diff options
authorEric Turgeon <ericbsd@FreeBSD.org>2021-06-11 09:08:17 +0000
committerEric Turgeon <ericbsd@FreeBSD.org>2021-06-11 09:15:40 +0000
commitb431335779931376178aeed7a23185342a20fc15 (patch)
parentb7932af8f5a4093d592a960edc04a04531f4fa4f (diff)
editors/sublime-test4: adding new port
8 files changed, 188 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/editors/Makefile b/editors/Makefile
index e4515c8dd82b..1a010f0e7737 100644
--- a/editors/Makefile
+++ b/editors/Makefile
@@ -236,6 +236,7 @@
SUBDIR += sly-quicklisp
SUBDIR += ssed
SUBDIR += sted
+ SUBDIR += sublime-text4
SUBDIR += tamago
SUBDIR += tea
SUBDIR += teco
diff --git a/editors/sublime-test4/Makefile b/editors/sublime-test4/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..b9b9aabfb436
--- /dev/null
+++ b/editors/sublime-test4/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+# Created by: Eric TUrgeon <ericbsd@FreeBSD.org>
+PORTNAME= sublime
+CATEGORIES= editors linux
+MASTER_SITES= http://download.sublimetext.com/
+MAINTAINER= ericbsd@FreeBSD.org
+COMMENT= Sophisticated text editor for code, markup and prose
+LICENSE_NAME= End User License Agreement
+LICENSE_PERMS= dist-mirror no-dist-sell pkg-mirror no-pkg-sell auto-accept
+ONLY_FOR_ARCHS= amd64 arm64
+ONLY_FOR_ARCHS_REASON= Upstream only supports amd64 and i386
+USES= desktop-file-utils gnome linux tar:xz
+USE_LINUX= gtk3
+CONFLICTS_INSTALL= linux-sublime[0-9]*
+NO_BUILD= yes
+SUB_FILES= sublime-text
+WRKSRC= ${WRKDIR}/sublime_text
+DISTNAME_amd64= sublime_text_build_4107_x64
+DISTNAME_arm64= sublime_text_build_4107_arm64
+.for res in 16 32 48 128 256
+ @${MKDIR} \
+ ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/share/icons/hicolor/${res}x${res}/apps/
+ ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/Icon/${res}x${res}/sublime-text.png \
+ ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/share/icons/hicolor/${res}x${res}/apps/
+ ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/sublime_text.desktop ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/share/applications/
+ ${CHMOD} +x ${STAGEDIR}${DATADIR}/crash_reporter
+ ${CHMOD} +x ${STAGEDIR}${DATADIR}/plugin_host-3.3
+ ${CHMOD} +x ${STAGEDIR}${DATADIR}/plugin_host-3.8
+ ${CHMOD} +x ${STAGEDIR}${DATADIR}/sublime_text
+ ${INSTALL_SCRIPT} ${WRKDIR}/sublime-text ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/sublime-text
+.include <bsd.port.mk>
diff --git a/editors/sublime-test4/distinfo b/editors/sublime-test4/distinfo
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..b40b28bfac72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/editors/sublime-test4/distinfo
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+TIMESTAMP = 1623364000
+SHA256 (sublime_text_build_4107_x64.tar.xz) = c7d9e7520ea91c2db6c026d1f48e9067457d55158393be042100a1161a3e5915
+SIZE (sublime_text_build_4107_x64.tar.xz) = 17096632
diff --git a/editors/sublime-test4/files/LICENSE.txt b/editors/sublime-test4/files/LICENSE.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..24bd2025212f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/editors/sublime-test4/files/LICENSE.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+ The SOFTWARE PRODUCT (SUBLIME TEXT and SUBLIME MERGE) is protected by copyright laws and international copyright treaties, as well as other intellectual property laws and treaties. The SOFTWARE PRODUCT is licensed, not sold.
+ The SOFTWARE PRODUCT is licensed as follows:
+ Installation and Usage.
+ Licenses are per user and valid for use on all supported operating systems. License keys may be used on multiple computers and operating systems, provided the license key holder is the primary user. Businesses must purchase at least as many licenses as the number of people using the SOFTWARE PRODUCT.
+ Backup Copies.
+ You may make copies of the license key and or the SOFTWARE PRODUCT for backup and archival purposes.
+ Maintenance of Copyright Notices.
+ You must not remove or alter any copyright notices on any copy of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT.
+ Distribution.
+ You may not distribute or sell license keys or the SOFTWARE PRODUCT to third parties. Licenses will be revoked if distributed or sold to third parties.
+ Rental.
+ You may not rent, lease, or lend the license key or the SOFTWARE PRODUCT.
+ All title, including but not limited to copyrights, in and to the SOFTWARE PRODUCT and any copies thereof are owned by SUBLIME HQ PTY LTD.
+ SUBLIME HQ PTY LTD expressly disclaims any warranty for the SOFTWARE PRODUCT, which is provided 'as is' without any express or implied warranty of any kind, including but not limited to any warranties of merchantability, non-infringement, or fitness of a particular purpose.
+ In no event shall SUBLIME HQ PTY LTD be liable for any damages due to use of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT, to the maximum extent permitted by law. This includes without limitation, lost profits, business interruption, or lost information. In no event will SUBLIME HQ PTY LTD be liable for loss of data or for indirect, special, incidental, consequential (including lost profit), or other damages. SUBLIME HQ PTY LTD shall have no liability with respect to the content of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT or any part thereof, including but not limited to errors or omissions contained therein, libel, trademark rights, business interruption, loss of privacy or the disclosure of confidential information.
diff --git a/editors/sublime-test4/files/patch-sublime_text.desktop b/editors/sublime-test4/files/patch-sublime_text.desktop
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..1ccb121ea289
--- /dev/null
+++ b/editors/sublime-test4/files/patch-sublime_text.desktop
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+--- sublime_text.desktop.orig 2021-06-10 19:48:40.157165000 -0300
++++ sublime_text.desktop 2021-06-10 19:49:50.909919000 -0300
+@@ -4,20 +4,9 @@
+ Name=Sublime Text
+ GenericName=Text Editor
+ Comment=Sophisticated text editor for code, markup and prose
+-Exec=/opt/sublime_text/sublime_text %F
++Exec=sublime-text %F
+ Terminal=false
+ MimeType=text/plain;
+ Icon=sublime-text
+ Categories=TextEditor;Development;
+ StartupNotify=true
+-[Desktop Action new-window]
+-Name=New Window
+-Exec=/opt/sublime_text/sublime_text --launch-or-new-window
+-[Desktop Action new-file]
+-Name=New File
+-Exec=/opt/sublime_text/sublime_text --command new_file
diff --git a/editors/sublime-test4/files/sublime-text.in b/editors/sublime-test4/files/sublime-text.in
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..f665b21deb76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/editors/sublime-test4/files/sublime-text.in
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+exec %%DATADIR%%/sublime_text "$@"
diff --git a/editors/sublime-test4/pkg-descr b/editors/sublime-test4/pkg-descr
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..b4d307909ed4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/editors/sublime-test4/pkg-descr
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+Sublime Text is a sophisticated text editor for code, markup and prose.
+WWW: http://www.sublimetext.com
diff --git a/editors/sublime-test4/pkg-plist b/editors/sublime-test4/pkg-plist
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..85d783292062
--- /dev/null
+++ b/editors/sublime-test4/pkg-plist
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+%%DATADIR%%/Packages/Batch File.sublime-package
+%%DATADIR%%/Packages/Color Scheme - Default.sublime-package
+%%DATADIR%%/Packages/Color Scheme - Legacy.sublime-package
+%%DATADIR%%/Packages/Git Formats.sublime-package
+%%DATADIR%%/Packages/Language - English.sublime-package
+%%DATADIR%%/Packages/Regular Expressions.sublime-package
+%%DATADIR%%/Packages/Theme - Default.sublime-package