path: root/www/zope213/files
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'www/zope213/files')
11 files changed, 0 insertions, 373 deletions
diff --git a/www/zope213/files/Products_00readme-freebsd.txt b/www/zope213/files/Products_00readme-freebsd.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 2eaab03ee0fb..000000000000
--- a/www/zope213/files/Products_00readme-freebsd.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-This directory is used for install Zope products via ports/package.
-All products in here are enabled on all Zope instances.
diff --git a/www/zope213/files/instance_message.in b/www/zope213/files/instance_message.in
deleted file mode 100644
index c8dd5c3afbca..000000000000
--- a/www/zope213/files/instance_message.in
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-Zope instance successfully installed
-If Zope should get started automatically when the system starts,
-please add the following lines to /etc/rc.conf
-If there is already a zope210_instances entry please add
-%%ZOPEINSTANCEDIR%% separated by a space.
-Don`t forget to create %%ZOPEINSTANCEDIR%%/etc/zope.conf before
-starting the zope server
diff --git a/www/zope213/files/package-pkg-message.in b/www/zope213/files/package-pkg-message.in
deleted file mode 100644
index 70b65a832188..000000000000
--- a/www/zope213/files/package-pkg-message.in
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-Zope Successfull installed.
-To create an instance of Zope please run
-%%ZOPEBASEDIR%%/bin/mkzopeinstance.py -d <INSTANCEDIR>
-<INSTANCEDIR> is the directory where the instance files should
- be installed. This can be %%ZOPEBASEDIR%%
-Command-line options to 'mkzopeinstance' are available, and can be
-investigated by running 'mkzopeinstance.py --help'.
-The Instancefiles created by mkzopeinstance.py will not be remove
-when the package is deinstalled. You`ll have to delete them yourself.
-If Zope should get started automatically when the system starts,
-please add the following lines to /etc/rc.conf
-Additional zope Instances have to be added to zope210_instances
-seperated by a space.
-** ZEO Instances ** (Optional)
-** Please refere to http://zope.org/Products/ZEO/ZEOFactSheet
-If you want to run a ZEO server please create a ZEO instancen by
-calling %%ZOPEBASEDIR%%/bin/mkzopeinstance.py <ZEODIR>
-To start the ZEO Server at System startup add the following lines to
-Additional zeo Instances have to be added to zeo210_instances seperated
-by a space.
-The default installation directory for Zope Products has changed from
-to %%ZOPEBASEDIR%%/Products.
-You might have to add the following lines to your zope.conf
-products %%ZOPEBASEDIR%%/Products
-products $INSTANCE/Products
diff --git a/www/zope213/files/patch-lib-python-Products-SiteAccess b/www/zope213/files/patch-lib-python-Products-SiteAccess
deleted file mode 100644
index 2cee7ce5a3f0..000000000000
--- a/www/zope213/files/patch-lib-python-Products-SiteAccess
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
---- lib/python/Products/SiteAccess/tests/testVirtualHostMonster.py.orig Sat Jan 7 21:07:42 2006
-+++ lib/python/Products/SiteAccess/tests/testVirtualHostMonster.py Sun Jan 15 13:39:37 2006
-@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
- from Testing.makerequest import makerequest
-+from __future__ import generators
- import Zope2
- Zope2.startup()
diff --git a/www/zope213/files/patch-lib-python-RestrictedPython b/www/zope213/files/patch-lib-python-RestrictedPython
deleted file mode 100644
index dacf354759a4..000000000000
--- a/www/zope213/files/patch-lib-python-RestrictedPython
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
---- lib/python/RestrictedPython/tests/verify.py.orig Sat Jan 7 21:07:51 2006
-+++ lib/python/RestrictedPython/tests/verify.py Sun Jan 15 13:43:23 2006
-@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
- function.
- """
-+from __future__ import generators
- import dis
- import types
diff --git a/www/zope213/files/patch-lib-python-zope-structuredtext b/www/zope213/files/patch-lib-python-zope-structuredtext
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ab065bf490b..000000000000
--- a/www/zope213/files/patch-lib-python-zope-structuredtext
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
---- lib/python/zope/structuredtext/document.py.orig Thu Nov 23 16:54:41 2006
-+++ lib/python/zope/structuredtext/document.py Thu Nov 23 17:14:20 2006
-@@ -556,7 +556,7 @@
- def doc_literal(
- self, s,
-- expr = re.compile(r"(\W+|^)'([%s%s%s\s]+)'([%s]+|$)" % (letters, digits, literal_punc, phrase_delimiters)).search,):
-+ expr = re.compile(r"(\W+|^)'((?:\w|[%s%s\s])+)'([%s]+|$)" % (digits, literal_punc, phrase_delimiters), re.U).search,):
- r = expr(s)
- if r:
- start, end = r.span(2)
-@@ -564,7 +564,8 @@
- def doc_emphasize(
- self, s,
-- expr = re.compile(r'\*([%s%s%s\s]+?)\*' % (letters, digits, strongem_punc)).search
-+ # i18nal variant
-+ expr = re.compile(r'\*((?:\w|[%s\s])+?)\*' % (strongem_punc), re.U).search
- ):
- r=expr(s)
-@@ -605,7 +606,7 @@
- def doc_underline(self,
- s,
-- expr=re.compile(r'_([%s%s%s\s]+)_([\s%s]|$)' % (letters, digits, under_punc,phrase_delimiters)).search):
-+ expr=re.compile(r'_((?:\w|[%s\s])+)_([\s%s]|$)' % (under_punc,phrase_delimiters), re.U).search):
- result = expr(s)
- if result:
-@@ -617,7 +618,7 @@
- def doc_strong(self,
- s,
-- expr = re.compile(r'\*\*([%s%s%s\s]+?)\*\*' % (letters, digits, strongem_punc)).search
-+ expr = re.compile(r'\*\*((?:\w|[%s%s\s])+?)\*\*' % (digits, strongem_punc), re.U).search
- #expr = re.compile(r'\s*\*\*([ \n\r%s0-9.:/;,\'\"\?\-\_\/\=\-\>\<\(\)]+)\*\*(?!\*|-)' % letters).search, # old expr, inconsistent punc, failed to cross newlines.
- ):
-@@ -627,19 +628,19 @@
- return (stng.StructuredTextStrong(s[start:end]), start-2, end+2)
- ## Some constants to make the doc_href() regex easier to read.
-- _DQUOTEDTEXT = r'("[ %s0-9\n\r%s]+")' % (letters,dbl_quoted_punc) ## double quoted text
-+ _DQUOTEDTEXT = r'("[^"]+")' ## double quoted text
- _ABSOLUTE_URL=r'((http|https|ftp|mailto|file|about)[:/]+?[%s0-9_\@\.\,\?\!\/\:\;\-\#\~\=\&\%%\+]+)' % letters
- _ABS_AND_RELATIVE_URL=r'([%s0-9_\@\.\,\?\!\/\:\;\-\#\~\=\&\%%\+]+)' % letters
- _SPACES = r'(\s*)'
- def doc_href1(self, s,
-- expr=re.compile(_DQUOTEDTEXT + "(:)" + _ABS_AND_RELATIVE_URL + _SPACES).search
-+ expr=re.compile(_DQUOTEDTEXT + "(:)" + _ABS_AND_RELATIVE_URL + _SPACES, re.U).search
- ):
- return self.doc_href(s, expr)
- def doc_href2(self, s,
-- expr=re.compile(_DQUOTEDTEXT + r'(\,\s+)' + _ABSOLUTE_URL + _SPACES).search
-+ expr=re.compile(_DQUOTEDTEXT + r'(\,\s+)' + _ABSOLUTE_URL + _SPACES, re.U).search
- ):
- return self.doc_href(s, expr)
-@@ -693,7 +694,7 @@
- def doc_img(
- self, s,
-- expr1=re.compile('\"([ _a-zA-Z0-9*.:/;,\[\]\'\-\n\~]+)\":img:([a-zA-Z0-9%\_\-.:/\?=;,\n\~]+)').search,
-+ expr1=re.compile('\"((?:\w|[ *.:/;,\-\n\~])+)\":img:([a-zA-Z0-9\_\-.:/;,\n\~]+)', re.U).search,
- ):
- r=expr1(s)
---- lib/python/zope/structuredtext/stng.py.orig Thu Nov 23 17:00:38 2006
-+++ lib/python/zope/structuredtext/stng.py Thu Nov 23 17:02:45 2006
-@@ -105,6 +105,9 @@
- [paragraph,[sub-paragraphs]]
- """
-+ if type(paragraphs) == type(''):
-+ paragraphs = unicode(paragraphs, 'utf-8')
- currentlevel = 0
- currentindent = 0
- levels = {0:0}
diff --git a/www/zope213/files/pkg-message.in b/www/zope213/files/pkg-message.in
deleted file mode 100644
index 656c606114b6..000000000000
--- a/www/zope213/files/pkg-message.in
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-Zope Successfull installed.
-To create an instance of Zope please run
-make instance
-You can set the following Variables in /etc/make.conf
-ZOPEINSTANCEBASE Directory where Zope instance should go
- (default: %%ZOPEBASEDIR%%)
-ZOPEINSTANCENAME Default name for a new Zope instance
- (default: none)
-If you want have multiple Zope you should run
-make instance INSTANCENAME=<somename>
-The Instancefiles created by make instance will not be remove when the
-port is deinstalled. You'll have to delete them yourself.
-** ZEO Instances ** (Optional)
-** Please refere to http://zope.org/Products/ZEO/ZEOFactSheet
-To create a ZEO instance please run
-make zeo [INSTANCENAME=<somename>]
-The default installation directory for Zope Products has changed from
-to %%ZOPEBASEDIR%%/Products.
-You might have to add the following lines to your zope.conf
-products %%ZOPEBASEDIR%%/Products
-products $INSTANCE/Products
diff --git a/www/zope213/files/zeo210.in b/www/zope213/files/zeo210.in
deleted file mode 100644
index aeed161ba7a3..000000000000
--- a/www/zope213/files/zeo210.in
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-# Startup script for Zeo server.
-# $FreeBSD$
-# PROVIDE: zeo210
-# BEFORE: zope210
-# Define these zeo210_* variables in one of these files:
-# /etc/rc.conf
-# /etc/rc.conf.local
-# /etc/rc.conf.d/zeo210
-# zeo210_enable : bool
-# Enable Zeo ("YES") or not ("NO", the default).
-# zeo210_instances : list
-# List of dirs with Zeo's instances ("" by default).
-. %%RC_SUBR%%
-zeo210ctl () {
- for instance in $zeo210_instances; do
- if [ -d ${instance} ]; then
- echo -n " Zeo instance ${instance} -> "
- ${instance}/bin/zeoctl "$1"
- fi
- done
-zeo210_start () {
- echo "Starting Zeo 2.10:"
- zeo210ctl "start"
-zeo210_stop () {
- echo "Stopping Zeo 2.10:"
- zeo210ctl "stop"
-zeo210_restart () {
- echo "Restarting Zeo 2.10:"
- zeo210ctl "restart"
- start_cmd="zeo210_start"
- stop_cmd="zeo210_stop"
-load_rc_config $name
-: ${zeo210_enable="NO"}
-: ${zeo210_instances=""}
-[ $# -gt 0 ] && shift
-[ -n "$*" ] && zeo210_instances="$*"
-run_rc_command "${cmd}"
diff --git a/www/zope213/files/zeo_message.in b/www/zope213/files/zeo_message.in
deleted file mode 100644
index 3ce5c0810955..000000000000
--- a/www/zope213/files/zeo_message.in
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-ZEO instance successfully installed
-If Zope should get started automatically when the system starts,
-please add the following lines to /etc/rc.conf
-If there is already a zeo210_instances entry please add
-%%ZOPEINSTANCEDIR%% separated by a space.
-Don`t forget to edit %%ZOPEINSTANCEDIR%%/etc/zeo.conf before starting
-the zeo server
diff --git a/www/zope213/files/zope.conf_changes b/www/zope213/files/zope.conf_changes
deleted file mode 100644
index ba227775266c..000000000000
--- a/www/zope213/files/zope.conf_changes
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
---- work/Zope-2.7.0/skel/etc/zope.conf.in Fri Jan 9 00:34:08 2004
-+++ /data/infosys/zope/etc/zope.conf Wed Apr 14 09:36:46 2004
-@@ -78,7 +78,8 @@
- #
- # Example:
- #
--# products /home/chrism/projects/myproducts
-+products %%ZOPEBASEDIR%%/Products
-+products $INSTANCE/Products
- # Directive: environment
-@@ -137,6 +138,7 @@
- # Example:
- #
- # effective-user chrism
-+effective-user %%ZOPE_USER%%
- # Directive: enable-product-installation
diff --git a/www/zope213/files/zope210.in b/www/zope213/files/zope210.in
deleted file mode 100644
index daba77525c7e..000000000000
--- a/www/zope213/files/zope210.in
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-# Startup script for Zope server.
-# $FreeBSD$
-# PROVIDE: zope210
-# Define these zope210_* variables in one of these files:
-# /etc/rc.conf
-# /etc/rc.conf.local
-# /etc/rc.conf.d/zope210
-# zope210_enable : bool
-# Enable Zope ("YES") or not ("NO", the default).
-# zope210_instances : list
-# List of dirs with Zope's instances ("" by default).
-. %%RC_SUBR%%
-zope210ctl () {
- for instance in $zope210_instances; do
- if [ -d ${instance} ]; then
- echo -n " Zope instance ${instance} -> "
- ${instance}/bin/zopectl "$1"
- fi
- done
-zope210_start () {
- echo "Starting Zope 2.10:"
- zope210ctl "start"
-zope210_stop () {
- echo "Stopping Zope 2.10:"
- zope210ctl "stop"
-zope210_restart () {
- echo "Restarting Zope 2.10:"
- zope210ctl "restart"
- start_cmd="zope210_start"
- stop_cmd="zope210_stop"
-load_rc_config $name
-: ${zope210_enable="NO"}
-: ${zope210_instances=""}
-[ $# -gt 0 ] && shift
-[ -n "$*" ] && zope210_instances="$*"
-run_rc_command "${cmd}"