path: root/security/solana/Makefile
diff options
authorYuri Victorovich <yuri@FreeBSD.org>2021-04-24 10:07:34 +0000
committerYuri Victorovich <yuri@FreeBSD.org>2021-04-24 10:23:34 +0000
commit557666746c66a99eebbe77417d6721cd05e554c3 (patch)
tree3e78de6c34ca95a6a656317d594a4fd29ebeef2a /security/solana/Makefile
parentdc3350eb4845103f72957a36b6c8e77dfa7eadd5 (diff)
New port: security/solana: Web-scale blockchain for decentralized apps and marketplaces
Diffstat (limited to 'security/solana/Makefile')
1 files changed, 572 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/security/solana/Makefile b/security/solana/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..f15b0fcee2f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/security/solana/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,572 @@
+PORTNAME= solana
+CATEGORIES= security
+MAINTAINER= yuri@FreeBSD.org
+COMMENT= Web-scale blockchain for decentralized apps and marketplaces
+BUILD_DEPENDS= llvm-config${LLVM_DEFAULT}:devel/llvm${LLVM_DEFAULT}
+LIB_DEPENDS= libhidapi.so:comms/hidapi
+USES= cargo pkgconfig ssl
+GH_ACCOUNT= solana-labs
+CARGO_CRATES= Inflector-0.11.4 \
+ addr2line-0.12.1 \
+ adler32-1.0.4 \
+ ahash-0.4.6 \
+ ahash-0.6.1 \
+ aho-corasick-0.7.10 \
+ ansi_term-0.11.0 \
+ anyhow-1.0.32 \
+ arc-swap-0.4.8 \
+ arrayref-0.3.6 \
+ arrayvec-0.5.1 \
+ ascii-0.9.3 \
+ assert_cmd-1.0.1 \
+ assert_matches-1.3.0 \
+ async-stream-0.2.1 \
+ async-stream-impl-0.2.1 \
+ async-trait-0.1.42 \
+ atty-0.2.14 \
+ autocfg-0.1.7 \
+ autocfg-1.0.0 \
+ backoff-0.2.1 \
+ backtrace-0.3.48 \
+ base-x-0.2.6 \
+ base32-0.4.0 \
+ base64-0.9.3 \
+ base64-0.10.1 \
+ base64-0.11.0 \
+ base64-0.12.3 \
+ base64-0.13.0 \
+ bincode-1.3.1 \
+ bindgen-0.54.0 \
+ bitflags-1.2.1 \
+ blake2b_simd-0.5.10 \
+ blake3-0.3.7 \
+ block-buffer-0.7.3 \
+ block-buffer-0.9.0 \
+ block-padding-0.1.5 \
+ block-padding-0.2.1 \
+ borsh-0.8.1 \
+ borsh-derive-0.8.1 \
+ borsh-derive-internal-0.8.1 \
+ borsh-schema-derive-internal-0.8.1 \
+ bs58-0.3.1 \
+ bstr-0.2.13 \
+ bumpalo-3.3.0 \
+ bv-0.11.1 \
+ byte-tools-0.3.1 \
+ byte-unit-4.0.8 \
+ bytecount-0.6.0 \
+ byteorder-1.3.4 \
+ bytes-0.4.12 \
+ bytes-0.5.4 \
+ bytes-0.6.0 \
+ bytesize-1.0.1 \
+ bzip2-0.3.3 \
+ bzip2-sys-0.1.9+1.0.8 \
+ cargo_metadata-0.12.0 \
+ cast-0.2.3 \
+ cc-1.0.49 \
+ cexpr-0.4.0 \
+ cfg-if-0.1.10 \
+ cfg-if-1.0.0 \
+ chrono-0.4.19 \
+ chrono-humanize-0.1.1 \
+ clang-sys-0.29.3 \
+ clap-2.33.1 \
+ clap-2.33.3 \
+ cloudabi-0.0.3 \
+ cloudabi-0.1.0 \
+ combine-3.8.1 \
+ console-0.11.3 \
+ const_fn-0.4.5 \
+ constant_time_eq-0.1.5 \
+ core-foundation-0.7.0 \
+ core-foundation-sys-0.7.0 \
+ core_affinity-0.5.10 \
+ cpuid-bool-0.1.2 \
+ crc32fast-1.2.0 \
+ criterion-stats-0.3.0 \
+ crossbeam-channel-0.4.4 \
+ crossbeam-channel-0.5.0 \
+ crossbeam-deque-0.7.3 \
+ crossbeam-deque-0.8.0 \
+ crossbeam-epoch-0.8.2 \
+ crossbeam-epoch-0.9.1 \
+ crossbeam-queue-0.2.3 \
+ crossbeam-utils-0.7.2 \
+ crossbeam-utils-0.8.1 \
+ crunchy-0.2.2 \
+ crypto-mac-0.7.0 \
+ crypto-mac-0.8.0 \
+ crypto-mac-0.10.0 \
+ csv-1.1.3 \
+ csv-core-0.1.10 \
+ ctrlc-3.1.5 \
+ curve25519-dalek-2.1.0 \
+ curve25519-dalek-3.0.0 \
+ dashmap-4.0.2 \
+ derivative-2.1.1 \
+ dialoguer-0.6.2 \
+ difference-2.0.0 \
+ digest-0.8.1 \
+ digest-0.9.0 \
+ dir-diff-0.3.2 \
+ dirs-next-2.0.0 \
+ dirs-sys-next-0.1.1 \
+ discard-1.0.4 \
+ dlopen-0.1.8 \
+ dlopen_derive-0.1.4 \
+ doc-comment-0.3.3 \
+ dtoa-0.4.5 \
+ ed25519-1.0.1 \
+ ed25519-dalek-1.0.0-pre.4 \
+ either-1.5.3 \
+ encode_unicode-0.3.6 \
+ encoding_rs-0.8.23 \
+ enum-iterator-0.6.0 \
+ enum-iterator-derive-0.6.0 \
+ env_logger-0.7.1 \
+ env_logger-0.8.3 \
+ failure-0.1.8 \
+ failure_derive-0.1.8 \
+ fake-simd-0.1.2 \
+ fast-math-0.1.1 \
+ fd-lock-1.1.1 \
+ feature-probe-0.1.1 \
+ filetime-0.2.10 \
+ flate2-1.0.14 \
+ fnv-1.0.7 \
+ foreign-types-0.3.2 \
+ foreign-types-shared-0.1.1 \
+ fs_extra-1.2.0 \
+ fuchsia-cprng-0.1.1 \
+ fuchsia-zircon-0.3.3 \
+ fuchsia-zircon-sys-0.3.3 \
+ futures-0.1.29 \
+ futures-0.3.8 \
+ futures-channel-0.3.8 \
+ futures-core-0.3.8 \
+ futures-cpupool-0.1.8 \
+ futures-executor-0.3.8 \
+ futures-io-0.3.8 \
+ futures-macro-0.3.8 \
+ futures-sink-0.3.8 \
+ futures-task-0.3.8 \
+ futures-util-0.3.8 \
+ gag-0.1.10 \
+ generic-array-0.12.3 \
+ generic-array-0.14.3 \
+ gethostname-0.2.1 \
+ getrandom-0.1.14 \
+ getrandom-0.2.0 \
+ gimli-0.21.0 \
+ glob-0.3.0 \
+ globset-0.4.5 \
+ goauth-0.8.1 \
+ goblin-0.3.0 \
+ h2-0.1.26 \
+ h2-0.2.5 \
+ half-1.6.0 \
+ hash32-0.1.1 \
+ hashbrown-0.8.2 \
+ hashbrown-0.9.1 \
+ hermit-abi-0.1.13 \
+ hex-0.4.2 \
+ hidapi-1.2.3 \
+ histogram-0.6.9 \
+ hmac-0.7.1 \
+ hmac-0.10.1 \
+ hmac-drbg-0.2.0 \
+ http-0.1.21 \
+ http-0.2.1 \
+ http-body-0.1.0 \
+ http-body-0.3.1 \
+ httparse-1.3.4 \
+ httpdate-0.3.2 \
+ humantime-1.3.0 \
+ humantime-2.0.1 \
+ hyper-0.10.16 \
+ hyper-0.12.35 \
+ hyper-0.13.10 \
+ hyper-rustls-0.21.0 \
+ hyper-tls-0.4.3 \
+ idna-0.1.5 \
+ idna-0.2.0 \
+ ieee754-0.2.6 \
+ indexed-0.1.1 \
+ indexmap-1.5.1 \
+ indicatif-0.15.0 \
+ input_buffer-0.3.1 \
+ instant-0.1.6 \
+ iovec-0.1.4 \
+ ipnet-2.3.0 \
+ itertools-0.8.2 \
+ itertools-0.9.0 \
+ itoa-0.4.5 \
+ jemalloc-ctl-0.3.3 \
+ jemalloc-sys-0.3.2 \
+ jemallocator-0.3.2 \
+ jobserver-0.1.21 \
+ js-sys-0.3.40 \
+ jsonrpc-client-transports-15.1.0 \
+ jsonrpc-core-15.1.0 \
+ jsonrpc-core-client-15.1.0 \
+ jsonrpc-derive-15.1.0 \
+ jsonrpc-http-server-15.1.0 \
+ jsonrpc-pubsub-15.1.0 \
+ jsonrpc-server-utils-15.1.0 \
+ jsonrpc-ws-server-15.1.0 \
+ keccak-0.1.0 \
+ kernel32-sys-0.2.2 \
+ language-tags-0.2.2 \
+ lazy_static-1.4.0 \
+ lazycell-1.2.1 \
+ libc-0.2.81 \
+ libloading-0.5.2 \
+ libloading-0.6.2 \
+ librocksdb-sys-6.11.4 \
+ libsecp256k1-0.3.5 \
+ linked-hash-map-0.5.3 \
+ lock_api-0.3.4 \
+ lock_api-0.4.1 \
+ log-0.3.9 \
+ log-0.4.11 \
+ lru-0.6.1 \
+ matches-0.1.8 \
+ maybe-uninit-2.0.0 \
+ memchr-1.0.2 \
+ memchr-2.3.3 \
+ memmap2-0.1.0 \
+ memoffset-0.5.4 \
+ memoffset-0.6.1 \
+ mime-0.2.6 \
+ mime-0.3.16 \
+ mime_guess-2.0.3 \
+ miniz_oxide-0.3.6 \
+ mio-0.6.22 \
+ mio-0.7.6 \
+ mio-extras-2.0.6 \
+ mio-named-pipes-0.1.7 \
+ mio-uds-0.6.8 \
+ miow-0.2.2 \
+ miow-0.3.6 \
+ native-tls-0.2.4 \
+ net2-0.2.37 \
+ nix-0.17.0 \
+ nix-0.19.0 \
+ nom-3.2.1 \
+ nom-5.1.1 \
+ ntapi-0.3.4 \
+ num-derive-0.3.2 \
+ num-integer-0.1.42 \
+ num-traits-0.2.11 \
+ num_cpus-1.13.0 \
+ num_enum-0.5.1 \
+ num_enum_derive-0.5.1 \
+ number_prefix-0.3.0 \
+ object-0.19.0 \
+ once_cell-1.4.0 \
+ opaque-debug-0.2.3 \
+ opaque-debug-0.3.0 \
+ openssl-0.10.29 \
+ openssl-probe-0.1.2 \
+ openssl-sys-0.9.57 \
+ ouroboros-0.5.1 \
+ ouroboros_macro-0.5.1 \
+ parity-ws-0.10.0 \
+ parking_lot-0.9.0 \
+ parking_lot-0.10.2 \
+ parking_lot-0.11.0 \
+ parking_lot_core-0.6.2 \
+ parking_lot_core-0.7.2 \
+ parking_lot_core-0.8.0 \
+ paste-0.1.16 \
+ paste-impl-0.1.16 \
+ pbkdf2-0.3.0 \
+ pbkdf2-0.6.0 \
+ peeking_take_while-0.1.2 \
+ percent-encoding-1.0.1 \
+ percent-encoding-2.1.0 \
+ pest-2.1.3 \
+ pickledb-0.4.1 \
+ pin-project-0.4.23 \
+ pin-project-1.0.1 \
+ pin-project-internal-0.4.23 \
+ pin-project-internal-1.0.1 \
+ pin-project-lite-0.1.5 \
+ pin-project-lite-0.2.0 \
+ pin-utils-0.1.0 \
+ pkg-config-0.3.17 \
+ plain-0.2.3 \
+ ppv-lite86-0.2.8 \
+ predicates-1.0.4 \
+ predicates-core-1.0.0 \
+ predicates-tree-1.0.0 \
+ pretty-hex-0.2.1 \
+ proc-macro-crate-0.1.5 \
+ proc-macro-hack-0.5.19 \
+ proc-macro-nested-0.1.4 \
+ proc-macro2-0.4.30 \
+ proc-macro2-1.0.24 \
+ prost-0.6.1 \
+ prost-derive-0.6.1 \
+ prost-types-0.6.1 \
+ quick-error-1.2.3 \
+ quote-0.6.13 \
+ quote-1.0.6 \
+ rand-0.4.6 \
+ rand-0.6.5 \
+ rand-0.7.3 \
+ rand_chacha-0.1.1 \
+ rand_chacha-0.2.2 \
+ rand_core-0.3.1 \
+ rand_core-0.4.2 \
+ rand_core-0.5.1 \
+ rand_core-0.6.2 \
+ rand_hc-0.1.0 \
+ rand_hc-0.2.0 \
+ rand_isaac-0.1.1 \
+ rand_jitter-0.1.4 \
+ rand_os-0.1.3 \
+ rand_pcg-0.1.2 \
+ rand_pcg-0.2.1 \
+ rand_xorshift-0.1.1 \
+ raptorq-1.4.2 \
+ rayon-1.5.0 \
+ rayon-core-1.9.0 \
+ rdrand-0.4.0 \
+ redox_syscall-0.1.56 \
+ redox_users-0.3.4 \
+ reed-solomon-erasure-4.0.2 \
+ regex-1.3.9 \
+ regex-automata-0.1.9 \
+ regex-syntax-0.6.18 \
+ remove_dir_all-0.5.0 \
+ reqwest-0.10.8 \
+ retain_mut-0.1.2 \
+ ring-0.16.12 \
+ rocksdb-0.15.0 \
+ rpassword-4.0.5 \
+ rust-argon2-0.7.0 \
+ rustc-demangle-0.1.16 \
+ rustc-hash-1.1.0 \
+ rustc_version-0.2.3 \
+ rustls-0.18.0 \
+ rustversion-1.0.4 \
+ ryu-1.0.4 \
+ safemem-0.3.3 \
+ same-file-1.0.6 \
+ schannel-0.1.19 \
+ scopeguard-1.1.0 \
+ scroll-0.10.1 \
+ scroll_derive-0.10.2 \
+ sct-0.6.0 \
+ security-framework-0.4.4 \
+ security-framework-sys-0.4.3 \
+ semver-0.9.0 \
+ semver-0.11.0 \
+ semver-parser-0.7.0 \
+ semver-parser-0.10.1 \
+ serde-1.0.125 \
+ serde_bytes-0.11.4 \
+ serde_cbor-0.11.1 \
+ serde_derive-1.0.125 \
+ serde_json-1.0.59 \
+ serde_urlencoded-0.6.1 \
+ serde_yaml-0.8.13 \
+ serial_test-0.4.0 \
+ serial_test_derive-0.4.0 \
+ sha-1-0.8.2 \
+ sha1-0.6.0 \
+ sha2-0.8.2 \
+ sha2-0.9.2 \
+ sha3-0.9.1 \
+ shlex-0.1.1 \
+ signal-hook-0.1.15 \
+ signal-hook-registry-1.2.0 \
+ signature-1.1.0 \
+ simpl-0.1.0 \
+ slab-0.4.2 \
+ smallvec-0.6.14 \
+ smallvec-1.6.1 \
+ smpl_jwt-0.5.0 \
+ socket2-0.3.17 \
+ solana-frozen-abi-1.6.5 \
+ solana-frozen-abi-macro-1.6.5 \
+ solana-logger-1.6.5 \
+ solana-program-1.6.5 \
+ solana-sdk-macro-1.6.5 \
+ solana_rbpf-0.2.7 \
+ spin-0.5.2 \
+ spl-associated-token-account-1.0.2 \
+ spl-memo-2.0.1 \
+ spl-memo-3.0.0 \
+ spl-token-3.1.0 \
+ stable_deref_trait-1.2.0 \
+ standback-0.2.9 \
+ static_assertions-1.1.0 \
+ stdweb-0.4.20 \
+ stdweb-derive-0.5.3 \
+ stdweb-internal-macros-0.2.9 \
+ stdweb-internal-runtime-0.1.5 \
+ string-0.2.1 \
+ strsim-0.8.0 \
+ subtle-1.0.0 \
+ subtle-2.2.2 \
+ symlink-0.1.0 \
+ syn-0.15.44 \
+ syn-1.0.67 \
+ synstructure-0.12.3 \
+ sysctl-0.4.0 \
+ systemstat-0.1.5 \
+ tar-0.4.28 \
+ tarpc-0.23.0 \
+ tarpc-plugins-0.8.0 \
+ tempfile-3.1.0 \
+ termcolor-1.1.0 \
+ terminal_size-0.1.12 \
+ termios-0.3.2 \
+ textwrap-0.11.0 \
+ thiserror-1.0.21 \
+ thiserror-impl-1.0.21 \
+ thread-scoped-1.0.2 \
+ thread_local-1.0.1 \
+ time-0.1.43 \
+ time-0.2.16 \
+ time-macros-0.1.0 \
+ time-macros-impl-0.1.1 \
+ tiny-bip39-0.7.3 \
+ tokio-0.1.22 \
+ tokio-0.2.22 \
+ tokio-0.3.5 \
+ tokio-buf-0.1.1 \
+ tokio-codec-0.1.2 \
+ tokio-current-thread-0.1.7 \
+ tokio-executor-0.1.10 \
+ tokio-fs-0.1.7 \
+ tokio-io-0.1.13 \
+ tokio-macros-0.2.5 \
+ tokio-macros-0.3.1 \
+ tokio-reactor-0.1.12 \
+ tokio-rustls-0.14.0 \
+ tokio-serde-0.6.1 \
+ tokio-sync-0.1.8 \
+ tokio-tcp-0.1.4 \
+ tokio-threadpool-0.1.18 \
+ tokio-timer-0.2.13 \
+ tokio-tls-0.2.1 \
+ tokio-tls-0.3.1 \
+ tokio-udp-0.1.6 \
+ tokio-uds-0.2.6 \
+ tokio-util-0.3.1 \
+ tokio-util-0.4.0 \
+ toml-0.5.6 \
+ tonic-0.3.0 \
+ tower-0.3.1 \
+ tower-balance-0.3.0 \
+ tower-buffer-0.3.0 \
+ tower-discover-0.3.0 \
+ tower-layer-0.3.0 \
+ tower-limit-0.3.1 \
+ tower-load-0.3.0 \
+ tower-load-shed-0.3.0 \
+ tower-make-0.3.0 \
+ tower-ready-cache-0.3.1 \
+ tower-retry-0.3.0 \
+ tower-service-0.3.0 \
+ tower-timeout-0.3.0 \
+ tower-util-0.3.1 \
+ tracing-0.1.18 \
+ tracing-attributes-0.1.9 \
+ tracing-core-0.1.13 \
+ tracing-futures-0.2.4 \
+ traitobject-0.1.0 \
+ treeline-0.1.0 \
+ trees-0.2.1 \
+ try-lock-0.2.2 \
+ tungstenite-0.10.1 \
+ typeable-0.1.2 \
+ typenum-1.12.0 \
+ ucd-trie-0.1.3 \
+ unicase-1.4.2 \
+ unicase-2.6.0 \
+ unicode-bidi-0.3.4 \
+ unicode-normalization-0.1.12 \
+ unicode-width-0.1.7 \
+ unicode-xid-0.1.0 \
+ unicode-xid-0.2.0 \
+ unix_socket2-0.5.4 \
+ unreachable-1.0.0 \
+ untrusted-0.7.1 \
+ uriparse-0.6.3 \
+ url-1.7.2 \
+ url-2.1.1 \
+ users-0.10.0 \
+ utf-8-0.7.5 \
+ utf8-width-0.1.3 \
+ vcpkg-0.2.8 \
+ vec_map-0.8.2 \
+ version_check-0.1.5 \
+ version_check-0.9.2 \
+ void-1.0.2 \
+ wait-timeout-0.2.0 \
+ walkdir-2.3.1 \
+ want-0.2.0 \
+ want-0.3.0 \
+ wasi-0.9.0+wasi-snapshot-preview1 \
+ wasm-bindgen-0.2.63 \
+ wasm-bindgen-backend-0.2.63 \
+ wasm-bindgen-futures-0.4.13 \
+ wasm-bindgen-macro-0.2.63 \
+ wasm-bindgen-macro-support-0.2.63 \
+ wasm-bindgen-shared-0.2.63 \
+ web-sys-0.3.40 \
+ webpki-0.21.2 \
+ webpki-roots-0.19.0 \
+ websocket-0.24.0 \
+ websocket-base-0.24.0 \
+ which-3.1.1 \
+ winapi-0.2.8 \
+ winapi-0.3.8 \
+ winapi-build-0.1.1 \
+ winapi-i686-pc-windows-gnu-0.4.0 \
+ winapi-util-0.1.5 \
+ winapi-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu-0.4.0 \
+ winreg-0.7.0 \
+ ws2_32-sys-0.2.1 \
+ xattr-0.2.2 \
+ yaml-rust-0.4.3 \
+ zeroize-1.1.0 \
+ zeroize_derive-1.0.0 \
+ zstd-0.5.3+zstd.1.4.5 \
+ zstd-safe-2.0.5+zstd.1.4.5 \
+ zstd-sys-1.4.17+zstd.1.4.5
+XARCH= ${ARCH:S/amd64/x86_64/:tu}
+BINARY_ALIAS= llvm-config=${PREFIX}/bin/llvm-config${LLVM_DEFAULT}
+ for f in ${WRKDIR}/target/release/${PORTNAME}-*; do \
+ if [ -f $$f -a -x $$f ]; then \
+ fi \
+ done
+ @${CARGO_CARGO_RUN} test
+.include <bsd.port.mk>