path: root/contrib/llvm-project/llvm/lib/Transforms/IPO/LowerTypeTests.cpp
blob: d5f1d291f41f188878162f57bd0aac26b687c47a (plain) (tree)



























































































































































































































































































































































































//===- LowerTypeTests.cpp - type metadata lowering pass -------------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// This pass lowers type metadata and calls to the llvm.type.test intrinsic.
// It also ensures that globals are properly laid out for the
// llvm.icall.branch.funnel intrinsic.
// See http://llvm.org/docs/TypeMetadata.html for more information.

#include "llvm/Transforms/IPO/LowerTypeTests.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/APInt.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/EquivalenceClasses.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/PointerUnion.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SetVector.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Statistic.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/TinyPtrVector.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Triple.h"
#include "llvm/Analysis/TypeMetadataUtils.h"
#include "llvm/Analysis/ValueTracking.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Attributes.h"
#include "llvm/IR/BasicBlock.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Constant.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Constants.h"
#include "llvm/IR/DataLayout.h"
#include "llvm/IR/DerivedTypes.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Function.h"
#include "llvm/IR/GlobalAlias.h"
#include "llvm/IR/GlobalObject.h"
#include "llvm/IR/GlobalValue.h"
#include "llvm/IR/GlobalVariable.h"
#include "llvm/IR/IRBuilder.h"
#include "llvm/IR/InlineAsm.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Instruction.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Instructions.h"
#include "llvm/IR/IntrinsicInst.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Intrinsics.h"
#include "llvm/IR/LLVMContext.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Metadata.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Module.h"
#include "llvm/IR/ModuleSummaryIndex.h"
#include "llvm/IR/ModuleSummaryIndexYAML.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Operator.h"
#include "llvm/IR/PassManager.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Type.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Use.h"
#include "llvm/IR/User.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Value.h"
#include "llvm/InitializePasses.h"
#include "llvm/Pass.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Allocator.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Casting.h"
#include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Error.h"
#include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
#include "llvm/Support/FileSystem.h"
#include "llvm/Support/MathExtras.h"
#include "llvm/Support/MemoryBuffer.h"
#include "llvm/Support/TrailingObjects.h"
#include "llvm/Support/YAMLTraits.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
#include "llvm/Transforms/IPO.h"
#include "llvm/Transforms/Utils/BasicBlockUtils.h"
#include "llvm/Transforms/Utils/ModuleUtils.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdint>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <system_error>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>

using namespace llvm;
using namespace lowertypetests;

#define DEBUG_TYPE "lowertypetests"

STATISTIC(ByteArraySizeBits, "Byte array size in bits");
STATISTIC(ByteArraySizeBytes, "Byte array size in bytes");
STATISTIC(NumByteArraysCreated, "Number of byte arrays created");
STATISTIC(NumTypeTestCallsLowered, "Number of type test calls lowered");
STATISTIC(NumTypeIdDisjointSets, "Number of disjoint sets of type identifiers");

static cl::opt<bool> AvoidReuse(
    cl::desc("Try to avoid reuse of byte array addresses using aliases"),
    cl::Hidden, cl::init(true));

static cl::opt<PassSummaryAction> ClSummaryAction(
    cl::desc("What to do with the summary when running this pass"),
    cl::values(clEnumValN(PassSummaryAction::None, "none", "Do nothing"),
               clEnumValN(PassSummaryAction::Import, "import",
                          "Import typeid resolutions from summary and globals"),
               clEnumValN(PassSummaryAction::Export, "export",
                          "Export typeid resolutions to summary and globals")),

static cl::opt<std::string> ClReadSummary(
    cl::desc("Read summary from given YAML file before running pass"),

static cl::opt<std::string> ClWriteSummary(
    cl::desc("Write summary to given YAML file after running pass"),

static cl::opt<bool>
                    cl::desc("Simply drop type test assume sequences"),
                    cl::Hidden, cl::init(false));

bool BitSetInfo::containsGlobalOffset(uint64_t Offset) const {
  if (Offset < ByteOffset)
    return false;

  if ((Offset - ByteOffset) % (uint64_t(1) << AlignLog2) != 0)
    return false;

  uint64_t BitOffset = (Offset - ByteOffset) >> AlignLog2;
  if (BitOffset >= BitSize)
    return false;

  return Bits.count(BitOffset);

void BitSetInfo::print(raw_ostream &OS) const {
  OS << "offset " << ByteOffset << " size " << BitSize << " align "
     << (1 << AlignLog2);

  if (isAllOnes()) {
    OS << " all-ones\n";

  OS << " { ";
  for (uint64_t B : Bits)
    OS << B << ' ';
  OS << "}\n";

BitSetInfo BitSetBuilder::build() {
  if (Min > Max)
    Min = 0;

  // Normalize each offset against the minimum observed offset, and compute
  // the bitwise OR of each of the offsets. The number of trailing zeros
  // in the mask gives us the log2 of the alignment of all offsets, which
  // allows us to compress the bitset by only storing one bit per aligned
  // address.
  uint64_t Mask = 0;
  for (uint64_t &Offset : Offsets) {
    Offset -= Min;
    Mask |= Offset;

  BitSetInfo BSI;
  BSI.ByteOffset = Min;

  BSI.AlignLog2 = 0;
  if (Mask != 0)
    BSI.AlignLog2 = countTrailingZeros(Mask, ZB_Undefined);

  // Build the compressed bitset while normalizing the offsets against the
  // computed alignment.
  BSI.BitSize = ((Max - Min) >> BSI.AlignLog2) + 1;
  for (uint64_t Offset : Offsets) {
    Offset >>= BSI.AlignLog2;

  return BSI;

void GlobalLayoutBuilder::addFragment(const std::set<uint64_t> &F) {
  // Create a new fragment to hold the layout for F.
  std::vector<uint64_t> &Fragment = Fragments.back();
  uint64_t FragmentIndex = Fragments.size() - 1;

  for (auto ObjIndex : F) {
    uint64_t OldFragmentIndex = FragmentMap[ObjIndex];
    if (OldFragmentIndex == 0) {
      // We haven't seen this object index before, so just add it to the current
      // fragment.
    } else {
      // This index belongs to an existing fragment. Copy the elements of the
      // old fragment into this one and clear the old fragment. We don't update
      // the fragment map just yet, this ensures that any further references to
      // indices from the old fragment in this fragment do not insert any more
      // indices.
      std::vector<uint64_t> &OldFragment = Fragments[OldFragmentIndex];
      llvm::append_range(Fragment, OldFragment);

  // Update the fragment map to point our object indices to this fragment.
  for (uint64_t ObjIndex : Fragment)
    FragmentMap[ObjIndex] = FragmentIndex;

void ByteArrayBuilder::allocate(const std::set<uint64_t> &Bits,
                                uint64_t BitSize, uint64_t &AllocByteOffset,
                                uint8_t &AllocMask) {
  // Find the smallest current allocation.
  unsigned Bit = 0;
  for (unsigned I = 1; I != BitsPerByte; ++I)
    if (BitAllocs[I] < BitAllocs[Bit])
      Bit = I;

  AllocByteOffset = BitAllocs[Bit];

  // Add our size to it.
  unsigned ReqSize = AllocByteOffset + BitSize;
  BitAllocs[Bit] = ReqSize;
  if (Bytes.size() < ReqSize)

  // Set our bits.
  AllocMask = 1 << Bit;
  for (uint64_t B : Bits)
    Bytes[AllocByteOffset + B] |= AllocMask;

bool lowertypetests::isJumpTableCanonical(Function *F) {
  if (F->isDeclarationForLinker())
    return false;
  auto *CI = mdconst::extract_or_null<ConstantInt>(
      F->getParent()->getModuleFlag("CFI Canonical Jump Tables"));
  if (!CI || CI->getZExtValue() != 0)
    return true;
  return F->hasFnAttribute("cfi-canonical-jump-table");

namespace {

struct ByteArrayInfo {
  std::set<uint64_t> Bits;
  uint64_t BitSize;
  GlobalVariable *ByteArray;
  GlobalVariable *MaskGlobal;
  uint8_t *MaskPtr = nullptr;

/// A POD-like structure that we use to store a global reference together with
/// its metadata types. In this pass we frequently need to query the set of
/// metadata types referenced by a global, which at the IR level is an expensive
/// operation involving a map lookup; this data structure helps to reduce the
/// number of times we need to do this lookup.
class GlobalTypeMember final : TrailingObjects<GlobalTypeMember, MDNode *> {
  friend TrailingObjects;

  GlobalObject *GO;
  size_t NTypes;

  // For functions: true if the jump table is canonical. This essentially means
  // whether the canonical address (i.e. the symbol table entry) of the function
  // is provided by the local jump table. This is normally the same as whether
  // the function is defined locally, but if canonical jump tables are disabled
  // by the user then the jump table never provides a canonical definition.
  bool IsJumpTableCanonical;

  // For functions: true if this function is either defined or used in a thinlto
  // module and its jumptable entry needs to be exported to thinlto backends.
  bool IsExported;

  size_t numTrailingObjects(OverloadToken<MDNode *>) const { return NTypes; }

  static GlobalTypeMember *create(BumpPtrAllocator &Alloc, GlobalObject *GO,
                                  bool IsJumpTableCanonical, bool IsExported,
                                  ArrayRef<MDNode *> Types) {
    auto *GTM = static_cast<GlobalTypeMember *>(Alloc.Allocate(
        totalSizeToAlloc<MDNode *>(Types.size()), alignof(GlobalTypeMember)));
    GTM->GO = GO;
    GTM->NTypes = Types.size();
    GTM->IsJumpTableCanonical = IsJumpTableCanonical;
    GTM->IsExported = IsExported;
    std::uninitialized_copy(Types.begin(), Types.end(),
                            GTM->getTrailingObjects<MDNode *>());
    return GTM;

  GlobalObject *getGlobal() const {
    return GO;

  bool isJumpTableCanonical() const {
    return IsJumpTableCanonical;

  bool isExported() const {
    return IsExported;

  ArrayRef<MDNode *> types() const {
    return makeArrayRef(getTrailingObjects<MDNode *>(), NTypes);

struct ICallBranchFunnel final
    : TrailingObjects<ICallBranchFunnel, GlobalTypeMember *> {
  static ICallBranchFunnel *create(BumpPtrAllocator &Alloc, CallInst *CI,
                                   ArrayRef<GlobalTypeMember *> Targets,
                                   unsigned UniqueId) {
    auto *Call = static_cast<ICallBranchFunnel *>(
        Alloc.Allocate(totalSizeToAlloc<GlobalTypeMember *>(Targets.size()),
    Call->CI = CI;
    Call->UniqueId = UniqueId;
    Call->NTargets = Targets.size();
    std::uninitialized_copy(Targets.begin(), Targets.end(),
                            Call->getTrailingObjects<GlobalTypeMember *>());
    return Call;

  CallInst *CI;
  ArrayRef<GlobalTypeMember *> targets() const {
    return makeArrayRef(getTrailingObjects<GlobalTypeMember *>(), NTargets);

  unsigned UniqueId;

  size_t NTargets;

struct ScopedSaveAliaseesAndUsed {
  Module &M;
  SmallVector<GlobalValue *, 4> Used, CompilerUsed;
  std::vector<std::pair<GlobalAlias *, Function *>> FunctionAliases;
  std::vector<std::pair<GlobalIFunc *, Function *>> ResolverIFuncs;

  ScopedSaveAliaseesAndUsed(Module &M) : M(M) {
    // The users of this class want to replace all function references except
    // for aliases and llvm.used/llvm.compiler.used with references to a jump
    // table. We avoid replacing aliases in order to avoid introducing a double
    // indirection (or an alias pointing to a declaration in ThinLTO mode), and
    // we avoid replacing llvm.used/llvm.compiler.used because these global
    // variables describe properties of the global, not the jump table (besides,
    // offseted references to the jump table in llvm.used are invalid).
    // Unfortunately, LLVM doesn't have a "RAUW except for these (possibly
    // indirect) users", so what we do is save the list of globals referenced by
    // llvm.used/llvm.compiler.used and aliases, erase the used lists, let RAUW
    // replace the aliasees and then set them back to their original values at
    // the end.
    if (GlobalVariable *GV = collectUsedGlobalVariables(M, Used, false))
    if (GlobalVariable *GV = collectUsedGlobalVariables(M, CompilerUsed, true))

    for (auto &GA : M.aliases()) {
      // FIXME: This should look past all aliases not just interposable ones,
      // see discussion on D65118.
      if (auto *F = dyn_cast<Function>(GA.getAliasee()->stripPointerCasts()))
        FunctionAliases.push_back({&GA, F});

    for (auto &GI : M.ifuncs())
      if (auto *F = dyn_cast<Function>(GI.getResolver()->stripPointerCasts()))
        ResolverIFuncs.push_back({&GI, F});

  ~ScopedSaveAliaseesAndUsed() {
    appendToUsed(M, Used);
    appendToCompilerUsed(M, CompilerUsed);

    for (auto P : FunctionAliases)
          ConstantExpr::getBitCast(P.second, P.first->getType()));

    for (auto P : ResolverIFuncs) {
      // This does not preserve pointer casts that may have been stripped by the
      // constructor, but the resolver's type is different from that of the
      // ifunc anyway.

class LowerTypeTestsModule {
  Module &M;

  ModuleSummaryIndex *ExportSummary;
  const ModuleSummaryIndex *ImportSummary;
  // Set when the client has invoked this to simply drop all type test assume
  // sequences.
  bool DropTypeTests;

  Triple::ArchType Arch;
  Triple::OSType OS;
  Triple::ObjectFormatType ObjectFormat;

  IntegerType *Int1Ty = Type::getInt1Ty(M.getContext());
  IntegerType *Int8Ty = Type::getInt8Ty(M.getContext());
  PointerType *Int8PtrTy = Type::getInt8PtrTy(M.getContext());
  ArrayType *Int8Arr0Ty = ArrayType::get(Type::getInt8Ty(M.getContext()), 0);
  IntegerType *Int32Ty = Type::getInt32Ty(M.getContext());
  PointerType *Int32PtrTy = PointerType::getUnqual(Int32Ty);
  IntegerType *Int64Ty = Type::getInt64Ty(M.getContext());
  IntegerType *IntPtrTy = M.getDataLayout().getIntPtrType(M.getContext(), 0);

  // Indirect function call index assignment counter for WebAssembly
  uint64_t IndirectIndex = 1;

  // Mapping from type identifiers to the call sites that test them, as well as
  // whether the type identifier needs to be exported to ThinLTO backends as
  // part of the regular LTO phase of the ThinLTO pipeline (see exportTypeId).
  struct TypeIdUserInfo {
    std::vector<CallInst *> CallSites;
    bool IsExported = false;
  DenseMap<Metadata *, TypeIdUserInfo> TypeIdUsers;

  /// This structure describes how to lower type tests for a particular type
  /// identifier. It is either built directly from the global analysis (during
  /// regular LTO or the regular LTO phase of ThinLTO), or indirectly using type
  /// identifier summaries and external symbol references (in ThinLTO backends).
  struct TypeIdLowering {
    TypeTestResolution::Kind TheKind = TypeTestResolution::Unsat;

    /// All except Unsat: the start address within the combined global.
    Constant *OffsetedGlobal;

    /// ByteArray, Inline, AllOnes: log2 of the required global alignment
    /// relative to the start address.
    Constant *AlignLog2;

    /// ByteArray, Inline, AllOnes: one less than the size of the memory region
    /// covering members of this type identifier as a multiple of 2^AlignLog2.
    Constant *SizeM1;

    /// ByteArray: the byte array to test the address against.
    Constant *TheByteArray;

    /// ByteArray: the bit mask to apply to bytes loaded from the byte array.
    Constant *BitMask;

    /// Inline: the bit mask to test the address against.
    Constant *InlineBits;

  std::vector<ByteArrayInfo> ByteArrayInfos;

  Function *WeakInitializerFn = nullptr;

  bool shouldExportConstantsAsAbsoluteSymbols();
  uint8_t *exportTypeId(StringRef TypeId, const TypeIdLowering &TIL);
  TypeIdLowering importTypeId(StringRef TypeId);
  void importTypeTest(CallInst *CI);
  void importFunction(Function *F, bool isJumpTableCanonical,
                      std::vector<GlobalAlias *> &AliasesToErase);

  buildBitSet(Metadata *TypeId,
              const DenseMap<GlobalTypeMember *, uint64_t> &GlobalLayout);
  ByteArrayInfo *createByteArray(BitSetInfo &BSI);
  void allocateByteArrays();
  Value *createBitSetTest(IRBuilder<> &B, const TypeIdLowering &TIL,
                          Value *BitOffset);
  void lowerTypeTestCalls(
      ArrayRef<Metadata *> TypeIds, Constant *CombinedGlobalAddr,
      const DenseMap<GlobalTypeMember *, uint64_t> &GlobalLayout);
  Value *lowerTypeTestCall(Metadata *TypeId, CallInst *CI,
                           const TypeIdLowering &TIL);

  void buildBitSetsFromGlobalVariables(ArrayRef<Metadata *> TypeIds,
                                       ArrayRef<GlobalTypeMember *> Globals);
  unsigned getJumpTableEntrySize();
  Type *getJumpTableEntryType();
  void createJumpTableEntry(raw_ostream &AsmOS, raw_ostream &ConstraintOS,
                            Triple::ArchType JumpTableArch,
                            SmallVectorImpl<Value *> &AsmArgs, Function *Dest);
  void verifyTypeMDNode(GlobalObject *GO, MDNode *Type);
  void buildBitSetsFromFunctions(ArrayRef<Metadata *> TypeIds,
                                 ArrayRef<GlobalTypeMember *> Functions);
  void buildBitSetsFromFunctionsNative(ArrayRef<Metadata *> TypeIds,
                                       ArrayRef<GlobalTypeMember *> Functions);
  void buildBitSetsFromFunctionsWASM(ArrayRef<Metadata *> TypeIds,
                                     ArrayRef<GlobalTypeMember *> Functions);
  buildBitSetsFromDisjointSet(ArrayRef<Metadata *> TypeIds,
                              ArrayRef<GlobalTypeMember *> Globals,
                              ArrayRef<ICallBranchFunnel *> ICallBranchFunnels);

  void replaceWeakDeclarationWithJumpTablePtr(Function *F, Constant *JT,
                                              bool IsJumpTableCanonical);
  void moveInitializerToModuleConstructor(GlobalVariable *GV);
  void findGlobalVariableUsersOf(Constant *C,
                                 SmallSetVector<GlobalVariable *, 8> &Out);

  void createJumpTable(Function *F, ArrayRef<GlobalTypeMember *> Functions);

  /// replaceCfiUses - Go through the uses list for this definition
  /// and make each use point to "V" instead of "this" when the use is outside
  /// the block. 'This's use list is expected to have at least one element.
  /// Unlike replaceAllUsesWith this function skips blockaddr and direct call
  /// uses.
  void replaceCfiUses(Function *Old, Value *New, bool IsJumpTableCanonical);

  /// replaceDirectCalls - Go through the uses list for this definition and
  /// replace each use, which is a direct function call.
  void replaceDirectCalls(Value *Old, Value *New);

  LowerTypeTestsModule(Module &M, ModuleSummaryIndex *ExportSummary,
                       const ModuleSummaryIndex *ImportSummary,
                       bool DropTypeTests);

  bool lower();

  // Lower the module using the action and summary passed as command line
  // arguments. For testing purposes only.
  static bool runForTesting(Module &M);

struct LowerTypeTests : public ModulePass {
  static char ID;

  bool UseCommandLine = false;

  ModuleSummaryIndex *ExportSummary;
  const ModuleSummaryIndex *ImportSummary;
  bool DropTypeTests;

  LowerTypeTests() : ModulePass(ID), UseCommandLine(true) {

  LowerTypeTests(ModuleSummaryIndex *ExportSummary,
                 const ModuleSummaryIndex *ImportSummary, bool DropTypeTests)
      : ModulePass(ID), ExportSummary(ExportSummary),
        DropTypeTests(DropTypeTests || ClDropTypeTests) {

  bool runOnModule(Module &M) override {
    if (UseCommandLine)
      return LowerTypeTestsModule::runForTesting(M);
    return LowerTypeTestsModule(M, ExportSummary, ImportSummary, DropTypeTests)

} // end anonymous namespace

char LowerTypeTests::ID = 0;

INITIALIZE_PASS(LowerTypeTests, "lowertypetests", "Lower type metadata", false,

ModulePass *
llvm::createLowerTypeTestsPass(ModuleSummaryIndex *ExportSummary,
                               const ModuleSummaryIndex *ImportSummary,
                               bool DropTypeTests) {
  return new LowerTypeTests(ExportSummary, ImportSummary, DropTypeTests);

/// Build a bit set for TypeId using the object layouts in
/// GlobalLayout.
BitSetInfo LowerTypeTestsModule::buildBitSet(
    Metadata *TypeId,
    const DenseMap<GlobalTypeMember *, uint64_t> &GlobalLayout) {
  BitSetBuilder BSB;

  // Compute the byte offset of each address associated with this type
  // identifier.
  for (auto &GlobalAndOffset : GlobalLayout) {
    for (MDNode *Type : GlobalAndOffset.first->types()) {
      if (Type->getOperand(1) != TypeId)
      uint64_t Offset =
      BSB.addOffset(GlobalAndOffset.second + Offset);

  return BSB.build();

/// Build a test that bit BitOffset mod sizeof(Bits)*8 is set in
/// Bits. This pattern matches to the bt instruction on x86.
static Value *createMaskedBitTest(IRBuilder<> &B, Value *Bits,
                                  Value *BitOffset) {
  auto BitsType = cast<IntegerType>(Bits->getType());
  unsigned BitWidth = BitsType->getBitWidth();

  BitOffset = B.CreateZExtOrTrunc(BitOffset, BitsType);
  Value *BitIndex =
      B.CreateAnd(BitOffset, ConstantInt::get(BitsType, BitWidth - 1));
  Value *BitMask = B.CreateShl(ConstantInt::get(BitsType, 1), BitIndex);
  Value *MaskedBits = B.CreateAnd(Bits, BitMask);
  return B.CreateICmpNE(MaskedBits, ConstantInt::get(BitsType, 0));

ByteArrayInfo *LowerTypeTestsModule::createByteArray(BitSetInfo &BSI) {
  // Create globals to stand in for byte arrays and masks. These never actually
  // get initialized, we RAUW and erase them later in allocateByteArrays() once
  // we know the offset and mask to use.
  auto ByteArrayGlobal = new GlobalVariable(
      M, Int8Ty, /*isConstant=*/true, GlobalValue::PrivateLinkage, nullptr);
  auto MaskGlobal = new GlobalVariable(M, Int8Ty, /*isConstant=*/true,
                                       GlobalValue::PrivateLinkage, nullptr);

  ByteArrayInfo *BAI = &ByteArrayInfos.back();

  BAI->Bits = BSI.Bits;
  BAI->BitSize = BSI.BitSize;
  BAI->ByteArray = ByteArrayGlobal;
  BAI->MaskGlobal = MaskGlobal;
  return BAI;

void LowerTypeTestsModule::allocateByteArrays() {
                    [](const ByteArrayInfo &BAI1, const ByteArrayInfo &BAI2) {
                      return BAI1.BitSize > BAI2.BitSize;

  std::vector<uint64_t> ByteArrayOffsets(ByteArrayInfos.size());

  ByteArrayBuilder BAB;
  for (unsigned I = 0; I != ByteArrayInfos.size(); ++I) {
    ByteArrayInfo *BAI = &ByteArrayInfos[I];

    uint8_t Mask;
    BAB.allocate(BAI->Bits, BAI->BitSize, ByteArrayOffsets[I], Mask);

        ConstantExpr::getIntToPtr(ConstantInt::get(Int8Ty, Mask), Int8PtrTy));
    if (BAI->MaskPtr)
      *BAI->MaskPtr = Mask;

  Constant *ByteArrayConst = ConstantDataArray::get(M.getContext(), BAB.Bytes);
  auto ByteArray =
      new GlobalVariable(M, ByteArrayConst->getType(), /*isConstant=*/true,
                         GlobalValue::PrivateLinkage, ByteArrayConst);

  for (unsigned I = 0; I != ByteArrayInfos.size(); ++I) {
    ByteArrayInfo *BAI = &ByteArrayInfos[I];

    Constant *Idxs[] = {ConstantInt::get(IntPtrTy, 0),
                        ConstantInt::get(IntPtrTy, ByteArrayOffsets[I])};
    Constant *GEP = ConstantExpr::getInBoundsGetElementPtr(
        ByteArrayConst->getType(), ByteArray, Idxs);

    // Create an alias instead of RAUW'ing the gep directly. On x86 this ensures
    // that the pc-relative displacement is folded into the lea instead of the
    // test instruction getting another displacement.
    GlobalAlias *Alias = GlobalAlias::create(
        Int8Ty, 0, GlobalValue::PrivateLinkage, "bits", GEP, &M);

  ByteArraySizeBits = BAB.BitAllocs[0] + BAB.BitAllocs[1] + BAB.BitAllocs[2] +
                      BAB.BitAllocs[3] + BAB.BitAllocs[4] + BAB.BitAllocs[5] +
                      BAB.BitAllocs[6] + BAB.BitAllocs[7];
  ByteArraySizeBytes = BAB.Bytes.size();

/// Build a test that bit BitOffset is set in the type identifier that was
/// lowered to TIL, which must be either an Inline or a ByteArray.
Value *LowerTypeTestsModule::createBitSetTest(IRBuilder<> &B,
                                              const TypeIdLowering &TIL,
                                              Value *BitOffset) {
  if (TIL.TheKind == TypeTestResolution::Inline) {
    // If the bit set is sufficiently small, we can avoid a load by bit testing
    // a constant.
    return createMaskedBitTest(B, TIL.InlineBits, BitOffset);
  } else {
    Constant *ByteArray = TIL.TheByteArray;
    if (AvoidReuse && !ImportSummary) {
      // Each use of the byte array uses a different alias. This makes the
      // backend less likely to reuse previously computed byte array addresses,
      // improving the security of the CFI mechanism based on this pass.
      // This won't work when importing because TheByteArray is external.
      ByteArray = GlobalAlias::create(Int8Ty, 0, GlobalValue::PrivateLinkage,
                                      "bits_use", ByteArray, &M);

    Value *ByteAddr = B.CreateGEP(Int8Ty, ByteArray, BitOffset);
    Value *Byte = B.CreateLoad(Int8Ty, ByteAddr);

    Value *ByteAndMask =
        B.CreateAnd(Byte, ConstantExpr::getPtrToInt(TIL.BitMask, Int8Ty));
    return B.CreateICmpNE(ByteAndMask, ConstantInt::get(Int8Ty, 0));

static bool isKnownTypeIdMember(Metadata *TypeId, const DataLayout &DL,
                                Value *V, uint64_t COffset) {
  if (auto GV = dyn_cast<GlobalObject>(V)) {
    SmallVector<MDNode *, 2> Types;
    GV->getMetadata(LLVMContext::MD_type, Types);
    for (MDNode *Type : Types) {
      if (Type->getOperand(1) != TypeId)
      uint64_t Offset =
      if (COffset == Offset)
        return true;
    return false;

  if (auto GEP = dyn_cast<GEPOperator>(V)) {
    APInt APOffset(DL.getPointerSizeInBits(0), 0);
    bool Result = GEP->accumulateConstantOffset(DL, APOffset);
    if (!Result)
      return false;
    COffset += APOffset.getZExtValue();
    return isKnownTypeIdMember(TypeId, DL, GEP->getPointerOperand(), COffset);

  if (auto Op = dyn_cast<Operator>(V)) {
    if (Op->getOpcode() == Instruction::BitCast)
      return isKnownTypeIdMember(TypeId, DL, Op->getOperand(0), COffset);

    if (Op->getOpcode() == Instruction::Select)
      return isKnownTypeIdMember(TypeId, DL, Op->getOperand(1), COffset) &&
             isKnownTypeIdMember(TypeId, DL, Op->getOperand(2), COffset);

  return false;

/// Lower a llvm.type.test call to its implementation. Returns the value to
/// replace the call with.
Value *LowerTypeTestsModule::lowerTypeTestCall(Metadata *TypeId, CallInst *CI,
                                               const TypeIdLowering &TIL) {
  // Delay lowering if the resolution is currently unknown.
  if (TIL.TheKind == TypeTestResolution::Unknown)
    return nullptr;
  if (TIL.TheKind == TypeTestResolution::Unsat)
    return ConstantInt::getFalse(M.getContext());

  Value *Ptr = CI->getArgOperand(0);
  const DataLayout &DL = M.getDataLayout();
  if (isKnownTypeIdMember(TypeId, DL, Ptr, 0))
    return ConstantInt::getTrue(M.getContext());

  BasicBlock *InitialBB = CI->getParent();

  IRBuilder<> B(CI);

  Value *PtrAsInt = B.CreatePtrToInt(Ptr, IntPtrTy);

  Constant *OffsetedGlobalAsInt =
      ConstantExpr::getPtrToInt(TIL.OffsetedGlobal, IntPtrTy);
  if (TIL.TheKind == TypeTestResolution::Single)
    return B.CreateICmpEQ(PtrAsInt, OffsetedGlobalAsInt);

  Value *PtrOffset = B.CreateSub(PtrAsInt, OffsetedGlobalAsInt);

  // We need to check that the offset both falls within our range and is
  // suitably aligned. We can check both properties at the same time by
  // performing a right rotate by log2(alignment) followed by an integer
  // comparison against the bitset size. The rotate will move the lower
  // order bits that need to be zero into the higher order bits of the
  // result, causing the comparison to fail if they are nonzero. The rotate
  // also conveniently gives us a bit offset to use during the load from
  // the bitset.
  Value *OffsetSHR =
      B.CreateLShr(PtrOffset, ConstantExpr::getZExt(TIL.AlignLog2, IntPtrTy));
  Value *OffsetSHL = B.CreateShl(
      PtrOffset, ConstantExpr::getZExt(
                         ConstantInt::get(Int8Ty, DL.getPointerSizeInBits(0)),
  Value *BitOffset = B.CreateOr(OffsetSHR, OffsetSHL);

  Value *OffsetInRange = B.CreateICmpULE(BitOffset, TIL.SizeM1);

  // If the bit set is all ones, testing against it is unnecessary.
  if (TIL.TheKind == TypeTestResolution::AllOnes)
    return OffsetInRange;

  // See if the intrinsic is used in the following common pattern:
  //   br(llvm.type.test(...), thenbb, elsebb)
  // where nothing happens between the type test and the br.
  // If so, create slightly simpler IR.
  if (CI->hasOneUse())
    if (auto *Br = dyn_cast<BranchInst>(*CI->user_begin()))
      if (CI->getNextNode() == Br) {
        BasicBlock *Then = InitialBB->splitBasicBlock(CI->getIterator());
        BasicBlock *Else = Br->getSuccessor(1);
        BranchInst *NewBr = BranchInst::Create(Then, Else, OffsetInRange);
        ReplaceInstWithInst(InitialBB->getTerminator(), NewBr);

        // Update phis in Else resulting from InitialBB being split
        for (auto &Phi : Else->phis())
          Phi.addIncoming(Phi.getIncomingValueForBlock(Then), InitialBB);

        IRBuilder<> ThenB(CI);
        return createBitSetTest(ThenB, TIL, BitOffset);

  IRBuilder<> ThenB(SplitBlockAndInsertIfThen(OffsetInRange, CI, false));

  // Now that we know that the offset is in range and aligned, load the
  // appropriate bit from the bitset.
  Value *Bit = createBitSetTest(ThenB, TIL, BitOffset);

  // The value we want is 0 if we came directly from the initial block
  // (having failed the range or alignment checks), or the loaded bit if
  // we came from the block in which we loaded it.
  PHINode *P = B.CreatePHI(Int1Ty, 2);
  P->addIncoming(ConstantInt::get(Int1Ty, 0), InitialBB);
  P->addIncoming(Bit, ThenB.GetInsertBlock());
  return P;

/// Given a disjoint set of type identifiers and globals, lay out the globals,
/// build the bit sets and lower the llvm.type.test calls.
void LowerTypeTestsModule::buildBitSetsFromGlobalVariables(
    ArrayRef<Metadata *> TypeIds, ArrayRef<GlobalTypeMember *> Globals) {
  // Build a new global with the combined contents of the referenced globals.
  // This global is a struct whose even-indexed elements contain the original
  // contents of the referenced globals and whose odd-indexed elements contain
  // any padding required to align the next element to the next power of 2 plus
  // any additional padding required to meet its alignment requirements.
  std::vector<Constant *> GlobalInits;
  const DataLayout &DL = M.getDataLayout();
  DenseMap<GlobalTypeMember *, uint64_t> GlobalLayout;
  Align MaxAlign;
  uint64_t CurOffset = 0;
  uint64_t DesiredPadding = 0;
  for (GlobalTypeMember *G : Globals) {
    auto *GV = cast<GlobalVariable>(G->getGlobal());
    Align Alignment =
        DL.getValueOrABITypeAlignment(GV->getAlign(), GV->getValueType());
    MaxAlign = std::max(MaxAlign, Alignment);
    uint64_t GVOffset = alignTo(CurOffset + DesiredPadding, Alignment);
    GlobalLayout[G] = GVOffset;
    if (GVOffset != 0) {
      uint64_t Padding = GVOffset - CurOffset;
          ConstantAggregateZero::get(ArrayType::get(Int8Ty, Padding)));

    uint64_t InitSize = DL.getTypeAllocSize(GV->getValueType());
    CurOffset = GVOffset + InitSize;

    // Compute the amount of padding that we'd like for the next element.
    DesiredPadding = NextPowerOf2(InitSize - 1) - InitSize;

    // Experiments of different caps with Chromium on both x64 and ARM64
    // have shown that the 32-byte cap generates the smallest binary on
    // both platforms while different caps yield similar performance.
    // (see https://lists.llvm.org/pipermail/llvm-dev/2018-July/124694.html)
    if (DesiredPadding > 32)
      DesiredPadding = alignTo(InitSize, 32) - InitSize;

  Constant *NewInit = ConstantStruct::getAnon(M.getContext(), GlobalInits);
  auto *CombinedGlobal =
      new GlobalVariable(M, NewInit->getType(), /*isConstant=*/true,
                         GlobalValue::PrivateLinkage, NewInit);

  StructType *NewTy = cast<StructType>(NewInit->getType());
  lowerTypeTestCalls(TypeIds, CombinedGlobal, GlobalLayout);

  // Build aliases pointing to offsets into the combined global for each
  // global from which we built the combined global, and replace references
  // to the original globals with references to the aliases.
  for (unsigned I = 0; I != Globals.size(); ++I) {
    GlobalVariable *GV = cast<GlobalVariable>(Globals[I]->getGlobal());

    // Multiply by 2 to account for padding elements.
    Constant *CombinedGlobalIdxs[] = {ConstantInt::get(Int32Ty, 0),
                                      ConstantInt::get(Int32Ty, I * 2)};
    Constant *CombinedGlobalElemPtr = ConstantExpr::getGetElementPtr(
        NewInit->getType(), CombinedGlobal, CombinedGlobalIdxs);
    assert(GV->getType()->getAddressSpace() == 0);
    GlobalAlias *GAlias =
        GlobalAlias::create(NewTy->getElementType(I * 2), 0, GV->getLinkage(),
                            "", CombinedGlobalElemPtr, &M);

bool LowerTypeTestsModule::shouldExportConstantsAsAbsoluteSymbols() {
  return (Arch == Triple::x86 || Arch == Triple::x86_64) &&
         ObjectFormat == Triple::ELF;

/// Export the given type identifier so that ThinLTO backends may import it.
/// Type identifiers are exported by adding coarse-grained information about how
/// to test the type identifier to the summary, and creating symbols in the
/// object file (aliases and absolute symbols) containing fine-grained
/// information about the type identifier.
/// Returns a pointer to the location in which to store the bitmask, if
/// applicable.
uint8_t *LowerTypeTestsModule::exportTypeId(StringRef TypeId,
                                            const TypeIdLowering &TIL) {
  TypeTestResolution &TTRes =
  TTRes.TheKind = TIL.TheKind;

  auto ExportGlobal = [&](StringRef Name, Constant *C) {
    GlobalAlias *GA =
        GlobalAlias::create(Int8Ty, 0, GlobalValue::ExternalLinkage,
                            "__typeid_" + TypeId + "_" + Name, C, &M);

  auto ExportConstant = [&](StringRef Name, uint64_t &Storage, Constant *C) {
    if (shouldExportConstantsAsAbsoluteSymbols())
      ExportGlobal(Name, ConstantExpr::getIntToPtr(C, Int8PtrTy));
      Storage = cast<ConstantInt>(C)->getZExtValue();

  if (TIL.TheKind != TypeTestResolution::Unsat)
    ExportGlobal("global_addr", TIL.OffsetedGlobal);

  if (TIL.TheKind == TypeTestResolution::ByteArray ||
      TIL.TheKind == TypeTestResolution::Inline ||
      TIL.TheKind == TypeTestResolution::AllOnes) {
    ExportConstant("align", TTRes.AlignLog2, TIL.AlignLog2);
    ExportConstant("size_m1", TTRes.SizeM1, TIL.SizeM1);

    uint64_t BitSize = cast<ConstantInt>(TIL.SizeM1)->getZExtValue() + 1;
    if (TIL.TheKind == TypeTestResolution::Inline)
      TTRes.SizeM1BitWidth = (BitSize <= 32) ? 5 : 6;
      TTRes.SizeM1BitWidth = (BitSize <= 128) ? 7 : 32;

  if (TIL.TheKind == TypeTestResolution::ByteArray) {
    ExportGlobal("byte_array", TIL.TheByteArray);
    if (shouldExportConstantsAsAbsoluteSymbols())
      ExportGlobal("bit_mask", TIL.BitMask);
      return &TTRes.BitMask;

  if (TIL.TheKind == TypeTestResolution::Inline)
    ExportConstant("inline_bits", TTRes.InlineBits, TIL.InlineBits);

  return nullptr;

LowerTypeTestsModule::importTypeId(StringRef TypeId) {
  const TypeIdSummary *TidSummary = ImportSummary->getTypeIdSummary(TypeId);
  if (!TidSummary)
    return {}; // Unsat: no globals match this type id.
  const TypeTestResolution &TTRes = TidSummary->TTRes;

  TypeIdLowering TIL;
  TIL.TheKind = TTRes.TheKind;

  auto ImportGlobal = [&](StringRef Name) {
    // Give the global a type of length 0 so that it is not assumed not to alias
    // with any other global.
    Constant *C = M.getOrInsertGlobal(("__typeid_" + TypeId + "_" + Name).str(),
    if (auto *GV = dyn_cast<GlobalVariable>(C))
    C = ConstantExpr::getBitCast(C, Int8PtrTy);
    return C;

  auto ImportConstant = [&](StringRef Name, uint64_t Const, unsigned AbsWidth,
                            Type *Ty) {
    if (!shouldExportConstantsAsAbsoluteSymbols()) {
      Constant *C =
          ConstantInt::get(isa<IntegerType>(Ty) ? Ty : Int64Ty, Const);
      if (!isa<IntegerType>(Ty))
        C = ConstantExpr::getIntToPtr(C, Ty);
      return C;

    Constant *C = ImportGlobal(Name);
    auto *GV = cast<GlobalVariable>(C->stripPointerCasts());
    if (isa<IntegerType>(Ty))
      C = ConstantExpr::getPtrToInt(C, Ty);
    if (GV->getMetadata(LLVMContext::MD_absolute_symbol))
      return C;

    auto SetAbsRange = [&](uint64_t Min, uint64_t Max) {
      auto *MinC = ConstantAsMetadata::get(ConstantInt::get(IntPtrTy, Min));
      auto *MaxC = ConstantAsMetadata::get(ConstantInt::get(IntPtrTy, Max));
                      MDNode::get(M.getContext(), {MinC, MaxC}));
    if (AbsWidth == IntPtrTy->getBitWidth())
      SetAbsRange(~0ull, ~0ull); // Full set.
      SetAbsRange(0, 1ull << AbsWidth);
    return C;

  if (TIL.TheKind != TypeTestResolution::Unsat)
    TIL.OffsetedGlobal = ImportGlobal("global_addr");

  if (TIL.TheKind == TypeTestResolution::ByteArray ||
      TIL.TheKind == TypeTestResolution::Inline ||
      TIL.TheKind == TypeTestResolution::AllOnes) {
    TIL.AlignLog2 = ImportConstant("align", TTRes.AlignLog2, 8, Int8Ty);
    TIL.SizeM1 =
        ImportConstant("size_m1", TTRes.SizeM1, TTRes.SizeM1BitWidth, IntPtrTy);

  if (TIL.TheKind == TypeTestResolution::ByteArray) {
    TIL.TheByteArray = ImportGlobal("byte_array");
    TIL.BitMask = ImportConstant("bit_mask", TTRes.BitMask, 8, Int8PtrTy);

  if (TIL.TheKind == TypeTestResolution::Inline)
    TIL.InlineBits = ImportConstant(
        "inline_bits", TTRes.InlineBits, 1 << TTRes.SizeM1BitWidth,
        TTRes.SizeM1BitWidth <= 5 ? Int32Ty : Int64Ty);

  return TIL;

void LowerTypeTestsModule::importTypeTest(CallInst *CI) {
  auto TypeIdMDVal = dyn_cast<MetadataAsValue>(CI->getArgOperand(1));
  if (!TypeIdMDVal)
    report_fatal_error("Second argument of llvm.type.test must be metadata");

  auto TypeIdStr = dyn_cast<MDString>(TypeIdMDVal->getMetadata());
  // If this is a local unpromoted type, which doesn't have a metadata string,
  // treat as Unknown and delay lowering, so that we can still utilize it for
  // later optimizations.
  if (!TypeIdStr)

  TypeIdLowering TIL = importTypeId(TypeIdStr->getString());
  Value *Lowered = lowerTypeTestCall(TypeIdStr, CI, TIL);
  if (Lowered) {

// ThinLTO backend: the function F has a jump table entry; update this module
// accordingly. isJumpTableCanonical describes the type of the jump table entry.
void LowerTypeTestsModule::importFunction(
    Function *F, bool isJumpTableCanonical,
    std::vector<GlobalAlias *> &AliasesToErase) {
  assert(F->getType()->getAddressSpace() == 0);

  GlobalValue::VisibilityTypes Visibility = F->getVisibility();
  std::string Name = std::string(F->getName());

  if (F->isDeclarationForLinker() && isJumpTableCanonical) {
    // Non-dso_local functions may be overriden at run time,
    // don't short curcuit them
    if (F->isDSOLocal()) {
      Function *RealF = Function::Create(F->getFunctionType(),
                                         Name + ".cfi", &M);
      replaceDirectCalls(F, RealF);

  Function *FDecl;
  if (!isJumpTableCanonical) {
    // Either a declaration of an external function or a reference to a locally
    // defined jump table.
    FDecl = Function::Create(F->getFunctionType(), GlobalValue::ExternalLinkage,
                             F->getAddressSpace(), Name + ".cfi_jt", &M);
  } else {
    F->setName(Name + ".cfi");
    FDecl = Function::Create(F->getFunctionType(), GlobalValue::ExternalLinkage,
                             F->getAddressSpace(), Name, &M);
    Visibility = GlobalValue::HiddenVisibility;

    // Delete aliases pointing to this function, they'll be re-created in the
    // merged output. Don't do it yet though because ScopedSaveAliaseesAndUsed
    // will want to reset the aliasees first.
    for (auto &U : F->uses()) {
      if (auto *A = dyn_cast<GlobalAlias>(U.getUser())) {
        Function *AliasDecl = Function::Create(
            F->getFunctionType(), GlobalValue::ExternalLinkage,
            F->getAddressSpace(), "", &M);

  if (F->hasExternalWeakLinkage())
    replaceWeakDeclarationWithJumpTablePtr(F, FDecl, isJumpTableCanonical);
    replaceCfiUses(F, FDecl, isJumpTableCanonical);

  // Set visibility late because it's used in replaceCfiUses() to determine
  // whether uses need to to be replaced.

void LowerTypeTestsModule::lowerTypeTestCalls(
    ArrayRef<Metadata *> TypeIds, Constant *CombinedGlobalAddr,
    const DenseMap<GlobalTypeMember *, uint64_t> &GlobalLayout) {
  CombinedGlobalAddr = ConstantExpr::getBitCast(CombinedGlobalAddr, Int8PtrTy);

  // For each type identifier in this disjoint set...
  for (Metadata *TypeId : TypeIds) {
    // Build the bitset.
    BitSetInfo BSI = buildBitSet(TypeId, GlobalLayout);
      if (auto MDS = dyn_cast<MDString>(TypeId))
        dbgs() << MDS->getString() << ": ";
        dbgs() << "<unnamed>: ";

    ByteArrayInfo *BAI = nullptr;
    TypeIdLowering TIL;
    TIL.OffsetedGlobal = ConstantExpr::getGetElementPtr(
        Int8Ty, CombinedGlobalAddr, ConstantInt::get(IntPtrTy, BSI.ByteOffset)),
    TIL.AlignLog2 = ConstantInt::get(Int8Ty, BSI.AlignLog2);
    TIL.SizeM1 = ConstantInt::get(IntPtrTy, BSI.BitSize - 1);
    if (BSI.isAllOnes()) {
      TIL.TheKind = (BSI.BitSize == 1) ? TypeTestResolution::Single
                                       : TypeTestResolution::AllOnes;
    } else if (BSI.BitSize <= 64) {
      TIL.TheKind = TypeTestResolution::Inline;
      uint64_t InlineBits = 0;
      for (auto Bit : BSI.Bits)
        InlineBits |= uint64_t(1) << Bit;
      if (InlineBits == 0)
        TIL.TheKind = TypeTestResolution::Unsat;
        TIL.InlineBits = ConstantInt::get(
            (BSI.BitSize <= 32) ? Int32Ty : Int64Ty, InlineBits);
    } else {
      TIL.TheKind = TypeTestResolution::ByteArray;
      BAI = createByteArray(BSI);
      TIL.TheByteArray = BAI->ByteArray;
      TIL.BitMask = BAI->MaskGlobal;

    TypeIdUserInfo &TIUI = TypeIdUsers[TypeId];

    if (TIUI.IsExported) {
      uint8_t *MaskPtr = exportTypeId(cast<MDString>(TypeId)->getString(), TIL);
      if (BAI)
        BAI->MaskPtr = MaskPtr;

    // Lower each call to llvm.type.test for this type identifier.
    for (CallInst *CI : TIUI.CallSites) {
      Value *Lowered = lowerTypeTestCall(TypeId, CI, TIL);
      if (Lowered) {

void LowerTypeTestsModule::verifyTypeMDNode(GlobalObject *GO, MDNode *Type) {
  if (Type->getNumOperands() != 2)
    report_fatal_error("All operands of type metadata must have 2 elements");

  if (GO->isThreadLocal())
    report_fatal_error("Bit set element may not be thread-local");
  if (isa<GlobalVariable>(GO) && GO->hasSection())
        "A member of a type identifier may not have an explicit section");

  // FIXME: We previously checked that global var member of a type identifier
  // must be a definition, but the IR linker may leave type metadata on
  // declarations. We should restore this check after fixing PR31759.

  auto OffsetConstMD = dyn_cast<ConstantAsMetadata>(Type->getOperand(0));
  if (!OffsetConstMD)
    report_fatal_error("Type offset must be a constant");
  auto OffsetInt = dyn_cast<ConstantInt>(OffsetConstMD->getValue());
  if (!OffsetInt)
    report_fatal_error("Type offset must be an integer constant");

static const unsigned kX86JumpTableEntrySize = 8;
static const unsigned kARMJumpTableEntrySize = 4;
static const unsigned kARMBTIJumpTableEntrySize = 8;
static const unsigned kRISCVJumpTableEntrySize = 8;

unsigned LowerTypeTestsModule::getJumpTableEntrySize() {
  switch (Arch) {
    case Triple::x86:
    case Triple::x86_64:
      return kX86JumpTableEntrySize;
    case Triple::arm:
    case Triple::thumb:
      return kARMJumpTableEntrySize;
    case Triple::aarch64:
      if (const auto *BTE = mdconst::extract_or_null<ConstantInt>(
        if (BTE->getZExtValue())
          return kARMBTIJumpTableEntrySize;
      return kARMJumpTableEntrySize;
    case Triple::riscv32:
    case Triple::riscv64:
      return kRISCVJumpTableEntrySize;
      report_fatal_error("Unsupported architecture for jump tables");

// Create a jump table entry for the target. This consists of an instruction
// sequence containing a relative branch to Dest. Appends inline asm text,
// constraints and arguments to AsmOS, ConstraintOS and AsmArgs.
void LowerTypeTestsModule::createJumpTableEntry(
    raw_ostream &AsmOS, raw_ostream &ConstraintOS,
    Triple::ArchType JumpTableArch, SmallVectorImpl<Value *> &AsmArgs,
    Function *Dest) {
  unsigned ArgIndex = AsmArgs.size();

  if (JumpTableArch == Triple::x86 || JumpTableArch == Triple::x86_64) {
    AsmOS << "jmp ${" << ArgIndex << ":c}@plt\n";
    AsmOS << "int3\nint3\nint3\n";
  } else if (JumpTableArch == Triple::arm) {
    AsmOS << "b $" << ArgIndex << "\n";
  } else if (JumpTableArch == Triple::aarch64) {
    if (const auto *BTE = mdconst::extract_or_null<ConstantInt>(
      if (BTE->getZExtValue())
        AsmOS << "bti c\n";
    AsmOS << "b $" << ArgIndex << "\n";
  } else if (JumpTableArch == Triple::thumb) {
    AsmOS << "b.w $" << ArgIndex << "\n";
  } else if (JumpTableArch == Triple::riscv32 ||
             JumpTableArch == Triple::riscv64) {
    AsmOS << "tail $" << ArgIndex << "@plt\n";
  } else {
    report_fatal_error("Unsupported architecture for jump tables");

  ConstraintOS << (ArgIndex > 0 ? ",s" : "s");

Type *LowerTypeTestsModule::getJumpTableEntryType() {
  return ArrayType::get(Int8Ty, getJumpTableEntrySize());

/// Given a disjoint set of type identifiers and functions, build the bit sets
/// and lower the llvm.type.test calls, architecture dependently.
void LowerTypeTestsModule::buildBitSetsFromFunctions(
    ArrayRef<Metadata *> TypeIds, ArrayRef<GlobalTypeMember *> Functions) {
  if (Arch == Triple::x86 || Arch == Triple::x86_64 || Arch == Triple::arm ||
      Arch == Triple::thumb || Arch == Triple::aarch64 ||
      Arch == Triple::riscv32 || Arch == Triple::riscv64)
    buildBitSetsFromFunctionsNative(TypeIds, Functions);
  else if (Arch == Triple::wasm32 || Arch == Triple::wasm64)
    buildBitSetsFromFunctionsWASM(TypeIds, Functions);
    report_fatal_error("Unsupported architecture for jump tables");

void LowerTypeTestsModule::moveInitializerToModuleConstructor(
    GlobalVariable *GV) {
  if (WeakInitializerFn == nullptr) {
    WeakInitializerFn = Function::Create(
                          /* IsVarArg */ false),
        "__cfi_global_var_init", &M);
    BasicBlock *BB =
        BasicBlock::Create(M.getContext(), "entry", WeakInitializerFn);
    ReturnInst::Create(M.getContext(), BB);
        ObjectFormat == Triple::MachO
            ? "__TEXT,__StaticInit,regular,pure_instructions"
            : ".text.startup");
    // This code is equivalent to relocation application, and should run at the
    // earliest possible time (i.e. with the highest priority).
    appendToGlobalCtors(M, WeakInitializerFn, /* Priority */ 0);

  IRBuilder<> IRB(WeakInitializerFn->getEntryBlock().getTerminator());
  IRB.CreateAlignedStore(GV->getInitializer(), GV, GV->getAlign());

void LowerTypeTestsModule::findGlobalVariableUsersOf(
    Constant *C, SmallSetVector<GlobalVariable *, 8> &Out) {
  for (auto *U : C->users()){
    if (auto *GV = dyn_cast<GlobalVariable>(U))
    else if (auto *C2 = dyn_cast<Constant>(U))
      findGlobalVariableUsersOf(C2, Out);

// Replace all uses of F with (F ? JT : 0).
void LowerTypeTestsModule::replaceWeakDeclarationWithJumpTablePtr(
    Function *F, Constant *JT, bool IsJumpTableCanonical) {
  // The target expression can not appear in a constant initializer on most
  // (all?) targets. Switch to a runtime initializer.
  SmallSetVector<GlobalVariable *, 8> GlobalVarUsers;
  findGlobalVariableUsersOf(F, GlobalVarUsers);
  for (auto GV : GlobalVarUsers)

  // Can not RAUW F with an expression that uses F. Replace with a temporary
  // placeholder first.
  Function *PlaceholderFn =
                       F->getAddressSpace(), "", &M);
  replaceCfiUses(F, PlaceholderFn, IsJumpTableCanonical);

  Constant *Target = ConstantExpr::getSelect(
      ConstantExpr::getICmp(CmpInst::ICMP_NE, F,
      JT, Constant::getNullValue(F->getType()));

static bool isThumbFunction(Function *F, Triple::ArchType ModuleArch) {
  Attribute TFAttr = F->getFnAttribute("target-features");
  if (TFAttr.isValid()) {
    SmallVector<StringRef, 6> Features;
    TFAttr.getValueAsString().split(Features, ',');
    for (StringRef Feature : Features) {
      if (Feature == "-thumb-mode")
        return false;
      else if (Feature == "+thumb-mode")
        return true;

  return ModuleArch == Triple::thumb;

// Each jump table must be either ARM or Thumb as a whole for the bit-test math
// to work. Pick one that matches the majority of members to minimize interop
// veneers inserted by the linker.
static Triple::ArchType
selectJumpTableArmEncoding(ArrayRef<GlobalTypeMember *> Functions,
                           Triple::ArchType ModuleArch) {
  if (ModuleArch != Triple::arm && ModuleArch != Triple::thumb)
    return ModuleArch;

  unsigned ArmCount = 0, ThumbCount = 0;
  for (const auto GTM : Functions) {
    if (!GTM->isJumpTableCanonical()) {
      // PLT stubs are always ARM.
      // FIXME: This is the wrong heuristic for non-canonical jump tables.

    Function *F = cast<Function>(GTM->getGlobal());
    ++(isThumbFunction(F, ModuleArch) ? ThumbCount : ArmCount);

  return ArmCount > ThumbCount ? Triple::arm : Triple::thumb;

void LowerTypeTestsModule::createJumpTable(
    Function *F, ArrayRef<GlobalTypeMember *> Functions) {
  std::string AsmStr, ConstraintStr;
  raw_string_ostream AsmOS(AsmStr), ConstraintOS(ConstraintStr);
  SmallVector<Value *, 16> AsmArgs;
  AsmArgs.reserve(Functions.size() * 2);

  Triple::ArchType JumpTableArch = selectJumpTableArmEncoding(Functions, Arch);

  for (unsigned I = 0; I != Functions.size(); ++I)
    createJumpTableEntry(AsmOS, ConstraintOS, JumpTableArch, AsmArgs,

  // Align the whole table by entry size.
  // Skip prologue.
  // Disabled on win32 due to https://llvm.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=28641#c3.
  // Luckily, this function does not get any prologue even without the
  // attribute.
  if (OS != Triple::Win32)
  if (JumpTableArch == Triple::arm)
    F->addFnAttr("target-features", "-thumb-mode");
  if (JumpTableArch == Triple::thumb) {
    F->addFnAttr("target-features", "+thumb-mode");
    // Thumb jump table assembly needs Thumb2. The following attribute is added
    // by Clang for -march=armv7.
    F->addFnAttr("target-cpu", "cortex-a8");
  if (JumpTableArch == Triple::aarch64) {
    F->addFnAttr("branch-target-enforcement", "false");
    F->addFnAttr("sign-return-address", "none");
  if (JumpTableArch == Triple::riscv32 || JumpTableArch == Triple::riscv64) {
    // Make sure the jump table assembly is not modified by the assembler or
    // the linker.
    F->addFnAttr("target-features", "-c,-relax");
  // Make sure we don't emit .eh_frame for this function.

  BasicBlock *BB = BasicBlock::Create(M.getContext(), "entry", F);
  IRBuilder<> IRB(BB);

  SmallVector<Type *, 16> ArgTypes;
  for (const auto &Arg : AsmArgs)
  InlineAsm *JumpTableAsm =
      InlineAsm::get(FunctionType::get(IRB.getVoidTy(), ArgTypes, false),
                     AsmOS.str(), ConstraintOS.str(),

  IRB.CreateCall(JumpTableAsm, AsmArgs);

/// Given a disjoint set of type identifiers and functions, build a jump table
/// for the functions, build the bit sets and lower the llvm.type.test calls.
void LowerTypeTestsModule::buildBitSetsFromFunctionsNative(
    ArrayRef<Metadata *> TypeIds, ArrayRef<GlobalTypeMember *> Functions) {
  // Unlike the global bitset builder, the function bitset builder cannot
  // re-arrange functions in a particular order and base its calculations on the
  // layout of the functions' entry points, as we have no idea how large a
  // particular function will end up being (the size could even depend on what
  // this pass does!) Instead, we build a jump table, which is a block of code
  // consisting of one branch instruction for each of the functions in the bit
  // set that branches to the target function, and redirect any taken function
  // addresses to the corresponding jump table entry. In the object file's
  // symbol table, the symbols for the target functions also refer to the jump
  // table entries, so that addresses taken outside the module will pass any
  // verification done inside the module.
  // In more concrete terms, suppose we have three functions f, g, h which are
  // of the same type, and a function foo that returns their addresses:
  // f:
  // mov 0, %eax
  // ret
  // g:
  // mov 1, %eax
  // ret
  // h:
  // mov 2, %eax
  // ret
  // foo:
  // mov f, %eax
  // mov g, %edx
  // mov h, %ecx
  // ret
  // We output the jump table as module-level inline asm string. The end result
  // will (conceptually) look like this:
  // f = .cfi.jumptable
  // g = .cfi.jumptable + 4
  // h = .cfi.jumptable + 8
  // .cfi.jumptable:
  // jmp f.cfi  ; 5 bytes
  // int3       ; 1 byte
  // int3       ; 1 byte
  // int3       ; 1 byte
  // jmp g.cfi  ; 5 bytes
  // int3       ; 1 byte
  // int3       ; 1 byte
  // int3       ; 1 byte
  // jmp h.cfi  ; 5 bytes
  // int3       ; 1 byte
  // int3       ; 1 byte
  // int3       ; 1 byte
  // f.cfi:
  // mov 0, %eax
  // ret
  // g.cfi:
  // mov 1, %eax
  // ret
  // h.cfi:
  // mov 2, %eax
  // ret
  // foo:
  // mov f, %eax
  // mov g, %edx
  // mov h, %ecx
  // ret
  // Because the addresses of f, g, h are evenly spaced at a power of 2, in the
  // normal case the check can be carried out using the same kind of simple
  // arithmetic that we normally use for globals.

  // FIXME: find a better way to represent the jumptable in the IR.

  // Build a simple layout based on the regular layout of jump tables.
  DenseMap<GlobalTypeMember *, uint64_t> GlobalLayout;
  unsigned EntrySize = getJumpTableEntrySize();
  for (unsigned I = 0; I != Functions.size(); ++I)
    GlobalLayout[Functions[I]] = I * EntrySize;

  Function *JumpTableFn =
                                         /* IsVarArg */ false),
                       ".cfi.jumptable", &M);
  ArrayType *JumpTableType =
      ArrayType::get(getJumpTableEntryType(), Functions.size());
  auto JumpTable =
      ConstantExpr::getPointerCast(JumpTableFn, JumpTableType->getPointerTo(0));

  lowerTypeTestCalls(TypeIds, JumpTable, GlobalLayout);

    ScopedSaveAliaseesAndUsed S(M);

    // Build aliases pointing to offsets into the jump table, and replace
    // references to the original functions with references to the aliases.
    for (unsigned I = 0; I != Functions.size(); ++I) {
      Function *F = cast<Function>(Functions[I]->getGlobal());
      bool IsJumpTableCanonical = Functions[I]->isJumpTableCanonical();

      Constant *CombinedGlobalElemPtr = ConstantExpr::getBitCast(
              JumpTableType, JumpTable,
              ArrayRef<Constant *>{ConstantInt::get(IntPtrTy, 0),
                                   ConstantInt::get(IntPtrTy, I)}),

      const bool IsExported = Functions[I]->isExported();
      if (!IsJumpTableCanonical) {
        GlobalValue::LinkageTypes LT = IsExported
                                           ? GlobalValue::ExternalLinkage
                                           : GlobalValue::InternalLinkage;
        GlobalAlias *JtAlias = GlobalAlias::create(F->getValueType(), 0, LT,
                                                   F->getName() + ".cfi_jt",
                                                   CombinedGlobalElemPtr, &M);
        if (IsExported)
          appendToUsed(M, {JtAlias});

      if (IsExported) {
        if (IsJumpTableCanonical)

      if (!IsJumpTableCanonical) {
        if (F->hasExternalWeakLinkage())
          replaceWeakDeclarationWithJumpTablePtr(F, CombinedGlobalElemPtr,
          replaceCfiUses(F, CombinedGlobalElemPtr, IsJumpTableCanonical);
      } else {
        assert(F->getType()->getAddressSpace() == 0);

        GlobalAlias *FAlias =
            GlobalAlias::create(F->getValueType(), 0, F->getLinkage(), "",
                                CombinedGlobalElemPtr, &M);
        if (FAlias->hasName())
          F->setName(FAlias->getName() + ".cfi");
        replaceCfiUses(F, FAlias, IsJumpTableCanonical);
        if (!F->hasLocalLinkage())

  createJumpTable(JumpTableFn, Functions);

/// Assign a dummy layout using an incrementing counter, tag each function
/// with its index represented as metadata, and lower each type test to an
/// integer range comparison. During generation of the indirect function call
/// table in the backend, it will assign the given indexes.
/// Note: Dynamic linking is not supported, as the WebAssembly ABI has not yet
/// been finalized.
void LowerTypeTestsModule::buildBitSetsFromFunctionsWASM(
    ArrayRef<Metadata *> TypeIds, ArrayRef<GlobalTypeMember *> Functions) {

  // Build consecutive monotonic integer ranges for each call target set
  DenseMap<GlobalTypeMember *, uint64_t> GlobalLayout;

  for (GlobalTypeMember *GTM : Functions) {
    Function *F = cast<Function>(GTM->getGlobal());

    // Skip functions that are not address taken, to avoid bloating the table
    if (!F->hasAddressTaken())

    // Store metadata with the index for each function
    MDNode *MD = MDNode::get(F->getContext(),
                             ArrayRef<Metadata *>(ConstantAsMetadata::get(
                                 ConstantInt::get(Int64Ty, IndirectIndex))));
    F->setMetadata("wasm.index", MD);

    // Assign the counter value
    GlobalLayout[GTM] = IndirectIndex++;

  // The indirect function table index space starts at zero, so pass a NULL
  // pointer as the subtracted "jump table" offset.
  lowerTypeTestCalls(TypeIds, ConstantPointerNull::get(Int32PtrTy),

void LowerTypeTestsModule::buildBitSetsFromDisjointSet(
    ArrayRef<Metadata *> TypeIds, ArrayRef<GlobalTypeMember *> Globals,
    ArrayRef<ICallBranchFunnel *> ICallBranchFunnels) {
  DenseMap<Metadata *, uint64_t> TypeIdIndices;
  for (unsigned I = 0; I != TypeIds.size(); ++I)
    TypeIdIndices[TypeIds[I]] = I;

  // For each type identifier, build a set of indices that refer to members of
  // the type identifier.
  std::vector<std::set<uint64_t>> TypeMembers(TypeIds.size());
  unsigned GlobalIndex = 0;
  DenseMap<GlobalTypeMember *, uint64_t> GlobalIndices;
  for (GlobalTypeMember *GTM : Globals) {
    for (MDNode *Type : GTM->types()) {
      // Type = { offset, type identifier }
      auto I = TypeIdIndices.find(Type->getOperand(1));
      if (I != TypeIdIndices.end())
    GlobalIndices[GTM] = GlobalIndex;

  for (ICallBranchFunnel *JT : ICallBranchFunnels) {
    std::set<uint64_t> &TMSet = TypeMembers.back();
    for (GlobalTypeMember *T : JT->targets())

  // Order the sets of indices by size. The GlobalLayoutBuilder works best
  // when given small index sets first.
  llvm::stable_sort(TypeMembers, [](const std::set<uint64_t> &O1,
                                    const std::set<uint64_t> &O2) {
    return O1.size() < O2.size();

  // Create a GlobalLayoutBuilder and provide it with index sets as layout
  // fragments. The GlobalLayoutBuilder tries to lay out members of fragments as
  // close together as possible.
  GlobalLayoutBuilder GLB(Globals.size());
  for (auto &&MemSet : TypeMembers)

  // Build a vector of globals with the computed layout.
  bool IsGlobalSet =
      Globals.empty() || isa<GlobalVariable>(Globals[0]->getGlobal());
  std::vector<GlobalTypeMember *> OrderedGTMs(Globals.size());
  auto OGTMI = OrderedGTMs.begin();
  for (auto &&F : GLB.Fragments) {
    for (auto &&Offset : F) {
      if (IsGlobalSet != isa<GlobalVariable>(Globals[Offset]->getGlobal()))
        report_fatal_error("Type identifier may not contain both global "
                           "variables and functions");
      *OGTMI++ = Globals[Offset];

  // Build the bitsets from this disjoint set.
  if (IsGlobalSet)
    buildBitSetsFromGlobalVariables(TypeIds, OrderedGTMs);
    buildBitSetsFromFunctions(TypeIds, OrderedGTMs);

/// Lower all type tests in this module.
    Module &M, ModuleSummaryIndex *ExportSummary,
    const ModuleSummaryIndex *ImportSummary, bool DropTypeTests)
    : M(M), ExportSummary(ExportSummary), ImportSummary(ImportSummary),
      DropTypeTests(DropTypeTests || ClDropTypeTests) {
  assert(!(ExportSummary && ImportSummary));
  Triple TargetTriple(M.getTargetTriple());
  Arch = TargetTriple.getArch();
  OS = TargetTriple.getOS();
  ObjectFormat = TargetTriple.getObjectFormat();

bool LowerTypeTestsModule::runForTesting(Module &M) {
  ModuleSummaryIndex Summary(/*HaveGVs=*/false);

  // Handle the command-line summary arguments. This code is for testing
  // purposes only, so we handle errors directly.
  if (!ClReadSummary.empty()) {
    ExitOnError ExitOnErr("-lowertypetests-read-summary: " + ClReadSummary +
                          ": ");
    auto ReadSummaryFile =

    yaml::Input In(ReadSummaryFile->getBuffer());
    In >> Summary;

  bool Changed =
          M, ClSummaryAction == PassSummaryAction::Export ? &Summary : nullptr,
          ClSummaryAction == PassSummaryAction::Import ? &Summary : nullptr,
          /*DropTypeTests*/ false)

  if (!ClWriteSummary.empty()) {
    ExitOnError ExitOnErr("-lowertypetests-write-summary: " + ClWriteSummary +
                          ": ");
    std::error_code EC;
    raw_fd_ostream OS(ClWriteSummary, EC, sys::fs::OF_TextWithCRLF);

    yaml::Output Out(OS);
    Out << Summary;

  return Changed;

static bool isDirectCall(Use& U) {
  auto *Usr = dyn_cast<CallInst>(U.getUser());
  if (Usr) {
    auto *CB = dyn_cast<CallBase>(Usr);
    if (CB && CB->isCallee(&U))
      return true;
  return false;

void LowerTypeTestsModule::replaceCfiUses(Function *Old, Value *New,
                                          bool IsJumpTableCanonical) {
  SmallSetVector<Constant *, 4> Constants;
  for (Use &U : llvm::make_early_inc_range(Old->uses())) {
    // Skip block addresses and no_cfi values, which refer to the function
    // body instead of the jump table.
    if (isa<BlockAddress, NoCFIValue>(U.getUser()))

    // Skip direct calls to externally defined or non-dso_local functions
    if (isDirectCall(U) && (Old->isDSOLocal() || !IsJumpTableCanonical))

    // Must handle Constants specially, we cannot call replaceUsesOfWith on a
    // constant because they are uniqued.
    if (auto *C = dyn_cast<Constant>(U.getUser())) {
      if (!isa<GlobalValue>(C)) {
        // Save unique users to avoid processing operand replacement
        // more than once.


  // Process operand replacement of saved constants.
  for (auto *C : Constants)
    C->handleOperandChange(Old, New);

void LowerTypeTestsModule::replaceDirectCalls(Value *Old, Value *New) {
  Old->replaceUsesWithIf(New, isDirectCall);

bool LowerTypeTestsModule::lower() {
  Function *TypeTestFunc =

  if (DropTypeTests && TypeTestFunc) {
    for (Use &U : llvm::make_early_inc_range(TypeTestFunc->uses())) {
      auto *CI = cast<CallInst>(U.getUser());
      // Find and erase llvm.assume intrinsics for this llvm.type.test call.
      for (Use &CIU : llvm::make_early_inc_range(CI->uses()))
        if (auto *Assume = dyn_cast<AssumeInst>(CIU.getUser()))
      // If the assume was merged with another assume, we might have a use on a
      // phi (which will feed the assume). Simply replace the use on the phi
      // with "true" and leave the merged assume.
      if (!CI->use_empty()) {
                      [](User *U) -> bool { return isa<PHINode>(U); }));

    // We have deleted the type intrinsics, so we no longer have enough
    // information to reason about the liveness of virtual function pointers
    // in GlobalDCE.
    for (GlobalVariable &GV : M.globals())

    return true;

  // If only some of the modules were split, we cannot correctly perform
  // this transformation. We already checked for the presense of type tests
  // with partially split modules during the thin link, and would have emitted
  // an error if any were found, so here we can simply return.
  if ((ExportSummary && ExportSummary->partiallySplitLTOUnits()) ||
      (ImportSummary && ImportSummary->partiallySplitLTOUnits()))
    return false;

  Function *ICallBranchFunnelFunc =
  if ((!TypeTestFunc || TypeTestFunc->use_empty()) &&
      (!ICallBranchFunnelFunc || ICallBranchFunnelFunc->use_empty()) &&
      !ExportSummary && !ImportSummary)
    return false;

  if (ImportSummary) {
    if (TypeTestFunc)
      for (Use &U : llvm::make_early_inc_range(TypeTestFunc->uses()))

    if (ICallBranchFunnelFunc && !ICallBranchFunnelFunc->use_empty())
          "unexpected call to llvm.icall.branch.funnel during import phase");

    SmallVector<Function *, 8> Defs;
    SmallVector<Function *, 8> Decls;
    for (auto &F : M) {
      // CFI functions are either external, or promoted. A local function may
      // have the same name, but it's not the one we are looking for.
      if (F.hasLocalLinkage())
      if (ImportSummary->cfiFunctionDefs().count(std::string(F.getName())))
      else if (ImportSummary->cfiFunctionDecls().count(

    std::vector<GlobalAlias *> AliasesToErase;
      ScopedSaveAliaseesAndUsed S(M);
      for (auto F : Defs)
        importFunction(F, /*isJumpTableCanonical*/ true, AliasesToErase);
      for (auto F : Decls)
        importFunction(F, /*isJumpTableCanonical*/ false, AliasesToErase);
    for (GlobalAlias *GA : AliasesToErase)

    return true;

  // Equivalence class set containing type identifiers and the globals that
  // reference them. This is used to partition the set of type identifiers in
  // the module into disjoint sets.
  using GlobalClassesTy = EquivalenceClasses<
      PointerUnion<GlobalTypeMember *, Metadata *, ICallBranchFunnel *>>;
  GlobalClassesTy GlobalClasses;

  // Verify the type metadata and build a few data structures to let us
  // efficiently enumerate the type identifiers associated with a global:
  // a list of GlobalTypeMembers (a GlobalObject stored alongside a vector
  // of associated type metadata) and a mapping from type identifiers to their
  // list of GlobalTypeMembers and last observed index in the list of globals.
  // The indices will be used later to deterministically order the list of type
  // identifiers.
  BumpPtrAllocator Alloc;
  struct TIInfo {
    unsigned UniqueId;
    std::vector<GlobalTypeMember *> RefGlobals;
  DenseMap<Metadata *, TIInfo> TypeIdInfo;
  unsigned CurUniqueId = 0;
  SmallVector<MDNode *, 2> Types;

  // Cross-DSO CFI emits jumptable entries for exported functions as well as
  // address taken functions in case they are address taken in other modules.
  const bool CrossDsoCfi = M.getModuleFlag("Cross-DSO CFI") != nullptr;

  struct ExportedFunctionInfo {
    CfiFunctionLinkage Linkage;
    MDNode *FuncMD; // {name, linkage, type[, type...]}
  DenseMap<StringRef, ExportedFunctionInfo> ExportedFunctions;
  if (ExportSummary) {
    // A set of all functions that are address taken by a live global object.
    DenseSet<GlobalValue::GUID> AddressTaken;
    for (auto &I : *ExportSummary)
      for (auto &GVS : I.second.SummaryList)
        if (GVS->isLive())
          for (auto &Ref : GVS->refs())

    NamedMDNode *CfiFunctionsMD = M.getNamedMetadata("cfi.functions");
    if (CfiFunctionsMD) {
      for (auto FuncMD : CfiFunctionsMD->operands()) {
        assert(FuncMD->getNumOperands() >= 2);
        StringRef FunctionName =
        CfiFunctionLinkage Linkage = static_cast<CfiFunctionLinkage>(
        const GlobalValue::GUID GUID = GlobalValue::getGUID(
        // Do not emit jumptable entries for functions that are not-live and
        // have no live references (and are not exported with cross-DSO CFI.)
        if (!ExportSummary->isGUIDLive(GUID))
        if (!AddressTaken.count(GUID)) {
          if (!CrossDsoCfi || Linkage != CFL_Definition)

          bool Exported = false;
          if (auto VI = ExportSummary->getValueInfo(GUID))
            for (auto &GVS : VI.getSummaryList())
              if (GVS->isLive() && !GlobalValue::isLocalLinkage(GVS->linkage()))
                Exported = true;

          if (!Exported)
        auto P = ExportedFunctions.insert({FunctionName, {Linkage, FuncMD}});
        if (!P.second && P.first->second.Linkage != CFL_Definition)
          P.first->second = {Linkage, FuncMD};

      for (const auto &P : ExportedFunctions) {
        StringRef FunctionName = P.first;
        CfiFunctionLinkage Linkage = P.second.Linkage;
        MDNode *FuncMD = P.second.FuncMD;
        Function *F = M.getFunction(FunctionName);
        if (F && F->hasLocalLinkage()) {
          // Locally defined function that happens to have the same name as a
          // function defined in a ThinLTO module. Rename it to move it out of
          // the way of the external reference that we're about to create.
          // Note that setName will find a unique name for the function, so even
          // if there is an existing function with the suffix there won't be a
          // name collision.
          F->setName(F->getName() + ".1");
          F = nullptr;

        if (!F)
          F = Function::Create(
              FunctionType::get(Type::getVoidTy(M.getContext()), false),
              M.getDataLayout().getProgramAddressSpace(), FunctionName, &M);

        // If the function is available_externally, remove its definition so
        // that it is handled the same way as a declaration. Later we will try
        // to create an alias using this function's linkage, which will fail if
        // the linkage is available_externally. This will also result in us
        // following the code path below to replace the type metadata.
        if (F->hasAvailableExternallyLinkage()) {

        // Update the linkage for extern_weak declarations when a definition
        // exists.
        if (Linkage == CFL_Definition && F->hasExternalWeakLinkage())

        // If the function in the full LTO module is a declaration, replace its
        // type metadata with the type metadata we found in cfi.functions. That
        // metadata is presumed to be more accurate than the metadata attached
        // to the declaration.
        if (F->isDeclaration()) {
          if (Linkage == CFL_WeakDeclaration)

          for (unsigned I = 2; I < FuncMD->getNumOperands(); ++I)

  DenseMap<GlobalObject *, GlobalTypeMember *> GlobalTypeMembers;
  for (GlobalObject &GO : M.global_objects()) {
    if (isa<GlobalVariable>(GO) && GO.isDeclarationForLinker())

    GO.getMetadata(LLVMContext::MD_type, Types);

    bool IsJumpTableCanonical = false;
    bool IsExported = false;
    if (Function *F = dyn_cast<Function>(&GO)) {
      IsJumpTableCanonical = isJumpTableCanonical(F);
      if (ExportedFunctions.count(F->getName())) {
        IsJumpTableCanonical |=
            ExportedFunctions[F->getName()].Linkage == CFL_Definition;
        IsExported = true;
      // TODO: The logic here checks only that the function is address taken,
      // not that the address takers are live. This can be updated to check
      // their liveness and emit fewer jumptable entries once monolithic LTO
      // builds also emit summaries.
      } else if (!F->hasAddressTaken()) {
        if (!CrossDsoCfi || !IsJumpTableCanonical || F->hasLocalLinkage())

    auto *GTM = GlobalTypeMember::create(Alloc, &GO, IsJumpTableCanonical,
                                         IsExported, Types);
    GlobalTypeMembers[&GO] = GTM;
    for (MDNode *Type : Types) {
      verifyTypeMDNode(&GO, Type);
      auto &Info = TypeIdInfo[Type->getOperand(1)];
      Info.UniqueId = ++CurUniqueId;

  auto AddTypeIdUse = [&](Metadata *TypeId) -> TypeIdUserInfo & {
    // Add the call site to the list of call sites for this type identifier. We
    // also use TypeIdUsers to keep track of whether we have seen this type
    // identifier before. If we have, we don't need to re-add the referenced
    // globals to the equivalence class.
    auto Ins = TypeIdUsers.insert({TypeId, {}});
    if (Ins.second) {
      // Add the type identifier to the equivalence class.
      GlobalClassesTy::iterator GCI = GlobalClasses.insert(TypeId);
      GlobalClassesTy::member_iterator CurSet = GlobalClasses.findLeader(GCI);

      // Add the referenced globals to the type identifier's equivalence class.
      for (GlobalTypeMember *GTM : TypeIdInfo[TypeId].RefGlobals)
        CurSet = GlobalClasses.unionSets(
            CurSet, GlobalClasses.findLeader(GlobalClasses.insert(GTM)));

    return Ins.first->second;

  if (TypeTestFunc) {
    for (const Use &U : TypeTestFunc->uses()) {
      auto CI = cast<CallInst>(U.getUser());
      // If this type test is only used by llvm.assume instructions, it
      // was used for whole program devirtualization, and is being kept
      // for use by other optimization passes. We do not need or want to
      // lower it here. We also don't want to rewrite any associated globals
      // unnecessarily. These will be removed by a subsequent LTT invocation
      // with the DropTypeTests flag set.
      bool OnlyAssumeUses = !CI->use_empty();
      for (const Use &CIU : CI->uses()) {
        if (isa<AssumeInst>(CIU.getUser()))
        OnlyAssumeUses = false;
      if (OnlyAssumeUses)

      auto TypeIdMDVal = dyn_cast<MetadataAsValue>(CI->getArgOperand(1));
      if (!TypeIdMDVal)
        report_fatal_error("Second argument of llvm.type.test must be metadata");
      auto TypeId = TypeIdMDVal->getMetadata();

  if (ICallBranchFunnelFunc) {
    for (const Use &U : ICallBranchFunnelFunc->uses()) {
      if (Arch != Triple::x86_64)
            "llvm.icall.branch.funnel not supported on this target");

      auto CI = cast<CallInst>(U.getUser());

      std::vector<GlobalTypeMember *> Targets;
      if (CI->arg_size() % 2 != 1)
        report_fatal_error("number of arguments should be odd");

      GlobalClassesTy::member_iterator CurSet;
      for (unsigned I = 1; I != CI->arg_size(); I += 2) {
        int64_t Offset;
        auto *Base = dyn_cast<GlobalObject>(GetPointerBaseWithConstantOffset(
            CI->getOperand(I), Offset, M.getDataLayout()));
        if (!Base)
              "Expected branch funnel operand to be global value");

        GlobalTypeMember *GTM = GlobalTypeMembers[Base];
        GlobalClassesTy::member_iterator NewSet =
        if (I == 1)
          CurSet = NewSet;
          CurSet = GlobalClasses.unionSets(CurSet, NewSet);

          CurSet, GlobalClasses.findLeader(
                          Alloc, CI, Targets, ++CurUniqueId))));

  if (ExportSummary) {
    DenseMap<GlobalValue::GUID, TinyPtrVector<Metadata *>> MetadataByGUID;
    for (auto &P : TypeIdInfo) {
      if (auto *TypeId = dyn_cast<MDString>(P.first))

    for (auto &P : *ExportSummary) {
      for (auto &S : P.second.SummaryList) {
        if (!ExportSummary->isGlobalValueLive(S.get()))
        if (auto *FS = dyn_cast<FunctionSummary>(S->getBaseObject()))
          for (GlobalValue::GUID G : FS->type_tests())
            for (Metadata *MD : MetadataByGUID[G])
              AddTypeIdUse(MD).IsExported = true;

  if (GlobalClasses.empty())
    return false;

  // Build a list of disjoint sets ordered by their maximum global index for
  // determinism.
  std::vector<std::pair<GlobalClassesTy::iterator, unsigned>> Sets;
  for (GlobalClassesTy::iterator I = GlobalClasses.begin(),
                                 E = GlobalClasses.end();
       I != E; ++I) {
    if (!I->isLeader())

    unsigned MaxUniqueId = 0;
    for (GlobalClassesTy::member_iterator MI = GlobalClasses.member_begin(I);
         MI != GlobalClasses.member_end(); ++MI) {
      if (auto *MD = MI->dyn_cast<Metadata *>())
        MaxUniqueId = std::max(MaxUniqueId, TypeIdInfo[MD].UniqueId);
      else if (auto *BF = MI->dyn_cast<ICallBranchFunnel *>())
        MaxUniqueId = std::max(MaxUniqueId, BF->UniqueId);
    Sets.emplace_back(I, MaxUniqueId);
  llvm::sort(Sets, llvm::less_second());

  // For each disjoint set we found...
  for (const auto &S : Sets) {
    // Build the list of type identifiers in this disjoint set.
    std::vector<Metadata *> TypeIds;
    std::vector<GlobalTypeMember *> Globals;
    std::vector<ICallBranchFunnel *> ICallBranchFunnels;
    for (GlobalClassesTy::member_iterator MI =
         MI != GlobalClasses.member_end(); ++MI) {
      if (MI->is<Metadata *>())
        TypeIds.push_back(MI->get<Metadata *>());
      else if (MI->is<GlobalTypeMember *>())
        Globals.push_back(MI->get<GlobalTypeMember *>());
        ICallBranchFunnels.push_back(MI->get<ICallBranchFunnel *>());

    // Order type identifiers by unique ID for determinism. This ordering is
    // stable as there is a one-to-one mapping between metadata and unique IDs.
    llvm::sort(TypeIds, [&](Metadata *M1, Metadata *M2) {
      return TypeIdInfo[M1].UniqueId < TypeIdInfo[M2].UniqueId;

    // Same for the branch funnels.
               [&](ICallBranchFunnel *F1, ICallBranchFunnel *F2) {
                 return F1->UniqueId < F2->UniqueId;

    // Build bitsets for this disjoint set.
    buildBitSetsFromDisjointSet(TypeIds, Globals, ICallBranchFunnels);


  // Parse alias data to replace stand-in function declarations for aliases
  // with an alias to the intended target.
  if (ExportSummary) {
    if (NamedMDNode *AliasesMD = M.getNamedMetadata("aliases")) {
      for (auto AliasMD : AliasesMD->operands()) {
        assert(AliasMD->getNumOperands() >= 4);
        StringRef AliasName =
        StringRef Aliasee = cast<MDString>(AliasMD->getOperand(1))->getString();

        if (!ExportedFunctions.count(Aliasee) ||
            ExportedFunctions[Aliasee].Linkage != CFL_Definition ||

        GlobalValue::VisibilityTypes Visibility =
        bool Weak =

        auto *Alias = GlobalAlias::create("", M.getNamedAlias(Aliasee));
        if (Weak)

        if (auto *F = M.getFunction(AliasName)) {
        } else {

  // Emit .symver directives for exported functions, if they exist.
  if (ExportSummary) {
    if (NamedMDNode *SymversMD = M.getNamedMetadata("symvers")) {
      for (auto Symver : SymversMD->operands()) {
        assert(Symver->getNumOperands() >= 2);
        StringRef SymbolName =
        StringRef Alias = cast<MDString>(Symver->getOperand(1))->getString();

        if (!ExportedFunctions.count(SymbolName))

            (llvm::Twine(".symver ") + SymbolName + ", " + Alias).str());

  return true;

PreservedAnalyses LowerTypeTestsPass::run(Module &M,
                                          ModuleAnalysisManager &AM) {
  bool Changed;
  if (UseCommandLine)
    Changed = LowerTypeTestsModule::runForTesting(M);
    Changed =
        LowerTypeTestsModule(M, ExportSummary, ImportSummary, DropTypeTests)
  if (!Changed)
    return PreservedAnalyses::all();
  return PreservedAnalyses::none();