path: root/graphics/cfdg/pkg-descr
blob: fe6b9fffa7c75a95905390f99e511b6e0b23ec95 (plain) (tree)

Context Free Design Grammar compiler.

About CFDG:

Chris Coyne created a small language for design grammars called CFDG.
These grammars are sets of non-deterministic rules to produce images.
The images are surprisingly beautiful, often from very simple grammars.
Context Free is a full graphical environment for editing, rendering,
and exploring CFDG design grammars.

* Simultaneously available for Macintosh, Windows and Posix/Unix.
* Progressive image update: watch it generate
* Save generated images in PNG or SVG format.
* Produce animations
* Edit grammars and re-render easily.
* Render very large images (as large as 100 Mega-pixels).
* Can handle generated images with millions of shapes.
* Carefully tuned graphics rendering
* Many built-in examples
* Automatic checking for updates (Mac only).
* It's free, as in beer and as in speech.

WWW: http://www.contextfreeart.org/