diff options
authorMatthias Andree <mandree@FreeBSD.org>2023-07-02 11:25:39 +0000
committerMatthias Andree <mandree@FreeBSD.org>2023-07-09 22:08:06 +0000
commitecc765c90f846cd53ba26fd2b3825f9db3852244 (patch)
parent4669ac03f2316ac2db9e72867fbb558c48ef5db3 (diff)
graphics/darktable: make compatible with exiv2 0.28
PR: 272311
2 files changed, 682 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/graphics/darktable/Makefile b/graphics/darktable/Makefile
index 3142b6886dff..51fd37b7704c 100644
--- a/graphics/darktable/Makefile
+++ b/graphics/darktable/Makefile
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
PORTNAME= darktable
CATEGORIES= graphics
MASTER_SITES= https://github.com/darktable-org/${PORTNAME}/releases/download/release-${PORTVERSION:C/\.rc/rc/}/
diff --git a/graphics/darktable/files/patch-src_common_exif.cc b/graphics/darktable/files/patch-src_common_exif.cc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..39815e93621e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/darktable/files/patch-src_common_exif.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,681 @@
+--- src/common/exif.cc.orig 2023-02-15 16:52:33 UTC
++++ src/common/exif.cc
+@@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ void dt_exif_set_exiv2_taglist()
+ _get_xmp_tags("expressionmedia", &exiv2_taglist);
+ _get_xmp_tags("MicrosoftPhoto", &exiv2_taglist);
+ }
+- catch (Exiv2::AnyError& e)
++ catch (Exiv2::Error& e)
+ {
+ std::string s(e.what());
+ std::cerr << "[exiv2 taglist] " << s << std::endl;
+@@ -408,7 +408,7 @@ static void dt_remove_exif_keys(Exiv2::ExifData &exif,
+ while((pos = exif.findKey(Exiv2::ExifKey(keys[i]))) != exif.end())
+ exif.erase(pos);
+ }
+- catch(Exiv2::AnyError &e)
++ catch(Exiv2::Error &e)
+ {
+ // the only exception we may get is "invalid" tag, which is not
+ // important enough to either stop the function, or even display
+@@ -428,7 +428,7 @@ static void dt_remove_xmp_keys(Exiv2::XmpData &xmp, co
+ while((pos = xmp.findKey(Exiv2::XmpKey(keys[i]))) != xmp.end())
+ xmp.erase(pos);
+ }
+- catch(Exiv2::AnyError &e)
++ catch(Exiv2::Error &e)
+ {
+ // the only exception we may get is "invalid" tag, which is not
+ // important enough to either stop the function, or even display
+@@ -444,7 +444,7 @@ static bool dt_exif_read_xmp_tag(Exiv2::XmpData &xmpDa
+ {
+ return (*pos = xmpData.findKey(Exiv2::XmpKey(key))) != xmpData.end() && (*pos)->size();
+ }
+- catch(Exiv2::AnyError &e)
++ catch(Exiv2::Error &e)
+ {
+ std::string s(e.what());
+ std::cerr << "[exiv2 read_xmp_tag] " << s << std::endl;
+@@ -513,7 +513,7 @@ static bool _exif_decode_xmp_data(dt_image_t *img, Exi
+ if(FIND_XMP_TAG("Xmp.xmp.Rating"))
+ {
+- const int stars = pos->toLong();
++ const int stars = pos->toInt64();
+ dt_image_set_xmp_rating(img, stars);
+ }
+ else
+@@ -541,7 +541,7 @@ static bool _exif_decode_xmp_data(dt_image_t *img, Exi
+ const int cnt = pos->count();
+ for(int i = 0; i < cnt; i++)
+ {
+- dt_colorlabels_set_label(img->id, pos->toLong(i));
++ dt_colorlabels_set_label(img->id, pos->toInt64(i));
+ }
+ }
+@@ -610,7 +610,7 @@ static bool _exif_decode_xmp_data(dt_image_t *img, Exi
+ imgs = NULL;
+ return true;
+ }
+- catch(Exiv2::AnyError &e)
++ catch(Exiv2::Error &e)
+ {
+ if(imgs) g_list_free(imgs);
+ imgs = NULL;
+@@ -626,7 +626,7 @@ static bool dt_exif_read_iptc_tag(Exiv2::IptcData &ipt
+ {
+ return (*pos = iptcData.findKey(Exiv2::IptcKey(key))) != iptcData.end() && (*pos)->size();
+ }
+- catch(Exiv2::AnyError &e)
++ catch(Exiv2::Error &e)
+ {
+ std::string s(e.what());
+ std::cerr << "[exiv2 read_iptc_tag] " << s << std::endl;
+@@ -684,7 +684,7 @@ static bool _exif_decode_iptc_data(dt_image_t *img, Ex
+ return true;
+ }
+- catch(Exiv2::AnyError &e)
++ catch(Exiv2::Error &e)
+ {
+ std::string s(e.what());
+ std::cerr << "[exiv2 _exif_decode_iptc_data] " << img->filename << ": " << s << std::endl;
+@@ -698,7 +698,7 @@ static bool _exif_read_exif_tag(Exiv2::ExifData &exifD
+ {
+ return (*pos = exifData.findKey(Exiv2::ExifKey(key))) != exifData.end() && (*pos)->size();
+ }
+- catch(Exiv2::AnyError &e)
++ catch(Exiv2::Error &e)
+ {
+ std::string s(e.what());
+ std::cerr << "[exiv2 read_exif_tag] " << s << std::endl;
+@@ -761,17 +761,17 @@ static gboolean _check_lens_correction_data(Exiv2::Exi
+ && _exif_read_exif_tag(exifData, &posv, "Exif.SubImage1.VignettingCorrParams"))
+ {
+ // Validate
+- const int nc = posd->toLong(0);
+- if(nc <= 16 && 2*nc == posc->toLong(0) && nc == posv->toLong(0))
++ const int nc = posd->toInt64(0);
++ if(nc <= 16 && 2*nc == posc->toInt64(0) && nc == posv->toInt64(0))
+ {
+ img->exif_correction_type = CORRECTION_TYPE_SONY;
+ img->exif_correction_data.sony.nc = nc;
+ for(int i = 0; i < nc; i++)
+ {
+- img->exif_correction_data.sony.distortion[i] = posd->toLong(i + 1);
+- img->exif_correction_data.sony.ca_r[i] = posc->toLong(i + 1);
+- img->exif_correction_data.sony.ca_b[i] = posc->toLong(nc + i + 1);
+- img->exif_correction_data.sony.vignetting[i] = posv->toLong(i + 1);
++ img->exif_correction_data.sony.distortion[i] = posd->toInt64(i + 1);
++ img->exif_correction_data.sony.ca_r[i] = posc->toInt64(i + 1);
++ img->exif_correction_data.sony.ca_b[i] = posc->toInt64(nc + i + 1);
++ img->exif_correction_data.sony.vignetting[i] = posv->toInt64(i + 1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+@@ -807,7 +807,7 @@ static gboolean _check_lens_correction_data(Exiv2::Exi
+ }
+ // Account for the 1.25x crop modes in some Fuji cameras
+- if(FIND_EXIF_TAG("Exif.Fujifilm.CropMode") && (pos->toLong() == 2 || pos->toLong() == 4))
++ if(FIND_EXIF_TAG("Exif.Fujifilm.CropMode") && (pos->toInt64() == 2 || pos->toInt64() == 4))
+ img->exif_correction_data.fuji.cropf = 1.25f;
+ else
+ img->exif_correction_data.fuji.cropf = 1;
+@@ -833,7 +833,7 @@ void dt_exif_img_check_additional_tags(dt_image_t *img
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+- catch(Exiv2::AnyError &e)
++ catch(Exiv2::Error &e)
+ {
+ std::string s(e.what());
+ std::cerr << "[exiv2 reading DefaultUserCrop] " << filename << ": " << s << std::endl;
+@@ -1110,11 +1110,11 @@ static bool _exif_decode_exif_data(dt_image_t *img, Ex
+ */
+ if(FIND_EXIF_TAG("Exif.Image.Orientation"))
+ {
+- img->orientation = dt_image_orientation_to_flip_bits(pos->toLong());
++ img->orientation = dt_image_orientation_to_flip_bits(pos->toInt64());
+ }
+ else if(FIND_EXIF_TAG("Exif.PanasonicRaw.Orientation"))
+ {
+- img->orientation = dt_image_orientation_to_flip_bits(pos->toLong());
++ img->orientation = dt_image_orientation_to_flip_bits(pos->toInt64());
+ }
+ /* read gps location */
+@@ -1163,9 +1163,9 @@ static bool _exif_decode_exif_data(dt_image_t *img, Ex
+ /* Read lens name */
+ if((FIND_EXIF_TAG("Exif.CanonCs.LensType")
+- && pos->toLong() != 61182 // prefer the other tag for RF lenses
+- && pos->toLong() != 0
+- && pos->toLong() != 65535)
++ && pos->toInt64() != 61182 // prefer the other tag for RF lenses
++ && pos->toInt64() != 0
++ && pos->toInt64() != 65535)
+ || FIND_EXIF_TAG("Exif.Canon.LensModel"))
+ {
+ dt_strlcpy_to_utf8(img->exif_lens, sizeof(img->exif_lens), pos, exifData);
+@@ -1203,7 +1203,7 @@ static bool _exif_decode_exif_data(dt_image_t *img, Ex
+ fprintf(stderr, "[exif] Warning: lens \"%s\" unknown as \"%s\"\n", img->exif_lens, lens.c_str());
+ }
+ }
+- else if(Exiv2::testVersion(0,27,4) && FIND_EXIF_TAG("Exif.NikonLd4.LensID") && pos->toLong() == 0)
++ else if(Exiv2::testVersion(0,27,4) && FIND_EXIF_TAG("Exif.NikonLd4.LensID") && pos->toInt64() == 0)
+ {
+ /* Z body w/ FTZ adapter or recent F body (e.g. D780, D6) detected.
+ * Prioritize the legacy ID lookup instead of Exif.Photo.LensModel included
+@@ -1295,12 +1295,12 @@ static bool _exif_decode_exif_data(dt_image_t *img, Ex
+ {
+ if(FIND_EXIF_TAG("Exif.Image.Rating"))
+ {
+- const int stars = pos->toLong();
++ const int stars = pos->toInt64();
+ dt_image_set_xmp_rating(img, stars);
+ }
+ else if(FIND_EXIF_TAG("Exif.Image.RatingPercent"))
+ {
+- const int stars = pos->toLong() * 5. / 100;
++ const int stars = pos->toInt64() * 5. / 100;
+ dt_image_set_xmp_rating(img, stars);
+ }
+ else
+@@ -1355,7 +1355,7 @@ static bool _exif_decode_exif_data(dt_image_t *img, Ex
+ {
+ for(int i = 0; i < 9; i++) colmatrix[0][i] = cm1_pos->toFloat(i);
+- if(FIND_EXIF_TAG("Exif.Image.CalibrationIlluminant1")) illu[0] = (dt_dng_illuminant_t) pos->toLong();
++ if(FIND_EXIF_TAG("Exif.Image.CalibrationIlluminant1")) illu[0] = (dt_dng_illuminant_t) pos->toInt64();
+ }
+ Exiv2::ExifData::const_iterator cm2_pos = exifData.findKey(Exiv2::ExifKey("Exif.Image.ColorMatrix2"));
+@@ -1363,7 +1363,7 @@ static bool _exif_decode_exif_data(dt_image_t *img, Ex
+ {
+ for(int i = 0; i < 9; i++) colmatrix[1][i] = cm2_pos->toFloat(i);
+- if(FIND_EXIF_TAG("Exif.Image.CalibrationIlluminant2")) illu[1] = (dt_dng_illuminant_t) pos->toLong();
++ if(FIND_EXIF_TAG("Exif.Image.CalibrationIlluminant2")) illu[1] = (dt_dng_illuminant_t) pos->toInt64();
+ }
+ // So far the Exif.Image.CalibrationIlluminant3 tag and friends have not been implemented and there are no images to test
+@@ -1373,7 +1373,7 @@ static bool _exif_decode_exif_data(dt_image_t *img, Ex
+ {
+ for(int i = 0; i < 9; i++) colmatrix[2][i] = cm3_pos->toFloat(i);
+- if(FIND_EXIF_TAG("Exif.Image.CalibrationIlluminant3")) illu[2] = (dt_dng_illuminant_t) pos->toLong();
++ if(FIND_EXIF_TAG("Exif.Image.CalibrationIlluminant3")) illu[2] = (dt_dng_illuminant_t) pos->toInt64();
+ }
+ #endif
+@@ -1494,18 +1494,18 @@ static bool _exif_decode_exif_data(dt_image_t *img, Ex
+ int phi = 0;
+ if(FIND_EXIF_TAG("Exif.SubImage1.SampleFormat"))
+- format = pos->toLong();
++ format = pos->toInt64();
+ else if(FIND_EXIF_TAG("Exif.Image.SampleFormat"))
+- format = pos->toLong();
++ format = pos->toInt64();
+ if(FIND_EXIF_TAG("Exif.SubImage1.BitsPerSample"))
+- bps = pos->toLong();
++ bps = pos->toInt64();
+ if(FIND_EXIF_TAG("Exif.SubImage1.SamplesPerPixel"))
+- spp = pos->toLong();
++ spp = pos->toInt64();
+ if(FIND_EXIF_TAG("Exif.SubImage1.PhotometricInterpretation"))
+- phi = pos->toLong();
++ phi = pos->toInt64();
+ if((format == 3) && (bps >= 16) && (((spp == 1) && (phi == 32803)) || ((spp == 3) && (phi == 34892)))) is_hdr = TRUE;
+ if((format == 1) && (bps == 16) && (spp == 1) && (phi == 34892)) is_monochrome = TRUE;
+@@ -1528,7 +1528,7 @@ static bool _exif_decode_exif_data(dt_image_t *img, Ex
+ // + Exif.Iop.InteroperabilityIndex of 'R98' -> sRGB
+ if(dt_image_is_ldr(img) && FIND_EXIF_TAG("Exif.Photo.ColorSpace"))
+ {
+- int colorspace = pos->toLong();
++ int colorspace = pos->toInt64();
+ if(colorspace == 0x01)
+ img->colorspace = DT_IMAGE_COLORSPACE_SRGB;
+ else if(colorspace == 0x02)
+@@ -1547,7 +1547,7 @@ static bool _exif_decode_exif_data(dt_image_t *img, Ex
+ }
+ // Improve lens detection for Sony SAL lenses.
+- if(FIND_EXIF_TAG("Exif.Sony2.LensID") && pos->toLong() != 65535 && pos->print().find('|') == std::string::npos)
++ if(FIND_EXIF_TAG("Exif.Sony2.LensID") && pos->toInt64() != 65535 && pos->print().find('|') == std::string::npos)
+ {
+ dt_strlcpy_to_utf8(img->exif_lens, sizeof(img->exif_lens), pos, exifData);
+ }
+@@ -1569,7 +1569,7 @@ static bool _exif_decode_exif_data(dt_image_t *img, Ex
+ img->exif_inited = 1;
+ return true;
+ }
+- catch(Exiv2::AnyError &e)
++ catch(Exiv2::Error &e)
+ {
+ std::string s(e.what());
+ std::cerr << "[exiv2 _exif_decode_exif_data] " << img->filename << ": " << s << std::endl;
+@@ -1645,7 +1645,7 @@ int dt_exif_read_from_blob(dt_image_t *img, uint8_t *b
+ dt_exif_apply_default_metadata(img);
+ return res ? 0 : 1;
+ }
+- catch(Exiv2::AnyError &e)
++ catch(Exiv2::Error &e)
+ {
+ std::string s(e.what());
+ std::cerr << "[exiv2 dt_exif_read_from_blob] " << img->filename << ": " << s << std::endl;
+@@ -1696,7 +1696,7 @@ int dt_exif_get_thumbnail(const char *path, uint8_t **
+ return 0;
+ }
+- catch(Exiv2::AnyError &e)
++ catch(Exiv2::Error &e)
+ {
+ std::string s(e.what());
+ std::cerr << "[exiv2 dt_exif_get_thumbnail] " << path << ": " << s << std::endl;
+@@ -1765,7 +1765,7 @@ int dt_exif_read(dt_image_t *img, const char *path)
+ return res ? 0 : 1;
+ }
+- catch(Exiv2::AnyError &e)
++ catch(Exiv2::Error &e)
+ {
+ std::string s(e.what());
+ std::cerr << "[exiv2 dt_exif_read] " << path << ": " << s << std::endl;
+@@ -1822,7 +1822,7 @@ int dt_exif_write_blob(uint8_t *blob, uint32_t size, c
+ imgExifData.sortByTag();
+ image->writeMetadata();
+ }
+- catch(Exiv2::AnyError &e)
++ catch(Exiv2::Error &e)
+ {
+ std::string s(e.what());
+ std::cerr << "[exiv2 dt_exif_write_blob] " << path << ": " << s << std::endl;
+@@ -2151,7 +2151,7 @@ int dt_exif_read_blob(uint8_t **buf, const char *path,
+ memcpy(*buf, &(blob[0]), length);
+ return length;
+ }
+- catch(Exiv2::AnyError &e)
++ catch(Exiv2::Error &e)
+ {
+ // std::cerr.rdbuf(savecerr);
+ std::string s(e.what());
+@@ -2662,16 +2662,16 @@ static GList *read_history_v2(Exiv2::XmpData &xmpData,
+ }
+ else if(g_str_has_prefix(key_iter, "darktable:num"))
+ {
+- current_entry->num = history->value().toLong();
++ current_entry->num = history->value().toInt64();
+ }
+ else if(g_str_has_prefix(key_iter, "darktable:enabled"))
+ {
+- current_entry->enabled = history->value().toLong() == 1;
++ current_entry->enabled = history->value().toInt64() == 1;
+ }
+ else if(g_str_has_prefix(key_iter, "darktable:modversion"))
+ {
+ current_entry->have_modversion = TRUE;
+- current_entry->modversion = history->value().toLong();
++ current_entry->modversion = history->value().toInt64();
+ }
+ else if(g_str_has_prefix(key_iter, "darktable:params"))
+ {
+@@ -2685,7 +2685,7 @@ static GList *read_history_v2(Exiv2::XmpData &xmpData,
+ }
+ else if(g_str_has_prefix(key_iter, "darktable:multi_priority"))
+ {
+- current_entry->multi_priority = history->value().toLong();
++ current_entry->multi_priority = history->value().toInt64();
+ }
+ else if(g_str_has_prefix(key_iter, "darktable:iop_order"))
+ {
+@@ -2698,7 +2698,7 @@ static GList *read_history_v2(Exiv2::XmpData &xmpData,
+ }
+ else if(g_str_has_prefix(key_iter, "darktable:blendop_version"))
+ {
+- current_entry->blendop_version = history->value().toLong();
++ current_entry->blendop_version = history->value().toInt64();
+ }
+ else if(g_str_has_prefix(key_iter, "darktable:blendop_params"))
+ {
+@@ -2772,22 +2772,22 @@ static GHashTable *read_masks(Exiv2::XmpData &xmpData,
+ mask_entry_t *entry = (mask_entry_t *)calloc(1, sizeof(mask_entry_t));
+ entry->version = version;
+- entry->mask_id = mask_id->toLong(i);
+- entry->mask_type = mask_type->toLong(i);
++ entry->mask_id = mask_id->toInt64(i);
++ entry->mask_type = mask_type->toInt64(i);
+ std::string mask_name_str = mask_name->toString(i);
+ if(mask_name_str.c_str() != NULL)
+ entry->mask_name = g_strdup(mask_name_str.c_str());
+ else
+ entry->mask_name = g_strdup("form");
+- entry->mask_version = mask_version->toLong(i);
++ entry->mask_version = mask_version->toInt64(i);
+ std::string mask_str = mask->toString(i);
+ const char *mask_c = mask_str.c_str();
+ const size_t mask_c_len = strlen(mask_c);
+ entry->mask_points = dt_exif_xmp_decode(mask_c, mask_c_len, &entry->mask_points_len);
+- entry->mask_nb = mask_nb->toLong(i);
++ entry->mask_nb = mask_nb->toInt64(i);
+ std::string mask_src_str = mask_src->toString(i);
+ const char *mask_src_c = mask_src_str.c_str();
+@@ -2858,15 +2858,15 @@ static GList *read_masks_v3(Exiv2::XmpData &xmpData, c
+ // go on reading things into current_entry
+ if(g_str_has_prefix(key_iter, "darktable:mask_num"))
+ {
+- current_entry->mask_num = history->value().toLong();
++ current_entry->mask_num = history->value().toInt64();
+ }
+ else if(g_str_has_prefix(key_iter, "darktable:mask_id"))
+ {
+- current_entry->mask_id = history->value().toLong();
++ current_entry->mask_id = history->value().toInt64();
+ }
+ else if(g_str_has_prefix(key_iter, "darktable:mask_type"))
+ {
+- current_entry->mask_type = history->value().toLong();
++ current_entry->mask_type = history->value().toInt64();
+ }
+ else if(g_str_has_prefix(key_iter, "darktable:mask_name"))
+ {
+@@ -2874,7 +2874,7 @@ static GList *read_masks_v3(Exiv2::XmpData &xmpData, c
+ }
+ else if(g_str_has_prefix(key_iter, "darktable:mask_version"))
+ {
+- current_entry->mask_version = history->value().toLong();
++ current_entry->mask_version = history->value().toInt64();
+ }
+ else if(g_str_has_prefix(key_iter, "darktable:mask_points"))
+ {
+@@ -2882,7 +2882,7 @@ static GList *read_masks_v3(Exiv2::XmpData &xmpData, c
+ }
+ else if(g_str_has_prefix(key_iter, "darktable:mask_nb"))
+ {
+- current_entry->mask_nb = history->value().toLong();
++ current_entry->mask_nb = history->value().toInt64();
+ }
+ else if(g_str_has_prefix(key_iter, "darktable:mask_src"))
+ {
+@@ -3034,7 +3034,7 @@ int dt_exif_xmp_read(dt_image_t *img, const char *file
+ int num_masks = 0;
+ if((pos = xmpData.findKey(Exiv2::XmpKey("Xmp.darktable.xmp_version"))) != xmpData.end())
+- xmp_version = pos->toLong();
++ xmp_version = pos->toInt64();
+ if(!history_only)
+ {
+@@ -3052,7 +3052,7 @@ int dt_exif_xmp_read(dt_image_t *img, const char *file
+ int32_t in;
+ dt_image_raw_parameters_t out;
+ } raw_params;
+- raw_params.in = pos->toLong();
++ raw_params.in = pos->toInt64();
+ const int32_t user_flip = raw_params.out.user_flip;
+ img->legacy_flip.user_flip = user_flip;
+ img->legacy_flip.legacy = 0;
+@@ -3062,7 +3062,7 @@ int dt_exif_xmp_read(dt_image_t *img, const char *file
+ if((pos = xmpData.findKey(Exiv2::XmpKey("Xmp.darktable.auto_presets_applied"))) != xmpData.end())
+ {
+- preset_applied = pos->toLong();
++ preset_applied = pos->toInt64();
+ // in any case, this is no legacy image.
+@@ -3085,7 +3085,7 @@ int dt_exif_xmp_read(dt_image_t *img, const char *file
+ {
+ if((pos = xmpData.findKey(Exiv2::XmpKey("Xmp.darktable.iop_order_version"))) != xmpData.end())
+ {
+- iop_order_version = (dt_iop_order_t)pos->toLong();
++ iop_order_version = (dt_iop_order_t)pos->toInt64();
+ }
+ if((pos = xmpData.findKey(Exiv2::XmpKey("Xmp.darktable.iop_order_list"))) != xmpData.end())
+@@ -3103,7 +3103,7 @@ int dt_exif_xmp_read(dt_image_t *img, const char *file
+ {
+ // All iop-order version before 3 are legacy one. Starting with version 3 we have the first
+ // attempts to propose the final v3 iop-order.
+- iop_order_version = pos->toLong() < 3 ? DT_IOP_ORDER_LEGACY : DT_IOP_ORDER_V30;
++ iop_order_version = pos->toInt64() < 3 ? DT_IOP_ORDER_LEGACY : DT_IOP_ORDER_V30;
+ iop_order_list = dt_ioppr_get_iop_order_list_version(iop_order_version);
+ }
+ else
+@@ -3355,7 +3355,7 @@ int dt_exif_xmp_read(dt_image_t *img, const char *file
+ // we shouldn't change history_end when no history was read!
+ if((pos = xmpData.findKey(Exiv2::XmpKey("Xmp.darktable.history_end"))) != xmpData.end() && num > 0)
+ {
+- int history_end = MIN(pos->toLong(), num);
++ int history_end = MIN(pos->toInt64(), num);
+ if(num_masks > 0) history_end++;
+ if((history_end < 1) && preset_applied) preset_applied = -1;
+ DT_DEBUG_SQLITE3_PREPARE_V2(dt_database_get(darktable.db),
+@@ -3471,7 +3471,7 @@ int dt_exif_xmp_read(dt_image_t *img, const char *file
+ }
+ }
+- catch(Exiv2::AnyError &e)
++ catch(Exiv2::Error &e)
+ {
+ // actually nobody's interested in that if the file doesn't exist:
+ // std::string s(e.what());
+@@ -3677,23 +3677,23 @@ void read_xmp_timestamps(Exiv2::XmpData &xmpData, dt_i
+ if((pos = xmpData.findKey(Exiv2::XmpKey("Xmp.darktable.change_timestamp"))) != xmpData.end())
+ {
+ if(xmp_version > 5)
+- img->change_timestamp = pos->toLong();
+- else if(pos->toLong() >= 1)
+- img->change_timestamp = _convert_unix_to_gtimespan(pos->toLong());
++ img->change_timestamp = pos->toInt64();
++ else if(pos->toInt64() >= 1)
++ img->change_timestamp = _convert_unix_to_gtimespan(pos->toInt64());
+ }
+ if((pos = xmpData.findKey(Exiv2::XmpKey("Xmp.darktable.export_timestamp"))) != xmpData.end())
+ {
+ if(xmp_version > 5)
+- img->export_timestamp = pos->toLong();
+- else if(pos->toLong() >= 1)
+- img->export_timestamp = _convert_unix_to_gtimespan(pos->toLong());
++ img->export_timestamp = pos->toInt64();
++ else if(pos->toInt64() >= 1)
++ img->export_timestamp = _convert_unix_to_gtimespan(pos->toInt64());
+ }
+ if((pos = xmpData.findKey(Exiv2::XmpKey("Xmp.darktable.print_timestamp"))) != xmpData.end())
+ {
+ if(xmp_version > 5)
+- img->print_timestamp = pos->toLong();
+- else if(pos->toLong() >= 1)
+- img->print_timestamp = _convert_unix_to_gtimespan(pos->toLong());
++ img->print_timestamp = pos->toInt64();
++ else if(pos->toInt64() >= 1)
++ img->print_timestamp = _convert_unix_to_gtimespan(pos->toInt64());
+ }
+ }
+@@ -4060,7 +4060,7 @@ char *dt_exif_xmp_read_string(const int imgid)
+ std::string xmpPacket;
+ Exiv2::DataBuf buf = Exiv2::readFile(WIDEN(input_filename));
+- xmpPacket.assign(reinterpret_cast<char *>(buf.pData_), buf.size_);
++ xmpPacket.assign(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(buf.c_data()), buf.size());
+ Exiv2::XmpParser::decode(xmpData, xmpPacket);
+ // because XmpSeq or XmpBag are added to the list, we first have
+ // to remove these so that we don't end up with a string of duplicates
+@@ -4076,7 +4076,7 @@ char *dt_exif_xmp_read_string(const int imgid)
+ std::string xmpPacket;
+ Exiv2::DataBuf buf = Exiv2::readFile(WIDEN(input_filename));
+- xmpPacket.assign(reinterpret_cast<char *>(buf.pData_), buf.size_);
++ xmpPacket.assign(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(buf.c_data()), buf.size());
+ Exiv2::XmpParser::decode(sidecarXmpData, xmpPacket);
+ for(Exiv2::XmpData::const_iterator it = sidecarXmpData.begin(); it != sidecarXmpData.end(); ++it)
+@@ -4098,7 +4098,7 @@ char *dt_exif_xmp_read_string(const int imgid)
+ }
+ return g_strdup(xmpPacket.c_str());
+ }
+- catch(Exiv2::AnyError &e)
++ catch(Exiv2::Error &e)
+ {
+ std::cerr << "[xmp_read_blob] caught exiv2 exception '" << e << "'\n";
+ return NULL;
+@@ -4113,7 +4113,7 @@ static void dt_remove_xmp_key(Exiv2::XmpData &xmp, con
+ if(pos != xmp.end())
+ xmp.erase(pos);
+ }
+- catch(Exiv2::AnyError &e)
++ catch(Exiv2::Error &e)
+ {
+ }
+ }
+@@ -4131,7 +4131,7 @@ static void _remove_xmp_keys(Exiv2::XmpData &xmpData,
+ ++i;
+ }
+ }
+- catch(Exiv2::AnyError &e)
++ catch(Exiv2::Error &e)
+ {
+ }
+ }
+@@ -4144,7 +4144,7 @@ static void dt_remove_exif_key(Exiv2::ExifData &exif,
+ if(pos != exif.end())
+ exif.erase(pos);
+ }
+- catch(Exiv2::AnyError &e)
++ catch(Exiv2::Error &e)
+ {
+ }
+ }
+@@ -4157,7 +4157,7 @@ static void dt_remove_iptc_key(Exiv2::IptcData &iptc,
+ while((pos = iptc.findKey(Exiv2::IptcKey(key))) != iptc.end())
+ iptc.erase(pos);
+ }
+- catch(Exiv2::AnyError &e)
++ catch(Exiv2::Error &e)
+ {
+ }
+ }
+@@ -4188,7 +4188,7 @@ int dt_exif_xmp_attach_export(const int imgid, const c
+ img->setXmpData(input_image->xmpData());
+ }
+ }
+- catch(Exiv2::AnyError &e)
++ catch(Exiv2::Error &e)
+ {
+ std::cerr << "[xmp_attach] " << input_filename << ": caught exiv2 exception '" << e << "'\n";
+ }
+@@ -4204,7 +4204,7 @@ int dt_exif_xmp_attach_export(const int imgid, const c
+ std::string xmpPacket;
+ Exiv2::DataBuf buf = Exiv2::readFile(WIDEN(input_filename));
+- xmpPacket.assign(reinterpret_cast<char *>(buf.pData_), buf.size_);
++ xmpPacket.assign(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(buf.c_data()), buf.size());
+ Exiv2::XmpParser::decode(sidecarXmpData, xmpPacket);
+ for(Exiv2::XmpData::const_iterator it = sidecarXmpData.begin(); it != sidecarXmpData.end(); ++it)
+@@ -4368,10 +4368,10 @@ int dt_exif_xmp_attach_export(const int imgid, const c
+ {
+ img->writeMetadata();
+ }
+- catch(Exiv2::AnyError &e)
++ catch(Exiv2::Error &e)
+ {
+ #if EXIV2_TEST_VERSION(0,27,0)
+- if(e.code() == Exiv2::kerTooLargeJpegSegment)
++ if(e.code() == Exiv2::ErrorCode::kerTooLargeJpegSegment)
+ #else
+ if(e.code() == 37)
+ #endif
+@@ -4384,7 +4384,7 @@ int dt_exif_xmp_attach_export(const int imgid, const c
+ {
+ img->writeMetadata();
+ }
+- catch(Exiv2::AnyError &e2)
++ catch(Exiv2::Error &e2)
+ {
+ std::cerr << "[dt_exif_xmp_attach_export] without history " << filename << ": caught exiv2 exception '" << e2 << "'\n";
+ return -1;
+@@ -4395,7 +4395,7 @@ int dt_exif_xmp_attach_export(const int imgid, const c
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+- catch(Exiv2::AnyError &e)
++ catch(Exiv2::Error &e)
+ {
+ std::cerr << "[dt_exif_xmp_attach_export] " << filename << ": caught exiv2 exception '" << e << "'\n";
+ return -1;
+@@ -4437,7 +4437,7 @@ int dt_exif_xmp_write(const int imgid, const char *fil
+ }
+ Exiv2::DataBuf buf = Exiv2::readFile(WIDEN(filename));
+- xmpPacket.assign(reinterpret_cast<char *>(buf.pData_), buf.size_);
++ xmpPacket.assign(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(buf.c_data()), buf.size());
+ Exiv2::XmpParser::decode(xmpData, xmpPacket);
+ // because XmpSeq or XmpBag are added to the list, we first have
+ // to remove these so that we don't end up with a string of duplicates
+@@ -4492,7 +4492,7 @@ int dt_exif_xmp_write(const int imgid, const char *fil
+ return 0;
+ }
+- catch(Exiv2::AnyError &e)
++ catch(Exiv2::Error &e)
+ {
+ std::cerr << "[dt_exif_xmp_write] " << filename << ": caught exiv2 exception '" << e << "'\n";
+ return -1;
+@@ -4515,7 +4515,7 @@ dt_colorspaces_color_profile_type_t dt_exif_get_color_
+ // clang-format on
+ if((pos = exifData.findKey(Exiv2::ExifKey("Exif.Photo.ColorSpace"))) != exifData.end() && pos->size())
+ {
+- int colorspace = pos->toLong();
++ int colorspace = pos->toInt64();
+ if(colorspace == 0x01)
+ else if(colorspace == 0x02)
+@@ -4536,7 +4536,7 @@ dt_colorspaces_color_profile_type_t dt_exif_get_color_
+ return DT_COLORSPACE_DISPLAY; // nothing embedded
+ }
+- catch(Exiv2::AnyError &e)
++ catch(Exiv2::Error &e)
+ {
+ std::string s(e.what());
+ std::cerr << "[exiv2 dt_exif_get_color_space] " << s << std::endl;
+@@ -4556,7 +4556,7 @@ void dt_exif_get_basic_data(const uint8_t *data, size_
+ _find_datetime_taken(exifData, pos, basic_exif->datetime);
+ _find_exif_makermodel(exifData, pos, basic_exif);
+ }
+- catch(Exiv2::AnyError &e)
++ catch(Exiv2::Error &e)
+ {
+ std::string s(e.what());
+ std::cerr << "[exiv2 dt_exif_get_basic_data] " << s << std::endl;
+@@ -4590,7 +4590,7 @@ void dt_exif_init()
+ {
+ Exiv2::XmpProperties::propertyList("lr");
+ }
+- catch(Exiv2::AnyError &e)
++ catch(Exiv2::Error &e)
+ {
+ // if lightroom is not known register it
+ Exiv2::XmpProperties::registerNs("http://ns.adobe.com/lightroom/1.0/", "lr");
+@@ -4599,7 +4599,7 @@ void dt_exif_init()
+ {
+ Exiv2::XmpProperties::propertyList("exifEX");
+ }
+- catch(Exiv2::AnyError &e)
++ catch(Exiv2::Error &e)
+ {
+ // if exifEX is not known register it
+ Exiv2::XmpProperties::registerNs("http://cipa.jp/exif/1.0/", "exifEX");