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4 files changed, 8 insertions, 219 deletions
diff --git a/games/xcubes/pkg-descr b/games/xcubes/pkg-descr
index 54b876a241da..b1ac4c6a11a0 100644
--- a/games/xcubes/pkg-descr
+++ b/games/xcubes/pkg-descr
@@ -1 +1,3 @@
-XCubes, cube puzzle for X-Window
+XCubes is a puzzle for X Window System.
+Your goal is to exchange the numbered panels to be in order.
diff --git a/games/xdino/pkg-descr b/games/xdino/pkg-descr
index c2976c2b0eff..714411d51b7f 100644
--- a/games/xdino/pkg-descr
+++ b/games/xdino/pkg-descr
@@ -1,96 +1,5 @@
XDino, dino puzzle game for X-Window.
- xdino [-display <display>] [-geometry <geometry>]
- [-{foreground | fg} <color>] [-{background | bg}
- <color>] [-{border | bd} <color>] [-mono] [-[no]orient]
- [-{mode <int> | both}] [-face{0|1|2|3|4|5} <color>]
+XDino is the puzzle game like as a rubik's cube, not 9 but 4 pieces
+on a surface.
- Use "mouse-left" to move ccw.
- Use "mouse-center", "P", or "p" to toggle the practice
- mode (in practice mode the record should be "practice").
- One must double click on "mouse-center" if the puzzle is
- being worked on.
- "mouse-right", "R", or "r", to randomize (this must be
- done first to set a new record). One must double click on
- "mouse-right" if the puzzle is being worked on.
- "O" or "o" keys toggle the orient mode.
- "2", "3", "B", or "b" keys change modes to Period 2,
- Period 3, or Both.
- "S" or "s" keys reserved for the auto-solver (unimple-
- mented).
- "U" or "u" keys to undo move.
- "G" or "g" keys to get a saved puzzle.
- "W" or "w" keys to write or save a puzzle.
- "Q", "q", or "CTRL-C" keys kill program.
- Use the arrows, key pad or, "R" keys to move other than
- CCW.
- Use the control key and the keypad, or arrow keys to move
- the whole cube.
- -display host:dpy
- This option specifies the X server to contact.
- -geometry {+|-}X{+|-}Y
- This option sets the initial position of the dino
- window (resource name "geometry").
- -{foreground | fg} color
- This option specifies the foreground of the dino
- window (resource name "foreground").
- -{background | bg} color
- This option specifies the background of the dino
- window (resource name "background").
- -{border | bd} color
- This option specifies the border color of the
- cubelets in the dino window (resource name "bor-
- derColor").
- -mono This option allows you to access the mono mode on
- a color monitor (resource name "mono").
- -[no]orient
- This option allows you to access the orient mode
- (resource name "orient").
- -mode <int>
- This option allows you to set the turning mode
- (resource name "mode").
- -both This option allows you to set the turning mode to
- both period 2 and period 3 (resource name "mode"
- set at 4).
- -face{0|1|2|3|4|5} <color>
- This option allows you to change the color of a
- face (resource name "faceColorN"). In mono-mode,
- color is represented as the first letter of the
- color name. On the 2-D version, the faces are
- ordered top to bottom and left to right on the "t"
- configuration. The "+-" configuration is physi-
- cally consistent with the former, so it is ordered
- "0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 4". If you has two colors that
- begin with the same letter you should have one in
- uppercase and one in lowercase to distinguish them
- in mono-mode. You can change the colors of the
- faces to make a stupid cube (i.e. all White or in
- mono-mode all "W"). Unfortunately, it will not
- normally say its solved when its randomized. This
- would be cheating.
diff --git a/games/xrubik/pkg-descr b/games/xrubik/pkg-descr
index 81be555cce13..ed39354c9c8f 100644
--- a/games/xrubik/pkg-descr
+++ b/games/xrubik/pkg-descr
@@ -1,69 +1,4 @@
Xrubik, X-based rubik's cube(tm)
- Click on the left mouse button to move a piece. Release it on a
- piece in the same row and on the face. The puzzle will then turn
- towards where the mouse button was released.
- Click on the middle mouse button toggle the practice mode. (This is
- good for learning moves). Also 'P' or 'p' do the same thing.
- One must double click on the middle mouse button if the puzzle is
- being worked on.
- Click on the right mouse button if you want to randomize the puzzle.
- Also 'R' or 'r' do the same thing. One must double click on
- the right mouse button if the puzzle is being worked on.
- 'I' or 'i' to increase the number of cubes.
- 'D' or 'd' to decrease the number of cubes.
- 'O' or 'o' to toggle orient mode. (I prefer the orient mode since
- it is slightly more challenging).
- 'S', 's' to auto-solve. It only works on 1x1x1, 2x2x2, 3x3x3 cubes.
- For the 3x3x3 it only solves it in the non-orient mode.
- 'U' or 'u' to undo last move.
- 'G' or 'g' to get a saved puzzle.
- 'W' or 'w' to write or save a puzzle.
- 'Q', 'q', or Control-C to kill program.
- Key pad is defined for 2d rubik as:
- /
- 8
- ^
- 4 < 5 > 6
- v
- 2
- The key pad along with the use of the mouse will allow you to move the
- cube i.e.,
- KP_8=>Top
- KP=>Left KP_5=>CW KP_6=>Right
- KP_2=>Bottom
- Key pad for 3d rubik, use your intuition (is this a cop out or what?).
- The key pad is defined differently depending on which side of the cube
- your mouse is pointing at. One thing that stays the same is KP_5=>CW.
- The control key allows you to move the whole cube at once without
- being entered as a move. Hold down the control key while using the
- left mouse button or the keypad.
- One has to orient the faces in orient mode, besides getting all the
- faces to be the same color. To do this one has to get the lines to
- be oriented in the same direction, this only matters with center
- cubes (i.e. those cubes not on a corner or edge). This does add
- complexity so there are 2 sets of records.
- Try resizing the cube. Notice the puzzle resizes to take advantage
- of the "room" available.
- The title is in the following format (non-motif version):
- xrubik{2|3}d: {1|2|3|4|5|6} @ (<Number of moves>/\
- {<Record number of moves>|NEVER|PRACTICE}) - <Comment>
- {2|3}: current dimensional view
- {1|2|3|4|5|6}: number of cubes per edge
- {<Record...}: puzzle is either in practice mode or record mode
- In record mode, if there is no record of the current puzzle, it
- displays "NEVER".
- If you were looking for a auto-solver, sorry. One of the problems in
- auto-solvers the generally don't work for different number of cuts.
- If you know of one let me know. There is a real neat 3x3x3 cube called
- "magiccube" with a better 3-D look, a auto-solver, and Motif. Use
- "archie" to find "magiccube" at the site nearest you.
+Rubik's cube is a puzzle that you put same color pieces to
+the same faces on a cube.
diff --git a/games/xtriangles/pkg-descr b/games/xtriangles/pkg-descr
index 43d436db44e4..de159e06850a 100644
--- a/games/xtriangles/pkg-descr
+++ b/games/xtriangles/pkg-descr
@@ -1,60 +1,3 @@
XTriangles, triangle puzzle for X-Window
- xtriangles [ options ]
- Use "mouse-left" to move a tile.
- "mouse-right", "R", or "r", to randomize. One must double
- click on "mouse-right" if the puzzle is being worked on.
- "I" or "i" keys "increase" or move "up" the number of tri-
- angles.
- "D" or "d" keys "decrease" or move "down" the number of
- triangles.
- "S" or "s" keys reserved for the auto-solver (unimple-
- mented).
- "U" or "u" keys to undo move.
- "G" or "g" keys to get a saved puzzle.
- "W" or "w" keys to write or save a puzzle.
- "Q", "q", or "CTRL-C" keys kill program.
- Use the key pad or "R" keys to move without the mouse.
- -display host:dpy
- This option specifies the X server to contact.
- -geometry {+|-}X{+|-}Y
- This option sets the initial position of the tri-
- angles window (resource name "geometry").
- -{foreground | fg} color
- This option specifies the foreground of the trian-
- gles window (resource name "foreground").
- -{background | bg} color
- This option specifies the background of the trian-
- gles window (resource name "background").
- -tile color
- This option specifies the tile color of the trian-
- gles window (resource name "tileColor").
- -{border | bd} color
- This option specifies the border color of the
- tiles in the triangles window (resource name "bor-
- derColor").
- -size <int>
- This option allows you to change the number of
- triangles in a row (resource name "sizeA").
+Your goal is to exchange the triangle panels to be in order.