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+<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//FreeBSD//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional-Based Extension//EN" [
+<!ENTITY base CDATA "../..">
+<!ENTITY date "$FreeBSD: www/fr/releases/4.2R/notes.sgml,v 1.4 2005/10/06 12:56:08 blackend Exp $">
+<!ENTITY title "Notes sur FreeBSD version 4.2">
+<!ENTITY % navinclude.download "INCLUDE">
+ The FreeBSD French Documentation Project
+ Original revision: 0.0 (traduction incomplete depuis la version originale 1.2)
+ Version francaise : Stephane Legrand <stephane@freebsd-fr.org>
+Any installation failures or crashes should be reported by using the
+send-pr command (those preferring a Web-based interface can also see
+For information about FreeBSD and the layout of the 4.2-RELEASE directory
+(especially if you're installing from floppies!), see ABOUT.TXT. For
+installation instructions, see the INSTALL.TXT and HARDWARE.TXT files.
+For the latest 4-stable snapshots, you should always see:
+ ftp://releng4.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD
+Table of contents:
+1. What's new since 4.1-RELEASE
+2. Supported Configurations
+ 2.1 Disk Controllers
+ 2.2 Ethernet cards
+ 2.3 FDDI
+ 2.4 ATM
+ 2.5 Misc
+3. Obtaining FreeBSD
+ 3.1 FTP/Mail
+ 3.2 CDROM
+4. Upgrading from previous releases of FreeBSD
+5. Reporting problems, making suggestions, submitting code
+6. Acknowledgements
+1. Nouveaut&eacute;s depuis la version 4.1-RELEASE
+Les changements qui &eacute;taient d&eacute;j&agrave; pr&eacute;sents dans la version 4.1.1 ont
+l'indication [4.1.1].
+1.1. NOYAU
+Ajout du gestionnaire de p&eacute;riph&eacute;riques "tap", un gestionnaire Ethernet virtuel pour les
+configurations avec passerelle. [4.1.1]
+Ajout de "accept_filters", une fonction du noyau pour r&eacute;duire la charge lors de l'acceptation
+et de la lecture de nouvelles connections sur des sockets en attentes. [4.1.1]
+Les Objets M&eacute;moire Partag&eacute;s de POSIX.1b sont maintenant support&eacute;s. L'impl&eacute;mentation
+utilise des fichiers ordinaires mais active automatiquement le drapeau MAP_NOSYNC quand
+ils sont utilis&eacute;s avec mmap(2). [4.1.1]
+Le gestionnaire de p&eacute;riph&eacute;riques ata(4) supporte d&eacute;sormais les contr&ocirc;leurs ATA100. [4.1.1]
+Le gestionnaire de p&eacute;riph&eacute;riques ata(4) supporte maintenant la "gestion de file
+d'attente avec &eacute;tiquetage" ("tagged queueing") qui est autoris&eacute; avec l'option
+ATA_ENABLE_TAGS. Il supporte &eacute;galement les jeux de composants ServerWorks ROSB4
+ATA33, CMD 648 ATA66 et CMD 649 ATA100 ainsi que le Cyrix 5530. Il supporte
+aussi les contr&ocirc;leurs ATA "pseudo" RAID y compris les contr&ocirc;leurs Promise Fasttrak
+et HighPoint HPT370.
+Le gestionnaire de p&eacute;riph&eacute;rique ti(4) supporte d&eacute;sormais les cartes Ethernet Alteon
+AceNIC 1000baseT Gigabit et Netgear GA620T 1000baseT Gigabit. [4.1.1]
+Le type de noeud ng_bridge(4) a &eacute;t&eacute; ajout&eacute; au sous-syst&egrave;me netgraph. Diverses
+corrections d'erreurs et am&eacute;liorations ont &eacute;galement &eacute;t&eacute; apport&eacute;es. [4.1.1]
+Le support des PC-Cards Ethernet bas&eacute; sur les Fujitsu MB86960A/MB86965A est
+de retour. [4.1.1]
+Ajout du gestionnaire de p&eacute;riph&eacute;rique asr(4) qui apporte le support de la famille des
+contr&ocirc;leurs SCSI RAID Adaptec ainsi que celle des DPT SmartRAID V et VI. [4.1.1]
+Le chargeur de boot pour i386 a maintenant le support pour une console de type
+"nullconsole" pour une utilisation sur des syst&egrave;mes qui n'ont ni console vid&eacute;o ni
+port s&eacute;rie. [4.1.1]
+Ajout du gestionnaire de p&eacute;riph&eacute;riques pcn(4) qui supporte les adaptateurs AMD PCnet/FAST,
+PCnet/FAST+, PCnet/FAST III, PCnet/PRO, PCnet/Home et HomePNA. Bien que ces cartes
+soient d&eacute;j&agrave; support&eacute;es par le gestionnaire lnc(4), le gestionnaire pcn utilise le
+mode 32-bit et l'alignement RX pour parvenir &agrave; une r&eacute;ception z&eacute;ro-copie. Ce gestionnaire
+est &eacute;galement ind&eacute;pendant du mat&eacute;riel, il fonctionne donc &agrave; la fois sur i386 et sur
+alpha. Le gestionnaire lnc est toujours requis pour le support des cartes non PCI.
+Le gestionnaire de p&eacute;riph&eacute;riques pcm(4) supporte maintenant les cartes son/jeux de
+composants ESS Solo 1, Maestro-1, Maestro-2 et Maestro-2e, Forte Media fm801, ESS
+Maestro-2e et VIA Technologies VT82C686A. Ce gestionnaire a aussi &eacute;t&eacute; mis &agrave; jour
+sur plusieurs points.
+Remplacement des options PQ_*CACHE par une seule option PQ_CACHESIZE &agrave; positionner
+&agrave; la taille du cache en kilo-octets. Les anciennes options sont toujours
+support&eacute;es pour des raisons de compatibilit&eacute;.
+Les options de configuration du noyau NCPU, NAPIC, NBUS et NINTR pour les
+noyaux SMP (multi-processeurs) ont &eacute;t&eacute; supprim&eacute;es. NCPU est maintenant positionn&eacute;
+&agrave; un maximum de 16 et les autres options pr&eacute;c&eacute;dentes sont maintenant dynamiques.
+Mise &agrave; jour du gestionnaire de p&eacute;riph&eacute;riques ahc(4).
+Mise &agrave; jour du gestionnaire de p&eacute;riph&eacute;riques amr(4) pour le support des nouveaux
+mod&egrave;les AMI MegaRAID.
+Gestionnaire de p&eacute;riph&eacute;riques snc(4) pour les contr&ocirc;leurs Ethernet National
+Semiconductor DP8393X (SONIC). Pour l'instant, ce gestionnaire n'est utilis&eacute;
+que sur l'architecture PC-98.
+Ajout du gestionnaire de p&eacute;riph&eacute;riques ich(4) pour les contr&ocirc;leurs Intel 82801AA
+(ICH) SMBus et compatibles.
+Le gestionnaire de p&eacute;riph&eacute;riques bktr(4) a &eacute;t&eacute; mis &agrave; jour avec la version 2.15. De
+nouveaux types de tuner ont &eacute;t&eacute; ajout&eacute;s et des am&eacute;liorations sur le module KLD et
+sur l'allocation m&eacute;moire ont &eacute;t&eacute; apport&eacute;es [4.1.1]. Ce gestionnaire a &eacute;t&eacute; par la
+suite mis &agrave; jour avec la version 2.17 qui corrige plusieurs erreurs dans devfs lors
+du d&eacute;chargement et rechargement et inclu des changements provenant de NetBSD.
+Mode par &eacute;lection (irq 0) par d&eacute;faut pour le Contr&ocirc;leur d'Interface PC Card (pcic).
+Les gestionnaires de p&eacute;riph&eacute;riques ncv(4), nsp(4) et stg(4) ont &eacute;t&eacute; port&eacute;s de
+NetBSD/pc98. Ils supportent les contr&ocirc;leurs SCSI PC-Card/ISA NCR 53C50 / Workbit
+Ninja SCSI-3 / TMC 18C30 et 18C50.
+Ajout du gestionnaire de p&eacute;riph&eacute;rique mly(4) pour les contr&ocirc;leurs Mylex PCI-SCSI
+AccelRAID et eXtremeRAID avec les firmware 6.x et sup&eacute;rieur.
+Mise &agrave; jour du gestionnaire de p&eacute;riph&eacute;riques twe(4) pour les contr&ocirc;leurs 3ware avec
+un gestionnaire de file d'attente am&eacute;lior&eacute;, le report et la gestion des erreurs et
+une interface utilisateur pour l'outil de surveillance "3dm" fourni.
+Ajout du gestionnaire de p&eacute;riph&eacute;riques uscanner(4) qui fournit un support basique
+des scanners USB via SANE (consultez le site web de SANE pour les scanners
+support&eacute;s). Les scanners HP ScanJet 4100C, 5200C et 6300C sont connus pour
+Ajout du gestionnaire de p&eacute;riph&eacute;riques umodem(4) pour les modems USB. Il supporte
+pour l'instant les modems USB 3Com 5605.
+sysinstall(8) permet maintenant &agrave; l'utilisateur de s&eacute;lectionner un des trois "profils
+de s&eacute;curit&eacute;" au moment de l'installation. Ces profils autorisent diff&eacute;rent niveaux
+de s&eacute;curit&eacute; syst&egrave;me en activant ou non divers services syst&egrave;mes dans
+rc.conf(5) sur les nouvelles installations. [4.1.1]
+Plusieurs appels &agrave; la librairie g&eacute;rant les cha&icirc;nes de caract&egrave;res ont &eacute;t&eacute; corrig&eacute;s pour
+r&eacute;duire les possibilit&eacute;s de d&eacute;bordements de m&eacute;moire.
+Un trou de s&eacute;curit&eacute; dans l'&eacute;mulation Linux a &eacute;t&eacute; corrig&eacute; (consulter l'avis de
+s&eacute;curit&eacute; FreeBSD-SA-00:42). [4.1.1]
+TCP utilise d&eacute;sormais un nombre beaucoup plus al&eacute;atoire pour choisir ses num&eacute;ros de
+s&eacute;quence initial (consulter l'avis de s&eacute;curit&eacute; FreeBSD-SA-00:52).
+Une erreur dans finger(1) qui pouvait permettre aux utilisateurs distants de voir
+les fichiers ayant les droits de lecture pour tous a &eacute;t&eacute; corrig&eacute;e (consulter
+l'avis de s&eacute;curit&eacute; FreeBSD-SA-00:54).
+rlogind(8), rshd(8), et fingerd(8) sont maintenant d&eacute;sactiv&eacute;s par d&eacute;faut dans
+/etc/inetd.conf. Ce changement n'affecte que les nouvelles installations.
+Plusieurs d&eacute;bordements de m&eacute;moire dans tcpdump(1) ont &eacute;t&eacute; corrig&eacute;s (consulter
+l'avis de s&eacute;curit&eacute; FreeBSD-SA-00:61).
+Un trou de s&eacute;curit&eacute; dans top(1) a &eacute;t&eacute; corrig&eacute; (consulter l'avis de s&eacute;curit&eacute;
+Un trou de s&eacute;curit&eacute; potentiel caus&eacute; par une erreur "off-by-one" dans
+gethostbyname(3) a &eacute;t&eacute; corrig&eacute; (consulter l'avis de s&eacute;curit&eacute;
+Un d&eacute;bordement de m&eacute;moire potentiel dans la librairie ncurses(3X), qui pouvait
+permettre &agrave; un code quelconque d'&ecirc;tre ex&eacute;cut&eacute; depuis systat(1), a &eacute;t&eacute; corrig&eacute;
+(consulter l'avis de s&eacute;curit&eacute; FreeBSD-SA-00:68).
+Une vuln&eacute;rabilit&eacute; dans telnetd(8) qui pouvait le conduire &agrave; utiliser une large part
+des ressources du serveur a &eacute;t&eacute; corrig&eacute;e (consulter l'avis de s&eacute;curit&eacute;
+La commande "nat deny_incoming" dans ppp(8) fonctionne maintenant correctement (consulter
+l'avis de s&eacute;curit&eacute; FreeBSD-SA-00:70).
+RSA Security a abandonn&eacute; son brevet sur l'algorithme RSA (2 semaines
+avant que le brevet n'expire). En cons&eacute;quence, l'impl&eacute;mentation native de
+OpenSSL de l'algorithme RSA est maintenant activ&eacute; par d&eacute;faut et le
+port rsaref ainsi que la librairie librsaUSA ne sont plus requis pour
+les utilisateurs r&eacute;sidents aux USA. [4.1.1]
+sshd est maintenat autoris&eacute; par d&eacute;faut sur les nouvelles installations. [4.1.1]
+Les num&eacute;ros de version des logiciels install&eacute;s ont une nouvelle syntaxe (compatible avec
+la pr&eacute;c&eacute;dente) qui supporte les variables "PORTREVISION" et "PORTEPOCH" dans
+les fichiers Makefile des ports. Ces modifications aident &agrave; suivre les changements
+dans la collection de ports tels que les corrections li&eacute;es &agrave; la s&eacute;curit&eacute; ou
+les mises &agrave; jour sp&eacute;cifiques &agrave; FreeBSD qui ne sont pas reprises dans les distributions
+originales. pkg_version(1) peut maintenant comparer ces
+nouveaux styles de num&eacute;ros de version. [4.1.1]
+Mise &agrave; jour de sendmail avec la version 8.11.1 (la pr&eacute;c&eacute;dente &eacute;tait la 8.9.3). Les changements
+les plus importants : nouveaux emplacements des fichiers par d&eacute;faut (consulter
+/usr/src/contrib/sendmail/cf/README), newaliases est limit&eacute; &agrave; root et aux utilisateurs
+privil&eacute;gi&eacute;s, cryptage STARTTLS et le port MSA (587) est ouvert par d&eacute;faut. Consulter
+/usr/src/contrib/sendmail/RELEASE_NOTES pour plus de d&eacute;tails.
+mail.local(8) n'est plus install&eacute; en tant que binaire set-uid. Si vous
+utilisez un fichier /etc/mail/sendmail.cf provenant du fichier par d&eacute;faut inclu
+avec les FreeBSD versions 3.1.0 et plus, cela ne pose aucun probl&egrave;me. Si vous
+utilisez des fichiers sendmail.cf configur&eacute; manuellement et mail.local pour la distribution
+des messages, v&eacute;rifiez par pr&eacute;caution que le drapeau F=S est positionn&eacute; dans la ligne
+Mlocal. Pour ceux qui utilisent des fichiers .mc et qui auraient besoin d'ajouter ce
+drapeau, vous pouvez le faire en ajoutant la ligne suivante dans votre fichier .mc et
+en g&eacute;n&eacute;rant &agrave; nouveau le fichier sendmail.cf :
+Notez que FEATURE(`local_lmtp') positionne &eacute;galement ce drapeau.
+Le fichier /etc/mail/sendmail.cf par d&eacute;faut interdit les commandes SMTP EXPN et VRFY.
+vacation(1) a &eacute;t&eacute; mis &agrave; jour pour utiliser la version incluse avec
+Les outils de configuration de sendmail(8) sont install&eacute;s dans le r&eacute;pertoire
+Mise &agrave; jour de OpenSSH avec la version 2.2.0. ssh-add(1) et ssh-agent(1) peuvent
+maintenant g&eacute;rer les clefs DSA. Un serveur sftp compatible avec les clients ssh.com
+et autres a &eacute;t&eacute; ajout&eacute;. scp(1) peut maintenant g&eacute;rer les fichiers sup&eacute;rieurs &agrave; 2Go.
+La compatibilit&eacute; avec les autres serveurs/clients ssh2 a &eacute;t&eacute; am&eacute;lior&eacute;. Une nouvelle
+fonction dans sshd pour limiter le nombre de connections ssh non authentifi&eacute;es
+a &eacute;t&eacute; ajout&eacute;e.
+Le compilateur utilise maintenant le code d'initialisation runtime C/C++ fourni
+par la FSF. Ce changement apporte une meilleure compatibilit&eacute; avec le code
+g&eacute;n&eacute;r&eacute; &agrave; partir des divers ports egcs et gcc ainsi que le stock
+publique de code source de la FSF.
+Mise &agrave; jour de cvs(1) avec la version 1.11.
+La librairie pour les threads a gagn&eacute; quelques changements dans la gestion des
+signaux, quelques corrections d'erreurs et de meilleures performances (y compris
+un basculement entre threads avec z&eacute;ro appel syst&egrave;me). Le support des threads
+dans gdb(1) a &eacute;t&eacute; mis &agrave; jour pour tenir compte de ces changements.
+GDB supporte maintenant les points de contr&ocirc;le mat&eacute;riels. [4.1.1]
+Mise &agrave; jour de routed(8) avec la version 2.22. [4.1.1]
+Ajout de l'utilitaire truncate(1) qui tronque ou &eacute;tends la longueur
+d'un fichier. [4.1.1]
+syslogd(8) accepte d&eacute;sormais une option -n pour d&eacute;sactiver les requ&ecirc;tes DNS
+&agrave; chaque requ&ecirc;te. [4.1.1]
+Ajout de kenv(1), une commande pour avoir l'environnement du noyau.
+Le comportement de periodic(8) est maintenant contr&ocirc;l&eacute; par les fichiers
+/etc/defaults/periodic.conf et /etc/periodic.conf. [4.1.1]
+logger(1) peut maintenant envoyer des messages directement &agrave; un syslog distant. [4.1.1]
+OpenSSL a &eacute;t&eacute; mis &agrave; jour avec la version 0.9.5a qui inclue plusieurs am&eacute;liorations
+et corrections d'erreurs. [4.1.1]
+finger(1) peut maintenant supporter les alias via le fichier
+finger.conf(5). [4.1.1]
+Le gestionnaire de p&eacute;riph&eacute;riques xl(4) supporte d&eacute;sormais les adaptateurs 3Com 3C556
+et 3C556B MiniPCI utilis&eacute;s sur certains portables. [4.1.1]
+killall(1) est maintenant un programme &eacute;crit en C et non plus un script Perl. En
+cons&eacute;quence, l'option -m de killall utilise d&eacute;sormais les expressions r&eacute;guli&egrave;res
+avec la syntaxe de regex(3) et non plus celle de perl(1). [4.1.1]
+Ajout de boot98cfg(8), un utilitaire d'installation et de configuration de gestionnaire
+de boot pour PC-98. [4.1.1]
+La commande ifconfig(8) peut maintenant positionner l'adresse de la couche lien
+d'une interface. [4.1.1]
+setproctitle(3) a &eacute;t&eacute; d&eacute;plac&eacute; de libutil &agrave; libc. [4.1.1]
+sed(1) accepte maintenant une option -E pour le support des expressions
+r&eacute;guli&egrave;res &eacute;tendues. [4.1.1]
+ln(1) accepte maintenant une option -i pour demander confirmation &agrave; l'utilisateur
+avant d'&eacute;craser un fichier existant. [4.1.1]
+Mise &agrave; jour et corrections d'erreurs pour tcpdump(1).
+Nombreuses mises &agrave; jour et corrections d'erreurs de ppp(8).
+La proc&eacute;dure interne pour compiler perl a chang&eacute; et ne d&eacute;pends plus
+(et ne l'installe plus) de miniperl. Il est recommand&eacute; aux utilisateurs
+faisant une mise &agrave; jour &agrave; partir des sources d'effacer /usr/bin/miniperl.
+Pour am&eacute;liorer les performances et l'utilisation du disque, l'organisation de la
+collection des ports FreeBSD a &eacute;t&eacute; restructur&eacute;e. Les ports et les packages
+install&eacute;s ne devraient pas &ecirc;tre affect&eacute;s.
+Mise &agrave; jour de ncurses avec ncurses-5.1-20001009.
+make(1) a gagn&eacute; les variables de modification :C/// (substitution par expression
+r&eacute;guli&egrave;re), :L (minuscule) et :U (majuscule). Cela a &eacute;t&eacute; ajout&eacute; afin de r&eacute;duire
+les diff&eacute;rences entre les programmes make de FreeBSD et de OpenBSD/NetBSD.
+Le pourcentage "in use" affich&eacute; par netstat(1) refl&egrave;te maintenant vraiment le
+pourcentage de tampons m&eacute;moires r&eacute;seaux utilis&eacute;s.
+chio(1) a maintenant la possibilit&eacute; de sp&eacute;cifier les &eacute;l&eacute;ments par nom de volume
+au lieu de leurs emplacements physiques ainsi que la possibilit&eacute; de faire revenir
+un &eacute;l&eacute;ment &agrave; son emplacement pr&eacute;c&eacute;dent.
+La librairie ISC de la distribution BIND est maintenant compil&eacute;e en tant que libisc.
+IP Filter est maintenant support&eacute; par rc.conf(5) pour une configuration et une
+initialisation au moment du boot.
+2. Supported Configurations
+FreeBSD currently runs on a wide variety of ISA, VLB, EISA, MCA and PCI
+bus based PC's, ranging from 386sx to Pentium class machines (though the
+386sx is not recommended). Support for generic IDE drive
+configurations, various SCSI controller, network and serial cards is
+also provided.
+What follows is a list of all peripherals currently known to work with
+FreeBSD. Other configurations may also work, we have simply not as yet
+received confirmation of this.
+2.1. Disk Controllers
+Adaptec 1535 ISA SCSI controllers
+Adaptec 154x series ISA SCSI controllers
+Adaptec 164x series MCA SCSI controllers
+Adaptec 174x series EISA SCSI controller in standard and enhanced mode.
+Adaptec 274X/284X/2920C/294x/2950/3940/3950 (Narrow/Wide/Twin) series
+EISA/VLB/PCI SCSI controllers.
+Adaptec AIC7850, AIC7860, AIC7880, AIC789x, on-board SCSI controllers.
+Adaptec 1510 series ISA SCSI controllers (not for bootable devices)
+Adaptec 152x series ISA SCSI controllers
+Adaptec AIC-6260 and AIC-6360 based boards, which includes the AHA-152x
+and SoundBlaster SCSI cards.
+Adaptec 1400, 2100S, 3200S, and 3400S SCSI RAID controllers.
+AdvanSys SCSI controllers (all models).
+BusLogic MultiMaster controllers:
+[ Please note that BusLogic/Mylex "Flashpoint" adapters are NOT yet supported ]
+BusLogic MultiMaster "W" Series Host Adapters:
+ BT-948, BT-958, BT-958D
+BusLogic MultiMaster "C" Series Host Adapters:
+ BT-946C, BT-956C, BT-956CD, BT-445C, BT-747C, BT-757C, BT-757CD, BT-545C,
+ BT-540CF
+BusLogic MultiMaster "S" Series Host Adapters:
+ BT-445S, BT-747S, BT-747D, BT-757S, BT-757D, BT-545S, BT-542D, BT-742A,
+ BT-542B
+BusLogic MultiMaster "A" Series Host Adapters:
+ BT-742A, BT-542B
+AMI FastDisk controllers that are true BusLogic MultiMaster clones are also
+The Buslogic/Bustek BT-640 and Storage Dimensions SDC3211B and SDC3211F
+Microchannel (MCA) bus adapters are also supported.
+DPT SmartCACHE Plus, SmartCACHE III, SmartRAID III, SmartCACHE IV and
+SmartRAID IV SCSI/RAID controllers are supported.
+DPT SmartRAID V and VI SCSI RAID controllers:
+ PM1554, PM2554, PM2654, PM2865, PM2754, PM3755, PM3757
+AMI MegaRAID Express and Enterprise family RAID controllers:
+ MegaRAID 418
+ MegaRAID Enterprise 1200 (428)
+ MegaRAID Enterprise 1300
+ MegaRAID Enterprise 1400
+ MegaRAID Enterprise 1500
+ MegaRAID Enterprise 1600
+ MegaRAID Elite 1500
+ MegaRAID Elite 1600
+ MegaRAID Express 200
+ MegaRAID Express 300
+ MegaRAID Express 400
+ Dell PERC
+ Dell PERC 2/SC
+ Dell PERC 2/DC
+Some HP NetRAID controllers are OEM versions of AMI designs, and
+these are also supported. Booting from these controllers is supported.
+Mylex DAC960 and DAC1100 RAID controllers with 2.x, 3.x, 4.x and 5.x
+ DAC960P
+ DAC960PD
+ DAC960PL
+ DAC960PJ
+ DAC960PG
+ AcceleRAID 150
+ AcceleRAID 250
+ eXtremeRAID 1100
+Booting from these controllers is supported. EISA adapters are not
+Mylex PCI to SCSI RAID controllers with 6.x firmware:
+ AcceleRAID 160
+ AcceleRAID 170
+ AcceleRAID 352
+ eXtremeRAID 2000
+ eXtremeRAID 3000
+Compatible Mylex controllers not listed should work, but have not been
+3ware Escalade ATA RAID controllers. All members of the 5000 and
+6000 series are supported.
+SymBios (formerly NCR) 53C810, 53C810a, 53C815, 53C820, 53C825a,
+53C860, 53C875, 53C875j, 53C885, 53C895 and 53C896 PCI SCSI controllers:
+ ASUS SC-200
+ Data Technology DTC3130 (all variants)
+ Diamond FirePort (all)
+ NCR cards (all)
+ Symbios cards (all)
+ Tekram DC390W, 390U and 390F
+ Tyan S1365
+NCR 53C500 based PC-Card SCSI host adapters:
+ KME KXLC002(TAXAN ICD-400PN, etc.), KXLC004
+ Macnica Miracle SCSI-II mPS110
+ Media Intelligent MSC-110, MSC-200
+ NEC PC-9801N-J03R
+ New Media Corporation BASICS SCSI
+ Qlogic Fast SCSI
+ RATOC REX-9530, REX-5572 (as SCSI only)
+TMC 18C30, 18C50 based ISA/PC-Card SCSI host adapters:
+ Future Domain SCSI2GO
+ Melco IFC-SC
+ RATOC REX-5536, REX-5536AM, REX-5536M, REX-9836A
+QLogic 1020, 1040, 1040B, 1080 and 1240 SCSI Host Adapters.
+QLogic 2100 Fibre Channel Adapters (private loop only).
+DTC 3290 EISA SCSI controller in 1542 emulation mode.
+Workbit Ninja SCSI-3 based PC-Card SCSI host adapters:
+ Alpha-Data AD-PCS201
+With all supported SCSI controllers, full support is provided for
+SCSI-I & SCSI-II peripherals, including hard disks, optical disks,
+tape drives (including DAT and 8mm Exabyte), medium changers, processor
+target devices and CDROM drives. WORM devices that support CDROM commands
+are supported for read-only access by the CDROM driver. WORM/CD-R/CD-RW
+writing support is provided by cdrecord, which is in the ports tree.
+The following CD-ROM type systems are supported at this time:
+(cd) SCSI interface (also includes ProAudio Spectrum and
+ SoundBlaster SCSI)
+(matcd) Matsushita/Panasonic (Creative SoundBlaster) proprietary
+ interface (562/563 models)
+(scd) Sony proprietary interface (all models)
+(acd) ATAPI IDE interface
+The following drivers were supported under the old SCSI subsystem, but are
+NOT YET supported under the new CAM SCSI subsystem:
+ NCR5380/NCR53400 ("ProAudio Spectrum") SCSI controller.
+ UltraStor 14F, 24F and 34F SCSI controllers.
+ Seagate ST01/02 SCSI controllers.
+ Future Domain 8xx/950 series SCSI controllers.
+ WD7000 SCSI controller.
+ [ Note: There is work-in-progress to port the UltraStor driver to
+ the new CAM SCSI framework, but no estimates on when or if it will
+ be completed. ]
+Unmaintained drivers, they might or might not work for your hardware:
+ (mcd) Mitsumi proprietary CD-ROM interface (all models)
+2.2. Ethernet cards
+Adaptec Duralink PCI Fast Ethernet adapters based on the Adaptec
+AIC-6915 Fast Ethernet controller chip, including the following:
+ ANA-62011 64-bit single port 10/100baseTX adapter
+ ANA-62022 64-bit dual port 10/100baseTX adapter
+ ANA-62044 64-bit quad port 10/100baseTX adapter
+ ANA-69011 32-bit single port 10/100baseTX adapter
+ ANA-62020 64-bit single port 100baseFX adapter
+Allied-Telesis AT1700 and RE2000 cards
+Alteon Networks PCI Gigabit Ethernet NICs based on the Tigon 1 and Tigon 2
+chipsets, including the following:
+ 3Com 3c985-SX (Tigon 1 and 2)
+ Alteon AceNIC 1000baseSX (Tigon 1 and 2)
+ Alteon AceNIC 1000baseT (Tigon 2)
+ DEC/Compaq EtherWORKS 1000
+ Farallon PN9000SX
+ NEC Gigabit Ethernet
+ Netgear GA620 (Tigon 2)
+ Netgear GA620T (Tigon 2, 1000baseT)
+ Silicon Graphics Gigabit Ethernet
+AMD PCnet/PCI (79c970 & 53c974 or 79c974)
+PCnet/Home, and HomePNA.
+SMC Elite 16 WD8013 Ethernet interface, and most other WD8003E,
+WD8003EBT, WD8003W, WD8013W, WD8003S, WD8003SBT and WD8013EBT
+based clones. SMC Elite Ultra. SMC Etherpower II.
+RealTek 8129/8139 Fast Ethernet NICs including the following:
+ Allied Telesyn AT2550
+ Allied Telesyn AT2500TX
+ Genius GF100TXR (RTL8139)
+ NDC Communications NE100TX-E
+ OvisLink LEF-8129TX
+ OvisLink LEF-8139TX
+ Netronix Inc. EA-1210 NetEther 10/100
+ KTX-9130TX 10/100 Fast Ethernet
+ Accton "Cheetah" EN1027D (MPX 5030/5038; RealTek 8139 clone?)
+ SMC EZ Card 10/100 PCI 1211-TX
+Lite-On 82c168/82c169 PNIC Fast Ethernet NICs including the following:
+ LinkSys EtherFast LNE100TX
+ NetGear FA310-TX Rev. D1
+ Matrox FastNIC 10/100
+ Kingston KNE110TX
+Macronix 98713, 98713A, 98715, 98715A and 98725 Fast Ethernet NICs
+ NDC Communications SFA100A (98713A)
+ CNet Pro120A (98713 or 98713A)
+ CNet Pro120B (98715)
+ SVEC PN102TX (98713)
+Macronix/Lite-On PNIC II LC82C115 Fast Ethernet NICs including the following:
+ LinkSys EtherFast LNE100TX Version 2
+Winbond W89C840F Fast Ethernet NICs including the following:
+ Trendware TE100-PCIE
+VIA Technologies VT3043 "Rhine I" and VT86C100A "Rhine II" Fast Ethernet
+NICs including the following:
+ Hawking Technologies PN102TX
+ D-Link DFE-530TX
+ AOpen/Acer ALN-320
+Silicon Integrated Systems SiS 900 and SiS 7016 PCI Fast Ethernet NICs
+Sundance Technologies ST201 PCI Fast Ethernet NICs including
+the following:
+ D-Link DFE-550TX
+SysKonnect SK-984x PCI Gigabit Ethernet cards including the following:
+ SK-9841 1000baseLX single mode fiber, single port
+ SK-9842 1000baseSX multimode fiber, single port
+ SK-9843 1000baseLX single mode fiber, dual port
+ SK-9844 1000baseSX multimode fiber, dual port
+Texas Instruments ThunderLAN PCI NICs, including the following:
+ Compaq Netelligent 10, 10/100, 10/100 Proliant, 10/100 Dual-Port
+ Compaq Netelligent 10/100 TX Embedded UTP, 10 T PCI UTP/Coax, 10/100 TX UTP
+ Compaq NetFlex 3P, 3P Integrated, 3P w/ BNC
+ Olicom OC-2135/2138, OC-2325, OC-2326 10/100 TX UTP
+ Racore 8165 10/100baseTX
+ Racore 8148 10baseT/100baseTX/100baseFX multi-personality
+ADMtek Inc. AL981-based PCI Fast Ethernet NICs
+ADMtek Inc. AN985-based PCI Fast Ethernet NICs
+ADMtek Inc. AN986-based USB Ethernet NICs including the following:
+ LinkSys USB100TX
+ Billionton USB100
+ Melco Inc. LUA-TX
+ D-Link DSB-650TX
+ SMC 2202USB
+CATC USB-EL1210A-based USB Ethernet NICs including the following:
+ CATC Netmate
+ CATC Netmate II
+ Belkin F5U111
+Kawasaki LSI KU5KUSB101B-based USB Ethernet NICs including
+the following:
+ LinkSys USB10T
+ Entrega NET-USB-E45
+ Peracom USB Ethernet Adapter
+ 3Com 3c19250
+ ADS Technologies USB-10BT
+ ATen UC10T
+ Netgear EA101
+ D-Link DSB-650
+ SMC 2102USB
+ SMC 2104USB
+ Corega USB-T
+ASIX Electronics AX88140A PCI NICs, including the following:
+ Alfa Inc. GFC2204
+ CNet Pro110B
+DEC EtherWORKS III NICs (DE203, DE204, and DE205)
+DEC EtherWORKS II NICs (DE200, DE201, DE202, and DE422)
+DEC DC21040, DC21041, or DC21140 based NICs (SMC Etherpower 8432T, DE245, etc)
+Davicom DM9100 and DM9102 PCI Fast Ethernet NICs, including the
+ Jaton Corporation XpressNet
+Fujitsu MB86960A/MB86965A, including the following:
+ CONTEC C-NET(PC)C Ethernet
+ Eiger Labs EPX-10BT
+ Fujitsu FMV-J182, FMV-J182A, MBH10302, MBH10303 Ethernet PCMCIA
+ Fujitsu Towa LA501 Ethernet
+ HITACHI HT-4840-11
+ NextCom J Link NC5310
+ RATOC REX-5588, REX-9822, REX-4886, REX-R280
+HP PC Lan+ cards (model numbers: 27247B and 27252A).
+Intel EtherExpress 16
+Intel EtherExpress Pro/10
+Intel EtherExpress Pro/100B PCI Fast Ethernet
+Intel InBusiness 10/100 PCI Network Adapter
+Intel PRO/100+ Management Adapter
+Isolan AT 4141-0 (16 bit)
+Isolink 4110 (8 bit)
+Novell NE1000, NE2000, and NE2100 Ethernet interface.
+PCI network cards emulating the NE2000: RealTek 8029, NetVin 5000,
+Winbond W89C940, Surecom NE-34, VIA VT86C926.
+3Com 3C501 cards
+3Com 3C503 Etherlink II
+3Com 3c505 Etherlink/+
+3Com 3C507 Etherlink 16/TP
+3Com 3C509, 3C529 (MCA), 3C579,
+3C589/589B/589C/589D/589E/XE589ET/574TX/574B (PC-card/PCMCIA),
+3C590/592/595/900/905/905B/905C PCI,
+3C556/556B MiniPCI,
+and EISA (Fast) Etherlink III / (Fast) Etherlink XL
+3Com 3c980/3c980B Fast Etherlink XL server adapter
+3Com 3cSOHO100-TX OfficeConnect adapter
+Crystal Semiconductor CS89x0-based NICs, including:
+ IBM Etherjet ISA
+NE2000 compatible PC-Card (PCMCIA) Ethernet/FastEthernet cards,
+including the following:
+ AR-P500 Ethernet card
+ Accton EN2212/EN2216/UE2216(OEM)
+ Allied Telesis CentreCOM LA100-PCM_V2
+ AmbiCom 10BaseT card
+ BayNetworks NETGEAR FA410TXC Fast Ethernet
+ CNet BC40 adapter
+ Compex Net-A adapter
+ CyQ've ELA-010
+ D-Link DE-650/660
+ Danpex EN-6200P2
+ IBM Creditcard Ethernet I/II
+ IC-CARD Ethernet/IC-CARD+ Ethernet
+ Linksys EC2T/PCMPC100
+ Melco LPC-T
+ NDC Ethernet Instant-Link
+ National Semiconductor InfoMover NE4100
+ Network Everywhere Ethernet 10BaseT PC Card
+ Planex FNW-3600-T
+ Socket LP-E
+ Surecom EtherPerfect EP-427
+ TDK LAK-CD031,Grey Cell GCS2000 Ethernet Card
+ Telecom Device SuperSocket RE450T
+Megahertz X-Jack Ethernet PC-Card CC-10BT
+Xircom CreditCard adapters(16bit) and workalikes
+ Accton EN2226/Fast EtherCard (16-bit verison)
+ Compaq Netelligent 10/100 PC Card
+ Intel EtherExpress PRO/100 Mobile Adapter (16-bit verison)
+ Xircom Realport card + modem(Ethernet part)
+ Xircom CreditCard Ethernet 10/100
+ Xircom CreditCard 10Base-T "CreditCard Ethernet Adaptor IIps" (PS-CE2-10)
+ Xircom CreditCard Ethernet 10/100 + modem (Ethernet part)
+National Semiconductor DP8393X (SONIC) Ethernet cards
+ NEC PC-9801-83, -84, -103, and -104
+ NEC PC-9801N-25 and -J02R
+2.3. FDDI
+2.4. ATM
+ o ATM Host Interfaces
+ - FORE Systems, Inc. PCA-200E ATM PCI Adapters
+ - Efficient Networks, Inc. ENI-155p ATM PCI Adapters
+ o ATM Signalling Protocols
+ - The ATM Forum UNI 3.1 signalling protocol
+ - The ATM Forum UNI 3.0 signalling protocol
+ - The ATM Forum ILMI address registration
+ - FORE Systems's proprietary SPANS signalling protocol
+ - Permanent Virtual Channels (PVCs)
+ o IETF "Classical IP and ARP over ATM" model
+ - RFC 1483, "Multiprotocol Encapsulation over ATM Adaptation Layer 5"
+ - RFC 1577, "Classical IP and ARP over ATM"
+ - RFC 1626, "Default IP MTU for use over ATM AAL5"
+ - RFC 1755, "ATM Signaling Support for IP over ATM"
+ - RFC 2225, "Classical IP and ARP over ATM"
+ - RFC 2334, "Server Cache Synchronization Protocol (SCSP)"
+ - Internet Draft draft-ietf-ion-scsp-atmarp-00.txt,
+ "A Distributed ATMARP Service Using SCSP"
+ o ATM Sockets interface
+2.5. Misc
+AST 4 port serial card using shared IRQ.
+ARNET 8 port serial card using shared IRQ.
+ARNET (now Digiboard) Sync 570/i high-speed serial.
+Boca BB1004 4-Port serial card (Modems NOT supported)
+Boca IOAT66 6-Port serial card (Modems supported)
+Boca BB1008 8-Port serial card (Modems NOT supported)
+Boca BB2016 16-Port serial card (Modems supported)
+Comtrol Rocketport card.
+Cyclades Cyclom-y Serial Board.
+STB 4 port card using shared IRQ.
+SDL Communications Riscom/8 Serial Board.
+SDL Communications RISCom/N2 and N2pci high-speed sync serial boards.
+Stallion multiport serial boards: EasyIO, EasyConnection 8/32 & 8/64,
+ONboard 4/16 and Brumby.
+Specialix SI/XIO/SX ISA, EISA and PCI serial expansion cards/modules.
+Adlib, SoundBlaster, SoundBlaster Pro, ProAudioSpectrum, Gravis UltraSound
+and Roland MPU-401 sound cards. (snd driver)
+Advance Asound 100, 110 and Logic ALS120
+Crystal Semiconductor CS461x/462x/428x
+ENSONIQ AudioPCI ES1370/1371
+ESS ES1868, ES1869, ES1879 and ES1888
+ESS Maestro-1, Maestro-2, and Maestro-2E
+ForteMedia fm801
+Gravis UltraSound MAX/PnP
+MSS/WSS Compatible DSPs
+NeoMagic 256AV/ZX
+OPTi 931/82C931
+SoundBlaster, Soundblaster Pro, Soundblaster AWE-32, Soundblaster AWE-64
+Trident 4DWave DX/NX
+VIA Technologies VT82C686A
+Yamaha DS1 and DS1e
+(newpcm driver)
+Connectix QuickCam
+Matrox Meteor Video frame grabber
+Creative Labs Video Spigot frame grabber
+Cortex1 frame grabber
+Hauppauge Wincast/TV boards (PCI)
+Intel Smart Video Recorder III
+Various Frame grabbers based on Brooktree Bt848 / Bt878 chip.
+HP4020, HP6020, Philips CDD2000/CDD2660 and Plasmon CD-R drives.
+PS/2 mice
+Standard PC Joystick
+X-10 power controllers
+GPIB and Transputer drivers.
+Genius and Mustek hand scanners.
+Xilinx XC6200 based reconfigurable hardware cards compatible with
+the HOT1 from Virtual Computers (www.vcc.com)
+Support for Dave Mills experimental Loran-C receiver.
+Lucent Technologies WaveLAN/IEEE 802.11 PCMCIA and ISA standard speed
+(2Mbps) and turbo speed (6Mbps) wireless network adapters and workalikes
+NCR WaveLAN/IEEE 802.11
+Cabletron RoamAbout 802.11 DS
+Compaq WL100
+Corega KK Wireless LAN PCC-11
+Laneed Wireless card
+Farallon Skyline 11Mbps Wireless
+ICOM SL-1100
+Melco Airconnect WLI-PCM-L11
+NEC Wireless Card CMZ-RT-WP
+PLANEX GeoWave/GW-NS110
+Note: the ISA versions of these adapters are actually PCMCIA cards
+combined with an ISA to PCMCIA bridge card, so both kinds of devices
+work with the same driver.
+Aironet 4500/4800 series 802.11 wireless adapters. The PCMCIA,
+PCI and ISA adapters are all supported.
+Cisco Systems Aironet 340 Series (includes 340, 341, and 342 models)
+11Mbps 802.11 wireless NIC
+Toshiba Mobile HDD MEHDD20A (Type II)
+3. Obtaining FreeBSD
+You may obtain FreeBSD in a variety of ways:
+3.1. FTP/Mail
+You can ftp FreeBSD and any or all of its optional packages from
+`ftp.freebsd.org' - the official FreeBSD release site.
+For other locations that mirror the FreeBSD software see the file
+MIRROR.SITES. Please ftp the distribution from the site closest (in
+networking terms) to you. Additional mirror sites are always welcome!
+Contact freebsd-admin@FreeBSD.org for more details if you'd like to
+become an official mirror site.
+3.2. CDROM
+FreeBSD 4.x-RELEASE CDs may be ordered on CDROM from:
+ BSDi
+ 4041 Pike Lane, Suite F
+ Concord CA 94520
+ 1-800-786-9907, +1-925-674-0783, +1-925-674-0821 (FAX)
+Or via the Internet from orders@osd.bsdi.com or http://www.freebsdmall.com.
+Cost per -RELEASE CD is $39.95 or $24.95 with a FreeBSD subscription.
+FreeBSD SNAPshot CDs, when available, are $39.95 or $14.95 with a
+FreeBSD-SNAP subscription (-RELEASE and -SNAP subscriptions are entirely
+separate). With a subscription, you will automatically receive updates as
+they are released. Your credit card will be billed when each disk is
+shipped and you may cancel your subscription at any time without further
+Shipping (per order not per disc) is $5 in the US, Canada or Mexico
+and $9.00 overseas. They accept Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American
+Express or checks in U.S. Dollars and ship COD within the United
+States. California residents please add 8.25% sales tax.
+Should you be dissatisfied for any reason, the CD comes with an
+unconditional return policy.
+4. Upgrading from previous releases of FreeBSD
+If you're upgrading from a previous release of FreeBSD, most likely
+it's 3.0 and there may be some issues affecting you, depending
+of course on your chosen method of upgrading. There are two popular
+ways of upgrading FreeBSD distributions:
+ o Using sources, via /usr/src
+ o Using sysinstall's (binary) upgrade option.
+Please read the UPGRADE.TXT file for more information, preferably
+before beginning an upgrade.
+5. Reporting problems, making suggestions, submitting code.
+Your suggestions, bug reports and contributions of code are always
+valued - please do not hesitate to report any problems you may find
+(preferably with a fix attached, if you can!).
+The preferred method to submit bug reports from a machine with
+Internet mail connectivity is to use the send-pr command or use the CGI
+script at http://www.freebsd.org/send-pr.html. Bug reports
+will be dutifully filed by our faithful bugfiler program and you can
+be sure that we'll do our best to respond to all reported bugs as soon
+as possible. Bugs filed in this way are also visible on our WEB site
+in the support section and are therefore valuable both as bug reports
+and as "signposts" for other users concerning potential problems to
+watch out for.
+If, for some reason, you are unable to use the send-pr command to
+submit a bug report, you can try to send it to:
+ freebsd-bugs@FreeBSD.org
+Note that send-pr itself is a shell script that should be easy to move
+even onto a totally different system. We much prefer if you could use
+this interface, since it make it easier to keep track of the problem
+reports. However, before submitting, please try to make sure whether
+the problem might have already been fixed since.
+Otherwise, for any questions or tech support issues, please send mail to:
+ freebsd-questions@FreeBSD.org
+If you're tracking the -stable development efforts, you should
+definitely join the -stable mailing list, in order to keep abreast
+of recent developments and changes that may affect the way you
+use and maintain the system:
+ freebsd-stable@FreeBSD.org
+Additionally, being a volunteer effort, we are always happy to have
+extra hands willing to help - there are already far more desired
+enhancements than we'll ever be able to manage by ourselves! To
+contact us on technical matters, or with offers of help, please send
+mail to:
+ freebsd-hackers@FreeBSD.org
+Please note that these mailing lists can experience *significant*
+amounts of traffic and if you have slow or expensive mail access and
+are only interested in keeping up with significant FreeBSD events, you
+may find it preferable to subscribe instead to:
+ freebsd-announce@FreeBSD.org
+All of the mailing lists can be freely joined by anyone wishing
+to do so. Send mail to MajorDomo@FreeBSD.org and include the keyword
+`help' on a line by itself somewhere in the body of the message. This
+will give you more information on joining the various lists, accessing
+archives, etc. There are a number of mailing lists targeted at
+special interest groups not mentioned here, so send mail to majordomo
+and ask about them!
+6. Acknowledgements
+FreeBSD represents the cumulative work of many dozens, if not
+hundreds, of individuals from around the world who have worked very
+hard to bring you this release. For a complete list of FreeBSD
+project staffers, please see:
+ http://www.freebsd.org/handbook/staff.html
+or, if you've loaded the doc distribution:
+ file:/usr/share/doc/handbook/staff.html
+Special mention to:
+ The donors listed at http://www.freebsd.org/handbook/donors.html
+ And to the many thousands of FreeBSD users and testers all over the
+ world, without whom this release simply would not have been possible.
+We sincerely hope you enjoy this release of FreeBSD!
+ The FreeBSD Project
+<p></p><a href="../index.html">Release Home</a>