path: root/graphics/opengl-man
diff options
authorMartin Cracauer <cracauer@FreeBSD.org>1999-01-20 16:43:22 +0000
committerMartin Cracauer <cracauer@FreeBSD.org>1999-01-20 16:43:22 +0000
commit3e7dd29ab18532b53418f55e14e8445679f260a8 (patch)
tree747daf0ce6c31b44171df3b2900a07692766f270 /graphics/opengl-man
parent6d43c61d2af8cb29c606cdf565602c11e4b22fb9 (diff)
OpenGL section 3 manpages, intended to be used with Mesa.
Notes: svn path=/head/; revision=16205
Diffstat (limited to 'graphics/opengl-man')
5 files changed, 183 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/graphics/opengl-man/Makefile b/graphics/opengl-man/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..6779f6901d6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/opengl-man/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+# New ports collection makefile for: opengl-manpage
+# Version required: 657
+# Date created: 19990120
+# Whom: cracauer@cons.org "Martin Cracauer"
+# $Id: Makefile,v 1.3 1998/12/08 08:13:31 obrien Exp $
+DISTNAME= opengl-man-657
+CATEGORIES= graphics
+MASTER_SITES= http://www2.cons.org:8000/freebsd-distfiles/ \
+ http://www.freebsd.org/~cracauer/freebsd-distfiles/
+EXTRACT_SUFX= .tar.bz2
+MAINTAINER= cracauer@cons.org
+BUILD_DEPENDS= bzip2:${PORTSDIR}/archivers/bzip2
+NO_BUILD= yes
+.include <bsd.port.pre.mk>
+EXTRACT_AFTER_ARGS= | tar -xf -
+MAN3= glDisable.3 glDisableClientState.3 glEdgeFlag.3 \
+ glEdgeFlagPointer.3 glEdgeFlagv.3 glEnable.3 \
+ glEnableClientState.3 glEndList.3 glEvalCoord1d.3 \
+ glEvalCoord1dv.3 glEvalCoord1f.3 glEvalCoord1fv.3 glEvalCoord2d.3 \
+ glEvalCoord2dv.3 glEvalCoord2f.3 glEvalCoord2fv.3 glEvalMesh1.3 \
+ glEvalMesh2.3 glEvalPoint1.3 glEvalPoint2.3 glFeedbackBuffer.3 \
+ glFinish.3 glFlush.3 glFogf.3 glFogfv.3 glFogi.3 glFogiv.3 \
+ glFrontFace.3 glFrustum.3 glGenLists.3 glGenTextures.3 \
+ glGetBooleanv.3 glGetClipPlane.3 glGetDoublev.3 glGetError.3 \
+ glGetFloatv.3 glGetIntegerv.3 glGetLightfv.3 glGetLightiv.3 \
+ glGetMapdv.3 glGetMapfv.3 glGetMapiv.3 glGetMaterialfv.3 \
+ glGetMaterialiv.3 glGetPixelMapfv.3 glGetPixelMapuiv.3 \
+ glGetPixelMapusv.3 glGetPointerv.3 glGetPolygonStipple.3 \
+ glGetString.3 glGetTexEnvfv.3 glGetTexEnviv.3 glGetTexGendv.3 \
+ glGetTexGenfv.3 glGetTexGeniv.3 glGetTexImage.3 \
+ glGetTexLevelParameterfv.3 glGetTexLevelParameteriv.3 \
+ glGetTexParameterfv.3 glGetTexParameteriv.3 glHint.3 \
+ glIndexMask.3 glIndexPointer.3 glIndexd.3 glIndexdv.3 glIndexf.3 \
+ glIndexfv.3 glIndexi.3 glIndexiv.3 glIndexs.3 glIndexsv.3 \
+ glIndexub.3 glIndexubv.3 glInitNames.3 glInterleavedArrays.3 \
+ glIsEnabled.3 glIsList.3 glIsTexture.3 glLightModelf.3 \
+ glLightModelfv.3 glLightModeli.3 glLightModeliv.3 glLightf.3 \
+ glLightfv.3 glLighti.3 glLightiv.3 glLineStipple.3 glLineWidth.3 \
+ glListBase.3 glLoadIdentity.3 glLoadMatrixd.3 glLoadMatrixf.3 \
+ glLoadName.3 glLogicOp.3 glMap1d.3 glMap1f.3 glMap2d.3 glMap2f.3 \
+ glMapGrid1d.3 glMapGrid1f.3 glMapGrid2d.3 glMapGrid2f.3 \
+ glMaterialf.3 glMaterialfv.3 glMateriali.3 glMaterialiv.3 \
+ glMatrixMode.3 glMultMatrixd.3 glMultMatrixf.3 glNewList.3 \
+ glNormal3b.3 glNormal3bv.3 glNormal3d.3 glNormal3dv.3 \
+ glNormal3f.3 glNormal3fv.3 glNormal3i.3 glNormal3iv.3 \
+ glNormal3s.3 glNormal3sv.3 glNormalPointer.3 glOrtho.3 \
+ glPassThrough.3 glPixelMapfv.3 glPixelMapuiv.3 glPixelMapusv.3 \
+ glPixelStoref.3 glPixelStorei.3 glPixelTransferf.3 \
+ glPixelTransferi.3 glPixelZoom.3 glPointSize.3 glPolygonMode.3 \
+ glPolygonOffset.3 glPolygonStipple.3 glPopAttrib.3 \
+ glPopClientAttrib.3 glPopMatrix.3 glPopName.3 \
+ glPrioritizeTextures.3 glPushAttrib.3 glPushClientAttrib.3 \
+ glPushMatrix.3 glPushName.3 glRasterPos2d.3 glRasterPos2dv.3 \
+ glRasterPos2f.3 glRasterPos2fv.3 glRasterPos2i.3 glRasterPos2iv.3 \
+ glRasterPos2s.3 glRasterPos2sv.3 glRasterPos3d.3 glRasterPos3dv.3 \
+ glRasterPos3f.3 glRasterPos3fv.3 glRasterPos3i.3 glRasterPos3iv.3 \
+ glRasterPos3s.3 glRasterPos3sv.3 glRasterPos4d.3 glRasterPos4dv.3 \
+ glRasterPos4f.3 glRasterPos4fv.3 glRasterPos4i.3 glRasterPos4iv.3 \
+ glRasterPos4s.3 glRasterPos4sv.3 glReadBuffer.3 glReadPixels.3 \
+ glRectd.3 glRectdv.3 glRectf.3 glRectfv.3 glRecti.3 glRectiv.3 \
+ glRects.3 glRectsv.3 glRenderMode.3 glRotated.3 glRotatef.3 \
+ glScaled.3 glScalef.3 glScissor.3 glSelectBuffer.3 glShadeModel.3 \
+ glStencilFunc.3 glStencilMask.3 glStencilOp.3 glTexCoord1d.3 \
+ glTexCoord1dv.3 glTexCoord1f.3 glTexCoord1fv.3 glTexCoord1i.3 \
+ glTexCoord1iv.3 glTexCoord1s.3 glTexCoord1sv.3 glTexCoord2d.3 \
+ glTexCoord2dv.3 glTexCoord2f.3 glTexCoord2fv.3 glTexCoord2i.3 \
+ glTexCoord2iv.3 glTexCoord2s.3 glTexCoord2sv.3 glTexCoord3d.3 \
+ glTexCoord3dv.3 glTexCoord3f.3 glTexCoord3fv.3 glTexCoord3i.3 \
+ glTexCoord3iv.3 glTexCoord3s.3 glTexCoord3sv.3 glTexCoord4d.3 \
+ glTexCoord4dv.3 glTexCoord4f.3 glTexCoord4fv.3 glTexCoord4i.3 \
+ glTexCoord4iv.3 glTexCoord4s.3 glTexCoord4sv.3 \
+ glTexCoordPointer.3 glTexEnvf.3 glTexEnvfv.3 glTexEnvi.3 \
+ glTexEnviv.3 glTexGend.3 glTexGendv.3 glTexGenf.3 glTexGenfv.3 \
+ glTexGeni.3 glTexGeniv.3 glTexImage1D.3 glTexImage2D.3 \
+ glTexParameterf.3 glTexParameterfv.3 glTexParameteri.3 \
+ glTexParameteriv.3 glTexSubImage1D.3 glTexSubImage2D.3 \
+ glTranslated.3 glTranslatef.3 glVertex2d.3 glVertex2dv.3 \
+ glVertex2f.3 glVertex2fv.3 glVertex2i.3 glVertex2iv.3 \
+ glVertex2s.3 glVertex2sv.3 glVertex3d.3 glVertex3dv.3 \
+ glVertex3f.3 glVertex3fv.3 glVertex3i.3 glVertex3iv.3 \
+ glVertex3s.3 glVertex3sv.3 glVertex4d.3 glVertex4dv.3 \
+ glVertex4f.3 glVertex4fv.3 glVertex4i.3 glVertex4iv.3 \
+ glVertex4s.3 glVertex4sv.3 glVertexPointer.3 glViewport.3 \
+ glXChooseVisual.3 glXCopyContext.3 glXCreateContext.3 \
+ glXCreateGLXPixmap.3 glXDestroyContext.3 glXDestroyGLXPixmap.3 \
+ glXFreeContextEXT.3 glXGetClientString.3 glXGetConfig.3 \
+ glXGetContextIDEXT.3 glXGetCurrentContext.3 \
+ glXGetCurrentDisplay.3 glXGetCurrentDrawable.3 \
+ glXImportContextEXT.3 glXIntro.3 glXIsDirect.3 glXMakeCurrent.3 \
+ glXQueryContextInfoEXT.3 glXQueryExtension.3 \
+ glXQueryExtensionsString.3 glXQueryServerString.3 \
+ glXQueryVersion.3 glXSwapBuffers.3 glXUseXFont.3 glXWaitGL.3 \
+ glXWaitX.3 gle.3 gleExtrusion.3 gleHelicoid.3 gleLathe.3 \
+ glePolyCone.3 glePolyCylinder.3 gleScrew.3 gleSetJoinStyle.3 \
+ gleSpiral.3 gleSuperExtrusion.3 gleTextureMode.3 gleToroid.3 \
+ gleTwistExtrusion.3 gluBeginCurve.3 gluBeginPolygon.3 \
+ gluBeginSurface.3 gluBeginTrim.3 gluBuild1DMipmaps.3 \
+ gluBuild2DMipmaps.3 gluCylinder.3 gluDeleteNurbsRenderer.3 \
+ gluDeleteQuadric.3 gluDeleteTess.3 gluDisk.3 gluEndCurve.3 \
+ gluEndPolygon.3 gluEndSurface.3 gluEndTrim.3 gluErrorString.3 \
+ gluGetNurbsProperty.3 gluGetString.3 gluGetTessProperty.3 \
+ gluLoadSamplingMatrices.3 gluLookAt.3 gluNewNurbsRenderer.3 \
+ gluNewQuadric.3 gluNewTess.3 gluNextContour.3 gluNurbsCallback.3 \
+ gluNurbsCallbackDataEXT.3 gluNurbsCurve.3 gluNurbsProperty.3 \
+ gluNurbsSurface.3 gluOrtho2D.3 gluPartialDisk.3 gluPerspective.3 \
+ gluPickMatrix.3 gluProject.3 gluPwlCurve.3 gluQuadricCallback.3 \
+ gluQuadricDrawStyle.3 gluQuadricNormals.3 gluQuadricOrientation.3 \
+ gluQuadricTexture.3 gluScaleImage.3 gluSphere.3 \
+ gluTessBeginContour.3 gluTessBeginPolygon.3 gluTessCallback.3 \
+ gluTessEndContour.3 gluTessEndPolygon.3 gluTessNormal.3 \
+ gluTessProperty.3 gluTessVertex.3 gluUnProject.3 glut.3 \
+ glutAddMenuEntry.3 glutAddSubMenu.3 glutAttachMenu.3 \
+ glutBitmapCharacter.3 glutBitmapWidth.3 glutButtonBoxFunc.3 \
+ glutChangeToMenuEntry.3 glutChangeToSubMenu.3 glutCopyColormap.3 \
+ glutCreateMenu.3 glutCreateSubWindow.3 glutCreateWindow.3 \
+ glutDestroyMenu.3 glutDestroyWindow.3 glutDeviceGet.3 \
+ glutDialsFunc.3 glutDisplayFunc.3 glutEnterGameMode.3 \
+ glutEntryFunc.3 glutEstablishOverlay.3 glutExtensionSupported.3 \
+ glutForceJoystickFunc.3 glutFullScreen.3 glutGameModeGet.3 \
+ glutGameModeString.3 glutGet.3 glutGetColor.3 glutGetModifiers.3 \
+ glutIdleFunc.3 glutIgnoreKeyRepeat.3 glutInit.3 \
+ glutInitDisplayMode.3 glutInitDisplayString.3 \
+ glutInitWindowPosition.3 glutJoystickFunc.3 glutKeyboardFunc.3 \
+ glutKeyboardUpFunc.3 glutLayerGet.3 glutMainLoop.3 \
+ glutMenuStatusFunc.3 glutMotionFunc.3 glutMouseFunc.3 \
+ glutOverlayDisplayFunc.3 glutPopWindow.3 glutPositionWindow.3 \
+ glutPostOverlayRedisplay.3 glutPostRedisplay.3 \
+ glutRemoveMenuItem.3 glutRemoveOverlay.3 glutReportErrors.3 \
+ glutReshapeFunc.3 glutReshapeWindow.3 glutSetColor.3 \
+ glutSetCursor.3 glutSetKeyRepeat.3 glutSetMenu.3 glutSetWindow.3 \
+ glutSetWindowTitle.3 glutShowOverlay.3 glutShowWindow.3 \
+ glutSolidCone.3 glutSolidCube.3 glutSolidDodecahedron.3 \
+ glutSolidIcosahedron.3 glutSolidOctahedron.3 glutSolidSphere.3 \
+ glutSolidTeapot.3 glutSolidTetrahedron.3 glutSolidTorus.3 \
+ glutSpaceballButtonFunc.3 glutSpaceballMotionFunc.3 \
+ glutSpaceballRotateFunc.3 glutSpecialFunc.3 glutSpecialUpFunc.3 \
+ glutStrokeCharacter.3 glutStrokeWidth.3 glutSwapBuffers.3 \
+ glutTabletButtonFunc.3 glutTabletMotionFunc.3 glutTimerFunc.3 \
+ glutUseLayer.3 glutVisibilityFunc.3 glutWarpPointer.3
+ @for file in ${MAN3} ; do \
+ $(INSTALL_MAN) $(WRKSRC)/man3/$$file $(PREFIX)/man/man3/. ; \
+ done
+.include <bsd.port.post.mk>
diff --git a/graphics/opengl-man/distinfo b/graphics/opengl-man/distinfo
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a4a44df77c4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/opengl-man/distinfo
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+MD5 (opengl-man-657.tar.bz2) = e274e28e73635da12374cf57496c8d94
diff --git a/graphics/opengl-man/pkg-comment b/graphics/opengl-man/pkg-comment
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..b903cda04376
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/opengl-man/pkg-comment
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Section 3 manpages for OpenGL: gl, glx, glu, gle, glut
diff --git a/graphics/opengl-man/pkg-descr b/graphics/opengl-man/pkg-descr
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a37e617246a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/opengl-man/pkg-descr
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+This port installs section 3 manpages for the OpenGL 3d graphics API
+so that they are directly accessable from the man(1)
+command. Especially useful for the graphics/Mesa port/package.
+Included OpenGL related libraries: gl, glx, glu, gle, glut.
+gl, glx and glu are taken from ftp.sgi.com. They carried no version
+information. Stored in the same directory at the time I grabbed them
+was the OpenGL spec 1.2.1, which may or may not indicate the state of
+the manpages :-/
+The gl, glx and glu manpages are unusable when just unpacking them. I
+repackaged them so that
+- the file name actually is the name of the function, including
+ gl... etc prefixes and respecting case.
+- all filenames end in *.3
+- hard links are created so that the man command works for all
+ functions in a manpage, not just the first one.
+gle and glut are taken from the glut-3.7 distribution (where the
+Webpage sais it is beta, but the distfile name does not). These are
+unchanged, but there are currently no hardlinks to secondary functions
diff --git a/graphics/opengl-man/pkg-plist b/graphics/opengl-man/pkg-plist
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..e69de29bb2d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/opengl-man/pkg-plist