path: root/include/Makefile
blob: b79204ae77c825db6538f43384a7438f8e66b93a (plain) (tree)
























#	@(#)Makefile	8.2 (Berkeley) 1/4/94
# $FreeBSD$
# Doing a make install builds /usr/include
# The ``rm -rf''s used below are safe because rm doesn't follow symbolic
# links.

CLEANFILES= osreldate.h version vers.c
SUBDIR= arpa protocols rpcsvc rpc
INCS=	a.out.h ar.h assert.h bitstring.h complex.h cpio.h ctype.h db.h \
	dirent.h \
	dlfcn.h elf.h elf-hints.h err.h fnmatch.h fmtmsg.h fstab.h \
	fts.h getopt.h glob.h grp.h \
	hesiod.h histedit.h ieeefp.h ifaddrs.h inttypes.h iso646.h kenv.h \
	langinfo.h \
	libgen.h limits.h link.h locale.h malloc.h memory.h monetary.h mpool.h \
	ndbm.h netconfig.h netdb.h nl_types.h nlist.h nsswitch.h objformat.h \
	paths.h pthread.h pthread_np.h pwd.h \
	ranlib.h readpassphrase.h regex.h regexp.h resolv.h rune.h runetype.h \
	search.h setjmp.h sgtty.h \
	signal.h stab.h stdbool.h stddef.h stdio.h stdlib.h strhash.h \
	string.h stringlist.h strings.h sysexits.h tar.h time.h timeconv.h \
	timers.h ttyent.h ulimit.h unistd.h utime.h utmp.h vis.h wchar.h \

MHDRS=	float.h floatingpoint.h stdarg.h varargs.h

# posix4/mqueue.h is useless without an implementation and isn't installed:
PHDRS=	sched.h semaphore.h _semaphore.h # mqueue.h

LHDRS=	aio.h errno.h fcntl.h linker_set.h poll.h stdint.h syslog.h \
	termios.h ucontext.h

LDIRS=	cam net netatalk netatm netgraph netinet netinet6 \
	netipx netkey netnatm netncp netns netsmb nfs nfsclient nfsserver \
	pccard posix4 sys vm

LSUBDIRS=	cam/scsi dev/an dev/ic dev/iicbus dev/ppbus dev/smbus \
	dev/usb dev/wi fs/devfs \
	fs/fdescfs fs/fifofs fs/msdosfs fs/ntfs fs/nullfs fs/nwfs fs/portalfs \
	fs/procfs fs/smbfs fs/umapfs fs/unionfs isofs/cd9660 \
	netatm/ipatm netatm/sigpvc netatm/spans netatm/uni \
	security/lomac security/mac_biba security/mac_bsdextended \
	security/mac_mls ufs/ffs ufs/ufs

# For SHARED=symlinks, cam and netatm are symlinks, so cam/scsi and netatm/*
# are taken care of
LSYMSUBDIRS=	${LSUBDIRS:Ncam/scsi:Nnetatm/*}

# Define SHARED to indicate whether you want symbolic links to the system
# source (``symlinks''), or a separate copy (``copies'').  ``symlinks'' is
# probably only useful for developers and should be avoided if you do not
# wish to tie your /usr/include and /usr/src together.
#SHARED=	symlinks
SHARED?=	copies

INCS+=	osreldate.h

osreldate.h:	${.CURDIR}/../sys/conf/newvers.sh \
		${.CURDIR}/../sys/sys/param.h \
	@${ECHO} creating osreldate.h from newvers.sh
	setvar PARAMFILE ${.CURDIR}/../sys/sys/param.h; \
	. ${.CURDIR}/../sys/conf/newvers.sh;			\
	echo "$$COPYRIGHT" > osreldate.h;			\
	echo "#ifdef _KERNEL" >> osreldate.h;			\
	echo '#error "/usr/include/osreldate.h cannot be used in the kernel, use sys/param.h"' >> osreldate.h; \
	echo "#else" >> osreldate.h;				\
	echo \#'undef __FreeBSD_version' >> osreldate.h;	\
	echo \#'define __FreeBSD_version' $$RELDATE >> osreldate.h; \
	echo "#endif" >> osreldate.h

.for i in ${LHDRS}
.for i in ${MHDRS}
INCSLINKS+=	machine/$i ${INCLUDEDIR}/$i
.for i in ${PHDRS}
INCSLINKS+=	posix4/$i ${INCLUDEDIR}/$i

.for i in ${LDIRS} ${LSYMSUBDIRS} machine crypto
	if [ -L ${DESTDIR}/usr/include/$i ]; then \
		rm -f ${DESTDIR}/usr/include/$i; \
	mtree -deU ${MTREE_FOLLOWS_SYMLINKS} -f ${.CURDIR}/../etc/mtree/BSD.include.dist \
		-p ${DESTDIR}/usr/include
.for i in ${LDIRS} ${LSUBDIRS}
	cd ${.CURDIR}/../sys; \
		${INSTALL} -C -o ${BINOWN} -g ${BINGRP} -m 444 $i/*.h \
	cd ${.CURDIR}/../sys; \
		${INSTALL} -C -o ${BINOWN} -g ${BINGRP} -m 444 opencrypto/*.h \
.if exists(${.CURDIR}/../sys/${MACHINE_ARCH}/include)
	cd ${.CURDIR}/../sys/${MACHINE_ARCH}/include; \
		${INSTALL} -C -o ${BINOWN} -g ${BINGRP} -m 444 *.h \
.if exists(${.CURDIR}/../sys/${MACHINE_ARCH}/include/pc)
	cd ${.CURDIR}/../sys/${MACHINE_ARCH}/include/pc; \
		${INSTALL} -C -o ${BINOWN} -g ${BINGRP} -m 444 *.h \

	@${ECHO} "Setting up symlinks to kernel source tree..."
.for i in ${LDIRS}
	rm -rf ${DESTDIR}/usr/include/$i
	ln -s ../../sys/$i ${DESTDIR}/usr/include/$i
	rm -rf ${DESTDIR}/usr/include/crypto
	ln -s ../../sys/opencrypto ${DESTDIR}/usr/include/crypto
.for i in ${LSYMSUBDIRS}
	rm -rf ${DESTDIR}/usr/include/$i
	ln -s ../../../sys/$i ${DESTDIR}/usr/include/$i
	rm -rf ${DESTDIR}/usr/include/machine
	ln -s ../../sys/${MACHINE_ARCH}/include ${DESTDIR}/usr/include/machine

.include <bsd.prog.mk>

installincludes: ${SHARED}