path: root/devel/libowfat
diff options
authorPav Lucistnik <pav@FreeBSD.org>2005-02-02 17:36:31 +0000
committerPav Lucistnik <pav@FreeBSD.org>2005-02-02 17:36:31 +0000
commitdf4d71f4d9261f3d6c3afc0e032c48afb4a06e84 (patch)
tree7ac29bf4bf494b6529f7e6b9120f4b8220ea45f5 /devel/libowfat
parent47968efc5a2138f22cb459da2a437f14447feeee (diff)
- Update to 0.21
PR: ports/76978 Submitted by: Thomas-Martin Seck <tmseck@netcologne.de> (maintainer)
Notes: svn path=/head/; revision=127920
Diffstat (limited to 'devel/libowfat')
3 files changed, 297 insertions, 65 deletions
diff --git a/devel/libowfat/Makefile b/devel/libowfat/Makefile
index fa38b8a54b93..df11e4928992 100644
--- a/devel/libowfat/Makefile
+++ b/devel/libowfat/Makefile
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
PORTNAME= libowfat
CATEGORIES= devel ipv6
MASTER_SITES= http://dl.fefe.de/
diff --git a/devel/libowfat/distinfo b/devel/libowfat/distinfo
index 63a60ff2b0cb..147bec382e76 100644
--- a/devel/libowfat/distinfo
+++ b/devel/libowfat/distinfo
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-MD5 (libowfat-0.20.tar.bz2) = 60e112c24b0f3d6e2757baa96f1ed07e
-SIZE (libowfat-0.20.tar.bz2) = 109541
+MD5 (libowfat-0.21.tar.bz2) = 4023b5ecadbfb5c8ef81f956a42b7529
+SIZE (libowfat-0.21.tar.bz2) = 118300
diff --git a/devel/libowfat/files/manpages b/devel/libowfat/files/manpages
index fa08c1530bca..f86fdb087ff8 100644
--- a/devel/libowfat/files/manpages
+++ b/devel/libowfat/files/manpages
@@ -1,63 +1,295 @@
-array.3 array_allocate.3 array_bytes.3 array_cat.3 array_cat0.3 \
-array_catb.3 array_cate.3 array_cats.3 array_cats0.3 array_equal.3 \
-array_fail.3 array_get.3 array_length.3 array_reset.3 array_start.3 \
-array_trunc.3 array_truncate.3 buffer.3 buffer_feed.3 buffer_flush.3 \
-buffer_fromsa.3 buffer_get.3 buffer_get_token.3 buffer_get_token_pred.3 \
-buffer_get_token_sa.3 buffer_get_token_sa_pred.3 buffer_getc.3 \
-buffer_getline_sa.3 buffer_getn.3 buffer_init.3 buffer_peek.3 \
-buffer_put.3 buffer_put8long.3 buffer_putalign.3 buffer_puterror.3 \
-buffer_puterror2.3 buffer_putflush.3 buffer_putlong.3 buffer_putlonglong.3 \
-buffer_putnlflush.3 buffer_puts.3 buffer_putsa.3 buffer_putsalign.3 \
-buffer_putsflush.3 buffer_putspace.3 buffer_putulong.3 \
-buffer_putulonglong.3 buffer_putxlong.3 buffer_seek.3 byte_chr.3 \
-byte_copy.3 byte_copyr.3 byte_diff.3 byte_equal.3 byte_rchr.3 \
-byte_zero.3 case_diffb.3 case_diffs.3 case_lowerb.3 case_lowers.3 \
-case_starts.3 dns_ip4.3 dns_ip4_packet.3 dns_ip4_qualify.3 dns_ip6.3 \
-dns_ip6_packet.3 dns_ip6_qualify.3 dns_mx.3 dns_mx_packet.3 dns_name4.3 \
-dns_name4_domain.3 dns_name6.3 dns_name6_domain.3 dns_name_packet.3 \
-dns_txt.3 dns_txt_packet.3 fmt_8long.3 fmt_double.3 fmt_fill.3 \
-fmt_httpdate.3 fmt_human.3 fmt_humank.3 fmt_ip4.3 fmt_ip6.3 \
-fmt_ip6_flat.3 fmt_ip6c.3 fmt_ip6if.3 fmt_ip6ifc.3 fmt_long.3 \
-fmt_longlong.3 fmt_minus.3 fmt_pad.3 fmt_plusminus.3 fmt_str.3 \
-fmt_strn.3 fmt_uint.3 fmt_uint0.3 fmt_ulong.3 fmt_ulong0.3 \
-fmt_ulonglong.3 fmt_xlong.3 fmt_xlonglong.3 imult16.3 imult32.3 \
-imult64.3 io_appendfile.3 io_canread.3 io_canwrite.3 io_check.3 io_close.3 \
-io_closeonexec.3 io_createfile.3 io_dontwantread.3 io_dontwantwrite.3 \
-io_eagain.3 io_fd.3 io_finishandshutdown.3 io_getcookie.3 io_nonblock.3 \
-io_passfd.3 io_pipe.3 io_readfile.3 io_readwritefile.3 io_receivefd.3 io_sendfile.3 \
-io_setcookie.3 io_socketpair.3 io_timeout.3 io_timeouted.3 io_tryread.3 \
-io_tryreadtimeout.3 io_trywrite.3 io_trywritetimeout.3 io_wait.3 \
-io_waitread.3 io_waituntil.3 io_wantread.3 io_wantwrite.3 iob_addbuf.3 \
-iob_addbuf_free.3 iob_addfile.3 iob_addfile_close.3 iob_adds.3 \
-iob_adds_free.3 iob_new.3 iob_prefetch.3 iob_send.3 iopause.3 mmap_private.3 \
-mmap_read.3 mmap_shared.3 ndelay_off.3 ndelay_on.3 open_append.3 \
-open_excl.3 open_read.3 open_rw.3 open_trunc.3 open_write.3 \
-openreadclose.3 readclose.3 readclose_append.3 scan_8int.3 scan_8long.3 \
-scan_8short.3 scan_charsetnskip.3 scan_double.3 scan_httpdate.3 \
-scan_int.3 scan_ip4.3 scan_ip6.3 scan_ip6_flat.3 scan_ip6if.3 \
-scan_long.3 scan_longlong.3 scan_noncharsetnskip.3 scan_nonwhitenskip.3 \
-scan_plusminus.3 scan_short.3 scan_uint.3 scan_ulong.3 scan_ulonglong.3 \
-scan_ushort.3 scan_whitenskip.3 scan_xint.3 scan_xlong.3 scan_xlonglong.3 \
-scan_xshort.3 socket_accept4.3 socket_accept6.3 socket_bind4.3 \
-socket_bind4_reuse.3 socket_bind6.3 socket_bind6_reuse.3 \
-socket_broadcast.3 socket_connect4.3 socket_connect6.3 socket_connected.3 \
-socket_getifidx.3 socket_getifname.3 socket_listen.3 socket_local4.3 \
-socket_local6.3 socket_mchopcount6.3 socket_mcjoin4.3 socket_mcjoin6.3 \
-socket_mcleave4.3 socket_mcleave6.3 socket_mcloop4.3 socket_mcloop6.3 \
-socket_mcttl4.3 socket_recv4.3 socket_recv6.3 socket_remote4.3 \
-socket_remote6.3 socket_send4.3 socket_send6.3 socket_tcp4.3 \
-socket_tcp6.3 socket_udp4.3 socket_udp6.3 str_chr.3 str_copy.3 \
-str_diff.3 str_diffn.3 str_equal.3 str_len.3 str_rchr.3 str_start.3 \
-stralloc_0.3 stralloc_append.3 stralloc_cat.3 stralloc_catb.3 \
-stralloc_catlong0.3 stralloc_cats.3 stralloc_catulong0.3 stralloc_chomp.3 \
-stralloc_chop.3 stralloc_copy.3 stralloc_copyb.3 stralloc_copys.3 \
-stralloc_diff.3 stralloc_diffs.3 stralloc_free.3 stralloc_init.3 \
-stralloc_ready.3 stralloc_readyplus.3 stralloc_starts.3 tai_add.3 \
-tai_approx.3 tai_less.3 tai_now.3 tai_pack.3 tai_sub.3 tai_unpack.3 \
-taia_add.3 taia_addsec.3 taia_approx.3 taia_frac.3 taia_less.3 \
-taia_now.3 taia_pack.3 taia_sub.3 taia_tai.3 taia_uint.3 taia_unpack.3 \
-uint16_pack.3 uint16_pack_big.3 uint16_read.3 uint16_read_big.3 \
-uint16_unpack.3 uint16_unpack_big.3 uint32_pack.3 uint32_pack_big.3 \
-uint32_read.3 uint32_read_big.3 uint32_unpack.3 uint32_unpack_big.3 \
-umult16.3 umult32.3 umult64.3
+array.3 \
+array_allocate.3 \
+array_bytes.3 \
+array_cat.3 \
+array_cat0.3 \
+array_catb.3 \
+array_cate.3 \
+array_cats.3 \
+array_cats0.3 \
+array_equal.3 \
+array_fail.3 \
+array_get.3 \
+array_length.3 \
+array_reset.3 \
+array_start.3 \
+array_trunc.3 \
+array_truncate.3 \
+buffer.3 \
+buffer_close.3 \
+buffer_feed.3 \
+buffer_flush.3 \
+buffer_fromsa.3 \
+buffer_get.3 \
+buffer_get_new_token_sa.3 \
+buffer_get_new_token_sa_pred.3 \
+buffer_get_token.3 \
+buffer_get_token_pred.3 \
+buffer_get_token_sa.3 \
+buffer_get_token_sa_pred.3 \
+buffer_getc.3 \
+buffer_getline.3 \
+buffer_getline_sa.3 \
+buffer_getn.3 \
+buffer_getnewline_sa.3 \
+buffer_init.3 \
+buffer_init_free.3 \
+buffer_mmapread.3 \
+buffer_peek.3 \
+buffer_put.3 \
+buffer_put8long.3 \
+buffer_putalign.3 \
+buffer_puterror.3 \
+buffer_puterror2.3 \
+buffer_putflush.3 \
+buffer_putlong.3 \
+buffer_putlonglong.3 \
+buffer_putm.3 \
+buffer_putnlflush.3 \
+buffer_puts.3 \
+buffer_putsa.3 \
+buffer_putsaflush.3 \
+buffer_putsalign.3 \
+buffer_putsflush.3 \
+buffer_putspace.3 \
+buffer_putulong.3 \
+buffer_putulonglong.3 \
+buffer_putxlong.3 \
+buffer_seek.3 \
+byte_chr.3 \
+byte_copy.3 \
+byte_copyr.3 \
+byte_diff.3 \
+byte_equal.3 \
+byte_rchr.3 \
+byte_zero.3 \
+case_diffb.3 \
+case_diffs.3 \
+case_lowerb.3 \
+case_lowers.3 \
+case_starts.3 \
+dns_ip4.3 \
+dns_ip4_packet.3 \
+dns_ip4_qualify.3 \
+dns_ip6.3 \
+dns_ip6_packet.3 \
+dns_ip6_qualify.3 \
+dns_mx.3 \
+dns_mx_packet.3 \
+dns_name4.3 \
+dns_name4_domain.3 \
+dns_name6.3 \
+dns_name6_domain.3 \
+dns_name_packet.3 \
+dns_txt.3 \
+dns_txt_packet.3 \
+fmt_8long.3 \
+fmt_double.3 \
+fmt_fill.3 \
+fmt_httpdate.3 \
+fmt_human.3 \
+fmt_humank.3 \
+fmt_ip4.3 \
+fmt_ip6.3 \
+fmt_ip6_flat.3 \
+fmt_ip6c.3 \
+fmt_ip6if.3 \
+fmt_ip6ifc.3 \
+fmt_long.3 \
+fmt_longlong.3 \
+fmt_minus.3 \
+fmt_pad.3 \
+fmt_plusminus.3 \
+fmt_str.3 \
+fmt_strn.3 \
+fmt_uint.3 \
+fmt_uint0.3 \
+fmt_ulong.3 \
+fmt_ulong0.3 \
+fmt_ulonglong.3 \
+fmt_xlong.3 \
+fmt_xlonglong.3 \
+imult16.3 \
+imult32.3 \
+imult64.3 \
+io_appendfile.3 \
+io_canread.3 \
+io_canwrite.3 \
+io_check.3 \
+io_close.3 \
+io_closeonexec.3 \
+io_createfile.3 \
+io_dontwantread.3 \
+io_dontwantwrite.3 \
+io_eagain.3 \
+io_fd.3 \
+io_finishandshutdown.3 \
+io_getcookie.3 \
+io_nonblock.3 \
+io_passfd.3 \
+io_pipe.3 \
+io_readfile.3 \
+io_readwritefile.3 \
+io_receivefd.3 \
+io_sendfile.3 \
+io_setcookie.3 \
+io_socketpair.3 \
+io_timeout.3 \
+io_timeouted.3 \
+io_tryread.3 \
+io_tryreadtimeout.3 \
+io_trywrite.3 \
+io_trywritetimeout.3 \
+io_wait.3 \
+io_waitread.3 \
+io_waituntil.3 \
+io_wantread.3 \
+io_wantwrite.3 \
+iob_addbuf.3 \
+iob_addbuf_free.3 \
+iob_addfile.3 \
+iob_addfile_close.3 \
+iob_adds.3 \
+iob_adds_free.3 \
+iob_new.3 \
+iob_prefetch.3 \
+iob_send.3 \
+iob_write.3 \
+iopause.3 \
+mmap_private.3 \
+mmap_read.3 \
+mmap_shared.3 \
+ndelay_off.3 \
+ndelay_on.3 \
+open_append.3 \
+open_excl.3 \
+open_read.3 \
+open_rw.3 \
+open_trunc.3 \
+open_write.3 \
+openreadclose.3 \
+readclose.3 \
+readclose_append.3 \
+scan_8int.3 \
+scan_8long.3 \
+scan_8short.3 \
+scan_charsetnskip.3 \
+scan_double.3 \
+scan_httpdate.3 \
+scan_int.3 \
+scan_ip4.3 \
+scan_ip6.3 \
+scan_ip6_flat.3 \
+scan_ip6if.3 \
+scan_long.3 \
+scan_longlong.3 \
+scan_noncharsetnskip.3 \
+scan_nonwhitenskip.3 \
+scan_plusminus.3 \
+scan_short.3 \
+scan_uint.3 \
+scan_ulong.3 \
+scan_ulonglong.3 \
+scan_ushort.3 \
+scan_whitenskip.3 \
+scan_xint.3 \
+scan_xlong.3 \
+scan_xlonglong.3 \
+scan_xshort.3 \
+socket_accept4.3 \
+socket_accept6.3 \
+socket_bind4.3 \
+socket_bind4_reuse.3 \
+socket_bind6.3 \
+socket_bind6_reuse.3 \
+socket_broadcast.3 \
+socket_connect4.3 \
+socket_connect6.3 \
+socket_connected.3 \
+socket_getifidx.3 \
+socket_getifname.3 \
+socket_listen.3 \
+socket_local4.3 \
+socket_local6.3 \
+socket_mchopcount6.3 \
+socket_mcjoin4.3 \
+socket_mcjoin6.3 \
+socket_mcleave4.3 \
+socket_mcleave6.3 \
+socket_mcloop4.3 \
+socket_mcloop6.3 \
+socket_mcttl4.3 \
+socket_recv4.3 \
+socket_recv6.3 \
+socket_remote4.3 \
+socket_remote6.3 \
+socket_send4.3 \
+socket_send6.3 \
+socket_tcp4.3 \
+socket_tcp6.3 \
+socket_udp4.3 \
+socket_udp6.3 \
+str_chr.3 \
+str_copy.3 \
+str_diff.3 \
+str_diffn.3 \
+str_equal.3 \
+str_len.3 \
+str_rchr.3 \
+str_start.3 \
+stralloc_0.3 \
+stralloc_append.3 \
+stralloc_cat.3 \
+stralloc_catb.3 \
+stralloc_catlong0.3 \
+stralloc_catm.3 \
+stralloc_cats.3 \
+stralloc_catulong0.3 \
+stralloc_chomp.3 \
+stralloc_chop.3 \
+stralloc_copy.3 \
+stralloc_copyb.3 \
+stralloc_copym.3 \
+stralloc_copys.3 \
+stralloc_diff.3 \
+stralloc_diffs.3 \
+stralloc_free.3 \
+stralloc_init.3 \
+stralloc_ready.3 \
+stralloc_readyplus.3 \
+stralloc_starts.3 \
+stralloc_zero.3 \
+tai_add.3 \
+tai_approx.3 \
+tai_less.3 \
+tai_now.3 \
+tai_pack.3 \
+tai_sub.3 \
+tai_unpack.3 \
+taia_add.3 \
+taia_addsec.3 \
+taia_approx.3 \
+taia_frac.3 \
+taia_less.3 \
+taia_now.3 \
+taia_pack.3 \
+taia_sub.3 \
+taia_tai.3 \
+taia_uint.3 \
+taia_unpack.3 \
+uint16_pack.3 \
+uint16_pack_big.3 \
+uint16_read.3 \
+uint16_read_big.3 \
+uint16_unpack.3 \
+uint16_unpack_big.3 \
+uint32_pack.3 \
+uint32_pack_big.3 \
+uint32_read.3 \
+uint32_read_big.3 \
+uint32_unpack.3 \
+uint32_unpack_big.3 \
+umult16.3 \
+umult32.3 \