path: root/editors/openoffice.org-3
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'editors/openoffice.org-3')
28 files changed, 0 insertions, 1393 deletions
diff --git a/editors/openoffice.org-3/Makefile b/editors/openoffice.org-3/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 9ac75ed348bf..000000000000
--- a/editors/openoffice.org-3/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,348 +0,0 @@
-# New ports collection makefile for: OpenOffice.org
-# Date created: 28 February 2002
-# Whom: Martin Blapp
-# $FreeBSD$
-PORTNAME= openoffice
-CATEGORIES+= editors
- ftp://ftp.cs.man.ac.uk/pub/toby/gpc/:gpc \
- http://ftp.services.openoffice.org/pub/OpenOffice.org/contrib/helpcontent/:help \
- http://people.freebsd.org/~mbr/ooo/:moz
-MASTER_SITE_SUBDIR= maho/openoffice.org
-DISTFILES+= OOo_${BUILD_NR}${MILESTONE}_${SNAPDATE}_source.tar.bz2 gpc231.tar.Z:gpc \
- patch-openoffice-mozilla101-2002-10-14:moz mozilla-vendor-1.0.2a.tgz:moz
-.if defined(L10NHELP)
-DISTFILES+= ${L10NHELP:S/$/:help/}
-MAINTAINER= openoffice@FreeBSD.org
-.if !defined(COMMENT)
-COMMENT= Integrated wordprocessor/dbase/spreadheet/drawing/chart/browser
-IGNORE= "Does not work yet, installation problems"
-UNZIP?= ${LOCALBASE}/bin/unzip
-ZIP?= ${LOCALBASE}/bin/zip
-ANT?= ${LOCALBASE}/bin/ant
-TCSH?= /bin/tcsh
-DIST_SUBDIR= openoffice2.0
-BUILD_NR= 680
-SNAPDATE= 20040402
-USE_GNOME= orbit gtk12
-USE_PERL5= yes
-USE_BZIP2= yes
-LANG_EXT?= 01
-WRKSRC= ${WRKDIR}/oo_${BUILD_NR}${MILESTONE}_src/config_office
-#XXX dirty
-BUILD_DEPENDS+= gcc32:${PORTSDIR}/lang/gcc32
-CC= gcc32
-CXX= g++32
-BUILD_DEPENDS+= zip:${PORTSDIR}/archivers/zip
-BUILD_DEPENDS+= unzip:${PORTSDIR}/archivers/unzip
-BUILD_DEPENDS+= ${ANT}:${PORTSDIR}/devel/apache-ant
-BUILD_DEPENDS+= ${X11BASE}/lib/libgdk-x11-2.0.so:${PORTSDIR}/x11-toolkits/gtk20
-BUILD_DEPENDS+= ${X11BASE}/lib/libX11.so:${PORTSDIR}/x11/XFree86-4-libraries
-BUILD_DEPENDS+= ${X11BASE}/lib/libXft.so:${PORTSDIR}/x11-fonts/libXft
-.if !defined(DISPLAY)
-BUILD_DEPENDS+= Xvfb:${PORTSDIR}/x11-servers/XFree86-4-VirtualFramebufferServer
-LIB_DEPENDS= jpeg.9:${PORTSDIR}/graphics/jpeg \
- png.5:${PORTSDIR}/graphics/png \
- mng.1:${PORTSDIR}/graphics/libmng \
- freetype.9:${PORTSDIR}/print/freetype2
-.include <bsd.port.pre.mk>
-# configuration for language specific slave ports
-.if exists(${.CURDIR}/pkg-descr)
-DESCR= ${.CURDIR}/pkg-descr
-.if exists(${.CURDIR}/pkg-message)
-PKGMESSAGE= ${.CURDIR}/pkg-message
-# Set prefix and suffix
-.if defined(LANG_PKGNAME)
-.if defined(LANG_SUFFIX)
-.endif # if defined(LANG_PKGNAME)
-.if !defined (LANG) && !defined(USE_LANG)
-USE_LANG= en_US.ISO8859-15
-LANG_LIST= en_US.ISO8859-15 en_US.ISO8859-1 US-ASCII
-.if !defined(USE_LANG)
-LANG_SORTED=`${ECHO} ${LANG_LIST} | ${TR} " " "\n" | ${PASTE} -d " " - -`
-EXTRACT_REST= gpc231.tar.Z
-JDKDIR?= ${LOCALBASE}/jdk1.4.2
-JAVAVM= ${JDKDIR}/bin/java
-.if defined(WITH_DEBUG)
-CFLAGS+= -g
-.if ${WITH_DEBUG} == 2
-BUILD= dmake debug="true"
-BUILD= dmake
-BUILD= dmake strip="true"
-.if !defined(DISPLAY)
-CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --with-jdk-home=${JDKDIR} --with-ant-home=${LOCALBASE}/ant --with-gnu-cp=${LOCALBASE}/bin/gcp --enable-mozilla=no
-.if defined(WITH_DEBUG)
-.if ${WITH_DEBUG} == 2
-CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --enable-debug
- @${ECHO}
-.if !defined(LANG)
- @${ECHO}
- @${ECHO} "OO requires that the ENV variable LANG"
- @${ECHO} "is set to a proper value. Dependent on"
- @${ECHO} "which language port you use, OO does"
- @${ECHO} "automatically set LANG to a suitable"
- @${ECHO} "value. You can change this with:"
- @${ECHO}
- @${ECHO} "USE_LANG=\"preferred language\""
- @${ECHO}
- @${ECHO} "and set a different language"
- @${ECHO} "like:"
- @${ECHO}
- @${ECHO}
- @${ECHO} "Your current setting is:"
- @${ECHO}
- @${ECHO}
- @${ECHO}
-.if !defined(WITH_DEBUG)
- @${ECHO}
- @${ECHO} "You can compile OO with debug symbols"
- @${ECHO} "if you call make with WITH_DEBUG=1"
- @${ECHO}
- @${ECHO} "If you set WITH_DEBUG=2, you add internal"
- @${ECHO} "OO.org debug support."
- @${ECHO}
- @${ECHO}
- @${ECHO} "if you like to use the Freetype library to"
- @${ECHO} "render TTF fonts. Normally the TTF lib is"
- @${ECHO} "not used to render fonts."
- @${ECHO}
- @${ECHO} "If you have licensed the Apple patents"
- @${ECHO} "US05155805 US05159668 and US05325479"
- @${ECHO} "you can enable this option to get better"
- @${ECHO} "quality of glyphs at small bitmap sizes."
- @${ECHO}
- @${ECHO} "If you want SDK and/or solver, please type make sdk and/or make solver"
-.include <${FILESDIR}/Makefile.mozilla>
- @for file in ${EXTRACT_REST}; do \
- if ! (cd ${WRKDIR} && ${EXTRACT_CMD_R} \
- ${_DISTDIR}/$$file ${EXTRACT_AFTER_ARGS_R}) ; \
- then \
- exit 1; \
- fi \
- done
- @${CP} ${WRKDIR}/gpc231/gpc.c ${WRKSRC}/../external/gpc/
- @${CP} ${WRKDIR}/gpc231/gpc.h ${WRKSRC}/../external/gpc/
- @${MAKE} extract-mozilla
- @${CHMOD} +x ${WRKSRC}/../solenv/bin/zipdep.pl
-.if defined(L10NHELP)
- @${ECHO_MSG} "===> Extracting L10NHELP sub project"
- @cd ${WRKDIR}/L10NHELP && \
- @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's+%%PTHREAD_LIBS%%+${PTHREAD_LIBS}+g;' ${WRKSRC}/../odk/settings/settings.mk
- @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's+%%PTHREAD_CFLAGS%%+${PTHREAD_CFLAGS}+g' ${WRKSRC}/../odk/settings/settings.mk
- @${MAKE} patch-mozilla
- @if [ "`echo ${PATCHDIR}/optpatch-*`" != "${PATCHDIR}/optpatch-*" ]; then \
- ${ECHO_MSG} "===> Applying additional TTF bytecode patches for ${PKGNAME}" ; \
- if [ ${PATCH_DEBUG_TMP} = yes ]; then \
- ${ECHO_MSG} "===> Applying ${OPSYS} patch ${PATCHDIR}/optpatch-freetype::patch" ; \
- fi; \
- ${PATCH} ${PATCH_ARGS} < ${PATCHDIR}/optpatch-freetype+patch ; \
- fi
-.if ! exists(${WRKSRC}/../moz/zipped/FREEBSDGCCIruntime.zip)
-.if ! exists(${WRKSRC}/../moz/zipped/FREEBSDGCCIlib.zip)
-.if ! exists(${WRKSRC}/../moz/zipped/FREEBSDGCCIinc.zip)
- @${MAKE} mozilla
-.if exists(${WRKDIR}/.Xvfb.pid)
- @-${CAT} ${WRKDIR}/.Xvfb.pid | ${XARGS} kill
- @${RM} -f ${WRKDIR}/.Xvfb.pid
-.if !defined(DISPLAY)
- #
- # This is a UGLY hack to not have to specify a X-Display.
- #
- ${X11BASE}/bin/Xvfb :1001 -screen 0 800x600x24 > /dev/null 2>&1 & ${ECHO} $$! > ${WRKDIR}/.Xvfb.pid
- @sleep 5
- @cd ${WRKSRC}/.. && PATH="${PATH}:${LOCALBASE}/bin:${LOCALBASE}/sbin" ./bootstrap
-.if defined(L10NHELP)
- @${MKDIR} ${WRKSRC}/../solver/${BUILD_NR}/unxfbsd.pro/pck
- @${CP} ${WRKDIR}/L10NHELP/*.zip ${WRKSRC}/../solver/${BUILD_NR}/unxfbsd.pro/pck
-.if !defined(DISPLAY)
- ${TCSH} -c 'source FreeBSDEnv.Set && unsetenv TOP && ${BUILD}'
- @-${CAT} ${WRKDIR}/.Xvfb.pid | ${XARGS} kill
- @${RM} -f ${WRKDIR}/.Xvfb.pid
- @cd ${WRKSRC}/.. && DISPLAY=${DISPLAY} PATH="${PATH}:${LOCALBASE}/bin:${LOCALBASE}/sbin" && \
- ${TCSH} -c 'source FreeBSDEnv.Set && unsetenv TOP && ${BUILD}'
-.if defined(LANG_PKGNAME)
- @cd ${WRKSRC}/.. && PATH="${PATH}:${LOCALBASE}/bin:${LOCALBASE}/sbin" && \
- ${TCSH} -c 'source FreeBSDEnv.Set && unsetenv TOP && cd instsetoo/util && ${BUILD} LANGEXT=${LANG_EXT}'
- @${CP} ${FILESDIR}/oo_setup.resp \
- ${WRKSRC}/../instsetoo/unxfbsd.pro/${LANG_EXT}/normal/
- @${SED} -i orig -e 's#%%PREFIX%%#${PREFIX}#g' \
- -e 's#%%FRELEASE_NR%%#${FRELEASE_NR}#g' \
- ${WRKSRC}/../instsetoo/unxfbsd.pro/${LANG_EXT}/normal/oo_setup.resp
- @${MKDIR} -p ${WRKSRC}/../solver/${BUILD_NR}/unxfbsd.pro/bin/${LANG_EXT}/osl/
-.if !defined(DISPLAY)
- #
- # UGLY hack to not have to specify a X-Display.
- #
- ${X11BASE}/bin/Xvfb :1001 -screen 0 800x600x24 > /dev/null 2>&1 & ${ECHO} $$! > ${WRKDIR}/.Xvfb.pid
- @sleep 5
- ${WRKSRC}/../instsetoo/*.pro/${LANG_EXT}/normal/setup -r:oo_setup.resp
- @${CAT} ${WRKDIR}/.Xvfb.pid | ${XARGS} kill
- @${RM} -f ${WRKDIR}/.Xvfb.pid
- ${WRKSRC}/../instsetoo/*.pro/${LANG_EXT}/normal/setup -r:oo_setup.resp
- @${ECHO_MSG} "===> Add wrapper scripts";
- @${CP} ${FILESDIR}/openoffice-wrapper ${WRKDIR}/
- @${CP} ${FILESDIR}/freebsd-local.sh ${WRKDIR}/
- @${SED} -i orig -e 's#%%PREFIX%%#${PREFIX}#g' \
- -e 's#%%LANG%%#${USE_LANG}#g' \
- -e 's#%%BUILD_NR%%#${BUILD_NR}#g' \
- -e 's#%%RELEASE_NR%%#${RELEASE_NR}#g' \
- -e 's#%%FRELEASE_NR%%#${FRELEASE_NR}#g' \
- ${WRKDIR}/openoffice-wrapper \
- ${WRKDIR}/freebsd-local.sh
- @${INSTALL_SCRIPT} ${WRKDIR}/openoffice-wrapper \
- ${PREFIX}/bin/openoffice-${RELEASE_NR}
- @${INSTALL_SCRIPT} ${WRKDIR}/freebsd-local.sh \
- ${PREFIX}/${INSTALLATION_BASEDIR}/program/freebsd-local.sh
- @${LN} -fs ${PREFIX}/bin/openoffice-${RELEASE_NR} ${PREFIX}/bin/openoffice-${RELEASE_NR}-sagenda
- @${LN} -fs ${PREFIX}/bin/openoffice-${RELEASE_NR} ${PREFIX}/bin/openoffice-${RELEASE_NR}-scalc
- @${LN} -fs ${PREFIX}/bin/openoffice-${RELEASE_NR} ${PREFIX}/bin/openoffice-${RELEASE_NR}-sdraw
- @${LN} -fs ${PREFIX}/bin/openoffice-${RELEASE_NR} ${PREFIX}/bin/openoffice-${RELEASE_NR}-setup
- @${LN} -fs ${PREFIX}/bin/openoffice-${RELEASE_NR} ${PREFIX}/bin/openoffice-${RELEASE_NR}-sfax
- @${LN} -fs ${PREFIX}/bin/openoffice-${RELEASE_NR} ${PREFIX}/bin/openoffice-${RELEASE_NR}-smath
- @${LN} -fs ${PREFIX}/bin/openoffice-${RELEASE_NR} ${PREFIX}/bin/openoffice-${RELEASE_NR}-simpress
- @${LN} -fs ${PREFIX}/bin/openoffice-${RELEASE_NR} ${PREFIX}/bin/openoffice-${RELEASE_NR}-spadmin
- @${LN} -fs ${PREFIX}/bin/openoffice-${RELEASE_NR} ${PREFIX}/bin/openoffice-${RELEASE_NR}-sweb
- @${LN} -fs ${PREFIX}/bin/openoffice-${RELEASE_NR} ${PREFIX}/bin/openoffice-${RELEASE_NR}-swriter
- @cd ${PREFIX} && ${FIND} -s bin -type f | ${GREP} openoffice-${RELEASE_NR} > ${TMPPLIST}
- @cd ${PREFIX} && ${FIND} -s bin -type l | ${GREP} openoffice-${RELEASE_NR} >> ${TMPPLIST}
- @cd ${PREFIX} && ${FIND} -s ${INSTALLATION_BASEDIR} -type f >> ${TMPPLIST}
- @cd ${PREFIX} && ${FIND} -s ${INSTALLATION_BASEDIR} -type l >> ${TMPPLIST}
- @cd ${PREFIX} && ${FIND} -s ${INSTALLATION_BASEDIR} -type d > ${WRKDIR}/dir.tmp
- @${SORT} -r ${WRKDIR}/dir.tmp | ${XARGS} -n 1 ${ECHO_CMD} @dirrm >> ${TMPPLIST}
- @${ECHO_MSG} "===> Rename package for OO.org mirror upload";
-.if defined(LANG_SUFFIX)
- @${MV} ${PKGFILE} \
-.elif defined(LANG_PKGNAME)
- @${MV} ${PKGFILE} \
- @${MV} ${PKGFILE} \
- @${ECHO_MSG} "===> Make SDK of OpenOffice.org"
- @cd ${WRKSRC}/.. && DISPLAY=${DISPLAY} PATH="${PATH}:${LOCALBASE}/bin:${LOCALBASE}/sbin" && \
- ${SH} -c 'source FreeBSDEnv.Set && unsetenv TOP && cd sdk_oo && build.pl && deliver.pl'
- ${MV} ${WRKSRC}/../solver/${BUILD_NR}/unxfbsd.pro/bin/OpenOffice.org${RELEASE_NR}_SDK.tar.gz ${WRKDIR}/../OOo_${BUILD_NR}${MILESTONE}_${OPSYS}${SIMPLEOSVER}Intel_sdk.tar.gz
- @${ECHO_MSG} "===> Make Solver of OpenOffice.org"
- @cd ${WRKSRC}/.. ; ${TAR} cfz ${WRKDIR}/../OOo_${BUILD_NR}${MILESTONE}_${OPSYS}${SIMPLEOSVER}Intel_solver.tar.gz solver
-.include <bsd.port.post.mk>
diff --git a/editors/openoffice.org-3/distinfo b/editors/openoffice.org-3/distinfo
deleted file mode 100644
index 74de717eb2de..000000000000
--- a/editors/openoffice.org-3/distinfo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-MD5 (openoffice2.0/OOo_680m30_20040402_source.tar.bz2) = 768b3d8246a12eff6bf83f098093fbee
-SIZE (openoffice2.0/OOo_680m30_20040402_source.tar.bz2) = 195378119
-MD5 (openoffice2.0/gpc231.tar.Z) = fdb06fdb5a4670b172f9fb738b717be9
-SIZE (openoffice2.0/gpc231.tar.Z) = 27917
-MD5 (openoffice2.0/patch-openoffice-mozilla101-2002-10-14) = 463058a33377a9226f919d00e39dc28a
-SIZE (openoffice2.0/patch-openoffice-mozilla101-2002-10-14) = 29105
-MD5 (openoffice2.0/mozilla-vendor-1.0.2a.tgz) = b0f2397d001aba7d4dd39f57a21d8468
-SIZE (openoffice2.0/mozilla-vendor-1.0.2a.tgz) = 7292
diff --git a/editors/openoffice.org-3/files/Makefile.mozilla b/editors/openoffice.org-3/files/Makefile.mozilla
deleted file mode 100644
index eaa3d648037a..000000000000
--- a/editors/openoffice.org-3/files/Makefile.mozilla
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-.if ! exists(${WRKDIR}/mozilla/Makefile)
- @${ECHO_MSG} "===> Extracting mozilla sub project"
- @cd ${WRKDIR} && tar -xzf ${DISTDIR}/${DIST_SUBDIR}/mozilla-vendor-1.0.2a.tgz
- @cd ${WRKDIR}/mozilla && ${MAKE} extract WRKDIRPREFIX=""
- @${CP} ${DISTDIR}/${DIST_SUBDIR}/patch-openoffice-mozilla101-2002-10-14 \
- ${WRKDIR}/mozilla/files/
- @cd ${WRKDIR}/mozilla && ${MAKE} patch WRKDIRPREFIX=""
-.if ! exists(${WRKDIR}/FREEBSDGCCIruntime.zip)
- @${ECHO_MSG} "===> Building mozilla sub project"
-.if defined(WITH_DEBUG)
- @${CP} ${WRKDIR}/mozilla/Makefile ${WRKDIR}/mozilla/Makefile.new
- @${SED} -e 's|--disable-debug||' \
- -e 's|--disable-cpp-rtti||' \
- -e 's|--enable-strip||' \
- < ${WRKDIR}/mozilla/Makefile.new > ${WRKDIR}/mozilla/Makefile
-.if defined(USE_GCC)
- @cd ${WRKDIR}/mozilla && ${MAKE} CXX="${CXX}" CC="${CC}" CFLAGS="${CFLAGS}" USE_GCC=${USE_GCC} build WRKDIRPREFIX=""
- @cd ${WRKDIR}/mozilla && ${MAKE} CFLAGS="${CFLAGS}" build WRKDIRPREFIX=""
- @${CP} ${FILESDIR}/zipmoz.sh ${WRKDIR}
- @${CHMOD} 755 ${WRKDIR}/zipmoz.sh
- @${WRKDIR}/zipmoz.sh ${WRKDIR}/mozilla/work/mozilla/dist FREEBSDGCCI ${WRKDIR}
- @${CP} ${WRKDIR}/FREEBSDGCCIinc.zip ${WRKSRC}/../moz/zipped/
- @${CP} ${WRKDIR}/FREEBSDGCCIlib.zip ${WRKSRC}/../moz/zipped/
- @${CP} ${WRKDIR}/FREEBSDGCCIruntime.zip ${WRKSRC}/../moz/zipped/
-.if exists(${WRKDIR}/mozilla-runtime)
- @${RM} -rf ${WRKDIR}/mozilla-runtime
- @${MKDIR} ${WRKDIR}/mozilla-runtime
- @cd ${WRKDIR}/mozilla-runtime && ${UNZIP} -o ${WRKDIR}/FREEBSDGCCIruntime.zip
- @cd ${WRKDIR}/mozilla-runtime && ${UNZIP} -o ${WRKDIR}/FREEBSDGCCIlib.zip
- @${CP} ${WRKDIR}/mozilla/work/mozilla/dist/bin/regxpcom ${WRKDIR}/mozilla-runtime/
- @-${RM} ${WRKDIR}/mozilla-runtime/components/component.reg
- @cd ${WRKDIR}/mozilla-runtime && export MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME=. \
- && export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=.:./lib && ./regxpcom
- @${CP} ${WRKDIR}/mozilla-runtime/components/xpti.dat \
- ${WRKDIR}/mozilla-runtime/components/xptitemp.dat
- @${RM} ${WRKDIR}/FREEBSDGCCIruntime.zip ${WRKDIR}/mozilla-runtime/regxpcom
- @cd ${WRKDIR}/mozilla-runtime && ${FIND} . -type f \
- | ${ZIP} ${WRKDIR}/FREEBSDGCCIruntime.zip -@
- @${MAKE} extract-mozilla
- @${MAKE} patch-mozilla
- @${MAKE} build-mozilla
- @${MAKE} register-mozilla
- @${MAKE} install-mozilla
diff --git a/editors/openoffice.org-3/files/freebsd-local.sh b/editors/openoffice.org-3/files/freebsd-local.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index aef69e5cff61..000000000000
--- a/editors/openoffice.org-3/files/freebsd-local.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-# $FreeBSD $
-if [ -e $HOME/.sversionrc ]; then
- OOHOME=`grep %%FRELEASE_NR%% $HOME/.sversionrc \
- | sed -e 's/.*file:\/\///'`
-save_common_xcu() {
-sed 's/^X//' > $OOHOME/tmp/Common.xcu << 'END-of-Common.xcu'
-X<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-X<oor:component-data xmlns:oor="http://openoffice.org/2001/registry" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" oor:name="Common" oor:package="org.openoffice.Office">
-X <node oor:name="Internal">
-X <prop oor:name="CurrentTempURL" oor:type="xs:string">
-X <value/>
-X </prop>
-X </node>
-X <node oor:name="Misc">
-X <prop oor:name="FirstRun" oor:type="xs:boolean">
-X <value>true</value>
-X </prop>
-X </node>
-X <node oor:name="ExternalApps">
-X <prop oor:name="file" oor:type="xs:string">
-X <value/>
-X </prop>
-X <prop oor:name="ftp" oor:type="xs:string">
-X <value/>
-X </prop>
-X <prop oor:name="http" oor:type="xs:string">
-X <value>%%mozilla%%</value>
-X </prop>
-X <prop oor:name="https" oor:type="xs:string">
-X <value/>
-X </prop>
-X <prop oor:name="mailto" oor:type="xs:string">
-X <value/>
-X </prop>
-X </node>
-mozilla=`which mozilla`;
-if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
- sed -i orig -e 's#%%mozilla%%#'$mozilla'#g' $OOHOME/tmp/Common.xcu
-mozilla=`which linux-mozilla`;
-if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
- sed -i orig -e 's#%%mozilla%%#'$mozilla'#g' $OOHOME/tmp/Common.xcu
-mv $OOHOME/tmp/Common.xcu $OOHOME/user/registry/data/org/openoffice/Office
-# Set default lang to en_US.ISO8859-15
-if [ ! $LANG ]; then
- export LANG=en_US.ISO8859-15
-# Create soffice.cfg if it does not exist.
-if [ ! -z $OOHOME ] && [ -e $OOHOME/setup ]; then
- if [ ! -e $OOHOME/user/config/soffice.cfg ]; then
- touch $OOHOME/user/config/soffice.cfg
- fi
-# Detect installed mozilla
-if [ ! -z $OOHOME ] && [ ! -e $OOHOME/user/registry/data/org/openoffice/Office/Common.xcu ]; then
- mkdir -p $OOHOME/tmp;
- save_common_xcu;
diff --git a/editors/openoffice.org-3/files/oo_setup.resp b/editors/openoffice.org-3/files/oo_setup.resp
deleted file mode 100644
index a85c68b65d8a..000000000000
--- a/editors/openoffice.org-3/files/oo_setup.resp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-InstallationMode = INSTALL_NETWORK
-InstallationType = STANDARD
-DestinationPath = %%PREFIX%%/OpenOffice.org%%FRELEASE_NR%%
-JavaSupport = preinstalled_or_none
diff --git a/editors/openoffice.org-3/files/openoffice-wrapper b/editors/openoffice.org-3/files/openoffice-wrapper
deleted file mode 100644
index dc5d6523297b..000000000000
--- a/editors/openoffice.org-3/files/openoffice-wrapper
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-# $FreeBSD: /tmp/pcvs/ports/editors/openoffice.org-3/files/Attic/openoffice-wrapper,v 1.12 2003-09-25 22:43:58 mbr Exp $
-program=`echo $0 | sed -e 's|.*-%%RELEASE_NR%%-||'`
-case $program in
- $oopath/soffice "$@"
- ;;
- *)
- $oopath/$program "$@"
- ;;
diff --git a/editors/openoffice.org-3/files/optpatch-freetype+patch b/editors/openoffice.org-3/files/optpatch-freetype+patch
deleted file mode 100644
index b426a8fb7fcc..000000000000
--- a/editors/openoffice.org-3/files/optpatch-freetype+patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,208 +0,0 @@
-Index: files/patch-freetype::patch
-RCS file: files/patch-freetype::patch
-diff -N files/patch-freetype::patch
---- /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
-+++ files/patch-freetype::patch 4 Aug 2002 15:27:42 -0000
-@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
-+diff -ur ../freetype/freetype-2.0.5.patch oo641d_patched/freetype/freetype-2.0.5.patch
-+--- ../freetype/freetype-2.0.5.patch Fri Apr 5 21:07:34 2002
-++++ ../freetype/freetype-2.0.5.patch Sat Mar 9 18:04:17 2002
-+@@ -1,118 +1,79 @@
-+-*** misc/freetype-2.0.5/builds/compiler/visualc.mk Thu Dec 14 00:44:33 2000
-+---- misc/build/freetype-2.0.5/builds/compiler/visualc.mk Wed Nov 7 16:11:47 2001
-+-*** 63,69 ****
-+- # ANSI compliance.
-+- #
-+- ifndef CFLAGS
-+-! CFLAGS := /nologo /c /Ox /G5 /W3 /WX
-+- endif
-+- # ANSIFLAGS: Put there the flags used to make your compiler ANSI-compliant.
-+---- 63,69 ----
-+- # ANSI compliance.
-+- #
-+- ifndef CFLAGS
-+-! CFLAGS := /nologo /c /Ox /G5 /W3 /WX /MT /Gd -D_CTYPE_DISABLE_MACROS
-+- endif
-+- # ANSIFLAGS: Put there the flags used to make your compiler ANSI-compliant.
-+-*** misc/freetype-2.0.5/builds/unix/ltmain.sh Thu Jun 7 19:36:17 2001
-+---- misc/build/freetype-2.0.5/builds/unix/ltmain.sh Wed Nov 7 16:11:47 2001
-+-*** 631,637 ****
-+- if test "$build_old_libs" = yes; then
-+- if test "$pic_mode" != yes; then
-+- # Don't build PIC code
-+-! command="$base_compile $srcfile"
-+- else
-+- # All platforms use -DPIC, to notify preprocessed assembler code.
-+- command="$base_compile $srcfile $pic_flag -DPIC"
-+---- 631,637 ----
-+- if test "$build_old_libs" = yes; then
-+- if test "$pic_mode" != yes; then
-+- # Don't build PIC code
-+-! command="$base_compile $srcfile -DPIC $pic_flag"
-+- else
-+- # All platforms use -DPIC, to notify preprocessed assembler code.
-+- command="$base_compile $srcfile $pic_flag -DPIC"
-+-*** misc/freetype-2.0.5/include/freetype/config/ftmodule.h Mon Jan 1 18:25:21 2001
-+---- misc/build/freetype-2.0.5/include/freetype/config/ftmodule.h Wed Nov 7 16:11:47 2001
-+-*** 1,7 ****
-+---- 1,9 ----
-+- FT_USE_MODULE(autohint_module_class)
-+- FT_USE_MODULE(cff_driver_class)
-+- FT_USE_MODULE(t1cid_driver_class)
-+-+ /*
-+- FT_USE_MODULE(pcf_driver_class)
-+-+ */
-+- FT_USE_MODULE(psaux_module_class)
-+- FT_USE_MODULE(psnames_module_class)
-+- FT_USE_MODULE(ft_raster1_renderer_class)
-+-*** 9,12 ****
-+---- 11,16 ----
-+- FT_USE_MODULE(ft_smooth_renderer_class)
-+- FT_USE_MODULE(tt_driver_class)
-+- FT_USE_MODULE(t1_driver_class)
-+-+ /*
-+- FT_USE_MODULE(winfnt_driver_class)
-+-+ */
-+-*** misc/freetype-2.0.5/include/freetype/config/ftoption.h Tue Aug 21 10:50:45 2001
-+---- misc/build/freetype-2.0.5/include/freetype/config/ftoption.h Wed Nov 7 16:11:47 2001
-+-*** 70,76 ****
-+---- 70,79 ----
-+- /* All convenience functions are declared as such in their */
-+- /* documentation. */
-+- /* */
-+-+ /*
-+-+ */
-+- /*************************************************************************/
-+-*** 108,116 ****
-+- /* use a vector `plotter' format that isn't supported when this */
-+- /* macro is undefined. */
-+- /* */
-+- /*************************************************************************/
-+- /* */
-+- /* Glyph Postscript Names handling */
-+---- 111,121 ----
-+- /* use a vector `plotter' format that isn't supported when this */
-+- /* macro is undefined. */
-+- /* */
-+-+ /*
-+-+ */
-+- /*************************************************************************/
-+- /* */
-+- /* Glyph Postscript Names handling */
-+-*** misc/build/freetype-2.0.5/builds/unix/ltmain.sh.orig Mon Jan 7 14:21:35 2002
-+---- misc/build/freetype-2.0.5/builds/unix/ltmain.sh Mon Jan 7 14:21:40 2002
-+-*** 2251,2257 ****
-+- ;;
-+- irix)
-+-! major=`expr $current - $age + 1`
-+- verstring="sgi$major.$revision"
-+- # Add in all the interfaces that we are compatible with.
-+---- 2251,2257 ----
-+- ;;
-+- irix)
-+-! major=`expr $current - $age`
-+- verstring="sgi$major.$revision"
-+- # Add in all the interfaces that we are compatible with.
-++diff -ur misc/freetype-2.0.5/builds/compiler/visualc.mk misc/build/freetype-2.0.5/builds/compiler/visualc.mk
-++--- misc/freetype-2.0.5/builds/compiler/visualc.mk Thu Dec 27 14:47:57 2001
-+++++ misc/build/freetype-2.0.5/builds/compiler/visualc.mk Thu Dec 27 14:49:17 2001
-++@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
-++ # ANSI compliance.
-++ #
-++ ifndef CFLAGS
-++- CFLAGS := /nologo /c /Ox /G5 /W3 /WX
-+++ CFLAGS := /nologo /c /Ox /G5 /W3 /WX /MT /Gd -D_CTYPE_DISABLE_MACROS
-++ endif
-++ # ANSIFLAGS: Put there the flags used to make your compiler ANSI-compliant.
-++diff -ur misc/freetype-2.0.5/builds/unix/ltmain.sh misc/build/freetype-2.0.5/builds/unix/ltmain.sh
-++--- misc/freetype-2.0.5/builds/unix/ltmain.sh Thu Dec 27 14:47:56 2001
-+++++ misc/build/freetype-2.0.5/builds/unix/ltmain.sh Thu Dec 27 14:49:17 2001
-++@@ -631,7 +631,7 @@
-++ if test "$build_old_libs" = yes; then
-++ if test "$pic_mode" != yes; then
-++ # Don't build PIC code
-++- command="$base_compile $srcfile"
-+++ command="$base_compile $srcfile -DPIC $pic_flag"
-++ else
-++ # All platforms use -DPIC, to notify preprocessed assembler code.
-++ command="$base_compile $srcfile $pic_flag -DPIC"
-++diff -ur misc/freetype-2.0.5/include/freetype/config/ftmodule.h misc/build/freetype-2.0.5/include/freetype/config/ftmodule.h
-++--- misc/freetype-2.0.5/include/freetype/config/ftmodule.h Thu Dec 27 14:47:57 2001
-+++++ misc/build/freetype-2.0.5/include/freetype/config/ftmodule.h Thu Dec 27 14:49:17 2001
-++@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
-++ FT_USE_MODULE(autohint_module_class)
-++ FT_USE_MODULE(cff_driver_class)
-++ FT_USE_MODULE(t1cid_driver_class)
-++ FT_USE_MODULE(pcf_driver_class)
-++ FT_USE_MODULE(psaux_module_class)
-++ FT_USE_MODULE(psnames_module_class)
-++ FT_USE_MODULE(ft_raster1_renderer_class)
-++@@ -9,4 +11,6 @@
-++ FT_USE_MODULE(ft_smooth_renderer_class)
-++ FT_USE_MODULE(tt_driver_class)
-++ FT_USE_MODULE(t1_driver_class)
-++ FT_USE_MODULE(winfnt_driver_class)
-++diff -ur misc/freetype-2.0.5/include/freetype/config/ftoption.h misc/build/freetype-2.0.5/include/freetype/config/ftoption.h
-++--- misc/freetype-2.0.5/include/freetype/config/ftoption.h Thu Dec 27 14:47:57 2001
-+++++ misc/build/freetype-2.0.5/include/freetype/config/ftoption.h Thu Dec 27 14:51:15 2001
-++@@ -70,7 +70,10 @@
-++ /* All convenience functions are declared as such in their */
-++ /* documentation. */
-++ /* */
-++ /*************************************************************************/
-++@@ -108,8 +111,10 @@
-++ /* use a vector `plotter' format that isn't supported when this */
-++ /* macro is undefined. */
-++ /* */
-++ /*************************************************************************/
-++ /* */
-++@@ -338,7 +343,7 @@
-++ /* By undefining this, you will only compile the code necessary to load */
-++ /* TrueType glyphs without hinting. */
-++ /* */
-++ /*************************************************************************/
diff --git a/editors/openoffice.org-3/files/optpatch-vcl+util+makefile.pmk b/editors/openoffice.org-3/files/optpatch-vcl+util+makefile.pmk
deleted file mode 100644
index 41341ff0b4e8..000000000000
--- a/editors/openoffice.org-3/files/optpatch-vcl+util+makefile.pmk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
---- ../vcl/util/makefile.pmk.orig Mon Aug 5 01:39:41 2002
-+++ ../vcl/util/makefile.pmk Mon Aug 5 01:40:03 2002
-@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
- PROJECTPCHSOURCE=$(PRJ)$/util$/vclpch
--.IF "$(OS)" != "MACOSX"
-+.IF "$(OS)" != "MACOSX" && "$(OS)" != "FREEBSD"
- .IF "$(remote)" != ""
diff --git a/editors/openoffice.org-3/files/patch-config_office+configure.in b/editors/openoffice.org-3/files/patch-config_office+configure.in
deleted file mode 100644
index 8bd6e0668f6b..000000000000
--- a/editors/openoffice.org-3/files/patch-config_office+configure.in
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-#i27028 and #i27028
-http://qa.openoffice.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=27021 (Xaw)
-http://qa.openoffice.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=27028 (ant)
---- ../config_office/configure.in.org Sat Mar 27 17:54:16 2004
-+++ ../config_office/configure.in Sun Mar 28 22:17:37 2004
-@@ -1478,7 +1478,7 @@
- elif test "$_os" != "WINNT" ; then
-- AC_CHECK_HEADERS(X11/Xaw/Label.h,[AC_MSG_RESULT([Ok])],[AC_MSG_ERROR([Xaw include headers not found])])
-+dnl AC_CHECK_HEADERS(X11/Xaw/Label.h,[AC_MSG_RESULT([Ok])],[AC_MSG_ERROR([Xaw include headers not found])])
- if test "x$x_includes" = "x"; then
- x_includes="/usr/include"
-@@ -1830,10 +1830,12 @@
- if test "$enable_java" != "no"; then
- ANT_HOME=; export ANT_HOME
- if test -z "$with_ant_home"; then
- AC_PATH_PROGS(ANT, [jakarta-ant ant ant.sh ant.bat])
- else
-- AC_PATH_PROGS(ANT, [jakarta-ant ant ant.sh ant.bat],,$with_ant_home/bin)
-+ AC_PATH_PROGS(ANT, [jakarta-ant ant ant.sh ant.bat],,$with_ant_home/bin:$PATH)
-+ WITH_ANT_HOME=$with_ant_home
- fi
-@@ -1873,7 +1875,11 @@
- AC_TRY_EVAL(ant_cmd)
- if test $? = 0 && test -f ./conftest.class ; then
- AC_MSG_RESULT([Ant works])
-- ANT_HOME=`echo $ANT | $SED -n "s/\/bin\/ant.*\$//p"`
-+ if test -z "$WITH_ANT_HOME"; then
-+ ANT_HOME=`echo $ANT | $SED -n "s/\/bin\/ant.*\$//p"`
-+ else
-+ fi
- else
- echo "configure: Ant test failed" >&5
- cat conftest.java >&5
-@@ -1885,6 +1891,7 @@
- rm -f conftest* core core.* *.core
- fi
- if test -z "$ANT_HOME"; then
- fi
diff --git a/editors/openoffice.org-3/files/patch-config_office+set_soenv.in b/editors/openoffice.org-3/files/patch-config_office+set_soenv.in
deleted file mode 100644
index dbb4c3506e1e..000000000000
--- a/editors/openoffice.org-3/files/patch-config_office+set_soenv.in
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
---- ../config_office/set_soenv.in.old Tue Mar 9 21:31:38 2004
-+++ ../config_office/set_soenv.in Sun Mar 28 09:56:03 2004
-@@ -1419,6 +1419,7 @@
- ToFile( "XSLTPROC", "@XSLTPROC@", "e" );
- ToFile( "ANT_HOME", "@ANT_HOME@", "e" );
- ToFile( "ANT_LIB", "@ANT_LIB@", "e" );
-+ToFile( "ANT", "@ANT@", "e" );
- ToFile( "JDKLIB", $JAVA_LIB, "e" );
- ToFile( "STLPORT4", $STLPORT4, "e" );
- ToFile( "ASM_PATH", $ASM_PATH, "e" );
diff --git a/editors/openoffice.org-3/files/patch-cppuhelper+source+gcc3_linux_intel.map b/editors/openoffice.org-3/files/patch-cppuhelper+source+gcc3_linux_intel.map
deleted file mode 100644
index cdb61b141eba..000000000000
--- a/editors/openoffice.org-3/files/patch-cppuhelper+source+gcc3_linux_intel.map
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-Mysterious :)
---- ../cppuhelper/source/gcc3_linux_intel.map.orig Sat Sep 13 22:15:22 2003
-+++ ../cppuhelper/source/gcc3_linux_intel.map Sat Sep 13 22:16:01 2003
-@@ -299,6 +299,7 @@
- _ZNK4cppu6UnoUrl11getProtocolEv;
- _ZNK4cppu6UnoUrl13getConnectionEv;
- _ZNK4cppu6UnoUrl13getObjectNameEv;
- local:
- *;
diff --git a/editors/openoffice.org-3/files/patch-hwpfilter+source+hwpreader.hxx b/editors/openoffice.org-3/files/patch-hwpfilter+source+hwpreader.hxx
deleted file mode 100644
index 8d65e6a3ee83..000000000000
--- a/editors/openoffice.org-3/files/patch-hwpfilter+source+hwpreader.hxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
---- ../hwpfilter/source/hwpreader.hxx~ Wed Oct 15 23:37:24 2003
-+++ ../hwpfilter/source/hwpreader.hxx Sun Mar 28 22:46:18 2004
-@@ -68,7 +68,9 @@
- #include <string.h>
- #ifdef WIN32
- #include <malloc.h>
-+#if !defined(FREEBSD)
- #include <alloca.h>
- #endif
diff --git a/editors/openoffice.org-3/files/patch-odk+setsdkenv_unix.in b/editors/openoffice.org-3/files/patch-odk+setsdkenv_unix.in
deleted file mode 100644
index e5551f883231..000000000000
--- a/editors/openoffice.org-3/files/patch-odk+setsdkenv_unix.in
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
---- ../odk/setsdkenv_unix.in Sun Jan 25 18:41:01 2004
-+++ ../odk/setsdkenv_unix.in Sun Jan 25 18:42:00 2004
-@@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
- # This script starts a new shell and sets all enviroment variables, which
- # are necessary for building the examples of the Office Development Kit.
--# The Script was developed for the operating systems Solaris and Linux.
-+# The script was developed for the operating systems Solaris, Linux, MacOS X
-+# and FreeBSD.
- # Installation directory of the Software Development Kit.
- # Example: OO_SDK_HOME=/work/StarOffice_SDK
-@@ -76,6 +77,13 @@
- ;;
-+ FreeBSD)
-+ directoryname=freebsd
-+ exampleout=FREEBSDexample.out
-+ ;;
- esac
- # Add directory of the SDK tools to the path.
diff --git a/editors/openoffice.org-3/files/patch-odk+settings+settings.mk b/editors/openoffice.org-3/files/patch-odk+settings+settings.mk
deleted file mode 100644
index 8c3942d12f16..000000000000
--- a/editors/openoffice.org-3/files/patch-odk+settings+settings.mk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
---- ../odk/settings/settings.mk Sun Jan 25 18:41:02 2004
-+++ ../odk/settings/settings.mk Sun Jan 25 18:45:09 2004
-@@ -368,3 +368,85 @@
- endif
-+ifeq "$(PLATFORM)" "FreeBSD"
-+# Settings for FreeBSD using gcc compiler
-+PROCTYPE := $(shell uname -m)
-+# Default is freebsd on a intel machine
-+MKDIR=mkdir -p
-+GCC_VERSION=$(shell $(CC) -dumpversion)
-+ifeq "$(shell echo $(GCC_VERSION) | cut -c 1)" "3"
-+QUOTE=$(subst S,\,S)
-+DEL=rm -f
-+# Include UDK version numbers
-+include $(PRJ)/include/udkversion.mk
-+# -O is necessary for inlining (see gcc documentation)
-+ifeq "$(DEBUG)" "yes"
-+CC_FLAGS=-c -g -fpic -DPIC -fno-rtti %%PTHREAD_CFLAGS%%
-+CC_FLAGS=-c -O -fpic -DPIC -fno-rtti %%PTHREAD_CFLAGS%%
-+SDK_JAVA_INCLUDES = -I$(OO_SDK_JAVA_HOME)/include -I$(OO_SDK_JAVA_HOME)/include/freebsd
-+CC_INCLUDES=-I. -I/usr/include -I$(OUT)/inc/examples -I$(PRJ)/include
-+# define for used compiler necessary for UNO
-+#-DCPPU_ENV=gcc2 -- gcc 2.91/2.95
-+#-DCPPU_ENV=gcc3 -- gcc3 3.0
-+LIBRARY_LINK_FLAGS=-shared '-Wl,-rpath,$$ORIGIN'
diff --git a/editors/openoffice.org-3/files/patch-setup2+mow+source+loader+makefile.mk b/editors/openoffice.org-3/files/patch-setup2+mow+source+loader+makefile.mk
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b25ff2635df..000000000000
--- a/editors/openoffice.org-3/files/patch-setup2+mow+source+loader+makefile.mk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-do not need -ldl
---- ../setup2/mow/source/loader/makefile.mk~ Tue Mar 9 21:04:35 2004
-+++ ../setup2/mow/source/loader/makefile.mk Mon Mar 29 11:10:50 2004
-@@ -92,7 +92,11 @@
- LINK=gcc
-+.IF "$(OS)"=="FREEBSD"
-+STDLIB= -lX11 -lc -lm
- STDLIB= -lX11 -ldl -lc -lm
-+.ENDIF # "$(OS)"=="FREEBSD"
- .ENDIF # "$(OS)$(COMID)"=="GCC"
- OBJFILES= $(OBJ)$/loader.obj
diff --git a/editors/openoffice.org-3/files/patch-sfx2+source+config+cfgmgr.cxx b/editors/openoffice.org-3/files/patch-sfx2+source+config+cfgmgr.cxx
deleted file mode 100644
index be38de290a51..000000000000
--- a/editors/openoffice.org-3/files/patch-sfx2+source+config+cfgmgr.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-Wired bug?
---- ../sfx2/source/config/cfgmgr.cxx.org Fri Nov 7 19:11:25 2003
-+++ ../sfx2/source/config/cfgmgr.cxx Fri Nov 7 19:30:26 2003
-@@ -118,6 +118,10 @@
- catch(com::sun::star::ucb::InteractiveAugmentedIOException&)
- {
- }
-+ // PJ: This is a workaround for weird error on FreeBSD (#i22253#)
-+ catch(com::sun::star::uno::Exception&)
-+ {
-+ }
- sal_Bool bIsDocument;
- if ( (aAny >>= bIsDocument) && bIsDocument )
- return new SotStorage( TRUE, rName, nMode, STORAGE_TRANSACTED );
diff --git a/editors/openoffice.org-3/files/patch-shell+source+unix+sysshell+recently_used_file_handler.cxx b/editors/openoffice.org-3/files/patch-shell+source+unix+sysshell+recently_used_file_handler.cxx
deleted file mode 100644
index 10c3f3c1f6e8..000000000000
--- a/editors/openoffice.org-3/files/patch-shell+source+unix+sysshell+recently_used_file_handler.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-For FreeBSD, time_t is defined as
-at /usr/include/machine/_types.h
-49th typedef int __int32_t;
-90th typedef __int32_t __time_t; /* time()... */
-/usr/include/pwd.h:typedef __time_t time_t;
-/usr/include/time.h:typedef __time_t time_t;
-/usr/include/timeconv.h:typedef __time_t time_t;
-/usr/include/utime.h:typedef __time_t time_t;
-so time_t is equal to 32 bit integer
-For LinuxPPC (Yellowdog 3.0.1)
---- ../shell/source/unix/sysshell/recently_used_file_handler.cxx.orig Tue Jan 13 00:56:37 2004
-+++ ../shell/source/unix/sysshell/recently_used_file_handler.cxx Tue Jan 13 00:57:26 2004
-@@ -188,9 +188,12 @@
- write_xml_start_tag(TAG_RECENT_ITEM, file, true);
- write_xml_tag(TAG_URI, uri_, file);
- write_xml_tag(TAG_MIME_TYPE, mime_type_, file);
-- rtl::OString ts = rtl::OString::valueOf(timestamp_);
-- write_xml_tag(TAG_TIMESTAMP, ts.getStr(), file);
-+#if defined FREEBSD
-+ rtl::OString ts = rtl::OString::valueOf((sal_Int32)timestamp_);
-+ rtl::OString ts = rtl::OString::valueOf(timestamp_);
-+ write_xml_tag(TAG_TIMESTAMP, ts.getStr(), file);
- if (is_private_)
- write_xml_tag(TAG_PRIVATE, file);
diff --git a/editors/openoffice.org-3/files/patch-solenv+inc+ant.mk b/editors/openoffice.org-3/files/patch-solenv+inc+ant.mk
deleted file mode 100644
index e050b85d41e9..000000000000
--- a/editors/openoffice.org-3/files/patch-solenv+inc+ant.mk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
---- ../solenv/inc/ant.mk~ Wed Feb 4 21:37:16 2004
-+++ ../solenv/inc/ant.mk Fri Apr 2 23:59:27 2004
-@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@
--ANT=$(WRAPCMD) java -classpath $(CLASSPATH) -Xmx128m org.apache.tools.ant.Main -Djava.home=$(JAVA_HOME) -Dant.home=$(ANT_HOME)
-+#ANT=$(WRAPCMD) java -classpath $(CLASSPATH) -Xmx128m org.apache.tools.ant.Main -Djava.home=$(JAVA_HOME) -Dant.home=$(ANT_HOME)
- #ANT=java -version
- .IF "$(ANT_BUILDFILE)"==""
diff --git a/editors/openoffice.org-3/files/patch-solenv+inc+settings.mk b/editors/openoffice.org-3/files/patch-solenv+inc+settings.mk
deleted file mode 100644
index f93ee2ad6bf2..000000000000
--- a/editors/openoffice.org-3/files/patch-solenv+inc+settings.mk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-We should set locale as UTF-8 when compiling
-but this was due to violation of OOo coding style
---- ../solenv/inc/settings.mk.old Tue Mar 9 21:19:28 2004
-+++ ../solenv/inc/settings.mk Mon Mar 29 13:23:31 2004
-@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@
- JAVAI=gij
- JAVACPS=--classpath
-+JAVAC=javac -encoding UTF-8
- JAVAI=java
- JAVACPS=-classpath
diff --git a/editors/openoffice.org-3/files/patch-vcl+source+gdi+outdev3.cxx b/editors/openoffice.org-3/files/patch-vcl+source+gdi+outdev3.cxx
deleted file mode 100644
index 22ef6f26f45f..000000000000
--- a/editors/openoffice.org-3/files/patch-vcl+source+gdi+outdev3.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-do not need <malloc.h> including stdlib.h is enough
---- ../vcl/source/gdi/outdev3.cxx.old Mon Mar 29 09:42:28 2004
-+++ ../vcl/source/gdi/outdev3.cxx Mon Mar 29 09:42:59 2004
-@@ -176,7 +176,7 @@
- #if defined(SOLARIS) || defined(IRIX)
- #include <alloca.h>
- #else
--#ifndef MACOSX
-+#if !(defined(MACOSX) || defined(FREEBSD))
- #include <malloc.h>
- #endif
- #endif
diff --git a/editors/openoffice.org-3/files/patch-vcl+source+gdi+sallayout.cxx b/editors/openoffice.org-3/files/patch-vcl+source+gdi+sallayout.cxx
deleted file mode 100644
index 5cbc59bf7db7..000000000000
--- a/editors/openoffice.org-3/files/patch-vcl+source+gdi+sallayout.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-malloc.h is deprecated
---- ../vcl/source/gdi/sallayout.cxx.org Mon Mar 29 10:02:17 2004
-+++ ../vcl/source/gdi/sallayout.cxx Mon Mar 29 10:02:43 2004
-@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
- #if defined(SOLARIS) || defined(IRIX)
- #include <alloca.h>
- #else
--#ifndef MACOSX
-+#if !(defined(MACOSX) || defined(FREEBSD))
- #include <malloc.h>
- #endif
- #endif
diff --git a/editors/openoffice.org-3/files/patch-vcl+source+glyphs+gcache_layout.cxx b/editors/openoffice.org-3/files/patch-vcl+source+glyphs+gcache_layout.cxx
deleted file mode 100644
index 53c7a909faf7..000000000000
--- a/editors/openoffice.org-3/files/patch-vcl+source+glyphs+gcache_layout.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-malloc.h is deprecated
---- ../vcl/source/glyphs/gcach_layout.cxx~ Tue Mar 9 21:15:32 2004
-+++ ../vcl/source/glyphs/gcach_layout.cxx Mon Mar 29 09:44:52 2004
-@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@
- #if defined(SOLARIS) || defined(IRIX)
- #include <alloca.h>
- #else
--#ifndef MACOSX
-+#if !(defined(MACOSX) || defined(FREEBSD))
- #include <malloc.h>
- #endif
- #endif
diff --git a/editors/openoffice.org-3/files/patch-vcl+unx+source+plugadapt+salmain.cxx b/editors/openoffice.org-3/files/patch-vcl+unx+source+plugadapt+salmain.cxx
deleted file mode 100644
index f5bd54364036..000000000000
--- a/editors/openoffice.org-3/files/patch-vcl+unx+source+plugadapt+salmain.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-include <sys/types.h>
-* $RCSfile: salmain.cxx,v $
-* $Revision: $
-* last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2004/01/09 18:14:00 $
-includes this patch
---- ../vcl/unx/source/plugadapt/salmain.cxx~ Mon Mar 29 09:50:50 2004
-+++ ../vcl/unx/source/plugadapt/salmain.cxx Mon Mar 29 10:08:28 2004
-@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
- *
- ************************************************************************/
--#ifdef MACOSX
-+#if defined(MACOSX) || defined(FREEBSD)
- // rlimit needs sys/types.h
- #include <sys/types.h>
- #include <sys/time.h>
diff --git a/editors/openoffice.org-3/files/patch-vcl+util+makefile.mk b/editors/openoffice.org-3/files/patch-vcl+util+makefile.mk
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d133486e032..000000000000
--- a/editors/openoffice.org-3/files/patch-vcl+util+makefile.mk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-FreeBSD doesn't require/need/have -ldl
---- ../vcl/util/makefile.mk~ Mon Mar 29 09:50:51 2004
-+++ ../vcl/util/makefile.mk Mon Mar 29 10:19:04 2004
-@@ -208,7 +208,9 @@
- .IF "$(GUI)"!="UNX"
- SHL1OBJS= $(SLO)$/salshl.obj
-+ .IF "$(OS)"!="FREEBSD"
-+ SHL1STDLIBS+=-ldl
- .IF "$(GUI)" != "MAC"
-@@ -351,8 +353,11 @@
- # libs for gtk plugin
- SHL4STDLIBS=`pkg-config --libs gtk+-2.0 gthread-2.0`
-+ .IF "$(OS)"!="FREEBSD"
-+ .ELSE
- # --- Allgemein ----------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/editors/openoffice.org-3/files/zipmoz.sh b/editors/openoffice.org-3/files/zipmoz.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index 43a4591f3430..000000000000
--- a/editors/openoffice.org-3/files/zipmoz.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
-#!/bin/sh -f
-RUNTIME_FILES=" components/libabsyncsvc.so components/libaddrbook.so \
- components/libmork.so components/libmozldap.so \
- components/libnecko.so components/libprofile.so \
- components/librdf.so components/libstrres.so \
- components/libunicharutil.so components/libuconv.so \
- components/libucvcn.so components/libucvibm.so \
- components/libucvja.so components/libucvko.so \
- components/libucvlatin.so components/libucvtw.so \
- components/libucvtw2.so components/liburiloader.so \
- components/libvcard.so components/libxpconnect.so \
- components/libpref.so components/libchrome.so libmozjs.so \
- libmsgbaseutil.so libldap50.so libnspr4.so libplc4.so \
- libplds4.so libxpcom.so libmozz.so component.reg \
- components/necko_dns.xpt components/xpcom_xpti.xpt \
- components/xpcom_threads.xpt components/xpcom_io.xpt \
- components/xpcom_ds.xpt components/xpcom_components.xpt \
- components/xpcom_base.xpt components/xpti.dat \
- defaults/pref/all.js defaults/pref/config.js \
- defaults/pref/editor.js defaults/pref/initpref.js \
- defaults/pref/inspector.js defaults/pref/mailnews.js \
- defaults/pref/security-prefs.js defaults/pref/unix.js \
- defaults/pref/xpinstall.js"
-LIB_FILES=" lib/libembed_base_s.a lib/libmozreg_s.a \
- lib/libnspr4.so lib/libxpcom.so lib/libprldap50.so"
-if [ $# -lt 2 -o $# -gt 3 ] ; then
- echo
- echo usage: $0 mozilla_dist target [target_dir]
- echo
- echo where:
- echo
- echo "mozilla_dist points to the mozilla distribution"
- echo "target concatenates OS, compiler and CPU (e.g. FREEBSDGCCI etc)"
- echo "target_dir is the directory to place the zips"
- exit 1
-if [ "w$3" != "w" ]; then
- if [ "w$TARGET_DIR" == "w" ]; then
- fi
-if [ -z "$ZIP_TARGET" ] ; then
-# just to remember the current working directory
-echo --- creating zips for $TARGET, using mozilla distribution in $MOZ_DIST
-# Create the directories
-[ ! -d $TARGET_DIR/$TARGET/runtime ] && mkdir -p $TARGET_DIR/$TARGET/runtime
-[ ! -d $TARGET_DIR/$TARGET/runtime/components ] && mkdir -p $TARGET_DIR/$TARGET/runtime/components
-[ ! -d $TARGET_DIR/$TARGET/runtime/defaults ] && mkdir -p $TARGET_DIR/$TARGET/runtime/defaults
-[ ! -d $TARGET_DIR/$TARGET/runtime/defaults/pref ] && mkdir -p $TARGET_DIR/$TARGET/runtime/defaults/pref
-[ ! -d $TARGET_DIR/$TARGET/lib ] && mkdir -p $TARGET_DIR/$TARGET/lib
-[ ! -d $TARGET_DIR/$TARGET/inc ] && mkdir -p $TARGET_DIR/$TARGET/inc
-[ ! -d $TARGET_DIR/$TARGET/inc/nspr ] && mkdir -p $TARGET_DIR/$TARGET/inc/nspr
-[ ! -d $TARGET_DIR/$TARGET/inc/obsolete ] && mkdir -p $TARGET_DIR/$TARGET/inc/obsolete
-# Copy the files
-echo --- copying files
-for i in $RUNTIME_FILES; do
- if [ ! -f $MOZ_DIST/bin/$i ]; then
- echo $MOZ_DIST/bin/$i does not exist, check your distribution
- else
- if [ `echo $i | grep component` ]; then
- cp $MOZ_DIST/bin/$i $TARGET_DIR/$TARGET/runtime/components/
- elif [ `echo $i | grep defaults` ]; then
- cp $MOZ_DIST/bin/$i $TARGET_DIR/$TARGET/runtime/defaults/pref/
- else
- cp $MOZ_DIST/bin/$i $TARGET_DIR/$TARGET/runtime/
- fi
- fi
-for i in $LIB_FILES; do
- if [ ! -f $MOZ_DIST/$i ]; then
- echo $MOZ_DIST/$i does not exist, check your distribution
- else
- cp -R -L $MOZ_DIST/$i $TARGET_DIR/$TARGET/lib/
- fi
-for i in `ls -1 $MOZ_DIST/$INC_FILES`; do
- if [ ! -d $i ]; then
- cp -R -L $MOZ_DIST/include/$i $TARGET_DIR/$TARGET/inc/
- fi
-for i in `ls -1 $MOZ_DIST/$INC_FILES2`; do
- if [ ! -d $i ]; then
- cp -R -L $MOZ_DIST/public/$i $TARGET_DIR/$TARGET/inc
- fi
-for i in `ls -1 $MOZ_DIST/$INC_FILES/nspr`; do
- if [ ! -d $i ]; then
- cp -R -L $MOZ_DIST/include/nspr/$i $TARGET_DIR/$TARGET/inc/nspr
- fi
-for i in `ls -1 $MOZ_DIST/$INC_FILES/nspr/obsolete`; do
- if [ ! -d $i ]; then
- cp -R -L $MOZ_DIST/include/nspr/obsolete/$i $TARGET_DIR/$TARGET/inc/obsolete
- fi
-# delete old zips
-[ -f $TARGET_DIR/$TARGET/runtime.zip ] && rm -f $TARGET_DIR/$TARGET/runtime.zip
-[ -f $TARGET_DIR/$TARGET/lib.zip ] && rm -f $TARGET_DIR/$TARGET/lib.zip
-[ -f $TARGET_DIR/$TARGET/inc.zip ] && rm -f $TARGET_DIR/$TARGET/inc.zip
-# zip the runtime files
-echo --- creating ${TARGET}runtime.zip
-cd $TARGET_DIR/$TARGET/runtime
-find . -type f | zip $ZIP_TARGET/${TARGET}runtime.zip -@
-# zip the lib files
-echo --- creating ${TARGET}lib.zip
-find . -type f | zip $ZIP_TARGET/${TARGET}lib.zip -@
-# zip the inc files
-echo --- creating ${TARGET}inc.zip
-find . -type f | zip $ZIP_TARGET/${TARGET}inc.zip -@
-# remove dirs
-echo --- done
diff --git a/editors/openoffice.org-3/pkg-descr b/editors/openoffice.org-3/pkg-descr
deleted file mode 100644
index 31fd1b12161a..000000000000
--- a/editors/openoffice.org-3/pkg-descr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-OpenOffice.org is an Open Source, community-developed, multi-platform office
-productivity suite. It includes the key desktop applications, such as a
-word processor, spreadsheet, presentation manager, and drawing program,
-with a user interface and feature set similar to other office suites.
-Components include:
- * A universal word processing application for creating business
- letters, extensive text documents, professional layouts, and HTML
- documents.
- * A sophisticated application for performing advanced spreadsheet
- functions, such as analyzing figures, creating lists, and viewing data.
- * A tool for creating effective eye-catching presentations.
- * A vector-oriented draw module that enables the creation of 3D
- illustrations
diff --git a/editors/openoffice.org-3/pkg-message b/editors/openoffice.org-3/pkg-message
deleted file mode 100644
index c0b82e62b38f..000000000000
--- a/editors/openoffice.org-3/pkg-message
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-OpenOffice.org Build 1.1.0 Personal Install How-To
-Written by: Martin Blapp <mbr@freebsd.org>
-OpenOffice.org 1.1Beta will soon been installed in
-1 User installation
-Just type "openoffice" after you have successfully
-installed the package. If there is no installed
-OO.org dir in hour homedir, you'll be prompted to
-install some files and choose a installed JDK.
-The setup installs a "OpenOffice.org1.1.0" folder
-in your homedir.
-If the setup tells you there is already an installed
-version, you may look at the file ".sversionrc" in
-your homedir. In this file OpenOffice and StarOffice
-have both a line for each version which is installed.
-After removing the problematic line you should be able to
-install again.
-2 Start OO.org
-There are some wrappers installed for fast startup.
-Add "${PREFIX}/bin/" to your PATH and you will be able
-to use them.
-OO.org does need $LANG to be set to a suitable value.
-If it is not already set, a default value is chosen.
-Some old X-Servers before XFree86 4.2 do not like the
-western locale with Euro symbol (ISO_8859-15).
-You should ignore the warning message then or upgrade to
-to a more recent X-server.
-If you have chosen US-ASCII as locale, you cannot load
-and save documents with special characters and these
-characters are also not available in swriter and scalc.
-3 Setup problems (FreeBSD < 4.7-RELEASE only)
-If the setup complains about a missing file "setup.ins",
-it's time to upgrade your FreeBSD system to the latest
-version. You will encounter this bug only if your OS is
-older than FreeBSD 4.7-RELEASE.
-4 Crashes in URL-location bar (FreeBSD < 4.7-RELEASE only)
-OO.org can crash if you enter a non existing path
-or URL in the location bar. To fix these crashes
-you need the following patch. You will see this
-bug only if your OS is older than FreeBSD 4.7-RELEASE.
-5 Crash at startup after using a localized version
-If you had installed the english version, and then have
-switched to a localized OO.org, it will crash instantly.
-To solve this issue, please remove the already installed
-OpenOffice.org1.1Beta dir in your homedir and remove the
-appropriate entry from ".sversionrc". After you have done
-this, redo the user installation and the problem will
-go away.
diff --git a/editors/openoffice.org-3/pkg-plist b/editors/openoffice.org-3/pkg-plist
deleted file mode 100644
index 28bd78453b52..000000000000
--- a/editors/openoffice.org-3/pkg-plist
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-# Dummy file, do not delete. Package list is generated automatically.