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+<div class="TITLEPAGE">
+<h1 class="TITLE"><a id="AEN2" name="AEN2">FreeBSD 8.3-RELEASE Release Notes</a></h1>
+<h3 class="CORPAUTHOR">The FreeBSD Project</h3>
+<p class="COPYRIGHT">Copyright &copy; 2012 The FreeBSD Documentation Project</p>
+<p class="PUBDATE">$FreeBSD: releng/8.3/release/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/relnotes/article.sgml
+234052 2012-04-09 04:44:39Z hrs $<br />
+<div class="LEGALNOTICE"><a id="TRADEMARKS" name="TRADEMARKS"></a>
+<p>FreeBSD is a registered trademark of the FreeBSD Foundation.</p>
+<p>IBM, AIX, EtherJet, Netfinity, OS/2, PowerPC, PS/2, S/390, and ThinkPad are trademarks
+of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States, other countries, or
+<p>IEEE, POSIX, and 802 are registered trademarks of Institute of Electrical and
+Electronics Engineers, Inc. in the United States.</p>
+<p>Intel, Celeron, EtherExpress, i386, i486, Itanium, Pentium, and Xeon are trademarks or
+registered trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the United States and
+other countries.</p>
+<p>SPARC, SPARC64, SPARCengine, and UltraSPARC are trademarks of SPARC International, Inc
+in the United States and other countries. SPARC International, Inc owns all of the SPARC
+trademarks and under licensing agreements allows the proper use of these trademarks by
+its members.</p>
+<p>Many of the designations used by manufacturers and sellers to distinguish their
+products are claimed as trademarks. Where those designations appear in this document, and
+the FreeBSD Project was aware of the trademark claim, the designations have been followed
+by the &#8220;&trade;&#8221; or the &#8220;&reg;&#8221; symbol.</p>
+<div class="ABSTRACT"><a id="AEN18" name="AEN18"></a>
+<p>The release notes for FreeBSD 8.3-RELEASE contain a summary of the changes made to the
+FreeBSD base system on the 8.3-STABLE development line. This document lists applicable
+security advisories that were issued since the last release, as well as significant
+changes to the FreeBSD kernel and userland. Some brief remarks on upgrading are also
+<hr />
+<div class="TOC">
+<dt><b>Table of Contents</b></dt>
+<dt>1 <a href="#INTRO">Introduction</a></dt>
+<dt>2 <a href="#NEW">What's New</a></dt>
+<dt>2.1 <a href="#SECURITY">Security Advisories</a></dt>
+<dt>2.2 <a href="#KERNEL">Kernel Changes</a></dt>
+<dt>2.2.1 <a href="#PROC">Hardware Support</a></dt>
+<dt>2.2.2 <a href="#NET-PROTO">Network Protocols</a></dt>
+<dt>2.2.3 <a href="#DISKS">Disks and Storage</a></dt>
+<dt>2.2.4 <a href="#FS">File Systems</a></dt>
+<dt>2.3 <a href="#USERLAND">Userland Changes</a></dt>
+<dt>2.4 <a href="#CONTRIB">Contributed Software</a></dt>
+<dt>2.5 <a href="#PORTS">Ports/Packages Collection Infrastructure</a></dt>
+<dt>3 <a href="#UPGRADE">Upgrading from previous releases of FreeBSD</a></dt>
+<div class="SECT1">
+<h2 class="SECT1"><a id="INTRO" name="INTRO">1 Introduction</a></h2>
+<p>This document contains the release notes for FreeBSD 8.3-RELEASE.&#09;It describes
+recently added, changed, or deleted features of FreeBSD. It also provides some notes on
+upgrading from previous versions of FreeBSD.</p>
+<p>This distribution of FreeBSD 8.3-RELEASE is a release distribution. It can be found at
+<a href="ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/" target="_top">ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/</a> or any of its
+mirrors.&#09; More information on obtaining this (or other) release distributions of
+FreeBSD can be found in the <a
+target="_top">&#8220;Obtaining FreeBSD&#8221; appendix</a> to the <a
+href="../../../../doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/" target="_top">FreeBSD
+<p>All users are encouraged to consult the release errata before installing FreeBSD. The
+errata document is updated with &#8220;late-breaking&#8221; information discovered late
+in the release cycle or after the release.&#09; Typically, it contains information on
+known bugs, security advisories, and corrections to documentation. An up-to-date copy of
+the errata for FreeBSD 8.3-RELEASE can be found on the FreeBSD Web site.</p>
+<div class="SECT1">
+<hr />
+<h2 class="SECT1"><a id="NEW" name="NEW">2 What's New</a></h2>
+<p>This section describes the most user-visible new or changed features in FreeBSD since
+<p>Typical release note items document recent security advisories issued after
+8.2-RELEASE, new drivers or hardware support, new commands or options, major bug fixes,
+or contributed software upgrades. They may also list changes to major ports/packages or
+release engineering practices. Clearly the release notes cannot list every single change
+made to FreeBSD between releases; this document focuses primarily on security advisories,
+user-visible changes, and major architectural improvements.</p>
+<div class="SECT2">
+<hr />
+<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="SECURITY" name="SECURITY">2.1 Security Advisories</a></h3>
+<p>Problems described in the following security advisories have &#09;been fixed. For more
+information, consult the individual &#09;advisories available from &#09;<a
+href="http://security.FreeBSD.org/" target="_top">http://security.FreeBSD.org/</a>.</p>
+<div class="INFORMALTABLE"><a id="AEN38" name="AEN38"></a>
+<table border="0" frame="void" width="100%" class="CALSTABLE">
+<col width="20%" />
+<col width="20%" />
+<col width="60%" />
+<td><a href="http://security.freebsd.org/advisories/FreeBSD-SA-11:01.mountd.asc"
+<p>Network ACL mishandling in <a
+<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">mountd</span>(8)</span></a></p>
+<td><a href="http://security.freebsd.org/advisories/FreeBSD-SA-11:02.bind.asc"
+<p>BIND remote DoS with large RRSIG RRsets and negative &#09;&#09; caching</p>
+<td><a href="http://security.freebsd.org/advisories/FreeBSD-SA-11:04.compress.asc"
+<p>Errors handling corrupt compress file in &#09;&#09; <a
+<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">compress</span>(1)</span></a> and
+<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">gzip</span>(1)</span></a></p>
+<td><a href="http://security.freebsd.org/advisories/FreeBSD-SA-11:05.unix.asc"
+<p>Buffer overflow in handling of UNIX socket &#09;&#09; addresses</p>
+<td><a href="http://security.freebsd.org/advisories/FreeBSD-SA-11:06.bind.asc"
+<p>Remote packet Denial of Service against <a
+<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">named</span>(8)</span></a>
+&#09;&#09; servers</p>
+<td><a href="http://security.freebsd.org/advisories/FreeBSD-SA-11:07.chroot.asc"
+<p>Code execution via chrooted ftpd</p>
+<td><a href="http://security.freebsd.org/advisories/FreeBSD-SA-11:08.telnetd.asc"
+<p>telnetd code execution vulnerability</p>
+<td><a href="http://security.freebsd.org/advisories/FreeBSD-SA-11:09.pam_ssh.asc"
+<p>pam_ssh improperly grants access when user account has &#09;&#09; unencrypted SSH
+private keys</p>
+<td><a href="http://security.freebsd.org/advisories/FreeBSD-SA-11:10.pam.asc"
+<p><code class="FUNCTION">pam_start()</code> does not validate &#09;&#09; service
+<div class="SECT2">
+<hr />
+<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="KERNEL" name="KERNEL">2.2 Kernel Changes</a></h3>
+<p>[amd64, i386] The FreeBSD &#09;<a
+<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">dtrace</span>(1)</span></a>
+framework now supports &#09;<tt class="LITERAL">systrace</tt> for system calls of
+&#09;<tt class="LITERAL">linux32</tt> and <tt class="LITERAL">freebsd32</tt> on
+&#09;FreeBSD/amd64. Two new &#09;<tt class="FILENAME">systrace_linux32</tt> and &#09;<tt
+class="FILENAME">systrace_freebsd32</tt> kernel modules provide &#09;support for tracing
+compat system calls in addition to the native &#09;system call tracing provided by the
+&#09;<tt class="FILENAME">systrace</tt> module.[<a
+<p>The <a
+<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">hhook</span>(9)</span></a> (Helper
+Hook) &#09;and <a
+<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">khelp</span>(9)</span></a> (Kernel
+Helpers) KPIs have been implemented. &#09;These are a kind of superset of <a
+<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">pfil</span>(9)</span></a>
+framework for &#09;more general use in the kernel. The <a
+<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">hhook</span>(9)</span></a> KPI
+&#09;provides a way for kernel subsystems to export hook points &#09;that <a
+<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">khelp</span>(9)</span></a> modules
+can hook to provide enhanced or new &#09;functionality to the kernel. The <a
+<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">khelp</span>(9)</span></a> KPI
+provides a &#09;framework for managing <a
+<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">khelp</span>(9)</span></a>
+modules, which indirectly &#09;use the <a
+<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">hhook</span>(9)</span></a> KPI to
+register their hook functions &#09;with hook points of interest within the kernel. These
+allow a &#09;structured way to dynamically extend the kernel at runtime in &#09;an ABI
+preserving manner.[<a
+<p>[amd64, i386, pc98] A <a
+<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">loader</span>(8)</span></a>
+&#09;tunable <code class="VARNAME">hw.memtest.tests</code> has been added. &#09;This
+controls whether to perform memory testing at boot time &#09;or not. The default value is
+<tt class="LITERAL">1</tt> (perform a &#09;memory test).[<a
+<p>The <a
+<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">open</span>(2)</span></a> and <a
+<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">fhopen</span>(2)</span></a>
+&#09;system calls now support the <tt class="LITERAL">O_CLOEXEC</tt> flag, &#09;which
+allows setting the <tt class="LITERAL">FD_CLOEXEC</tt> flag for the &#09;newly created
+file descriptor. This is standardized in IEEE &#09;Std 1003.1-2008 (POSIX, Single UNIX
+Specification Version &#09;4).[<a
+<p>The <a
+<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span
+class="REFENTRYTITLE">posix_fallocate</span>(2)</span></a> system call has &#09;been
+implemented. This is a function in POSIX to ensure that &#09;a part of the storage for
+regular file data is allocated on the &#09;file system storage media.[<a
+<p>The <a
+<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">posix_fadvise</span>(2)</span></a>
+system call &#09;has been implemented. This is a function in POSIX similar to &#09;<a
+<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">madvise</span>(2)</span></a>
+except that it operates on a file descriptor &#09;instead of a memory region.[<a
+<div class="SECT3">
+<hr />
+<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="PROC" name="PROC">2.2.1 Hardware Support</a></h4>
+<p>The FreeBSD <a
+<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">usb</span>(4)</span></a> subsystem
+now &#09; supports USB packet filter. This allows to capture packets &#09; which go
+through each USB host controller. The &#09; implementation is almost based on <a
+<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">bpf</span>(4)</span></a> code.
+&#09; The userland program <a
+<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">usbdump</span>(8)</span></a> has
+been added.[<a href="http://svn.freebsd.org/viewvc/base?view=revision&revision=221174"
+<div class="SECT4">
+<hr />
+<h5 class="SECT4"><a id="NET-IF" name="NET-IF"> Network Interface Support</a></h5>
+<p>The <a
+<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">cxgb</span>(4)</span></a> driver
+has been &#09; updated to version 7.11.0.[<a
+<p>A <a
+<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">cxgbe</span>(4)</span></a> driver
+for Chelsio &#09; T4 (Terminator 4) based 10Gb/1Gb adapters has been &#09; added.[<a
+<p>[i386] The <a
+ class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">dc</span>(4)</span></a> driver &#09;
+now works correctly in kernels with the &#09; <code class="OPTION">PAE</code> option.[<a
+<p>The <a
+ class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">em</span>(4)</span></a> driver has been
+&#09; updated to version 7.3.2.[<a
+<p>The <a
+<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">igb</span>(4)</span></a> driver
+has been &#09; updated to version 2.3.1.[<a
+<p>The <a
+<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">igb</span>(4)</span></a> driver
+now supports &#09; Intel I350 PCIe Gigabit Ethernet controllers.[<a
+<p>The <a
+<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ixgbe</span>(4)</span></a> driver
+has been &#09; updated to version 2.4.5.[<a
+<p>Firmware images in the <a
+<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">iwn</span>(4)</span></a> &#09;
+driver for 1000, 5000, 6000, and 6500 series cards have been &#09; updated.[<a
+<p>The <a
+<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">msk</span>(4)</span></a> driver
+now supports &#09; RX checksum offloading for Yukon EC, Yukon Ultra, Yukon FE &#09; and
+Yukon Ultra2. The checksum offloading for Yukon XL &#09; was still disabled due to known
+silicon bug.[<a href="http://svn.freebsd.org/viewvc/base?view=revision&revision=223394"
+<p>A bug in the <a
+<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">nfe</span>(4)</span></a> driver
+which &#09; could prevent reinitialization after changing the MTU has &#09; been
+fixed.[<a href="http://svn.freebsd.org/viewvc/base?view=revision&revision=218872"
+<p>A rdcphy(4) driver for RDC Semiconductor &#09; R6040 10/100 PHY has been added.[<a
+<p>The <a
+ class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">re</span>(4)</span></a> driver now
+supports &#09; RTL8168E/8111E-VL PCIe Gigabit Ethernet controllers and &#09; RTL8401E
+PCIe Fast Ethernet controllers.[<a
+target="_top">r218901</a>, <a
+<p>The <a
+ class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">re</span>(4)</span></a> driver now
+supports &#09; TX interrupt moderation on RTL810xE PCIe Fast Ethernet &#09;
+controllers.[<a href="http://svn.freebsd.org/viewvc/base?view=revision&revision=218905"
+<p>The <a
+ class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">re</span>(4)</span></a> driver now
+supports &#09; another mechanism for RX interrupt moderation because of &#09; performance
+problems. A <a
+<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sysctl</span>(8)</span></a>
+variable &#09; <code class="VARNAME">dev.re.<tt
+class="REPLACEABLE"><i>N</i></tt>.int_rx_mod</code> &#09; has been added to control
+amount of time to delay RX &#09; interrupt processing, in units of microsecond. Setting
+it &#09; to <tt class="LITERAL">0</tt> completely disables RX interrupt &#09; moderation.
+A <a
+<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">loader</span>(8)</span></a>
+tunable &#09; <code class="VARNAME">hw.re.intr_filter</code> controls whether the &#09;
+old mechanism utilizing MSI/MSI-X capability on &#09; supported controllers is used or
+not. When set to &#09; a non-zero value, the <a
+ class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">re</span>(4)</span></a> driver uses the
+old &#09; mechanism. The default value is <tt class="LITERAL">0</tt> and &#09; this
+tunable has no effect on controllers without MSI/MSI-X &#09; capability.[<a
+<p>The <a
+ class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">re</span>(4)</span></a> driver now
+&#09; supports TSO (TCP Segmentation Offload) on RealTek &#09; RTL8168/8111 C or later
+controllers. Note that this is &#09; disabled by default because broken frames can be
+sent &#09; under certain conditions.[<a
+<p>The <a
+ class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">re</span>(4)</span></a> driver now
+&#09; supports enabling TX and/or RX checksum offloading &#09; independently from each
+other. Note that TX IP checksum &#09; is disabled on some RTL8168C-based network
+interfaces &#09; because it can generate an incorrect IP checksum when the &#09; packet
+contains IP options.[<a
+target="_top">r218899</a>, <a
+<p>The <a
+ class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">re</span>(4)</span></a> driver now
+supports &#09; RTL8105E PCIe Fast Ethernet controllers.[<a
+<p>A <a
+<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">vte</span>(4)</span></a> driver
+for RDC R6040 Fast &#09; Ethernet controllers, which are commonly found on the Vortex86
+&#09; System On a Chip, has been added.[<a
+<div class="SECT3">
+<hr />
+<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="NET-PROTO" name="NET-PROTO">2.2.2 Network Protocols</a></h4>
+<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ipfw</span>(8)</span></a> now
+supports the &#09; <tt class="COMMAND">call</tt> and <tt class="COMMAND">return</tt>
+&#09; actions. Upon the <tt class="COMMAND">call &#09; <tt
+class="REPLACEABLE"><i>number</i></tt></tt> action, the &#09; current rule number is
+saved in the internal stack and &#09; ruleset processing continues with the first rule
+numbered &#09; <tt class="REPLACEABLE"><i>number</i></tt> or higher. The &#09; <tt
+class="COMMAND">return</tt> action takes the rule number saved &#09; to internal stack by
+the latest <tt class="COMMAND">call</tt> &#09; action and returns ruleset processing to
+the first rule with &#09; number greater than that saved number.[<a
+<p>FreeBSD's <a
+<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ipsec</span>(4)</span></a> support
+now uses &#09; half of the hash size as the authenticator hash size in &#09; Hashed
+Message Authentication Mode (HMAC-SHA-256, &#09; HMAC-SHA-384, and HMAC-SHA-512) as
+described in RFC 4868. &#09; This was a fixed 96-bit length in prior releases because the
+&#09; implementation was based on an old Internet draft &#09;
+draft-ietf-ipsec-ciph-sha-256-00. Note that this means &#09; 8.3-RELEASE and later are no
+longer interoperable with &#09; the older FreeBSD releases.[<a
+<p>A bug in the &#09; <tt class="LITERAL">IPV6_PKTINFO</tt> option used in &#09; <a
+<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sendmsg</span>(2)</span></a> has
+been fixed. The &#09; <tt class="LITERAL">IPV6_USE_MIN_MTU</tt> state set by &#09; <a
+<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">setsockopt</span>(2)</span></a>
+was ignored.[<a href="http://svn.freebsd.org/viewvc/base?view=revision&revision=232560"
+<p>The &#09; FreeBSD TCP/IP network stack now supports the <a
+<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">mod_cc</span>(9)</span></a>
+pluggable &#09; congestion control framework. This allows TCP congestion &#09; control
+algorithms to be implemented as dynamically loadable &#09; kernel modules. The following
+kernel modules are available &#09; as of 8.3-RELEASE: <a
+<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">cc_chd</span>(4)</span></a> for
+the &#09; CAIA-Hamilton-Delay algorithm, <a
+<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">cc_cubic</span>(4)</span></a> for
+the CUBIC &#09; algorithm, <a
+<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">cc_hd</span>(4)</span></a> for the
+Hamilton-Delay algorithm, &#09; <a
+<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">cc_htcp</span>(4)</span></a> for
+the H-TCP algorithm, <a
+<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">cc_newreno</span>(4)</span></a>
+for &#09; the NewReno algorithm, and <a
+<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">cc_vegas</span>(4)</span></a> for
+the Vegas algorithm. &#09; The default algorithm can be set by a new <a
+<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sysctl</span>(8)</span></a> &#09;
+variable <code class="VARNAME">net.inet.tcp.cc.algorithm</code>. The &#09; value must be
+set to one of the names listed by &#09; <code
+class="VARNAME">net.inet.tcp.cc.available</code>, and &#09; <tt
+class="LITERAL">newreno</tt> is the default set at boot time. &#09; For more &#09;
+detail, see the <a
+<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">mod_cc</span>(4)</span></a> and <a
+<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">mod_cc</span>(9)</span></a> manual
+pages.[<a href="http://svn.freebsd.org/viewvc/base?view=revision&revision=222401"
+target="_top">r222401</a>, <a
+target="_top">r222402</a>, <a
+target="_top">r222403</a>, <a
+target="_top">r222404</a>, <a
+target="_top">r222406</a>, <a
+target="_top">r222407</a>, <a
+target="_top">r222408</a>, <a
+target="_top">r222409</a>, <a
+target="_top">r222411</a>, <a
+target="_top">r222412</a>, <a
+target="_top">r222413</a>, <a
+target="_top">r222419</a>, <a
+<p>An <a
+<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">h_ertt</span>(4)</span></a>
+(Enhanced Round Trip &#09; Time) <a
+<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">khelp</span>(9)</span></a> module
+has been added. This module &#09; allows per-connection, low noise estimates of the &#09;
+instantaneous RTT in the TCP/IP network stack with a robust &#09; implementation even in
+the face of delayed acknowledgments &#09; and/or TSO (TCP Segmentation Offload) being in
+use for a &#09; connection.[<a
+<p>A new <a
+<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">tcp</span>(4)</span></a> socket
+option &#09; <tt class="LITERAL">TCP_CONGESTION</tt> has been added. This &#09; allows to
+select or query the congestion control algorithm &#09; that the TCP/IP network stack will
+use for connections on &#09; the socket.[<a
+<p>The <a
+<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ng_ipfw</span>(4)</span></a> <a
+<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">netgraph</span>(4)</span></a>
+&#09; node now supports IPv6.[<a
+<p>The <a
+<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ng_one2many</span>(4)</span></a>
+&#09; <a
+<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">netgraph</span>(4)</span></a> node
+now supports the &#09; <tt class="LITERAL">XMIT_FAILOVER</tt> transmit algorithm. This
+&#09; makes packets deliver out of the first active &#09; <tt class="LITERAL">many</tt>
+hook.[<a href="http://svn.freebsd.org/viewvc/base?view=revision&revision=219660"
+<div class="SECT3">
+<hr />
+<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="DISKS" name="DISKS">2.2.3 Disks and Storage</a></h4>
+<p>The <a
+<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ada</span>(4)</span></a> driver
+now supports &#09; write cache control. A new <a
+<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sysctl</span>(8)</span></a>
+variable &#09; <code class="VARNAME">kern.cam.ada.write_cache</code> determines &#09;
+whether the write cache of <a
+<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ada</span>(4)</span></a> devices
+is enabled or &#09; not. Setting to <tt class="LITERAL">1</tt> enables and &#09; <tt
+class="LITERAL">0</tt> disables the write cache, and <tt class="LITERAL">-1</tt> &#09;
+leaves the device default behavior. <a
+<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sysctl</span>(8)</span></a>
+variables &#09; <code class="VARNAME">kern.cam.ada.<tt
+class="REPLACEABLE"><i>N</i></tt>.write_cache</code> &#09; can override the configuration
+in a per-device basis (the &#09; default value is <tt class="LITERAL">-1</tt>, which
+means to use &#09; the global setting). Note that the value can be changed at &#09;
+runtime, but it takes effect only after a device &#09; reset.[<a
+<p>The <a
+<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">arcmsr</span>(4)</span></a> driver
+has been &#09; updated to version[<a
+<p>The <a
+<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">graid</span>(8)</span></a> GEOM
+class has been &#09; added. This is a replacement of the <a
+<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ataraid</span>(4)</span></a>
+driver &#09; supporting various BIOS-based software RAID.[<a
+<p>The <a
+<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">mxge</span>(4)</span></a> driver
+has been &#09; updated.[<a
+<p>A <a
+<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">tws</span>(4)</span></a> driver
+for 3ware 9750 &#09; SATA+SAS 6Gb/s RAID controllers has been added.[<a
+<div class="SECT3">
+<hr />
+<h4 class="SECT3"><a id="FS" name="FS">2.2.4 File Systems</a></h4>
+<p>The FreeBSD Fast File System now &#09; supports the <tt class="LITERAL">TRIM</tt>
+command when freeing data &#09; blocks. A new flag <code class="OPTION">-t</code> in the
+<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">newfs</span>(8)</span></a> &#09;
+and <a
+<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">tunefs</span>(8)</span></a>
+utilities sets the TRIM-enable flag for a &#09; file system. The TRIM-enable flag makes
+the file system &#09; send a delete request to the underlying device for each &#09; freed
+block. The <tt class="LITERAL">TRIM</tt> command is &#09; specified as a Data Set
+Management Command in the ATA8-ACS2 &#09; standard to carry the information related to
+deleted data &#09; blocks to a device, especially for a SSD (Solid-State Drive) for &#09;
+optimization.[<a href="http://svn.freebsd.org/viewvc/base?view=revision&revision=218079"
+<p>A new flag <code class="OPTION">-E</code> has &#09; been added to the <a
+<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">newfs</span>(8)</span></a> and <a
+<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">fsck_ffs</span>(8)</span></a>
+utilities. &#09; This clears unallocated blocks, notifying the underlying &#09; device
+that they are not used and that their contents may be &#09; discarded. This is useful in
+<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">fsck_ffs</span>(8)</span></a> for
+file &#09; systems which have been mounted on systems without &#09; <tt
+class="LITERAL">TRIM</tt> support, or with &#09; <tt class="LITERAL">TRIM</tt> support
+disabled, as well as &#09; filesystems which have been copied from one device to &#09;
+another.[<a href="http://svn.freebsd.org/viewvc/base?view=revision&revision=225296"
+<p>The FreeBSD NFS subsystem now supports a &#09; <code class="OPTION">nocto</code> mount
+option. This disables the &#09; close-to-open cache coherency check at open time. This
+&#09; option may improve performance for read-only mounts, but &#09; should only be used
+only if the data on the server changes &#09; rarely. The <a
+<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">mount_nfs</span>(8)</span></a>
+utility now also supports &#09; this flag keyword.[<a
+<p>A <a
+<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">loader</span>(8)</span></a>
+tunable &#09; <code class="VARNAME">vfs.typenumhash</code> has been added. Setting &#09;
+this to <tt class="LITERAL">1</tt> enables to use a hash &#09; calculation on the file
+system identification number &#09; internally used in the kernel. This fixes the
+&#8220;Stale &#09; NFS file handle&#8221; error on NFS clients when upgrading &#09; or
+rebuilding the kernel on the NFS server due to unexpected &#09; change of these
+identification number values. Note that &#09; this is set to <tt class="LITERAL">0</tt>
+(disable) by default for &#09; backward compatibility.[<a
+<p>The FreeBSD ZFS subsystem has been &#09; updated to the SPA (Storage Pool Allocator,
+also known as &#09; zpool) version 28. It now supports data deduplication, &#09; triple
+parity RAIDZ (raidz3), snapshot holds, log device &#09; removal, zfs diff, zpool split,
+zpool import &#09; <code class="OPTION">-F</code>, and read-only zpool import.[<a
+<div class="SECT2">
+<hr />
+<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="USERLAND" name="USERLAND">2.3 Userland Changes</a></h3>
+<p>The <a
+<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">bsdtar</span>(1)</span></a> and
+<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">cpio</span>(1)</span></a>
+utilities are now based on &#09;<b class="APPLICATION">libarchive</b> version 2.8.5.[<a
+<p>The <a
+<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">cpuset</span>(1)</span></a>
+utility now supports &#09;a <code class="OPTION">-C</code> flag to create a new cpuset
+and assign &#09;an existing process into that set, and an &#09;<tt
+class="LITERAL">all</tt> keyword in the <code class="OPTION">-l &#09;<tt
+class="REPLACEABLE"><i>cpu-list</i></tt></code> option to specify &#09;all CPUs in the
+system.[<a href="http://svn.freebsd.org/viewvc/base?view=revision&revision=218033"
+<p>A bug in the <a
+<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">fetch</span>(1)</span></a> utility
+which &#09;could prevent the <tt class="COMMAND">STAT</tt> FTP command from working
+&#09;properly has been fixed.[<a
+<p>The <a
+<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">gpart</span>(8)</span></a> utility
+now supports a &#09;<code class="OPTION">-p</code> flag to the <tt
+class="COMMAND">show</tt> &#09;subcommand. This allows showing providers' names of
+&#09;partitions instead of the partitions' indexes.[<a
+<p>The <a
+<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">hastd</span>(8)</span></a> utility
+now drops &#09;<tt class="LITERAL">root</tt> privileges of the worker processes to the
+&#09;<tt class="LITERAL">hast</tt> user.[<a
+<p>The <a
+<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">hastd</span>(8)</span></a> utility
+now supports a &#09;<tt class="LITERAL">checksum</tt> keyword to specify the checksum
+&#09;algorithm in a <tt class="LITERAL">resource</tt> section. As of &#09;8.3-RELEASE,
+<tt class="LITERAL">none</tt>, &#09;<tt class="LITERAL">sha256</tt>, and <tt
+class="LITERAL">crc32</tt> are &#09;supported.[<a
+<p>The <a
+<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">hastd</span>(8)</span></a> utility
+now supports a &#09;<tt class="LITERAL">compression</tt> keyword to specify the
+compression &#09;algorithm in a <tt class="LITERAL">resource</tt> section. As of
+&#09;8.3-RELEASE, <tt class="LITERAL">none</tt>, &#09;<tt class="LITERAL">hole</tt> and
+<tt class="LITERAL">lzf</tt> are &#09;supported.[<a
+<p>The <a
+<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">hastd</span>(8)</span></a> utility
+now supports a &#09;<tt class="LITERAL">source</tt> keyword to specify the local address
+&#09;to bind to before connecting the remote <a
+<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span
+<p>A <a
+<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">readline</span>(3)</span></a> API
+set has been &#09;imported into <b class="APPLICATION">libedit</b>. This is &#09;based on
+NetBSD's implementation and BSD licensed utilities &#09;now use it instead of GNU &#09;<b
+<p>The <a
+<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">makefs</span>(8)</span></a>
+utility now supports the &#09;ISO 9660 format.[<a
+<p><b class="APPLICATION">libmd</b> &#09;and <b class="APPLICATION">libcrypt</b> now
+support the SHA-256 &#09;and SHA-512 algorithms.[<a
+<p>The <a
+<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">netstat</span>(1)</span></a>
+utility now does not &#09;expose the internal scope address representation used in the
+FreeBSD &#09;kernel, which is derived from KAME IPv6 stack, in the results &#09;of <tt
+class="COMMAND">netstat -ani</tt> and <tt class="COMMAND">netstat &#09; -nr</tt>.[<a
+<p>The <a
+<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">newsyslog</span>(8)</span></a>
+utility now &#09;supports <a
+ class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">xz</span>(1)</span></a> compression. An
+<tt class="LITERAL">X</tt> flag &#09;in the optional field has been added to specify the
+<p>A <a
+<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">poweroff</span>(8)</span></a>
+utility has been added. &#09;This is equivalent to:[<a
+<pre class="SCREEN">
+<samp class="PROMPT">#</samp> shutdown -p now
+<p>The <a
+<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ppp</span>(8)</span></a> utility
+now supports &#09;<tt class="COMMAND">iface name <tt
+class="REPLACEABLE"><i>name</i></tt></tt> &#09;and <tt class="COMMAND">iface description
+&#09;<tt class="REPLACEABLE"><i>description</i></tt></tt> commands. &#09;These have the
+same functionalities as the <tt class="LITERAL">name</tt> &#09;and <tt
+class="LITERAL">description</tt> subcommands of the &#09;<a
+<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ifconfig</span>(8)</span></a>
+utility.[<a href="http://svn.freebsd.org/viewvc/base?view=revision&revision=224285"
+<p>The <a
+ class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">ps</span>(1)</span></a> utility now
+supports &#09;<code class="OPTION">-o usertime</code> and <code class="OPTION">-o
+systime</code> &#09;options to display accumulated system and user CPU time,
+<p>The <a
+<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">rtadvd</span>(8)</span></a> daemon
+now supports a &#09;<tt class="LITERAL">noifprefix</tt> keyword to disable gathering
+&#09;on-link prefixes from interfaces when no &#09;<tt class="LITERAL">addr</tt> keyword
+is specified. An entry in &#09;<tt class="FILENAME">/etc/rtadvd.conf</tt> with &#09;<tt
+class="LITERAL">noifprefix</tt> and no <tt class="LITERAL">addr</tt> &#09;generates an RA
+message with no prefix information &#09;option.[<a
+<p>The <a
+<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">rtadvd</span>(8)</span></a> daemon
+now &#09;supports the RDNSS and DNSSL options described in RFC 6106, &#09;&#8220;IPv6
+Router Advertisement Options for DNS &#09;Configuration&#8221;. A <a
+<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">rtadvctl</span>(8)</span></a>
+utility to control &#09;the <a
+<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">rtadvd</span>(8)</span></a> daemon
+has been added.[<a
+<p>A bug in the <a
+<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">tftpd</span>(8)</span></a> daemon
+has &#09;been fixed. It had an interoperability issue when &#09;transferring a large
+file.[<a href="http://svn.freebsd.org/viewvc/base?view=revision&revision=227083"
+<p>The <a
+<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">zpool</span>(8)</span></a>:
+utility now supports a &#09;<tt class="COMMAND">zpool labelclear</tt> command. This
+allows to &#09;wipe the label data from a drive that is not active in a &#09;pool.[<a
+<div class="SECT2">
+<hr />
+<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="CONTRIB" name="CONTRIB">2.4 Contributed Software</a></h3>
+<p>The <b class="APPLICATION">awk</b> has &#09;been updated to the 7 August 2011
+<p><b class="APPLICATION">ISC BIND</b> has &#09;been updated to version
+<p>The <tt class="LITERAL">netcat</tt> utility &#09;has been updated to version 4.9.</p>
+<p><b class="APPLICATION">GNU GCC</b> and &#09;<b class="APPLICATION">libstdc++</b> have
+been updated to rev &#09;127959 of <tt class="LITERAL">gcc-4_2-branch</tt> (the last
+&#09;GPLv2-licensed version).[<a
+<p>The <b class="APPLICATION">LESS</b> &#09;program has been updated to version v444.[<a
+<p>The &#09;<b class="APPLICATION">OpenSSH</b> utility has been updated to &#09;5.4p1,
+and optimization for large bandwidth-delay product &#09;connection and <tt
+class="LITERAL">none</tt> cipher support have &#09;been merged[<a
+<p><b class="APPLICATION">sendmail</b> &#09;has been updated to version 8.14.5.[<a
+<p>The <b class="APPLICATION">timezone</b> &#09;database has been updated to the &#09;<b
+class="APPLICATION">tzdata2011n</b> release.[<a
+<p>The <a
+<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">unifdef</span>(1)</span></a>
+utility has been updated &#09;to version 2.5.6.</p>
+<p>The <b class="APPLICATION">xz</b> &#09;program has been updated from 5.0.0 to
+5.0.1.[<a href="http://svn.freebsd.org/viewvc/base?view=revision&revision=219219"
+<div class="SECT2">
+<hr />
+<h3 class="SECT2"><a id="PORTS" name="PORTS">2.5 Ports/Packages Collection
+<p>The supported version of &#09;the <b class="APPLICATION">KDE</b> desktop environment
+&#09;(<a href="http://www.FreeBSD.org/cgi/url.cgi?ports/x11/kde4/pkg-descr"><tt
+class="FILENAME">x11/kde4</tt></a>) has been &#09;updated from 4.5.5 to 4.7.4.</p>
+<div class="SECT1">
+<hr />
+<h2 class="SECT1"><a id="UPGRADE" name="UPGRADE">3 Upgrading from previous releases of
+<p>[amd64, i386] Upgrades between RELEASE versions (and snapshots of the various security
+branches) are supported using the <a
+<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span
+class="REFENTRYTITLE">freebsd-update</span>(8)</span></a> utility. The binary upgrade
+procedure will update unmodified userland utilities, as well as unmodified GENERIC kernel
+distributed as a part of an official FreeBSD release. The <a
+<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span
+class="REFENTRYTITLE">freebsd-update</span>(8)</span></a> utility requires that the host
+being upgraded has Internet connectivity.</p>
+<p>An older form of binary upgrade is supported through the <tt
+class="COMMAND">Upgrade</tt> option from the main <a
+<span class="CITEREFENTRY"><span class="REFENTRYTITLE">sysinstall</span>(8)</span></a>
+menu on CDROM distribution media. This type of binary upgrade may be useful on non-i386,
+non-amd64 machines or on systems with no Internet connectivity.</p>
+<p>Source-based upgrades (those based on recompiling the FreeBSD base system from source
+code) from previous versions are supported, according to the instructions in <tt
+<div class="IMPORTANT">
+<blockquote class="IMPORTANT">
+<p><b>Important:</b> Upgrading FreeBSD should, of course, only be attempted after
+&#09;backing up <span class="emphasis"><i class="EMPHASIS">all</i></span> data and
+configuration &#09;files.</p>
+<hr />
+<p align="center"><small>This file, and other release-related documents, can be
+downloaded from <a href="ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/">ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/</a>.</small></p>
+<p align="center"><small>For questions about FreeBSD, read the <a
+href="http://www.FreeBSD.org/docs.html">documentation</a> before contacting &#60;<a
+<p align="center"><small>For questions about this documentation, e-mail &#60;<a