path: root/www/deno/Makefile
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Diffstat (limited to 'www/deno/Makefile')
1 files changed, 29 insertions, 527 deletions
diff --git a/www/deno/Makefile b/www/deno/Makefile
index d3d750b5bad9..d4ff04bd736d 100644
--- a/www/deno/Makefile
+++ b/www/deno/Makefile
@@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
MAINTAINER= mikael@FreeBSD.org
COMMENT= Secure JavaScript and TypeScript runtime
+WWW= https://github.com/denoland
@@ -12,552 +13,53 @@ LICENSE_FILE= ${WRKSRC}/LICENSE.md
BROKEN_i386= cargo:warning=c/freebsd.c:31:10: error: conflicting types for 'get_cpu_speed'
BUILD_DEPENDS= gn:devel/gn \
- libunwind>0:devel/libunwind
+ libunwind>0:devel/libunwind \
+ protoc:devel/protobuf
+LIB_DEPENDS= libzstd.so:archivers/zstd \
+ libonig.so:devel/oniguruma
-USES= cargo cpe gmake gnome ninja:build pkgconfig:build python:3.9+,build
+USES= cargo compiler:c++20-lang cpe gmake gnome ninja:build pkgconfig:build python:3.9+,build
GH_ACCOUNT= denoland
-GH_TUPLE= tinycc:tinycc:afc136262e93a:deno/ext/ffi/tinycc
USE_GNOME= glib20
-V8_VERS= 0.47.0
+V8_VERS= 0.90.1
GN=${PREFIX}/bin/gn \
-CARGO_CRATES= Inflector-0.11.4 \
- abort_on_panic-2.0.0 \
- adler-1.0.2 \
- aead-0.4.3 \
- aes-0.8.1 \
- aes-gcm-0.10.0-pre \
- aes-kw-0.2.1 \
- ahash-0.7.6 \
- aho-corasick-0.7.18 \
- alloc-no-stdlib-2.0.3 \
- alloc-stdlib-0.2.1 \
- android_system_properties-0.1.2 \
- ansi_term-0.12.1 \
- anyhow-1.0.58 \
- arrayvec-0.7.2 \
- ash-0.37.0+1.3.209 \
- ast_node-0.8.1 \
- async-compression-0.3.14 \
- async-stream-0.3.3 \
- async-stream-impl-0.3.3 \
- async-trait-0.1.56 \
- atty-0.2.14 \
- auto_impl-0.5.0 \
- autocfg-1.1.0 \
- base16ct-0.1.1 \
- base64-0.11.0 \
- base64-0.13.0 \
- base64-simd-0.6.2 \
- base64ct-1.5.0 \
- bencher-0.1.5 \
- better_scoped_tls-0.1.0 \
- bit-set-0.5.2 \
- bit-vec-0.6.3 \
- bitflags-1.3.2 \
- bitflags_serde_shim-0.2.2 \
- block-0.1.6 \
- block-buffer-0.9.0 \
- block-buffer-0.10.2 \
- block-modes-0.9.1 \
- block-padding-0.3.2 \
- brotli-3.3.4 \
- brotli-decompressor-2.3.2 \
- bstr-0.2.17 \
- bumpalo-3.10.0 \
- byteorder-1.4.3 \
- bytes-1.1.0 \
- cache_control-0.2.0 \
- cbc-0.1.2 \
- cc-1.0.73 \
- cfg-if-1.0.0 \
- cfg_aliases-0.1.1 \
- chrono-0.4.19 \
- cipher-0.4.3 \
- clap-3.1.12 \
- clap_complete-3.1.2 \
- clap_complete_fig-3.1.5 \
- clap_lex-0.1.1 \
- clipboard-win-4.4.1 \
- codespan-reporting-0.11.1 \
- const-oid-0.9.0 \
- convert_case-0.4.0 \
- copyless-0.1.5 \
- core-foundation-0.9.3 \
- core-foundation-sys-0.8.3 \
- core-graphics-types-0.1.1 \
- cpufeatures-0.2.2 \
- crc-2.1.0 \
- crc-catalog-1.1.1 \
- crc32fast-1.3.2 \
- crossbeam-channel-0.5.4 \
- crossbeam-utils-0.8.8 \
- crypto-bigint-0.4.7 \
- crypto-common-0.1.3 \
- csv-1.1.6 \
- csv-core-0.1.10 \
- ctor-0.1.22 \
- ctr-0.9.1 \
- cty-0.2.2 \
- d3d12-0.5.0 \
- darling-0.13.4 \
- darling_core-0.13.4 \
- darling_macro-0.13.4 \
- dashmap-5.3.4 \
- data-encoding-2.3.2 \
- data-url-0.1.1 \
- debug_unreachable-0.1.1 \
- deno_ast-0.17.0 \
- deno_doc-0.38.0 \
- deno_emit-0.4.0 \
- deno_graph-0.29.0 \
- deno_lint-0.32.0 \
- deno_task_shell-0.5.0 \
- der-0.6.0 \
- derive_more-0.99.17 \
- diff-0.1.12 \
- digest-0.9.0 \
- digest-0.10.3 \
- dissimilar-1.0.3 \
- dlopen-0.1.8 \
- dlopen_derive-0.1.4 \
- dotenv-0.15.0 \
- dprint-core-0.58.3 \
- dprint-plugin-json-0.15.3 \
- dprint-plugin-markdown-0.13.3 \
- dprint-plugin-typescript-0.71.1 \
- dprint-swc-ext-0.3.0 \
- dyn-clone-1.0.5 \
- ecdsa-0.14.1 \
- either-1.6.1 \
- elliptic-curve-0.12.1 \
- encoding_rs-0.8.31 \
- endian-type-0.1.2 \
- enum-as-inner-0.4.0 \
- enum_kind-0.2.1 \
- env_logger-0.9.0 \
- errno-0.1.8 \
- errno-0.2.8 \
- errno-dragonfly-0.1.2 \
- error-code-2.3.1 \
- eszip-0.22.0 \
- fallible-iterator-0.2.0 \
- fallible-streaming-iterator-0.1.9 \
- fancy-regex-0.9.0 \
- fastrand-1.7.0 \
- fd-lock-3.0.5 \
- ff-0.12.0 \
- filetime-0.2.16 \
- fixedbitset-0.4.1 \
- flaky_test-0.1.0 \
- flate2-1.0.24 \
- fly-accept-encoding-0.2.0 \
- fnv-1.0.7 \
- foreign-types-0.3.2 \
- foreign-types-shared-0.1.1 \
- form_urlencoded-1.0.1 \
- from_variant-0.1.3 \
- fs3-0.5.0 \
- fsevent-sys-4.1.0 \
- fslock-0.1.8 \
- futures-0.3.21 \
- futures-channel-0.3.21 \
- futures-core-0.3.21 \
- futures-executor-0.3.21 \
- futures-io-0.3.21 \
- futures-macro-0.3.21 \
- futures-sink-0.3.21 \
- futures-task-0.3.21 \
- futures-util-0.3.21 \
- fwdansi-1.1.0 \
- fxhash-0.2.1 \
- generic-array-0.14.5 \
- getrandom-0.2.7 \
- ghash-0.4.4 \
- glow-0.11.2 \
- google-storage1-3.1.0+20220228 \
- gpu-alloc-0.5.3 \
- gpu-alloc-types-0.2.0 \
- gpu-descriptor-0.2.2 \
- gpu-descriptor-types-0.1.1 \
- group-0.12.0 \
- h2-0.3.13 \
- hashbrown-0.11.2 \
- hashbrown-0.12.1 \
- hashlink-0.7.0 \
- heck-0.4.0 \
- hermit-abi-0.1.19 \
- hexf-parse-0.2.1 \
- hkdf-0.12.3 \
- hmac-0.12.1 \
- hostname-0.3.1 \
- http-0.2.6 \
- http-body-0.4.5 \
- httparse-1.7.1 \
- httpdate-1.0.2 \
- humantime-2.1.0 \
- hyper-0.14.19 \
- hyper-rustls-0.23.0 \
- ident_case-1.0.1 \
- idna-0.1.5 \
- idna-0.2.3 \
- if_chain-1.0.2 \
- import_map-0.11.0 \
- import_map-0.12.1 \
- indexmap-1.9.1 \
- inotify-0.9.6 \
- inotify-sys-0.1.5 \
- inout-0.1.3 \
- inplace_it-0.3.3 \
- instant-0.1.12 \
- io-lifetimes-0.6.1 \
- ipconfig-0.3.0 \
- ipnet-2.5.0 \
- is-macro-0.2.1 \
- itertools-0.10.3 \
- itoa-0.4.8 \
- itoa-1.0.2 \
- jobserver-0.1.24 \
- js-sys-0.3.58 \
- jsonc-parser-0.19.0 \
- kernel32-sys-0.2.2 \
- khronos-egl-4.1.0 \
- kqueue-1.0.6 \
- kqueue-sys-1.0.3 \
- lazy_static-1.4.0 \
- lexical-6.1.1 \
- lexical-core-0.8.5 \
- lexical-parse-float-0.8.5 \
- lexical-parse-integer-0.8.6 \
- lexical-util-0.8.5 \
- lexical-write-float-0.8.5 \
- lexical-write-integer-0.8.5 \
- libc-0.2.126 \
- libffi-3.0.0 \
- libffi-sys-2.0.0 \
- libloading-0.7.3 \
- libm-0.2.2 \
- libsqlite3-sys-0.24.2 \
- linked-hash-map-0.5.4 \
- linux-raw-sys-0.0.46 \
- lock_api-0.4.7 \
- log-0.3.9 \
- log-0.4.17 \
- lru-cache-0.1.2 \
- lsp-types-0.93.0 \
- lzzzz-1.0.3 \
- malloc_buf-0.0.6 \
- match_cfg-0.1.0 \
- matches-0.1.9 \
- memchr-2.5.0 \
- memoffset-0.6.5 \
- metal-0.24.0 \
- mime-0.2.6 \
- mime-0.3.16 \
- miniz_oxide-0.5.3 \
- mio-0.8.3 \
- mitata-0.0.7 \
- naga-0.9.0 \
- netif-0.1.3 \
- new_debug_unreachable-1.0.4 \
- nibble_vec-0.1.0 \
- nix-0.24.2 \
- node_resolver-0.1.1 \
- notify-5.0.0-pre.15 \
- num-bigint-0.4.3 \
- num-bigint-dig-0.8.1 \
- num-integer-0.1.45 \
- num-iter-0.1.43 \
- num-traits-0.2.15 \
- num_cpus-1.13.1 \
- num_threads-0.1.6 \
- objc-0.2.7 \
- objc_exception-0.1.2 \
- once_cell-1.12.0 \
- opaque-debug-0.3.0 \
- openssl-probe-0.1.5 \
- os_pipe-1.0.1 \
- os_str_bytes-6.1.0 \
- output_vt100-0.1.3 \
- p256-0.11.1 \
- p384-0.11.1 \
- parking_lot-0.11.2 \
- parking_lot-0.12.1 \
- parking_lot_core-0.8.5 \
- parking_lot_core-0.9.3 \
- path-clean-0.1.0 \
- path-dedot-3.0.17 \
- pathdiff-0.2.1 \
- pem-rfc7468-0.6.0 \
- percent-encoding-1.0.1 \
- percent-encoding-2.1.0 \
- pest-2.1.3 \
- petgraph-0.6.2 \
- phf-0.10.1 \
- phf_generator-0.10.0 \
- phf_macros-0.10.0 \
- phf_shared-0.10.0 \
- pin-project-1.0.11 \
- pin-project-internal-1.0.11 \
- pin-project-lite-0.2.9 \
- pin-utils-0.1.0 \
- pkcs1-0.4.0 \
- pkcs8-0.9.0 \
- pkg-config-0.3.25 \
- pmutil-0.5.3 \
- polyval-0.5.3 \
- ppv-lite86-0.2.16 \
- precomputed-hash-0.1.1 \
- pretty_assertions-1.2.1 \
- proc-macro-crate-1.1.3 \
- proc-macro-error-1.0.4 \
- proc-macro-error-attr-1.0.4 \
- proc-macro-hack-0.5.19 \
- proc-macro2-0.4.30 \
- proc-macro2-1.0.39 \
- profiling-1.0.6 \
- pty-0.2.2 \
- pulldown-cmark-0.9.1 \
- quick-error-1.2.3 \
- quote-0.6.13 \
- quote-1.0.18 \
- radix_fmt-1.0.0 \
- radix_trie-0.2.1 \
- rand-0.8.5 \
- rand_chacha-0.3.1 \
- rand_core-0.6.3 \
- range-alloc-0.1.2 \
- raw-window-handle-0.4.3 \
- redox_syscall-0.2.13 \
- regex-1.5.6 \
- regex-automata-0.1.10 \
- regex-syntax-0.6.26 \
- relative-path-1.7.0 \
- remove_dir_all-0.5.3 \
- renderdoc-sys-0.7.1 \
- reqwest-0.11.11 \
- resolv-conf-0.7.0 \
- retain_mut-0.1.9 \
- rfc6979-0.2.0 \
- ring-0.16.20 \
- ron-0.7.1 \
- rsa-0.7.0-pre \
- rusqlite-0.27.0 \
- rustc-hash-1.1.0 \
- rustc_version-0.2.3 \
- rustc_version-0.4.0 \
- rustix-0.34.8 \
- rustls-0.20.6 \
- rustls-native-certs-0.6.2 \
- rustls-pemfile-0.3.0 \
- rustls-pemfile-1.0.0 \
- rustyline-10.0.0 \
- rustyline-derive-0.7.0 \
- ryu-1.0.10 \
- same-file-1.0.6 \
- schannel-0.1.20 \
- scoped-tls-1.0.0 \
- scopeguard-1.1.0 \
- sct-0.7.0 \
- seahash-4.1.0 \
- sec1-0.3.0 \
- security-framework-2.6.1 \
- security-framework-sys-2.6.1 \
- semver-0.9.0 \
- semver-1.0.10 \
- semver-parser-0.7.0 \
- semver-parser-0.10.2 \
- serde-1.0.139 \
- serde_bytes-0.11.6 \
- serde_derive-1.0.139 \
- serde_json-1.0.81 \
- serde_repr-0.1.8 \
- serde_urlencoded-0.7.1 \
- sha-1-0.9.8 \
- sha-1-0.10.0 \
- sha2-0.10.2 \
- shell-escape-0.1.5 \
- signal-hook-registry-1.4.0 \
- signature-1.5.0 \
- simd-abstraction-0.6.2 \
- siphasher-0.3.10 \
- slab-0.4.6 \
- slotmap-1.0.6 \
- smallvec-1.8.0 \
- socket2-0.4.4 \
- sourcemap-6.0.1 \
- spin-0.5.2 \
- spirv-0.2.0+1.5.4 \
- spki-0.6.0 \
- static_assertions-1.1.0 \
- str-buf-1.0.6 \
- string_cache-0.8.4 \
- string_cache_codegen-0.5.2 \
- string_enum-0.3.1 \
- strsim-0.10.0 \
- subtle-2.4.1 \
- swc_atoms-0.2.13 \
- swc_bundler-0.169.0 \
- swc_common-0.23.0 \
- swc_config-0.1.1 \
- swc_config_macro-0.1.0 \
- swc_ecma_ast-0.84.0 \
- swc_ecma_codegen-0.115.0 \
- swc_ecma_codegen_macros-0.7.1 \
- swc_ecma_dep_graph-0.83.0 \
- swc_ecma_loader-0.35.0 \
- swc_ecma_parser-0.111.0 \
- swc_ecma_transforms_base-0.97.0 \
- swc_ecma_transforms_classes-0.85.0 \
- swc_ecma_transforms_macros-0.5.0 \
- swc_ecma_transforms_optimization-0.144.0 \
- swc_ecma_transforms_proposal-0.122.0 \
- swc_ecma_transforms_react-0.133.0 \
- swc_ecma_transforms_typescript-0.137.0 \
- swc_ecma_utils-0.93.0 \
- swc_ecma_visit-0.70.0 \
- swc_eq_ignore_macros-0.1.0 \
- swc_fast_graph-0.11.0 \
- swc_graph_analyzer-0.12.0 \
- swc_macros_common-0.3.5 \
- swc_visit-0.4.0 \
- swc_visit_macros-0.4.0 \
- syn-0.15.44 \
- syn-1.0.96 \
- sys-info-0.9.1 \
- tempfile-3.3.0 \
- termcolor-1.1.3 \
- text-size-1.1.0 \
- text_lines-0.4.1 \
- text_lines-0.6.0 \
- textwrap-0.15.0 \
- thiserror-1.0.31 \
- thiserror-impl-1.0.31 \
- time-0.1.44 \
- time-0.3.9 \
- tinyvec-1.6.0 \
- tinyvec_macros-0.1.0 \
- tokio-1.19.2 \
- tokio-macros-1.8.0 \
- tokio-rustls-0.23.4 \
- tokio-stream-0.1.9 \
- tokio-tungstenite-0.16.1 \
- tokio-util-0.7.2 \
- toml-0.5.9 \
- tower-0.4.12 \
- tower-layer-0.3.1 \
- tower-lsp-0.17.0 \
- tower-lsp-macros-0.6.0 \
- tower-service-0.3.1 \
- tracing-0.1.35 \
- tracing-attributes-0.1.21 \
- tracing-core-0.1.27 \
- trust-dns-client-0.21.2 \
- trust-dns-proto-0.21.2 \
- trust-dns-resolver-0.21.2 \
- trust-dns-server-0.21.2 \
- try-lock-0.2.3 \
- tungstenite-0.16.0 \
- twox-hash-1.6.2 \
- typed-arena-2.0.1 \
- typenum-1.15.0 \
- ucd-trie-0.1.3 \
- unic-char-property-0.9.0 \
- unic-char-range-0.9.0 \
- unic-common-0.9.0 \
- unic-ucd-ident-0.9.0 \
- unic-ucd-version-0.9.0 \
- unicase-2.6.0 \
- unicode-bidi-0.3.8 \
- unicode-id-0.3.2 \
- unicode-ident-1.0.1 \
- unicode-normalization-0.1.19 \
- unicode-segmentation-1.9.0 \
- unicode-width-0.1.9 \
- unicode-xid-0.1.0 \
- unicode-xid-0.2.3 \
- universal-hash-0.4.1 \
- unreachable-0.1.1 \
- untrusted-0.7.1 \
- url-1.7.2 \
- url-2.2.2 \
- urlpattern-0.2.0 \
- utf-8-0.7.6 \
- utf8parse-0.2.0 \
- uuid-1.0.0 \
- v8-0.47.0 \
- vcpkg-0.2.15 \
- version_check-0.9.4 \
- void-1.0.2 \
- walkdir-2.3.2 \
- want-0.3.0 \
- wasi-0.10.0+wasi-snapshot-preview1 \
- wasi-0.11.0+wasi-snapshot-preview1 \
- wasm-bindgen-0.2.81 \
- wasm-bindgen-backend-0.2.81 \
- wasm-bindgen-futures-0.4.31 \
- wasm-bindgen-macro-0.2.81 \
- wasm-bindgen-macro-support-0.2.81 \
- wasm-bindgen-shared-0.2.81 \
- web-sys-0.3.58 \
- webpki-0.22.0 \
- webpki-roots-0.22.3 \
- wgpu-core-0.13.1 \
- wgpu-hal-0.13.1 \
- wgpu-types-0.13.0 \
- which-4.2.5 \
- widestring-0.5.1 \
- winapi-0.2.8 \
- winapi-0.3.9 \
- winapi-build-0.1.1 \
- winapi-i686-pc-windows-gnu-0.4.0 \
- winapi-util-0.1.5 \
- winapi-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu-0.4.0 \
- windows-sys-0.30.0 \
- windows-sys-0.36.1 \
- windows_aarch64_msvc-0.30.0 \
- windows_aarch64_msvc-0.36.1 \
- windows_i686_gnu-0.30.0 \
- windows_i686_gnu-0.36.1 \
- windows_i686_msvc-0.30.0 \
- windows_i686_msvc-0.36.1 \
- windows_x86_64_gnu-0.30.0 \
- windows_x86_64_gnu-0.36.1 \
- windows_x86_64_msvc-0.30.0 \
- windows_x86_64_msvc-0.36.1 \
- winreg-0.7.0 \
- winreg-0.10.1 \
- winres-0.1.12 \
- yup-oauth2-6.7.0 \
- zeroize-1.5.5 \
- zstd-0.11.1+zstd.1.5.2 \
- zstd-safe-5.0.1+zstd.1.5.2 \
- zstd-sys-2.0.1+zstd.1.5.2
+.include <bsd.port.pre.mk>
+.if ${COMPILER_VERSION} != 160
+BINARY_ALIAS+= cpp=${LOCALBASE}/bin/clang-cpp${LLVM_DEFAULT} \
+ cc=${LOCALBASE}/bin/clang${LLVM_DEFAULT} \
+ c++=${LOCALBASE}/bin/clang++${LLVM_DEFAULT} \
+ ar=${LOCALBASE}/bin/llvm-ar${LLVM_DEFAULT} \
+ nm=${LOCALBASE}/bin/llvm-nm${LLVM_DEFAULT} \
+ ld=${LOCALBASE}/bin/ld.lld${LLVM_DEFAULT}
+BINARY_ALIAS+= ar=/usr/bin/llvm-ar \
+ nm=/usr/bin/llvm-nm
-# cd ${WRKSRC}/ext/ffi/tinycc && \
-# ./configure --enable-static --cc=cc --extra-cflags="-fPIC -O3 -g -static"
-# cd ${WRKSRC}/ext/ffi/tinycc && \
-# gmake ONE_SOURCE=yes
+ ${MKDIR} ${WRKSRC}/cargo-crates/v8-${V8_VERS}/v8/tools/builtins-pgo/arm64.profile
+ ${MKDIR} ${WRKSRC}/cargo-crates/v8-${V8_VERS}/v8/tools/builtins-pgo/x64.profile
-.include <bsd.port.mk>
+.include <bsd.port.post.mk>