path: root/release/picobsd/tinyware/simple_httpd/README
diff options
authorAndrzej Bialecki <abial@FreeBSD.org>1999-05-05 07:22:34 +0000
committerAndrzej Bialecki <abial@FreeBSD.org>1999-05-05 07:22:34 +0000
commita4cc70689638026cff5da59293a20b5067e9efa6 (patch)
tree395e05252873620cdf6f9360624a453fd5083bd9 /release/picobsd/tinyware/simple_httpd/README
parent113a394c065d32ca0142e6c819e6c8128bb8e868 (diff)
Simple_HTTPd on steroids - major rework of the original program, by
William Lloyd. New features include: * many additional command line options * "fetch" mode * less bugs :-) * better README. Submitted by: William Lloyd <wlloyd@lap.net> Reviewed by: abial
Notes: svn path=/head/; revision=46493
Diffstat (limited to 'release/picobsd/tinyware/simple_httpd/README')
1 files changed, 155 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/release/picobsd/tinyware/simple_httpd/README b/release/picobsd/tinyware/simple_httpd/README
index a73d2bf99f89..eafeb26d637a 100644
--- a/release/picobsd/tinyware/simple_httpd/README
+++ b/release/picobsd/tinyware/simple_httpd/README
@@ -1,23 +1,167 @@
-This is a small HTTP server. This version is under BSD license.
-It's very simple, yet sufficient for serving basic Web contents,
-including ability to run CGI scripts.
+Simple_httpd - A small and free Web server
+"Simple_httpd is like /usr/bin/mail is to mail clients, no frills."
+This HTTP server can be used in any FreeBSD/PicoBSD application.
+It has been tested under FreeBSD 2.2.x, 3.x and 4.x. It might work
+on other OS systems, but it's for FreeBSD primarily.
+The main advantage to Simple_httpd is that it is very small.
+The 25K binary can satisfy most needs in a small or embedded
+appplication. If you want a full featured server see
+/usr/ports/www/apache* or http://www.apache.org
+Simple_httpd is released under a BSD style copyright that unlike
+GPL is embedded developer friendly.
+The server is designed to be run in one of two modes. The standard
+mode is a httpd server running in the background serving up a directory
+of html,gif,cgi whatever. Your traditional www server.
+The "fetch" mode supports file transfer over httpd. This
+is best thought of as mate for fetch(1). This feature can be
+usefull to transfer a file from one host to another.
+Simple_httpd has the ability to run CGI scripts. All CGI
+scripts must be located in ${DOCUMENT_ROOT}/cgi-bin. The
+server currently only sets 3 enviroment variables before calling
+the script.
+CGI Enviroment variables are below:
+REMOTE_HOST = client.canada_lower_taxes.com
+In most target applications for this server the extra DNS traffic from
+the remote_addr lookup will likely be on the local lan anyway and not
+on the other side of the internet. You can turn it off yourself in
+the code if you want to speed the whole process up. Be sure to turn
+it off for the logfile also.
How to use it?
-Compile, and run:
+Compile with make, run as follows
+usage: simple_httpd [-vD]
+ [-d directory]
+ [-g grpid]
+ [-l logfile]
+ [-p port]
+usage: simple_httpd [-p port] -f filename
+Run the server verbose. Show the program options that will be used for this
+process. Will only show information during startup, no messages will
+be displayed while serving requests. In other words you can still
+daemonize without fear of output on stdout.
+Do not daemonize. The server will not run in the background. It will
+stay attached to the tty. This is usefull for debugging. In this
+mode no log file is created. Logging info is to stdout.
+This option is automatically selected if fetch option is selected.
+-d directory
+The html document directory, if nothing is provided the default is
+/httphome if UID is root, otherwise document root is ${HOME}/public_html
+-l logfile
+Set the logfile to use. Log messages will be written to /var/log/jhttpd.log
+if you are root and ${HOME}/jhttpd.log otherwise. If you don't want a
+log file try "-l /dev/null"
+-p port
+Set the port httpd server will listen to. Default is port 80 if
+you are root and 1080 if you are not.
+-f filename
+This is the only option needed to use the "fetch" feature. The file
+specified will be the ONLY file served to ANY GET request from a browser
+or fetch(1).
+Standard Mode:
+If you have the FreeBSD handbook installed on your machine and would
+like to serve it up over http for a quick look you could do this
+simple_httpd -d /usr/share/doc/handbook -l /usr/tmp/jlog.txt -p 1088 -v
+Any browser would be able to look at the handbook with
+I'm using 1088 as the port since I already have apache running on port 80
+and port 1080 on my host.
+Please note, the handbook is not installed by default in FreeBSD 3.x
+It must be installed from the ports collection first if you want to
+try this.
+Another simple example is to browse your local ports collection:
+cd /usr/ports
+make readmes #wait about 1 hour!
+simple_httpd -p 1080 -v -d /usr/ports
+Then point your browser at http://whatever_host/README.html
+Fetch Mode:
+This is designed to be used in conjunction with fetch(3). It allows
+for easy transfer of files from one host to another without messy
+authentication or pathnames required with ftp. The file to be
+served up must be readable by the user running simple_httpd.
+This is not a magic way to avoid permissions and read files.
- simple_httpd <port>
+The daemon will only serve up ONE file. The file specified will
+be returned for every GET request regardless of what the browser
+asks for. This allows for on the fly naming.
-If you're root, the document directory will be /httphome. If you're
-not, then first of all you need to use the <port> option (>1023).
-Then, the document root will be ${HOME}/httphome.
+sender# simple_httpd -f /usr/tmp/big_file.tgz
+receiver# fetch http://sender.com/Industrial_Secrets.tgz
-Log messages will be written out to /var/log/jhttpd.log .
+big_file.tgz was transferred from one machine to another and renamed
+Industrial_Secrets.tgz at the same time.
+Tunneling over other TCP ports. Choose something that firewall
+will probably pass. See /etc/services.
+sender# simple_httpd -p 53 -f /usr/tmp/big_file.tgz
+receiver# fetch http://sender.com:53/Industrial_Secrets.tgz
+To Do
+Simple authentication would be very usefull[understatment].
+/etc/passwd or PAM would be nice.
+I think a netmask option would be good. Most internet appliances
+probably want to restrict traffic to local ethernet anyway.
+ie: Allow anything from my class C.
+The server always has 1 zombie process hanging around when it
+runs as a daemon. Should fix so that it doesn't happen.
+Anything to make it faster!
+Man page
+If anyone has any improvements or ways to easily implement something
+please let me <wlloyd@slap.net> know. If you make some neat embedded
+device with PicoBSD I want to know too!
-This program was contributed by Marc Nicholas <marc@netstor.com>
+This program was originally contributed by Marc Nicholas <marc@netstor.com>
+Major rewrite by William Lloyd <wlloyd@slap.net>
-$Id: README,v 1999/02/05 12:21:41 abial Exp $