cards
-during installation.</p>
-<p>You will also need to know your IP address on the network, the <var
-class="OPTION">netmask</var> value for your subnet and the name of your machine. Your
-system administrator can tell you which values are appropriate to your particular network
-setup. If you will be referring to other hosts by name rather than IP address, you'll
-also need a name server and possibly the address of a gateway (if you're using PPP, it's
-your provider's IP address) to use in talking to it. If you want to install by FTP via an
-HTTP proxy (see below), you will also need the proxy's address.</p>
-<p>If you do not know the answers to these questions then you should really probably talk
-to your system administrator <span class="emphasis"><i class="EMPHASIS">first</i></span>
-before trying this type of installation. Using a randomly chosen IP address or netmask on
-a live network is almost guaranteed not to work, and will probably result in a lecture
-from said system administrator.</p>
-<p>Once you have a network connection of some sort working, the installation can continue
-over NFS or FTP.</p>
-<div class="SECT4">
-<hr />
-<h5 class="SECT4"><a id="AEN395" name="AEN395"> NFS installation tips</a></h5>
-<p>NFS installation is fairly straight-forward: Simply copy the FreeBSD distribution
-files you want onto a server somewhere and then point the NFS media selection at it.</p>
-<p>If this server supports only ``privileged port'' access (this is generally the default
-for Sun and Linux workstations), you may need to set this option in the Options menu
-before installation can proceed.</p>
-<p>If you have a poor quality Ethernet card which suffers from very slow transfer rates,
-you may also wish to toggle the appropriate Options flag.</p>
-<p>In order for NFS installation to work, the server must also support ``subdir mounts'',
-e.g. if your FreeBSD distribution directory lives on <tt
-class="FILENAME">wiggy:/usr/archive/stuff/FreeBSD</tt>, then <tt
-class="HOSTID">wiggy</tt> will have to allow the direct mounting of <tt
-class="FILENAME">/usr/archive/stuff/FreeBSD</tt>, not just <tt class="FILENAME">/usr</tt>
-or <tt class="FILENAME">/usr/archive/stuff</tt>.</p>
-<p>In FreeBSD's <tt class="FILENAME">/etc/exports</tt> file this is controlled by the
-<var class="OPTION">-alldirs</var> option. Other NFS servers may have different
-conventions. If you are getting <var class="LITERAL">Permission Denied</var> messages
-from the server then it's likely that you don't have this properly enabled.</p>
-<div class="SECT4">
-<hr />
-<h5 class="SECT4"><a id="AEN412" name="AEN412"> FTP Installation tips</a></h5>
-<p>FTP installation may be done from any mirror site containing a reasonably up-to-date
-version of FreeBSD. A full menu of reasonable choices for almost any location in the
-world is provided in the FTP site menu during installation.</p>
-<p>If you are installing from some other FTP site not listed in this menu, or you are
-having troubles getting your name server configured properly, you can also specify your
-own URL by selecting the ``URL'' choice in that menu. A URL can contain a hostname or an
-IP address, so something like the following would work in the absence of a name
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<p>There are three FTP installation modes you can use:</p>
-<p>FTP: This method uses the standard ``Active'' mode for transfers, in which the server
-initiates a connection to the client. This will not work through most firewalls but will
-often work best with older FTP servers that do not support passive mode. If your
-connection hangs with passive mode, try this one.</p>
-<p>FTP Passive: This sets the FTP "Passive" mode which prevents the server from opening
-connections to the client. This option is best for users to pass through firewalls that
-do not allow incoming connections on random port addresses.</p>
-<p>FTP via an HTTP proxy: This option instructs FreeBSD to use HTTP to connect to a proxy
-for all FTP operations. The proxy will translate the requests and send them to the FTP
-server. This allows the user to pass through firewalls that do not allow FTP at all, but
-offer an HTTP proxy. You must specify the hostname of the proxy in addition to the FTP
-<p>In the rare case that you have an FTP proxy that does not go through HTTP, you can
-specify the URL as something like:</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<kbd class="USERINPUT">ftp://foo.bar.com:<var
-<p>In the URL above, <var class="REPLACEABLE">port</var> is the port number of the proxy
-FTP server.</p>
-<br />
-<br />
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="AEN433" name="AEN433">1.5.6 Tips for Serial Console
-<p>If you'd like to install FreeBSD on a machine using just a serial port (e.g. you don't
-have or wish to use a VGA card), please follow these steps:</p>
-<div class="PROCEDURE">
-<ol type="1">
-<p>Connect some sort of ANSI (vt100) compatible terminal or terminal emulation program to
-the <tt class="DEVICENAME">COM1</tt> port of the PC you are installing FreeBSD onto.</p>
-<p>Unplug the keyboard (yes, that's correct!) and then try to boot from floppy or the
-installation CDROM, depending on the type of installation media you have, with the
-keyboard unplugged.</p>
-<p>If you don't get any output on your serial console, plug the keyboard in again. If you
-are booting from the CDROM, proceed to <a href="#HITSPACE">step 5</a> as soon as you hear
-the beep.</p>
-<p>If booting from floppies, when access to the disk stops, insert the first of the <tt
-class="FILENAME">kernX.flp</tt> disks and press <b class="KEYCAP">Enter</b>. When access
-to this disk finishes, insert the next <tt class="FILENAME">kernX.flp</tt> disk and press
-<b class="KEYCAP">Enter</b>, and repeat until all <tt class="FILENAME">kernX.flp</tt>
-disks have been inserted. When disk activity finishes, reinsert the <tt
-class="FILENAME">boot.flp</tt> floppy disk and press <b class="KEYCAP">Enter</b>.</p>
-<li><a id="HITSPACE" name="HITSPACE"></a>
-<p>Once a beep is heard, hit the number <b class="KEYCAP">6</b>, then enter</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<kbd class="USERINPUT">boot -h</kbd>
-<p>and you should now definitely be seeing everything on the serial port. If that still
-doesn't work, check your serial cabling as well as the settings on your terminal
-emulation program or actual terminal device. It should be set for 9600 baud, 8 bits, no
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="AEN460" name="AEN460">1.6 Question and Answer Section for i386
-Architecture Users</a></h3>
-<div class="QANDASET">
-<dt>1.6.1. <a href="#Q1.6.1.">Help! I have no space! Do I need to delete everything
-<dt>1.6.2. <a href="#Q1.6.2.">Can I use compressed DOS filesystems from FreeBSD?</a></dt>
-<dt>1.6.3. <a href="#Q1.6.3.">Can I mount my DOS extended partitions?</a></dt>
-<dt>1.6.4. <a href="#Q1.6.4.">Can I run DOS binaries under FreeBSD?</a></dt>
-<dt>1.6.5. <a href="#Q1.6.5.">Can I run <span
-class="TRADEMARK">Microsoft</span>&reg;&nbsp;<span class="TRADEMARK">Windows</span>&reg;
-applications under FreeBSD?</a></dt>
-<dt>1.6.6. <a href="#Q1.6.6.">Can I run other Operating Systems under FreeBSD?</a></dt>
-<div class="QANDAENTRY">
-<div class="QUESTION">
-<p><a id="Q1.6.1." name="Q1.6.1."></a><b>1.6.1.</b> Help! I have no space! Do I need to
-delete everything first?</p>
-<div class="ANSWER">
-<p><b></b>If your machine is already running DOS and has little or no free space
-available for FreeBSD's installation, all is not lost! You may find the <b
-class="APPLICATION">FIPS</b> utility, provided in the <tt class="FILENAME">tools/</tt>
-subdirectory on the FreeBSD CDROM or on the various FreeBSD ftp sites, to be quite
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">FIPS</b> allows you to split an existing DOS partition into two
-pieces, preserving the original partition and allowing you to install onto the second
-free piece. You first ``defrag'' your DOS partition, using the DOS 6.xx <tt
-class="FILENAME">DEFRAG</tt> utility or the <b class="APPLICATION">Norton Disk Tools</b>,
-then run FIPS. It will prompt you for the rest of the information it needs. Afterwards,
-you can reboot and install FreeBSD on the new partition. Also note that FIPS will create
-the second partition as a ``clone'' of the first, so you'll actually see that you now
-have two DOS Primary partitions where you formerly had one. Don't be alarmed! You can
-simply delete the extra DOS Primary partition (making sure it's the right one by
-examining its size).</p>
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">FIPS</b> does NOT currently work with NTFS style partitions. To
-split up such a partition, you will need a commercial product such as <b
-class="APPLICATION">Partition Magic</b>. Sorry, but this is just the breaks if you've got
-a Windows partition hogging your whole disk and you don't want to reinstall from
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">FIPS</b> does not work on extended DOS partitions. Windows
-95/98/ME FAT32 primary partitions are supported.</p>
-<div class="QANDAENTRY">
-<div class="QUESTION">
-<p><a id="Q1.6.2." name="Q1.6.2."></a><b>1.6.2.</b> Can I use compressed DOS filesystems
-from FreeBSD?</p>
-<div class="ANSWER">
-<p><b></b>No. If you are using a utility such as <b class="APPLICATION">Stacker</b>(tm)
-or <b class="APPLICATION">DoubleSpace</b>(tm), FreeBSD will only be able to use whatever
-portion of the filesystem you leave uncompressed. The rest of the filesystem will show up
-as one large file (the stacked/dblspaced file!). <span class="emphasis"><i
-class="EMPHASIS">Do not remove that file</i></span> as you will probably regret it
-<p>It is probably better to create another uncompressed DOS extended partition and use
-this for communications between DOS and FreeBSD if such is your desire.</p>
-<div class="QANDAENTRY">
-<div class="QUESTION">
-<p><a id="Q1.6.3." name="Q1.6.3."></a><b>1.6.3.</b> Can I mount my DOS extended
-<div class="ANSWER">
-<p><b></b>Yes. DOS extended partitions are mapped in at the end of the other ``slices''
-in FreeBSD, e.g. your <tt class="DEVICENAME">D:</tt> drive might be <tt
-class="FILENAME">/dev/da0s5</tt>, your <tt class="DEVICENAME">E:</tt> drive <tt
-class="FILENAME">/dev/da0s6</tt>, and so on. This example assumes, of course, that your
-extended partition is on SCSI drive 0. For IDE drives, substitute <var
-class="LITERAL">ad</var> for <var class="LITERAL">da</var> appropriately. You otherwise
-mount extended partitions exactly like you would mount any other DOS drive, e.g.:</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<samp class="PROMPT">#</samp> <kbd
-class="USERINPUT">mount -t msdos /dev/da0s5 /dos_d</kbd>
-<div class="QANDAENTRY">
-<div class="QUESTION">
-<p><a id="Q1.6.4." name="Q1.6.4."></a><b>1.6.4.</b> Can I run DOS binaries under
-<div class="ANSWER">
-<p><b></b>Ongoing work with BSDI's <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">doscmd</span>(1)</span></a>
-utility will suffice in many cases, though it still has some rough edges. The <a
-class="FILENAME">emulators/doscmd</tt></a> port/package can be found in the FreeBSD Ports
-Collection. If you're interested in working on this, please send mail to the <a
-target="_top">FreeBSD-emulation mailing list</a> and indicate that you're interested in
-joining this ongoing effort!</p>
-<p>The <a href="http://www.FreeBSD.org/cgi/url.cgi?ports/emulators/pcemu/pkg-descr"><tt
-class="FILENAME">emulators/pcemu</tt></a> port/package in the FreeBSD Ports Collection
-which emulates an 8088 and enough BIOS services to run DOS text mode applications. It
-requires the X Window System (XFree86) to operate.</p>
-<div class="QANDAENTRY">
-<div class="QUESTION">
-<p><a id="Q1.6.5." name="Q1.6.5."></a><b>1.6.5.</b> Can I run <span
-class="TRADEMARK">Microsoft</span>&reg;&nbsp;<span class="TRADEMARK">Windows</span>&reg;
-applications under FreeBSD?</p>
-<div class="ANSWER">
-<p><b></b>There are several ports/packages in the FreeBSD Ports Collection which can
-enable the use of many <span class="TRADEMARK">Windows</span> applications. The <a
-class="FILENAME">emulators/wine</tt></a> port/package provides a compatibility layer on
-top of FreeBSD which allow many <span class="TRADEMARK">Windows</span> applications to be
-run within X Windows (XFree86).</p>
-<div class="QANDAENTRY">
-<div class="QUESTION">
-<p><a id="Q1.6.6." name="Q1.6.6."></a><b>1.6.6.</b> Can I run other Operating Systems
-under FreeBSD?</p>
-<div class="ANSWER">
-<p><b></b>Again, there are several ports/packages in the FreeBSD Ports Collection which
-simulate "virtual machines" and allow other operating systems to run on top of FreeBSD.
-The <a href="http://www.FreeBSD.org/cgi/url.cgi?ports/emulators/bochs/pkg-descr"><tt
-class="FILENAME">emulators/bochs</tt></a> port/package allows <span
-class="TRADEMARK">Microsoft</span>&nbsp;<span class="TRADEMARK">Windows</span>, Linux and
-even other copies of FreeBSD to be run within a window on the FreeBSD desktop. The <a
-class="FILENAME">emulators/vmware2</tt></a> and <a
-class="FILENAME">emulators/vmware3</tt></a> ports/packages allow the commercial VMware
-virtual machine software to be run on FreeBSD.</p>
-<div class="SECT1">
-<hr />
-<h2 class="SECT1"><a id="LAYOUT" name="LAYOUT">2 Distribution Format</a></h2>
-<p>A typical FreeBSD distribution directory looks something like this (exact details may
-vary depending on version, architecture, and other factors):</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-ERRATA.HTM README.TXT compat1x dict kernel
-ERRATA.TXT RELNOTES.HTM compat20 doc manpages
-HARDWARE.HTM RELNOTES.TXT compat21 docbook.css packages
-HARDWARE.TXT base compat22 filename.txt ports
-INSTALL.HTM boot compat3x floppies proflibs
-INSTALL.TXT catpages compat4x games src
-README.HTM cdrom.inf crypto info tools
-<p>If you want to do a CDROM, FTP or NFS installation from this distribution directory,
-all you need to do is make the 1.44MB boot floppies from the floppies directory (see <a
-href="#FLOPPIES">Section 1.3</a> for instructions on how to do this), boot them and
-follow the instructions. The rest of the data needed during the installation will be
-obtained automatically based on your selections. If you've never installed FreeBSD
-before, you also want to read the entirety of this document (the installation
-instructions) file.</p>
-<p>If you're trying to do some other type of installation or are merely curious about how
-a distribution is organized, what follows is a more thorough description of some of these
-items in more detail:</p>
-<ol type="1">
-<p>The <tt class="FILENAME">*.TXT</tt> and <tt class="FILENAME">*.HTM</tt> files contain
-documentation (for example, this document is contained in both <tt
-class="FILENAME">INSTALL.TXT</tt> and <tt class="FILENAME">INSTALL.HTM</tt>) and should
-be read before starting an installation. The <tt class="FILENAME">*.TXT</tt> files are
-plain text, while the <tt class="FILENAME">*.HTM</tt> files are HTML files that can be
-read by almost any Web browser. Some distributions may contain documentation in other
-formats as well, such as PDF or PostScript.</p>
-<p><tt class="FILENAME">docbook.css</tt> is a Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) file used by
-some Web browsers for formatting the HTML documentation.</p>
-<p>The <tt class="FILENAME">base</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">catpages</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">crypto</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">dict</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">doc</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">games</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">info</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">manpages</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">proflibs</tt>, and <tt class="FILENAME">src</tt> directories contain the
-primary distribution components of FreeBSD itself and are split into smaller files for
-easy packing onto floppies (should that be necessary).</p>
-<p>The <tt class="FILENAME">compat1x</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">compat20</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">compat21</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">compat22</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">compat3x</tt>, and <tt class="FILENAME">compat4x</tt> directories
-contain distributions for compatibility with older releases and are distributed as single
-gzip'd tar files - they can be installed during release time or later by running their
-<tt class="FILENAME">install.sh</tt> scripts.</p>
-<p>The <tt class="FILENAME">floppies/</tt> subdirectory contains the floppy installation
-images; further information on using them can be found in <a href="#FLOPPIES">Section
-<p>The <tt class="FILENAME">packages</tt> and <tt class="FILENAME">ports</tt> directories
-contain the FreeBSD Packages and Ports Collections. Packages may be installed from the
-packages directory by running the command:</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<samp class="PROMPT">#</samp><kbd
-class="USERINPUT">/stand/sysinstall configPackages</kbd>
-<p>Packages can also be installed by feeding individual filenames in <tt
-class="FILENAME">packages</tt>/ to the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pkg_add</span>(1)</span></a>
-<p>The Ports Collection may be installed like any other distribution and requires about
-190MB unpacked. More information on the ports collection may be obtained from <a
-href="http://www.FreeBSD.org/ports/" target="_top">http://www.FreeBSD.org/ports/</a> or
-locally from <tt class="FILENAME">/usr/share/doc/handbook</tt> if you've installed the
-<tt class="FILENAME">doc</tt> distribution.</p>
-<p>Last of all, the <tt class="FILENAME">tools</tt> directory contains various DOS tools
-for discovering disk geometries, installing boot managers and the like. It is purely
-optional and provided only for user convenience.</p>
-<br />
-<br />
-<p>A typical distribution directory (for example, the <tt class="FILENAME">info</tt>
-distribution) looks like this internally:</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-CHECKSUM.MD5 info.ab info.ad info.inf install.sh
-info.aa info.ac info.ae info.mtree
-<p>The <tt class="FILENAME">CHECKSUM.MD5</tt> file contains MD5 signatures for each file,
-should data corruption be suspected, and is purely for reference. It is not used by the
-actual installation and does not need to be copied with the rest of the distribution
-files. The <tt class="FILENAME">info.a*</tt> files are split, gzip'd tar files, the
-contents of which can be viewed by doing:</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<samp class="PROMPT">#</samp> <kbd class="USERINPUT">cat info.a* | tar tvzf -</kbd>
-<p>During installation, they are automatically concatenated and extracted by the
-installation procedure.</p>
-<p>The <tt class="FILENAME">info.inf</tt> file is also necessary since it is read by the
-installation program in order to figure out how many pieces to look for when fetching and
-concatenating the distribution. When putting distributions onto floppies, the <tt
-class="FILENAME">.inf</tt> file <span class="emphasis"><i
-class="EMPHASIS">must</i></span> occupy the first floppy of each distribution set!</p>
-<p>The <tt class="FILENAME">info.mtree</tt> file is another non-essential file which is
-provided for user reference. It contains the MD5 signatures of the <span
-class="emphasis"><i class="EMPHASIS">unpacked</i></span> distribution files and can be
-later used with the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">mtree</span>(8)</span></a> program
-to verify the installation permissions and checksums against any possible modifications
-to the file. When used with the <tt class="FILENAME">base</tt> distribution, this can be
-an excellent way of detecting trojan horse attacks on your system.</p>
-<p>Finally, the <tt class="FILENAME">install.sh</tt> file is for use by those who want to
-install the distribution after installation time. To install the info distribution from
-CDROM after a system was installed, for example, you'd do:</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<samp class="PROMPT">#</samp> <kbd class="USERINPUT">cd /cdrom/info</kbd>
-<samp class="PROMPT">#</samp> <kbd class="USERINPUT">sh install.sh</kbd>
-<div class="SECT1">
-<hr />
-<h2 class="SECT1"><a id="UPGRADING" name="UPGRADING">3 Upgrading FreeBSD</a></h2>
-<p>These instructions describe a procedure for doing a binary upgrade from an older
-version of FreeBSD.</p>
-<div class="WARNING">
-<blockquote class="WARNING">
-<p><b>Warning:</b> While the FreeBSD upgrade procedure does its best to safeguard against
-accidental loss of data, it is still more than possible to <span class="emphasis"><i
-class="EMPHASIS">wipe out your entire disk</i></span> with this installation! Please do
-not accept the final confirmation request unless you have adequately backed up any
-important data files.</p>
-<div class="IMPORTANT">
-<blockquote class="IMPORTANT">
-<p><b>Important:</b> These notes assume that you are using the version of <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sysinstall</span>(8)</span></a>
-supplied with the version of FreeBSD to which you intend to upgrade. Using a mismatched
-version of <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sysinstall</span>(8)</span></a> is
-almost guaranteed to cause problems and has been known to leave systems in an unusable
-state. The most commonly made mistake in this regard is the use of an old copy of <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sysinstall</span>(8)</span></a>
-from an existing installation to upgrade to a newer version of FreeBSD. This is <span
-class="emphasis"><i class="EMPHASIS">not</i></span> recommended.</p>
-<div class="WARNING">
-<blockquote class="WARNING">
-<p><b>Warning:</b> Binary upgrades to FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE from FreeBSD 4-STABLE are not
-supported at this time. There are some files present in a FreeBSD 4-STABLE whose presence
-can be disruptive, but are not removed by a binary upgrade. One notable example is that
-an old <tt class="FILENAME">/usr/include/g++</tt> directory will cause C++ programs to
-compile incorrectly (or not at all).</p>
-<p>These upgrade instructions are provided for the use of users upgrading from relatively
-recent FreeBSD 5-STABLE snapshots.</p>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="AEN683" name="AEN683">3.1 Introduction</a></h3>
-<p>The upgrade procedure replaces distributions selected by the user with those
-corresponding to the new FreeBSD release. It preserves standard system configuration
-data, as well as user data, installed packages and other software.</p>
-<p>Administrators contemplating an upgrade are encouraged to study this section in its
-entirety before commencing an upgrade. Failure to do so may result in a failed upgrade or
-loss of data.</p>
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="AEN687" name="AEN687">3.1.1 Upgrade Overview</a></h4>
-<p>Upgrading of a distribution is performed by extracting the new version of the
-component over the top of the previous version. Files belonging to the old distribution
-are not deleted.</p>
-<p>System configuration is preserved by retaining and restoring the previous version of
-the following files:</p>
-<p><tt class="FILENAME">Xaccel.ini</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">XF86Config</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">adduser.conf</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">aliases</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">aliases.db</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">amd.map</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">crontab</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">csh.cshrc</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">csh.login</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">csh.logout</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">cvsupfile</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">dhclient.conf</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">disktab</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">dm.conf</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">dumpdates</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">exports</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">fbtab</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">fstab</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">ftpusers</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">gettytab</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">gnats</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">group</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">hosts</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">hosts.allow</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">hosts.equiv</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">hosts.lpd</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">inetd.conf</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">localtime</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">login.access</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">login.conf</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">mail</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">mail.rc</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">make.conf</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">manpath.config</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">master.passwd</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">motd</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">namedb</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">networks</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">newsyslog.conf</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">nsmb.conf</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">nsswitch.conf</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">pam.conf</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">passwd</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">periodic</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">ppp</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">printcap</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">profile</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">pwd.db</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">rc.conf</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">rc.conf.local</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">rc.firewall</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">rc.local</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">remote</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">resolv.conf</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">rmt</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">sendmail.cf</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">sendmail.cw</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">services</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">shells</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">skeykeys</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">spwd.db</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">ssh</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">syslog.conf</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">ttys</tt>, <tt
-<p>The versions of these files which correspond to the new version are moved to <tt
-class="FILENAME">/etc/upgrade/</tt>. The system administrator may peruse these new
-versions and merge components as desired. Note that many of these files are
-interdependent, and the best merge procedure is to copy all site-specific data from the
-current files into the new.</p>
-<p>During the upgrade procedure, the administrator is prompted for a location into which
-all files from <tt class="FILENAME">/etc/</tt> are saved. In the event that local
-modifications have been made to other files, they may be subsequently retrieved from this
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="AEN761" name="AEN761">3.2 Procedure</a></h3>
-<p>This section details the upgrade procedure. Particular attention is given to items
-which substantially differ from a normal installation.</p>
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="AEN764" name="AEN764">3.2.1 Backup</a></h4>
-<p>User data and system configuration should be backed up before upgrading. While the
-upgrade procedure does its best to prevent accidental mistakes, it is possible to
-partially or completely destroy data and configuration information.</p>
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="AEN767" name="AEN767">3.2.2 Mount Filesystems</a></h4>
-<p>The disklabel editor is entered with the nominated disk's filesystem devices listed.
-Prior to commencing the upgrade, the administrator should make a note of the device names
-and corresponding mountpoints. These mountpoints should be entered here. <span
-class="emphasis"><i class="EMPHASIS">Do not</i></span> set the ``newfs flag'' for any
-filesystems, as this will cause data loss.</p>
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="AEN772" name="AEN772">3.2.3 Select Distributions</a></h4>
-<p>When selecting distributions, there are no constraints on which must be selected. As a
-general rule, the <var class="LITERAL">base</var> distribution should be selected for an
-update, and the <var class="LITERAL">man</var> distribution if manpages are already
-installed. Other distributions may be selected beyond those originally installed if the
-administrator wishes to add additional functionality.</p>
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="FSTAB" name="FSTAB">3.2.4 After Installation</a></h4>
-<p>Once the installation procedure has completed, the administrator is prompted to
-examine the new configuration files. At this point, checks should be made to ensure that
-the system configuration is valid. In particular, the <tt
-class="FILENAME">/etc/rc.conf</tt> and <tt class="FILENAME">/etc/fstab</tt> files should
-be checked.</p>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="AEN782" name="AEN782">3.3 Upgrading from Source Code</a></h3>
-<p>Those interested in an upgrade method that allows more flexibility and sophistication
-should take a look at <a
-target="_top">The Cutting Edge</a> in the FreeBSD Handbook. This procedure involves
-rebuilding all of FreeBSD from source code. It requires reliable network connectivity,
-extra disk space, and time, but has advantages for networks and other more complex
-installations. This is roughly the same procedure as is used for track the -STABLE or
--CURRENT development branches.</p>
-<p><tt class="FILENAME">/usr/src/UPDATING</tt> contains important information on updating
-a FreeBSD system from source code. It lists various issues resulting from changes in
-FreeBSD that may affect an upgrade.</p>
-<div class="SECT1">
-<hr />
-<h2 class="SECT1"><a id="TROUBLE" name="TROUBLE">4 Troubleshooting</a></h2>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="REPAIRING" name="REPAIRING">4.1 Repairing an Existing FreeBSD
-<p>FreeBSD features a ``Fixit'' option in the top menu of the boot floppy. To use it, you
-will also need either a <tt class="FILENAME">fixit.flp</tt> image floppy, generated in
-the same fashion as the boot floppy, or the ``live filesystem'' CDROM; typically the
-second CDROM in a multi-disc FreeBSD distribution.</p>
-<p>To invoke fixit, simply boot the <tt class="FILENAME">kern.flp</tt> floppy, choose the
-``Fixit'' item and insert the fixit floppy or CDROM when asked. You will then be placed
-into a shell with a wide variety of commands available (in the <tt
-class="FILENAME">/stand</tt> and <tt class="FILENAME">/mnt2/stand</tt> directories) for
-checking, repairing and examining filesystems and their contents. Some UNIX
-administration experience <span class="emphasis"><i class="EMPHASIS">is</i></span>
-required to use the fixit option.</p>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="AEN802" name="AEN802">4.2 Common Installation Problems for i386
-Architecture Users</a></h3>
-<div class="QANDASET">
-<dt>4.2.1. <a href="#Q4.2.1.">My system hangs while probing hardware during boot, or it
-behaves strangely during install, or the floppy drive isn't probed.</a></dt>
-<dt>4.2.2. <a href="#Q4.2.2.">My system uses the nVidia nForce3 Pro-150 chipset and I get
-hangs at the end of boot or suddenly starts losing interrupts.</a></dt>
-<dt>4.2.3. <a href="#Q4.2.3.">My legacy ISA device used to be recognized in previous
-versions of FreeBSD, but now it's not. What happened?</a></dt>
-<dt>4.2.4. <a href="#Q4.2.4.">I go to boot from the hard disk for the first time after
-installing FreeBSD, the kernel loads and probes my hardware, but stops with messages
-<dt>4.2.5. <a href="#Q4.2.5.">I go to boot from the hard disk for the first time after
-installing FreeBSD, but the Boot Manager prompt just prints <var class="LITERAL">F?</var>
-at the boot menu each time but the boot won't go any further.</a></dt>
-<dt>4.2.6. <a href="#Q4.2.6.">The <span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span
-class="REFENTRYTITLE">mcd</span>(4)</span> driver keeps thinking that it has found a
-device and this stops my Intel EtherExpress card from working.</a></dt>
-<dt>4.2.7. <a href="#Q4.2.7.">The system finds my <span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span
-class="REFENTRYTITLE">ed</span>(4)</span> network card, but I keep getting device timeout
-<dt>4.2.8. <a href="#Q4.2.8.">I booted the install floppy on my IBM ThinkPad (tm) laptop,
-and the keyboard is all messed up.</a></dt>
-<dt>4.2.9. <a href="#Q4.2.9.">My system can not find my Intel EtherExpress 16
-<dt>4.2.10. <a href="#Q4.2.10.">When installing on an EISA HP Netserver, my on-board
-AIC-7xxx SCSI controller isn't detected.</a></dt>
-<dt>4.2.11. <a href="#Q4.2.11.">I have a Panasonic AL-N1 or Rios Chandler Pentium machine
-and I find that the system hangs before ever getting into the installation now.</a></dt>
-<dt>4.2.12. <a href="#Q4.2.12.">I have this CMD640 IDE controller that is said to be
-<dt>4.2.13. <a href="#Q4.2.13.">On a Compaq Aero notebook, I get the message ``No floppy
-devices found! Please check ...'' when trying to install from floppy.</a></dt>
-<dt>4.2.14. <a href="#Q4.2.14.">When installing on a Dell Poweredge XE, Dell proprietary
-RAID controller DSA (Dell SCSI Array) isn't recognized.</a></dt>
-<dt>4.2.15. <a href="#Q4.2.15.">I have an IBM EtherJet PCI card, it is detected by the
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">fxp</span>(4)</span> driver
-correctly, but the lights on the card don't come on and it doesn't connect to the
-<dt>4.2.16. <a href="#Q4.2.16.">When I configure the network during installation on an
-IBM Netfinity 3500, the system freezes.</a></dt>
-<dt>4.2.17. <a href="#Q4.2.17.">When I install onto a drive managed by a Mylex PCI RAID
-controller, the system fails to boot (eg. with a <var class="LITERAL">read error</var>
-<div class="QANDAENTRY">
-<div class="QUESTION">
-<p><a id="Q4.2.1." name="Q4.2.1."></a><b>4.2.1.</b> My system hangs while probing
-hardware during boot, or it behaves strangely during install, or the floppy drive isn't
-<div class="ANSWER">
-<p><b></b>FreeBSD 5.0 and above makes extensive use of the system ACPI service on the
-i386 platform to aid in system configuration if it's detected during boot. Unfortunately,
-some bugs still exist in both the ACPI driver and within system motherboards and BIOS.
-The use of ACPI can be disabled by setting the ``hint.acpi.0.disabled'' hint in the third
-stage boot loader:</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-set hint.acpi.0.disabled="1"
-<p>This is reset each time the system is booted, so it is necessary to add <var
-class="LITERAL">hint.acpi.0.disabled="1"</var> to the file <tt
-class="FILENAME">/boot/loader.conf</tt>. More information about the boot loader can be
-found in the FreeBSD Handbook.</p>
-<div class="QANDAENTRY">
-<div class="QUESTION">
-<p><a id="Q4.2.3." name="Q4.2.3."></a><b>4.2.3.</b> My legacy ISA device used to be
-recognized in previous versions of FreeBSD, but now it's not. What happened?</p>
-<div class="ANSWER">
-<p><b></b>Some device drivers, like matcd, were removed over time due to lack of
-maintainership or other reasons. Others still exist but are disabled because of their
-intrusive hardware probe routines. The following ISA device drivers fall into this
-category and can re-enabled from the third stage boot loader: aha, ahv, aic, bt, ed, cs,
-sn, ie, fe, le, and lnc. To do this, stop the loader during it's 10 second countdown and
-enter the following at the prompt:</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-unset hint.foo.0.disabled
-<p>where <var class="REPLACEABLE">foo</var> is the name of the driver to re-enable. This
-can be set permanently by editing the file <tt class="FILENAME">/boot/device.hints</tt>
-and removing the appropriate ``disabled'' entry.</p>
-<div class="QANDAENTRY">
-<div class="QUESTION">
-<p><a id="Q4.2.4." name="Q4.2.4."></a><b>4.2.4.</b> I go to boot from the hard disk for
-the first time after installing FreeBSD, the kernel loads and probes my hardware, but
-stops with messages like:</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-changing root device to ad1s1a panic: cannot mount root
-<p>What is wrong? What can I do?</p>
-<p>What is this <var
-class="LITERAL">bios_drive:interface(unit,partition)kernel_name</var> thing that is
-displayed with the boot help?</p>
-<div class="ANSWER">
-<p><b></b>There is a longstanding problem in the case where the boot disk is not the
-first disk in the system. The BIOS uses a different numbering scheme to FreeBSD, and
-working out which numbers correspond to which is difficult to get right.</p>
-<p>In the case where the boot disk is not the first disk in the system, FreeBSD can need
-some help finding it. There are two common situations here, and in both of these cases,
-you need to tell FreeBSD where the root filesystem is. You do this by specifying the BIOS
-disk number, the disk type and the FreeBSD disk number for that type.</p>
-<p>The first situation is where you have two IDE disks, each configured as the master on
-their respective IDE busses, and wish to boot FreeBSD from the second disk. The BIOS sees
-these as disk 0 and disk 1, while FreeBSD sees them as <tt class="DEVICENAME">ad0</tt>
-and <tt class="DEVICENAME">ad2</tt>.</p>
-<p>FreeBSD is on BIOS disk 1, of type <var class="LITERAL">ad</var> and the FreeBSD disk
-number is 2, so you would say:</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<kbd class="USERINPUT">1:ad(2,a)kernel</kbd>
-<p>Note that if you have a slave on the primary bus, the above is not necessary (and is
-effectively wrong).</p>
-<p>The second situation involves booting from a SCSI disk when you have one or more IDE
-disks in the system. In this case, the FreeBSD disk number is lower than the BIOS disk
-number. If you have two IDE disks as well as the SCSI disk, the SCSI disk is BIOS disk 2,
-type <var class="LITERAL">da</var> and FreeBSD disk number 0, so you would say:</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<kbd class="USERINPUT">2:da(0,a)kernel</kbd>
-<p>To tell FreeBSD that you want to boot from BIOS disk 2, which is the first SCSI disk
-in the system. If you only had one IDE disk, you would use '1:' instead.</p>
-<p>Once you have determined the correct values to use, you can put the command exactly as
-you would have typed it in the <tt class="FILENAME">/boot.config</tt> file using a
-standard text editor. Unless instructed otherwise, FreeBSD will use the contents of this
-file as the default response to the <var class="LITERAL">boot:</var> prompt.</p>
-<div class="QANDAENTRY">
-<div class="QUESTION">
-<p><a id="Q4.2.5." name="Q4.2.5."></a><b>4.2.5.</b> I go to boot from the hard disk for
-the first time after installing FreeBSD, but the Boot Manager prompt just prints <var
-class="LITERAL">F?</var> at the boot menu each time but the boot won't go any
-<div class="ANSWER">
-<p><b></b>The hard disk geometry was set incorrectly in the Partition editor when you
-installed FreeBSD. Go back into the partition editor and specify the actual geometry of
-your hard disk. You must reinstall FreeBSD again from the beginning with the correct
-<p>If you are failing entirely in figuring out the correct geometry for your machine,
-here's a tip: Install a small DOS partition at the beginning of the disk and install
-FreeBSD after that. The install program will see the DOS partition and try to infer the
-correct geometry from it, which usually works.</p>
-<p>The following tip is no longer recommended, but is left here for reference:</p>
-<a id="AEN865" name="AEN865"></a>
-<blockquote class="BLOCKQUOTE">
-<p>If you are setting up a truly dedicated FreeBSD server or workstation where you don't
-care for (future) compatibility with DOS, Linux or another operating system, you've also
-got the option to use the entire disk (`A' in the partition editor), selecting the
-non-standard option where FreeBSD occupies the entire disk from the very first to the
-very last sector. This will leave all geometry considerations aside, but is somewhat
-limiting unless you're never going to run anything other than FreeBSD on a disk.</p>
-<div class="QANDAENTRY">
-<div class="QUESTION">
-<p><a id="Q4.2.6." name="Q4.2.6."></a><b>4.2.6.</b> The <span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span
-class="REFENTRYTITLE">mcd</span>(4)</span> driver keeps thinking that it has found a
-device and this stops my Intel EtherExpress card from working.</p>
-<div class="ANSWER">
-<p><b></b>Use the UserConfig utility (see <tt class="FILENAME">HARDWARE.TXT</tt>) and
-disable the probing of the <tt class="DEVICENAME">mcd0</tt> and <tt
-class="DEVICENAME">mcd1</tt> devices. Generally speaking, you should only leave the
-devices that you will be using enabled in your kernel.</p>
-<div class="QANDAENTRY">
-<div class="QUESTION">
-<p><a id="Q4.2.7." name="Q4.2.7."></a><b>4.2.7.</b> The system finds my <span
-class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ed</span>(4)</span> network card, but I
-keep getting device timeout errors.</p>
-<div class="ANSWER">
-<p><b></b>Your card is probably on a different IRQ from what is specified in the kernel
-configuration. The ed driver does not use the `soft' configuration by default (values
-entered using EZSETUP in DOS), but it will use the software configuration if you specify
-<var class="LITERAL">?</var> in the IRQ field of your kernel config file.</p>
-<p>Either move the jumper on the card to a hard configuration setting (altering the
-kernel settings if necessary), or specify the IRQ as <var class="LITERAL">-1</var> in
-UserConfig or <var class="LITERAL">?</var> in your kernel config file. This will tell the
-kernel to use the soft configuration.</p>
-<p>Another possibility is that your card is at IRQ 9, which is shared by IRQ 2 and
-frequently a cause of problems (especially when you have a VGA card using IRQ 2!). You
-should not use IRQ 2 or 9 if at all possible.</p>
-<div class="QANDAENTRY">
-<div class="QUESTION">
-<p><a id="Q4.2.8." name="Q4.2.8."></a><b>4.2.8.</b> I booted the install floppy on my IBM
-ThinkPad (tm) laptop, and the keyboard is all messed up.</p>
-<div class="ANSWER">
-<p><b></b>Older IBM laptops use a non-standard keyboard controller, so you must tell the
-keyboard driver (atkbd0) to go into a special mode which works on the ThinkPads. Change
-the atkbd0 'Flags' to 0x4 in UserConfig and it should work fine. (Look in the Input Menu
-for 'Keyboard'.)</p>
-<div class="QANDAENTRY">
-<div class="QUESTION">
-<p><a id="Q4.2.9." name="Q4.2.9."></a><b>4.2.9.</b> My system can not find my Intel
-EtherExpress 16 card.</p>
-<div class="ANSWER">
-<p><b></b>You must set your Intel EtherExpress 16 card to be memory mapped at address
-0xD0000, and set the amount of mapped memory to 32K using the Intel supplied <tt
-class="FILENAME">softset.exe</tt> program.</p>
-<div class="QANDAENTRY">
-<div class="QUESTION">
-<p><a id="Q4.2.10." name="Q4.2.10."></a><b>4.2.10.</b> When installing on an EISA HP
-Netserver, my on-board AIC-7xxx SCSI controller isn't detected.</p>
-<div class="ANSWER">
-<p><b></b>This is a known problem, and will hopefully be fixed in the future. In order to
-get your system installed at all, boot with the <var class="OPTION">-c</var> option into
-UserConfig, but <span class="emphasis"><i class="EMPHASIS">don't</i></span> use the
-pretty visual mode but the plain old CLI mode. Type:</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<kbd class="USERINPUT">eisa 12</kbd>
-<kbd class="USERINPUT">quit</kbd>
-<p>at the prompt. (Instead of `quit', you might also type `visual', and continue the rest
-of the configuration session in visual mode.) While it's recommended to compile a custom
-kernel, dset now also understands to save this value.</p>
-<p>Refer to the FAQ topic 5.3 for an explanation of the problem, and for how to continue.
-Remember that you can find the FAQ on your local system in /usr/share/doc/FAQ, provided
-you have installed the `doc' distribution.</p>
-<div class="QANDAENTRY">
-<div class="QUESTION">
-<p><a id="Q4.2.11." name="Q4.2.11."></a><b>4.2.11.</b> I have a Panasonic AL-N1 or Rios
-Chandler Pentium machine and I find that the system hangs before ever getting into the
-installation now.</p>
-<div class="ANSWER">
-<p><b></b>Your machine doesn't like the new <var class="LITERAL">i586_copyout</var> and
-<var class="LITERAL">i586_copyin</var> code for some reason. To disable this, boot the
-installation boot floppy and when it comes to the very first menu (the choice to drop
-into kernel UserConfig mode or not) choose the command-line interface (``expert mode'')
-version and type the following at it:</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<kbd class="USERINPUT">flags npx0 1</kbd>
-<p>Then proceed normally to boot. This will be saved into your kernel, so you only need
-to do it once.</p>
-<div class="QANDAENTRY">
-<div class="QUESTION">
-<p><a id="Q4.2.12." name="Q4.2.12."></a><b>4.2.12.</b> I have this CMD640 IDE controller
-that is said to be broken.</p>
-<div class="ANSWER">
-<p><b></b>FreeBSD does not support this controller.</p>
-<div class="QANDAENTRY">
-<div class="QUESTION">
-<p><a id="Q4.2.13." name="Q4.2.13."></a><b>4.2.13.</b> On a Compaq Aero notebook, I get
-the message ``No floppy devices found! Please check ...'' when trying to install from
-<div class="ANSWER">
-<p><b></b>With Compaq being always a little different from other systems, they do not
-announce their floppy drive in the CMOS RAM of an Aero notebook. Therefore, the floppy
-disk driver assumes there is no drive configured. Go to the UserConfig screen, and set
-the Flags value of the fdc0 device to 0x1. This pretends the existence of the first
-floppy drive (as a 1.44 MB drive) to the driver without asking the CMOS at all.</p>
-<div class="QANDAENTRY">
-<div class="QUESTION">
-<p><a id="Q4.2.14." name="Q4.2.14."></a><b>4.2.14.</b> When installing on a Dell
-Poweredge XE, Dell proprietary RAID controller DSA (Dell SCSI Array) isn't
-<div class="ANSWER">
-<p><b></b>Configure the DSA to use AHA-1540 emulation using EISA configuration utility.
-After that FreeBSD detects the DSA as an Adaptec AHA-1540 SCSI controller, with irq 11
-and port 340. Under emulation mode system will use DSA RAID disks, but you cannot use
-DSA-specific features such as watching RAID health.</p>
-<div class="QANDAENTRY">
-<div class="QUESTION">
-<p><a id="Q4.2.15." name="Q4.2.15."></a><b>4.2.15.</b> I have an IBM EtherJet PCI card,
-it is detected by the <span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span
-class="REFENTRYTITLE">fxp</span>(4)</span> driver correctly, but the lights on the card
-don't come on and it doesn't connect to the network.</p>
-<div class="ANSWER">
-<p><b></b>We don't understand why this happens. Neither do IBM (we asked them). The card
-is a standard Intel EtherExpress Pro/100 with an IBM label on it, and these cards
-normally work just fine. You may see these symptoms only in some IBM Netfinity servers.
-The only solution is to install a different Ethernet adapter.</p>
-<div class="QANDAENTRY">
-<div class="QUESTION">
-<p><a id="Q4.2.16." name="Q4.2.16."></a><b>4.2.16.</b> When I configure the network
-during installation on an IBM Netfinity 3500, the system freezes.</p>
-<div class="ANSWER">
-<p><b></b>There is a problem with the onboard Ethernet in the Netfinity 3500 which we
-have not been able to identify at this time. It may be related to the SMP features of the
-system being misconfigured. You will have to install another Ethernet adapter and avoid
-attempting to configure the onboard adapter at any time.</p>
-<div class="QANDAENTRY">
-<div class="QUESTION">
-<p><a id="Q4.2.17." name="Q4.2.17."></a><b>4.2.17.</b> When I install onto a drive
-managed by a Mylex PCI RAID controller, the system fails to boot (eg. with a <var
-class="LITERAL">read error</var> message).</p>
-<div class="ANSWER">
-<p><b></b>There is a bug in the Mylex driver which results in it ignoring the ``8GB''
-geometry mode setting in the BIOS. Use the 2GB mode instead.</p>
-<hr />
-<p align="center"><small>This file, and other release-related documents, can be
-downloaded from <a href="ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/">ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/</a>.</small></p>
-<p align="center"><small>For questions about FreeBSD, read the <a
-href="http://www.FreeBSD.org/docs.html">documentation</a> before contacting &#60;<a
-<p align="center"><small>For questions about this documentation, e-mail &#60;<a
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-<div class="TITLEPAGE">
-<h1 class="TITLE"><a id="AEN2" name="AEN2">FreeBSD/ia64 5.3-RELEASE Installation
-<h3 class="CORPAUTHOR">The FreeBSD Project</h3>
-<p class="COPYRIGHT">Copyright &copy; 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 The FreeBSD
-Documentation Project</p>
-<hr />
-<blockquote class="ABSTRACT">
-<div class="ABSTRACT"><a id="AEN12" name="AEN12"></a>
-<p>This article gives some brief instructions on installing FreeBSD/ia64 5.3-RELEASE,
-with particular emphasis given to obtaining a FreeBSD distribution. Some notes on
-troubleshooting and frequently-asked questions are also given.</p>
-<div class="SECT1">
-<hr />
-<h2 class="SECT1"><a id="INSTALL" name="INSTALL">1 Installing FreeBSD</a></h2>
-<p>This section documents the process of installing a new distribution of FreeBSD. These
-instructions pay particular emphasis to the process of obtaining the FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE
-distribution and to beginning the installation procedure. The <a
-target="_top">``Installing FreeBSD''</a> chapter of the <a
-href="http://www.FreeBSD.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/" target="_top">FreeBSD
-Handbook</a> provides more in-depth information about the installation program itself,
-including a guided walkthrough with screenshots.</p>
-<p>If you are upgrading from a previous release of FreeBSD, please see <a
-href="#UPGRADING">Section 3</a> for instructions on upgrading.</p>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="GETTING-STARTED" name="GETTING-STARTED">1.1 Getting
-<p>Probably the most important pre-installation step that can be taken is that of reading
-the various instruction documents provided with FreeBSD. A roadmap of documents
-pertaining to this release of FreeBSD can be found in <tt
-class="FILENAME">README.TXT</tt>, which can usually be found in the same location as this
-file; most of these documents, such as the release notes and the hardware compatibility
-list, are also accessible in the Documentation menu of the installer.</p>
-<p>Note that on-line versions of the FreeBSD <a
-href="http://www.FreeBSD.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/faq/" target="_top">FAQ</a> and <a
-target="_top">Handbook</a> are also available from the <a href="http://www.FreeBSD.org/"
-target="_top">FreeBSD Project Web site</a>, if you have an Internet connection.</p>
-<p>This collection of documents may seem daunting, but the time spent reading them will
-likely be saved many times over. Being familiar with what resources are available can
-also be helpful in the event of problems during installation.</p>
-<p>The best laid plans sometimes go awry, so if you run into trouble take a look at <a
-href="#TROUBLE">Section 4</a>, which contains valuable troubleshooting information. You
-should also read an updated copy of <tt class="FILENAME">ERRATA.TXT</tt> before
-installing, since this will alert you to any problems which have reported in the interim
-for your particular release.</p>
-<div class="IMPORTANT">
-<blockquote class="IMPORTANT">
-<p><b>Important:</b> While FreeBSD does its best to safeguard against accidental loss of
-data, it's still more than possible to <span class="emphasis"><i class="EMPHASIS">wipe
-out your entire disk</i></span> with this installation if you make a mistake. Please do
-not proceed to the final FreeBSD installation menu unless you've adequately backed up any
-important data first.</p>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="AEN37" name="AEN37">1.2 Hardware Requirements</a></h3>
-<p>If you are not familiar with configuring hardware for FreeBSD, you should be sure to
-read the <tt class="FILENAME">HARDWARE.TXT</tt> file; it contains important information
-on what hardware is supported by FreeBSD.</p>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="FLOPPIES" name="FLOPPIES">1.3 Floppy Disk Image
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="START-INSTALLATION" name="START-INSTALLATION">1.4 Installing
-FreeBSD from CDROM or the Internet</a></h3>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="AEN202" name="AEN202">1.5 Detail on various installation
-<p>Once you've gotten yourself to the initial installation screen somehow, you should be
-able to follow the various menu prompts and go from there. If you've never used the
-FreeBSD installation before, you are also encouraged to read some of the documentation in
-the Documentation submenu as well as the general ``Usage'' instructions on the first
-<div class="NOTE">
-<blockquote class="NOTE">
-<p><b>Note:</b> If you get stuck at a screen, press the <b class="KEYCAP">F1</b> key for
-online documentation relevant to that specific section.</p>
-<p>If you've never installed FreeBSD before, or even if you have, the ``Standard''
-installation mode is the most recommended since it makes sure that you'll visit all the
-various important checklist items along the way. If you're much more comfortable with the
-FreeBSD installation process and know <span class="emphasis"><i
-class="EMPHASIS">exactly</i></span> what you want to do, use the ``Express'' or
-``Custom'' installation options. If you're upgrading an existing system, use the
-``Upgrade'' option.</p>
-<p>The FreeBSD installer supports the direct use of floppy, DOS, tape, CDROM, FTP, NFS
-and UFS partitions as installation media; further tips on installing from each type of
-media are listed below.</p>
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="AEN241" name="AEN241">1.5.1 Installing from a Network
-<p>If you simply wish to install from a local CDROM drive then see <a
-href="#START-INSTALLATION">Section 1.4</a>. If you don't have a CDROM drive on your
-system and wish to use a FreeBSD distribution CD in the CDROM drive of another system to
-which you have network connectivity, there are also several ways of going about it:</p>
-<p>If you would be able to FTP install FreeBSD directly from the CDROM drive in some
-FreeBSD machine, it's quite easy: You ensure an FTP server is running and then simply add
-the following line to the password file (using the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">vipw</span>(8)</span></a>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<p>On the machine on which you are running the install, go to the Options menu and set
-Release Name to <var class="LITERAL">any</var>. You may then choose a Media type of <var
-class="LITERAL">FTP</var> and type in <tt class="FILENAME">ftp://<var
-class="REPLACEABLE">machine</var></tt> after picking ``URL'' in the ftp sites menu.</p>
-<div class="WARNING">
-<blockquote class="WARNING">
-<p><b>Warning:</b> This may allow anyone on the local network (or Internet) to make
-``anonymous FTP'' connections to this machine, which may not be desirable.</p>
-<p>If you would rather use NFS to export the CDROM directly to the machine(s) you'll be
-installing from, you need to first add an entry to the <tt
-class="FILENAME">/etc/exports</tt> file (on the machine with the CDROM drive). The
-example below allows the machine <tt class="HOSTID">ziggy.foo.com</tt> to mount the CDROM
-directly via NFS during installation:</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-/cdrom -ro ziggy.foo.com
-<p>The machine with the CDROM must also be configured as an NFS server, of course, and if
-you're not sure how to do that then an NFS installation is probably not the best choice
-for you unless you're willing to read up on <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">rc.conf</span>(5)</span></a> and
-configure things appropriately. Assuming that this part goes smoothly, you should be able
-to enter: <tt class="FILENAME"><var class="REPLACEABLE">cdrom-host</var>:/cdrom</tt> as
-the path for an NFS installation when the target machine is installed, e.g. <tt
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="AEN273" name="AEN273">1.5.2 Installing from Floppies</a></h4>
-<p>If you must install from floppy disks, either due to unsupported hardware or just
-because you enjoy doing things the hard way, you must first prepare some floppies for the
-<p>First, make your boot floppies as described in <a href="#FLOPPIES">Section
-<p>Second, peruse <a href="#LAYOUT">Section 2</a> and pay special attention to the
-``Distribution Format'' section since it describes which files you're going to need to
-put onto floppy and which you can safely skip.</p>
-<p>Next you will need, at minimum, as many 1.44MB floppies as it takes to hold all files
-in the <tt class="FILENAME">bin</tt> (binary distribution) directory. If you're preparing
-these floppies under DOS, then these floppies <span class="emphasis"><i
-class="EMPHASIS">must</i></span> be formatted using the MS-DOS <tt
-class="FILENAME">FORMAT</tt> command. If you're using Windows, use the Windows File
-Manager format command.</p>
-<div class="IMPORTANT">
-<blockquote class="IMPORTANT">
-<p><b>Important:</b> Frequently, floppy disks come ``factory preformatted''. While
-convenient, many problems reported by users in the past have resulted from the use of
-improperly formatted media. Re-format them yourself, just to make sure.</p>
-<p>If you're creating the floppies from another FreeBSD machine, a format is still not a
-bad idea though you don't need to put a DOS filesystem on each floppy. You can use the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">disklabel</span>(8)</span></a> and
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">newfs</span>(8)</span></a>
-commands to put a UFS filesystem on a floppy, as the following sequence of commands
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<samp class="PROMPT">#</samp> <kbd class="USERINPUT">fdformat -f 1440 fd0</kbd>
-<samp class="PROMPT">#</samp> <kbd class="USERINPUT">disklabel -w fd0 floppy3</kbd>
-<samp class="PROMPT">#</samp> <kbd class="USERINPUT">newfs -i 65536 /dev/fd0</kbd>
-<p>After you've formatted the floppies for DOS or UFS, you'll need to copy the files onto
-them. The distribution files are sized so that a floppy disk will hold a single file.
-Each distribution should go into its own subdirectory on the floppy, e.g.: <tt
-class="FILENAME">a:\bin\bin.inf</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">a:\bin\bin.aa</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">a:\bin\bin.ab</tt>, ...</p>
-<div class="IMPORTANT">
-<blockquote class="IMPORTANT">
-<p><b>Important:</b> The <tt class="FILENAME">bin.inf</tt> file also needs to go on the
-first floppy of the <tt class="FILENAME">bin</tt> set since it is read by the
-installation program in order to figure out how many additional pieces to look for when
-fetching and concatenating the distribution. When putting distributions onto floppies,
-the <tt class="FILENAME">distname.inf</tt> file <span class="emphasis"><i
-class="EMPHASIS">must</i></span> occupy the first floppy of each distribution set.</p>
-<p>Once you come to the Media screen of the install, select ``Floppy'' and you'll be
-prompted for the rest.</p>
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="AEN342" name="AEN342">1.5.4 Installing from QIC/SCSI
-<p>When installing from tape, the installation program expects the files to be simply
-tar'ed onto it, so after fetching all of the files for the distributions you're
-interested in, simply use <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">tar</span>(1)</span></a> to get
-them onto the tape with a command something like this:</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<samp class="PROMPT">#</samp> <kbd class="USERINPUT">cd <var
-<samp class="PROMPT">#</samp> <kbd class="USERINPUT">tar cvf /dev/sa0 <var
-class="REPLACEABLE">dist1</var> .. <var class="REPLACEABLE">dist2</var></kbd>
-<p>When you go to do the installation, you should also make sure that you leave enough
-room in some temporary directory (which you'll be allowed to choose) to accommodate the
-<span class="emphasis"><i class="EMPHASIS">full</i></span> contents of the tape you've
-created. Due to the non-random access nature of tapes, this method of installation
-requires quite a bit of temporary storage. You should expect to require as much temporary
-storage as you have stuff written on tape.</p>
-<div class="NOTE">
-<blockquote class="NOTE">
-<p><b>Note:</b> When going to do the installation, the tape must be in the drive <span
-class="emphasis"><i class="EMPHASIS">before</i></span> booting from the boot floppies.
-The installation ``probe'' may otherwise fail to find it.</p>
-<p>Now create a boot floppy as described in <a href="#FLOPPIES">Section 1.3</a> and
-proceed with the installation.</p>
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="FTPNFS" name="FTPNFS">1.5.5 Installing over a Network using FTP
-or NFS</a></h4>
-<p>After making the boot floppies as described in the first section, you can load the
-rest of the installation over a network using one of 3 types of connections: serial port,
-parallel port, or Ethernet.</p>
-<div class="SECT4">
-<hr />
-<h5 class="SECT4"><a id="AEN367" name="AEN367"> Serial Port</a></h5>
-<p>SLIP support is rather primitive, and is limited primarily to hard-wired links, such
-as a serial cable running between two computers. The link must be hard-wired because the
-SLIP installation doesn't currently offer a dialing capability. If you need to dial out
-with a modem or otherwise dialog with the link before connecting to it, then the PPP
-utility should be used instead.</p>
-<p>If you're using PPP, make sure that you have your Internet Service Provider's IP
-address and DNS information handy as you'll need to know it fairly early in the
-installation process. You may also need to know your own IP address, though PPP supports
-dynamic address negotiation and may be able to pick up this information directly from
-your ISP if they support it.</p>
-<p>You will also need to know how to use the various ``AT commands'' for dialing out with
-your particular brand of modem as the PPP dialer provides only a very simple terminal
-<div class="SECT4">
-<hr />
-<h5 class="SECT4"><a id="AEN373" name="AEN373"> Parallel Port</a></h5>
-<p>If a hard-wired connection to another FreeBSD or Linux machine is available, you might
-also consider installing over a ``laplink'' style parallel port cable. The data rate over
-the parallel port is much higher than what is typically possible over a serial line (up
-to 50k/sec), thus resulting in a quicker installation. It's not typically necessary to
-use ``real'' IP addresses when using a point-to-point parallel cable in this way and you
-can generally just use RFC 1918 style addresses for the ends of the link (e.g. <tt
-class="HOSTID"></tt>, <tt class="HOSTID"></tt>, etc).</p>
-<div class="IMPORTANT">
-<blockquote class="IMPORTANT">
-<p><b>Important:</b> If you use a Linux machine rather than a FreeBSD machine as your
-PLIP peer, you will also have to specify <var class="OPTION">link0</var> in the TCP/IP
-setup screen's ``extra options for ifconfig'' field in order to be compatible with
-Linux's slightly different PLIP protocol.</p>
-<div class="SECT4">
-<hr />
-<h5 class="SECT4"><a id="AEN384" name="AEN384"> Ethernet</a></h5>
-<p>FreeBSD supports most common Ethernet cards; a table of supported cards is provided as
-part of the FreeBSD Hardware Notes (see <tt class="FILENAME">HARDWARE.TXT</tt> in the
-Documentation menu on the boot floppy or the top level directory of the CDROM). If you
-are using one of the supported PCMCIA Ethernet cards, also be sure that it's plugged in
-<span class="emphasis"><i class="EMPHASIS">before</i></span> the laptop is powered on.
-FreeBSD does not, unfortunately, currently support ``hot insertion'' of PCMCIA cards
-during installation.</p>
-<p>You will also need to know your IP address on the network, the <var
-class="OPTION">netmask</var> value for your subnet and the name of your machine. Your
-system administrator can tell you which values are appropriate to your particular network
-setup. If you will be referring to other hosts by name rather than IP address, you'll
-also need a name server and possibly the address of a gateway (if you're using PPP, it's
-your provider's IP address) to use in talking to it. If you want to install by FTP via an
-HTTP proxy (see below), you will also need the proxy's address.</p>
-<p>If you do not know the answers to these questions then you should really probably talk
-to your system administrator <span class="emphasis"><i class="EMPHASIS">first</i></span>
-before trying this type of installation. Using a randomly chosen IP address or netmask on
-a live network is almost guaranteed not to work, and will probably result in a lecture
-from said system administrator.</p>
-<p>Once you have a network connection of some sort working, the installation can continue
-over NFS or FTP.</p>
-<div class="SECT4">
-<hr />
-<h5 class="SECT4"><a id="AEN395" name="AEN395"> NFS installation tips</a></h5>
-<p>NFS installation is fairly straight-forward: Simply copy the FreeBSD distribution
-files you want onto a server somewhere and then point the NFS media selection at it.</p>
-<p>If this server supports only ``privileged port'' access (this is generally the default
-for Sun and Linux workstations), you may need to set this option in the Options menu
-before installation can proceed.</p>
-<p>If you have a poor quality Ethernet card which suffers from very slow transfer rates,
-you may also wish to toggle the appropriate Options flag.</p>
-<p>In order for NFS installation to work, the server must also support ``subdir mounts'',
-e.g. if your FreeBSD distribution directory lives on <tt
-class="FILENAME">wiggy:/usr/archive/stuff/FreeBSD</tt>, then <tt
-class="HOSTID">wiggy</tt> will have to allow the direct mounting of <tt
-class="FILENAME">/usr/archive/stuff/FreeBSD</tt>, not just <tt class="FILENAME">/usr</tt>
-or <tt class="FILENAME">/usr/archive/stuff</tt>.</p>
-<p>In FreeBSD's <tt class="FILENAME">/etc/exports</tt> file this is controlled by the
-<var class="OPTION">-alldirs</var> option. Other NFS servers may have different
-conventions. If you are getting <var class="LITERAL">Permission Denied</var> messages
-from the server then it's likely that you don't have this properly enabled.</p>
-<div class="SECT4">
-<hr />
-<h5 class="SECT4"><a id="AEN412" name="AEN412"> FTP Installation tips</a></h5>
-<p>FTP installation may be done from any mirror site containing a reasonably up-to-date
-version of FreeBSD. A full menu of reasonable choices for almost any location in the
-world is provided in the FTP site menu during installation.</p>
-<p>If you are installing from some other FTP site not listed in this menu, or you are
-having troubles getting your name server configured properly, you can also specify your
-own URL by selecting the ``URL'' choice in that menu. A URL can contain a hostname or an
-IP address, so something like the following would work in the absence of a name
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<p>There are three FTP installation modes you can use:</p>
-<p>FTP: This method uses the standard ``Active'' mode for transfers, in which the server
-initiates a connection to the client. This will not work through most firewalls but will
-often work best with older FTP servers that do not support passive mode. If your
-connection hangs with passive mode, try this one.</p>
-<p>FTP Passive: This sets the FTP "Passive" mode which prevents the server from opening
-connections to the client. This option is best for users to pass through firewalls that
-do not allow incoming connections on random port addresses.</p>
-<p>FTP via an HTTP proxy: This option instructs FreeBSD to use HTTP to connect to a proxy
-for all FTP operations. The proxy will translate the requests and send them to the FTP
-server. This allows the user to pass through firewalls that do not allow FTP at all, but
-offer an HTTP proxy. You must specify the hostname of the proxy in addition to the FTP
-<p>In the rare case that you have an FTP proxy that does not go through HTTP, you can
-specify the URL as something like:</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<kbd class="USERINPUT">ftp://foo.bar.com:<var
-<p>In the URL above, <var class="REPLACEABLE">port</var> is the port number of the proxy
-FTP server.</p>
-<br />
-<br />
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="AEN460" name="AEN460">1.6 Question and Answer Section for IA-64
-Architecture Users</a></h3>
-<div class="SECT1">
-<hr />
-<h2 class="SECT1"><a id="LAYOUT" name="LAYOUT">2 Distribution Format</a></h2>
-<p>A typical FreeBSD distribution directory looks something like this (exact details may
-vary depending on version, architecture, and other factors):</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-ERRATA.HTM README.TXT compat1x dict kernel
-ERRATA.TXT RELNOTES.HTM compat20 doc manpages
-HARDWARE.HTM RELNOTES.TXT compat21 docbook.css packages
-HARDWARE.TXT base compat22 filename.txt ports
-INSTALL.HTM boot compat3x floppies proflibs
-INSTALL.TXT catpages compat4x games src
-README.HTM cdrom.inf crypto info tools
-<p>If you want to do a CDROM, FTP or NFS installation from this distribution directory,
-all you need to do is make the 1.44MB boot floppies from the floppies directory (see <a
-href="#FLOPPIES">Section 1.3</a> for instructions on how to do this), boot them and
-follow the instructions. The rest of the data needed during the installation will be
-obtained automatically based on your selections. If you've never installed FreeBSD
-before, you also want to read the entirety of this document (the installation
-instructions) file.</p>
-<p>If you're trying to do some other type of installation or are merely curious about how
-a distribution is organized, what follows is a more thorough description of some of these
-items in more detail:</p>
-<ol type="1">
-<p>The <tt class="FILENAME">*.TXT</tt> and <tt class="FILENAME">*.HTM</tt> files contain
-documentation (for example, this document is contained in both <tt
-class="FILENAME">INSTALL.TXT</tt> and <tt class="FILENAME">INSTALL.HTM</tt>) and should
-be read before starting an installation. The <tt class="FILENAME">*.TXT</tt> files are
-plain text, while the <tt class="FILENAME">*.HTM</tt> files are HTML files that can be
-read by almost any Web browser. Some distributions may contain documentation in other
-formats as well, such as PDF or PostScript.</p>
-<p><tt class="FILENAME">docbook.css</tt> is a Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) file used by
-some Web browsers for formatting the HTML documentation.</p>
-<p>The <tt class="FILENAME">base</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">catpages</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">crypto</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">dict</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">doc</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">games</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">info</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">manpages</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">proflibs</tt>, and <tt class="FILENAME">src</tt> directories contain the
-primary distribution components of FreeBSD itself and are split into smaller files for
-easy packing onto floppies (should that be necessary).</p>
-<p>The <tt class="FILENAME">compat1x</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">compat20</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">compat21</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">compat22</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">compat3x</tt>, and <tt class="FILENAME">compat4x</tt> directories
-contain distributions for compatibility with older releases and are distributed as single
-gzip'd tar files - they can be installed during release time or later by running their
-<tt class="FILENAME">install.sh</tt> scripts.</p>
-<p>The <tt class="FILENAME">floppies/</tt> subdirectory contains the floppy installation
-images; further information on using them can be found in <a href="#FLOPPIES">Section
-<p>The <tt class="FILENAME">packages</tt> and <tt class="FILENAME">ports</tt> directories
-contain the FreeBSD Packages and Ports Collections. Packages may be installed from the
-packages directory by running the command:</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<samp class="PROMPT">#</samp><kbd
-class="USERINPUT">/stand/sysinstall configPackages</kbd>
-<p>Packages can also be installed by feeding individual filenames in <tt
-class="FILENAME">packages</tt>/ to the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pkg_add</span>(1)</span></a>
-<p>The Ports Collection may be installed like any other distribution and requires about
-190MB unpacked. More information on the ports collection may be obtained from <a
-href="http://www.FreeBSD.org/ports/" target="_top">http://www.FreeBSD.org/ports/</a> or
-locally from <tt class="FILENAME">/usr/share/doc/handbook</tt> if you've installed the
-<tt class="FILENAME">doc</tt> distribution.</p>
-<p>Last of all, the <tt class="FILENAME">tools</tt> directory contains various DOS tools
-for discovering disk geometries, installing boot managers and the like. It is purely
-optional and provided only for user convenience.</p>
-<br />
-<br />
-<p>A typical distribution directory (for example, the <tt class="FILENAME">info</tt>
-distribution) looks like this internally:</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-CHECKSUM.MD5 info.ab info.ad info.inf install.sh
-info.aa info.ac info.ae info.mtree
-<p>The <tt class="FILENAME">CHECKSUM.MD5</tt> file contains MD5 signatures for each file,
-should data corruption be suspected, and is purely for reference. It is not used by the
-actual installation and does not need to be copied with the rest of the distribution
-files. The <tt class="FILENAME">info.a*</tt> files are split, gzip'd tar files, the
-contents of which can be viewed by doing:</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<samp class="PROMPT">#</samp> <kbd class="USERINPUT">cat info.a* | tar tvzf -</kbd>
-<p>During installation, they are automatically concatenated and extracted by the
-installation procedure.</p>
-<p>The <tt class="FILENAME">info.inf</tt> file is also necessary since it is read by the
-installation program in order to figure out how many pieces to look for when fetching and
-concatenating the distribution. When putting distributions onto floppies, the <tt
-class="FILENAME">.inf</tt> file <span class="emphasis"><i
-class="EMPHASIS">must</i></span> occupy the first floppy of each distribution set!</p>
-<p>The <tt class="FILENAME">info.mtree</tt> file is another non-essential file which is
-provided for user reference. It contains the MD5 signatures of the <span
-class="emphasis"><i class="EMPHASIS">unpacked</i></span> distribution files and can be
-later used with the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">mtree</span>(8)</span></a> program
-to verify the installation permissions and checksums against any possible modifications
-to the file. When used with the <tt class="FILENAME">base</tt> distribution, this can be
-an excellent way of detecting trojan horse attacks on your system.</p>
-<p>Finally, the <tt class="FILENAME">install.sh</tt> file is for use by those who want to
-install the distribution after installation time. To install the info distribution from
-CDROM after a system was installed, for example, you'd do:</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<samp class="PROMPT">#</samp> <kbd class="USERINPUT">cd /cdrom/info</kbd>
-<samp class="PROMPT">#</samp> <kbd class="USERINPUT">sh install.sh</kbd>
-<div class="SECT1">
-<hr />
-<h2 class="SECT1"><a id="UPGRADING" name="UPGRADING">3 Upgrading FreeBSD</a></h2>
-<p>These instructions describe a procedure for doing a binary upgrade from an older
-version of FreeBSD.</p>
-<div class="WARNING">
-<blockquote class="WARNING">
-<p><b>Warning:</b> While the FreeBSD upgrade procedure does its best to safeguard against
-accidental loss of data, it is still more than possible to <span class="emphasis"><i
-class="EMPHASIS">wipe out your entire disk</i></span> with this installation! Please do
-not accept the final confirmation request unless you have adequately backed up any
-important data files.</p>
-<div class="IMPORTANT">
-<blockquote class="IMPORTANT">
-<p><b>Important:</b> These notes assume that you are using the version of <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sysinstall</span>(8)</span></a>
-supplied with the version of FreeBSD to which you intend to upgrade. Using a mismatched
-version of <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sysinstall</span>(8)</span></a> is
-almost guaranteed to cause problems and has been known to leave systems in an unusable
-state. The most commonly made mistake in this regard is the use of an old copy of <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sysinstall</span>(8)</span></a>
-from an existing installation to upgrade to a newer version of FreeBSD. This is <span
-class="emphasis"><i class="EMPHASIS">not</i></span> recommended.</p>
-<div class="WARNING">
-<blockquote class="WARNING">
-<p><b>Warning:</b> Binary upgrades to FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE from FreeBSD 4-STABLE are not
-supported at this time. There are some files present in a FreeBSD 4-STABLE whose presence
-can be disruptive, but are not removed by a binary upgrade. One notable example is that
-an old <tt class="FILENAME">/usr/include/g++</tt> directory will cause C++ programs to
-compile incorrectly (or not at all).</p>
-<p>These upgrade instructions are provided for the use of users upgrading from relatively
-recent FreeBSD 5-STABLE snapshots.</p>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="AEN683" name="AEN683">3.1 Introduction</a></h3>
-<p>The upgrade procedure replaces distributions selected by the user with those
-corresponding to the new FreeBSD release. It preserves standard system configuration
-data, as well as user data, installed packages and other software.</p>
-<p>Administrators contemplating an upgrade are encouraged to study this section in its
-entirety before commencing an upgrade. Failure to do so may result in a failed upgrade or
-loss of data.</p>
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="AEN687" name="AEN687">3.1.1 Upgrade Overview</a></h4>
-<p>Upgrading of a distribution is performed by extracting the new version of the
-component over the top of the previous version. Files belonging to the old distribution
-are not deleted.</p>
-<p>System configuration is preserved by retaining and restoring the previous version of
-the following files:</p>
-<p><tt class="FILENAME">Xaccel.ini</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">XF86Config</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">adduser.conf</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">aliases</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">aliases.db</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">amd.map</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">crontab</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">csh.cshrc</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">csh.login</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">csh.logout</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">cvsupfile</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">dhclient.conf</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">disktab</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">dm.conf</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">dumpdates</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">exports</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">fbtab</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">fstab</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">ftpusers</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">gettytab</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">gnats</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">group</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">hosts</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">hosts.allow</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">hosts.equiv</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">hosts.lpd</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">inetd.conf</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">localtime</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">login.access</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">login.conf</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">mail</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">mail.rc</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">make.conf</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">manpath.config</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">master.passwd</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">motd</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">namedb</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">networks</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">newsyslog.conf</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">nsmb.conf</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">nsswitch.conf</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">pam.conf</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">passwd</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">periodic</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">ppp</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">printcap</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">profile</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">pwd.db</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">rc.conf</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">rc.conf.local</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">rc.firewall</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">rc.local</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">remote</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">resolv.conf</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">rmt</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">sendmail.cf</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">sendmail.cw</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">services</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">shells</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">skeykeys</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">spwd.db</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">ssh</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">syslog.conf</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">ttys</tt>, <tt
-<p>The versions of these files which correspond to the new version are moved to <tt
-class="FILENAME">/etc/upgrade/</tt>. The system administrator may peruse these new
-versions and merge components as desired. Note that many of these files are
-interdependent, and the best merge procedure is to copy all site-specific data from the
-current files into the new.</p>
-<p>During the upgrade procedure, the administrator is prompted for a location into which
-all files from <tt class="FILENAME">/etc/</tt> are saved. In the event that local
-modifications have been made to other files, they may be subsequently retrieved from this
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="AEN761" name="AEN761">3.2 Procedure</a></h3>
-<p>This section details the upgrade procedure. Particular attention is given to items
-which substantially differ from a normal installation.</p>
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="AEN764" name="AEN764">3.2.1 Backup</a></h4>
-<p>User data and system configuration should be backed up before upgrading. While the
-upgrade procedure does its best to prevent accidental mistakes, it is possible to
-partially or completely destroy data and configuration information.</p>
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="AEN767" name="AEN767">3.2.2 Mount Filesystems</a></h4>
-<p>The disklabel editor is entered with the nominated disk's filesystem devices listed.
-Prior to commencing the upgrade, the administrator should make a note of the device names
-and corresponding mountpoints. These mountpoints should be entered here. <span
-class="emphasis"><i class="EMPHASIS">Do not</i></span> set the ``newfs flag'' for any
-filesystems, as this will cause data loss.</p>
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="AEN772" name="AEN772">3.2.3 Select Distributions</a></h4>
-<p>When selecting distributions, there are no constraints on which must be selected. As a
-general rule, the <var class="LITERAL">base</var> distribution should be selected for an
-update, and the <var class="LITERAL">man</var> distribution if manpages are already
-installed. Other distributions may be selected beyond those originally installed if the
-administrator wishes to add additional functionality.</p>
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="FSTAB" name="FSTAB">3.2.4 After Installation</a></h4>
-<p>Once the installation procedure has completed, the administrator is prompted to
-examine the new configuration files. At this point, checks should be made to ensure that
-the system configuration is valid. In particular, the <tt
-class="FILENAME">/etc/rc.conf</tt> and <tt class="FILENAME">/etc/fstab</tt> files should
-be checked.</p>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="AEN782" name="AEN782">3.3 Upgrading from Source Code</a></h3>
-<p>Those interested in an upgrade method that allows more flexibility and sophistication
-should take a look at <a
-target="_top">The Cutting Edge</a> in the FreeBSD Handbook. This procedure involves
-rebuilding all of FreeBSD from source code. It requires reliable network connectivity,
-extra disk space, and time, but has advantages for networks and other more complex
-installations. This is roughly the same procedure as is used for track the -STABLE or
--CURRENT development branches.</p>
-<p><tt class="FILENAME">/usr/src/UPDATING</tt> contains important information on updating
-a FreeBSD system from source code. It lists various issues resulting from changes in
-FreeBSD that may affect an upgrade.</p>
-<div class="SECT1">
-<hr />
-<h2 class="SECT1"><a id="TROUBLE" name="TROUBLE">4 Troubleshooting</a></h2>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="REPAIRING" name="REPAIRING">4.1 Repairing an Existing FreeBSD
-<p>FreeBSD features a ``Fixit'' option in the top menu of the boot floppy. To use it, you
-will also need either a <tt class="FILENAME">fixit.flp</tt> image floppy, generated in
-the same fashion as the boot floppy, or the ``live filesystem'' CDROM; typically the
-second CDROM in a multi-disc FreeBSD distribution.</p>
-<p>To invoke fixit, simply boot the <tt class="FILENAME">kern.flp</tt> floppy, choose the
-``Fixit'' item and insert the fixit floppy or CDROM when asked. You will then be placed
-into a shell with a wide variety of commands available (in the <tt
-class="FILENAME">/stand</tt> and <tt class="FILENAME">/mnt2/stand</tt> directories) for
-checking, repairing and examining filesystems and their contents. Some UNIX
-administration experience <span class="emphasis"><i class="EMPHASIS">is</i></span>
-required to use the fixit option.</p>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="AEN802" name="AEN802">4.2 Common Installation Problems for IA-64
-Architecture Users</a></h3>
-<hr />
-<p align="center"><small>This file, and other release-related documents, can be
-downloaded from <a href="ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/">ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/</a>.</small></p>
-<p align="center"><small>For questions about FreeBSD, read the <a
-href="http://www.FreeBSD.org/docs.html">documentation</a> before contacting &#60;<a
-<p align="center"><small>For questions about this documentation, e-mail &#60;<a
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-<title>FreeBSD/pc98 5.3-RELEASE Installation Instructions</title>
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-<div class="TITLEPAGE">
-<h1 class="TITLE"><a id="AEN2" name="AEN2">FreeBSD/pc98 5.3-RELEASE Installation
-<h3 class="CORPAUTHOR">The FreeBSD Project</h3>
-<p class="COPYRIGHT">Copyright &copy; 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 The FreeBSD
-Documentation Project</p>
-<hr />
-<blockquote class="ABSTRACT">
-<div class="ABSTRACT"><a id="AEN12" name="AEN12"></a>
-<p>This article gives some brief instructions on installing FreeBSD/pc98 5.3-RELEASE,
-with particular emphasis given to obtaining a FreeBSD distribution. Some notes on
-troubleshooting and frequently-asked questions are also given.</p>
-<div class="SECT1">
-<hr />
-<h2 class="SECT1"><a id="INSTALL" name="INSTALL">1 Installing FreeBSD</a></h2>
-<p>This section documents the process of installing a new distribution of FreeBSD. These
-instructions pay particular emphasis to the process of obtaining the FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE
-distribution and to beginning the installation procedure. The <a
-target="_top">``Installing FreeBSD''</a> chapter of the <a
-href="http://www.FreeBSD.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/" target="_top">FreeBSD
-Handbook</a> provides more in-depth information about the installation program itself,
-including a guided walkthrough with screenshots.</p>
-<p>If you are upgrading from a previous release of FreeBSD, please see <a
-href="#UPGRADING">Section 3</a> for instructions on upgrading.</p>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="GETTING-STARTED" name="GETTING-STARTED">1.1 Getting
-<p>Probably the most important pre-installation step that can be taken is that of reading
-the various instruction documents provided with FreeBSD. A roadmap of documents
-pertaining to this release of FreeBSD can be found in <tt
-class="FILENAME">README.TXT</tt>, which can usually be found in the same location as this
-file; most of these documents, such as the release notes and the hardware compatibility
-list, are also accessible in the Documentation menu of the installer.</p>
-<p>Note that on-line versions of the FreeBSD <a
-href="http://www.FreeBSD.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/faq/" target="_top">FAQ</a> and <a
-target="_top">Handbook</a> are also available from the <a href="http://www.FreeBSD.org/"
-target="_top">FreeBSD Project Web site</a>, if you have an Internet connection.</p>
-<p>This collection of documents may seem daunting, but the time spent reading them will
-likely be saved many times over. Being familiar with what resources are available can
-also be helpful in the event of problems during installation.</p>
-<p>The best laid plans sometimes go awry, so if you run into trouble take a look at <a
-href="#TROUBLE">Section 4</a>, which contains valuable troubleshooting information. You
-should also read an updated copy of <tt class="FILENAME">ERRATA.TXT</tt> before
-installing, since this will alert you to any problems which have reported in the interim
-for your particular release.</p>
-<div class="IMPORTANT">
-<blockquote class="IMPORTANT">
-<p><b>Important:</b> While FreeBSD does its best to safeguard against accidental loss of
-data, it's still more than possible to <span class="emphasis"><i class="EMPHASIS">wipe
-out your entire disk</i></span> with this installation if you make a mistake. Please do
-not proceed to the final FreeBSD installation menu unless you've adequately backed up any
-important data first.</p>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="AEN37" name="AEN37">1.2 Hardware Requirements</a></h3>
-<p>FreeBSD for the NEC PC-98x1 requires a 486 or better processor to install and run
-(although FreeBSD can run on 386 processors with a custom kernel) and at least 8 megs of
-RAM to install and 7 megs to run. You will need at least 150MB of free hard drive space
-for the most minimal installation. See below for ways of shrinking existing DOS
-partitions in order to install FreeBSD.</p>
-<p>If you are not familiar with configuring hardware for FreeBSD, you should be sure to
-read the <tt class="FILENAME">HARDWARE.TXT</tt> file; it contains important information
-on what hardware is supported by FreeBSD.</p>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="FLOPPIES" name="FLOPPIES">1.3 Floppy Disk Image
-<p>Depending on how you choose to install FreeBSD, you may need to create a set of floppy
-disks (usually three) to begin the installation process. This section briefly describes
-how to create these disks, either from a CDROM installation or from the Internet. Note
-that in the common case of installing FreeBSD from CDROM, on a machine that supports
-bootable CDROMs, the steps outlined in this section will not be needed and can be
-<p>For a normal CDROM or network installation, all you need to copy onto actual floppies
-from the <tt class="FILENAME">floppies/</tt> directory are the <tt
-class="FILENAME">boot.flp</tt> and <tt class="FILENAME">kernX.flp</tt> images (for 1.44MB
-floppies) or <tt class="FILENAME">boot-small.flp</tt> and <tt
-class="FILENAME">kern-small.flp</tt> images (for 1.2MB floppies).</p>
-<p>Getting these images over the network is easy. Simply fetch the <var
-class="REPLACEABLE">release</var><tt class="FILENAME">/floppies/boot.flp</tt>, and all of
-the <var class="REPLACEABLE">release</var><tt class="FILENAME">/floppies/kernX.flp</tt>
-files from <a href="ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/" target="_top">ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/</a> or
-one of the many mirrors listed at <a
-target="_top">FTP Sites</a> section of the Handbook, or on the <a
-href="http://mirrorlist.FreeBSD.org/" target="_top">http://mirrorlist.FreeBSD.org/</a>
-Web pages.</p>
-<p>Get approximately three blank, freshly formatted floppies and image copy <tt
-class="FILENAME">boot.flp</tt> onto one and the <tt class="FILENAME">kernX.flp</tt> files
-onto the others. These images are <span class="emphasis"><i
-class="EMPHASIS">not</i></span> DOS files. You cannot simply copy them to a DOS or UFS
-floppy as regular files, you need to ``image'' copy them to the floppy with <tt
-class="FILENAME">rawrite.exe</tt> under DOS (see the <tt class="FILENAME">tools</tt>
-directory on your CDROM or FreeBSD FTP mirror) or the <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">dd</span>(1)</span></a> command in
-<p>For example, to create the kernel floppy image from DOS, you'd do something like
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<samp class="PROMPT">A&#62;</samp> <kbd class="USERINPUT">rawrite</kbd>
-<p>Assuming that you'd copied <tt class="FILENAME">rawrite.exe</tt> and <tt
-class="FILENAME">boot.flp</tt> into a directory somewhere. You would do the same for the
-<tt class="FILENAME">kernX.flp</tt> files, of course.</p>
-<p>If you're creating the boot floppy from a UNIX machine, you may find that:</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<samp class="PROMPT">#</samp> <kbd
-class="USERINPUT">dd if=floppies/boot.flp of=/dev/rfd0.1440</kbd>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<samp class="PROMPT">#</samp> <kbd
-class="USERINPUT">dd if=floppies/boot-small.flp of=/dev/rfd0.1200</kbd>
-<p>work well, depending on your hardware and operating system environment (different
-versions of UNIX have different names for the floppy drive).</p>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="START-INSTALLATION" name="START-INSTALLATION">1.4 Installing
-FreeBSD from CDROM or the Internet</a></h3>
-<p>The easiest type of installation is from CDROM. If you have a supported CDROM drive
-and a FreeBSD installation CDROM, there is a next way of starting the installation from
-<p>Build a set of FreeBSD boot floppies from the <tt class="FILENAME">floppies/</tt>
-directory in every FreeBSD distribution. Read <a href="#FLOPPIES">Section 1.3</a> for
-more information on creating the bootable floppies under different operating systems.
-Then you simply boot from the first floppy and you should soon be in the FreeBSD
-<br />
-<br />
-<p>If you don't have a CDROM and would like to simply install over the net using PPP,
-SLIP or a dedicated connection, you should start the installation by building a set of
-FreeBSD boot floppies from the files <tt class="FILENAME">floppies/boot.flp</tt> and <tt
-class="FILENAME">floppies/kernX.flp</tt> using the instructions found in <a
-href="#FLOPPIES">Section 1.3</a>. Restart your computer using the <tt
-class="FILENAME">boot.flp</tt> disk; when prompted, insert the other disks as required.
-Then, please go to <a href="#FTPNFS">Section 1.5.5</a> for additional tips on installing
-via FTP or NFS.</p>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="AEN202" name="AEN202">1.5 Detail on various installation
-<p>Once you've gotten yourself to the initial installation screen somehow, you should be
-able to follow the various menu prompts and go from there. If you've never used the
-FreeBSD installation before, you are also encouraged to read some of the documentation in
-the Documentation submenu as well as the general ``Usage'' instructions on the first
-<div class="NOTE">
-<blockquote class="NOTE">
-<p><b>Note:</b> If you get stuck at a screen, press the <b class="KEYCAP">F1</b> key for
-online documentation relevant to that specific section.</p>
-<p>If you've never installed FreeBSD before, or even if you have, the ``Standard''
-installation mode is the most recommended since it makes sure that you'll visit all the
-various important checklist items along the way. If you're much more comfortable with the
-FreeBSD installation process and know <span class="emphasis"><i
-class="EMPHASIS">exactly</i></span> what you want to do, use the ``Express'' or
-``Custom'' installation options. If you're upgrading an existing system, use the
-``Upgrade'' option.</p>
-<p>The FreeBSD installer supports the direct use of floppy, DOS, tape, CDROM, FTP, NFS
-and UFS partitions as installation media; further tips on installing from each type of
-media are listed below.</p>
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="AEN241" name="AEN241">1.5.1 Installing from a Network
-<p>If you simply wish to install from a local CDROM drive then see <a
-href="#START-INSTALLATION">Section 1.4</a>. If you don't have a CDROM drive on your
-system and wish to use a FreeBSD distribution CD in the CDROM drive of another system to
-which you have network connectivity, there are also several ways of going about it:</p>
-<p>If you would be able to FTP install FreeBSD directly from the CDROM drive in some
-FreeBSD machine, it's quite easy: You ensure an FTP server is running and then simply add
-the following line to the password file (using the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">vipw</span>(8)</span></a>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<p>On the machine on which you are running the install, go to the Options menu and set
-Release Name to <var class="LITERAL">any</var>. You may then choose a Media type of <var
-class="LITERAL">FTP</var> and type in <tt class="FILENAME">ftp://<var
-class="REPLACEABLE">machine</var></tt> after picking ``URL'' in the ftp sites menu.</p>
-<div class="WARNING">
-<blockquote class="WARNING">
-<p><b>Warning:</b> This may allow anyone on the local network (or Internet) to make
-``anonymous FTP'' connections to this machine, which may not be desirable.</p>
-<p>If you would rather use NFS to export the CDROM directly to the machine(s) you'll be
-installing from, you need to first add an entry to the <tt
-class="FILENAME">/etc/exports</tt> file (on the machine with the CDROM drive). The
-example below allows the machine <tt class="HOSTID">ziggy.foo.com</tt> to mount the CDROM
-directly via NFS during installation:</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-/cdrom -ro ziggy.foo.com
-<p>The machine with the CDROM must also be configured as an NFS server, of course, and if
-you're not sure how to do that then an NFS installation is probably not the best choice
-for you unless you're willing to read up on <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">rc.conf</span>(5)</span></a> and
-configure things appropriately. Assuming that this part goes smoothly, you should be able
-to enter: <tt class="FILENAME"><var class="REPLACEABLE">cdrom-host</var>:/cdrom</tt> as
-the path for an NFS installation when the target machine is installed, e.g. <tt
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="AEN273" name="AEN273">1.5.2 Installing from Floppies</a></h4>
-<p>If you must install from floppy disks, either due to unsupported hardware or just
-because you enjoy doing things the hard way, you must first prepare some floppies for the
-<p>First, make your boot floppies as described in <a href="#FLOPPIES">Section
-<p>Second, peruse <a href="#LAYOUT">Section 2</a> and pay special attention to the
-``Distribution Format'' section since it describes which files you're going to need to
-put onto floppy and which you can safely skip.</p>
-<p>Next you will need, at minimum, as many 1.44MB floppies as it takes to hold all files
-in the <tt class="FILENAME">bin</tt> (binary distribution) directory. If you're preparing
-these floppies under DOS, then these floppies <span class="emphasis"><i
-class="EMPHASIS">must</i></span> be formatted using the MS-DOS <tt
-class="FILENAME">FORMAT</tt> command. If you're using Windows, use the Windows File
-Manager format command.</p>
-<div class="IMPORTANT">
-<blockquote class="IMPORTANT">
-<p><b>Important:</b> Frequently, floppy disks come ``factory preformatted''. While
-convenient, many problems reported by users in the past have resulted from the use of
-improperly formatted media. Re-format them yourself, just to make sure.</p>
-<p>If you're creating the floppies from another FreeBSD machine, a format is still not a
-bad idea though you don't need to put a DOS filesystem on each floppy. You can use the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">disklabel</span>(8)</span></a> and
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">newfs</span>(8)</span></a>
-commands to put a UFS filesystem on a floppy, as the following sequence of commands
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<samp class="PROMPT">#</samp> <kbd class="USERINPUT">fdformat -f 1440 fd0</kbd>
-<samp class="PROMPT">#</samp> <kbd class="USERINPUT">disklabel -w fd0 floppy3</kbd>
-<samp class="PROMPT">#</samp> <kbd class="USERINPUT">newfs -i 65536 /dev/fd0</kbd>
-<p>After you've formatted the floppies for DOS or UFS, you'll need to copy the files onto
-them. The distribution files are sized so that a floppy disk will hold a single file.
-Each distribution should go into its own subdirectory on the floppy, e.g.: <tt
-class="FILENAME">a:\bin\bin.inf</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">a:\bin\bin.aa</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">a:\bin\bin.ab</tt>, ...</p>
-<div class="IMPORTANT">
-<blockquote class="IMPORTANT">
-<p><b>Important:</b> The <tt class="FILENAME">bin.inf</tt> file also needs to go on the
-first floppy of the <tt class="FILENAME">bin</tt> set since it is read by the
-installation program in order to figure out how many additional pieces to look for when
-fetching and concatenating the distribution. When putting distributions onto floppies,
-the <tt class="FILENAME">distname.inf</tt> file <span class="emphasis"><i
-class="EMPHASIS">must</i></span> occupy the first floppy of each distribution set.</p>
-<p>Once you come to the Media screen of the install, select ``Floppy'' and you'll be
-prompted for the rest.</p>
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="AEN314" name="AEN314">1.5.3 Installing from a DOS
-<p>To prepare for installation from an MS-DOS partition you should simply copy the files
-from the distribution into a directory called <tt class="FILENAME">FREEBSD</tt> on the
-Primary DOS partition (<tt class="DEVICENAME">A:</tt>). For example, to do a minimal
-installation of FreeBSD from DOS using files copied from the CDROM, you might do
-something like this:</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<samp class="PROMPT">A:\&#62;</samp> <kbd class="USERINPUT">MD A:\FREEBSD</kbd>
-<samp class="PROMPT">A:\&#62;</samp> <kbd
-<p>Assuming that <tt class="DEVICENAME">E:</tt> was where your CD was mounted.</p>
-<p>For as many distributions as you wish to install from DOS (and you have free space
-for), install each one in a directory under <tt class="FILENAME">A:\FREEBSD</tt> - the
-<tt class="FILENAME">BIN</tt> dist is only the minimal requirement.</p>
-<p>Once you've copied the directories, you can simply launch the installation from
-floppies as normal and select ``DOS'' as your media type when the time comes.</p>
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="AEN342" name="AEN342">1.5.4 Installing from QIC/SCSI
-<p>When installing from tape, the installation program expects the files to be simply
-tar'ed onto it, so after fetching all of the files for the distributions you're
-interested in, simply use <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">tar</span>(1)</span></a> to get
-them onto the tape with a command something like this:</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<samp class="PROMPT">#</samp> <kbd class="USERINPUT">cd <var
-<samp class="PROMPT">#</samp> <kbd class="USERINPUT">tar cvf /dev/sa0 <var
-class="REPLACEABLE">dist1</var> .. <var class="REPLACEABLE">dist2</var></kbd>
-<p>When you go to do the installation, you should also make sure that you leave enough
-room in some temporary directory (which you'll be allowed to choose) to accommodate the
-<span class="emphasis"><i class="EMPHASIS">full</i></span> contents of the tape you've
-created. Due to the non-random access nature of tapes, this method of installation
-requires quite a bit of temporary storage. You should expect to require as much temporary
-storage as you have stuff written on tape.</p>
-<div class="NOTE">
-<blockquote class="NOTE">
-<p><b>Note:</b> When going to do the installation, the tape must be in the drive <span
-class="emphasis"><i class="EMPHASIS">before</i></span> booting from the boot floppies.
-The installation ``probe'' may otherwise fail to find it.</p>
-<p>Now create a boot floppy as described in <a href="#FLOPPIES">Section 1.3</a> and
-proceed with the installation.</p>
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="FTPNFS" name="FTPNFS">1.5.5 Installing over a Network using FTP
-or NFS</a></h4>
-<p>After making the boot floppies as described in the first section, you can load the
-rest of the installation over a network using one of 3 types of connections: serial port,
-parallel port, or Ethernet.</p>
-<div class="SECT4">
-<hr />
-<h5 class="SECT4"><a id="AEN367" name="AEN367"> Serial Port</a></h5>
-<p>SLIP support is rather primitive, and is limited primarily to hard-wired links, such
-as a serial cable running between two computers. The link must be hard-wired because the
-SLIP installation doesn't currently offer a dialing capability. If you need to dial out
-with a modem or otherwise dialog with the link before connecting to it, then the PPP
-utility should be used instead.</p>
-<p>If you're using PPP, make sure that you have your Internet Service Provider's IP
-address and DNS information handy as you'll need to know it fairly early in the
-installation process. You may also need to know your own IP address, though PPP supports
-dynamic address negotiation and may be able to pick up this information directly from
-your ISP if they support it.</p>
-<p>You will also need to know how to use the various ``AT commands'' for dialing out with
-your particular brand of modem as the PPP dialer provides only a very simple terminal
-<div class="SECT4">
-<hr />
-<h5 class="SECT4"><a id="AEN373" name="AEN373"> Parallel Port</a></h5>
-<p>If a hard-wired connection to another FreeBSD or Linux machine is available, you might
-also consider installing over a ``laplink'' style parallel port cable. The data rate over
-the parallel port is much higher than what is typically possible over a serial line (up
-to 50k/sec), thus resulting in a quicker installation. It's not typically necessary to
-use ``real'' IP addresses when using a point-to-point parallel cable in this way and you
-can generally just use RFC 1918 style addresses for the ends of the link (e.g. <tt
-class="HOSTID"></tt>, <tt class="HOSTID"></tt>, etc).</p>
-<div class="IMPORTANT">
-<blockquote class="IMPORTANT">
-<p><b>Important:</b> If you use a Linux machine rather than a FreeBSD machine as your
-PLIP peer, you will also have to specify <var class="OPTION">link0</var> in the TCP/IP
-setup screen's ``extra options for ifconfig'' field in order to be compatible with
-Linux's slightly different PLIP protocol.</p>
-<div class="SECT4">
-<hr />
-<h5 class="SECT4"><a id="AEN384" name="AEN384"> Ethernet</a></h5>
-<p>FreeBSD supports most common Ethernet cards; a table of supported cards is provided as
-part of the FreeBSD Hardware Notes (see <tt class="FILENAME">HARDWARE.TXT</tt> in the
-Documentation menu on the boot floppy or the top level directory of the CDROM). If you
-are using one of the supported PCMCIA Ethernet cards, also be sure that it's plugged in
-<span class="emphasis"><i class="EMPHASIS">before</i></span> the laptop is powered on.
-FreeBSD does not, unfortunately, currently support ``hot insertion'' of PCMCIA cards
-during installation.</p>
-<p>You will also need to know your IP address on the network, the <var
-class="OPTION">netmask</var> value for your subnet and the name of your machine. Your
-system administrator can tell you which values are appropriate to your particular network
-setup. If you will be referring to other hosts by name rather than IP address, you'll
-also need a name server and possibly the address of a gateway (if you're using PPP, it's
-your provider's IP address) to use in talking to it. If you want to install by FTP via an
-HTTP proxy (see below), you will also need the proxy's address.</p>
-<p>If you do not know the answers to these questions then you should really probably talk
-to your system administrator <span class="emphasis"><i class="EMPHASIS">first</i></span>
-before trying this type of installation. Using a randomly chosen IP address or netmask on
-a live network is almost guaranteed not to work, and will probably result in a lecture
-from said system administrator.</p>
-<p>Once you have a network connection of some sort working, the installation can continue
-over NFS or FTP.</p>
-<div class="SECT4">
-<hr />
-<h5 class="SECT4"><a id="AEN395" name="AEN395"> NFS installation tips</a></h5>
-<p>NFS installation is fairly straight-forward: Simply copy the FreeBSD distribution
-files you want onto a server somewhere and then point the NFS media selection at it.</p>
-<p>If this server supports only ``privileged port'' access (this is generally the default
-for Sun and Linux workstations), you may need to set this option in the Options menu
-before installation can proceed.</p>
-<p>If you have a poor quality Ethernet card which suffers from very slow transfer rates,
-you may also wish to toggle the appropriate Options flag.</p>
-<p>In order for NFS installation to work, the server must also support ``subdir mounts'',
-e.g. if your FreeBSD distribution directory lives on <tt
-class="FILENAME">wiggy:/usr/archive/stuff/FreeBSD</tt>, then <tt
-class="HOSTID">wiggy</tt> will have to allow the direct mounting of <tt
-class="FILENAME">/usr/archive/stuff/FreeBSD</tt>, not just <tt class="FILENAME">/usr</tt>
-or <tt class="FILENAME">/usr/archive/stuff</tt>.</p>
-<p>In FreeBSD's <tt class="FILENAME">/etc/exports</tt> file this is controlled by the
-<var class="OPTION">-alldirs</var> option. Other NFS servers may have different
-conventions. If you are getting <var class="LITERAL">Permission Denied</var> messages
-from the server then it's likely that you don't have this properly enabled.</p>
-<div class="SECT4">
-<hr />
-<h5 class="SECT4"><a id="AEN412" name="AEN412"> FTP Installation tips</a></h5>
-<p>FTP installation may be done from any mirror site containing a reasonably up-to-date
-version of FreeBSD. A full menu of reasonable choices for almost any location in the
-world is provided in the FTP site menu during installation.</p>
-<p>If you are installing from some other FTP site not listed in this menu, or you are
-having troubles getting your name server configured properly, you can also specify your
-own URL by selecting the ``URL'' choice in that menu. A URL can contain a hostname or an
-IP address, so something like the following would work in the absence of a name
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<p>There are three FTP installation modes you can use:</p>
-<p>FTP: This method uses the standard ``Active'' mode for transfers, in which the server
-initiates a connection to the client. This will not work through most firewalls but will
-often work best with older FTP servers that do not support passive mode. If your
-connection hangs with passive mode, try this one.</p>
-<p>FTP Passive: This sets the FTP "Passive" mode which prevents the server from opening
-connections to the client. This option is best for users to pass through firewalls that
-do not allow incoming connections on random port addresses.</p>
-<p>FTP via an HTTP proxy: This option instructs FreeBSD to use HTTP to connect to a proxy
-for all FTP operations. The proxy will translate the requests and send them to the FTP
-server. This allows the user to pass through firewalls that do not allow FTP at all, but
-offer an HTTP proxy. You must specify the hostname of the proxy in addition to the FTP
-<p>In the rare case that you have an FTP proxy that does not go through HTTP, you can
-specify the URL as something like:</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<kbd class="USERINPUT">ftp://foo.bar.com:<var
-<p>In the URL above, <var class="REPLACEABLE">port</var> is the port number of the proxy
-FTP server.</p>
-<br />
-<br />
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="AEN460" name="AEN460">1.6 Question and Answer Section for NEC
-PC-98x1 Architecture Users</a></h3>
-<div class="SECT1">
-<hr />
-<h2 class="SECT1"><a id="LAYOUT" name="LAYOUT">2 Distribution Format</a></h2>
-<p>A typical FreeBSD distribution directory looks something like this (exact details may
-vary depending on version, architecture, and other factors):</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-ERRATA.HTM README.TXT compat1x dict kernel
-ERRATA.TXT RELNOTES.HTM compat20 doc manpages
-HARDWARE.HTM RELNOTES.TXT compat21 docbook.css packages
-HARDWARE.TXT base compat22 filename.txt ports
-INSTALL.HTM boot compat3x floppies proflibs
-INSTALL.TXT catpages compat4x games src
-README.HTM cdrom.inf crypto info tools
-<p>If you want to do a CDROM, FTP or NFS installation from this distribution directory,
-all you need to do is make the 1.44MB boot floppies from the floppies directory (see <a
-href="#FLOPPIES">Section 1.3</a> for instructions on how to do this), boot them and
-follow the instructions. The rest of the data needed during the installation will be
-obtained automatically based on your selections. If you've never installed FreeBSD
-before, you also want to read the entirety of this document (the installation
-instructions) file.</p>
-<p>If you're trying to do some other type of installation or are merely curious about how
-a distribution is organized, what follows is a more thorough description of some of these
-items in more detail:</p>
-<ol type="1">
-<p>The <tt class="FILENAME">*.TXT</tt> and <tt class="FILENAME">*.HTM</tt> files contain
-documentation (for example, this document is contained in both <tt
-class="FILENAME">INSTALL.TXT</tt> and <tt class="FILENAME">INSTALL.HTM</tt>) and should
-be read before starting an installation. The <tt class="FILENAME">*.TXT</tt> files are
-plain text, while the <tt class="FILENAME">*.HTM</tt> files are HTML files that can be
-read by almost any Web browser. Some distributions may contain documentation in other
-formats as well, such as PDF or PostScript.</p>
-<p><tt class="FILENAME">docbook.css</tt> is a Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) file used by
-some Web browsers for formatting the HTML documentation.</p>
-<p>The <tt class="FILENAME">base</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">catpages</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">crypto</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">dict</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">doc</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">games</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">info</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">manpages</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">proflibs</tt>, and <tt class="FILENAME">src</tt> directories contain the
-primary distribution components of FreeBSD itself and are split into smaller files for
-easy packing onto floppies (should that be necessary).</p>
-<p>The <tt class="FILENAME">compat1x</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">compat20</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">compat21</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">compat22</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">compat3x</tt>, and <tt class="FILENAME">compat4x</tt> directories
-contain distributions for compatibility with older releases and are distributed as single
-gzip'd tar files - they can be installed during release time or later by running their
-<tt class="FILENAME">install.sh</tt> scripts.</p>
-<p>The <tt class="FILENAME">floppies/</tt> subdirectory contains the floppy installation
-images; further information on using them can be found in <a href="#FLOPPIES">Section
-<p>The <tt class="FILENAME">packages</tt> and <tt class="FILENAME">ports</tt> directories
-contain the FreeBSD Packages and Ports Collections. Packages may be installed from the
-packages directory by running the command:</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<samp class="PROMPT">#</samp><kbd
-class="USERINPUT">/stand/sysinstall configPackages</kbd>
-<p>Packages can also be installed by feeding individual filenames in <tt
-class="FILENAME">packages</tt>/ to the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pkg_add</span>(1)</span></a>
-<p>The Ports Collection may be installed like any other distribution and requires about
-190MB unpacked. More information on the ports collection may be obtained from <a
-href="http://www.FreeBSD.org/ports/" target="_top">http://www.FreeBSD.org/ports/</a> or
-locally from <tt class="FILENAME">/usr/share/doc/handbook</tt> if you've installed the
-<tt class="FILENAME">doc</tt> distribution.</p>
-<p>Last of all, the <tt class="FILENAME">tools</tt> directory contains various DOS tools
-for discovering disk geometries, installing boot managers and the like. It is purely
-optional and provided only for user convenience.</p>
-<br />
-<br />
-<p>A typical distribution directory (for example, the <tt class="FILENAME">info</tt>
-distribution) looks like this internally:</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-CHECKSUM.MD5 info.ab info.ad info.inf install.sh
-info.aa info.ac info.ae info.mtree
-<p>The <tt class="FILENAME">CHECKSUM.MD5</tt> file contains MD5 signatures for each file,
-should data corruption be suspected, and is purely for reference. It is not used by the
-actual installation and does not need to be copied with the rest of the distribution
-files. The <tt class="FILENAME">info.a*</tt> files are split, gzip'd tar files, the
-contents of which can be viewed by doing:</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<samp class="PROMPT">#</samp> <kbd class="USERINPUT">cat info.a* | tar tvzf -</kbd>
-<p>During installation, they are automatically concatenated and extracted by the
-installation procedure.</p>
-<p>The <tt class="FILENAME">info.inf</tt> file is also necessary since it is read by the
-installation program in order to figure out how many pieces to look for when fetching and
-concatenating the distribution. When putting distributions onto floppies, the <tt
-class="FILENAME">.inf</tt> file <span class="emphasis"><i
-class="EMPHASIS">must</i></span> occupy the first floppy of each distribution set!</p>
-<p>The <tt class="FILENAME">info.mtree</tt> file is another non-essential file which is
-provided for user reference. It contains the MD5 signatures of the <span
-class="emphasis"><i class="EMPHASIS">unpacked</i></span> distribution files and can be
-later used with the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">mtree</span>(8)</span></a> program
-to verify the installation permissions and checksums against any possible modifications
-to the file. When used with the <tt class="FILENAME">base</tt> distribution, this can be
-an excellent way of detecting trojan horse attacks on your system.</p>
-<p>Finally, the <tt class="FILENAME">install.sh</tt> file is for use by those who want to
-install the distribution after installation time. To install the info distribution from
-CDROM after a system was installed, for example, you'd do:</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<samp class="PROMPT">#</samp> <kbd class="USERINPUT">cd /cdrom/info</kbd>
-<samp class="PROMPT">#</samp> <kbd class="USERINPUT">sh install.sh</kbd>
-<div class="SECT1">
-<hr />
-<h2 class="SECT1"><a id="UPGRADING" name="UPGRADING">3 Upgrading FreeBSD</a></h2>
-<p>These instructions describe a procedure for doing a binary upgrade from an older
-version of FreeBSD.</p>
-<div class="WARNING">
-<blockquote class="WARNING">
-<p><b>Warning:</b> While the FreeBSD upgrade procedure does its best to safeguard against
-accidental loss of data, it is still more than possible to <span class="emphasis"><i
-class="EMPHASIS">wipe out your entire disk</i></span> with this installation! Please do
-not accept the final confirmation request unless you have adequately backed up any
-important data files.</p>
-<div class="IMPORTANT">
-<blockquote class="IMPORTANT">
-<p><b>Important:</b> These notes assume that you are using the version of <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sysinstall</span>(8)</span></a>
-supplied with the version of FreeBSD to which you intend to upgrade. Using a mismatched
-version of <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sysinstall</span>(8)</span></a> is
-almost guaranteed to cause problems and has been known to leave systems in an unusable
-state. The most commonly made mistake in this regard is the use of an old copy of <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sysinstall</span>(8)</span></a>
-from an existing installation to upgrade to a newer version of FreeBSD. This is <span
-class="emphasis"><i class="EMPHASIS">not</i></span> recommended.</p>
-<div class="WARNING">
-<blockquote class="WARNING">
-<p><b>Warning:</b> Binary upgrades to FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE from FreeBSD 4-STABLE are not
-supported at this time. There are some files present in a FreeBSD 4-STABLE whose presence
-can be disruptive, but are not removed by a binary upgrade. One notable example is that
-an old <tt class="FILENAME">/usr/include/g++</tt> directory will cause C++ programs to
-compile incorrectly (or not at all).</p>
-<p>These upgrade instructions are provided for the use of users upgrading from relatively
-recent FreeBSD 5-STABLE snapshots.</p>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="AEN683" name="AEN683">3.1 Introduction</a></h3>
-<p>The upgrade procedure replaces distributions selected by the user with those
-corresponding to the new FreeBSD release. It preserves standard system configuration
-data, as well as user data, installed packages and other software.</p>
-<p>Administrators contemplating an upgrade are encouraged to study this section in its
-entirety before commencing an upgrade. Failure to do so may result in a failed upgrade or
-loss of data.</p>
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="AEN687" name="AEN687">3.1.1 Upgrade Overview</a></h4>
-<p>Upgrading of a distribution is performed by extracting the new version of the
-component over the top of the previous version. Files belonging to the old distribution
-are not deleted.</p>
-<p>System configuration is preserved by retaining and restoring the previous version of
-the following files:</p>
-<p><tt class="FILENAME">Xaccel.ini</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">XF86Config</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">adduser.conf</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">aliases</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">aliases.db</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">amd.map</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">crontab</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">csh.cshrc</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">csh.login</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">csh.logout</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">cvsupfile</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">dhclient.conf</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">disktab</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">dm.conf</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">dumpdates</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">exports</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">fbtab</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">fstab</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">ftpusers</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">gettytab</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">gnats</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">group</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">hosts</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">hosts.allow</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">hosts.equiv</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">hosts.lpd</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">inetd.conf</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">localtime</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">login.access</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">login.conf</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">mail</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">mail.rc</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">make.conf</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">manpath.config</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">master.passwd</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">motd</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">namedb</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">networks</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">newsyslog.conf</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">nsmb.conf</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">nsswitch.conf</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">pam.conf</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">passwd</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">periodic</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">ppp</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">printcap</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">profile</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">pwd.db</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">rc.conf</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">rc.conf.local</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">rc.firewall</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">rc.local</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">remote</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">resolv.conf</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">rmt</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">sendmail.cf</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">sendmail.cw</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">services</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">shells</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">skeykeys</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">spwd.db</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">ssh</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">syslog.conf</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">ttys</tt>, <tt
-<p>The versions of these files which correspond to the new version are moved to <tt
-class="FILENAME">/etc/upgrade/</tt>. The system administrator may peruse these new
-versions and merge components as desired. Note that many of these files are
-interdependent, and the best merge procedure is to copy all site-specific data from the
-current files into the new.</p>
-<p>During the upgrade procedure, the administrator is prompted for a location into which
-all files from <tt class="FILENAME">/etc/</tt> are saved. In the event that local
-modifications have been made to other files, they may be subsequently retrieved from this
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="AEN761" name="AEN761">3.2 Procedure</a></h3>
-<p>This section details the upgrade procedure. Particular attention is given to items
-which substantially differ from a normal installation.</p>
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="AEN764" name="AEN764">3.2.1 Backup</a></h4>
-<p>User data and system configuration should be backed up before upgrading. While the
-upgrade procedure does its best to prevent accidental mistakes, it is possible to
-partially or completely destroy data and configuration information.</p>
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="AEN767" name="AEN767">3.2.2 Mount Filesystems</a></h4>
-<p>The disklabel editor is entered with the nominated disk's filesystem devices listed.
-Prior to commencing the upgrade, the administrator should make a note of the device names
-and corresponding mountpoints. These mountpoints should be entered here. <span
-class="emphasis"><i class="EMPHASIS">Do not</i></span> set the ``newfs flag'' for any
-filesystems, as this will cause data loss.</p>
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="AEN772" name="AEN772">3.2.3 Select Distributions</a></h4>
-<p>When selecting distributions, there are no constraints on which must be selected. As a
-general rule, the <var class="LITERAL">base</var> distribution should be selected for an
-update, and the <var class="LITERAL">man</var> distribution if manpages are already
-installed. Other distributions may be selected beyond those originally installed if the
-administrator wishes to add additional functionality.</p>
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="FSTAB" name="FSTAB">3.2.4 After Installation</a></h4>
-<p>Once the installation procedure has completed, the administrator is prompted to
-examine the new configuration files. At this point, checks should be made to ensure that
-the system configuration is valid. In particular, the <tt
-class="FILENAME">/etc/rc.conf</tt> and <tt class="FILENAME">/etc/fstab</tt> files should
-be checked.</p>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="AEN782" name="AEN782">3.3 Upgrading from Source Code</a></h3>
-<p>Those interested in an upgrade method that allows more flexibility and sophistication
-should take a look at <a
-target="_top">The Cutting Edge</a> in the FreeBSD Handbook. This procedure involves
-rebuilding all of FreeBSD from source code. It requires reliable network connectivity,
-extra disk space, and time, but has advantages for networks and other more complex
-installations. This is roughly the same procedure as is used for track the -STABLE or
--CURRENT development branches.</p>
-<p><tt class="FILENAME">/usr/src/UPDATING</tt> contains important information on updating
-a FreeBSD system from source code. It lists various issues resulting from changes in
-FreeBSD that may affect an upgrade.</p>
-<div class="SECT1">
-<hr />
-<h2 class="SECT1"><a id="TROUBLE" name="TROUBLE">4 Troubleshooting</a></h2>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="REPAIRING" name="REPAIRING">4.1 Repairing an Existing FreeBSD
-<p>FreeBSD features a ``Fixit'' option in the top menu of the boot floppy. To use it, you
-will also need either a <tt class="FILENAME">fixit.flp</tt> image floppy, generated in
-the same fashion as the boot floppy, or the ``live filesystem'' CDROM; typically the
-second CDROM in a multi-disc FreeBSD distribution.</p>
-<p>To invoke fixit, simply boot the <tt class="FILENAME">kern.flp</tt> floppy, choose the
-``Fixit'' item and insert the fixit floppy or CDROM when asked. You will then be placed
-into a shell with a wide variety of commands available (in the <tt
-class="FILENAME">/stand</tt> and <tt class="FILENAME">/mnt2/stand</tt> directories) for
-checking, repairing and examining filesystems and their contents. Some UNIX
-administration experience <span class="emphasis"><i class="EMPHASIS">is</i></span>
-required to use the fixit option.</p>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="AEN802" name="AEN802">4.2 Common Installation Problems for NEC
-PC-98x1 Architecture Users</a></h3>
-<hr />
-<p align="center"><small>This file, and other release-related documents, can be
-downloaded from <a href="ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/">ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/</a>.</small></p>
-<p align="center"><small>For questions about FreeBSD, read the <a
-href="http://www.FreeBSD.org/docs.html">documentation</a> before contacting &#60;<a
-<p align="center"><small>For questions about this documentation, e-mail &#60;<a
diff --git a/en_US.ISO8859-1/htdocs/releases/5.3R/installation-sparc64.html b/en_US.ISO8859-1/htdocs/releases/5.3R/installation-sparc64.html
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-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
- "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
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-<meta name="generator" content="HTML Tidy, see www.w3.org" />
-<title>FreeBSD/sparc64 5.3-RELEASE Installation Instructions</title>
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-<div class="TITLEPAGE">
-<h1 class="TITLE"><a id="AEN2" name="AEN2">FreeBSD/sparc64 5.3-RELEASE Installation
-<h3 class="CORPAUTHOR">The FreeBSD Project</h3>
-<p class="COPYRIGHT">Copyright &copy; 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 The FreeBSD
-Documentation Project</p>
-<hr />
-<blockquote class="ABSTRACT">
-<div class="ABSTRACT"><a id="AEN12" name="AEN12"></a>
-<p>This article gives some brief instructions on installing FreeBSD/sparc64 5.3-RELEASE,
-with particular emphasis given to obtaining a FreeBSD distribution. Some notes on
-troubleshooting and frequently-asked questions are also given.</p>
-<div class="SECT1">
-<hr />
-<h2 class="SECT1"><a id="INSTALL" name="INSTALL">1 Installing FreeBSD</a></h2>
-<p>This section documents the process of installing a new distribution of FreeBSD. These
-instructions pay particular emphasis to the process of obtaining the FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE
-distribution and to beginning the installation procedure. The <a
-target="_top">``Installing FreeBSD''</a> chapter of the <a
-href="http://www.FreeBSD.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/" target="_top">FreeBSD
-Handbook</a> provides more in-depth information about the installation program itself,
-including a guided walkthrough with screenshots.</p>
-<p>If you are upgrading from a previous release of FreeBSD, please see <a
-href="#UPGRADING">Section 3</a> for instructions on upgrading.</p>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="GETTING-STARTED" name="GETTING-STARTED">1.1 Getting
-<p>Probably the most important pre-installation step that can be taken is that of reading
-the various instruction documents provided with FreeBSD. A roadmap of documents
-pertaining to this release of FreeBSD can be found in <tt
-class="FILENAME">README.TXT</tt>, which can usually be found in the same location as this
-file; most of these documents, such as the release notes and the hardware compatibility
-list, are also accessible in the Documentation menu of the installer.</p>
-<p>Note that on-line versions of the FreeBSD <a
-href="http://www.FreeBSD.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/faq/" target="_top">FAQ</a> and <a
-target="_top">Handbook</a> are also available from the <a href="http://www.FreeBSD.org/"
-target="_top">FreeBSD Project Web site</a>, if you have an Internet connection.</p>
-<p>This collection of documents may seem daunting, but the time spent reading them will
-likely be saved many times over. Being familiar with what resources are available can
-also be helpful in the event of problems during installation.</p>
-<p>The best laid plans sometimes go awry, so if you run into trouble take a look at <a
-href="#TROUBLE">Section 4</a>, which contains valuable troubleshooting information. You
-should also read an updated copy of <tt class="FILENAME">ERRATA.TXT</tt> before
-installing, since this will alert you to any problems which have reported in the interim
-for your particular release.</p>
-<div class="IMPORTANT">
-<blockquote class="IMPORTANT">
-<p><b>Important:</b> While FreeBSD does its best to safeguard against accidental loss of
-data, it's still more than possible to <span class="emphasis"><i class="EMPHASIS">wipe
-out your entire disk</i></span> with this installation if you make a mistake. Please do
-not proceed to the final FreeBSD installation menu unless you've adequately backed up any
-important data first.</p>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="AEN37" name="AEN37">1.2 Hardware Requirements</a></h3>
-<p>FreeBSD for the UltraSPARC supports the platforms described in <tt
-<p>You will need a dedicated disk for FreeBSD/sparc64. It is not possible to share a disk
-with another operating system at this time.</p>
-<p>If you are not familiar with configuring hardware for FreeBSD, you should be sure to
-read the <tt class="FILENAME">HARDWARE.TXT</tt> file; it contains important information
-on what hardware is supported by FreeBSD.</p>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="FLOPPIES" name="FLOPPIES">1.3 Floppy Disk Image
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="START-INSTALLATION" name="START-INSTALLATION">1.4 Installing
-FreeBSD from CDROM or the Internet</a></h3>
-<p>Most sparc64 systems are set up to boot automatically from disk. To install FreeBSD,
-you need to boot over the network or from a CDROM, which requires you to break into the
-PROM (OpenFirmware).</p>
-<p>To do this, reboot the system, and wait until the boot message appears. It depends on
-the model, but should look about like:</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-Sun Blade 100 (UltraSPARC-IIe), Keyboard Present
-Copyright 1998-2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
-OpenBoot 4.2, 128 MB memory installed, Serial #51090132.
-Ethernet address 0:3:ba:b:92:d4, Host ID: 830b92d4.
-<p>If your system proceeds to boot from disk at this point, you need to press <b
-class="KEYCAP">L1</b>+<b class="KEYCAP">A</b> or <b class="KEYCAP">Stop</b>+<b
-class="KEYCAP">A</b> on the keyboard, or send a <tt class="COMMAND">BREAK</tt> over the
-serial console (using for example <tt class="COMMAND">~#</tt> in <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">tip</span>(1)</span></a> or <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">cu</span>(1)</span></a>) to get to the
-PROM prompt. It looks like this:</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<samp class="PROMPT">ok </samp> <a id="PROMPT-SINGLE"
-<samp class="PROMPT">ok {0}</samp> <a id="PROMPT-SMP"
-<div class="CALLOUTLIST">
-<dl compact="COMPACT">
-<dt><a href="#PROMPT-SINGLE"><b>(1)</b></a></dt>
-<dd>This is the prompt used on systems with just one CPU.</dd>
-<dt><a href="#PROMPT-SMP"><b>(2)</b></a></dt>
-<dd>This is the prompt used on SMP systems, the digit indicates the number of the active
-<p>At this point, place the CDROM into your drive, and from the PROM prompt, type <tt
-class="COMMAND">boot cdrom</tt>.</p>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="AEN202" name="AEN202">1.5 Detail on various installation
-<p>Once you've gotten yourself to the initial installation screen somehow, you should be
-able to follow the various menu prompts and go from there. If you've never used the
-FreeBSD installation before, you are also encouraged to read some of the documentation in
-the Documentation submenu as well as the general ``Usage'' instructions on the first
-<div class="NOTE">
-<blockquote class="NOTE">
-<p><b>Note:</b> If you get stuck at a screen, press the <b class="KEYCAP">F1</b> key for
-online documentation relevant to that specific section.</p>
-<p>If you've never installed FreeBSD before, or even if you have, the ``Standard''
-installation mode is the most recommended since it makes sure that you'll visit all the
-various important checklist items along the way. If you're much more comfortable with the
-FreeBSD installation process and know <span class="emphasis"><i
-class="EMPHASIS">exactly</i></span> what you want to do, use the ``Express'' or
-``Custom'' installation options. If you're upgrading an existing system, use the
-``Upgrade'' option.</p>
-<p>The FreeBSD installer supports the direct use of floppy, DOS, tape, CDROM, FTP, NFS
-and UFS partitions as installation media; further tips on installing from each type of
-media are listed below.</p>
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="AEN241" name="AEN241">1.5.1 Installing from a Network
-<p>If you simply wish to install from a local CDROM drive then see <a
-href="#START-INSTALLATION">Section 1.4</a>. If you don't have a CDROM drive on your
-system and wish to use a FreeBSD distribution CD in the CDROM drive of another system to
-which you have network connectivity, there are also several ways of going about it:</p>
-<p>If you would be able to FTP install FreeBSD directly from the CDROM drive in some
-FreeBSD machine, it's quite easy: You ensure an FTP server is running and then simply add
-the following line to the password file (using the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">vipw</span>(8)</span></a>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<p>On the machine on which you are running the install, go to the Options menu and set
-Release Name to <var class="LITERAL">any</var>. You may then choose a Media type of <var
-class="LITERAL">FTP</var> and type in <tt class="FILENAME">ftp://<var
-class="REPLACEABLE">machine</var></tt> after picking ``URL'' in the ftp sites menu.</p>
-<div class="WARNING">
-<blockquote class="WARNING">
-<p><b>Warning:</b> This may allow anyone on the local network (or Internet) to make
-``anonymous FTP'' connections to this machine, which may not be desirable.</p>
-<p>If you would rather use NFS to export the CDROM directly to the machine(s) you'll be
-installing from, you need to first add an entry to the <tt
-class="FILENAME">/etc/exports</tt> file (on the machine with the CDROM drive). The
-example below allows the machine <tt class="HOSTID">ziggy.foo.com</tt> to mount the CDROM
-directly via NFS during installation:</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-/cdrom -ro ziggy.foo.com
-<p>The machine with the CDROM must also be configured as an NFS server, of course, and if
-you're not sure how to do that then an NFS installation is probably not the best choice
-for you unless you're willing to read up on <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">rc.conf</span>(5)</span></a> and
-configure things appropriately. Assuming that this part goes smoothly, you should be able
-to enter: <tt class="FILENAME"><var class="REPLACEABLE">cdrom-host</var>:/cdrom</tt> as
-the path for an NFS installation when the target machine is installed, e.g. <tt
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="AEN273" name="AEN273">1.5.2 Installing from Floppies</a></h4>
-<p>If you must install from floppy disks, either due to unsupported hardware or just
-because you enjoy doing things the hard way, you must first prepare some floppies for the
-<p>First, make your boot floppies as described in <a href="#FLOPPIES">Section
-<p>Second, peruse <a href="#LAYOUT">Section 2</a> and pay special attention to the
-``Distribution Format'' section since it describes which files you're going to need to
-put onto floppy and which you can safely skip.</p>
-<p>Next you will need, at minimum, as many 1.44MB floppies as it takes to hold all files
-in the <tt class="FILENAME">bin</tt> (binary distribution) directory. If you're preparing
-these floppies under DOS, then these floppies <span class="emphasis"><i
-class="EMPHASIS">must</i></span> be formatted using the MS-DOS <tt
-class="FILENAME">FORMAT</tt> command. If you're using Windows, use the Windows File
-Manager format command.</p>
-<div class="IMPORTANT">
-<blockquote class="IMPORTANT">
-<p><b>Important:</b> Frequently, floppy disks come ``factory preformatted''. While
-convenient, many problems reported by users in the past have resulted from the use of
-improperly formatted media. Re-format them yourself, just to make sure.</p>
-<p>If you're creating the floppies from another FreeBSD machine, a format is still not a
-bad idea though you don't need to put a DOS filesystem on each floppy. You can use the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">disklabel</span>(8)</span></a> and
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">newfs</span>(8)</span></a>
-commands to put a UFS filesystem on a floppy, as the following sequence of commands
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<samp class="PROMPT">#</samp> <kbd class="USERINPUT">fdformat -f 1440 fd0</kbd>
-<samp class="PROMPT">#</samp> <kbd class="USERINPUT">disklabel -w fd0 floppy3</kbd>
-<samp class="PROMPT">#</samp> <kbd class="USERINPUT">newfs -i 65536 /dev/fd0</kbd>
-<p>After you've formatted the floppies for DOS or UFS, you'll need to copy the files onto
-them. The distribution files are sized so that a floppy disk will hold a single file.
-Each distribution should go into its own subdirectory on the floppy, e.g.: <tt
-class="FILENAME">a:\bin\bin.inf</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">a:\bin\bin.aa</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">a:\bin\bin.ab</tt>, ...</p>
-<div class="IMPORTANT">
-<blockquote class="IMPORTANT">
-<p><b>Important:</b> The <tt class="FILENAME">bin.inf</tt> file also needs to go on the
-first floppy of the <tt class="FILENAME">bin</tt> set since it is read by the
-installation program in order to figure out how many additional pieces to look for when
-fetching and concatenating the distribution. When putting distributions onto floppies,
-the <tt class="FILENAME">distname.inf</tt> file <span class="emphasis"><i
-class="EMPHASIS">must</i></span> occupy the first floppy of each distribution set.</p>
-<p>Once you come to the Media screen of the install, select ``Floppy'' and you'll be
-prompted for the rest.</p>
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="AEN342" name="AEN342">1.5.4 Installing from QIC/SCSI
-<p>When installing from tape, the installation program expects the files to be simply
-tar'ed onto it, so after fetching all of the files for the distributions you're
-interested in, simply use <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">tar</span>(1)</span></a> to get
-them onto the tape with a command something like this:</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<samp class="PROMPT">#</samp> <kbd class="USERINPUT">cd <var
-<samp class="PROMPT">#</samp> <kbd class="USERINPUT">tar cvf /dev/sa0 <var
-class="REPLACEABLE">dist1</var> .. <var class="REPLACEABLE">dist2</var></kbd>
-<p>When you go to do the installation, you should also make sure that you leave enough
-room in some temporary directory (which you'll be allowed to choose) to accommodate the
-<span class="emphasis"><i class="EMPHASIS">full</i></span> contents of the tape you've
-created. Due to the non-random access nature of tapes, this method of installation
-requires quite a bit of temporary storage. You should expect to require as much temporary
-storage as you have stuff written on tape.</p>
-<div class="NOTE">
-<blockquote class="NOTE">
-<p><b>Note:</b> When going to do the installation, the tape must be in the drive <span
-class="emphasis"><i class="EMPHASIS">before</i></span> booting from the boot floppies.
-The installation ``probe'' may otherwise fail to find it.</p>
-<p>Now create a boot floppy as described in <a href="#FLOPPIES">Section 1.3</a> and
-proceed with the installation.</p>
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="FTPNFS" name="FTPNFS">1.5.5 Installing over a Network using FTP
-or NFS</a></h4>
-<p>After making the boot floppies as described in the first section, you can load the
-rest of the installation over a network using one of 3 types of connections: serial port,
-parallel port, or Ethernet.</p>
-<div class="SECT4">
-<hr />
-<h5 class="SECT4"><a id="AEN367" name="AEN367"> Serial Port</a></h5>
-<p>SLIP support is rather primitive, and is limited primarily to hard-wired links, such
-as a serial cable running between two computers. The link must be hard-wired because the
-SLIP installation doesn't currently offer a dialing capability. If you need to dial out
-with a modem or otherwise dialog with the link before connecting to it, then the PPP
-utility should be used instead.</p>
-<p>If you're using PPP, make sure that you have your Internet Service Provider's IP
-address and DNS information handy as you'll need to know it fairly early in the
-installation process. You may also need to know your own IP address, though PPP supports
-dynamic address negotiation and may be able to pick up this information directly from
-your ISP if they support it.</p>
-<p>You will also need to know how to use the various ``AT commands'' for dialing out with
-your particular brand of modem as the PPP dialer provides only a very simple terminal
-<div class="SECT4">
-<hr />
-<h5 class="SECT4"><a id="AEN373" name="AEN373"> Parallel Port</a></h5>
-<p>If a hard-wired connection to another FreeBSD or Linux machine is available, you might
-also consider installing over a ``laplink'' style parallel port cable. The data rate over
-the parallel port is much higher than what is typically possible over a serial line (up
-to 50k/sec), thus resulting in a quicker installation. It's not typically necessary to
-use ``real'' IP addresses when using a point-to-point parallel cable in this way and you
-can generally just use RFC 1918 style addresses for the ends of the link (e.g. <tt
-class="HOSTID"></tt>, <tt class="HOSTID"></tt>, etc).</p>
-<div class="IMPORTANT">
-<blockquote class="IMPORTANT">
-<p><b>Important:</b> If you use a Linux machine rather than a FreeBSD machine as your
-PLIP peer, you will also have to specify <var class="OPTION">link0</var> in the TCP/IP
-setup screen's ``extra options for ifconfig'' field in order to be compatible with
-Linux's slightly different PLIP protocol.</p>
-<div class="SECT4">
-<hr />
-<h5 class="SECT4"><a id="AEN384" name="AEN384"> Ethernet</a></h5>
-<p>FreeBSD supports most common Ethernet cards; a table of supported cards is provided as
-part of the FreeBSD Hardware Notes (see <tt class="FILENAME">HARDWARE.TXT</tt> in the
-Documentation menu on the boot floppy or the top level directory of the CDROM). If you
-are using one of the supported PCMCIA Ethernet cards, also be sure that it's plugged in
-<span class="emphasis"><i class="EMPHASIS">before</i></span> the laptop is powered on.
-FreeBSD does not, unfortunately, currently support ``hot insertion'' of PCMCIA cards
-during installation.</p>
-<p>You will also need to know your IP address on the network, the <var
-class="OPTION">netmask</var> value for your subnet and the name of your machine. Your
-system administrator can tell you which values are appropriate to your particular network
-setup. If you will be referring to other hosts by name rather than IP address, you'll
-also need a name server and possibly the address of a gateway (if you're using PPP, it's
-your provider's IP address) to use in talking to it. If you want to install by FTP via an
-HTTP proxy (see below), you will also need the proxy's address.</p>
-<p>If you do not know the answers to these questions then you should really probably talk
-to your system administrator <span class="emphasis"><i class="EMPHASIS">first</i></span>
-before trying this type of installation. Using a randomly chosen IP address or netmask on
-a live network is almost guaranteed not to work, and will probably result in a lecture
-from said system administrator.</p>
-<p>Once you have a network connection of some sort working, the installation can continue
-over NFS or FTP.</p>
-<div class="SECT4">
-<hr />
-<h5 class="SECT4"><a id="AEN395" name="AEN395"> NFS installation tips</a></h5>
-<p>NFS installation is fairly straight-forward: Simply copy the FreeBSD distribution
-files you want onto a server somewhere and then point the NFS media selection at it.</p>
-<p>If this server supports only ``privileged port'' access (this is generally the default
-for Sun and Linux workstations), you may need to set this option in the Options menu
-before installation can proceed.</p>
-<p>If you have a poor quality Ethernet card which suffers from very slow transfer rates,
-you may also wish to toggle the appropriate Options flag.</p>
-<p>In order for NFS installation to work, the server must also support ``subdir mounts'',
-e.g. if your FreeBSD distribution directory lives on <tt
-class="FILENAME">wiggy:/usr/archive/stuff/FreeBSD</tt>, then <tt
-class="HOSTID">wiggy</tt> will have to allow the direct mounting of <tt
-class="FILENAME">/usr/archive/stuff/FreeBSD</tt>, not just <tt class="FILENAME">/usr</tt>
-or <tt class="FILENAME">/usr/archive/stuff</tt>.</p>
-<p>In FreeBSD's <tt class="FILENAME">/etc/exports</tt> file this is controlled by the
-<var class="OPTION">-alldirs</var> option. Other NFS servers may have different
-conventions. If you are getting <var class="LITERAL">Permission Denied</var> messages
-from the server then it's likely that you don't have this properly enabled.</p>
-<div class="SECT4">
-<hr />
-<h5 class="SECT4"><a id="AEN412" name="AEN412"> FTP Installation tips</a></h5>
-<p>FTP installation may be done from any mirror site containing a reasonably up-to-date
-version of FreeBSD. A full menu of reasonable choices for almost any location in the
-world is provided in the FTP site menu during installation.</p>
-<p>If you are installing from some other FTP site not listed in this menu, or you are
-having troubles getting your name server configured properly, you can also specify your
-own URL by selecting the ``URL'' choice in that menu. A URL can contain a hostname or an
-IP address, so something like the following would work in the absence of a name
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<p>There are three FTP installation modes you can use:</p>
-<p>FTP: This method uses the standard ``Active'' mode for transfers, in which the server
-initiates a connection to the client. This will not work through most firewalls but will
-often work best with older FTP servers that do not support passive mode. If your
-connection hangs with passive mode, try this one.</p>
-<p>FTP Passive: This sets the FTP "Passive" mode which prevents the server from opening
-connections to the client. This option is best for users to pass through firewalls that
-do not allow incoming connections on random port addresses.</p>
-<p>FTP via an HTTP proxy: This option instructs FreeBSD to use HTTP to connect to a proxy
-for all FTP operations. The proxy will translate the requests and send them to the FTP
-server. This allows the user to pass through firewalls that do not allow FTP at all, but
-offer an HTTP proxy. You must specify the hostname of the proxy in addition to the FTP
-<p>In the rare case that you have an FTP proxy that does not go through HTTP, you can
-specify the URL as something like:</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<kbd class="USERINPUT">ftp://foo.bar.com:<var
-<p>In the URL above, <var class="REPLACEABLE">port</var> is the port number of the proxy
-FTP server.</p>
-<br />
-<br />
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="AEN460" name="AEN460">1.6 Question and Answer Section for
-UltraSPARC Architecture Users</a></h3>
-<div class="SECT1">
-<hr />
-<h2 class="SECT1"><a id="LAYOUT" name="LAYOUT">2 Distribution Format</a></h2>
-<p>A typical FreeBSD distribution directory looks something like this (exact details may
-vary depending on version, architecture, and other factors):</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-ERRATA.HTM README.TXT compat1x dict kernel
-ERRATA.TXT RELNOTES.HTM compat20 doc manpages
-HARDWARE.HTM RELNOTES.TXT compat21 docbook.css packages
-HARDWARE.TXT base compat22 filename.txt ports
-INSTALL.HTM boot compat3x floppies proflibs
-INSTALL.TXT catpages compat4x games src
-README.HTM cdrom.inf crypto info tools
-<p>If you want to do a CDROM, FTP or NFS installation from this distribution directory,
-all you need to do is make the 1.44MB boot floppies from the floppies directory (see <a
-href="#FLOPPIES">Section 1.3</a> for instructions on how to do this), boot them and
-follow the instructions. The rest of the data needed during the installation will be
-obtained automatically based on your selections. If you've never installed FreeBSD
-before, you also want to read the entirety of this document (the installation
-instructions) file.</p>
-<p>If you're trying to do some other type of installation or are merely curious about how
-a distribution is organized, what follows is a more thorough description of some of these
-items in more detail:</p>
-<ol type="1">
-<p>The <tt class="FILENAME">*.TXT</tt> and <tt class="FILENAME">*.HTM</tt> files contain
-documentation (for example, this document is contained in both <tt
-class="FILENAME">INSTALL.TXT</tt> and <tt class="FILENAME">INSTALL.HTM</tt>) and should
-be read before starting an installation. The <tt class="FILENAME">*.TXT</tt> files are
-plain text, while the <tt class="FILENAME">*.HTM</tt> files are HTML files that can be
-read by almost any Web browser. Some distributions may contain documentation in other
-formats as well, such as PDF or PostScript.</p>
-<p><tt class="FILENAME">docbook.css</tt> is a Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) file used by
-some Web browsers for formatting the HTML documentation.</p>
-<p>The <tt class="FILENAME">base</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">catpages</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">crypto</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">dict</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">doc</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">games</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">info</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">manpages</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">proflibs</tt>, and <tt class="FILENAME">src</tt> directories contain the
-primary distribution components of FreeBSD itself and are split into smaller files for
-easy packing onto floppies (should that be necessary).</p>
-<p>The <tt class="FILENAME">compat1x</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">compat20</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">compat21</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">compat22</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">compat3x</tt>, and <tt class="FILENAME">compat4x</tt> directories
-contain distributions for compatibility with older releases and are distributed as single
-gzip'd tar files - they can be installed during release time or later by running their
-<tt class="FILENAME">install.sh</tt> scripts.</p>
-<p>The <tt class="FILENAME">floppies/</tt> subdirectory contains the floppy installation
-images; further information on using them can be found in <a href="#FLOPPIES">Section
-<p>The <tt class="FILENAME">packages</tt> and <tt class="FILENAME">ports</tt> directories
-contain the FreeBSD Packages and Ports Collections. Packages may be installed from the
-packages directory by running the command:</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<samp class="PROMPT">#</samp><kbd
-class="USERINPUT">/stand/sysinstall configPackages</kbd>
-<p>Packages can also be installed by feeding individual filenames in <tt
-class="FILENAME">packages</tt>/ to the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pkg_add</span>(1)</span></a>
-<p>The Ports Collection may be installed like any other distribution and requires about
-190MB unpacked. More information on the ports collection may be obtained from <a
-href="http://www.FreeBSD.org/ports/" target="_top">http://www.FreeBSD.org/ports/</a> or
-locally from <tt class="FILENAME">/usr/share/doc/handbook</tt> if you've installed the
-<tt class="FILENAME">doc</tt> distribution.</p>
-<p>Last of all, the <tt class="FILENAME">tools</tt> directory contains various DOS tools
-for discovering disk geometries, installing boot managers and the like. It is purely
-optional and provided only for user convenience.</p>
-<br />
-<br />
-<p>A typical distribution directory (for example, the <tt class="FILENAME">info</tt>
-distribution) looks like this internally:</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-CHECKSUM.MD5 info.ab info.ad info.inf install.sh
-info.aa info.ac info.ae info.mtree
-<p>The <tt class="FILENAME">CHECKSUM.MD5</tt> file contains MD5 signatures for each file,
-should data corruption be suspected, and is purely for reference. It is not used by the
-actual installation and does not need to be copied with the rest of the distribution
-files. The <tt class="FILENAME">info.a*</tt> files are split, gzip'd tar files, the
-contents of which can be viewed by doing:</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<samp class="PROMPT">#</samp> <kbd class="USERINPUT">cat info.a* | tar tvzf -</kbd>
-<p>During installation, they are automatically concatenated and extracted by the
-installation procedure.</p>
-<p>The <tt class="FILENAME">info.inf</tt> file is also necessary since it is read by the
-installation program in order to figure out how many pieces to look for when fetching and
-concatenating the distribution. When putting distributions onto floppies, the <tt
-class="FILENAME">.inf</tt> file <span class="emphasis"><i
-class="EMPHASIS">must</i></span> occupy the first floppy of each distribution set!</p>
-<p>The <tt class="FILENAME">info.mtree</tt> file is another non-essential file which is
-provided for user reference. It contains the MD5 signatures of the <span
-class="emphasis"><i class="EMPHASIS">unpacked</i></span> distribution files and can be
-later used with the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">mtree</span>(8)</span></a> program
-to verify the installation permissions and checksums against any possible modifications
-to the file. When used with the <tt class="FILENAME">base</tt> distribution, this can be
-an excellent way of detecting trojan horse attacks on your system.</p>
-<p>Finally, the <tt class="FILENAME">install.sh</tt> file is for use by those who want to
-install the distribution after installation time. To install the info distribution from
-CDROM after a system was installed, for example, you'd do:</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<samp class="PROMPT">#</samp> <kbd class="USERINPUT">cd /cdrom/info</kbd>
-<samp class="PROMPT">#</samp> <kbd class="USERINPUT">sh install.sh</kbd>
-<div class="SECT1">
-<hr />
-<h2 class="SECT1"><a id="UPGRADING" name="UPGRADING">3 Upgrading FreeBSD</a></h2>
-<p>These instructions describe a procedure for doing a binary upgrade from an older
-version of FreeBSD.</p>
-<div class="WARNING">
-<blockquote class="WARNING">
-<p><b>Warning:</b> While the FreeBSD upgrade procedure does its best to safeguard against
-accidental loss of data, it is still more than possible to <span class="emphasis"><i
-class="EMPHASIS">wipe out your entire disk</i></span> with this installation! Please do
-not accept the final confirmation request unless you have adequately backed up any
-important data files.</p>
-<div class="IMPORTANT">
-<blockquote class="IMPORTANT">
-<p><b>Important:</b> These notes assume that you are using the version of <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sysinstall</span>(8)</span></a>
-supplied with the version of FreeBSD to which you intend to upgrade. Using a mismatched
-version of <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sysinstall</span>(8)</span></a> is
-almost guaranteed to cause problems and has been known to leave systems in an unusable
-state. The most commonly made mistake in this regard is the use of an old copy of <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sysinstall</span>(8)</span></a>
-from an existing installation to upgrade to a newer version of FreeBSD. This is <span
-class="emphasis"><i class="EMPHASIS">not</i></span> recommended.</p>
-<div class="WARNING">
-<blockquote class="WARNING">
-<p><b>Warning:</b> Binary upgrades to FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE from FreeBSD 4-STABLE are not
-supported at this time. There are some files present in a FreeBSD 4-STABLE whose presence
-can be disruptive, but are not removed by a binary upgrade. One notable example is that
-an old <tt class="FILENAME">/usr/include/g++</tt> directory will cause C++ programs to
-compile incorrectly (or not at all).</p>
-<p>These upgrade instructions are provided for the use of users upgrading from relatively
-recent FreeBSD 5-STABLE snapshots.</p>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="AEN683" name="AEN683">3.1 Introduction</a></h3>
-<p>The upgrade procedure replaces distributions selected by the user with those
-corresponding to the new FreeBSD release. It preserves standard system configuration
-data, as well as user data, installed packages and other software.</p>
-<p>Administrators contemplating an upgrade are encouraged to study this section in its
-entirety before commencing an upgrade. Failure to do so may result in a failed upgrade or
-loss of data.</p>
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="AEN687" name="AEN687">3.1.1 Upgrade Overview</a></h4>
-<p>Upgrading of a distribution is performed by extracting the new version of the
-component over the top of the previous version. Files belonging to the old distribution
-are not deleted.</p>
-<p>System configuration is preserved by retaining and restoring the previous version of
-the following files:</p>
-<p><tt class="FILENAME">Xaccel.ini</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">XF86Config</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">adduser.conf</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">aliases</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">aliases.db</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">amd.map</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">crontab</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">csh.cshrc</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">csh.login</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">csh.logout</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">cvsupfile</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">dhclient.conf</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">disktab</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">dm.conf</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">dumpdates</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">exports</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">fbtab</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">fstab</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">ftpusers</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">gettytab</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">gnats</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">group</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">hosts</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">hosts.allow</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">hosts.equiv</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">hosts.lpd</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">inetd.conf</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">localtime</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">login.access</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">login.conf</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">mail</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">mail.rc</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">make.conf</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">manpath.config</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">master.passwd</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">motd</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">namedb</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">networks</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">newsyslog.conf</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">nsmb.conf</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">nsswitch.conf</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">pam.conf</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">passwd</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">periodic</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">ppp</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">printcap</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">profile</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">pwd.db</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">rc.conf</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">rc.conf.local</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">rc.firewall</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">rc.local</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">remote</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">resolv.conf</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">rmt</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">sendmail.cf</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">sendmail.cw</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">services</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">shells</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">skeykeys</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">spwd.db</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">ssh</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">syslog.conf</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">ttys</tt>, <tt
-<p>The versions of these files which correspond to the new version are moved to <tt
-class="FILENAME">/etc/upgrade/</tt>. The system administrator may peruse these new
-versions and merge components as desired. Note that many of these files are
-interdependent, and the best merge procedure is to copy all site-specific data from the
-current files into the new.</p>
-<p>During the upgrade procedure, the administrator is prompted for a location into which
-all files from <tt class="FILENAME">/etc/</tt> are saved. In the event that local
-modifications have been made to other files, they may be subsequently retrieved from this
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="AEN761" name="AEN761">3.2 Procedure</a></h3>
-<p>This section details the upgrade procedure. Particular attention is given to items
-which substantially differ from a normal installation.</p>
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="AEN764" name="AEN764">3.2.1 Backup</a></h4>
-<p>User data and system configuration should be backed up before upgrading. While the
-upgrade procedure does its best to prevent accidental mistakes, it is possible to
-partially or completely destroy data and configuration information.</p>
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="AEN767" name="AEN767">3.2.2 Mount Filesystems</a></h4>
-<p>The disklabel editor is entered with the nominated disk's filesystem devices listed.
-Prior to commencing the upgrade, the administrator should make a note of the device names
-and corresponding mountpoints. These mountpoints should be entered here. <span
-class="emphasis"><i class="EMPHASIS">Do not</i></span> set the ``newfs flag'' for any
-filesystems, as this will cause data loss.</p>
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="AEN772" name="AEN772">3.2.3 Select Distributions</a></h4>
-<p>When selecting distributions, there are no constraints on which must be selected. As a
-general rule, the <var class="LITERAL">base</var> distribution should be selected for an
-update, and the <var class="LITERAL">man</var> distribution if manpages are already
-installed. Other distributions may be selected beyond those originally installed if the
-administrator wishes to add additional functionality.</p>
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="FSTAB" name="FSTAB">3.2.4 After Installation</a></h4>
-<p>Once the installation procedure has completed, the administrator is prompted to
-examine the new configuration files. At this point, checks should be made to ensure that
-the system configuration is valid. In particular, the <tt
-class="FILENAME">/etc/rc.conf</tt> and <tt class="FILENAME">/etc/fstab</tt> files should
-be checked.</p>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="AEN782" name="AEN782">3.3 Upgrading from Source Code</a></h3>
-<p>Those interested in an upgrade method that allows more flexibility and sophistication
-should take a look at <a
-target="_top">The Cutting Edge</a> in the FreeBSD Handbook. This procedure involves
-rebuilding all of FreeBSD from source code. It requires reliable network connectivity,
-extra disk space, and time, but has advantages for networks and other more complex
-installations. This is roughly the same procedure as is used for track the -STABLE or
--CURRENT development branches.</p>
-<p><tt class="FILENAME">/usr/src/UPDATING</tt> contains important information on updating
-a FreeBSD system from source code. It lists various issues resulting from changes in
-FreeBSD that may affect an upgrade.</p>
-<div class="SECT1">
-<hr />
-<h2 class="SECT1"><a id="TROUBLE" name="TROUBLE">4 Troubleshooting</a></h2>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="REPAIRING" name="REPAIRING">4.1 Repairing an Existing FreeBSD
-<p>FreeBSD features a ``Fixit'' option in the top menu of the boot floppy. To use it, you
-will also need either a <tt class="FILENAME">fixit.flp</tt> image floppy, generated in
-the same fashion as the boot floppy, or the ``live filesystem'' CDROM; typically the
-second CDROM in a multi-disc FreeBSD distribution.</p>
-<p>To invoke fixit, simply boot the <tt class="FILENAME">kern.flp</tt> floppy, choose the
-``Fixit'' item and insert the fixit floppy or CDROM when asked. You will then be placed
-into a shell with a wide variety of commands available (in the <tt
-class="FILENAME">/stand</tt> and <tt class="FILENAME">/mnt2/stand</tt> directories) for
-checking, repairing and examining filesystems and their contents. Some UNIX
-administration experience <span class="emphasis"><i class="EMPHASIS">is</i></span>
-required to use the fixit option.</p>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="AEN802" name="AEN802">4.2 Common Installation Problems for
-UltraSPARC Architecture Users</a></h3>
-<hr />
-<p align="center"><small>This file, and other release-related documents, can be
-downloaded from <a href="ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/">ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/</a>.</small></p>
-<p align="center"><small>For questions about FreeBSD, read the <a
-href="http://www.FreeBSD.org/docs.html">documentation</a> before contacting &#60;<a
-<p align="center"><small>For questions about this documentation, e-mail &#60;<a
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-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//FreeBSD//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional-Based Extension//EN"
-"http://www.FreeBSD.org/XML/share/xml/xhtml10-freebsd.dtd" [
-<!ENTITY title "FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE Installation Notes">
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- <head>
- <title>&title;</title>
- <cvs:keyword xmlns:cvs="http://www.FreeBSD.org/XML/CVS">$FreeBSD$</cvs:keyword>
- </head>
- <body class="navinclude.download">
- <p>The installation notes for FreeBSD are customized for different
- platforms, as the procedures for installing FreeBSD are highly
- dependent on the hardware platform.</p>
- <p>Installation notes for FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE are available for
- the following platforms:</p>
- <ul>
- <li><a href="installation-alpha.html">alpha</a></li>
- <li><a href="installation-amd64.html">amd64</a></li>
- <li><a href="installation-i386.html">i386</a></li>
- <li><a href="installation-ia64.html">ia64</a></li>
- <li><a href="installation-pc98.html">pc98</a></li>
- <li><a href="installation-sparc64.html">sparc64</a></li>
- </ul>
- <p>A list of all platforms currently under development can be found
- on the <a href="../../platforms/index.html">Supported
- Platforms</a> page.</p>
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-<div class="TITLEPAGE">
-<h1 class="TITLE"><a id="AEN2" name="AEN2">FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE Migration Guide</a></h1>
-<div class="AUTHORGROUP"><a id="AEN4" name="AEN4"></a>
-<h3 class="CORPAUTHOR">The FreeBSD Release Engineering Team</h3>
-<p class="COPYRIGHT">Copyright &copy; 2002, 2003, 2004 The FreeBSD Release Engineering
-<p class="PUBDATE">$FreeBSD: src/release/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/early-adopter/article.sgml,v
- 2004/10/06 05:55:51 bmah Exp $<br />
-<div class="LEGALNOTICE"><a id="TRADEMARKS" name="TRADEMARKS"></a>
-<p>FreeBSD is a registered trademark of Wind River Systems, Inc. This is expected to
-change soon.</p>
-<p>Apple, FireWire, Mac, Macintosh, Mac OS, Quicktime, and TrueType are trademarks of
-Apple Computer, Inc., registered in the United States and other countries.</p>
-<p>IBM, AIX, EtherJet, Netfinity, OS/2, PowerPC, PS/2, S/390, and ThinkPad are trademarks
-of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States, other countries, or
-<p>IEEE, POSIX, and 802 are registered trademarks of Institute of Electrical and
-Electronics Engineers, Inc. in the United States.</p>
-<p>Intel, Celeron, EtherExpress, i386, i486, Itanium, Pentium, and Xeon are trademarks or
-registered trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the United States and
-other countries.</p>
-<p>AMD, Athlon, Opteron, and Geode are trademarks or registered
-trademarks of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. in the United States
-and other countries.</p>
-<p>Microsoft, IntelliMouse, MS-DOS, Outlook, Windows, Windows Media and Windows NT are
-either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States
-and/or other countries.</p>
-<p>Sparc, Sparc64, SPARCEngine, and UltraSPARC are trademarks of SPARC International, Inc
-in the United States and other countries. Products bearing SPARC trademarks are based
-upon architecture developed by Sun Microsystems, Inc.</p>
-<p>Many of the designations used by manufacturers and sellers to distinguish their
-products are claimed as trademarks. Where those designations appear in this document, and
-the FreeBSD Project was aware of the trademark claim, the designations have been followed
-by the ``&trade;'' or the ``&reg;'' symbol.</p>
-<div class="ABSTRACT"><a id="AEN23" name="AEN23"></a>
-<p>This article describes major differences between FreeBSD 4.<var
-class="REPLACEABLE">X</var> and FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE, from the viewpoint of a user or
-administrator upgrading an existing system. It provides a brief overview of FreeBSD
-release engineering. It then describes some of the new features in FreeBSD 5.<var
-class="REPLACEABLE">X</var>, as well as some changes that might be of particular interest
-to users accustomed to working with the 4.<var class="REPLACEABLE">X</var> series of
-releases. This article also describes binary- and source-based upgrading procedures for
-existing systems. An earlier version of this article appeared in prior FreeBSD 5.<var
-class="REPLACEABLE">X</var> releases as the ``Early Adopters Guide''.</p>
-<hr />
-<div class="SECT1">
-<h2 class="SECT1"><a id="INTRO" name="INTRO">1 Introduction</a></h2>
-<p>FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE marks the beginning of a new ``FreeBSD-STABLE'' series of
-releases. This and future releases in the 5.<var class="REPLACEABLE">X</var> series will
-be targeted toward production usage in much the same way as the prior 4.<var
-class="REPLACEABLE">X</var> series of releases.</p>
-<p>This article addresses a number of topics and issues of interest to users updating
-from a 4.<var class="REPLACEABLE">X</var> release to 5.3-RELEASE. It begins with a brief
-overview of current release engineering practices and then describes some of the new
-features available with the FreeBSD 5.<var class="REPLACEABLE">X</var> series. Perhaps
-the most important section lists issues where major changes have taken place,
-user-visible behavior has changed, or external software interfaces have been modified.
-Last are some notes on upgrading existing FreeBSD 4.<var class="REPLACEABLE">X</var>
-systems to FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE, from binaries or from source.</p>
-<div class="SECT1">
-<hr />
-<h2 class="SECT1"><a id="RELEASE-OVERVIEW" name="RELEASE-OVERVIEW">2 An Overview of the
-FreeBSD Release Process</a></h2>
-<p>FreeBSD employs a development model relying on multiple branches within the source
-code repository. The main branch is called ``CURRENT'', and is referred to in the CVS
-repository with the <var class="LITERAL">HEAD</var> tag. New features are committed first
-to this branch; although CURRENT is the first to see new functionality, it also
-occasionally suffers from breakages as new features are added and debugged.</p>
-<p>Most FreeBSD releases are made from one of several ``STABLE'' branches. Features are
-added to these branches only after some amount of testing in CURRENT. For the past two
-years, the only STABLE branch under active development was known as ``4-STABLE'', and all
-of the FreeBSD 4.<var class="REPLACEABLE">X</var> releases were based on it. This branch
-has the tag <var class="LITERAL">RELENG_4</var> in the CVS repository.</p>
-<p>The past two stable branches (3-STABLE and 4-STABLE) were created very early in their
-development cycles (their branchpoints were 3.1 and 4.0, respectively). In hindsight,
-this practice did not give sufficient time for either CURRENT to stabilize before the new
-branches were created. This in turn resulted in wasted effort porting bug fixes between
-branches, as well as creating some architectural changes that could not be ported between
-branches at all.</p>
-<p>The 5.<var class="REPLACEABLE">X</var> releases have been handled slightly
-differently. FreeBSD 5.0, 5.1, and 5.2 were based on the CURRENT branch. The first of
-these releases was made after over two years of development (prior to these, the last
-release from HEAD was FreeBSD 4.0, in March 2000).</p>
-<p>Unlike prior ``STABLE'' branches, the ``5-STABLE'' branch in CVS (with the branch tag
-<var class="LITERAL">RELENG_5</var>) was created more than a year after the first 5.<var
-class="REPLACEABLE">X</var> release (specifically, during the 5.3 release cycle). This
-delay gave time for the development team to complete needed architectural changes,
-stabilize the system, finalize various interfaces, and create a good starting point for
-the remaining 5.<var class="REPLACEABLE">X</var> releases.</p>
-<p>Aside from general improvements and bug fixes, a major priority for development on the
-5-STABLE branch is the preservation of Application Binary Interface (ABI) and Application
-Program Interface (API) compatibility. Any changes that could break backward
-compatibility (including kernel or library interfaces) are strongly discouraged, and will
-not be permitted except as a last-resort solution to a critical problem.</p>
-<p>The next release from CURRENT will likely be 6.0-RELEASE, created from CVS <var
-class="LITERAL">HEAD</var>. There is no firm date for 6.0, as of the 5.3 release date,
-although it is expected sometime in 2006.</p>
-<p>A limited amount of development will continue on the 4-STABLE development branch, with
-at least one more release (4.11) planned at some point after 5.3-RELEASE. For especially
-conservative users, it may be reasonable to continue using the 4.<var
-class="REPLACEABLE">X</var> releases for a time. The Security Officer Team <code
-will continue to support releases made from the 4-STABLE branch in accordance with their
-published policies, which can be found on the <a
-href="http://www.FreeBSD.org/security/index.html" target="_top">Security page</a> on the
-FreeBSD web site.</p>
-<p>More information on FreeBSD release engineering processes can be found on the <a
-href="http://www.FreeBSD.org/releng/index.html" target="_top">Release Engineering Web
-pages</a> and in the <a
-target="_top">``FreeBSD Release Engineering''</a> article.</p>
-<div class="SECT1">
-<hr />
-<h2 class="SECT1"><a id="NEW" name="NEW">3 New Features</a></h2>
-<p>A major attraction of FreeBSD 5.<var class="REPLACEABLE">X</var> is a number of new
-features, generally involving large architectural changes that were not feasible to port
-back to the FreeBSD 4-STABLE development branch. (By contrast, many self-contained
-enhancements, such as new device drivers or updates to userland utilities, have already
-been ported.) A brief, but not exhaustive list includes:</p>
-<p>SMPng: The ``next generation'' support for Symmetric MultiProcessor (SMP) machines.
-Ongoing work aims to perform fine-grained locking of various kernel subsystems to
-increase the number of threads of execution that can be running in the kernel. Particular
-attention has been paid to the performance of the network stack.</p>
-<p>KSE: Kernel Scheduled Entities allow a single process to have multiple kernel-level
-threads, similar to Scheduler Activations. The <tt class="FILENAME">libpthread</tt> and
-<tt class="FILENAME">libthr</tt> threading libraries make this feature available to
-multi-threaded userland programs, using the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pthread</span>(3)</span></a> API.
-<tt class="FILENAME">libpthread</tt> is now the default threading library.</p>
-<p>New architectures: Support for the amd64, ia64, pc98, and sparc64 architectures, in
-addition to the i386 and alpha. Other platforms under development include powerpc (which
-runs on many <span class="TRADEMARK">PowerPC</span>&reg;-based <span
-class="TRADEMARK">Macintosh</span>&reg; platforms) and arm.</p>
-<p>GCC: The compiler toolchain is now based on GCC 3.4.<var class="REPLACEABLE">X</var>,
-rather than GCC 2.95.<var class="REPLACEABLE">X</var>.</p>
-<p>MAC: Support for extensible, loadable Mandatory Access Control policies.</p>
-<p>GEOM: A flexible, modular framework for transformation of disk I/O requests. This
-system supports a number of features related to disks and volumes, such as: recognition
-of disk partitions, the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">gbde</span>(4)</span></a> disk
-encryption facility, various levels of RAID functionality, network export of disk devices
-(with <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ggated</span>(8)</span></a> and
-related utilities), and transparent disk decompression.</p>
-<p>FFS: The FFS file system now supports background <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">fsck</span>(8)</span></a>
-operations (for faster crash recovery) and file system snapshots.</p>
-<p>UFS2: A new UFS2 on-disk format has been added, which supports extended per-file
-attributes and larger file sizes. UFS2 is now the default format for <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">newfs</span>(8)</span></a>. On all
-platforms except pc98, file systems created from within <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sysinstall</span>(8)</span></a>
-will use UFS2 by default.</p>
-<p>New networking features: A number of new networking features have made their debut in
-5.<var class="REPLACEABLE">X</var> releases, including support for TCP SACK (selective
-acknowledgements), the <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pf</span>(4)</span></a> packet filter
-from OpenBSD, and the ALTQ packet queueing system.</p>
-<p>New hardware support: Support for more hardware devices, such as Cardbus, Bluetooth
-devices, and IEEE 802.11a/b/g network interfaces based on Atheros chipsets. Also, on the
-i386 architecture, some network devices not explicitly supported by FreeBSD drivers may
-be supported using vendor drivers for <span class="TRADEMARK">Microsoft</span>&reg; <span
-class="TRADEMARK">Windows</span>&reg; and the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ndis</span>(4)</span></a>
-compatibility layer.</p>
-<p>A more comprehensive list of new features can be found in the release notes for the
-various FreeBSD 5.<var class="REPLACEABLE">X</var> releases.</p>
-<div class="SECT1">
-<hr />
-<h2 class="SECT1"><a id="DRAWBACKS" name="DRAWBACKS">4 Notable Changes</a></h2>
-<p>Some of the differences between FreeBSD 4.<var class="REPLACEABLE">X</var> and 5.<var
-class="REPLACEABLE">X</var> deserve special mention because they involve major
-architectural changes, or break backwards compatibility in some way. While these changes
-are unlikely to cause a loss of data, they could cause some confusion for the unwary.
-Some notable examples are:</p>
-<p>Several parts of FreeBSD's base system functionality have been moved to the FreeBSD
-Ports Collection, usually because they are easier to maintain in that form or because
-they were not really essential parts of the system. The most noticeable example of this
-is <b class="APPLICATION">Perl</b> (available in the FreeBSD Ports Collection as <a
-class="FILENAME">lang/perl5.8</tt></a>), whose former location in the base system made
-upgrades problematic. Utilities in the base system that formerly relied on <b
-class="APPLICATION">Perl</b> have been either rewritten (if still applicable) or removed
-(if obsolete).</p>
-<p>Other examples include <b class="APPLICATION">UUCP</b> (available in the Ports
-Collection as <a
-class="FILENAME">net/freebsd-uucp</tt></a>), the <tt class="COMMAND">doscmd</tt> utility
-(<a href="http://www.FreeBSD.org/cgi/url.cgi?ports/emulators/doscmd/pkg-descr"><tt
-class="FILENAME">emulators/doscmd</tt></a>), and many of the traditional games (<a
-<p>Changes in kernel data structures and ABIs/APIs meant many third-party binary device
-drivers had to be modified before they would work correctly under FreeBSD 5.<var
-class="REPLACEABLE">X</var>. In some (hopefully rare) cases, user-visible data structures
-have changed, requiring recompilation of applications or reinstallation of
-ports/packages. As with the 4.<var class="REPLACEABLE">X</var> series, the FreeBSD
-development team has the goal of not allowing incompatible changes in future releases on
-the 5.<var class="REPLACEABLE">X</var> branch.</p>
-<p>A shortage of users and maintainers caused some parts of the FreeBSD base system to
-fall into disrepair. These have been removed. Examples include the generation of <tt
-class="FILENAME">a.out</tt>-style executables, <a id="AEN159" name="AEN159"
-href="#FTN.AEN159"><span class="footnote">[1]</span></a> XNS networking support, and the
-X-10 controller driver. A number of other drivers for old ISA-based devices have been
-discovered to be non-working and have been removed. More details are given in the release
-<p>On FreeBSD/i386 4.<var class="REPLACEABLE">X</var>, the configuration of ISA devices
-was initially specified in the kernel configuration. These could be modified at boot-time
-with an interactive <b class="APPLICATION">UserConfig</b> utility. On FreeBSD 5.<var
-class="REPLACEABLE">X</var>, both of these mechanisms have been replaced by the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">device.hints</span>(5)</span></a>
-mechanism, which eliminates the need to hard-code ISA configuration parameters in the
-kernel. Boot-time ISA configuration is no longer menu-driven, but is performed by
-entering new parameters to the boot loader command line prompt.</p>
-<p><tt class="FILENAME">MAKEDEV</tt> is no longer available, nor is it required. FreeBSD
-5.<var class="REPLACEABLE">X</var> uses a device file system, which automatically creates
-device nodes on demand. Configuration of the entries in the device filesystem can be
-performed with the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">devfs</span>(8)</span></a> utility
-or with the <tt class="FILENAME">/etc/devfs.conf</tt> mechanism. More information can be
-found in the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">devfs</span>(5)</span></a> manual
-<p>UFS2 is the default on-disk format for file systems created using <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">newfs</span>(8)</span></a>. For
-all platforms except pc98, it is also the default for file systems created using the disk
-labeling screen within <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sysinstall</span>(8)</span></a>.
-Because FreeBSD 4.<var class="REPLACEABLE">X</var> only understands UFS1 (not UFS2), disk
-partitions that must be accessed by both 5.<var class="REPLACEABLE">X</var> and 4.<var
-class="REPLACEABLE">X</var> must be created with UFS1. This can be specified using the
-<var class="OPTION">-O1</var> option to <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">newfs</span>(8)</span></a>, or on
-the disk labeling screen in <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sysinstall</span>(8)</span></a>.
-This situation most often arises with a a single machine that dual-boots FreeBSD 4.<var
-class="REPLACEABLE">X</var> and FreeBSD 5.<var class="REPLACEABLE">X</var>. Note that
-there is no way to convert file systems between the two on-disk formats (other than
-backing up, re-creating the file system, and restoring).</p>
-<p>Due to the upgraded <b class="APPLICATION">GCC</b> compiler, C++ programs generally
-need to be recompiled and reinstalled. This requirement comes from changes in the C++
-<p>Running executables compiled for FreeBSD 4.<var class="REPLACEABLE">X</var> may be
-possible with the aid of the <tt class="FILENAME">compat4x</tt> distribution (or the
-equivalent <a href="http://www.FreeBSD.org/cgi/url.cgi?ports/misc/compat4x/pkg-descr"><tt
-class="FILENAME">misc/compat4x</tt></a> package/port). However, if any of the ports or
-packages on a system require upgrading, rebuilding and reinstalling <span
-class="emphasis"><i class="EMPHASIS">all</i></span> of the installed ports on a system is
-generally advised. This will prevent problems that can occur with programs being linked
-against some combination of old and new libraries. The <a
-class="FILENAME">sysutils/portupgrade</tt></a> utility may be helpful in reinstalling
-<p>Note that in any case, there are a number of known instances of backward
-incompatibility. For example, the <a
-class="FILENAME">devel/gnomevfs2</tt></a>, <a
-class="FILENAME">mail/postfix</tt></a>, and <a
-class="FILENAME">security/cfs</tt></a> ports need to be recompiled due to changes in the
-<var class="LITERAL">statfs</var> structure.</p>
-<p>The <tt class="FILENAME">host.conf</tt> resolver services configuration file has been
-replaced by the (much more general) <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">nsswitch.conf</span>(5)</span></a>
-name-service switch configuration mechanism.</p>
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">BIND</b> has been updated from version 8 to version 9. There
-are numerous differences between BIND 8 and 9. Users with critical <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">named</span>(8)</span></a>
-installations should read the migration documentation in <tt
-class="FILENAME">/usr/share/doc/bind9/misc/migration</tt>. There is also a new
-instruction manual in <tt class="FILENAME">/usr/share/doc/bind9/arm</tt>. On systems that
-run <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">named</span>(8)</span></a>, it now
-runs by default in a <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">chroot</span>(8)</span></a>
-environment in <tt class="FILENAME">/var/named</tt>. Users with existing <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">named</span>(8)</span></a>
-configurations in <tt class="FILENAME">/var/named</tt> should back up the contents of
-this directory before upgrading to avoid them being overwritten by the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">named</span>(8)</span></a> startup
-<p>The <b class="APPLICATION">Xorg</b> implementation of the X Window System is the
-default for FreeBSD 5.<var class="REPLACEABLE">X</var> beginning with 5.3-RELEASE. As of
-this writing, <b class="APPLICATION"><span class="TRADEMARK">XFree86</span>&#8482;</b>
-remains the default for FreeBSD 4.<var class="REPLACEABLE">X</var>. More information on
-the differences between these versions, as well as upgrade information for existing
-systems, can be found in the <a
-href="http://www.FreeBSD.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/x11.html" target="_top">X
-Window System</a> chapter in the FreeBSD Handbook.</p>
-<p>Documentation (such as the FreeBSD <a
-target="_top">Handbook</a> and <a
-target="_top">FAQ</a>) is still being updated to reflect changes recently made to FreeBSD
-5.<var class="REPLACEABLE">X</var>.</p>
-<p>More information can be found in the release notes for the various FreeBSD 5.<var
-class="REPLACEABLE">X</var> releases, as well as the <tt
-class="FILENAME">src/UPDATING</tt> file in the FreeBSD source tree. Notable changes to
-the FreeBSD Ports Collection are listed in the <tt class="FILENAME">ports/UPDATING</tt>
-and <tt class="FILENAME">ports/CHANGES</tt> files in the ports tree.</p>
-<div class="SECT1">
-<hr />
-<h2 class="SECT1"><a id="UPGRADE" name="UPGRADE">5 Notes on Upgrading from FreeBSD 4.<var
-<p>For those users with existing FreeBSD systems, this section offers a few notes on
-upgrading a FreeBSD 4.<var class="REPLACEABLE">X</var> system to 5.<var
-class="REPLACEABLE">X</var>. As with any FreeBSD upgrade, it is crucial to read the
-release notes and the errata for the version in question, as well as <tt
-class="FILENAME">src/UPDATING</tt> in the case of source upgrades.</p>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="AEN272" name="AEN272">5.1 Binary Upgrades</a></h3>
-<p>Probably the most straightforward approach is that of ``backup everything, reformat,
-reinstall, and restore user data''. This eliminates problems of incompatible or obsolete
-executables and configuration files polluting the new system. It allows new file systems
-to be created to take advantage of new functionality (most notably, the UFS2
-<p>As of this writing, the binary upgrade option in <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sysinstall</span>(8)</span></a>
-has not been well-tested for cross-major-version upgrades. Use of this feature is not
-<p>Several changes may be of interest to those users accustomed to the FreeBSD 4.<var
-class="REPLACEABLE">X</var> boot media. Installation floppies (on platforms that support
-them, such as i386), are organized somewhat differently than on prior releases. On 4.<var
-class="REPLACEABLE">X</var> releases, the floppy set contained a stripped-down kernel
-with just enough functionality to install the system. This arrangement allowed the kernel
-to fit on a single floppy disk, but it lacked the device drivers required by certain
-hardware configurations. Beginning with FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE, the installation floppies
-contain a standard <var class="LITERAL">GENERIC</var> kernel segmented across multiple
-disks, with a much more complete set of drivers and features. The boot loader prompts for
-the insertion of additional disks as required. Users downloading floppy images (perhaps
-to perform a network-based installation) should note that the floppy disk set now
-includes three disks: <tt class="FILENAME">boot.flp</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">kern1.flp</tt>, and <tt class="FILENAME">kern2.flp</tt>.</p>
-<p>The installation CDROMs for the i386 architecture now use a ``no-emulation'' boot
-loader. This allows, among other things, the use of a <var class="LITERAL">GENERIC</var>
-kernel, rather than the stripped-down kernels used on the floppy images in previous
-versions. Generally, any system capable of booting the <span
-class="TRADEMARK">Microsoft</span> <span
-class="TRADEMARK">Windows&nbsp;NT</span>&reg;&nbsp;4, <span
-class="TRADEMARK">Windows</span>&nbsp;2000, or <span
-class="TRADEMARK">Windows</span>&nbsp;XP installation CDROMs should be able to boot the
-FreeBSD 5.<var class="REPLACEABLE">X</var> CDROMs.</p>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="AEN295" name="AEN295">5.2 Source Upgrades</a></h3>
-<div class="NOTE">
-<blockquote class="NOTE">
-<p><b>Note:</b> Many users and developers have found it easier to backup all their data
-and configuration files (a wise precaution in any case), perform a binary installation
-(such as from CDROM), and restore their data. Compared to a source upgrade, the binary
-upgrade removes the need to deal with leftover files and programs on the disk, and allows
-the system to take advantage of new file system features such as the UFS2 file system
-<p>Users unfamiliar with the <var class="LITERAL">buildworld</var>/<var
-class="LITERAL">installworld</var> procedures for updating FreeBSD from source should
-<span class="emphasis"><i class="EMPHASIS">not</i></span> attempt a source upgrade, but
-should instead perform a binary installation after backing up all data.</p>
-<p>A source-based upgrade procedure builds and installs a set of binaries compiled from
-source on the local machine. It is based on the <var
-class="LITERAL">buildworld</var>/<var class="LITERAL">installworld</var> procedure often
-used by advanced FreeBSD users to track changes along a development branch (such as
-FreeBSD-STABLE or FreeBSD-CURRENT). In general, this procedure involves more effort than
-the binary upgrade procedure, but may be useful when a system's configuration files are
-complex or have been highly customized. A source upgrade can also be useful for a remote
-system where an administrator has remote console access but no physical access (and
-therefore cannot insert installation media).</p>
-<p>Reading <tt class="FILENAME">src/UPDATING</tt> is absolutely essential. The section
-entitled ``To upgrade in-place from 4.x-stable to current'' contains a step-by-step
-update procedure, which must be followed exactly, without making use of the ``shortcuts''
-that some users occasionally employ. An annotated list of these steps is presented
-<ol type="1">
-<p>Make backups.</p>
-<p>The importance of this step cannot be overstated. It is important to make backups of
-all user data and configuration files. Level zero dumps with <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">dump</span>(8)</span></a> are an
-excellent way to do this, although there are of course many workable alternatives.</p>
-<p>Ensure that there is about 30MB of free disk space on the <tt class="FILENAME">/</tt>
-file system.</p>
-<p>FreeBSD 5.<var class="REPLACEABLE">X</var> uses more space than FreeBSD 4.<var
-class="REPLACEABLE">X</var>. If the <tt class="FILENAME">/tmp</tt> directory resides on
-the <tt class="FILENAME">/</tt> file system (as is frequently the case), deleting all of
-the content from this directory may help to free up needed space.</p>
-<p>Fix <tt class="FILENAME">/etc/fstab</tt> if required.</p>
-<p>This item probably only affects older FreeBSD/i386 systems. On systems that use
-MBR-style disk slices, FreeBSD used to support ``compatibility slices'', where disk
-partition names could take the form <tt class="FILENAME">/dev/ad0a</tt> (without
-specifying a slice name explicitly). These are no longer supported; disk partitions must
-be named according to the form <tt class="FILENAME">/dev/ad0s1a</tt>. In other words,
-disk partitions must now completely specify a disk device, a slice number, and a
-partition letter.</p>
-<p>Note that ``compatibility slices'' have generally not been used by default since
-FreeBSD 2.2.6-RELEASE. This item does not apply to FreeBSD/alpha at all, or to systems
-using ``dangerously dediated'' mode.</p>
-<p>Using <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">cvs</span>(1)</span></a> or other
-means, obtain a copy of the FreeBSD base system sources (the <tt
-class="FILENAME">src/</tt> module). To check out 5.3-RELEASE from the FreeBSD CVS
-repository, use the <var class="LITERAL">RELENG_5_3_0_RELEASE</var> tag. For the 5.3
-release and security fix branch, use the <var class="LITERAL">RELENG_5_3</var> tag. To
-track the FreeBSD 5-STABLE development branch, use the <var
-class="LITERAL">RELENG_5</var> branch tag. When using CVS to check out the source tree,
-it is important to pass the <var class="OPTION">-P</var> flag to CVS so that it prunes
-away empty directories.</p>
-<p>FreeBSD 5.<var class="REPLACEABLE">X</var> requires some new entries in the system
-password and group files, corresponding to various system services. They should be
-installed by running:</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<samp class="PROMPT">#</samp> <kbd class="USERINPUT">mergemaster -p</kbd>
-<p>This step must be performed to give some new files the correct usernames and
-<p>Note that in FreeBSD 5.<var class="REPLACEABLE">X</var>, the location of the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">nologin</span>(8)</span></a>
-utility has moved from <tt class="FILENAME">/sbin/nologin</tt> to <tt
-class="FILENAME">/usr/sbin/nologin</tt>. Because a number of pseudo-users have <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">nologin</span>(8)</span></a> as
-their login shell, this change generates additional differences in <tt
-<p>Build the new userland using:</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<samp class="PROMPT">#</samp> <kbd class="USERINPUT">cd /usr/src</kbd>
-<samp class="PROMPT">#</samp> <kbd class="USERINPUT">make buildworld</kbd>
-<p>If <var class="VARNAME">CPUTYPE</var> is defined in <tt
-class="FILENAME">/etc/make.conf</tt>, it should be defined using the <var
-class="LITERAL">?=</var> operator, so the <var class="LITERAL">buildworld</var> process
-can override this variable if necessary.</p>
-<p>Note that the <var class="VARNAME">MAKEOBJDIRPREFIX</var> must <span
-class="emphasis"><i class="EMPHASIS">not</i></span> be defined in <tt
-<p>In general, most of the build ``knobs'' defined in <tt
-class="FILENAME">/etc/make.conf</tt> should be commented out or removed. This statement
-especially applies to those that directly affect the build or basic operation of FreeBSD,
-such as <var class="VARNAME">NO_TOOLCHAIN</var>.</p>
-<p>Build and install a new kernel using:</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<samp class="PROMPT">#</samp> <kbd class="USERINPUT">make buildkernel</kbd>
-<p>Note that the <var class="LITERAL">buildkernel</var> <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">make</span>(1)</span></a> target
-must be used in order to ensure that the resulting kernel is compiled with the toolchain
-built in the <var class="LITERAL">buildworld</var> step above. Manually using <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">config</span>(8)</span></a> to set
-up a kernel build area and attempting to build a kernel will not work.</p>
-<p>Although building (and later installing) a custom kernel at this point is feasible,
-upgrading using the <var class="LITERAL">GENERIC</var> kernel and installing a custom
-kernel configuration later may be less error-prone. When trying to build a custom kernel
-for the first time, using the <var class="LITERAL">GENERIC</var> kernel from FreeBSD
-5.<var class="REPLACEABLE">X</var> as a template is highly recommended, due to the number
-of device and options that have been added or changed since 4.<var
-class="REPLACEABLE">X</var>. In any case, including the <var
-class="LITERAL">COMPAT_FREEBSD4</var> kernel configuration option is crucial for a
-successful upgrade.</p>
-<p>Set up a device hints file for ISA devices with a variant of the following command.
-Substitute the appropriate architecture name (e.g. <var class="LITERAL">i386</var>) for
-<var class="REPLACEABLE">MACHINE</var>.</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<samp class="PROMPT">#</samp> <kbd class="USERINPUT">cp sys/<var
-class="REPLACEABLE">MACHINE</var>/conf/GENERIC.hints /boot/device.hints</kbd>
-<p>While an empty device hint file may be sufficient for modern hardware, ISA hints are
-needed for systems with custom ISA non-PNP cards (with custom hints being needed), for
-non-PNPBIOS systems, or for floppy disks to work correctly on PNPBIOS systems.</p>
-<p>Install the new kernel with:</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<samp class="PROMPT">#</samp> <kbd class="USERINPUT">make installkernel</kbd>
-<p>Note that while the FreeBSD 4.<var class="REPLACEABLE">X</var> kernel installs to <tt
-class="FILENAME">/kernel</tt> by default, the FreeBSD 5.<var class="REPLACEABLE">X</var>
-kernel installs to <tt class="FILENAME">/boot/kernel/kernel</tt>. Kernel modules under
-4.<var class="REPLACEABLE">X</var> normally install to the <tt
-class="FILENAME">/modules</tt> directory, whereas under 5.<var
-class="REPLACEABLE">X</var> they install to <tt class="FILENAME">/boot/kernel</tt>.</p>
-<p>Install the FreeBSD 5.<var class="REPLACEABLE">X</var> boot loader with:</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<samp class="PROMPT">#</samp> <kbd class="USERINPUT">cd /usr/src/sys/boot</kbd>
-<samp class="PROMPT">#</samp> <kbd class="USERINPUT">make STRIP="" install</kbd>
-<p>This step, though optional, is highly recommended.</p>
-<p>Disable third-party modules (such as those for VMware) to prevent crashes caused by
-changes in kernel ABIs or other incompatibilities.</p>
-<p>Reboot to single-user mode. Rebooting at this point is absolutely required because the
-new kernel must be running to install the new userland. Being in single-user mode will
-drastically decrease the potential for unexpected things to happen during the upgrade
-because there will be no other programs running.</p>
-<p>Mount the required file systems using:</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<samp class="PROMPT">#</samp> <kbd class="USERINPUT">fsck -p</kbd>
-<samp class="PROMPT">#</samp> <kbd class="USERINPUT">mount -uw /</kbd>
-<samp class="PROMPT">#</samp> <kbd class="USERINPUT">mount -at ufs</kbd>
-<p>Note that the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">fsck</span>(8)</span></a>
-invocation is necessary to update certain fields in the file system superblocks for
-FreeBSD 5.<var class="REPLACEABLE">X</var>. If the system clock tracks local time rather
-than UTC time, also perform:</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<samp class="PROMPT">#</samp> <kbd class="USERINPUT">adjkerntz -i</kbd>
-<p>During this step, the following warning message may appear on the console (numerous
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-WARNING: userland calling deprecated sysctl, please rebuild world
-<p>This message can be safely ignored.</p>
-<p>Delete the C++ header files with:</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<samp class="PROMPT">#</samp> <kbd class="USERINPUT">rm -rf /usr/include/g++</kbd>
-<p>This step keeps future compilations from accidentally picking up old header files from
-the <b class="APPLICATION">GCC</b> 2.95 C++ compiler.</p>
-<p>Install the new userland utilities with:</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<samp class="PROMPT">#</samp> <kbd class="USERINPUT">cd /usr/src</kbd>
-<samp class="PROMPT">#</samp> <kbd class="USERINPUT">make installworld</kbd>
-<p>On systems running <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">named</span>(8)</span></a>, its
-configuration files need to be moved into a <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">chroot</span>(8)</span></a> area
-in <tt class="FILENAME">/var/named</tt>. If any files exist in <tt
-class="FILENAME">/var/named</tt>, they should be backed up at this point.</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<samp class="PROMPT">#</samp> <kbd class="USERINPUT">cd /etc</kbd>
-<samp class="PROMPT">#</samp> <kbd class="USERINPUT">mv named named.bak</kbd>
-<samp class="PROMPT">#</samp> <kbd class="USERINPUT">mkdir -p /var/named/etc/namedb</kbd>
-<samp class="PROMPT">#</samp> <kbd
-class="USERINPUT">cp -Rp named.bak/* /var/named/etc/namedb</kbd>
-<p>If the configuration uses the generated <tt class="FILENAME">localhost</tt> files, the
-following steps may be needed to regenerate them:</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<samp class="PROMPT">#</samp> <kbd class="USERINPUT">cd /var/named/etc/namedb</kbd>
-<samp class="PROMPT">#</samp> <kbd class="USERINPUT">/bin/sh make-localhost</kbd>
-<samp class="PROMPT">#</samp> <kbd
-class="USERINPUT">rm -f localhost-v6.rev localhost.rev</kbd>
-<p>Update the system configuration files by running:</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<samp class="PROMPT">#</samp> <kbd class="USERINPUT">mergemaster -i</kbd>
-<p>This step is non-optional. It is required to make the startup and configuration files
-in <tt class="FILENAME">/etc</tt> consistent with the new kernel and world.</p>
-<p>After invoking <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">mergemaster</span>(8)</span></a>,
-it is a good idea to inspect (and possibly modify) <tt
-class="FILENAME">/etc/rc.conf</tt>. A number of default values for the variables defined
-in this file have changed; in particular, some services that were enabled by default in
-4.<var class="REPLACEABLE">X</var> are now disabled by default in 5.<var
-<p>Remove leftover <b class="APPLICATION">BIND 8</b> files:</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<samp class="PROMPT">#</samp> <kbd
-class="USERINPUT">rm /usr/bin/dnskeygen /usr/bin/dnsquery</kbd>
-<samp class="PROMPT">#</samp> <kbd class="USERINPUT">rm /usr/libexec/named-xfer</kbd>
-<samp class="PROMPT">#</samp> <kbd
-class="USERINPUT">rm /usr/sbin/named.restart /usr/sbin/ndc</kbd>
-<samp class="PROMPT">#</samp> <kbd
-class="USERINPUT">rm /usr/sbin/nslookup /usr/sbin/nsupdate</kbd>
-<p>After upgrading the base system, upgrades to some non-base-system components are
-generally needed to restore normal functionality. <b class="APPLICATION">Perl</b> is no
-longer a part of the base system and should be installed from the Ports Collection
-(specifically, the <a
-class="FILENAME">lang/perl5.8</tt></a> port) or from a package. After this installation,
-all ports and/or packages depending on <b class="APPLICATION">Perl</b> need to be
-<p>Running FreeBSD 4.<var class="REPLACEABLE">X</var> binaries requires a set of
-compatability libraries. These are available by installing the <a
-class="FILENAME">misc/compat4x</tt></a> package/port.</p>
-<p>As mentioned in a prior section, <b class="APPLICATION">Xorg</b> is the default
-implementation of the X Window System. The Ports Collection (as well as packages) rely on
-this change to satisfy dependencies. To convert the installed windowing system from <b
-class="APPLICATION"><span class="TRADEMARK">XFree86</span></b> to <b
-class="APPLICATION">Xorg</b>, refer to the <a
-target="_top">Installing X11</a> section in the FreeBSD Handbook.</p>
-<div class="SECT1">
-<hr />
-<h2 class="SECT1"><a id="SUMMARY" name="SUMMARY">6 Summary</a></h2>
-<p>This article presents some of the more notable new features in FreeBSD 5.<var
-class="REPLACEABLE">X</var>, and lists some areas of particular concern to those users
-upgrading existing FreeBSD 4.<var class="REPLACEABLE">X</var> systems. It also presents
-two sets of upgrade instructions, one using binaries from installation media and one
-based on recompiling the base system from source code.</p>
-<h3 class="FOOTNOTES">Notes</h3>
-<table border="0" class="FOOTNOTES" width="100%">
-<td align="LEFT" valign="TOP" width="5%"><a id="FTN.AEN159" name="FTN.AEN159"
-href="#AEN159"><span class="footnote">[1]</span></a></td>
-<td align="LEFT" valign="TOP" width="95%">
-<p>Note that execution of <tt class="FILENAME">a.out</tt> executables on the i386 and
-pc98 is still supported with the <var class="LITERAL">COMPAT_AOUT</var> kernel option.
-Some of the compilers in the Ports Collection (for example, <a
-class="FILENAME">lang/gcc28</tt></a>) are still capable of generating <tt
-class="FILENAME">a.out</tt> format executables.</p>
-<hr />
-<p align="center"><small>This file, and other release-related documents, can be
-downloaded from <a href="ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/">ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/</a>.</small></p>
-<p align="center"><small>For questions about FreeBSD, read the <a
-href="http://www.FreeBSD.org/docs.html">documentation</a> before contacting &#60;<a
-<p align="center"><small>For questions about this documentation, e-mail &#60;<a
diff --git a/en_US.ISO8859-1/htdocs/releases/5.3R/policy.xml b/en_US.ISO8859-1/htdocs/releases/5.3R/policy.xml
deleted file mode 100644
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-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//FreeBSD//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional-Based Extension//EN"
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- </head>
- <body class="navinclude.download">
-<p>The following is the general policy for submitting and granting approvals
- for committing during the code freeze for FreeBSD &local.rel;. Flexibility
- will be granted when deemed appropriate by the Release Engineering Team.
- The ultimate purpose of this policy, however, is to minimize risks to the
- release process and help encourage good release engineering practices.</p>
-<p>This policy applies to the BETA1 - BETA4, RC1 - RC2, and RELEASE release
- engineering cycles for the RELENG_5 and RELENG_5_3 branches. During the
- BETA cycle, the RELENG_5 branch will be frozen and under strict control
- of the Release Engineering team. The HEAD branch will be used to validate
- changes that are intended for this branch. Once the RELENG_5_3 branch is
- created, the RELENG_5 branch will become unfrozen and will be the
- validation ground for RELENG_5_3 changes. Changes should be committed
- to all branches in sequence as appropriate.</p>
-<p>When a branch is frozen by the release engineering team, all commits to it
- must be approved by the team. This applies also to release engineering team
- members as well as the rest of the developer community. In other words,
- approval is mandatory. This largely applies to the src/ tree, as ports/,
- doc/ and www/ tree management is handled separately by the ports and docs
- teams as appropriate.</p>
-<p>To apply for a commit approval, a message must be sent to re@FreeBSD.org
- with the description of exactly what files need to change and why. Including
- a diff is encouraged, as is sending a copy of the commit message from the
- parent branch if appropriate. A response should usually be expected within
- 24 hours for less. Once approval is granted, the commit should be done as
- soon as possible. Approved commits may be canceled or overridden by the
- release engineering team if needed.</p>
-<p>Blanket approvals are a special case that can be requested and granted in
- certain circumstances. With a blanket approval, the release engineering
- team is granting an individual the permission to do commits without
- specific approval in a well defined and controlled area of the tree. They
- are typically granted to those who are working on tier-2 and tier-3
- platforms or on features that are not fully integrated into the tree.
- Blanket approvals are completely at the discretion of the release engineering
- team and may be revoked or suspended as needed.</p>
-<h2>Build fixes</h2>
-<p>These are defined as changes that fix source files,
- makefiles, or other build components so that the system can be compiled.
- This does not include bug fixes to tools or compilers except in rare
- circumstances. Build fixes must be committed to the parent branch
- first, if applicable, and be tested in all default build configurations.
- For kernel sources, this means testing on both GENERIC and LINT kernels.
- For userland sources, this means completing and installing the build of
- the 'world' target. For both userland and kernel sources, compiling on
- both 32-bit and 64-bit platforms is mandatory for machine-independent
- code. There is no minimum wait period for these fixes once testing is
- complete.</p>
-<h2>Bug fixes</h2>
-<p>These are defined as changes that fix incorrect behavior in
- an existing piece of code or subsystem in the src/ tree. All bugs must
- have a PR number, a review by a senior member of the project, and be
- vetted through the parent branch for at least 3 full days. We are often
- pressured to skirt the rules and put high-priority fixes in early, but we
- must resist that and rely on other tools like Perforce and diff/patch to
- get early testing before committing to the tree.</p>
-<h2>Documentation fixes</h2>
-<p>These are defined as changes to existing documentation in manual pages,
- release notes, and doc articles and books. This does <b>not</b> generally
- include comments in source files. Documentation fixes are classified into
- trivial and content fixes.
- Trivial fixes are defined as changes which do not need a technical review
- such as fixing a typo, wording, markup error, and so on.
- Content fixes are defined as ones which need a technical review,
- such as changes to the contents of documentation and build infrastructure.</p>
- <h3>Documentation fixes for the src/ tree</h3>
- <p>All changes must be committed to the parent branch first,
- vetted through that branch for 2 days.
- Content fixes must be sent with a PR number when the changes
- are large or involve one of the TODO items (these are periodically
- posted to the freebsd-doc@ mailing list during the release cycle,
- and should also be filed as PRs). When the changes are self-explaining, send
- them to re@ as an MFC request.
- Changes that are widespread or cover significant technical information
- should be reviewed without exception.</p>
- <h3>Documentation fixes for the doc/ tree</h3>
- <p>Similar policy is applied to the doc/ tree,
- but since doc/ is not branched and is not frozen, trivial fixes
- are allowed to be committed without explicit approval before BETA4.
- Content fixes must be committed with a PR number when the changes
- are large or involve one of the TODO items (these are periodically
- posted to the freebsd-doc@ mailing list during the release cycle,
- and should also be filed as PRs). When the changes are self-explaining, you can
- commit them into the doc/ tree. When you are not sure if
- committing your patch without approval is reasonable or not,
- please ask doceng@. Documentation Engineering Team
- reserves the right to reject and back out your change.
- After BETA4, doc/ slush begins and non-critical
- changes to English documents are discouraged.</p>
- <h3>Translations</h3>
- <p>The above two policies also apply to translations,
- but all changes are considered as trivial changes during
- the period before the doc/ slush is over.</p>
-<h2>Feature additions and modifications</h2>
-<p>These are defined as changes that add new features to the system or
- significantly change or improve existing features and behaviors, but are
- not strictly bug fixes. These will only be considered for inclusion if
- prior notice is given to the re@ and arch@ mail aliases and the work is
- publically available in either patch form or in the FreeBSD Perforce
- repository. We reserve the right to reject feature requests based on risk
- to stability and risk to the published release schedule. Those that are
- allowed need at least 7 days in the parent branch and a thorough review by
- at least two parties. Mitigation of risk is highly important here, so
- developers are highly encouraged to make their work be modular and able to
- be removed or turned off to restore previous behavior. Feature additions
- will not be allowed after BETA4. </p>
-<h2>Performance improvements</h2>
-<p>These are defined as changes that are designed to optimize performance in
- a measurable way. Any proposal here must be accompanied by documented
- performance and regression testing on all affected arches. On arches with
- a clear runtime distinction between UP and SMP, the testing must include
- both. Thorough review by two or more senior people is also a firm
- requirement. Performance improvements will not be allowed after BETA3.</p>
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-<meta name="generator" content="HTML Tidy, see www.w3.org" />
-<title>FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE README</title>
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-<div class="ARTICLE">
-<div class="TITLEPAGE">
-<h1 class="TITLE"><a id="AEN2" name="AEN2">FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE README</a></h1>
-<h3 class="CORPAUTHOR">The FreeBSD Project</h3>
-<p class="COPYRIGHT">Copyright &copy; 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 The FreeBSD
-Documentation Project</p>
-<p class="PUBDATE">$FreeBSD: src/release/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/readme/article.sgml,v
- 2004/09/17 16:28:58 bmah Exp $<br />
-<div class="LEGALNOTICE"><a id="TRADEMARKS" name="TRADEMARKS"></a>
-<p>FreeBSD is a registered trademark of Wind River Systems, Inc. This is expected to
-change soon.</p>
-<p>Intel, Celeron, EtherExpress, i386, i486, Itanium, Pentium, and Xeon are trademarks or
-registered trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the United States and
-other countries.</p>
-<p>AMD, Athlon, Opteron, and Geode are trademarks or registered
-trademarks of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. in the United States
-and other countries.</p>
-<p>Motif, OSF/1, and UNIX are registered trademarks and IT DialTone and The Open Group
-are trademarks of The Open Group in the United States and other countries.</p>
-<p>Sparc, Sparc64, SPARCEngine, and UltraSPARC are trademarks of SPARC International, Inc
-in the United States and other countries. Products bearing SPARC trademarks are based
-upon architecture developed by Sun Microsystems, Inc.</p>
-<p>Many of the designations used by manufacturers and sellers to distinguish their
-products are claimed as trademarks. Where those designations appear in this document, and
-the FreeBSD Project was aware of the trademark claim, the designations have been followed
-by the ``&trade;'' or the ``&reg;'' symbol.</p>
-<hr />
-<blockquote class="ABSTRACT">
-<div class="ABSTRACT"><a id="AEN21" name="AEN21"></a>
-<p>This document gives a brief introduction to FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE. It includes some
-information on how to obtain FreeBSD, a listing of various ways to contact the FreeBSD
-Project, and pointers to some other sources of information.</p>
-<div class="SECT1">
-<hr />
-<h2 class="SECT1"><a id="INTRO" name="INTRO">1 Introduction</a></h2>
-<p>This distribution is a release of FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE, the latest point along the
-5-STABLE branch.</p>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="AEN26" name="AEN26">1.1 About FreeBSD</a></h3>
-<p>FreeBSD is an operating system based on 4.4 BSD Lite for DEC/Compaq/HP Alpha/AXP
-computers (alpha), AMD64 and Intel EM64T based PC hardware (amd64), Intel, AMD, Cyrix or
-NexGen ``x86'' based PC hardware (i386), Intel Itanium Processor based computers (ia64),
-NEC PC-9801/9821 series PCs and compatibles (pc98), and <span
-class="TRADEMARK">UltraSPARC</span>&reg; machines (sparc64). Versions for the <span
-class="TRADEMARK">PowerPC</span>&reg; (powerpc), and <span
-class="TRADEMARK">MIPS</span>&reg; (mips) architectures are currently under development
-as well. FreeBSD works with a wide variety of peripherals and configurations and can be
-used for everything from software development to games to Internet Service Provision.</p>
-<p>This release of FreeBSD contains everything you need to run such a system, including
-full source code for the kernel and all utilities in the base distribution. With the
-source distribution installed, you can literally recompile the entire system from scratch
-with one command, making it ideal for students, researchers, or users who simply want to
-see how it all works.</p>
-<p>A large collection of third-party ported software (the ``Ports Collection'') is also
-provided to make it easy to obtain and install all your favorite traditional <span
-class="TRADEMARK">UNIX</span>&reg; utilities for FreeBSD. Each ``port'' consists of a set
-of scripts to retrieve, configure, build, and install a piece of software, with a single
-command. Over 10,500 ports, from editors to programming languages to graphical
-applications, make FreeBSD a powerful and comprehensive operating environment that
-extends far beyond what's provided by many commercial versions of <span
-class="TRADEMARK">UNIX</span>. Most ports are also available as pre-compiled
-``packages'', which can be quickly installed from the installation program.</p>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="AEN40" name="AEN40">1.2 Target Audience</a></h3>
-<p>This release of FreeBSD is suitable for all users. It has undergone a period of
-testing and quality assurance checking to ensure the highest reliability and
-<div class="SECT1">
-<hr />
-<h2 class="SECT1"><a id="OBTAIN" name="OBTAIN">2 Obtaining FreeBSD</a></h2>
-<p>FreeBSD may be obtained in a variety of ways. This section focuses on those ways that
-are primarily useful for obtaining a complete FreeBSD distribution, rather than updating
-an existing installation.</p>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="AEN46" name="AEN46">2.1 CDROM and DVD</a></h3>
-<p>FreeBSD -RELEASE distributions may be ordered on CDROM or DVD from several publishers.
-This is frequently the most convenient way to obtain FreeBSD for new installations, as it
-provides a convenient way to quickly reinstall the system if necessary. Some
-distributions include some of the optional, precompiled ``packages'' from the FreeBSD
-Ports Collection.</p>
-<p>A list of the CDROM and DVD publishers known to the project are listed in the <a
-target="_top">``Obtaining FreeBSD''</a> appendix to the Handbook.</p>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="AEN53" name="AEN53">2.2 FTP</a></h3>
-<p>You can use FTP to retrieve FreeBSD and any or all of its optional packages from <a
-href="ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/" target="_top">ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/</a>, which is the
-official FreeBSD release site, or any of its ``mirrors''.</p>
-<p>Lists of locations that mirror FreeBSD can be found in the <a
-target="_top">FTP Sites</a> section of the Handbook, or on the <a
-href="http://mirrorlist.FreeBSD.org/" target="_top">http://mirrorlist.FreeBSD.org/</a>
-Web pages. Finding a close (in networking terms) mirror from which to download the
-distribution is highly recommended.</p>
-<p>Additional mirror sites are always welcome. Contact <code class="EMAIL">&#60;<a
-href="mailto:freebsd-admin@FreeBSD.org">freebsd-admin@FreeBSD.org</a>&#62;</code> for
-more details on becoming an official mirror site. You can also find useful information
-for mirror sites at the <a
-href="http://www.FreeBSD.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/articles/hubs/" target="_top">Mirroring
-FreeBSD</a> article.</p>
-<p>Mirrors generally contain the floppy disk images necessary to begin an installation,
-as well as the distribution files needed for the install process itself. Many mirrors
-also contain the ISO images necessary to create a CDROM of a FreeBSD release.</p>
-<div class="SECT1">
-<hr />
-<h2 class="SECT1"><a id="CONTACTING" name="CONTACTING">3 Contacting the FreeBSD
-<div class="SECT2">
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="AEN67" name="AEN67">3.1 Email and Mailing Lists</a></h3>
-<p>For any questions or general technical support issues, please send mail to the <a
-href="http://lists.FreeBSD.org/mailman/listinfo/freebsd-questions" target="_top">FreeBSD
-general questions mailing list</a>.</p>
-<p>If you're tracking the 5-STABLE development efforts, you <span class="emphasis"><i
-class="EMPHASIS">must</i></span> join the <a
-target="_top">FreeBSD-CURRENT mailing list</a>, in order to keep abreast of recent
-developments and changes that may affect the way you use and maintain the system.</p>
-<p>Being a largely-volunteer effort, the FreeBSD Project is always happy to have extra
-hands willing to help--there are already far more desired enhancements than there is time
-to implement them. To contact the developers on technical matters, or with offers of
-help, please send mail to the <a
-href="http://lists.FreeBSD.org/mailman/listinfo/freebsd-hackers" target="_top">FreeBSD
-technical discussions mailing list</a>.</p>
-<p>Please note that these mailing lists can experience <span class="emphasis"><i
-class="EMPHASIS">significant</i></span> amounts of traffic. If you have slow or expensive
-mail access, or are only interested in keeping up with major FreeBSD events, you may find
-it preferable to subscribe instead to the <a
-href="http://lists.FreeBSD.org/mailman/listinfo/freebsd-announce" target="_top">FreeBSD
-announcements mailing list</a>.</p>
-<p>All of the mailing lists can be freely joined by anyone wishing to do so. Visit the <a
-href="http://www.FreeBSD.org/mailman/listinfo" target="_top">FreeBSD Mailman Info
-Page</a>. This will give you more information on joining the various lists, accessing
-archives, etc. There are a number of mailing lists targeted at special interest groups
-not mentioned here; more information can be obtained either from the Mailman pages or the
-<a href="http://www.FreeBSD.org/support.html#mailing-list" target="_top">mailing lists
-section</a> of the FreeBSD Web site.</p>
-<div class="IMPORTANT">
-<blockquote class="IMPORTANT">
-<p><b>Important:</b> Do <span class="emphasis"><i class="EMPHASIS">not</i></span> send
-email to the lists asking to be subscribed. Use the Mailman interface instead.</p>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="AEN85" name="AEN85">3.2 Submitting Problem Reports</a></h3>
-<p>Suggestions, bug reports and contributions of code are always valued--please do not
-hesitate to report any problems you may find. Bug reports with attached fixes are of
-course even more welcome.</p>
-<p>The preferred method to submit bug reports from a machine with Internet mail
-connectivity is to use the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">send-pr</span>(1)</span></a>
-command. ``Problem Reports'' (PRs) submitted in this way will be filed and their progress
-tracked; the FreeBSD developers will do their best to respond to all reported bugs as
-soon as possible. <a href="http://www.FreeBSD.org/cgi/query-pr-summary.cgi"
-target="_top">A list of all active PRs</a> is available on the FreeBSD Web site; this
-list is useful to see what potential problems other users have encountered.</p>
-<p>Note that <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">send-pr</span>(1)</span></a>
-itself is a shell script that should be easy to move even onto a non-FreeBSD system.
-Using this interface is highly preferred. If, for some reason, you are unable to use <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">send-pr</span>(1)</span></a> to
-submit a bug report, you can try to send it to the <a
-href="http://lists.FreeBSD.org/mailman/listinfo/freebsd-bugs" target="_top">FreeBSD
-problem reports mailing list</a>.</p>
-<p>For more information, <a
-target="_top">``Writing FreeBSD Problem Reports''</a>, available on the FreeBSD Web site,
-has a number of helpful hints on writing and submitting effective problem reports.</p>
-<div class="SECT1">
-<hr />
-<h2 class="SECT1"><a id="SEEALSO" name="SEEALSO">4 Further Reading</a></h2>
-<p>There are many sources of information about FreeBSD; some are included with this
-distribution, while others are available on-line or in print versions.</p>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="RELEASE-DOCS" name="RELEASE-DOCS">4.1 Release
-<p>A number of other files provide more specific information about this release
-distribution. These files are provided in various formats. Most distributions will
-include both ASCII text (<tt class="FILENAME">.TXT</tt>) and HTML (<tt
-class="FILENAME">.HTM</tt>) renditions. Some distributions may also include other formats
-such as PostScript (<tt class="FILENAME">.PS</tt>) or Portable Document Format (<tt
-<p><tt class="FILENAME">README.TXT</tt>: This file, which gives some general information
-about FreeBSD as well as some cursory notes about obtaining a distribution.</p>
-<p><tt class="FILENAME">EARLY.TXT</tt>: A migration guide for users of FreeBSD 4.<var
-class="REPLACEABLE">X</var> who are new to FreeBSD 5.<var class="REPLACEABLE">X</var>
-series of releases.</p>
-<p><tt class="FILENAME">RELNOTES.TXT</tt>: The release notes, showing what's new and
-different in FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE compared to the previous release (FreeBSD
-<p><tt class="FILENAME">HARDWARE.TXT</tt>: The hardware compatibility list, showing
-devices with which FreeBSD has been tested and is known to work.</p>
-<p><tt class="FILENAME">INSTALL.TXT</tt>: Installation instructions for installing
-FreeBSD from its distribution media.</p>
-<p><tt class="FILENAME">ERRATA.TXT</tt>: Release errata. Late-breaking, post-release
-information can be found in this file, which is principally applicable to releases (as
-opposed to snapshots). It is important to consult this file before installing a release
-of FreeBSD, as it contains the latest information on problems which have been found and
-fixed since the release was created.</p>
-<div class="NOTE">
-<blockquote class="NOTE">
-<p><b>Note:</b> Several of these documents (in particular, <tt
-class="FILENAME">RELNOTES.TXT</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">HARDWARE.TXT</tt>, and <tt
-class="FILENAME">INSTALL.TXT</tt>) contain information that is specific to a particular
-hardware architecture. For example, the alpha release notes contain information not
-applicable to the <span class="TRADEMARK">i386</span>&#8482;, and vice versa. The
-architecture for which each document applies will be listed in that document's title.</p>
-<br />
-<br />
-<p>On platforms that support <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sysinstall</span>(8)</span></a>
-(currently alpha, <span class="TRADEMARK">i386</span>, ia64, pc98, and <span
-class="TRADEMARK">Sparc64</span>&reg;), these documents are generally available via the
-Documentation menu during installation. Once the system is installed, you can revisit
-this menu by re-running the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sysinstall</span>(8)</span></a>
-<div class="NOTE">
-<blockquote class="NOTE">
-<p><b>Note:</b> It is extremely important to read the errata for any given release before
-installing it, to learn about any ``late-breaking news'' or post-release problems. The
-errata file accompanying each release (most likely right next to this file) is already
-out of date by definition, but other copies are kept updated on the Internet and should
-be consulted as the ``current errata'' for this release. These other copies of the errata
-are located at <a href="http://www.FreeBSD.org/releases/"
-target="_top">http://www.FreeBSD.org/releases/</a> (as well as any sites which keep
-up-to-date mirrors of this location).</p>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="AEN156" name="AEN156">4.2 Manual Pages</a></h3>
-<p>As with almost all <span class="TRADEMARK">UNIX</span> like operating systems, FreeBSD
-comes with a set of on-line manual pages, accessed through the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">man</span>(1)</span></a> command
-or through the <a href="http://www.FreeBSD.org/cgi/man.cgi" target="_top">hypertext
-manual pages gateway</a> on the FreeBSD Web site. In general, the manual pages provide
-information on the different commands and APIs available to the FreeBSD user.</p>
-<p>In some cases, manual pages are written to give information on particular topics.
-Notable examples of such manual pages are <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">tuning</span>(7)</span></a> (a
-guide to performance tuning), <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">security</span>(7)</span></a> (an
-introduction to FreeBSD security), and <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">style</span>(9)</span></a> (a
-style guide to kernel coding).</p>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="AEN174" name="AEN174">4.3 Books and Articles</a></h3>
-<p>Two highly-useful collections of FreeBSD-related information, maintained by the
-FreeBSD Project, are the FreeBSD Handbook and FreeBSD FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions
-document). On-line versions of the <a
-target="_top">Handbook</a> and <a
-href="http://www.FreeBSD.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/faq/" target="_top">FAQ</a> are
-always available from the <a href="http://www.FreeBSD.org/docs.html"
-target="_top">FreeBSD Documentation page</a> or its mirrors. If you install the <tt
-class="FILENAME">doc</tt> distribution set, you can use a Web browser to read the
-Handbook and FAQ locally.</p>
-<p>A number of on-line books and articles, also maintained by the FreeBSD Project, cover
-more-specialized, FreeBSD-related topics. This material spans a wide range of topics,
-from effective use of the mailing lists, to dual-booting FreeBSD with other operating
-systems, to guidelines for new committers. Like the Handbook and FAQ, these documents are
-available from the FreeBSD Documentation Page or in the <tt class="FILENAME">doc</tt>
-distribution set.</p>
-<p>A listing of other books and documents about FreeBSD can be found in the <a
-target="_top">bibliography</a> of the FreeBSD Handbook. Because of FreeBSD's strong <span
-class="TRADEMARK">UNIX</span> heritage, many other articles and books written for <span
-class="TRADEMARK">UNIX</span> systems are applicable as well, some of which are also
-listed in the bibliography.</p>
-<div class="SECT1">
-<hr />
-<p>FreeBSD represents the cumulative work of many hundreds, if not thousands, of
-individuals from around the world who have worked countless hours to bring about this
-release. For a complete list of FreeBSD developers and contributors, please see <a
-target="_top">``Contributors to FreeBSD''</a> on the FreeBSD Web site or any of its
-<p>Special thanks also go to the many thousands of FreeBSD users and testers all over the
-world, without whom this release simply would not have been possible.</p>
-<hr />
-<p align="center"><small>This file, and other release-related documents, can be
-downloaded from <a href="ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/">ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/</a>.</small></p>
-<p align="center"><small>For questions about FreeBSD, read the <a
-href="http://www.FreeBSD.org/docs.html">documentation</a> before contacting &#60;<a
-<p align="center"><small>For questions about this documentation, e-mail &#60;<a
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-<div class="TITLEPAGE">
-<h1 class="TITLE"><a id="AEN2" name="AEN2">FreeBSD/alpha 5.3-RELEASE Release
-<h3 class="CORPAUTHOR">The FreeBSD Project</h3>
-<p class="COPYRIGHT">Copyright &copy; 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 The FreeBSD
-Documentation Project</p>
-<p class="PUBDATE">$FreeBSD: src/release/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/relnotes/common/new.sgml,v
-1.761. 2004/11/03 10:12:51 hrs Exp $<br />
-<div class="ABSTRACT"><a id="AEN13" name="AEN13"></a>
-<p>The release notes for FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE contain a summary of the changes made to the
-FreeBSD base system since 5.2.1-RELEASE. This document lists applicable security
-advisories that were issued since the last release, as well as significant changes to the
-FreeBSD kernel and userland. Some brief remarks on upgrading are also presented.</p>
-<hr />
-<div class="TOC">
-<dt><b>Table of Contents</b></dt>
-<dt>1 <a href="#INTRO">Introduction</a></dt>
-<dt>2 <a href="#NEW">What's New</a></dt>
-<dt>2.1 <a href="#SECURITY">Security Advisories</a></dt>
-<dt>2.2 <a href="#KERNEL">Kernel Changes</a></dt>
-<dt>2.2.1 <a href="#BOOT">Boot Loader Changes</a></dt>
-<dt>2.2.2 <a href="#PROC">Hardware Support</a></dt>
-<dt>2.2.3 <a href="#NET-PROTO">Network Protocols</a></dt>
-<dt>2.2.4 <a href="#DISKS">Disks and Storage</a></dt>
-<dt>2.2.5 <a href="#FS">File Systems</a></dt>
-<dt>2.2.6 <a href="#AEN925">Contributed Software</a></dt>
-<dt>2.3 <a href="#USERLAND">Userland Changes</a></dt>
-<dt>2.3.1 <a href="#RC-SCRIPTS"><tt class="FILENAME">/etc/rc.d</tt> Scripts</a></dt>
-<dt>2.4 <a href="#CONTRIB">Contributed Software</a></dt>
-<dt>2.5 <a href="#PORTS">Ports/Packages Collection Infrastructure</a></dt>
-<dt>2.6 <a href="#RELENG">Release Engineering and Integration</a></dt>
-<dt>2.7 <a href="#DOC">Documentation</a></dt>
-<dt>3 <a href="#UPGRADE">Upgrading from previous releases of FreeBSD</a></dt>
-<div class="SECT1">
-<h2 class="SECT1"><a id="INTRO" name="INTRO">1 Introduction</a></h2>
-<p>This document contains the release notes for FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE on the Alpha/AXP
-hardware platform. It describes recently added, changed, or deleted features of FreeBSD.
-It also provides some notes on upgrading from previous versions of FreeBSD.</p>
-<p>This distribution of FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE is a release distribution. It can be found at
-<a href="ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/" target="_top">ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/</a> or any of its
-mirrors. More information on obtaining this (or other) release distributions of FreeBSD
-can be found in the <a
-target="_top">``Obtaining FreeBSD'' appendix</a> to the <a
-href="http://www.FreeBSD.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/" target="_top">FreeBSD
-<p>All users are encouraged to consult the release errata before installing FreeBSD. The
-errata document is updated with ``late-breaking'' information discovered late in the
-release cycle or after the release. Typically, it contains information on known bugs,
-security advisories, and corrections to documentation. An up-to-date copy of the errata
-for FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE can be found on the FreeBSD Web site.</p>
-<div class="SECT1">
-<hr />
-<h2 class="SECT1"><a id="NEW" name="NEW">2 What's New</a></h2>
-<p>This section describes the most user-visible new or changed features in FreeBSD since
-5.2.1-RELEASE. In general, changes described here are unique to the 5-STABLE branch
-unless specifically marked as [MERGED] features.</p>
-<p>Typical release note items document recent security advisories issued after
-5.3-RELEASE, new drivers or hardware support, new commands or options, major bug fixes,
-or contributed software upgrades. They may also list changes to major ports/packages or
-release engineering practices. Clearly the release notes cannot list every single change
-made to FreeBSD between releases; this document focuses primarily on security advisories,
-user-visible changes, and major architectural improvements.</p>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="SECURITY" name="SECURITY">2.1 Security Advisories</a></h3>
-<p>A bug in <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">mksnap_ffs</span>(8)</span></a>
-has been fixed; it caused the creation of a file system snapshot to reset the flags on
-the file system to their default values. The possible consequences depended on local
-usage, but could include disabling extended access control lists or enabling the use of
-setuid executables stored on an untrusted file system. This bug also affected the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">dump</span>(8)</span></a> <var
-class="OPTION">-L</var> option, which uses <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">mksnap_ffs</span>(8)</span></a>.
-Note that <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">mksnap_ffs</span>(8)</span></a> is
-normally only available to the superuser and members of the <tt
-class="GROUPNAME">operator</tt> group. For more information, see security advisory <a
-<p>A bug with the System V Shared Memory interface (specifically the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">shmat</span>(2)</span></a> system
-call) has been fixed. This bug can cause a shared memory segment to reference unallocated
-kernel memory. In turn, this can permit a local attacker to gain unauthorized access to
-parts of kernel memory, possibly resulting in disclosure of sensitive information, bypass
-of access control mechanisms, or privilege escalation. More details can be found in
-security advisory <a
-target="_top">FreeBSD-SA-04:02</a>. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>A programming error in the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">jail_attach</span>(2)</span></a>
-system call has been fixed. This error could allow a process with superuser privileges
-inside a <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">jail</span>(8)</span></a>
-environment to change its root directory to that of a different jail, and thus gain full
-read and write access to files and directories within the target jail. More information
-can be found in security advisory <a
-<p>A potential low-bandwidth denial-of-service attack against the FreeBSD TCP stack has
-been prevented by limiting the number of out-of-sequence TCP segments that can be held at
-one time. More details can be found in security advisory <a
-target="_top">FreeBSD-SA-04:04</a>. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>A bug in <b class="APPLICATION">OpenSSL</b>'s SSL/TLS ChangeCipherSpec message
-processing that could result in a null pointer dereference has been fixed. This could
-allow a remote attacker to crash an <b class="APPLICATION">OpenSSL</b>-using application
-and cause a denial-of-service on the system. More details can be found in security
-advisory <a
-target="_top">FreeBSD-SA-04:05</a>. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>A programming error in the handling of some IPv6 socket options within the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">setsockopt</span>(2)</span></a>
-system call has been fixed. This allows a local attacker to cause a system panic, and may
-allow unauthorized access to parts of kernel memory, possibly resulting in disclosure of
-sensitive information, bypass of access control mechanisms, or privilege escalation. More
-details can be found in security advisory <a
-<p>Two programming errors in <b class="APPLICATION">CVS</b> have been fixed. They allow a
-server to overwrite arbitrary files on the client, and a client to read arbitrary files
-on the server when accessing remote CVS repositories. More details can be found in
-security advisory <a
-target="_top">FreeBSD-SA-04:07</a>. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>A bugfix for <b class="APPLICATION">Heimdal</b> rectifies a problem in which it would
-not perform adequate checking of authentication across autonomous realms. For more
-information, see security advisory <a
-target="_top">FreeBSD-SA-04:08</a>. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>A programming error in <b class="APPLICATION">CVS</b> which could allow a malicious
-client to overwrite arbitrary portions of the server's memory has been fixed. For more
-information, see security advisory <a
-target="_top">FreeBSD-SA-04:10</a>. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>A potential cache consistency problem of the implementation of the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">msync</span>(2)</span></a> system
-call involving the <var class="LITERAL">MS_INVALIDATE</var> operation has been fixed.
-However, as a side effect of closing this security problem, the <var
-class="LITERAL">MS_INVALIDATE</var> flag no longer guarantees that all pages in the range
-are invalidated. Users who require the old semantics of <var
-class="LITERAL">MS_INVALIDATE</var> and are not concerned with the security issue being
-fixed can set the <var class="VARNAME">vm.old_msync</var> sysctl to 1 which will revert
-to the old (insecure) behavior. For more information, see security advisory <a
-target="_top">FreeBSD-SA-04:11</a>. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>A programming error in the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">jail</span>(2)</span></a> system
-call which results in a failure to verify that an attempt to manipulate routing tables
-originated from a non-jailed process has been fixed. For more information, see security
-advisory <a
-target="_top">FreeBSD-SA-04:12</a>. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>A programming error in the handling of some Linux system calls which may result in
-memory locations being accessed without proper validation has been fixed. For more
-information, see security advisory <a
-target="_top">FreeBSD-SA-04:13</a>. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>A number of programming errors in <b class="APPLICATION">CVS</b> which allow
-information disclosure, denial-of-service, or possibly arbitrary code execution, have
-been fixed via an upgrade to <b class="APPLICATION">CVS</b> 1.11.17. For more
-information, see security advisory <a
-<p>A bug in the <var class="LITERAL">CONS_SCRSHOT</var> <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ioctl</span>(2)</span></a> has
-been fixed; it may allow unauthorized access to parts of kernel memory, possibly
-resulting in disclosure of sensitive information, bypass of access control mechanisms, or
-privilege escalation. For more information, see security advisory <a
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="KERNEL" name="KERNEL">2.2 Kernel Changes</a></h3>
-<p><var class="LITERAL">ADAPTIVE_MUTEXES</var> has been added and enabled by default.
-This changes the behavior of blocking mutexes to spin if the thread that currently owns
-the mutex is executing on another CPU. This feature can be disabled explicitly by setting
-a kernel option <var class="VARNAME">NO_ADAPTIVE_MUTEXES</var>.</p>
-<p>A kernel option <var class="VARNAME">ADAPTIVE_GIANT</var>, which causes the Giant lock
-to also be treated in an adaptive fashion when adaptive mutexes are enabled, has been
-added. This improves the performance of SMP machines and is enabled by default on the
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">bus_dma</span>(9)</span></a>
-interface now supports transparently honoring the alignment and boundary constraints in
-the DMA tag when loading buffers, and <code class="FUNCTION">bus_dmamap_load()</code>
-will automatically use bounce buffers when needed. In addition, a set of sysctls <var
-class="VARNAME">hw.busdma.*</var> for <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">bus_dma</span>(9)</span></a>
-statistics has been added.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">contigmalloc</span>(9)</span></a>
-function has been reimplemented with an algorithm which stands a greatly-improved chance
-of working despite pressure from running programs. The old algorithm can be used by
-setting a sysctl <var class="VARNAME">vm.old_contigmalloc</var>. More details can be
-found in the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">contigmalloc</span>(9)</span></a>
-manual page.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">devfs</span>(5)</span></a> path
-rules now work correctly on directories.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">getvfsent</span>(3)</span></a> API
-has been removed.</p>
-<p>The <var class="VARNAME">hw.pci.allow_unsupported_io_range</var> loader tunable has
-been removed.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">jail</span>(2)</span></a> now
-supports the use of raw sockets from within a jail. This feature is disabled by default,
-and controlled by using the <var class="VARNAME">security.jail.allow_raw_sockets</var>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">kqueue</span>(2)</span></a> now
-supports a new filter <var class="LITERAL">EVFILT_FS</var> to be used to signal generic
-file system events to the user space. Currently, mount, unmount, and up/down status of
-NFS are signaled.</p>
-<p>KDB, a new debugger framework, has been added. This consists of a new GDB backend,
-which has been rewritten to support threading, run-length encoding compression, and so
-on, and the frontend that provides a framework in which multiple, different debugger
-backends can be configured and which provides basic services to those backends. The
-following options have been changed:</p>
-<p>KDB is enabled by default via the kernel options <var class="LITERAL">options
-KDB</var>, <var class="LITERAL">options GDB</var>, and <var class="LITERAL">options
-DDB</var>. Both <var class="LITERAL">DDB</var> and <var class="LITERAL">GDB</var> specify
-which KDB backends to include.</p>
-<p><var class="LITERAL">WITNESS_DDB</var> has been renamed to <var
-<p><var class="LITERAL">DDB_TRACE</var> has been renamed to <var
-<p><var class="LITERAL">DDB_UNATTENDED</var> has been renamed to <var
-<p><var class="LITERAL">SC_HISTORY_DDBKEY</var> has been renamed to <var
-<p><var class="LITERAL">DDB_NOKLDSYM</var> has been removed. The new DDB backend supports
-pre-linker symbol lookups as well as KLD symbol lookups at the same time.</p>
-<p><var class="LITERAL">GDB_REMOTE_CHAT</var> has been removed. The GDB protocol hacks to
-allow this are FreeBSD specific. At the same time, the GDB protocol has packets for
-console output.</p>
-<p>KDB also serves as the single point of contact for any and all code that wants to make
-use of the debugger functions, such as entering the debugger or handling of the alternate
-break sequence. For this purpose, the frontend has been made non-optional. All debugger
-requests are forwarded or handed over to the current backend, if applicable. Selection of
-the current backend is done by the <var class="VARNAME">debug.kdb.current</var> sysctl. A
-list of configured backends can be obtained with the <var
-class="VARNAME">debug.kdb.available</var> sysctl. One can enter the debugger by writing
-to the <var class="VARNAME">debug.kdb.enter</var> sysctl.</p>
-<p>A new sysctl <var class="VARNAME">debug.kdb.stop_cpus</var> has been added. This
-controls whether or not IPI (Inter Processor Interrupts) to other CPUs will be delivered
-when entering the debugger, in order to stop them while in the debugger.</p>
-<p>A new kernel option <var class="LITERAL">MAC_STATIC</var> which disables internal MAC
-Framework synchronization protecting against dynamic load and unload of MAC policies, has
-been added.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span
-class="REFENTRYTITLE">mac_bsdextended</span>(4)</span></a> policy can now apply only the
-first matching rule instead of all matching rules. This feature can be enabled by setting
-a new sysctl <var class="VARNAME">mac_bsdextended_firstmatch_enabled</var>.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span
-class="REFENTRYTITLE">mac_bsdextended</span>(4)</span></a> policy can now log failed
-attempts to syslog's <var class="LITERAL">AUTHPRIV</var> facility. This feature can be
-enabled by setting a new sysctl <var class="VARNAME">mac_bsdextended_logging</var>.</p>
-<p>mballoc has been replaced with mbuma, an Mbuf and Cluster allocator built on top of a
-number of extensions to the UMA framework. Due to this change, the <var
-class="LITERAL">NMBCLUSTERS</var> kernel option is no longer used. The maximum number of
-the clusters is still capped off according to <var class="LITERAL">maxusers</var>, but it
-can be made unlimited by setting the <var class="VARNAME">kern.ipc.nmbclusters</var>
-loader tunable to zero.</p>
-<p><tt class="FILENAME">/dev/kmem</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">/dev/mem</tt>, and <tt
-class="FILENAME">/dev/io</tt> are also provided as kernel loadable modules now.</p>
-<p>A bug in <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">mmap</span>(2)</span></a> that
-could cause pages marked as <var class="LITERAL">PROT_NONE</var> to become readable under
-certain circumstances has been fixed. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>A new loader tunable <var class="VARNAME">debug.mpsafenet</var> has been added and
-enabled by default. This causes the FreeBSD network stack to operate without the Giant
-lock, resulting in performance improvement by increasing parallelism and decreasing
-latency in network processing. Note that enabling one of the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ng_tty</span>(4)</span></a>
-Netgraph node type, KAME IPsec, and IPX/SPX subsystem results in a boot-time restoration
-of Giant-enabled network operation, or run-time warning on dynamic load as these
-components require Giant lock for correct operation.</p>
-<p>A new kernel option <var class="VARNAME">NET_WITH_GIANT</var> has been added. This
-restores the default value of debug.mpsafenet to <var class="LITERAL">0</var>, and is
-intended for use on systems compiled with known unsafe components, or where a more
-conservative configuration is desired.</p>
-<p>A new loader tunable <var class="VARNAME">debug.mpsafevm</var> has been added. This
-currently results in almost Giant-free execution of zero-fill page faults.</p>
-<p>A new kernel option <var class="LITERAL">PREEMPTION</var> has been added. This allows
-the threads that are in the kernel to be preempted by higher priority threads. It helps
-with interactivity and allows interrupt threads to run sooner rather than waiting.</p>
-<p>A devclass level has been added to the dev sysctl tree, in order to support per-class
-variables in addition to per-device variables. This means that <var
-class="VARNAME">dev.foo0.bar</var> is now called <var
-class="VARNAME">dev.foo.0.bar</var>, and it is possible to to have <var
-class="VARNAME">dev.foo.bar</var> as well.</p>
-<p>A new sysctl, <var class="VARNAME">kern.always_console_output</var>, has been added.
-It makes output from the kernel go to the console despite the use of <var
-<p>A sysctl <var class="VARNAME">kern.sched.name</var> which has the name of the
-scheduler currently in use, has been added, and the <var
-class="VARNAME">kern.quantum</var> sysctl has been moved to <var
-class="VARNAME">kern.sched.quantum</var> for consistency.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pci</span>(4)</span></a> bus
-resource and power management have been updated.</p>
-<div class="NOTE">
-<blockquote class="NOTE">
-<p><b>Note:</b> Although the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pci</span>(4)</span></a> bus power
-state management has been enabled by default, it may cause problems on some systems. This
-can be disabled by setting the tunable <var class="VARNAME">hw.pci.do_powerstate</var> to
-<var class="LITERAL">0</var>.</p>
-<br />
-<br />
-<p>The ULE scheduler has been added as an additional scheduler. Note that the
-conventional one, which is called 4BSD, is still used as the default scheduler in the <tt
-class="FILENAME">GENERIC</tt> kernel. For the average user, interactivity is reported to
-be better in many cases. This means less ``skipping'' and ``jerking'' in interactive
-applications while the machine is very busy. This will not prevent problems due to
-overloaded disk subsystems, but it does help with overloaded CPUs. On SMP machines, ULE
-has per-CPU run queues which allow for CPU affinity, CPU binding, and advanced
-HyperThreading support, as well as providing a framework for more optimizations in the
-future. As fine-grained kernel locking continues, the scheduler will be able to make more
-efficient use of the available parallel resources.</p>
-<p>A linear search algorithm used in <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span
-class="REFENTRYTITLE">vm_map_findspace</span>(9)</span></a> has been replaced with an
-O(log n) algorithm built into the map entry splay tree. This significantly reduces the
-overhead in <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span
-class="REFENTRYTITLE">vm_map_findspace</span>(9)</span></a> for applications that <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">mmap</span>(2)</span></a> many
-hundreds or thousands of regions.</p>
-<p>The loader tunables <var class="VARNAME">debug.witness_*</var> have been renamed to
-<var class="VARNAME">debug.witness.*</var>.</p>
-<p>The FreeBSD dynamic and static linker now support Thread Local Storage (TLS), a <b
-class="APPLICATION">GCC</b> feature which supports a <var class="LITERAL">__thread</var>
-modifier to the declaration of global and static variables. This extra modifier means
-that the variable's value is thread-local; one thread changing its value will not affect
-the value of the variable in any other thread.</p>
-<p>The kernel's file descriptor allocation code has been updated, and is now derived from
-similar code in OpenBSD.</p>
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="BOOT" name="BOOT">2.2.1 Boot Loader Changes</a></h4>
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="PROC" name="PROC">2.2.2 Hardware Support</a></h4>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">acpi_video</span>(4)</span></a>
-driver has been added to control display switching and backlight brightness using the
-ACPI Video Extensions.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">nmdm</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-has been rewritten to improve its reliability.</p>
-<p>The <tt class="DEVICENAME">raid(4)</tt> driver (RAIDframe disk driver from NetBSD) has
-been removed. It is currently non-functional, and would require some amount of work to
-make it work under the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">geom</span>(4)</span></a> API in
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pcic</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-is no longer maintained and has been removed from the <tt class="FILENAME">GENERIC</tt>
-kernel configuration file. The entry had actually been commented out for a long time.</p>
-<p>The <tt class="DEVICENAME">tga</tt> driver has been removed from GENERIC as it needs
-major work to stop it from causing panics on kernel startup. The use of a serial console
-or a plain <tt class="DEVICENAME">vga</tt> card is suggested as an alternative.</p>
-<p>Support for TurboLaser class machines has been removed.</p>
-<p>For the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">uart</span>(4)</span></a> device,
-the <var class="VARNAME">hw.uart.console</var> and <var
-class="VARNAME">hw.uart.dbgport</var> kernel environment variables have been added. They
-can be used to select a serial console and debug port respectively, as well as the
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ubser</span>(4)</span></a> device
-driver has been added to support BWCT console management serial adapters.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ucycom</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-has been added for the Cypress CY7C637xx and CY7C640/1xx families of USB to RS232
-bridges, such as the one found in the DeLorme Earthmate USB GPS receiver (which is the
-only device currently supported by this driver). This driver is not complete because
-there is no support yet for flow control and output.</p>
-<p>The device driver infrastructure and many drivers have been updated. Among the
-changes: many more drivers now use automatically-assigned major numbers (instead of the
-old static major numbers); enhanced functions have been added to support cloning of
-pseudo-devices; several changes have been made to the driver API, including a new <var
-class="VARNAME">d_version</var> field in <var class="VARNAME">struct cdevsw</var>. Note
-that third-party device drivers will require recompiling after this change.</p>
-<div class="SECT4">
-<hr />
-<h5 class="SECT4"><a id="MM" name="MM"> Multimedia Support</a></h5>
-<p>The <tt class="DEVICENAME">meteor</tt> (video capture) driver has been removed due to
-breakage and lack of maintainership.</p>
-<p>The Direct Rendering Manager (DRM) code has been updated from the DRI Project CVS tree
-as of 26 May 2004. This update includes new PCI IDs and a new packet for Radeon.</p>
-<p>The drivers for various sound cards have been reorganized; <var class="LITERAL">device
-sound</var> is the generic sound driver, and <var class="LITERAL">device snd_*</var> are
-device-specific sound drivers now. The <tt class="DEVICENAME">midi</tt> driver, which
-supports serial port and several sound cards, has been removed. More details can be found
-in the related manual pages: <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sound</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">snd_ad1816</span>(4)</span></a>,
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">snd_als4000</span>(4)</span></a>,
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">snd_cmi</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">snd_cs4281</span>(4)</span></a>,
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">snd_csa</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">snd_ds1</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">snd_emu10k1</span>(4)</span></a>,
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">snd_es137x</span>(4)</span></a>,
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">snd_gusc</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">snd_maestro3</span>(4)</span></a>,
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">snd_sbc</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">snd_solo</span>(4)</span></a>, and
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sound</span>(4)</span></a>
-(formerly <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pcm</span>(4)</span></a>) driver
-has been modified to read <tt class="FILENAME">/boot/device.hints</tt> on startup, to
-allow setting of default values for mixer channels. Note that currently the device
-driver's name used in <tt class="FILENAME">/boot/device.hints</tt> is still <var
-class="LITERAL">pcm</var>. More detailed information and examples can be found in the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sound</span>(4)</span></a> manual
-<div class="SECT4">
-<hr />
-<h5 class="SECT4"><a id="NET-IF" name="NET-IF"> Network Interface Support</a></h5>
-<p>A short hiccup in the <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">em</span>(4)</span></a> driver during
-parameter reconfiguration has been fixed. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">fwip</span>(4)</span></a> driver,
-which supports IP over FireWire, has been added. Note that currently the broadcast
-channel number is hardwired and MCAP for multicast channel allocation is not supported.
-This driver is intended to conform to the RFC 2734 and RFC 3146 standard for IP over
-FireWire and eventually replace the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">fwe</span>(4)</span></a>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">fxp</span>(4)</span></a> now uses
-the device sysctl tree such as <var class="VARNAME">dev.fxp0</var>, and those sysctls can
-be set on a per-device basis.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">fxp</span>(4)</span></a> now
-provides actual control over its capability to receive extended Ethernet frames,
-indicated by the <var class="LITERAL">VLAN_MTU</var> interface capability. It can be
-toggled from userland with the aid of the <var class="OPTION">vlanmtu</var> and <var
-class="OPTION">-vlanmtu</var> options to <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ifconfig</span>(8)</span></a>.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">hme</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-now natively supports long frames, so it can be used for <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">vlan</span>(4)</span></a> with
-full Ethernet MTU size.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">hme</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-now supports TCP/UDP Transmit/Receive checksum offload. Since <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">hme</span>(4)</span></a> does not
-compensate the checksum for UDP datagram which can yield to <var
-class="LITERAL">0x0</var>, UDP transmit checksum offload is disabled by default. This can
-be reactivated by setting the special link option <var class="OPTION">link0</var> with <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ifconfig</span>(8)</span></a>.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ixgb</span>(4)</span></a> driver,
-which supports Intel PRO/10GBE 10 Gigabit Ethernet cards, has been added. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>A bug that prevents VLAN support in the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">nge</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-from working has been fixed. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>Several bugs related to <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">polling</span>(4)</span></a>
-support in the <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">rl</span>(4)</span></a> driver have
-been fixed. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>Several bugs related to multicast and promiscuous mode handling in the <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sk</span>(4)</span></a> driver have
-been fixed.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ste</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-now supports <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">polling</span>(4)</span></a>.
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">udav</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-has been added. It provides support for USB Ethernet adapters based on the Davicom DM9601
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">vge</span>(4)</span></a> driver,
-which supports the VIA Networking Technologies VT6122 Gigabit Ethernet chip and
-integrated 10/100/1000 copper PHY, has been added.</p>
-<p>The <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">vr</span>(4)</span></a> driver now
-supports <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">polling</span>(4)</span></a>.
-<p>The hardware TX checksum support in the <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">xl</span>(4)</span></a> driver has been
-disabled as it does not work correctly and slows down the transmission rate. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>Interface <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">polling</span>(4)</span></a>
-support can now be enabled on a per-interface basis. The following network drivers
-support <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">polling</span>(4)</span></a>: <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">dc</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">fxp</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">em</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ixgb</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">nge</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">re</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">rl</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sis</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ste</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">vge</span>(4)</span></a>, and <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">vr</span>(4)</span></a>. And they now
-also support this capability and it can be controlled via <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ifconfig</span>(8)</span></a>
-except for <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ixgb</span>(4)</span></a>.
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="NET-PROTO" name="NET-PROTO">2.2.3 Network Protocols</a></h4>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">gre</span>(4)</span></a> tunnel
-driver now supports WCCP version 2.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ipfw</span>(4)</span></a> rules
-now support the <var class="LITERAL">versrcreach</var> option to verify that a valid
-route to the source address of a packet exists in the routing table. This option is very
-useful for routers with a complete view of the Internet (BGP) in the routing table to
-reject packets with spoofed or unroutable source addresses. For example,</p>
-<pre class="PROGRAMLISTING">
-deny ip from any to any not versrcreach
-is equivalent to the following in Cisco IOS syntax:
-<pre class="PROGRAMLISTING">
-ip verify unicast source reachable-via any
-<br />
-<br />
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ipfw</span>(4)</span></a> rules
-now support the <var class="LITERAL">antispoof</var> option to verify that an incoming
-packet's source address belongs to a directly connected network. If the network is
-directly connected, then the interface on which the packet came in is compared to the
-interface to which the network is connected. When the incoming interface and the directly
-connected interface are not the same, the packet does not match. For example:</p>
-<pre class="PROGRAMLISTING">
-deny ip from any to any not antispoof in
-<br />
-<br />
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ipfw</span>(4)</span></a> rules
-now support the <var class="LITERAL">jail</var> option to associate the rule with a
-specific prison ID. For example:</p>
-<pre class="PROGRAMLISTING">
-count ip from any to any jail 2
-Note that this rule currently applies for TCP and UDP packets only. <br />
-<br />
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ipfw</span>(4)</span></a> now
-supports lookup tables. This feature is useful for handling large sparse address sets.
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ipfw</span>(4)</span></a> <var
-class="LITERAL">forward</var> rule has to be compiled into the kernel with a kernel
-option <var class="LITERAL">IPFIREWALL_FORWARD</var> to enable it.</p>
-<p>A new sysctl <var class="VARNAME">net.inet.ip.process_options</var> has been added to
-control the processing of IP options. When this sysctl is set to <var
-class="LITERAL">0</var>, IP options are ignored and passed unmodified; set to <var
-class="LITERAL">1</var>, all IP options are processed (default); and set to <var
-class="LITERAL">2</var>, all packets with IP options are rejected with an ICMP filter
-prohibited message.</p>
-<p>Some bugs in the IPsec implementation from the KAME Project have been fixed. These
-bugs were related to freeing memory objects before all references to them were removed,
-and could cause erratic behavior or kernel panics after flushing the Security Policy
-Database (SPD).</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">natd</span>(8)</span></a> now
-supports multiple instances via a new option <var class="OPTION">globalports</var>. This
-allows <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">natd</span>(8)</span></a> to bind
-to different network interfaces and share load.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ng_atmllc</span>(4)</span></a>
-Netgraph node type, which handles RFC 1483 ATM LLC encapsulation, has been added.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ng_hub</span>(4)</span></a>
-Netgraph node type, which supports a simple packet distribution that acts like an
-Ethernet hub, has been added. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ng_rfc1490</span>(4)</span></a>
-Netgraph node type now supports Cisco style encapsulation, which is often used alongside
-RFC 1490 in frame relay links.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ng_sppp</span>(4)</span></a>
-Netgraph node type, which is a <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">netgraph</span>(4)</span></a>
-interface to the original <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sppp</span>(4)</span></a> network
-module for synchronous lines, has been added.</p>
-<p>A new Netgraph method has been added to restore some behavior lost in the change from
-4.<var class="REPLACEABLE">X</var> style <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ng_tee</span>(4)</span></a>
-Netgraph nodes.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ng_vlan</span>(4)</span></a>
-Netgraph node type, which supports IEEE 802.1Q VLAN tagging, has been added. [MERGED]</p>
-<p><var class="LITERAL">PFIL_HOOKS</var> support is now always compiled into the kernel,
-and the associated kernel compile options have been removed. All of the packet filter
-subsystems that FreeBSD supports now use the <var class="LITERAL">PFIL_HOOKS</var>
-<p>The link state change notification of Ethernet media support has been added to the
-routing socket.</p>
-<p>Link Quality Monitoring (LQM) support in <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ppp</span>(8)</span></a> has been
-reimplemented. LQM, which is described in RFC 1989, allows PPP to keep track of the
-quality of a running connection. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>The pseudo-interface cloning has been updated and the match function to allow creation
-of <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">stf</span>(4)</span></a>
-interfaces named <tt class="DEVICENAME">stf0</tt>, <tt class="DEVICENAME">stf</tt>, or
-<tt class="DEVICENAME">6to4</tt>. Note that this breaks backward compatibility; for
-example, <tt class="COMMAND">ifconfig stf</tt> now creates the interface named <tt
-class="DEVICENAME">stf</tt>, not <tt class="DEVICENAME">stf0</tt>, and does not print <tt
-class="DEVICENAME">stf0</tt> to stdout.</p>
-<p>The following TCP features are now enabled by default: RFC 3042 (Limited Retransmit),
-RFC 3390 (increased initial congestion window sizes), TCP bandwidth-delay product
-limiting. The sysctls <var class="VARNAME">net.inet.tcp.rfc3042</var>, <var
-class="VARNAME">net.inet.tcp.rfc3390</var>, and <var
-class="VARNAME">net.inet.tcp.inflight.enable</var> for these features are available. More
-information can be found in <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">tcp</span>(4)</span></a>.</p>
-<p>FreeBSD's TCP implementation now includes support for a minimum MSS (settable via the
-<var class="VARNAME">net.inet.tcp.minmss</var> sysctl variable) and a rate limit on
-connections that send many small TCP segments within a short period of time (via the <var
-class="VARNAME">net.inet.tcp.minmssoverload</var> sysctl variable). Connections exceeding
-this limit may be reset and dropped. This feature provides protection against a class of
-resource exhaustion attacks.</p>
-<p>The TCP implementation now includes partial (output-only) support for RFC 2385
-(TCP-MD5) digest support. This feature, enabled with the <var
-class="LITERAL">TCP_SIGNATURE</var> and <var class="LITERAL">FAST_IPSEC</var> kernel
-options, is a TCP option for authenticating TCP sessions. <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">setkey</span>(8)</span></a> now
-includes support for the TCP-MD5 class of security associations. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>The TCP connection reset handling has been improved to make several reset attacks as
-difficult as possible while maintaining compatibility with the widest range of TCP
-<p>The implementation of RFC 1948 has been improved. The time offset component of an
-Initial Sequence Number (ISN) now includes random positive increments between clock ticks
-so that ISNs will always be increasing, no matter how quickly the port is recycled.</p>
-<p>The random ephemeral port allocation, which comes from OpenBSD, has been implemented.
-This is enabled by default and can be disabled by using the <var
-class="VARNAME">net.inet.ip.portrange.randomized</var> sysctl. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>TCP Selective Acknowledgements (SACK) as described in RFC 2018 have been added. This
-improves TCP performance over connections with heavy packet loss. SACK can be enabled
-with the sysctl <var class="VARNAME">net.inet.tcp.sack.enable</var>.</p>
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="DISKS" name="DISKS">2.2.4 Disks and Storage</a></h4>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ata</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-now supports <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">cardbus</span>(4)</span></a>
-ATA/SATA controllers.</p>
-<p>A number of bugs in the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ata</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-have been fixed. Most notably, master/slave device detection should work better, and some
-problems with timeouts should be resolved.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ata</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-now supports the Promise command sequencer present on all modern Promise controllers
-(PDC203** PDC206**).</p>
-<div class="NOTE">
-<blockquote class="NOTE">
-<p><b>Note:</b> This also adds preliminary support for the Promise SX4/SX4000 as a
-``normal'' Promise ATA controller; ATA RAID's are supported, but only RAID0, RAID1, and
-<br />
-<br />
-<p>The <var class="LITERAL">DA_OLD_QUIRKS</var> kernel option, which is for the CAM SCSI
-disk driver (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">cam</span>(4)</span></a>), has
-been removed. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>A bug in <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">geom</span>(4)</span></a> that
-could result in I/O hangs in some rare cases has been fixed.</p>
-<p>A new <var class="LITERAL">GEOM_CONCAT</var> <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">geom</span>(4)</span></a> class
-has been added to concatenate multiple disks to appear as a single larger disk.</p>
-<p>A new <var class="LITERAL">GEOM_NOP</var> <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">geom</span>(4)</span></a> class
-for various testing purposes has been added.</p>
-<p>A new <var class="LITERAL">GEOM_RAID3</var> <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">geom</span>(4)</span></a> class
-for RAID3 transformation and <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">graid3</span>(8)</span></a>
-userland utility have been added.</p>
-<p>A new <var class="LITERAL">GEOM_STRIPE</var> <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">geom</span>(4)</span></a> class
-which implements RAID0 transformation has been added. This class has two modes: ``fast''
-and ``economic''. In fast mode, when very small stripe size is used, only one I/O request
-will be sent to every disk in a stripe; it performs about 10 times faster for small
-stripe sizes than economic mode and other RAID0 implementations. While fast mode is used
-by default, it consumes more memory than economic mode, which sends requests each time.
-Economic mode can be enabled by setting a loader tunable <var
-class="VARNAME">kern.geom.stripe.fast</var> to 0. It is also possible to specify the
-maximum memory that fast mode can consume, by setting the loader tunable <var
-<p>GEOM Gate, which consists of a new <var class="LITERAL">GEOM_GATE</var> <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">geom</span>(4)</span></a> class
-and several GEOM Gate userland utilities (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ggatel</span>(8)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ggatec</span>(8)</span></a>, and
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ggated</span>(8)</span></a>), has
-been added. It supports exporting devices, including non <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">geom</span>(4)</span></a>-aware
-devices, through the network.</p>
-<p>A new <var class="LITERAL">GEOM_LABEL</var> <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">geom</span>(4)</span></a> class to
-detect volume labels on various file systems, such as UFS, MSDOSFS (FAT12, FAT16, FAT32),
-and ISO9660, has been added.</p>
-<p>A new <var class="LITERAL">GEOM_GPT</var> <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">geom</span>(4)</span></a> class,
-which supports GUID Partition Table (GPT) partitions and the ability to have a large
-number of partitions on a single disk, has been added into <tt
-class="FILENAME">GENERIC</tt> by default.</p>
-<p>A new <var class="LITERAL">GEOM_MIRROR</var> <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">geom</span>(4)</span></a> class to
-support RAID1 functionality has been added. The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">gmirror</span>(8)</span></a>
-utility can be used for control of this class.</p>
-<p>A new <var class="LITERAL">GEOM_UZIP</var> <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">geom</span>(4)</span></a> class to
-implement read-only compressed disks has been added. This currently supports cloop V2.0
-disk compression format.</p>
-<p>A new <var class="LITERAL">GEOM_VINUM</var> <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">geom</span>(4)</span></a> class to
-support cooperation between <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">vinum</span>(4)</span></a> and <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">geom</span>(4)</span></a> has been
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ips</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-now supports the recent Adaptec ServeRAID series SCSI controller cards.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">umass</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-now supports the missing ATAPI MMC commands and handles the timeout properly.
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">vinum</span>(4)</span></a> volume
-manager has been updated to use the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">geom</span>(4)</span></a> disk I/O
-request transformation framework. A <tt class="COMMAND">gvinum</tt> userland utility has
-been added.</p>
-<p>Support for LSI-type software RAID has been added.</p>
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="FS" name="FS">2.2.5 File Systems</a></h4>
-<p>The EXT2FS file system code now includes partial support for large (&gt; 4GB) files.
-This support is partial in that it will refuse to create large files on file systems that
-have not been upgraded to <var class="LITERAL">EXT2_DYN_REV</var> or that do not have the
-<var class="LITERAL">EXT2_FEATURE_RO_COMPAT_LARGE_FILE</var> flag set in the
-<p>A panic in the NFSv4 client has been fixed; this occurred when attempting operations
-against an NFSv3/NFSv2-only server.</p>
-<p>The <var class="LITERAL">MSDOSFS_LARGE</var> kernel option has been added to support
-FAT32 file systems bigger than 128GB. This option is disabled by default. It uses at
-least 32 bytes of kernel memory for each file on disk; furthermore it is only safe to use
-in certain controlled situations, such as read-only mount with less than 1 million files
-and so on. Exporting these large file systems over NFS is not supported.</p>
-<p>The SMBFS client now has support for SMB request signing, which prevents ``man in the
-middle'' attacks and is required in order to connect to Windows 2003 servers in their
-default configuration. As signing each message imposes a significant performance penalty,
-this feature is only enabled if the server requires it; this may eventually become an
-option to <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="AEN925" name="AEN925">2.2.6 Contributed Software</a></h4>
-<p>The <b class="APPLICATION">ALTQ framework</b> has been imported from a KAME snapshot
-as of 7 June 2004. This import breaks ABI compatibility of <var class="VARNAME">struct
-ifnet</var> and requires all network drives to be recompiled. Additionally, some of the
-networking drivers have been modified to support the ALTQ framework. Updated drivers are
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">bfe</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">em</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">fxp</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">em</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">lnc</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">tun</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">de</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">rl</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sis</span>(4)</span></a>, and <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">xl</span>(4)</span></a>.</p>
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">IPFilter</b> has been updated from version 3.4.31 to version
-3.4.35 [MERGED].</p>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="USERLAND" name="USERLAND">2.3 Userland Changes</a></h3>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">acpidump</span>(8)</span></a> now
-supports SSDT tables. Dumping or disassembling the DSDT will now include the contents if
-there are any SSDT table as well.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">bsdlabel</span>(8)</span></a> now
-supports a <var class="OPTION">-f</var> option to work on files instead of disk
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">bsdtar</span>(1)</span></a> is now
-the default <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">tar</span>(1)</span></a> utility
-in the FreeBSD base system. <tt class="FILENAME">/usr/bin/tar</tt> is a symlink pointing
-to <tt class="FILENAME">/usr/bin/bsdtar</tt> by default. To return to using <tt
-class="FILENAME">/usr/bin/gtar</tt> by default, the <var class="VARNAME">WITH_GTAR</var>
-make variable can be used.</p>
-<p>The <tt class="COMMAND">bthidcontrol</tt> and <tt class="COMMAND">bthidd</tt>
-commands, which support Bluetooth HIDs (Human Interface Devices), have been added.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">col</span>(1)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">colcrt</span>(1)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">colrm</span>(1)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">column</span>(1)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">fmt</span>(1)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">join</span>(1)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">rev</span>(1)</span></a>, <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">tr</span>(1)</span></a>, and <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ul</span>(1)</span></a> now support
-multibyte characters.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">conscontrol</span>(8)</span></a>
-now supports <var class="LITERAL">set</var> and <var class="LITERAL">unset</var> commands
-which set/unset the virtual console. <var class="LITERAL">unset</var> makes output from
-the system, such as the kernel <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">printf</span>(9)</span></a>,
-always go to the real main console. This is an interface to the tty ioctl <var
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">cron</span>(8)</span></a> daemon
-accepts two new options, <var class="OPTION">-j</var> and <var class="OPTION">-J</var>,
-to enable time jitter for jobs to run as unprivileged users and the superuser,
-respectively. Time jitter means that <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">cron</span>(8)</span></a> will
-sleep for a small random period of time in the specified range before executing a job.
-This feature is intended to smooth load peaks appearing when a lot of jobs are scheduled
-for a particular moment. [MERGED]</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">cut</span>(1)</span></a>'s <var
-class="OPTION">-c</var>, <var class="OPTION">-d</var>, and <var class="OPTION">-f</var>
-options now work correctly in locales with multibyte characters.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">cvs</span>(1)</span></a> now
-supports an <var class="OPTION">iso8601</var> option keyword to print dates in ISO 8601
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">daemon</span>(8)</span></a> now
-supports a <var class="OPTION">-p</var> option to create a PID file.</p>
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">dd</span>(1)</span></a> now supports a
-<var class="OPTION">fillchar</var> option to specify an alternative padding character
-when using a conversion mode, or when using <var class="OPTION">noerror</var> with <var
-class="OPTION">sync</var> and an input error occurs.</p>
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">df</span>(1)</span></a> now supports a
-<var class="OPTION">-c</var> option to display a grand total of statistics for file
-<p>A bug in <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">df</span>(1)</span></a>, which can
-print invalid information when a <var class="OPTION">-t</var> option is specified and a
-mount point is not accessible by the calling user, has been fixed.</p>
-<p>The <tt class="COMMAND">doscmd</tt> utility has been removed from the FreeBSD base
-system. It is now available via the <a
-class="FILENAME">emulators/doscmd</tt></a> port in the FreeBSD Ports Collection.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">dump</span>(8)</span></a> and <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">restore</span>(8)</span></a> now
-support a <var class="OPTION">-P</var> option to specify backup methods other than files
-and tapes. The argument is passed to a normal <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sh</span>(1)</span></a> pipeline with
-either the <var class="VARNAME">$DUMP_VOLUME</var> or <var
-class="VARNAME">$RESTORE_VOLUME</var> environment variable defined, respectively. For
-more information, see <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">dump</span>(8)</span></a> and <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">restore</span>(8)</span></a>.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">eeprom</span>(8)</span></a>
-utility to display and modify system configurations stored in EEPROM or NVRAM has been
-added. The current implementation supports systems equipped with Open Firmware.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">fgetwln</span>(3)</span></a>
-function, a wide character version of <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">fgetln</span>(3)</span></a>, has
-been added.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">find</span>(1)</span></a> utility
-now supports a <var class="OPTION">-acl</var> primary to locate files with <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">acl</span>(3)</span></a>.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">find</span>(1)</span></a> utility
-now supports a new primary <var class="OPTION">-depth <var
-class="REPLACEABLE">n</var></var> which tests whether the depth of the current file
-relative to the starting point of the traversal is <var class="REPLACEABLE">n</var>.
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ftpd</span>(8)</span></a> now
-opens a socket for a data transfer in active mode using the effective UID of the current
-user, not <tt class="USERNAME">root</tt>. This is useful for matching anonymous FTP data
-traffic with a single <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ipfw</span>(8)</span></a> rule
-with <var class="LITERAL">uid</var>.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ftw</span>(3)</span></a> and <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">nftw</span>(3)</span></a>
-functions to traverse a directory hierarchy have been implemented.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">geom</span>(8)</span></a> utility
-for operating on <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">geom</span>(4)</span></a> classes
-from the userland has been added.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">gpt</span>(8)</span></a>, a GUID
-partition table maintenance utility, now supports a <var class="OPTION">remove</var>
-command. Its <var class="OPTION">add</var> command now supports a <var
-class="OPTION">-i</var> option, which allows the user to specify the partition number of
-a new partition.</p>
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">id</span>(1)</span></a> now supports a
-<var class="OPTION">-M</var> option to print the MAC label of the current process.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ifconfig</span>(8)</span></a> now
-supports renaming of network interfaces at run-time using the <var
-class="OPTION">name</var> parameter.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ifconfig</span>(8)</span></a> now
-prints the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">polling</span>(4)</span></a>
-status on the interface. [MERGED]</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ifconfig</span>(8)</span></a> now
-provides the <var class="OPTION">vlanmtu</var> and <var class="OPTION">-vlanmtu</var>
-options, which control the capability of some Ethernet interfaces to receive extended
-frames (i.e. frames containing more than 1500 bytes of payload).</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ifconfig</span>(8)</span></a> now
-provides the <var class="OPTION">vlanhwtag</var> and <var class="OPTION">-vlanhwtag</var>
-options, which control the capability of some Ethernet interfaces to process VLAN tags in
-the hardware.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">indent</span>(1)</span></a> now
-supports a <var class="OPTION">-ldi</var> option to control indentation of local
-variables. A number of other tunings were made to this utility.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">indent</span>(1)</span></a> now
-supports <var class="OPTION">-fbs</var> and <var class="OPTION">-ut</var> for function
-declarations with the opening brace on the same line as the declaration of arguments all
-spaces and no tabs in order to fix problem when non-8 space tabs are used.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ip6fw</span>(8)</span></a> now
-supports a <var class="OPTION">-n</var> flag to stop it from making any changes to the
-rules in the kernel.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ipcs</span>(1)</span></a> now
-supports a <var class="OPTION">-u</var> option to display information about IPC
-mechanisms owned by the specified user.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ipfw</span>(8)</span></a> now
-supports a <var class="OPTION">-b</var> flag to print only the action and comment for
-each rule, thus omitting the rule body.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">jail</span>(8)</span></a> now
-supports a <var class="OPTION">-U</var> option to run a command as a user which exists
-only in the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">jail</span>(2)</span></a>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">jail</span>(8)</span></a> now
-supports a <var class="OPTION">-l</var> option to clean the environment. All environment
-variables are discarded except for <var class="VARNAME">HOME</var>, <var
-class="VARNAME">SHELL</var>, <var class="VARNAME">PATH</var>, <var
-class="VARNAME">TERM</var>, and <var class="VARNAME">USER</var> before running the jailed
-program under a specific user's credentials. This behavior is similar to that provided by
-the <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">su</span>(1)</span></a> <var
-class="OPTION">-l</var> option.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">kgdb</span>(1)</span></a>, a
-kernel debugging utility which uses <b class="APPLICATION">libgdb</b> and understands
-kernel threads, kernel modules, and <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">kvm</span>(3)</span></a>, has been
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">killall</span>(1)</span></a> now
-supports a <var class="OPTION">-e</var> flag to make the <var class="OPTION">-u</var>
-operate on effective, rather than real, user IDs. [MERGED]</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">libalias</span>(3)</span></a> now
-has support (and a new API) for multiple aliasing instances in a single process. The
-existing API has been reimplemented in terms of the new one to preserve
-<p>A <b class="APPLICATION">libarchive</b> library for manipulation of compressed and
-uncompressed archive files has been added. More details can be found in <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">libdisk</b> now uses <var class="VARNAME">d_addr_t</var> for
-disk addresses. This allows <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sysinstall</span>(8)</span></a> to
-properly handle disks and file systems more than 1 TB.</p>
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">libpthread</b> now supports a <var
-class="VARNAME">LIBPTHREAD_SYSTEM_SCOPE</var> environment variable to force 1:1 mode
-(using system scope threads). Note that building <b class="APPLICATION">libpthread</b>
-with <var class="OPTION">-DSYSTEM_SCOPE_ONLY</var> flag also forces 1:1 mode, and that
-this option is set by default for architectures that do not support M:N mode yet. In
-addition, a <var class="VARNAME">LIBPTHREAD_PROCESS_SCOPE</var> environment variable can
-be used to force M:N mode (using process scope threads). For example:</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<samp class="PROMPT">%</samp> <kbd class="USERINPUT">env LIBPTHREAD_SYSTEM_SCOPE=yes <var
-<p>forces the application <var class="REPLACEABLE">threaded_app</var> to use system scope
-threads, and</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<samp class="PROMPT">%</samp> <kbd
-<p>forces it to use process scope threads.</p>
-<p>A bug in the <var class="OPTION">-d</var> option of <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">look</span>(1)</span></a> has been
-fixed. Also, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">look</span>(1)</span></a> now
-works correctly in locales with multibyte characters.</p>
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ls</span>(1)</span></a> now treats
-filenames as multibyte character strings according to the current <var
-class="VARNAME">LC_CTYPE</var> when determining which characters are printable.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">make</span>(1)</span></a> now
-supports the new <var class="LITERAL">.warning</var> directive.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">make</span>(1)</span></a> now
-supports the POSIX-compatible <var class="LITERAL">+</var> flag in <tt
-class="FILENAME">Makefile</tt> command lines, which causes a line to be executed even
-when <var class="OPTION">-n</var> is specified. This is useful for calls to submakes, for
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">make</span>(1)</span></a> now puts
-variable assignments from the command line into the <var class="VARNAME">MAKEFLAGS</var>
-variable as required by POSIX. This causes such variables to be pushed into all sub-makes
-called by the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">make</span>(1)</span></a> (except
-when the <var class="VARNAME">MAKEFLAGS</var> variable is explicitly changed in the
-sub-make's environment). This makes them also mostly un-overrideable in sub-makes except
-on the sub-make's command line.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">nearbyint</span>(3)</span></a> and
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">nearbyintf</span>(3)</span></a>
-C99 functions have been implemented.</p>
-<p>The <tt class="FILENAME">tgmath.h</tt> C99 header has been implemented. This provides
-type-generic macros for the <tt class="FILENAME">math.h</tt> and <tt
-class="FILENAME">complex.h</tt> functions that have float, double and long double
-<p>The GNU extensions of <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">mbsnrtowcs</span>(3)</span></a>
-and <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">wcsnrtombs</span>(3)</span></a>
-have been implemented.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">newsyslog</span>(8)</span></a> now
-allows users to set a debugging option via the <tt class="FILENAME">newsyslog.conf</tt>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">newsyslog</span>(8)</span></a>
-uses a new order when processing files to rotate. It first rotates all files that need to
-be rotated, then sends a single signal to each process which needs to be signaled, and
-finally compresses all the files that were rotated.</p>
-<p>A <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">nextwctype</span>(3)</span></a>
-function to iterate over all characters in a particular character class has been
-<p>Initial support for UTF-8 versions of all the currently supported system locales has
-been added. This is primarily for the benefit of the <a
-class="FILENAME">misc/utf8locale</tt></a> port.</p>
-<p>An Israel Hebrew locale <var class="LITERAL">he_IL.UTF-8</var> has been added.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">logins</span>(1)</span></a>
-utility has been added to display information about user and system accounts.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">mountd</span>(8)</span></a> now
-supports the <var class="OPTION">-p</var> option, which allows users to specify a known
-port for use in firewall rulesets.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">netstat</span>(1)</span></a> now
-displays the multicast group memberships present in the system.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">newfs</span>(8)</span></a> and <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">mdmfs</span>(8)</span></a> now
-support a <var class="OPTION">-l</var> flag to enable them to set the MAC multilabel flag
-on new file systems without requiring the use of <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">tunefs</span>(8)</span></a>.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">nologin</span>(8)</span></a> now
-reports login attempts via <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">syslogd</span>(8)</span></a>.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">nologin</span>(8)</span></a> has
-been moved from <tt class="FILENAME">/sbin/nologin</tt> to <tt
-class="FILENAME">/usr/sbin/nologin</tt>. <tt class="FILENAME">/sbin/nologin</tt> remains
-as a symbolic link for backward compatibility.</p>
-<p>A bugfix has been applied to NSS support, which fixes problems when using third-party
-NSS modules (such as <a
-class="FILENAME">net/nss_ldap</tt></a>) and groups with large membership lists.</p>
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">od</span>(1)</span></a> now has
-POSIX-style support for multibyte characters.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">patch</span>(1)</span></a> has
-been replaced with a BSD-licensed version from OpenBSD. This includes a <var
-class="OPTION">--posix</var> option for strict POSIX conformance.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pgrep</span>(1)</span></a> and <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pkill</span>(1)</span></a>
-commands, which come from NetBSD, have been added. They also support a <var
-class="OPTION">-M</var> option to extract values associated with the name list from the
-specified core instead of the default <tt class="FILENAME">/dev/kmem</tt>, and a <var
-class="OPTION">-N</var> option to extract the name list from the specified system instead
-of the default kernel.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ppp</span>(8)</span></a> now
-supports a ``set rad_alive <var class="REPLACEABLE">N</var>'' command to enable periodic
-RADIUS accounting information being sent to the RADIUS server. [MERGED]</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ppp</span>(8)</span></a> now
-supports a ``set pppoe [standard|3Com]'' command to configure the operating mode of an
-underlying <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ng_pppoe</span>(4)</span></a>
-Netgraph node.</p>
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ps</span>(1)</span></a> compatibility
-with POSIX/SUSv3 has been improved. The changes include <var class="OPTION">-p</var> for
-a list of process IDs, <var class="OPTION">-t</var> for a list of terminal names, <var
-class="OPTION">-A</var> which is equivalent to <var class="OPTION">-ax</var>, <var
-class="OPTION">-G</var> for a list of group IDs, <var class="OPTION">-X</var> which is
-the opposite of <var class="OPTION">-x</var>, and some minor improvements. For more
-information, see <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ps</span>(1)</span></a>. [MERGED]</p>
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ps</span>(1)</span></a> now supports a
-<var class="OPTION">-O emul</var> format option, which prints the name of the system call
-emulation environment the process is in.</p>
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pw</span>(8)</span></a> now supports a
-<var class="OPTION">-H</var> option, which accepts an encrypted password on a file
-descriptor. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>A bug in <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">rarpd</span>(8)</span></a> that
-prevents it from working properly when a interface has more than one IP address has been
-fixed. [MERGED]</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">regex</span>(3)</span></a> now
-supports regular expression matching aware of multibyte characters.</p>
-<p>The configuration files used by the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">resolver</span>(3)</span></a> now
-support the <var class="LITERAL">timeout:</var> and <var class="LITERAL">attempts:</var>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">resolver</span>(3)</span></a> and
-associated interfaces are now much more reentrant and thread-safe. Multiple DNS lookups
-can now be run at the same time, showing major improvements in the performance of some
-multi-threaded applications. Some multi-threaded programs need to be recompiled; examples
-from the Ports Collection are <a
-class="FILENAME">www/mozilla</tt></a> and variants, <a
-class="FILENAME">mail/evolution</tt></a>, <a
-class="FILENAME">devel/gnomevfs</tt></a>, and <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">rmdir</span>(1)</span></a> now
-supports a <var class="OPTION">-v</var> flag, which makes it verbose.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">savecore</span>(8)</span></a> now
-works correctly for dump files larger than 2GB.</p>
-<p>A bug in <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">script</span>(1)</span></a> has
-been fixed so that it now works correctly if the standard input is closed. This fix
-prevents a potentially dangerous interaction with the <a
-class="FILENAME">sysutils/portupgrade</tt></a> package; if it was run non-interactively,
-it could remove all out-of-date ports without reinstalling them.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sdpd</span>(8)</span></a>
-Bluetooth Service Discovery Protocol daemon has been added.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sed</span>(1)</span></a>'s <var
-class="LITERAL">y</var> (translate) command now supports multibyte characters.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sha1</span>(1)</span></a> and <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">rmd160</span>(1)</span></a>
-utilities have been added. Similar to <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">md5</span>(1)</span></a>, they
-calculate a message digest of their inputs. [MERGED]</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">smbmsg</span>(8)</span></a>, a
-small utility to send/receive SMBus messages, has been added.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">talk</span>(1)</span></a> now uses
-<tt class="HOSTID">localhost</tt> as a default machine name in <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">talkd</span>(8)</span></a> request
-packets when the destination and source are local. This makes <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">talk</span>(1)</span></a>
-dependent on a valid host entry for <tt class="HOSTID">localhost</tt> in <tt
-class="FILENAME">/etc/hosts</tt> or the DNS.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">tftpd</span>(8)</span></a> now
-supports two new options: a <var class="OPTION">-w</var> option allows new files to be
-created, and a <var class="OPTION">-U</var> option allows the umask to be set.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">top</span>(1)</span></a> can now
-display the current amount of I/O. This feature can be enabled by hitting ``m'' or
-passing the command line option <var class="OPTION">-m io</var>.</p>
-<p>Many userland utilities in the base system (mostly GNU contributed utilities) now use
-the system version of <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">getopt_long</span>(3)</span></a>,
-rather than the GNU version.</p>
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="RC-SCRIPTS" name="RC-SCRIPTS">2.3.1 <tt
-class="FILENAME">/etc/rc.d</tt> Scripts</a></h4>
-<p>The <tt class="FILENAME">diskless</tt> script has been split out into <tt
-class="FILENAME">hostname</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">resolve</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">tmp</tt>, and <tt class="FILENAME">var</tt> scripts.</p>
-<p>The <tt class="FILENAME">gbde_swap</tt> script, which supports gbde-enabled swap
-devices, has been added. When the <var class="VARNAME">gbde_swap_enable</var> variable is
-specified in <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">rc.conf</span>(5)</span></a>, a
-swap device named <tt class="FILENAME">/dev/<var class="REPLACEABLE">foo.bde</var></tt>
-in <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">fstab</span>(5)</span></a> is
-automatically attached at boot time with the device <tt class="FILENAME">/dev/<var
-class="REPLACEABLE">foo</var></tt> and a random key, which is generated by computing the
-MD5 checksum of 512 bytes read from <tt class="FILENAME">/dev/random</tt>. Note that this
-prevents recovery of kernel dumps.</p>
-<p>The <var class="VARNAME">ip6addrctl_enable</var> and <var
-class="VARNAME">ip6addrctl_verbose</var> variables have been added. When <var
-class="VARNAME">ip6addrctl_enable</var> is set to <var class="LITERAL">YES</var>, the
-address selection policy is installed into the kernel. If <tt
-class="FILENAME">/etc/ip6addrctl.conf</tt> exists, it will be used; otherwise, a default
-policy will be installed. The default policy is one described in RFC 3484 when <var
-class="VARNAME">ipv6_enable</var> is set to <var class="LITERAL">YES</var>. Otherwise,
-the priority policy for IPv4 address will be used as a default policy.</p>
-<p>The <tt class="FILENAME">mixer</tt> script has been added. It saves the current
-settings of all audio mixers present in the system on shutdown and restores the settings
-on boot.</p>
-<p>The <tt class="FILENAME">named</tt> script has been updated to support <b
-class="APPLICATION">BIND 9</b> in the base system. The changes include:</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">named</span>(8)</span></a> runs in
-a <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">chroot</span>(2)</span></a>
-directory <tt class="FILENAME">/var/named</tt> by default. The <var
-class="VARNAME">named_chrootdir</var> variable can be used to disable this behavior or to
-change the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">chroot</span>(2)</span></a>
-<p>When the <var class="VARNAME">named_chroot_autoupdate</var> variable is set to <var
-class="LITERAL">YES</var> (the default), the chroot directory is automatically configured
-at the boot time. A symbolic link which points to <tt
-class="FILENAME">/var/named/etc/namedb</tt> is created as <tt
-class="FILENAME">/etc/namedb</tt>, and a symbolic link which points to <tt
-class="FILENAME">/var/named/var/run/named/pid</tt> is created as <tt
-class="FILENAME">/var/run/named/pid</tt>. The latter can be disabled by using the <var
-class="VARNAME">named_symlink_enable</var> variable in <tt
-<p>The <tt class="FILENAME">rndc.key</tt> file is automatically created if it does not
-<p>The <tt class="FILENAME">pf</tt> and <tt class="FILENAME">pflog</tt> scripts for <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pf</span>(4)</span></a> have been
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="CONTRIB" name="CONTRIB">2.4 Contributed Software</a></h3>
-<p>The <b class="APPLICATION">ACPI-CA</b> code has been updated from the 20030619
-snapshot to the 20040527 snapshot.</p>
-<p>The <b class="APPLICATION">AMD (am-utils)</b> has been updated from version 6.0.9 to
-version 6.0.10p1.</p>
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">awk</b> from Bell Labs has been updated from the 29 July 2003
-release to the 7 February 2004 release.</p>
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">BIND</b> has been updated from version 8.3.1-REL to version
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">CVS</b> has been updated from version 1.11.15 to version
-1.11.17. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>The <b class="APPLICATION">FILE</b> has been updated from version 3.41 to version
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">gdtoa</b> (a library that performs conversions of numbers
-between binary and decimal form) has been updated from version 20030324 to version
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">GDB</b> has been updated to version 6.1.1.</p>
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">GNU Binutils</b> has been updated to a 23 May 2004 snapshot
-from the FSF 2.15 branch.</p>
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">GNU GCC</b> has been updated from 3.3.3-prerelease as of 6
-November 2003 to 3.4.2-prerelease as of 28 July 2004.</p>
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">GNU grep</b> has been updated from version 2.4d to version
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">GNU less</b> has been updated from version 371 to version
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">GNU readline</b> 4.3 has been updated with official patches 001
-through 005.</p>
-<p>The <b class="APPLICATION">GNU regex</b> library has been updated to the version
-included with <b class="APPLICATION">GNU grep</b> 2.5.1.</p>
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">GNU sort</b> has been updated from textutils 2.1 to a coreutils
-snapshot as of 12 August 2004.</p>
-<p>The <b class="APPLICATION">GNU tar</b> implementation in the base system is now called
-<tt class="FILENAME">gtar</tt>.</p>
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">Heimdal Kerberos</b> has been updated from version 0.6 to
-version 0.6.1.</p>
-<p>The <b class="APPLICATION">ISC DHCP</b> client has been updated from version 3.0.1
-RC10 to version 3.0.1.</p>
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">libpcap</b> has been updated from version 0.7.1 to version
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">lukemftpd</b> has been updated from a snapshot as of 3 November
-2003 to one as of 9 August 2004.</p>
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">NTP</b> has been updated from version 4.1.1a to version
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">OpenPAM</b> has been updated from the Dogwood release to the
-Eelgrass release.</p>
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">OpenSSH</b> has been updated from version 3.6.1p1 to version
-<div class="NOTE">
-<blockquote class="NOTE">
-<p><b>Note:</b> The configuration defaults for <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sshd</span>(8)</span></a> have
-been changed. SSH protocol version 1 is no longer enabled by default. In addition,
-password authentication over SSH is disabled by default if PAM is enabled.</p>
-<br />
-<br />
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">OpenSSL</b> has been updated from version 0.9.7c to version
-0.9.7d. [MERGED]</p>
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">OpenSSL</b> VIA C3 Nehemiah PadLock ACE (Advanced Cryptography
-Engine) crypto support, which provides Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) encryption, has
-been imported from a prerelease version of <b class="APPLICATION">OpenSSL</b>.</p>
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">pf</b>, OpenBSD's packet filter as of OpenBSD 3.5-stable, has
-been imported into the FreeBSD source tree and is now installed by default. Two new users
-(<tt class="USERNAME">proxy</tt> and <tt class="USERNAME">_pflogd</tt>) and three new
-groups (<tt class="USERNAME">authpf</tt>, <tt class="USERNAME">proxy</tt>, and <tt
-class="USERNAME">_pflogd</tt>), which <b class="APPLICATION">pf</b> needs, have been
-added as well.</p>
-<div class="NOTE">
-<blockquote class="NOTE">
-<p><b>Note:</b> On upgrading from source, these user accounts must be added in advance.
-<var class="LITERAL">mergemaster -p</var> can be used to assist in creating the proper
-entries in the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">passwd</span>(5)</span></a> and <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">group</span>(5)</span></a> files.
-The <var class="VARNAME">NO_PF</var> variable in <tt class="FILENAME">make.conf</tt> can
-be used to prevent <b class="APPLICATION">pf</b> from building.</p>
-<p>Several userland utilities of OpenBSD's <b class="APPLICATION">pf</b> have been
-imported. <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ftp-proxy</span>(8)</span></a> is
-an ftp proxy for <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pf</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pfctl</span>(8)</span></a> is an
-equivalent to <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ipf</span>(8)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pflogd</span>(8)</span></a> is a
-daemon which logs packets via <var class="LITERAL">if_pflog</var> in <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pcap</span>(3)</span></a> format,
-and <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">authpf</span>(8)</span></a> is an
-authentication shell to modify <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pf</span>(4)</span></a> rulesets.</p>
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">routed</b> has been updated from release 2.22 to release 2.27
-from rhyolite.com. Note that for users relying on RIP's MD5 authentication feature, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">routed</span>(8)</span></a> routed
-is now incompatible with previous versions of FreeBSD; however, it is now compatible with
-implementations from Sun, Cisco and other vendors.</p>
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">sendmail</b> has been updated from version 8.12.10 to version
-8.13.1. [MERGED]</p>
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">tcpdump</b> has been updated from version 3.7.1 to version
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">tcsh</b> has been updated from version 6.11 to version
-<p>The timezone database has been updated from <tt class="FILENAME">tzdata2003a</tt> to
-<tt class="FILENAME">tzdata2004e</tt>.</p>
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">zlib</b> has been updated from version 1.1.4 to version
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="PORTS" name="PORTS">2.5 Ports/Packages Collection
-<p>Most of the startup/shutdown scripts installed by various ports now use the new <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">rc</span>(8)</span></a> framework
-introduced in FreeBSD 5.<var class="REPLACEABLE">X</var>, while some ports still use the
-old-style scripts. On startup, the new <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">rc</span>(8)</span></a> style scripts
-are executed before the old-style scripts. On shutdown, exactly the reverse happens.</p>
-<p>The <var class="LITERAL">SIZE</var> attribute for distfiles, which can be used for
-checking file sizes before fetching, has been added and enabled by default. <var
-class="VARNAME">DISABLE_SIZE</var> is a user control knob to disable the distfile size
-checking. This is especially useful on old FreeBSD versions which did not have <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">fetch</span>(1)</span></a> support
-for this, and for some FTP proxies which always report incorrect or bogus sizes.</p>
-<p>Two new files have been added to the ports tree to track noteworthy changes: <tt
-class="FILENAME">ports/CHANGES</tt> lists major changes to the Ports Collection and its
-infrastructure. <tt class="FILENAME">ports/UPDATING</tt> describes some potential
-pitfalls that can be encountered when updating certain ports, analogous to <tt
-class="FILENAME">src/UPDATING</tt> for the base system.</p>
-<p>The version number parsing code has been rewritten in the system <tt
-class="FILENAME">pkg_*</tt> tools, restoring compatibility with 4.x and <a
-<p>The package tools can now match packages with relational operators and csh-style <var
-class="LITERAL">{...}</var> choices. For example:</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<samp class="PROMPT">#</samp> <kbd class="USERINPUT">pkg_info -I 'docbook&#62;=3.0'</kbd>
-<p>will list (all) docbook DTDs with at least version 3.0. Additional command line
-options have also been added to aid pattern matching.</p>
-<p>The package tools have improved handling of corrupt package databases.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pkg_create</span>(1)</span></a>
-now supports a <var class="OPTION">-S</var> option to make all <var
-class="LITERAL">@cwd</var> paths be prefixed during package creation.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pkg_info</span>(1)</span></a> now
-supports a <var class="OPTION">-j</var> option to show the requirements script for each
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="RELENG" name="RELENG">2.6 Release Engineering and
-<p>FreeBSD cryptography support is no longer an optional component of releases, and the
-<var class="LITERAL">crypto</var> release distribution is now part of <var
-class="LITERAL">base</var>. Note that the <var class="OPTION">-DNOCRYPT</var> build
-option still exists for anyone who really wants to build non-cryptographic binaries.</p>
-<p>The supported release of <b class="APPLICATION">GNOME</b> has been updated from
-version 2.4 to version 2.6.2.</p>
-<div class="NOTE">
-<blockquote class="NOTE">
-<p><b>Note:</b> If you are using the older <b class="APPLICATION">GNOME</b> desktop
-itself (<a href="http://www.FreeBSD.org/cgi/url.cgi?ports/x11/gnome2/pkg-descr"><tt
-class="FILENAME">x11/gnome2</tt></a>), simply upgrading it from the FreeBSD Ports
-Collection with <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">portupgrade</span>(1)</span></a>
-(<a href="http://www.FreeBSD.org/cgi/url.cgi?ports/sysutils/portupgrade/pkg-descr"><tt
-class="FILENAME">sysutils/portupgrade</tt></a>) will cause serious problems. If you are a
-<b class="APPLICATION">GNOME</b> desktop user, please read the instructions carefully at
-<a href="http://www.FreeBSD.org/gnome/docs/faq26.html"
-target="_top">http://www.FreeBSD.org/gnome/docs/faq26.html</a>, and use the <tt
-class="FILENAME">gnome_upgrade.sh</tt> script to properly upgrade to <b
-class="APPLICATION">GNOME</b> 2.6.</p>
-<p>Note that if you are just a casual user of some of the <b
-class="APPLICATION">GNOME</b> libraries, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">portupgrade</span>(1)</span></a>
-should be sufficient to update your ports.</p>
-<br />
-<br />
-<p>The supported release of <b class="APPLICATION">KDE</b> has been updated from version
-3.1.4 to version 3.3.0.</p>
-<p>The <a
-class="FILENAME">security/portaudit</tt></a> utility has been added to the FreeBSD Ports
-Collection. This utility will read a database containing known ports vulnerabilities and
-report them to the administrator.</p>
-<p>FreeBSD now uses <b class="APPLICATION">Xorg</b> instead of <b
-class="APPLICATION">XFree86</b> as the default X Window System. The supported release is
-<b class="APPLICATION">Xorg</b> X11R6.7.0. Note that <b class="APPLICATION">XFree86</b>
-is also available in the FreeBSD Ports Collection (<a
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="DOC" name="DOC">2.7 Documentation</a></h3>
-<div class="SECT1">
-<hr />
-<h2 class="SECT1"><a id="UPGRADE" name="UPGRADE">3 Upgrading from previous releases of
-<p>Users with existing FreeBSD systems are <span class="emphasis"><i
-class="EMPHASIS">highly</i></span> encouraged to read the ``FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE Migration
-Guide''. This document generally has the filename <tt class="FILENAME">MIGRATE5.TXT</tt>
-on the distribution media, or any other place that the release notes can be found. It
-offers some notes on migrating from FreeBSD 4.<var class="REPLACEABLE">X</var>, but more
-importantly, also discusses some of the relative merits of upgrading to FreeBSD 5.<var
-class="REPLACEABLE">X</var> versus running FreeBSD 4.<var
-<div class="IMPORTANT">
-<blockquote class="IMPORTANT">
-<p><b>Important:</b> Upgrading FreeBSD should, of course, only be attempted after backing
-up <span class="emphasis"><i class="EMPHASIS">all</i></span> data and configuration
-<hr />
-<p align="center"><small>This file, and other release-related documents, can be
-downloaded from <a href="ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/">ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/</a>.</small></p>
-<p align="center"><small>For questions about FreeBSD, read the <a
-href="http://www.FreeBSD.org/docs.html">documentation</a> before contacting &#60;<a
-<p align="center"><small>For questions about this documentation, e-mail &#60;<a
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-<div class="TITLEPAGE">
-<h1 class="TITLE"><a id="AEN2" name="AEN2">FreeBSD/amd64 5.3-RELEASE Release
-<h3 class="CORPAUTHOR">The FreeBSD Project</h3>
-<p class="COPYRIGHT">Copyright &copy; 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 The FreeBSD
-Documentation Project</p>
-<p class="PUBDATE">$FreeBSD: src/release/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/relnotes/common/new.sgml,v
-1.761. 2004/11/03 10:12:51 hrs Exp $<br />
-<div class="ABSTRACT"><a id="AEN13" name="AEN13"></a>
-<p>The release notes for FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE contain a summary of the changes made to the
-FreeBSD base system since 5.2.1-RELEASE. This document lists applicable security
-advisories that were issued since the last release, as well as significant changes to the
-FreeBSD kernel and userland. Some brief remarks on upgrading are also presented.</p>
-<hr />
-<div class="TOC">
-<dt><b>Table of Contents</b></dt>
-<dt>1 <a href="#INTRO">Introduction</a></dt>
-<dt>2 <a href="#NEW">What's New</a></dt>
-<dt>2.1 <a href="#SECURITY">Security Advisories</a></dt>
-<dt>2.2 <a href="#KERNEL">Kernel Changes</a></dt>
-<dt>2.2.1 <a href="#BOOT">Boot Loader Changes</a></dt>
-<dt>2.2.2 <a href="#PROC">Hardware Support</a></dt>
-<dt>2.2.3 <a href="#NET-PROTO">Network Protocols</a></dt>
-<dt>2.2.4 <a href="#DISKS">Disks and Storage</a></dt>
-<dt>2.2.5 <a href="#FS">File Systems</a></dt>
-<dt>2.2.6 <a href="#AEN925">Contributed Software</a></dt>
-<dt>2.3 <a href="#USERLAND">Userland Changes</a></dt>
-<dt>2.3.1 <a href="#RC-SCRIPTS"><tt class="FILENAME">/etc/rc.d</tt> Scripts</a></dt>
-<dt>2.4 <a href="#CONTRIB">Contributed Software</a></dt>
-<dt>2.5 <a href="#PORTS">Ports/Packages Collection Infrastructure</a></dt>
-<dt>2.6 <a href="#RELENG">Release Engineering and Integration</a></dt>
-<dt>2.7 <a href="#DOC">Documentation</a></dt>
-<dt>3 <a href="#UPGRADE">Upgrading from previous releases of FreeBSD</a></dt>
-<div class="SECT1">
-<h2 class="SECT1"><a id="INTRO" name="INTRO">1 Introduction</a></h2>
-<p>This document contains the release notes for FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE on the AMD64 hardware
-platform. It describes recently added, changed, or deleted features of FreeBSD. It also
-provides some notes on upgrading from previous versions of FreeBSD.</p>
-<p>This distribution of FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE is a release distribution. It can be found at
-<a href="ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/" target="_top">ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/</a> or any of its
-mirrors. More information on obtaining this (or other) release distributions of FreeBSD
-can be found in the <a
-target="_top">``Obtaining FreeBSD'' appendix</a> to the <a
-href="http://www.FreeBSD.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/" target="_top">FreeBSD
-<p>All users are encouraged to consult the release errata before installing FreeBSD. The
-errata document is updated with ``late-breaking'' information discovered late in the
-release cycle or after the release. Typically, it contains information on known bugs,
-security advisories, and corrections to documentation. An up-to-date copy of the errata
-for FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE can be found on the FreeBSD Web site.</p>
-<div class="SECT1">
-<hr />
-<h2 class="SECT1"><a id="NEW" name="NEW">2 What's New</a></h2>
-<p>This section describes the most user-visible new or changed features in FreeBSD since
-5.2.1-RELEASE. In general, changes described here are unique to the 5-STABLE branch
-unless specifically marked as [MERGED] features.</p>
-<p>Typical release note items document recent security advisories issued after
-5.3-RELEASE, new drivers or hardware support, new commands or options, major bug fixes,
-or contributed software upgrades. They may also list changes to major ports/packages or
-release engineering practices. Clearly the release notes cannot list every single change
-made to FreeBSD between releases; this document focuses primarily on security advisories,
-user-visible changes, and major architectural improvements.</p>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="SECURITY" name="SECURITY">2.1 Security Advisories</a></h3>
-<p>A bug in <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">mksnap_ffs</span>(8)</span></a>
-has been fixed; it caused the creation of a file system snapshot to reset the flags on
-the file system to their default values. The possible consequences depended on local
-usage, but could include disabling extended access control lists or enabling the use of
-setuid executables stored on an untrusted file system. This bug also affected the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">dump</span>(8)</span></a> <var
-class="OPTION">-L</var> option, which uses <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">mksnap_ffs</span>(8)</span></a>.
-Note that <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">mksnap_ffs</span>(8)</span></a> is
-normally only available to the superuser and members of the <tt
-class="GROUPNAME">operator</tt> group. For more information, see security advisory <a
-<p>A bug with the System V Shared Memory interface (specifically the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">shmat</span>(2)</span></a> system
-call) has been fixed. This bug can cause a shared memory segment to reference unallocated
-kernel memory. In turn, this can permit a local attacker to gain unauthorized access to
-parts of kernel memory, possibly resulting in disclosure of sensitive information, bypass
-of access control mechanisms, or privilege escalation. More details can be found in
-security advisory <a
-target="_top">FreeBSD-SA-04:02</a>. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>A programming error in the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">jail_attach</span>(2)</span></a>
-system call has been fixed. This error could allow a process with superuser privileges
-inside a <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">jail</span>(8)</span></a>
-environment to change its root directory to that of a different jail, and thus gain full
-read and write access to files and directories within the target jail. More information
-can be found in security advisory <a
-<p>A potential low-bandwidth denial-of-service attack against the FreeBSD TCP stack has
-been prevented by limiting the number of out-of-sequence TCP segments that can be held at
-one time. More details can be found in security advisory <a
-target="_top">FreeBSD-SA-04:04</a>. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>A bug in <b class="APPLICATION">OpenSSL</b>'s SSL/TLS ChangeCipherSpec message
-processing that could result in a null pointer dereference has been fixed. This could
-allow a remote attacker to crash an <b class="APPLICATION">OpenSSL</b>-using application
-and cause a denial-of-service on the system. More details can be found in security
-advisory <a
-target="_top">FreeBSD-SA-04:05</a>. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>A programming error in the handling of some IPv6 socket options within the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">setsockopt</span>(2)</span></a>
-system call has been fixed. This allows a local attacker to cause a system panic, and may
-allow unauthorized access to parts of kernel memory, possibly resulting in disclosure of
-sensitive information, bypass of access control mechanisms, or privilege escalation. More
-details can be found in security advisory <a
-<p>Two programming errors in <b class="APPLICATION">CVS</b> have been fixed. They allow a
-server to overwrite arbitrary files on the client, and a client to read arbitrary files
-on the server when accessing remote CVS repositories. More details can be found in
-security advisory <a
-target="_top">FreeBSD-SA-04:07</a>. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>A bugfix for <b class="APPLICATION">Heimdal</b> rectifies a problem in which it would
-not perform adequate checking of authentication across autonomous realms. For more
-information, see security advisory <a
-target="_top">FreeBSD-SA-04:08</a>. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>A programming error in <b class="APPLICATION">CVS</b> which could allow a malicious
-client to overwrite arbitrary portions of the server's memory has been fixed. For more
-information, see security advisory <a
-target="_top">FreeBSD-SA-04:10</a>. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>A potential cache consistency problem of the implementation of the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">msync</span>(2)</span></a> system
-call involving the <var class="LITERAL">MS_INVALIDATE</var> operation has been fixed.
-However, as a side effect of closing this security problem, the <var
-class="LITERAL">MS_INVALIDATE</var> flag no longer guarantees that all pages in the range
-are invalidated. Users who require the old semantics of <var
-class="LITERAL">MS_INVALIDATE</var> and are not concerned with the security issue being
-fixed can set the <var class="VARNAME">vm.old_msync</var> sysctl to 1 which will revert
-to the old (insecure) behavior. For more information, see security advisory <a
-target="_top">FreeBSD-SA-04:11</a>. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>A programming error in the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">jail</span>(2)</span></a> system
-call which results in a failure to verify that an attempt to manipulate routing tables
-originated from a non-jailed process has been fixed. For more information, see security
-advisory <a
-target="_top">FreeBSD-SA-04:12</a>. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>A programming error in the handling of some Linux system calls which may result in
-memory locations being accessed without proper validation has been fixed. For more
-information, see security advisory <a
-target="_top">FreeBSD-SA-04:13</a>. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>A number of programming errors in <b class="APPLICATION">CVS</b> which allow
-information disclosure, denial-of-service, or possibly arbitrary code execution, have
-been fixed via an upgrade to <b class="APPLICATION">CVS</b> 1.11.17. For more
-information, see security advisory <a
-<p>A bug in the <var class="LITERAL">CONS_SCRSHOT</var> <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ioctl</span>(2)</span></a> has
-been fixed; it may allow unauthorized access to parts of kernel memory, possibly
-resulting in disclosure of sensitive information, bypass of access control mechanisms, or
-privilege escalation. For more information, see security advisory <a
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="KERNEL" name="KERNEL">2.2 Kernel Changes</a></h3>
-<p><var class="LITERAL">ADAPTIVE_MUTEXES</var> has been added and enabled by default.
-This changes the behavior of blocking mutexes to spin if the thread that currently owns
-the mutex is executing on another CPU. This feature can be disabled explicitly by setting
-a kernel option <var class="VARNAME">NO_ADAPTIVE_MUTEXES</var>.</p>
-<p>A kernel option <var class="VARNAME">ADAPTIVE_GIANT</var>, which causes the Giant lock
-to also be treated in an adaptive fashion when adaptive mutexes are enabled, has been
-added. This improves the performance of SMP machines and is enabled by default on the
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">bus_dma</span>(9)</span></a>
-interface now supports transparently honoring the alignment and boundary constraints in
-the DMA tag when loading buffers, and <code class="FUNCTION">bus_dmamap_load()</code>
-will automatically use bounce buffers when needed. In addition, a set of sysctls <var
-class="VARNAME">hw.busdma.*</var> for <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">bus_dma</span>(9)</span></a>
-statistics has been added.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">contigmalloc</span>(9)</span></a>
-function has been reimplemented with an algorithm which stands a greatly-improved chance
-of working despite pressure from running programs. The old algorithm can be used by
-setting a sysctl <var class="VARNAME">vm.old_contigmalloc</var>. More details can be
-found in the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">contigmalloc</span>(9)</span></a>
-manual page.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">devfs</span>(5)</span></a> path
-rules now work correctly on directories.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">getvfsent</span>(3)</span></a> API
-has been removed.</p>
-<p>The <var class="VARNAME">hw.pci.allow_unsupported_io_range</var> loader tunable has
-been removed.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">jail</span>(2)</span></a> now
-supports the use of raw sockets from within a jail. This feature is disabled by default,
-and controlled by using the <var class="VARNAME">security.jail.allow_raw_sockets</var>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">kqueue</span>(2)</span></a> now
-supports a new filter <var class="LITERAL">EVFILT_FS</var> to be used to signal generic
-file system events to the user space. Currently, mount, unmount, and up/down status of
-NFS are signaled.</p>
-<p>KDB, a new debugger framework, has been added. This consists of a new GDB backend,
-which has been rewritten to support threading, run-length encoding compression, and so
-on, and the frontend that provides a framework in which multiple, different debugger
-backends can be configured and which provides basic services to those backends. The
-following options have been changed:</p>
-<p>KDB is enabled by default via the kernel options <var class="LITERAL">options
-KDB</var>, <var class="LITERAL">options GDB</var>, and <var class="LITERAL">options
-DDB</var>. Both <var class="LITERAL">DDB</var> and <var class="LITERAL">GDB</var> specify
-which KDB backends to include.</p>
-<p><var class="LITERAL">WITNESS_DDB</var> has been renamed to <var
-<p><var class="LITERAL">DDB_TRACE</var> has been renamed to <var
-<p><var class="LITERAL">DDB_UNATTENDED</var> has been renamed to <var
-<p><var class="LITERAL">SC_HISTORY_DDBKEY</var> has been renamed to <var
-<p><var class="LITERAL">DDB_NOKLDSYM</var> has been removed. The new DDB backend supports
-pre-linker symbol lookups as well as KLD symbol lookups at the same time.</p>
-<p><var class="LITERAL">GDB_REMOTE_CHAT</var> has been removed. The GDB protocol hacks to
-allow this are FreeBSD specific. At the same time, the GDB protocol has packets for
-console output.</p>
-<p>KDB also serves as the single point of contact for any and all code that wants to make
-use of the debugger functions, such as entering the debugger or handling of the alternate
-break sequence. For this purpose, the frontend has been made non-optional. All debugger
-requests are forwarded or handed over to the current backend, if applicable. Selection of
-the current backend is done by the <var class="VARNAME">debug.kdb.current</var> sysctl. A
-list of configured backends can be obtained with the <var
-class="VARNAME">debug.kdb.available</var> sysctl. One can enter the debugger by writing
-to the <var class="VARNAME">debug.kdb.enter</var> sysctl.</p>
-<p>A new sysctl <var class="VARNAME">debug.kdb.stop_cpus</var> has been added. This
-controls whether or not IPI (Inter Processor Interrupts) to other CPUs will be delivered
-when entering the debugger, in order to stop them while in the debugger.</p>
-<p>Loadable kernel modules now work and are enabled in the amd64 build.</p>
-<p>Preliminary support for running 32-bit Linux binaries on amd64 has been added. This
-feature is enabled with the <var class="LITERAL">COMPAT_LINUX32</var> kernel option.</p>
-<p>A new kernel option <var class="LITERAL">MAC_STATIC</var> which disables internal MAC
-Framework synchronization protecting against dynamic load and unload of MAC policies, has
-been added.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span
-class="REFENTRYTITLE">mac_bsdextended</span>(4)</span></a> policy can now apply only the
-first matching rule instead of all matching rules. This feature can be enabled by setting
-a new sysctl <var class="VARNAME">mac_bsdextended_firstmatch_enabled</var>.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span
-class="REFENTRYTITLE">mac_bsdextended</span>(4)</span></a> policy can now log failed
-attempts to syslog's <var class="LITERAL">AUTHPRIV</var> facility. This feature can be
-enabled by setting a new sysctl <var class="VARNAME">mac_bsdextended_logging</var>.</p>
-<p>mballoc has been replaced with mbuma, an Mbuf and Cluster allocator built on top of a
-number of extensions to the UMA framework. Due to this change, the <var
-class="LITERAL">NMBCLUSTERS</var> kernel option is no longer used. The maximum number of
-the clusters is still capped off according to <var class="LITERAL">maxusers</var>, but it
-can be made unlimited by setting the <var class="VARNAME">kern.ipc.nmbclusters</var>
-loader tunable to zero.</p>
-<p><tt class="FILENAME">/dev/kmem</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">/dev/mem</tt>, and <tt
-class="FILENAME">/dev/io</tt> are also provided as kernel loadable modules now.</p>
-<p>A bug in <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">mmap</span>(2)</span></a> that
-could cause pages marked as <var class="LITERAL">PROT_NONE</var> to become readable under
-certain circumstances has been fixed. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>A new loader tunable <var class="VARNAME">debug.mpsafenet</var> has been added and
-enabled by default. This causes the FreeBSD network stack to operate without the Giant
-lock, resulting in performance improvement by increasing parallelism and decreasing
-latency in network processing. Note that enabling one of the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ng_tty</span>(4)</span></a>
-Netgraph node type, KAME IPsec, and IPX/SPX subsystem results in a boot-time restoration
-of Giant-enabled network operation, or run-time warning on dynamic load as these
-components require Giant lock for correct operation.</p>
-<p>A new kernel option <var class="VARNAME">NET_WITH_GIANT</var> has been added. This
-restores the default value of debug.mpsafenet to <var class="LITERAL">0</var>, and is
-intended for use on systems compiled with known unsafe components, or where a more
-conservative configuration is desired.</p>
-<p>A new loader tunable <var class="VARNAME">debug.mpsafevm</var> has been added. This
-currently results in almost Giant-free execution of zero-fill page faults.</p>
-<p>A new kernel option <var class="LITERAL">PREEMPTION</var> has been added. This allows
-the threads that are in the kernel to be preempted by higher priority threads. It helps
-with interactivity and allows interrupt threads to run sooner rather than waiting.</p>
-<p>A devclass level has been added to the dev sysctl tree, in order to support per-class
-variables in addition to per-device variables. This means that <var
-class="VARNAME">dev.foo0.bar</var> is now called <var
-class="VARNAME">dev.foo.0.bar</var>, and it is possible to to have <var
-class="VARNAME">dev.foo.bar</var> as well.</p>
-<p>A new sysctl, <var class="VARNAME">kern.always_console_output</var>, has been added.
-It makes output from the kernel go to the console despite the use of <var
-<p>A sysctl <var class="VARNAME">kern.sched.name</var> which has the name of the
-scheduler currently in use, has been added, and the <var
-class="VARNAME">kern.quantum</var> sysctl has been moved to <var
-class="VARNAME">kern.sched.quantum</var> for consistency.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pci</span>(4)</span></a> bus
-resource and power management have been updated.</p>
-<div class="NOTE">
-<blockquote class="NOTE">
-<p><b>Note:</b> Although the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pci</span>(4)</span></a> bus power
-state management has been enabled by default, it may cause problems on some systems. This
-can be disabled by setting the tunable <var class="VARNAME">hw.pci.do_powerstate</var> to
-<var class="LITERAL">0</var>.</p>
-<br />
-<br />
-<p>The ULE scheduler has been added as an additional scheduler. Note that the
-conventional one, which is called 4BSD, is still used as the default scheduler in the <tt
-class="FILENAME">GENERIC</tt> kernel. For the average user, interactivity is reported to
-be better in many cases. This means less ``skipping'' and ``jerking'' in interactive
-applications while the machine is very busy. This will not prevent problems due to
-overloaded disk subsystems, but it does help with overloaded CPUs. On SMP machines, ULE
-has per-CPU run queues which allow for CPU affinity, CPU binding, and advanced
-HyperThreading support, as well as providing a framework for more optimizations in the
-future. As fine-grained kernel locking continues, the scheduler will be able to make more
-efficient use of the available parallel resources.</p>
-<p>A linear search algorithm used in <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span
-class="REFENTRYTITLE">vm_map_findspace</span>(9)</span></a> has been replaced with an
-O(log n) algorithm built into the map entry splay tree. This significantly reduces the
-overhead in <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span
-class="REFENTRYTITLE">vm_map_findspace</span>(9)</span></a> for applications that <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">mmap</span>(2)</span></a> many
-hundreds or thousands of regions.</p>
-<p>The loader tunables <var class="VARNAME">debug.witness_*</var> have been renamed to
-<var class="VARNAME">debug.witness.*</var>.</p>
-<p>The FreeBSD dynamic and static linker now support Thread Local Storage (TLS), a <b
-class="APPLICATION">GCC</b> feature which supports a <var class="LITERAL">__thread</var>
-modifier to the declaration of global and static variables. This extra modifier means
-that the variable's value is thread-local; one thread changing its value will not affect
-the value of the variable in any other thread.</p>
-<p>The kernel's file descriptor allocation code has been updated, and is now derived from
-similar code in OpenBSD.</p>
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="BOOT" name="BOOT">2.2.1 Boot Loader Changes</a></h4>
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="PROC" name="PROC">2.2.2 Hardware Support</a></h4>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">acpi_video</span>(4)</span></a>
-driver has been added to control display switching and backlight brightness using the
-ACPI Video Extensions.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">agp</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-now supports the AMD64 graphics aperture relocation table (GART).</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">nmdm</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-has been rewritten to improve its reliability.</p>
-<p>The <tt class="DEVICENAME">raid(4)</tt> driver (RAIDframe disk driver from NetBSD) has
-been removed. It is currently non-functional, and would require some amount of work to
-make it work under the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">geom</span>(4)</span></a> API in
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pcic</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-is no longer maintained and has been removed from the <tt class="FILENAME">GENERIC</tt>
-kernel configuration file. The entry had actually been commented out for a long time.</p>
-<p>For the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">uart</span>(4)</span></a> device,
-the <var class="VARNAME">hw.uart.console</var> and <var
-class="VARNAME">hw.uart.dbgport</var> kernel environment variables have been added. They
-can be used to select a serial console and debug port respectively, as well as the
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ubser</span>(4)</span></a> device
-driver has been added to support BWCT console management serial adapters.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ucycom</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-has been added for the Cypress CY7C637xx and CY7C640/1xx families of USB to RS232
-bridges, such as the one found in the DeLorme Earthmate USB GPS receiver (which is the
-only device currently supported by this driver). This driver is not complete because
-there is no support yet for flow control and output.</p>
-<p>The device driver infrastructure and many drivers have been updated. Among the
-changes: many more drivers now use automatically-assigned major numbers (instead of the
-old static major numbers); enhanced functions have been added to support cloning of
-pseudo-devices; several changes have been made to the driver API, including a new <var
-class="VARNAME">d_version</var> field in <var class="VARNAME">struct cdevsw</var>. Note
-that third-party device drivers will require recompiling after this change.</p>
-<div class="SECT4">
-<hr />
-<h5 class="SECT4"><a id="MM" name="MM"> Multimedia Support</a></h5>
-<p>The <tt class="DEVICENAME">meteor</tt> (video capture) driver has been removed due to
-breakage and lack of maintainership.</p>
-<p>The Direct Rendering Manager (DRM) code has been updated from the DRI Project CVS tree
-as of 26 May 2004. This update includes new PCI IDs and a new packet for Radeon.</p>
-<p>The drivers for various sound cards have been reorganized; <var class="LITERAL">device
-sound</var> is the generic sound driver, and <var class="LITERAL">device snd_*</var> are
-device-specific sound drivers now. The <tt class="DEVICENAME">midi</tt> driver, which
-supports serial port and several sound cards, has been removed. More details can be found
-in the related manual pages: <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sound</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">snd_ad1816</span>(4)</span></a>,
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">snd_als4000</span>(4)</span></a>,
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">snd_cmi</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">snd_cs4281</span>(4)</span></a>,
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">snd_csa</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">snd_ds1</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">snd_emu10k1</span>(4)</span></a>,
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">snd_es137x</span>(4)</span></a>,
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">snd_gusc</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">snd_maestro3</span>(4)</span></a>,
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">snd_sbc</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">snd_solo</span>(4)</span></a>, and
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sound</span>(4)</span></a>
-(formerly <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pcm</span>(4)</span></a>) driver
-has been modified to read <tt class="FILENAME">/boot/device.hints</tt> on startup, to
-allow setting of default values for mixer channels. Note that currently the device
-driver's name used in <tt class="FILENAME">/boot/device.hints</tt> is still <var
-class="LITERAL">pcm</var>. More detailed information and examples can be found in the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sound</span>(4)</span></a> manual
-<div class="SECT4">
-<hr />
-<h5 class="SECT4"><a id="NET-IF" name="NET-IF"> Network Interface Support</a></h5>
-<p>A short hiccup in the <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">em</span>(4)</span></a> driver during
-parameter reconfiguration has been fixed. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">fwip</span>(4)</span></a> driver,
-which supports IP over FireWire, has been added. Note that currently the broadcast
-channel number is hardwired and MCAP for multicast channel allocation is not supported.
-This driver is intended to conform to the RFC 2734 and RFC 3146 standard for IP over
-FireWire and eventually replace the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">fwe</span>(4)</span></a>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">fxp</span>(4)</span></a> now uses
-the device sysctl tree such as <var class="VARNAME">dev.fxp0</var>, and those sysctls can
-be set on a per-device basis.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">fxp</span>(4)</span></a> now
-provides actual control over its capability to receive extended Ethernet frames,
-indicated by the <var class="LITERAL">VLAN_MTU</var> interface capability. It can be
-toggled from userland with the aid of the <var class="OPTION">vlanmtu</var> and <var
-class="OPTION">-vlanmtu</var> options to <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ifconfig</span>(8)</span></a>.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">hme</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-now natively supports long frames, so it can be used for <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">vlan</span>(4)</span></a> with
-full Ethernet MTU size.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">hme</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-now supports TCP/UDP Transmit/Receive checksum offload. Since <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">hme</span>(4)</span></a> does not
-compensate the checksum for UDP datagram which can yield to <var
-class="LITERAL">0x0</var>, UDP transmit checksum offload is disabled by default. This can
-be reactivated by setting the special link option <var class="OPTION">link0</var> with <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ifconfig</span>(8)</span></a>.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ixgb</span>(4)</span></a> driver,
-which supports Intel PRO/10GBE 10 Gigabit Ethernet cards, has been added. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>A bug that prevents VLAN support in the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">nge</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-from working has been fixed. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>Several bugs related to <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">polling</span>(4)</span></a>
-support in the <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">rl</span>(4)</span></a> driver have
-been fixed. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>Several bugs related to multicast and promiscuous mode handling in the <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sk</span>(4)</span></a> driver have
-been fixed.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ste</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-now supports <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">polling</span>(4)</span></a>.
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">udav</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-has been added. It provides support for USB Ethernet adapters based on the Davicom DM9601
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">vge</span>(4)</span></a> driver,
-which supports the VIA Networking Technologies VT6122 Gigabit Ethernet chip and
-integrated 10/100/1000 copper PHY, has been added.</p>
-<p>The <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">vr</span>(4)</span></a> driver now
-supports <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">polling</span>(4)</span></a>.
-<p>The hardware TX checksum support in the <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">xl</span>(4)</span></a> driver has been
-disabled as it does not work correctly and slows down the transmission rate. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>Interface <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">polling</span>(4)</span></a>
-support can now be enabled on a per-interface basis. The following network drivers
-support <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">polling</span>(4)</span></a>: <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">dc</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">fxp</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">em</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ixgb</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">nge</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">re</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">rl</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sis</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ste</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">vge</span>(4)</span></a>, and <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">vr</span>(4)</span></a>. And they now
-also support this capability and it can be controlled via <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ifconfig</span>(8)</span></a>
-except for <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ixgb</span>(4)</span></a>.
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="NET-PROTO" name="NET-PROTO">2.2.3 Network Protocols</a></h4>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">gre</span>(4)</span></a> tunnel
-driver now supports WCCP version 2.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ipfw</span>(4)</span></a> rules
-now support the <var class="LITERAL">versrcreach</var> option to verify that a valid
-route to the source address of a packet exists in the routing table. This option is very
-useful for routers with a complete view of the Internet (BGP) in the routing table to
-reject packets with spoofed or unroutable source addresses. For example,</p>
-<pre class="PROGRAMLISTING">
-deny ip from any to any not versrcreach
-is equivalent to the following in Cisco IOS syntax:
-<pre class="PROGRAMLISTING">
-ip verify unicast source reachable-via any
-<br />
-<br />
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ipfw</span>(4)</span></a> rules
-now support the <var class="LITERAL">antispoof</var> option to verify that an incoming
-packet's source address belongs to a directly connected network. If the network is
-directly connected, then the interface on which the packet came in is compared to the
-interface to which the network is connected. When the incoming interface and the directly
-connected interface are not the same, the packet does not match. For example:</p>
-<pre class="PROGRAMLISTING">
-deny ip from any to any not antispoof in
-<br />
-<br />
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ipfw</span>(4)</span></a> rules
-now support the <var class="LITERAL">jail</var> option to associate the rule with a
-specific prison ID. For example:</p>
-<pre class="PROGRAMLISTING">
-count ip from any to any jail 2
-Note that this rule currently applies for TCP and UDP packets only. <br />
-<br />
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ipfw</span>(4)</span></a> now
-supports lookup tables. This feature is useful for handling large sparse address sets.
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ipfw</span>(4)</span></a> <var
-class="LITERAL">forward</var> rule has to be compiled into the kernel with a kernel
-option <var class="LITERAL">IPFIREWALL_FORWARD</var> to enable it.</p>
-<p>A new sysctl <var class="VARNAME">net.inet.ip.process_options</var> has been added to
-control the processing of IP options. When this sysctl is set to <var
-class="LITERAL">0</var>, IP options are ignored and passed unmodified; set to <var
-class="LITERAL">1</var>, all IP options are processed (default); and set to <var
-class="LITERAL">2</var>, all packets with IP options are rejected with an ICMP filter
-prohibited message.</p>
-<p>Some bugs in the IPsec implementation from the KAME Project have been fixed. These
-bugs were related to freeing memory objects before all references to them were removed,
-and could cause erratic behavior or kernel panics after flushing the Security Policy
-Database (SPD).</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">natd</span>(8)</span></a> now
-supports multiple instances via a new option <var class="OPTION">globalports</var>. This
-allows <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">natd</span>(8)</span></a> to bind
-to different network interfaces and share load.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ng_atmllc</span>(4)</span></a>
-Netgraph node type, which handles RFC 1483 ATM LLC encapsulation, has been added.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ng_hub</span>(4)</span></a>
-Netgraph node type, which supports a simple packet distribution that acts like an
-Ethernet hub, has been added. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ng_rfc1490</span>(4)</span></a>
-Netgraph node type now supports Cisco style encapsulation, which is often used alongside
-RFC 1490 in frame relay links.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ng_sppp</span>(4)</span></a>
-Netgraph node type, which is a <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">netgraph</span>(4)</span></a>
-interface to the original <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sppp</span>(4)</span></a> network
-module for synchronous lines, has been added.</p>
-<p>A new Netgraph method has been added to restore some behavior lost in the change from
-4.<var class="REPLACEABLE">X</var> style <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ng_tee</span>(4)</span></a>
-Netgraph nodes.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ng_vlan</span>(4)</span></a>
-Netgraph node type, which supports IEEE 802.1Q VLAN tagging, has been added. [MERGED]</p>
-<p><var class="LITERAL">PFIL_HOOKS</var> support is now always compiled into the kernel,
-and the associated kernel compile options have been removed. All of the packet filter
-subsystems that FreeBSD supports now use the <var class="LITERAL">PFIL_HOOKS</var>
-<p>The link state change notification of Ethernet media support has been added to the
-routing socket.</p>
-<p>Link Quality Monitoring (LQM) support in <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ppp</span>(8)</span></a> has been
-reimplemented. LQM, which is described in RFC 1989, allows PPP to keep track of the
-quality of a running connection. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>The pseudo-interface cloning has been updated and the match function to allow creation
-of <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">stf</span>(4)</span></a>
-interfaces named <tt class="DEVICENAME">stf0</tt>, <tt class="DEVICENAME">stf</tt>, or
-<tt class="DEVICENAME">6to4</tt>. Note that this breaks backward compatibility; for
-example, <tt class="COMMAND">ifconfig stf</tt> now creates the interface named <tt
-class="DEVICENAME">stf</tt>, not <tt class="DEVICENAME">stf0</tt>, and does not print <tt
-class="DEVICENAME">stf0</tt> to stdout.</p>
-<p>The following TCP features are now enabled by default: RFC 3042 (Limited Retransmit),
-RFC 3390 (increased initial congestion window sizes), TCP bandwidth-delay product
-limiting. The sysctls <var class="VARNAME">net.inet.tcp.rfc3042</var>, <var
-class="VARNAME">net.inet.tcp.rfc3390</var>, and <var
-class="VARNAME">net.inet.tcp.inflight.enable</var> for these features are available. More
-information can be found in <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">tcp</span>(4)</span></a>.</p>
-<p>FreeBSD's TCP implementation now includes support for a minimum MSS (settable via the
-<var class="VARNAME">net.inet.tcp.minmss</var> sysctl variable) and a rate limit on
-connections that send many small TCP segments within a short period of time (via the <var
-class="VARNAME">net.inet.tcp.minmssoverload</var> sysctl variable). Connections exceeding
-this limit may be reset and dropped. This feature provides protection against a class of
-resource exhaustion attacks.</p>
-<p>The TCP implementation now includes partial (output-only) support for RFC 2385
-(TCP-MD5) digest support. This feature, enabled with the <var
-class="LITERAL">TCP_SIGNATURE</var> and <var class="LITERAL">FAST_IPSEC</var> kernel
-options, is a TCP option for authenticating TCP sessions. <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">setkey</span>(8)</span></a> now
-includes support for the TCP-MD5 class of security associations. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>The TCP connection reset handling has been improved to make several reset attacks as
-difficult as possible while maintaining compatibility with the widest range of TCP
-<p>The implementation of RFC 1948 has been improved. The time offset component of an
-Initial Sequence Number (ISN) now includes random positive increments between clock ticks
-so that ISNs will always be increasing, no matter how quickly the port is recycled.</p>
-<p>The random ephemeral port allocation, which comes from OpenBSD, has been implemented.
-This is enabled by default and can be disabled by using the <var
-class="VARNAME">net.inet.ip.portrange.randomized</var> sysctl. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>TCP Selective Acknowledgements (SACK) as described in RFC 2018 have been added. This
-improves TCP performance over connections with heavy packet loss. SACK can be enabled
-with the sysctl <var class="VARNAME">net.inet.tcp.sack.enable</var>.</p>
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="DISKS" name="DISKS">2.2.4 Disks and Storage</a></h4>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ata</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-now supports <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">cardbus</span>(4)</span></a>
-ATA/SATA controllers.</p>
-<p>A number of bugs in the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ata</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-have been fixed. Most notably, master/slave device detection should work better, and some
-problems with timeouts should be resolved.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ata</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-now supports the Promise command sequencer present on all modern Promise controllers
-(PDC203** PDC206**).</p>
-<div class="NOTE">
-<blockquote class="NOTE">
-<p><b>Note:</b> This also adds preliminary support for the Promise SX4/SX4000 as a
-``normal'' Promise ATA controller; ATA RAID's are supported, but only RAID0, RAID1, and
-<br />
-<br />
-<p>The <var class="LITERAL">DA_OLD_QUIRKS</var> kernel option, which is for the CAM SCSI
-disk driver (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">cam</span>(4)</span></a>), has
-been removed. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>A bug in <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">geom</span>(4)</span></a> that
-could result in I/O hangs in some rare cases has been fixed.</p>
-<p>A new <var class="LITERAL">GEOM_CONCAT</var> <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">geom</span>(4)</span></a> class
-has been added to concatenate multiple disks to appear as a single larger disk.</p>
-<p>A new <var class="LITERAL">GEOM_NOP</var> <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">geom</span>(4)</span></a> class
-for various testing purposes has been added.</p>
-<p>A new <var class="LITERAL">GEOM_RAID3</var> <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">geom</span>(4)</span></a> class
-for RAID3 transformation and <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">graid3</span>(8)</span></a>
-userland utility have been added.</p>
-<p>A new <var class="LITERAL">GEOM_STRIPE</var> <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">geom</span>(4)</span></a> class
-which implements RAID0 transformation has been added. This class has two modes: ``fast''
-and ``economic''. In fast mode, when very small stripe size is used, only one I/O request
-will be sent to every disk in a stripe; it performs about 10 times faster for small
-stripe sizes than economic mode and other RAID0 implementations. While fast mode is used
-by default, it consumes more memory than economic mode, which sends requests each time.
-Economic mode can be enabled by setting a loader tunable <var
-class="VARNAME">kern.geom.stripe.fast</var> to 0. It is also possible to specify the
-maximum memory that fast mode can consume, by setting the loader tunable <var
-<p>GEOM Gate, which consists of a new <var class="LITERAL">GEOM_GATE</var> <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">geom</span>(4)</span></a> class
-and several GEOM Gate userland utilities (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ggatel</span>(8)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ggatec</span>(8)</span></a>, and
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ggated</span>(8)</span></a>), has
-been added. It supports exporting devices, including non <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">geom</span>(4)</span></a>-aware
-devices, through the network.</p>
-<p>A new <var class="LITERAL">GEOM_LABEL</var> <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">geom</span>(4)</span></a> class to
-detect volume labels on various file systems, such as UFS, MSDOSFS (FAT12, FAT16, FAT32),
-and ISO9660, has been added.</p>
-<p>A new <var class="LITERAL">GEOM_GPT</var> <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">geom</span>(4)</span></a> class,
-which supports GUID Partition Table (GPT) partitions and the ability to have a large
-number of partitions on a single disk, has been added into <tt
-class="FILENAME">GENERIC</tt> by default.</p>
-<p>A new <var class="LITERAL">GEOM_MIRROR</var> <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">geom</span>(4)</span></a> class to
-support RAID1 functionality has been added. The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">gmirror</span>(8)</span></a>
-utility can be used for control of this class.</p>
-<p>A new <var class="LITERAL">GEOM_UZIP</var> <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">geom</span>(4)</span></a> class to
-implement read-only compressed disks has been added. This currently supports cloop V2.0
-disk compression format.</p>
-<p>A new <var class="LITERAL">GEOM_VINUM</var> <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">geom</span>(4)</span></a> class to
-support cooperation between <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">vinum</span>(4)</span></a> and <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">geom</span>(4)</span></a> has been
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ips</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-now supports the recent Adaptec ServeRAID series SCSI controller cards.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">umass</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-now supports the missing ATAPI MMC commands and handles the timeout properly.
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">vinum</span>(4)</span></a> volume
-manager has been updated to use the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">geom</span>(4)</span></a> disk I/O
-request transformation framework. A <tt class="COMMAND">gvinum</tt> userland utility has
-been added.</p>
-<p>Support for LSI-type software RAID has been added.</p>
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="FS" name="FS">2.2.5 File Systems</a></h4>
-<p>The EXT2FS file system code now includes partial support for large (&gt; 4GB) files.
-This support is partial in that it will refuse to create large files on file systems that
-have not been upgraded to <var class="LITERAL">EXT2_DYN_REV</var> or that do not have the
-<var class="LITERAL">EXT2_FEATURE_RO_COMPAT_LARGE_FILE</var> flag set in the
-<p>A panic in the NFSv4 client has been fixed; this occurred when attempting operations
-against an NFSv3/NFSv2-only server.</p>
-<p>The <var class="LITERAL">MSDOSFS_LARGE</var> kernel option has been added to support
-FAT32 file systems bigger than 128GB. This option is disabled by default. It uses at
-least 32 bytes of kernel memory for each file on disk; furthermore it is only safe to use
-in certain controlled situations, such as read-only mount with less than 1 million files
-and so on. Exporting these large file systems over NFS is not supported.</p>
-<p>The SMBFS client now has support for SMB request signing, which prevents ``man in the
-middle'' attacks and is required in order to connect to Windows 2003 servers in their
-default configuration. As signing each message imposes a significant performance penalty,
-this feature is only enabled if the server requires it; this may eventually become an
-option to <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="AEN925" name="AEN925">2.2.6 Contributed Software</a></h4>
-<p>The <b class="APPLICATION">ALTQ framework</b> has been imported from a KAME snapshot
-as of 7 June 2004. This import breaks ABI compatibility of <var class="VARNAME">struct
-ifnet</var> and requires all network drives to be recompiled. Additionally, some of the
-networking drivers have been modified to support the ALTQ framework. Updated drivers are
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">bfe</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">em</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">fxp</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">em</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">lnc</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">tun</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">de</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">rl</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sis</span>(4)</span></a>, and <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">xl</span>(4)</span></a>.</p>
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">IPFilter</b> has been updated from version 3.4.31 to version
-3.4.35 [MERGED].</p>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="USERLAND" name="USERLAND">2.3 Userland Changes</a></h3>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">acpidump</span>(8)</span></a> now
-supports SSDT tables. Dumping or disassembling the DSDT will now include the contents if
-there are any SSDT table as well.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">bsdlabel</span>(8)</span></a> now
-supports a <var class="OPTION">-f</var> option to work on files instead of disk
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">bsdtar</span>(1)</span></a> is now
-the default <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">tar</span>(1)</span></a> utility
-in the FreeBSD base system. <tt class="FILENAME">/usr/bin/tar</tt> is a symlink pointing
-to <tt class="FILENAME">/usr/bin/bsdtar</tt> by default. To return to using <tt
-class="FILENAME">/usr/bin/gtar</tt> by default, the <var class="VARNAME">WITH_GTAR</var>
-make variable can be used.</p>
-<p>The <tt class="COMMAND">bthidcontrol</tt> and <tt class="COMMAND">bthidd</tt>
-commands, which support Bluetooth HIDs (Human Interface Devices), have been added.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">col</span>(1)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">colcrt</span>(1)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">colrm</span>(1)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">column</span>(1)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">fmt</span>(1)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">join</span>(1)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">rev</span>(1)</span></a>, <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">tr</span>(1)</span></a>, and <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ul</span>(1)</span></a> now support
-multibyte characters.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">conscontrol</span>(8)</span></a>
-now supports <var class="LITERAL">set</var> and <var class="LITERAL">unset</var> commands
-which set/unset the virtual console. <var class="LITERAL">unset</var> makes output from
-the system, such as the kernel <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">printf</span>(9)</span></a>,
-always go to the real main console. This is an interface to the tty ioctl <var
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">cron</span>(8)</span></a> daemon
-accepts two new options, <var class="OPTION">-j</var> and <var class="OPTION">-J</var>,
-to enable time jitter for jobs to run as unprivileged users and the superuser,
-respectively. Time jitter means that <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">cron</span>(8)</span></a> will
-sleep for a small random period of time in the specified range before executing a job.
-This feature is intended to smooth load peaks appearing when a lot of jobs are scheduled
-for a particular moment. [MERGED]</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">cut</span>(1)</span></a>'s <var
-class="OPTION">-c</var>, <var class="OPTION">-d</var>, and <var class="OPTION">-f</var>
-options now work correctly in locales with multibyte characters.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">cvs</span>(1)</span></a> now
-supports an <var class="OPTION">iso8601</var> option keyword to print dates in ISO 8601
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">daemon</span>(8)</span></a> now
-supports a <var class="OPTION">-p</var> option to create a PID file.</p>
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">dd</span>(1)</span></a> now supports a
-<var class="OPTION">fillchar</var> option to specify an alternative padding character
-when using a conversion mode, or when using <var class="OPTION">noerror</var> with <var
-class="OPTION">sync</var> and an input error occurs.</p>
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">df</span>(1)</span></a> now supports a
-<var class="OPTION">-c</var> option to display a grand total of statistics for file
-<p>A bug in <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">df</span>(1)</span></a>, which can
-print invalid information when a <var class="OPTION">-t</var> option is specified and a
-mount point is not accessible by the calling user, has been fixed.</p>
-<p>The <tt class="COMMAND">doscmd</tt> utility has been removed from the FreeBSD base
-system. It is now available via the <a
-class="FILENAME">emulators/doscmd</tt></a> port in the FreeBSD Ports Collection.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">dump</span>(8)</span></a> and <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">restore</span>(8)</span></a> now
-support a <var class="OPTION">-P</var> option to specify backup methods other than files
-and tapes. The argument is passed to a normal <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sh</span>(1)</span></a> pipeline with
-either the <var class="VARNAME">$DUMP_VOLUME</var> or <var
-class="VARNAME">$RESTORE_VOLUME</var> environment variable defined, respectively. For
-more information, see <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">dump</span>(8)</span></a> and <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">restore</span>(8)</span></a>.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">eeprom</span>(8)</span></a>
-utility to display and modify system configurations stored in EEPROM or NVRAM has been
-added. The current implementation supports systems equipped with Open Firmware.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">fgetwln</span>(3)</span></a>
-function, a wide character version of <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">fgetln</span>(3)</span></a>, has
-been added.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">find</span>(1)</span></a> utility
-now supports a <var class="OPTION">-acl</var> primary to locate files with <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">acl</span>(3)</span></a>.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">find</span>(1)</span></a> utility
-now supports a new primary <var class="OPTION">-depth <var
-class="REPLACEABLE">n</var></var> which tests whether the depth of the current file
-relative to the starting point of the traversal is <var class="REPLACEABLE">n</var>.
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ftpd</span>(8)</span></a> now
-opens a socket for a data transfer in active mode using the effective UID of the current
-user, not <tt class="USERNAME">root</tt>. This is useful for matching anonymous FTP data
-traffic with a single <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ipfw</span>(8)</span></a> rule
-with <var class="LITERAL">uid</var>.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ftw</span>(3)</span></a> and <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">nftw</span>(3)</span></a>
-functions to traverse a directory hierarchy have been implemented.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">geom</span>(8)</span></a> utility
-for operating on <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">geom</span>(4)</span></a> classes
-from the userland has been added.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">gpt</span>(8)</span></a>, a GUID
-partition table maintenance utility, now supports a <var class="OPTION">remove</var>
-command. Its <var class="OPTION">add</var> command now supports a <var
-class="OPTION">-i</var> option, which allows the user to specify the partition number of
-a new partition.</p>
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">id</span>(1)</span></a> now supports a
-<var class="OPTION">-M</var> option to print the MAC label of the current process.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ifconfig</span>(8)</span></a> now
-supports renaming of network interfaces at run-time using the <var
-class="OPTION">name</var> parameter.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ifconfig</span>(8)</span></a> now
-prints the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">polling</span>(4)</span></a>
-status on the interface. [MERGED]</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ifconfig</span>(8)</span></a> now
-provides the <var class="OPTION">vlanmtu</var> and <var class="OPTION">-vlanmtu</var>
-options, which control the capability of some Ethernet interfaces to receive extended
-frames (i.e. frames containing more than 1500 bytes of payload).</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ifconfig</span>(8)</span></a> now
-provides the <var class="OPTION">vlanhwtag</var> and <var class="OPTION">-vlanhwtag</var>
-options, which control the capability of some Ethernet interfaces to process VLAN tags in
-the hardware.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">indent</span>(1)</span></a> now
-supports a <var class="OPTION">-ldi</var> option to control indentation of local
-variables. A number of other tunings were made to this utility.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">indent</span>(1)</span></a> now
-supports <var class="OPTION">-fbs</var> and <var class="OPTION">-ut</var> for function
-declarations with the opening brace on the same line as the declaration of arguments all
-spaces and no tabs in order to fix problem when non-8 space tabs are used.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ip6fw</span>(8)</span></a> now
-supports a <var class="OPTION">-n</var> flag to stop it from making any changes to the
-rules in the kernel.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ipcs</span>(1)</span></a> now
-supports a <var class="OPTION">-u</var> option to display information about IPC
-mechanisms owned by the specified user.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ipfw</span>(8)</span></a> now
-supports a <var class="OPTION">-b</var> flag to print only the action and comment for
-each rule, thus omitting the rule body.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">jail</span>(8)</span></a> now
-supports a <var class="OPTION">-U</var> option to run a command as a user which exists
-only in the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">jail</span>(2)</span></a>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">jail</span>(8)</span></a> now
-supports a <var class="OPTION">-l</var> option to clean the environment. All environment
-variables are discarded except for <var class="VARNAME">HOME</var>, <var
-class="VARNAME">SHELL</var>, <var class="VARNAME">PATH</var>, <var
-class="VARNAME">TERM</var>, and <var class="VARNAME">USER</var> before running the jailed
-program under a specific user's credentials. This behavior is similar to that provided by
-the <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">su</span>(1)</span></a> <var
-class="OPTION">-l</var> option.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">kgdb</span>(1)</span></a>, a
-kernel debugging utility which uses <b class="APPLICATION">libgdb</b> and understands
-kernel threads, kernel modules, and <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">kvm</span>(3)</span></a>, has been
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">killall</span>(1)</span></a> now
-supports a <var class="OPTION">-e</var> flag to make the <var class="OPTION">-u</var>
-operate on effective, rather than real, user IDs. [MERGED]</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">libalias</span>(3)</span></a> now
-has support (and a new API) for multiple aliasing instances in a single process. The
-existing API has been reimplemented in terms of the new one to preserve
-<p>A <b class="APPLICATION">libarchive</b> library for manipulation of compressed and
-uncompressed archive files has been added. More details can be found in <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">libdisk</b> now uses <var class="VARNAME">d_addr_t</var> for
-disk addresses. This allows <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sysinstall</span>(8)</span></a> to
-properly handle disks and file systems more than 1 TB.</p>
-<p>The library formerly known as <b class="APPLICATION">libkse</b> has been renamed <b
-class="APPLICATION">libpthread</b> and is now the default threading library on the i386,
-amd64, and ia64 platforms. <b class="APPLICATION">GCC</b>'s <var
-class="OPTION">-pthread</var> option has been changed to use <b
-class="APPLICATION">libpthread</b> rather than <b class="APPLICATION">libc_r</b>.</p>
-<div class="NOTE">
-<blockquote class="NOTE">
-<p><b>Note:</b> Users with older binaries (for example, ports compiled before this change
-was made) should use <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">libmap.conf</span>(5)</span></a>
-to map <b class="APPLICATION">libc_r</b> and/or <b class="APPLICATION">libkse</b> to <b
-<div class="NOTE">
-<blockquote class="NOTE">
-<p><b>Note:</b> Users with NVIDIA-supplied drivers and libraries may need to use a <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">libmap.conf</span>(5)</span></a>
-that maps <b class="APPLICATION">libpthread</b> references to the older <b
-class="APPLICATION">libc_r</b> since these drivers and utilities do not work with <b
-<br />
-<br />
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">libpthread</b> now supports a <var
-class="VARNAME">LIBPTHREAD_SYSTEM_SCOPE</var> environment variable to force 1:1 mode
-(using system scope threads). Note that building <b class="APPLICATION">libpthread</b>
-with <var class="OPTION">-DSYSTEM_SCOPE_ONLY</var> flag also forces 1:1 mode, and that
-this option is set by default for architectures that do not support M:N mode yet. In
-addition, a <var class="VARNAME">LIBPTHREAD_PROCESS_SCOPE</var> environment variable can
-be used to force M:N mode (using process scope threads). For example:</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<samp class="PROMPT">%</samp> <kbd class="USERINPUT">env LIBPTHREAD_SYSTEM_SCOPE=yes <var
-<p>forces the application <var class="REPLACEABLE">threaded_app</var> to use system scope
-threads, and</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<samp class="PROMPT">%</samp> <kbd
-<p>forces it to use process scope threads.</p>
-<p>A bug in the <var class="OPTION">-d</var> option of <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">look</span>(1)</span></a> has been
-fixed. Also, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">look</span>(1)</span></a> now
-works correctly in locales with multibyte characters.</p>
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ls</span>(1)</span></a> now treats
-filenames as multibyte character strings according to the current <var
-class="VARNAME">LC_CTYPE</var> when determining which characters are printable.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">make</span>(1)</span></a> now
-supports the new <var class="LITERAL">.warning</var> directive.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">make</span>(1)</span></a> now
-supports the POSIX-compatible <var class="LITERAL">+</var> flag in <tt
-class="FILENAME">Makefile</tt> command lines, which causes a line to be executed even
-when <var class="OPTION">-n</var> is specified. This is useful for calls to submakes, for
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">make</span>(1)</span></a> now puts
-variable assignments from the command line into the <var class="VARNAME">MAKEFLAGS</var>
-variable as required by POSIX. This causes such variables to be pushed into all sub-makes
-called by the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">make</span>(1)</span></a> (except
-when the <var class="VARNAME">MAKEFLAGS</var> variable is explicitly changed in the
-sub-make's environment). This makes them also mostly un-overrideable in sub-makes except
-on the sub-make's command line.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">nearbyint</span>(3)</span></a> and
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">nearbyintf</span>(3)</span></a>
-C99 functions have been implemented.</p>
-<p>The <tt class="FILENAME">tgmath.h</tt> C99 header has been implemented. This provides
-type-generic macros for the <tt class="FILENAME">math.h</tt> and <tt
-class="FILENAME">complex.h</tt> functions that have float, double and long double
-<p>The GNU extensions of <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">mbsnrtowcs</span>(3)</span></a>
-and <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">wcsnrtombs</span>(3)</span></a>
-have been implemented.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">newsyslog</span>(8)</span></a> now
-allows users to set a debugging option via the <tt class="FILENAME">newsyslog.conf</tt>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">newsyslog</span>(8)</span></a>
-uses a new order when processing files to rotate. It first rotates all files that need to
-be rotated, then sends a single signal to each process which needs to be signaled, and
-finally compresses all the files that were rotated.</p>
-<p>A <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">nextwctype</span>(3)</span></a>
-function to iterate over all characters in a particular character class has been
-<p>Initial support for UTF-8 versions of all the currently supported system locales has
-been added. This is primarily for the benefit of the <a
-class="FILENAME">misc/utf8locale</tt></a> port.</p>
-<p>An Israel Hebrew locale <var class="LITERAL">he_IL.UTF-8</var> has been added.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">logins</span>(1)</span></a>
-utility has been added to display information about user and system accounts.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">mountd</span>(8)</span></a> now
-supports the <var class="OPTION">-p</var> option, which allows users to specify a known
-port for use in firewall rulesets.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">netstat</span>(1)</span></a> now
-displays the multicast group memberships present in the system.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">newfs</span>(8)</span></a> and <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">mdmfs</span>(8)</span></a> now
-support a <var class="OPTION">-l</var> flag to enable them to set the MAC multilabel flag
-on new file systems without requiring the use of <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">tunefs</span>(8)</span></a>.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">nologin</span>(8)</span></a> now
-reports login attempts via <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">syslogd</span>(8)</span></a>.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">nologin</span>(8)</span></a> has
-been moved from <tt class="FILENAME">/sbin/nologin</tt> to <tt
-class="FILENAME">/usr/sbin/nologin</tt>. <tt class="FILENAME">/sbin/nologin</tt> remains
-as a symbolic link for backward compatibility.</p>
-<p>A bugfix has been applied to NSS support, which fixes problems when using third-party
-NSS modules (such as <a
-class="FILENAME">net/nss_ldap</tt></a>) and groups with large membership lists.</p>
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">od</span>(1)</span></a> now has
-POSIX-style support for multibyte characters.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">patch</span>(1)</span></a> has
-been replaced with a BSD-licensed version from OpenBSD. This includes a <var
-class="OPTION">--posix</var> option for strict POSIX conformance.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pgrep</span>(1)</span></a> and <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pkill</span>(1)</span></a>
-commands, which come from NetBSD, have been added. They also support a <var
-class="OPTION">-M</var> option to extract values associated with the name list from the
-specified core instead of the default <tt class="FILENAME">/dev/kmem</tt>, and a <var
-class="OPTION">-N</var> option to extract the name list from the specified system instead
-of the default kernel.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ppp</span>(8)</span></a> now
-supports a ``set rad_alive <var class="REPLACEABLE">N</var>'' command to enable periodic
-RADIUS accounting information being sent to the RADIUS server. [MERGED]</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ppp</span>(8)</span></a> now
-supports a ``set pppoe [standard|3Com]'' command to configure the operating mode of an
-underlying <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ng_pppoe</span>(4)</span></a>
-Netgraph node.</p>
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ps</span>(1)</span></a> compatibility
-with POSIX/SUSv3 has been improved. The changes include <var class="OPTION">-p</var> for
-a list of process IDs, <var class="OPTION">-t</var> for a list of terminal names, <var
-class="OPTION">-A</var> which is equivalent to <var class="OPTION">-ax</var>, <var
-class="OPTION">-G</var> for a list of group IDs, <var class="OPTION">-X</var> which is
-the opposite of <var class="OPTION">-x</var>, and some minor improvements. For more
-information, see <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ps</span>(1)</span></a>. [MERGED]</p>
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ps</span>(1)</span></a> now supports a
-<var class="OPTION">-O emul</var> format option, which prints the name of the system call
-emulation environment the process is in.</p>
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pw</span>(8)</span></a> now supports a
-<var class="OPTION">-H</var> option, which accepts an encrypted password on a file
-descriptor. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>A bug in <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">rarpd</span>(8)</span></a> that
-prevents it from working properly when a interface has more than one IP address has been
-fixed. [MERGED]</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">regex</span>(3)</span></a> now
-supports regular expression matching aware of multibyte characters.</p>
-<p>The configuration files used by the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">resolver</span>(3)</span></a> now
-support the <var class="LITERAL">timeout:</var> and <var class="LITERAL">attempts:</var>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">resolver</span>(3)</span></a> and
-associated interfaces are now much more reentrant and thread-safe. Multiple DNS lookups
-can now be run at the same time, showing major improvements in the performance of some
-multi-threaded applications. Some multi-threaded programs need to be recompiled; examples
-from the Ports Collection are <a
-class="FILENAME">www/mozilla</tt></a> and variants, <a
-class="FILENAME">mail/evolution</tt></a>, <a
-class="FILENAME">devel/gnomevfs</tt></a>, and <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">rmdir</span>(1)</span></a> now
-supports a <var class="OPTION">-v</var> flag, which makes it verbose.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">savecore</span>(8)</span></a> now
-works correctly for dump files larger than 2GB.</p>
-<p>A bug in <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">script</span>(1)</span></a> has
-been fixed so that it now works correctly if the standard input is closed. This fix
-prevents a potentially dangerous interaction with the <a
-class="FILENAME">sysutils/portupgrade</tt></a> package; if it was run non-interactively,
-it could remove all out-of-date ports without reinstalling them.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sdpd</span>(8)</span></a>
-Bluetooth Service Discovery Protocol daemon has been added.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sed</span>(1)</span></a>'s <var
-class="LITERAL">y</var> (translate) command now supports multibyte characters.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sha1</span>(1)</span></a> and <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">rmd160</span>(1)</span></a>
-utilities have been added. Similar to <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">md5</span>(1)</span></a>, they
-calculate a message digest of their inputs. [MERGED]</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">smbmsg</span>(8)</span></a>, a
-small utility to send/receive SMBus messages, has been added.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">talk</span>(1)</span></a> now uses
-<tt class="HOSTID">localhost</tt> as a default machine name in <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">talkd</span>(8)</span></a> request
-packets when the destination and source are local. This makes <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">talk</span>(1)</span></a>
-dependent on a valid host entry for <tt class="HOSTID">localhost</tt> in <tt
-class="FILENAME">/etc/hosts</tt> or the DNS.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">tftpd</span>(8)</span></a> now
-supports two new options: a <var class="OPTION">-w</var> option allows new files to be
-created, and a <var class="OPTION">-U</var> option allows the umask to be set.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">top</span>(1)</span></a> can now
-display the current amount of I/O. This feature can be enabled by hitting ``m'' or
-passing the command line option <var class="OPTION">-m io</var>.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">truss</span>(1)</span></a> now
-includes early support for FreeBSD/amd64.</p>
-<p>Many userland utilities in the base system (mostly GNU contributed utilities) now use
-the system version of <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">getopt_long</span>(3)</span></a>,
-rather than the GNU version.</p>
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="RC-SCRIPTS" name="RC-SCRIPTS">2.3.1 <tt
-class="FILENAME">/etc/rc.d</tt> Scripts</a></h4>
-<p>The <tt class="FILENAME">diskless</tt> script has been split out into <tt
-class="FILENAME">hostname</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">resolve</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">tmp</tt>, and <tt class="FILENAME">var</tt> scripts.</p>
-<p>The <tt class="FILENAME">gbde_swap</tt> script, which supports gbde-enabled swap
-devices, has been added. When the <var class="VARNAME">gbde_swap_enable</var> variable is
-specified in <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">rc.conf</span>(5)</span></a>, a
-swap device named <tt class="FILENAME">/dev/<var class="REPLACEABLE">foo.bde</var></tt>
-in <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">fstab</span>(5)</span></a> is
-automatically attached at boot time with the device <tt class="FILENAME">/dev/<var
-class="REPLACEABLE">foo</var></tt> and a random key, which is generated by computing the
-MD5 checksum of 512 bytes read from <tt class="FILENAME">/dev/random</tt>. Note that this
-prevents recovery of kernel dumps.</p>
-<p>The <var class="VARNAME">ip6addrctl_enable</var> and <var
-class="VARNAME">ip6addrctl_verbose</var> variables have been added. When <var
-class="VARNAME">ip6addrctl_enable</var> is set to <var class="LITERAL">YES</var>, the
-address selection policy is installed into the kernel. If <tt
-class="FILENAME">/etc/ip6addrctl.conf</tt> exists, it will be used; otherwise, a default
-policy will be installed. The default policy is one described in RFC 3484 when <var
-class="VARNAME">ipv6_enable</var> is set to <var class="LITERAL">YES</var>. Otherwise,
-the priority policy for IPv4 address will be used as a default policy.</p>
-<p>The <tt class="FILENAME">mixer</tt> script has been added. It saves the current
-settings of all audio mixers present in the system on shutdown and restores the settings
-on boot.</p>
-<p>The <tt class="FILENAME">named</tt> script has been updated to support <b
-class="APPLICATION">BIND 9</b> in the base system. The changes include:</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">named</span>(8)</span></a> runs in
-a <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">chroot</span>(2)</span></a>
-directory <tt class="FILENAME">/var/named</tt> by default. The <var
-class="VARNAME">named_chrootdir</var> variable can be used to disable this behavior or to
-change the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">chroot</span>(2)</span></a>
-<p>When the <var class="VARNAME">named_chroot_autoupdate</var> variable is set to <var
-class="LITERAL">YES</var> (the default), the chroot directory is automatically configured
-at the boot time. A symbolic link which points to <tt
-class="FILENAME">/var/named/etc/namedb</tt> is created as <tt
-class="FILENAME">/etc/namedb</tt>, and a symbolic link which points to <tt
-class="FILENAME">/var/named/var/run/named/pid</tt> is created as <tt
-class="FILENAME">/var/run/named/pid</tt>. The latter can be disabled by using the <var
-class="VARNAME">named_symlink_enable</var> variable in <tt
-<p>The <tt class="FILENAME">rndc.key</tt> file is automatically created if it does not
-<p>The <tt class="FILENAME">pf</tt> and <tt class="FILENAME">pflog</tt> scripts for <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pf</span>(4)</span></a> have been
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="CONTRIB" name="CONTRIB">2.4 Contributed Software</a></h3>
-<p>The <b class="APPLICATION">ACPI-CA</b> code has been updated from the 20030619
-snapshot to the 20040527 snapshot.</p>
-<p>The <b class="APPLICATION">AMD (am-utils)</b> has been updated from version 6.0.9 to
-version 6.0.10p1.</p>
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">awk</b> from Bell Labs has been updated from the 29 July 2003
-release to the 7 February 2004 release.</p>
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">BIND</b> has been updated from version 8.3.1-REL to version
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">CVS</b> has been updated from version 1.11.15 to version
-1.11.17. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>The <b class="APPLICATION">FILE</b> has been updated from version 3.41 to version
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">gdtoa</b> (a library that performs conversions of numbers
-between binary and decimal form) has been updated from version 20030324 to version
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">GDB</b> has been updated to version 6.1.1.</p>
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">GNU Binutils</b> has been updated to a 23 May 2004 snapshot
-from the FSF 2.15 branch.</p>
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">GNU GCC</b> has been updated from 3.3.3-prerelease as of 6
-November 2003 to 3.4.2-prerelease as of 28 July 2004.</p>
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">GNU grep</b> has been updated from version 2.4d to version
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">GNU less</b> has been updated from version 371 to version
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">GNU readline</b> 4.3 has been updated with official patches 001
-through 005.</p>
-<p>The <b class="APPLICATION">GNU regex</b> library has been updated to the version
-included with <b class="APPLICATION">GNU grep</b> 2.5.1.</p>
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">GNU sort</b> has been updated from textutils 2.1 to a coreutils
-snapshot as of 12 August 2004.</p>
-<p>The <b class="APPLICATION">GNU tar</b> implementation in the base system is now called
-<tt class="FILENAME">gtar</tt>.</p>
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">Heimdal Kerberos</b> has been updated from version 0.6 to
-version 0.6.1.</p>
-<p>The <b class="APPLICATION">ISC DHCP</b> client has been updated from version 3.0.1
-RC10 to version 3.0.1.</p>
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">libpcap</b> has been updated from version 0.7.1 to version
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">lukemftpd</b> has been updated from a snapshot as of 3 November
-2003 to one as of 9 August 2004.</p>
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">NTP</b> has been updated from version 4.1.1a to version
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">OpenPAM</b> has been updated from the Dogwood release to the
-Eelgrass release.</p>
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">OpenSSH</b> has been updated from version 3.6.1p1 to version
-<div class="NOTE">
-<blockquote class="NOTE">
-<p><b>Note:</b> The configuration defaults for <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sshd</span>(8)</span></a> have
-been changed. SSH protocol version 1 is no longer enabled by default. In addition,
-password authentication over SSH is disabled by default if PAM is enabled.</p>
-<br />
-<br />
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">OpenSSL</b> has been updated from version 0.9.7c to version
-0.9.7d. [MERGED]</p>
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">OpenSSL</b> VIA C3 Nehemiah PadLock ACE (Advanced Cryptography
-Engine) crypto support, which provides Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) encryption, has
-been imported from a prerelease version of <b class="APPLICATION">OpenSSL</b>.</p>
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">pf</b>, OpenBSD's packet filter as of OpenBSD 3.5-stable, has
-been imported into the FreeBSD source tree and is now installed by default. Two new users
-(<tt class="USERNAME">proxy</tt> and <tt class="USERNAME">_pflogd</tt>) and three new
-groups (<tt class="USERNAME">authpf</tt>, <tt class="USERNAME">proxy</tt>, and <tt
-class="USERNAME">_pflogd</tt>), which <b class="APPLICATION">pf</b> needs, have been
-added as well.</p>
-<div class="NOTE">
-<blockquote class="NOTE">
-<p><b>Note:</b> On upgrading from source, these user accounts must be added in advance.
-<var class="LITERAL">mergemaster -p</var> can be used to assist in creating the proper
-entries in the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">passwd</span>(5)</span></a> and <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">group</span>(5)</span></a> files.
-The <var class="VARNAME">NO_PF</var> variable in <tt class="FILENAME">make.conf</tt> can
-be used to prevent <b class="APPLICATION">pf</b> from building.</p>
-<p>Several userland utilities of OpenBSD's <b class="APPLICATION">pf</b> have been
-imported. <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ftp-proxy</span>(8)</span></a> is
-an ftp proxy for <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pf</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pfctl</span>(8)</span></a> is an
-equivalent to <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ipf</span>(8)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pflogd</span>(8)</span></a> is a
-daemon which logs packets via <var class="LITERAL">if_pflog</var> in <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pcap</span>(3)</span></a> format,
-and <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">authpf</span>(8)</span></a> is an
-authentication shell to modify <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pf</span>(4)</span></a> rulesets.</p>
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">routed</b> has been updated from release 2.22 to release 2.27
-from rhyolite.com. Note that for users relying on RIP's MD5 authentication feature, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">routed</span>(8)</span></a> routed
-is now incompatible with previous versions of FreeBSD; however, it is now compatible with
-implementations from Sun, Cisco and other vendors.</p>
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">sendmail</b> has been updated from version 8.12.10 to version
-8.13.1. [MERGED]</p>
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">tcpdump</b> has been updated from version 3.7.1 to version
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">tcsh</b> has been updated from version 6.11 to version
-<p>The timezone database has been updated from <tt class="FILENAME">tzdata2003a</tt> to
-<tt class="FILENAME">tzdata2004e</tt>.</p>
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">zlib</b> has been updated from version 1.1.4 to version
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="PORTS" name="PORTS">2.5 Ports/Packages Collection
-<p>Most of the startup/shutdown scripts installed by various ports now use the new <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">rc</span>(8)</span></a> framework
-introduced in FreeBSD 5.<var class="REPLACEABLE">X</var>, while some ports still use the
-old-style scripts. On startup, the new <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">rc</span>(8)</span></a> style scripts
-are executed before the old-style scripts. On shutdown, exactly the reverse happens.</p>
-<p>The <var class="LITERAL">SIZE</var> attribute for distfiles, which can be used for
-checking file sizes before fetching, has been added and enabled by default. <var
-class="VARNAME">DISABLE_SIZE</var> is a user control knob to disable the distfile size
-checking. This is especially useful on old FreeBSD versions which did not have <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">fetch</span>(1)</span></a> support
-for this, and for some FTP proxies which always report incorrect or bogus sizes.</p>
-<p>Two new files have been added to the ports tree to track noteworthy changes: <tt
-class="FILENAME">ports/CHANGES</tt> lists major changes to the Ports Collection and its
-infrastructure. <tt class="FILENAME">ports/UPDATING</tt> describes some potential
-pitfalls that can be encountered when updating certain ports, analogous to <tt
-class="FILENAME">src/UPDATING</tt> for the base system.</p>
-<p>The version number parsing code has been rewritten in the system <tt
-class="FILENAME">pkg_*</tt> tools, restoring compatibility with 4.x and <a
-<p>The package tools can now match packages with relational operators and csh-style <var
-class="LITERAL">{...}</var> choices. For example:</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<samp class="PROMPT">#</samp> <kbd class="USERINPUT">pkg_info -I 'docbook&#62;=3.0'</kbd>
-<p>will list (all) docbook DTDs with at least version 3.0. Additional command line
-options have also been added to aid pattern matching.</p>
-<p>The package tools have improved handling of corrupt package databases.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pkg_create</span>(1)</span></a>
-now supports a <var class="OPTION">-S</var> option to make all <var
-class="LITERAL">@cwd</var> paths be prefixed during package creation.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pkg_info</span>(1)</span></a> now
-supports a <var class="OPTION">-j</var> option to show the requirements script for each
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="RELENG" name="RELENG">2.6 Release Engineering and
-<p>FreeBSD cryptography support is no longer an optional component of releases, and the
-<var class="LITERAL">crypto</var> release distribution is now part of <var
-class="LITERAL">base</var>. Note that the <var class="OPTION">-DNOCRYPT</var> build
-option still exists for anyone who really wants to build non-cryptographic binaries.</p>
-<p>The supported release of <b class="APPLICATION">GNOME</b> has been updated from
-version 2.4 to version 2.6.2.</p>
-<div class="NOTE">
-<blockquote class="NOTE">
-<p><b>Note:</b> If you are using the older <b class="APPLICATION">GNOME</b> desktop
-itself (<a href="http://www.FreeBSD.org/cgi/url.cgi?ports/x11/gnome2/pkg-descr"><tt
-class="FILENAME">x11/gnome2</tt></a>), simply upgrading it from the FreeBSD Ports
-Collection with <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">portupgrade</span>(1)</span></a>
-(<a href="http://www.FreeBSD.org/cgi/url.cgi?ports/sysutils/portupgrade/pkg-descr"><tt
-class="FILENAME">sysutils/portupgrade</tt></a>) will cause serious problems. If you are a
-<b class="APPLICATION">GNOME</b> desktop user, please read the instructions carefully at
-<a href="http://www.FreeBSD.org/gnome/docs/faq26.html"
-target="_top">http://www.FreeBSD.org/gnome/docs/faq26.html</a>, and use the <tt
-class="FILENAME">gnome_upgrade.sh</tt> script to properly upgrade to <b
-class="APPLICATION">GNOME</b> 2.6.</p>
-<p>Note that if you are just a casual user of some of the <b
-class="APPLICATION">GNOME</b> libraries, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">portupgrade</span>(1)</span></a>
-should be sufficient to update your ports.</p>
-<br />
-<br />
-<p>The supported release of <b class="APPLICATION">KDE</b> has been updated from version
-3.1.4 to version 3.3.0.</p>
-<p>The <a
-class="FILENAME">security/portaudit</tt></a> utility has been added to the FreeBSD Ports
-Collection. This utility will read a database containing known ports vulnerabilities and
-report them to the administrator.</p>
-<p>FreeBSD now uses <b class="APPLICATION">Xorg</b> instead of <b
-class="APPLICATION">XFree86</b> as the default X Window System. The supported release is
-<b class="APPLICATION">Xorg</b> X11R6.7.0. Note that <b class="APPLICATION">XFree86</b>
-is also available in the FreeBSD Ports Collection (<a
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="DOC" name="DOC">2.7 Documentation</a></h3>
-<div class="SECT1">
-<hr />
-<h2 class="SECT1"><a id="UPGRADE" name="UPGRADE">3 Upgrading from previous releases of
-<p>Users with existing FreeBSD systems are <span class="emphasis"><i
-class="EMPHASIS">highly</i></span> encouraged to read the ``FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE Migration
-Guide''. This document generally has the filename <tt class="FILENAME">MIGRATE5.TXT</tt>
-on the distribution media, or any other place that the release notes can be found. It
-offers some notes on migrating from FreeBSD 4.<var class="REPLACEABLE">X</var>, but more
-importantly, also discusses some of the relative merits of upgrading to FreeBSD 5.<var
-class="REPLACEABLE">X</var> versus running FreeBSD 4.<var
-<div class="IMPORTANT">
-<blockquote class="IMPORTANT">
-<p><b>Important:</b> Upgrading FreeBSD should, of course, only be attempted after backing
-up <span class="emphasis"><i class="EMPHASIS">all</i></span> data and configuration
-<hr />
-<p align="center"><small>This file, and other release-related documents, can be
-downloaded from <a href="ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/">ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/</a>.</small></p>
-<p align="center"><small>For questions about FreeBSD, read the <a
-href="http://www.FreeBSD.org/docs.html">documentation</a> before contacting &#60;<a
-<p align="center"><small>For questions about this documentation, e-mail &#60;<a
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-<div class="TITLEPAGE">
-<h1 class="TITLE"><a id="AEN2" name="AEN2">FreeBSD/i386 5.3-RELEASE Release
-<h3 class="CORPAUTHOR">The FreeBSD Project</h3>
-<p class="COPYRIGHT">Copyright &copy; 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 The FreeBSD
-Documentation Project</p>
-<p class="PUBDATE">$FreeBSD: src/release/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/relnotes/common/new.sgml,v
-1.761. 2004/11/03 10:12:51 hrs Exp $<br />
-<div class="ABSTRACT"><a id="AEN13" name="AEN13"></a>
-<p>The release notes for FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE contain a summary of the changes made to the
-FreeBSD base system since 5.2.1-RELEASE. This document lists applicable security
-advisories that were issued since the last release, as well as significant changes to the
-FreeBSD kernel and userland. Some brief remarks on upgrading are also presented.</p>
-<hr />
-<div class="TOC">
-<dt><b>Table of Contents</b></dt>
-<dt>1 <a href="#INTRO">Introduction</a></dt>
-<dt>2 <a href="#NEW">What's New</a></dt>
-<dt>2.1 <a href="#SECURITY">Security Advisories</a></dt>
-<dt>2.2 <a href="#KERNEL">Kernel Changes</a></dt>
-<dt>2.2.1 <a href="#BOOT">Boot Loader Changes</a></dt>
-<dt>2.2.2 <a href="#PROC">Hardware Support</a></dt>
-<dt>2.2.3 <a href="#NET-PROTO">Network Protocols</a></dt>
-<dt>2.2.4 <a href="#DISKS">Disks and Storage</a></dt>
-<dt>2.2.5 <a href="#FS">File Systems</a></dt>
-<dt>2.2.6 <a href="#AEN925">Contributed Software</a></dt>
-<dt>2.3 <a href="#USERLAND">Userland Changes</a></dt>
-<dt>2.3.1 <a href="#RC-SCRIPTS"><tt class="FILENAME">/etc/rc.d</tt> Scripts</a></dt>
-<dt>2.4 <a href="#CONTRIB">Contributed Software</a></dt>
-<dt>2.5 <a href="#PORTS">Ports/Packages Collection Infrastructure</a></dt>
-<dt>2.6 <a href="#RELENG">Release Engineering and Integration</a></dt>
-<dt>2.7 <a href="#DOC">Documentation</a></dt>
-<dt>3 <a href="#UPGRADE">Upgrading from previous releases of FreeBSD</a></dt>
-<div class="SECT1">
-<h2 class="SECT1"><a id="INTRO" name="INTRO">1 Introduction</a></h2>
-<p>This document contains the release notes for FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE on the i386 hardware
-platform. It describes recently added, changed, or deleted features of FreeBSD. It also
-provides some notes on upgrading from previous versions of FreeBSD.</p>
-<p>This distribution of FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE is a release distribution. It can be found at
-<a href="ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/" target="_top">ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/</a> or any of its
-mirrors. More information on obtaining this (or other) release distributions of FreeBSD
-can be found in the <a
-target="_top">``Obtaining FreeBSD'' appendix</a> to the <a
-href="http://www.FreeBSD.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/" target="_top">FreeBSD
-<p>All users are encouraged to consult the release errata before installing FreeBSD. The
-errata document is updated with ``late-breaking'' information discovered late in the
-release cycle or after the release. Typically, it contains information on known bugs,
-security advisories, and corrections to documentation. An up-to-date copy of the errata
-for FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE can be found on the FreeBSD Web site.</p>
-<div class="SECT1">
-<hr />
-<h2 class="SECT1"><a id="NEW" name="NEW">2 What's New</a></h2>
-<p>This section describes the most user-visible new or changed features in FreeBSD since
-5.2.1-RELEASE. In general, changes described here are unique to the 5-STABLE branch
-unless specifically marked as [MERGED] features.</p>
-<p>Typical release note items document recent security advisories issued after
-5.3-RELEASE, new drivers or hardware support, new commands or options, major bug fixes,
-or contributed software upgrades. They may also list changes to major ports/packages or
-release engineering practices. Clearly the release notes cannot list every single change
-made to FreeBSD between releases; this document focuses primarily on security advisories,
-user-visible changes, and major architectural improvements.</p>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="SECURITY" name="SECURITY">2.1 Security Advisories</a></h3>
-<p>A bug in <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">mksnap_ffs</span>(8)</span></a>
-has been fixed; it caused the creation of a file system snapshot to reset the flags on
-the file system to their default values. The possible consequences depended on local
-usage, but could include disabling extended access control lists or enabling the use of
-setuid executables stored on an untrusted file system. This bug also affected the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">dump</span>(8)</span></a> <var
-class="OPTION">-L</var> option, which uses <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">mksnap_ffs</span>(8)</span></a>.
-Note that <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">mksnap_ffs</span>(8)</span></a> is
-normally only available to the superuser and members of the <tt
-class="GROUPNAME">operator</tt> group. For more information, see security advisory <a
-<p>A bug with the System V Shared Memory interface (specifically the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">shmat</span>(2)</span></a> system
-call) has been fixed. This bug can cause a shared memory segment to reference unallocated
-kernel memory. In turn, this can permit a local attacker to gain unauthorized access to
-parts of kernel memory, possibly resulting in disclosure of sensitive information, bypass
-of access control mechanisms, or privilege escalation. More details can be found in
-security advisory <a
-target="_top">FreeBSD-SA-04:02</a>. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>A programming error in the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">jail_attach</span>(2)</span></a>
-system call has been fixed. This error could allow a process with superuser privileges
-inside a <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">jail</span>(8)</span></a>
-environment to change its root directory to that of a different jail, and thus gain full
-read and write access to files and directories within the target jail. More information
-can be found in security advisory <a
-<p>A potential low-bandwidth denial-of-service attack against the FreeBSD TCP stack has
-been prevented by limiting the number of out-of-sequence TCP segments that can be held at
-one time. More details can be found in security advisory <a
-target="_top">FreeBSD-SA-04:04</a>. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>A bug in <b class="APPLICATION">OpenSSL</b>'s SSL/TLS ChangeCipherSpec message
-processing that could result in a null pointer dereference has been fixed. This could
-allow a remote attacker to crash an <b class="APPLICATION">OpenSSL</b>-using application
-and cause a denial-of-service on the system. More details can be found in security
-advisory <a
-target="_top">FreeBSD-SA-04:05</a>. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>A programming error in the handling of some IPv6 socket options within the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">setsockopt</span>(2)</span></a>
-system call has been fixed. This allows a local attacker to cause a system panic, and may
-allow unauthorized access to parts of kernel memory, possibly resulting in disclosure of
-sensitive information, bypass of access control mechanisms, or privilege escalation. More
-details can be found in security advisory <a
-<p>Two programming errors in <b class="APPLICATION">CVS</b> have been fixed. They allow a
-server to overwrite arbitrary files on the client, and a client to read arbitrary files
-on the server when accessing remote CVS repositories. More details can be found in
-security advisory <a
-target="_top">FreeBSD-SA-04:07</a>. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>A bugfix for <b class="APPLICATION">Heimdal</b> rectifies a problem in which it would
-not perform adequate checking of authentication across autonomous realms. For more
-information, see security advisory <a
-target="_top">FreeBSD-SA-04:08</a>. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>A programming error in <b class="APPLICATION">CVS</b> which could allow a malicious
-client to overwrite arbitrary portions of the server's memory has been fixed. For more
-information, see security advisory <a
-target="_top">FreeBSD-SA-04:10</a>. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>A potential cache consistency problem of the implementation of the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">msync</span>(2)</span></a> system
-call involving the <var class="LITERAL">MS_INVALIDATE</var> operation has been fixed.
-However, as a side effect of closing this security problem, the <var
-class="LITERAL">MS_INVALIDATE</var> flag no longer guarantees that all pages in the range
-are invalidated. Users who require the old semantics of <var
-class="LITERAL">MS_INVALIDATE</var> and are not concerned with the security issue being
-fixed can set the <var class="VARNAME">vm.old_msync</var> sysctl to 1 which will revert
-to the old (insecure) behavior. For more information, see security advisory <a
-target="_top">FreeBSD-SA-04:11</a>. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>A programming error in the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">jail</span>(2)</span></a> system
-call which results in a failure to verify that an attempt to manipulate routing tables
-originated from a non-jailed process has been fixed. For more information, see security
-advisory <a
-target="_top">FreeBSD-SA-04:12</a>. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>A programming error in the handling of some Linux system calls which may result in
-memory locations being accessed without proper validation has been fixed. For more
-information, see security advisory <a
-target="_top">FreeBSD-SA-04:13</a>. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>A number of programming errors in <b class="APPLICATION">CVS</b> which allow
-information disclosure, denial-of-service, or possibly arbitrary code execution, have
-been fixed via an upgrade to <b class="APPLICATION">CVS</b> 1.11.17. For more
-information, see security advisory <a
-<p>A bug in the <var class="LITERAL">CONS_SCRSHOT</var> <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ioctl</span>(2)</span></a> has
-been fixed; it may allow unauthorized access to parts of kernel memory, possibly
-resulting in disclosure of sensitive information, bypass of access control mechanisms, or
-privilege escalation. For more information, see security advisory <a
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="KERNEL" name="KERNEL">2.2 Kernel Changes</a></h3>
-<p><var class="LITERAL">ADAPTIVE_MUTEXES</var> has been added and enabled by default.
-This changes the behavior of blocking mutexes to spin if the thread that currently owns
-the mutex is executing on another CPU. This feature can be disabled explicitly by setting
-a kernel option <var class="VARNAME">NO_ADAPTIVE_MUTEXES</var>.</p>
-<p>A kernel option <var class="VARNAME">ADAPTIVE_GIANT</var>, which causes the Giant lock
-to also be treated in an adaptive fashion when adaptive mutexes are enabled, has been
-added. This improves the performance of SMP machines and is enabled by default on the
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">bus_dma</span>(9)</span></a>
-interface now supports transparently honoring the alignment and boundary constraints in
-the DMA tag when loading buffers, and <code class="FUNCTION">bus_dmamap_load()</code>
-will automatically use bounce buffers when needed. In addition, a set of sysctls <var
-class="VARNAME">hw.busdma.*</var> for <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">bus_dma</span>(9)</span></a>
-statistics has been added.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">contigmalloc</span>(9)</span></a>
-function has been reimplemented with an algorithm which stands a greatly-improved chance
-of working despite pressure from running programs. The old algorithm can be used by
-setting a sysctl <var class="VARNAME">vm.old_contigmalloc</var>. More details can be
-found in the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">contigmalloc</span>(9)</span></a>
-manual page.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">devfs</span>(5)</span></a> path
-rules now work correctly on directories.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">getvfsent</span>(3)</span></a> API
-has been removed.</p>
-<p>The <var class="VARNAME">hw.pci.allow_unsupported_io_range</var> loader tunable has
-been removed.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">jail</span>(2)</span></a> now
-supports the use of raw sockets from within a jail. This feature is disabled by default,
-and controlled by using the <var class="VARNAME">security.jail.allow_raw_sockets</var>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">kqueue</span>(2)</span></a> now
-supports a new filter <var class="LITERAL">EVFILT_FS</var> to be used to signal generic
-file system events to the user space. Currently, mount, unmount, and up/down status of
-NFS are signaled.</p>
-<p>KDB, a new debugger framework, has been added. This consists of a new GDB backend,
-which has been rewritten to support threading, run-length encoding compression, and so
-on, and the frontend that provides a framework in which multiple, different debugger
-backends can be configured and which provides basic services to those backends. The
-following options have been changed:</p>
-<p>KDB is enabled by default via the kernel options <var class="LITERAL">options
-KDB</var>, <var class="LITERAL">options GDB</var>, and <var class="LITERAL">options
-DDB</var>. Both <var class="LITERAL">DDB</var> and <var class="LITERAL">GDB</var> specify
-which KDB backends to include.</p>
-<p><var class="LITERAL">WITNESS_DDB</var> has been renamed to <var
-<p><var class="LITERAL">DDB_TRACE</var> has been renamed to <var
-<p><var class="LITERAL">DDB_UNATTENDED</var> has been renamed to <var
-<p><var class="LITERAL">SC_HISTORY_DDBKEY</var> has been renamed to <var
-<p><var class="LITERAL">DDB_NOKLDSYM</var> has been removed. The new DDB backend supports
-pre-linker symbol lookups as well as KLD symbol lookups at the same time.</p>
-<p><var class="LITERAL">GDB_REMOTE_CHAT</var> has been removed. The GDB protocol hacks to
-allow this are FreeBSD specific. At the same time, the GDB protocol has packets for
-console output.</p>
-<p>KDB also serves as the single point of contact for any and all code that wants to make
-use of the debugger functions, such as entering the debugger or handling of the alternate
-break sequence. For this purpose, the frontend has been made non-optional. All debugger
-requests are forwarded or handed over to the current backend, if applicable. Selection of
-the current backend is done by the <var class="VARNAME">debug.kdb.current</var> sysctl. A
-list of configured backends can be obtained with the <var
-class="VARNAME">debug.kdb.available</var> sysctl. One can enter the debugger by writing
-to the <var class="VARNAME">debug.kdb.enter</var> sysctl.</p>
-<p>A new sysctl <var class="VARNAME">debug.kdb.stop_cpus</var> has been added. This
-controls whether or not IPI (Inter Processor Interrupts) to other CPUs will be delivered
-when entering the debugger, in order to stop them while in the debugger.</p>
-<p>A new kernel option <var class="LITERAL">MAC_STATIC</var> which disables internal MAC
-Framework synchronization protecting against dynamic load and unload of MAC policies, has
-been added.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span
-class="REFENTRYTITLE">mac_bsdextended</span>(4)</span></a> policy can now apply only the
-first matching rule instead of all matching rules. This feature can be enabled by setting
-a new sysctl <var class="VARNAME">mac_bsdextended_firstmatch_enabled</var>.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span
-class="REFENTRYTITLE">mac_bsdextended</span>(4)</span></a> policy can now log failed
-attempts to syslog's <var class="LITERAL">AUTHPRIV</var> facility. This feature can be
-enabled by setting a new sysctl <var class="VARNAME">mac_bsdextended_logging</var>.</p>
-<p>mballoc has been replaced with mbuma, an Mbuf and Cluster allocator built on top of a
-number of extensions to the UMA framework. Due to this change, the <var
-class="LITERAL">NMBCLUSTERS</var> kernel option is no longer used. The maximum number of
-the clusters is still capped off according to <var class="LITERAL">maxusers</var>, but it
-can be made unlimited by setting the <var class="VARNAME">kern.ipc.nmbclusters</var>
-loader tunable to zero.</p>
-<p><tt class="FILENAME">/dev/kmem</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">/dev/mem</tt>, and <tt
-class="FILENAME">/dev/io</tt> are also provided as kernel loadable modules now.</p>
-<p>A bug in <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">mmap</span>(2)</span></a> that
-could cause pages marked as <var class="LITERAL">PROT_NONE</var> to become readable under
-certain circumstances has been fixed. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>A new kernel option <var class="LITERAL">MP_WATCHDOG</var> has been added; it allows
-one of the logical CPUs on a system to be used as a dedicated watchdog to cause a drop to
-the debugger and/or generate an NMI to the boot processor if the kernel ceases to
-respond. Several sysctls are available to enable the watchdog running out of the
-processor's idle thread; a callout is launched to reset a timer in the watchdog. If the
-callout fails to reset the timer for ten seconds, the timeout process will take place.
-The <var class="VARNAME">debug.watchdog_cpu</var> sysctl selects which CPU will run the
-<p>A sysctl <var class="VARNAME">debug.leak_schedlock</var> has been added. This causes a
-sysctl handler that incorrectly leaks the holding sched lock, to spin the lock in order
-to trigger the watchdog provided by the <var class="LITERAL">MP_WATCHDOG</var>
-<p>A new loader tunable <var class="VARNAME">debug.mpsafenet</var> has been added and
-enabled by default. This causes the FreeBSD network stack to operate without the Giant
-lock, resulting in performance improvement by increasing parallelism and decreasing
-latency in network processing. Note that enabling one of the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ng_tty</span>(4)</span></a>
-Netgraph node type, KAME IPsec, and IPX/SPX subsystem results in a boot-time restoration
-of Giant-enabled network operation, or run-time warning on dynamic load as these
-components require Giant lock for correct operation.</p>
-<p>A new kernel option <var class="VARNAME">NET_WITH_GIANT</var> has been added. This
-restores the default value of debug.mpsafenet to <var class="LITERAL">0</var>, and is
-intended for use on systems compiled with known unsafe components, or where a more
-conservative configuration is desired.</p>
-<p>A new loader tunable <var class="VARNAME">debug.mpsafevm</var> has been added. This
-currently results in almost Giant-free execution of zero-fill page faults.</p>
-<p>A new kernel option <var class="LITERAL">PREEMPTION</var> has been added. This allows
-the threads that are in the kernel to be preempted by higher priority threads. It helps
-with interactivity and allows interrupt threads to run sooner rather than waiting.</p>
-<p>A devclass level has been added to the dev sysctl tree, in order to support per-class
-variables in addition to per-device variables. This means that <var
-class="VARNAME">dev.foo0.bar</var> is now called <var
-class="VARNAME">dev.foo.0.bar</var>, and it is possible to to have <var
-class="VARNAME">dev.foo.bar</var> as well.</p>
-<p>A new sysctl, <var class="VARNAME">kern.always_console_output</var>, has been added.
-It makes output from the kernel go to the console despite the use of <var
-<p>A sysctl <var class="VARNAME">kern.sched.name</var> which has the name of the
-scheduler currently in use, has been added, and the <var
-class="VARNAME">kern.quantum</var> sysctl has been moved to <var
-class="VARNAME">kern.sched.quantum</var> for consistency.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pci</span>(4)</span></a> bus
-resource and power management have been updated.</p>
-<div class="NOTE">
-<blockquote class="NOTE">
-<p><b>Note:</b> Although the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pci</span>(4)</span></a> bus power
-state management has been enabled by default, it may cause problems on some systems. This
-can be disabled by setting the tunable <var class="VARNAME">hw.pci.do_powerstate</var> to
-<var class="LITERAL">0</var>.</p>
-<br />
-<br />
-<p>The ULE scheduler has been added as an additional scheduler. Note that the
-conventional one, which is called 4BSD, is still used as the default scheduler in the <tt
-class="FILENAME">GENERIC</tt> kernel. For the average user, interactivity is reported to
-be better in many cases. This means less ``skipping'' and ``jerking'' in interactive
-applications while the machine is very busy. This will not prevent problems due to
-overloaded disk subsystems, but it does help with overloaded CPUs. On SMP machines, ULE
-has per-CPU run queues which allow for CPU affinity, CPU binding, and advanced
-HyperThreading support, as well as providing a framework for more optimizations in the
-future. As fine-grained kernel locking continues, the scheduler will be able to make more
-efficient use of the available parallel resources.</p>
-<p>A linear search algorithm used in <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span
-class="REFENTRYTITLE">vm_map_findspace</span>(9)</span></a> has been replaced with an
-O(log n) algorithm built into the map entry splay tree. This significantly reduces the
-overhead in <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span
-class="REFENTRYTITLE">vm_map_findspace</span>(9)</span></a> for applications that <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">mmap</span>(2)</span></a> many
-hundreds or thousands of regions.</p>
-<p>The loader tunables <var class="VARNAME">debug.witness_*</var> have been renamed to
-<var class="VARNAME">debug.witness.*</var>.</p>
-<p>The FreeBSD dynamic and static linker now support Thread Local Storage (TLS), a <b
-class="APPLICATION">GCC</b> feature which supports a <var class="LITERAL">__thread</var>
-modifier to the declaration of global and static variables. This extra modifier means
-that the variable's value is thread-local; one thread changing its value will not affect
-the value of the variable in any other thread.</p>
-<p>The kernel's file descriptor allocation code has been updated, and is now derived from
-similar code in OpenBSD.</p>
-<p>It is now possible to compile the FreeBSD/i386 kernel with the Intel C/C++ Compiler
-(as in the <a href="http://www.FreeBSD.org/cgi/url.cgi?ports/lang/icc/pkg-descr"><tt
-class="FILENAME">lang/icc</tt></a> port).</p>
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="BOOT" name="BOOT">2.2.1 Boot Loader Changes</a></h4>
-<p>A serial console-capable version of <tt class="FILENAME">boot0</tt> has been added. It
-can be written to a disk using <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">boot0cfg</span>(8)</span></a> and
-specifying <tt class="FILENAME">/boot/boot0sio</tt> as the argument to the <var
-class="OPTION">-b</var> option.</p>
-<p><tt class="FILENAME">cdboot</tt> now works around a BIOS problem observed on some
-systems when booting from USB CDROM drives.</p>
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="PROC" name="PROC">2.2.2 Hardware Support</a></h4>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">acpi_asus</span>(4)</span></a>
-driver has been added to use ACPI-controlled hardware features, such as hot keys and LEDs
-on ASUSTek laptops.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span
-class="REFENTRYTITLE">acpi_panasonic</span>(4)</span></a> driver has been added to
-support hot keys on Panasonic laptops. It now supports Let's note (or Toughbook, outside
-Japan) CF-R1N, CF-R2A, and CF-R3.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">acpi_toshiba</span>(4)</span></a>
-driver has been added to use Toshiba's Hardware Control Interface to manipulate certain
-hardware features on Toshiba laptops, such as video output switching.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">acpi_video</span>(4)</span></a>
-driver has been added to control display switching and backlight brightness using the
-ACPI Video Extensions.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">acpi</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-now supports per-device sysctls (<var
-class="VARNAME">dev.root0.nexus0.acpi0.acpi_lid0.wake</var>, for instance) to allow users
-to set whether or not a given device can wake the system.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">acpi</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-will now be disabled automatically when the machine has a well-known broken BIOS. This
-behavior can be overridden by setting the loader tunable <var
-class="VARNAME">hint.acpi.0.disabled</var> to <var class="LITERAL">0</var>.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ctau</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-has been added for Cronyx Tau synchronous serial adapters. This driver was known for a
-long time as ``ct'' in its previous life outside the FreeBSD source tree. [MERGED]</p>
-<div class="NOTE">
-<blockquote class="NOTE">
-<p><b>Note:</b> The driver name has changed, but the network interface still has the <tt
-class="DEVICENAME">ct</tt> name.</p>
-<br />
-<br />
-<p>The <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">cp</span>(4)</span></a> driver has been
-added for Cronyx Tau-PCI synchronous serial adapters.</p>
-<p>The <tt class="DEVICENAME">dgb</tt> (DigiBoard intelligent serial card) driver has
-been removed due to breakage. Its replacement is the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">digi</span>(4)</span></a> driver,
-which supports all the hardware of the <tt class="DEVICENAME">dgb</tt> driver.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">nmdm</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-has been rewritten to improve its reliability.</p>
-<p>The <tt class="DEVICENAME">raid(4)</tt> driver (RAIDframe disk driver from NetBSD) has
-been removed. It is currently non-functional, and would require some amount of work to
-make it work under the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">geom</span>(4)</span></a> API in
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pcic</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-is no longer maintained and has been removed from the <tt class="FILENAME">GENERIC</tt>
-kernel configuration file. The entry had actually been commented out for a long time.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">psm</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-and <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">moused</span>(8)</span></a> now
-support the Synaptics TouchPad.</p>
-<p>The entropy device <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">random</span>(4)</span></a> now
-supports a hardware random number generator (RNG) in the VIA C3 Nehemiah (Stepping 3 and
-above) CPU.</p>
-<p>The <tt class="DEVICENAME">sx</tt> driver, which supports Specialix I/O8+ and I/O4+
-intelligent multiport serial controllers, has been added.</p>
-<p>For the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">uart</span>(4)</span></a> device,
-the <var class="VARNAME">hw.uart.console</var> and <var
-class="VARNAME">hw.uart.dbgport</var> kernel environment variables have been added. They
-can be used to select a serial console and debug port respectively, as well as the
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ubser</span>(4)</span></a> device
-driver has been added to support BWCT console management serial adapters.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ucycom</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-has been added for the Cypress CY7C637xx and CY7C640/1xx families of USB to RS232
-bridges, such as the one found in the DeLorme Earthmate USB GPS receiver (which is the
-only device currently supported by this driver). This driver is not complete because
-there is no support yet for flow control and output.</p>
-<p>Several old drivers for ISA cards have been removed, including the <tt
-class="DEVICENAME">asc</tt> driver for GI1904-based hand scanners, the <tt
-class="DEVICENAME">ctx</tt> driver for CORTEX-I Frame Grabber, the <tt
-class="DEVICENAME">gp</tt> driver for National Instruments AT-GPIB and AT-GPIB/TNT
-boards, the <tt class="DEVICENAME">gsc</tt> driver for the Genius GS-4500 hand scanner,
-the <tt class="DEVICENAME">le</tt> driver for DEC EtherWORKS II and III Ethernet
-controllers, the <tt class="DEVICENAME">rdp</tt> driver for RealTek RTL 8002-based pocket
-Ethernet adapters, the <tt class="DEVICENAME">spigot</tt> driver for the Creative Labs
-Video Spigot video-acquisition board, the <tt class="DEVICENAME">stl</tt> and <tt
-class="DEVICENAME">stli</tt> drivers for Stallion Technologies multiport serial
-controllers, and the <tt class="DEVICENAME">wt</tt> driver for Archive/Wangtek cartridge
-tapes. They are currently non-functional, and would require a considerable amount of work
-to make them work under the new API in 5-CURRENT. The userland support, such as related
-ioctls and utilities including <tt class="DEVICENAME">sasc</tt> and <tt
-class="DEVICENAME">sgsc</tt>, has also been removed.</p>
-<p>The device driver infrastructure and many drivers have been updated. Among the
-changes: many more drivers now use automatically-assigned major numbers (instead of the
-old static major numbers); enhanced functions have been added to support cloning of
-pseudo-devices; several changes have been made to the driver API, including a new <var
-class="VARNAME">d_version</var> field in <var class="VARNAME">struct cdevsw</var>. Note
-that third-party device drivers will require recompiling after this change.</p>
-<div class="SECT4">
-<hr />
-<h5 class="SECT4"><a id="MM" name="MM"> Multimedia Support</a></h5>
-<p>The <tt class="DEVICENAME">meteor</tt> (video capture) driver has been removed due to
-breakage and lack of maintainership.</p>
-<p>The Direct Rendering Manager (DRM) code has been updated from the DRI Project CVS tree
-as of 26 May 2004. This update includes new PCI IDs and a new packet for Radeon.</p>
-<p>The drivers for various sound cards have been reorganized; <var class="LITERAL">device
-sound</var> is the generic sound driver, and <var class="LITERAL">device snd_*</var> are
-device-specific sound drivers now. The <tt class="DEVICENAME">midi</tt> driver, which
-supports serial port and several sound cards, has been removed. More details can be found
-in the related manual pages: <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sound</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">snd_ad1816</span>(4)</span></a>,
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">snd_als4000</span>(4)</span></a>,
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">snd_cmi</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">snd_cs4281</span>(4)</span></a>,
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">snd_csa</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">snd_ds1</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">snd_emu10k1</span>(4)</span></a>,
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">snd_es137x</span>(4)</span></a>,
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">snd_gusc</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">snd_maestro3</span>(4)</span></a>,
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">snd_sbc</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">snd_solo</span>(4)</span></a>, and
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sound</span>(4)</span></a>
-(formerly <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pcm</span>(4)</span></a>) driver
-has been modified to read <tt class="FILENAME">/boot/device.hints</tt> on startup, to
-allow setting of default values for mixer channels. Note that currently the device
-driver's name used in <tt class="FILENAME">/boot/device.hints</tt> is still <var
-class="LITERAL">pcm</var>. More detailed information and examples can be found in the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sound</span>(4)</span></a> manual
-<div class="SECT4">
-<hr />
-<h5 class="SECT4"><a id="NET-IF" name="NET-IF"> Network Interface Support</a></h5>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">arl</span>(4)</span></a> driver,
-which supports Aironet Arlan 655 wireless adapters, has been added. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>A short hiccup in the <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">em</span>(4)</span></a> driver during
-parameter reconfiguration has been fixed. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">fwip</span>(4)</span></a> driver,
-which supports IP over FireWire, has been added. Note that currently the broadcast
-channel number is hardwired and MCAP for multicast channel allocation is not supported.
-This driver is intended to conform to the RFC 2734 and RFC 3146 standard for IP over
-FireWire and eventually replace the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">fwe</span>(4)</span></a>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">fxp</span>(4)</span></a> now uses
-the device sysctl tree such as <var class="VARNAME">dev.fxp0</var>, and those sysctls can
-be set on a per-device basis.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">fxp</span>(4)</span></a> now
-provides actual control over its capability to receive extended Ethernet frames,
-indicated by the <var class="LITERAL">VLAN_MTU</var> interface capability. It can be
-toggled from userland with the aid of the <var class="OPTION">vlanmtu</var> and <var
-class="OPTION">-vlanmtu</var> options to <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ifconfig</span>(8)</span></a>.</p>
-<p>The <tt class="DEVICENAME">hea</tt> (Efficient Networks, Inc. ENI-155p ATM adapter)
-driver has been removed due to breakage. Its functionality has been subsumed into the <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">en</span>(4)</span></a> driver.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">hme</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-now natively supports long frames, so it can be used for <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">vlan</span>(4)</span></a> with
-full Ethernet MTU size.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">hme</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-now supports TCP/UDP Transmit/Receive checksum offload. Since <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">hme</span>(4)</span></a> does not
-compensate the checksum for UDP datagram which can yield to <var
-class="LITERAL">0x0</var>, UDP transmit checksum offload is disabled by default. This can
-be reactivated by setting the special link option <var class="OPTION">link0</var> with <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ifconfig</span>(8)</span></a>.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ixgb</span>(4)</span></a> driver,
-which supports Intel PRO/10GBE 10 Gigabit Ethernet cards, has been added. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>The <tt class="DEVICENAME">lmc</tt> (LAN Media Corp. PCI WAN adapter) driver has been
-removed due to breakage and lack of maintainership.</p>
-<p>The <tt class="DEVICENAME">loran</tt> (Loran-C receiver) driver has been removed due
-to breakage and lack of maintainership.</p>
-<p>FreeBSD now provides a binary compatibility layer for using <span
-class="TRADEMARK">Microsoft</span>&reg;&nbsp;<span class="TRADEMARK">Windows</span>&reg;
-NDIS drivers for network adapters under FreeBSD/i386. It includes a relocator/linker for
-<span class="TRADEMARK">Windows</span> <tt class="FILENAME">.SYS</tt> files to interface
-with the FreeBSD kernel and emulates various parts of the NDIS API using native FreeBSD
-kernel functions. This system supports PCI (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pci</span>(4)</span></a>) and
-CardBus (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">cardbus</span>(4)</span></a>)
-network devices, and is designed principally for Ethernet and wireless network
-interfaces. For more information, see the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ndis</span>(4)</span></a> and <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ndiscvt</span>(8)</span></a>
-manual pages.</p>
-<p>A bug that prevents VLAN support in the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">nge</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-from working has been fixed. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>Several bugs related to <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">polling</span>(4)</span></a>
-support in the <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">rl</span>(4)</span></a> driver have
-been fixed. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>Several bugs related to multicast and promiscuous mode handling in the <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sk</span>(4)</span></a> driver have
-been fixed.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ste</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-now supports <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">polling</span>(4)</span></a>.
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">udav</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-has been added. It provides support for USB Ethernet adapters based on the Davicom DM9601
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">vge</span>(4)</span></a> driver,
-which supports the VIA Networking Technologies VT6122 Gigabit Ethernet chip and
-integrated 10/100/1000 copper PHY, has been added.</p>
-<p>The <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">vr</span>(4)</span></a> driver now
-supports <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">polling</span>(4)</span></a>.
-<p>The hardware TX checksum support in the <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">xl</span>(4)</span></a> driver has been
-disabled as it does not work correctly and slows down the transmission rate. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>Interface <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">polling</span>(4)</span></a>
-support can now be enabled on a per-interface basis. The following network drivers
-support <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">polling</span>(4)</span></a>: <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">dc</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">fxp</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">em</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ixgb</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">nge</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">re</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">rl</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sis</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ste</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">vge</span>(4)</span></a>, and <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">vr</span>(4)</span></a>. And they now
-also support this capability and it can be controlled via <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ifconfig</span>(8)</span></a>
-except for <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ixgb</span>(4)</span></a>.
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="NET-PROTO" name="NET-PROTO">2.2.3 Network Protocols</a></h4>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">gre</span>(4)</span></a> tunnel
-driver now supports WCCP version 2.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ipfw</span>(4)</span></a> rules
-now support the <var class="LITERAL">versrcreach</var> option to verify that a valid
-route to the source address of a packet exists in the routing table. This option is very
-useful for routers with a complete view of the Internet (BGP) in the routing table to
-reject packets with spoofed or unroutable source addresses. For example,</p>
-<pre class="PROGRAMLISTING">
-deny ip from any to any not versrcreach
-is equivalent to the following in Cisco IOS syntax:
-<pre class="PROGRAMLISTING">
-ip verify unicast source reachable-via any
-<br />
-<br />
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ipfw</span>(4)</span></a> rules
-now support the <var class="LITERAL">antispoof</var> option to verify that an incoming
-packet's source address belongs to a directly connected network. If the network is
-directly connected, then the interface on which the packet came in is compared to the
-interface to which the network is connected. When the incoming interface and the directly
-connected interface are not the same, the packet does not match. For example:</p>
-<pre class="PROGRAMLISTING">
-deny ip from any to any not antispoof in
-<br />
-<br />
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ipfw</span>(4)</span></a> rules
-now support the <var class="LITERAL">jail</var> option to associate the rule with a
-specific prison ID. For example:</p>
-<pre class="PROGRAMLISTING">
-count ip from any to any jail 2
-Note that this rule currently applies for TCP and UDP packets only. <br />
-<br />
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ipfw</span>(4)</span></a> now
-supports lookup tables. This feature is useful for handling large sparse address sets.
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ipfw</span>(4)</span></a> <var
-class="LITERAL">forward</var> rule has to be compiled into the kernel with a kernel
-option <var class="LITERAL">IPFIREWALL_FORWARD</var> to enable it.</p>
-<p>A new sysctl <var class="VARNAME">net.inet.ip.process_options</var> has been added to
-control the processing of IP options. When this sysctl is set to <var
-class="LITERAL">0</var>, IP options are ignored and passed unmodified; set to <var
-class="LITERAL">1</var>, all IP options are processed (default); and set to <var
-class="LITERAL">2</var>, all packets with IP options are rejected with an ICMP filter
-prohibited message.</p>
-<p>Some bugs in the IPsec implementation from the KAME Project have been fixed. These
-bugs were related to freeing memory objects before all references to them were removed,
-and could cause erratic behavior or kernel panics after flushing the Security Policy
-Database (SPD).</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">natd</span>(8)</span></a> now
-supports multiple instances via a new option <var class="OPTION">globalports</var>. This
-allows <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">natd</span>(8)</span></a> to bind
-to different network interfaces and share load.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ng_atmllc</span>(4)</span></a>
-Netgraph node type, which handles RFC 1483 ATM LLC encapsulation, has been added.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ng_hub</span>(4)</span></a>
-Netgraph node type, which supports a simple packet distribution that acts like an
-Ethernet hub, has been added. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ng_rfc1490</span>(4)</span></a>
-Netgraph node type now supports Cisco style encapsulation, which is often used alongside
-RFC 1490 in frame relay links.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ng_sppp</span>(4)</span></a>
-Netgraph node type, which is a <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">netgraph</span>(4)</span></a>
-interface to the original <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sppp</span>(4)</span></a> network
-module for synchronous lines, has been added.</p>
-<p>A new Netgraph method has been added to restore some behavior lost in the change from
-4.<var class="REPLACEABLE">X</var> style <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ng_tee</span>(4)</span></a>
-Netgraph nodes.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ng_vlan</span>(4)</span></a>
-Netgraph node type, which supports IEEE 802.1Q VLAN tagging, has been added. [MERGED]</p>
-<p><var class="LITERAL">PFIL_HOOKS</var> support is now always compiled into the kernel,
-and the associated kernel compile options have been removed. All of the packet filter
-subsystems that FreeBSD supports now use the <var class="LITERAL">PFIL_HOOKS</var>
-<p>The link state change notification of Ethernet media support has been added to the
-routing socket.</p>
-<p>Link Quality Monitoring (LQM) support in <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ppp</span>(8)</span></a> has been
-reimplemented. LQM, which is described in RFC 1989, allows PPP to keep track of the
-quality of a running connection. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>The pseudo-interface cloning has been updated and the match function to allow creation
-of <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">stf</span>(4)</span></a>
-interfaces named <tt class="DEVICENAME">stf0</tt>, <tt class="DEVICENAME">stf</tt>, or
-<tt class="DEVICENAME">6to4</tt>. Note that this breaks backward compatibility; for
-example, <tt class="COMMAND">ifconfig stf</tt> now creates the interface named <tt
-class="DEVICENAME">stf</tt>, not <tt class="DEVICENAME">stf0</tt>, and does not print <tt
-class="DEVICENAME">stf0</tt> to stdout.</p>
-<p>The following TCP features are now enabled by default: RFC 3042 (Limited Retransmit),
-RFC 3390 (increased initial congestion window sizes), TCP bandwidth-delay product
-limiting. The sysctls <var class="VARNAME">net.inet.tcp.rfc3042</var>, <var
-class="VARNAME">net.inet.tcp.rfc3390</var>, and <var
-class="VARNAME">net.inet.tcp.inflight.enable</var> for these features are available. More
-information can be found in <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">tcp</span>(4)</span></a>.</p>
-<p>FreeBSD's TCP implementation now includes support for a minimum MSS (settable via the
-<var class="VARNAME">net.inet.tcp.minmss</var> sysctl variable) and a rate limit on
-connections that send many small TCP segments within a short period of time (via the <var
-class="VARNAME">net.inet.tcp.minmssoverload</var> sysctl variable). Connections exceeding
-this limit may be reset and dropped. This feature provides protection against a class of
-resource exhaustion attacks.</p>
-<p>The TCP implementation now includes partial (output-only) support for RFC 2385
-(TCP-MD5) digest support. This feature, enabled with the <var
-class="LITERAL">TCP_SIGNATURE</var> and <var class="LITERAL">FAST_IPSEC</var> kernel
-options, is a TCP option for authenticating TCP sessions. <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">setkey</span>(8)</span></a> now
-includes support for the TCP-MD5 class of security associations. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>The TCP connection reset handling has been improved to make several reset attacks as
-difficult as possible while maintaining compatibility with the widest range of TCP
-<p>The implementation of RFC 1948 has been improved. The time offset component of an
-Initial Sequence Number (ISN) now includes random positive increments between clock ticks
-so that ISNs will always be increasing, no matter how quickly the port is recycled.</p>
-<p>The random ephemeral port allocation, which comes from OpenBSD, has been implemented.
-This is enabled by default and can be disabled by using the <var
-class="VARNAME">net.inet.ip.portrange.randomized</var> sysctl. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>TCP Selective Acknowledgements (SACK) as described in RFC 2018 have been added. This
-improves TCP performance over connections with heavy packet loss. SACK can be enabled
-with the sysctl <var class="VARNAME">net.inet.tcp.sack.enable</var>.</p>
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="DISKS" name="DISKS">2.2.4 Disks and Storage</a></h4>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ata</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-now supports <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">cardbus</span>(4)</span></a>
-ATA/SATA controllers.</p>
-<p>A number of bugs in the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ata</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-have been fixed. Most notably, master/slave device detection should work better, and some
-problems with timeouts should be resolved.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ata</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-now supports the Promise command sequencer present on all modern Promise controllers
-(PDC203** PDC206**).</p>
-<div class="NOTE">
-<blockquote class="NOTE">
-<p><b>Note:</b> This also adds preliminary support for the Promise SX4/SX4000 as a
-``normal'' Promise ATA controller; ATA RAID's are supported, but only RAID0, RAID1, and
-<br />
-<br />
-<p>The <var class="LITERAL">DA_OLD_QUIRKS</var> kernel option, which is for the CAM SCSI
-disk driver (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">cam</span>(4)</span></a>), has
-been removed. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>A bug in <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">geom</span>(4)</span></a> that
-could result in I/O hangs in some rare cases has been fixed.</p>
-<p>A new <var class="LITERAL">GEOM_CONCAT</var> <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">geom</span>(4)</span></a> class
-has been added to concatenate multiple disks to appear as a single larger disk.</p>
-<p>A new <var class="LITERAL">GEOM_NOP</var> <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">geom</span>(4)</span></a> class
-for various testing purposes has been added.</p>
-<p>A new <var class="LITERAL">GEOM_RAID3</var> <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">geom</span>(4)</span></a> class
-for RAID3 transformation and <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">graid3</span>(8)</span></a>
-userland utility have been added.</p>
-<p>A new <var class="LITERAL">GEOM_STRIPE</var> <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">geom</span>(4)</span></a> class
-which implements RAID0 transformation has been added. This class has two modes: ``fast''
-and ``economic''. In fast mode, when very small stripe size is used, only one I/O request
-will be sent to every disk in a stripe; it performs about 10 times faster for small
-stripe sizes than economic mode and other RAID0 implementations. While fast mode is used
-by default, it consumes more memory than economic mode, which sends requests each time.
-Economic mode can be enabled by setting a loader tunable <var
-class="VARNAME">kern.geom.stripe.fast</var> to 0. It is also possible to specify the
-maximum memory that fast mode can consume, by setting the loader tunable <var
-<p>GEOM Gate, which consists of a new <var class="LITERAL">GEOM_GATE</var> <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">geom</span>(4)</span></a> class
-and several GEOM Gate userland utilities (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ggatel</span>(8)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ggatec</span>(8)</span></a>, and
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ggated</span>(8)</span></a>), has
-been added. It supports exporting devices, including non <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">geom</span>(4)</span></a>-aware
-devices, through the network.</p>
-<p>A new <var class="LITERAL">GEOM_LABEL</var> <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">geom</span>(4)</span></a> class to
-detect volume labels on various file systems, such as UFS, MSDOSFS (FAT12, FAT16, FAT32),
-and ISO9660, has been added.</p>
-<p>A new <var class="LITERAL">GEOM_GPT</var> <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">geom</span>(4)</span></a> class,
-which supports GUID Partition Table (GPT) partitions and the ability to have a large
-number of partitions on a single disk, has been added into <tt
-class="FILENAME">GENERIC</tt> by default.</p>
-<p>A new <var class="LITERAL">GEOM_MIRROR</var> <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">geom</span>(4)</span></a> class to
-support RAID1 functionality has been added. The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">gmirror</span>(8)</span></a>
-utility can be used for control of this class.</p>
-<p>A new <var class="LITERAL">GEOM_UZIP</var> <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">geom</span>(4)</span></a> class to
-implement read-only compressed disks has been added. This currently supports cloop V2.0
-disk compression format.</p>
-<p>A new <var class="LITERAL">GEOM_VINUM</var> <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">geom</span>(4)</span></a> class to
-support cooperation between <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">vinum</span>(4)</span></a> and <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">geom</span>(4)</span></a> has been
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ips</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-now supports the recent Adaptec ServeRAID series SCSI controller cards.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">twa</span>(4)</span></a> driver,
-which supports 3ware's 9000 series PATA/SATA RAID controllers, has been added.
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">umass</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-now supports the missing ATAPI MMC commands and handles the timeout properly.
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">vinum</span>(4)</span></a> volume
-manager has been updated to use the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">geom</span>(4)</span></a> disk I/O
-request transformation framework. A <tt class="COMMAND">gvinum</tt> userland utility has
-been added.</p>
-<p>Support for LSI-type software RAID has been added.</p>
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="FS" name="FS">2.2.5 File Systems</a></h4>
-<p>The EXT2FS file system code now includes partial support for large (&gt; 4GB) files.
-This support is partial in that it will refuse to create large files on file systems that
-have not been upgraded to <var class="LITERAL">EXT2_DYN_REV</var> or that do not have the
-<var class="LITERAL">EXT2_FEATURE_RO_COMPAT_LARGE_FILE</var> flag set in the
-<p>A panic in the NFSv4 client has been fixed; this occurred when attempting operations
-against an NFSv3/NFSv2-only server.</p>
-<p>The <var class="LITERAL">MSDOSFS_LARGE</var> kernel option has been added to support
-FAT32 file systems bigger than 128GB. This option is disabled by default. It uses at
-least 32 bytes of kernel memory for each file on disk; furthermore it is only safe to use
-in certain controlled situations, such as read-only mount with less than 1 million files
-and so on. Exporting these large file systems over NFS is not supported.</p>
-<p>The SMBFS client now has support for SMB request signing, which prevents ``man in the
-middle'' attacks and is required in order to connect to Windows 2003 servers in their
-default configuration. As signing each message imposes a significant performance penalty,
-this feature is only enabled if the server requires it; this may eventually become an
-option to <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="AEN925" name="AEN925">2.2.6 Contributed Software</a></h4>
-<p>The <b class="APPLICATION">ALTQ framework</b> has been imported from a KAME snapshot
-as of 7 June 2004. This import breaks ABI compatibility of <var class="VARNAME">struct
-ifnet</var> and requires all network drives to be recompiled. Additionally, some of the
-networking drivers have been modified to support the ALTQ framework. Updated drivers are
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">bfe</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">em</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">fxp</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">em</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">lnc</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">tun</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">de</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">rl</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sis</span>(4)</span></a>, and <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">xl</span>(4)</span></a>.</p>
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">IPFilter</b> has been updated from version 3.4.31 to version
-3.4.35 [MERGED].</p>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="USERLAND" name="USERLAND">2.3 Userland Changes</a></h3>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">acpidump</span>(8)</span></a> now
-supports SSDT tables. Dumping or disassembling the DSDT will now include the contents if
-there are any SSDT table as well.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">bsdlabel</span>(8)</span></a> now
-supports a <var class="OPTION">-f</var> option to work on files instead of disk
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">bsdtar</span>(1)</span></a> is now
-the default <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">tar</span>(1)</span></a> utility
-in the FreeBSD base system. <tt class="FILENAME">/usr/bin/tar</tt> is a symlink pointing
-to <tt class="FILENAME">/usr/bin/bsdtar</tt> by default. To return to using <tt
-class="FILENAME">/usr/bin/gtar</tt> by default, the <var class="VARNAME">WITH_GTAR</var>
-make variable can be used.</p>
-<p>The <tt class="COMMAND">bthidcontrol</tt> and <tt class="COMMAND">bthidd</tt>
-commands, which support Bluetooth HIDs (Human Interface Devices), have been added.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">col</span>(1)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">colcrt</span>(1)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">colrm</span>(1)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">column</span>(1)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">fmt</span>(1)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">join</span>(1)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">rev</span>(1)</span></a>, <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">tr</span>(1)</span></a>, and <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ul</span>(1)</span></a> now support
-multibyte characters.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">conscontrol</span>(8)</span></a>
-now supports <var class="LITERAL">set</var> and <var class="LITERAL">unset</var> commands
-which set/unset the virtual console. <var class="LITERAL">unset</var> makes output from
-the system, such as the kernel <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">printf</span>(9)</span></a>,
-always go to the real main console. This is an interface to the tty ioctl <var
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">cron</span>(8)</span></a> daemon
-accepts two new options, <var class="OPTION">-j</var> and <var class="OPTION">-J</var>,
-to enable time jitter for jobs to run as unprivileged users and the superuser,
-respectively. Time jitter means that <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">cron</span>(8)</span></a> will
-sleep for a small random period of time in the specified range before executing a job.
-This feature is intended to smooth load peaks appearing when a lot of jobs are scheduled
-for a particular moment. [MERGED]</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">cut</span>(1)</span></a>'s <var
-class="OPTION">-c</var>, <var class="OPTION">-d</var>, and <var class="OPTION">-f</var>
-options now work correctly in locales with multibyte characters.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">cvs</span>(1)</span></a> now
-supports an <var class="OPTION">iso8601</var> option keyword to print dates in ISO 8601
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">daemon</span>(8)</span></a> now
-supports a <var class="OPTION">-p</var> option to create a PID file.</p>
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">dd</span>(1)</span></a> now supports a
-<var class="OPTION">fillchar</var> option to specify an alternative padding character
-when using a conversion mode, or when using <var class="OPTION">noerror</var> with <var
-class="OPTION">sync</var> and an input error occurs.</p>
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">df</span>(1)</span></a> now supports a
-<var class="OPTION">-c</var> option to display a grand total of statistics for file
-<p>A bug in <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">df</span>(1)</span></a>, which can
-print invalid information when a <var class="OPTION">-t</var> option is specified and a
-mount point is not accessible by the calling user, has been fixed.</p>
-<p>The <tt class="COMMAND">doscmd</tt> utility has been removed from the FreeBSD base
-system. It is now available via the <a
-class="FILENAME">emulators/doscmd</tt></a> port in the FreeBSD Ports Collection.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">dump</span>(8)</span></a> and <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">restore</span>(8)</span></a> now
-support a <var class="OPTION">-P</var> option to specify backup methods other than files
-and tapes. The argument is passed to a normal <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sh</span>(1)</span></a> pipeline with
-either the <var class="VARNAME">$DUMP_VOLUME</var> or <var
-class="VARNAME">$RESTORE_VOLUME</var> environment variable defined, respectively. For
-more information, see <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">dump</span>(8)</span></a> and <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">restore</span>(8)</span></a>.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">eeprom</span>(8)</span></a>
-utility to display and modify system configurations stored in EEPROM or NVRAM has been
-added. The current implementation supports systems equipped with Open Firmware.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">fgetwln</span>(3)</span></a>
-function, a wide character version of <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">fgetln</span>(3)</span></a>, has
-been added.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">find</span>(1)</span></a> utility
-now supports a <var class="OPTION">-acl</var> primary to locate files with <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">acl</span>(3)</span></a>.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">find</span>(1)</span></a> utility
-now supports a new primary <var class="OPTION">-depth <var
-class="REPLACEABLE">n</var></var> which tests whether the depth of the current file
-relative to the starting point of the traversal is <var class="REPLACEABLE">n</var>.
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ftpd</span>(8)</span></a> now
-opens a socket for a data transfer in active mode using the effective UID of the current
-user, not <tt class="USERNAME">root</tt>. This is useful for matching anonymous FTP data
-traffic with a single <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ipfw</span>(8)</span></a> rule
-with <var class="LITERAL">uid</var>.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ftw</span>(3)</span></a> and <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">nftw</span>(3)</span></a>
-functions to traverse a directory hierarchy have been implemented.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">geom</span>(8)</span></a> utility
-for operating on <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">geom</span>(4)</span></a> classes
-from the userland has been added.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">gpt</span>(8)</span></a>, a GUID
-partition table maintenance utility, now supports a <var class="OPTION">remove</var>
-command. Its <var class="OPTION">add</var> command now supports a <var
-class="OPTION">-i</var> option, which allows the user to specify the partition number of
-a new partition.</p>
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">id</span>(1)</span></a> now supports a
-<var class="OPTION">-M</var> option to print the MAC label of the current process.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ifconfig</span>(8)</span></a> now
-supports renaming of network interfaces at run-time using the <var
-class="OPTION">name</var> parameter.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ifconfig</span>(8)</span></a> now
-prints the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">polling</span>(4)</span></a>
-status on the interface. [MERGED]</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ifconfig</span>(8)</span></a> now
-provides the <var class="OPTION">vlanmtu</var> and <var class="OPTION">-vlanmtu</var>
-options, which control the capability of some Ethernet interfaces to receive extended
-frames (i.e. frames containing more than 1500 bytes of payload).</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ifconfig</span>(8)</span></a> now
-provides the <var class="OPTION">vlanhwtag</var> and <var class="OPTION">-vlanhwtag</var>
-options, which control the capability of some Ethernet interfaces to process VLAN tags in
-the hardware.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">indent</span>(1)</span></a> now
-supports a <var class="OPTION">-ldi</var> option to control indentation of local
-variables. A number of other tunings were made to this utility.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">indent</span>(1)</span></a> now
-supports <var class="OPTION">-fbs</var> and <var class="OPTION">-ut</var> for function
-declarations with the opening brace on the same line as the declaration of arguments all
-spaces and no tabs in order to fix problem when non-8 space tabs are used.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ip6fw</span>(8)</span></a> now
-supports a <var class="OPTION">-n</var> flag to stop it from making any changes to the
-rules in the kernel.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ipcs</span>(1)</span></a> now
-supports a <var class="OPTION">-u</var> option to display information about IPC
-mechanisms owned by the specified user.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ipfw</span>(8)</span></a> now
-supports a <var class="OPTION">-b</var> flag to print only the action and comment for
-each rule, thus omitting the rule body.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">jail</span>(8)</span></a> now
-supports a <var class="OPTION">-U</var> option to run a command as a user which exists
-only in the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">jail</span>(2)</span></a>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">jail</span>(8)</span></a> now
-supports a <var class="OPTION">-l</var> option to clean the environment. All environment
-variables are discarded except for <var class="VARNAME">HOME</var>, <var
-class="VARNAME">SHELL</var>, <var class="VARNAME">PATH</var>, <var
-class="VARNAME">TERM</var>, and <var class="VARNAME">USER</var> before running the jailed
-program under a specific user's credentials. This behavior is similar to that provided by
-the <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">su</span>(1)</span></a> <var
-class="OPTION">-l</var> option.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">kgdb</span>(1)</span></a>, a
-kernel debugging utility which uses <b class="APPLICATION">libgdb</b> and understands
-kernel threads, kernel modules, and <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">kvm</span>(3)</span></a>, has been
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">killall</span>(1)</span></a> now
-supports a <var class="OPTION">-e</var> flag to make the <var class="OPTION">-u</var>
-operate on effective, rather than real, user IDs. [MERGED]</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">libalias</span>(3)</span></a> now
-has support (and a new API) for multiple aliasing instances in a single process. The
-existing API has been reimplemented in terms of the new one to preserve
-<p>A <b class="APPLICATION">libarchive</b> library for manipulation of compressed and
-uncompressed archive files has been added. More details can be found in <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">libdisk</b> now uses <var class="VARNAME">d_addr_t</var> for
-disk addresses. This allows <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sysinstall</span>(8)</span></a> to
-properly handle disks and file systems more than 1 TB.</p>
-<p>The library formerly known as <b class="APPLICATION">libkse</b> has been renamed <b
-class="APPLICATION">libpthread</b> and is now the default threading library on the i386,
-amd64, and ia64 platforms. <b class="APPLICATION">GCC</b>'s <var
-class="OPTION">-pthread</var> option has been changed to use <b
-class="APPLICATION">libpthread</b> rather than <b class="APPLICATION">libc_r</b>.</p>
-<div class="NOTE">
-<blockquote class="NOTE">
-<p><b>Note:</b> Users with older binaries (for example, ports compiled before this change
-was made) should use <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">libmap.conf</span>(5)</span></a>
-to map <b class="APPLICATION">libc_r</b> and/or <b class="APPLICATION">libkse</b> to <b
-<div class="NOTE">
-<blockquote class="NOTE">
-<p><b>Note:</b> Users with NVIDIA-supplied drivers and libraries may need to use a <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">libmap.conf</span>(5)</span></a>
-that maps <b class="APPLICATION">libpthread</b> references to the older <b
-class="APPLICATION">libc_r</b> since these drivers and utilities do not work with <b
-<br />
-<br />
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">libpthread</b> now supports a <var
-class="VARNAME">LIBPTHREAD_SYSTEM_SCOPE</var> environment variable to force 1:1 mode
-(using system scope threads). Note that building <b class="APPLICATION">libpthread</b>
-with <var class="OPTION">-DSYSTEM_SCOPE_ONLY</var> flag also forces 1:1 mode, and that
-this option is set by default for architectures that do not support M:N mode yet. In
-addition, a <var class="VARNAME">LIBPTHREAD_PROCESS_SCOPE</var> environment variable can
-be used to force M:N mode (using process scope threads). For example:</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<samp class="PROMPT">%</samp> <kbd class="USERINPUT">env LIBPTHREAD_SYSTEM_SCOPE=yes <var
-<p>forces the application <var class="REPLACEABLE">threaded_app</var> to use system scope
-threads, and</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<samp class="PROMPT">%</samp> <kbd
-<p>forces it to use process scope threads.</p>
-<p>A bug in the <var class="OPTION">-d</var> option of <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">look</span>(1)</span></a> has been
-fixed. Also, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">look</span>(1)</span></a> now
-works correctly in locales with multibyte characters.</p>
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ls</span>(1)</span></a> now treats
-filenames as multibyte character strings according to the current <var
-class="VARNAME">LC_CTYPE</var> when determining which characters are printable.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">make</span>(1)</span></a> now
-supports the new <var class="LITERAL">.warning</var> directive.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">make</span>(1)</span></a> now
-supports the POSIX-compatible <var class="LITERAL">+</var> flag in <tt
-class="FILENAME">Makefile</tt> command lines, which causes a line to be executed even
-when <var class="OPTION">-n</var> is specified. This is useful for calls to submakes, for
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">make</span>(1)</span></a> now puts
-variable assignments from the command line into the <var class="VARNAME">MAKEFLAGS</var>
-variable as required by POSIX. This causes such variables to be pushed into all sub-makes
-called by the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">make</span>(1)</span></a> (except
-when the <var class="VARNAME">MAKEFLAGS</var> variable is explicitly changed in the
-sub-make's environment). This makes them also mostly un-overrideable in sub-makes except
-on the sub-make's command line.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">nearbyint</span>(3)</span></a> and
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">nearbyintf</span>(3)</span></a>
-C99 functions have been implemented.</p>
-<p>The <tt class="FILENAME">tgmath.h</tt> C99 header has been implemented. This provides
-type-generic macros for the <tt class="FILENAME">math.h</tt> and <tt
-class="FILENAME">complex.h</tt> functions that have float, double and long double
-<p>The GNU extensions of <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">mbsnrtowcs</span>(3)</span></a>
-and <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">wcsnrtombs</span>(3)</span></a>
-have been implemented.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">newsyslog</span>(8)</span></a> now
-allows users to set a debugging option via the <tt class="FILENAME">newsyslog.conf</tt>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">newsyslog</span>(8)</span></a>
-uses a new order when processing files to rotate. It first rotates all files that need to
-be rotated, then sends a single signal to each process which needs to be signaled, and
-finally compresses all the files that were rotated.</p>
-<p>A <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">nextwctype</span>(3)</span></a>
-function to iterate over all characters in a particular character class has been
-<p>Initial support for UTF-8 versions of all the currently supported system locales has
-been added. This is primarily for the benefit of the <a
-class="FILENAME">misc/utf8locale</tt></a> port.</p>
-<p>An Israel Hebrew locale <var class="LITERAL">he_IL.UTF-8</var> has been added.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">logins</span>(1)</span></a>
-utility has been added to display information about user and system accounts.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">mountd</span>(8)</span></a> now
-supports the <var class="OPTION">-p</var> option, which allows users to specify a known
-port for use in firewall rulesets.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">netstat</span>(1)</span></a> now
-displays the multicast group memberships present in the system.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">newfs</span>(8)</span></a> and <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">mdmfs</span>(8)</span></a> now
-support a <var class="OPTION">-l</var> flag to enable them to set the MAC multilabel flag
-on new file systems without requiring the use of <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">tunefs</span>(8)</span></a>.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">nologin</span>(8)</span></a> now
-reports login attempts via <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">syslogd</span>(8)</span></a>.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">nologin</span>(8)</span></a> has
-been moved from <tt class="FILENAME">/sbin/nologin</tt> to <tt
-class="FILENAME">/usr/sbin/nologin</tt>. <tt class="FILENAME">/sbin/nologin</tt> remains
-as a symbolic link for backward compatibility.</p>
-<p>A bugfix has been applied to NSS support, which fixes problems when using third-party
-NSS modules (such as <a
-class="FILENAME">net/nss_ldap</tt></a>) and groups with large membership lists.</p>
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">od</span>(1)</span></a> now has
-POSIX-style support for multibyte characters.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">patch</span>(1)</span></a> has
-been replaced with a BSD-licensed version from OpenBSD. This includes a <var
-class="OPTION">--posix</var> option for strict POSIX conformance.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pgrep</span>(1)</span></a> and <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pkill</span>(1)</span></a>
-commands, which come from NetBSD, have been added. They also support a <var
-class="OPTION">-M</var> option to extract values associated with the name list from the
-specified core instead of the default <tt class="FILENAME">/dev/kmem</tt>, and a <var
-class="OPTION">-N</var> option to extract the name list from the specified system instead
-of the default kernel.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ppp</span>(8)</span></a> now
-supports a ``set rad_alive <var class="REPLACEABLE">N</var>'' command to enable periodic
-RADIUS accounting information being sent to the RADIUS server. [MERGED]</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ppp</span>(8)</span></a> now
-supports a ``set pppoe [standard|3Com]'' command to configure the operating mode of an
-underlying <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ng_pppoe</span>(4)</span></a>
-Netgraph node.</p>
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ps</span>(1)</span></a> compatibility
-with POSIX/SUSv3 has been improved. The changes include <var class="OPTION">-p</var> for
-a list of process IDs, <var class="OPTION">-t</var> for a list of terminal names, <var
-class="OPTION">-A</var> which is equivalent to <var class="OPTION">-ax</var>, <var
-class="OPTION">-G</var> for a list of group IDs, <var class="OPTION">-X</var> which is
-the opposite of <var class="OPTION">-x</var>, and some minor improvements. For more
-information, see <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ps</span>(1)</span></a>. [MERGED]</p>
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ps</span>(1)</span></a> now supports a
-<var class="OPTION">-O emul</var> format option, which prints the name of the system call
-emulation environment the process is in.</p>
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pw</span>(8)</span></a> now supports a
-<var class="OPTION">-H</var> option, which accepts an encrypted password on a file
-descriptor. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>A bug in <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">rarpd</span>(8)</span></a> that
-prevents it from working properly when a interface has more than one IP address has been
-fixed. [MERGED]</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">regex</span>(3)</span></a> now
-supports regular expression matching aware of multibyte characters.</p>
-<p>The configuration files used by the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">resolver</span>(3)</span></a> now
-support the <var class="LITERAL">timeout:</var> and <var class="LITERAL">attempts:</var>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">resolver</span>(3)</span></a> and
-associated interfaces are now much more reentrant and thread-safe. Multiple DNS lookups
-can now be run at the same time, showing major improvements in the performance of some
-multi-threaded applications. Some multi-threaded programs need to be recompiled; examples
-from the Ports Collection are <a
-class="FILENAME">www/mozilla</tt></a> and variants, <a
-class="FILENAME">mail/evolution</tt></a>, <a
-class="FILENAME">devel/gnomevfs</tt></a>, and <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">rmdir</span>(1)</span></a> now
-supports a <var class="OPTION">-v</var> flag, which makes it verbose.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">savecore</span>(8)</span></a> now
-works correctly for dump files larger than 2GB.</p>
-<p>A bug in <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">script</span>(1)</span></a> has
-been fixed so that it now works correctly if the standard input is closed. This fix
-prevents a potentially dangerous interaction with the <a
-class="FILENAME">sysutils/portupgrade</tt></a> package; if it was run non-interactively,
-it could remove all out-of-date ports without reinstalling them.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sdpd</span>(8)</span></a>
-Bluetooth Service Discovery Protocol daemon has been added.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sed</span>(1)</span></a>'s <var
-class="LITERAL">y</var> (translate) command now supports multibyte characters.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sha1</span>(1)</span></a> and <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">rmd160</span>(1)</span></a>
-utilities have been added. Similar to <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">md5</span>(1)</span></a>, they
-calculate a message digest of their inputs. [MERGED]</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">smbmsg</span>(8)</span></a>, a
-small utility to send/receive SMBus messages, has been added.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">talk</span>(1)</span></a> now uses
-<tt class="HOSTID">localhost</tt> as a default machine name in <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">talkd</span>(8)</span></a> request
-packets when the destination and source are local. This makes <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">talk</span>(1)</span></a>
-dependent on a valid host entry for <tt class="HOSTID">localhost</tt> in <tt
-class="FILENAME">/etc/hosts</tt> or the DNS.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">tftpd</span>(8)</span></a> now
-supports two new options: a <var class="OPTION">-w</var> option allows new files to be
-created, and a <var class="OPTION">-U</var> option allows the umask to be set.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">top</span>(1)</span></a> can now
-display the current amount of I/O. This feature can be enabled by hitting ``m'' or
-passing the command line option <var class="OPTION">-m io</var>.</p>
-<p>Many userland utilities in the base system (mostly GNU contributed utilities) now use
-the system version of <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">getopt_long</span>(3)</span></a>,
-rather than the GNU version.</p>
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="RC-SCRIPTS" name="RC-SCRIPTS">2.3.1 <tt
-class="FILENAME">/etc/rc.d</tt> Scripts</a></h4>
-<p>The <tt class="FILENAME">diskless</tt> script has been split out into <tt
-class="FILENAME">hostname</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">resolve</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">tmp</tt>, and <tt class="FILENAME">var</tt> scripts.</p>
-<p>The <tt class="FILENAME">gbde_swap</tt> script, which supports gbde-enabled swap
-devices, has been added. When the <var class="VARNAME">gbde_swap_enable</var> variable is
-specified in <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">rc.conf</span>(5)</span></a>, a
-swap device named <tt class="FILENAME">/dev/<var class="REPLACEABLE">foo.bde</var></tt>
-in <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">fstab</span>(5)</span></a> is
-automatically attached at boot time with the device <tt class="FILENAME">/dev/<var
-class="REPLACEABLE">foo</var></tt> and a random key, which is generated by computing the
-MD5 checksum of 512 bytes read from <tt class="FILENAME">/dev/random</tt>. Note that this
-prevents recovery of kernel dumps.</p>
-<p>The <var class="VARNAME">ip6addrctl_enable</var> and <var
-class="VARNAME">ip6addrctl_verbose</var> variables have been added. When <var
-class="VARNAME">ip6addrctl_enable</var> is set to <var class="LITERAL">YES</var>, the
-address selection policy is installed into the kernel. If <tt
-class="FILENAME">/etc/ip6addrctl.conf</tt> exists, it will be used; otherwise, a default
-policy will be installed. The default policy is one described in RFC 3484 when <var
-class="VARNAME">ipv6_enable</var> is set to <var class="LITERAL">YES</var>. Otherwise,
-the priority policy for IPv4 address will be used as a default policy.</p>
-<p>The <tt class="FILENAME">mixer</tt> script has been added. It saves the current
-settings of all audio mixers present in the system on shutdown and restores the settings
-on boot.</p>
-<p>The <tt class="FILENAME">named</tt> script has been updated to support <b
-class="APPLICATION">BIND 9</b> in the base system. The changes include:</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">named</span>(8)</span></a> runs in
-a <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">chroot</span>(2)</span></a>
-directory <tt class="FILENAME">/var/named</tt> by default. The <var
-class="VARNAME">named_chrootdir</var> variable can be used to disable this behavior or to
-change the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">chroot</span>(2)</span></a>
-<p>When the <var class="VARNAME">named_chroot_autoupdate</var> variable is set to <var
-class="LITERAL">YES</var> (the default), the chroot directory is automatically configured
-at the boot time. A symbolic link which points to <tt
-class="FILENAME">/var/named/etc/namedb</tt> is created as <tt
-class="FILENAME">/etc/namedb</tt>, and a symbolic link which points to <tt
-class="FILENAME">/var/named/var/run/named/pid</tt> is created as <tt
-class="FILENAME">/var/run/named/pid</tt>. The latter can be disabled by using the <var
-class="VARNAME">named_symlink_enable</var> variable in <tt
-<p>The <tt class="FILENAME">rndc.key</tt> file is automatically created if it does not
-<p>The <tt class="FILENAME">pf</tt> and <tt class="FILENAME">pflog</tt> scripts for <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pf</span>(4)</span></a> have been
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="CONTRIB" name="CONTRIB">2.4 Contributed Software</a></h3>
-<p>The <b class="APPLICATION">ACPI-CA</b> code has been updated from the 20030619
-snapshot to the 20040527 snapshot.</p>
-<p>The <b class="APPLICATION">AMD (am-utils)</b> has been updated from version 6.0.9 to
-version 6.0.10p1.</p>
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">awk</b> from Bell Labs has been updated from the 29 July 2003
-release to the 7 February 2004 release.</p>
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">BIND</b> has been updated from version 8.3.1-REL to version
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">CVS</b> has been updated from version 1.11.15 to version
-1.11.17. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>The <b class="APPLICATION">FILE</b> has been updated from version 3.41 to version
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">gdtoa</b> (a library that performs conversions of numbers
-between binary and decimal form) has been updated from version 20030324 to version
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">GDB</b> has been updated to version 6.1.1.</p>
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">GNU Binutils</b> has been updated to a 23 May 2004 snapshot
-from the FSF 2.15 branch.</p>
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">GNU GCC</b> has been updated from 3.3.3-prerelease as of 6
-November 2003 to 3.4.2-prerelease as of 28 July 2004.</p>
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">GNU grep</b> has been updated from version 2.4d to version
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">GNU less</b> has been updated from version 371 to version
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">GNU readline</b> 4.3 has been updated with official patches 001
-through 005.</p>
-<p>The <b class="APPLICATION">GNU regex</b> library has been updated to the version
-included with <b class="APPLICATION">GNU grep</b> 2.5.1.</p>
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">GNU sort</b> has been updated from textutils 2.1 to a coreutils
-snapshot as of 12 August 2004.</p>
-<p>The <b class="APPLICATION">GNU tar</b> implementation in the base system is now called
-<tt class="FILENAME">gtar</tt>.</p>
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">Heimdal Kerberos</b> has been updated from version 0.6 to
-version 0.6.1.</p>
-<p>The <b class="APPLICATION">ISC DHCP</b> client has been updated from version 3.0.1
-RC10 to version 3.0.1.</p>
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">libpcap</b> has been updated from version 0.7.1 to version
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">lukemftpd</b> has been updated from a snapshot as of 3 November
-2003 to one as of 9 August 2004.</p>
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">NTP</b> has been updated from version 4.1.1a to version
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">OpenPAM</b> has been updated from the Dogwood release to the
-Eelgrass release.</p>
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">OpenSSH</b> has been updated from version 3.6.1p1 to version
-<div class="NOTE">
-<blockquote class="NOTE">
-<p><b>Note:</b> The configuration defaults for <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sshd</span>(8)</span></a> have
-been changed. SSH protocol version 1 is no longer enabled by default. In addition,
-password authentication over SSH is disabled by default if PAM is enabled.</p>
-<br />
-<br />
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">OpenSSL</b> has been updated from version 0.9.7c to version
-0.9.7d. [MERGED]</p>
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">OpenSSL</b> VIA C3 Nehemiah PadLock ACE (Advanced Cryptography
-Engine) crypto support, which provides Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) encryption, has
-been imported from a prerelease version of <b class="APPLICATION">OpenSSL</b>.</p>
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">pf</b>, OpenBSD's packet filter as of OpenBSD 3.5-stable, has
-been imported into the FreeBSD source tree and is now installed by default. Two new users
-(<tt class="USERNAME">proxy</tt> and <tt class="USERNAME">_pflogd</tt>) and three new
-groups (<tt class="USERNAME">authpf</tt>, <tt class="USERNAME">proxy</tt>, and <tt
-class="USERNAME">_pflogd</tt>), which <b class="APPLICATION">pf</b> needs, have been
-added as well.</p>
-<div class="NOTE">
-<blockquote class="NOTE">
-<p><b>Note:</b> On upgrading from source, these user accounts must be added in advance.
-<var class="LITERAL">mergemaster -p</var> can be used to assist in creating the proper
-entries in the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">passwd</span>(5)</span></a> and <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">group</span>(5)</span></a> files.
-The <var class="VARNAME">NO_PF</var> variable in <tt class="FILENAME">make.conf</tt> can
-be used to prevent <b class="APPLICATION">pf</b> from building.</p>
-<p>Several userland utilities of OpenBSD's <b class="APPLICATION">pf</b> have been
-imported. <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ftp-proxy</span>(8)</span></a> is
-an ftp proxy for <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pf</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pfctl</span>(8)</span></a> is an
-equivalent to <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ipf</span>(8)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pflogd</span>(8)</span></a> is a
-daemon which logs packets via <var class="LITERAL">if_pflog</var> in <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pcap</span>(3)</span></a> format,
-and <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">authpf</span>(8)</span></a> is an
-authentication shell to modify <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pf</span>(4)</span></a> rulesets.</p>
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">routed</b> has been updated from release 2.22 to release 2.27
-from rhyolite.com. Note that for users relying on RIP's MD5 authentication feature, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">routed</span>(8)</span></a> routed
-is now incompatible with previous versions of FreeBSD; however, it is now compatible with
-implementations from Sun, Cisco and other vendors.</p>
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">sendmail</b> has been updated from version 8.12.10 to version
-8.13.1. [MERGED]</p>
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">tcpdump</b> has been updated from version 3.7.1 to version
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">tcsh</b> has been updated from version 6.11 to version
-<p>The timezone database has been updated from <tt class="FILENAME">tzdata2003a</tt> to
-<tt class="FILENAME">tzdata2004e</tt>.</p>
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">zlib</b> has been updated from version 1.1.4 to version
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="PORTS" name="PORTS">2.5 Ports/Packages Collection
-<p>Most of the startup/shutdown scripts installed by various ports now use the new <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">rc</span>(8)</span></a> framework
-introduced in FreeBSD 5.<var class="REPLACEABLE">X</var>, while some ports still use the
-old-style scripts. On startup, the new <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">rc</span>(8)</span></a> style scripts
-are executed before the old-style scripts. On shutdown, exactly the reverse happens.</p>
-<p>The <var class="LITERAL">SIZE</var> attribute for distfiles, which can be used for
-checking file sizes before fetching, has been added and enabled by default. <var
-class="VARNAME">DISABLE_SIZE</var> is a user control knob to disable the distfile size
-checking. This is especially useful on old FreeBSD versions which did not have <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">fetch</span>(1)</span></a> support
-for this, and for some FTP proxies which always report incorrect or bogus sizes.</p>
-<p>Two new files have been added to the ports tree to track noteworthy changes: <tt
-class="FILENAME">ports/CHANGES</tt> lists major changes to the Ports Collection and its
-infrastructure. <tt class="FILENAME">ports/UPDATING</tt> describes some potential
-pitfalls that can be encountered when updating certain ports, analogous to <tt
-class="FILENAME">src/UPDATING</tt> for the base system.</p>
-<p>The version number parsing code has been rewritten in the system <tt
-class="FILENAME">pkg_*</tt> tools, restoring compatibility with 4.x and <a
-<p>The package tools can now match packages with relational operators and csh-style <var
-class="LITERAL">{...}</var> choices. For example:</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<samp class="PROMPT">#</samp> <kbd class="USERINPUT">pkg_info -I 'docbook&#62;=3.0'</kbd>
-<p>will list (all) docbook DTDs with at least version 3.0. Additional command line
-options have also been added to aid pattern matching.</p>
-<p>The package tools have improved handling of corrupt package databases.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pkg_create</span>(1)</span></a>
-now supports a <var class="OPTION">-S</var> option to make all <var
-class="LITERAL">@cwd</var> paths be prefixed during package creation.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pkg_info</span>(1)</span></a> now
-supports a <var class="OPTION">-j</var> option to show the requirements script for each
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="RELENG" name="RELENG">2.6 Release Engineering and
-<p>The building process for boot floppy images has been completely overhauled. The most
-significant change is that the loader now boots a stock <tt class="FILENAME">GENERIC</tt>
-kernel split across multiple disks (two at the time of this writing). This greatly
-improves installations that begin with a boot from floppy disk, because they now use
-exactly the same kernel (and thus support the same hardware) as CDROM installations. The
-stripped-down <tt class="FILENAME">MFSROOT</tt> kernel is no longer needed, and the <tt
-class="FILENAME">mfsroot</tt> image no longer requires kernel modules. The <tt
-class="FILENAME">boot.flp</tt> and <tt class="FILENAME">driver.flp</tt> images are also
-obsolete and no longer built.</p>
-<p>FreeBSD cryptography support is no longer an optional component of releases, and the
-<var class="LITERAL">crypto</var> release distribution is now part of <var
-class="LITERAL">base</var>. Note that the <var class="OPTION">-DNOCRYPT</var> build
-option still exists for anyone who really wants to build non-cryptographic binaries.</p>
-<p>The supported release of <b class="APPLICATION">GNOME</b> has been updated from
-version 2.4 to version 2.6.2.</p>
-<div class="NOTE">
-<blockquote class="NOTE">
-<p><b>Note:</b> If you are using the older <b class="APPLICATION">GNOME</b> desktop
-itself (<a href="http://www.FreeBSD.org/cgi/url.cgi?ports/x11/gnome2/pkg-descr"><tt
-class="FILENAME">x11/gnome2</tt></a>), simply upgrading it from the FreeBSD Ports
-Collection with <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">portupgrade</span>(1)</span></a>
-(<a href="http://www.FreeBSD.org/cgi/url.cgi?ports/sysutils/portupgrade/pkg-descr"><tt
-class="FILENAME">sysutils/portupgrade</tt></a>) will cause serious problems. If you are a
-<b class="APPLICATION">GNOME</b> desktop user, please read the instructions carefully at
-<a href="http://www.FreeBSD.org/gnome/docs/faq26.html"
-target="_top">http://www.FreeBSD.org/gnome/docs/faq26.html</a>, and use the <tt
-class="FILENAME">gnome_upgrade.sh</tt> script to properly upgrade to <b
-class="APPLICATION">GNOME</b> 2.6.</p>
-<p>Note that if you are just a casual user of some of the <b
-class="APPLICATION">GNOME</b> libraries, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">portupgrade</span>(1)</span></a>
-should be sufficient to update your ports.</p>
-<br />
-<br />
-<p>The supported release of <b class="APPLICATION">KDE</b> has been updated from version
-3.1.4 to version 3.3.0.</p>
-<p>The <a
-class="FILENAME">security/portaudit</tt></a> utility has been added to the FreeBSD Ports
-Collection. This utility will read a database containing known ports vulnerabilities and
-report them to the administrator.</p>
-<p>FreeBSD now uses <b class="APPLICATION">Xorg</b> instead of <b
-class="APPLICATION">XFree86</b> as the default X Window System. The supported release is
-<b class="APPLICATION">Xorg</b> X11R6.7.0. Note that <b class="APPLICATION">XFree86</b>
-is also available in the FreeBSD Ports Collection (<a
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="DOC" name="DOC">2.7 Documentation</a></h3>
-<div class="SECT1">
-<hr />
-<h2 class="SECT1"><a id="UPGRADE" name="UPGRADE">3 Upgrading from previous releases of
-<p>Users with existing FreeBSD systems are <span class="emphasis"><i
-class="EMPHASIS">highly</i></span> encouraged to read the ``FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE Migration
-Guide''. This document generally has the filename <tt class="FILENAME">MIGRATE5.TXT</tt>
-on the distribution media, or any other place that the release notes can be found. It
-offers some notes on migrating from FreeBSD 4.<var class="REPLACEABLE">X</var>, but more
-importantly, also discusses some of the relative merits of upgrading to FreeBSD 5.<var
-class="REPLACEABLE">X</var> versus running FreeBSD 4.<var
-<div class="IMPORTANT">
-<blockquote class="IMPORTANT">
-<p><b>Important:</b> Upgrading FreeBSD should, of course, only be attempted after backing
-up <span class="emphasis"><i class="EMPHASIS">all</i></span> data and configuration
-<hr />
-<p align="center"><small>This file, and other release-related documents, can be
-downloaded from <a href="ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/">ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/</a>.</small></p>
-<p align="center"><small>For questions about FreeBSD, read the <a
-href="http://www.FreeBSD.org/docs.html">documentation</a> before contacting &#60;<a
-<p align="center"><small>For questions about this documentation, e-mail &#60;<a
diff --git a/en_US.ISO8859-1/htdocs/releases/5.3R/relnotes-ia64.html b/en_US.ISO8859-1/htdocs/releases/5.3R/relnotes-ia64.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 94774cff22..0000000000
--- a/en_US.ISO8859-1/htdocs/releases/5.3R/relnotes-ia64.html
+++ /dev/null
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-<h1 class="TITLE"><a id="AEN2" name="AEN2">FreeBSD/ia64 5.3-RELEASE Release
-<h3 class="CORPAUTHOR">The FreeBSD Project</h3>
-<p class="COPYRIGHT">Copyright &copy; 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 The FreeBSD
-Documentation Project</p>
-<p class="PUBDATE">$FreeBSD: src/release/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/relnotes/common/new.sgml,v
-1.761. 2004/11/03 10:12:51 hrs Exp $<br />
-<div class="ABSTRACT"><a id="AEN13" name="AEN13"></a>
-<p>The release notes for FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE contain a summary of the changes made to the
-FreeBSD base system since 5.2.1-RELEASE. This document lists applicable security
-advisories that were issued since the last release, as well as significant changes to the
-FreeBSD kernel and userland. Some brief remarks on upgrading are also presented.</p>
-<hr />
-<div class="TOC">
-<dt><b>Table of Contents</b></dt>
-<dt>1 <a href="#INTRO">Introduction</a></dt>
-<dt>2 <a href="#NEW">What's New</a></dt>
-<dt>2.1 <a href="#SECURITY">Security Advisories</a></dt>
-<dt>2.2 <a href="#KERNEL">Kernel Changes</a></dt>
-<dt>2.2.1 <a href="#BOOT">Boot Loader Changes</a></dt>
-<dt>2.2.2 <a href="#PROC">Hardware Support</a></dt>
-<dt>2.2.3 <a href="#NET-PROTO">Network Protocols</a></dt>
-<dt>2.2.4 <a href="#DISKS">Disks and Storage</a></dt>
-<dt>2.2.5 <a href="#FS">File Systems</a></dt>
-<dt>2.2.6 <a href="#AEN925">Contributed Software</a></dt>
-<dt>2.3 <a href="#USERLAND">Userland Changes</a></dt>
-<dt>2.3.1 <a href="#RC-SCRIPTS"><tt class="FILENAME">/etc/rc.d</tt> Scripts</a></dt>
-<dt>2.4 <a href="#CONTRIB">Contributed Software</a></dt>
-<dt>2.5 <a href="#PORTS">Ports/Packages Collection Infrastructure</a></dt>
-<dt>2.6 <a href="#RELENG">Release Engineering and Integration</a></dt>
-<dt>2.7 <a href="#DOC">Documentation</a></dt>
-<dt>3 <a href="#UPGRADE">Upgrading from previous releases of FreeBSD</a></dt>
-<div class="SECT1">
-<h2 class="SECT1"><a id="INTRO" name="INTRO">1 Introduction</a></h2>
-<p>This document contains the release notes for FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE on the IA-64 hardware
-platform. It describes recently added, changed, or deleted features of FreeBSD. It also
-provides some notes on upgrading from previous versions of FreeBSD.</p>
-<p>This distribution of FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE is a release distribution. It can be found at
-<a href="ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/" target="_top">ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/</a> or any of its
-mirrors. More information on obtaining this (or other) release distributions of FreeBSD
-can be found in the <a
-target="_top">``Obtaining FreeBSD'' appendix</a> to the <a
-href="http://www.FreeBSD.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/" target="_top">FreeBSD
-<p>All users are encouraged to consult the release errata before installing FreeBSD. The
-errata document is updated with ``late-breaking'' information discovered late in the
-release cycle or after the release. Typically, it contains information on known bugs,
-security advisories, and corrections to documentation. An up-to-date copy of the errata
-for FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE can be found on the FreeBSD Web site.</p>
-<div class="SECT1">
-<hr />
-<h2 class="SECT1"><a id="NEW" name="NEW">2 What's New</a></h2>
-<p>This section describes the most user-visible new or changed features in FreeBSD since
-5.2.1-RELEASE. In general, changes described here are unique to the 5-STABLE branch
-unless specifically marked as [MERGED] features.</p>
-<p>Typical release note items document recent security advisories issued after
-5.3-RELEASE, new drivers or hardware support, new commands or options, major bug fixes,
-or contributed software upgrades. They may also list changes to major ports/packages or
-release engineering practices. Clearly the release notes cannot list every single change
-made to FreeBSD between releases; this document focuses primarily on security advisories,
-user-visible changes, and major architectural improvements.</p>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="SECURITY" name="SECURITY">2.1 Security Advisories</a></h3>
-<p>A bug in <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">mksnap_ffs</span>(8)</span></a>
-has been fixed; it caused the creation of a file system snapshot to reset the flags on
-the file system to their default values. The possible consequences depended on local
-usage, but could include disabling extended access control lists or enabling the use of
-setuid executables stored on an untrusted file system. This bug also affected the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">dump</span>(8)</span></a> <var
-class="OPTION">-L</var> option, which uses <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">mksnap_ffs</span>(8)</span></a>.
-Note that <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">mksnap_ffs</span>(8)</span></a> is
-normally only available to the superuser and members of the <tt
-class="GROUPNAME">operator</tt> group. For more information, see security advisory <a
-<p>A bug with the System V Shared Memory interface (specifically the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">shmat</span>(2)</span></a> system
-call) has been fixed. This bug can cause a shared memory segment to reference unallocated
-kernel memory. In turn, this can permit a local attacker to gain unauthorized access to
-parts of kernel memory, possibly resulting in disclosure of sensitive information, bypass
-of access control mechanisms, or privilege escalation. More details can be found in
-security advisory <a
-target="_top">FreeBSD-SA-04:02</a>. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>A programming error in the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">jail_attach</span>(2)</span></a>
-system call has been fixed. This error could allow a process with superuser privileges
-inside a <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">jail</span>(8)</span></a>
-environment to change its root directory to that of a different jail, and thus gain full
-read and write access to files and directories within the target jail. More information
-can be found in security advisory <a
-<p>A potential low-bandwidth denial-of-service attack against the FreeBSD TCP stack has
-been prevented by limiting the number of out-of-sequence TCP segments that can be held at
-one time. More details can be found in security advisory <a
-target="_top">FreeBSD-SA-04:04</a>. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>A bug in <b class="APPLICATION">OpenSSL</b>'s SSL/TLS ChangeCipherSpec message
-processing that could result in a null pointer dereference has been fixed. This could
-allow a remote attacker to crash an <b class="APPLICATION">OpenSSL</b>-using application
-and cause a denial-of-service on the system. More details can be found in security
-advisory <a
-target="_top">FreeBSD-SA-04:05</a>. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>A programming error in the handling of some IPv6 socket options within the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">setsockopt</span>(2)</span></a>
-system call has been fixed. This allows a local attacker to cause a system panic, and may
-allow unauthorized access to parts of kernel memory, possibly resulting in disclosure of
-sensitive information, bypass of access control mechanisms, or privilege escalation. More
-details can be found in security advisory <a
-<p>Two programming errors in <b class="APPLICATION">CVS</b> have been fixed. They allow a
-server to overwrite arbitrary files on the client, and a client to read arbitrary files
-on the server when accessing remote CVS repositories. More details can be found in
-security advisory <a
-target="_top">FreeBSD-SA-04:07</a>. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>A bugfix for <b class="APPLICATION">Heimdal</b> rectifies a problem in which it would
-not perform adequate checking of authentication across autonomous realms. For more
-information, see security advisory <a
-target="_top">FreeBSD-SA-04:08</a>. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>A programming error in <b class="APPLICATION">CVS</b> which could allow a malicious
-client to overwrite arbitrary portions of the server's memory has been fixed. For more
-information, see security advisory <a
-target="_top">FreeBSD-SA-04:10</a>. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>A potential cache consistency problem of the implementation of the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">msync</span>(2)</span></a> system
-call involving the <var class="LITERAL">MS_INVALIDATE</var> operation has been fixed.
-However, as a side effect of closing this security problem, the <var
-class="LITERAL">MS_INVALIDATE</var> flag no longer guarantees that all pages in the range
-are invalidated. Users who require the old semantics of <var
-class="LITERAL">MS_INVALIDATE</var> and are not concerned with the security issue being
-fixed can set the <var class="VARNAME">vm.old_msync</var> sysctl to 1 which will revert
-to the old (insecure) behavior. For more information, see security advisory <a
-target="_top">FreeBSD-SA-04:11</a>. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>A programming error in the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">jail</span>(2)</span></a> system
-call which results in a failure to verify that an attempt to manipulate routing tables
-originated from a non-jailed process has been fixed. For more information, see security
-advisory <a
-target="_top">FreeBSD-SA-04:12</a>. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>A programming error in the handling of some Linux system calls which may result in
-memory locations being accessed without proper validation has been fixed. For more
-information, see security advisory <a
-target="_top">FreeBSD-SA-04:13</a>. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>A number of programming errors in <b class="APPLICATION">CVS</b> which allow
-information disclosure, denial-of-service, or possibly arbitrary code execution, have
-been fixed via an upgrade to <b class="APPLICATION">CVS</b> 1.11.17. For more
-information, see security advisory <a
-<p>A bug in the <var class="LITERAL">CONS_SCRSHOT</var> <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ioctl</span>(2)</span></a> has
-been fixed; it may allow unauthorized access to parts of kernel memory, possibly
-resulting in disclosure of sensitive information, bypass of access control mechanisms, or
-privilege escalation. For more information, see security advisory <a
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="KERNEL" name="KERNEL">2.2 Kernel Changes</a></h3>
-<p><var class="LITERAL">ADAPTIVE_MUTEXES</var> has been added and enabled by default.
-This changes the behavior of blocking mutexes to spin if the thread that currently owns
-the mutex is executing on another CPU. This feature can be disabled explicitly by setting
-a kernel option <var class="VARNAME">NO_ADAPTIVE_MUTEXES</var>.</p>
-<p>A kernel option <var class="VARNAME">ADAPTIVE_GIANT</var>, which causes the Giant lock
-to also be treated in an adaptive fashion when adaptive mutexes are enabled, has been
-added. This improves the performance of SMP machines and is enabled by default on the
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">bus_dma</span>(9)</span></a>
-interface now supports transparently honoring the alignment and boundary constraints in
-the DMA tag when loading buffers, and <code class="FUNCTION">bus_dmamap_load()</code>
-will automatically use bounce buffers when needed. In addition, a set of sysctls <var
-class="VARNAME">hw.busdma.*</var> for <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">bus_dma</span>(9)</span></a>
-statistics has been added.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">contigmalloc</span>(9)</span></a>
-function has been reimplemented with an algorithm which stands a greatly-improved chance
-of working despite pressure from running programs. The old algorithm can be used by
-setting a sysctl <var class="VARNAME">vm.old_contigmalloc</var>. More details can be
-found in the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">contigmalloc</span>(9)</span></a>
-manual page.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">devfs</span>(5)</span></a> path
-rules now work correctly on directories.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">getvfsent</span>(3)</span></a> API
-has been removed.</p>
-<p>The <var class="VARNAME">hw.pci.allow_unsupported_io_range</var> loader tunable has
-been removed.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">jail</span>(2)</span></a> now
-supports the use of raw sockets from within a jail. This feature is disabled by default,
-and controlled by using the <var class="VARNAME">security.jail.allow_raw_sockets</var>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">kqueue</span>(2)</span></a> now
-supports a new filter <var class="LITERAL">EVFILT_FS</var> to be used to signal generic
-file system events to the user space. Currently, mount, unmount, and up/down status of
-NFS are signaled.</p>
-<p>KDB, a new debugger framework, has been added. This consists of a new GDB backend,
-which has been rewritten to support threading, run-length encoding compression, and so
-on, and the frontend that provides a framework in which multiple, different debugger
-backends can be configured and which provides basic services to those backends. The
-following options have been changed:</p>
-<p>KDB is enabled by default via the kernel options <var class="LITERAL">options
-KDB</var>, <var class="LITERAL">options GDB</var>, and <var class="LITERAL">options
-DDB</var>. Both <var class="LITERAL">DDB</var> and <var class="LITERAL">GDB</var> specify
-which KDB backends to include.</p>
-<p><var class="LITERAL">WITNESS_DDB</var> has been renamed to <var
-<p><var class="LITERAL">DDB_TRACE</var> has been renamed to <var
-<p><var class="LITERAL">DDB_UNATTENDED</var> has been renamed to <var
-<p><var class="LITERAL">SC_HISTORY_DDBKEY</var> has been renamed to <var
-<p><var class="LITERAL">DDB_NOKLDSYM</var> has been removed. The new DDB backend supports
-pre-linker symbol lookups as well as KLD symbol lookups at the same time.</p>
-<p><var class="LITERAL">GDB_REMOTE_CHAT</var> has been removed. The GDB protocol hacks to
-allow this are FreeBSD specific. At the same time, the GDB protocol has packets for
-console output.</p>
-<p>KDB also serves as the single point of contact for any and all code that wants to make
-use of the debugger functions, such as entering the debugger or handling of the alternate
-break sequence. For this purpose, the frontend has been made non-optional. All debugger
-requests are forwarded or handed over to the current backend, if applicable. Selection of
-the current backend is done by the <var class="VARNAME">debug.kdb.current</var> sysctl. A
-list of configured backends can be obtained with the <var
-class="VARNAME">debug.kdb.available</var> sysctl. One can enter the debugger by writing
-to the <var class="VARNAME">debug.kdb.enter</var> sysctl.</p>
-<p>A new sysctl <var class="VARNAME">debug.kdb.stop_cpus</var> has been added. This
-controls whether or not IPI (Inter Processor Interrupts) to other CPUs will be delivered
-when entering the debugger, in order to stop them while in the debugger.</p>
-<p>A new kernel option <var class="LITERAL">MAC_STATIC</var> which disables internal MAC
-Framework synchronization protecting against dynamic load and unload of MAC policies, has
-been added.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span
-class="REFENTRYTITLE">mac_bsdextended</span>(4)</span></a> policy can now apply only the
-first matching rule instead of all matching rules. This feature can be enabled by setting
-a new sysctl <var class="VARNAME">mac_bsdextended_firstmatch_enabled</var>.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span
-class="REFENTRYTITLE">mac_bsdextended</span>(4)</span></a> policy can now log failed
-attempts to syslog's <var class="LITERAL">AUTHPRIV</var> facility. This feature can be
-enabled by setting a new sysctl <var class="VARNAME">mac_bsdextended_logging</var>.</p>
-<p>mballoc has been replaced with mbuma, an Mbuf and Cluster allocator built on top of a
-number of extensions to the UMA framework. Due to this change, the <var
-class="LITERAL">NMBCLUSTERS</var> kernel option is no longer used. The maximum number of
-the clusters is still capped off according to <var class="LITERAL">maxusers</var>, but it
-can be made unlimited by setting the <var class="VARNAME">kern.ipc.nmbclusters</var>
-loader tunable to zero.</p>
-<p><tt class="FILENAME">/dev/kmem</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">/dev/mem</tt>, and <tt
-class="FILENAME">/dev/io</tt> are also provided as kernel loadable modules now.</p>
-<p>A bug in <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">mmap</span>(2)</span></a> that
-could cause pages marked as <var class="LITERAL">PROT_NONE</var> to become readable under
-certain circumstances has been fixed. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>A new loader tunable <var class="VARNAME">debug.mpsafenet</var> has been added and
-enabled by default. This causes the FreeBSD network stack to operate without the Giant
-lock, resulting in performance improvement by increasing parallelism and decreasing
-latency in network processing. Note that enabling one of the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ng_tty</span>(4)</span></a>
-Netgraph node type, KAME IPsec, and IPX/SPX subsystem results in a boot-time restoration
-of Giant-enabled network operation, or run-time warning on dynamic load as these
-components require Giant lock for correct operation.</p>
-<p>A new kernel option <var class="VARNAME">NET_WITH_GIANT</var> has been added. This
-restores the default value of debug.mpsafenet to <var class="LITERAL">0</var>, and is
-intended for use on systems compiled with known unsafe components, or where a more
-conservative configuration is desired.</p>
-<p>A new loader tunable <var class="VARNAME">debug.mpsafevm</var> has been added. This
-currently results in almost Giant-free execution of zero-fill page faults.</p>
-<p>A devclass level has been added to the dev sysctl tree, in order to support per-class
-variables in addition to per-device variables. This means that <var
-class="VARNAME">dev.foo0.bar</var> is now called <var
-class="VARNAME">dev.foo.0.bar</var>, and it is possible to to have <var
-class="VARNAME">dev.foo.bar</var> as well.</p>
-<p>A new sysctl, <var class="VARNAME">kern.always_console_output</var>, has been added.
-It makes output from the kernel go to the console despite the use of <var
-<p>A sysctl <var class="VARNAME">kern.sched.name</var> which has the name of the
-scheduler currently in use, has been added, and the <var
-class="VARNAME">kern.quantum</var> sysctl has been moved to <var
-class="VARNAME">kern.sched.quantum</var> for consistency.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pci</span>(4)</span></a> bus
-resource and power management have been updated.</p>
-<div class="NOTE">
-<blockquote class="NOTE">
-<p><b>Note:</b> Although the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pci</span>(4)</span></a> bus power
-state management has been enabled by default, it may cause problems on some systems. This
-can be disabled by setting the tunable <var class="VARNAME">hw.pci.do_powerstate</var> to
-<var class="LITERAL">0</var>.</p>
-<br />
-<br />
-<p>The ULE scheduler has been added as an additional scheduler. Note that the
-conventional one, which is called 4BSD, is still used as the default scheduler in the <tt
-class="FILENAME">GENERIC</tt> kernel. For the average user, interactivity is reported to
-be better in many cases. This means less ``skipping'' and ``jerking'' in interactive
-applications while the machine is very busy. This will not prevent problems due to
-overloaded disk subsystems, but it does help with overloaded CPUs. On SMP machines, ULE
-has per-CPU run queues which allow for CPU affinity, CPU binding, and advanced
-HyperThreading support, as well as providing a framework for more optimizations in the
-future. As fine-grained kernel locking continues, the scheduler will be able to make more
-efficient use of the available parallel resources.</p>
-<p>A linear search algorithm used in <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span
-class="REFENTRYTITLE">vm_map_findspace</span>(9)</span></a> has been replaced with an
-O(log n) algorithm built into the map entry splay tree. This significantly reduces the
-overhead in <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span
-class="REFENTRYTITLE">vm_map_findspace</span>(9)</span></a> for applications that <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">mmap</span>(2)</span></a> many
-hundreds or thousands of regions.</p>
-<p>The loader tunables <var class="VARNAME">debug.witness_*</var> have been renamed to
-<var class="VARNAME">debug.witness.*</var>.</p>
-<p>The FreeBSD dynamic and static linker now support Thread Local Storage (TLS), a <b
-class="APPLICATION">GCC</b> feature which supports a <var class="LITERAL">__thread</var>
-modifier to the declaration of global and static variables. This extra modifier means
-that the variable's value is thread-local; one thread changing its value will not affect
-the value of the variable in any other thread.</p>
-<p>The kernel's file descriptor allocation code has been updated, and is now derived from
-similar code in OpenBSD.</p>
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="BOOT" name="BOOT">2.2.1 Boot Loader Changes</a></h4>
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="PROC" name="PROC">2.2.2 Hardware Support</a></h4>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">acpi_video</span>(4)</span></a>
-driver has been added to control display switching and backlight brightness using the
-ACPI Video Extensions.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">nmdm</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-has been rewritten to improve its reliability.</p>
-<p>The <tt class="DEVICENAME">raid(4)</tt> driver (RAIDframe disk driver from NetBSD) has
-been removed. It is currently non-functional, and would require some amount of work to
-make it work under the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">geom</span>(4)</span></a> API in
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pcic</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-is no longer maintained and has been removed from the <tt class="FILENAME">GENERIC</tt>
-kernel configuration file. The entry had actually been commented out for a long time.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ubser</span>(4)</span></a> device
-driver has been added to support BWCT console management serial adapters.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ucycom</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-has been added for the Cypress CY7C637xx and CY7C640/1xx families of USB to RS232
-bridges, such as the one found in the DeLorme Earthmate USB GPS receiver (which is the
-only device currently supported by this driver). This driver is not complete because
-there is no support yet for flow control and output.</p>
-<p>The device driver infrastructure and many drivers have been updated. Among the
-changes: many more drivers now use automatically-assigned major numbers (instead of the
-old static major numbers); enhanced functions have been added to support cloning of
-pseudo-devices; several changes have been made to the driver API, including a new <var
-class="VARNAME">d_version</var> field in <var class="VARNAME">struct cdevsw</var>. Note
-that third-party device drivers will require recompiling after this change.</p>
-<div class="SECT4">
-<hr />
-<h5 class="SECT4"><a id="MM" name="MM"> Multimedia Support</a></h5>
-<p>The <tt class="DEVICENAME">meteor</tt> (video capture) driver has been removed due to
-breakage and lack of maintainership.</p>
-<p>The Direct Rendering Manager (DRM) code has been updated from the DRI Project CVS tree
-as of 26 May 2004. This update includes new PCI IDs and a new packet for Radeon.</p>
-<p>The drivers for various sound cards have been reorganized; <var class="LITERAL">device
-sound</var> is the generic sound driver, and <var class="LITERAL">device snd_*</var> are
-device-specific sound drivers now. The <tt class="DEVICENAME">midi</tt> driver, which
-supports serial port and several sound cards, has been removed. More details can be found
-in the related manual pages: <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sound</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">snd_ad1816</span>(4)</span></a>,
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">snd_als4000</span>(4)</span></a>,
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">snd_cmi</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">snd_cs4281</span>(4)</span></a>,
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">snd_csa</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">snd_ds1</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">snd_emu10k1</span>(4)</span></a>,
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">snd_es137x</span>(4)</span></a>,
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">snd_gusc</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">snd_maestro3</span>(4)</span></a>,
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">snd_sbc</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">snd_solo</span>(4)</span></a>, and
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sound</span>(4)</span></a>
-(formerly <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pcm</span>(4)</span></a>) driver
-has been modified to read <tt class="FILENAME">/boot/device.hints</tt> on startup, to
-allow setting of default values for mixer channels. Note that currently the device
-driver's name used in <tt class="FILENAME">/boot/device.hints</tt> is still <var
-class="LITERAL">pcm</var>. More detailed information and examples can be found in the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sound</span>(4)</span></a> manual
-<div class="SECT4">
-<hr />
-<h5 class="SECT4"><a id="NET-IF" name="NET-IF"> Network Interface Support</a></h5>
-<p>A short hiccup in the <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">em</span>(4)</span></a> driver during
-parameter reconfiguration has been fixed. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">fwip</span>(4)</span></a> driver,
-which supports IP over FireWire, has been added. Note that currently the broadcast
-channel number is hardwired and MCAP for multicast channel allocation is not supported.
-This driver is intended to conform to the RFC 2734 and RFC 3146 standard for IP over
-FireWire and eventually replace the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">fwe</span>(4)</span></a>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">fxp</span>(4)</span></a> now uses
-the device sysctl tree such as <var class="VARNAME">dev.fxp0</var>, and those sysctls can
-be set on a per-device basis.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">fxp</span>(4)</span></a> now
-provides actual control over its capability to receive extended Ethernet frames,
-indicated by the <var class="LITERAL">VLAN_MTU</var> interface capability. It can be
-toggled from userland with the aid of the <var class="OPTION">vlanmtu</var> and <var
-class="OPTION">-vlanmtu</var> options to <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ifconfig</span>(8)</span></a>.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">hme</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-now natively supports long frames, so it can be used for <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">vlan</span>(4)</span></a> with
-full Ethernet MTU size.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">hme</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-now supports TCP/UDP Transmit/Receive checksum offload. Since <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">hme</span>(4)</span></a> does not
-compensate the checksum for UDP datagram which can yield to <var
-class="LITERAL">0x0</var>, UDP transmit checksum offload is disabled by default. This can
-be reactivated by setting the special link option <var class="OPTION">link0</var> with <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ifconfig</span>(8)</span></a>.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ixgb</span>(4)</span></a> driver,
-which supports Intel PRO/10GBE 10 Gigabit Ethernet cards, has been added. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>A bug that prevents VLAN support in the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">nge</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-from working has been fixed. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>Several bugs related to <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">polling</span>(4)</span></a>
-support in the <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">rl</span>(4)</span></a> driver have
-been fixed. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>Several bugs related to multicast and promiscuous mode handling in the <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sk</span>(4)</span></a> driver have
-been fixed.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ste</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-now supports <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">polling</span>(4)</span></a>.
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">udav</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-has been added. It provides support for USB Ethernet adapters based on the Davicom DM9601
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">vge</span>(4)</span></a> driver,
-which supports the VIA Networking Technologies VT6122 Gigabit Ethernet chip and
-integrated 10/100/1000 copper PHY, has been added.</p>
-<p>The <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">vr</span>(4)</span></a> driver now
-supports <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">polling</span>(4)</span></a>.
-<p>The hardware TX checksum support in the <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">xl</span>(4)</span></a> driver has been
-disabled as it does not work correctly and slows down the transmission rate. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>Interface <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">polling</span>(4)</span></a>
-support can now be enabled on a per-interface basis. The following network drivers
-support <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">polling</span>(4)</span></a>: <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">dc</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">fxp</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">em</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ixgb</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">nge</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">re</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">rl</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sis</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ste</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">vge</span>(4)</span></a>, and <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">vr</span>(4)</span></a>. And they now
-also support this capability and it can be controlled via <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ifconfig</span>(8)</span></a>
-except for <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ixgb</span>(4)</span></a>.
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="NET-PROTO" name="NET-PROTO">2.2.3 Network Protocols</a></h4>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">gre</span>(4)</span></a> tunnel
-driver now supports WCCP version 2.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ipfw</span>(4)</span></a> rules
-now support the <var class="LITERAL">versrcreach</var> option to verify that a valid
-route to the source address of a packet exists in the routing table. This option is very
-useful for routers with a complete view of the Internet (BGP) in the routing table to
-reject packets with spoofed or unroutable source addresses. For example,</p>
-<pre class="PROGRAMLISTING">
-deny ip from any to any not versrcreach
-is equivalent to the following in Cisco IOS syntax:
-<pre class="PROGRAMLISTING">
-ip verify unicast source reachable-via any
-<br />
-<br />
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ipfw</span>(4)</span></a> rules
-now support the <var class="LITERAL">antispoof</var> option to verify that an incoming
-packet's source address belongs to a directly connected network. If the network is
-directly connected, then the interface on which the packet came in is compared to the
-interface to which the network is connected. When the incoming interface and the directly
-connected interface are not the same, the packet does not match. For example:</p>
-<pre class="PROGRAMLISTING">
-deny ip from any to any not antispoof in
-<br />
-<br />
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ipfw</span>(4)</span></a> rules
-now support the <var class="LITERAL">jail</var> option to associate the rule with a
-specific prison ID. For example:</p>
-<pre class="PROGRAMLISTING">
-count ip from any to any jail 2
-Note that this rule currently applies for TCP and UDP packets only. <br />
-<br />
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ipfw</span>(4)</span></a> now
-supports lookup tables. This feature is useful for handling large sparse address sets.
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ipfw</span>(4)</span></a> <var
-class="LITERAL">forward</var> rule has to be compiled into the kernel with a kernel
-option <var class="LITERAL">IPFIREWALL_FORWARD</var> to enable it.</p>
-<p>A new sysctl <var class="VARNAME">net.inet.ip.process_options</var> has been added to
-control the processing of IP options. When this sysctl is set to <var
-class="LITERAL">0</var>, IP options are ignored and passed unmodified; set to <var
-class="LITERAL">1</var>, all IP options are processed (default); and set to <var
-class="LITERAL">2</var>, all packets with IP options are rejected with an ICMP filter
-prohibited message.</p>
-<p>Some bugs in the IPsec implementation from the KAME Project have been fixed. These
-bugs were related to freeing memory objects before all references to them were removed,
-and could cause erratic behavior or kernel panics after flushing the Security Policy
-Database (SPD).</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">natd</span>(8)</span></a> now
-supports multiple instances via a new option <var class="OPTION">globalports</var>. This
-allows <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">natd</span>(8)</span></a> to bind
-to different network interfaces and share load.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ng_atmllc</span>(4)</span></a>
-Netgraph node type, which handles RFC 1483 ATM LLC encapsulation, has been added.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ng_hub</span>(4)</span></a>
-Netgraph node type, which supports a simple packet distribution that acts like an
-Ethernet hub, has been added. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ng_rfc1490</span>(4)</span></a>
-Netgraph node type now supports Cisco style encapsulation, which is often used alongside
-RFC 1490 in frame relay links.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ng_sppp</span>(4)</span></a>
-Netgraph node type, which is a <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">netgraph</span>(4)</span></a>
-interface to the original <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sppp</span>(4)</span></a> network
-module for synchronous lines, has been added.</p>
-<p>A new Netgraph method has been added to restore some behavior lost in the change from
-4.<var class="REPLACEABLE">X</var> style <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ng_tee</span>(4)</span></a>
-Netgraph nodes.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ng_vlan</span>(4)</span></a>
-Netgraph node type, which supports IEEE 802.1Q VLAN tagging, has been added. [MERGED]</p>
-<p><var class="LITERAL">PFIL_HOOKS</var> support is now always compiled into the kernel,
-and the associated kernel compile options have been removed. All of the packet filter
-subsystems that FreeBSD supports now use the <var class="LITERAL">PFIL_HOOKS</var>
-<p>The link state change notification of Ethernet media support has been added to the
-routing socket.</p>
-<p>Link Quality Monitoring (LQM) support in <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ppp</span>(8)</span></a> has been
-reimplemented. LQM, which is described in RFC 1989, allows PPP to keep track of the
-quality of a running connection. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>The pseudo-interface cloning has been updated and the match function to allow creation
-of <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">stf</span>(4)</span></a>
-interfaces named <tt class="DEVICENAME">stf0</tt>, <tt class="DEVICENAME">stf</tt>, or
-<tt class="DEVICENAME">6to4</tt>. Note that this breaks backward compatibility; for
-example, <tt class="COMMAND">ifconfig stf</tt> now creates the interface named <tt
-class="DEVICENAME">stf</tt>, not <tt class="DEVICENAME">stf0</tt>, and does not print <tt
-class="DEVICENAME">stf0</tt> to stdout.</p>
-<p>The following TCP features are now enabled by default: RFC 3042 (Limited Retransmit),
-RFC 3390 (increased initial congestion window sizes), TCP bandwidth-delay product
-limiting. The sysctls <var class="VARNAME">net.inet.tcp.rfc3042</var>, <var
-class="VARNAME">net.inet.tcp.rfc3390</var>, and <var
-class="VARNAME">net.inet.tcp.inflight.enable</var> for these features are available. More
-information can be found in <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">tcp</span>(4)</span></a>.</p>
-<p>FreeBSD's TCP implementation now includes support for a minimum MSS (settable via the
-<var class="VARNAME">net.inet.tcp.minmss</var> sysctl variable) and a rate limit on
-connections that send many small TCP segments within a short period of time (via the <var
-class="VARNAME">net.inet.tcp.minmssoverload</var> sysctl variable). Connections exceeding
-this limit may be reset and dropped. This feature provides protection against a class of
-resource exhaustion attacks.</p>
-<p>The TCP implementation now includes partial (output-only) support for RFC 2385
-(TCP-MD5) digest support. This feature, enabled with the <var
-class="LITERAL">TCP_SIGNATURE</var> and <var class="LITERAL">FAST_IPSEC</var> kernel
-options, is a TCP option for authenticating TCP sessions. <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">setkey</span>(8)</span></a> now
-includes support for the TCP-MD5 class of security associations. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>The TCP connection reset handling has been improved to make several reset attacks as
-difficult as possible while maintaining compatibility with the widest range of TCP
-<p>The implementation of RFC 1948 has been improved. The time offset component of an
-Initial Sequence Number (ISN) now includes random positive increments between clock ticks
-so that ISNs will always be increasing, no matter how quickly the port is recycled.</p>
-<p>The random ephemeral port allocation, which comes from OpenBSD, has been implemented.
-This is enabled by default and can be disabled by using the <var
-class="VARNAME">net.inet.ip.portrange.randomized</var> sysctl. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>TCP Selective Acknowledgements (SACK) as described in RFC 2018 have been added. This
-improves TCP performance over connections with heavy packet loss. SACK can be enabled
-with the sysctl <var class="VARNAME">net.inet.tcp.sack.enable</var>.</p>
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="DISKS" name="DISKS">2.2.4 Disks and Storage</a></h4>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ata</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-now supports <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">cardbus</span>(4)</span></a>
-ATA/SATA controllers.</p>
-<p>A number of bugs in the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ata</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-have been fixed. Most notably, master/slave device detection should work better, and some
-problems with timeouts should be resolved.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ata</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-now supports the Promise command sequencer present on all modern Promise controllers
-(PDC203** PDC206**).</p>
-<div class="NOTE">
-<blockquote class="NOTE">
-<p><b>Note:</b> This also adds preliminary support for the Promise SX4/SX4000 as a
-``normal'' Promise ATA controller; ATA RAID's are supported, but only RAID0, RAID1, and
-<br />
-<br />
-<p>The <var class="LITERAL">DA_OLD_QUIRKS</var> kernel option, which is for the CAM SCSI
-disk driver (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">cam</span>(4)</span></a>), has
-been removed. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>A bug in <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">geom</span>(4)</span></a> that
-could result in I/O hangs in some rare cases has been fixed.</p>
-<p>A new <var class="LITERAL">GEOM_CONCAT</var> <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">geom</span>(4)</span></a> class
-has been added to concatenate multiple disks to appear as a single larger disk.</p>
-<p>A new <var class="LITERAL">GEOM_NOP</var> <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">geom</span>(4)</span></a> class
-for various testing purposes has been added.</p>
-<p>A new <var class="LITERAL">GEOM_RAID3</var> <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">geom</span>(4)</span></a> class
-for RAID3 transformation and <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">graid3</span>(8)</span></a>
-userland utility have been added.</p>
-<p>A new <var class="LITERAL">GEOM_STRIPE</var> <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">geom</span>(4)</span></a> class
-which implements RAID0 transformation has been added. This class has two modes: ``fast''
-and ``economic''. In fast mode, when very small stripe size is used, only one I/O request
-will be sent to every disk in a stripe; it performs about 10 times faster for small
-stripe sizes than economic mode and other RAID0 implementations. While fast mode is used
-by default, it consumes more memory than economic mode, which sends requests each time.
-Economic mode can be enabled by setting a loader tunable <var
-class="VARNAME">kern.geom.stripe.fast</var> to 0. It is also possible to specify the
-maximum memory that fast mode can consume, by setting the loader tunable <var
-<p>GEOM Gate, which consists of a new <var class="LITERAL">GEOM_GATE</var> <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">geom</span>(4)</span></a> class
-and several GEOM Gate userland utilities (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ggatel</span>(8)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ggatec</span>(8)</span></a>, and
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ggated</span>(8)</span></a>), has
-been added. It supports exporting devices, including non <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">geom</span>(4)</span></a>-aware
-devices, through the network.</p>
-<p>A new <var class="LITERAL">GEOM_LABEL</var> <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">geom</span>(4)</span></a> class to
-detect volume labels on various file systems, such as UFS, MSDOSFS (FAT12, FAT16, FAT32),
-and ISO9660, has been added.</p>
-<p>A new <var class="LITERAL">GEOM_GPT</var> <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">geom</span>(4)</span></a> class,
-which supports GUID Partition Table (GPT) partitions and the ability to have a large
-number of partitions on a single disk, has been added into <tt
-class="FILENAME">GENERIC</tt> by default.</p>
-<p>A new <var class="LITERAL">GEOM_MIRROR</var> <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">geom</span>(4)</span></a> class to
-support RAID1 functionality has been added. The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">gmirror</span>(8)</span></a>
-utility can be used for control of this class.</p>
-<p>A new <var class="LITERAL">GEOM_UZIP</var> <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">geom</span>(4)</span></a> class to
-implement read-only compressed disks has been added. This currently supports cloop V2.0
-disk compression format.</p>
-<p>A new <var class="LITERAL">GEOM_VINUM</var> <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">geom</span>(4)</span></a> class to
-support cooperation between <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">vinum</span>(4)</span></a> and <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">geom</span>(4)</span></a> has been
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ips</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-now supports the recent Adaptec ServeRAID series SCSI controller cards.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">umass</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-now supports the missing ATAPI MMC commands and handles the timeout properly.
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">vinum</span>(4)</span></a> volume
-manager has been updated to use the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">geom</span>(4)</span></a> disk I/O
-request transformation framework. A <tt class="COMMAND">gvinum</tt> userland utility has
-been added.</p>
-<p>Support for LSI-type software RAID has been added.</p>
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="FS" name="FS">2.2.5 File Systems</a></h4>
-<p>The EXT2FS file system code now includes partial support for large (&gt; 4GB) files.
-This support is partial in that it will refuse to create large files on file systems that
-have not been upgraded to <var class="LITERAL">EXT2_DYN_REV</var> or that do not have the
-<var class="LITERAL">EXT2_FEATURE_RO_COMPAT_LARGE_FILE</var> flag set in the
-<p>A panic in the NFSv4 client has been fixed; this occurred when attempting operations
-against an NFSv3/NFSv2-only server.</p>
-<p>The <var class="LITERAL">MSDOSFS_LARGE</var> kernel option has been added to support
-FAT32 file systems bigger than 128GB. This option is disabled by default. It uses at
-least 32 bytes of kernel memory for each file on disk; furthermore it is only safe to use
-in certain controlled situations, such as read-only mount with less than 1 million files
-and so on. Exporting these large file systems over NFS is not supported.</p>
-<p>The SMBFS client now has support for SMB request signing, which prevents ``man in the
-middle'' attacks and is required in order to connect to Windows 2003 servers in their
-default configuration. As signing each message imposes a significant performance penalty,
-this feature is only enabled if the server requires it; this may eventually become an
-option to <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="AEN925" name="AEN925">2.2.6 Contributed Software</a></h4>
-<p>The <b class="APPLICATION">ALTQ framework</b> has been imported from a KAME snapshot
-as of 7 June 2004. This import breaks ABI compatibility of <var class="VARNAME">struct
-ifnet</var> and requires all network drives to be recompiled. Additionally, some of the
-networking drivers have been modified to support the ALTQ framework. Updated drivers are
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">bfe</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">em</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">fxp</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">em</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">lnc</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">tun</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">de</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">rl</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sis</span>(4)</span></a>, and <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">xl</span>(4)</span></a>.</p>
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">IPFilter</b> has been updated from version 3.4.31 to version
-3.4.35 [MERGED].</p>
-<p>An ia64 stack unwinder, <b class="APPLICATION">Unwind Express (libuwx)</b> by
-Hewlett-Packard has been imported for use in the kernel.</p>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="USERLAND" name="USERLAND">2.3 Userland Changes</a></h3>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">acpidump</span>(8)</span></a> now
-supports SSDT tables. Dumping or disassembling the DSDT will now include the contents if
-there are any SSDT table as well.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">bsdlabel</span>(8)</span></a> now
-supports a <var class="OPTION">-f</var> option to work on files instead of disk
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">bsdtar</span>(1)</span></a> is now
-the default <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">tar</span>(1)</span></a> utility
-in the FreeBSD base system. <tt class="FILENAME">/usr/bin/tar</tt> is a symlink pointing
-to <tt class="FILENAME">/usr/bin/bsdtar</tt> by default. To return to using <tt
-class="FILENAME">/usr/bin/gtar</tt> by default, the <var class="VARNAME">WITH_GTAR</var>
-make variable can be used.</p>
-<p>The <tt class="COMMAND">bthidcontrol</tt> and <tt class="COMMAND">bthidd</tt>
-commands, which support Bluetooth HIDs (Human Interface Devices), have been added.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">col</span>(1)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">colcrt</span>(1)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">colrm</span>(1)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">column</span>(1)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">fmt</span>(1)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">join</span>(1)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">rev</span>(1)</span></a>, <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">tr</span>(1)</span></a>, and <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ul</span>(1)</span></a> now support
-multibyte characters.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">conscontrol</span>(8)</span></a>
-now supports <var class="LITERAL">set</var> and <var class="LITERAL">unset</var> commands
-which set/unset the virtual console. <var class="LITERAL">unset</var> makes output from
-the system, such as the kernel <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">printf</span>(9)</span></a>,
-always go to the real main console. This is an interface to the tty ioctl <var
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">cron</span>(8)</span></a> daemon
-accepts two new options, <var class="OPTION">-j</var> and <var class="OPTION">-J</var>,
-to enable time jitter for jobs to run as unprivileged users and the superuser,
-respectively. Time jitter means that <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">cron</span>(8)</span></a> will
-sleep for a small random period of time in the specified range before executing a job.
-This feature is intended to smooth load peaks appearing when a lot of jobs are scheduled
-for a particular moment. [MERGED]</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">cut</span>(1)</span></a>'s <var
-class="OPTION">-c</var>, <var class="OPTION">-d</var>, and <var class="OPTION">-f</var>
-options now work correctly in locales with multibyte characters.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">cvs</span>(1)</span></a> now
-supports an <var class="OPTION">iso8601</var> option keyword to print dates in ISO 8601
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">daemon</span>(8)</span></a> now
-supports a <var class="OPTION">-p</var> option to create a PID file.</p>
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">dd</span>(1)</span></a> now supports a
-<var class="OPTION">fillchar</var> option to specify an alternative padding character
-when using a conversion mode, or when using <var class="OPTION">noerror</var> with <var
-class="OPTION">sync</var> and an input error occurs.</p>
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">df</span>(1)</span></a> now supports a
-<var class="OPTION">-c</var> option to display a grand total of statistics for file
-<p>A bug in <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">df</span>(1)</span></a>, which can
-print invalid information when a <var class="OPTION">-t</var> option is specified and a
-mount point is not accessible by the calling user, has been fixed.</p>
-<p>The <tt class="COMMAND">doscmd</tt> utility has been removed from the FreeBSD base
-system. It is now available via the <a
-class="FILENAME">emulators/doscmd</tt></a> port in the FreeBSD Ports Collection.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">dump</span>(8)</span></a> and <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">restore</span>(8)</span></a> now
-support a <var class="OPTION">-P</var> option to specify backup methods other than files
-and tapes. The argument is passed to a normal <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sh</span>(1)</span></a> pipeline with
-either the <var class="VARNAME">$DUMP_VOLUME</var> or <var
-class="VARNAME">$RESTORE_VOLUME</var> environment variable defined, respectively. For
-more information, see <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">dump</span>(8)</span></a> and <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">restore</span>(8)</span></a>.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">eeprom</span>(8)</span></a>
-utility to display and modify system configurations stored in EEPROM or NVRAM has been
-added. The current implementation supports systems equipped with Open Firmware.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">fgetwln</span>(3)</span></a>
-function, a wide character version of <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">fgetln</span>(3)</span></a>, has
-been added.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">find</span>(1)</span></a> utility
-now supports a <var class="OPTION">-acl</var> primary to locate files with <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">acl</span>(3)</span></a>.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">find</span>(1)</span></a> utility
-now supports a new primary <var class="OPTION">-depth <var
-class="REPLACEABLE">n</var></var> which tests whether the depth of the current file
-relative to the starting point of the traversal is <var class="REPLACEABLE">n</var>.
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ftpd</span>(8)</span></a> now
-opens a socket for a data transfer in active mode using the effective UID of the current
-user, not <tt class="USERNAME">root</tt>. This is useful for matching anonymous FTP data
-traffic with a single <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ipfw</span>(8)</span></a> rule
-with <var class="LITERAL">uid</var>.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ftw</span>(3)</span></a> and <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">nftw</span>(3)</span></a>
-functions to traverse a directory hierarchy have been implemented.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">geom</span>(8)</span></a> utility
-for operating on <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">geom</span>(4)</span></a> classes
-from the userland has been added.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">gpt</span>(8)</span></a>, a GUID
-partition table maintenance utility, now supports a <var class="OPTION">remove</var>
-command. Its <var class="OPTION">add</var> command now supports a <var
-class="OPTION">-i</var> option, which allows the user to specify the partition number of
-a new partition.</p>
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">id</span>(1)</span></a> now supports a
-<var class="OPTION">-M</var> option to print the MAC label of the current process.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ifconfig</span>(8)</span></a> now
-supports renaming of network interfaces at run-time using the <var
-class="OPTION">name</var> parameter.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ifconfig</span>(8)</span></a> now
-prints the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">polling</span>(4)</span></a>
-status on the interface. [MERGED]</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ifconfig</span>(8)</span></a> now
-provides the <var class="OPTION">vlanmtu</var> and <var class="OPTION">-vlanmtu</var>
-options, which control the capability of some Ethernet interfaces to receive extended
-frames (i.e. frames containing more than 1500 bytes of payload).</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ifconfig</span>(8)</span></a> now
-provides the <var class="OPTION">vlanhwtag</var> and <var class="OPTION">-vlanhwtag</var>
-options, which control the capability of some Ethernet interfaces to process VLAN tags in
-the hardware.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">indent</span>(1)</span></a> now
-supports a <var class="OPTION">-ldi</var> option to control indentation of local
-variables. A number of other tunings were made to this utility.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">indent</span>(1)</span></a> now
-supports <var class="OPTION">-fbs</var> and <var class="OPTION">-ut</var> for function
-declarations with the opening brace on the same line as the declaration of arguments all
-spaces and no tabs in order to fix problem when non-8 space tabs are used.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ip6fw</span>(8)</span></a> now
-supports a <var class="OPTION">-n</var> flag to stop it from making any changes to the
-rules in the kernel.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ipcs</span>(1)</span></a> now
-supports a <var class="OPTION">-u</var> option to display information about IPC
-mechanisms owned by the specified user.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ipfw</span>(8)</span></a> now
-supports a <var class="OPTION">-b</var> flag to print only the action and comment for
-each rule, thus omitting the rule body.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">jail</span>(8)</span></a> now
-supports a <var class="OPTION">-U</var> option to run a command as a user which exists
-only in the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">jail</span>(2)</span></a>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">jail</span>(8)</span></a> now
-supports a <var class="OPTION">-l</var> option to clean the environment. All environment
-variables are discarded except for <var class="VARNAME">HOME</var>, <var
-class="VARNAME">SHELL</var>, <var class="VARNAME">PATH</var>, <var
-class="VARNAME">TERM</var>, and <var class="VARNAME">USER</var> before running the jailed
-program under a specific user's credentials. This behavior is similar to that provided by
-the <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">su</span>(1)</span></a> <var
-class="OPTION">-l</var> option.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">kgdb</span>(1)</span></a>, a
-kernel debugging utility which uses <b class="APPLICATION">libgdb</b> and understands
-kernel threads, kernel modules, and <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">kvm</span>(3)</span></a>, has been
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">killall</span>(1)</span></a> now
-supports a <var class="OPTION">-e</var> flag to make the <var class="OPTION">-u</var>
-operate on effective, rather than real, user IDs. [MERGED]</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">libalias</span>(3)</span></a> now
-has support (and a new API) for multiple aliasing instances in a single process. The
-existing API has been reimplemented in terms of the new one to preserve
-<p>A <b class="APPLICATION">libarchive</b> library for manipulation of compressed and
-uncompressed archive files has been added. More details can be found in <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">libdisk</b> now uses <var class="VARNAME">d_addr_t</var> for
-disk addresses. This allows <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sysinstall</span>(8)</span></a> to
-properly handle disks and file systems more than 1 TB.</p>
-<p>The library formerly known as <b class="APPLICATION">libkse</b> has been renamed <b
-class="APPLICATION">libpthread</b> and is now the default threading library on the i386,
-amd64, and ia64 platforms. <b class="APPLICATION">GCC</b>'s <var
-class="OPTION">-pthread</var> option has been changed to use <b
-class="APPLICATION">libpthread</b> rather than <b class="APPLICATION">libc_r</b>.</p>
-<div class="NOTE">
-<blockquote class="NOTE">
-<p><b>Note:</b> Users with older binaries (for example, ports compiled before this change
-was made) should use <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">libmap.conf</span>(5)</span></a>
-to map <b class="APPLICATION">libc_r</b> and/or <b class="APPLICATION">libkse</b> to <b
-<div class="NOTE">
-<blockquote class="NOTE">
-<p><b>Note:</b> Users with NVIDIA-supplied drivers and libraries may need to use a <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">libmap.conf</span>(5)</span></a>
-that maps <b class="APPLICATION">libpthread</b> references to the older <b
-class="APPLICATION">libc_r</b> since these drivers and utilities do not work with <b
-<br />
-<br />
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">libpthread</b> now supports a <var
-class="VARNAME">LIBPTHREAD_SYSTEM_SCOPE</var> environment variable to force 1:1 mode
-(using system scope threads). Note that building <b class="APPLICATION">libpthread</b>
-with <var class="OPTION">-DSYSTEM_SCOPE_ONLY</var> flag also forces 1:1 mode, and that
-this option is set by default for architectures that do not support M:N mode yet. In
-addition, a <var class="VARNAME">LIBPTHREAD_PROCESS_SCOPE</var> environment variable can
-be used to force M:N mode (using process scope threads). For example:</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<samp class="PROMPT">%</samp> <kbd class="USERINPUT">env LIBPTHREAD_SYSTEM_SCOPE=yes <var
-<p>forces the application <var class="REPLACEABLE">threaded_app</var> to use system scope
-threads, and</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<samp class="PROMPT">%</samp> <kbd
-<p>forces it to use process scope threads.</p>
-<p>A bug in the <var class="OPTION">-d</var> option of <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">look</span>(1)</span></a> has been
-fixed. Also, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">look</span>(1)</span></a> now
-works correctly in locales with multibyte characters.</p>
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ls</span>(1)</span></a> now treats
-filenames as multibyte character strings according to the current <var
-class="VARNAME">LC_CTYPE</var> when determining which characters are printable.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">make</span>(1)</span></a> now
-supports the new <var class="LITERAL">.warning</var> directive.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">make</span>(1)</span></a> now
-supports the POSIX-compatible <var class="LITERAL">+</var> flag in <tt
-class="FILENAME">Makefile</tt> command lines, which causes a line to be executed even
-when <var class="OPTION">-n</var> is specified. This is useful for calls to submakes, for
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">make</span>(1)</span></a> now puts
-variable assignments from the command line into the <var class="VARNAME">MAKEFLAGS</var>
-variable as required by POSIX. This causes such variables to be pushed into all sub-makes
-called by the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">make</span>(1)</span></a> (except
-when the <var class="VARNAME">MAKEFLAGS</var> variable is explicitly changed in the
-sub-make's environment). This makes them also mostly un-overrideable in sub-makes except
-on the sub-make's command line.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">nearbyint</span>(3)</span></a> and
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">nearbyintf</span>(3)</span></a>
-C99 functions have been implemented.</p>
-<p>The <tt class="FILENAME">tgmath.h</tt> C99 header has been implemented. This provides
-type-generic macros for the <tt class="FILENAME">math.h</tt> and <tt
-class="FILENAME">complex.h</tt> functions that have float, double and long double
-<p>The GNU extensions of <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">mbsnrtowcs</span>(3)</span></a>
-and <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">wcsnrtombs</span>(3)</span></a>
-have been implemented.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">newsyslog</span>(8)</span></a> now
-allows users to set a debugging option via the <tt class="FILENAME">newsyslog.conf</tt>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">newsyslog</span>(8)</span></a>
-uses a new order when processing files to rotate. It first rotates all files that need to
-be rotated, then sends a single signal to each process which needs to be signaled, and
-finally compresses all the files that were rotated.</p>
-<p>A <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">nextwctype</span>(3)</span></a>
-function to iterate over all characters in a particular character class has been
-<p>Initial support for UTF-8 versions of all the currently supported system locales has
-been added. This is primarily for the benefit of the <a
-class="FILENAME">misc/utf8locale</tt></a> port.</p>
-<p>An Israel Hebrew locale <var class="LITERAL">he_IL.UTF-8</var> has been added.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">logins</span>(1)</span></a>
-utility has been added to display information about user and system accounts.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">mountd</span>(8)</span></a> now
-supports the <var class="OPTION">-p</var> option, which allows users to specify a known
-port for use in firewall rulesets.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">netstat</span>(1)</span></a> now
-displays the multicast group memberships present in the system.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">newfs</span>(8)</span></a> and <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">mdmfs</span>(8)</span></a> now
-support a <var class="OPTION">-l</var> flag to enable them to set the MAC multilabel flag
-on new file systems without requiring the use of <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">tunefs</span>(8)</span></a>.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">nologin</span>(8)</span></a> now
-reports login attempts via <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">syslogd</span>(8)</span></a>.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">nologin</span>(8)</span></a> has
-been moved from <tt class="FILENAME">/sbin/nologin</tt> to <tt
-class="FILENAME">/usr/sbin/nologin</tt>. <tt class="FILENAME">/sbin/nologin</tt> remains
-as a symbolic link for backward compatibility.</p>
-<p>A bugfix has been applied to NSS support, which fixes problems when using third-party
-NSS modules (such as <a
-class="FILENAME">net/nss_ldap</tt></a>) and groups with large membership lists.</p>
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">od</span>(1)</span></a> now has
-POSIX-style support for multibyte characters.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">patch</span>(1)</span></a> has
-been replaced with a BSD-licensed version from OpenBSD. This includes a <var
-class="OPTION">--posix</var> option for strict POSIX conformance.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pgrep</span>(1)</span></a> and <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pkill</span>(1)</span></a>
-commands, which come from NetBSD, have been added. They also support a <var
-class="OPTION">-M</var> option to extract values associated with the name list from the
-specified core instead of the default <tt class="FILENAME">/dev/kmem</tt>, and a <var
-class="OPTION">-N</var> option to extract the name list from the specified system instead
-of the default kernel.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ppp</span>(8)</span></a> now
-supports a ``set rad_alive <var class="REPLACEABLE">N</var>'' command to enable periodic
-RADIUS accounting information being sent to the RADIUS server. [MERGED]</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ppp</span>(8)</span></a> now
-supports a ``set pppoe [standard|3Com]'' command to configure the operating mode of an
-underlying <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ng_pppoe</span>(4)</span></a>
-Netgraph node.</p>
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ps</span>(1)</span></a> compatibility
-with POSIX/SUSv3 has been improved. The changes include <var class="OPTION">-p</var> for
-a list of process IDs, <var class="OPTION">-t</var> for a list of terminal names, <var
-class="OPTION">-A</var> which is equivalent to <var class="OPTION">-ax</var>, <var
-class="OPTION">-G</var> for a list of group IDs, <var class="OPTION">-X</var> which is
-the opposite of <var class="OPTION">-x</var>, and some minor improvements. For more
-information, see <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ps</span>(1)</span></a>. [MERGED]</p>
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ps</span>(1)</span></a> now supports a
-<var class="OPTION">-O emul</var> format option, which prints the name of the system call
-emulation environment the process is in.</p>
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pw</span>(8)</span></a> now supports a
-<var class="OPTION">-H</var> option, which accepts an encrypted password on a file
-descriptor. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>A bug in <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">rarpd</span>(8)</span></a> that
-prevents it from working properly when a interface has more than one IP address has been
-fixed. [MERGED]</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">regex</span>(3)</span></a> now
-supports regular expression matching aware of multibyte characters.</p>
-<p>The configuration files used by the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">resolver</span>(3)</span></a> now
-support the <var class="LITERAL">timeout:</var> and <var class="LITERAL">attempts:</var>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">resolver</span>(3)</span></a> and
-associated interfaces are now much more reentrant and thread-safe. Multiple DNS lookups
-can now be run at the same time, showing major improvements in the performance of some
-multi-threaded applications. Some multi-threaded programs need to be recompiled; examples
-from the Ports Collection are <a
-class="FILENAME">www/mozilla</tt></a> and variants, <a
-class="FILENAME">mail/evolution</tt></a>, <a
-class="FILENAME">devel/gnomevfs</tt></a>, and <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">rmdir</span>(1)</span></a> now
-supports a <var class="OPTION">-v</var> flag, which makes it verbose.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">savecore</span>(8)</span></a> now
-works correctly for dump files larger than 2GB.</p>
-<p>A bug in <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">script</span>(1)</span></a> has
-been fixed so that it now works correctly if the standard input is closed. This fix
-prevents a potentially dangerous interaction with the <a
-class="FILENAME">sysutils/portupgrade</tt></a> package; if it was run non-interactively,
-it could remove all out-of-date ports without reinstalling them.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sdpd</span>(8)</span></a>
-Bluetooth Service Discovery Protocol daemon has been added.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sed</span>(1)</span></a>'s <var
-class="LITERAL">y</var> (translate) command now supports multibyte characters.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sha1</span>(1)</span></a> and <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">rmd160</span>(1)</span></a>
-utilities have been added. Similar to <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">md5</span>(1)</span></a>, they
-calculate a message digest of their inputs. [MERGED]</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">smbmsg</span>(8)</span></a>, a
-small utility to send/receive SMBus messages, has been added.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">talk</span>(1)</span></a> now uses
-<tt class="HOSTID">localhost</tt> as a default machine name in <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">talkd</span>(8)</span></a> request
-packets when the destination and source are local. This makes <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">talk</span>(1)</span></a>
-dependent on a valid host entry for <tt class="HOSTID">localhost</tt> in <tt
-class="FILENAME">/etc/hosts</tt> or the DNS.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">tftpd</span>(8)</span></a> now
-supports two new options: a <var class="OPTION">-w</var> option allows new files to be
-created, and a <var class="OPTION">-U</var> option allows the umask to be set.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">top</span>(1)</span></a> can now
-display the current amount of I/O. This feature can be enabled by hitting ``m'' or
-passing the command line option <var class="OPTION">-m io</var>.</p>
-<p>Many userland utilities in the base system (mostly GNU contributed utilities) now use
-the system version of <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">getopt_long</span>(3)</span></a>,
-rather than the GNU version.</p>
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="RC-SCRIPTS" name="RC-SCRIPTS">2.3.1 <tt
-class="FILENAME">/etc/rc.d</tt> Scripts</a></h4>
-<p>The <tt class="FILENAME">diskless</tt> script has been split out into <tt
-class="FILENAME">hostname</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">resolve</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">tmp</tt>, and <tt class="FILENAME">var</tt> scripts.</p>
-<p>The <tt class="FILENAME">gbde_swap</tt> script, which supports gbde-enabled swap
-devices, has been added. When the <var class="VARNAME">gbde_swap_enable</var> variable is
-specified in <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">rc.conf</span>(5)</span></a>, a
-swap device named <tt class="FILENAME">/dev/<var class="REPLACEABLE">foo.bde</var></tt>
-in <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">fstab</span>(5)</span></a> is
-automatically attached at boot time with the device <tt class="FILENAME">/dev/<var
-class="REPLACEABLE">foo</var></tt> and a random key, which is generated by computing the
-MD5 checksum of 512 bytes read from <tt class="FILENAME">/dev/random</tt>. Note that this
-prevents recovery of kernel dumps.</p>
-<p>The <var class="VARNAME">ip6addrctl_enable</var> and <var
-class="VARNAME">ip6addrctl_verbose</var> variables have been added. When <var
-class="VARNAME">ip6addrctl_enable</var> is set to <var class="LITERAL">YES</var>, the
-address selection policy is installed into the kernel. If <tt
-class="FILENAME">/etc/ip6addrctl.conf</tt> exists, it will be used; otherwise, a default
-policy will be installed. The default policy is one described in RFC 3484 when <var
-class="VARNAME">ipv6_enable</var> is set to <var class="LITERAL">YES</var>. Otherwise,
-the priority policy for IPv4 address will be used as a default policy.</p>
-<p>The <tt class="FILENAME">mixer</tt> script has been added. It saves the current
-settings of all audio mixers present in the system on shutdown and restores the settings
-on boot.</p>
-<p>The <tt class="FILENAME">named</tt> script has been updated to support <b
-class="APPLICATION">BIND 9</b> in the base system. The changes include:</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">named</span>(8)</span></a> runs in
-a <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">chroot</span>(2)</span></a>
-directory <tt class="FILENAME">/var/named</tt> by default. The <var
-class="VARNAME">named_chrootdir</var> variable can be used to disable this behavior or to
-change the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">chroot</span>(2)</span></a>
-<p>When the <var class="VARNAME">named_chroot_autoupdate</var> variable is set to <var
-class="LITERAL">YES</var> (the default), the chroot directory is automatically configured
-at the boot time. A symbolic link which points to <tt
-class="FILENAME">/var/named/etc/namedb</tt> is created as <tt
-class="FILENAME">/etc/namedb</tt>, and a symbolic link which points to <tt
-class="FILENAME">/var/named/var/run/named/pid</tt> is created as <tt
-class="FILENAME">/var/run/named/pid</tt>. The latter can be disabled by using the <var
-class="VARNAME">named_symlink_enable</var> variable in <tt
-<p>The <tt class="FILENAME">rndc.key</tt> file is automatically created if it does not
-<p>The <tt class="FILENAME">pf</tt> and <tt class="FILENAME">pflog</tt> scripts for <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pf</span>(4)</span></a> have been
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="CONTRIB" name="CONTRIB">2.4 Contributed Software</a></h3>
-<p>The <b class="APPLICATION">ACPI-CA</b> code has been updated from the 20030619
-snapshot to the 20040527 snapshot.</p>
-<p>The <b class="APPLICATION">AMD (am-utils)</b> has been updated from version 6.0.9 to
-version 6.0.10p1.</p>
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">awk</b> from Bell Labs has been updated from the 29 July 2003
-release to the 7 February 2004 release.</p>
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">BIND</b> has been updated from version 8.3.1-REL to version
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">CVS</b> has been updated from version 1.11.15 to version
-1.11.17. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>The <b class="APPLICATION">FILE</b> has been updated from version 3.41 to version
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">gdtoa</b> (a library that performs conversions of numbers
-between binary and decimal form) has been updated from version 20030324 to version
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">GDB</b> has been updated to version 6.1.1.</p>
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">GNU Binutils</b> has been updated to a 23 May 2004 snapshot
-from the FSF 2.15 branch.</p>
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">GNU GCC</b> has been updated from 3.3.3-prerelease as of 6
-November 2003 to 3.4.2-prerelease as of 28 July 2004.</p>
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">GNU grep</b> has been updated from version 2.4d to version
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">GNU less</b> has been updated from version 371 to version
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">GNU readline</b> 4.3 has been updated with official patches 001
-through 005.</p>
-<p>The <b class="APPLICATION">GNU regex</b> library has been updated to the version
-included with <b class="APPLICATION">GNU grep</b> 2.5.1.</p>
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">GNU sort</b> has been updated from textutils 2.1 to a coreutils
-snapshot as of 12 August 2004.</p>
-<p>The <b class="APPLICATION">GNU tar</b> implementation in the base system is now called
-<tt class="FILENAME">gtar</tt>.</p>
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">Heimdal Kerberos</b> has been updated from version 0.6 to
-version 0.6.1.</p>
-<p>The <b class="APPLICATION">ISC DHCP</b> client has been updated from version 3.0.1
-RC10 to version 3.0.1.</p>
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">libpcap</b> has been updated from version 0.7.1 to version
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">lukemftpd</b> has been updated from a snapshot as of 3 November
-2003 to one as of 9 August 2004.</p>
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">NTP</b> has been updated from version 4.1.1a to version
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">OpenPAM</b> has been updated from the Dogwood release to the
-Eelgrass release.</p>
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">OpenSSH</b> has been updated from version 3.6.1p1 to version
-<div class="NOTE">
-<blockquote class="NOTE">
-<p><b>Note:</b> The configuration defaults for <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sshd</span>(8)</span></a> have
-been changed. SSH protocol version 1 is no longer enabled by default. In addition,
-password authentication over SSH is disabled by default if PAM is enabled.</p>
-<br />
-<br />
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">OpenSSL</b> has been updated from version 0.9.7c to version
-0.9.7d. [MERGED]</p>
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">OpenSSL</b> VIA C3 Nehemiah PadLock ACE (Advanced Cryptography
-Engine) crypto support, which provides Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) encryption, has
-been imported from a prerelease version of <b class="APPLICATION">OpenSSL</b>.</p>
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">pf</b>, OpenBSD's packet filter as of OpenBSD 3.5-stable, has
-been imported into the FreeBSD source tree and is now installed by default. Two new users
-(<tt class="USERNAME">proxy</tt> and <tt class="USERNAME">_pflogd</tt>) and three new
-groups (<tt class="USERNAME">authpf</tt>, <tt class="USERNAME">proxy</tt>, and <tt
-class="USERNAME">_pflogd</tt>), which <b class="APPLICATION">pf</b> needs, have been
-added as well.</p>
-<div class="NOTE">
-<blockquote class="NOTE">
-<p><b>Note:</b> On upgrading from source, these user accounts must be added in advance.
-<var class="LITERAL">mergemaster -p</var> can be used to assist in creating the proper
-entries in the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">passwd</span>(5)</span></a> and <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">group</span>(5)</span></a> files.
-The <var class="VARNAME">NO_PF</var> variable in <tt class="FILENAME">make.conf</tt> can
-be used to prevent <b class="APPLICATION">pf</b> from building.</p>
-<p>Several userland utilities of OpenBSD's <b class="APPLICATION">pf</b> have been
-imported. <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ftp-proxy</span>(8)</span></a> is
-an ftp proxy for <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pf</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pfctl</span>(8)</span></a> is an
-equivalent to <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ipf</span>(8)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pflogd</span>(8)</span></a> is a
-daemon which logs packets via <var class="LITERAL">if_pflog</var> in <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pcap</span>(3)</span></a> format,
-and <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">authpf</span>(8)</span></a> is an
-authentication shell to modify <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pf</span>(4)</span></a> rulesets.</p>
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">routed</b> has been updated from release 2.22 to release 2.27
-from rhyolite.com. Note that for users relying on RIP's MD5 authentication feature, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">routed</span>(8)</span></a> routed
-is now incompatible with previous versions of FreeBSD; however, it is now compatible with
-implementations from Sun, Cisco and other vendors.</p>
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">sendmail</b> has been updated from version 8.12.10 to version
-8.13.1. [MERGED]</p>
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">tcpdump</b> has been updated from version 3.7.1 to version
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">tcsh</b> has been updated from version 6.11 to version
-<p>The timezone database has been updated from <tt class="FILENAME">tzdata2003a</tt> to
-<tt class="FILENAME">tzdata2004e</tt>.</p>
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">zlib</b> has been updated from version 1.1.4 to version
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="PORTS" name="PORTS">2.5 Ports/Packages Collection
-<p>Most of the startup/shutdown scripts installed by various ports now use the new <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">rc</span>(8)</span></a> framework
-introduced in FreeBSD 5.<var class="REPLACEABLE">X</var>, while some ports still use the
-old-style scripts. On startup, the new <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">rc</span>(8)</span></a> style scripts
-are executed before the old-style scripts. On shutdown, exactly the reverse happens.</p>
-<p>The <var class="LITERAL">SIZE</var> attribute for distfiles, which can be used for
-checking file sizes before fetching, has been added and enabled by default. <var
-class="VARNAME">DISABLE_SIZE</var> is a user control knob to disable the distfile size
-checking. This is especially useful on old FreeBSD versions which did not have <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">fetch</span>(1)</span></a> support
-for this, and for some FTP proxies which always report incorrect or bogus sizes.</p>
-<p>Two new files have been added to the ports tree to track noteworthy changes: <tt
-class="FILENAME">ports/CHANGES</tt> lists major changes to the Ports Collection and its
-infrastructure. <tt class="FILENAME">ports/UPDATING</tt> describes some potential
-pitfalls that can be encountered when updating certain ports, analogous to <tt
-class="FILENAME">src/UPDATING</tt> for the base system.</p>
-<p>The version number parsing code has been rewritten in the system <tt
-class="FILENAME">pkg_*</tt> tools, restoring compatibility with 4.x and <a
-<p>The package tools can now match packages with relational operators and csh-style <var
-class="LITERAL">{...}</var> choices. For example:</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<samp class="PROMPT">#</samp> <kbd class="USERINPUT">pkg_info -I 'docbook&#62;=3.0'</kbd>
-<p>will list (all) docbook DTDs with at least version 3.0. Additional command line
-options have also been added to aid pattern matching.</p>
-<p>The package tools have improved handling of corrupt package databases.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pkg_create</span>(1)</span></a>
-now supports a <var class="OPTION">-S</var> option to make all <var
-class="LITERAL">@cwd</var> paths be prefixed during package creation.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pkg_info</span>(1)</span></a> now
-supports a <var class="OPTION">-j</var> option to show the requirements script for each
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="RELENG" name="RELENG">2.6 Release Engineering and
-<p>FreeBSD cryptography support is no longer an optional component of releases, and the
-<var class="LITERAL">crypto</var> release distribution is now part of <var
-class="LITERAL">base</var>. Note that the <var class="OPTION">-DNOCRYPT</var> build
-option still exists for anyone who really wants to build non-cryptographic binaries.</p>
-<p>The supported release of <b class="APPLICATION">GNOME</b> has been updated from
-version 2.4 to version 2.6.2.</p>
-<div class="NOTE">
-<blockquote class="NOTE">
-<p><b>Note:</b> If you are using the older <b class="APPLICATION">GNOME</b> desktop
-itself (<a href="http://www.FreeBSD.org/cgi/url.cgi?ports/x11/gnome2/pkg-descr"><tt
-class="FILENAME">x11/gnome2</tt></a>), simply upgrading it from the FreeBSD Ports
-Collection with <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">portupgrade</span>(1)</span></a>
-(<a href="http://www.FreeBSD.org/cgi/url.cgi?ports/sysutils/portupgrade/pkg-descr"><tt
-class="FILENAME">sysutils/portupgrade</tt></a>) will cause serious problems. If you are a
-<b class="APPLICATION">GNOME</b> desktop user, please read the instructions carefully at
-<a href="http://www.FreeBSD.org/gnome/docs/faq26.html"
-target="_top">http://www.FreeBSD.org/gnome/docs/faq26.html</a>, and use the <tt
-class="FILENAME">gnome_upgrade.sh</tt> script to properly upgrade to <b
-class="APPLICATION">GNOME</b> 2.6.</p>
-<p>Note that if you are just a casual user of some of the <b
-class="APPLICATION">GNOME</b> libraries, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">portupgrade</span>(1)</span></a>
-should be sufficient to update your ports.</p>
-<br />
-<br />
-<p>The supported release of <b class="APPLICATION">KDE</b> has been updated from version
-3.1.4 to version 3.3.0.</p>
-<p>The <a
-class="FILENAME">security/portaudit</tt></a> utility has been added to the FreeBSD Ports
-Collection. This utility will read a database containing known ports vulnerabilities and
-report them to the administrator.</p>
-<p>FreeBSD now uses <b class="APPLICATION">Xorg</b> instead of <b
-class="APPLICATION">XFree86</b> as the default X Window System. The supported release is
-<b class="APPLICATION">Xorg</b> X11R6.7.0. Note that <b class="APPLICATION">XFree86</b>
-is also available in the FreeBSD Ports Collection (<a
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="DOC" name="DOC">2.7 Documentation</a></h3>
-<div class="SECT1">
-<hr />
-<h2 class="SECT1"><a id="UPGRADE" name="UPGRADE">3 Upgrading from previous releases of
-<p>Users with existing FreeBSD systems are <span class="emphasis"><i
-class="EMPHASIS">highly</i></span> encouraged to read the ``FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE Migration
-Guide''. This document generally has the filename <tt class="FILENAME">MIGRATE5.TXT</tt>
-on the distribution media, or any other place that the release notes can be found. It
-offers some notes on migrating from FreeBSD 4.<var class="REPLACEABLE">X</var>, but more
-importantly, also discusses some of the relative merits of upgrading to FreeBSD 5.<var
-class="REPLACEABLE">X</var> versus running FreeBSD 4.<var
-<div class="IMPORTANT">
-<blockquote class="IMPORTANT">
-<p><b>Important:</b> Upgrading FreeBSD should, of course, only be attempted after backing
-up <span class="emphasis"><i class="EMPHASIS">all</i></span> data and configuration
-<hr />
-<p align="center"><small>This file, and other release-related documents, can be
-downloaded from <a href="ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/">ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/</a>.</small></p>
-<p align="center"><small>For questions about FreeBSD, read the <a
-href="http://www.FreeBSD.org/docs.html">documentation</a> before contacting &#60;<a
-<p align="center"><small>For questions about this documentation, e-mail &#60;<a
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-<div class="TITLEPAGE">
-<h1 class="TITLE"><a id="AEN2" name="AEN2">FreeBSD/pc98 5.3-RELEASE Release
-<h3 class="CORPAUTHOR">The FreeBSD Project</h3>
-<p class="COPYRIGHT">Copyright &copy; 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 The FreeBSD
-Documentation Project</p>
-<p class="PUBDATE">$FreeBSD: src/release/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/relnotes/common/new.sgml,v
-1.761. 2004/11/03 10:12:51 hrs Exp $<br />
-<div class="ABSTRACT"><a id="AEN13" name="AEN13"></a>
-<p>The release notes for FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE contain a summary of the changes made to the
-FreeBSD base system since 5.2.1-RELEASE. This document lists applicable security
-advisories that were issued since the last release, as well as significant changes to the
-FreeBSD kernel and userland. Some brief remarks on upgrading are also presented.</p>
-<hr />
-<div class="TOC">
-<dt><b>Table of Contents</b></dt>
-<dt>1 <a href="#INTRO">Introduction</a></dt>
-<dt>2 <a href="#NEW">What's New</a></dt>
-<dt>2.1 <a href="#SECURITY">Security Advisories</a></dt>
-<dt>2.2 <a href="#KERNEL">Kernel Changes</a></dt>
-<dt>2.2.1 <a href="#BOOT">Boot Loader Changes</a></dt>
-<dt>2.2.2 <a href="#PROC">Hardware Support</a></dt>
-<dt>2.2.3 <a href="#NET-PROTO">Network Protocols</a></dt>
-<dt>2.2.4 <a href="#DISKS">Disks and Storage</a></dt>
-<dt>2.2.5 <a href="#FS">File Systems</a></dt>
-<dt>2.2.6 <a href="#AEN925">Contributed Software</a></dt>
-<dt>2.3 <a href="#USERLAND">Userland Changes</a></dt>
-<dt>2.3.1 <a href="#RC-SCRIPTS"><tt class="FILENAME">/etc/rc.d</tt> Scripts</a></dt>
-<dt>2.4 <a href="#CONTRIB">Contributed Software</a></dt>
-<dt>2.5 <a href="#PORTS">Ports/Packages Collection Infrastructure</a></dt>
-<dt>2.6 <a href="#RELENG">Release Engineering and Integration</a></dt>
-<dt>2.7 <a href="#DOC">Documentation</a></dt>
-<dt>3 <a href="#UPGRADE">Upgrading from previous releases of FreeBSD</a></dt>
-<div class="SECT1">
-<h2 class="SECT1"><a id="INTRO" name="INTRO">1 Introduction</a></h2>
-<p>This document contains the release notes for FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE on the NEC PC-98x1
-hardware platform. It describes recently added, changed, or deleted features of FreeBSD.
-It also provides some notes on upgrading from previous versions of FreeBSD.</p>
-<p>This distribution of FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE is a release distribution. It can be found at
-<a href="ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/" target="_top">ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/</a> or any of its
-mirrors. More information on obtaining this (or other) release distributions of FreeBSD
-can be found in the <a
-target="_top">``Obtaining FreeBSD'' appendix</a> to the <a
-href="http://www.FreeBSD.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/" target="_top">FreeBSD
-<p>All users are encouraged to consult the release errata before installing FreeBSD. The
-errata document is updated with ``late-breaking'' information discovered late in the
-release cycle or after the release. Typically, it contains information on known bugs,
-security advisories, and corrections to documentation. An up-to-date copy of the errata
-for FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE can be found on the FreeBSD Web site.</p>
-<div class="SECT1">
-<hr />
-<h2 class="SECT1"><a id="NEW" name="NEW">2 What's New</a></h2>
-<p>This section describes the most user-visible new or changed features in FreeBSD since
-5.2.1-RELEASE. In general, changes described here are unique to the 5-STABLE branch
-unless specifically marked as [MERGED] features.</p>
-<p>Typical release note items document recent security advisories issued after
-5.3-RELEASE, new drivers or hardware support, new commands or options, major bug fixes,
-or contributed software upgrades. They may also list changes to major ports/packages or
-release engineering practices. Clearly the release notes cannot list every single change
-made to FreeBSD between releases; this document focuses primarily on security advisories,
-user-visible changes, and major architectural improvements.</p>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="SECURITY" name="SECURITY">2.1 Security Advisories</a></h3>
-<p>A bug in <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">mksnap_ffs</span>(8)</span></a>
-has been fixed; it caused the creation of a file system snapshot to reset the flags on
-the file system to their default values. The possible consequences depended on local
-usage, but could include disabling extended access control lists or enabling the use of
-setuid executables stored on an untrusted file system. This bug also affected the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">dump</span>(8)</span></a> <var
-class="OPTION">-L</var> option, which uses <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">mksnap_ffs</span>(8)</span></a>.
-Note that <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">mksnap_ffs</span>(8)</span></a> is
-normally only available to the superuser and members of the <tt
-class="GROUPNAME">operator</tt> group. For more information, see security advisory <a
-<p>A bug with the System V Shared Memory interface (specifically the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">shmat</span>(2)</span></a> system
-call) has been fixed. This bug can cause a shared memory segment to reference unallocated
-kernel memory. In turn, this can permit a local attacker to gain unauthorized access to
-parts of kernel memory, possibly resulting in disclosure of sensitive information, bypass
-of access control mechanisms, or privilege escalation. More details can be found in
-security advisory <a
-target="_top">FreeBSD-SA-04:02</a>. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>A programming error in the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">jail_attach</span>(2)</span></a>
-system call has been fixed. This error could allow a process with superuser privileges
-inside a <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">jail</span>(8)</span></a>
-environment to change its root directory to that of a different jail, and thus gain full
-read and write access to files and directories within the target jail. More information
-can be found in security advisory <a
-<p>A potential low-bandwidth denial-of-service attack against the FreeBSD TCP stack has
-been prevented by limiting the number of out-of-sequence TCP segments that can be held at
-one time. More details can be found in security advisory <a
-target="_top">FreeBSD-SA-04:04</a>. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>A bug in <b class="APPLICATION">OpenSSL</b>'s SSL/TLS ChangeCipherSpec message
-processing that could result in a null pointer dereference has been fixed. This could
-allow a remote attacker to crash an <b class="APPLICATION">OpenSSL</b>-using application
-and cause a denial-of-service on the system. More details can be found in security
-advisory <a
-target="_top">FreeBSD-SA-04:05</a>. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>A programming error in the handling of some IPv6 socket options within the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">setsockopt</span>(2)</span></a>
-system call has been fixed. This allows a local attacker to cause a system panic, and may
-allow unauthorized access to parts of kernel memory, possibly resulting in disclosure of
-sensitive information, bypass of access control mechanisms, or privilege escalation. More
-details can be found in security advisory <a
-<p>Two programming errors in <b class="APPLICATION">CVS</b> have been fixed. They allow a
-server to overwrite arbitrary files on the client, and a client to read arbitrary files
-on the server when accessing remote CVS repositories. More details can be found in
-security advisory <a
-target="_top">FreeBSD-SA-04:07</a>. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>A bugfix for <b class="APPLICATION">Heimdal</b> rectifies a problem in which it would
-not perform adequate checking of authentication across autonomous realms. For more
-information, see security advisory <a
-target="_top">FreeBSD-SA-04:08</a>. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>A programming error in <b class="APPLICATION">CVS</b> which could allow a malicious
-client to overwrite arbitrary portions of the server's memory has been fixed. For more
-information, see security advisory <a
-target="_top">FreeBSD-SA-04:10</a>. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>A potential cache consistency problem of the implementation of the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">msync</span>(2)</span></a> system
-call involving the <var class="LITERAL">MS_INVALIDATE</var> operation has been fixed.
-However, as a side effect of closing this security problem, the <var
-class="LITERAL">MS_INVALIDATE</var> flag no longer guarantees that all pages in the range
-are invalidated. Users who require the old semantics of <var
-class="LITERAL">MS_INVALIDATE</var> and are not concerned with the security issue being
-fixed can set the <var class="VARNAME">vm.old_msync</var> sysctl to 1 which will revert
-to the old (insecure) behavior. For more information, see security advisory <a
-target="_top">FreeBSD-SA-04:11</a>. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>A programming error in the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">jail</span>(2)</span></a> system
-call which results in a failure to verify that an attempt to manipulate routing tables
-originated from a non-jailed process has been fixed. For more information, see security
-advisory <a
-target="_top">FreeBSD-SA-04:12</a>. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>A programming error in the handling of some Linux system calls which may result in
-memory locations being accessed without proper validation has been fixed. For more
-information, see security advisory <a
-target="_top">FreeBSD-SA-04:13</a>. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>A number of programming errors in <b class="APPLICATION">CVS</b> which allow
-information disclosure, denial-of-service, or possibly arbitrary code execution, have
-been fixed via an upgrade to <b class="APPLICATION">CVS</b> 1.11.17. For more
-information, see security advisory <a
-<p>A bug in the <var class="LITERAL">CONS_SCRSHOT</var> <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ioctl</span>(2)</span></a> has
-been fixed; it may allow unauthorized access to parts of kernel memory, possibly
-resulting in disclosure of sensitive information, bypass of access control mechanisms, or
-privilege escalation. For more information, see security advisory <a
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="KERNEL" name="KERNEL">2.2 Kernel Changes</a></h3>
-<p><var class="LITERAL">ADAPTIVE_MUTEXES</var> has been added and enabled by default.
-This changes the behavior of blocking mutexes to spin if the thread that currently owns
-the mutex is executing on another CPU. This feature can be disabled explicitly by setting
-a kernel option <var class="VARNAME">NO_ADAPTIVE_MUTEXES</var>.</p>
-<p>A kernel option <var class="VARNAME">ADAPTIVE_GIANT</var>, which causes the Giant lock
-to also be treated in an adaptive fashion when adaptive mutexes are enabled, has been
-added. This improves the performance of SMP machines and is enabled by default on the
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">bus_dma</span>(9)</span></a>
-interface now supports transparently honoring the alignment and boundary constraints in
-the DMA tag when loading buffers, and <code class="FUNCTION">bus_dmamap_load()</code>
-will automatically use bounce buffers when needed. In addition, a set of sysctls <var
-class="VARNAME">hw.busdma.*</var> for <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">bus_dma</span>(9)</span></a>
-statistics has been added.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">contigmalloc</span>(9)</span></a>
-function has been reimplemented with an algorithm which stands a greatly-improved chance
-of working despite pressure from running programs. The old algorithm can be used by
-setting a sysctl <var class="VARNAME">vm.old_contigmalloc</var>. More details can be
-found in the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">contigmalloc</span>(9)</span></a>
-manual page.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">devfs</span>(5)</span></a> path
-rules now work correctly on directories.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">getvfsent</span>(3)</span></a> API
-has been removed.</p>
-<p>The <var class="VARNAME">hw.pci.allow_unsupported_io_range</var> loader tunable has
-been removed.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">jail</span>(2)</span></a> now
-supports the use of raw sockets from within a jail. This feature is disabled by default,
-and controlled by using the <var class="VARNAME">security.jail.allow_raw_sockets</var>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">kqueue</span>(2)</span></a> now
-supports a new filter <var class="LITERAL">EVFILT_FS</var> to be used to signal generic
-file system events to the user space. Currently, mount, unmount, and up/down status of
-NFS are signaled.</p>
-<p>KDB, a new debugger framework, has been added. This consists of a new GDB backend,
-which has been rewritten to support threading, run-length encoding compression, and so
-on, and the frontend that provides a framework in which multiple, different debugger
-backends can be configured and which provides basic services to those backends. The
-following options have been changed:</p>
-<p>KDB is enabled by default via the kernel options <var class="LITERAL">options
-KDB</var>, <var class="LITERAL">options GDB</var>, and <var class="LITERAL">options
-DDB</var>. Both <var class="LITERAL">DDB</var> and <var class="LITERAL">GDB</var> specify
-which KDB backends to include.</p>
-<p><var class="LITERAL">WITNESS_DDB</var> has been renamed to <var
-<p><var class="LITERAL">DDB_TRACE</var> has been renamed to <var
-<p><var class="LITERAL">DDB_UNATTENDED</var> has been renamed to <var
-<p><var class="LITERAL">SC_HISTORY_DDBKEY</var> has been renamed to <var
-<p><var class="LITERAL">DDB_NOKLDSYM</var> has been removed. The new DDB backend supports
-pre-linker symbol lookups as well as KLD symbol lookups at the same time.</p>
-<p><var class="LITERAL">GDB_REMOTE_CHAT</var> has been removed. The GDB protocol hacks to
-allow this are FreeBSD specific. At the same time, the GDB protocol has packets for
-console output.</p>
-<p>KDB also serves as the single point of contact for any and all code that wants to make
-use of the debugger functions, such as entering the debugger or handling of the alternate
-break sequence. For this purpose, the frontend has been made non-optional. All debugger
-requests are forwarded or handed over to the current backend, if applicable. Selection of
-the current backend is done by the <var class="VARNAME">debug.kdb.current</var> sysctl. A
-list of configured backends can be obtained with the <var
-class="VARNAME">debug.kdb.available</var> sysctl. One can enter the debugger by writing
-to the <var class="VARNAME">debug.kdb.enter</var> sysctl.</p>
-<p>A new sysctl <var class="VARNAME">debug.kdb.stop_cpus</var> has been added. This
-controls whether or not IPI (Inter Processor Interrupts) to other CPUs will be delivered
-when entering the debugger, in order to stop them while in the debugger.</p>
-<p>A new kernel option <var class="LITERAL">MAC_STATIC</var> which disables internal MAC
-Framework synchronization protecting against dynamic load and unload of MAC policies, has
-been added.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span
-class="REFENTRYTITLE">mac_bsdextended</span>(4)</span></a> policy can now apply only the
-first matching rule instead of all matching rules. This feature can be enabled by setting
-a new sysctl <var class="VARNAME">mac_bsdextended_firstmatch_enabled</var>.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span
-class="REFENTRYTITLE">mac_bsdextended</span>(4)</span></a> policy can now log failed
-attempts to syslog's <var class="LITERAL">AUTHPRIV</var> facility. This feature can be
-enabled by setting a new sysctl <var class="VARNAME">mac_bsdextended_logging</var>.</p>
-<p>mballoc has been replaced with mbuma, an Mbuf and Cluster allocator built on top of a
-number of extensions to the UMA framework. Due to this change, the <var
-class="LITERAL">NMBCLUSTERS</var> kernel option is no longer used. The maximum number of
-the clusters is still capped off according to <var class="LITERAL">maxusers</var>, but it
-can be made unlimited by setting the <var class="VARNAME">kern.ipc.nmbclusters</var>
-loader tunable to zero.</p>
-<p><tt class="FILENAME">/dev/kmem</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">/dev/mem</tt>, and <tt
-class="FILENAME">/dev/io</tt> are also provided as kernel loadable modules now.</p>
-<p>A bug in <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">mmap</span>(2)</span></a> that
-could cause pages marked as <var class="LITERAL">PROT_NONE</var> to become readable under
-certain circumstances has been fixed. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>A new kernel option <var class="LITERAL">MP_WATCHDOG</var> has been added; it allows
-one of the logical CPUs on a system to be used as a dedicated watchdog to cause a drop to
-the debugger and/or generate an NMI to the boot processor if the kernel ceases to
-respond. Several sysctls are available to enable the watchdog running out of the
-processor's idle thread; a callout is launched to reset a timer in the watchdog. If the
-callout fails to reset the timer for ten seconds, the timeout process will take place.
-The <var class="VARNAME">debug.watchdog_cpu</var> sysctl selects which CPU will run the
-<p>A sysctl <var class="VARNAME">debug.leak_schedlock</var> has been added. This causes a
-sysctl handler that incorrectly leaks the holding sched lock, to spin the lock in order
-to trigger the watchdog provided by the <var class="LITERAL">MP_WATCHDOG</var>
-<p>A new loader tunable <var class="VARNAME">debug.mpsafenet</var> has been added and
-enabled by default. This causes the FreeBSD network stack to operate without the Giant
-lock, resulting in performance improvement by increasing parallelism and decreasing
-latency in network processing. Note that enabling one of the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ng_tty</span>(4)</span></a>
-Netgraph node type, KAME IPsec, and IPX/SPX subsystem results in a boot-time restoration
-of Giant-enabled network operation, or run-time warning on dynamic load as these
-components require Giant lock for correct operation.</p>
-<p>A new kernel option <var class="VARNAME">NET_WITH_GIANT</var> has been added. This
-restores the default value of debug.mpsafenet to <var class="LITERAL">0</var>, and is
-intended for use on systems compiled with known unsafe components, or where a more
-conservative configuration is desired.</p>
-<p>A new loader tunable <var class="VARNAME">debug.mpsafevm</var> has been added. This
-currently results in almost Giant-free execution of zero-fill page faults.</p>
-<p>A devclass level has been added to the dev sysctl tree, in order to support per-class
-variables in addition to per-device variables. This means that <var
-class="VARNAME">dev.foo0.bar</var> is now called <var
-class="VARNAME">dev.foo.0.bar</var>, and it is possible to to have <var
-class="VARNAME">dev.foo.bar</var> as well.</p>
-<p>A new sysctl, <var class="VARNAME">kern.always_console_output</var>, has been added.
-It makes output from the kernel go to the console despite the use of <var
-<p>A sysctl <var class="VARNAME">kern.sched.name</var> which has the name of the
-scheduler currently in use, has been added, and the <var
-class="VARNAME">kern.quantum</var> sysctl has been moved to <var
-class="VARNAME">kern.sched.quantum</var> for consistency.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pci</span>(4)</span></a> bus
-resource and power management have been updated.</p>
-<div class="NOTE">
-<blockquote class="NOTE">
-<p><b>Note:</b> Although the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pci</span>(4)</span></a> bus power
-state management has been enabled by default, it may cause problems on some systems. This
-can be disabled by setting the tunable <var class="VARNAME">hw.pci.do_powerstate</var> to
-<var class="LITERAL">0</var>.</p>
-<br />
-<br />
-<p>The ULE scheduler has been added as an additional scheduler. Note that the
-conventional one, which is called 4BSD, is still used as the default scheduler in the <tt
-class="FILENAME">GENERIC</tt> kernel. For the average user, interactivity is reported to
-be better in many cases. This means less ``skipping'' and ``jerking'' in interactive
-applications while the machine is very busy. This will not prevent problems due to
-overloaded disk subsystems, but it does help with overloaded CPUs. On SMP machines, ULE
-has per-CPU run queues which allow for CPU affinity, CPU binding, and advanced
-HyperThreading support, as well as providing a framework for more optimizations in the
-future. As fine-grained kernel locking continues, the scheduler will be able to make more
-efficient use of the available parallel resources.</p>
-<p>A linear search algorithm used in <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span
-class="REFENTRYTITLE">vm_map_findspace</span>(9)</span></a> has been replaced with an
-O(log n) algorithm built into the map entry splay tree. This significantly reduces the
-overhead in <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span
-class="REFENTRYTITLE">vm_map_findspace</span>(9)</span></a> for applications that <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">mmap</span>(2)</span></a> many
-hundreds or thousands of regions.</p>
-<p>The loader tunables <var class="VARNAME">debug.witness_*</var> have been renamed to
-<var class="VARNAME">debug.witness.*</var>.</p>
-<p>The FreeBSD dynamic and static linker now support Thread Local Storage (TLS), a <b
-class="APPLICATION">GCC</b> feature which supports a <var class="LITERAL">__thread</var>
-modifier to the declaration of global and static variables. This extra modifier means
-that the variable's value is thread-local; one thread changing its value will not affect
-the value of the variable in any other thread.</p>
-<p>The kernel's file descriptor allocation code has been updated, and is now derived from
-similar code in OpenBSD.</p>
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="BOOT" name="BOOT">2.2.1 Boot Loader Changes</a></h4>
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="PROC" name="PROC">2.2.2 Hardware Support</a></h4>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">acpi_video</span>(4)</span></a>
-driver has been added to control display switching and backlight brightness using the
-ACPI Video Extensions.</p>
-<p>The <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">cp</span>(4)</span></a> driver has been
-added for Cronyx Tau-PCI synchronous serial adapters.</p>
-<p>The <tt class="DEVICENAME">dgb</tt> (DigiBoard intelligent serial card) driver has
-been removed due to breakage. Its replacement is the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">digi</span>(4)</span></a> driver,
-which supports all the hardware of the <tt class="DEVICENAME">dgb</tt> driver.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">nmdm</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-has been rewritten to improve its reliability.</p>
-<p>The <tt class="DEVICENAME">raid(4)</tt> driver (RAIDframe disk driver from NetBSD) has
-been removed. It is currently non-functional, and would require some amount of work to
-make it work under the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">geom</span>(4)</span></a> API in
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pcic</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-is no longer maintained and has been removed from the <tt class="FILENAME">GENERIC</tt>
-kernel configuration file. The entry had actually been commented out for a long time.</p>
-<p>The <tt class="DEVICENAME">sx</tt> driver, which supports Specialix I/O8+ and I/O4+
-intelligent multiport serial controllers, has been added.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ubser</span>(4)</span></a> device
-driver has been added to support BWCT console management serial adapters.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ucycom</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-has been added for the Cypress CY7C637xx and CY7C640/1xx families of USB to RS232
-bridges, such as the one found in the DeLorme Earthmate USB GPS receiver (which is the
-only device currently supported by this driver). This driver is not complete because
-there is no support yet for flow control and output.</p>
-<p>The device driver infrastructure and many drivers have been updated. Among the
-changes: many more drivers now use automatically-assigned major numbers (instead of the
-old static major numbers); enhanced functions have been added to support cloning of
-pseudo-devices; several changes have been made to the driver API, including a new <var
-class="VARNAME">d_version</var> field in <var class="VARNAME">struct cdevsw</var>. Note
-that third-party device drivers will require recompiling after this change.</p>
-<div class="SECT4">
-<hr />
-<h5 class="SECT4"><a id="MM" name="MM"> Multimedia Support</a></h5>
-<p>The <tt class="DEVICENAME">meteor</tt> (video capture) driver has been removed due to
-breakage and lack of maintainership.</p>
-<p>The Direct Rendering Manager (DRM) code has been updated from the DRI Project CVS tree
-as of 26 May 2004. This update includes new PCI IDs and a new packet for Radeon.</p>
-<p>The drivers for various sound cards have been reorganized; <var class="LITERAL">device
-sound</var> is the generic sound driver, and <var class="LITERAL">device snd_*</var> are
-device-specific sound drivers now. The <tt class="DEVICENAME">midi</tt> driver, which
-supports serial port and several sound cards, has been removed. More details can be found
-in the related manual pages: <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sound</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">snd_ad1816</span>(4)</span></a>,
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">snd_als4000</span>(4)</span></a>,
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">snd_cmi</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">snd_cs4281</span>(4)</span></a>,
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">snd_csa</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">snd_ds1</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">snd_emu10k1</span>(4)</span></a>,
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">snd_es137x</span>(4)</span></a>,
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">snd_gusc</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">snd_maestro3</span>(4)</span></a>,
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">snd_sbc</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">snd_solo</span>(4)</span></a>, and
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sound</span>(4)</span></a>
-(formerly <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pcm</span>(4)</span></a>) driver
-has been modified to read <tt class="FILENAME">/boot/device.hints</tt> on startup, to
-allow setting of default values for mixer channels. Note that currently the device
-driver's name used in <tt class="FILENAME">/boot/device.hints</tt> is still <var
-class="LITERAL">pcm</var>. More detailed information and examples can be found in the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sound</span>(4)</span></a> manual
-<div class="SECT4">
-<hr />
-<h5 class="SECT4"><a id="NET-IF" name="NET-IF"> Network Interface Support</a></h5>
-<p>A short hiccup in the <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">em</span>(4)</span></a> driver during
-parameter reconfiguration has been fixed. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">fwip</span>(4)</span></a> driver,
-which supports IP over FireWire, has been added. Note that currently the broadcast
-channel number is hardwired and MCAP for multicast channel allocation is not supported.
-This driver is intended to conform to the RFC 2734 and RFC 3146 standard for IP over
-FireWire and eventually replace the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">fwe</span>(4)</span></a>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">fxp</span>(4)</span></a> now uses
-the device sysctl tree such as <var class="VARNAME">dev.fxp0</var>, and those sysctls can
-be set on a per-device basis.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">fxp</span>(4)</span></a> now
-provides actual control over its capability to receive extended Ethernet frames,
-indicated by the <var class="LITERAL">VLAN_MTU</var> interface capability. It can be
-toggled from userland with the aid of the <var class="OPTION">vlanmtu</var> and <var
-class="OPTION">-vlanmtu</var> options to <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ifconfig</span>(8)</span></a>.</p>
-<p>The <tt class="DEVICENAME">hea</tt> (Efficient Networks, Inc. ENI-155p ATM adapter)
-driver has been removed due to breakage. Its functionality has been subsumed into the <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">en</span>(4)</span></a> driver.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">hme</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-now natively supports long frames, so it can be used for <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">vlan</span>(4)</span></a> with
-full Ethernet MTU size.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">hme</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-now supports TCP/UDP Transmit/Receive checksum offload. Since <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">hme</span>(4)</span></a> does not
-compensate the checksum for UDP datagram which can yield to <var
-class="LITERAL">0x0</var>, UDP transmit checksum offload is disabled by default. This can
-be reactivated by setting the special link option <var class="OPTION">link0</var> with <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ifconfig</span>(8)</span></a>.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ixgb</span>(4)</span></a> driver,
-which supports Intel PRO/10GBE 10 Gigabit Ethernet cards, has been added. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>A bug that prevents VLAN support in the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">nge</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-from working has been fixed. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>Several bugs related to <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">polling</span>(4)</span></a>
-support in the <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">rl</span>(4)</span></a> driver have
-been fixed. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>Several bugs related to multicast and promiscuous mode handling in the <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sk</span>(4)</span></a> driver have
-been fixed.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ste</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-now supports <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">polling</span>(4)</span></a>.
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">udav</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-has been added. It provides support for USB Ethernet adapters based on the Davicom DM9601
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">vge</span>(4)</span></a> driver,
-which supports the VIA Networking Technologies VT6122 Gigabit Ethernet chip and
-integrated 10/100/1000 copper PHY, has been added.</p>
-<p>The <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">vr</span>(4)</span></a> driver now
-supports <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">polling</span>(4)</span></a>.
-<p>The hardware TX checksum support in the <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">xl</span>(4)</span></a> driver has been
-disabled as it does not work correctly and slows down the transmission rate. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>Interface <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">polling</span>(4)</span></a>
-support can now be enabled on a per-interface basis. The following network drivers
-support <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">polling</span>(4)</span></a>: <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">dc</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">fxp</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">em</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ixgb</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">nge</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">re</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">rl</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sis</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ste</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">vge</span>(4)</span></a>, and <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">vr</span>(4)</span></a>. And they now
-also support this capability and it can be controlled via <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ifconfig</span>(8)</span></a>
-except for <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ixgb</span>(4)</span></a>.
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="NET-PROTO" name="NET-PROTO">2.2.3 Network Protocols</a></h4>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">gre</span>(4)</span></a> tunnel
-driver now supports WCCP version 2.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ipfw</span>(4)</span></a> rules
-now support the <var class="LITERAL">versrcreach</var> option to verify that a valid
-route to the source address of a packet exists in the routing table. This option is very
-useful for routers with a complete view of the Internet (BGP) in the routing table to
-reject packets with spoofed or unroutable source addresses. For example,</p>
-<pre class="PROGRAMLISTING">
-deny ip from any to any not versrcreach
-is equivalent to the following in Cisco IOS syntax:
-<pre class="PROGRAMLISTING">
-ip verify unicast source reachable-via any
-<br />
-<br />
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ipfw</span>(4)</span></a> rules
-now support the <var class="LITERAL">antispoof</var> option to verify that an incoming
-packet's source address belongs to a directly connected network. If the network is
-directly connected, then the interface on which the packet came in is compared to the
-interface to which the network is connected. When the incoming interface and the directly
-connected interface are not the same, the packet does not match. For example:</p>
-<pre class="PROGRAMLISTING">
-deny ip from any to any not antispoof in
-<br />
-<br />
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ipfw</span>(4)</span></a> rules
-now support the <var class="LITERAL">jail</var> option to associate the rule with a
-specific prison ID. For example:</p>
-<pre class="PROGRAMLISTING">
-count ip from any to any jail 2
-Note that this rule currently applies for TCP and UDP packets only. <br />
-<br />
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ipfw</span>(4)</span></a> now
-supports lookup tables. This feature is useful for handling large sparse address sets.
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ipfw</span>(4)</span></a> <var
-class="LITERAL">forward</var> rule has to be compiled into the kernel with a kernel
-option <var class="LITERAL">IPFIREWALL_FORWARD</var> to enable it.</p>
-<p>A new sysctl <var class="VARNAME">net.inet.ip.process_options</var> has been added to
-control the processing of IP options. When this sysctl is set to <var
-class="LITERAL">0</var>, IP options are ignored and passed unmodified; set to <var
-class="LITERAL">1</var>, all IP options are processed (default); and set to <var
-class="LITERAL">2</var>, all packets with IP options are rejected with an ICMP filter
-prohibited message.</p>
-<p>Some bugs in the IPsec implementation from the KAME Project have been fixed. These
-bugs were related to freeing memory objects before all references to them were removed,
-and could cause erratic behavior or kernel panics after flushing the Security Policy
-Database (SPD).</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">natd</span>(8)</span></a> now
-supports multiple instances via a new option <var class="OPTION">globalports</var>. This
-allows <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">natd</span>(8)</span></a> to bind
-to different network interfaces and share load.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ng_atmllc</span>(4)</span></a>
-Netgraph node type, which handles RFC 1483 ATM LLC encapsulation, has been added.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ng_hub</span>(4)</span></a>
-Netgraph node type, which supports a simple packet distribution that acts like an
-Ethernet hub, has been added. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ng_rfc1490</span>(4)</span></a>
-Netgraph node type now supports Cisco style encapsulation, which is often used alongside
-RFC 1490 in frame relay links.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ng_sppp</span>(4)</span></a>
-Netgraph node type, which is a <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">netgraph</span>(4)</span></a>
-interface to the original <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sppp</span>(4)</span></a> network
-module for synchronous lines, has been added.</p>
-<p>A new Netgraph method has been added to restore some behavior lost in the change from
-4.<var class="REPLACEABLE">X</var> style <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ng_tee</span>(4)</span></a>
-Netgraph nodes.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ng_vlan</span>(4)</span></a>
-Netgraph node type, which supports IEEE 802.1Q VLAN tagging, has been added. [MERGED]</p>
-<p><var class="LITERAL">PFIL_HOOKS</var> support is now always compiled into the kernel,
-and the associated kernel compile options have been removed. All of the packet filter
-subsystems that FreeBSD supports now use the <var class="LITERAL">PFIL_HOOKS</var>
-<p>The link state change notification of Ethernet media support has been added to the
-routing socket.</p>
-<p>Link Quality Monitoring (LQM) support in <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ppp</span>(8)</span></a> has been
-reimplemented. LQM, which is described in RFC 1989, allows PPP to keep track of the
-quality of a running connection. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>The pseudo-interface cloning has been updated and the match function to allow creation
-of <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">stf</span>(4)</span></a>
-interfaces named <tt class="DEVICENAME">stf0</tt>, <tt class="DEVICENAME">stf</tt>, or
-<tt class="DEVICENAME">6to4</tt>. Note that this breaks backward compatibility; for
-example, <tt class="COMMAND">ifconfig stf</tt> now creates the interface named <tt
-class="DEVICENAME">stf</tt>, not <tt class="DEVICENAME">stf0</tt>, and does not print <tt
-class="DEVICENAME">stf0</tt> to stdout.</p>
-<p>The following TCP features are now enabled by default: RFC 3042 (Limited Retransmit),
-RFC 3390 (increased initial congestion window sizes), TCP bandwidth-delay product
-limiting. The sysctls <var class="VARNAME">net.inet.tcp.rfc3042</var>, <var
-class="VARNAME">net.inet.tcp.rfc3390</var>, and <var
-class="VARNAME">net.inet.tcp.inflight.enable</var> for these features are available. More
-information can be found in <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">tcp</span>(4)</span></a>.</p>
-<p>FreeBSD's TCP implementation now includes support for a minimum MSS (settable via the
-<var class="VARNAME">net.inet.tcp.minmss</var> sysctl variable) and a rate limit on
-connections that send many small TCP segments within a short period of time (via the <var
-class="VARNAME">net.inet.tcp.minmssoverload</var> sysctl variable). Connections exceeding
-this limit may be reset and dropped. This feature provides protection against a class of
-resource exhaustion attacks.</p>
-<p>The TCP implementation now includes partial (output-only) support for RFC 2385
-(TCP-MD5) digest support. This feature, enabled with the <var
-class="LITERAL">TCP_SIGNATURE</var> and <var class="LITERAL">FAST_IPSEC</var> kernel
-options, is a TCP option for authenticating TCP sessions. <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">setkey</span>(8)</span></a> now
-includes support for the TCP-MD5 class of security associations. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>The TCP connection reset handling has been improved to make several reset attacks as
-difficult as possible while maintaining compatibility with the widest range of TCP
-<p>The implementation of RFC 1948 has been improved. The time offset component of an
-Initial Sequence Number (ISN) now includes random positive increments between clock ticks
-so that ISNs will always be increasing, no matter how quickly the port is recycled.</p>
-<p>The random ephemeral port allocation, which comes from OpenBSD, has been implemented.
-This is enabled by default and can be disabled by using the <var
-class="VARNAME">net.inet.ip.portrange.randomized</var> sysctl. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>TCP Selective Acknowledgements (SACK) as described in RFC 2018 have been added. This
-improves TCP performance over connections with heavy packet loss. SACK can be enabled
-with the sysctl <var class="VARNAME">net.inet.tcp.sack.enable</var>.</p>
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="DISKS" name="DISKS">2.2.4 Disks and Storage</a></h4>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ata</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-now supports <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">cardbus</span>(4)</span></a>
-ATA/SATA controllers.</p>
-<p>A number of bugs in the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ata</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-have been fixed. Most notably, master/slave device detection should work better, and some
-problems with timeouts should be resolved.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ata</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-now supports the Promise command sequencer present on all modern Promise controllers
-(PDC203** PDC206**).</p>
-<div class="NOTE">
-<blockquote class="NOTE">
-<p><b>Note:</b> This also adds preliminary support for the Promise SX4/SX4000 as a
-``normal'' Promise ATA controller; ATA RAID's are supported, but only RAID0, RAID1, and
-<br />
-<br />
-<p>The <var class="LITERAL">DA_OLD_QUIRKS</var> kernel option, which is for the CAM SCSI
-disk driver (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">cam</span>(4)</span></a>), has
-been removed. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>A bug of the automatic density selection code in the <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">fd</span>(4)</span></a> driver has been
-<p>A bug in <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">geom</span>(4)</span></a> that
-could result in I/O hangs in some rare cases has been fixed.</p>
-<p>A new <var class="LITERAL">GEOM_CONCAT</var> <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">geom</span>(4)</span></a> class
-has been added to concatenate multiple disks to appear as a single larger disk.</p>
-<p>A new <var class="LITERAL">GEOM_NOP</var> <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">geom</span>(4)</span></a> class
-for various testing purposes has been added.</p>
-<p>A new <var class="LITERAL">GEOM_RAID3</var> <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">geom</span>(4)</span></a> class
-for RAID3 transformation and <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">graid3</span>(8)</span></a>
-userland utility have been added.</p>
-<p>A new <var class="LITERAL">GEOM_STRIPE</var> <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">geom</span>(4)</span></a> class
-which implements RAID0 transformation has been added. This class has two modes: ``fast''
-and ``economic''. In fast mode, when very small stripe size is used, only one I/O request
-will be sent to every disk in a stripe; it performs about 10 times faster for small
-stripe sizes than economic mode and other RAID0 implementations. While fast mode is used
-by default, it consumes more memory than economic mode, which sends requests each time.
-Economic mode can be enabled by setting a loader tunable <var
-class="VARNAME">kern.geom.stripe.fast</var> to 0. It is also possible to specify the
-maximum memory that fast mode can consume, by setting the loader tunable <var
-<p>GEOM Gate, which consists of a new <var class="LITERAL">GEOM_GATE</var> <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">geom</span>(4)</span></a> class
-and several GEOM Gate userland utilities (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ggatel</span>(8)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ggatec</span>(8)</span></a>, and
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ggated</span>(8)</span></a>), has
-been added. It supports exporting devices, including non <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">geom</span>(4)</span></a>-aware
-devices, through the network.</p>
-<p>A new <var class="LITERAL">GEOM_LABEL</var> <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">geom</span>(4)</span></a> class to
-detect volume labels on various file systems, such as UFS, MSDOSFS (FAT12, FAT16, FAT32),
-and ISO9660, has been added.</p>
-<p>A new <var class="LITERAL">GEOM_GPT</var> <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">geom</span>(4)</span></a> class,
-which supports GUID Partition Table (GPT) partitions and the ability to have a large
-number of partitions on a single disk, has been added into <tt
-class="FILENAME">GENERIC</tt> by default.</p>
-<p>A new <var class="LITERAL">GEOM_MIRROR</var> <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">geom</span>(4)</span></a> class to
-support RAID1 functionality has been added. The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">gmirror</span>(8)</span></a>
-utility can be used for control of this class.</p>
-<p>A new <var class="LITERAL">GEOM_UZIP</var> <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">geom</span>(4)</span></a> class to
-implement read-only compressed disks has been added. This currently supports cloop V2.0
-disk compression format.</p>
-<p>A new <var class="LITERAL">GEOM_VINUM</var> <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">geom</span>(4)</span></a> class to
-support cooperation between <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">vinum</span>(4)</span></a> and <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">geom</span>(4)</span></a> has been
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ips</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-now supports the recent Adaptec ServeRAID series SCSI controller cards.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">umass</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-now supports the missing ATAPI MMC commands and handles the timeout properly.
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">vinum</span>(4)</span></a> volume
-manager has been updated to use the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">geom</span>(4)</span></a> disk I/O
-request transformation framework. A <tt class="COMMAND">gvinum</tt> userland utility has
-been added.</p>
-<p>Support for LSI-type software RAID has been added.</p>
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="FS" name="FS">2.2.5 File Systems</a></h4>
-<p>The EXT2FS file system code now includes partial support for large (&gt; 4GB) files.
-This support is partial in that it will refuse to create large files on file systems that
-have not been upgraded to <var class="LITERAL">EXT2_DYN_REV</var> or that do not have the
-<var class="LITERAL">EXT2_FEATURE_RO_COMPAT_LARGE_FILE</var> flag set in the
-<p>A panic in the NFSv4 client has been fixed; this occurred when attempting operations
-against an NFSv3/NFSv2-only server.</p>
-<p>The <var class="LITERAL">MSDOSFS_LARGE</var> kernel option has been added to support
-FAT32 file systems bigger than 128GB. This option is disabled by default. It uses at
-least 32 bytes of kernel memory for each file on disk; furthermore it is only safe to use
-in certain controlled situations, such as read-only mount with less than 1 million files
-and so on. Exporting these large file systems over NFS is not supported.</p>
-<p>The SMBFS client now has support for SMB request signing, which prevents ``man in the
-middle'' attacks and is required in order to connect to Windows 2003 servers in their
-default configuration. As signing each message imposes a significant performance penalty,
-this feature is only enabled if the server requires it; this may eventually become an
-option to <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="AEN925" name="AEN925">2.2.6 Contributed Software</a></h4>
-<p>The <b class="APPLICATION">ALTQ framework</b> has been imported from a KAME snapshot
-as of 7 June 2004. This import breaks ABI compatibility of <var class="VARNAME">struct
-ifnet</var> and requires all network drives to be recompiled. Additionally, some of the
-networking drivers have been modified to support the ALTQ framework. Updated drivers are
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">bfe</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">em</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">fxp</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">em</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">lnc</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">tun</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">de</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">rl</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sis</span>(4)</span></a>, and <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">xl</span>(4)</span></a>.</p>
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">IPFilter</b> has been updated from version 3.4.31 to version
-3.4.35 [MERGED].</p>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="USERLAND" name="USERLAND">2.3 Userland Changes</a></h3>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">acpidump</span>(8)</span></a> now
-supports SSDT tables. Dumping or disassembling the DSDT will now include the contents if
-there are any SSDT table as well.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">bsdlabel</span>(8)</span></a> now
-supports a <var class="OPTION">-f</var> option to work on files instead of disk
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">bsdtar</span>(1)</span></a> is now
-the default <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">tar</span>(1)</span></a> utility
-in the FreeBSD base system. <tt class="FILENAME">/usr/bin/tar</tt> is a symlink pointing
-to <tt class="FILENAME">/usr/bin/bsdtar</tt> by default. To return to using <tt
-class="FILENAME">/usr/bin/gtar</tt> by default, the <var class="VARNAME">WITH_GTAR</var>
-make variable can be used.</p>
-<p>The <tt class="COMMAND">bthidcontrol</tt> and <tt class="COMMAND">bthidd</tt>
-commands, which support Bluetooth HIDs (Human Interface Devices), have been added.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">col</span>(1)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">colcrt</span>(1)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">colrm</span>(1)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">column</span>(1)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">fmt</span>(1)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">join</span>(1)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">rev</span>(1)</span></a>, <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">tr</span>(1)</span></a>, and <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ul</span>(1)</span></a> now support
-multibyte characters.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">conscontrol</span>(8)</span></a>
-now supports <var class="LITERAL">set</var> and <var class="LITERAL">unset</var> commands
-which set/unset the virtual console. <var class="LITERAL">unset</var> makes output from
-the system, such as the kernel <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">printf</span>(9)</span></a>,
-always go to the real main console. This is an interface to the tty ioctl <var
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">cron</span>(8)</span></a> daemon
-accepts two new options, <var class="OPTION">-j</var> and <var class="OPTION">-J</var>,
-to enable time jitter for jobs to run as unprivileged users and the superuser,
-respectively. Time jitter means that <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">cron</span>(8)</span></a> will
-sleep for a small random period of time in the specified range before executing a job.
-This feature is intended to smooth load peaks appearing when a lot of jobs are scheduled
-for a particular moment. [MERGED]</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">cut</span>(1)</span></a>'s <var
-class="OPTION">-c</var>, <var class="OPTION">-d</var>, and <var class="OPTION">-f</var>
-options now work correctly in locales with multibyte characters.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">cvs</span>(1)</span></a> now
-supports an <var class="OPTION">iso8601</var> option keyword to print dates in ISO 8601
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">daemon</span>(8)</span></a> now
-supports a <var class="OPTION">-p</var> option to create a PID file.</p>
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">dd</span>(1)</span></a> now supports a
-<var class="OPTION">fillchar</var> option to specify an alternative padding character
-when using a conversion mode, or when using <var class="OPTION">noerror</var> with <var
-class="OPTION">sync</var> and an input error occurs.</p>
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">df</span>(1)</span></a> now supports a
-<var class="OPTION">-c</var> option to display a grand total of statistics for file
-<p>A bug in <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">df</span>(1)</span></a>, which can
-print invalid information when a <var class="OPTION">-t</var> option is specified and a
-mount point is not accessible by the calling user, has been fixed.</p>
-<p>The <tt class="COMMAND">doscmd</tt> utility has been removed from the FreeBSD base
-system. It is now available via the <a
-class="FILENAME">emulators/doscmd</tt></a> port in the FreeBSD Ports Collection.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">dump</span>(8)</span></a> and <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">restore</span>(8)</span></a> now
-support a <var class="OPTION">-P</var> option to specify backup methods other than files
-and tapes. The argument is passed to a normal <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sh</span>(1)</span></a> pipeline with
-either the <var class="VARNAME">$DUMP_VOLUME</var> or <var
-class="VARNAME">$RESTORE_VOLUME</var> environment variable defined, respectively. For
-more information, see <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">dump</span>(8)</span></a> and <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">restore</span>(8)</span></a>.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">eeprom</span>(8)</span></a>
-utility to display and modify system configurations stored in EEPROM or NVRAM has been
-added. The current implementation supports systems equipped with Open Firmware.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">fdcontrol</span>(8)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">fdformat</span>(1)</span></a>, and
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">fdread</span>(1)</span></a>
-utilities now work on FreeBSD/pc98.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">fgetwln</span>(3)</span></a>
-function, a wide character version of <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">fgetln</span>(3)</span></a>, has
-been added.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">find</span>(1)</span></a> utility
-now supports a <var class="OPTION">-acl</var> primary to locate files with <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">acl</span>(3)</span></a>.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">find</span>(1)</span></a> utility
-now supports a new primary <var class="OPTION">-depth <var
-class="REPLACEABLE">n</var></var> which tests whether the depth of the current file
-relative to the starting point of the traversal is <var class="REPLACEABLE">n</var>.
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ftpd</span>(8)</span></a> now
-opens a socket for a data transfer in active mode using the effective UID of the current
-user, not <tt class="USERNAME">root</tt>. This is useful for matching anonymous FTP data
-traffic with a single <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ipfw</span>(8)</span></a> rule
-with <var class="LITERAL">uid</var>.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ftw</span>(3)</span></a> and <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">nftw</span>(3)</span></a>
-functions to traverse a directory hierarchy have been implemented.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">geom</span>(8)</span></a> utility
-for operating on <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">geom</span>(4)</span></a> classes
-from the userland has been added.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">gpt</span>(8)</span></a>, a GUID
-partition table maintenance utility, now supports a <var class="OPTION">remove</var>
-command. Its <var class="OPTION">add</var> command now supports a <var
-class="OPTION">-i</var> option, which allows the user to specify the partition number of
-a new partition.</p>
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">id</span>(1)</span></a> now supports a
-<var class="OPTION">-M</var> option to print the MAC label of the current process.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ifconfig</span>(8)</span></a> now
-supports renaming of network interfaces at run-time using the <var
-class="OPTION">name</var> parameter.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ifconfig</span>(8)</span></a> now
-prints the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">polling</span>(4)</span></a>
-status on the interface. [MERGED]</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ifconfig</span>(8)</span></a> now
-provides the <var class="OPTION">vlanmtu</var> and <var class="OPTION">-vlanmtu</var>
-options, which control the capability of some Ethernet interfaces to receive extended
-frames (i.e. frames containing more than 1500 bytes of payload).</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ifconfig</span>(8)</span></a> now
-provides the <var class="OPTION">vlanhwtag</var> and <var class="OPTION">-vlanhwtag</var>
-options, which control the capability of some Ethernet interfaces to process VLAN tags in
-the hardware.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">indent</span>(1)</span></a> now
-supports a <var class="OPTION">-ldi</var> option to control indentation of local
-variables. A number of other tunings were made to this utility.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">indent</span>(1)</span></a> now
-supports <var class="OPTION">-fbs</var> and <var class="OPTION">-ut</var> for function
-declarations with the opening brace on the same line as the declaration of arguments all
-spaces and no tabs in order to fix problem when non-8 space tabs are used.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ip6fw</span>(8)</span></a> now
-supports a <var class="OPTION">-n</var> flag to stop it from making any changes to the
-rules in the kernel.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ipcs</span>(1)</span></a> now
-supports a <var class="OPTION">-u</var> option to display information about IPC
-mechanisms owned by the specified user.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ipfw</span>(8)</span></a> now
-supports a <var class="OPTION">-b</var> flag to print only the action and comment for
-each rule, thus omitting the rule body.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">jail</span>(8)</span></a> now
-supports a <var class="OPTION">-U</var> option to run a command as a user which exists
-only in the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">jail</span>(2)</span></a>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">jail</span>(8)</span></a> now
-supports a <var class="OPTION">-l</var> option to clean the environment. All environment
-variables are discarded except for <var class="VARNAME">HOME</var>, <var
-class="VARNAME">SHELL</var>, <var class="VARNAME">PATH</var>, <var
-class="VARNAME">TERM</var>, and <var class="VARNAME">USER</var> before running the jailed
-program under a specific user's credentials. This behavior is similar to that provided by
-the <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">su</span>(1)</span></a> <var
-class="OPTION">-l</var> option.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">kgdb</span>(1)</span></a>, a
-kernel debugging utility which uses <b class="APPLICATION">libgdb</b> and understands
-kernel threads, kernel modules, and <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">kvm</span>(3)</span></a>, has been
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">killall</span>(1)</span></a> now
-supports a <var class="OPTION">-e</var> flag to make the <var class="OPTION">-u</var>
-operate on effective, rather than real, user IDs. [MERGED]</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">libalias</span>(3)</span></a> now
-has support (and a new API) for multiple aliasing instances in a single process. The
-existing API has been reimplemented in terms of the new one to preserve
-<p>A <b class="APPLICATION">libarchive</b> library for manipulation of compressed and
-uncompressed archive files has been added. More details can be found in <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">libdisk</b> now uses the correct PC98 disk partition value for
-FreeBSD. This permits the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sysinstall</span>(8)</span></a>
-disk partition editor to correctly create a single FreeBSD partition covering the entire
-disk. [MERGED]</p>
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">libdisk</b> now uses <var class="VARNAME">d_addr_t</var> for
-disk addresses. This allows <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sysinstall</span>(8)</span></a> to
-properly handle disks and file systems more than 1 TB.</p>
-<p>The library formerly known as <b class="APPLICATION">libkse</b> has been renamed <b
-class="APPLICATION">libpthread</b> and is now the default threading library on the i386,
-amd64, and ia64 platforms. <b class="APPLICATION">GCC</b>'s <var
-class="OPTION">-pthread</var> option has been changed to use <b
-class="APPLICATION">libpthread</b> rather than <b class="APPLICATION">libc_r</b>.</p>
-<div class="NOTE">
-<blockquote class="NOTE">
-<p><b>Note:</b> Users with older binaries (for example, ports compiled before this change
-was made) should use <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">libmap.conf</span>(5)</span></a>
-to map <b class="APPLICATION">libc_r</b> and/or <b class="APPLICATION">libkse</b> to <b
-<div class="NOTE">
-<blockquote class="NOTE">
-<p><b>Note:</b> Users with NVIDIA-supplied drivers and libraries may need to use a <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">libmap.conf</span>(5)</span></a>
-that maps <b class="APPLICATION">libpthread</b> references to the older <b
-class="APPLICATION">libc_r</b> since these drivers and utilities do not work with <b
-<br />
-<br />
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">libpthread</b> now supports a <var
-class="VARNAME">LIBPTHREAD_SYSTEM_SCOPE</var> environment variable to force 1:1 mode
-(using system scope threads). Note that building <b class="APPLICATION">libpthread</b>
-with <var class="OPTION">-DSYSTEM_SCOPE_ONLY</var> flag also forces 1:1 mode, and that
-this option is set by default for architectures that do not support M:N mode yet. In
-addition, a <var class="VARNAME">LIBPTHREAD_PROCESS_SCOPE</var> environment variable can
-be used to force M:N mode (using process scope threads). For example:</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<samp class="PROMPT">%</samp> <kbd class="USERINPUT">env LIBPTHREAD_SYSTEM_SCOPE=yes <var
-<p>forces the application <var class="REPLACEABLE">threaded_app</var> to use system scope
-threads, and</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<samp class="PROMPT">%</samp> <kbd
-<p>forces it to use process scope threads.</p>
-<p>A bug in the <var class="OPTION">-d</var> option of <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">look</span>(1)</span></a> has been
-fixed. Also, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">look</span>(1)</span></a> now
-works correctly in locales with multibyte characters.</p>
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ls</span>(1)</span></a> now treats
-filenames as multibyte character strings according to the current <var
-class="VARNAME">LC_CTYPE</var> when determining which characters are printable.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">make</span>(1)</span></a> now
-supports the new <var class="LITERAL">.warning</var> directive.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">make</span>(1)</span></a> now
-supports the POSIX-compatible <var class="LITERAL">+</var> flag in <tt
-class="FILENAME">Makefile</tt> command lines, which causes a line to be executed even
-when <var class="OPTION">-n</var> is specified. This is useful for calls to submakes, for
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">make</span>(1)</span></a> now puts
-variable assignments from the command line into the <var class="VARNAME">MAKEFLAGS</var>
-variable as required by POSIX. This causes such variables to be pushed into all sub-makes
-called by the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">make</span>(1)</span></a> (except
-when the <var class="VARNAME">MAKEFLAGS</var> variable is explicitly changed in the
-sub-make's environment). This makes them also mostly un-overrideable in sub-makes except
-on the sub-make's command line.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">nearbyint</span>(3)</span></a> and
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">nearbyintf</span>(3)</span></a>
-C99 functions have been implemented.</p>
-<p>The <tt class="FILENAME">tgmath.h</tt> C99 header has been implemented. This provides
-type-generic macros for the <tt class="FILENAME">math.h</tt> and <tt
-class="FILENAME">complex.h</tt> functions that have float, double and long double
-<p>The GNU extensions of <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">mbsnrtowcs</span>(3)</span></a>
-and <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">wcsnrtombs</span>(3)</span></a>
-have been implemented.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">newsyslog</span>(8)</span></a> now
-allows users to set a debugging option via the <tt class="FILENAME">newsyslog.conf</tt>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">newsyslog</span>(8)</span></a>
-uses a new order when processing files to rotate. It first rotates all files that need to
-be rotated, then sends a single signal to each process which needs to be signaled, and
-finally compresses all the files that were rotated.</p>
-<p>A <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">nextwctype</span>(3)</span></a>
-function to iterate over all characters in a particular character class has been
-<p>Initial support for UTF-8 versions of all the currently supported system locales has
-been added. This is primarily for the benefit of the <a
-class="FILENAME">misc/utf8locale</tt></a> port.</p>
-<p>An Israel Hebrew locale <var class="LITERAL">he_IL.UTF-8</var> has been added.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">logins</span>(1)</span></a>
-utility has been added to display information about user and system accounts.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">mountd</span>(8)</span></a> now
-supports the <var class="OPTION">-p</var> option, which allows users to specify a known
-port for use in firewall rulesets.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">netstat</span>(1)</span></a> now
-displays the multicast group memberships present in the system.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">newfs</span>(8)</span></a> and <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">mdmfs</span>(8)</span></a> now
-support a <var class="OPTION">-l</var> flag to enable them to set the MAC multilabel flag
-on new file systems without requiring the use of <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">tunefs</span>(8)</span></a>.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">nologin</span>(8)</span></a> now
-reports login attempts via <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">syslogd</span>(8)</span></a>.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">nologin</span>(8)</span></a> has
-been moved from <tt class="FILENAME">/sbin/nologin</tt> to <tt
-class="FILENAME">/usr/sbin/nologin</tt>. <tt class="FILENAME">/sbin/nologin</tt> remains
-as a symbolic link for backward compatibility.</p>
-<p>A bugfix has been applied to NSS support, which fixes problems when using third-party
-NSS modules (such as <a
-class="FILENAME">net/nss_ldap</tt></a>) and groups with large membership lists.</p>
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">od</span>(1)</span></a> now has
-POSIX-style support for multibyte characters.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">patch</span>(1)</span></a> has
-been replaced with a BSD-licensed version from OpenBSD. This includes a <var
-class="OPTION">--posix</var> option for strict POSIX conformance.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pgrep</span>(1)</span></a> and <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pkill</span>(1)</span></a>
-commands, which come from NetBSD, have been added. They also support a <var
-class="OPTION">-M</var> option to extract values associated with the name list from the
-specified core instead of the default <tt class="FILENAME">/dev/kmem</tt>, and a <var
-class="OPTION">-N</var> option to extract the name list from the specified system instead
-of the default kernel.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ppp</span>(8)</span></a> now
-supports a ``set rad_alive <var class="REPLACEABLE">N</var>'' command to enable periodic
-RADIUS accounting information being sent to the RADIUS server. [MERGED]</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ppp</span>(8)</span></a> now
-supports a ``set pppoe [standard|3Com]'' command to configure the operating mode of an
-underlying <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ng_pppoe</span>(4)</span></a>
-Netgraph node.</p>
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ps</span>(1)</span></a> compatibility
-with POSIX/SUSv3 has been improved. The changes include <var class="OPTION">-p</var> for
-a list of process IDs, <var class="OPTION">-t</var> for a list of terminal names, <var
-class="OPTION">-A</var> which is equivalent to <var class="OPTION">-ax</var>, <var
-class="OPTION">-G</var> for a list of group IDs, <var class="OPTION">-X</var> which is
-the opposite of <var class="OPTION">-x</var>, and some minor improvements. For more
-information, see <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ps</span>(1)</span></a>. [MERGED]</p>
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ps</span>(1)</span></a> now supports a
-<var class="OPTION">-O emul</var> format option, which prints the name of the system call
-emulation environment the process is in.</p>
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pw</span>(8)</span></a> now supports a
-<var class="OPTION">-H</var> option, which accepts an encrypted password on a file
-descriptor. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>A bug in <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">rarpd</span>(8)</span></a> that
-prevents it from working properly when a interface has more than one IP address has been
-fixed. [MERGED]</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">regex</span>(3)</span></a> now
-supports regular expression matching aware of multibyte characters.</p>
-<p>The configuration files used by the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">resolver</span>(3)</span></a> now
-support the <var class="LITERAL">timeout:</var> and <var class="LITERAL">attempts:</var>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">resolver</span>(3)</span></a> and
-associated interfaces are now much more reentrant and thread-safe. Multiple DNS lookups
-can now be run at the same time, showing major improvements in the performance of some
-multi-threaded applications. Some multi-threaded programs need to be recompiled; examples
-from the Ports Collection are <a
-class="FILENAME">www/mozilla</tt></a> and variants, <a
-class="FILENAME">mail/evolution</tt></a>, <a
-class="FILENAME">devel/gnomevfs</tt></a>, and <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">rmdir</span>(1)</span></a> now
-supports a <var class="OPTION">-v</var> flag, which makes it verbose.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">savecore</span>(8)</span></a> now
-works correctly for dump files larger than 2GB.</p>
-<p>A bug in <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">script</span>(1)</span></a> has
-been fixed so that it now works correctly if the standard input is closed. This fix
-prevents a potentially dangerous interaction with the <a
-class="FILENAME">sysutils/portupgrade</tt></a> package; if it was run non-interactively,
-it could remove all out-of-date ports without reinstalling them.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sdpd</span>(8)</span></a>
-Bluetooth Service Discovery Protocol daemon has been added.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sed</span>(1)</span></a>'s <var
-class="LITERAL">y</var> (translate) command now supports multibyte characters.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sha1</span>(1)</span></a> and <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">rmd160</span>(1)</span></a>
-utilities have been added. Similar to <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">md5</span>(1)</span></a>, they
-calculate a message digest of their inputs. [MERGED]</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">smbmsg</span>(8)</span></a>, a
-small utility to send/receive SMBus messages, has been added.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">talk</span>(1)</span></a> now uses
-<tt class="HOSTID">localhost</tt> as a default machine name in <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">talkd</span>(8)</span></a> request
-packets when the destination and source are local. This makes <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">talk</span>(1)</span></a>
-dependent on a valid host entry for <tt class="HOSTID">localhost</tt> in <tt
-class="FILENAME">/etc/hosts</tt> or the DNS.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">tftpd</span>(8)</span></a> now
-supports two new options: a <var class="OPTION">-w</var> option allows new files to be
-created, and a <var class="OPTION">-U</var> option allows the umask to be set.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">top</span>(1)</span></a> can now
-display the current amount of I/O. This feature can be enabled by hitting ``m'' or
-passing the command line option <var class="OPTION">-m io</var>.</p>
-<p>Many userland utilities in the base system (mostly GNU contributed utilities) now use
-the system version of <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">getopt_long</span>(3)</span></a>,
-rather than the GNU version.</p>
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="RC-SCRIPTS" name="RC-SCRIPTS">2.3.1 <tt
-class="FILENAME">/etc/rc.d</tt> Scripts</a></h4>
-<p>The <tt class="FILENAME">diskless</tt> script has been split out into <tt
-class="FILENAME">hostname</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">resolve</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">tmp</tt>, and <tt class="FILENAME">var</tt> scripts.</p>
-<p>The <tt class="FILENAME">gbde_swap</tt> script, which supports gbde-enabled swap
-devices, has been added. When the <var class="VARNAME">gbde_swap_enable</var> variable is
-specified in <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">rc.conf</span>(5)</span></a>, a
-swap device named <tt class="FILENAME">/dev/<var class="REPLACEABLE">foo.bde</var></tt>
-in <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">fstab</span>(5)</span></a> is
-automatically attached at boot time with the device <tt class="FILENAME">/dev/<var
-class="REPLACEABLE">foo</var></tt> and a random key, which is generated by computing the
-MD5 checksum of 512 bytes read from <tt class="FILENAME">/dev/random</tt>. Note that this
-prevents recovery of kernel dumps.</p>
-<p>The <var class="VARNAME">ip6addrctl_enable</var> and <var
-class="VARNAME">ip6addrctl_verbose</var> variables have been added. When <var
-class="VARNAME">ip6addrctl_enable</var> is set to <var class="LITERAL">YES</var>, the
-address selection policy is installed into the kernel. If <tt
-class="FILENAME">/etc/ip6addrctl.conf</tt> exists, it will be used; otherwise, a default
-policy will be installed. The default policy is one described in RFC 3484 when <var
-class="VARNAME">ipv6_enable</var> is set to <var class="LITERAL">YES</var>. Otherwise,
-the priority policy for IPv4 address will be used as a default policy.</p>
-<p>The <tt class="FILENAME">mixer</tt> script has been added. It saves the current
-settings of all audio mixers present in the system on shutdown and restores the settings
-on boot.</p>
-<p>The <tt class="FILENAME">named</tt> script has been updated to support <b
-class="APPLICATION">BIND 9</b> in the base system. The changes include:</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">named</span>(8)</span></a> runs in
-a <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">chroot</span>(2)</span></a>
-directory <tt class="FILENAME">/var/named</tt> by default. The <var
-class="VARNAME">named_chrootdir</var> variable can be used to disable this behavior or to
-change the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">chroot</span>(2)</span></a>
-<p>When the <var class="VARNAME">named_chroot_autoupdate</var> variable is set to <var
-class="LITERAL">YES</var> (the default), the chroot directory is automatically configured
-at the boot time. A symbolic link which points to <tt
-class="FILENAME">/var/named/etc/namedb</tt> is created as <tt
-class="FILENAME">/etc/namedb</tt>, and a symbolic link which points to <tt
-class="FILENAME">/var/named/var/run/named/pid</tt> is created as <tt
-class="FILENAME">/var/run/named/pid</tt>. The latter can be disabled by using the <var
-class="VARNAME">named_symlink_enable</var> variable in <tt
-<p>The <tt class="FILENAME">rndc.key</tt> file is automatically created if it does not
-<p>The <tt class="FILENAME">pf</tt> and <tt class="FILENAME">pflog</tt> scripts for <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pf</span>(4)</span></a> have been
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="CONTRIB" name="CONTRIB">2.4 Contributed Software</a></h3>
-<p>The <b class="APPLICATION">ACPI-CA</b> code has been updated from the 20030619
-snapshot to the 20040527 snapshot.</p>
-<p>The <b class="APPLICATION">AMD (am-utils)</b> has been updated from version 6.0.9 to
-version 6.0.10p1.</p>
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">awk</b> from Bell Labs has been updated from the 29 July 2003
-release to the 7 February 2004 release.</p>
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">BIND</b> has been updated from version 8.3.1-REL to version
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">CVS</b> has been updated from version 1.11.15 to version
-1.11.17. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>The <b class="APPLICATION">FILE</b> has been updated from version 3.41 to version
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">gdtoa</b> (a library that performs conversions of numbers
-between binary and decimal form) has been updated from version 20030324 to version
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">GDB</b> has been updated to version 6.1.1.</p>
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">GNU Binutils</b> has been updated to a 23 May 2004 snapshot
-from the FSF 2.15 branch.</p>
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">GNU GCC</b> has been updated from 3.3.3-prerelease as of 6
-November 2003 to 3.4.2-prerelease as of 28 July 2004.</p>
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">GNU grep</b> has been updated from version 2.4d to version
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">GNU less</b> has been updated from version 371 to version
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">GNU readline</b> 4.3 has been updated with official patches 001
-through 005.</p>
-<p>The <b class="APPLICATION">GNU regex</b> library has been updated to the version
-included with <b class="APPLICATION">GNU grep</b> 2.5.1.</p>
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">GNU sort</b> has been updated from textutils 2.1 to a coreutils
-snapshot as of 12 August 2004.</p>
-<p>The <b class="APPLICATION">GNU tar</b> implementation in the base system is now called
-<tt class="FILENAME">gtar</tt>.</p>
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">Heimdal Kerberos</b> has been updated from version 0.6 to
-version 0.6.1.</p>
-<p>The <b class="APPLICATION">ISC DHCP</b> client has been updated from version 3.0.1
-RC10 to version 3.0.1.</p>
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">libpcap</b> has been updated from version 0.7.1 to version
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">lukemftpd</b> has been updated from a snapshot as of 3 November
-2003 to one as of 9 August 2004.</p>
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">NTP</b> has been updated from version 4.1.1a to version
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">OpenPAM</b> has been updated from the Dogwood release to the
-Eelgrass release.</p>
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">OpenSSH</b> has been updated from version 3.6.1p1 to version
-<div class="NOTE">
-<blockquote class="NOTE">
-<p><b>Note:</b> The configuration defaults for <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sshd</span>(8)</span></a> have
-been changed. SSH protocol version 1 is no longer enabled by default. In addition,
-password authentication over SSH is disabled by default if PAM is enabled.</p>
-<br />
-<br />
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">OpenSSL</b> has been updated from version 0.9.7c to version
-0.9.7d. [MERGED]</p>
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">OpenSSL</b> VIA C3 Nehemiah PadLock ACE (Advanced Cryptography
-Engine) crypto support, which provides Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) encryption, has
-been imported from a prerelease version of <b class="APPLICATION">OpenSSL</b>.</p>
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">pf</b>, OpenBSD's packet filter as of OpenBSD 3.5-stable, has
-been imported into the FreeBSD source tree and is now installed by default. Two new users
-(<tt class="USERNAME">proxy</tt> and <tt class="USERNAME">_pflogd</tt>) and three new
-groups (<tt class="USERNAME">authpf</tt>, <tt class="USERNAME">proxy</tt>, and <tt
-class="USERNAME">_pflogd</tt>), which <b class="APPLICATION">pf</b> needs, have been
-added as well.</p>
-<div class="NOTE">
-<blockquote class="NOTE">
-<p><b>Note:</b> On upgrading from source, these user accounts must be added in advance.
-<var class="LITERAL">mergemaster -p</var> can be used to assist in creating the proper
-entries in the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">passwd</span>(5)</span></a> and <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">group</span>(5)</span></a> files.
-The <var class="VARNAME">NO_PF</var> variable in <tt class="FILENAME">make.conf</tt> can
-be used to prevent <b class="APPLICATION">pf</b> from building.</p>
-<p>Several userland utilities of OpenBSD's <b class="APPLICATION">pf</b> have been
-imported. <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ftp-proxy</span>(8)</span></a> is
-an ftp proxy for <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pf</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pfctl</span>(8)</span></a> is an
-equivalent to <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ipf</span>(8)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pflogd</span>(8)</span></a> is a
-daemon which logs packets via <var class="LITERAL">if_pflog</var> in <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pcap</span>(3)</span></a> format,
-and <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">authpf</span>(8)</span></a> is an
-authentication shell to modify <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pf</span>(4)</span></a> rulesets.</p>
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">routed</b> has been updated from release 2.22 to release 2.27
-from rhyolite.com. Note that for users relying on RIP's MD5 authentication feature, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">routed</span>(8)</span></a> routed
-is now incompatible with previous versions of FreeBSD; however, it is now compatible with
-implementations from Sun, Cisco and other vendors.</p>
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">sendmail</b> has been updated from version 8.12.10 to version
-8.13.1. [MERGED]</p>
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">tcpdump</b> has been updated from version 3.7.1 to version
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">tcsh</b> has been updated from version 6.11 to version
-<p>The timezone database has been updated from <tt class="FILENAME">tzdata2003a</tt> to
-<tt class="FILENAME">tzdata2004e</tt>.</p>
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">zlib</b> has been updated from version 1.1.4 to version
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="PORTS" name="PORTS">2.5 Ports/Packages Collection
-<p>Most of the startup/shutdown scripts installed by various ports now use the new <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">rc</span>(8)</span></a> framework
-introduced in FreeBSD 5.<var class="REPLACEABLE">X</var>, while some ports still use the
-old-style scripts. On startup, the new <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">rc</span>(8)</span></a> style scripts
-are executed before the old-style scripts. On shutdown, exactly the reverse happens.</p>
-<p>The <var class="LITERAL">SIZE</var> attribute for distfiles, which can be used for
-checking file sizes before fetching, has been added and enabled by default. <var
-class="VARNAME">DISABLE_SIZE</var> is a user control knob to disable the distfile size
-checking. This is especially useful on old FreeBSD versions which did not have <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">fetch</span>(1)</span></a> support
-for this, and for some FTP proxies which always report incorrect or bogus sizes.</p>
-<p>Two new files have been added to the ports tree to track noteworthy changes: <tt
-class="FILENAME">ports/CHANGES</tt> lists major changes to the Ports Collection and its
-infrastructure. <tt class="FILENAME">ports/UPDATING</tt> describes some potential
-pitfalls that can be encountered when updating certain ports, analogous to <tt
-class="FILENAME">src/UPDATING</tt> for the base system.</p>
-<p>The version number parsing code has been rewritten in the system <tt
-class="FILENAME">pkg_*</tt> tools, restoring compatibility with 4.x and <a
-<p>The package tools can now match packages with relational operators and csh-style <var
-class="LITERAL">{...}</var> choices. For example:</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<samp class="PROMPT">#</samp> <kbd class="USERINPUT">pkg_info -I 'docbook&#62;=3.0'</kbd>
-<p>will list (all) docbook DTDs with at least version 3.0. Additional command line
-options have also been added to aid pattern matching.</p>
-<p>The package tools have improved handling of corrupt package databases.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pkg_create</span>(1)</span></a>
-now supports a <var class="OPTION">-S</var> option to make all <var
-class="LITERAL">@cwd</var> paths be prefixed during package creation.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pkg_info</span>(1)</span></a> now
-supports a <var class="OPTION">-j</var> option to show the requirements script for each
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="RELENG" name="RELENG">2.6 Release Engineering and
-<p>The building process for boot floppy images has been completely overhauled. The most
-significant change is that the loader now boots a stock <tt class="FILENAME">GENERIC</tt>
-kernel split across multiple disks (two at the time of this writing). This greatly
-improves installations that begin with a boot from floppy disk, because they now use
-exactly the same kernel (and thus support the same hardware) as CDROM installations. The
-stripped-down <tt class="FILENAME">MFSROOT</tt> kernel is no longer needed, and the <tt
-class="FILENAME">mfsroot</tt> image no longer requires kernel modules. The <tt
-class="FILENAME">boot.flp</tt> and <tt class="FILENAME">driver.flp</tt> images are also
-obsolete and no longer built.</p>
-<p>FreeBSD cryptography support is no longer an optional component of releases, and the
-<var class="LITERAL">crypto</var> release distribution is now part of <var
-class="LITERAL">base</var>. Note that the <var class="OPTION">-DNOCRYPT</var> build
-option still exists for anyone who really wants to build non-cryptographic binaries.</p>
-<p>The supported release of <b class="APPLICATION">GNOME</b> has been updated from
-version 2.4 to version 2.6.2.</p>
-<div class="NOTE">
-<blockquote class="NOTE">
-<p><b>Note:</b> If you are using the older <b class="APPLICATION">GNOME</b> desktop
-itself (<a href="http://www.FreeBSD.org/cgi/url.cgi?ports/x11/gnome2/pkg-descr"><tt
-class="FILENAME">x11/gnome2</tt></a>), simply upgrading it from the FreeBSD Ports
-Collection with <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">portupgrade</span>(1)</span></a>
-(<a href="http://www.FreeBSD.org/cgi/url.cgi?ports/sysutils/portupgrade/pkg-descr"><tt
-class="FILENAME">sysutils/portupgrade</tt></a>) will cause serious problems. If you are a
-<b class="APPLICATION">GNOME</b> desktop user, please read the instructions carefully at
-<a href="http://www.FreeBSD.org/gnome/docs/faq26.html"
-target="_top">http://www.FreeBSD.org/gnome/docs/faq26.html</a>, and use the <tt
-class="FILENAME">gnome_upgrade.sh</tt> script to properly upgrade to <b
-class="APPLICATION">GNOME</b> 2.6.</p>
-<p>Note that if you are just a casual user of some of the <b
-class="APPLICATION">GNOME</b> libraries, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">portupgrade</span>(1)</span></a>
-should be sufficient to update your ports.</p>
-<br />
-<br />
-<p>The supported release of <b class="APPLICATION">KDE</b> has been updated from version
-3.1.4 to version 3.3.0.</p>
-<p>The <a
-class="FILENAME">security/portaudit</tt></a> utility has been added to the FreeBSD Ports
-Collection. This utility will read a database containing known ports vulnerabilities and
-report them to the administrator.</p>
-<p>FreeBSD now uses <b class="APPLICATION">Xorg</b> instead of <b
-class="APPLICATION">XFree86</b> as the default X Window System. The supported release is
-<b class="APPLICATION">Xorg</b> X11R6.7.0. Note that <b class="APPLICATION">XFree86</b>
-is also available in the FreeBSD Ports Collection (<a
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="DOC" name="DOC">2.7 Documentation</a></h3>
-<div class="SECT1">
-<hr />
-<h2 class="SECT1"><a id="UPGRADE" name="UPGRADE">3 Upgrading from previous releases of
-<p>Users with existing FreeBSD systems are <span class="emphasis"><i
-class="EMPHASIS">highly</i></span> encouraged to read the ``FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE Migration
-Guide''. This document generally has the filename <tt class="FILENAME">MIGRATE5.TXT</tt>
-on the distribution media, or any other place that the release notes can be found. It
-offers some notes on migrating from FreeBSD 4.<var class="REPLACEABLE">X</var>, but more
-importantly, also discusses some of the relative merits of upgrading to FreeBSD 5.<var
-class="REPLACEABLE">X</var> versus running FreeBSD 4.<var
-<div class="IMPORTANT">
-<blockquote class="IMPORTANT">
-<p><b>Important:</b> Upgrading FreeBSD should, of course, only be attempted after backing
-up <span class="emphasis"><i class="EMPHASIS">all</i></span> data and configuration
-<hr />
-<p align="center"><small>This file, and other release-related documents, can be
-downloaded from <a href="ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/">ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/</a>.</small></p>
-<p align="center"><small>For questions about FreeBSD, read the <a
-href="http://www.FreeBSD.org/docs.html">documentation</a> before contacting &#60;<a
-<p align="center"><small>For questions about this documentation, e-mail &#60;<a
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-<div class="TITLEPAGE">
-<h1 class="TITLE"><a id="AEN2" name="AEN2">FreeBSD/sparc64 5.3-RELEASE Release
-<h3 class="CORPAUTHOR">The FreeBSD Project</h3>
-<p class="COPYRIGHT">Copyright &copy; 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 The FreeBSD
-Documentation Project</p>
-<p class="PUBDATE">$FreeBSD: src/release/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/relnotes/common/new.sgml,v
-1.761. 2004/11/03 10:12:51 hrs Exp $<br />
-<div class="ABSTRACT"><a id="AEN13" name="AEN13"></a>
-<p>The release notes for FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE contain a summary of the changes made to the
-FreeBSD base system since 5.2.1-RELEASE. This document lists applicable security
-advisories that were issued since the last release, as well as significant changes to the
-FreeBSD kernel and userland. Some brief remarks on upgrading are also presented.</p>
-<hr />
-<div class="TOC">
-<dt><b>Table of Contents</b></dt>
-<dt>1 <a href="#INTRO">Introduction</a></dt>
-<dt>2 <a href="#NEW">What's New</a></dt>
-<dt>2.1 <a href="#SECURITY">Security Advisories</a></dt>
-<dt>2.2 <a href="#KERNEL">Kernel Changes</a></dt>
-<dt>2.2.1 <a href="#BOOT">Boot Loader Changes</a></dt>
-<dt>2.2.2 <a href="#PROC">Hardware Support</a></dt>
-<dt>2.2.3 <a href="#NET-PROTO">Network Protocols</a></dt>
-<dt>2.2.4 <a href="#DISKS">Disks and Storage</a></dt>
-<dt>2.2.5 <a href="#FS">File Systems</a></dt>
-<dt>2.2.6 <a href="#AEN925">Contributed Software</a></dt>
-<dt>2.3 <a href="#USERLAND">Userland Changes</a></dt>
-<dt>2.3.1 <a href="#RC-SCRIPTS"><tt class="FILENAME">/etc/rc.d</tt> Scripts</a></dt>
-<dt>2.4 <a href="#CONTRIB">Contributed Software</a></dt>
-<dt>2.5 <a href="#PORTS">Ports/Packages Collection Infrastructure</a></dt>
-<dt>2.6 <a href="#RELENG">Release Engineering and Integration</a></dt>
-<dt>2.7 <a href="#DOC">Documentation</a></dt>
-<dt>3 <a href="#UPGRADE">Upgrading from previous releases of FreeBSD</a></dt>
-<div class="SECT1">
-<h2 class="SECT1"><a id="INTRO" name="INTRO">1 Introduction</a></h2>
-<p>This document contains the release notes for FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE on the UltraSPARC
-hardware platform. It describes recently added, changed, or deleted features of FreeBSD.
-It also provides some notes on upgrading from previous versions of FreeBSD.</p>
-<p>This distribution of FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE is a release distribution. It can be found at
-<a href="ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/" target="_top">ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/</a> or any of its
-mirrors. More information on obtaining this (or other) release distributions of FreeBSD
-can be found in the <a
-target="_top">``Obtaining FreeBSD'' appendix</a> to the <a
-href="http://www.FreeBSD.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/" target="_top">FreeBSD
-<p>All users are encouraged to consult the release errata before installing FreeBSD. The
-errata document is updated with ``late-breaking'' information discovered late in the
-release cycle or after the release. Typically, it contains information on known bugs,
-security advisories, and corrections to documentation. An up-to-date copy of the errata
-for FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE can be found on the FreeBSD Web site.</p>
-<div class="SECT1">
-<hr />
-<h2 class="SECT1"><a id="NEW" name="NEW">2 What's New</a></h2>
-<p>This section describes the most user-visible new or changed features in FreeBSD since
-5.2.1-RELEASE. In general, changes described here are unique to the 5-STABLE branch
-unless specifically marked as [MERGED] features.</p>
-<p>Typical release note items document recent security advisories issued after
-5.3-RELEASE, new drivers or hardware support, new commands or options, major bug fixes,
-or contributed software upgrades. They may also list changes to major ports/packages or
-release engineering practices. Clearly the release notes cannot list every single change
-made to FreeBSD between releases; this document focuses primarily on security advisories,
-user-visible changes, and major architectural improvements.</p>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="SECURITY" name="SECURITY">2.1 Security Advisories</a></h3>
-<p>A bug in <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">mksnap_ffs</span>(8)</span></a>
-has been fixed; it caused the creation of a file system snapshot to reset the flags on
-the file system to their default values. The possible consequences depended on local
-usage, but could include disabling extended access control lists or enabling the use of
-setuid executables stored on an untrusted file system. This bug also affected the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">dump</span>(8)</span></a> <var
-class="OPTION">-L</var> option, which uses <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">mksnap_ffs</span>(8)</span></a>.
-Note that <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">mksnap_ffs</span>(8)</span></a> is
-normally only available to the superuser and members of the <tt
-class="GROUPNAME">operator</tt> group. For more information, see security advisory <a
-<p>A bug with the System V Shared Memory interface (specifically the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">shmat</span>(2)</span></a> system
-call) has been fixed. This bug can cause a shared memory segment to reference unallocated
-kernel memory. In turn, this can permit a local attacker to gain unauthorized access to
-parts of kernel memory, possibly resulting in disclosure of sensitive information, bypass
-of access control mechanisms, or privilege escalation. More details can be found in
-security advisory <a
-target="_top">FreeBSD-SA-04:02</a>. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>A programming error in the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">jail_attach</span>(2)</span></a>
-system call has been fixed. This error could allow a process with superuser privileges
-inside a <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">jail</span>(8)</span></a>
-environment to change its root directory to that of a different jail, and thus gain full
-read and write access to files and directories within the target jail. More information
-can be found in security advisory <a
-<p>A potential low-bandwidth denial-of-service attack against the FreeBSD TCP stack has
-been prevented by limiting the number of out-of-sequence TCP segments that can be held at
-one time. More details can be found in security advisory <a
-target="_top">FreeBSD-SA-04:04</a>. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>A bug in <b class="APPLICATION">OpenSSL</b>'s SSL/TLS ChangeCipherSpec message
-processing that could result in a null pointer dereference has been fixed. This could
-allow a remote attacker to crash an <b class="APPLICATION">OpenSSL</b>-using application
-and cause a denial-of-service on the system. More details can be found in security
-advisory <a
-target="_top">FreeBSD-SA-04:05</a>. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>A programming error in the handling of some IPv6 socket options within the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">setsockopt</span>(2)</span></a>
-system call has been fixed. This allows a local attacker to cause a system panic, and may
-allow unauthorized access to parts of kernel memory, possibly resulting in disclosure of
-sensitive information, bypass of access control mechanisms, or privilege escalation. More
-details can be found in security advisory <a
-<p>Two programming errors in <b class="APPLICATION">CVS</b> have been fixed. They allow a
-server to overwrite arbitrary files on the client, and a client to read arbitrary files
-on the server when accessing remote CVS repositories. More details can be found in
-security advisory <a
-target="_top">FreeBSD-SA-04:07</a>. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>A bugfix for <b class="APPLICATION">Heimdal</b> rectifies a problem in which it would
-not perform adequate checking of authentication across autonomous realms. For more
-information, see security advisory <a
-target="_top">FreeBSD-SA-04:08</a>. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>A programming error in <b class="APPLICATION">CVS</b> which could allow a malicious
-client to overwrite arbitrary portions of the server's memory has been fixed. For more
-information, see security advisory <a
-target="_top">FreeBSD-SA-04:10</a>. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>A potential cache consistency problem of the implementation of the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">msync</span>(2)</span></a> system
-call involving the <var class="LITERAL">MS_INVALIDATE</var> operation has been fixed.
-However, as a side effect of closing this security problem, the <var
-class="LITERAL">MS_INVALIDATE</var> flag no longer guarantees that all pages in the range
-are invalidated. Users who require the old semantics of <var
-class="LITERAL">MS_INVALIDATE</var> and are not concerned with the security issue being
-fixed can set the <var class="VARNAME">vm.old_msync</var> sysctl to 1 which will revert
-to the old (insecure) behavior. For more information, see security advisory <a
-target="_top">FreeBSD-SA-04:11</a>. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>A programming error in the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">jail</span>(2)</span></a> system
-call which results in a failure to verify that an attempt to manipulate routing tables
-originated from a non-jailed process has been fixed. For more information, see security
-advisory <a
-target="_top">FreeBSD-SA-04:12</a>. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>A programming error in the handling of some Linux system calls which may result in
-memory locations being accessed without proper validation has been fixed. For more
-information, see security advisory <a
-target="_top">FreeBSD-SA-04:13</a>. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>A number of programming errors in <b class="APPLICATION">CVS</b> which allow
-information disclosure, denial-of-service, or possibly arbitrary code execution, have
-been fixed via an upgrade to <b class="APPLICATION">CVS</b> 1.11.17. For more
-information, see security advisory <a
-<p>A bug in the <var class="LITERAL">CONS_SCRSHOT</var> <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ioctl</span>(2)</span></a> has
-been fixed; it may allow unauthorized access to parts of kernel memory, possibly
-resulting in disclosure of sensitive information, bypass of access control mechanisms, or
-privilege escalation. For more information, see security advisory <a
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="KERNEL" name="KERNEL">2.2 Kernel Changes</a></h3>
-<p><var class="LITERAL">ADAPTIVE_MUTEXES</var> has been added and enabled by default.
-This changes the behavior of blocking mutexes to spin if the thread that currently owns
-the mutex is executing on another CPU. This feature can be disabled explicitly by setting
-a kernel option <var class="VARNAME">NO_ADAPTIVE_MUTEXES</var>.</p>
-<p>A kernel option <var class="VARNAME">ADAPTIVE_GIANT</var>, which causes the Giant lock
-to also be treated in an adaptive fashion when adaptive mutexes are enabled, has been
-added. This improves the performance of SMP machines and is enabled by default on the
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">bus_dma</span>(9)</span></a>
-interface now supports transparently honoring the alignment and boundary constraints in
-the DMA tag when loading buffers, and <code class="FUNCTION">bus_dmamap_load()</code>
-will automatically use bounce buffers when needed. In addition, a set of sysctls <var
-class="VARNAME">hw.busdma.*</var> for <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">bus_dma</span>(9)</span></a>
-statistics has been added.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">contigmalloc</span>(9)</span></a>
-function has been reimplemented with an algorithm which stands a greatly-improved chance
-of working despite pressure from running programs. The old algorithm can be used by
-setting a sysctl <var class="VARNAME">vm.old_contigmalloc</var>. More details can be
-found in the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">contigmalloc</span>(9)</span></a>
-manual page.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">devfs</span>(5)</span></a> path
-rules now work correctly on directories.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">getvfsent</span>(3)</span></a> API
-has been removed.</p>
-<p>The <var class="VARNAME">hw.pci.allow_unsupported_io_range</var> loader tunable has
-been removed.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">jail</span>(2)</span></a> now
-supports the use of raw sockets from within a jail. This feature is disabled by default,
-and controlled by using the <var class="VARNAME">security.jail.allow_raw_sockets</var>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">kqueue</span>(2)</span></a> now
-supports a new filter <var class="LITERAL">EVFILT_FS</var> to be used to signal generic
-file system events to the user space. Currently, mount, unmount, and up/down status of
-NFS are signaled.</p>
-<p>KDB, a new debugger framework, has been added. This consists of a new GDB backend,
-which has been rewritten to support threading, run-length encoding compression, and so
-on, and the frontend that provides a framework in which multiple, different debugger
-backends can be configured and which provides basic services to those backends. The
-following options have been changed:</p>
-<p>KDB is enabled by default via the kernel options <var class="LITERAL">options
-KDB</var>, <var class="LITERAL">options GDB</var>, and <var class="LITERAL">options
-DDB</var>. Both <var class="LITERAL">DDB</var> and <var class="LITERAL">GDB</var> specify
-which KDB backends to include.</p>
-<p><var class="LITERAL">WITNESS_DDB</var> has been renamed to <var
-<p><var class="LITERAL">DDB_TRACE</var> has been renamed to <var
-<p><var class="LITERAL">DDB_UNATTENDED</var> has been renamed to <var
-<p><var class="LITERAL">SC_HISTORY_DDBKEY</var> has been renamed to <var
-<p><var class="LITERAL">DDB_NOKLDSYM</var> has been removed. The new DDB backend supports
-pre-linker symbol lookups as well as KLD symbol lookups at the same time.</p>
-<p><var class="LITERAL">GDB_REMOTE_CHAT</var> has been removed. The GDB protocol hacks to
-allow this are FreeBSD specific. At the same time, the GDB protocol has packets for
-console output.</p>
-<p>KDB also serves as the single point of contact for any and all code that wants to make
-use of the debugger functions, such as entering the debugger or handling of the alternate
-break sequence. For this purpose, the frontend has been made non-optional. All debugger
-requests are forwarded or handed over to the current backend, if applicable. Selection of
-the current backend is done by the <var class="VARNAME">debug.kdb.current</var> sysctl. A
-list of configured backends can be obtained with the <var
-class="VARNAME">debug.kdb.available</var> sysctl. One can enter the debugger by writing
-to the <var class="VARNAME">debug.kdb.enter</var> sysctl.</p>
-<p>A new sysctl <var class="VARNAME">debug.kdb.stop_cpus</var> has been added. This
-controls whether or not IPI (Inter Processor Interrupts) to other CPUs will be delivered
-when entering the debugger, in order to stop them while in the debugger.</p>
-<p>A new kernel option <var class="LITERAL">MAC_STATIC</var> which disables internal MAC
-Framework synchronization protecting against dynamic load and unload of MAC policies, has
-been added.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span
-class="REFENTRYTITLE">mac_bsdextended</span>(4)</span></a> policy can now apply only the
-first matching rule instead of all matching rules. This feature can be enabled by setting
-a new sysctl <var class="VARNAME">mac_bsdextended_firstmatch_enabled</var>.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span
-class="REFENTRYTITLE">mac_bsdextended</span>(4)</span></a> policy can now log failed
-attempts to syslog's <var class="LITERAL">AUTHPRIV</var> facility. This feature can be
-enabled by setting a new sysctl <var class="VARNAME">mac_bsdextended_logging</var>.</p>
-<p>mballoc has been replaced with mbuma, an Mbuf and Cluster allocator built on top of a
-number of extensions to the UMA framework. Due to this change, the <var
-class="LITERAL">NMBCLUSTERS</var> kernel option is no longer used. The maximum number of
-the clusters is still capped off according to <var class="LITERAL">maxusers</var>, but it
-can be made unlimited by setting the <var class="VARNAME">kern.ipc.nmbclusters</var>
-loader tunable to zero.</p>
-<p><tt class="FILENAME">/dev/kmem</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">/dev/mem</tt>, and <tt
-class="FILENAME">/dev/io</tt> are also provided as kernel loadable modules now.</p>
-<p>A bug in <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">mmap</span>(2)</span></a> that
-could cause pages marked as <var class="LITERAL">PROT_NONE</var> to become readable under
-certain circumstances has been fixed. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>A new loader tunable <var class="VARNAME">debug.mpsafenet</var> has been added and
-enabled by default. This causes the FreeBSD network stack to operate without the Giant
-lock, resulting in performance improvement by increasing parallelism and decreasing
-latency in network processing. Note that enabling one of the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ng_tty</span>(4)</span></a>
-Netgraph node type, KAME IPsec, and IPX/SPX subsystem results in a boot-time restoration
-of Giant-enabled network operation, or run-time warning on dynamic load as these
-components require Giant lock for correct operation.</p>
-<p>A new kernel option <var class="VARNAME">NET_WITH_GIANT</var> has been added. This
-restores the default value of debug.mpsafenet to <var class="LITERAL">0</var>, and is
-intended for use on systems compiled with known unsafe components, or where a more
-conservative configuration is desired.</p>
-<p>A new loader tunable <var class="VARNAME">debug.mpsafevm</var> has been added. This
-currently results in almost Giant-free execution of zero-fill page faults.</p>
-<p>A devclass level has been added to the dev sysctl tree, in order to support per-class
-variables in addition to per-device variables. This means that <var
-class="VARNAME">dev.foo0.bar</var> is now called <var
-class="VARNAME">dev.foo.0.bar</var>, and it is possible to to have <var
-class="VARNAME">dev.foo.bar</var> as well.</p>
-<p>A new sysctl, <var class="VARNAME">kern.always_console_output</var>, has been added.
-It makes output from the kernel go to the console despite the use of <var
-<p>A sysctl <var class="VARNAME">kern.sched.name</var> which has the name of the
-scheduler currently in use, has been added, and the <var
-class="VARNAME">kern.quantum</var> sysctl has been moved to <var
-class="VARNAME">kern.sched.quantum</var> for consistency.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pci</span>(4)</span></a> bus
-resource and power management have been updated.</p>
-<div class="NOTE">
-<blockquote class="NOTE">
-<p><b>Note:</b> Although the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pci</span>(4)</span></a> bus power
-state management has been enabled by default, it may cause problems on some systems. This
-can be disabled by setting the tunable <var class="VARNAME">hw.pci.do_powerstate</var> to
-<var class="LITERAL">0</var>.</p>
-<br />
-<br />
-<p>The ULE scheduler has been added as an additional scheduler. Note that the
-conventional one, which is called 4BSD, is still used as the default scheduler in the <tt
-class="FILENAME">GENERIC</tt> kernel. For the average user, interactivity is reported to
-be better in many cases. This means less ``skipping'' and ``jerking'' in interactive
-applications while the machine is very busy. This will not prevent problems due to
-overloaded disk subsystems, but it does help with overloaded CPUs. On SMP machines, ULE
-has per-CPU run queues which allow for CPU affinity, CPU binding, and advanced
-HyperThreading support, as well as providing a framework for more optimizations in the
-future. As fine-grained kernel locking continues, the scheduler will be able to make more
-efficient use of the available parallel resources.</p>
-<p>A linear search algorithm used in <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span
-class="REFENTRYTITLE">vm_map_findspace</span>(9)</span></a> has been replaced with an
-O(log n) algorithm built into the map entry splay tree. This significantly reduces the
-overhead in <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span
-class="REFENTRYTITLE">vm_map_findspace</span>(9)</span></a> for applications that <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">mmap</span>(2)</span></a> many
-hundreds or thousands of regions.</p>
-<p>The loader tunables <var class="VARNAME">debug.witness_*</var> have been renamed to
-<var class="VARNAME">debug.witness.*</var>.</p>
-<p>The FreeBSD dynamic and static linker now support Thread Local Storage (TLS), a <b
-class="APPLICATION">GCC</b> feature which supports a <var class="LITERAL">__thread</var>
-modifier to the declaration of global and static variables. This extra modifier means
-that the variable's value is thread-local; one thread changing its value will not affect
-the value of the variable in any other thread.</p>
-<p>The kernel's file descriptor allocation code has been updated, and is now derived from
-similar code in OpenBSD.</p>
-<p>On FreeBSD/sparc64, <var class="VARNAME">time_t</var> has been changed from a 32-bit
-value to a 64-bit value.</p>
-<div class="NOTE">
-<blockquote class="NOTE">
-<p><b>Note:</b> Since this change is not backward-compatible, any programs which were
-built on an older system using a 32-bit <var class="VARNAME">time_t</var> and call system
-routines for handling <var class="VARNAME">time_t</var> values, will have to be
-recompiled. More detailed information and notice on upgrading from the source can be
-found in <tt class="FILENAME">/usr/src/UPDATING.64BTT</tt>.</p>
-<br />
-<br />
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="BOOT" name="BOOT">2.2.1 Boot Loader Changes</a></h4>
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="PROC" name="PROC">2.2.2 Hardware Support</a></h4>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">acpi_video</span>(4)</span></a>
-driver has been added to control display switching and backlight brightness using the
-ACPI Video Extensions.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">nmdm</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-has been rewritten to improve its reliability.</p>
-<p>The <tt class="DEVICENAME">raid(4)</tt> driver (RAIDframe disk driver from NetBSD) has
-been removed. It is currently non-functional, and would require some amount of work to
-make it work under the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">geom</span>(4)</span></a> API in
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pcic</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-is no longer maintained and has been removed from the <tt class="FILENAME">GENERIC</tt>
-kernel configuration file. The entry had actually been commented out for a long time.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sab</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-now supports the <var class="LITERAL">BREAK_TO_DEBUGGER</var> kernel option.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ubser</span>(4)</span></a> device
-driver has been added to support BWCT console management serial adapters.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ucycom</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-has been added for the Cypress CY7C637xx and CY7C640/1xx families of USB to RS232
-bridges, such as the one found in the DeLorme Earthmate USB GPS receiver (which is the
-only device currently supported by this driver). This driver is not complete because
-there is no support yet for flow control and output.</p>
-<p>The device driver infrastructure and many drivers have been updated. Among the
-changes: many more drivers now use automatically-assigned major numbers (instead of the
-old static major numbers); enhanced functions have been added to support cloning of
-pseudo-devices; several changes have been made to the driver API, including a new <var
-class="VARNAME">d_version</var> field in <var class="VARNAME">struct cdevsw</var>. Note
-that third-party device drivers will require recompiling after this change.</p>
-<div class="SECT4">
-<hr />
-<h5 class="SECT4"><a id="MM" name="MM"> Multimedia Support</a></h5>
-<p>The <tt class="DEVICENAME">meteor</tt> (video capture) driver has been removed due to
-breakage and lack of maintainership.</p>
-<p>The Direct Rendering Manager (DRM) code has been updated from the DRI Project CVS tree
-as of 26 May 2004. This update includes new PCI IDs and a new packet for Radeon.</p>
-<p>The drivers for various sound cards have been reorganized; <var class="LITERAL">device
-sound</var> is the generic sound driver, and <var class="LITERAL">device snd_*</var> are
-device-specific sound drivers now. The <tt class="DEVICENAME">midi</tt> driver, which
-supports serial port and several sound cards, has been removed. More details can be found
-in the related manual pages: <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sound</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">snd_ad1816</span>(4)</span></a>,
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">snd_als4000</span>(4)</span></a>,
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">snd_cmi</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">snd_cs4281</span>(4)</span></a>,
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">snd_csa</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">snd_ds1</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">snd_emu10k1</span>(4)</span></a>,
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">snd_es137x</span>(4)</span></a>,
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">snd_gusc</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">snd_maestro3</span>(4)</span></a>,
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">snd_sbc</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">snd_solo</span>(4)</span></a>, and
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sound</span>(4)</span></a>
-(formerly <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pcm</span>(4)</span></a>) driver
-has been modified to read <tt class="FILENAME">/boot/device.hints</tt> on startup, to
-allow setting of default values for mixer channels. Note that currently the device
-driver's name used in <tt class="FILENAME">/boot/device.hints</tt> is still <var
-class="LITERAL">pcm</var>. More detailed information and examples can be found in the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sound</span>(4)</span></a> manual
-<div class="SECT4">
-<hr />
-<h5 class="SECT4"><a id="NET-IF" name="NET-IF"> Network Interface Support</a></h5>
-<p>The <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">dc</span>(4)</span></a> driver now
-supports sparc64 Davicom cards that store their MAC address in Open Firmware.</p>
-<p>A short hiccup in the <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">em</span>(4)</span></a> driver during
-parameter reconfiguration has been fixed. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">fwip</span>(4)</span></a> driver,
-which supports IP over FireWire, has been added. Note that currently the broadcast
-channel number is hardwired and MCAP for multicast channel allocation is not supported.
-This driver is intended to conform to the RFC 2734 and RFC 3146 standard for IP over
-FireWire and eventually replace the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">fwe</span>(4)</span></a>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">fxp</span>(4)</span></a> now uses
-the device sysctl tree such as <var class="VARNAME">dev.fxp0</var>, and those sysctls can
-be set on a per-device basis.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">fxp</span>(4)</span></a> now
-provides actual control over its capability to receive extended Ethernet frames,
-indicated by the <var class="LITERAL">VLAN_MTU</var> interface capability. It can be
-toggled from userland with the aid of the <var class="OPTION">vlanmtu</var> and <var
-class="OPTION">-vlanmtu</var> options to <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ifconfig</span>(8)</span></a>.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">hme</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-now natively supports long frames, so it can be used for <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">vlan</span>(4)</span></a> with
-full Ethernet MTU size.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">hme</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-now supports TCP/UDP Transmit/Receive checksum offload. Since <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">hme</span>(4)</span></a> does not
-compensate the checksum for UDP datagram which can yield to <var
-class="LITERAL">0x0</var>, UDP transmit checksum offload is disabled by default. This can
-be reactivated by setting the special link option <var class="OPTION">link0</var> with <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ifconfig</span>(8)</span></a>.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ixgb</span>(4)</span></a> driver,
-which supports Intel PRO/10GBE 10 Gigabit Ethernet cards, has been added. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>A bug that prevents VLAN support in the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">nge</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-from working has been fixed. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>Several bugs related to <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">polling</span>(4)</span></a>
-support in the <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">rl</span>(4)</span></a> driver have
-been fixed. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>Several bugs related to multicast and promiscuous mode handling in the <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sk</span>(4)</span></a> driver have
-been fixed.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ste</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-now supports <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">polling</span>(4)</span></a>.
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">udav</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-has been added. It provides support for USB Ethernet adapters based on the Davicom DM9601
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">vge</span>(4)</span></a> driver,
-which supports the VIA Networking Technologies VT6122 Gigabit Ethernet chip and
-integrated 10/100/1000 copper PHY, has been added.</p>
-<p>The <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">vr</span>(4)</span></a> driver now
-supports <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">polling</span>(4)</span></a>.
-<p>The hardware TX checksum support in the <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">xl</span>(4)</span></a> driver has been
-disabled as it does not work correctly and slows down the transmission rate. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>Interface <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">polling</span>(4)</span></a>
-support can now be enabled on a per-interface basis. The following network drivers
-support <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">polling</span>(4)</span></a>: <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">dc</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">fxp</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">em</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ixgb</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">nge</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">re</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">rl</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sis</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ste</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">vge</span>(4)</span></a>, and <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">vr</span>(4)</span></a>. And they now
-also support this capability and it can be controlled via <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ifconfig</span>(8)</span></a>
-except for <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ixgb</span>(4)</span></a>.
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="NET-PROTO" name="NET-PROTO">2.2.3 Network Protocols</a></h4>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">gre</span>(4)</span></a> tunnel
-driver now supports WCCP version 2.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ipfw</span>(4)</span></a> rules
-now support the <var class="LITERAL">versrcreach</var> option to verify that a valid
-route to the source address of a packet exists in the routing table. This option is very
-useful for routers with a complete view of the Internet (BGP) in the routing table to
-reject packets with spoofed or unroutable source addresses. For example,</p>
-<pre class="PROGRAMLISTING">
-deny ip from any to any not versrcreach
-is equivalent to the following in Cisco IOS syntax:
-<pre class="PROGRAMLISTING">
-ip verify unicast source reachable-via any
-<br />
-<br />
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ipfw</span>(4)</span></a> rules
-now support the <var class="LITERAL">antispoof</var> option to verify that an incoming
-packet's source address belongs to a directly connected network. If the network is
-directly connected, then the interface on which the packet came in is compared to the
-interface to which the network is connected. When the incoming interface and the directly
-connected interface are not the same, the packet does not match. For example:</p>
-<pre class="PROGRAMLISTING">
-deny ip from any to any not antispoof in
-<br />
-<br />
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ipfw</span>(4)</span></a> rules
-now support the <var class="LITERAL">jail</var> option to associate the rule with a
-specific prison ID. For example:</p>
-<pre class="PROGRAMLISTING">
-count ip from any to any jail 2
-Note that this rule currently applies for TCP and UDP packets only. <br />
-<br />
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ipfw</span>(4)</span></a> now
-supports lookup tables. This feature is useful for handling large sparse address sets.
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ipfw</span>(4)</span></a> <var
-class="LITERAL">forward</var> rule has to be compiled into the kernel with a kernel
-option <var class="LITERAL">IPFIREWALL_FORWARD</var> to enable it.</p>
-<p>A new sysctl <var class="VARNAME">net.inet.ip.process_options</var> has been added to
-control the processing of IP options. When this sysctl is set to <var
-class="LITERAL">0</var>, IP options are ignored and passed unmodified; set to <var
-class="LITERAL">1</var>, all IP options are processed (default); and set to <var
-class="LITERAL">2</var>, all packets with IP options are rejected with an ICMP filter
-prohibited message.</p>
-<p>Some bugs in the IPsec implementation from the KAME Project have been fixed. These
-bugs were related to freeing memory objects before all references to them were removed,
-and could cause erratic behavior or kernel panics after flushing the Security Policy
-Database (SPD).</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">natd</span>(8)</span></a> now
-supports multiple instances via a new option <var class="OPTION">globalports</var>. This
-allows <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">natd</span>(8)</span></a> to bind
-to different network interfaces and share load.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ng_atmllc</span>(4)</span></a>
-Netgraph node type, which handles RFC 1483 ATM LLC encapsulation, has been added.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ng_hub</span>(4)</span></a>
-Netgraph node type, which supports a simple packet distribution that acts like an
-Ethernet hub, has been added. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ng_rfc1490</span>(4)</span></a>
-Netgraph node type now supports Cisco style encapsulation, which is often used alongside
-RFC 1490 in frame relay links.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ng_sppp</span>(4)</span></a>
-Netgraph node type, which is a <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">netgraph</span>(4)</span></a>
-interface to the original <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sppp</span>(4)</span></a> network
-module for synchronous lines, has been added.</p>
-<p>A new Netgraph method has been added to restore some behavior lost in the change from
-4.<var class="REPLACEABLE">X</var> style <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ng_tee</span>(4)</span></a>
-Netgraph nodes.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ng_vlan</span>(4)</span></a>
-Netgraph node type, which supports IEEE 802.1Q VLAN tagging, has been added. [MERGED]</p>
-<p><var class="LITERAL">PFIL_HOOKS</var> support is now always compiled into the kernel,
-and the associated kernel compile options have been removed. All of the packet filter
-subsystems that FreeBSD supports now use the <var class="LITERAL">PFIL_HOOKS</var>
-<p>The link state change notification of Ethernet media support has been added to the
-routing socket.</p>
-<p>Link Quality Monitoring (LQM) support in <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ppp</span>(8)</span></a> has been
-reimplemented. LQM, which is described in RFC 1989, allows PPP to keep track of the
-quality of a running connection. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>The pseudo-interface cloning has been updated and the match function to allow creation
-of <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">stf</span>(4)</span></a>
-interfaces named <tt class="DEVICENAME">stf0</tt>, <tt class="DEVICENAME">stf</tt>, or
-<tt class="DEVICENAME">6to4</tt>. Note that this breaks backward compatibility; for
-example, <tt class="COMMAND">ifconfig stf</tt> now creates the interface named <tt
-class="DEVICENAME">stf</tt>, not <tt class="DEVICENAME">stf0</tt>, and does not print <tt
-class="DEVICENAME">stf0</tt> to stdout.</p>
-<p>The following TCP features are now enabled by default: RFC 3042 (Limited Retransmit),
-RFC 3390 (increased initial congestion window sizes), TCP bandwidth-delay product
-limiting. The sysctls <var class="VARNAME">net.inet.tcp.rfc3042</var>, <var
-class="VARNAME">net.inet.tcp.rfc3390</var>, and <var
-class="VARNAME">net.inet.tcp.inflight.enable</var> for these features are available. More
-information can be found in <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">tcp</span>(4)</span></a>.</p>
-<p>FreeBSD's TCP implementation now includes support for a minimum MSS (settable via the
-<var class="VARNAME">net.inet.tcp.minmss</var> sysctl variable) and a rate limit on
-connections that send many small TCP segments within a short period of time (via the <var
-class="VARNAME">net.inet.tcp.minmssoverload</var> sysctl variable). Connections exceeding
-this limit may be reset and dropped. This feature provides protection against a class of
-resource exhaustion attacks.</p>
-<p>The TCP implementation now includes partial (output-only) support for RFC 2385
-(TCP-MD5) digest support. This feature, enabled with the <var
-class="LITERAL">TCP_SIGNATURE</var> and <var class="LITERAL">FAST_IPSEC</var> kernel
-options, is a TCP option for authenticating TCP sessions. <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">setkey</span>(8)</span></a> now
-includes support for the TCP-MD5 class of security associations. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>The TCP connection reset handling has been improved to make several reset attacks as
-difficult as possible while maintaining compatibility with the widest range of TCP
-<p>The implementation of RFC 1948 has been improved. The time offset component of an
-Initial Sequence Number (ISN) now includes random positive increments between clock ticks
-so that ISNs will always be increasing, no matter how quickly the port is recycled.</p>
-<p>The random ephemeral port allocation, which comes from OpenBSD, has been implemented.
-This is enabled by default and can be disabled by using the <var
-class="VARNAME">net.inet.ip.portrange.randomized</var> sysctl. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>TCP Selective Acknowledgements (SACK) as described in RFC 2018 have been added. This
-improves TCP performance over connections with heavy packet loss. SACK can be enabled
-with the sysctl <var class="VARNAME">net.inet.tcp.sack.enable</var>.</p>
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="DISKS" name="DISKS">2.2.4 Disks and Storage</a></h4>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ata</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-now supports <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">cardbus</span>(4)</span></a>
-ATA/SATA controllers.</p>
-<p>A number of bugs in the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ata</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-have been fixed. Most notably, master/slave device detection should work better, and some
-problems with timeouts should be resolved.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ata</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-now supports the Promise command sequencer present on all modern Promise controllers
-(PDC203** PDC206**).</p>
-<div class="NOTE">
-<blockquote class="NOTE">
-<p><b>Note:</b> This also adds preliminary support for the Promise SX4/SX4000 as a
-``normal'' Promise ATA controller; ATA RAID's are supported, but only RAID0, RAID1, and
-<br />
-<br />
-<p>The <var class="LITERAL">DA_OLD_QUIRKS</var> kernel option, which is for the CAM SCSI
-disk driver (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">cam</span>(4)</span></a>), has
-been removed. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>A bug in <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">geom</span>(4)</span></a> that
-could result in I/O hangs in some rare cases has been fixed.</p>
-<p>A new <var class="LITERAL">GEOM_CONCAT</var> <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">geom</span>(4)</span></a> class
-has been added to concatenate multiple disks to appear as a single larger disk.</p>
-<p>A new <var class="LITERAL">GEOM_NOP</var> <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">geom</span>(4)</span></a> class
-for various testing purposes has been added.</p>
-<p>A new <var class="LITERAL">GEOM_RAID3</var> <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">geom</span>(4)</span></a> class
-for RAID3 transformation and <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">graid3</span>(8)</span></a>
-userland utility have been added.</p>
-<p>A new <var class="LITERAL">GEOM_STRIPE</var> <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">geom</span>(4)</span></a> class
-which implements RAID0 transformation has been added. This class has two modes: ``fast''
-and ``economic''. In fast mode, when very small stripe size is used, only one I/O request
-will be sent to every disk in a stripe; it performs about 10 times faster for small
-stripe sizes than economic mode and other RAID0 implementations. While fast mode is used
-by default, it consumes more memory than economic mode, which sends requests each time.
-Economic mode can be enabled by setting a loader tunable <var
-class="VARNAME">kern.geom.stripe.fast</var> to 0. It is also possible to specify the
-maximum memory that fast mode can consume, by setting the loader tunable <var
-<p>GEOM Gate, which consists of a new <var class="LITERAL">GEOM_GATE</var> <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">geom</span>(4)</span></a> class
-and several GEOM Gate userland utilities (<a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ggatel</span>(8)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ggatec</span>(8)</span></a>, and
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ggated</span>(8)</span></a>), has
-been added. It supports exporting devices, including non <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">geom</span>(4)</span></a>-aware
-devices, through the network.</p>
-<p>A new <var class="LITERAL">GEOM_LABEL</var> <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">geom</span>(4)</span></a> class to
-detect volume labels on various file systems, such as UFS, MSDOSFS (FAT12, FAT16, FAT32),
-and ISO9660, has been added.</p>
-<p>A new <var class="LITERAL">GEOM_GPT</var> <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">geom</span>(4)</span></a> class,
-which supports GUID Partition Table (GPT) partitions and the ability to have a large
-number of partitions on a single disk, has been added into <tt
-class="FILENAME">GENERIC</tt> by default.</p>
-<p>A new <var class="LITERAL">GEOM_MIRROR</var> <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">geom</span>(4)</span></a> class to
-support RAID1 functionality has been added. The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">gmirror</span>(8)</span></a>
-utility can be used for control of this class.</p>
-<p>A new <var class="LITERAL">GEOM_UZIP</var> <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">geom</span>(4)</span></a> class to
-implement read-only compressed disks has been added. This currently supports cloop V2.0
-disk compression format.</p>
-<p>A new <var class="LITERAL">GEOM_VINUM</var> <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">geom</span>(4)</span></a> class to
-support cooperation between <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">vinum</span>(4)</span></a> and <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">geom</span>(4)</span></a> has been
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ips</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-now supports the recent Adaptec ServeRAID series SCSI controller cards.</p>
-<p>A bug in the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">isp</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-which prevents the cards on SBus from working correctly, has been fixed.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">umass</span>(4)</span></a> driver
-now supports the missing ATAPI MMC commands and handles the timeout properly.
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">vinum</span>(4)</span></a> volume
-manager has been updated to use the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">geom</span>(4)</span></a> disk I/O
-request transformation framework. A <tt class="COMMAND">gvinum</tt> userland utility has
-been added.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">esp</span>(4)</span></a> device
-driver has been ported from NetBSD to support the SBus SCSI card in Sun Ultra 1e and 2
-<p>Support for LSI-type software RAID has been added.</p>
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="FS" name="FS">2.2.5 File Systems</a></h4>
-<p>The EXT2FS file system code now includes partial support for large (&gt; 4GB) files.
-This support is partial in that it will refuse to create large files on file systems that
-have not been upgraded to <var class="LITERAL">EXT2_DYN_REV</var> or that do not have the
-<var class="LITERAL">EXT2_FEATURE_RO_COMPAT_LARGE_FILE</var> flag set in the
-<p>A panic in the NFSv4 client has been fixed; this occurred when attempting operations
-against an NFSv3/NFSv2-only server.</p>
-<p>The <var class="LITERAL">MSDOSFS_LARGE</var> kernel option has been added to support
-FAT32 file systems bigger than 128GB. This option is disabled by default. It uses at
-least 32 bytes of kernel memory for each file on disk; furthermore it is only safe to use
-in certain controlled situations, such as read-only mount with less than 1 million files
-and so on. Exporting these large file systems over NFS is not supported.</p>
-<p>The SMBFS client now has support for SMB request signing, which prevents ``man in the
-middle'' attacks and is required in order to connect to Windows 2003 servers in their
-default configuration. As signing each message imposes a significant performance penalty,
-this feature is only enabled if the server requires it; this may eventually become an
-option to <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="AEN925" name="AEN925">2.2.6 Contributed Software</a></h4>
-<p>The <b class="APPLICATION">ALTQ framework</b> has been imported from a KAME snapshot
-as of 7 June 2004. This import breaks ABI compatibility of <var class="VARNAME">struct
-ifnet</var> and requires all network drives to be recompiled. Additionally, some of the
-networking drivers have been modified to support the ALTQ framework. Updated drivers are
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">bfe</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">em</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">fxp</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">em</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">lnc</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">tun</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">de</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">rl</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sis</span>(4)</span></a>, and <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">xl</span>(4)</span></a>.</p>
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">IPFilter</b> has been updated from version 3.4.31 to version
-3.4.35 [MERGED].</p>
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="USERLAND" name="USERLAND">2.3 Userland Changes</a></h3>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">acpidump</span>(8)</span></a> now
-supports SSDT tables. Dumping or disassembling the DSDT will now include the contents if
-there are any SSDT table as well.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">bsdlabel</span>(8)</span></a> now
-supports a <var class="OPTION">-f</var> option to work on files instead of disk
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">bsdtar</span>(1)</span></a> is now
-the default <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">tar</span>(1)</span></a> utility
-in the FreeBSD base system. <tt class="FILENAME">/usr/bin/tar</tt> is a symlink pointing
-to <tt class="FILENAME">/usr/bin/bsdtar</tt> by default. To return to using <tt
-class="FILENAME">/usr/bin/gtar</tt> by default, the <var class="VARNAME">WITH_GTAR</var>
-make variable can be used.</p>
-<p>The <tt class="COMMAND">bthidcontrol</tt> and <tt class="COMMAND">bthidd</tt>
-commands, which support Bluetooth HIDs (Human Interface Devices), have been added.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">col</span>(1)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">colcrt</span>(1)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">colrm</span>(1)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">column</span>(1)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">fmt</span>(1)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">join</span>(1)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">rev</span>(1)</span></a>, <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">tr</span>(1)</span></a>, and <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ul</span>(1)</span></a> now support
-multibyte characters.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">conscontrol</span>(8)</span></a>
-now supports <var class="LITERAL">set</var> and <var class="LITERAL">unset</var> commands
-which set/unset the virtual console. <var class="LITERAL">unset</var> makes output from
-the system, such as the kernel <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">printf</span>(9)</span></a>,
-always go to the real main console. This is an interface to the tty ioctl <var
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">cron</span>(8)</span></a> daemon
-accepts two new options, <var class="OPTION">-j</var> and <var class="OPTION">-J</var>,
-to enable time jitter for jobs to run as unprivileged users and the superuser,
-respectively. Time jitter means that <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">cron</span>(8)</span></a> will
-sleep for a small random period of time in the specified range before executing a job.
-This feature is intended to smooth load peaks appearing when a lot of jobs are scheduled
-for a particular moment. [MERGED]</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">cut</span>(1)</span></a>'s <var
-class="OPTION">-c</var>, <var class="OPTION">-d</var>, and <var class="OPTION">-f</var>
-options now work correctly in locales with multibyte characters.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">cvs</span>(1)</span></a> now
-supports an <var class="OPTION">iso8601</var> option keyword to print dates in ISO 8601
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">daemon</span>(8)</span></a> now
-supports a <var class="OPTION">-p</var> option to create a PID file.</p>
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">dd</span>(1)</span></a> now supports a
-<var class="OPTION">fillchar</var> option to specify an alternative padding character
-when using a conversion mode, or when using <var class="OPTION">noerror</var> with <var
-class="OPTION">sync</var> and an input error occurs.</p>
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">df</span>(1)</span></a> now supports a
-<var class="OPTION">-c</var> option to display a grand total of statistics for file
-<p>A bug in <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">df</span>(1)</span></a>, which can
-print invalid information when a <var class="OPTION">-t</var> option is specified and a
-mount point is not accessible by the calling user, has been fixed.</p>
-<p>The <tt class="COMMAND">doscmd</tt> utility has been removed from the FreeBSD base
-system. It is now available via the <a
-class="FILENAME">emulators/doscmd</tt></a> port in the FreeBSD Ports Collection.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">dump</span>(8)</span></a> and <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">restore</span>(8)</span></a> now
-support a <var class="OPTION">-P</var> option to specify backup methods other than files
-and tapes. The argument is passed to a normal <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sh</span>(1)</span></a> pipeline with
-either the <var class="VARNAME">$DUMP_VOLUME</var> or <var
-class="VARNAME">$RESTORE_VOLUME</var> environment variable defined, respectively. For
-more information, see <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">dump</span>(8)</span></a> and <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">restore</span>(8)</span></a>.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">eeprom</span>(8)</span></a>
-utility to display and modify system configurations stored in EEPROM or NVRAM has been
-added. The current implementation supports systems equipped with Open Firmware.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">fgetwln</span>(3)</span></a>
-function, a wide character version of <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">fgetln</span>(3)</span></a>, has
-been added.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">find</span>(1)</span></a> utility
-now supports a <var class="OPTION">-acl</var> primary to locate files with <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">acl</span>(3)</span></a>.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">find</span>(1)</span></a> utility
-now supports a new primary <var class="OPTION">-depth <var
-class="REPLACEABLE">n</var></var> which tests whether the depth of the current file
-relative to the starting point of the traversal is <var class="REPLACEABLE">n</var>.
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ftpd</span>(8)</span></a> now
-opens a socket for a data transfer in active mode using the effective UID of the current
-user, not <tt class="USERNAME">root</tt>. This is useful for matching anonymous FTP data
-traffic with a single <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ipfw</span>(8)</span></a> rule
-with <var class="LITERAL">uid</var>.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ftw</span>(3)</span></a> and <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">nftw</span>(3)</span></a>
-functions to traverse a directory hierarchy have been implemented.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">geom</span>(8)</span></a> utility
-for operating on <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">geom</span>(4)</span></a> classes
-from the userland has been added.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">gpt</span>(8)</span></a>, a GUID
-partition table maintenance utility, now supports a <var class="OPTION">remove</var>
-command. Its <var class="OPTION">add</var> command now supports a <var
-class="OPTION">-i</var> option, which allows the user to specify the partition number of
-a new partition.</p>
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">id</span>(1)</span></a> now supports a
-<var class="OPTION">-M</var> option to print the MAC label of the current process.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ifconfig</span>(8)</span></a> now
-supports renaming of network interfaces at run-time using the <var
-class="OPTION">name</var> parameter.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ifconfig</span>(8)</span></a> now
-prints the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">polling</span>(4)</span></a>
-status on the interface. [MERGED]</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ifconfig</span>(8)</span></a> now
-provides the <var class="OPTION">vlanmtu</var> and <var class="OPTION">-vlanmtu</var>
-options, which control the capability of some Ethernet interfaces to receive extended
-frames (i.e. frames containing more than 1500 bytes of payload).</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ifconfig</span>(8)</span></a> now
-provides the <var class="OPTION">vlanhwtag</var> and <var class="OPTION">-vlanhwtag</var>
-options, which control the capability of some Ethernet interfaces to process VLAN tags in
-the hardware.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">indent</span>(1)</span></a> now
-supports a <var class="OPTION">-ldi</var> option to control indentation of local
-variables. A number of other tunings were made to this utility.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">indent</span>(1)</span></a> now
-supports <var class="OPTION">-fbs</var> and <var class="OPTION">-ut</var> for function
-declarations with the opening brace on the same line as the declaration of arguments all
-spaces and no tabs in order to fix problem when non-8 space tabs are used.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ip6fw</span>(8)</span></a> now
-supports a <var class="OPTION">-n</var> flag to stop it from making any changes to the
-rules in the kernel.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ipcs</span>(1)</span></a> now
-supports a <var class="OPTION">-u</var> option to display information about IPC
-mechanisms owned by the specified user.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ipfw</span>(8)</span></a> now
-supports a <var class="OPTION">-b</var> flag to print only the action and comment for
-each rule, thus omitting the rule body.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">jail</span>(8)</span></a> now
-supports a <var class="OPTION">-U</var> option to run a command as a user which exists
-only in the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">jail</span>(2)</span></a>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">jail</span>(8)</span></a> now
-supports a <var class="OPTION">-l</var> option to clean the environment. All environment
-variables are discarded except for <var class="VARNAME">HOME</var>, <var
-class="VARNAME">SHELL</var>, <var class="VARNAME">PATH</var>, <var
-class="VARNAME">TERM</var>, and <var class="VARNAME">USER</var> before running the jailed
-program under a specific user's credentials. This behavior is similar to that provided by
-the <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">su</span>(1)</span></a> <var
-class="OPTION">-l</var> option.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">kgdb</span>(1)</span></a>, a
-kernel debugging utility which uses <b class="APPLICATION">libgdb</b> and understands
-kernel threads, kernel modules, and <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">kvm</span>(3)</span></a>, has been
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">killall</span>(1)</span></a> now
-supports a <var class="OPTION">-e</var> flag to make the <var class="OPTION">-u</var>
-operate on effective, rather than real, user IDs. [MERGED]</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">libalias</span>(3)</span></a> now
-has support (and a new API) for multiple aliasing instances in a single process. The
-existing API has been reimplemented in terms of the new one to preserve
-<p>A <b class="APPLICATION">libarchive</b> library for manipulation of compressed and
-uncompressed archive files has been added. More details can be found in <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">libdisk</b> now uses <var class="VARNAME">d_addr_t</var> for
-disk addresses. This allows <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sysinstall</span>(8)</span></a> to
-properly handle disks and file systems more than 1 TB.</p>
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">libpthread</b> now supports a <var
-class="VARNAME">LIBPTHREAD_SYSTEM_SCOPE</var> environment variable to force 1:1 mode
-(using system scope threads). Note that building <b class="APPLICATION">libpthread</b>
-with <var class="OPTION">-DSYSTEM_SCOPE_ONLY</var> flag also forces 1:1 mode, and that
-this option is set by default for architectures that do not support M:N mode yet. In
-addition, a <var class="VARNAME">LIBPTHREAD_PROCESS_SCOPE</var> environment variable can
-be used to force M:N mode (using process scope threads). For example:</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<samp class="PROMPT">%</samp> <kbd class="USERINPUT">env LIBPTHREAD_SYSTEM_SCOPE=yes <var
-<p>forces the application <var class="REPLACEABLE">threaded_app</var> to use system scope
-threads, and</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<samp class="PROMPT">%</samp> <kbd
-<p>forces it to use process scope threads.</p>
-<p>A bug in the <var class="OPTION">-d</var> option of <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">look</span>(1)</span></a> has been
-fixed. Also, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">look</span>(1)</span></a> now
-works correctly in locales with multibyte characters.</p>
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ls</span>(1)</span></a> now treats
-filenames as multibyte character strings according to the current <var
-class="VARNAME">LC_CTYPE</var> when determining which characters are printable.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">make</span>(1)</span></a> now
-supports the new <var class="LITERAL">.warning</var> directive.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">make</span>(1)</span></a> now
-supports the POSIX-compatible <var class="LITERAL">+</var> flag in <tt
-class="FILENAME">Makefile</tt> command lines, which causes a line to be executed even
-when <var class="OPTION">-n</var> is specified. This is useful for calls to submakes, for
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">make</span>(1)</span></a> now puts
-variable assignments from the command line into the <var class="VARNAME">MAKEFLAGS</var>
-variable as required by POSIX. This causes such variables to be pushed into all sub-makes
-called by the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">make</span>(1)</span></a> (except
-when the <var class="VARNAME">MAKEFLAGS</var> variable is explicitly changed in the
-sub-make's environment). This makes them also mostly un-overrideable in sub-makes except
-on the sub-make's command line.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">nearbyint</span>(3)</span></a> and
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">nearbyintf</span>(3)</span></a>
-C99 functions have been implemented.</p>
-<p>The <tt class="FILENAME">tgmath.h</tt> C99 header has been implemented. This provides
-type-generic macros for the <tt class="FILENAME">math.h</tt> and <tt
-class="FILENAME">complex.h</tt> functions that have float, double and long double
-<p>The GNU extensions of <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">mbsnrtowcs</span>(3)</span></a>
-and <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">wcsnrtombs</span>(3)</span></a>
-have been implemented.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">newsyslog</span>(8)</span></a> now
-allows users to set a debugging option via the <tt class="FILENAME">newsyslog.conf</tt>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">newsyslog</span>(8)</span></a>
-uses a new order when processing files to rotate. It first rotates all files that need to
-be rotated, then sends a single signal to each process which needs to be signaled, and
-finally compresses all the files that were rotated.</p>
-<p>A <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">nextwctype</span>(3)</span></a>
-function to iterate over all characters in a particular character class has been
-<p>Initial support for UTF-8 versions of all the currently supported system locales has
-been added. This is primarily for the benefit of the <a
-class="FILENAME">misc/utf8locale</tt></a> port.</p>
-<p>An Israel Hebrew locale <var class="LITERAL">he_IL.UTF-8</var> has been added.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">logins</span>(1)</span></a>
-utility has been added to display information about user and system accounts.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">mountd</span>(8)</span></a> now
-supports the <var class="OPTION">-p</var> option, which allows users to specify a known
-port for use in firewall rulesets.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">netstat</span>(1)</span></a> now
-displays the multicast group memberships present in the system.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">newfs</span>(8)</span></a> and <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">mdmfs</span>(8)</span></a> now
-support a <var class="OPTION">-l</var> flag to enable them to set the MAC multilabel flag
-on new file systems without requiring the use of <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">tunefs</span>(8)</span></a>.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">nologin</span>(8)</span></a> now
-reports login attempts via <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">syslogd</span>(8)</span></a>.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">nologin</span>(8)</span></a> has
-been moved from <tt class="FILENAME">/sbin/nologin</tt> to <tt
-class="FILENAME">/usr/sbin/nologin</tt>. <tt class="FILENAME">/sbin/nologin</tt> remains
-as a symbolic link for backward compatibility.</p>
-<p>A bugfix has been applied to NSS support, which fixes problems when using third-party
-NSS modules (such as <a
-class="FILENAME">net/nss_ldap</tt></a>) and groups with large membership lists.</p>
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">od</span>(1)</span></a> now has
-POSIX-style support for multibyte characters.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">patch</span>(1)</span></a> has
-been replaced with a BSD-licensed version from OpenBSD. This includes a <var
-class="OPTION">--posix</var> option for strict POSIX conformance.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pgrep</span>(1)</span></a> and <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pkill</span>(1)</span></a>
-commands, which come from NetBSD, have been added. They also support a <var
-class="OPTION">-M</var> option to extract values associated with the name list from the
-specified core instead of the default <tt class="FILENAME">/dev/kmem</tt>, and a <var
-class="OPTION">-N</var> option to extract the name list from the specified system instead
-of the default kernel.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ppp</span>(8)</span></a> now
-supports a ``set rad_alive <var class="REPLACEABLE">N</var>'' command to enable periodic
-RADIUS accounting information being sent to the RADIUS server. [MERGED]</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ppp</span>(8)</span></a> now
-supports a ``set pppoe [standard|3Com]'' command to configure the operating mode of an
-underlying <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ng_pppoe</span>(4)</span></a>
-Netgraph node.</p>
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ps</span>(1)</span></a> compatibility
-with POSIX/SUSv3 has been improved. The changes include <var class="OPTION">-p</var> for
-a list of process IDs, <var class="OPTION">-t</var> for a list of terminal names, <var
-class="OPTION">-A</var> which is equivalent to <var class="OPTION">-ax</var>, <var
-class="OPTION">-G</var> for a list of group IDs, <var class="OPTION">-X</var> which is
-the opposite of <var class="OPTION">-x</var>, and some minor improvements. For more
-information, see <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ps</span>(1)</span></a>. [MERGED]</p>
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ps</span>(1)</span></a> now supports a
-<var class="OPTION">-O emul</var> format option, which prints the name of the system call
-emulation environment the process is in.</p>
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pw</span>(8)</span></a> now supports a
-<var class="OPTION">-H</var> option, which accepts an encrypted password on a file
-descriptor. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>A bug in <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">rarpd</span>(8)</span></a> that
-prevents it from working properly when a interface has more than one IP address has been
-fixed. [MERGED]</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">regex</span>(3)</span></a> now
-supports regular expression matching aware of multibyte characters.</p>
-<p>The configuration files used by the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">resolver</span>(3)</span></a> now
-support the <var class="LITERAL">timeout:</var> and <var class="LITERAL">attempts:</var>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">resolver</span>(3)</span></a> and
-associated interfaces are now much more reentrant and thread-safe. Multiple DNS lookups
-can now be run at the same time, showing major improvements in the performance of some
-multi-threaded applications. Some multi-threaded programs need to be recompiled; examples
-from the Ports Collection are <a
-class="FILENAME">www/mozilla</tt></a> and variants, <a
-class="FILENAME">mail/evolution</tt></a>, <a
-class="FILENAME">devel/gnomevfs</tt></a>, and <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">rmdir</span>(1)</span></a> now
-supports a <var class="OPTION">-v</var> flag, which makes it verbose.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">savecore</span>(8)</span></a> now
-works correctly for dump files larger than 2GB.</p>
-<p>A bug in <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">script</span>(1)</span></a> has
-been fixed so that it now works correctly if the standard input is closed. This fix
-prevents a potentially dangerous interaction with the <a
-class="FILENAME">sysutils/portupgrade</tt></a> package; if it was run non-interactively,
-it could remove all out-of-date ports without reinstalling them.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sdpd</span>(8)</span></a>
-Bluetooth Service Discovery Protocol daemon has been added.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sed</span>(1)</span></a>'s <var
-class="LITERAL">y</var> (translate) command now supports multibyte characters.</p>
-<p>The <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sha1</span>(1)</span></a> and <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">rmd160</span>(1)</span></a>
-utilities have been added. Similar to <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">md5</span>(1)</span></a>, they
-calculate a message digest of their inputs. [MERGED]</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">smbmsg</span>(8)</span></a>, a
-small utility to send/receive SMBus messages, has been added.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sunlabel</span>(8)</span></a> now
-supports two new flags: <var class="OPTION">-c</var> to calculate all partition sizes in
-cylinders as opposed to sectors, and <var class="OPTION">-h</var> to print the label in
-human readable size/offset format.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">talk</span>(1)</span></a> now uses
-<tt class="HOSTID">localhost</tt> as a default machine name in <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">talkd</span>(8)</span></a> request
-packets when the destination and source are local. This makes <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">talk</span>(1)</span></a>
-dependent on a valid host entry for <tt class="HOSTID">localhost</tt> in <tt
-class="FILENAME">/etc/hosts</tt> or the DNS.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">tftpd</span>(8)</span></a> now
-supports two new options: a <var class="OPTION">-w</var> option allows new files to be
-created, and a <var class="OPTION">-U</var> option allows the umask to be set.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">top</span>(1)</span></a> can now
-display the current amount of I/O. This feature can be enabled by hitting ``m'' or
-passing the command line option <var class="OPTION">-m io</var>.</p>
-<p>Many userland utilities in the base system (mostly GNU contributed utilities) now use
-the system version of <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">getopt_long</span>(3)</span></a>,
-rather than the GNU version.</p>
-<div class="SECT3">
-<hr />
-<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="RC-SCRIPTS" name="RC-SCRIPTS">2.3.1 <tt
-class="FILENAME">/etc/rc.d</tt> Scripts</a></h4>
-<p>The <tt class="FILENAME">diskless</tt> script has been split out into <tt
-class="FILENAME">hostname</tt>, <tt class="FILENAME">resolve</tt>, <tt
-class="FILENAME">tmp</tt>, and <tt class="FILENAME">var</tt> scripts.</p>
-<p>The <tt class="FILENAME">gbde_swap</tt> script, which supports gbde-enabled swap
-devices, has been added. When the <var class="VARNAME">gbde_swap_enable</var> variable is
-specified in <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">rc.conf</span>(5)</span></a>, a
-swap device named <tt class="FILENAME">/dev/<var class="REPLACEABLE">foo.bde</var></tt>
-in <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">fstab</span>(5)</span></a> is
-automatically attached at boot time with the device <tt class="FILENAME">/dev/<var
-class="REPLACEABLE">foo</var></tt> and a random key, which is generated by computing the
-MD5 checksum of 512 bytes read from <tt class="FILENAME">/dev/random</tt>. Note that this
-prevents recovery of kernel dumps.</p>
-<p>The <var class="VARNAME">ip6addrctl_enable</var> and <var
-class="VARNAME">ip6addrctl_verbose</var> variables have been added. When <var
-class="VARNAME">ip6addrctl_enable</var> is set to <var class="LITERAL">YES</var>, the
-address selection policy is installed into the kernel. If <tt
-class="FILENAME">/etc/ip6addrctl.conf</tt> exists, it will be used; otherwise, a default
-policy will be installed. The default policy is one described in RFC 3484 when <var
-class="VARNAME">ipv6_enable</var> is set to <var class="LITERAL">YES</var>. Otherwise,
-the priority policy for IPv4 address will be used as a default policy.</p>
-<p>The <tt class="FILENAME">mixer</tt> script has been added. It saves the current
-settings of all audio mixers present in the system on shutdown and restores the settings
-on boot.</p>
-<p>The <tt class="FILENAME">named</tt> script has been updated to support <b
-class="APPLICATION">BIND 9</b> in the base system. The changes include:</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">named</span>(8)</span></a> runs in
-a <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">chroot</span>(2)</span></a>
-directory <tt class="FILENAME">/var/named</tt> by default. The <var
-class="VARNAME">named_chrootdir</var> variable can be used to disable this behavior or to
-change the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">chroot</span>(2)</span></a>
-<p>When the <var class="VARNAME">named_chroot_autoupdate</var> variable is set to <var
-class="LITERAL">YES</var> (the default), the chroot directory is automatically configured
-at the boot time. A symbolic link which points to <tt
-class="FILENAME">/var/named/etc/namedb</tt> is created as <tt
-class="FILENAME">/etc/namedb</tt>, and a symbolic link which points to <tt
-class="FILENAME">/var/named/var/run/named/pid</tt> is created as <tt
-class="FILENAME">/var/run/named/pid</tt>. The latter can be disabled by using the <var
-class="VARNAME">named_symlink_enable</var> variable in <tt
-<p>The <tt class="FILENAME">rndc.key</tt> file is automatically created if it does not
-<p>The <tt class="FILENAME">pf</tt> and <tt class="FILENAME">pflog</tt> scripts for <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pf</span>(4)</span></a> have been
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="CONTRIB" name="CONTRIB">2.4 Contributed Software</a></h3>
-<p>The <b class="APPLICATION">ACPI-CA</b> code has been updated from the 20030619
-snapshot to the 20040527 snapshot.</p>
-<p>The <b class="APPLICATION">AMD (am-utils)</b> has been updated from version 6.0.9 to
-version 6.0.10p1.</p>
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">awk</b> from Bell Labs has been updated from the 29 July 2003
-release to the 7 February 2004 release.</p>
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">BIND</b> has been updated from version 8.3.1-REL to version
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">CVS</b> has been updated from version 1.11.15 to version
-1.11.17. [MERGED]</p>
-<p>The <b class="APPLICATION">FILE</b> has been updated from version 3.41 to version
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">gdtoa</b> (a library that performs conversions of numbers
-between binary and decimal form) has been updated from version 20030324 to version
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">GDB</b> has been updated to version 6.1.1.</p>
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">GNU Binutils</b> has been updated to a 23 May 2004 snapshot
-from the FSF 2.15 branch.</p>
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">GNU GCC</b> has been updated from 3.3.3-prerelease as of 6
-November 2003 to 3.4.2-prerelease as of 28 July 2004.</p>
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">GNU grep</b> has been updated from version 2.4d to version
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">GNU less</b> has been updated from version 371 to version
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">GNU readline</b> 4.3 has been updated with official patches 001
-through 005.</p>
-<p>The <b class="APPLICATION">GNU regex</b> library has been updated to the version
-included with <b class="APPLICATION">GNU grep</b> 2.5.1.</p>
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">GNU sort</b> has been updated from textutils 2.1 to a coreutils
-snapshot as of 12 August 2004.</p>
-<p>The <b class="APPLICATION">GNU tar</b> implementation in the base system is now called
-<tt class="FILENAME">gtar</tt>.</p>
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">Heimdal Kerberos</b> has been updated from version 0.6 to
-version 0.6.1.</p>
-<p>The <b class="APPLICATION">ISC DHCP</b> client has been updated from version 3.0.1
-RC10 to version 3.0.1.</p>
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">libpcap</b> has been updated from version 0.7.1 to version
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">lukemftpd</b> has been updated from a snapshot as of 3 November
-2003 to one as of 9 August 2004.</p>
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">NTP</b> has been updated from version 4.1.1a to version
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">OpenPAM</b> has been updated from the Dogwood release to the
-Eelgrass release.</p>
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">OpenSSH</b> has been updated from version 3.6.1p1 to version
-<div class="NOTE">
-<blockquote class="NOTE">
-<p><b>Note:</b> The configuration defaults for <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sshd</span>(8)</span></a> have
-been changed. SSH protocol version 1 is no longer enabled by default. In addition,
-password authentication over SSH is disabled by default if PAM is enabled.</p>
-<br />
-<br />
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">OpenSSL</b> has been updated from version 0.9.7c to version
-0.9.7d. [MERGED]</p>
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">OpenSSL</b> VIA C3 Nehemiah PadLock ACE (Advanced Cryptography
-Engine) crypto support, which provides Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) encryption, has
-been imported from a prerelease version of <b class="APPLICATION">OpenSSL</b>.</p>
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">pf</b>, OpenBSD's packet filter as of OpenBSD 3.5-stable, has
-been imported into the FreeBSD source tree and is now installed by default. Two new users
-(<tt class="USERNAME">proxy</tt> and <tt class="USERNAME">_pflogd</tt>) and three new
-groups (<tt class="USERNAME">authpf</tt>, <tt class="USERNAME">proxy</tt>, and <tt
-class="USERNAME">_pflogd</tt>), which <b class="APPLICATION">pf</b> needs, have been
-added as well.</p>
-<div class="NOTE">
-<blockquote class="NOTE">
-<p><b>Note:</b> On upgrading from source, these user accounts must be added in advance.
-<var class="LITERAL">mergemaster -p</var> can be used to assist in creating the proper
-entries in the <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">passwd</span>(5)</span></a> and <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">group</span>(5)</span></a> files.
-The <var class="VARNAME">NO_PF</var> variable in <tt class="FILENAME">make.conf</tt> can
-be used to prevent <b class="APPLICATION">pf</b> from building.</p>
-<p>Several userland utilities of OpenBSD's <b class="APPLICATION">pf</b> have been
-imported. <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ftp-proxy</span>(8)</span></a> is
-an ftp proxy for <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pf</span>(4)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pfctl</span>(8)</span></a> is an
-equivalent to <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ipf</span>(8)</span></a>, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pflogd</span>(8)</span></a> is a
-daemon which logs packets via <var class="LITERAL">if_pflog</var> in <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pcap</span>(3)</span></a> format,
-and <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">authpf</span>(8)</span></a> is an
-authentication shell to modify <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pf</span>(4)</span></a> rulesets.</p>
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">routed</b> has been updated from release 2.22 to release 2.27
-from rhyolite.com. Note that for users relying on RIP's MD5 authentication feature, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">routed</span>(8)</span></a> routed
-is now incompatible with previous versions of FreeBSD; however, it is now compatible with
-implementations from Sun, Cisco and other vendors.</p>
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">sendmail</b> has been updated from version 8.12.10 to version
-8.13.1. [MERGED]</p>
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">tcpdump</b> has been updated from version 3.7.1 to version
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">tcsh</b> has been updated from version 6.11 to version
-<p>The timezone database has been updated from <tt class="FILENAME">tzdata2003a</tt> to
-<tt class="FILENAME">tzdata2004e</tt>.</p>
-<p><b class="APPLICATION">zlib</b> has been updated from version 1.1.4 to version
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="PORTS" name="PORTS">2.5 Ports/Packages Collection
-<p>Most of the startup/shutdown scripts installed by various ports now use the new <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">rc</span>(8)</span></a> framework
-introduced in FreeBSD 5.<var class="REPLACEABLE">X</var>, while some ports still use the
-old-style scripts. On startup, the new <a
- class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">rc</span>(8)</span></a> style scripts
-are executed before the old-style scripts. On shutdown, exactly the reverse happens.</p>
-<p>The <var class="LITERAL">SIZE</var> attribute for distfiles, which can be used for
-checking file sizes before fetching, has been added and enabled by default. <var
-class="VARNAME">DISABLE_SIZE</var> is a user control knob to disable the distfile size
-checking. This is especially useful on old FreeBSD versions which did not have <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">fetch</span>(1)</span></a> support
-for this, and for some FTP proxies which always report incorrect or bogus sizes.</p>
-<p>Two new files have been added to the ports tree to track noteworthy changes: <tt
-class="FILENAME">ports/CHANGES</tt> lists major changes to the Ports Collection and its
-infrastructure. <tt class="FILENAME">ports/UPDATING</tt> describes some potential
-pitfalls that can be encountered when updating certain ports, analogous to <tt
-class="FILENAME">src/UPDATING</tt> for the base system.</p>
-<p>The version number parsing code has been rewritten in the system <tt
-class="FILENAME">pkg_*</tt> tools, restoring compatibility with 4.x and <a
-<p>The package tools can now match packages with relational operators and csh-style <var
-class="LITERAL">{...}</var> choices. For example:</p>
-<pre class="SCREEN">
-<samp class="PROMPT">#</samp> <kbd class="USERINPUT">pkg_info -I 'docbook&#62;=3.0'</kbd>
-<p>will list (all) docbook DTDs with at least version 3.0. Additional command line
-options have also been added to aid pattern matching.</p>
-<p>The package tools have improved handling of corrupt package databases.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pkg_create</span>(1)</span></a>
-now supports a <var class="OPTION">-S</var> option to make all <var
-class="LITERAL">@cwd</var> paths be prefixed during package creation.</p>
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pkg_info</span>(1)</span></a> now
-supports a <var class="OPTION">-j</var> option to show the requirements script for each
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="RELENG" name="RELENG">2.6 Release Engineering and
-<p>FreeBSD cryptography support is no longer an optional component of releases, and the
-<var class="LITERAL">crypto</var> release distribution is now part of <var
-class="LITERAL">base</var>. Note that the <var class="OPTION">-DNOCRYPT</var> build
-option still exists for anyone who really wants to build non-cryptographic binaries.</p>
-<p>The supported release of <b class="APPLICATION">GNOME</b> has been updated from
-version 2.4 to version 2.6.2.</p>
-<div class="NOTE">
-<blockquote class="NOTE">
-<p><b>Note:</b> If you are using the older <b class="APPLICATION">GNOME</b> desktop
-itself (<a href="http://www.FreeBSD.org/cgi/url.cgi?ports/x11/gnome2/pkg-descr"><tt
-class="FILENAME">x11/gnome2</tt></a>), simply upgrading it from the FreeBSD Ports
-Collection with <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">portupgrade</span>(1)</span></a>
-(<a href="http://www.FreeBSD.org/cgi/url.cgi?ports/sysutils/portupgrade/pkg-descr"><tt
-class="FILENAME">sysutils/portupgrade</tt></a>) will cause serious problems. If you are a
-<b class="APPLICATION">GNOME</b> desktop user, please read the instructions carefully at
-<a href="http://www.FreeBSD.org/gnome/docs/faq26.html"
-target="_top">http://www.FreeBSD.org/gnome/docs/faq26.html</a>, and use the <tt
-class="FILENAME">gnome_upgrade.sh</tt> script to properly upgrade to <b
-class="APPLICATION">GNOME</b> 2.6.</p>
-<p>Note that if you are just a casual user of some of the <b
-class="APPLICATION">GNOME</b> libraries, <a
-<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">portupgrade</span>(1)</span></a>
-should be sufficient to update your ports.</p>
-<br />
-<br />
-<p>The supported release of <b class="APPLICATION">KDE</b> has been updated from version
-3.1.4 to version 3.3.0.</p>
-<p>The <a
-class="FILENAME">security/portaudit</tt></a> utility has been added to the FreeBSD Ports
-Collection. This utility will read a database containing known ports vulnerabilities and
-report them to the administrator.</p>
-<p>FreeBSD now uses <b class="APPLICATION">Xorg</b> instead of <b
-class="APPLICATION">XFree86</b> as the default X Window System. The supported release is
-<b class="APPLICATION">Xorg</b> X11R6.7.0. Note that <b class="APPLICATION">XFree86</b>
-is also available in the FreeBSD Ports Collection (<a
-<div class="SECT2">
-<hr />
-<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="DOC" name="DOC">2.7 Documentation</a></h3>
-<div class="SECT1">
-<hr />
-<h2 class="SECT1"><a id="UPGRADE" name="UPGRADE">3 Upgrading from previous releases of
-<p>Users with existing FreeBSD systems are <span class="emphasis"><i
-class="EMPHASIS">highly</i></span> encouraged to read the ``FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE Migration
-Guide''. This document generally has the filename <tt class="FILENAME">MIGRATE5.TXT</tt>
-on the distribution media, or any other place that the release notes can be found. It
-offers some notes on migrating from FreeBSD 4.<var class="REPLACEABLE">X</var>, but more
-importantly, also discusses some of the relative merits of upgrading to FreeBSD 5.<var
-class="REPLACEABLE">X</var> versus running FreeBSD 4.<var
-<div class="IMPORTANT">
-<blockquote class="IMPORTANT">
-<p><b>Important:</b> Upgrading FreeBSD should, of course, only be attempted after backing
-up <span class="emphasis"><i class="EMPHASIS">all</i></span> data and configuration
-<hr />
-<p align="center"><small>This file, and other release-related documents, can be
-downloaded from <a href="ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/">ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/</a>.</small></p>
-<p align="center"><small>For questions about FreeBSD, read the <a
-href="http://www.FreeBSD.org/docs.html">documentation</a> before contacting &#60;<a
-<p align="center"><small>For questions about this documentation, e-mail &#60;<a
diff --git a/en_US.ISO8859-1/htdocs/releases/5.3R/relnotes.xml b/en_US.ISO8859-1/htdocs/releases/5.3R/relnotes.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index c3d25c2fd7..0000000000
--- a/en_US.ISO8859-1/htdocs/releases/5.3R/relnotes.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//FreeBSD//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional-Based Extension//EN"
-"http://www.FreeBSD.org/XML/share/xml/xhtml10-freebsd.dtd" [
-<!ENTITY title "FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE Release Notes">
-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
- <head>
- <title>&title;</title>
- <cvs:keyword xmlns:cvs="http://www.FreeBSD.org/XML/CVS">$FreeBSD$</cvs:keyword>
- </head>
- <body class="navinclude.download">
- <p>The release notes for FreeBSD are customized for different
- platforms, as some of the changes made to FreeBSD apply only to
- specific processor architectures.</p>
- <p>Release notes for FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE are available for the following
- platforms:</p>
- <ul>
- <li><a href="relnotes-alpha.html">alpha</a></li>
- <li><a href="relnotes-amd64.html">amd64</a></li>
- <li><a href="relnotes-i386.html">i386</a></li>
- <li><a href="relnotes-ia64.html">ia64</a></li>
- <li><a href="relnotes-pc98.html">pc98</a></li>
- <li><a href="relnotes-sparc64.html">sparc64</a></li>
- </ul>
- <p>A list of all platforms currently under development can be found
- on the <a href="../../platforms/index.html">Supported
- Platforms</a> page.</p>
diff --git a/en_US.ISO8859-1/htdocs/releases/5.3R/schedule.xml b/en_US.ISO8859-1/htdocs/releases/5.3R/schedule.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index e185e1e68b..0000000000
--- a/en_US.ISO8859-1/htdocs/releases/5.3R/schedule.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,290 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//FreeBSD//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional-Based Extension//EN"
-"http://www.FreeBSD.org/XML/share/xml/xhtml10-freebsd.dtd" [
-<!ENTITY email 'freebsd-qa'>
-<!ENTITY local.rel "5.3">
-<!ENTITY local.rel.tag "5_3">
-<!ENTITY title "FreeBSD &local.rel; Release Process">
-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
- <title>&title;</title>
- <cvs:keyword xmlns:cvs="http://www.FreeBSD.org/XML/CVS">$FreeBSD$</cvs:keyword>
- </head>
- <body class="navinclude.download">
-<p>This is a specific schedule for the release of FreeBSD &local.rel;. For
- more general information about the release engineering process,
- please see the <a href="&base;/releng/index.html">Release
- Engineering</a> section of the web site.</p>
-<p>General discussions about the release engineering process or
- quality assurance issues should be sent to the public <a
- href="mailto:FreeBSD-qa@FreeBSD.org">FreeBSD-qa</a> mailing list.
- <a
- href="&base;/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/faq/misc.html#DEFINE-MFC">MFC</a>
- requests should be sent to <a
- href="mailto:re@FreeBSD.org">re@FreeBSD.org</a>.</p>
-<p>FreeBSD &local.rel; will be the first release from the RELENG_5
- branch and thus will also be the first 5-STABLE release.</p>
-<p>The current release engineering <a
- href="&base;/releases/5.3R/todo.html">TODO list</a> is also available.
- This list is updated periodically through the release cycle.</p>
-<table class="tblbasic">
- <tr>
- <td>Action</td>
- <td>Expected</td>
- <td>Actual</td>
- <td>Description</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Announce the Ports Freeze</td>
- <td>15&nbsp;Aug&nbsp;2004</td>
- <td>15&nbsp;Aug&nbsp;2004</td>
- <td>Someone from <tt>portmgr@</tt> should email
- for the two week long ports freeze and tagging of the ports
- tree.</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td><tt>src/</tt> tree frozen</td>
- <td>16&nbsp;Aug&nbsp;2004</td>
- <td>16&nbsp;Aug&nbsp;2004</td>
- <td>Announce the <tt>src/</tt> code freeze for &local.rel;. Commits
- to the <tt>HEAD</tt> branch will be locked until the
- <tt>RELENG_5</tt> branch is created.</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td><tt>RELENG_5</tt> branch creation</td>
- <td>16&nbsp;Aug&nbsp;2004</td>
- <td>17&nbsp;Aug&nbsp;2004</td>
- <td>Create the <tt>RELENG_5</tt> branch. Commits to this branch will
- require Release Engineering approval until the
- <tt>RELENG_&local.rel.tag;</tt>
- branch is created.</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Begin <tt>&local.rel;-BETA1</tt> builds</td>
- <td>16&nbsp;Aug&nbsp;2004</td>
- <td>20&nbsp;Aug&nbsp;2004</td>
- <td>Begin building &local.rel;-BETA1 disc1 and disc2 for all Tier-1
- platforms. The first built typically requires several days to resolve
- latent problems on all platforms, so it will be started early.</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Release <tt>&local.rel;-BETA1</tt></td>
- <td>20&nbsp;Aug&nbsp;2004</td>
- <td>22&nbsp;Aug&nbsp;2004</td>
- <td>&local.rel;-BETA1 tier-1 platform images released and uploaded to
- <tt>ftp-master.FreeBSD.org</tt>.</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Build and release <tt>&local.rel;-BETA2</tt></td>
- <td>27&nbsp;Aug&nbsp;2004</td>
- <td>29&nbsp;Aug&nbsp;2004</td>
- <td>&local.rel;-BETA2 tier-1 platform images built, released, and
- uploaded to <tt>ftp-master.FreeBSD.org</tt>.</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Build and release <tt>&local.rel;-BETA3</tt></td>
- <td>3&nbsp;Sep&nbsp;2004</td>
- <td>5&nbsp;Sep&nbsp;2004</td>
- <td>&local.rel;-BETA3 tier-1 platform images built, released, and
- uploaded to <tt>ftp-master.FreeBSD.org</tt>.</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Ports tree frozen</td>
- <td>3&nbsp;Sep&nbsp;2004</td>
- <td>3&nbsp;Sep&nbsp;2004</td>
- <td>Only approved commits will be permitted to the <tt>ports/</tt>
- tree during the freeze.</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Build and release <tt>&local.rel;-BETA4</tt></td>
- <td>10&nbsp;Sep&nbsp;2004</td>
- <td>12&nbsp;Sep&nbsp;2004</td>
- <td>&local.rel;-BETA4 tier-1 platform images built, released, and
- uploaded to <tt>ftp-master.FreeBSD.org</tt>.</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Build and release <tt>&local.rel;-BETA5</tt></td>
- <td>17&nbsp;Sep&nbsp;2004</td>
- <td>20&nbsp;Sep&nbsp;2004</td>
- <td>&local.rel;-BETA5 tier-1 platform images released and uploaded to
- <tt>ftp-master.FreeBSD.org</tt>.</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Ports tree tagged</td>
- <td>17&nbsp;Sep&nbsp;2004</td>
- <td>11&nbsp;Oct&nbsp;2004</td>
- <td><tt>RELEASE_&local.rel.tag;_0</tt> tag for
- <tt>ports/</tt>.</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Ports tree unfrozen</td>
- <td>17&nbsp;Sep&nbsp;2004</td>
- <td>11&nbsp;Oct&nbsp;2004</td>
- <td>After the <tt>ports/</tt> tree is tagged,
- the <tt>ports/</tt> tree will be re-opened for commits, but
- commits made after tagging will not go in
- &local.rel;-RELEASE.</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Final package build starts</td>
- <td>17&nbsp;Sep&nbsp;2004</td>
- <td>11&nbsp;Oct&nbsp;2004</td>
- <td>The ports cluster and <a
- href="http://pointyhat.FreeBSD.org">pointyhat</a> build final
- packages.</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Turn off debugging for <tt>RELENG_5</tt></td>
- <td>17&nbsp;Sep&nbsp;2004</td>
- <td>7&nbsp;Sep&nbsp;2004</td>
- <td>Turn off WITNESS, INVARIANTS, and malloc debugging options. This will
- be the default for all RELENG_5 releases.</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td><tt>doc/</tt> tree slush</td>
- <td>17&nbsp;Sep&nbsp;2004</td>
- <td>17&nbsp;Sep&nbsp;2004</td>
- <td>Announce the <tt>doc/</tt> slush for &local.rel;.
- From this time until the tagging of the <tt>doc/</tt> tree,
- non-critical changes should be postponed to allow translation
- teams time to finish their work for the release.
- If we can resolve problems before this expected date,
- <tt>doc/</tt> slush could start earlier. At this point,
- we are considering on 10 Sep at earliest, and on 17 Sep at latest.</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Build and release <tt>&local.rel;-BETA6</tt></td>
- <td>24&nbsp;Sep&nbsp;2004</td>
- <td>26&nbsp;Sep&nbsp;2004</td>
- <td>&local.rel;-BETA6 tier-1 platform images released and uploaded to
- <tt>ftp-master.FreeBSD.org</tt>.</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td><tt>doc/</tt> tree tagged</td>
- <td>24&nbsp;Sep&nbsp;2004</td>
- <td>26&nbsp;Sep&nbsp;2004</td>
- <td>Tag the <tt>doc/</tt> tree with
- <tt>RELEASE_&local.rel.tag;_0</tt>.</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Build and release <tt>&local.rel;-BETA7</tt></td>
- <td>1&nbsp;Oct&nbsp;2004</td>
- <td>3&nbsp;Oct&nbsp;2004</td>
- <td>&local.rel;-BETA7 tier-1 platform images released and uploaded to
- <tt>ftp-master.FreeBSD.org</tt>.</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td><tt>RELENG_&local.rel.tag;</tt> branched</td>
- <td>8&nbsp;Oct&nbsp;2004</td>
- <td>16&nbsp;Oct&nbsp;2004</td>
- <td>Branch of <tt>src/</tt> from <tt>RELENG_5</tt> for the release.</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td><tt>src/</tt> unfrozen</td>
- <td>8&nbsp;Oct&nbsp;2004</td>
- <td>16&nbsp;Oct&nbsp;2004</td>
- <td>Unfreeze <tt>RELENG_5</tt> src. Continue to coordinate significant
- check-ins with <tt>re@FreeBSD.org</tt> until the release is final.</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Build and release <tt>&local.rel;-RC1</tt></td>
- <td>17&nbsp;Oct&nbsp;2004</td>
- <td>19&nbsp;Oct&nbsp;2004</td>
- <td>&local.rel;-RC1 tier-1 platform images released and uploaded to
- <tt>ftp-master.FreeBSD.org</tt>.</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Version numbers bumped</td>
- <td>22&nbsp;Oct&nbsp;2004</td>
- <td>24&nbsp;Oct&nbsp;2004</td>
- <td>The files listed <a
- href="&base;/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/articles/releng/article.html#VERSIONBUMP">here</a>
- are updated to reflect FreeBSD &local.rel;.</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td><tt>src/</tt> tree tagged</td>
- <td>22&nbsp;Oct&nbsp;2004</td>
- <td>24&nbsp;Oct&nbsp;2004</td>
- <td>Tag the <tt>RELENG_&local.rel.tag;</tt> branch with
- <tt>RELENG_&local.rel.tag;_0_RELEASE</tt>.</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Begin <tt>&local.rel;-RELEASE</tt> builds</td>
- <td>5&nbsp;Nov&nbsp;2004</td>
- <td>4&nbsp;Nov&nbsp;2004</td>
- <td>Start &local.rel;-RELEASE Tier-1 builds.</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Warn <tt>mirror-announce@FreeBSD.org</tt></td>
- <td>5&nbsp;Nov&nbsp;2004</td>
- <td>5&nbsp;Nov&nbsp;2004</td>
- <td>Heads up email to <tt>mirror-announce@FreeBSD.org</tt> to give admins
- time to prepare for the load spike to come. The site
- administrators have frequently requested advance notice
- for new ISOs.</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Upload to <tt>ftp-master</tt></td>
- <td>5&nbsp;Nov&nbsp;2004</td>
- <td>6&nbsp;Nov&nbsp;2004</td>
- <td>Release and packages uploaded to <tt>ftp-master.FreeBSD.org.</tt></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>FreeBSD &local.rel; Announced</td>
- <td>5&nbsp;Nov&nbsp;2004</td>
- <td>6&nbsp;Nov&nbsp;2004</td>
- <td>FreeBSD &local.rel; is announced to the mailing lists.</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>FreeBSD &local.rel; Press Release</td>
- <td>5&nbsp;Nov&nbsp;2004</td>
- <td>6&nbsp;Nov&nbsp;2004</td>
- <td>A formal press release statement is in the works and should be
- released at this time to the <tt>www.FreeBSD.org</tt> website and various
- tech publications.</td>
- </tr>
- </body>
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-<!ENTITY status.wip "<font xmlns='http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml' color='blue'>In&nbsp;progress</font>">
-<!ENTITY status.untested "<font xmlns='http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml' color='orange'>Needs&nbsp;testing</font>">
-<!ENTITY status.new "<font xmlns='http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml' color='red'>Not&nbsp;done</font>">
-<!ENTITY status.unknown "<font xmlns='http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml' color='red'>Unknown</font>">
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-<!ENTITY url.pr "http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/query-pr.cgi?">
- Changes to this list MUST NOT be committed without approval of
- Release Engineering Team (re@FreeBSD.org) (for general items) or
- Documentation Engineering Team (doceng@FreeBSD.org) (for doc-related
- items).
-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
- <title>&title;</title>
- <cvs:keyword xmlns:cvs="http://www.FreeBSD.org/XML/CVS">$FreeBSD$</cvs:keyword>
- </head>
- <body class="navinclude.download">
-<h1>Open Issues</h1>
-<p>This is a list of open issues that need to be resolved for FreeBSD
- 5.3. If you have any updates for this list, please e-mail
- re@FreeBSD.org.</p>
-<h3>Issues that require investigation</h3>
-<table class="tblbasic">
- <tr><th>Issue</th><th>Status</th><th>Responsible</th><th>Description</th>
- </tr>
-<h3>Show stopper defects for 5.3-RELEASE</h3>
-<table class="tblbasic">
- <tr><th>Issue</th><th>Status</th><th>Responsible</th><th>Description</th>
- </tr>
-<h3>Required features for 5.3-RELEASE</h3>
-<table class="tblbasic">
- <tr><th>Issue</th><th>Status</th><th>Responsible</th><th>Description</th></tr>
-<h3>Desired features and bugfixes for 5.3-RELEASE</h3>
-<table class="tblbasic">
- <tr><th>Issue</th><th>Status</th><th>Responsible</th><th>Description</th>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Reports of poor performance with the if_re driver (re ethernet
- interfaces)</td>
- <td>&status.wip;</td>
- <td>&a.jmg;</td>
- <td>There have been reports that specific gigabit ethernet cards
- supported by the if_re driver are experiencing poor performance; a
- patch has been posted that corrects timer and interrupt problems
- with the driver, and is believed to correct the performace problems.
- The patch will be merged to 6.x and 5.x shortly.</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>GDB thread support</td>
- <td>&status.wip;</td>
- <td>&a.davidxu;, &a.marcel;</td>
- <td>With improved support for threading primitives, support is now
- required to ease debugging of threaded applications. Ideally,
- this support will work for both libthr and libkse threading
- models.</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>KSE support for sparc64</td>
- <td>&status.wip;</td>
- <td>&a.kensmith;</td>
- <td>Kernel bits implemented, userland not implemented.</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>truss support for ptrace</td>
- <td>--</td>
- <td>--</td>
- <td>Almost all process debugging tools have been updated to use
- non-procfs kernel primitives, with the exception of truss(1).
- As procfs is considered deprecated due to its inherent security
- risks, it is highly desirable to update truss to operate in
- a post-procfs world. &a.des; had prototype patches; &a.robert;
- is developing and testing patches now. Support for system
- call tracing has been added to ptrace().</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>FAST_IPSEC and KAME compatibility</td>
- <td>&status.new;</td>
- <td>--</td>
- <td>FAST_IPSEC currently cannot be used directly with the KAME IPv6
- implementation, requiring an additional level of IP tunnel
- indirection to protect IPv6 packets when using hardware crypto
- acceleration. This issue must be resolved so that the two
- services may more easily be used together. Among other things,
- this will require a careful review of the handling of mbuf
- header copying and m_tag support in the KAME IPv6 code.</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>rpc.lockd(8) stability</td>
- <td>--</td>
- <td>--</td>
- <td>A process cannot be interrupted while waiting on a lock. Fixing
- this requires that the RPC code be taught how to deal with lock
- cancellation and interruption events.</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Revised kld build infrastructure</td>
- <td>&status.new;</td>
- <td>&a.peter;</td>
- <td>Kernel modules are currently built independently from a kernel
- configuration, and independently from one another, resulting in
- substantially redundant compilation of objects, as well as the
- inability to easily manage compile-time options for kernel
- objects (such as MAC, PAE, etc) that may require conditional
- compilation in the kernel modules. In order to improve build
- performance and better support options of this sort, the
- KLD build infrastructure needs to be revamped. &a.peter; has
- done some initial prototyping, and should be contacted before
- starting on this work.</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Race conditions in truss</td>
- <td>Errata candidate</td>
- <td>&a.robert;</td>
- <td>Truss appears to contain a race condition during the start-up of
- debugging, which can result in truss failing to attach to the process
- before it exits. The symptom is that truss reports that it cannot
- open the procfs node supporting the process being debugged. A bug
- also appears to exist where in truss will hang if execve() returns
- ENOENT. A further race appears to exist in which truss will return
- "PIOCWAIT: Input/output error" occasionally on startup. The fix
- for this sufficiently changes process execution handling that we
- will defer the fix to post-5.0 and consider this errata.</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>filedesc LOR</td>
- <td>&status.new;</td>
- <td>--</td>
- <td>The LOR reported in PR kern/55175 needs to be fixed. Filedesc locking
- needs to be heavily reviewed in general.</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>KSE support for alpha</td>
- <td>&status.wip;</td>
- <td>&a.marcel;</td>
- <td>Userland bits implemented, kernel bits not implemented.</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>CAM locking</td>
- <td>&status.wip;</td>
- <td>&a.scottl;, &a.gibbs;</td>
- <td>For kernel API/ABI compatibility reasons, it would be desirable to
- have the CAM locking strategy determined and loosely implemented for
- 5.3.</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>syscons not working on Sparc64 Ultra-30</td>
- <td>&status.new;</td>
- <td>--</td>
- <td>When running syscons on an Ultra-30 with Creator-3D typing
- characters on the keyboard produces garbage. Problem reported
- by &a.kris;. Debugging difficult due to lack of this particular
- configuration among developers and problem isn't present on similar
- hardware (e.g. no problem on Ultra-60 w/Creator-3D).</td>
- </tr>
-<h3>Documentation items that must be resolved for 5.3</h3>
-<table class="tblbasic">
- <tr><th>Issue</th><th>Status</th><th>Responsible</th><th>Description</th>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>i386 Floppy Installation Docs</td>
- <td>&status.done;</td>
- <td>Gavin Atkinson, &a.bmah;</td>
- <td>The installation documentation doesn't take into account the
- new floppy images (with a full kernel split across multiple
- disks). This should be updated.<br/>
- <b>References:</b><br/>
- <a href="&url.pr;pr=docs/70485">docs/70485 (closed)</a>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Finish hardware notes trimming</td>
- <td>&status.done;</td>
- <td>&a.simon;, &a.brueffer;</td>
- <td>Finish removing mention of individual devices in the hardware
- notes and use auto-generated lists, based on driver manual pages,
- instead.</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>sound(4) related manual pages</td>
- <td>&status.done;</td>
- <td>&a.simon;</td>
- <td>The snd(4) and pcm(4) drivers have been renamed but their
- manual pages are still outdated. sound(4) has to be added and
- pcm(4), csa(4), gusc(4), sbc(4), and uaudio(4) should be revised.
- Other manual pages which refer to pcm(4) (if any) should possibly
- be revised, too. In addition, supported cards list needs to be
- updated.<br/>
- <b>References:</b><br/>
- <a href="&url.mid;20040820145251.GA36893">Manpage for snd_solo on -doc@</a><br/>
- <a href="&url.mid;20040828142503.GA52613@ip.net.ua">[PATCH] sound(4) related manpages 5.3 TODO item on -doc@</a><br/>
- <a href="&url.cvsweb;/src/share/man/man4/Makefile?rev=1.279&amp;content-type=text/x-cvsweb-markup">src/share/man/man4/Makefile rev.1.279</a><br/>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Sound section in the Handbook</td>
- <td>&status.done;</td>
- <td>&a.blackend;</td>
- <td>This section is outdated, some rewrites are needed for
- 5.3-RELEASE.<br/>
- <b>References:</b><br/>
- <a
- href="&url.cvsweb;/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/multimedia/chapter.xml?rev=1.94&amp;content-type=text/x-cvsweb-markup">doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/multimedia/chapter.xml
- rev.1.94</a><br/>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>FDP documentations related pcm(4)</td>
- <td>&status.new;</td>
- <td>--</td>
- <td>With the snd(4) and pcm(4) drivers changes, documentations
- (FAQ) regarding the use of these drivers need an update.</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Early Adopter's Guide</td>
- <td>&status.done;</td>
- <td>&a.bmah;, &a.trhodes;</td>
- <td>Xin LI pointed out that FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE is the first
- stable release on 5.X and it is (hopefully) not for early
- adopters. Early Adopter's Guide is still useful, but
- contains a bit old information. Some parts of this guide
- need a rewrite, and this document should be published
- as "4.X to 5.X Migration Guide", which focuses difference
- between 4.X and 5.X.<br/>
- <b>References:</b><br/>
- <a href="http://www.FreeBSD.org/relnotes/5-STABLE/early-adopter/index.html">Draft for review</a><br/>
- <a href="&url.mid;1094426835.767.50.camel@localhost">discussion on -doc@ and -current@</a><br/>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Installation Notes</td>
- <td>&status.new;</td>
- <td>&a.trhodes;</td>
- <td>Some parts are outdated. doc/70485 has been committed, but
- more work is needed to reflect the realities. bmah@ pointed out
- that we should have "quick-start" installation guide for each
- platform instead of the current ones because they become too long
- and difficult to be maintained.<br/>
- <b>References:</b><br/>
- <a href="&url.pr;pr=doc/70485">doc/70485 (closed)</a><br/>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Xorg</td>
- <td>&status.done;</td>
- <td>Ken Tom, &a.blackend;</td>
- <td>Update the X11 chapter of the Handbook for X.Org's X11
- server.<br/>
- <b>References:</b><br/>
- <a href="&url.cvsweb;/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/x11/chapter.xml?rev=1.147&amp;content-type=text/x-cvsweb-markup">books/handbook/config/chapter.xml rev.1.147</a><br/>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>rc.d scripts</td>
- <td>&status.done;</td>
- <td>&a.trhodes;</td>
- <td>Ch.11.4 and 11.5 of the Handbook must be updated to mention
- the new rc.d scripts and some ports use /etc/rc.conf for their
- configuration.<br/>
- <b>References:</b><br/>
- <a href="&url.cvsweb;/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/config/chapter.xml?rev=1.170&amp;content-type=text/x-cvsweb-markup">books/handbook/config/chapter.xml rev.1.170</a><br/>
- <a href="&url.cvsweb;/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/config/chapter.xml?rev=1.172&amp;content-type=text/x-cvsweb-markup">books/handbook/config/chapter.xml rev.1.172</a><br/>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Handbook's kernel configuration chapter</td>
- <td>&status.done;</td>
- <td>&a.ceri;</td>
- <td>Chapter 8 must be updated to match 5.3-RELEASE.<br/>
- <b>References:</b><br/>
- <a href="&url.pr;pr=70674">docs/70674 (closed)</a><br/>
- <a href="&url.cvsweb;/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/kernelconfig/chapter.xml?rev=1.135&amp;content-type=text/x-cvsweb-markup">books/handbook/kernelconfig/chapter.xml rev.1.135</a><br/>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Handbook's IPsec section</td>
- <td>&status.new;</td>
- <td>--</td>
- <td>Some parts of Section 14.10 are outdated and are not correct
- for 5.X systems.<br/>
- <b>References:</b><br/>
- <a href="&url.mid;1093985909.d6849c9clumsden@myrealbox.com">ipsec on -doc@</a><br/>
- <a href="&url.mid;2071E0FA-0600-11D9-9FC5-000A95908F0E@cybox.com">Problem with IPSEC in handbook on -doc@</a><br/>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Handbook's Vinum chapter</td>
- <td>&status.new;</td>
- <td>--</td>
- <td>Vinum chapter needs to be revised for 5.X systems.</td>
- </tr>
-<h3>Testing focuses for 5.3-RELEASE</h3>
-<table class="tblbasic">
- <tr><th>Issue</th><th>Status</th><th>Responsible</th><th>Description</th>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>KSE as the default threads library</td>
- <td>&status.untested;</td>
- <td>&a.davidxu;, &a.deischen;</td>
- <td>KSE has matured to the point of being more stable and POSIX-compliant
- than the traditional libc_r. All Tier-1 platforms <b>MUST</b> have
- stable KSE support for 5.3 in order to support a consistent transition.
- Additionally, all ports that depend on the pthreads API must be modified
- to properly detect and support the default threading library.</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Updated binutils for all platforms</td>
- <td>&status.untested;</td>
- <td>&a.obrien;</td>
- <td>Binutils needs updating in order to support new platforms, newer GDB
- versions, and Thread Local Storage.</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>gcc 3.3 floating point alignment regression</td>
- <td>&status.untested;</td>
- <td>&nbsp;</td>
- <td>The previous GCC 3.3 snapshot included regressions in alignment of
- floating point arguments, resulting in a substantial performance
- degradation. The recent GCC 3.4.2 import should fix this, but more
- testing is needed.</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>in6_pcbnotify() panic with TCP</td>
- <td>&status.done;</td>
- <td>&a.rwatson;</td>
- <td>&a.kuriyama; has reported a failed locking assertion with IPv6
- TCP notifications. This problem is believed to be corrected.</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Per-platform Thread-Local Storage</td>
- <td>&status.untested;</td>
- <td>&a.dfr;, &a.marcel;</td>
- <td>To complete support for thread-local storage on FreeBSD,
- per-architecture changes must be made. Currently pending
- platforms are amd64, alpha, ia64, i386, sparc64, and powerpc.</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>SMP instability under load</td>
- <td>&status.untested;</td>
- <td>&a.dwhite;, &a.alc;</td>
- <td>High load on SMP systems appears to result in a hard hang related
- to VM IPI. &a.dwhite; has prepared a candidate patch that appears to
- resolve this instability, which is currently in testing for merge to
- the CVS HEAD.</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Fine-grained network stack locking without Giant</td>
- <td>&status.untested;</td>
- <td>&a.rwatson;</td>
- <td>Significant parts of the network stack (especially IPv4, UNIX
- domain IPC, and sockets) now have fine-grained locking of their data
- structures. It's possible to run many common network subsystems and
- services without the Giant lock. However, a number of device drivers
- and less mainstream network subsystems are currently not MPSAFE.
- 5.3 betas have shipped with Giant-free networking by default, with
- some bug reports and fixes in later betas and release candidates.
- Please report any problems to the current@ mailing list.</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>kld support for amd64</td>
- <td>&status.untested;</td>
- <td>&a.obrien;, &a.iedowse;</td>
- <td>KLDs work when loaded from userland, but not from the loader. kldxref
- and loader support has been committed to HEAD and RELENG_5 and needs
- final testing.</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>ATA panics under sparc64</td>
- <td>&status.untested;</td>
- <td>&a.sos;, &a.scottl;</td>
- <td>Recent changes to the ATA driver trigger a bug on sparc64 that causes
- a panic on boot. This was caused by bugs in busdma that have been
- hopefully fixed.</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>ifconf() sleep warning</td>
- <td>&status.done;</td>
- <td>&a.brooks;</td>
- <td>The ifconf() ioctl for listing network interfaces performs a
- copyout() while holding the global ifnet list mutex. This generates a
- witness warning in the event that copyout() generates a page fault,
- and risks more serious problems. This problem is believed to be
- corrected.</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>poll()/select() application wedge reports with debug.mpsafenet="1"</td>
- <td>&status.done;</td>
- <td>&a.rwatson;</td>
- <td>There are reports of applications wedging in poll() and select()
- while running the network stack without the Giant lock. A recent
- sleepq change appears to have caused some of the observed problems
- to go away (others are difficult to test for due to recent SMP
- instability). This problem appears to be corrected.</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>if_em wedging under high pps</td>
- <td>&status.done;</td>
- <td>&a.mlaier;</td>
- <td>There have been several reports of if_em cards "wedging" under high
- packets-per-second load. This problem appears to have been
- corrected.</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Panic on USB detach</td>
- <td>&status.untested;</td>
- <td>&a.imp;, &a.scottl;</td>
- <td>A recent regression in the USB code is causing panics when a USB
- device detaches, especially USB hubs. A fix is in RELENG_5 now.</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>KAME IPSEC "ENOBUFS" problem with racoon and mbuma</td>
- <td>&status.done;</td>
- <td>&a.rwatson;, &a.sam;</td>
- <td>There are reports that racoon is unable to complete IKE negotiation
- due to a send to the pfkey socket returning ENOBUFS. This appears to
- be a result of an incorrect assumption about mbuf data size due to a
- change resulting from mbuma. This problem appears to have been
- corrected.</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>BIND9 import into 5-CURRENT</td>
- <td>&status.done;</td>
- <td>Doug Barton, &a.des;, &a.trhodes;</td>
- <td>BIND9 is now in RELENG_5 and HEAD. Testing is needed of basic
- functionality, migration from 8.x, and 3rd party packages in the ports
- tree.</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Synaptics touchpad problems</td>
- <td>&status.untested;</td>
- <td>&a.philip;</td>
- <td>Synaptics updates to the psm(4) driver have resulted in poor
- interactivity for taps and button press events for some users.
- Support is now disabled by default but work will procede to fix the
- underlying problems.</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Scheduler-related hangs involving threads</td>
- <td>&status.untested;</td>
- <td>&a.scottl;, &a.julian;</td>
- <td>Significant work has happened in the scheduler to fix stability
- problems. More testing for UP and SMP under heavily load is needed.</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>NFS over IPv6 problems</td>
- <td>&status.done;</td>
- <td>&a.dwhite;</td>
- <td>&a.kuriyama; has reported problems with NFS over IPv6 not functioning
- correctly as of the improved NFS support for disconnection changes.
- &a.dwhite; has tracked down the source of the problem (EMSGSIZE being
- returned by IPv6 UDP send routine due to fragmentation), and is
- currently exploring possible fixes. This problem appears to have
- been corrected.</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Reports of socket buffer corruption in tcp_output()</td>
- <td>&status.done;</td>
- <td>&a.rwatson;</td>
- <td>There have been reports of occasional corruption of socket buffers.
- This may have been the result of missing socket buffer locking in
- tcp_output(), which has now been corrected in 6.x and 5.x; this
- problem is believed to be fixed.</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Reports of hangs using i4b (isdn4bsd)</td>
- <td>&status.done;</td>
- <td>&a.rwatson;</td>
- <td>There have been reports of system hangs while using ISDN with the
- i4b ISDN framework on SMP systems. These likely result from
- insufficient synchronization in the i4b implementation when runnning
- without the Giant lock over the network stack. The workaround until
- this is fixed is to re-assert the Giant lock over the stack when
- i4b is compiled into the kernel; this has been committed to 6.x and
- and 5.x. This problem appears to have been corrected.</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Problems with multicast and setuid binaries/daemons</td>
- <td>&status.done;</td>
- <td>&a.rwatson;, &a.csjp;</td>
- <td>There have been reports that multicast socket options on raw sockets
- no longer work properly with daemons changing privilege or setuid
- binaries. These symptoms have been tracked down to bugs relating to
- permitting limited use of raw sockets in jail(). A patch correcting
- these problems has been merged to 6.x and 5.x. This problem appears
- to have been corrected.</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Reports of sodealloc() panic under heavy load</td>
- <td>&status.done;</td>
- <td>&a.rwatson;, &a.green;</td>
- <td>There have been reports of a so_count invariant violation in
- sofree(), which may relate to race conditions in sofree() against
- accept(), which were recently corrected in 6.x, and has been merged
- to 5.x. This problem appears to have been corrected.</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Merge of Darwin msdosfs, other fixes</td>
- <td>&status.done;</td>
- <td>--</td>
- <td>Apple's Darwin operating system has fairly extensive improvements
- to msdosfs and other kernel services; these fixes must be reviewed
- and merged to the FreeBSD tree.</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Reports of poor performance of the if_de driver (de ethernet
- interfaces)</td>
- <td>&status.done;</td>
- <td>&a.rwatson;, &a.jmg;</td>
- <td>There have been reports that if_de ethernet cds behave poorly when
- running with debug.mpsafenet="1", even though the driver is marked to
- run all portions with the Giant lock. This suggests a race condition
- specific to this drive, which is currently being debugged. A patch
- has been committed to the 6.x and 5.x branches, and appears to correct
- the problem.</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Threaded application get stuck in an unkillable state when touched
- by GDB</td>
- <td>&status.done;</td>
- <td>&a.davidxu;</td>
- <td>Attaching GDB to a threaded process will leave the process in an
- unkillable state. Rebooting the machine is the only way to recover
- from this. This is easily triggered when a KDE app crashes and KDE
- automatically attaches GDB to it to extract a stack trace. A candidate
- fix is in 6-CURRENT. More testing and review is needed.</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>More truss problems</td>
- <td>&status.done;</td>
- <td>&a.alfred;</td>
- <td>Truss appears to have another problem. It is repeatable by
- running "truss -f fsck -p /", suspending it with ^Z, and then
- killing truss. It will leave behind the fsck processes which
- will be unkillable.</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Reports of TCP-related instability under extremely high load;
- possibly related to SACK</td>
- <td>&status.untested;</td>
- <td>&a.gnn;, &a.rwatson;, &a.scottl;</td>
- <td>There have been reports that, under extremely high load, the
- tcp_output() routine may appear to run for extended periods, resulting
- in the appearance of a hang for an extended period (up to 30 minutes),
- followed by recovery. A fix for SACK was developed and committed that
- hopefully corrects this problem.</td>
- </tr>
- </body>