path: root/biology/finchtv/pkg-descr
blob: 3866c7cb671cfcbbfd19036338373ef4fc7fbd84 (plain) (tree)

FinchTV is the popular way to view sequence traces on Linux, Mac OSX,
and Windows. FinchTV is the only trace viewer that can display an entire
trace in a scalable multi-pane view.

FinchTV reads chromatogram files from the most popular formats. In
addition to displaying a multi-color sequence above the trace, FinchTV
displays quality values (when available). You can adjust the scale in
both vertical and horizontal directions in either single or multipane

FinchTV can:
o print traces (on a single page or control the number of panels printed)
o export sequences in FASTA format
o open gzipped files
o open files with drag and drop
o shows additional details about the file (sample ID, run start and stop
  times, spacing, mobility, lane number, etc.)

WWW: http://www.geospiza.com/finchtv/index.htm