path: root/lib/StaticAnalyzer
diff options
authorDimitry Andric <dim@FreeBSD.org>2019-08-20 17:59:23 +0000
committerDimitry Andric <dim@FreeBSD.org>2019-08-20 17:59:23 +0000
commit9a83721404652cea39e9f02ae3e3b5c964602a5c (patch)
tree23e9541ce27049a103f6ed046be61592123e02c9 /lib/StaticAnalyzer
parent676fbe8105eeb6ff4bb2ed261cb212fcfdbe7b63 (diff)
Remove upstream files and directories from vendor/clang/dist that we do
not use. This saves on repository space, and reduces the number of tree conflicts when merging.
Notes: svn path=/vendor/clang/dist/; revision=351267
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/StaticAnalyzer')
5 files changed, 0 insertions, 353 deletions
diff --git a/lib/StaticAnalyzer/CMakeLists.txt b/lib/StaticAnalyzer/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 3d1509254f52..000000000000
--- a/lib/StaticAnalyzer/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/lib/StaticAnalyzer/Checkers/CMakeLists.txt b/lib/StaticAnalyzer/Checkers/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 10fb0bd3536c..000000000000
--- a/lib/StaticAnalyzer/Checkers/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
- Support
- )
- AnalysisOrderChecker.cpp
- AnalyzerStatsChecker.cpp
- ArrayBoundChecker.cpp
- ArrayBoundCheckerV2.cpp
- BasicObjCFoundationChecks.cpp
- BlockInCriticalSectionChecker.cpp
- BoolAssignmentChecker.cpp
- BuiltinFunctionChecker.cpp
- CStringChecker.cpp
- CStringSyntaxChecker.cpp
- CallAndMessageChecker.cpp
- CastSizeChecker.cpp
- CastToStructChecker.cpp
- CheckObjCDealloc.cpp
- CheckObjCInstMethSignature.cpp
- CheckSecuritySyntaxOnly.cpp
- CheckSizeofPointer.cpp
- CheckerDocumentation.cpp
- ChrootChecker.cpp
- CloneChecker.cpp
- ConversionChecker.cpp
- CXXSelfAssignmentChecker.cpp
- DeadStoresChecker.cpp
- DebugCheckers.cpp
- DeleteWithNonVirtualDtorChecker.cpp
- DereferenceChecker.cpp
- DirectIvarAssignment.cpp
- DivZeroChecker.cpp
- DynamicTypePropagation.cpp
- DynamicTypeChecker.cpp
- EnumCastOutOfRangeChecker.cpp
- ExprInspectionChecker.cpp
- FixedAddressChecker.cpp
- GCDAntipatternChecker.cpp
- GenericTaintChecker.cpp
- GTestChecker.cpp
- IdenticalExprChecker.cpp
- InnerPointerChecker.cpp
- IteratorChecker.cpp
- IvarInvalidationChecker.cpp
- LLVMConventionsChecker.cpp
- LocalizationChecker.cpp
- MacOSKeychainAPIChecker.cpp
- MacOSXAPIChecker.cpp
- MallocChecker.cpp
- MallocOverflowSecurityChecker.cpp
- MallocSizeofChecker.cpp
- MmapWriteExecChecker.cpp
- MoveChecker.cpp
- MPI-Checker/MPIBugReporter.cpp
- MPI-Checker/MPIChecker.cpp
- MPI-Checker/MPIFunctionClassifier.cpp
- NSAutoreleasePoolChecker.cpp
- NSErrorChecker.cpp
- NoReturnFunctionChecker.cpp
- NonNullParamChecker.cpp
- NonnullGlobalConstantsChecker.cpp
- NullabilityChecker.cpp
- NumberObjectConversionChecker.cpp
- ObjCAtSyncChecker.cpp
- ObjCAutoreleaseWriteChecker.cpp
- ObjCContainersASTChecker.cpp
- ObjCContainersChecker.cpp
- ObjCMissingSuperCallChecker.cpp
- ObjCPropertyChecker.cpp
- ObjCSelfInitChecker.cpp
- ObjCSuperDeallocChecker.cpp
- ObjCUnusedIVarsChecker.cpp
- PaddingChecker.cpp
- PointerArithChecker.cpp
- PointerSubChecker.cpp
- PthreadLockChecker.cpp
- RetainCountChecker/RetainCountChecker.cpp
- RetainCountChecker/RetainCountDiagnostics.cpp
- ReturnPointerRangeChecker.cpp
- ReturnUndefChecker.cpp
- RunLoopAutoreleaseLeakChecker.cpp
- SimpleStreamChecker.cpp
- StackAddrEscapeChecker.cpp
- StdLibraryFunctionsChecker.cpp
- StreamChecker.cpp
- TaintTesterChecker.cpp
- TestAfterDivZeroChecker.cpp
- TraversalChecker.cpp
- TrustNonnullChecker.cpp
- UndefBranchChecker.cpp
- UndefCapturedBlockVarChecker.cpp
- UndefResultChecker.cpp
- UndefinedArraySubscriptChecker.cpp
- UndefinedAssignmentChecker.cpp
- UninitializedObject/UninitializedObjectChecker.cpp
- UninitializedObject/UninitializedPointee.cpp
- UnixAPIChecker.cpp
- UnreachableCodeChecker.cpp
- VforkChecker.cpp
- VLASizeChecker.cpp
- ValistChecker.cpp
- VirtualCallChecker.cpp
- clangAST
- clangASTMatchers
- clangAnalysis
- clangBasic
- clangLex
- clangStaticAnalyzerCore
- )
diff --git a/lib/StaticAnalyzer/Core/CMakeLists.txt b/lib/StaticAnalyzer/Core/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 167f78af6289..000000000000
--- a/lib/StaticAnalyzer/Core/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-# Link Z3 if the user wants to build it.
- set(Z3_LINK_FILES "")
- APSIntType.cpp
- AnalysisManager.cpp
- AnalyzerOptions.cpp
- BasicValueFactory.cpp
- BlockCounter.cpp
- BugReporter.cpp
- BugReporterVisitors.cpp
- CallEvent.cpp
- Checker.cpp
- CheckerContext.cpp
- CheckerHelpers.cpp
- CheckerManager.cpp
- CommonBugCategories.cpp
- ConstraintManager.cpp
- CoreEngine.cpp
- DynamicTypeMap.cpp
- Environment.cpp
- ExplodedGraph.cpp
- ExprEngine.cpp
- ExprEngineC.cpp
- ExprEngineCXX.cpp
- ExprEngineCallAndReturn.cpp
- ExprEngineObjC.cpp
- FunctionSummary.cpp
- HTMLDiagnostics.cpp
- IssueHash.cpp
- LoopUnrolling.cpp
- LoopWidening.cpp
- MemRegion.cpp
- PathDiagnostic.cpp
- PlistDiagnostics.cpp
- ProgramState.cpp
- RangeConstraintManager.cpp
- RangedConstraintManager.cpp
- RegionStore.cpp
- RetainSummaryManager.cpp
- SarifDiagnostics.cpp
- SimpleConstraintManager.cpp
- SimpleSValBuilder.cpp
- Store.cpp
- SubEngine.cpp
- SValBuilder.cpp
- SVals.cpp
- SymbolManager.cpp
- TaintManager.cpp
- WorkList.cpp
- Z3ConstraintManager.cpp
- clangAST
- clangASTMatchers
- clangAnalysis
- clangBasic
- clangCrossTU
- clangLex
- clangRewrite
- )
- target_include_directories(clangStaticAnalyzerCore SYSTEM
- )
diff --git a/lib/StaticAnalyzer/Frontend/CMakeLists.txt b/lib/StaticAnalyzer/Frontend/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 5e7dd8f18cd7..000000000000
--- a/lib/StaticAnalyzer/Frontend/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-include_directories( ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/../Checkers )
- Support
- )
- AnalysisConsumer.cpp
- CheckerRegistration.cpp
- CheckerRegistry.cpp
- FrontendActions.cpp
- ModelConsumer.cpp
- ModelInjector.cpp
- clangAST
- clangAnalysis
- clangBasic
- clangCrossTU
- clangFrontend
- clangLex
- clangStaticAnalyzerCheckers
- clangStaticAnalyzerCore
- )
diff --git a/lib/StaticAnalyzer/README.txt b/lib/StaticAnalyzer/README.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 79a16ec7673d..000000000000
--- a/lib/StaticAnalyzer/README.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
-// Clang Static Analyzer
-= Library Structure =
-The analyzer library has two layers: a (low-level) static analysis
-engine (GRExprEngine.cpp and friends), and some static checkers
-(*Checker.cpp). The latter are built on top of the former via the
-Checker and CheckerVisitor interfaces (Checker.h and
-CheckerVisitor.h). The Checker interface is designed to be minimal
-and simple for checker writers, and attempts to isolate them from much
-of the gore of the internal analysis engine.
-= How It Works =
-The analyzer is inspired by several foundational research papers ([1],
-[2]). (FIXME: kremenek to add more links)
-In a nutshell, the analyzer is basically a source code simulator that
-traces out possible paths of execution. The state of the program
-(values of variables and expressions) is encapsulated by the state
-(ProgramState). A location in the program is called a program point
-(ProgramPoint), and the combination of state and program point is a
-node in an exploded graph (ExplodedGraph). The term "exploded" comes
-from exploding the control-flow edges in the control-flow graph (CFG).
-Conceptually the analyzer does a reachability analysis through the
-ExplodedGraph. We start at a root node, which has the entry program
-point and initial state, and then simulate transitions by analyzing
-individual expressions. The analysis of an expression can cause the
-state to change, resulting in a new node in the ExplodedGraph with an
-updated program point and an updated state. A bug is found by hitting
-a node that satisfies some "bug condition" (basically a violation of a
-checking invariant).
-The analyzer traces out multiple paths by reasoning about branches and
-then bifurcating the state: on the true branch the conditions of the
-branch are assumed to be true and on the false branch the conditions
-of the branch are assumed to be false. Such "assumptions" create
-constraints on the values of the program, and those constraints are
-recorded in the ProgramState object (and are manipulated by the
-ConstraintManager). If assuming the conditions of a branch would
-cause the constraints to be unsatisfiable, the branch is considered
-infeasible and that path is not taken. This is how we get
-path-sensitivity. We reduce exponential blow-up by caching nodes. If
-a new node with the same state and program point as an existing node
-would get generated, the path "caches out" and we simply reuse the
-existing node. Thus the ExplodedGraph is not a DAG; it can contain
-cycles as paths loop back onto each other and cache out.
-ProgramState and ExplodedNodes are basically immutable once created. Once
-one creates a ProgramState, you need to create a new one to get a new
-ProgramState. This immutability is key since the ExplodedGraph represents
-the behavior of the analyzed program from the entry point. To
-represent these efficiently, we use functional data structures (e.g.,
-ImmutableMaps) which share data between instances.
-Finally, individual Checkers work by also manipulating the analysis
-state. The analyzer engine talks to them via a visitor interface.
-For example, the PreVisitCallExpr() method is called by GRExprEngine
-to tell the Checker that we are about to analyze a CallExpr, and the
-checker is asked to check for any preconditions that might not be
-satisfied. The checker can do nothing, or it can generate a new
-ProgramState and ExplodedNode which contains updated checker state. If it
-finds a bug, it can tell the BugReporter object about the bug,
-providing it an ExplodedNode which is the last node in the path that
-triggered the problem.
-= Notes about C++ =
-Since now constructors are seen before the variable that is constructed
-in the CFG, we create a temporary object as the destination region that
-is constructed into. See ExprEngine::VisitCXXConstructExpr().
-In ExprEngine::processCallExit(), we always bind the object region to the
-evaluated CXXConstructExpr. Then in VisitDeclStmt(), we compute the
-corresponding lazy compound value if the variable is not a reference, and
-bind the variable region to the lazy compound value. If the variable
-is a reference, just use the object region as the initializer value.
-Before entering a C++ method (or ctor/dtor), the 'this' region is bound
-to the object region. In ctors, we synthesize 'this' region with
-CXXRecordDecl*, which means we do not use type qualifiers. In methods, we
-synthesize 'this' region with CXXMethodDecl*, which has getThisType()
-taking type qualifiers into account. It does not matter we use qualified
-'this' region in one method and unqualified 'this' region in another
-method, because we only need to ensure the 'this' region is consistent
-when we synthesize it and create it directly from CXXThisExpr in a single
-method call.
-= Working on the Analyzer =
-If you are interested in bringing up support for C++ expressions, the
-best place to look is the visitation logic in GRExprEngine, which
-handles the simulation of individual expressions. There are plenty of
-examples there of how other expressions are handled.
-If you are interested in writing checkers, look at the Checker and
-CheckerVisitor interfaces (Checker.h and CheckerVisitor.h). Also look
-at the files named *Checker.cpp for examples on how you can implement
-these interfaces.
-= Debugging the Analyzer =
-There are some useful command-line options for debugging. For example:
-$ clang -cc1 -help | grep analyze
- -analyze-function <value>
- -analyzer-display-progress
- -analyzer-viz-egraph-graphviz
- ...
-The first allows you to specify only analyzing a specific function.
-The second prints to the console what function is being analyzed. The
-third generates a graphviz dot file of the ExplodedGraph. This is
-extremely useful when debugging the analyzer and viewing the
-simulation results.
-Of course, viewing the CFG (Control-Flow Graph) is also useful:
-$ clang -cc1 -help | grep cfg
- -cfg-add-implicit-dtors Add C++ implicit destructors to CFGs for all analyses
- -cfg-add-initializers Add C++ initializers to CFGs for all analyses
- -cfg-dump Display Control-Flow Graphs
- -cfg-view View Control-Flow Graphs using GraphViz
- -unoptimized-cfg Generate unoptimized CFGs for all analyses
--cfg-dump dumps a textual representation of the CFG to the console,
-and -cfg-view creates a GraphViz representation.
-= References =
-[1] Precise interprocedural dataflow analysis via graph reachability,
- T Reps, S Horwitz, and M Sagiv, POPL '95,
- http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=199462
-[2] A memory model for static analysis of C programs, Z Xu, T
- Kremenek, and J Zhang, http://lcs.ios.ac.cn/~xzx/memmodel.pdf