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authorKoichiro Iwao <meta@FreeBSD.org>2024-07-04 06:41:47 +0000
committerKoichiro Iwao <meta@FreeBSD.org>2024-07-04 07:14:51 +0000
commit4c8e5de6a8eca3c94e2b496e07c84c1e4aba7785 (patch)
parentf6ac515e91e183676dda986e3d365d598eff2ad2 (diff)
UPDATING: document how to update net/xrdp from v0.9 to v0.10
1 files changed, 28 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/UPDATING b/UPDATING
index ac36bed90430..6f7d93fd1511 100644
@@ -5,6 +5,34 @@ they are unavoidable.
You should get into the habit of checking this file for changes each time
you update your ports collection, before attempting any port upgrades.
+ AFFECTS: net/xrdp and x11-drivers/xorgxrdp
+ AUTHOR: meta@FreeBSD.org
+ xrdp has been updated to the releases of the latest stable branch v0.10.
+ This version significantly improves performance improvement especially if the
+ client is Windows 11. There are to things to be careful about when updating.
+ 1) Make sure to update both net/xrdp and x11-drivers/xorgxrdp ports
+ simultaneously.
+ 2) Config files require manual migration (follow the steps below).
+ Review and backup changes you made to xrdp.ini and sesman.ini before updating
+ xrdp. The following example only mentions xrdp.ini however make sure to do the
+ same review, backup and migration for sesman.ini as well.
+ Before updating xrdp, review and backup your changes.
+ # cd /usr/local/etc/xrdp
+ # diff -u xrdp.ini.sample xrdp.ini > xrdp.ini.diff
+ After updating xrdp, migrate your changes to new configuration files.
+ xrdp.ini.sample is replaced with new version at this point. See diff and
+ manually apply changes.
+ # cp xrdp.ini.sample xrdp.ini
+ # vi xrdp.ini
AFFECTS: net-mgmt/net-snmp
AUTHOR: markj@FreeBSD.org