path: root/cad/opencascade
diff options
authorThierry Thomas <thierry@FreeBSD.org>2007-04-01 09:04:04 +0000
committerThierry Thomas <thierry@FreeBSD.org>2007-04-01 09:04:04 +0000
commitde5ea4454a6f9f1f5126c2305c5ad0a023586b5d (patch)
tree7d20e9322e726b04f3aa6173c46c99da9e360550 /cad/opencascade
parent18f7045bf239b57f2ff59fef6643158f958e4cdb (diff)
Open CASCADE Technology is a software development platform freely available in
open source. It includes components for 3D surface and solid modeling, visualization, data exchange and rapid application development. Open CASCADE Technology can be best applied in development of numerical simulation software including CAD/CAM/CAE, AEC and GIS, as well as PDM applications. BUGS: the module WOK does not work, but the other modules (the most interesting parts) are OK.
Notes: svn path=/head/; revision=188917
Diffstat (limited to 'cad/opencascade')
63 files changed, 49889 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cad/opencascade/Makefile b/cad/opencascade/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..18d7b58dc118
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cad/opencascade/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
+# New ports collection makefile for: opencascade
+# Date created: 29 November 2005
+# Whom: Thierry Thomas <thierry@pompo.net>
+# $FreeBSD$
+PORTNAME= opencascade
+CATEGORIES= cad science
+MAINTAINER= thierry@FreeBSD.org
+COMMENT= Open CASCADE Technology, 3D modeling & numerical simulation
+BUILD_DEPENDS= ${LOCALBASE}/include/stlport/algorithm:${PORTSDIR}/devel/stlport
+RUN_DEPENDS= ${LOCALBASE}/include/stlport/algorithm:${PORTSDIR}/devel/stlport \
+ autoexpect:${PORTSDIR}/lang/expect \
+ ${LIB_TCLX}:${PORTSDIR}/lang/tclX
+LIB_DEPENDS= itcl.${ITCL_VER}:${PORTSDIR}/lang/itcl \
+ itk.${ITK_VER}:${PORTSDIR}/x11-toolkits/itk \
+ tix${TIX_VER}:${PORTSDIR}/x11-toolkits/tix \
+ fltk.1:${PORTSDIR}/x11-toolkits/fltk
+USE_BZIP2= yes
+USE_XLIB= yes
+USE_TK= yes
+USE_TCL_BUILD= 84-thread
+USE_JAVA= yes
+#.if defined(MAINTAINER_MODE)
+# linux-sun-jdk was required for 6.1, but 6.2 is OK with diablo-jdk.
+#JAVA_OS= linux
+ITCL_MM= 3.3
+ITK_MM= 3.3
+TIX_VER= 8184.1
+TIX_MM= 8.1
+LIB_TCLX= ${LOCALBASE}/lib/tclx${TCL_VER}/libtclx${TCL_VER}.so
+THRSH= ${TCLSH}-threads
+CONFIGURE_TARGET= --build=${MACHINE_ARCH}-portbld-freebsd${OSREL}
+ --with-tk=${TK_LIBDIR} \
+ --with-java-include=${JAVA_HOME}/include \
+ --with-dps-include=${X11BASE}/include \
+ --with-dps-library=${X11BASE}/lib \
+ --with-gl-include=${X11BASE}/include \
+ --with-gl-library=${X11BASE}/lib \
+ --with-xmu-include=${X11BASE}/include/X11 \
+ --with-xmu-library=${X11BASE}/lib \
+ --with-stlport-include=${LOCALBASE}/include/stlport \
+ --with-stlport-libname=stlport_${STL_COMPILER} \
+ --with-stlport-library=${LOCALBASE}/lib \
+ --enable-production=yes
+# We strip the libs
+WANT_FORTRAN= yes #dummy but future use
+BUILD_DEPENDS+= gfortran42:${PORTSDIR}/lang/gcc42
+FC= gfortran42
+F77= gfortran42
+SUB_FILES= pkg-message LICENSE.${OPSYS}
+PKGMESSAGE= ${WRKDIR}/pkg-message
+FBSDBIN= DRAWEXE wokprocess woksh
+DIR2INST= data tools wok
+SRC2INST= adm drv inc make src
+.if !defined(NOPORTDOCS)
+DIR2INST+= doc
+.include <bsd.port.pre.mk>
+.if defined(MAINTAINER_MODE) # Get the sources & roll the tarballs
+PRIM_MASTER_SITES= http://files.opencascade.com/OCC_${PORTVERSION}_release/
+WRKPREP= ${WRKDIR}/prepare
+#USE_LINUX= yes
+LINBIN= uninstall
+ # The tarball provided by Open CASCADE requires Java (+ Linux emulation)
+ # to be extracted, and it is interactive!
+. if !exists(${_DISTDIR}/${PRIM_DISTFILES})
+ cd ${_DISTDIR} && \
+. endif
+. if !exists(${WRKPREP}/install.csh)
+ ${RM} -f ${HOME}/vpd.properties
+ #${BRANDELF} -t Linux ${WRKPREP}/Linux/setupLinux.bin
+ @${ECHO_MSG} "========================================================================"
+ @${ECHO_MSG} "Accept license, change destination directory to ${PATCH_WRKSRC}"
+ @${ECHO_MSG} "select \"Complete installation\" and \"Install\"."
+ @${ECHO_MSG} "========================================================================"
+ #cd ${WRKPREP} && LANG=C JAVAHOME=. OS_NAME=${OPSYS} ./Linux/setupLinux.bin
+ cd ${WRKPREP} && \
+ ${JAVA} -cp ./Linux/setup.jar -DOS_NAME=Linux -Dtemp.dir=${WRKDIR}/tmp run
+. endif
+tarballs: get-sources
+ # Remove Linux binaries
+ ${RM} -rf ${LINBIN:S|^|${PATCH_WRKSRC}/|}
+ # Make separate tarballs / ports for samples
+ ${MV} ${PATCH_WRKSRC}/samples ${WRKDIR}
+ ${MV} ${WRKDIR}/samples ${PATCH_WRKSRC}
+ cd ${WRKDIR} && \
+ ${DISTNAME}/samples/tutorial
+ cd ${WRKDIR} && \
+ ${TAR} cfj ${_DISTDIR}${PORTNAME}-samples-java-${PORTVERSION}${EXTRACT_SUFX} \
+ ${DISTNAME}/samples/standard/java
+ cd ${WRKDIR} && \
+ ${DISTNAME}/samples/standard/qt
+.endif # The sources tarballs are now available
+ @${ECHO_MSG}
+ @${ECHO_MSG} "Warning: to build OpenCascade, you should have at least"
+ @${ECHO_MSG} "3.7 Gb of free disk space in build area!"
+ @${ECHO_MSG}
+ ${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's|tclConfig.sh|tclConfig-threads.sh|' \
+ -e 's|%%LOCALBASE%%|${LOCALBASE}|' \
+ -e 's|%%TCL_LIBDIR%%|${TCL_LIBDIR}|' \
+ -e 's|%%TK_LIBDIR%%|${TK_LIBDIR}|' \
+ -e 's|%%ITCLMM%%|${ITCL_VER}|' \
+ -e 's|%%ITKMM%%|${ITK_MM}|' \
+ -e 's|%%TIX_MM%%|${TIX_MM}|' \
+ -e 's|!/bin/ksh|! ${LOCALBASE}/bin/ksh|'\
+ ${WRKSRC}/env.csh ${WRKSRC}/env.ksh
+ ${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's|/tmp/OCC50|${CASROOT}|' \
+ -e 's|/usr/bin/g++|${CXX}|' \
+ -e 's|/usr/bin/gcc|${CC}|' \
+ -e 's|%%JAVAHOME%%|${JAVA_HOME}|' \
+ -e 's|/usr/local|${LOCALBASE}|' \
+ -e 's|/usr/X11R6|${X11BASE}|' \
+ ${WRKSRC}/src/OS/Draw.tcl \
+ ${WRKSRC}/src/OS/Visualization.tcl \
+ ${WRKSRC}/src/OS/ApplicationFramework.tcl
+ ${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's|/usr/local|${LOCALBASE}|'\
+ -e 's|/usr/X11R6|${X11BASE}|' \
+ -e 's|/usr/local/bin/tclsh8.4|${THRSH}|'\
+ ${PATCH_WRKSRC}/wok/site/wokinit.csh \
+ ${WRKSRC}/src/WOKsite/wokinit.csh \
+ ${WRKSRC}/src/OS/WOK.tcl
+ ${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's|$${TCLBIN}/tclsh|${THRSH}|' \
+ ${PATCH_WRKSRC}/wok/site/wok.csh \
+ ${WRKSRC}/src/WOKsite/wok.csh
+ ${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's|/usr/bin/g++|${CXX}|' \
+ -e 's|/usr/bin/gcc|${CC}|' \
+ -e 's|/usr/bin/f77|${F77}|' \
+ -e 's|/usr/bin/ld|${LD}|' \
+ -e 's|%%CXXFLAGS%%|${CXXFLAGS}|' \
+ -e 's|%%CFLAGS%%|${CFLAGS}|' \
+ -e 's|%%FFLAGS%%|${FFLAGS}|' \
+ -e 's|%%LOCALBASE%%|${LOCALBASE}|' \
+ -e 's|%%/usr/X11R6%%|${X11LBASE}|' \
+ -e 's|%%JAVA_HOME%%|${JAVA_HOME}|' \
+ ${WRKSRC}/src/WOKBuilderDef/CSF.edl \
+ ${PATCH_WRKSRC}/wok/lib/CSF.edl \
+ ${WRKSRC}/src/WOKBuilderDef/CMPLRS.edl \
+ ${PATCH_WRKSRC}/wok/lib/CMPLRS.edl \
+ ${WRKSRC}/src/WOKBuilderDef/LDEXE.edl \
+ ${PATCH_WRKSRC}/wok/lib/LDEXE.edl \
+ ${WRKSRC}/src/WOKBuilderDef/LDSHR.edl \
+ ${PATCH_WRKSRC}/wok/lib/LDSHR.edl
+ cd ${WRKSRC} && \
+ ${TAR} cfz ${WRKDIR}/ros_src_to_avoid_make_clean.tbz ${SRC2INST}
+ ${MKDIR} ${CASROOT}/bsd/bin ${OCCROOT}/samples
+ ${LN} -sf ${FBSDBIN:S|^|${PREFIX}/bin/|} ${CASROOT}/bsd/bin
+ ${LN} -sf ${PREFIX}/lib ${CASROOT}/bsd/lib
+ ${LN} -sf ${CASROOT}/bsd ${CASROOT}/${OPSYS}
+ @${ECHO_CMD} "To populate this directory, please install the following ports:"\
+ > ${OCCROOT}/samples/README
+ @${ECHO_CMD} "- cad/${PORTNAME}-tutorial" >> ${OCCROOT}/samples/README
+ @${ECHO_CMD} "- cad/${PORTNAME}-samples-qt" >> ${OCCROOT}/samples/README
+ @${ECHO_CMD} "- cad/${PORTNAME}-samples-java" >> ${OCCROOT}/samples/README
+.for di in ${DIR2INST}
+ cd ${PATCH_WRKSRC} && \
+ ${FIND} ${di} -type d -exec ${MKDIR} ${OCCROOT}/{} \;
+ cd ${PATCH_WRKSRC} && \
+ ${FIND} ${di} -type f -exec ${INSTALL_DATA} {} ${OCCROOT}/{} \;
+ ${LN} -sf ${PREFIX}/lib ${OCCROOT}/wok/lib/bsd
+ cd ${OCCROOT} && \
+ ${FIND} ${DIR2INST} -name "*sh" -exec ${CHMOD} ${BINMODE} {} \;
+.for es in env.csh env.ksh
+ cd ${CASROOT} && \
+ ${TAR} xfz ${WRKDIR}/ros_src_to_avoid_make_clean.tbz
+ ${FIND} ${OCCROOT} -name "*.orig" -exec ${RM} {} \;
+ ${FIND} ${CASROOT}/drv -type d -empty -exec ${TOUCH} {}/.keep-me \;
+ @${ECHO_MSG}
+ @${ECHO_MSG}
+.include <bsd.port.post.mk>
diff --git a/cad/opencascade/distinfo b/cad/opencascade/distinfo
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..4a19755fb951
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cad/opencascade/distinfo
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+MD5 (opencascade-6.2.tar.bz2) = d9d7b2a94ed8a61607e0b4992ebf7b19
+SHA256 (opencascade-6.2.tar.bz2) = bacc9c90d4d2b09b43010001669c684c9479223f7d30c9ac1152daeffed2b0b4
+SIZE (opencascade-6.2.tar.bz2) = 48068224
diff --git a/cad/opencascade/files/LICENSE.FreeBSD.in b/cad/opencascade/files/LICENSE.FreeBSD.in
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..304cceb1059d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cad/opencascade/files/LICENSE.FreeBSD.in
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+All modifications made to this software by the FreeBSD ports team are available
+and dated under %%FILESDIR%%.
diff --git a/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_adm_make_DRAWEXE_Makefile.in b/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_adm_make_DRAWEXE_Makefile.in
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..161e95122605
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_adm_make_DRAWEXE_Makefile.in
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+--- ros/adm/make/DRAWEXE/Makefile.in.orig Thu Mar 22 00:32:41 2007
++++ ros/adm/make/DRAWEXE/Makefile.in Sat Mar 24 10:20:03 2007
+@@ -255,7 +255,7 @@
+ done
+ mostlyclean-compile:
+ -rm -f *.$(OBJEXT) core *.core
diff --git a/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_adm_make_WOKSH_Makefile.in b/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_adm_make_WOKSH_Makefile.in
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..7596d5ca61a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_adm_make_WOKSH_Makefile.in
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+--- ./ros/adm/make/WOKSH/Makefile.in.orig Wed Mar 21 22:14:26 2007
++++ ./ros/adm/make/WOKSH/Makefile.in Sun Mar 25 11:56:25 2007
+@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@
+ LN_S = @LN_S@
diff --git a/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_configure b/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_configure
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..3cd45e6b884e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_configure
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+--- ./ros/configure.orig Wed Mar 21 22:14:31 2007
++++ ./ros/configure Thu Mar 22 00:04:44 2007
+@@ -12479,7 +12479,9 @@
+ case $platform in
+ CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -DLIN -DLININTEL -fexceptions";;
++ CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -DFREEBSD -D$ARCH -fexceptions";;
+@@ -14722,8 +14724,8 @@
+ if test -d "${with_stlport_library}" ; then
+ STLPort_LIB="-L`(cd ${with_stlport_library}; pwd)` -l$STLPort_LIB_CC"
diff --git a/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_env.csh b/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_env.csh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..e09184aa2fed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_env.csh
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+--- ./ros/env.csh.orig Wed Mar 21 22:14:25 2007
++++ ./ros/env.csh Wed Mar 21 23:30:08 2007
+@@ -1,16 +1,18 @@
+ #!/bin/csh -f
+-setenv CASROOT /usr/ports/cad/opencascade/work/opencascade-6.2/ros
++setenv %%CASROOT%%
+ set OS_NAME=`uname`
+ if ( $?PATH ) then
+- setenv PATH $CASROOT/../3rdparty/$OS_NAME/tcltk/bin:$CASROOT/$OS_NAME/bin:$PATH
++ setenv PATH %%LOCALBASE%%/bin:$CASROOT/$OS_NAME/bin:$PATH
+ else
+- setenv PATH $CASROOT/../3rdparty/$OS_NAME/tcltk/bin:$CASROOT/$OS_NAME/bin
++ setenv PATH %%LOCALBASE%%/bin:$CASROOT/$OS_NAME/bin
+ endif
+-if ( $?LD_LIBRARY_PATH ) then
++if ( $OS_NAME != "FreeBSD" ) then
++ if ( $?LD_LIBRARY_PATH ) then
++ else
+ setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH $CASROOT/../3rdparty/$OS_NAME/tcltk/lib:$CASROOT/$OS_NAME/lib
++ endif
+ endif
+ setenv CSF_MDTVFontDirectory $CASROOT/src/FontMFT
+ setenv CSF_LANGUAGE us
+@@ -30,7 +32,7 @@
+ setenv CSF_STEPDefaults $CASROOT/src/XSTEPResource
+ setenv CSF_XmlOcafResource $CASROOT/src/XmlOcafResource
+-setenv TCLHOME $CASROOT/../3rdparty/$OS_NAME/tcltk
+ if ( $OS_NAME == "SunOS" ) then
+@@ -38,6 +40,12 @@
++else if ( $OS_NAME == "FreeBSD" ) then
++ setenv TK_LIBRARY %%TK_LIBDIR%%
+ else if ( $OS_NAME == "Linux" ) then
diff --git a/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_env.ksh b/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_env.ksh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..2b516a0bfecd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_env.ksh
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+--- ./ros/env.ksh.orig Wed Mar 21 22:14:25 2007
++++ ./ros/env.ksh Wed Mar 21 23:37:24 2007
+@@ -1,17 +1,19 @@
+ #!/bin/ksh -f
+-export CASROOT=/usr/ports/cad/opencascade/work/opencascade-6.2/ros
++export CASROOT=%%CASROOT%%
+ OS_NAME=`uname`
+ if [ -z "PATH" ];
+-then PATH=$CASROOT/../3rdparty/$OS_NAME/tcltk/bin:$CASROOT/$OS_NAME/bin;
+-else PATH=$CASROOT/../3rdparty/$OS_NAME/tcltk/bin:$CASROOT/$OS_NAME/bin:$PATH;
++then PATH=%%LOCALBASE%%/bin:$CASROOT/$OS_NAME/bin;
+ fi
+ export PATH
+-if [ -z "LD_LIBRARY_PATH" ];
+-then LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$CASROOT/../3rdparty/$OS_NAME/tcltk/lib:$CASROOT/$OS_NAME/lib;
++if [ $OS_NAME != "FreeBSD" ]; then
++ if [ -z "LD_LIBRARY_PATH" ];
++ then LD_LIBRARY_PATH $CASROOT/../3rdparty/$OS_NAME/tcltk/lib:$CASROOT/$OS_NAME/lib;
++ fi
+ fi
+ export CSF_MDTVFontDirectory=$CASROOT/src/FontMFT
+ export CSF_LANGUAGE=us
+ export MMGT_CLEAR=1
+@@ -30,7 +32,7 @@
+ export CSF_STEPDefaults=$CASROOT/src/XSTEPResource
+ export CSF_XmlOcafResource=$CASROOT/src/XmlOcafResource
+-export TCLHOME=$CASROOT/../3rdparty/$OS_NAME/tcltk
+ if [ $OS_NAME = "SunOS" ]; then
+@@ -38,6 +40,12 @@
+ export TCL_LIBRARY=$TCLLIBPATH/tcl8.4;
++elif [ $OS_NAME = "FreeBSD" ]; then
++ export TK_LIBRARY=%%TK_LIBDIR%%
+ elif [ $OS_NAME = "Linux" ]; then
diff --git a/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_src_DrawResources_InitEnvironment.tcl b/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_src_DrawResources_InitEnvironment.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d2ea5ea26898
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_src_DrawResources_InitEnvironment.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+--- ros/src/DrawResources/InitEnvironment.tcl.orig Fri Sep 21 09:50:26 2001
++++ ros/src/DrawResources/InitEnvironment.tcl Thu Aug 10 22:58:39 2006
+@@ -7,6 +7,8 @@
+ set LINE_FROM_UNAME [ exec uname -a ] ;
+ if { [ regexp SunOS $LINE_FROM_UNAME ] } {
+ return "sun"
++ } elseif { [ regexp FreeBSD $LINE_FROM_UNAME ] } {
++ return "bsd"
+ } elseif { [ regexp IRIX $LINE_FROM_UNAME ] } {
+ return "sil"
+ } elseif { [ regexp OSF $LINE_FROM_UNAME ] } {
diff --git a/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_src_DrawResources_WOKcomplement.tcl b/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_src_DrawResources_WOKcomplement.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..34409e251c02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_src_DrawResources_WOKcomplement.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+--- ros/src/DrawResources/WOKcomplement.tcl.orig Fri Sep 21 09:50:27 2001
++++ ros/src/DrawResources/WOKcomplement.tcl Tue Aug 1 21:13:53 2006
+@@ -6,7 +6,10 @@
+ set LINE_FROM_UNAME [ exec uname -a ] ;
+ if { [ regexp SunOS $LINE_FROM_UNAME ] } {
+ return "sun"
+- }
++ }
++ elseif { [ regexp FreeBSD $LINE_FROM_UNAME ] } {
++ return "bsd"
++ }
+ elseif { [ regexp IRIX $LINE_FROM_UNAME ] } {
+ return "sil"
+ }
diff --git a/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_src_IncludeLibrary_IncludeLibrary_NTD_interface.h b/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_src_IncludeLibrary_IncludeLibrary_NTD_interface.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..95dfb5f6fcac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_src_IncludeLibrary_IncludeLibrary_NTD_interface.h
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+--- ros/src/IncludeLibrary/IncludeLibrary_NTD_interface.h.orig Mon Oct 29 18:01:42 2001
++++ ros/src/IncludeLibrary/IncludeLibrary_NTD_interface.h Thu Aug 10 21:46:28 2006
+@@ -352,7 +352,7 @@
+ int k_synch ,
+ PSTATUS sts);
+-#if !defined(__hpux) && !defined(HPUX) && !defined(__osf__) && !defined(DECOSF1) && !defined(WNT) && !defined(LIN) && !defined(linux) && !defined(AIX) && !defined(_AIX)
++#if !defined(__hpux) && !defined(HPUX) && !defined(__osf__) && !defined(DECOSF1) && !defined(WNT) && !defined(LIN) && !defined(linux) && !defined(AIX) && !defined(_AIX) && !defined(__FreeBSD__)
+ extern
+ #ifdef CSF1
+ "C" {
diff --git a/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_src_IncludeLibrary_IncludeLibrary_osd_dlopen.h b/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_src_IncludeLibrary_IncludeLibrary_osd_dlopen.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ff33f833de32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_src_IncludeLibrary_IncludeLibrary_osd_dlopen.h
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+--- ros/src/IncludeLibrary/IncludeLibrary_osd_dlopen.h.orig Fri Dec 5 19:02:29 2003
++++ ros/src/IncludeLibrary/IncludeLibrary_osd_dlopen.h Thu Aug 10 21:52:39 2006
+@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@
+ // return cxxshl_load( Path , BIND_IMMEDIATE ,0L);
+ // ===> findsym( &NULL ... for HP
+-#elif defined(sun) || defined(SOLARIS) || defined(IRIX) || defined(sgi) || defined(linux) || defined(LIN)
++#elif defined(sun) || defined(SOLARIS) || defined(IRIX) || defined(sgi) || defined(linux) || defined(LIN) || defined(__FreeBSD__)
+ if ( Path != NULL ) {
+ if ( LazyMode )
+ handle = dlopen( Path , RTLD_LAZY | RTLD_GLOBAL );
diff --git a/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_src_IncludeLibrary_IncludeLibrary_stsgrpdef.h b/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_src_IncludeLibrary_IncludeLibrary_stsgrpdef.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..84906383b532
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_src_IncludeLibrary_IncludeLibrary_stsgrpdef.h
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+--- ros/src/IncludeLibrary/IncludeLibrary_stsgrpdef.h.orig Fri Sep 21 09:55:04 2001
++++ ros/src/IncludeLibrary/IncludeLibrary_stsgrpdef.h Thu Aug 10 21:50:09 2006
+@@ -103,6 +103,10 @@
++# elif __FreeBSD__
+ # elif UNX
diff --git a/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_src_OSD_OSD_Chronometer.cxx b/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_src_OSD_OSD_Chronometer.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d1d9bb2ae7af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_src_OSD_OSD_Chronometer.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+--- ros/src/OSD/OSD_Chronometer.cxx.orig Fri Aug 26 18:19:13 2005
++++ ros/src/OSD/OSD_Chronometer.cxx Thu Aug 10 21:57:15 2006
+@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@
+ // (man times,limits.h, man sysconf)
+ // cout << "Nombre de clicks par seconde : " << CLK_TCK << endl;
+ //modified by NIZNHY-PKV Fri Mar 25 17:15:12 2005f
+-#if defined(LIN) || defined(linux)
++#if defined(LIN) || defined(linux) || defined(__FreeBSD__)
+ static long aCLK_TCK=sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK);
+ //
+ Cumul_user += (Standard_Real) diffr_user / aCLK_TCK ;
diff --git a/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_src_OS_ApplicationFramework.tcl b/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_src_OS_ApplicationFramework.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..7fa9e2c35bf4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_src_OS_ApplicationFramework.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+--- ros/src/OS/ApplicationFramework.tcl.orig Thu Sep 22 19:55:08 2005
++++ ros/src/OS/ApplicationFramework.tcl Thu Aug 10 22:46:41 2006
+@@ -68,6 +68,12 @@
+ lappend l "[lindex [wokparam -v %CSF_TCL_HOME] 0]/include"
+ lappend l "[lindex [lindex [wokparam -v %STLPortInclude] 0] 0]"
+ }
++ FreeBSD {
++ lappend l "-I[lindex [wokparam -v %CSF_JavaHome] 0]/include"
++ lappend l "-I[lindex [wokparam -v %CSF_JavaHome] 0]/include/freebsd"
++ lappend l "[lindex [wokparam -v %CSF_TCL_HOME] 0]/include"
++ lappend l "[lindex [lindex [wokparam -v %STLPortInclude] 0] 0]"
++ }
+ SunOS {
+ lappend l "/usr/openwin/include"
+ lappend l "/usr/dt/include"
+@@ -98,6 +104,11 @@
+ }
+ Linux {
+ lappend l /usr/X11R6/lib
++ }
++ FreeBSD {
++ lappend l /usr/X11R6/lib
++ lappend l "-L[wokparam -v %CSF_TCL_HOME]/lib -R[wokparam -v %CSF_TCL_HOME]/lib -ltcl"
++ lappend l "-L[wokparam -v %CSF_TCL_HOME]/lib -R[wokparam -v %CSF_TCL_HOME]/lib -ltk"
+ }
+ SunOS {
+ lappend l "-L[wokparam -v %CSF_TCL_HOME]/lib -R[wokparam -v %CSF_TCL_HOME]/lib -ltcl"
diff --git a/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_src_OS_DataExchange.tcl b/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_src_OS_DataExchange.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..3feee75938f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_src_OS_DataExchange.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+--- ros/src/OS/DataExchange.tcl.orig Mon Jul 25 08:47:10 2005
++++ ros/src/OS/DataExchange.tcl Tue Aug 1 21:03:42 2006
+@@ -59,6 +59,12 @@
+ lappend l "[lindex [wokparam -v %CSF_TCL_HOME] 0]/include"
+ lappend l "[lindex [lindex [wokparam -v %STLPortInclude] 0] 0]"
+ }
++ FreeBSD {
++ lappend l "-I[lindex [wokparam -v %CSF_JavaHome] 0]/include"
++ lappend l "-I[lindex [wokparam -v %CSF_JavaHome] 0]/include/freebsd"
++ lappend l "[lindex [wokparam -v %CSF_TCL_HOME] 0]/include"
++ lappend l "[lindex [lindex [wokparam -v %STLPortInclude] 0] 0]"
++ }
+ SunOS {
+ lappend l "/usr/openwin/include"
+ lappend l "/usr/dt/include"
+@@ -86,6 +92,8 @@
+ HP-UX {
+ }
+ Linux {
++ }
++ FreeBSD {
+ }
+ SunOS {
+ lappend l "-L[wokparam -v %CSF_TCL_HOME]/lib -R[wokparam -v %CSF_TCL_HOME]/lib -ltcl"
diff --git a/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_src_OS_Draw.tcl b/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_src_OS_Draw.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..59dfb774d624
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_src_OS_Draw.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+--- ros/src/OS/Draw.tcl.orig Wed Nov 26 09:30:49 2003
++++ ros/src/OS/Draw.tcl Thu Aug 10 22:08:37 2006
+@@ -50,6 +50,13 @@
+ lappend l "[lindex [wokparam -v %CSF_TCL_HOME] 0]/include"
+ lappend l "[lindex [lindex [wokparam -v %STLPortInclude] 0] 0]"
+ }
++ FreeBSD {
++ lappend l "-I/usr/local/include"
++ lappend l "-I[lindex [wokparam -v %CSF_JavaHome] 0]/include"
++ lappend l "-I[lindex [wokparam -v %CSF_JavaHome] 0]/include/freebsd"
++ lappend l "[lindex [wokparam -v %CSF_TCL_HOME] 0]/include"
++ lappend l "[lindex [lindex [wokparam -v %STLPortInclude] 0] 0]"
++ }
+ SunOS {
+ lappend l "/usr/openwin/include"
+ lappend l "/usr/dt/include"
+@@ -79,6 +86,12 @@
+ HP-UX {
+ }
+ Linux {
++ lappend l -L/usr/X11R6/lib
++ lappend l "-L[wokparam -v %CSF_TCL_HOME]/lib"
++ lappend l "-L[wokparam -v %STLPortHome]/lib"
++ }
++ FreeBSD {
++ lappend l -L/usr/local/lib
+ lappend l -L/usr/X11R6/lib
+ lappend l "-L[wokparam -v %CSF_TCL_HOME]/lib"
+ lappend l "-L[wokparam -v %STLPortHome]/lib"
diff --git a/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_src_OS_FoundationClasses.tcl b/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_src_OS_FoundationClasses.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..41d8b294dda2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_src_OS_FoundationClasses.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+--- ros/src/OS/FoundationClasses.tcl.orig Thu Jun 30 11:18:06 2005
++++ ros/src/OS/FoundationClasses.tcl Thu Aug 10 22:14:31 2006
+@@ -44,7 +44,13 @@
+ }
+ Linux {
+ lappend l "-I[lindex [wokparam -v %CSF_JavaHome] 0]/include"
+- lappend l "-I[lindex [wokparam -v %CSF_JavaHome] 0]/inclide/linux"
++ lappend l "-I[lindex [wokparam -v %CSF_JavaHome] 0]/include/linux"
++ lappend l "[lindex [wokparam -v %CSF_TCL_HOME] 0]/include"
++ lappend l "[lindex [lindex [wokparam -v %STLPortInclude] 0] 0]"
++ }
++ FreeBSD {
++ lappend l "-I[lindex [wokparam -v %CSF_JavaHome] 0]/include"
++ lappend l "-I[lindex [wokparam -v %CSF_JavaHome] 0]/include/FreeBSD"
+ lappend l "[lindex [wokparam -v %CSF_TCL_HOME] 0]/include"
+ lappend l "[lindex [lindex [wokparam -v %STLPortInclude] 0] 0]"
+ }
+@@ -53,7 +59,7 @@
+ lappend l "/usr/dt/include"
+ lappend l "[lindex [wokparam -v %CSF_CXX_INCLUDE] 0]"
+ lappend l "-I[lindex [wokparam -v %CSF_JavaHome] 0]/include"
+- lappend l "-I[lindex [wokparam -v %CSF_JavaHome] 0]/inclide/solaris"
++ lappend l "-I[lindex [wokparam -v %CSF_JavaHome] 0]/include/solaris"
+ lappend l "[lindex [wokparam -v %CSF_TCL_HOME] 0]/include"
+ }
+ IRIX {
+@@ -75,6 +81,8 @@
+ HP-UX {
+ }
+ Linux {
++ }
++ FreeBSD {
+ }
+ SunOS {
+ }
diff --git a/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_src_OS_ModelingAlgorithms.tcl b/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_src_OS_ModelingAlgorithms.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..75ce3b407ca8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_src_OS_ModelingAlgorithms.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+--- ros/src/OS/ModelingAlgorithms.tcl.orig Thu Jun 30 11:18:06 2005
++++ ros/src/OS/ModelingAlgorithms.tcl Thu Aug 10 22:18:25 2006
+@@ -45,10 +45,16 @@
+ HP-UX {
+ }
+ Linux {
+- lappend l "-I[lindex [wokparam -v %CSF_JavaHome] 0]/include"
+- lappend l "-I[lindex [wokparam -v %CSF_JavaHome] 0]/include/solaris"
+- lappend l "[lindex [wokparam -v %CSF_TCL_HOME] 0]/include"
+- lappend l "[lindex [lindex [wokparam -v %STLPortInclude] 0] 0]"
++ lappend l "-I[lindex [wokparam -v %CSF_JavaHome] 0]/include"
++ lappend l "-I[lindex [wokparam -v %CSF_JavaHome] 0]/include/linux"
++ lappend l "[lindex [wokparam -v %CSF_TCL_HOME] 0]/include"
++ lappend l "[lindex [lindex [wokparam -v %STLPortInclude] 0] 0]"
++ }
++ FreeBSD {
++ lappend l "-I[lindex [wokparam -v %CSF_JavaHome] 0]/include"
++ lappend l "-I[lindex [wokparam -v %CSF_JavaHome] 0]/include/freebsd"
++ lappend l "[lindex [wokparam -v %CSF_TCL_HOME] 0]/include"
++ lappend l "[lindex [lindex [wokparam -v %STLPortInclude] 0] 0]"
+ }
+ SunOS {
+ lappend l "/usr/openwin/include"
+@@ -77,6 +83,8 @@
+ HP-UX {
+ }
+ Linux {
++ }
++ FreeBSD {
+ }
+ SunOS {
+ lappend l "-L[wokparam -v %CSF_TCL_HOME]/lib -R[wokparam -v %CSF_TCL_HOME]/lib -ltcl"
diff --git a/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_src_OS_ModelingData.tcl b/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_src_OS_ModelingData.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..916c422c2bfd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_src_OS_ModelingData.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+--- ros/src/OS/ModelingData.tcl.orig Wed Nov 26 09:36:01 2003
++++ ros/src/OS/ModelingData.tcl Thu Aug 10 22:21:03 2006
+@@ -43,6 +43,12 @@
+ lappend l "[lindex [wokparam -v %CSF_TCL_HOME] 0]/include"
+ lappend l "[lindex [lindex [wokparam -v %STLPortInclude] 0] 0]"
+ }
++ FreeBSD {
++ lappend l "-I[lindex [wokparam -v %CSF_JavaHome] 0]/include"
++ lappend l "-I[lindex [wokparam -v %CSF_JavaHome] 0]/include/freebsd"
++ lappend l "[lindex [wokparam -v %CSF_TCL_HOME] 0]/include"
++ lappend l "[lindex [lindex [wokparam -v %STLPortInclude] 0] 0]"
++ }
+ SunOS {
+ lappend l "/usr/openwin/include"
+ lappend l "/usr/dt/include"
+@@ -70,6 +76,8 @@
+ HP-UX {
+ }
+ Linux {
++ }
++ FreeBSD {
+ }
+ SunOS {
+ lappend l "-L[wokparam -v %CSF_TCL_HOME]/lib -R[wokparam -v %CSF_TCL_HOME]/lib -ltcl"
diff --git a/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_src_OS_OS.tcl b/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_src_OS_OS.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a75b9b28e4e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_src_OS_OS.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+--- ros/src/OS/OS.tcl.orig Mon Dec 6 14:30:50 2004
++++ ros/src/OS/OS.tcl Tue Aug 1 08:39:43 2006
+@@ -1163,7 +1163,11 @@
+ SunOS {
+ set litm [list sun wsn]
+ }
++ FreeBSD {
++ set litm [list bsd wfb]
++ }
+ Linux {
+ set litm [list lin wln]
+ }
+@@ -2308,6 +2312,7 @@
+ set do_nothing_here [list IRIX AIX HP-UX] ;# ne pas toucher aux .lnk de pop ici
+ ;#puts "plat $plat"
+ if { "$plat" == "SunOS"} { set OsName "solaris" }
++ if { "$plat" == "FreeBSD"} { set OsName "freebsd" }
+ if { "$plat" == "Linux"} { set OsName "linux" }
+ if { "$plat" == "WindowsNT"} {set OsName "win32"}
+ ;#puts [OS:procs $module $plat]
+@@ -2480,7 +2485,15 @@
+ }
+ if [regexp -- {/cc} $compiler all find] {
+ set compstring "\${CCOMP} "
+- }
++ }
++ }
++ if {$plat == "FreeBSD"} {
++ if [regexp -- {/CC} $compiler all find] {
++ set compstring "\${CXXCOMP} "
++ }
++ if [regexp -- {/cc} $compiler all find] {
++ set compstring "\${CCOMP} "
++ }
+ }
+ if {$plat == "Linux"} {
+ if [regexp -- {/gcc} $compiler all find] {
+@@ -2568,6 +2581,11 @@
+ set compstring "\${CXXCOMP} "
+ }
+ }
++ if {$plat == "FreeBSD"} {
++ if [regexp -- {/CC} $compiler all find] {
++ set compstring "\${CXXCOMP} "
++ }
++ }
+ if {$plat == "Linux"} {
+ if [regexp -- {/g} $compiler all find] {
+ set compstring "\${CXXCOMP} "
+@@ -2643,6 +2661,11 @@
+ set compstring "\${CXXCOMP} "
+ }
+ }
++ if {$plat == "FreeBSD"} {
++ if [regexp -- {/CC} $compiler all find] {
++ set compstring "\${CXXCOMP} "
++ }
++ }
+ if {$plat == "Linux"} {
+ if [regexp -- {/g} $compiler all find] {
+ set compstring "\${CXXCOMP} "
+@@ -3166,6 +3189,8 @@
+ ;#
+ set A(runtime,Linux) lin
+ set A(wokadm,Linux) wln ;# au lieu de LIN
++ set A(runtime,FreeBSD) bsd
++ set A(wokadm,FreeBSD) wfb ;# au lieu de FREEBSD
+ set A(runtime,SunOS) sun
+ set A(wokadm,SunOS) wsn ;# au lieu de SUN
+ set A(runtime,IRIX) sil
+@@ -3539,10 +3564,12 @@
+ ;#
+ ;# ce qui suit veut dire que:
+ ;# on substitue /adv_11/KAS/C30/ref par TOSUBSTITUTE ET /adv_11/KAS/C30/UpdateC31 par TOSUBSTITUTE etc..
+-;# sur la plateforme correspondante.
++;# sur la plate-forme correspondante.
+ ;#
+ set TOTRIM(wokadm,WindowsNT) nothing,nothing
+ set TOTRIM(wokadm,SunOS) \
++ /dn01/KAS/dev/roc,TOSUBSTITUTE,/adv_11/KAS/C30/UpdateC31,TOSUBSTITUTE,/adv_10/KAS/C30/UpdateC31,TOSUBSTITUTE
++ set TOTRIM(wokadm,FreeBSD) \
+ /dn01/KAS/dev/roc,TOSUBSTITUTE,/adv_11/KAS/C30/UpdateC31,TOSUBSTITUTE,/adv_10/KAS/C30/UpdateC31,TOSUBSTITUTE
+ set TOTRIM(wokadm,IRIX) \
+ /dn01/KAS/dev/ros,TOSUBSTITUTE,/adv_11/KAS/C30/UpdateC31,TOSUBSTITUTE,/adv_10/KAS/C30/UpdateC31,TOSUBSTITUTE
diff --git a/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_src_OS_Visualization.tcl b/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_src_OS_Visualization.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..0bd1f1b927ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_src_OS_Visualization.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+--- ros/src/OS/Visualization.tcl.orig Fri Jun 25 19:07:24 2004
++++ ros/src/OS/Visualization.tcl Thu Aug 10 22:42:55 2006
+@@ -47,6 +47,12 @@
+ lappend l "[lindex [wokparam -v %CSF_TCL_HOME] 0]/include"
+ lappend l "[lindex [lindex [wokparam -v %STLPortInclude] 0] 0]"
+ }
++ FreeBSD {
++ lappend l "-I[lindex [wokparam -v %CSF_JavaHome] 0]/include"
++ lappend l "-I[lindex [wokparam -v %CSF_JavaHome] 0]/include/freebsd"
++ lappend l "[lindex [wokparam -v %CSF_TCL_HOME] 0]/include"
++ lappend l "[lindex [lindex [wokparam -v %STLPortInclude] 0] 0]"
++ }
+ SunOS {
+ lappend l "\$OPENWINHOME/include"
+ lappend l "/usr/openwin/include/X11"
+@@ -76,6 +82,11 @@
+ }
+ Linux {
+ lappend l /usr/X11R6/lib
++ }
++ FreeBSD {
++ lappend l /usr/X11R6/lib
++ lappend l "-L[wokparam -v %CSF_TCL_HOME]/lib -R[wokparam -v %CSF_TCL_HOME]/lib -ltcl"
++ lappend l "-L[wokparam -v %CSF_TCL_HOME]/lib -R[wokparam -v %CSF_TCL_HOME]/lib -ltk"
+ }
+ SunOS {
+ lappend l "-L[wokparam -v %CSF_TCL_HOME]/lib -R[wokparam -v %CSF_TCL_HOME]/lib -ltcl"
diff --git a/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_src_OS_WOK.tcl b/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_src_OS_WOK.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..25195027ba34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_src_OS_WOK.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+--- ros/src/OS/WOK.tcl.orig Wed Nov 26 09:36:37 2003
++++ ros/src/OS/WOK.tcl Tue Aug 1 20:59:22 2006
+@@ -69,6 +69,13 @@
+ lappend l "[lindex [lindex [wokparam -v %STLPortInclude] 0] 0]"
+ }
++ FreeBSD {
++ lappend l "-I[lindex [wokparam -v %CSF_JavaHome] 0]/include"
++ lappend l "-I[lindex [wokparam -v %CSF_JavaHome] 0]/include/freebsd"
++ lappend l "[lindex [wokparam -v %CSF_TCL_HOME] 0]/include"
++ lappend l "[lindex [lindex [wokparam -v %STLPortInclude] 0] 0]"
++ }
+ SunOS {
+ lappend l "/usr/openwin/include"
+ lappend l "/usr/dt/include"
+@@ -95,6 +102,10 @@
+ HP-UX {
+ }
+ Linux {
++ lappend l /usr/X11R6/lib
++ }
++ FreeBSD {
+ lappend l /usr/X11R6/lib
+ }
diff --git a/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_src_OS_Wrappers.tcl b/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_src_OS_Wrappers.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..db2a9403b5f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_src_OS_Wrappers.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+--- ros/src/OS/Wrappers.tcl.orig Mon Dec 6 14:30:49 2004
++++ ros/src/OS/Wrappers.tcl Tue Aug 1 21:05:53 2006
+@@ -48,6 +48,12 @@
+ lappend l "[lindex [wokparam -v %CSF_TCL_HOME] 0]/include"
+ lappend l "[lindex [lindex [wokparam -v %STLPortInclude] 0] 0]"
+ }
++ FreeBSD {
++ lappend l "-I[lindex [wokparam -v %CSF_JavaHome] 0]/include"
++ lappend l "-I[lindex [wokparam -v %CSF_JavaHome] 0]/include/freebsd"
++ lappend l "[lindex [wokparam -v %CSF_TCL_HOME] 0]/include"
++ lappend l "[lindex [lindex [wokparam -v %STLPortInclude] 0] 0]"
++ }
+ SunOS {
+ lappend l "/usr/openwin/include"
+ lappend l "/usr/dt/include"
+@@ -75,6 +81,8 @@
+ HP-UX {
+ }
+ Linux {
++ }
++ FreeBSD {
+ }
+ SunOS {
+ }
diff --git a/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_src_OpenGl_OpenGl_togl_begin_layer_mode.c b/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_src_OpenGl_OpenGl_togl_begin_layer_mode.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a20e549429a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_src_OpenGl_OpenGl_togl_begin_layer_mode.c
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+--- ./ros/src/OpenGl/OpenGl_togl_begin_layer_mode.c.orig Thu Apr 21 15:09:03 2005
++++ ./ros/src/OpenGl/OpenGl_togl_begin_layer_mode.c Sun Jul 2 01:17:50 2006
+@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
+ * Includes
+ */
+-#include <malloc.h>
++#include <stdlib.h>
+ #include <OpenGl_tgl_all.h>
diff --git a/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_src_OpenGl_OpenGl_togl_markercontextgroup.c b/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_src_OpenGl_OpenGl_togl_markercontextgroup.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..e353c5c166db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_src_OpenGl_OpenGl_togl_markercontextgroup.c
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+--- ./ros/src/OpenGl/OpenGl_togl_markercontextgroup.c.orig Thu Apr 21 15:09:02 2005
++++ ./ros/src/OpenGl/OpenGl_togl_markercontextgroup.c Sun Jul 2 07:03:39 2006
+@@ -39,7 +39,11 @@
+ #include <GL/gl.h>
+ #include <GL/glu.h>
+-#include <malloc.h>
++#ifdef __FreeBSD__
++# include <stdlib.h>
++# include <malloc.h>
+ typedef struct
+ {
diff --git a/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_src_Standard_Standard_ErrorHandler.cxx b/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_src_Standard_Standard_ErrorHandler.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..f1ba8f75ac53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_src_Standard_Standard_ErrorHandler.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+--- ./ros/src/Standard/Standard_ErrorHandler.cxx.orig Wed Mar 21 22:13:14 2007
++++ ./ros/src/Standard/Standard_ErrorHandler.cxx Fri Mar 23 19:35:12 2007
+@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
+ static inline Standard_Integer GetThreadID()
+ {
+ #ifndef WNT
+- return pthread_self();
++ return (Standard_Integer) pthread_self();
+ #else
+ return GetCurrentThreadId();
+ #endif
diff --git a/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_src_Standard_Standard_ExtString.cxx b/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_src_Standard_Standard_ExtString.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..69bbd75a02e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_src_Standard_Standard_ExtString.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+--- ros/src/Standard/Standard_ExtString.cxx.orig Fri Sep 21 10:02:01 2001
++++ ros/src/Standard/Standard_ExtString.cxx Thu Aug 10 21:41:33 2006
+@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
+ if ( (((long ) Value ) & 3 ) == 2 ) {
+ aHashCode = Value[ 0 ] ;
+-#if defined(WNT) || defined(DECOSF1) || defined(LININTEL)
++#if defined(WNT) || defined(DECOSF1) || defined(LININTEL) || defined(__FreeBSD__)
+ aHashCode = aHashCode << 16 ;
+ #endif
+ aValue = &Value[1] ;
diff --git a/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_src_Standard_Standard_MMgrOpt.cxx b/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_src_Standard_Standard_MMgrOpt.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d227037bb428
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_src_Standard_Standard_MMgrOpt.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+--- ./ros/src/Standard/Standard_MMgrOpt.cxx.orig Wed Mar 21 22:13:14 2007
++++ ./ros/src/Standard/Standard_MMgrOpt.cxx Wed Mar 21 23:45:29 2007
+@@ -258,7 +258,7 @@
+ perror("ERR_MEMRY_FAIL");
+ #endif
+-#if defined(IRIX) || defined(__sgi) || defined(SOLARIS) || defined(__sun) || defined(LIN) || defined(linux)
++#if defined(IRIX) || defined(__sgi) || defined(SOLARIS) || defined(__sun) || defined(LIN) || defined(linux) || defined(__FreeBSD__)
+ if ((myMMap = open ("/dev/zero", O_RDWR)) < 0) {
+ if ((myMMap = open ("/dev/null", O_RDWR)) < 0){
+ myMMap = 0;
diff --git a/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_src_WOKBuilderDef_CMPLRS.edl b/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_src_WOKBuilderDef_CMPLRS.edl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ef7f97963ced
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_src_WOKBuilderDef_CMPLRS.edl
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+--- ros/src/WOKBuilderDef/CMPLRS.edl.orig Fri Mar 5 18:48:48 2004
++++ ros/src/WOKBuilderDef/CMPLRS.edl Wed Aug 9 23:27:51 2006
+@@ -483,6 +483,160 @@
++-- ###### ##### ###### --
++-- # # # # # # --
++-- # # # # # --
++-- ###### ##### # # --
++-- # # # # # --
++-- # # # # # # --
++-- ###### ##### ###### --
++ @if ( %Station == "bsd" ) then
++ @template CMPLRS_C_DTmpFile (%TmpFile) is
++ $>& %TmpFile \
++ @end;
++ @template CMPLRS_CXX_DTmpFile (%TmpFile) is
++ $>& %TmpFile \
++ @end;
++ @template CMPLRS_F77_DTmpFile (%TmpFile) is
++ $ \
++ @end;
++ @if ( %DebugMode == "True" ) then
++ @set %CMPLRS_CXX_ModeOpt = "-g -O0 -DDEB -D_DEBUG";
++ @set %CMPLRS_C_ModeOpt = "-g -O0 -DDEB -D_DEBUG";
++ @set %CMPLRS_F77_ModeOpt = "-g -DDEB -D_DEBUG";
++ @else
++ @set %CMPLRS_CXX_ModeOpt = "%%CXXFLAGS%% -DNDEBUG -DNo_Exception";
++ @set %CMPLRS_C_ModeOpt = "%%CFLAGS%% -DNDEBUG -DNo_Exception";
++ @set %CMPLRS_F77_ModeOpt = "%%FFLAGS%% -DNDEBUG -DNo_Exception";
++ @endif;
++ @set %CMPLRS_CXX_WOKDirectives = "-MD ";
++ @set %CMPLRS_C_WOKDirectives = "-MD ";
++ @set %CMPLRS_F77_WOKDirectives = "";
++ @template CMPLRS_F77_OptLine (
++ %CMPLRS_F77_SysOptions ,
++ %CMPLRS_F77_ModeOpt
++ ) is
++ $Following parameters make up F77 compilation command in this order:
++ $CMPLRS_F77_SysOptions = %CMPLRS_F77_SysOptions
++ $CMPLRS_F77_ModeOpt = %CMPLRS_F77_ModeOpt
++ @end;
++ @template CMPLRS_F77_CmdLine ( %CMPLRS_F77_COMPILER , %CMPLRS_F77_SysOptions , %CMPLRS_F77_ModeOpt ,
++ %CMPLRS_F77_WOKDirectives , %Source , %OutputDir , %BaseName , %Entity ) is
++ $%CMPLRS_F77_COMPILER %CMPLRS_F77_SysOptions %CMPLRS_F77_ModeOpt %CMPLRS_F77_WOKDirectives -c %Source -o %OutputDir/%BaseName.o
++ $echo '$F77_COMPILER %CMPLRS_F77_SysOptions %CMPLRS_F77_ModeOpt $INCDIRS -c $SOURCE -o $OBJECT' > %OutputDir/../%Entity/.adm/f77.compile
++ $ touch %OutputDir/%BaseName.m
++ @end;
++ @template CMPLRS_C_OptLine (%CMPLRS_C_COMPILER ,
++ %CMPLRS_C_SysOptions ,
++ %CMPLRS_C_Options ,
++ %CMPLRS_C_ModeOpt ,
++ %IncDirectives ,
++ %CMPLRS_Unit_C_Options ,
++ %CMPLRS_C_WOKDirectives ,
++ %Entity ) is
++ $Following parameters make up C compilation command in this order:
++ $CMPLRS_C_SysOptions = %CMPLRS_C_SysOptions
++ $CMPLRS_C_Options = %CMPLRS_C_Options
++ $CMPLRS_Unit_C_Options = %CMPLRS_Unit_C_Options
++ $CMPLRS_C_WOKDirectives= %CMPLRS_C_WOKDirectives
++ $Dynamic include directives are :
++ $%IncDirectives
++ @end;
++ @template CMPLRS_C_CmdLine ( %CMPLRS_C_COMPILER ,
++ %CMPLRS_C_SysOptions ,
++ %CMPLRS_C_Options ,
++ %CMPLRS_C_ModeOpt ,
++-- %C_Export ,
++ %IncDirectives ,
++ %CMPLRS_Unit_C_Options ,
++ %CMPLRS_C_WOKDirectives ,
++ %Source ,
++ %BaseName,
++ %OutputDir ,
++ %TmpFile , %Entity ) is
++ $cd %OutputDir && %CMPLRS_C_COMPILER %CMPLRS_C_SysOptions %CMPLRS_C_Options %CMPLRS_C_ModeOpt %CMPLRS_C_INCLUDE %CMPLRS_CXX_DBMSOpt %IncDirectives %CMPLRS_Unit_C_Options %CMPLRS_C_WOKDirectives -c %Source -o %OutputDir/%BaseName.o
++ $set stat = $status
++ $echo '$C_COMPILER %CMPLRS_C_SysOptions %CMPLRS_C_Options $INCDIRS %CMPLRS_C_ModeOpt %CMPLRS_C_INCLUDE %CMPLRS_CXX_DBMSOpt %CMPLRS_Unit_C_Options %CMPLRS_C_WOKDirectives -c $SOURCE -o $OBJECT' > %OutputDir/../%Entity/.adm/c.compile
++ $if ( $stat == 0 ) then
++ $ if ( -e %OutputDir/%BaseName.d ) then
++ $ sed -e '/:/d' -e 's/\\/ /g' %OutputDir/%BaseName.d | tr ' ' '\012' | sort -u > %OutputDir/%BaseName.m
++ $ endif
++ $endif
++ $set status = $stat
++ @end;
++ %CMPLRS_CXX_SysOptions ,
++ %CMPLRS_CXX_Options ,
++ %CMPLRS_CXX_WOKDirectives ,
++ %IncDirectives ,
++ %DBDirectives ,
++ %Entity ) is
++ $Following parameters make up C++ compilation command in this order:
++ $CMPLRS_CXX_SysOptions = %CMPLRS_CXX_SysOptions
++ $CMPLRS_CXX_Options = %CMPLRS_CXX_Options
++ $CMPLRS_CXX_ModeOpt = %CMPLRS_CXX_ModeOpt
++ $CMPLRS_CXX_WOKDirectives = %CMPLRS_CXX_WOKDirectives
++ $Dynamic include directives are :
++ $%IncDirectives
++ @end;
++ %CMPLRS_CXX_SysOptions ,
++ %CMPLRS_CXX_Options ,
++ %CMPLRS_CXX_ModeOpt ,
++ %CMPLRS_CXX_WOKDirectives ,
++ %IncDirectives ,
++ %DBDirectives ,
++ %Source,
++ %BaseName,
++ %OutputDir ,
++ %TmpFile , %Entity ) is
++ $cd %OutputDir && %CMPLRS_CXX_COMPILER %CMPLRS_CXX_SysOptions %CMPLRS_CXX_Options %CMPLRS_CXX_INCLUDE %CMPLRS_CXX_DBMSOpt %CMPLRS_CXX_ModeOpt %IncDirectives %DBDirectives %CMPLRS_CXX_WOKDirectives -c %Source -o %OutputDir/%BaseName.o >& %TmpFile
++ $set stat = $status
++ $if ( $stat == 0 ) then
++ $ if ( -e %OutputDir/%BaseName.d ) then
++ $ sed -e '/:/d' -e 's/\\/ /g' %OutputDir/%BaseName.d | tr ' ' '\012' | sort -u > %OutputDir/%BaseName.m
++ $ endif
++ $endif
++ $if( -e %TmpFile ) grep ':' %TmpFile
++ $/bin/rm -f %TmpFile
++ $set status = $stat
++ @end;
++ @endif;
+ -- ##### # # # # --
+ -- # # # # ## # --
+ -- # # # # # # --
diff --git a/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_src_WOKBuilderDef_CSF.edl b/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_src_WOKBuilderDef_CSF.edl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..2e846e12eab1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_src_WOKBuilderDef_CSF.edl
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+--- ros/src/WOKBuilderDef/CSF.edl.orig Mon Mar 20 16:48:53 2006
++++ ros/src/WOKBuilderDef/CSF.edl Thu Aug 10 17:47:22 2006
+@@ -181,6 +181,83 @@
+ @endif;
+ --
++ -- For FreeBSD platforms
++ --
++ @if ( %Station == "bsd" ) then
++ @if ( %DBMS == "OBJS" ) then
++ @set %CSF_OODBLibs = "";
++ @endif;
++ --<< TODO : If applicable , modify the location of the C++ compiler.
++ @set %CSF_CXX_COMPILER = "/usr/bin/g++ ";
++ -->> END TODO
++ @set %STLPortHome = "";
++ @if ( %STLPortHome != "") then
++ @string %STLPortInclude = "-I" %STLPortHome "/stlport ";
++ @string %STLPortLib = "-L" %STLPortHome "/lib -lstlport_%%STL_COMPILER%%";
++ @else
++ @set %STLPortInclude = "%%LOCALBASE%%/include/stlport";
++ @string %STLPortLib = "-L%%LOCALBASE%%/lib -lstlport_%%STL_COMPILER%%";
++ @endif;
++ @set %CSF_CXX_SysOptions = "%%CXXFLAGS%% -fPIC -funsigned-char -Wall -fmessage-length=0";
++ @string %CSF_CXX_Options = "-DLIN -DLININTEL -DNO_CXX_EXCEPTION " %STLPortInclude;
++ --<< TODO : If applicable , modify the location of the C compiler.
++ @set %CSF_C_COMPILER = "/usr/bin/gcc ";
++ @string %CSF_C_INCLUDE += "";
++ -->> END TODO
++ @set %CSF_C_SysOptions = "%%CFLAGS%% -fPIC -funsigned-char -Wall";
++ @set %CSF_C_Options = "-DLIN -DLININTEL ";
++ --<< TODO : If applicable , modify the location of the Fortran compiler.
++ @set %CSF_F77_COMPILER = "/usr/bin/f77 ";
++ -->> END TODO
++ @set %CSF_F77_SysOptions = "%%FFLAGS%% -fPIC ";
++ @set %CSF_LINKER = "/usr/bin/ld ";
++ @set %CSF_LINKER_DBMSOpt = "";
++ @set %CSF_LINKER_SysShared = "-shared ";
++ @set %CSF_LINKER_SysExe = "";
++ @set %CSF_LINKER_SysOpt = "";
++ @set %CSF_LINKER_SysLib = "-ldl -lc ";
++ @set %CSF_LINKER_CheckOpt = " -nostartfiles ";
++ @set %CSF_LINKER_CheckOut = " -o /dev/null ";
++ @set %CSF_SOCKETLibs = " -ldl" ;
++ --<< TODO : If applicable , modify the root location where TCL is installed.
++ @set %CSF_TCL_HOME = "%%LOCALBASE%%";
++ -->> END TODO
++ @string %CSF_TCL_INCLUDE = "%%TCL_INCDIR%% ";
++ --<< TODO : If applicable , modify the root location where Java is installed.
++ @set %CSF_JavaHome = "%%JAVA_HOME%%";
++ -->> END TODO
++ @string %CSF_JAVA_INCLUDE = "-I" %CSF_JavaHome "/include -I" %CSF_JavaHome "/include/freebsd ";
++ @set %CSF_JAVA_COMPILER = "javac";
++ @set %CSF_JAVA_JNI = "javah";
++ @set %CSF_DOXIGEN = "%%LOCALBASE%%/bin/doxygen";
++ @set %CSF_GRAPHVIZ_HOME = "%%LOCALBASE%%/lib/graphviz";
++ @set %CSF_X11_INCLUDE = "-I/usr/X11R6/include ";
++ @set %CSF_OPENGL_INCLUDE = "-I/usr/X11R6/include ";
++ @set %X11_LIB = "/usr/X11R6/lib";
++ @string %CSF_XwLibs = "-L" %X11_LIB " -lX11 -lXext -lXmu -lXi ";
++ @string %CSF_OpenGlLibs = "-L" %X11_LIB " -lGLU -lGL " ;
++ @string %CSF_TclLibs = "-L" %CSF_TCL_HOME "/lib -ltcl ";
++ @string %CSF_TclTkLibs = "-L" %CSF_TCL_HOME "/lib -ltk -L" %X11_LIB " -lX11";
++ @endif;
++ --
+ -- For SunOS platforms
+ --
+ @if ( %Station == "sun" ) then
diff --git a/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_src_WOKBuilderDef_JAVA.edl b/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_src_WOKBuilderDef_JAVA.edl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..faf55ec871fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_src_WOKBuilderDef_JAVA.edl
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+--- ros/src/WOKBuilderDef/JAVA.edl.orig Tue Nov 13 18:01:22 2001
++++ ros/src/WOKBuilderDef/JAVA.edl Wed Aug 9 23:53:21 2006
+@@ -32,6 +32,10 @@
+ @string %CXX_JAVA += " -I" %CSF_JavaHome "/include/solaris ";
+ @endif;
++@if ( %Station == "bsd" ) then
++ @string %CXX_JAVA += " -I" %CSF_JavaHome "/include/freebsd ";
+ @if ( %Station == "lin" ) then
+ @string %CXX_JAVA += " -I" %CSF_JavaHome "/include/linux ";
+ @endif;
diff --git a/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_src_WOKBuilderDef_LD.edl b/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_src_WOKBuilderDef_LD.edl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..2d7407d87407
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_src_WOKBuilderDef_LD.edl
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+--- ros/src/WOKBuilderDef/LD.edl.orig Fri Sep 21 10:07:39 2001
++++ ros/src/WOKBuilderDef/LD.edl Wed Aug 9 23:56:04 2006
+@@ -70,6 +70,13 @@
+ @endif;
++-- Definition du Link FreeBSD
++ @if ( %Station == "bsd" ) then
++ @template LD_Footer ( %Station ) is
++ $ ;
++ @end;
++ @endif;
+ -- Definition du Link Sun/Solaris 2.4
+ @if ( %Station == "sun" ) then
diff --git a/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_src_WOKBuilderDef_LDAR.edl b/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_src_WOKBuilderDef_LDAR.edl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..03e5ec499ed1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_src_WOKBuilderDef_LDAR.edl
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+--- ros/src/WOKBuilderDef/LDAR.edl.orig Fri Sep 21 10:07:39 2001
++++ ros/src/WOKBuilderDef/LDAR.edl Wed Aug 9 23:58:05 2006
+@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
+ @if( %Station != "sun" ) then
+ @set %RmCmd = "/usr/bin/rm";
+- @if ( %Station == "hp" || %Station == "lin" ) then
++ @if ( %Station == "hp" || %Station == "lin" || %Station == "bsd" ) then
+ @set %RmCmd = "/bin/rm";
+ @endif;
diff --git a/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_src_WOKBuilderDef_LDEXE.edl b/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_src_WOKBuilderDef_LDEXE.edl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ca0e326c5417
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_src_WOKBuilderDef_LDEXE.edl
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+--- ros/src/WOKBuilderDef/LDEXE.edl.orig Thu Nov 27 09:40:28 2003
++++ ros/src/WOKBuilderDef/LDEXE.edl Thu Aug 10 00:01:39 2006
+@@ -83,5 +83,11 @@
+ @end;
+ @endif;
++ @if( %Station == "bsd" ) then
++ @template LDEXE_Header ( %Target , %STLPortLib ) is
++ $/usr/bin/g++ -o %Target %STLPortLib \
++ @end;
++ @endif;
+ @endif;
diff --git a/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_src_WOKBuilderDef_LDSHR.edl b/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_src_WOKBuilderDef_LDSHR.edl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..6cbe188b6320
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_src_WOKBuilderDef_LDSHR.edl
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+--- ros/src/WOKBuilderDef/LDSHR.edl.orig Fri Sep 21 10:07:40 2001
++++ ros/src/WOKBuilderDef/LDSHR.edl Thu Aug 10 15:57:59 2006
+@@ -75,6 +75,34 @@
+ @endif;
++ @if ( %Station == "bsd" ) then
++ @set %LDSHR_Footer = "LDSHR_Footer";
++ @set %LDSHR_ArchiveFullPath = "LDSHR_ArchiveFullPath";
++ @template LDSHR_ArchiveFullPath ( %LibDir, %LibName ) is
++ $\^
++ @end;
++ @template LDSHR_Header ( %Target, %LDSHR_DBMSOpt, %CSF_LINKER_SysShared ) is
++ $/usr/bin/g++ %CSF_LINKER_SysShared %LDSHR_DBMSOpt -o %Target \
++ @end;
++ @template LDSHR_Footer () is
++ $ ;
++ $ set ld_status=$status;
++ @end;
++ @template LDSHR_CheckUndefHeader ( %Target, %LDSHR_DBMSOpt,%CSF_LINKER_CheckOpt ) is
++ $/usr/bin/ld %CSF_LINKER_CheckOpt %LDSHR_DBMSOpt -o %Target \
++ @end;
++ @template LDSHR_CheckUndefFooter () is
++ $ ;
++ $ set status=$ld_status;
++ @end;
++ @endif;
+ @if( %Station == "sun" ) then
+ @set %LDSHR_Footer = "LDSHR_Footer";
+ @set %LDSHR_ArchiveFullPath = "LDSHR_ArchiveFullPath";
diff --git a/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_src_WOKBuilderDef_LINKSHR.edl b/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_src_WOKBuilderDef_LINKSHR.edl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..94b6ed4d2160
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_src_WOKBuilderDef_LINKSHR.edl
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+--- ros/src/WOKBuilderDef/LINKSHR.edl.orig Tue Jul 6 22:05:28 2004
++++ ros/src/WOKBuilderDef/LINKSHR.edl Thu Aug 10 16:03:17 2006
+@@ -239,6 +239,38 @@
+ @end;
++ @if ( %Station == "bsd" ) then
++ @set %LINKSHR_Footer = "LINKSHR_Footer";
++ @set %LINKSHR_ArchiveFullPath = "LINKSHR_ArchiveFullPath";
++ @template LINKSHR_ArchiveFullPath () is
++ $\^
++ @end;
++ @template LINKSHR_Header (%CSF_CXX_COMPILERLINKER, %Target, %LINKSHR_DBMSOpt, %CSF_LINKER_SysShared ) is
++ @end;
++ @template LINKSHR_Footer (%CSF_LINKER_SysLib) is
++ $ %CSF_LINKER_SysLib;
++ $ set ld_status=$status
++ $ if ( $?LD_LIBRARY_PATH ) then
++ $ set ld_library_path=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
++ $ endif
++ @end;
++ @template LINKSHR_CheckUndefHeader (
++ ) is
++ $if ( $?LD_LIBRARY_PATH ) then
++ $else
++ $endif
++ $echo "Check of undefined symbols with LD_LIBRARY_PATH : $LD_LIBRARY_PATH"
++ @end;
+ @template LINKSHR_CheckUndefFooter () is
+ $ ;
+ $ if ( $status ) then
diff --git a/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_src_WOKLibs_pkgIndex.tcl b/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_src_WOKLibs_pkgIndex.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..2fd2e60825f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_src_WOKLibs_pkgIndex.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+--- ros/src/WOKLibs/pkgIndex.tcl.orig Fri Sep 21 10:07:48 2001
++++ ros/src/WOKLibs/pkgIndex.tcl Tue Aug 1 08:49:51 2006
+@@ -30,6 +30,36 @@
+ ###########################################
++if { $tcl_platform(os) == "FreeBSD" } {
++package ifneeded Woktools 2.0 "tclPkgSetup $dir/bsd Woktools 2.0 {
++ {libwoktoolscmd.so load {
++ msgprint msgisset msgissetcmd msgissetlong msgset msgsetcmd
++ msgsetlong msgunset msgunsetcmd msgunsetlong msgsetheader
++ msgunsetheader msgissetheader msginfo}}}"
++package ifneeded Wokutils 2.0 "tclPkgSetup $dir Wokutils 2.0 {
++ {libwokutilscmd.so load { wokcmp} } }"
++package ifneeded Wok 2.0 "package require Woktools;
++ tclPkgSetup $dir/bsd Wok 2.0 {
++ {libwokcmd.so load {
++ Sinfo Wcreate Winfo Wrm Wdeclare fcreate finfo frm pinfo screate
++ sinfo srm ucreate uinfo umpmake umake urm w_info wcreate
++ wokcd wokclose wokinfo wokparam wokprofile wokenv wrm wmove
++ stepinputaddstepinputinfo stepoutputadd stepoutputinfo stepaddexecdepitem }}}"
++package ifneeded Ms 2.0 "package require Woktools;
++ tclPkgSetup $dir/bsd Ms 2.0 {
++ {libmscmd.so load {
++ mscheck msclear msclinfo msextract msgeninfo msinfo msinstinfo
++ msmmthinfo msmthinfo mspkinfo msschinfo msrm msstdinfo
++ mstranslate msxmthinfo}}}"
++ }
+ if { $tcl_platform(os) == "SunOS" } {
+ package ifneeded Woktools 2.0 "tclPkgSetup $dir/sun Woktools 2.0 {
+ {libwoktoolscmd.so load {
diff --git a/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_src_WOKTclLib_config.h b/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_src_WOKTclLib_config.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..0dd90337603e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_src_WOKTclLib_config.h
@@ -0,0 +1,369 @@
+--- ros/src/WOKTclLib/config.h.orig Mon Nov 17 19:44:37 2003
++++ ros/src/WOKTclLib/config.h Thu Aug 10 16:28:00 2006
+@@ -331,6 +331,366 @@
+ /* End Linux Part */
++/* This part is extracted from config.h generated on FreeBSD */
++#elif FREEBSD
++/* config.h. Generated by configure. */
++/* config.h.in. Generated from configure.in by autoheader. */
++/* Define to one of `_getb67', `GETB67', `getb67' for Cray-2 and Cray-YMP
++ systems. This function is required for `alloca.c' support on those systems.
++ */
++/* #undef CRAY_STACKSEG_END */
++/* Define to 1 if using `alloca.c'. */
++/* #undef C_ALLOCA */
++/* define if the compiler allows redefinition of stream input and output */
++/* #undef DEF_IOS_OK */
++/* Define to 1 if you have `alloca', as a function or macro. */
++#define HAVE_ALLOCA 1
++/* Define to 1 if you have <alloca.h> and it should be used (not on Ultrix).
++ */
++/* #undef HAVE_ALLOCA_H */
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <bits/sigset.h> header file. */
++/* #undef HAVE_BITS_SIGSET_H */
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <bstring.h> header file. */
++/* #undef HAVE_BSTRING_H */
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <dirent.h> header file. */
++#define HAVE_DIRENT_H 1
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <dlfcn.h> header file. */
++#define HAVE_DLFCN_H 1
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <dl.h> header file. */
++/* #undef HAVE_DL_H */
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <DPS/dpsXclient.h> header file. */
++/* Define if we have a function called "finite" in -lm. */
++#define HAVE_FINITE
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <floatingpoint.h> header file. */
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <float.h> header file. */
++#define HAVE_FLOAT_H 1
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <fstream> header file. */
++#define HAVE_FSTREAM 1
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <fstream.h> header file. */
++#define HAVE_FSTREAM_H 1
++/* Define to 1 if you have the `gethostname' function. */
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <getopt.h> header file. */
++#define HAVE_GETOPT_H 1
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <ieeefp.h> header file. */
++#define HAVE_IEEEFP_H 1
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <inttypes.h> header file. */
++#define HAVE_INTTYPES_H 1
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <iomanip> header file. */
++#define HAVE_IOMANIP 1
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <iomanip.h> header file. */
++#define HAVE_IOMANIP_H 1
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <ios> header file. */
++#define HAVE_IOS 1
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <iostream> header file. */
++#define HAVE_IOSTREAM 1
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <iostream.h> header file. */
++#define HAVE_IOSTREAM_H 1
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <ios.h> header file. */
++/* #undef HAVE_IOS_H */
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <istream> header file. */
++#define HAVE_ISTREAM 1
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <istream.h> header file. */
++#define HAVE_ISTREAM_H 1
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <libc.h> header file. */
++/* #undef HAVE_LIBC_H */
++/* Define to 1 if you have the `e' library (-le). */
++/* #undef HAVE_LIBE */
++/* Define to 1 if you have the `inks' library (-links). */
++/* #undef HAVE_LIBINKS */
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <limits.h> header file. */
++#define HAVE_LIMITS_H 1
++/* Define if we have a function called "mallinfo" in -lmalloc. */
++/* #undef HAVE_MALLINFO */
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <malloc.h> header file. */
++/* #undef HAVE_MALLOC_H */
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <memory.h> header file. */
++#define HAVE_MEMORY_H 1
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <ndir.h> header file. */
++/* #undef HAVE_NDIR_H */
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <netdb.h> header file. */
++#define HAVE_NETDB_H 1
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <net/if.h> header file. */
++#define HAVE_NET_IF_H 1
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <osfcn.h> header file. */
++/* #undef HAVE_OSFCN_H */
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <ostream> header file. */
++#define HAVE_OSTREAM 1
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <ostream.h> header file. */
++#define HAVE_OSTREAM_H 1
++/* Define to 1 if you have the `putenv' function. */
++/* #undef HAVE_PUTENV */
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <pwd.h> header file. */
++#define HAVE_PWD_H 1
++/* Define to 1 if you have the `regcomp' function. */
++#define HAVE_REGCOMP 1
++/* Define to 1 if you have the `re_comp' function. */
++/* #undef HAVE_RE_COMP */
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <sigfpe.h> header file. */
++/* #undef HAVE_SIGFPE_H */
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <siginfo.h> header file. */
++/* #undef HAVE_SIGINFO_H */
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <signal.h> header file. */
++#define HAVE_SIGNAL_H 1
++/* Define to 1 if you have the `statfs' function. */
++#define HAVE_STATFS 1
++/* Define to 1 if you have the `statvfs' function. */
++#define HAVE_STATVFS 1
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <stdint.h> header file. */
++#define HAVE_STDINT_H 1
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <stdlib.h> header file. */
++#define HAVE_STDLIB_H 1
++/* Define to 1 if you have the `strcspn' function. */
++#define HAVE_STRCSPN 1
++/* Define to 1 if you have the `strdup' function. */
++#define HAVE_STRDUP 1
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <stream.h> header file. */
++#define HAVE_STREAM_H 1
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <strings.h> header file. */
++#define HAVE_STRINGS_H 1
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <string.h> header file. */
++#define HAVE_STRING_H 1
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <strstream.h> header file. */
++/* #undef HAVE_STRSTREAM_H */
++/* Define to 1 if you have the `strtol' function. */
++/* #undef HAVE_STRTOL */
++/* Define if we have a function called "ieee_handler" in -lsunmath. */
++/* #undef HAVE_SUNMATH */
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <sysent.h> header file. */
++/* #undef HAVE_SYSENT_H */
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/dir.h> header file. */
++#define HAVE_SYS_DIR_H 1
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/filio.h> header file. */
++#define HAVE_SYS_FILIO_H 1
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/ioctl.h> header file. */
++#define HAVE_SYS_IOCTL_H 1
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/ipc.h> header file. */
++#define HAVE_SYS_IPC_H 1
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/machsig.h> header file. */
++/* #undef HAVE_SYS_MACHSIG_H */
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/mman.h> header file. */
++#define HAVE_SYS_MMAN_H 1
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/ndir.h> header file. */
++/* #undef HAVE_SYS_NDIR_H */
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/param.h> header file. */
++#define HAVE_SYS_PARAM_H 1
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/select.h> header file. */
++#define HAVE_SYS_SELECT_H 1
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/sem.h> header file. */
++#define HAVE_SYS_SEM_H 1
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/siginfo.h> header file. */
++/* #undef HAVE_SYS_SIGINFO_H */
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/signal.h> header file. */
++#define HAVE_SYS_SIGNAL_H 1
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/socket.h> header file. */
++#define HAVE_SYS_SOCKET_H 1
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/statvfs.h> header file. */
++#define HAVE_SYS_STATVFS_H 1
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/stat.h> header file. */
++#define HAVE_SYS_STAT_H 1
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/systeminfo.h> header file. */
++/* #undef HAVE_SYS_SYSTEMINFO_H */
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/times.h> header file. */
++#define HAVE_SYS_TIMES_H 1
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/time.h> header file. */
++#define HAVE_SYS_TIME_H 1
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/types.h> header file. */
++#define HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H 1
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/unistd.h> header file. */
++#define HAVE_SYS_UNISTD_H 1
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/utsname.h> header file. */
++#define HAVE_SYS_UTSNAME_H 1
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/vfs.h> header file. */
++/* #undef HAVE_SYS_VFS_H */
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/vnode.h> header file. */
++#define HAVE_SYS_VNODE_H 1
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <time.h> header file. */
++#define HAVE_TIME_H 1
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <unistd.h> header file. */
++#define HAVE_UNISTD_H 1
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <values.h> header file. */
++/* #undef HAVE_VALUES_H */
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <X11/extensions/multibuf.h> header file. */
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <X11/extensions/readdisplay.h> header file. */
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <X11/extensions/transovl.h> header file. */
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <Xmu/Editres.h> header file. */
++#define HAVE_XMU_EDITRES_H 1
++/* Define to 1 if your C compiler doesn't accept -c and -o together. */
++/* #undef NO_MINUS_C_MINUS_O */
++/* define if the class ostream has member function form */
++/* #undef OSTREAM_FORM_OK */
++/* Name of package */
++#define PACKAGE "OpenCAS"
++/* Define to the address where bug reports for this package should be sent. */
++/* Define to the full name of this package. */
++#define PACKAGE_NAME ""
++/* Define to the full name and version of this package. */
++#define PACKAGE_STRING ""
++/* Define to the one symbol short name of this package. */
++#define PACKAGE_TARNAME ""
++/* Define to the version of this package. */
++#define PACKAGE_VERSION ""
++/* Define if compiler has function prototypes */
++#define PROTOTYPES 1
++/* Define as the return type of signal handlers (`int' or `void'). */
++#define RETSIGTYPE void
++/* define if the function semctl takes a value */
++/* #undef SEMCTL_NO_REFERENCE */
++/* define if the function semop takes a value */
++/* #undef SEMOP_NO_REFERENCE */
++/* define if semun has member __buf */
++/* #undef SEMUN_BUF_DEFINED */
++/* define if the union semun is in sys/sem.h */
++/* If using the C implementation of alloca, define if you know the
++ direction of stack growth for your system; otherwise it will be
++ automatically deduced at run-time.
++ STACK_DIRECTION > 0 => grows toward higher addresses
++ STACK_DIRECTION < 0 => grows toward lower addresses
++ STACK_DIRECTION = 0 => direction of growth unknown */
++/* #undef STACK_DIRECTION */
++/* Define to 1 if you have the ANSI C header files. */
++#define STDC_HEADERS 1
++/* Define to 1 if your <sys/time.h> declares `struct tm'. */
++/* #undef TM_IN_SYS_TIME */
++/* Version number of package */
++#define VERSION "5.0DVP1"
++/* Define to 1 if your processor stores words with the most significant byte
++ first (like Motorola and SPARC, unlike Intel and VAX). */
++/* #undef WORDS_BIGENDIAN */
++/* Define to 1 if on AIX 3.
++ System headers sometimes define this.
++ We just want to avoid a redefinition error message. */
++#ifndef _ALL_SOURCE
++/* # undef _ALL_SOURCE */
++/* Define to `unsigned' if <sys/types.h> does not define. */
++/* #undef size_t */
++/* End FreeBSD Part */
+ /*---------------------------------------------------------*/
+ /* This part is extracted from config.h generated on SOLARIS */
+ /*---------------------------------------------------------*/
diff --git a/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_src_WOKTclLib_wutils.tcl b/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_src_WOKTclLib_wutils.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..5e445d403735
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_src_WOKTclLib_wutils.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+--- ros/src/WOKTclLib/wutils.tcl.orig Fri Sep 21 10:08:43 2001
++++ ros/src/WOKTclLib/wutils.tcl Thu Aug 10 17:20:24 2006
+@@ -1770,7 +1770,7 @@
+ }
+ command {
+- set fid [open "| /usr/lib/sendmail -oi -t" "w"]
++ set fid [open "| /usr/sbin/sendmail -oi -t" "w"]
+ puts $fid "To: $to"
+ if {[string length $from] > 0} {
+ puts $fid "From: $from"
diff --git a/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_src_WOKTools_WOKTools_Options.cxx b/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_src_WOKTools_WOKTools_Options.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..3d8d7cbfcd2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_src_WOKTools_WOKTools_Options.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+--- ros/src/WOKTools/WOKTools_Options.cxx.orig Fri Sep 21 10:08:54 2001
++++ ros/src/WOKTools/WOKTools_Options.cxx Fri Aug 11 22:00:09 2006
+@@ -52,6 +52,8 @@
+ myerrflg = Standard_False;
+ #if !defined( WNT ) && !defined( __GNUC__ )
+ optind = 1;
++#elif defined(__FreeBSD__)
++ optind = 1;
+ #else
+ optind = 0;
+ #endif // WNT
diff --git a/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_src_WOKsite_wok.csh b/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_src_WOKsite_wok.csh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..cba2eee2d851
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_src_WOKsite_wok.csh
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+--- ros/src/WOKsite/wok.csh.orig Fri Mar 5 18:48:47 2004
++++ ros/src/WOKsite/wok.csh Tue Aug 1 20:43:03 2006
+@@ -57,6 +57,9 @@
+ case SunOS:
+ setenv WOKSTATION "sun"
+ breaksw
++ case FreeBSD:
++ setenv WOKSTATION "bsd"
++ breaksw
+ case Linux:
+ setenv WOKSTATION "lin"
+ breaksw
diff --git a/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_src_WOKsite_wokinit.csh b/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_src_WOKsite_wokinit.csh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..8ba4f3d08b8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_src_WOKsite_wokinit.csh
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+--- ros/src/WOKsite/wokinit.csh.orig Fri May 6 20:12:00 2005
++++ ros/src/WOKsite/wokinit.csh Wed Aug 9 21:56:14 2006
+@@ -5,24 +5,26 @@
+ set OS_PLATFORM=""
+ if ( $OS_NAME == "SunOS" ) then
+ set OS_PLATFORM="sun"
++else if ( $OS_NAME == "FreeBSD" ) then
++ set OS_PLATFORM="bsd"
+ else if ( $OS_NAME == "Linux" ) then
+ set OS_PLATFORM="lin"
+ endif
+ setenv WOKHOME ${CASROOT}/../wok
+ setenv HOME ${WOKHOME}/site
++setenv WOK_LIBPATH ${WOKHOME}/lib/
+ setenv WOK_ROOTADMDIR ${WOKHOME}/wok_entities
+-setenv TCLHOME ${CASROOT}/../3rdparty/${OS_NAME}/tcltk
+ set TCLLIB=${TCLHOME}/lib
+ set TCLBIN=${TCLHOME}/bin
+-setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH "/usr/lib:/usr/X11R6/lib:/lib:${TCLLIB}:${WOKHOME}/lib/:${WOKHOME}/lib/${OS_PLATFORM}"
++setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH "/usr/lib:/usr/X11R6/lib:/lib:${TCLLIB}:${WOKHOME}/lib/:${WOKHOME}/lib/${OS_PLATFORM}/"
+ setenv path "/usr/bin /bin /usr/bin /sbin /usr/sbin /usr/local/bin /usr/local/sbin /usr/X11R6/bin /etc"
+ setenv PATH "/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/X11R6/bin:/etc"
+@@ -32,5 +34,8 @@
++if ( $OS_NAME == "FreeBSD" ) then
++/usr/local/bin/tclsh8.4 < ${WOKHOME}/site/CreateFactory.tcl
+ ${TCLBIN}/tclsh < ${WOKHOME}/site/CreateFactory.tcl
diff --git a/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_src_jcas_jcas_CMPLRS.edl b/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_src_jcas_jcas_CMPLRS.edl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..51bdb482a17c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cad/opencascade/files/patch-ros_src_jcas_jcas_CMPLRS.edl
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+--- ros/src/jcas/jcas_CMPLRS.edl.orig Fri Jan 28 20:30:11 2005
++++ ros/src/jcas/jcas_CMPLRS.edl Thu Aug 10 23:20:02 2006
+@@ -6,6 +6,10 @@
+ @string %CMPLRS_CXX_Options += " -I" %CSF_JavaHome "/include/solaris";
+ @endif;
++@if ( %Station == "bsd" ) then
++ @string %CMPLRS_CXX_Options += " -I" %CSF_JavaHome "/include/freebsd";
+ @if ( %Station == "lin" ) then
+ @string %CMPLRS_CXX_Options += " -I" %CSF_JavaHome "/include/linux";
+ @endif;
diff --git a/cad/opencascade/files/patch-wok_lib_CMPLRS.edl b/cad/opencascade/files/patch-wok_lib_CMPLRS.edl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..863c7f68a978
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cad/opencascade/files/patch-wok_lib_CMPLRS.edl
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+--- wok/lib/CMPLRS.edl.orig Fri Mar 5 18:48:48 2004
++++ wok/lib/CMPLRS.edl Wed Aug 9 23:27:51 2006
+@@ -483,6 +483,160 @@
++-- ###### ##### ###### --
++-- # # # # # # --
++-- # # # # # --
++-- ###### ##### # # --
++-- # # # # # --
++-- # # # # # # --
++-- ###### ##### ###### --
++ @if ( %Station == "bsd" ) then
++ @template CMPLRS_C_DTmpFile (%TmpFile) is
++ $>& %TmpFile \
++ @end;
++ @template CMPLRS_CXX_DTmpFile (%TmpFile) is
++ $>& %TmpFile \
++ @end;
++ @template CMPLRS_F77_DTmpFile (%TmpFile) is
++ $ \
++ @end;
++ @if ( %DebugMode == "True" ) then
++ @set %CMPLRS_CXX_ModeOpt = "-g -O0 -DDEB -D_DEBUG";
++ @set %CMPLRS_C_ModeOpt = "-g -O0 -DDEB -D_DEBUG";
++ @set %CMPLRS_F77_ModeOpt = "-g -DDEB -D_DEBUG";
++ @else
++ @set %CMPLRS_CXX_ModeOpt = "%%CXXFLAGS%% -DNDEBUG -DNo_Exception";
++ @set %CMPLRS_C_ModeOpt = "%%CFLAGS%% -DNDEBUG -DNo_Exception";
++ @set %CMPLRS_F77_ModeOpt = "%%FFLAGS%% -DNDEBUG -DNo_Exception";
++ @endif;
++ @set %CMPLRS_CXX_WOKDirectives = "-MD ";
++ @set %CMPLRS_C_WOKDirectives = "-MD ";
++ @set %CMPLRS_F77_WOKDirectives = "";
++ @template CMPLRS_F77_OptLine (
++ %CMPLRS_F77_SysOptions ,
++ %CMPLRS_F77_ModeOpt
++ ) is
++ $Following parameters make up F77 compilation command in this order:
++ $CMPLRS_F77_SysOptions = %CMPLRS_F77_SysOptions
++ $CMPLRS_F77_ModeOpt = %CMPLRS_F77_ModeOpt
++ @end;
++ @template CMPLRS_F77_CmdLine ( %CMPLRS_F77_COMPILER , %CMPLRS_F77_SysOptions , %CMPLRS_F77_ModeOpt ,
++ %CMPLRS_F77_WOKDirectives , %Source , %OutputDir , %BaseName , %Entity ) is
++ $%CMPLRS_F77_COMPILER %CMPLRS_F77_SysOptions %CMPLRS_F77_ModeOpt %CMPLRS_F77_WOKDirectives -c %Source -o %OutputDir/%BaseName.o
++ $echo '$F77_COMPILER %CMPLRS_F77_SysOptions %CMPLRS_F77_ModeOpt $INCDIRS -c $SOURCE -o $OBJECT' > %OutputDir/../%Entity/.adm/f77.compile
++ $ touch %OutputDir/%BaseName.m
++ @end;
++ @template CMPLRS_C_OptLine (%CMPLRS_C_COMPILER ,
++ %CMPLRS_C_SysOptions ,
++ %CMPLRS_C_Options ,
++ %CMPLRS_C_ModeOpt ,
++ %IncDirectives ,
++ %CMPLRS_Unit_C_Options ,
++ %CMPLRS_C_WOKDirectives ,
++ %Entity ) is
++ $Following parameters make up C compilation command in this order:
++ $CMPLRS_C_SysOptions = %CMPLRS_C_SysOptions
++ $CMPLRS_C_Options = %CMPLRS_C_Options
++ $CMPLRS_Unit_C_Options = %CMPLRS_Unit_C_Options
++ $CMPLRS_C_WOKDirectives= %CMPLRS_C_WOKDirectives
++ $Dynamic include directives are :
++ $%IncDirectives
++ @end;
++ @template CMPLRS_C_CmdLine ( %CMPLRS_C_COMPILER ,
++ %CMPLRS_C_SysOptions ,
++ %CMPLRS_C_Options ,
++ %CMPLRS_C_ModeOpt ,
++-- %C_Export ,
++ %IncDirectives ,
++ %CMPLRS_Unit_C_Options ,
++ %CMPLRS_C_WOKDirectives ,
++ %Source ,
++ %BaseName,
++ %OutputDir ,
++ %TmpFile , %Entity ) is
++ $cd %OutputDir && %CMPLRS_C_COMPILER %CMPLRS_C_SysOptions %CMPLRS_C_Options %CMPLRS_C_ModeOpt %CMPLRS_C_INCLUDE %CMPLRS_CXX_DBMSOpt %IncDirectives %CMPLRS_Unit_C_Options %CMPLRS_C_WOKDirectives -c %Source -o %OutputDir/%BaseName.o
++ $set stat = $status
++ $echo '$C_COMPILER %CMPLRS_C_SysOptions %CMPLRS_C_Options $INCDIRS %CMPLRS_C_ModeOpt %CMPLRS_C_INCLUDE %CMPLRS_CXX_DBMSOpt %CMPLRS_Unit_C_Options %CMPLRS_C_WOKDirectives -c $SOURCE -o $OBJECT' > %OutputDir/../%Entity/.adm/c.compile
++ $if ( $stat == 0 ) then
++ $ if ( -e %OutputDir/%BaseName.d ) then
++ $ sed -e '/:/d' -e 's/\\/ /g' %OutputDir/%BaseName.d | tr ' ' '\012' | sort -u > %OutputDir/%BaseName.m
++ $ endif
++ $endif
++ $set status = $stat
++ @end;
++ %CMPLRS_CXX_SysOptions ,
++ %CMPLRS_CXX_Options ,
++ %CMPLRS_CXX_WOKDirectives ,
++ %IncDirectives ,
++ %DBDirectives ,
++ %Entity ) is
++ $Following parameters make up C++ compilation command in this order:
++ $CMPLRS_CXX_SysOptions = %CMPLRS_CXX_SysOptions
++ $CMPLRS_CXX_Options = %CMPLRS_CXX_Options
++ $CMPLRS_CXX_ModeOpt = %CMPLRS_CXX_ModeOpt
++ $CMPLRS_CXX_WOKDirectives = %CMPLRS_CXX_WOKDirectives
++ $Dynamic include directives are :
++ $%IncDirectives
++ @end;
++ %CMPLRS_CXX_SysOptions ,
++ %CMPLRS_CXX_Options ,
++ %CMPLRS_CXX_ModeOpt ,
++ %CMPLRS_CXX_WOKDirectives ,
++ %IncDirectives ,
++ %DBDirectives ,
++ %Source,
++ %BaseName,
++ %OutputDir ,
++ %TmpFile , %Entity ) is
++ $cd %OutputDir && %CMPLRS_CXX_COMPILER %CMPLRS_CXX_SysOptions %CMPLRS_CXX_Options %CMPLRS_CXX_INCLUDE %CMPLRS_CXX_DBMSOpt %CMPLRS_CXX_ModeOpt %IncDirectives %DBDirectives %CMPLRS_CXX_WOKDirectives -c %Source -o %OutputDir/%BaseName.o >& %TmpFile
++ $set stat = $status
++ $if ( $stat == 0 ) then
++ $ if ( -e %OutputDir/%BaseName.d ) then
++ $ sed -e '/:/d' -e 's/\\/ /g' %OutputDir/%BaseName.d | tr ' ' '\012' | sort -u > %OutputDir/%BaseName.m
++ $ endif
++ $endif
++ $if( -e %TmpFile ) grep ':' %TmpFile
++ $/bin/rm -f %TmpFile
++ $set status = $stat
++ @end;
++ @endif;
+ -- ##### # # # # --
+ -- # # # # ## # --
+ -- # # # # # # --
diff --git a/cad/opencascade/files/patch-wok_lib_CSF.edl b/cad/opencascade/files/patch-wok_lib_CSF.edl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..fa2b71dbff47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cad/opencascade/files/patch-wok_lib_CSF.edl
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+--- wok/lib/CSF.edl.orig Wed Mar 22 18:48:06 2006
++++ wok/lib/CSF.edl Thu Aug 10 17:47:19 2006
+@@ -181,6 +181,83 @@
+ @endif;
+ --
++ -- For FreeBSD platforms
++ --
++ @if ( %Station == "bsd" ) then
++ @if ( %DBMS == "OBJS" ) then
++ @set %CSF_OODBLibs = "";
++ @endif;
++ --<< TODO : If applicable , modify the location of the C++ compiler.
++ @set %CSF_CXX_COMPILER = "/usr/bin/g++ ";
++ -->> END TODO
++ @set %STLPortHome = "";
++ @if ( %STLPortHome != "") then
++ @string %STLPortInclude = "-I" %STLPortHome "/stlport ";
++ @string %STLPortLib = "-L" %STLPortHome "/lib -lstlport_%%STL_COMPILER%%";
++ @else
++ @set %STLPortInclude = "%%LOCALBASE%%/include/stlport";
++ @string %STLPortLib = "-L%%LOCALBASE%%/lib -lstlport_%%STL_COMPILER%%";
++ @endif;
++ @set %CSF_CXX_SysOptions = "%%CXXFLAGS%% -fPIC -funsigned-char -Wall -fmessage-length=0";
++ @string %CSF_CXX_Options = "-DLIN -DLININTEL -DNO_CXX_EXCEPTION " %STLPortInclude;
++ --<< TODO : If applicable , modify the location of the C compiler.
++ @set %CSF_C_COMPILER = "/usr/bin/gcc ";
++ @string %CSF_C_INCLUDE += "";
++ -->> END TODO
++ @set %CSF_C_SysOptions = "%%CFLAGS%% -fPIC -funsigned-char -Wall";
++ @set %CSF_C_Options = "-DLIN -DLININTEL ";
++ --<< TODO : If applicable , modify the location of the Fortran compiler.
++ @set %CSF_F77_COMPILER = "/usr/bin/f77 ";
++ -->> END TODO
++ @set %CSF_F77_SysOptions = "%%FFLAGS%% -fPIC ";
++ @set %CSF_LINKER = "/usr/bin/ld ";
++ @set %CSF_LINKER_DBMSOpt = "";
++ @set %CSF_LINKER_SysShared = "-shared ";
++ @set %CSF_LINKER_SysExe = "";
++ @set %CSF_LINKER_SysOpt = "";
++ @set %CSF_LINKER_SysLib = "-ldl -lc ";
++ @set %CSF_LINKER_CheckOpt = " -nostartfiles ";
++ @set %CSF_LINKER_CheckOut = " -o /dev/null ";
++ @set %CSF_SOCKETLibs = " -ldl" ;
++ --<< TODO : If applicable , modify the root location where TCL is installed.
++ @set %CSF_TCL_HOME = "%%LOCALBASE%%";
++ -->> END TODO
++ @string %CSF_TCL_INCLUDE = "%%TCL_INCDIR%% ";
++ --<< TODO : If applicable , modify the root location where Java is installed.
++ @set %CSF_JavaHome = "%%JAVA_HOME%%";
++ -->> END TODO
++ @string %CSF_JAVA_INCLUDE = "-I" %CSF_JavaHome "/include -I" %CSF_JavaHome "/include/freebsd ";
++ @set %CSF_JAVA_COMPILER = "javac";
++ @set %CSF_JAVA_JNI = "javah";
++ @set %CSF_DOXIGEN = "%%LOCALBASE%%/bin/doxygen";
++ @set %CSF_GRAPHVIZ_HOME = "%%LOCALBASE%%/lib/graphviz";
++ @set %CSF_X11_INCLUDE = "-I/usr/X11R6/include ";
++ @set %CSF_OPENGL_INCLUDE = "-I/usr/X11R6/include ";
++ @set %X11_LIB = "/usr/X11R6/lib";
++ @string %CSF_XwLibs = "-L" %X11_LIB " -lX11 -lXext -lXmu -lXi ";
++ @string %CSF_OpenGlLibs = "-L" %X11_LIB " -lGLU -lGL " ;
++ @string %CSF_TclLibs = "-L" %CSF_TCL_HOME "/lib -ltcl ";
++ @string %CSF_TclTkLibs = "-L" %CSF_TCL_HOME "/lib -ltk -L" %X11_LIB " -lX11";
++ @endif;
++ --
+ -- For SunOS platforms
+ --
+ @if ( %Station == "sun" ) then
diff --git a/cad/opencascade/files/patch-wok_lib_JAVA.edl b/cad/opencascade/files/patch-wok_lib_JAVA.edl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ebd07a96c0d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cad/opencascade/files/patch-wok_lib_JAVA.edl
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+--- wok/lib/JAVA.edl.orig Tue Nov 13 18:01:22 2001
++++ wok/lib/JAVA.edl Wed Aug 9 23:53:21 2006
+@@ -32,6 +32,10 @@
+ @string %CXX_JAVA += " -I" %CSF_JavaHome "/include/solaris ";
+ @endif;
++@if ( %Station == "bsd" ) then
++ @string %CXX_JAVA += " -I" %CSF_JavaHome "/include/freebsd ";
+ @if ( %Station == "lin" ) then
+ @string %CXX_JAVA += " -I" %CSF_JavaHome "/include/linux ";
+ @endif;
diff --git a/cad/opencascade/files/patch-wok_lib_LD.edl b/cad/opencascade/files/patch-wok_lib_LD.edl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..c1e0f6281806
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cad/opencascade/files/patch-wok_lib_LD.edl
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+--- wok/lib/LD.edl.orig Fri Sep 21 10:07:39 2001
++++ wok/lib/LD.edl Wed Aug 9 23:56:04 2006
+@@ -70,6 +70,13 @@
+ @endif;
++-- Definition du Link FreeBSD
++ @if ( %Station == "bsd" ) then
++ @template LD_Footer ( %Station ) is
++ $ ;
++ @end;
++ @endif;
+ -- Definition du Link Sun/Solaris 2.4
+ @if ( %Station == "sun" ) then
diff --git a/cad/opencascade/files/patch-wok_lib_LDAR.edl b/cad/opencascade/files/patch-wok_lib_LDAR.edl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..497cbb22e81e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cad/opencascade/files/patch-wok_lib_LDAR.edl
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+--- wok/lib/LDAR.edl.orig Fri Sep 21 10:07:39 2001
++++ wok/lib/LDAR.edl Wed Aug 9 23:58:05 2006
+@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
+ @if( %Station != "sun" ) then
+ @set %RmCmd = "/usr/bin/rm";
+- @if ( %Station == "hp" || %Station == "lin" ) then
++ @if ( %Station == "hp" || %Station == "lin" || %Station == "bsd" ) then
+ @set %RmCmd = "/bin/rm";
+ @endif;
diff --git a/cad/opencascade/files/patch-wok_lib_LDEXE.edl b/cad/opencascade/files/patch-wok_lib_LDEXE.edl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ead71c86de22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cad/opencascade/files/patch-wok_lib_LDEXE.edl
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+--- ./wok/lib/LDEXE.edl.orig Thu Nov 27 09:40:28 2003
++++ ./wok/lib/LDEXE.edl Thu Aug 10 00:01:39 2006
+@@ -83,5 +83,11 @@
+ @end;
+ @endif;
++ @if( %Station == "bsd" ) then
++ @template LDEXE_Header ( %Target , %STLPortLib ) is
++ $/usr/bin/g++ -o %Target %STLPortLib \
++ @end;
++ @endif;
+ @endif;
diff --git a/cad/opencascade/files/patch-wok_lib_LDSHR.edl b/cad/opencascade/files/patch-wok_lib_LDSHR.edl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..6a24537ca301
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cad/opencascade/files/patch-wok_lib_LDSHR.edl
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+--- wok/lib/LDSHR.edl.orig Fri Sep 21 10:07:40 2001
++++ wok/lib/LDSHR.edl Thu Aug 10 15:57:59 2006
+@@ -75,6 +75,34 @@
+ @endif;
++ @if ( %Station == "bsd" ) then
++ @set %LDSHR_Footer = "LDSHR_Footer";
++ @set %LDSHR_ArchiveFullPath = "LDSHR_ArchiveFullPath";
++ @template LDSHR_ArchiveFullPath ( %LibDir, %LibName ) is
++ $\^
++ @end;
++ @template LDSHR_Header ( %Target, %LDSHR_DBMSOpt, %CSF_LINKER_SysShared ) is
++ $/usr/bin/g++ %CSF_LINKER_SysShared %LDSHR_DBMSOpt -o %Target \
++ @end;
++ @template LDSHR_Footer () is
++ $ ;
++ $ set ld_status=$status;
++ @end;
++ @template LDSHR_CheckUndefHeader ( %Target, %LDSHR_DBMSOpt,%CSF_LINKER_CheckOpt ) is
++ $/usr/bin/ld %CSF_LINKER_CheckOpt %LDSHR_DBMSOpt -o %Target \
++ @end;
++ @template LDSHR_CheckUndefFooter () is
++ $ ;
++ $ set status=$ld_status;
++ @end;
++ @endif;
+ @if( %Station == "sun" ) then
+ @set %LDSHR_Footer = "LDSHR_Footer";
+ @set %LDSHR_ArchiveFullPath = "LDSHR_ArchiveFullPath";
diff --git a/cad/opencascade/files/patch-wok_lib_LINKSHR.edl b/cad/opencascade/files/patch-wok_lib_LINKSHR.edl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..739528fbbb02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cad/opencascade/files/patch-wok_lib_LINKSHR.edl
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+--- wok/lib/LINKSHR.edl.orig Tue Jul 6 22:05:28 2004
++++ wok/lib/LINKSHR.edl Thu Aug 10 16:03:17 2006
+@@ -239,6 +239,38 @@
+ @end;
++ @if ( %Station == "bsd" ) then
++ @set %LINKSHR_Footer = "LINKSHR_Footer";
++ @set %LINKSHR_ArchiveFullPath = "LINKSHR_ArchiveFullPath";
++ @template LINKSHR_ArchiveFullPath () is
++ $\^
++ @end;
++ @template LINKSHR_Header (%CSF_CXX_COMPILERLINKER, %Target, %LINKSHR_DBMSOpt, %CSF_LINKER_SysShared ) is
++ @end;
++ @template LINKSHR_Footer (%CSF_LINKER_SysLib) is
++ $ %CSF_LINKER_SysLib;
++ $ set ld_status=$status
++ $ if ( $?LD_LIBRARY_PATH ) then
++ $ set ld_library_path=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
++ $ endif
++ @end;
++ @template LINKSHR_CheckUndefHeader (
++ ) is
++ $if ( $?LD_LIBRARY_PATH ) then
++ $else
++ $endif
++ $echo "Check of undefined symbols with LD_LIBRARY_PATH : $LD_LIBRARY_PATH"
++ @end;
+ @template LINKSHR_CheckUndefFooter () is
+ $ ;
+ $ if ( $status ) then
diff --git a/cad/opencascade/files/patch-wok_lib_WOKSteps_toolkit.edl b/cad/opencascade/files/patch-wok_lib_WOKSteps_toolkit.edl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..7a8e9aadf481
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cad/opencascade/files/patch-wok_lib_WOKSteps_toolkit.edl
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+--- wok/lib/WOKSteps_toolkit.edl.orig Fri Sep 21 10:08:26 2001
++++ wok/lib/WOKSteps_toolkit.edl Thu Aug 10 16:21:08 2006
+@@ -97,7 +97,24 @@
+ @endif;
+ @endif;
++ @if ( %Station == "bsd" ) then
++ @string %WOKSteps_LibGroup += " lib.arx ";
++ @set %WOKSteps_lib_build = "WOKStep_DynamicLibrary(lib.list,lib.arx)";
++ @ifnotdefined ( %WOKSteps_LinkShr ) then
++ @string %WOKSteps_LibGroup += " lib.build ";
++ @set %WOKSteps_lib_build = "WOKStep_DynamicLibrary(lib.list,lib.arx)";
++ @else
++ @string %WOKSteps_LibGroup += " lib.libs ";
++ @string %WOKSteps_LibGroup += " lib.tks ";
++ @string %WOKSteps_LibGroup += " lib.build ";
++ @set %WOKSteps_lib_libs = "WOKStep_DirectLinkList(obj.idep,lib.list,lib.arx)";
++ @set %WOKSteps_lib_tks = "*WOKStep_DirectTKReplace(lib.libs)";
++ @set %WOKSteps_lib_build = "WOKStep_LibLink(lib.tks)";
++ @endif;
++ @endif;
+ @if ( %Station == "lin" ) then
+ @string %WOKSteps_LibGroup += " lib.arx ";
+ @set %WOKSteps_lib_build = "WOKStep_DynamicLibrary(lib.list,lib.arx)";
diff --git a/cad/opencascade/files/patch-wok_lib_config.h b/cad/opencascade/files/patch-wok_lib_config.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..c970c47d633d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cad/opencascade/files/patch-wok_lib_config.h
@@ -0,0 +1,369 @@
+--- wok/lib/config.h.orig Mon Nov 17 19:44:37 2003
++++ wok/lib/config.h Thu Aug 10 16:28:00 2006
+@@ -331,6 +331,366 @@
+ /* End Linux Part */
++/* This part is extracted from config.h generated on FreeBSD */
++#elif FREEBSD
++/* config.h. Generated by configure. */
++/* config.h.in. Generated from configure.in by autoheader. */
++/* Define to one of `_getb67', `GETB67', `getb67' for Cray-2 and Cray-YMP
++ systems. This function is required for `alloca.c' support on those systems.
++ */
++/* #undef CRAY_STACKSEG_END */
++/* Define to 1 if using `alloca.c'. */
++/* #undef C_ALLOCA */
++/* define if the compiler allows redefinition of stream input and output */
++/* #undef DEF_IOS_OK */
++/* Define to 1 if you have `alloca', as a function or macro. */
++#define HAVE_ALLOCA 1
++/* Define to 1 if you have <alloca.h> and it should be used (not on Ultrix).
++ */
++/* #undef HAVE_ALLOCA_H */
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <bits/sigset.h> header file. */
++/* #undef HAVE_BITS_SIGSET_H */
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <bstring.h> header file. */
++/* #undef HAVE_BSTRING_H */
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <dirent.h> header file. */
++#define HAVE_DIRENT_H 1
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <dlfcn.h> header file. */
++#define HAVE_DLFCN_H 1
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <dl.h> header file. */
++/* #undef HAVE_DL_H */
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <DPS/dpsXclient.h> header file. */
++/* Define if we have a function called "finite" in -lm. */
++#define HAVE_FINITE
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <floatingpoint.h> header file. */
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <float.h> header file. */
++#define HAVE_FLOAT_H 1
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <fstream> header file. */
++#define HAVE_FSTREAM 1
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <fstream.h> header file. */
++#define HAVE_FSTREAM_H 1
++/* Define to 1 if you have the `gethostname' function. */
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <getopt.h> header file. */
++#define HAVE_GETOPT_H 1
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <ieeefp.h> header file. */
++#define HAVE_IEEEFP_H 1
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <inttypes.h> header file. */
++#define HAVE_INTTYPES_H 1
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <iomanip> header file. */
++#define HAVE_IOMANIP 1
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <iomanip.h> header file. */
++#define HAVE_IOMANIP_H 1
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <ios> header file. */
++#define HAVE_IOS 1
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <iostream> header file. */
++#define HAVE_IOSTREAM 1
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <iostream.h> header file. */
++#define HAVE_IOSTREAM_H 1
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <ios.h> header file. */
++/* #undef HAVE_IOS_H */
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <istream> header file. */
++#define HAVE_ISTREAM 1
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <istream.h> header file. */
++#define HAVE_ISTREAM_H 1
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <libc.h> header file. */
++/* #undef HAVE_LIBC_H */
++/* Define to 1 if you have the `e' library (-le). */
++/* #undef HAVE_LIBE */
++/* Define to 1 if you have the `inks' library (-links). */
++/* #undef HAVE_LIBINKS */
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <limits.h> header file. */
++#define HAVE_LIMITS_H 1
++/* Define if we have a function called "mallinfo" in -lmalloc. */
++/* #undef HAVE_MALLINFO */
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <malloc.h> header file. */
++/* #undef HAVE_MALLOC_H */
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <memory.h> header file. */
++#define HAVE_MEMORY_H 1
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <ndir.h> header file. */
++/* #undef HAVE_NDIR_H */
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <netdb.h> header file. */
++#define HAVE_NETDB_H 1
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <net/if.h> header file. */
++#define HAVE_NET_IF_H 1
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <osfcn.h> header file. */
++/* #undef HAVE_OSFCN_H */
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <ostream> header file. */
++#define HAVE_OSTREAM 1
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <ostream.h> header file. */
++#define HAVE_OSTREAM_H 1
++/* Define to 1 if you have the `putenv' function. */
++/* #undef HAVE_PUTENV */
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <pwd.h> header file. */
++#define HAVE_PWD_H 1
++/* Define to 1 if you have the `regcomp' function. */
++#define HAVE_REGCOMP 1
++/* Define to 1 if you have the `re_comp' function. */
++/* #undef HAVE_RE_COMP */
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <sigfpe.h> header file. */
++/* #undef HAVE_SIGFPE_H */
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <siginfo.h> header file. */
++/* #undef HAVE_SIGINFO_H */
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <signal.h> header file. */
++#define HAVE_SIGNAL_H 1
++/* Define to 1 if you have the `statfs' function. */
++#define HAVE_STATFS 1
++/* Define to 1 if you have the `statvfs' function. */
++#define HAVE_STATVFS 1
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <stdint.h> header file. */
++#define HAVE_STDINT_H 1
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <stdlib.h> header file. */
++#define HAVE_STDLIB_H 1
++/* Define to 1 if you have the `strcspn' function. */
++#define HAVE_STRCSPN 1
++/* Define to 1 if you have the `strdup' function. */
++#define HAVE_STRDUP 1
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <stream.h> header file. */
++#define HAVE_STREAM_H 1
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <strings.h> header file. */
++#define HAVE_STRINGS_H 1
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <string.h> header file. */
++#define HAVE_STRING_H 1
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <strstream.h> header file. */
++/* #undef HAVE_STRSTREAM_H */
++/* Define to 1 if you have the `strtol' function. */
++/* #undef HAVE_STRTOL */
++/* Define if we have a function called "ieee_handler" in -lsunmath. */
++/* #undef HAVE_SUNMATH */
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <sysent.h> header file. */
++/* #undef HAVE_SYSENT_H */
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/dir.h> header file. */
++#define HAVE_SYS_DIR_H 1
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/filio.h> header file. */
++#define HAVE_SYS_FILIO_H 1
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/ioctl.h> header file. */
++#define HAVE_SYS_IOCTL_H 1
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/ipc.h> header file. */
++#define HAVE_SYS_IPC_H 1
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/machsig.h> header file. */
++/* #undef HAVE_SYS_MACHSIG_H */
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/mman.h> header file. */
++#define HAVE_SYS_MMAN_H 1
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/ndir.h> header file. */
++/* #undef HAVE_SYS_NDIR_H */
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/param.h> header file. */
++#define HAVE_SYS_PARAM_H 1
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/select.h> header file. */
++#define HAVE_SYS_SELECT_H 1
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/sem.h> header file. */
++#define HAVE_SYS_SEM_H 1
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/siginfo.h> header file. */
++/* #undef HAVE_SYS_SIGINFO_H */
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/signal.h> header file. */
++#define HAVE_SYS_SIGNAL_H 1
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/socket.h> header file. */
++#define HAVE_SYS_SOCKET_H 1
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/statvfs.h> header file. */
++#define HAVE_SYS_STATVFS_H 1
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/stat.h> header file. */
++#define HAVE_SYS_STAT_H 1
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/systeminfo.h> header file. */
++/* #undef HAVE_SYS_SYSTEMINFO_H */
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/times.h> header file. */
++#define HAVE_SYS_TIMES_H 1
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/time.h> header file. */
++#define HAVE_SYS_TIME_H 1
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/types.h> header file. */
++#define HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H 1
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/unistd.h> header file. */
++#define HAVE_SYS_UNISTD_H 1
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/utsname.h> header file. */
++#define HAVE_SYS_UTSNAME_H 1
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/vfs.h> header file. */
++/* #undef HAVE_SYS_VFS_H */
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/vnode.h> header file. */
++#define HAVE_SYS_VNODE_H 1
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <time.h> header file. */
++#define HAVE_TIME_H 1
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <unistd.h> header file. */
++#define HAVE_UNISTD_H 1
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <values.h> header file. */
++/* #undef HAVE_VALUES_H */
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <X11/extensions/multibuf.h> header file. */
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <X11/extensions/readdisplay.h> header file. */
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <X11/extensions/transovl.h> header file. */
++/* Define to 1 if you have the <Xmu/Editres.h> header file. */
++#define HAVE_XMU_EDITRES_H 1
++/* Define to 1 if your C compiler doesn't accept -c and -o together. */
++/* #undef NO_MINUS_C_MINUS_O */
++/* define if the class ostream has member function form */
++/* #undef OSTREAM_FORM_OK */
++/* Name of package */
++#define PACKAGE "OpenCAS"
++/* Define to the address where bug reports for this package should be sent. */
++/* Define to the full name of this package. */
++#define PACKAGE_NAME ""
++/* Define to the full name and version of this package. */
++#define PACKAGE_STRING ""
++/* Define to the one symbol short name of this package. */
++#define PACKAGE_TARNAME ""
++/* Define to the version of this package. */
++#define PACKAGE_VERSION ""
++/* Define if compiler has function prototypes */
++#define PROTOTYPES 1
++/* Define as the return type of signal handlers (`int' or `void'). */
++#define RETSIGTYPE void
++/* define if the function semctl takes a value */
++/* #undef SEMCTL_NO_REFERENCE */
++/* define if the function semop takes a value */
++/* #undef SEMOP_NO_REFERENCE */
++/* define if semun has member __buf */
++/* #undef SEMUN_BUF_DEFINED */
++/* define if the union semun is in sys/sem.h */
++/* If using the C implementation of alloca, define if you know the
++ direction of stack growth for your system; otherwise it will be
++ automatically deduced at run-time.
++ STACK_DIRECTION > 0 => grows toward higher addresses
++ STACK_DIRECTION < 0 => grows toward lower addresses
++ STACK_DIRECTION = 0 => direction of growth unknown */
++/* #undef STACK_DIRECTION */
++/* Define to 1 if you have the ANSI C header files. */
++#define STDC_HEADERS 1
++/* Define to 1 if your <sys/time.h> declares `struct tm'. */
++/* #undef TM_IN_SYS_TIME */
++/* Version number of package */
++#define VERSION "5.0DVP1"
++/* Define to 1 if your processor stores words with the most significant byte
++ first (like Motorola and SPARC, unlike Intel and VAX). */
++/* #undef WORDS_BIGENDIAN */
++/* Define to 1 if on AIX 3.
++ System headers sometimes define this.
++ We just want to avoid a redefinition error message. */
++#ifndef _ALL_SOURCE
++/* # undef _ALL_SOURCE */
++/* Define to `unsigned' if <sys/types.h> does not define. */
++/* #undef size_t */
++/* End FreeBSD Part */
+ /*---------------------------------------------------------*/
+ /* This part is extracted from config.h generated on SOLARIS */
+ /*---------------------------------------------------------*/
diff --git a/cad/opencascade/files/patch-wok_lib_pkgIndex.tcl b/cad/opencascade/files/patch-wok_lib_pkgIndex.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..8c4821e60c79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cad/opencascade/files/patch-wok_lib_pkgIndex.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+--- wok/lib/pkgIndex.tcl.orig Fri Sep 21 10:07:48 2001
++++ wok/lib/pkgIndex.tcl Mon Aug 7 18:33:04 2006
+@@ -30,6 +30,34 @@
+ ###########################################
++if { $tcl_platform(os) == "FreeBSD" } {
++package ifneeded Woktools 2.0 "tclPkgSetup $dir/bsd Woktools 2.0 {
++ {libwoktoolscmd.so load {
++ msgprint msgisset msgissetcmd msgissetlong msgset msgsetcmd
++ msgsetlong msgunset msgunsetcmd msgunsetlong msgsetheader
++ msgunsetheader msgissetheader msginfo}}}"
++package ifneeded Wokutils 2.0 "tclPkgSetup $dir Wokutils 2.0 {
++ {libwokutilscmd.so load { wokcmp} } }"
++package ifneeded Wok 2.0 "package require Woktools;
++ tclPkgSetup $dir/bsd Wok 2.0 {
++ {libwokcmd.so load {
++ Sinfo Wcreate Winfo Wrm Wdeclare fcreate finfo frm pinfo screate
++ sinfo srm ucreate uinfo umpmake umake urm w_info wcreate
++ wokcd wokclose wokinfo wokparam wokprofile wokenv wrm wmove
++ stepinputaddstepinputinfo stepoutputadd stepoutputinfo stepaddexecdepitem }}}"
++package ifneeded Ms 2.0 "package require Woktools;
++ tclPkgSetup $dir/bsd Ms 2.0 {
++ {libmscmd.so load {
++ mscheck msclear msclinfo msextract msgeninfo msinfo msinstinfo
++ msmmthinfo msmthinfo mspkinfo msschinfo msrm msstdinfo
++ mstranslate msxmthinfo}}}"
++ }
+ if { $tcl_platform(os) == "SunOS" } {
+ package ifneeded Woktools 2.0 "tclPkgSetup $dir/sun Woktools 2.0 {
+ {libwoktoolscmd.so load {
diff --git a/cad/opencascade/files/patch-wok_lib_wokPRM.tcl b/cad/opencascade/files/patch-wok_lib_wokPRM.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..66cc285f7db4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cad/opencascade/files/patch-wok_lib_wokPRM.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+--- wok/lib/wokPRM.tcl.orig Fri Sep 21 10:08:40 2001
++++ wok/lib/wokPRM.tcl Thu Aug 10 16:29:46 2006
+@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@
+ tixForm $IWOK_GLOBALS(PRM,Modify,wrkst,but,all) -top 2
+ set prev {} ; set curr {} ;set curwrkst [wokprofile -s]
+- foreach x [list sun sil ao1 hp wnt lin] {
++ foreach x [list sun bsd sil ao1 hp wnt lin] {
+ set curr [string tolower ${wrkst}.${x}]
+ checkbutton $curr -text $x -variable IWOK_GLOBALS(PRM,Modify,wrkst,$x) -command wokPRM:wrkst
diff --git a/cad/opencascade/files/patch-wok_lib_wutils.tcl b/cad/opencascade/files/patch-wok_lib_wutils.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ccc6dafa9d04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cad/opencascade/files/patch-wok_lib_wutils.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+--- wok/lib/wutils.tcl.orig Fri Sep 21 10:08:43 2001
++++ wok/lib/wutils.tcl Thu Aug 10 17:17:32 2006
+@@ -1770,7 +1770,7 @@
+ }
+ command {
+- set fid [open "| /usr/lib/sendmail -oi -t" "w"]
++ set fid [open "| /usr/sbin/sendmail -oi -t" "w"]
+ puts $fid "To: $to"
+ if {[string length $from] > 0} {
+ puts $fid "From: $from"
diff --git a/cad/opencascade/files/patch-wok_site_DEFAULT.edl b/cad/opencascade/files/patch-wok_site_DEFAULT.edl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..563ae8b7d34e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cad/opencascade/files/patch-wok_site_DEFAULT.edl
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+--- wok/site/DEFAULT.edl.orig Wed Mar 22 18:55:40 2006
++++ wok/site/DEFAULT.edl Thu Aug 10 17:15:23 2006
+@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
+ @end;
+ @template DEFAULT_Stations ( %Entity ) is
+-$sun lin wnt\^
++$sun bsd lin wnt\^
+ @end;
+ @template DEFAULT_DBMSystems ( %Entity ) is
+@@ -37,6 +37,10 @@
+ @end;
+ @template DEFAULT_DFLT ( %Entity_Home ) is
++@template DEFAULT_DFLT_bsd ( %Entity_Home ) is
+ $%Entity_Home\^
+ @end;
diff --git a/cad/opencascade/files/patch-wok_site_wok.csh b/cad/opencascade/files/patch-wok_site_wok.csh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..0a80c607bbcd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cad/opencascade/files/patch-wok_site_wok.csh
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+--- wok/site/wok.csh.orig Fri Mar 5 18:48:47 2004
++++ wok/site/wok.csh Mon Jul 31 23:07:35 2006
+@@ -57,6 +57,9 @@
+ case SunOS:
+ setenv WOKSTATION "sun"
+ breaksw
++ case FreeBSD:
++ setenv WOKSTATION "bsd"
++ breaksw
+ case Linux:
+ setenv WOKSTATION "lin"
+ breaksw
diff --git a/cad/opencascade/files/patch-wok_site_wokinit.csh b/cad/opencascade/files/patch-wok_site_wokinit.csh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..47cdb59a9059
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cad/opencascade/files/patch-wok_site_wokinit.csh
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+--- wok/site/wokinit.csh.orig Wed Mar 22 18:55:40 2006
++++ wok/site/wokinit.csh Wed Aug 9 21:56:14 2006
+@@ -5,24 +5,26 @@
+ set OS_PLATFORM=""
+ if ( $OS_NAME == "SunOS" ) then
+ set OS_PLATFORM="sun"
++else if ( $OS_NAME == "FreeBSD" ) then
++ set OS_PLATFORM="bsd"
+ else if ( $OS_NAME == "Linux" ) then
+ set OS_PLATFORM="lin"
+ endif
+ setenv WOKHOME ${CASROOT}/../wok
+ setenv HOME ${WOKHOME}/site
++setenv WOK_LIBPATH ${WOKHOME}/lib/
+ setenv WOK_ROOTADMDIR ${WOKHOME}/wok_entities
+-setenv TCLHOME ${CASROOT}/../3rdparty/${OS_NAME}/tcltk
+ set TCLLIB=${TCLHOME}/lib
+ set TCLBIN=${TCLHOME}/bin
+-setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH "/usr/lib:/usr/X11R6/lib:/lib:${TCLLIB}:${WOKHOME}/lib/:${WOKHOME}/lib/${OS_PLATFORM}"
++setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH "/usr/lib:/usr/X11R6/lib:/lib:${TCLLIB}:${WOKHOME}/lib/:${WOKHOME}/lib/${OS_PLATFORM}/"
+ setenv path "/usr/bin /bin /usr/bin /sbin /usr/sbin /usr/local/bin /usr/local/sbin /usr/X11R6/bin /etc"
+ setenv PATH "/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/X11R6/bin:/etc"
+@@ -32,5 +34,8 @@
++if ( $OS_NAME == "FreeBSD" ) then
++/usr/local/bin/tclsh8.4 < ${WOKHOME}/site/CreateFactory.tcl
+ ${TCLBIN}/tclsh < ${WOKHOME}/site/CreateFactory.tcl
diff --git a/cad/opencascade/files/pkg-message.in b/cad/opencascade/files/pkg-message.in
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..5983e344cb8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cad/opencascade/files/pkg-message.in
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+License warning: in short, Open CASCADE Technology Public License is LGPL-like
+with certain differences. You are permitted to use Open CASCADE Technology
+within commercial environments and you are obliged to acknowledge its use.
+You are also obliged to send your modifications of the original source code (if
+you have made any) to the Initial Developer (i.e. Open CASCADE S.A.S.).
+Open CASCADE has been installed under %%OCCROOT%%
+and CASROOT must be set to %%OCCROOT%%/ros.
+You should then install the following ports:
+- cad/%%PORTNAME%%-tutorial
+- cad/%%PORTNAME%%-samples-qt
+- cad/%%PORTNAME%%-samples-java
+To get started, please read the documentation:
diff --git a/cad/opencascade/pkg-descr b/cad/opencascade/pkg-descr
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..cf4490349f1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cad/opencascade/pkg-descr
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Open CASCADE Technology is a software development platform freely available in
+open source. It includes components for 3D surface and solid modeling,
+visualization, data exchange and rapid application development.
+Open CASCADE Technology can be best applied in development of numerical
+simulation software including CAD/CAM/CAE, AEC and GIS, as well as PDM
+BUGS: the interesting parts of this port are the libraries, but some components
+ like Wok are not [yet] fully functional.
+WWW: http://www.opencascade.org/
diff --git a/cad/opencascade/pkg-plist b/cad/opencascade/pkg-plist
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..eb5c92a6400f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cad/opencascade/pkg-plist
@@ -0,0 +1,47206 @@
+@comment "The following entities only exist if wokinit.csh has been run."
+@unexec rm %D%/OpenCAS/wok/wok_entities/DEFAULT.edl 2>/dev/null || true
+@unexec rm %D%/OpenCAS/wok/wok_entities/OS.edl 2>/dev/null || true
+@unexec rm %D%/OpenCAS/wok/wok_entities/OS/adm/WSLIST 2>/dev/null || true
+@unexec rm %D%/OpenCAS/wok/wok_entities/WOKSESSION.edl 2>/dev/null || true
+@dirrmtry %%OCCROOT%%/wok/wok_entities/OS/adm
+@dirrmtry %%OCCROOT%%/wok/wok_entities/OS/SCCS
+@dirrmtry %%OCCROOT%%/wok/wok_entities/OS
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/wok/wok_entities
+@dirrmtry %%OCCROOT%%/wok/site/.wok
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/wok/site
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/wok/lib/images
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/wok/lib
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/wok
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/tools/ocafbrowser/inc
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/tools/ocafbrowser
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/tools
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/samples
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/math
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/jcas
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/gp
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/gce
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/Xw
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/XmlXCAFPlugin
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/XmlXCAFDrivers
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/XmlPlugin
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/XmlOcafResource
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/XmlObjMgt
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/XmlMXCAFDoc
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/XmlMPrsStd
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/XmlMNaming
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/XmlMFunction
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/XmlMDocStd
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/XmlMDataStd
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/XmlMDF
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/XmlLPlugin
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/XmlLDrivers
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/XmlDrivers
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/XSTEPResource
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/XSMessage
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/XSDRAWSTLVRML
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/XSDRAWSTEP
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/XSDRAWIGES
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/XSDRAW
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/XSControl
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/XSAlgo
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/XDEDRAW
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/XCAFSchema
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/XCAFPrs
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/XCAFPlugin
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/XCAFDrivers
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/XCAFDoc
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/XCAFApp
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/WOKsite
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/WOKernel
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/WOKUtils
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/WOKUnix
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/WOKTools
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/WOKTclUtils
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/WOKTclTools
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/WOKTclLib
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/WOKTCL
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/WOKStepsDef
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/WOKStep
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/WOKSH
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/WOKOrbix
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/WOKOBJS
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/WOKNT
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/WOKMake
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/WOKLibs
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/WOKEntityDef
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/WOKDeliv
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/WOKDFLT
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/WOKBuilderDef
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/WOKBuilder
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/WOKAPI
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/WNT
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/VrmlConverter
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/VrmlAPI
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/Vrml
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/Visual3d
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/ViewerTest
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/Viewer2dTest
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/Viewer
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/V3d
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/V2d
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/UnitsMethods
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/UnitsAPI
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/Units
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/UTL
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/Triangle
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/TransferBRep
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/Transfer
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/TopoDSToStep
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/TopoDS
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/TopTrans
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/TopTools
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/TopOpeBRepTool
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/TopOpeBRepDS
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/TopOpeBRepBuild
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/TopOpeBRep
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/TopLoc
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/TopExp
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/TopCnx
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/TopClass
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/TopBas
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/TopAbs
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/Textures
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/TestTopOpeTools
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/TestTopOpeDraw
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/TestTopOpe
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/TShort
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/TPrsStd
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/TNaming
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/TKjcas
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/TKernel
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/TKXmlXCAF
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/TKXmlL
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/TKXml
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/TKXSDRAW
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/TKXSBase
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/TKXDESTEP
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/TKXDEIGES
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/TKXDEDRAW
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/TKXCAFSchema
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/TKXCAF
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/TKWOKTcl
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/TKWOK
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/TKViewerTest
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/TKVRML
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/TKV3d
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/TKV2d
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/TKTopTest
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/TKTopAlgo
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/TKTCPPExt
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/TKStdSchema
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/TKStdLSchema
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/TKShapeSchema
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/TKShHealing
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/TKService
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/TKSTL
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/TKSTEPBase
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/TKSTEPAttr
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/TKSTEP209
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/TKSTEP
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/TKPrim
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/TKPShape
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/TKPLCAF
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/TKPCAF
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/TKOpenGl
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/TKOffset
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/TKMeshVS
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/TKMesh
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/TKMath
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/TKLCAF
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/TKIGES
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/TKIDLFront
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/TKHLR
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/TKGeomBase
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/TKGeomAlgo
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/TKG3d
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/TKG2d
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/TKFillet
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/TKFeat
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/TKDraw
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/TKDCAF
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/TKCSFDBSchema
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/TKCPPJini
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/TKCPPIntExt
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/TKCPPExt
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/TKCPPClient
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/TKCDLFront
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/TKCDF
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/TKCAF
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/TKBool
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/TKBinXCAF
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/TKBinL
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/TKBin
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/TKBRep
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/TKBO
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/TKAdvTools
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/TFunction
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/TDocStd
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/TDataStd
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/TDF
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/TCollection
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/TColgp
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/TColStd
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/TColQuantity
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/TColGeom2d
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/TColGeom
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/TCPPExt
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/SysBase
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/Sweep
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/Storage
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/StlTransfer
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/StlMesh
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/StlAPI
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/StepVisual
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/StepToTopoDS
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/StepToGeom
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/StepShape
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/StepSelect
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/StepRepr
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/StepGeom
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/StepFile
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/StepFEA
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/StepElement
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/StepDimTol
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/StepData
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/StepBasic
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/StepAP214
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/StepAP209
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/StepAP203
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/StdSelect
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/StdSchema
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/StdResource
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/StdPrs
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/StdPlugin
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/StdLSchema
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/StdLPlugin
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/StdLDrivers
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/StdFail
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/StdDrivers
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/Standard
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/SortTools
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/Smoothing
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/ShapeUpgrade
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/ShapeSchema
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/ShapeProcessAPI
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/ShapeProcess
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/ShapeFix
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/ShapeExtend
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/ShapeCustom
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/ShapeConstruct
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/ShapeBuild
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/ShapeAnalysis
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/ShapeAlgo
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/SelectMgr
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/SelectBasics
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/Select3D
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/Select2D
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/SWDRAW
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/STEPSelections
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/STEPEdit
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/STEPControl
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/STEPConstruct
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/STEPCAFControl
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/SHMessage
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/Resource
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/RWStl
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/RWStepVisual
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/RWStepShape
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/RWStepRepr
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/RWStepGeom
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/RWStepFEA
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/RWStepElement
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/RWStepDimTol
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/RWStepBasic
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/RWStepAP214
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/RWStepAP203
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/RWHeaderSection
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/Quantity
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/PrsMgr
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/Prs3d
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/Prs2d
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/ProjLib
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/Primitives
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/Precision
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/Poly
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/Plugin
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/PlotMgt
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/Plate
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/PXCAFDoc
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/PTopoDS
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/PTopLoc
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/PTKernel
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/PTColStd
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/PStandard
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/PShort
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/PS
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/PPrsStd
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/PPoly
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/PNaming
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/PMMgt
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/PLib
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/PGeom2d
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/PGeom
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/PFunction
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/PDocStd
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/PDataStd
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/PDF
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/PCollection
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/PColgp
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/PColStd
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/PColPGeom2d
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/PColPGeom
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/PCDMShape
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/PCDM
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/PBRep
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/OpenGl
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/ObjMgt
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/OSD
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/OS
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/NLPlate
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/NCollection
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/MoniTool
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/MgtTopoDS
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/MgtTopLoc
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/MgtPoly
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/MgtGeom2d
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/MgtGeom
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/MgtBRep
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/Message
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/MeshVS
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/MeshTest
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/MeshShape
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/MeshDS
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/MeshAlgo
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/MathBase
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/Materials
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/MXCAFDoc
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/MSAPI
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/MS
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/MPrsStd
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/MNaming
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/MMgt
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/MFunction
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/MFT
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/MDocStd
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/MDataStd
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/MDF
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/MAT2d
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/MAT
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/LocalAnalysis
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/LocOpe
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/LibCtl
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/Law
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/LProp3d
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/LProp
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/LDOM
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/Intrv
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/Intf
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/InterfaceGraphic
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/Interface
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/IntWalk
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/IntTools
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/IntSurf
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/IntStart
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/IntRes2d
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/IntPolyh
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/IntPoly
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/IntPatch
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/IntImpParGen
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/IntImp
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/IntCurvesFace
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/IntCurveSurface
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/IntCurve
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/IntAna2d
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/IntAna
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/IncludeLibrary
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/ImageUtility
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/Image
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/IGESToBRep
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/IGESSolid
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/IGESSelect
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/IGESGraph
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/IGESGeom
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/IGESFile
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/IGESDraw
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/src/IGESDimen
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+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/drv/V2d
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+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/drv/MgtBRep
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+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/drv/MeshTest
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+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/drv/MeshDS
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+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/drv/MDataStd
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+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/drv/MAT2d
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/drv/MAT
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+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/drv/LibCtl
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+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/drv/LProp
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/drv/LDOM
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/drv/Intrv
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+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/drv/IntStart
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+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/drv/IntPoly
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+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/drv/IntImp
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+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/drv/IntCurve
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+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/drv/IntAna
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/drv/IncludeLibrary
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+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/drv/IGESSolid
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+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/drv/IGESFile
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+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/drv/IGESDefs
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/drv/IGESData
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+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/drv/IGESControl
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/drv/IGESCAFControl
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/drv/IGESBasic
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/drv/IGESAppli
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/drv/IFSelect
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/drv/IFGraph
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/drv/IDLFront
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/drv/Hermit
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/drv/HeaderSection
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/drv/HatchGen
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/drv/Hatch
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/drv/HLRTopoBRep
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/drv/HLRTest
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/drv/HLRBRep
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/drv/HLRAlgo
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/drv/Graphic3d
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/drv/Graphic2d
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/drv/GraphTools
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/drv/GraphDS
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/drv/GeomliteTest
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/drv/GeometryTest
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/drv/GeomTools
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/drv/GeomToStep
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/drv/GeomToIGES
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/drv/GeomProjLib
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/drv/GeomPlate
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/drv/GeomLib
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/drv/GeomLProp
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/drv/GeomInt
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/drv/GeomFill
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/drv/GeomConvert
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/drv/GeomAdaptor
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/drv/GeomAbs
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/drv/GeomAPI
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+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/drv/Geom2dInt
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/drv/Geom2dHatch
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/drv/Geom2dGcc
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/drv/Geom2dConvert
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/drv/Geom2dAdaptor
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/drv/Geom2dAPI
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/drv/Geom2d
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/drv/Geom
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+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/drv/GccInt
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/drv/GccGeo
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/drv/GccEnt
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/drv/GccAna
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+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/drv/GCPnts
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/drv/GCE2d
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/drv/GC
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+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/drv/Expr
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+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/drv/ElCLib
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/drv/EDL
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/drv/Dynamic
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+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/drv/Draw
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+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/drv/DNaming
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+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/drv/DDataStd
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/drv/DDF
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+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/drv/ChFi3d
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+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/drv/CPPExt
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+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/drv/CDM
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/drv/CDLFront
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/drv/CDF
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+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/drv/BinXCAFDrivers
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+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/adm/make/TKMesh
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+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/adm/make/TKG2d
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/adm/make/TKFillet
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+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/adm/make/TKDraw
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/adm/make/TKDCAF
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+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/ros/adm/make/TKBRep
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+%%PORTDOCS%%@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/doc/welcome_to_open_cascade_technology/getting_started
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+%%PORTDOCS%%@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/doc/welcome_to_open_cascade_technology
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+%%PORTDOCS%%@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/doc/technical_overview/modeling_data/geometry_utilities
+%%PORTDOCS%%@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/doc/technical_overview/modeling_data/3d_geometry
+%%PORTDOCS%%@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/doc/technical_overview/modeling_data/2d_geometry
+%%PORTDOCS%%@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/doc/technical_overview/modeling_data
+%%PORTDOCS%%@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/doc/technical_overview/modeling_algorithms/topological_tools
+%%PORTDOCS%%@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/doc/technical_overview/modeling_algorithms/geometric_tools
+%%PORTDOCS%%@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/doc/technical_overview/modeling_algorithms/boolean_operations
+%%PORTDOCS%%@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/doc/technical_overview/modeling_algorithms
+%%PORTDOCS%%@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/doc/technical_overview/foundation_classes/math_utilities
+%%PORTDOCS%%@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/doc/technical_overview/foundation_classes/kernel/ncollections/new_features
+%%PORTDOCS%%@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/doc/technical_overview/foundation_classes/kernel/ncollections/instantiation_of_ncollection_classes
+%%PORTDOCS%%@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/doc/technical_overview/foundation_classes/kernel/ncollections
+%%PORTDOCS%%@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/doc/technical_overview/foundation_classes/kernel
+%%PORTDOCS%%@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/doc/technical_overview/foundation_classes
+%%PORTDOCS%%@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/doc/technical_overview/data_exchange
+%%PORTDOCS%%@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/doc/technical_overview/application_framework/ldom_package_for_xml/xml_schema
+%%PORTDOCS%%@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/doc/technical_overview/application_framework/ldom_package_for_xml/xml_document_structure
+%%PORTDOCS%%@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/doc/technical_overview/application_framework/ldom_package_for_xml/ldom_implementation
+%%PORTDOCS%%@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/doc/technical_overview/application_framework/ldom_package_for_xml/document_drivers
+%%PORTDOCS%%@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/doc/technical_overview/application_framework/ldom_package_for_xml/attribute_drivers
+%%PORTDOCS%%@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/doc/technical_overview/application_framework/ldom_package_for_xml
+%%PORTDOCS%%@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/doc/technical_overview/application_framework/glossary
+%%PORTDOCS%%@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/doc/technical_overview/application_framework/data_storage_and_persistent_collections
+%%PORTDOCS%%@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/doc/technical_overview/application_framework/data_attributes
+%%PORTDOCS%%@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/doc/technical_overview/application_framework
+%%PORTDOCS%%@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/doc/technical_overview
+%%PORTDOCS%%@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/doc/image
+%%PORTDOCS%%@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/doc/development_tools
+%%PORTDOCS%%@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/doc
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/data/work
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/data/vrml
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/data/stl
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/data/step
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/data/occ
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/data/images
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/data/iges
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/data/csfdb
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%/data
+@dirrm %%OCCROOT%%