path: root/website/content/en/releases/5.0R/DP2/errata.html
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+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
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+ <title>FreeBSD 5.0-DP2 Errata</title>
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+ <div class="ARTICLE">
+ <div class="TITLEPAGE">
+ <h1 class="TITLE"><a name="AEN2">FreeBSD 5.0-DP2
+ Errata</a></h1>
+ <h3 class="CORPAUTHOR">The FreeBSD Project</h3>
+ <p class="COPYRIGHT">Copyright &copy; 2000, 2001, 2002 by
+ The FreeBSD Documentation Project</p>
+ <p class="PUBDATE">$FreeBSD:
+ src/release/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/errata/article.sgml,v 1.9
+ 2002/03/14 21:52:01 bmah Exp $<br>
+ </p>
+ <hr>
+ </div>
+ <blockquote class="ABSTRACT">
+ <div class="ABSTRACT">
+ <a name="AEN11"></a>
+ <p>This document lists known issues for FreeBSD 5.0-DP2.
+ This information includes information relating to the
+ software or documentation that could affect its operation
+ or usability. Also included is a list of areas of the
+ base system that could benefit from some extra
+ testing.</p>
+ <p>Please note that FreeBSD 5.0-DP2 is not an officially
+ supported release of FreeBSD. Unlike supported releases,
+ this errata file will not be updated. Testers of FreeBSD
+ 5.0-DP2 should subscribe to the FreeBSD-CURRENT mailing
+ list <tt class="EMAIL">&#60;<a href=
+ "mailto:freebsd-current@FreeBSD.org">freebsd-current@FreeBSD.org</a>&#62;</tt>
+ to stay informed about late-breaking issues and
+ developments.</p>
+ </div>
+ </blockquote>
+ <div class="SECT1">
+ <hr>
+ <h1 class="SECT1"><a name="AEN15">1 Introduction</a></h1>
+ <p>This errata document lists known problems relating to
+ FreeBSD 5.0-DP2. Before installing this version, it is
+ important to consult this document to learn about any
+ post-release discoveries or problems that may already have
+ been found and fixed.</p>
+ </div>
+ <div class="SECT1">
+ <hr>
+ <h1 class="SECT1"><a name="AEN18">2 Known Problems</a></h1>
+ <p>This section describes some known issues and problems
+ with FreeBSD 5.0-DP2. The Release Engineering Team <tt
+ class="EMAIL">&#60;<a href=
+ "mailto:re@FreeBSD.org">re@FreeBSD.org</a>&#62;</tt>
+ intends to address these problems in some manner before
+ FreeBSD 5.0-RELEASE. All users of FreeBSD 5.0-DP2 should be
+ subscribed to the FreeBSD-CURRENT mailing list <tt class=
+ "EMAIL">&#60;<a href=
+ "mailto:freebsd-current@FreeBSD.org">freebsd-current@FreeBSD.org</a>&#62;</tt>
+ to remain informed about developments regarding these and
+ other issues.</p>
+ <p>Packages in FreeBSD 5.0-RELEASE will be compressed using
+ <a href=
+ "http://www.FreeBSD.org/cgi/man.cgi?query=bzip2&sektion=1&manpath=FreeBSD+5.0-current">
+ <span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class=
+ "REFENTRYTITLE">bzip2</span>(1)</span></a>. In some cases,
+ <a href=
+ "http://www.FreeBSD.org/cgi/man.cgi?query=pkg_add&sektion=1&manpath=FreeBSD+5.0-current">
+ <span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class=
+ "REFENTRYTITLE">pkg_add</span>(1)</span></a> has some
+ difficulties working with packages compressed using <a
+ href=
+ "http://www.FreeBSD.org/cgi/man.cgi?query=gzip&sektion=1&manpath=FreeBSD+5.0-current">
+ <span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class=
+ "REFENTRYTITLE">gzip</span>(1)</span></a> (typical cases
+ are from within <a href=
+ "http://www.FreeBSD.org/cgi/man.cgi?query=sysinstall&sektion=8&manpath=FreeBSD+5.0-current">
+ <span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class=
+ "REFENTRYTITLE">sysinstall</span>(8)</span></a>, and when
+ using the <tt class="OPTION">-r</tt> flag). This does not
+ affect the default package sets provided with
+ snapshots.</p>
+ <p>The <tt class="LITERAL">NWFS</tt> feature is broken.</p>
+ <p>Various documents may not reflect differences between
+ the line of FreeBSD 4-STABLE releases and FreeBSD 5.0-DP2.
+ In addition, the architecture-specific files in the release
+ documentation are likely incomplete for new architectures
+ (sparc64 and ia64).</p>
+ <p>Installations from boot floppies are no longer supported
+ on the alpha platform. The combination of the boot loader
+ and a (highly stripped-down) kernel is too large to fit on
+ a 1.44&nbsp;MB floppy disk. Some work in this area is
+ ongoing; this feature <span class="emphasis"><i class=
+ "EMPHASIS">may</i></span> return before FreeBSD
+ 5.0-RELEASE.</p>
+ <p>The <tt class="VARNAME">__sF</tt> symbol in <tt class=
+ "FILENAME">libc</tt> has been made static, as part of work
+ to make <tt class="VARNAME">FILE</tt> expandable.
+ Applications built on FreeBSD 4-STABLE-based systems on on
+ FreeBSD -CURRENT systems before 13 August 2001 may need to
+ be recompiled. Due to previously unforseen compatability
+ problems, this change <span class="emphasis"><i class=
+ "EMPHASIS">may</i></span> be reverted prior to 5.0-RELEASE
+ and postponed for another release or two.</p>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <hr>
+ <p align="center"><small>This file, and other release-related
+ documents, can be downloaded from <a href=
+ "http://snapshots.jp.FreeBSD.org/">http://snapshots.jp.FreeBSD.org/</a>.</small></p>
+ <p align="center"><small>For questions about FreeBSD, read the
+ <a href="http://www.FreeBSD.org/docs.html">documentation</a>
+ before contacting &#60;<a href=
+ "mailto:questions@FreeBSD.org">questions@FreeBSD.org</a>&#62;.</small></p>
+ <p align="center"><small><small>All users of FreeBSD 5-CURRENT
+ should subscribe to the &#60;<a href=
+ "mailto:current@FreeBSD.org">current@FreeBSD.org</a>&#62;
+ mailing list.</small></small></p>
+ <p align="center">For questions about this documentation,
+ e-mail &#60;<a href=
+ "mailto:doc@FreeBSD.org">doc@FreeBSD.org</a>&#62;.</p>
+ <br>
+ <br>
+ </body>