path: root/sys/contrib/openzfs/tests/zfs-tests/tests/functional/fault/auto_replace_001_pos.ksh
blob: 57180cdc1860fb77b4d780a08bab42e41046fa94 (plain) (tree)

















#!/bin/ksh -p
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. $STF_SUITE/include/libtest.shlib
. $STF_SUITE/tests/functional/fault/fault.cfg

# Testing Fault Management Agent ZED Logic - Automated Auto-Replace Test.
# 1. Update /etc/zfs/vdev_id.conf with scsidebug alias for a persistent path.
#    This creates keys ID_VDEV and ID_VDEV_PATH and set phys_path="scsidebug".
# 2. Create a pool and set autoreplace=on (auto-replace is opt-in)
# 3. Export a pool
# 4. Wipe and offline the scsi_debug disk
# 5. Import pool with missing disk
# 6. Re-online the wiped scsi_debug disk
# 7. Verify the ZED detects the new unused disk and adds it back to the pool
# Creates a raidz1 zpool using persistent disk path names
# (ie not /dev/sdc)
# Auto-replace is opt in, and matches by phys_path.

verify_runnable "both"

if ! is_physical_device $DISKS; then
	log_unsupported "Unsupported disks for this test."

function cleanup
	destroy_pool $TESTPOOL
	sed -i '/alias scsidebug/d' $VDEVID_CONF

log_assert "Testing automated auto-replace FMA test"
log_onexit cleanup

load_scsi_debug $SDSIZE $SDHOSTS $SDTGTS $SDLUNS '512b'
SD_DEVICE_ID=$(get_persistent_disk_name $SD)
SD_HOST=$(get_scsi_host $SD)

# Register vdev_id alias for scsi_debug device to create a persistent path
echo "alias scsidebug /dev/disk/by-id/$SD_DEVICE_ID" >>$VDEVID_CONF

SD_DEVICE=$(udevadm info -q all -n $DEV_DSKDIR/$SD | \
    awk -F'=' '/ID_VDEV=/ {print $2; exit}')
[ -z $SD_DEVICE ] && log_fail "vdev rule was not registered properly"

log_must zpool events -c
log_must zpool create -f $TESTPOOL raidz1 $SD_DEVICE $DISK1 $DISK2 $DISK3

# Auto-replace is opt-in so need to set property
log_must zpool set autoreplace=on $TESTPOOL

# Add some data to the pool
log_must mkfile $FSIZE /$TESTPOOL/data
log_must zpool export $TESTPOOL

# Wipe and offline the disk
log_must dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/disk/by-id/$SD_DEVICE_ID bs=1M count=$SDSIZE
remove_disk $SD

# Re-import pool with drive missing
log_must zpool import $TESTPOOL
log_must check_state $TESTPOOL "" "DEGRADED"

# Online an empty disk in the same physical location
insert_disk $SD $SD_HOST

# Wait for the new disk to be online and replaced
log_must wait_vdev_state $TESTPOOL "scsidebug" "ONLINE" $MAXTIMEOUT
log_must wait_replacing $TESTPOOL

# Validate auto-replace was successful
log_must check_state $TESTPOOL "" "ONLINE"

log_pass "Auto-replace test successful"