path: root/zh_TW.Big5/books/handbook/printing/chapter.sgml
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diff --git a/zh_TW.Big5/books/handbook/printing/chapter.sgml b/zh_TW.Big5/books/handbook/printing/chapter.sgml
index 0229c72403..0215d61c3d 100644
--- a/zh_TW.Big5/books/handbook/printing/chapter.sgml
+++ b/zh_TW.Big5/books/handbook/printing/chapter.sgml
@@ -208,57 +208,52 @@
<sect2 id="printing-simple">
- <title>Simple Printer Setup</title>
+ <title>簡易印表機設定</title>
- <para>This section tells how to configure printer hardware and the
- <application>LPD</application> software to use the printer.
- It teaches the basics:</para>
+ <para>本章節會告訴您如何設定印表機設備和
+ <application>LPD</application> 軟體以使用印表機,
+ 基本教學內容:</para>
- <para>Section <link linkend="printing-hardware">Hardware
- Setup</link> gives some hints on connecting the printer to a
- port on your computer.</para>
+ <para><link linkend="printing-hardware">硬體設定</link>
+ 會提示如何將印表機接上電腦的連接埠。</para>
- <para>Section <link linkend="printing-software">Software
- Setup</link> shows how to set up the
- <application>LPD</application> spooler configuration
- file (<filename>/etc/printcap</filename>).</para>
+ <para><link linkend="printing-software">軟體設定</link>
+ 會示範如何寫 <application>LPD</application> 緩衝器設定檔
+ (<filename>/etc/printcap</filename>)。</para>
- <para>If you are setting up a printer that uses a network protocol
- to accept data to print instead of a computer's local interfaces,
- see <link linkend="printing-advanced-network-net-if">Printers With
- Networked Data Stream Interfaces</link>.</para>
+ <para>如果您要把印表機設定接收網路列印資料而不是本機端的話,請參考
+ <link linkend="printing-advanced-network-net-if">
+ 印表機及網路資料傳輸介面</link>。</para>
- <para>Although this section is called <quote>Simple Printer
- Setup</quote>, it is actually fairly complex. Getting the printer
- to work with your computer and the <application>LPD</application>
- spooler is the hardest
- part. The advanced options like header pages and accounting are
- fairly easy once you get the printer working.</para>
+ <para>這個章節雖然叫做<quote>簡易印表機設定</quote>,
+ 實際上還是有點複雜的。 最困難的部份是讓你的印表機和電腦上的
+ <application>LPD</application> 緩衝器能夠正常運作。
+ 一旦印表機可以正常工作之後,
+ 像是印首頁或是做列印統計這些進階的功能就不難做到了。
+ </para>
<sect3 id="printing-hardware">
- <title>Hardware Setup</title>
+ <title>硬體設定</title>
- <para>This section tells about the various ways you can connect a
- printer to your PC. It talks about the kinds of ports and
- cables, and also the kernel configuration you may need to enable
- FreeBSD to speak to the printer.</para>
+ <para>本章節討論各種連接印表機到 PC 的方式。
+ 這裡會提到不同種類的連接埠和連接線,
+ 以及為了讓 FreeBSD 能和印表機溝通您可能會需要開啟的核心參數等。
+ </para>
- <para>If you have already connected your printer and have
- successfully printed with it under another operating system, you
- can probably skip to section <link
- linkend="printing-software">Software Setup</link>.</para>
+ <para>如果您已經把印表機接上電腦,
+ 而且在其他作業系統上有成功列印過的話,可以直接跳至
+ <link linkend="printing-software">軟體設定</link>。</para>
<sect4 id="printing-ports">
- <title>Ports and Cables</title>
+ <title>連接埠和排線</title>
- <para>Printers sold for use on PC's today generally come
- with one or more of the following three interfaces:</para>
+ <para>市售個人電腦印表機一般來說不出這三種界面:</para>
@@ -266,16 +261,15 @@
- <para><emphasis>Serial</emphasis> interfaces, also known
- as RS-232 or COM ports, use a serial port
- on your computer to send data to the printer. Serial
- interfaces are common in the computer industry and cables
- are readily available and also easy to construct. Serial
- interfaces sometimes need special cables and might require
- you to configure somewhat complex communications
- options. Most PC serial ports have a maximum
- transmission rate of 115200&nbsp;bps, which makes printing
- large graphic print jobs with them impractical.</para>
+ <para><emphasis>序列 (Serial)</emphasis>
+ 界面,又稱為 RS-232 或 COM 埠,
+ 用您電腦上的序列埠傳送資料到印表機。
+ 序列界面廣泛的為電腦業界所採用,
+ 所以排線容易取得,要設定連線並不困難。
+ 然而序列介面有時候會需要使用較特別的排線,
+ 這時候就有可能需要設定一些較為複雜的通訊參數了。
+ 大部份 PC 序列埠的傳輸速度最高只到 115200&nbsp;bps,
+ 因此想要用序列埠來列印大圖是不切實際的。</para>
@@ -283,22 +277,19 @@
- <para><emphasis>Parallel</emphasis> interfaces use a
- parallel port on your computer to send data to the
- printer. Parallel interfaces are common in the PC market
- and are faster than RS-232 serial.
- Cables are readily available but more difficult to
- construct by hand. There are usually no communications
- options with parallel interfaces, making their
- configuration exceedingly simple.</para>
+ <para><emphasis>並列 (Parallel)</emphasis>
+ 界面利用電腦的並列埠將資料送到印表機。
+ 並列埠比 RS-232 序列埠還快,也是一種電腦業界常用的界面。
+ 這種界面的排線非常容易取得,但是較難用手工打造。
+ 通常來說並列界面並沒有什麼通訊參數需要指定,
+ 所以設定起來超級容易。</para>
<see>parallel printers</see>
- <para>Parallel interfaces are sometimes known as
- <quote>Centronics</quote> interfaces, named after the
- connector type on the printer.</para>
+ <para>並列埠界面有時候也會被稱為 <quote>Centronics</quote>
+ 界面,這是印表機的接頭的名稱。</para>
@@ -306,34 +297,26 @@
- <para>USB interfaces, named for the Universal Serial
- Bus, can run at even faster speeds than parallel or
- RS-232 serial interfaces. Cables are simple and cheap.
- USB is superior to RS-232 Serial and to Parallel for
- printing, but it is not as well supported under &unix;
- systems. A way to avoid this problem is to purchase a
- printer that has both a USB interface and a Parallel
- interface, as many printers do.</para>
+ <para>USB 界面,也就是通用序列匯流排,傳輸速率比並列界面或是
+ RS-232 序列界面都來得快,而且 USB 排線單純又便宜。
+ 對列印工作而言,USB 比 RS-232
+ 序列埠或是並列埠都來得好,但是在
+ &unix; 系統上的支援度較差。 購買同時具有 USB
+ 及並列埠兩種界面的印表機可以避免掉這種問題。</para>
- <para>In general, Parallel interfaces usually offer just
- one-way communication (computer to printer) while serial
- and USB gives you two-way. Newer parallel ports (EPP and
- ECP) and printers
- can communicate in both directions under FreeBSD when a
- IEEE-1284-compliant cable is used.</para>
+ <para>一般而言,並列界面只能提供單向傳輸
+ (電腦至印表機),而要用 USB 才能提供雙向。 然而在 FreeBSD
+ 下,使用較新的並列埠 (EPP 和 ECP) 以及印表機,再配合使用
+ IEEE-1284 相容排線也可以做到雙向溝通。</para>
- <para>Two-way communication to the printer over a parallel
- port is generally done in one of two ways. The first method
- uses a custom-built printer driver for FreeBSD that speaks
- the proprietary language used by the printer. This is
- common with inkjet printers and can be used for reporting
- ink levels and other status information. The second
- method is used when the printer supports
- &postscript;.</para>
+ <para>電腦和印表機之間藉由並列埠行進雙向溝通的方式有兩種。
+ 第一種是使用特製的、能和特定印表機溝通的 FreeBSD 印表機驅動程式。
+ 這種方式在噴墨印表機上很常見,用來回報墨水存量以及其他狀態資訊等。
+ 第二種方法是用 &postscript;,如果印表機有支援的話。</para>
<para>&postscript; jobs are
actually programs sent to the printer; they need not produce