path: root/contrib/llvm-project/compiler-rt/lib/sanitizer_common/sanitizer_stacktrace_libcdep.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/llvm-project/compiler-rt/lib/sanitizer_common/sanitizer_stacktrace_libcdep.cpp')
1 files changed, 130 insertions, 74 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/llvm-project/compiler-rt/lib/sanitizer_common/sanitizer_stacktrace_libcdep.cpp b/contrib/llvm-project/compiler-rt/lib/sanitizer_common/sanitizer_stacktrace_libcdep.cpp
index 7808ba9b0f57..561eae9ab780 100644
--- a/contrib/llvm-project/compiler-rt/lib/sanitizer_common/sanitizer_stacktrace_libcdep.cpp
+++ b/contrib/llvm-project/compiler-rt/lib/sanitizer_common/sanitizer_stacktrace_libcdep.cpp
@@ -18,46 +18,120 @@
namespace __sanitizer {
-void StackTrace::Print() const {
+namespace {
+class StackTraceTextPrinter {
+ public:
+ StackTraceTextPrinter(const char *stack_trace_fmt, char frame_delimiter,
+ InternalScopedString *output,
+ InternalScopedString *dedup_token)
+ : stack_trace_fmt_(stack_trace_fmt),
+ frame_delimiter_(frame_delimiter),
+ output_(output),
+ dedup_token_(dedup_token),
+ symbolize_(StackTracePrinter::GetOrInit()->RenderNeedsSymbolization(
+ stack_trace_fmt)) {}
+ bool ProcessAddressFrames(uptr pc) {
+ SymbolizedStackHolder symbolized_stack(
+ symbolize_ ? Symbolizer::GetOrInit()->SymbolizePC(pc)
+ : SymbolizedStack::New(pc));
+ const SymbolizedStack *frames = symbolized_stack.get();
+ if (!frames)
+ return false;
+ for (const SymbolizedStack *cur = frames; cur; cur = cur->next) {
+ uptr prev_len = output_->length();
+ StackTracePrinter::GetOrInit()->RenderFrame(
+ output_, stack_trace_fmt_, frame_num_++, cur->info.address,
+ symbolize_ ? &cur->info : nullptr, common_flags()->symbolize_vs_style,
+ common_flags()->strip_path_prefix);
+ if (prev_len != output_->length())
+ output_->AppendF("%c", frame_delimiter_);
+ ExtendDedupToken(cur);
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ private:
+ // Extend the dedup token by appending a new frame.
+ void ExtendDedupToken(const SymbolizedStack *stack) {
+ if (!dedup_token_)
+ return;
+ if (dedup_frames_-- > 0) {
+ if (dedup_token_->length())
+ dedup_token_->AppendF("--");
+ if (stack->info.function)
+ dedup_token_->Append(stack->info.function);
+ }
+ }
+ const char *stack_trace_fmt_;
+ const char frame_delimiter_;
+ int dedup_frames_ = common_flags()->dedup_token_length;
+ uptr frame_num_ = 0;
+ InternalScopedString *output_;
+ InternalScopedString *dedup_token_;
+ const bool symbolize_ = false;
+static void CopyStringToBuffer(const InternalScopedString &str, char *out_buf,
+ uptr out_buf_size) {
+ if (!out_buf_size)
+ return;
+ CHECK_GT(out_buf_size, 0);
+ uptr copy_size = Min(str.length(), out_buf_size - 1);
+ internal_memcpy(out_buf, str.data(), copy_size);
+ out_buf[copy_size] = '\0';
+} // namespace
+void StackTrace::PrintTo(InternalScopedString *output) const {
+ CHECK(output);
+ InternalScopedString dedup_token;
+ StackTraceTextPrinter printer(common_flags()->stack_trace_format, '\n',
+ output, &dedup_token);
if (trace == nullptr || size == 0) {
- Printf(" <empty stack>\n\n");
+ output->AppendF(" <empty stack>\n\n");
- InternalScopedString frame_desc(GetPageSizeCached() * 2);
- InternalScopedString dedup_token(GetPageSizeCached());
- int dedup_frames = common_flags()->dedup_token_length;
- bool symbolize = RenderNeedsSymbolization(common_flags()->stack_trace_format);
- uptr frame_num = 0;
for (uptr i = 0; i < size && trace[i]; i++) {
// PCs in stack traces are actually the return addresses, that is,
// addresses of the next instructions after the call.
uptr pc = GetPreviousInstructionPc(trace[i]);
- SymbolizedStack *frames;
- if (symbolize)
- frames = Symbolizer::GetOrInit()->SymbolizePC(pc);
- else
- frames = SymbolizedStack::New(pc);
- CHECK(frames);
- for (SymbolizedStack *cur = frames; cur; cur = cur->next) {
- frame_desc.clear();
- RenderFrame(&frame_desc, common_flags()->stack_trace_format, frame_num++,
- cur->info.address, symbolize ? &cur->info : nullptr,
- common_flags()->symbolize_vs_style,
- common_flags()->strip_path_prefix);
- Printf("%s\n", frame_desc.data());
- if (dedup_frames-- > 0) {
- if (dedup_token.length())
- dedup_token.append("--");
- if (cur->info.function != nullptr)
- dedup_token.append(cur->info.function);
- }
- }
- frames->ClearAll();
+ CHECK(printer.ProcessAddressFrames(pc));
- // Always print a trailing empty line after stack trace.
- Printf("\n");
+ // Always add a trailing empty line after stack trace.
+ output->AppendF("\n");
+ // Append deduplication token, if non-empty.
if (dedup_token.length())
- Printf("DEDUP_TOKEN: %s\n", dedup_token.data());
+ output->AppendF("DEDUP_TOKEN: %s\n", dedup_token.data());
+uptr StackTrace::PrintTo(char *out_buf, uptr out_buf_size) const {
+ CHECK(out_buf);
+ InternalScopedString output;
+ PrintTo(&output);
+ CopyStringToBuffer(output, out_buf, out_buf_size);
+ return output.length();
+void StackTrace::Print() const {
+ InternalScopedString output;
+ PrintTo(&output);
+ Printf("%s", output.data());
void BufferedStackTrace::Unwind(u32 max_depth, uptr pc, uptr bp, void *context,
@@ -82,16 +156,19 @@ void BufferedStackTrace::Unwind(u32 max_depth, uptr pc, uptr bp, void *context,
UnwindSlow(pc, context, max_depth);
UnwindSlow(pc, max_depth);
+ // If there are too few frames, the program may be built with
+ // -fno-asynchronous-unwind-tables. Fall back to fast unwinder below.
+ if (size > 2 || size >= max_depth)
+ return;
UNREACHABLE("slow unwind requested but not available");
- } else {
- UnwindFast(pc, bp, stack_top, stack_bottom, max_depth);
+ UnwindFast(pc, bp, stack_top, stack_bottom, max_depth);
-static int GetModuleAndOffsetForPc(uptr pc, char *module_name,
- uptr module_name_len, uptr *pc_offset) {
+int GetModuleAndOffsetForPc(uptr pc, char *module_name, uptr module_name_len,
+ uptr *pc_offset) {
const char *found_module_name = nullptr;
bool ok = Symbolizer::GetOrInit()->GetModuleNameAndOffsetForPC(
pc, &found_module_name, pc_offset);
@@ -112,41 +189,18 @@ extern "C" {
void __sanitizer_symbolize_pc(uptr pc, const char *fmt, char *out_buf,
uptr out_buf_size) {
- if (!out_buf_size) return;
- pc = StackTrace::GetPreviousInstructionPc(pc);
- SymbolizedStack *frame;
- bool symbolize = RenderNeedsSymbolization(fmt);
- if (symbolize)
- frame = Symbolizer::GetOrInit()->SymbolizePC(pc);
- else
- frame = SymbolizedStack::New(pc);
- if (!frame) {
- internal_strncpy(out_buf, "<can't symbolize>", out_buf_size);
- out_buf[out_buf_size - 1] = 0;
+ if (!out_buf_size)
+ pc = StackTrace::GetPreviousInstructionPc(pc);
+ InternalScopedString output;
+ StackTraceTextPrinter printer(fmt, '\0', &output, nullptr);
+ if (!printer.ProcessAddressFrames(pc)) {
+ output.clear();
+ output.AppendF("<can't symbolize>");
- InternalScopedString frame_desc(GetPageSizeCached());
- uptr frame_num = 0;
- // Reserve one byte for the final 0.
- char *out_end = out_buf + out_buf_size - 1;
- for (SymbolizedStack *cur = frame; cur && out_buf < out_end;
- cur = cur->next) {
- frame_desc.clear();
- RenderFrame(&frame_desc, fmt, frame_num++, cur->info.address,
- symbolize ? &cur->info : nullptr,
- common_flags()->symbolize_vs_style,
- common_flags()->strip_path_prefix);
- if (!frame_desc.length())
- continue;
- // Reserve one byte for the terminating 0.
- uptr n = out_end - out_buf - 1;
- internal_strncpy(out_buf, frame_desc.data(), n);
- out_buf += __sanitizer::Min<uptr>(n, frame_desc.length());
- *out_buf++ = 0;
- }
- CHECK(out_buf <= out_end);
- *out_buf = 0;
- frame->ClearAll();
+ CopyStringToBuffer(output, out_buf, out_buf_size);
@@ -156,17 +210,19 @@ void __sanitizer_symbolize_global(uptr data_addr, const char *fmt,
out_buf[0] = 0;
DataInfo DI;
if (!Symbolizer::GetOrInit()->SymbolizeData(data_addr, &DI)) return;
- InternalScopedString data_desc(GetPageSizeCached());
- RenderData(&data_desc, fmt, &DI, common_flags()->strip_path_prefix);
+ InternalScopedString data_desc;
+ StackTracePrinter::GetOrInit()->RenderData(&data_desc, fmt, &DI,
+ common_flags()->strip_path_prefix);
internal_strncpy(out_buf, data_desc.data(), out_buf_size);
out_buf[out_buf_size - 1] = 0;
-int __sanitizer_get_module_and_offset_for_pc(uptr pc, char *module_name,
+int __sanitizer_get_module_and_offset_for_pc(void *pc, char *module_name,
uptr module_name_len,
- uptr *pc_offset) {
- return __sanitizer::GetModuleAndOffsetForPc(pc, module_name, module_name_len,
- pc_offset);
+ void **pc_offset) {
+ return __sanitizer::GetModuleAndOffsetForPc(
+ reinterpret_cast<uptr>(pc), module_name, module_name_len,
+ reinterpret_cast<uptr *>(pc_offset));
} // extern "C"