path: root/www/py-django-cms/pkg-message
blob: 449ac076f60d65e9c62eaff735f5a91bcb6ba038 (plain) (tree)











{ type: install
  message: <<EOM

If you're upgrading from a older version of py-django-cms please read the
upgrade instructions at: 


The described steps further down are a distilled version of "How to install
django CMS by hand" which is available at:


The manual gives enough information how to setup py-django-cms for
development use. For production environments please consider to read the
full documentation available at:


 1. Create a new Django project

$ django-admin.py startproject myproject

 2. Edit settings.py

--- Set a SITE_ID by adding the following line:

SITE_ID = 1	# 1 will suffice in most cases

--- Add the next lines to INSTALLED_APPS:

'djangocms_admin_style' 	# must come BEFORE django.contrib.admin

--- Configure the LANGUAGES and LANGUAGE_CODE, e.g.:

    ('en', 'English'),
    ('de', 'German'),

LANGUAGE_CODE = 'en'	# For simplicity's sake at this stage it is worth
			# changing the default en-us in that you'll find in
			# the LANGUAGE_CODE setting to en.

--- Add the following lines to MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES:

'cms.middleware.utils.ApphookReloadMiddleware'	# Optional, but useful

--- Add MEDIA_URL (where media files will be served) and MEDIA_ROOT (where they
--- will be stored):

MEDIA_URL = "/media/"
MEDIA_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "media")

--- See the Django documentation for guidance on serving media files in
--- production.

--- Add a CMS_TEMPLATES section that will be the project's default template:

    ('home.html', 'Home page template'),

--- Add the next lines to TEMPLATES['OPTIONS']['context_processors']:


--- Django needs to be know where to look for its templates, so add following
--- line (the appropriate directory will be created in the next step) to the
----TEMPLATES['DIRS'] list:


--- In the root of the project, create a templates directory, and in that,
--- home.html, a minimal django CMS template:

{% load cms_tags sekizai_tags %}
        <title>{% page_attribute "page_title" %}</title>
        {% render_block "css" %}
        {% cms_toolbar %}
        {% placeholder "content" %}
        {% render_block "js" %}

--- Note: See Django's template language documentation for more on how template
--- inheritance works.

 3. Edit urls.py

--- Edit urls.py and add url(r'^', include('cms.urls')) to the urlpatterns
--- list. It should come after other patterns, so that specific URLs for other
--- applications can be detected first.

--- You'll also need to have an import for django.conf.urls.include and
--- configure a media file serving for development purposes:

from django.conf import settings
from django.conf.urls import url, include
from django.conf.urls.static import static

urlpatterns = [
    url(r'^admin/', admin.site.urls),
    url(r'^', include('cms.urls')),
] + static(settings.MEDIA_URL, document_root=settings.MEDIA_ROOT)

 4. Setup the relational database backend

--- For testing purpose SQLite can be used and it is configured by default
--- in a new Django project's DATABASES.

--- Refer to Django's DATABASES setting documentation for the appropriate
--- configuration when PostgreSQL or MySQL are used as database backends.

 5. Run migrations to create database tables

--- When a database backend has been choosen and set up properly, run the
--- following command:

$ python manage.py migrate

 6. Create an admin superuser

--- For maintenance purposes it is necessary to create a admin user:

$ python manage.py createsuperuser

 7. Check CMS installation

--- This will check your configuration, your applications, your database and
--- report on any problems:

$ python manage.py cms check

--- When there are no errors continue with the last step.

 8. Start the CMS

--- The django CMS project will now run by issuing:

$ python manage.py runserver

--- The CMS can now be reached http://localhost:8000/ and the admin interface
--- at http://localhost:8000/admin/