path: root/hu_HU.ISO8859-2/share/xml/events.xml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'hu_HU.ISO8859-2/share/xml/events.xml')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 3937 deletions
diff --git a/hu_HU.ISO8859-2/share/xml/events.xml b/hu_HU.ISO8859-2/share/xml/events.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index b4e69f763c..0000000000
--- a/hu_HU.ISO8859-2/share/xml/events.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3937 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-2"?>
-<!DOCTYPE events PUBLIC "-//FreeBSD//DTD FreeBSD XML Database for Events//EN"
- "http://www.FreeBSD.org/XML/share/xml/events.dtd">
- Events which might be interesting for FreeBSD users.
- Please sort the events by start date, with recent events earlier in
- the file.
-<!-- The FreeBSD Hungarian Documentation Project
- Translated by: PALI, Gabor <pgj@FreeBSD.org>
- %SOURCE% share/xml/events.xml
- %SRCID% 1.91
- <cvs:keyword xmlns:cvs="http://www.FreeBSD.org/XML/CVS">
- $FreeBSD$
- </cvs:keyword>
- <event id="bsdcan-2013">
- <name>BSDCan 2013</name>
- <url>http://www.bsdcan.org/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2013</year>
- <month>5</month>
- <day>13</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2013</year>
- <month>5</month>
- <day>17</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="CA">Kanada</country>
- <city>Ottawa</city>
- <site>Ottawai Egyetem</site>
- </location>
- <description>A BSDCan konferenciát elsősorban
- fejlesztők számára rendezik, amelynek
- középpontjában az újonnan
- felbukkanó technológiák,
- különböző kutatási projektek és
- más folyamatban levő munkák állnak.
- Emellett még szerepet kapnak a felhasználói
- programok infrastruktúrájával kapcsolatos
- projektek, illetve nyitott a szabad és kereskedelmi
- szoftverek fejlesztői felé
- egyaránt.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="bsdcan-2012">
- <name>BSDCan 2012</name>
- <url>http://www.bsdcan.org/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2012</year>
- <month>5</month>
- <day>15</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2012</year>
- <month>5</month>
- <day>18</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="CA">Kanada</country>
- <city>Ottawa</city>
- <site>Ottawai Egyetem</site>
- </location>
- <description>A BSDCan konferenciát elsősorban
- fejlesztők számára rendezik, amelynek
- középpontjában az újonnan
- felbukkanó technológiák,
- különböző kutatási projektek és
- más folyamatban levő munkák állnak.
- Emellett még szerepet kapnak a felhasználói
- programok infrastruktúrájával kapcsolatos
- projektek, illetve nyitott a szabad és kereskedelmi
- szoftverek fejlesztői felé
- egyaránt.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="eurobsdcon-2011">
- <name>EuroBSDCon 2011</name>
- <url>http://2011.eurobsdcon.org/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2011</year>
- <month>10</month>
- <day>6</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2011</year>
- <month>10</month>
- <day>9</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="NL">Hollandia</country>
- </location>
- <description>A EuroBSDCon a BSD alapú rendszerek
- fejlesztőinek és felhasználóinak
- szóló, évente megrendezésre
- kerülő szakmai konferencia. A tizedik Európai
- BSD Konferencia Hollandiában kerül
- megrendezésre 2010 októberében, és
- többek közt szakmai előadásokkal,
- oktatással és egy &os; fejlesztői
- találkozóval várja látogatóit.
- A konferencia elsősorban a különböző BSD
- rendszerek alkalmazására,
- felépítésére,
- megvalósítására,
- teljesítménybeli javítására
- és biztonságának fokozására
- vonatkozó témákkal foglalkozik, valamint
- igyekszik összefoglalni a BSD használatának
- előnyeit gazdasági és szervezeti
- síkon.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="bsdcan-2011">
- <name>BSDCan 2011</name>
- <url>http://www.bsdcan.org/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2011</year>
- <month>5</month>
- <day>10</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2011</year>
- <month>5</month>
- <day>13</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="CA">Kanada</country>
- <city>Ottawa</city>
- <site>Ottawai Egyetem</site>
- </location>
- <description>A BSDCan konferenciát elsősorban
- fejlesztők számára rendezik, amelynek
- középpontjában az újonnan
- felbukkanó technológiák,
- különböző kutatási projektek és
- más folyamatban levő munkák állnak.
- Emellett még szerepet kapnak a felhasználói
- programok infrastruktúrájával kapcsolatos
- projektek, illetve nyitott a szabad és kereskedelmi
- szoftverek fejlesztői felé
- egyaránt.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="bsdday-2010">
- <name>BSD-Day@2010</name>
- <url>http://wiki.freebsd.org/BSDDay_2010/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2010</year>
- <month>11</month>
- <day>20</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2010</year>
- <month>11</month>
- <day>20</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="HU">Magyarország</country>
- <city>Budapest</city>
- <site>Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem</site>
- </location>
- <description>Ennek az egynapos rendezvénynek az a
- célja, hogy összehívja napjaink nyílt
- forráskódú BSD rendszereinek
- közép-Európai fejlesztőit,
- népszerűsítse a munkájukat és
- lehetőséget adjon a valós életbeli
- találkozásra a fejlesztők és a
- felhasználók között. Nincs
- formalitások, nincsenek cikkek, nincs
- regisztrációs és részvételi
- díj, habár a meghívott fejlesztőknek
- célszerű lehet előadást tartani kedvenc
- BSD témájukban. A cél a (jövőbeni)
- fejlesztők és felhasználók,
- különösen az egyetemi hallgatók
- ösztönzése, hogy foglalkozzanak BSD
- rendszerekkel.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="nycbsdcon-2010">
- <name>NYCBSDCon 2010</name>
- <url>http://www.nycbsdcon.org/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2010</year>
- <month>11</month>
- <day>12</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2010</year>
- <month>11</month>
- <day>14</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="US">Egyesült Államok</country>
- <city>New York</city>
- <site>Cooper Union</site>
- </location>
- <description>A rangos manhattani Cooper Union ad otthont az idei New
- York-i BSD Konferenciának (NYBSDCon). A NYCBSDCon a keleti
- part BSD közösségeinek központi szakmai
- konferenciája, amelynek célja, hogy összehozza
- a téma iránt érdeklődő embereket,
- lehetőséget nyújtson számukra
- tapasztalatok szerzésére és
- megosztására egy közös program
- keretében. A rendezvényt a New York-i BSD
- Felhasználók (NYC*BUG) tagjai
- szervezik.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="bsdar-2010">
- <name>BSDday Argentina 2010</name>
- <url>http://www.bsdday.org.ar/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2010</year>
- <month>11</month>
- <day>5</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2010</year>
- <month>11</month>
- <day>6</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="AG">Argentína</country>
- <city>Buenos Aires</city>
- <site>Buenos Aires-i Egyetem</site>
- </location>
- <description>A BSDday Argentina egy, a BSD szoftverek és BSD
- alapú rendszerek felhasználóinak,
- rendszergazdáinak és fejlesztőinek
- szóló konferencia. Ezen a konferencián
- bárki részt vehet, aki &os;, NetBSD, OpenBSD,
- DragonFly&nbsp;BSD vagy más egyéb BSD
- fejlesztésével, telepítésével
- foglalkozik. A BSDday Argentina egy olyan szakmai konferencia,
- amely a nyílt forráskódú
- közösség legjobb szakmai
- témájú publikációit és
- bemutatóit igyekszik egy csokorba gyűjteni, és
- elérhetővé tenni a
- nagyközönség számára.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="meetbsd-california-2010">
- <name>MeetBSD California 2010</name>
- <url>http://meetbsd.com/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2010</year>
- <month>11</month>
- <day>5</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2010</year>
- <month>11</month>
- <day>6</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="US">Egyesült Államok</country>
- <state>Kalifornia</state>
- <city>Mountain View</city>
- <site>Hacker Dojo</site>
- </location>
- <description>A meetBSD eredetileg a lengyelországi
- Krakkóból indult 2004-ben, amelyre egyre több
- magasan képzett szakmai előadó
- regisztrált, így azóta
- évről-évre komolyabbá vált. A
- meetBSD konferencia kizárólag a BSD
- operációs rendszerrel foglalkozik, ezen belül
- is leginkább a &os; áll témáinak
- középpontjában.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="eurobsdcon-2010">
- <name>EuroBSDCon 2010</name>
- <url>http://2010.eurobsdcon.org/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2010</year>
- <month>10</month>
- <day>8</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2010</year>
- <month>10</month>
- <day>10</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="DE">Németország</country>
- <city>Karlsruhe</city>
- </location>
- <description>2010 októberében a
- németországi Karlsruhe ad otthont a kilencedik
- alkalommal megrendezendő éves európai BSD
- konferenciának, amely magában foglal szakmai
- témájú előadásokat,
- különféle oktatásokat és egy &os;
- fejlesztői
- csúcstalálkozót.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="kyivbsd-2010">
- <name>KyivBSD 2010</name>
- <url>http://ru.kyivbsd.org.ua/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2010</year>
- <month>9</month>
- <day>25</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2010</year>
- <month>9</month>
- <day>25</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="UA">Ukrajna</country>
- <city>Kijev</city>
- </location>
- <description>A második KyivBSD konferencia Ukrajna
- fővárosában, Kijevben kerül
- megrendezésre.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="froscamp-2010">
- <name>FrOSCamp 2010</name>
- <url>http://www.froscamp.org/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2010</year>
- <month>9</month>
- <day>17</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2010</year>
- <month>9</month>
- <day>18</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="CH">Svájc</country>
- <city>Zürich</city>
- <site>ETH Zürich</site>
- </location>
- <description>A FrOSCamp egy nyílt forrással
- foglalkozó, először 2010-ben megrendezésre
- kerülő rendezvény. Lesz külön &os;
- stand, valamint számos fejlesztői is részt
- vesz.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="bugathon-aug10">
- <name>7. bugathon: PR-ok patch-ekkel</name>
- <url>http://wiki.freebsd.org/Bugathons/2010August</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2010</year>
- <month>8</month>
- <day>6</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2010</year>
- <month>8</month>
- <day>9</day>
- </enddate>
- <description>A bugathon a &os; hibajelentéseivel
- foglalkozó csapat által IRC-n (#freebsd-bugbusters
- csatorna, EFnet) keresztül hétvégente,
- számos érdekelt &os; fejlesztő
- részvételével megrendezésre
- kerülő rendszeres rendezvény. A cél ez
- idő alatt a lehető legtöbb hibajelentés
- lezárása és minél több hiba
- kijavítása. A tervek szerint a hetedik bugathon
- során feldolgozzuk a &os; GNATS adatbázisában
- patch-eket tartalmazó hibajelentéseket,
- igyekszünk majd ezeket committolni, committolható
- formába hozni vagy megbeszélni a bejelentőkkel
- az esetleges további
- problémákat.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="meetbsd-2010">
- <name>meetBSD 2010</name>
- <url>http://www.meetBSD.org/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2010</year>
- <month>7</month>
- <day>2</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2010</year>
- <month>7</month>
- <day>3</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="PL">Lengyelország</country>
- <city>Krakkó</city>
- <site>Jagelló Egyetem</site>
- </location>
- <description>A meetBSD a BSD operációs rendszerek,
- leginkább a &os;, NetBSD és OpenBSD
- felhasználóinak és fejlesztőinek
- éves találkozója. A helyszín &os; 10
- éves évfordulójára rendezett
- speciális kaliforniai kiadású
- livingnói meeBSD téli tábor után
- ezúttal ismét a lengyelországi Krakkó
- városa.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="lsm-2010">
- <name>11. Libre Software Meeting</name>
- <url>http://2010.rmll.info/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2010</year>
- <month>7</month>
- <day>6</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2010</year>
- <month>7</month>
- <day>11</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="FR">Franciaország</country>
- <city>Bordeaux</city>
- </location>
- <description>2000 júliusától
- kezdődően minden évben jelentkezik a Libre Software
- Meeting. Idén ismét lesz &os; stand, ahol az
- érdeklődők betekintést nyerhetnek az
- operációs rendszerbe.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="bsdcan-2010">
- <name>BSDCan 2010</name>
- <url>http://www.bsdcan.org/2010/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2010</year>
- <month>5</month>
- <day>11</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2010</year>
- <month>5</month>
- <day>14</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="CA">Kanada</country>
- <city>Ottawa</city>
- <site>Ottawai Egyetem</site>
- </location>
- <description>A BSDCan konferenciát elsősorban
- fejlesztők számára rendezik, amelynek
- középpontjában az újonnan
- felbukkanó technológiák,
- különböző kutatási projektek és
- más folyamatban levő munkák állnak.
- Emellett még szerepet kapnak a felhasználói
- programok infrastruktúrájával kapcsolatos
- projektek, illetve nyitott a szabad és kereskedelmi
- szoftverek fejlesztői felé
- egyaránt.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="it360-2010">
- <name>it 360&deg; 2010</name>
- <url>http://www.it360.ca/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2010</year>
- <month>4</month>
- <day>7</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2010</year>
- <month>4</month>
- <day>7</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="CA">Kanada</country>
- <city>Toronto</city>
- </location>
- <description>Az IT360&deg; Conference &amp; Expo 2010
- elnevezésű rendezvény IT szakemberek és
- felsővezetők részére szánt
- ismeretterjesztés és felzárkoztatás.
- Itt képviselteti magát a BSD Certification Group,
- és a helyszínen lehetőség nyílik
- BSDA minősítő vizsgát tenni.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="openexpofr-2010">
- <name>OpenExpo 2010</name>
- <url>http://www.openexpo.ch/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2010</year>
- <month>3</month>
- <day>24</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2010</year>
- <month>3</month>
- <day>25</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="CH">Svájc</country>
- <city>Bern</city>
- </location>
- <description>Az OpenExpo célja a nyílt
- forráskódú szoftverek hirdetése
- üzleti felhasználásban. Több más
- név mellett a &os; is képviselteti magát ezen
- a rendezvényen.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="linuxexpofr-2010">
- <name>Solutions Linux 2010</name>
- <url>http://www.solutionslinux.fr/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2010</year>
- <month>3</month>
- <day>16</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2010</year>
- <month>3</month>
- <day>8</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="FR">Franciaország</country>
- <city>Párizs</city>
- <site>Paris Expo</site>
- <address>Porte de Versailles</address>
- </location>
- <description>Ezen a háromnapos rendezvényen
- GNU/Linux-ot és nyílt forráskódú
- szoftvereket mutatnak be cégek számára. A
- Francia &os; Felhasználók Csoportja
- természetesen idén is képviselni fogja a
- &os;-t. A belépés ingyenes.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="linuxtage-chemnitz-2010">
- <name>Chemnitzer Linux-Tage 2010</name>
- <url>http://chemnitzer.linux-tage.de/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2010</year>
- <month>3</month>
- <day>13</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2010</year>
- <month>3</month>
- <day>14</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="DE">Németország</country>
- <city>Chemnitz</city>
- <site>Chemnitzi Műszaki Egyetem</site>
- </location>
- <description>A chemnitzi linux napok egy általánosan
- linux-szal és szabad szoftverekkel foglalkozó,
- kétnapos rendezvény. Lesznek ott mindenféle
- műhelyek, előadások és
- különböző egyéb
- lehetőségek, ahol az egyes projektek bemutatkozhatnak.
- A &os; is képviselteti magát ezen a
- rendezvényen.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="asiabsdcon-2010">
- <name>AsiaBSDCon 2010</name>
- <url>http://2010.asiabsdcon.org/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2010</year>
- <month>3</month>
- <day>11</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2010</year>
- <month>3</month>
- <day>14</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="JP">Japán</country>
- <city>Tokió</city>
- <site>Tokiói Tudományegyetem</site>
- </location>
- <description>Az AsiaBSDCon a BSD alapú rendszerek
- fejlesztőinek és felhasználóinak
- konferenciája. Ez a konferencia szeretettel vár
- bárkit, aki &os;, NetBSD, OpenBSD, DragonFlyBSD, Darwin
- vagy MacOS&nbsp;X alapú rendszerekkel vagy rendszereken
- fejleszt. Az AsiaBSDCon egy olyan szakmai konferencia, amelynek
- célja a jelenleg elérhető legjobb és
- legfrissebb szakmai publikációk, bemutatók
- összegyűjtése, ezáltal igyekszik
- elérni a nyílt forrású
- közösségekben megjelenő fejlesztések
- minél szélesebb közönség
- előtti
- népszerűsítését.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="scale-2010">
- <name>SCALE: Southern California Linux Expo 2010</name>
- <url>http://www.socallinuxexpo.org/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2010</year>
- <month>2</month>
- <day>19</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2010</year>
- <month>2</month>
- <day>21</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="US">Egyesült Államok</country>
- <state>Kalifornia</state>
- <city>Los Angeles</city>
- <site>Westin Los Angeles reptér</site>
- </location>
- <description>Az idén februárjában
- nyolcadjára megrendezésre kerülő
- Délkelet-Kaliforniai Linux Expon a &os; Projekt is
- résztvesz. Ennek keretében többek közt
- Dru Lavigne tart egy rövid előadást a
- BSD-ről Linux felhasználók
- számára.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="fosdem-2010">
- <name>FOSDEM '10</name>
- <url>http://fosdem.org/2010/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2010</year>
- <month>2</month>
- <day>6</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2010</year>
- <month>2</month>
- <day>7</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="BE">Belgium</country>
- <city>Brüsszel</city>
- <site>ULB kampusz, Solbosh</site>
- </location>
- <description>A FOSDEM '10 egy ingyenes és nem kereskedelmi
- jellegű rendezvény, amelyet a közösség
- tagjai rendeznek a közösség tagjainak.
- Célja helyet adni a szabad és nyílt
- forráskódú szoftverek fejlesztőinek a
- találkozásra. A rendezvényen számos
- &os; fejlesztő is jelen lesz.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="open-rheinruhr-2009">
- <name>OpenReinRuhr 2009</name>
- <url>http://www.openrheinruhr.de/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2009</year>
- <month>11</month>
- <day>7</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2009</year>
- <month>11</month>
- <day>8</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="DE">Németország</country>
- <city>Bottrop</city>
- <site>Saalbau</site>
- </location>
- <description>Nagy közönségre és rangos
- előadókra számíthat ez az Európa
- közepén rendezett új rendezvény. A
- többi más nagyobb BSD terjesztés mellett a &os;
- is saját pavilonnal várja az
- érdeklődőket.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="discuss-discover-2009">
- <name>discuss &amp; discover 2009</name>
- <url>http://en.discuss-discover.com/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2009</year>
- <month>10</month>
- <day>20</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2009</year>
- <month>10</month>
- <day>22</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="DE">Németország</country>
- <city>München</city>
- <site>Messe München</site>
- </location>
- <description>A discuss &amp; discover a Systems utódja. A
- többi nagyobb BSD terjesztéshez hasonlóan a &os;
- is képviselteti magát ezen a rendezvényen,
- és igyekszik a korábbi évek sikereit
- megismételni. Várható itt nyílt
- forráskódról szóló konferencia
- különféle előadásokkal, valamint a
- különböző projektek
- bemutatósátrai.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="kyiv-bsd-09">
- <name>Kyiv BSD 2009</name>
- <url>http://kyivbsd.org.ua/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2009</year>
- <month>9</month>
- <day>26</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2009</year>
- <month>9</month>
- <day>26</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="UA">Ukrajna</country>
- <city>Kiev</city>
- </location>
- <description>2009. szeptember 26-án az ukrajnai Kiev
- városában tartják az első,
- kizárólag &os;-nek szentelt
- konferenciát.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="it-sa-2009">
- <name>IT Security Expo 2009</name>
- <url>http://www.it-sa.de/en/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2009</year>
- <month>9</month>
- <day>23</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2009</year>
- <month>9</month>
- <day>24</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="DE">Németország</country>
- <city>Nuremberg</city>
- </location>
- <description>2009-től kezdődően Nuremberg veszi
- át a IT biztonsággal foglalkozó egyik
- legkomolyabb rendezvény szervezését: noha a
- SYSTEMS bezárta ajtajait, az IT SecurityExpo tíz
- év után is folytatódik és
- tovább bővíti témáit. Nagyon
- valószínű, hogy ezek között
- előkerül a &os; is.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="openexpo-2009">
- <name>OpenExpo 2009</name>
- <url>http://www.openexpo.ch/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2009</year>
- <month>9</month>
- <day>23</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2009</year>
- <month>9</month>
- <day>24</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="CH">Svájc</country>
- <city>Winterthur</city>
- </location>
- <description>Az OpenExpo célja a nyílt
- forráskódú szoftverek
- népszerűsítése üzleti
- környezetben. Sok más hirdető között a
- &os; is megjelenik itt.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="eurobsdcon-2009">
- <name>EuroBSDCon 2009</name>
- <url>http://2009.eurobsdcon.org/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2009</year>
- <month>9</month>
- <day>17</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2009</year>
- <month>9</month>
- <day>19</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="UK">Egyesült Királyság</country>
- <city>Cambridge</city>
- <site>Cambridge-i Egyetem</site>
- </location>
- <description>A nyolcadik, évente megrendezett európai
- BSD konferenciát ezúttal az angliai Cambridge-ben
- tartják 2009 szeptemberében. Tervezett programjai
- között szerepel például egy szakmai
- jellegű körbetekintés, több bemutató
- és egy fejlesztői gyűlés.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="froscon-2009">
- <name>FrOSCon 2009</name>
- <url>http://www.froscon.org/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2009</year>
- <month>8</month>
- <day>22</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2009</year>
- <month>8</month>
- <day>23</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="DE">Németország</country>
- <city>Sankt Augustin</city>
- <site>Fachhochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg</site>
- <address>Grantham-Allee 20</address>
- </location>
- <description>A FrOSCon egy szabad szoftverekről és a
- nyílt forráskódról szóló
- kétnapos konferencia, amely a Bonn és Köln
- közelében található Sankt Augustin
- városában kerül megrendezésre. A
- konferencia tartalmát gazdagon díszítik
- különböző szabad szoftveres és
- nyílt forráskóddal foglalkozó
- előadások.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="kca-2009">
- <name>Kernel Conference Australia 2009</name>
- <url>http://www.kernelconference.net/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2009</year>
- <month>7</month>
- <day>15</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2009</year>
- <month>7</month>
- <day>17</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="AU">Ausztrália</country>
- <city>Brisbane</city>
- <site>Queenslandi Egyetem</site>
- </location>
- <description>A Kernel Conference Australia elsősorban a
- rendszermagok és azok működésére
- fókuszáló szakmai konferencia. Itt helyet
- kapnak mindenféle nyílt
- forráskódú rendszermagok és a
- bennük alkalmazott technológiák. Egyetlen
- megszorítás velük kapcsolatban, hogy a
- fejlesztésük valamilyen OSI által elfogadott
- licensz alapján történjen.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="lsm-2009">
- <name>10. Libre Software Meeting</name>
- <url>http://2009.rmll.info/?lang=en</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2009</year>
- <month>7</month>
- <day>7</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2009</year>
- <month>7</month>
- <day>11</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="FR">Franciaország</country>
- <city>Nantes</city>
- <site>Nantes Egyetem</site>
- </location>
- <description>A Libre Software Meeting 2000 júliusa óta
- minden évben rendszeresen megrendezésre kerül.
- Idén ismét lesz &os;
- kiképzőtábor, ahol bevezetik az
- érdeklődő újoncokat az
- operációs rendszer rejtelmeibe.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="linuxtag-2009">
- <name>LinuxTag 2009</name>
- <url>http://www.linuxtag.org/2009/en/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2009</year>
- <month>6</month>
- <day>24</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2009</year>
- <month>6</month>
- <day>27</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="DE">Németország</country>
- <city>Berlin</city>
- <site>Messe Berlin</site>
- </location>
- <description>A LinuxTag Európa egyik legnagyobb szabad
- szoftverekkel, Linux-szal és nyílt
- forráskóddal foglalkozó rendezvénye.
- Hasonlóan a NetBSD, OpenBSD és MirBSD
- terjesztésekhez, a &os; is már megszokott
- vendég lesz, valamint számos BSD
- témájú előadásra is
- számítani lehet.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="bsdar-2009">
- <name>BSDday Argentina 2009</name>
- <url>http://www.bsdday.com.ar/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2009</year>
- <month>5</month>
- <day>29</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2009</year>
- <month>5</month>
- <day>30</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="AR">Argentína</country>
- <city>Buenos Aires</city>
- </location>
- <description>A BSDday Argentina elnevezésű konferencia
- elsősorban a BSD alapú rendszerek fejlesztőinek
- és felhasználóinak szól. Mindenkit
- szeretettel vár, aki FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, DragonFlyBSD
- vagy másmilyen egyéb BSD rendszert fejleszt,
- szállít vagy éppen használ. A BSDday
- Argentina szakmai konferenciaként igyekszik a nyílt
- forráskód témakörében a legjobb
- friss szakmai témájú
- publikációkat és előadásokat
- összegyűjteni, hogy azok minél szélesebb
- körben találjanak
- közönségre.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="bsdcan-2009">
- <name>BSDCan 2009</name>
- <url>http://www.bsdcan.org/2009/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2009</year>
- <month>5</month>
- <day>6</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2009</year>
- <month>5</month>
- <day>9</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="CA">Kanada</country>
- <city>Ottawa</city>
- <site>Ottawa-i Egyetem</site>
- </location>
- <description>A BSDCan egy leginkább a feltörekvő
- technológiákra, kutatási projektekre és
- egyéb fejlesztés alatt álló
- munkákra összpontosító fejlesztői
- konferencia. Itt találkozhatunk a
- felhasználói programok
- infrastruktúrájával foglalkozó
- projektekkel is, ezért egyaránt várjuk a
- téma iránt érdeklődő szabad
- szoftveres és kereskedelmi fejlesztőket.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="acmbangalore-apr-2009">
- <name>ACM előadás &os;/PmcTools
- témában</name>
- <url>http://acmbangalore.org/index.php?option=com_attend_events&amp;task=view&amp;id=3&amp;Itemid=0</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2009</year>
- <month>4</month>
- <day>18</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2009</year>
- <month>4</month>
- <day>18</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="IN">India</country>
- <city>Bangalore</city>
- <address>Honeywell, Bannerghatta Road</address>
- </location>
- <description>Az ACM bangalore-i tagszervezete előadást
- hirdet &os;/PmcTools bemutatására.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="linuxexpofr-2009">
- <name>Solutions Linux 2009</name>
- <url>http://www.solutionslinux.fr</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2009</year>
- <month>3</month>
- <day>31</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2009</year>
- <month>4</month>
- <day>2</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="FR">Franciaország</country>
- <city>Párizs</city>
- <site>Paris Expo</site>
- <address>Porte de Versailles</address>
- </location>
- <description>A GNU/Linux rendszereket és a nyílt
- forráskódot elsősorban vállalatok
- számára hirdető háromnapos
- rendezvény. A szokásos módon
- természetesen a &os; képviseletében <a
- href="http://www.solutionslinux.fr/exposant_fiche.php?id=581&amp;pg=2_4">jelen
- lesz</a> a Francia &os; Felhasználók Csoportja. A
- rendezvény ingyenesen
- látogatható.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="mckusick-adv-spring-2009">
- <name>A &os; rendszermag belülről: intenzív estis
- előadások</name>
- <url>http://www.mckusick.com/courses/adveveclass.html</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2009</year>
- <month>3</month>
- <day>18</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2009</year>
- <month>7</month>
- <day>2</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="US">Egyesült Államok</country>
- <state>Kalifornia</state>
- <city>Berkeley</city>
- </location>
- <description>A <a
- href="http://www.mckusick.com/courses/advclassform.html"> &os;
- rendszermag belülről: a forráskód
- intenzív bemutatása</a>
- című kurzus a március eleji 8-current &os;
- rendszermag forráskódját igyekszik teljes
- mélységében boncolni. Az
- előadások elsősorban olyan
- felhasználókat céloznak meg, akik alapos
- ismeretekkel rendelkeznek a &os; rendszermagban alkalmazott
- különböző adatszerkezetekről, és
- azok konkrét implementációját
- szeretnék még jobban megismerni. Az
- előadások helyszíne a <a
- href="http://www.hillsideclub.org">Hillside Club</a>: 2286 Cedar
- Street, Berkeley, CA 94709, éppen három
- háztömbnyire északra a Berkeley
- campustól. Március 18-tól (szerda)
- kezdődően egészen július 2-ig
- (csütörtök), hetente egy alkalommal, este
- 6:30-tól 10:00 óráig.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="asiabsdcon-2009">
- <name>AsiaBSDCon 2009</name>
- <url>http://2009.asiabsdcon.org/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2009</year>
- <month>3</month>
- <day>12</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2009</year>
- <month>3</month>
- <day>15</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="JP">Japán</country>
- <city>Tokió</city>
- <site>Tokiói Tudományegyetem</site>
- </location>
- <description>Az AsiaBSDCon a BSD rendszerek
- felhasználóinak és fejlesztőinek
- szóló konferencia, és várja a FreeBSD,
- NetBSD, OpenBSD, DragonFlyBSD, Darwin és MacOS X
- rendszereket fejlesztőket, szállítókat
- és használókat. Az AsiaBSDCon egy szakmai
- jellegű konferencia, amely igyekszik a nyílt
- forrású közösségben folyó
- legújabb és legjobb fejlesztésekhez
- kapcsolódó publikációkat,
- prezentációkat minél szélesebb
- körben bemutatni.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="fosdem-2009">
- <name>FOSDEM '09</name>
- <url>http://fosdem.org/2009/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2009</year>
- <month>2</month>
- <day>7</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2009</year>
- <month>2</month>
- <day>8</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="BE">Belgium</country>
- <city>Brüsszel</city>
- <site>Solbosh Campus, ULB</site>
- </location>
- <description>A FOSDEM '09 egy <q>közösség a
- közösségnek</q> stílusú szabad
- és nem kereskedelmi jellegű rendezvény, amely egy
- találkozóhelyet kíván nyújtani
- a szabad- és nyílt forráskódú
- szoftverek fejlesztőinek. Ezen az rendezvényen
- számos &os; fejlesztő is résztvesz, többek
- közt Kris Kennaway fog előadást tartani a
- rendszerek
- teljesítményéről.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="dcbsdcon-2009">
- <name>DCBSDCon 2009</name>
- <url>http://www.dcbsdcon.org/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2009</year>
- <month>2</month>
- <day>5</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2009</year>
- <month>2</month>
- <day>6</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="US">Egyesült Államok</country>
- <city>Washington</city>
- <site>Marriott Wardman</site>
- </location>
- <description>Washington az első nagyobb BSD konferencia. A
- tervek szerint 45 perces, BSD és biztonságtechnikai
- témájú előadásokból fog
- állni.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="bugathon-jan09">
- <name>Hatodik Bugathon, hálózatok</name>
- <url>http://wiki.freebsd.org/Bugathons/January2009</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2009</year>
- <month>1</month>
- <day>30</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2009</year>
- <month>2</month>
- <day>1</day>
- </enddate>
- <description>A bugathonokat a &os; hibairtó csapata
- irányítja. Ezeket az rendezvényeket
- általában valamelyik hétvégén
- egy IRC csatornán (#freebsd-bugbusters az EFnet
- hálózaton) keresztül szokták
- megszervezni, ahol a téma iránt
- érdeklődő fejlesztők és
- segítőik gyűlnek össze. Céljuk
- minél több hibajelentés lezárás
- és minél több hiba kijavítása.
- Az immáron hatodik alkalommal megrendezett bugathon
- célkitűzése a &os; GNATS
- adatbázisában felbukkanó,
- hálózati kódhoz tartozó
- hibajelentések felszámolása.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="nllgg-2008">
- <name>NLLGG-bijeenkomst december 2008</name>
- <url>http://www.nllgg.nl/bijeenkomst_20081213</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2008</year>
- <month>12</month>
- <day>13</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2008</year>
- <month>12</month>
- <day>13</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="NL">the Netherlands</country>
- <state>Utrecht</state>
- <city>Utrecht</city>
- <site>Liefland college</site>
- </location>
- <description>The "Nederlandse Linux Gebruikers Groep" (NLLGG)
- organisation is arranging a national community day in Utrecht
- focussing on BSD. Robert Watson, Hans vd Looy, Marten Vijn,
- Wim Vandeputte and Remko Lodder will do presentations for the
- Linux community.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="meetbsd-2008">
- <name>MeetBSD California 2008</name>
- <url>http://meetbsd.com/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2008</year>
- <month>11</month>
- <day>15</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2008</year>
- <month>11</month>
- <day>16</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="US">USA</country>
- <state>California</state>
- <city>Mountain View</city>
- <site>Googleplex</site>
- </location>
- <description>meetBSD was started in Krakow, Poland in 2004 and
- strong turnout and highly regarded technical presentations have
- allowed it to continue each year since then. meetBSD is a
- conference devoted to the BSD operating systems with a strong
- emphasis towards FreeBSD. meetBSD 2007 was held in Warsaw,
- Poland and will continue this year in Mountain View, California.
- This year marks the first meetBSD held in California, so join us
- to celebrate FreeBSD's 15th Anniversary!</description>
- </event>
- <event id="ticino-2008">
- <name>Ticino Informatica 2008</name>
- <startdate>
- <year>2008</year>
- <month>10</month>
- <day>22</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2008</year>
- <month>10</month>
- <day>25</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="CH">Switzerland</country>
- <city>Lugano</city>
- <site>Palazzo dei Congressi</site>
- </location>
- <description>FreeBSD and The FreeBSD Foundation
- Stand A13 Presented by OEMS Sagl</description>
- </event>
- <event id="eurobsdcon-2008">
- <name>EuroBSDCon 2008</name>
- <url>http://2008.eurobsdcon.org/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2008</year>
- <month>10</month>
- <day>18</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2008</year>
- <month>10</month>
- <day>19</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="FR">France</country>
- <city>Strasbourg</city>
- <site>University of Strasbourg</site>
- </location>
- <description>The seventh annual European BSD Conference. It is
- oriented to developers and users of all BSD flavors, including
- FreeBSD of course. A variety of full and half-day tutorials will
- precede the conference.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="nycbsdcon-2008">
- <name>NYCBSDCon 2008</name>
- <url>http://www.nycbsdcon.org/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2008</year>
- <month>10</month>
- <day>11</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2008</year>
- <month>10</month>
- <day>12</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="US">USA</country>
- <city>New York City</city>
- <site>Columbia University</site>
- </location>
- <description>The New York City *BSD Conference (NYCBSDCon) 2008
- will be held at Columbia University in Manhattan. NYCBSDCon is
- the main technical conference on the East Coast for the BSD
- community to get together to share and gain knowledge, to
- network with like-minded people, and to have fun. This event is
- organized by members of the New York City *BSD Users Group
- (NYC*BUG).</description>
- </event>
- <event id="openexpo-2008">
- <name>OpenExpo 2008</name>
- <url>http://www.openexpo.ch/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2008</year>
- <month>9</month>
- <day>24</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2008</year>
- <month>9</month>
- <day>25</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="CH">Switzerland</country>
- <city>Zurich</city>
- </location>
- <description>The goal of OpenExpo is the promotion of Open Source
- software in the business environment. Among many others, there
- will be a FreeBSD booth.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="coscup-2008">
- <name>COSCUP 2008 - Conference for Open Source Coders, Users and Promoters</name>
- <url>http://coscup.org/2008/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2008</year>
- <month>8</month>
- <day>23</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2008</year>
- <month>8</month>
- <day>24</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="TW">Taiwan (ROC)</country>
- <city>Taipei</city>
- <site>International Conference Hall, Institute of Applied Mechanics,
- National Taiwan University</site>
- </location>
- <description>COSCUP 2008 is the 3rd incarnation of the series,
- and becomes the biggest annual open source community party in Taiwan.
- Several FreeBSD contributions will be presenting on FreeBSD topics.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="froscon-2008">
- <name>FrOSCon 2008</name>
- <url>http://www.froscon.org/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2008</year>
- <month>8</month>
- <day>23</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2008</year>
- <month>8</month>
- <day>24</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="DE">Germany</country>
- <city>Sankt Augustin</city>
- <site>Fachhochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg</site>
- <address>Grantham-Allee 20</address>
- </location>
- <description>FrOSCon is a two day conference on Free Software
- and Open Source, taking place in Sankt Augustin near the cities
- of Bonn and Cologne. The conference revolves around a rich schedule
- of talks, highlighting current topics in Free Software and Open
- Source.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="oscon-2008">
- <name>O'Reilly Open Source Conference 2008</name>
- <url>http://en.oreilly.com/oscon2008/public/content/home</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2008</year>
- <month>7</month>
- <day>21</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2008</year>
- <month>7</month>
- <day>25</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="US">USA</country>
- <city>Portland, Oregon</city>
- <site>Oregon Convention Center</site>
- </location>
- <description>The annual O'Reilly Open Source Conference will again
- have a FreeBSD booth this year. Matt Olander, Dru Lavigne, and
- others will help spread the word about FreeBSD.
- </description>
- <upcomingurl>http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/430248/</upcomingurl>
- </event>
- <event id="lsm-2008">
- <name>9th Libre Software Meeting</name>
- <url>http://2008.rmll.info/?lang=en</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2008</year>
- <month>7</month>
- <day>1</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2008</year>
- <month>7</month>
- <day>5</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="FR">France</country>
- <city>Mont-de-Marsan</city>
- <site>Multiple Locations</site>
- </location>
- <description>The Libre Software Meeting has occurred each year
- since July 2000. This year there will again be a FreeBSD boot
- camp to introduce new users to the Operating System.</description>
- <upcomingurl>http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/685886/</upcomingurl>
- </event>
- <event id="linuxtag-2008">
- <name>LinuxTag 2008</name>
- <url>http://www.linuxtag.org/2008/en/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2008</year>
- <month>5</month>
- <day>28</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2008</year>
- <month>5</month>
- <day>31</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="DE">Germany</country>
- <city>Berlin</city>
- <site>Messe Berlin</site>
- </location>
- <description>LinuxTag is Europe's largest event about Free
- Software, Linux and Open Source. This year there will be the
- traditional FreeBSD booth and several BSD talks. It will also be
- possible to take the BSDA certification exam there on Friday May
- 30.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="bsdcan-2008">
- <name>BSDCan 2008</name>
- <url>http://www.bsdcan.org/2008/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2008</year>
- <month>5</month>
- <day>16</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2008</year>
- <month>5</month>
- <day>17</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="CA">Canada</country>
- <city>Ottawa</city>
- <site>University of Ottawa</site>
- </location>
- <description>BSDCan is a developers conference with a strong focus
- on emerging technologies, research projects, and works in
- progress. It also features Userland infrastructure projects and
- invites contributions from both free software developers and those
- from commercial vendors.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="bsdcon-barcelona-2008">
- <name>BSDCon Barcelona 2008</name>
- <url>http://bcn.bsdcon.net/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2008</year>
- <month>4</month>
- <day>19</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2008</year>
- <month>4</month>
- <day>20</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="ES">Spain</country>
- <city>Barcelona</city>
- <site>Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya</site>
- </location>
- <description>BSDCon Barcelona is a conference on all BSD-based operating
- systems. Submissions can be on any topic, as long as they are somehow
- connected to BSD. There is room for all kinds of topics ranging from
- documentation to kernel-programming and using systems for various
- tasks.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="osdc-tw-2008">
- <name>OSDC.tw 2008 - Open Source Developers' Conference in Taiwan</name>
- <url>http://osdc.tw/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2008</year>
- <month>4</month>
- <day>12</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2008</year>
- <month>4</month>
- <day>13</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="TW">Taiwan (ROC)</country>
- <city>Taipei</city>
- <site>School Of Continuing Education Chinese Culture University</site>
- </location>
- <description>OSDC.tw is a major conference for open source developers and
- contributions. The subject of OSDC.tw 2008 is the
- "Innovation and Implementation". Several FreeBSD
- developers and contributions will be presenting on FreeBSD topics.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="LIT-2008">
- <name>Linux-Infotag 2008</name>
- <url>http://www.luga.de/Aktionen/LIT-2008/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2008</year>
- <month>3</month>
- <day>29</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2008</year>
- <month>3</month>
- <day>29</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="DE">Germany</country>
- <city>Augsburg</city>
- <site>FH Augsburg</site>
- </location>
- <description>The Augsburger Linux-Infotag offers two parallel
- tracks of talks to show the capabilities of free and open source
- software. There will be several talks about FreeBSD as well
- as a FreeBSD booth.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="asiabsdcon-2008">
- <name>AsiaBSDCon 2008</name>
- <url>http://2008.asiabsdcon.org/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2008</year>
- <month>3</month>
- <day>27</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2008</year>
- <month>3</month>
- <day>30</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="JP">Japan</country>
- <city>Tokyo</city>
- <site>Tokyo University of Science</site>
- </location>
- <description>AsiaBSDCon is a conference for users and developers on BSD
- based systems. The conference is for anyone developing, deploying and
- using systems based on FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, DragonFlyBSD, Darwin
- and MacOS X. AsiaBSDCon is a technical conference and aims to collect
- the best technical papers and presentations available to ensure that
- the latest developments in our open source community are shared with
- the widest possible audience.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="unigroup-freebsd7-nyc-2008">
- <name>Unigroup FreeBSD7 Launch Meeting</name>
- <url>http://www.unigroup.org/unigroup-rsvp.html</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2008</year>
- <month>3</month>
- <day>13</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2008</year>
- <month>3</month>
- <day>13</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="US">USA</country>
- <city>New York</city>
- <site>Alliance for Downtown NY Conference Facility</site>
- </location>
- <description>UNIGROUP of New York presents FreeBSD 7, the latest
- release of the FreeBSD Operating System. George Neville-Neil, a
- member of the FreeBSD Project will give a presentation of the
- main features and significant improvements in the latest release
- as well as talk about the FreeBSD project and how the operating
- system is developed. The presentation will be followed by a
- question and answer period.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="linuxtage-chemnitz-2008">
- <name>Linuxtage Chemnitz 2008</name>
- <url>http://chemnitzer.linux-tage.de/2008/info/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2008</year>
- <month>3</month>
- <day>1</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2008</year>
- <month>3</month>
- <day>2</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="DE">Germany</country>
- <city>Chemnitz</city>
- <site>Technical University Chemnitz</site>
- </location>
- <description>Linuxtage Chemnitz is a two day event on Linux and Free
- Software in general. There will be workshops, talks and room for various
- projects to present themselves. FreeBSD will be present with a booth as
- well as several talks.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="scale-2008">
- <name>SCALE: Southern California Linux Expo 2008</name>
- <url>http://www.socallinuxexpo.org/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2008</year>
- <month>2</month>
- <day>9</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2008</year>
- <month>2</month>
- <day>10</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="US">USA</country>
- <state>California</state>
- <city>Los Angeles</city>
- <site>The Westin Los Angeles Airport</site>
- </location>
- <description>There will be a FreeBSD presence at the sixth
- Southern California Linux Expo in February. Matt Olander will
- be representing the project.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="fosdem-2008">
- <name>FOSDEM 2008</name>
- <url>http://www.fosdem.org/2008/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2008</year>
- <month>2</month>
- <day>23</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2008</year>
- <month>2</month>
- <day>24</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="BE">Belgium</country>
- <city>Brussels</city>
- <site>Universite Libre de Bruxelles</site>
- </location>
- <description>A 2-day event to promote the widespread use of Free and
- Open Source software. There will be a joined BSD and PostgreSQL
- developer room. Several FreeBSD developers will be present with
- Core Team member Robert Watson giving the opening talk on one of
- the conference days.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="linuxexpofr-2008">
- <name>Solutions Linux 2008</name>
- <url>http://www.solutionslinux.fr/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2008</year>
- <month>1</month>
- <day>29</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2008</year>
- <month>1</month>
- <day>31</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="FR">France</country>
- <city>Paris</city>
- <site>CNIT</site>
- <address>La Defense</address>
- </location>
- <description>A 3 day event to promote GNU/Linux and Open Source software.
- <a href="http://www.FreeBSD-fr.ORG">French FreeBSD User Group</a>
- will be present in the Association Village to promote FreeBSD
- of course !</description>
- </event>
- <event id="meetbsd-2007">
- <name>MeetBSD 2007</name>
- <url>http://2007.meetbsd.org/en/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2007</year>
- <month>11</month>
- <day>17</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2007</year>
- <month>11</month>
- <day>18</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="PL">Poland</country>
- <city>Warsaw</city>
- <site>Centrum Konferencyjno-Kongresowe PWSBiA</site>
- </location>
- <description>The fourth annual MeetBSD conference will be held in
- Poland to bring together BSD experts from around Europe.
- Several FreeBSD developers will be presenting on FreeBSD
- topics.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="linuxtageinessen-2007">
- <name>come2linux - LinuxTage in Essen</name>
- <url>http://www.come2linux.org/psp/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2007</year>
- <month>11</month>
- <day>10</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2007</year>
- <month>11</month>
- <day>11</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="DE">Germany</country>
- <city>Essen</city>
- <site>Universit&auml;t Duisburg-Essen, Glas-Pavilion</site>
- </location>
- <description>Linuxtage in Essen is a two day event on Linux and
- Free Software in general. There will be workshops, talks, a
- theme park and room for various projects to present
- themselves. FreeBSD as well as nearly all other BSDs (OpenBSD,
- NetBSD, DesktopBSD, PC-BSD, MirBSD) will be present with a booth
- as well as several talks and installation workshops held by the
- new project www.BSDInstall.de.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="coscup-2007">
- <name>COSCUP 2007 - Conference for Open Source Coders, Users and Promoters</name>
- <url>http://coscup.org/2007/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2007</year>
- <month>11</month>
- <day>3</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2007</year>
- <month>11</month>
- <day>4</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="TW">Taiwan (ROC)</country>
- <city>Taipei</city>
- <site>Techonology Building 2F, National Science Council</site>
- </location>
- <description>COSCUP 2007 is a joint conference of ICOS (International
- Conference on Open Source), to make the open source carnival more
- exciting. The mostly change of COSCUP in 2007 is, the conference is
- co-organized by all local communities in Taiwan, we hope to enlarge the
- participation of local communities during such kind of cooperation. Just
- like the spirit of COSCUP, in this conference, you can be both attendee
- and promoter, and also involve the operation of the conference.
- The major topics in COSCUP 2007 including web-based platform and embedded
- system due to the popularity of Web 2.0 and OLPC; the Chinese session,
- Lightning Talk and System session are the most interesting topics for
- years. There will be some presentations and talks about FreeBSD.
- The program is attractive just like before, we invite not only big ones
- in the community but also developers of non-famous local OSS projects,
- to get more people involved and make OSS more brilliant in Taiwan.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="systems-2007">
- <name>Systems 2007</name>
- <url>http://www.systems-world.de/id/58547/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2007</year>
- <month>10</month>
- <day>23</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2007</year>
- <month>10</month>
- <day>27</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="DE">Germany</country>
- <city>Munich</city>
- <site>Messe München</site>
- </location>
- <description>Systems is a four day IT fair with more than 50000
- visitors and 1200 exhibitors. FreeBSD will have a booth as well
- as the other majour BSDs and will try to repeat the great succes
- in 2006. There will be an Open Source conference with workshops,
- talks and a theme park for various projects.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="bsdcontr-2007">
- <name>BSDConTR 2007</name>
- <url>http://www.bsdcontr.org/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2007</year>
- <month>10</month>
- <day>19</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2007</year>
- <month>10</month>
- <day>20</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="TR">Turkey</country>
- <city>Istanbul</city>
- <site>Sultanahmet Campus Marmara University</site>
- </location>
- <description>BSDConTR is the first conference on BSD systems in
- Turkey. The conference is organized in full cooperation with the
- EnderUNIX Software Development Team, which is largely known for its
- ongoing support for BSD systems in Turkey and its open source
- projects, and Marmara University. Join the developers, users, BSD
- system admins and companies in Istanbul to share experiences and
- knowledge about BSD Systems.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="forum-software-libre">
- <name>I Fórum Software Livre</name>
- <url>http://www.softwarelivre.com.pt/index.php</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2007</year>
- <month>10</month>
- <day>12</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2007</year>
- <month>10</month>
- <day>13</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="PT">Portugal</country>
- <city>Lisbon</city>
- <site>Faculdade de Ci&ecirc;ncias da Universidade de Lisboa</site>
- </location>
- <description>I Fórum Software Livre is a two day conference on
- Free Software and Open Source, taking place in Lisbon. There
- will be some presentations and talks about
- FreeBSD.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="building-os-community-freebsd-ucbe-2007">
- <name>Course: Building and Running an Open Source Community</name>
- <url>http://www.unex.berkeley.edu/cat/course1557.html</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2007</year>
- <month>10</month>
- <day>3</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2007</year>
- <month>10</month>
- <day>3</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="US">USA</country>
- <city>San Francisco</city>
- <site>UC Extension San Francisco: Room 216, South of Market Center</site>
- </location>
- <description>The BSD community started at UC Berkeley in the late
- 1970's. Through the 1980's, the BSD software was developed and
- released from Berkeley. In 1992, Berkeley made its final
- release, 4.4BSD-Lite, an open-source version of BSD. Since that
- time, independent development has continued by the FreeBSD,
- NetBSD, OpenBSD, Darwin, and Dragonfly projects. This talk
- traces the history and structure of the BSD community from its
- start as a small group of paid staff at Berkeley up through the
- thousands of volunteer developers that make up the FreeBSD
- Project of today. It describes how the development structure set
- up at Berkeley was expanded to create a self-organizing project
- that supports an ever growing and changing group of developers
- around the world.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="kernel-internals-ucbe-2007">
- <name>Course: FreeBSD Kernel Internals</name>
- <url>http://www.unex.berkeley.edu/cat/course927.html</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2007</year>
- <month>9</month>
- <day>29</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2007</year>
- <month>11</month>
- <day>3</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="US">USA</country>
- <city>Berkeley</city>
- <site>UC Extension Berkeley: Room 211, Golden Bear Building</site>
- </location>
- <description>This course will provide a firm background in the
- FreeBSD kernel. The course will cover basic kernel services,
- process structure, the FreeBSD jail facility for hosting virtual
- machines, scheduling, signal handling, and virtual and physical
- memory management. The kernel I/O structure will be described
- showing how I/O is multiplexed, special devices are handled,
- character processing is performed, and the buffer pool is
- managed. The implementation of the filesystem and its
- capabilities, including soft updates and snapshots, will be
- described. The filesystem interface will then be described to
- show how it can be used to support multiple filesystem types
- such as Sun Microsystem's Network File System (NFS). The course
- will also cover the FreeBSD socket-based network architecture,
- layering, and implementation. Socket communications primitives
- and internal layering will be discussed, with emphasis on the
- interfaces between layers; the TCP/IP implementation will be
- used as an example. A discussion of routing issues will be
- included. Other system-related topics include performance
- measurement, system tuning, and security issues. The
- presentations will emphasize code organization, data structure
- navigation, and algorithms. It will not cover machine-specific
- parts of the system, such as device drivers.
- Saturdays September 29, October 6 and 27, and
- November 3, 2007; 9:00AM to 5:30PM Sept. 29 to Nov. 3: Sat., 9
- am-5:30 pm (no meetings Oct. 13 and Oct. 20).</description>
- </event>
- <event id="bsd-narrative-history-ucbe-2007">
- <name>Course: A Narrative History of BSD</name>
- <url>http://www.unex.berkeley.edu/cat/course1556.html</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2007</year>
- <month>9</month>
- <day>26</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2007</year>
- <month>9</month>
- <day>26</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="US">USA</country>
- <city>San Francisco</city>
- <site>UC Extension San Francisco: Room 216, South of Market Center</site>
- </location>
- <description>Learn the history of the BSD (Berkeley Software
- Distributions) from one of its key developers, who brings the
- history to life, complete with anecdotes and footnotes to the
- historical narrative. The BSD community began at the UC Berkeley
- in the late 1970s. You'll hear about the triumphs and defeats of
- the project and its releases during its heyday in the 1980s. The
- Berkeley era concludes with the tumultuous lawsuit, ultimately
- settled in Berkeley's favor, which allowed the final release in
- 1992 of 4.4BSD-Lite, an open-source version of BSD. The talk
- includes a brief commentary on the FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD,
- Darwin, and Dragonfly projects that took their genesis from the
- release of 4.4BSD-Lite.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="openexpo-2007">
- <name>OpenExpo 2007</name>
- <url>http://www.openexpo.ch/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2007</year>
- <month>9</month>
- <day>19</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2007</year>
- <month>9</month>
- <day>20</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="CH">Switzerland</country>
- <city>Zurich</city>
- <site>Event550 Hall</site>
- </location>
- <description>The goal of OpenExpo is the promotion of Open Source
- software in the business environment. Among many others, there
- will be a FreeBSD booth.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="eurobsdcon-2007">
- <name>EuroBSDCon 2007</name>
- <url>http://2007.eurobsdcon.org/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2007</year>
- <month>9</month>
- <day>14</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2007</year>
- <month>9</month>
- <day>15</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="DK">Denmark</country>
- <city>Copenhagen</city>
- <site>Symbion Science Park</site>
- </location>
- <description>The sixth annual European BSD Conference. It is
- oriented to developers and users of all BSD flavors, including
- FreeBSD of course. A variety of full and half-day tutorials will
- precede the conference.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="froscon-2007">
- <name>FrOSCon 2007</name>
- <url>http://www.froscon.org/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2007</year>
- <month>8</month>
- <day>25</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2007</year>
- <month>8</month>
- <day>26</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="DE">Germany</country>
- <city>Sankt Augustin</city>
- <site>Fachhochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg</site>
- <address>Grantham-Allee 20</address>
- </location>
- <description>FrOSCon is a two day conference on Free Software
- and Open Source, taking place in Sankt Augustin near the cities
- of Bonn and Cologne. The conference revolves around a rich schedule
- of talks, highlighting current topics in Free Software and Open
- Source.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="cosin-2007">
- <name>CoSin 2007</name>
- <url>http://www.ccc.de/calendar/2007/cosin?language=en</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2007</year>
- <month>7</month>
- <day>6</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2007</year>
- <month>7</month>
- <day>8</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="CH">Switzerland</country>
- <city>Aargau</city>
- <site>Kulturzentrum Bremgarten (KuZeB)</site>
- </location>
- <description>CoSin is a three day conference on Open Source and
- various other topics taking place in the Kulturzentrum
- Bremgarten near Zurich. There will be a FreeBSD booth as well
- as other BSDs.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="ltpact-2007">
- <name>LT Pact 2007</name>
- <url>http://www.ltpact.com</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2007</year>
- <month>6</month>
- <day>20</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2007</year>
- <month>6</month>
- <day>22</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="US">USA</country>
- <state>Nevada</state>
- <city>Las Vegas</city>
- </location>
- <description>LT Pact is a two day web hosting conference in Las
- Vegas, Nevada being presented by Layered Technologies. The conference
- features talks and panels that focus on web hosting and technologies
- in use by large hosting companies. There will be a FreeBSD lab
- session during the conference and plenty of FreeBSD gear.
- </description>
- </event>
- <event id="linuxtag-2007">
- <name>LinuxTag 2007</name>
- <url>http://www.linuxtag.org/2007/en/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2007</year>
- <month>5</month>
- <day>30</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2007</year>
- <month>6</month>
- <day>2</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="DE">Germany</country>
- <city>Berlin</city>
- <site>Messe Berlin</site>
- </location>
- <description>LinuxTag is Europe's largest event about Free Software,
- Linux and Open Source. This year there will be the traditional
- FreeBSD booth and several BSD talks.
- </description>
- </event>
- <event id="bsdcan-2007">
- <name>BSDCan 2007</name>
- <url>http://www.bsdcan.org/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2007</year>
- <month>5</month>
- <day>18</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2007</year>
- <month>5</month>
- <day>19</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="CA">Canada</country>
- <city>Ottawa</city>
- <site>University of Ottawa</site>
- </location>
- <description>BSDCan is a developers conference with a strong focus
- on emerging technologies, research projects, and works in
- progress. It also features Userland infrastructure projects and
- invites contributions from both free software developers and those
- from commercial vendors.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="unix-linux-day-zweibruecken-2007">
- <name>Unix and Linux Day 2007</name>
- <url>http://www.unix-and-linux-day.de/index.html</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2007</year>
- <month>5</month>
- <day>5</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2007</year>
- <month>5</month>
- <day>5</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="DE">Germany</country>
- <city>Zweibrücken</city>
- <site>FH Kaiserslautern, Site Zweibrücken</site>
- </location>
- <description>Among others, there will be a talk about FreeBSD by
- Alexander Leidinger.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="augsburger-linuxinfotag-2007">
- <name>Augsburger Linux-Infotag 2007</name>
- <url>http://www.luga.de/Aktionen/LIT-2007/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2007</year>
- <month>3</month>
- <day>24</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2007</year>
- <month>3</month>
- <day>24</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="DE">Germany</country>
- <city>Augsburg</city>
- <site>FH Augsburg</site>
- </location>
- <description>The Augsburger Linux-Infotag offers two parallel tracks
- of talks to show the capabilities of free and open source software.
- There will be several talks about FreeBSD as well as a FreeBSD
- booth.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="asiabsdcon-2007">
- <name>AsiaBSDCon 2007</name>
- <url>http://2007.asiabsdcon.org/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2007</year>
- <month>3</month>
- <day>8</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2007</year>
- <month>3</month>
- <day>11</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="JP">Japan</country>
- <city>Tokyo</city>
- <site>University of Tokyo</site>
- </location>
- <description>AsiaBSDCon is a conference for users and developers on BSD
- based systems. The conference is for anyone developing, deploying and
- using systems based on FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, DragonFlyBSD, Darwin
- and MacOS X. AsiaBSDCon is a technical conference and aims to collect
- the best technical papers and presentations available to ensure that
- the latest developments in our open source community are shared with
- the widest possible audience.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="linuxtage-chemnitz-2007">
- <name>Linuxtage Chemnitz 2007</name>
- <url>http://chemnitzer.linux-tage.de/2007/info/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2007</year>
- <month>3</month>
- <day>3</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2007</year>
- <month>3</month>
- <day>4</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="DE">Germany</country>
- <city>Chemnitz</city>
- <site>Technical University Chemnitz</site>
- </location>
- <description>Linuxtage Chemnitz is a two day event on Linux and Free
- Software in general. There will be workshops, talks and room for various
- projects to present themselves. FreeBSD will be present with a booth as
- well as several talks.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="fosdem-2007">
- <name>FOSDEM 2007</name>
- <url>http://www.fosdem.org/2007/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2007</year>
- <month>2</month>
- <day>24</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2007</year>
- <month>2</month>
- <day>25</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="BE">Belgium</country>
- <city>Brussels</city>
- <site>Universite Libre de Bruxelles</site>
- </location>
- <description>A 2-day event to promote the widespread use of Free and
- Open Source software. Several BSD developers, including FreeBSD developers,
- will be present.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="scale-2007">
- <name>SCALE: Southern California Linux Expo 2007</name>
- <url>http://www.socallinuxexpo.org/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2007</year>
- <month>2</month>
- <day>10</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2007</year>
- <month>2</month>
- <day>11</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="US">USA</country>
- <state>California</state>
- <city>Los Angeles</city>
- <site>The Westin Los Angeles Airport</site>
- </location>
- <description>The fifth Southern California Linux Expo will have
- an <a href="http://www.socallinuxexpo.org/scale5x/exhibitions/freebsd.php">
- exhibition booth</a> on FreeBSD. A computer will be available
- and CDROMs provided by <a href="http://www.freebsdmall.com/">FreeBSD Mall</a>
- will be handed out.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="chilebsdcon-2006">
- <name>ChileBSDCon 2006</name>
- <url>http://www.bsd.cl/index.php/BSDCon2006</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2006</year>
- <month>12</month>
- <day>9</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2006</year>
- <month>12</month>
- <day>9</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="CL">Chile</country>
- <city>Santiago</city>
- <site>Universidad Diego Portales</site>
- </location>
- <description>The first BSD related conference in Chile. The objective is
- to join the developers, users, and BSD sysadmins in Chile to share and
- interchange ideas, experiences, and knowledge. In addition, it aims to
- provide a chance to socialize and construct future links to expand the
- knowledge of the BSD systems. The conference is for anyone developing,
- administrating, and using systems based on FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD,
- DragonFlyBSD, and Darwin as well as MacOS X and Solaris.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="lisa-2007">
- <name>LISA '06</name>
- <url>http://www.usenix.org/events/lisa06/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2006</year>
- <month>12</month>
- <day>3</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2006</year>
- <month>12</month>
- <day>8</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="US">USA</country>
- <city>Washington, D.C.</city>
- </location>
- <description>The annual LISA conference is the meeting place of choice
- for system, network, database, storage, security, and all other
- computer-related administrators. Administrators of all specialties
- and levels of expertise meet at LISA to exchange ideas, sharpen old
- skills, learn new techniques, debate current issues, and meet
- colleagues and friends. A BSD booth will be available in the
- exhibit hall.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="meetbsd-2006">
- <name>MeetBSD 2006</name>
- <url>http://2006.meetbsd.org/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2006</year>
- <month>11</month>
- <day>25</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2006</year>
- <month>11</month>
- <day>26</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="PL">Poland</country>
- <city>Warsaw</city>
- <site>Centrum Konferencyjno-Kongresowe PWSBiA</site>
- </location>
- <description>The third annual MeetBSD conference will be held in
- Poland to bring together BSD experts from around Europe.
- Several FreeBSD developers will be presenting on FreeBSD
- topics.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="eurobsdcon-2006">
- <name>EuroBSDCon 2006</name>
- <url>http://www.eurobsdcon.org/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2006</year>
- <month>11</month>
- <day>10</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2006</year>
- <month>11</month>
- <day>12</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="IT">Italy</country>
- <city>Milan</city>
- </location>
- <description>The fifth annual European BSD Conference. It is
- oriented to developers and users of all BSD flavors, including
- FreeBSD of course.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="nycbsdcon-2006">
- <name>NYCBSDCon 2006</name>
- <url>http://www.nycbsdcon.org/2006/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2006</year>
- <month>10</month>
- <day>28</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2006</year>
- <month>10</month>
- <day>29</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="US">USA</country>
- <city>New York City</city>
- <site>Davis Auditorium, Columbia University</site>
- </location>
- <description>Continuing on the success of last year, the New York City
- BSD Conference (NYCBSDCon) is the main technical conference on the
- East Coast for the BSD community to get together to share and gain
- knowledge, to network with like-minded people, and to have fun.
- This event is organized by members of the New York City *BSD Users
- Group (NYC*BUG).</description>
- </event>
- <event id="cimm-2006">
- <name>CIMM 2006</name>
- <url>http://www.ing.unal.edu.co/eventos/cimm2006/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2006</year>
- <month>9</month>
- <day>20</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2006</year>
- <month>9</month>
- <day>22</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="CO">Colombia</country>
- <city>Bogota</city>
- <site>Universidad Nacional de Colombia</site>
- </location>
- <description>Every two (sometimes three) years the leading Colombian
- Mechanical Engineering Universities organize a congress. This
- year the congress will become an international event and will
- feature an article about free Mechanical Engineering applications
- recently ported to FreeBSD. Note: the scheduled FreeBSD talk has
- been canceled but the related paper is available <a
- href="http://people.freebsd.org/~blackend/misc/CIMM2006-FreeBSD.pdf">here</a>.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="linuxtageinessen-2006">
- <name>come2linux - Linuxtage in Essen</name>
- <url>http://www.com2linux.de/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2006</year>
- <month>9</month>
- <day>9</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2006</year>
- <month>9</month>
- <day>10</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="DE">Germany</country>
- <city>Essen</city>
- <site>Universit&auml;t Duisburg-Essen, Glas-Pavilion</site>
- <address>Universit&auml;tsstra&szlig;e 2</address>
- </location>
- <description>Linuxtage in Essen is a two day event on Linux and
- Free Software in general. There will be workshops, talks, a
- theme park and room for various projects to present themselves.
- FreeBSD will be present with a booth as well as several talks.
- </description>
- </event>
- <event id="froscon-2006">
- <name>FrOSCon 2006</name>
- <url>http://www.froscon.org/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2006</year>
- <month>6</month>
- <day>24</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2006</year>
- <month>6</month>
- <day>25</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="DE">Germany</country>
- <city>Sankt Augustin</city>
- <site>Fachhochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg</site>
- <address>Grantham-Allee 20</address>
- </location>
- <description>FrOSCon is a two day conference on Free Software
- and Open Source, taking place in Sankt Augustin near the cities
- of Bonn and Cologne. The conference revolves around a rich schedule
- of talks, highlighting current topics in Free Software and Open Source,
- including an introductory talk about FreeBSD.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="mckusick-ucb-fall-2006">
- <name>FreeBSD Kernel Short Course at UC Berkeley Extension</name>
- <url>http://www.unex.berkeley.edu/cat/course692.html</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2006</year>
- <month>6</month>
- <day>19</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2006</year>
- <month>6</month>
- <day>23</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="US">USA</country>
- <city>Berkeley</city>
- <site>University of California</site>
- </location>
- <description>The ``Using the FreeBSD Open-Source Operating
- System'' course will be taught June 19-23, 2006 as part of the
- University of California at Berkeley Summer Engineering Program.
- You can get more information or sign up for the
- class at: <a
- href="http://www.unex.berkeley.edu/cat/course692.html">http://www.unex.berkeley.edu/cat/course692.html</a>.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="usenix-2006">
- <name>2006 USENIX Annual Technical Conference</name>
- <url>http://www.usenix.org/events/usenix06/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2006</year>
- <month>5</month>
- <day>30</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2006</year>
- <month>6</month>
- <day>3</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="US">USA</country>
- <state>Massachusetts</state>
- <city>Boston</city>
- </location>
- <description>The 2006 USENIX ATC will have FREENIX and general
- refereed paper sessions. This is THE big conference of the year
- for BSD enthusiasts in the U.S.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="sane-2006">
- <name>SANE 2006</name>
- <url>http://www.sane.nl/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2006</year>
- <month>5</month>
- <day>15</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2006</year>
- <month>5</month>
- <day>19</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="NL">The Netherlands</country>
- <city>Delft</city>
- <site>Aula Congresscentre</site>
- </location>
- <description>The SANE conference program is filled with the latest
- developments in system administration, network engineering,
- security and open source software. Several prominent FreeBSD
- team members will be speaking and FreeBSD related papers will be
- presented.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="bsdcan-2006">
- <name>BSDCan 2006</name>
- <url>http://www.bsdcan.org/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2006</year>
- <month>5</month>
- <day>12</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2006</year>
- <month>5</month>
- <day>13</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="CA">Canada</country>
- <city>Ottawa</city>
- <site>University of Ottawa</site>
- </location>
- <description>BSDCan is a developers conference with a strong focus
- on emerging technologies, research projects, and works in
- progress. It also features Userland infrastructure projects and
- invites contributions from both free software developers and those
- from commercial vendors.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="linuxtag-2006">
- <name>LinuxTag 2006</name>
- <url>http://www.linuxtag.org/2006/en/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2006</year>
- <month>5</month>
- <day>3</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2006</year>
- <month>5</month>
- <day>6</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="DE">Germany</country>
- <city>Wiesbaden</city>
- <site>Rhein-Main-Hallen</site>
- </location>
- <description>LinuxTag is Europe's largest event about Free Software,
- Linux and Open Source. This year there will be the traditional
- FreeBSD-Booth, some BSD-Talks and maybe BSD-Tutorials. For more
- information, please see <a
- href="http://www.AllBSD.de/events/linuxtag/">http://www.AllBSD.de/events/linuxtag/</a>.
- </description>
- </event>
- <event id="ukuug-lisa-2006">
- <name>UKUUG LISA/Spring Conference 2006</name>
- <url>http://www.ukuug.org/events/spring2006/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2006</year>
- <month>3</month>
- <day>22</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2006</year>
- <month>3</month>
- <day>23</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="UK">UK</country>
- <city>Durham</city>
- <site>University of Durham</site>
- </location>
- <description>UKUUG's annual Large Installation Systems Administration
- (LISA) conference will take place in the historic city of Durham on
- Wednesday 22nd and Thursday 23rd March 2006. This conference is a
- must-attend event for system and network administrators. As well as
- the technical talks, the conference provides a friendly environment
- for members to meet, learn, and enjoy lively debate on a host of
- subjects. This year, a series of talks on the BSD family of operating
- systems is also planned to run alongside the main systems
- administration stream.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="cebit-2006">
- <name>CeBIT 2006</name>
- <url>http://www.cebit.de/homepage_e?x=1</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2006</year>
- <month>3</month>
- <day>9</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2006</year>
- <month>3</month>
- <day>15</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="DE">Germany</country>
- <city>Hannover</city>
- <site>Messegel&auml;nde</site>
- </location>
- <description>CeBIT is a large trade fair in Germany. FreeBSD will be
- present with a booth inside the LinuxPark (hall 5, booth E 56) from
- March 12-15. For more information, please see <a
- href="http://www.AllBSD.de/events/cebit/">http://www.AllBSD.de/events/cebit/</a>.
- </description>
- </event>
- <event id="linuxforum-2006">
- <name>LinuxForum 2006</name>
- <url>http://linuxforum.dk/2006/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2006</year>
- <month>3</month>
- <day>3</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2006</year>
- <month>3</month>
- <day>4</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="DK">Denmark</country>
- <city>Copenhagen</city>
- <site>Kunstakademiets Arkitektskole</site>
- <address>Philip de Langes Allé</address>
- </location>
- <description>Annual Danish Open Source conference. The Danish BSD
- user group <a href="http://www.bsd-dk.dk">BSD-DK</a> will present
- the BSDs. Also, a series of BSD related talks is scheduled.
- </description>
- </event>
- <event id="fosdem-2006">
- <name>Fosdem 2006</name>
- <url>http://www.fosdem.org/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2006</year>
- <month>2</month>
- <day>25</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2006</year>
- <month>2</month>
- <day>26</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="BE">Belgium</country>
- <city>Brussels</city>
- <site>Universite Libre de Bruxelles</site>
- <address>Avenue Franklin D. Roosevelt 50</address>
- </location>
- <description>A 2 day event to promote the widespread use of Free
- and Open Source software. Several BSD developers, including
- FreeBSD developers, will be present and give a series of
- talks.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="mckusick-adv-spring-2006">
- <name>FreeBSD Kernel Code Reading Evening Course</name>
- <url>http://www.mckusick.com/courses/adveveclass.html</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2006</year>
- <month>2</month>
- <day>22</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2006</year>
- <month>6</month>
- <day>13</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="US">USA</country>
- <state>California</state>
- <city>Berkeley</city>
- </location>
- <description>The ``FreeBSD Kernel Internals: An Intensive Code
- Walkthrough'' course will be taught during the Spring of 2006. The
- class will be held at the historic Hillside Club at 2286 Cedar
- Street, Berkeley, CA 94709 just three blocks north of the Berkeley
- campus once per week from 6:30PM to 9:45PM starting Wednesday February
- 22nd and finishing Tuesday June 13th. You can get more
- information or sign up for the class at <a
- href="http://www.mckusick.com/courses/adveveclass.html">http://www.mckusick.com/courses/adveveclass.html</a>.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="fsatc-2006">
- <name>FreeBSD System Administration Training Course</name>
- <url>http://www.pugetsoundtechnology.com/training/freebsd/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2006</year>
- <month>2</month>
- <day>7</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2006</year>
- <month>2</month>
- <day>10</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="US">USA</country>
- <state>Texas</state>
- <city>Fort Worth</city>
- </location>
- <description>Four-day hands-on class taught by BSD developer and
- advocate, Jeremy C. Reed, covers essential FreeBSD and Unix
- administration skills, including beginning Mail, BIND, and Apache
- administration.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="guficon-6">
- <name>GUFICon #6</name>
- <url>http://www.gufi.org/guficon/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2005</year>
- <month>12</month>
- <day>3</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2005</year>
- <month>12</month>
- <day>4</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="IT">Italy</country>
- <city>Perugia</city>
- </location>
- <description>The Italian FreeBSD users group (G.U.F.I. - Gruppo
- Utenti FreeBSD Italia) is proud to announce the 6th annual
- GUFICon. It will be held in Perugia, Italy on December 3-4,
- 2005. As always, GUFICon is free and open to all. Members of
- the Italian FreeBSD community as well as special international
- guests such as Greg Lehey and George Georgalis will present on
- many technical themes. See the website for more information and
- free registration.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="eurobsdcon-2005">
- <name>EuroBSDCon 2005</name>
- <url>http://2005.eurobsdcon.org/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2005</year>
- <month>11</month>
- <day>25</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2005</year>
- <month>11</month>
- <day>27</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="CH">Switzerland</country>
- <city>Basel</city>
- <site>University of Basel</site>
- </location>
- <description>The fourth annual European BSD Conference. It is
- oriented to developers and users of all BSD flavors, including
- FreeBSD of course.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="usenix-baysug-2005">
- <name>USENIX Bay Area Super User Group Meeting (BaySUG '05)</name>
- <url>http://www.usenix.org/events/baysug05/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2005</year>
- <month>11</month>
- <day>12</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2005</year>
- <month>11</month>
- <day>12</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="US">USA</country>
- <city>Mountain View, CA</city>
- <site>Computer History Museum</site>
- </location>
- <description>Join USENIX and BayLISA for the first Bay Area Super
- User Group Meeting (BaySUG '05) followed by a reception hosted
- by Google. We're looking for more FreeBSD representation.
- Please contact <a href="mailto:murray@FreeBSD.org">Murray
- Stokely</a> if you are interested in discussing and promoting
- FreeBSD at the event.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="freebsd-korea-2005">
- <name>Korean FreeBSD users group Conference 2005</name>
- <url>http://seminar.freebsdcity.org</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2005</year>
- <month>10</month>
- <day>29</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2005</year>
- <month>10</month>
- <day>29</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="KP">Korea</country>
- <city>Seoul</city>
- <site>HP Korea Conference Room 20th floor</site>
- </location>
- <description>A Conference for Everyone Who is interested in
- FreeBSD in Korea.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="euro-oscon-2005">
- <name>O'Reilly European Open Source Convention</name>
- <url>http://conferences.oreillynet.com/eurooscon/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2005</year>
- <month>10</month>
- <day>17</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2005</year>
- <month>10</month>
- <day>20</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="NL">The Netherlands</country>
- <city>Amsterdam</city>
- <site>NH Grand Hotel Krasnapolsky</site>
- </location>
- <description>The popular O'Reilly Open Source Conference is coming
- to Europe in October. There will be FreeBSD related talks, BoF
- sessions, and opportunities for general advocacy.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="nycbsdcon-2005">
- <name>New York City BSD Conference (NYCBSDCon)</name>
- <url>http://www.nycbsdcon.org/2005/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2005</year>
- <month>9</month>
- <day>17</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2005</year>
- <month>9</month>
- <day>17</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="US">USA</country>
- <city>New York City</city>
- <site>Columbia University</site>
- </location>
- <description>New York City BSD Conference (NYCBSDCon) is a one day
- technical conference hosted by the New York City <a
- href="http://www.nycbug.org">*BSD User Group</a>. The all day
- conference will include a variety of speakers representing the
- BSD projects and the open source community.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="oscon-2005">
- <name>O'Reilly Open Source Conference 2005</name>
- <url>http://conferences.oreillynet.com/os2005/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2005</year>
- <month>8</month>
- <day>1</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2005</year>
- <month>8</month>
- <day>5</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="US">USA</country>
- <city>Portland, Oregon</city>
- <site>Oregon Convention Center</site>
- </location>
- <description>The annual O'Reilly Open Source Conference had a
- larger BSD presence this year. Matt Olander, Dru Lavigne, and
- others helped spread the word about FreeBSD. A press release
- about the advocacy effort is available <a
- href="http://www.offmyserver.com/cgi-bin/store/news/oscon_080505.html">here</a>.
- </description>
- </event>
- <event id="bsdcon-japan-2005">
- <name>BSDCon Japan 2005</name>
- <url>http://bsdcon.jp/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2005</year>
- <month>7</month>
- <day>23</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2005</year>
- <month>7</month>
- <day>23</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="JP">Japan</country>
- <city>Nagoya</city>
- <site>NADYA PARK</site>
- </location>
- <description>BSD Conference Japan 2005, the fourth conference
- concerning *BSD in Japan, will be held in Nagoya
- on July 23th, 2005.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="linuxtag-2005">
- <name>Linuxtag 2005</name>
- <url>http://www.linuxtag.org/2005/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2005</year>
- <month>6</month>
- <day>22</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2005</year>
- <month>6</month>
- <day>25</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="DE">Germany</country>
- <city>Karlsruhe</city>
- <site>Kongresszentrum</site>
- </location>
- <description>The Linuxtag is one of Europe's biggest Linux and Open Source
- related tradeshows and conferences. As in previous years, FreeBSD will be
- present with a booth.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="meetbsd-2005">
- <name>MeetBSD 2005</name>
- <url>http://2005.meetbsd.org/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2005</year>
- <month>6</month>
- <day>17</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2005</year>
- <month>6</month>
- <day>19</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="PL">Poland</country>
- <city>Kraków</city>
- <site>Hotel Chopin</site>
- </location>
- <description>The second annual MeetBSD conference will be held in
- Poland to bring together BSD experts from around Europe.
- Poul-Henning Kamp and others will be presenting on FreeBSD
- topics.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="bsdcan-2005">
- <name>BSDCan 2005</name>
- <url>http://www.bsdcan.org/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2005</year>
- <month>5</month>
- <day>13</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2005</year>
- <month>5</month>
- <day>14</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="CA">Canada</country>
- <city>Ottawa</city>
- <site>University of Ottawa</site>
- </location>
- <description>BSDCan is a developers conference with a strong focus
- on emerging technologies, research projects, and works in
- progress. It also features Userland infrastructure projects and
- invite contribution from both free software developers and those
- from commercial vendors.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="osf-russia-2005">
- <name>Open Source Forum Russia 2005</name>
- <url>http://www.opensource-forum.ru/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2005</year>
- <month>4</month>
- <day>27</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2005</year>
- <month>4</month>
- <day>29</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="RU">Russia</country>
- <city>Moscow</city>
- <site>Radisson SAS Hotel</site>
- </location>
- <description>Open Source Forum Russia is the first conference and
- exhibition which will bring together Russian, American and
- European leaders of the OS industry, customers interested in
- using reliable and efficient Linux-based technologies and IT
- companies which intend developing business on the base of Open
- Source. <a
- href="mailto:murray@FreeBSD.org">Murray Stokely</a> will present
- on the subject of FreeBSD Release Engineering and the Business
- Case for BSD.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="usenix-2005">
- <name>2005 USENIX Annual Technical Conference</name>
- <url>http://www.usenix.org/events/usenix05/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2005</year>
- <month>4</month>
- <day>10</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2005</year>
- <month>4</month>
- <day>15</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="US">USA</country>
- <state>California</state>
- <city>Anaheim</city>
- </location>
- <description>The 2005 USENIX ATC will have FREENIX and general
- refereed paper sessions. This is THE big conference of the year
- for BSD enthusiasts in the U.S.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="linuxforum-2005">
- <name>LinuxForum 2005</name>
- <url>http://www.linuxforum.dk/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2005</year>
- <month>3</month>
- <day>4</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2005</year>
- <month>3</month>
- <day>5</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="DK">Denmark</country>
- <city>Copenhagen</city>
- <site>Kunstakademiets Arkitektskole</site>
- <address>Philip de Langes Allé</address>
- </location>
- <description>Annual Danish Open Source conference. The Danish BSD
- user group <a href="http://www.bsd-dk.dk">BSD-DK</a> will present
- the BSD's.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="fosdem-2005">
- <name>Fosdem 2005</name>
- <url>http://www.fosdem.org/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2005</year>
- <month>2</month>
- <day>26</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2005</year>
- <month>2</month>
- <day>27</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="BE">Belgium</country>
- <city>Brussels</city>
- <site>Universite Libre de Bruxelles</site>
- <address>Avenue Franklin D. Roosevelt 50</address>
- </location>
- <description>A 2 day event to promote the widespread use of Free
- and Open Source software. Among the projects present at the event
- will be Mozilla, KDE and, of course, FreeBSD.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="ffg-2005">
- <name>GUUG-Frühjahrsfachgespr&auml;ch 2005</name>
- <url>http://www.guug.de/veranstaltungen/ffg2005/index.html</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2005</year>
- <month>2</month>
- <day>22</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2005</year>
- <month>2</month>
- <day>25</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="DE">Germany</country>
- <city>Munich</city>
- <site>Munich University of Applied Sciences</site>
- </location>
- <description>
- The Frühjahrsfachgespr&auml;ch is an annual event on
- practical Linux/UNIX topics. Most of the talks are in
- german, among them a talk about FreeBSD Filesystem Snapshots
- by Dirk Meyer &lt;dinoex@FreeBSD.org&gt;.
- </description>
- </event>
- <event id="scale-2005">
- <name>SCALE: Southern California Linux Expo 2005</name>
- <url>http://www.socallinuxexpo.org/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2005</year>
- <month>2</month>
- <day>12</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2005</year>
- <month>2</month>
- <day>13</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="US">USA</country>
- <state>California</state>
- <city>Los Angeles</city>
- <site>Los Angeles Convention Center</site>
- </location>
- <description>The third Southern California Linux Expo will have
- an <a href="http://www.socallinuxexpo.org/exhibitions/freebsd.php">
- exhibition booth</a> on FreeBSD. A computer will be available
- and CDROMs provided by <a href="http://www.freebsdmall.com/">FreeBSD Mall</a>
- will be handed out.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="ccc-21">
- <name>21. Chaos Communication Congress</name>
- <url>http://www.ccc.de/congress/2004/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2004</year>
- <month>12</month>
- <day>27</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2004</year>
- <month>12</month>
- <day>29</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="DE">Germany</country>
- <city>Berlin</city>
- <site>Berliner Congress Center</site>
- <address>Alexanderplatz 2</address>
- </location>
- <description>The Chaos Communication Congress is a three-day
- conference on technology, society and utopia. FreeBSD will
- be present with a booth. If you are interested in helping
- out, please contact <a
- href="mailto:brueffer@FreeBSD.org">Christian Brueffer</a>.
- </description>
- </event>
- <event id="enderunix-04">
- <name>Free Software Development and the FreeBSD Operating System</name>
- <url>http://www.enderunix.org/events/metu2004</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2004</year>
- <month>12</month>
- <day>10</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2004</year>
- <month>12</month>
- <day>10</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="TR">Turkey</country>
- <city>Ankara</city>
- <site>ODTU Culture and Congress Center</site>
- <address>Saloon D</address>
- </location>
- <description>This conference is organized with the cooperation of
- the EnderUNIX Software Development Team and the Middle East
- Technical University Computer Center. The conference will be a
- one-day event and the official language for the conference is
- Turkish. For more information and a schedule of talks, please
- see the website.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="eurobsdcon-2004">
- <name>EuroBSDCon 2004</name>
- <url>http://2004.eurobsdcon.org/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2004</year>
- <month>10</month>
- <day>29</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2004</year>
- <month>10</month>
- <day>31</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="DE">Germany</country>
- <city>Karlsruhe</city>
- <site>Queens Hotel Karlsruhe</site>
- </location>
- <description>The third annual European BSD Conference. It is
- oriented to developers and users of all BSD flavors, including
- FreeBSD of course.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="bsdcon-japan-2004">
- <name>BSDCon Japan 2004</name>
- <url>http://bsdcon.jp/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2004</year>
- <month>10</month>
- <day>23</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2004</year>
- <month>10</month>
- <day>23</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="JP">Japan</country>
- <city>Osaka</city>
- <site>Business Innovation Center Osaka</site>
- </location>
- <description>BSD Conference Japan 2004, the third conference
- concerning *BSD in Japan, will be held in Osaka on October 23th, 2004.
- Furthermore, <a href="http://k-of.jp/">Kansai Open Source 2004</a>
- and <a href="http://kessen.k-of.jp/">Kansai Community Contest</a>
- will be held in the same place also.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="systems-2004">
- <name>Systems 2004</name>
- <url>http://www.systems.de/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2004</year>
- <month>10</month>
- <day>18</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2004</year>
- <month>10</month>
- <day>22</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="DE">Germany</country>
- <city>Munich</city>
- <site>New Munich Trade Fair Centre</site>
- </location>
- <description>Systems is a trade fair for IT, media and communications.
- There will be a combined BSD booth. If you are interested in helping,
- please contact <a href="mailto:dan@deam.org">Daniel Ettle</a>.
- </description>
- </event>
- <event id="guficon5">
- <name>Italian FreeBSD User Group (GUFI) Conference 2004</name>
- <url>http://www.gufi.org/guficon5/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2004</year>
- <month>10</month>
- <day>2</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2004</year>
- <month>10</month>
- <day>3</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="IT">Italy</country>
- <city>Milan</city>
- </location>
- <description>The Italian FreeBSD User Group (GUFI) Conference.
- Information available (in Italian) from the conference
- website.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="auug2004">
- <name>The AUUG'2004 Annual Conference</name>
- <url>http://www.auug.org.au/events/2004/auug2004/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2004</year>
- <month>9</month>
- <day>1</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2004</year>
- <month>9</month>
- <day>3</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="AU">Australia</country>
- <city>Melbourne</city>
- </location>
- <description>AUUG'2004 is the annual technical conference of AUUG,
- the Australian UNIX and Open Systems User Group. The conference
- will emphasise issues of identity and authentication on the Internet,
- along with issues of computer security and anonymity.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="sucon-2004">
- <name>2nd Swiss Unix Conference</name>
- <url>http://www.sucon.ch/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2004</year>
- <month>9</month>
- <day>2</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2004</year>
- <month>9</month>
- <day>4</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="CH">Switzerland</country>
- <city>Zürich</city>
- </location>
- <description>SUCON is an emerging conference focused on topics
- related to the Unix operating system. Our goal is to bring
- together developers, system administrators and users in the
- field of Unix to foster projects, ideas and the knowledge of
- every individual. There will also be some speeches related to
- FreeBSD. If you want to join the FreeBSD booth, contact
- <a href="mailto:josef@FreeBSD.org">Josef El-Rayes</a>.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="linuxexpocn-2004">
- <name>Linux Expo Shanghai</name>
- <url>http://www.linuxexposhanghai.com/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2004</year>
- <month>9</month>
- <day>9</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2004</year>
- <month>9</month>
- <day>10</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="CN">China</country>
- <city>Shanghai</city>
- </location>
- <description>Linux Expo Shanghai is the biggest Linux/Open Source
- conference in Shanghai this summer. <a
- href="mailto:murray@FreeBSD.org">Murray Stokely</a> and members
- of the <a href="http://www.freebsdchina.org">FreeBSD China</a>
- group will have a booth there both days.</description>
- <link type="photos">
- <name>Photos by Murray Stokely, Yarshure, and Hylu (FreeBSD China)</name>
- <url>http://www.stokely.org/20040910-shanghai-linuxexpo/</url>
- </link>
- <link type="other">
- <name>Slides from Murray Stokely's talk</name>
- <url>http://people.FreeBSD.org/~murray/</url>
- </link>
- </event>
- <event id="usenix-2004">
- <name>2004 USENIX Annual Technical Conference</name>
- <url>http://www.usenix.org/events/usenix04/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2004</year>
- <month>6</month>
- <day>27</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2004</year>
- <month>7</month>
- <day>2</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="US">USA</country>
- <state>Massachusetts</state>
- <city>Boston</city>
- </location>
- <description>The 2004 USENIX ATC will have <a
- href="http://www.usenix.org/events/usenix04/freenix.html">FREENIX</a>
- and general refereed paper session, along with new <a
- href="http://www.usenix.org/events/usenix04/usebsd.html">UseBSD</a>
- Special Interest Group Sessions. There will not be a separate
- Usenix-sponsored BSDCon in the U.S. in 2004, so this is THE big
- conference of the year for BSD enthusiasts in the
- U.S.</description>
- <link type="photos">
- <name>Photos by Matt Dillon</name>
- <url>http://apollo.backplane.com/USENIX2004/</url>
- </link>
- </event>
- <event id="linuxtag04">
- <name>Linuxtag 2004</name>
- <url>http://www.linuxtag.org/2004/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2004</year>
- <month>6</month>
- <day>23</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2004</year>
- <month>6</month>
- <day>26</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="DE">Germany</country>
- <city>Karlsruhe</city>
- <site>Kongresszentrum</site>
- </location>
- <description>The Linuxtag is one of Europe's biggest Linux and Open Source
- related tradeshows and conferences. As in previous years, FreeBSD will be
- present with a booth.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="linuxwochen04">
- <name>Linuxwochen Wien</name>
- <url>http://www.linuxwochen.at</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2004</year>
- <month>5</month>
- <day>26</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2004</year>
- <month>5</month>
- <day>29</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="AT">Austria</country>
- <city>Vienna</city>
- <site>Museumsquartier, A-1070 Wien Museumsplatz 1</site>
- </location>
- <description>Linuxwochen is an annual roadshow of open source
- conferences, which take place in all major cities in Austria.
- Vienna is the biggest event. There will be a FreeBSD speech and
- a booth by <a href="mailto:josef@FreeBSD.org">Josef El-Rayes</a>.
- </description>
- </event>
- <event id="bsdcan-2004">
- <name>BSDCan</name>
- <url>http://www.bsdcan.org/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2004</year>
- <month>5</month>
- <day>13</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2004</year>
- <month>5</month>
- <day>15</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="CA">Canada</country>
- <city>Ottawa</city>
- <site>University of Ottawa</site>
- </location>
- <description>BSDCan is a developers conference with a strong focus
- on emerging technologies, research projects, and works in
- progress. It also features Userland infrastructure projects and
- invite contribution from both free software developers and those
- from commercial vendors.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="asia-bsdcon-2004">
- <name>Asia BSDCon 2004</name>
- <url>http://www.asiabsdcon.org/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2004</year>
- <month>3</month>
- <day>12</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2004</year>
- <month>3</month>
- <day>15</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="TW">Taiwan (ROC)</country>
- <city>Taipei</city>
- <site>Academica Sinica</site>
- </location>
- <description>The first BSDCon held in Asia, and sponsored by <a
- href="http://www.usenix.org/">USENIX Association</a>. Two days
- of tutorials will precede two days of technical sessions and a
- vendor exhibit.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="linuxforum-2004">
- <name>LinuxForum 2004</name>
- <url>http://www.linuxforum.dk/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2004</year>
- <month>3</month>
- <day>5</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2004</year>
- <month>3</month>
- <day>6</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="DK">Denmark</country>
- <city>Copenhagen</city>
- <site>Symbion</site>
- <address>Fruebjergvej 3</address>
- </location>
- <description>Annual Danish Open Source conference. The Danish BSD
- user group <a href="http://www.bsd-dk.dk">BSD-DK</a> will present
- the BSD's.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="fosdem-2004">
- <name>Fosdem 2004</name>
- <url>http://www.fosdem.org/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2004</year>
- <month>2</month>
- <day>21</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2004</year>
- <month>2</month>
- <day>22</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="BE">Belgium</country>
- <city>Brussels</city>
- <site>Universite Libre de Bruxelles</site>
- <address>Avenue Franklin D. Roosevelt 50</address>
- </location>
- <description>A 2 day event to promote the widespread use of Free
- and Open Source software. Among the projects present at the event
- will be Mozilla, KDE and, of course, FreeBSD.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="linuxexpofr-2004">
- <name>Solutions Linux 2004</name>
- <url>http://www.linuxsolutions.fr/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2004</year>
- <month>2</month>
- <day>3</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2004</year>
- <month>2</month>
- <day>5</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="FR">France</country>
- <city>Paris</city>
- <site>CNIT</site>
- <address>La Defense</address>
- </location>
- <description>A 3 day event to promote GNU/Linux and Open Source software.
- <a href="http://www.FreeBSD-fr.ORG">French FreeBSD User Group</a>
- will be present in the Association Village to promote FreeBSD
- of course !</description>
- </event>
- <event id="ccc-20">
- <name>20. Chaos Communication Congress</name>
- <url>http://www.ccc.de/congress/2003/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2003</year>
- <month>12</month>
- <day>27</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2003</year>
- <month>12</month>
- <day>29</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="DE">Germany</country>
- <city>Berlin</city>
- <site>Berliner Congress Center</site>
- <address>Alexanderplatz 2</address>
- </location>
- <description>The Chaos Communication Congress is a three-day
- conference on technology, society and utopia. FreeBSD will
- be present with a booth. If you are interested in helping
- out, please contact <a
- href="mailto:brueffer@FreeBSD.org">Christian Brueffer</a>.
- </description>
- </event>
- <event id="bsdcon-brasil-2003">
- <name>BSDCon Brasil</name>
- <url>http://bsdcon.myfreebsd.com.br/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2003</year>
- <month>12</month>
- <day>6</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2003</year>
- <month>12</month>
- <day>7</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="BR">Brazil</country>
- <city>Rio de Janeiro</city>
- </location>
- <description>This is the first edition of BSDCon Brasil. BSDCon
- Brasil is being promoted and organized by a pool of corporations
- connected with the BSD community. There will be two intensive days
- of workshops, presentations and mini-tutorials related to BSD at
- large.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="bsdlinuxday-2003">
- <name>BSD/Linux Day</name>
- <url>http://www.jus.or.jp/events/bsd-linux-day/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2003</year>
- <month>12</month>
- <day>2</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2003</year>
- <month>12</month>
- <day>2</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="JP">Japan</country>
- <city>Yokohama</city>
- </location>
- <description>During the InternetWeek 2003 Conference, which takes
- place in Yokohama, between December 2nd and 5th, there will be a
- BSD/Linux Day, organized by the Japan Unix Society.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="sf10yearparty">
- <name>FreeBSD 10 Year Anniversary Party</name>
- <url>http://www.offmyserver.com/cgi-bin/store/rsvp.html</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2003</year>
- <month>11</month>
- <day>24</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2003</year>
- <month>11</month>
- <day>24</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="US">USA</country>
- <city>San Francisco</city>
- <site>DNA Lounge</site>
- <address>www.dnalounge.com</address>
- </location>
- <description>Join us Monday November 24th to celebrate 10 years of
- FreeBSD! Please RSVP <a
- href="http://www.offmyserver.com/cgi-bin/store/rsvp.html">here</a>
- so we can order enough food and drink for everyone.</description>
- <link type="photos">
- <name>Photos by Matt Dillon</name>
- <url>http://apollo.backplane.com/pics.bsdparty/</url>
- </link>
- </event>
- <event id="scale-2003">
- <name>SCALE: Southern California Linux Expo 2003</name>
- <url>http://www.socallinuxexpo.com/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2003</year>
- <month>11</month>
- <day>22</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2003</year>
- <month>11</month>
- <day>22</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="US">USA</country>
- <state>California</state>
- <city>Los Angeles</city>
- <site>Los Angeles Convention Center</site>
- </location>
- <description>The Second Annual Southern California Linux Expo.
- FreeBSD will be present and handing out promotional
- material.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="linuxday-5">
- <name>5. Linuxday Vorarlberg</name>
- <url>http://www.linuxday.at/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2003</year>
- <month>11</month>
- <day>15</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2003</year>
- <month>11</month>
- <day>15</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="AT">Austria</country>
- <city>Dornbirn</city>
- <site>HTL Dornbirn</site>
- <address>Höchsterstrasse 73</address>
- </location>
- <description>The Linuxday in Vorarlberg is an event where
- people from opensource projects present their efforts to
- the community. Entrance is free of charge. There will also be
- a talk about FreeBSD.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="bsdcon-japan-2003">
- <name>BSDCon Japan 2003</name>
- <url>http://bsdcon.jp/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2003</year>
- <month>10</month>
- <day>18</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2003</year>
- <month>10</month>
- <day>18</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="JP">Japan</country>
- <city>Tokyo</city>
- <site>BIZ Shinjuku</site>
- </location>
- <description>BSD Conference Japan 2003, the second conference
- concerning *BSD in Japan, was held in Tokyo on October 18th, 2003.
- There were about 170 attendees. It had two parallel
- sessions (general and technical), and
- four technical papers and twelve work-in-progress style talks
- were presented during the conference.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="linux-kongress-03">
- <name>Linux-Kongress 2003</name>
- <url>http://www.linux-kongress.org/2003/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2003</year>
- <month>10</month>
- <day>14</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2003</year>
- <month>10</month>
- <day>16</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="DE">Germany</country>
- <city>Saarbrücken</city>
- <site>University of the Saarland</site>
- </location>
- <description>FreeBSD will be present with a booth at the Linux-Kongress,
- probably Europe's best known Linux developer conference. We will
- answer questions, show you the system and sell some FreeBSD
- merchandising.</description>
- </event>
- <event id="bsdcon-03">
- <name>BSDCon '03</name>
- <url>http://www.usenix.org/events/bsdcon03/</url>
- <startdate>
- <year>2003</year>
- <month>9</month>
- <day>8</day>
- </startdate>
- <enddate>
- <year>2003</year>
- <month>9</month>
- <day>12</day>
- </enddate>
- <location>
- <country code="US">USA</country>
- <state>California</state>
- <city>San Mateo</city>
- </location>
- <description>For the fourth time, the main BSD Event, BSDCon is
- happening. Two days of tutorials will precede two and a half
- days of technical sessions. An opportunity for people of all
- experience levels to learn from BSD experts, professionals with
- real world experience, and industry leaders.</description>
- <link type="notes">
- <name>FreeBSD Developer Summit notes</name>
- <url type="freebsd-website">/events/2003/bsdcon-devsummit.html</url>
- </link>
- <link type="photos">
- <name>BSDCon 2003 Photos by Matt Dillon</name>
- <url>http://apollo.backplane.com/BSDCON2003/</url>
- </link>
- </event>