diff options
authorKris Kennaway <kris@FreeBSD.org>2008-06-02 19:46:03 +0000
committerKris Kennaway <kris@FreeBSD.org>2008-06-02 19:46:03 +0000
commit5953f77e2419f8759a6044fc0ab2845d8932567d (patch)
parentfe6c55871fb33f21c12515ae1a210a121a70db06 (diff)
Rewrite this to make it more efficient (fewer external command
invocations). It also fixes some edge cases that were not handled in the previous version. TODO: Correctly report IPv6 sockets (already in use by the sparc64 build)
Notes: svn path=/head/; revision=214195
1 files changed, 181 insertions, 138 deletions
diff --git a/Tools/portbuild/scripts/straslivy.py b/Tools/portbuild/scripts/straslivy.py
index 10e7d7007040..b67b75dd2a8d 100755
--- a/Tools/portbuild/scripts/straslivy.py
+++ b/Tools/portbuild/scripts/straslivy.py
@@ -1,147 +1,190 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Initially by pav, refactored by kris
+# XXX Todo: handle ipv6 sockets (used by e.g. sparc64)
import commands
import socket
import sys
-# get list of pdispatch processes
-args = sys.argv
-del args[0]
-s = commands.getoutput('pgrep -lf "pdispatch '+' '.join(args)+'"')
-lines = s.splitlines()
-pids = [ ]
-data = { }
archwidth = branchwidth = portwidth = hostwidth = 0
-for line in lines:
- if line.count('pgrep -lf "pdispatch'):
- continue;
- fields = line.split()
- pid = fields.pop(0)
- arch = fields[2]
- branch = fields[3]
- port = fields[6].replace('/usr/ports/','')
- line = ' '.join(fields)
- pids.append(pid)
- if len(arch) > archwidth:
- archwidth = len(arch)
- if len(branch) > branchwidth:
- branchwidth = len(branch)
- if len(port) > portwidth:
- portwidth = len(port)
- blob = {'arch': arch, 'branch': branch, 'port': port}
- data[pid] = blob
- if branch == 'pgrep':
- print line
-for pid in data:
- blob = data[pid]
-# get list of subprocesses (ptimeout.host, sleep 15, ...)
-ppid_arg = ','.join(data)
-if len(ppid_arg) == 0:
- sys.exit()
-s = commands.getoutput('pgrep -P '+ppid_arg)
-ppids = s.splitlines()
-ppid_arg = ','.join(ppids)
-s = commands.getoutput('ps ax -o pid,ppid,etime,command -p '+ppid_arg)
-list = s.splitlines()
-ppid_map = { }
-idlers = { }
-for line in list:
- fields = line.split()
- pid = fields.pop(0)
- ppid = fields.pop(0)
- time = fields.pop(0)
- command = ' '.join(fields)
- if command.count('ptimeout.host'):
- command = "building ("+time+")"
- elif command == 'sleep 15':
- command = "waiting for idle node"
- idlers[ppid] = ppid
- elif command.count('scripts/clean-chroot'):
- command = "cleaning up the node ("+time+")"
- elif command.count('scripts/claim-chroot'):
- command = "preparing node ("+time+")"
- elif command.count('tar --unlink'):
- command = "copying package ("+time+")"
- elif command.count('scp ') and command.count('.log '):
- command = "copying logs ("+time+")"
- else:
- command = command+" ("+time+")"
- if data.has_key(ppid):
- blob = data[ppid]
- blob['command'] = command
- ppid_map[pid] = ppid
-# fill in sleeper's parent pid etimes
-if len(idlers):
- ppid_arg = ','.join(idlers)
- s = commands.getoutput('ps ax -o pid,etime -p '+ppid_arg)
- lines = s.splitlines()
- lines.pop(0)
- for line in lines:
+def getpdispatch():
+ """ get list of pdispatch processes """
+ global archwidth, branchwidth, portwidth;
+ args = sys.argv
+ data = {}
+ cmd = 'pgrep -lf "pdispatch '+' '.join(args[1:])+'"'
+ for line in commands.getoutput(cmd).splitlines():
+ if line.count('pgrep -lf "pdispatch'):
+ continue;
+ fields = line.split()
+ pid = fields[0]
+ arch = fields[3]
+ branch = fields[4]
+ port = fields[7].replace('/usr/ports/','')
+ line = ' '.join(fields)
+ if len(arch) > archwidth:
+ archwidth = len(arch)
+ if len(branch) > branchwidth:
+ branchwidth = len(branch)
+ if len(port) > portwidth:
+ portwidth = len(port)
+ data[pid] = {'arch': arch, 'branch': branch, 'port': port}
+ if branch == 'pgrep':
+ print line
+ return data
+def getparent(ppid_map, pid):
+ """walk up the ppid tree and return the parent pdispatch"""
+ next = pid
+ while ppid_map.has_key(next):
+ next = ppid_map[next]['ppid']
+ return next
+def getallsubprocs(pids):
+ """recursively find all subprocs of the list in pids"""
+ ppids = []
+ nppids = pids
+ while len(nppids):
+ pidlist=",".join(nppids)
+ nppids = commands.getoutput('pgrep -P ' + pidlist).splitlines()
+ ppids.extend(nppids)
+ return ppids
+def dosubprocs(data):
+ """ recursively get list of subprocesses (ptimeout.host, sleep 15, ...) and fill in data """
+ ppid_map = { }
+ idlers = { }
+ ppid_arg = ",".join(getallsubprocs(data.keys()))
+ list = commands.getoutput('ps ax -o pid,ppid,etime,command -p ' + ppid_arg).splitlines()[1:]
+ for line in list:
fields = line.split()
- ppid = fields[0]
- time = fields[1]
- blob = data[ppid]
- blob['command'] = blob['command'] + ' ('+time+')'
-# get list of sub-subprocesses (ssh is interesting here)
-ssh_map = { }
-ppid_arg = ','.join(ppid_map)
-if len(ppid_arg) > 0:
- s = commands.getoutput('pgrep -P '+ppid_arg)
- ppids = s.splitlines()
- ppid_arg = ','.join(ppids)
- if len(ppid_arg) > 0:
- s = commands.getoutput('ps ax -o pid,ppid,comm -p '+ppid_arg)
- list = s.splitlines()
- list.pop(0)
- for line in list:
+ pid = fields.pop(0)
+ ppid = fields.pop(0)
+ time = fields.pop(0)
+ command = ' '.join(fields)
+ if command.count('ptimeout.host'):
+ command = "building"
+ elif command == 'sleep 15':
+ command = "waiting for idle node"
+ idlers[ppid] = ppid
+ elif command.count('scripts/clean-chroot'):
+ command = "cleaning up the node"
+ elif command.count('scripts/claim-chroot'):
+ command = "preparing node"
+ elif command.count('tar --unlink'):
+ command = "copying package"
+ elif command.count('buildsuccess'):
+ command = "registering success"
+ elif command.count('buildfailure'):
+ command = "registering failure"
+ elif command.count('scp ') and command.count('.log '):
+ command = "copying logs"
+ elif command.count('ssh'):
+ command = "building"
+ ppid_map[pid] = {'ppid':ppid, 'command':command, 'time':time}
+ # fill in sleeper's parent pid etimes so we display how long the pdispatch
+ # has been trying to acquire a chroot, instead of the <15 second sleep
+ # lifetime
+ if len(idlers):
+ ppid_arg = ','.join(idlers)
+ lines = commands.getoutput('ps ax -o pid,etime -p ' + ppid_arg).splitlines()[1:]
+ for line in lines:
fields = line.split()
- spid = fields[0]
- pid = fields[1]
- command = fields[2]
- if command != 'ssh':
- continue
- if ppid_map.has_key(pid):
- ssh_map[spid] = ppid_map[pid]
-# get list of network sockets
-s = commands.getoutput('sockstat -4 -c -p 22')
-list = s.splitlines()
-for line in list:
- line = line[20:]
- fields = line.split()
- spid = fields.pop(0)
- host, port = fields.pop(3).split(':')
- if port != '22':
- continue
- if ssh_map.has_key(spid):
- ppid = ssh_map[spid]
- if data.has_key(ppid):
- try:
- hostname, bork, bork = socket.gethostbyaddr(host)
- except socket.herror:
- hostname = host
- blob = data[ppid]
- blob['host'] = hostname
- if len(hostname) > hostwidth:
- hostwidth = len(hostname)
-# format for output
-output = [ ]
-for pid in data:
- blob = data[pid]
- if not blob.has_key('host'):
- blob['host'] = ''
- if not blob.has_key('command'):
- blob['command'] = ''
- output.append(blob['arch'].ljust(archwidth + 2) + blob['branch'].ljust(branchwidth + 2) + blob['port'].ljust(portwidth + 2) + blob['host'].ljust(hostwidth + 2) + blob['command'])
-# sort, output
-print '\n'.join(output)
+ ppid = fields[0]
+ time = fields[1]
+ data[ppid]['time'] = time
+ # Propagate commands and runtime to parent pdispatch. We have
+ # to do this after the loop above because ps sorts it output
+ # and we are not guaranteed to have processes the ppid before
+ # the pid. The alternative is multiple ps invocations which
+ # is slower.
+ for pid in ppid_map.iterkeys():
+ pppid = getparent(ppid_map, pid) # Find ancestor pdispatch
+ ppid_map[pid].update({'pppid':pppid})
+ blob = data[pppid]
+ # propagate command and time to parent if necessary
+ if not blob.has_key('command'):
+ blob['command'] = ppid_map[pid]['command']
+ if not blob.has_key('time'):
+ blob['time'] = ppid_map[pid]['time']
+ return ppid_map
+# get list of network sockets and match to pdispatch children
+def getsockets(ppid_map, data):
+ global hostwidth
+ # XXX what about ipv6?
+ s = commands.getoutput('sockstat -4 -c')
+ list = s.splitlines()
+ list.pop(0)
+ for line in list:
+ line = line[20:]
+ fields = line.split()
+ spid = fields.pop(0)
+ if len(fields) < 3:
+ continue
+ tuple = fields.pop(3)
+ if tuple.find(':') == -1:
+ continue
+ (host, port) = tuple.split(':')
+ # Check if the socket belongs to one of our pids
+ if ppid_map.has_key(spid):
+ ppid = ppid_map[spid]['pppid'] # Map to pdispatch
+ if data.has_key(ppid):
+ try:
+ (hostname, bork, bork) = socket.gethostbyaddr(host)
+ except socket.herror:
+ hostname = host
+ blob = data[ppid]
+ blob['host'] = hostname
+ if len(hostname) > hostwidth:
+ hostwidth = len(hostname)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ data = getpdispatch()
+ if len(data) == 0:
+ print "No matching jobs"
+ sys.exit()
+ pids = data.keys()
+ ppid_map = dosubprocs(data)
+ getsockets(ppid_map, data)
+ # format for output
+ output = [ ]
+ for pid in data:
+ blob = data[pid]
+ if not blob.has_key('host'):
+ blob['host'] = ''
+ if not blob.has_key('command'):
+ blob['command'] = 'Dispatching'
+ if not blob.has_key('time'):
+ blob['time'] = '00:00'
+ output.append(blob['arch'].ljust(archwidth + 2) + \
+ blob['branch'].ljust(branchwidth + 2) + \
+ blob['port'].ljust(portwidth + 2) + \
+ blob['host'].ljust(hostwidth + 2) + \
+ blob['command'] + " (" + blob['time'] + ")")
+ # sort, output
+ output.sort()
+ print '\n'.join(output)